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A at J 41 W tAr THE strif TUESDAY Ift 0- 1t 1 1 J wr p r tr ltI UJ1I jetf7f- IML A ON LABOR MKIXO DONE FOR TH iliAtitfEJt AMD PAGE WORKER f rut Wfd fjr ArbftratloB CeneraU 1 j P OB Made In Snowttsrm 4 Mtrt hilt Made t School OUldm- AfiMCKXH 8 D April Prcalden has boon travelling northward South tiakota all day It ha cold and tho wind has kept tho giant ilan thistles racing one another e brown pntlHe in an apparently end w oontost ThoPresident made only on ag speech that at Sioux Falls this morn g which was delivered in a light snow inn to a variegatfld crowd of plalnsme all the country roundabout and t much ill tHe latloo of th little cUy3 2 Here In the Northern corner of the Stat re are patohea of snow ntill on th und and rna rhavp bfenth premonl- ry shivers of who are to walt a while the President goes up Into e Vellowgtors ark whero jt is now ported torfi ftet if fffssh n6w fell st Saturday Hie President has had i day although he ha livered twelve spe oh All but these have been three and flveralnutir- TBaTflii tot the constituents o rJUttrtxlga and Gamble Thel uisd them with dire quenocfllf the was allowed t ay withoutnsaylng a word t from th t ftnOJWif If has been pleasure to see you and I can sum up all have to say toyou just couple of phrases You need wl e laws TSSeTlfatydu gel them You need honest administration of the laws See that l avn it But do not make the thinking of take the place of fundamental qualities that make a good individual citizen make a natlonJVbfi 14tl spf honesty of courage At some of the very smalt towns the Frk ifW platform to hands with the people Instead o a speech At Sioux Falls thii- rnorolng beforij delivering the fourth the set speeches on Ad niioiiitrAtionpolWesi that on The Wage VvorTcer aha Tiller of the Soil the President pole for a few minutes to the schoolchildren of the city under the aus- pioea of tler Ministers AsBociation who hearing Pn edent was only going tochurch trCf on Sunday had arranged n of afternoon The President begged off Sunday on condl lion that an earlier tithe morning to address the children He rose nt t The speech was in parkas follows- rUh your doing your work How just one word to now or later on the drift All of you wantto r sd books AU of you want to nil the things as they come When run out and et me such ami a ueB thin tine a book says Obr and does o out but as a distant sent of Injury Husje niils nce In the nrst If he foe cheerfully and Is la- tn do It she will i h Is herself for thei work of life for the whole work of life Is thins Is to do at the time In the first place remember the nleer can be to those who are weaker And of one of you and even more he was Insolent nnd overbearing toward the weak I want you to play end when ploy and when you work n rule I heard by a reatfoolbaH Wrttatn tn one of the bit football uamsv say to his men Now do your speech on the and the tiller was as follows N There nnActed with many or Im re- solltillers to thn community at lance and thbs affecting the relations em In a country like It 1 fundamentally true that the well of the ware worker- Is the well being of the Stat If are Veil off then we need concnrn ourselves Jbut to how other for two classes are often not same The tiller of the soil has been the one on the whole the mum ta be done for him aotlori Government Nor 4 r dalr through the the can act greatest and most beneficent measures by JJby any Congress which do for the States of the Great Plains and the Mountain region at least as much ever has been States of the humid region by river and harbor Improvements Few measures that upon the statute of the nation directly accomplish for the BUtes In ques- tion AlDTVO TM rARintll The Presldtnt then reviewed the work of the Agriculture in aiding the cattle men and growers and the Intro- duction of of various crops suitable to its work pre the deforestation of the and Its cooperation in the ment It Is therefore clearly true that a advance has been In the direction of finding ways Government can the farmer to help himself the only of help a man accept or will the end do him any good Much has been In wars farm life farm processes continually the farmer still retains because of his anrroundlnir and the nature of his work to a Ina our The man who tills his whether on the prairie or In the woodland theraan who grows we eat the conditions which obtained when the farmers of this country a nation than Is true of of our WOKKIM Or THE CITIH But workers In our cities Uks the our face totally conditions of the extraordinary chants In business conditions have the em aggregations not merely profitable but often necessary the wage worker at the same Urns that they have brought aggregations- of wage More and more In our Industrial centres men have come to iannot as Independently of one another as Inth old was case everywhere and as II now the case In the Of fundamentally vet find that in determining own individual to lose his will and power can ue- he unites with hiaf organ tcaU i the Coal strike Conimlulo 1I over ty pop bar only ono r con e P dent r rot1 tact ihzilf y t1of ther all aTe I f aryl ws or any andoC sake and n to h hour t Pak to gina and I Am th len 1 In pat twould belor It J did not 7 dont let In the how to Count Do m her n a favor and nn1n tbe o 01 and have at home I boW an If M nn 111o Don I t other