a graphic designer speaks- hafsah parkar


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Post on 18-Mar-2016




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A compilation of my work as a graphic designer over the past four years. A healthy mix of client based as well as college projects to give you an understanding of my expertise as a designer.


Page 1: A Graphic Designer Speaks- Hafsah Parkar
Page 2: A Graphic Designer Speaks- Hafsah Parkar
Page 3: A Graphic Designer Speaks- Hafsah Parkar

Designer’s Profile:

B. Des. in Communication DesignSymbiosis Institute of Design, Pune


Identity Design, Illustration,

Typography, Publication Design,

Graphic Design and Packaging.

Page 4: A Graphic Designer Speaks- Hafsah Parkar

IdentIty desIgn: Hugs Brief: To design a Typeface such which can be used as a logo. The logo can contain of one symbol only. The Same logo was to be used for three other organizations at the same time.

duration:2 weeks

guide:Prof. Mahendra Patel

Learnings: Understanding the making of a typeface. The basic use of colour and symbol along with the appropriate typeface can add meaning to an identity keeping it simple yet unique.

Logo Variations

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Page 6: A Graphic Designer Speaks- Hafsah Parkar

IdentIty desIgn: synergetIk Brief: To design a logo for the Institute Synergetik, which was to be a finishing school for medical students. The Client was Dr. Sonal Vora, a leading medical practitioner.

duration:2 days

guide:Ms. Gayle D’Souza (Co-owner of AND Design)

Learnings: Deriving an appropriate logo with the use of various typefaces. The use of appropriate colour to denote education and respectability.


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Page 8: A Graphic Designer Speaks- Hafsah Parkar

IdentIty and PackagIng desIgn: MaHa Lacto Brief: Nutrine Maha Lacto wanted to increase their market share in response to its competitors Alpenliebe and CandyMan. The client wanted a fresh look for Maha Lacto without deviating from its actually image.

duration:2 weeks

guide:Mr. Prashant Shinghade (ACD, DMA Yellow Works)

Learnings: Designing for children is difficult since we have to get everything right for them. Increased my knowledge and expertise when dealing with a client.

Option 1- Selected by client for Market Research

Option 2- Recommended to the client

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7.9194 cm6.



Design Area

Material: Gold Foil

Colours to be used specified by client:

Process Red Black White

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PackagIng desIgn: HeInz IndonesIa Brief: To provide a new packaging design for the new variant which was to be launched in the market.

duration:1 week

guide:Mr. Prashant Shinghade (ACD, DMA Yellow Works)

Learnings: Understanding the use of colour since the type of packing was TIN. When designing for food, vibrancy and appropriate use of colour actually adds to the visual appeal which influences the consumer a lot.

dimensions:16.2* 8.2 cm

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PackagIng desIgn: neHa HaIr coLour

Brief: To design the sachet for the launch of a new hair colour product. There were three shades available.

duration:1 week

guide:Ms. Ritika Jobanputra (Group Head, DMA Yellow Works)

Learnings: Designing for a small area, where the heirarchy of text plays an important role. Designing for Hair products the emphasis of the model and her pose on the front of the pack

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Neha Hair Colour with the three other shades

Mnemonic for GREEN TEA that was designed so as to create an identity for itself

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InforMatIon graPHIcs

Brief: To map the life of a music band such that all the information needed was available at a glance.

duration:2 days

guide:Mr. Ashwin (Illustrator)

Learnings: Understanding the difference between a poster and information graphics.

dimension: A3

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PuBLIcatIon desIgn: tHe nIna serIes

Brief: Educating the children between ages of 6- 9 years in developing a civic sense and becoming a model citizen.

duration:4 weeks

Learnings: Maintaining a similar style of illustration throughout a series. To make a publication which is educational yet interesting for a child’s mind.

about the character:Nina is a six year old girl who is a part of an average middle class Indian family. she goes to Blue Bell High where she is taught how to be a model citizen, taking care of the environment and the people around her.

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A spread from the book

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JournaL advertIseMents: coLgate PaLMoLIve

Brief: By adopting the use of a common template, to design the journal ads for the various products that are available for Colgate.

duration:2 days per Advertisement (Totally 9 ads)

Learnings: Designing for a Mature audience and a conservative and rigid client.

dimensions:A4 and A3

Alongside, the common template that was selected by the client

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Product: Colgate SensitiveOld Advertisement

New Advertisement

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Product: Colgate SensitiveOld Advertisement

New Advertisement

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Product: Colgate SensitiveOld Advertisement

New Advertisement

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ILLustratIons:The capture the essence of the people around me in my own personalized style of illustration. I also like to experiment with different styles of illustration and the use of media. On the other hand I am heavily influenced by the Manga Style of illustration.

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The Various Types of Illustrations that I have experimented with.

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PHotograPHy:My objective has always been to experiment. Experiment with composition, lighting and style of photography. Here I have tried to capture some of Pune as and when I have had time to explore it.

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Page 24: A Graphic Designer Speaks- Hafsah Parkar