a cop's legacy: 1.2 raising kids


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Post on 22-Apr-2015



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Madison and Elissa welcome the second generation into the Greene household while desperately trying to move up their career ladders.


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Page 2: A Cop's Legacy: 1.2 Raising Kids

Madison and Elissa had very little time to settle down into married life and to get ahead in their careers before welcoming their little one. Elissa went into labor on November 30th. Madison was working on a case at the police department at the time.

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Aly Rose Greene was born at 6 pounds 5 ounces. She's a Sagittarius and was born with the clumsy and good traits. Immediately, her good trait shined through as she was a quiet, happy baby.

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Aly was the apple of her father's eye. He loved his little girl and showered her with affection. When Elissa had to return to work after her maternity leave was over, Madison took two weeks off because he couldn't bear the thought of some stranger taking care of his princess. He couldn't believe his luck of being blessed with two beautiful girls in his life.

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Unfortunately, life must go on and Madison had to return to work. Elissa was unable to support the family through her career alone. Therefore it was impossible for Madison to become a stay at home father. He'd neglected his career far to long and threw himself back into his cases with a new energy. He quickly moved up the ladder, bringing in the notorious criminals of Sunset Valley.

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Two years later, Aly was still the sweet little girl her parents had grown to love. She was all smiles and giggles and made her parents' day just a little better with her presence after a long day of work.

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Recently Madison had been promoted to Lieutenant. Elissa was willing to take month off of work in order to expand their small family. The couple decided to try for another baby and soon Madison was able to feel their new little one kicking in his mother's womb.

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With the coming of a new baby, Madison and Elissa spent extra time with Aly. They built a bedroom for her and spent time playing with and spoiling her. Elissa taught her how to talk. Aly was stubborn about not wanting to learn her vowels and consonants, but soon she was babbling away. Her first word was "Momma."

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When he wasn't working overtime to finish cases and bring in the bacon, Madison spent time teaching Aly to walk. She was eager to learn, as she'd started crawling early in life. Before her parents knew it, their little girl was running around the house on her own two feet.

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With all the time he'd spent working and taking care of Aly, Madison barely realized his birthday was upon him. He invited over some friends from the neighborhood, including his boss for a small party at the Greene home. The party was very dull and most attendees left early.

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After aging up, Madison decided he needed a change of style. He wanted to look more like a father of a toddler while still having a professional aspect in his wardrobe. He knew that following the trends wasn't important any more. Instead, impressing the community and purchasing what was important mattered most.

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Elissa went into labor while her best friend from high school was visiting the couple. Her labor was quicker than it had been with Aly and she barely made it to the hospital to give birth.

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Bennett Xavier Greene was born on December 5th at 8 pounds 3 ounces. He was born loving the outdoors and a future virtuoso. Bennett was a fairly happy baby and his parents soon nicknamed him "Benny." It was nice to have a baby in the house again.

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Madison was unable to spend much time with baby Bennett as his career was progressing rapidly. Elissa often complained about his workaholic attitude, but Madison always said it was for the benefit of the family. He went through three promotions in a year’s time and found himself making a career for himself in the Spy branch of the Law Enforcement career.

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In order to make up for all of the hours spent working on cases, Madison set up a babysitter for Aly and Bennett and took their mother out for a night on the town as she aged into an adult. It was their first real night alone since Aly had been born.

The couple took full advantage of the peace and quiet.

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As Bennett got older he was keen to following his parents around, pulling himself forward with his little arms and watching his father work out or his mother practice her speeches. "Come to momma, Benny," Elissa encouraged, teaching Bennett how to walk. It didn't take much effort, as he was a fast learner and eager to scramble around on his little legs.

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Bennett had also taken to cooing and babbling, trying to communicate with his parents and sister. Madison took a weekend break from the department to teach his little boy how to talk. He was a quick learner, but Madison was disappointed when his first word wasn't "Dadda." Instead, it was "bird."

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Bennett spent quite a bit of time playing the xylophone when his parents were at work. His virtuoso trait kicked in early and the babysitter would take breaks from cleaning and taking care of Aly to listen and encourage the toddler in his musical pursuits.

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When he wasn't pounding away on the xylophone, Bennett played with Aly. Despite the two year age gap, the toddlers got along extremely well, sharing toys, books and nap times.

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But Aly could not remain a toddler forever. The Greene’s' little girl grew up into an adorable child. She gained the coward trait, however, which made her scared of her own shadow most of the time. She silently dreaded her first day of school. She worried what the future would hold now that she was too old to stay home and play with Bennett all day.

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Isn’t Aly adorable? Stay tuned for more legacy fun with the Greene family! Leave comments of constructive criticism if you’d like. I love hearing from my readers.