bit work wag LADO problem to make I problems f of our of the simple bY themselves mOlt the thelum the our a daM on IlnlrA pro the I of the wage worker ad ot tell Jeatat ot the fet There ba I to It In I flow the 1 ft 1 pmt dl e bave- n bob done for this and In cut mal b hl kind 11 whIch think of Al In and raw UP under mae w AtE h ot In the tAt tbe da ID sum Ue Ifo done Cnt ton among by dIqao- t Iltq I 10 RESThENTAL HArt I t Prte fr s ooeyeIt rough I been 0 tom 4 I 4 I pdM j that th good ee 1 ot tJat the ITT glad o thA hoyii- iifld lie fond oftil gina bul I uiuleratand bose In work bellee ee It Interfere I hroInee todo well to count word a E R c Ia If mother Ic worth dip Iblit h are etroflpr the alter bn H I play play bard ttuiit ul aide r oll vaoniMa are many iar go in ana complex modern jn4uitrtal morovpr other5 Few lnciee are stand The porxt are with stock t and thoth band there cn bono real UflXPU Ofl r the tiller Hut ht and methods giant Industrial thanga been course alco- canwotk tat dot h tJt aueces bay more law will direetly new gradee qualities we like to consider the material is lto what we exIsts more em- battled 7e I and iarre A t lit Is canoot Individual Initiative his individu wer t S can dose the the ii > > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < to declare Interference of the B should deemed legitimate over Interference and lack of U well and shlf with tbo change host we should Invoke tl Interference of the or nation of It n we shoul not on academic grounds refute It i factory law laws to the labor and to safeguard the She employer are necessary not mere the wave but In of the and humane who should not be penalized for honest to unchecke competition with an unscrupulous morn difficult to that works tban with that works through violence But effort to with must steadily OP A1IHITRAT10X much effort In reference ti labor matters should be by every and to to secure a bettor understanding nnd employee possible shouli- b fueling between specially t In dispute omewha others If met with i sincere desire to sit fairly by one another and If these furthermore power by to appreciate the others chance for Is I when by mediation or arbitration It prove to settle troubles In tUne to aver the miflerlng and bitterness by strikes Moreover conciliation committee can d best work when the Is at Its begin fling or at has not H head N hen actually occurred dam and angry nnd It Is difficult to et then Its nnd remember the rlchta o the other If the effort nt con dilation or mediation or arbitration should he made the stares and shouli- l e by the wish on the part of botl sides to to come to n common which each shall think In the Interesti other as well as ofltoelf mAtes YaK THE COAL STRIKf COMMISSION When we deal with such a subject we nn fortunate In having before us an object lesson In the work that has Just beet by the Anthracite Coal Strike Com- mission This was the which was appointed lout fall at the time when the the anthracite regions threat- ened our nation with a disaster ti none which has befallen us since the dayi of the Civil War Their was before the Senate adjourned at the session and no iovernment document o recent marks a more Important of work better dons and there none whirl sounder to our people commission consisted of seven is ROOC as were to he found In the country the bench the Church the army the professions the employers acted as a unit and the report whirl they unanimously signed la a common tense of sound doctrine on the very questions with which our moHt concern themselves The Immediate of this appointment and action was of vast benefit to th but the ultimate be even better If capitalist waiTs and law maker alike to heart and art the lessons set forth It the report they have made SCaOESTKD LABOR LAWS Of course the National Government hai but a It can work In labor Something It can do However something to be done A moni other things J should like to see of Columbia which U completely under thi control of the National ilovernment receive a set of laws Washington li not a city of very large Industries stll It has some labor legislation for thi because a standard would thereby be ae for the country In general legislation relatin to these of Congress I ways In which we can act Thus the the Navy has recommended- with cordial the enactment of a strong employers law In the of the nation should be extended to similar branches of th Gov- ernment work sometimes such law ran be as an Incident to the nation control over Interstate In last annual message to I advocated- the of a law In reference to car coup- lings to the features ot one on the statute books so aa to mintmlr the and maiming of rail- way employees Much opposition to overcome the an law was the safety of and travellers by compelling common carriers engaged commerce to their cars with automatio and continuous and their locomotives with drivingwheel brakes This my a of days before adjourned- It represents a real and substantial advance In an kind of legislation themselves of far more political Import h ho swapping If It should really turn out tho Yellow Stone too full of snow to be really t Is possible that nit re one short to make- i to Capt Bullocks home at Dead VffAWAY HORSES DROWNED Pair Frightened by an mobile Dash Into East River After a Ron Samuel Springer a driver for Moulton- Co at Thirtythird street and l erlng