a cop's legacy: 2.7 forever alone


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Post on 27-Jun-2015



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The eldest Greene children reach young adulthood and tension starts to build in the household


Page 1: A Cop's Legacy: 2.7 Forever Alone
Page 2: A Cop's Legacy: 2.7 Forever Alone

Back again! Thanks for reading! After this chapter I’ll be posting the heir vote, so be prepared to vote for your favorite Greene son of this generation. And now, without further ado…

Carter scratched his head in frustration, staring at the chess board. He finally had a day off from work and wanted to improve his logic skills, hoping for an upcoming promotion, but playing alone, without his mother or father for company was depressing.

Page 3: A Cop's Legacy: 2.7 Forever Alone

Puzzled, Carter stared at the board when another troubling thought entered his mind. His boys would soon be young adults and his oldest boys had yet to date a girl. He knew that picking an heir was crucial to the success of the legacy. Just one more thing to add to his already full plate.

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As far as birthdays went, Dakota’s rolled around far too soon. The teen took a deep breath thinking about what his future as a young adult would hold.

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Never far from Forrest’s grasp, Rosemarie was a staple in the Greene household. She, along with other Greene relatives, cheered Dakota on during his transition into young adulthood.

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Sharon and Carter were proud of their oldest boy. Dakota earned his final trait of Natural Cook, which did not surprise his family after the meals he’d burned and the few successes he’d had as a teenager. Immediately, he realized he wanted to be a Culinary Librarian (LTW).

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Author’s Note: Julia’s expression totally resembles what I was thinking after Dakota aged up. Hello cutie! Why are you still single?

Dakota also knew that the possibility of a legacy resting on his shoulders was in his grasp. He wanted to carry on his grandfather’s name and raise children with the love of his life. He didn’t want to be forever alone.

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The next day he set out on his search for love, hitting the city park. He met several young ladies, but all seemed to barely acknowledge his presence. They smiled politely and chatted for a short while. However, he failed to get any numbers and they all went on their merry way.

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Since his search for a date had been unsuccessful, Dakota stopped at the Bistro and applied for a job. Though he knew he would eventually need a career in law enforcement, the young man also realized that a culinary career would help him get that much closer to his lifetime wish.

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Forrest envied his older brother of adulthood. As a teen his artistic capabilities began to thrive. If he wasn’t painting, he was playing guitar or typing away on his laptop. He shared the stories he wrote with his mother and Rosemarie. Both offered the upmost support of his creativity.

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Dakota often came home from work and immediately hit the books. He was dedicated to his job as a dishwasher at the Bistro but he was ready to move forward and learn new recipes as well. Sharon and Carter whispered about their son, wondering if he’d ever take time to find the woman of his dreams.

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Shouji was still as adorable as ever. Carter had bought the old boy a ball, which he liked to push around the yard, staying healthy and entertained at the same time.

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When his son wasn’t taking up the easel, Carter worked on his creativity. Detailing a crime scene was a huge part of his current position at the station. He wanted to make sure he had everything write and often painted locations, suspects and informants by memory.

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Elijah relished his last piece of homework as a high school student. Though he was single, his grades were astounding. For that his parents were proud. Besides, girls got in the way of his fishing aspirations. No one ever wanted to go fishing with him.

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A late night pool party set the stage for Elijah’s birthday. He, like his brother, was excited for the transition into adulthood. He was excited to announce his lifetime wish, knowing since childhood what he wanted to do with his life.

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Gaining the Great Kisser trait, Elijah wondered how it would influence his dating life and if it would help him gain some edge in hopefully becoming the legacy heir. He also told his family and friends about his aspirations, to Present the Perfect Aquarium one day.

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Waking up in the middle of the night, Dakota and Elijah jumped out of bed. The sound of laughter and typing had brought them out of slumber. Their grandfather’s ghost laughed and whispered to himself about a girl and the naming of legacy heir. Dakota and Elijah tried to ignore the ghost’s ramblings, but felt tension at the prospects of their future.

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Ready, set, fish. Elijah immediately set to work on his lifetime wish. He knew an aquarium of magnitude and perfection would be hard to achieve. He was also hopeful that some passerby would catch his eye. No such luck…

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A family who skills together stays together. Sharon was working on a news article when her husband joined her in the art studio, continuing a painting he’d started several days before. When Forrest got out of school he kissed Rosemarie goodbye and rushed home to practice his guitar skills

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Sharon knew she’d felt a creaking in her bones recently. Without a big fuss, she aged into an Elder and embraced the laugh lines and crow’s feet which accompanied the birthday. Still beautiful as ever, she chose to cut her long hair to frame her face.

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Even though girls swarmed the Bistro, Dakota was still unlucky in love. Missing opportunities, stressed or oblivious, he wondered whether he would ever get a chance at the legacy or at love…

Thanks for reading! Comments, questions and constructive criticism are always welcomed. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Til next time!