a fresh look at java enterprise application testing with arquillian

A fresh look at Java Enterprise Application testing with Arquillian Vineet Reynolds May 2012

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JavaOne India 2012.A talk on using Arquillian to perform in-container testing.


Page 1: A fresh look at Java Enterprise Application testing with Arquillian

A fresh look at Java Enterprise Application testing with Arquillian

Vineet Reynolds

May 2012

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WHY ARQUILLIAN? How does this solve our problems?

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Test Doubles redux How did we arrive at the current testing landscape?

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Let’s test a repository @Stateless @Local(UserRepository.class)

public class UserJPARepository implements UserRepository {


private EntityManager em;

public User create(User user) {


return user;




Injected by the container. How do we get one in our


How do we test this?

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Did you say Mocks? public class MockUserRepositoryTests { … @Before public void injectDependencies() { // Mock em = mock(EntityManager.class);

userRepository = new UserJPARepository(em); } @Test public void testCreateUser() throws Exception { // Setup User user = createTestUser(); // Execute User createdUser = userRepository.create(user);

// Verify verify(em, times(1)).persist(user); assertThat(createdUser, equalTo(user)); …

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Seems perfect, but…

verify(em, times(1)).persist(user);

• Is brittle

• Violates DRY

• Is not a good use of a Mock

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TESTING WITH REAL OBJECTS Implementations matter

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Using a real EntityManager public class RealUserRepositoryTests { static EntityManagerFactory emf; EntityManager em; UserRepository userRepository; @BeforeClass public static void beforeClass() { emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("jpa-examples"); } @Before public void setup() throws Exception { // Initialize a real EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager(); userRepository = new UserJPARepository(em); em.getTransaction().begin(); } …

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Testing with a real EntityManager @Test

public void testCreateUser() throws Exception {

// Setup

User user = createTestUser();

// Execute

User createdUser = userRepository.create(user);



// Verify

User foundUser = em.find(User.class, createdUser.getUserId());

assertThat(foundUser, equalTo(createdUser));


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Better, but …

• Requires a separate persistence.xml

• Manual transaction management

• Flushes and clears the persistence context manually

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ARQUILLIAN ENTERS THE SCENE Bringing the test as close as possible to production

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We must walk before we run @RunWith(Arquillian.class) // #1

public class GreeterTest {

@Deployment // #2

public static JavaArchive createDeployment() {

return ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class)


.addAsManifestResource(EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, "beans.xml");


@Inject // #3

Greeter greeter;

@Test // #4

public void should_create_greeting() {

assertEquals("Hello, Earthling!",




Use the Arquillian test runner.

Assemble a micro-deployment

A CDI Bean. Managed by the container.

Injected by Arquillian.

Test like you normally do. No mocks.

Just the real thing.

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>= 4.8.1


> 5.12.1

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• Assemble test archives with ShrinkWrap

• Bundles the -

– Class/component to test

– Supporting classes

– Configuration and resource files

– Dependent libraries

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Revisiting the deployment @Deployment // #1

public static JavaArchive createDeployment() {

return ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class) // #2

.addClass(Greeter.class) // #3

.addAsManifestResource(EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, "beans.xml"); // #4


1. Annotate the method with @Deployment

2. Create a new JavaArchive. This will eventually create a JAR.

3. Add our Class-Under-Test to the archive.

4. Add an empty file named beans.xml to enable CDI.

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Test enrichment • Arquillian can enrich test class instances with

dependencies. • Supports:

– @EJB – @Inject – @Resource – @PersistenceContext – @PersistenceUnit – @ArquillianResource – …

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Revisiting dependency injection @Inject

Greeter greeter;

• The CDI BeanManager is used to create a new bean instance.

• Arquillian injects the bean into the test class instance, before running any tests.

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Writing your tests

• Write assertions as you normally would

– No record-replay-verify model

– Assert as you typically do

– Use real objects in your assertions

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Running your tests

• Run the tests from your IDE or from your CI server

– Just like you would run unit tests

• Run as JUnit test - Alt+Shift+X, T

• Run as Maven goal - Alt+Shift+X, M

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Using Arquillian to test the repository

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WHAT DID YOU JUST SEE? The stuff that Arquillian does under the hood

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WHY SHOULD YOU USE IT? Arquillian changes the way you see tests

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THE PERSISTENCE EXTENSION Refining the tests involving a database

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Source Code https://github.com/VineetReynolds/Arquillian-JavaOne-India-2012

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