on avenue took two new bay horscw and a brougham to the Lambs at 70 West rhlrtyeixth street at 8 evening pick up a fare He had hardly drawn- ip at the clubhouse when an automobile- rent puffing by The bays which were Jready restive got frightened whirled round throwing Springer from his and dashed east through Thirtysixth treet At Filth avenue the horses met another lUtomobile They grazed the machine ind went on ever At Third ivenue they a north trolley ear avenue down a woman She got everal bad bruises and went to to have them attended to She Inclined to tell her name Policemen Kahlen and Colder were not ar behind when the runaways dashed on he pier at tlio foot treet At the pnd of the pier the horses he on the pier The horses Into the water with a The police say that one of the East econd street ferryboats was passing at he time and a n which the runaways were probably Irowned At any and name to find the It was said at It Cos stables hat the pair was worth 800 WHATS BRONX LIQUOR TAX Reetlons of New lAW Ret Salon Mm Some of the liquor dealers in The Bronx re wondering what their excise tax will- Is under the new law Those in this judicial istrict have been paying two those in district SSJO law inserts the words or bor ugh after the word city in the following lauses- If the same be in a city or bor ugh having by the last census a 1900000 or more the sum of 1300 if In a or having by said tnsus a population of less than ut more I67S if in a city or having a population of 00000 more If this last clause applies to The Bronx the tax the men seems to be educed there not increased But later In tho act U this which 1s aU ew law The excise taxes assessed under this act i cities containing a population of MO000 r more are or be formed y the consolidation of territory situate i one or more counties assessed the several or portions of the so consolidated to city t an advance of onehalf in the rate over amount at which such taxes were ateamd on the list of December 1802 the several portions of UM territory consolidated 1 11 lma of dele but It 1 of the J the the del mae to the telo and to the minimize lent thE aide I sari to make orthe mAe t Tie erect mat ra the of a In and It a far acton nr there nav t who la dent as far a to the of Dakotans who with the JUt vat A Cub to jUt bump bund the of a the bro the plunge wbo put out t a hon but To the and I Ia wn h demarcation betwen unbeaitb ret unleu- is absolutely ne Is ITt culpable negligence b t his t I theft ever allow each to cad ever a each ejther to forget agree- ment rep- resenting Washington be thins Itself be better the necessarily are liabiii Seth Bullock going with the Pgeel Mon South feel shoe been President roost Park- s interesting t Ante seat an pile md collision traces and left once rowboat were Guessing 750 > be ¬ > CANAL PROTEST TO GOYERNO JOHN PLATTS BRIEF AOAINS TilE DAVIS DILL- On the IIIghMt Claims or Spenders the State Must Pay 1O for Every Dollar of to Navl- tors Hrheme TVattcf A protest against the signing of the Da ThousandTon Barge Canal bill was file with Oov Odell yesterday by John I Plat secretary of the State Tax Transportation Reform Association Mi Platt lives in and is know throughout the State as one of the bee informed men in America on the canoli- He has served in tho Assembly from Dutches county and has participated i many of the rocfent conventions discussed questions of canal usefunea and development As a delegate to th State Convention at Saratoga which nom Oov Odell he took part in a livel before the Committee on Pint on the canal plank While he In Republican Mr Plat does not to say that ho the operation of the Davis bill defeat to the Republican in th State The arguments against unfair taxatio to raise 1101000000 or more for a wasteful canal which cannot possibly bring a com pensatlng return to the State are set fort as follows Hon Benjamin B OdtU Governor- In the name of the association of which I have the honor to be the hei York State Tax and Transportation Reforr cost whether that bo provided by a tax on their property or an onerous tax on I respectful enter a the bill now you hands providing for tho construction of canals x known as the Barge Cana bill First Because it Is not proper or jUt that the should bo an un- profitable The test of the use every undertaking is that I return an Its it is a business undertaking shall its own expenses The ol the State of to do thii of their were removed and they were made parlance of the that is to people at were compelled to cost instead of those use them and were enoflted by them Second Because the purposes in proposing the enormous re are or purposes 01 such ns can be reconciled a regard for the welfare of the people It political economy shall not be tho of the few The author of this bill in debate li- the argued that this improved tho greatest iron industry in thii what or under what rule of justice can the funds of the State o New e used to build up such on in The counties tho Iludsor River contain large quantities of excellent iron ore In census 1800 the Till Foster mine In Putnam county was said U have the largest output any in America but slnop hnvi surpassed it and it la their ore which great centres of steel manufacture have natura advantages over us on tho Hudson but why our Iron mines In Dutches ant Orange and Putnam counties and the iron Industries of Newburgh be taxed