a cover letter invites the hiring manager to read your resume and tells him or her why you are the...


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Show the employer you want to begin a positive, productive relationship. ALWAYS. Include a personal cover letter. A cover letter should introduce you to a potential employer, tell him why youre qualified for the job, explain how your skills match the companys needs, request an interview, and thank the hiring manager for his time.


A cover letter invites the hiring manager to read your resume and tells him or her why you are the best person for the job.

If a cover letter does its job, it makes the hiring manager want to learn more about you by reading your resume and inviting you for an interview.


A cover letter should answer several questions for a hiring manager.

Do you have the:

Right Skills, abilities, experience for job?Right attitude and aptitude?Interest to complete the specific job tasks?

Do your goals align with the companys?

First, do you have the right skills, abilities, and experience for the job? Second, are you interested in doing the tasks entailed in the job, and do you have the right attitude to work for the company? Finally, do your goals match the companys goals? Your cover letter should show the hiring manager how your answers to each of these questions make you a good candidate for the position. 3

The cover letter also tells the hiring manager a lot about your written communication skills and attention to detail.

A hiring manager will read between the lines of your cover letter to discover more than what you tell him explicitly. A cover letter indicates how well you express yourself and your ideas, how you structure written information, and how well you tailor your communication to the reader. It also indicates your grammar and spelling ability, your skills at formatting a document and how closely you pay attention to details such as typos. 4

A cover letter also tells the hiring manager how analytical and thorough you are.

The cover letter shows how well you have researched the company and position and how much of an effort you have made to address the companys specific needs. If you cant take the time to tell the hiring manager why youre the right candidate for this position and how you will be valuable to the company and its needs, youre indicating to the hiring manager that you dont put 100 percent effort into your work. 5

You should write an original cover letter for each job youre applying for.

Hiring managers can spot a generic cover letter a mile away. The cover letter is a great tool for showing the hiring manager how the skills and experience outlined in your resume apply to the position. The cover letter personalizes your resume for each specific job and shows the hiring manager how you present yourself and your work.6

How long should a cover letter be?

Three to five short paragraphs are all you need to create a dynamic cover letter. By making your cover letter as concise as possible, you demonstrate your ability to communicate clearly and effectively.7

At the top of the cover letter make sure to use the same address that you placed on your resume.

Do your research.. Find out the hiring managers name and specific title. Make sure to ask for the spelling.8

The salutation:Dear SirDear Advertising Manager

Address the letter to a name: "Dear Sir" If you can't obtain the information by calling the company, use a title: "Dear Advertising Manager."

Make sure the company address on your letter matches the one on your envelope.9

The opening paragraph of your cover letter should explain:Why? What? How?

Open with a sentence that grabs the reader's attention.

The opening paragraph should explain why youre writing, the position youre applying for, and how you learned about the company and job opening. It should include a brief statement about why you think the company needs your services. You can also include a short mention of something you know about the company, such as that you heard its one of the top companies in its field.

For example, explain how your skills uniquely qualify you for the job or that you are enthusiastic about the position or company.


The Recipient name should be Mr. or Mrs./Ms.Remember to include Why? What? and How? Of why you are writing the cover letter.11

Why I'm the Perfect Person for the Job Paragraph


The next paragraph should describe your skills and experience that make you qualified for the job. Only mention those qualifications that are relevant to this position. Highlight the parts of your resume that relate to this job, and focus on what you can bring to the position and how your skills and background tie in to the job at hand. Also mention any training or academic qualifications relevant to the position. 12

Additional Background and Skills Paragraph

This paragraph explains how you will be valuable to their company.

The next paragraph is your chance to explain how you will be valuable to the company and how you will fulfill its needs. This is a good time to tell the hiring manager what you know about the company (showing that youve done your homework) and relate it to what youve told him about your skills and experience. Show the hiring manager that you will be a good match for what hes seeking.

Be specific without repeating everything that is on your resume.Briefly explain important career achievements. Talk about any additional skills that you have (be brief!).Show you have done research on the company by demonstrating how your background can help you meet current company objectives.State your practical work experience (as it pertains to the job; no one needs to know your entire teenage work history).Use bullet points to highlight your greatest strengths (if you have not already done so)

Define how you can contribute to the company's success. How do your skills make you stand out?


Make sure to request an interview.

Next, request an interview to discuss the position further. Explain how you plan to follow up, and offer any additional information the hiring manager may need, such as references or work samples. Make sure to firm up an opportunity to meet in the very near future.


Thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration.

Finally, thank the hiring manager for his/her time and consideration. Close with "Sincerely" or Respectfully Yours Remember to sign your letter in black or blue ink! Other colors don't look professional.

List your phone number underneath your name. It makes it a lot easier to find.


To sum it up:


IF you've done your homework, perfected your writing skills and understand how to position yourself against other applicants, you've got nothing to fear. Here's what a cover letter should say about you..16

The cover letter will say:

You Write WellYou Understand and Respect the Employer's Busy ScheduleYou Know How To Sell YourselfYou Are Qualified for the PositionYou're Smart Enough Not to Send a Form Letter

1. You'll make a good first impression by submitting a cover letter that is well-written and free of mistakes. Be sure to avoid typos, grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. As your first contact with the employer, the cover letter really serves as a writing sample and proof (or not!) that you can organize your thoughts and write clearly.

You'll win points immediately if you keep your letter short, sweet and to the point. Open with a solid lead-in statement that grabs the reader's attention. Be sure to avoid extraneous personal information. No one needs to know that in your spare time you also knit, juggle oranges and have won several prestigious hula hoop championships.

With any sales pitch, the buyer wants to know "what's in it for me?" The same holds true for a cover letter. Use the cover letter to "sell" the employer on how they will benefit from your skills and experience, not how you will benefit working for them. Explain how your skills will help meet company objectives: "In my current job I developed an e-mail newsletter that increased donations by 40%. I am confident this experience would help me assist you in your ongoing fundraising efforts."

Your cover letter should outline the ways you specifically fit the qualifications needed for the position. However, don't just repeat what is on your resume. Offer concrete details demonstrating why you are the perfect person for the position: "My solid marketing background and four years of supervisory experience make me an ideal candidate for your Marketing Manager position.

How do you feel about the form letters you receive? Do they bore you? Offend you? Do you consider them junk mail? Human Resources professionals feel the same way. Customize every letter to a specific company and a specific position. Don't waste postage and paper on a pre-written form letter.




Or go to http://cb.cover-letter-now.com/builder/load.aspx?docTypeCode=LETR# to begin creating your cover letter.18