to add to those natural advantages and to Lake Erie ports some of beyond the State i of A representative of the sandstone at Con ventlon described the situation of hU quarry get his stone carried cheaply at the ex- pense of the State complained right arid justice are we taxed that th quarries may a monopoly Presl Friday lost denounced the xnilawf agreements of certain trunk lines to trans from the West to the Atlantic seaboard giving a few favored shippers rates the tariff upon the general whole people In such de Why then should we favor Improvement on to favored localities rates what the general public has to there ever a more monstrous lon The author of the bill in the declared that its passage was the interests of Is the State then to that Buffalo may bo wo object we are told that York a larger amount if tax s than the rural and we hould therefore bo and ntten- ttt we pay the some amount on the dollar f their taxes produce more It is because they are rich counties am s a reason we should impose urther taxes to make the rich he poor poorer Because cheaper transportation s not in the of York unless It is obtained cheaper ost The founders of tho canal ever dreamed of such a thing as affording avenue of transportation for rn products was to pro ide revenue for the by n such products ever sun osed would l taxed to upport the canal they would have re Fourth Because canal transportation Is cheap it is only to lecause more ost is paid out of the treasury n the 1601 the cost he State treasury 815 whole New York Central system for much more raluahln freight was 41 mills The insertion the canal Is essential to he commerce of New York which la without a of evidence o sustain it would if It cern true for It Involves the if taxing one locality to build up It not true The canal is a o the commercial prosperity of New York h tool that 181 for every- on of brought to It canal The railroads from Buffalo o New York for 88 23 ton The nmmerce of New York did not reach ts highest development until the tolls sere and they ocame the Important factor in the of The complain- that New York has been if true would be con rluslve proof of the worthlessness of the lanol as a There Philadelphia and Baltimore are no their railways have een extended to New benefited New York not n the 1001 these two roads brought o New York freight originating west je Western U mounting In same year brought from all ovrcea 700191 tons Fifth Because the enormous dlscrep- ncy between what the traffic nd what the canal has already taken and his bill proposes to the State the whole matter ut of the question in the of every eosonable man me to call your ttent Ion to tho following figures ear 1001 the canals rue 3i20tl3 The in 1R90 stated the average distance hat this was carried at 160 miles- t is now but if wo multiply tie 160 it us The same committee ave the charge person mile for canal lo at 10 to the boatmen given and I the Pent and nat for pal helot pay Alton on of New York who muet the a- new hal cst ago and the the toll many would on lble t mln make and ve Mia on the k of the to the be to did of on mucn Chg Cal blow do this at of pop nat to Won cutes a Stat not m app Stat was mil of which how anther but clt whet the tat fat has to The tonne fright numb ton 175 015 U te the o ton JI 1OOOOOO ail pay years possibility so wac when avowed b- an canal buIld lice canal because when was closed had railway freight as others what dent In his pay the cost the advan- taged ianl transportation p35 ortatlo n cad discrimination 5 discrImination Incidental to face of trunlc lines 1132000 tone Irla mills and their profit zulUs we number miles > ¬ > multiply them by these figurew ft the The tow 74r7 I7MK- ilvtnt MM1 To produce wblcb tn Slate paldJ6e1U In other words for every dollar of veil dollar It paid 4300 But wo shall bo told the new a improved canal will this I us report of the canal 1899 amount necessary to interest at 3 cent and form a slnkii fund that will extinguish the debt In yeses as requires 000000 The lull in your for this and we cannot ai that It will be changed cost of the new can will not be less than the ono so if wo add to this the amount actual expended In 1001 It nukes confidently assert that the hondswill bee tended so as to run fifty thus increa Ing the total amount the burden upon our children and grandchildren of the fact that opinion but recently prohibited such e tert They put the annual sum to be raise on account of tics debt In round figure- at 5000000 I am their throughout and therefore tha Five added to tho expenditure 1901 makes 1830874179 as co which must be out of the State Treat The friends of this bill estimate thi the canal will attain ten That will be 0379387 moro tha were in 1901 They also aAsura that of bethrous- fricght therefore we will estimate that tl average distance will be 300 miles the ton mileage 3481908050 cost to the State 334 mills per ton mill They further estimate that cost ton to the will he reduce- to 052 of a mill and if we 0- 1sume the some profit 015 ton mill then the amount to received for carting will be 067 These will give the figures The canal wilt ram llfMSMJ AI s to me boatmen ot 173197 of 17SQM For which the Stale will py S0874t For every dollar by the boatme the State dolls earned the State will pay every dollar of profits State will pa 12227 The guess for the of the new canal is a tonnage of twent millions This will 6480908000 to miles reducing thn cost to the State t 151 mills per ton mile This will give CsniU Merr8J3- At to She boatmen of 3aS3ml Profit S2JOMJ The State will pay M before Saoe7 t For every dollar the earn the then ever dollar of cost to the traffic the State wl pay only 200 for every dollar of profit the State will If any one who can figure an advantage to th State of Now York out of thee results it would b interesting to understan the mathematics But figures are ex what men themselves give are untrustworthy and untrue Only which show State will pay can b depended upon and we protest Sixth there never be an such Increase of traffic and there never be such decrease of cost All cant transportation everywhere in the world i with improves America The barge is knot in theory only Nothing in use less than 2000 have been found unprofitable on the fro water of the are thousand ton vessels on the Hudson River which but are built on a model as different a cnn b imagined broad and will high one above the their loads above the water- line The thousandton barge carries two thirds of its load Th submerged more thai 20 per cent of the entire section of tho canal and no vessel can be economically propelta waterway on the River the Adirondack with its four deck an wate thousandton will draw ton an cannot navigate the Hudson five of the is crowded with estimates and prediction that were not trustworthy one the proposed improvements has been cost not on of has produced the promised resulu bee neglected but within the last twent more money has been expended o alleged betterments than has construction account of any railway in the State and every to believe will be the vast stir this bill proposes to take from th responsibility remains with that a- inswer be given to the question Shal Ills bill ought same to recciv sanction of the It is for answer that question Respectfully April ACCEPT TIlE BROWN OIL evens Intflcatlon Plan Paw One Regent i St Clalr MoKelway of the f Regents was asked by a ist night If despatches from Albany tha 10 favored Senator R Browns imended unification true Mr IcKnlway said they were not lie wen n to I liavo written to tho Senator that unnot stand for his hill and am in favo f the plan of Senator fitavensn bills Intro lost Friday They met then what to be tho views of Senate jewis chairman of the Senate Committee- in Education and of Assemblyman Landon halrman of the like committee in Assembly I hope the two committees will favorabl eport them on Tuesday If they do not motion will be carrier o the from their urther consideration and that then rill bo passed Further delay at this stage sIll signify a purpose to para no bill foi inlflcatlon That would plunge the subject nto polities It would be an Inflammatory uoject there hurtful to politics and t ducational Interests The have conceded the pro resslve reduction of the Begcnts to eleven- he exchange of Ute Life tenure of Regenti hereof ter elected for a fourteen years erm the r of the Department ol Public Instruction with salary to Mr Skinner and his deputies to of hli erin That limit of oonws ion the Regents- Mr form the retention ol- ilr Skinner to the end of his term at once Jcct eleven more to serve with ho eighteen now making the the three members and would then let death reduce he life Regents to eleven as tho ultimate hereafter an elevenyear would put the as well as the a political machine within the should be entirely ic R gents as flows Tho Brown bill 1s cumbrous and clumsy lie Stevens Is am- irrct If the legislature not thine all The tale educational system But If it they can elect a that Ecssma K Cars H J ere < A Dof a of cost for ere It and for chg In teen ot r or hand The annul l70 But the this lager care making batmen cot pad ever for ve tat cal t M we slow bl- ow with orb for onl out tem 10 of which the you to mile tZZII 4 CANT lad at Stat Eon I duo the I hop mad a to each dcnt or a cat bard It would to doa not O your t Old r paid the trafilo paid every dollar 4329 see- The 73710 million or advocates of Ii am a cost transportatIon such sue ton and its enormous capacity freight The actually until the cans c coin operat- Ing wasted o we ever reason people elf 1903 Boast cay they Regents Regents umber Regent ho eected year ecihools under the the such to does people like this the Tess drtzg1at winreiuaS lass to car rica Sense sad Suds sak- m 554 aU skis Issues 5 Ai < < < y tr mi PolicyY- ou get one of of hats o you can get a KNOX hat Most others are local hats The KNOX hat is a gentlemans hat BOMBSHELL IN ODELLS GAIL RESOLUTION TO IVESTIOAT STATE INSANE HOSPITALS It nat Introduced by a Buffalo Assembly man and Leader Peters Objected and Killed It Coronen Bill lo a Third Reading AUUMT April Assemblyman Burke of tonlghk attempted to Introduce in the Assembly calling for ao investigation of the State hospitals foi the insane The resolution said that a strike of iho employees of the State hoe at Buffalo WM in progress as a result poor quality of food that is being served to them and that as constant and unfavorable criticism concerning the management these hospitals is being made by press of the was im- portant that the abuses at once The resolution provides for a com- mittee members of the Assembly ond appropriates 17500 for their expenses Mr Burke showed the resolution to Ma- jority leader Rogers but he objected to its receipt Assembly Mr Rogers was the Assembly Judiciary Committee and Introduced the bill lost you which tnrned the State hospitals over to complete control of the Sfate Com- mission in Lunacy which commission is controlled absolutely by Opv Odel- lTheintroduction of the resolution came aa a bombshell and Speaker Nixon and Majority Leader Rogers quickly realized that it might lead to an investigation of the sale of groceries to State institutions by the J W Matthews Company of New burgh and they were very anxious that the rule providing that resolutions cannot be introduced in the Assembly except during the months of January and Febru- ary should be enforced Senator Elsberg was about the chamber tonight working In the interests of his bill Coroners in New York city and substituting medical examiners in their stead JIM bill was on the order of reading in the lower house and to a third Assem- blyman Finch Rep asked If amendments could bo offered on the order of final passage and being assured they could was content to permit the to go to a third Mr Finch says he wilt try to bill so aa not to affect the Board of Coroners of New York lie said It la an outrage- to them out of office Assemblyman Howard was the only member from New York to to the advancement of As- semblyman ThreePlatoon was order of reading Jn the tonight The was made a on and Thursday It will pass the Assembly The advanced to a third read- ing Assemblyman Bostwicks bill which Fire Sturgis the ab Department- Speaker alone and unassisted to a third Assem- blyman Howard Conkllngs bill which is to give the Hudson York that no permit for the erection of Icetransferring on any pier own without a Assemblyman Richter Tarn was on his feet bill was read clamoring for recognition but the Speaker to see him Mr Richter was however recognized on and on bill went over until tomorrow He wanted the other bill to take the samecourse but Speaker Nixon announced thatas it had it could not bo laid then No one had a chance to Its advancement If he wanted to as the at that instant was Jamming legislation in his most manner The canal Improvement advocates In the Assembly refused to Assemblyman resolution amending Constitution so as to authorize the of tolls to to a when it was on the order of necon The bill was made a special order for Wednesday hilt prohibiting actually or apparently under B of was In the Assembly tonight so an to read that no years of Assembly passed Assemblyman a court house in New York county The Assembly also Marshalls amending the Tenement House law an Tenement House Commissioner De Forest The Sen- ate passed Senator Marshalls companion seats In permits butther Now York to open until 10 oclock Sunday mornings- was advanced to a third the the Codes Committee That kills It The advanced to a third abolishing for drivers on tho Assemblyman McManus Tarn Intro a New York city to the Hudson River for a playground- The Senate passed Senator providing for the of nurses Senator Oct II Columbus Day as s Senator providing for fire the Need of is cure for coughs and colds found in Hale Honey of HoTtHeund and Tar weather lyings colds but this oldtime will cure All it Pikes Toothaeb Drops cure In minutes Hat a d kinds uni- versal t- It Rep Ere a pit Stat It of Ito lend rig that ring Polo robe a of New a or the aha gale aide onthe call third Junk to a any under II new hi the may the M the York hn and then to aOl the by and and ta 10 Tie t reedy tem one i thousa ni h efght for solute the Fire Steam- boat Odells Company monopoly ice city the second bill redistricting readin dealers junk from persona of Assembly passed Assemblyman taxing NeW city Stock Exchange was recommitted reading Assemblyman Bamicens bills block bounded Thirtieth streets avenue the change- able 5 5 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Brothers EaUbUskotf iMrty kail a CMtiiry and UII ttadtr MBM Easter Suits Frock and Cutaway Suits In Gray and Black Sails of the newest Sprlag OnnoftM of the latest designs Also smart effects in Children Easier Clothing Hltk 5Uadai4 of Material aid Workmanship nalnUlaed As Alw- ayiroBHft AVCDC sjy liroltaw t fabric the eiqss Sack Doyi and Place fire in hotels outside of York and Buffalo second bill permitting- the New York authorities a for the Pennsylvania Railroad Corn New station Assemblyman Bostwlcks providing for a In the Mu courts Assemblyman poolings permitting a recreation Park In The Bronx FRANCHISE TAX LAW VALID AtUrneyGtaeral Cnnneen So Argue He fete the Appeal ALBANY April Con neen for the people this afternoon argued before the Court of Appeals in favor of the constitutionality of the Special Fran- chise Tax law passed by the Legislature of IBM when Theodore Roosevelt was Gov ernor The arguments will be continued tomorrow On Friday the take a recess until Monday April It is Legislature will adjourn finally April 24 HO that it is apparent there will be no effort made on the part of the preeent Legislature to remedy any defects In the law or to carry out the recom- mendation made by GOT Odell In his that the law practically bo annual gross earnings tax on cor- porations holding special franchises be substituted- The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court at Albany In January last that portion of the law the State Board of Tax of the local assessors as the to value the special franchises unconstitutional The court did not the question- of the constitutionally of the pro the stand and that the fran- chises and assessed the local assessors just as though they had been named in to do so If the Court of Appeals Ap DivMon corporations itn will be taken to Supreme and thus the operation of held up for of time Cunneens main points were Even If the of the Special Fran- chise Tax law complained of are remain all of statutes under which other assessments are made The purpose of the law wu to tax fran- chises not to to the State of Tax Commissioner If the and Intended fall are available to accomplish the result and as the result will stand The statute Is not void as it does not de- prive assessors of the power to fix the amount which every taxpayer pay scribe a elusive upon the assessors was not assessable when the Constitution was adopted attire a new duty new functions and It for to provide for their execution The Importance of the litigation the assessments aggregated I2NOI7770 the taxes estl the Tax Commissioners assessed during the three aggregate or of the amount estimated to be necessary to rebuild the canals of the State Of taxes 4 was assessed In of New York If the corporations should succeed these enormous amounts will be assessed upon the property of Individuals- and corporations special fran that the right to the streets violates the obi gallons of the contract It Is Is and taxation are the same tax Is Imposed not as a consideration the hut the tax Is needed o maintain government to protect the cot In the enjoyment of grant The AttorneyGeneral met the argument that it Is the value of franchises for the purpose of taxation by thee contrary that tho records cases before show that of these tights bought sold and leased Regarding the point that the special New blok dar Coo cur e- xp me- g del S del von hold org Cur to have la cr n t on crated a Par n claim bUd on the tnat The for x the enc cur been beaU- ties it Is competent pee which shall con i The erroneous reminding expert ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Tiffany Co Easter Gifts Rich cut and rock crystal glass lily vases bowls centres and in new forms and exclusive designs Also superb examples of H Pipers and E Rabys paintings on Doulton vases and centre pieces desirable for wedding presents UNION SQUARE NEW YORK franchises held the same corporation should be assessed that they are properly assessable for property which at the value has In the condition in which they possess and enjoy It that the each is used reference to the complete franchise and not with reference David B Hilt will make the closing ar- gument for the corporations tomorrow FAVOR AN EXCISE COMMISSION Citizen Union and other Orcanlzattsni- Indone the Clark Bill Strong resolutions Indorsing the bill introduced recently at Albany by Assembly- man Clark for the appointment of a non- partisan liquor traffic commission of seven experts to investigate the excise situation throughout the State and to report to the next Legislature have been adopted by leading members of the Citizens Union and representatives of a number of organ the excise Is Intended to tinkering tho Excise laws Through petitions of the bill are who hays Cutting Bishop Donna of Albany A O the Rev Peters the Rev Dr W 8 Ralnsford Brander Robert C Ogden Richard Watson and E R L The names of other prominent in church professional and also appear on of Copies of reso- lutions have sent to members- of the Legislature TEA SET FOR I A HOPPER Given te the Tammany Leader by Clobt of HU DUtrtet- Isaao A Hopper the Tammany leader of the Thirtyfirst Assembly district was the guest at a reception given last night by the HarlemDemocratic and the Tam- many club of the district back from a winter at his home In Florida where he every year The gave him a sliver tea set that cost The presentation speech was nude by E McCall Congressman Shober also spoke It had Hopper was to hailed- as a candidate nomina- tion Mayor but and his wouldnt take it No one his being a candidate vole foe Poe aptly ton n wit big cit Aol tO Matte Cub cuba Tammy fo fred Glass a same signer ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ GRIP VICTIMS THOUSANDS ARE PROSTRATED- Mills Factories Railroads Stores and Nearly Ail Industries Are Crippled Thousands of people in this city Buffering with colds are about Tomorrow may prostrated with Grip or Pneumonia Grip is spreading Whole are Many business places are through sickness of employees The disease is not with care and the remedies It is almost suicide to depend on quinine and whiskey or home decoctions Dont trifle with take my Cold or Cure or call in a competent physi- cian I cant say what your doctor will do for you but I do know my Cold and Cure will speedily break up all forms of colds and grip It checks discharges of the Nose and Eyes sneezing promptly Lungs allays Inflammation and Fever It cures Headaches and Dizziness accompanying the It is invaluable in or obstinate cplds I will tthmmallfm Cars will tptedllr cure nearly all forms MonatM that y will nets say eat of ladlfMUoD or sUinMh trooble that jr w Hasty cotaslalata including Brlchfs b cured with r kidney Cure 7 MM- SffrtltMUl KTtrym sMt H tliMS oatlyltMBlsaTtat a r- ole ate and to te a lat 0 C I to- day produces sleep restores strength ef DIsesis can ¬ < I j t I I I t j I I 1I tL T K IM- I t i f C I a 1 IIfi ii I 4

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Post on 04-May-2018




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f rut Wfd fjr ArbftratloB CeneraU1 j P OB Made In Snowttsrm

4 Mtrt hilt Made t School OUldm-

AfiMCKXH 8 D April Prcaldenhas boon travelling northward

South tiakota all day It hacold and tho wind has kept tho giant

ilan thistles racing one anothere brown pntlHe in an apparently endw oontost ThoPresident made only onag speech that at Sioux Falls this morng which was delivered in a light snowinn to a variegatfld crowd of plalnsme

all the country roundabout and tmuch ill tHe latloo of thlittle cUy3

2 Here In the Northern corner of the Statre are patohea of snow ntill on thund and rna rhavp bfenth premonl-

ry shivers of who are to walt awhile the President goes up Into

e Vellowgtors ark whero jt is nowported torfi ftet if fffssh n6w fellst Saturday Hie President has had i

day although he halivered twelve spe oh All but

these have been three and flveralnutir-TBaTflii tot the constituents o

rJUttrtxlga and Gamble Theluisd them with dire

quenocfllf the was allowed tay withoutnsaylng a word t

from th

t ftnOJWif If has beenpleasure to see you and I can sum up allhave to say toyou just couple of phrasesYou need wl e laws TSSeTlfatydu gel themYou need honest administration of the lawsSee that l avn it But do not make the

thinkingof take the

place of fundamental qualities that makea good individual citizen make anatlonJVbfi 14tl spf honesty of courage

At some of the very smalt towns the

Frk ifW platformto hands with the people Instead o

a speech At Sioux Falls thii-rnorolng beforij delivering the fourth

the set speeches on AdniioiiitrAtionpolWesi that on The WageVvorTcer aha Tiller of the Soil thePresident pole for a few minutes to theschoolchildren of the city under the aus-

pioea of tler Ministers AsBociation whohearing Pn edent was only goingtochurch trCf on Sunday had arrangedn of afternoonThe President begged off Sunday on condllion that anearlier tithe morning to address the childrenHe rose nt t The speech was inparkas follows-

rUh your doing your work

How just one word to

now or later on

the drift All ofyou wantto r sd books AU of you want to

nil the things as they come Whenrun out and et me such

ami a ueB thin tine a booksays Obr and does o out butas a distant sent of

Injury Husje niils nce In the nrst

If he foe cheerfully and Is la-

tn do It she will i h Is herself forthei work of life for the whole work of life Is

thins Is to do at the timeIn the first place remember

the nleer can be to those who are weakerAnd of one of you

and even morehe was Insolent nnd overbearing

toward the weak I want you toplay end when ploy and when you work

n rule I heard by areatfoolbaH Wrttatn tn one of the bit football

uamsv say to his men Now

do yourspeech on the and the

tiller was as follows

N There

nnActed with manyor


solltillers to thn community at lance andthbs affecting the relations em

In a country likeIt 1 fundamentally true that the wellof the ware worker-Is the well being of the Stat If areVeil off then we need concnrn ourselves

Jbut to how other for

two classes are oftennot same The tiller of the soil has been

the one on the whole the

mum ta be done for himaotlori Government Nor

4 r dalr through the thecan act greatest

and most beneficent measures byJJby any Congresswhich

do for the States of the Great Plainsand the Mountain region at least asmuch ever has been Statesof the humid region by river and harborImprovements Few measures that

upon the statute of the nation

directly accomplish for the BUtes In ques-tion

AlDTVO TM rARintllThe Presldtnt then reviewed the work

of the Agriculture in aidingthe cattle men andgrowers and the Intro-duction of of various cropssuitable to its work pre

the deforestation of theand Its cooperation in thement

It Is therefore clearly true that aadvance has been In the direction offinding ways Government can

the farmer to help himself the onlyof help a man

accept or will the enddo him any good Much has been In

wars farm life farm processescontinually thefarmer still retains because of hisanrroundlnir and the nature of his work to a

Ina our The man who tills hiswhether on the prairie or In the

woodland theraan who grows we eat

the conditions which obtained when thefarmers of this country a

nation than Is true of of ourWOKKIM Or THE CITIH

But workers In our cities Uksthe our face totally

conditions ofthe extraordinary chants In

business conditions have the em

aggregations not merely profitable but oftennecessary

the wage worker at the same Urnsthat they have brought aggregations-of wage More and more Inour Industrial centres men have come to

iannot as Independentlyof one another as Inth old was caseeverywhere and as II now the case In the

Of fundamentallyvet find that in determining

own individualto lose hiswill and power can ue-

he unites with hiaforgan tcaU


the Coal strike Conimlulo



ty pop





con eP dentr rot1 tact

ihzilf y t1of ther allaTe


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n to

h hour

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problem to makeI problemsf of our

of the simplebY themselves mOlt

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daM onIlnlrApro the

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I flow the

1 ft1 pmt

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bave-n bobdone for this

and In


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tJat the

ITT glad o thA hoyii-

iifld liefond oftil gina bul I uiuleratand bose

In work belleeee

It Interfere


hroInee todo well to countword



c Ia If mother Ic worth


Iblit h areetroflpr the alter bn


play play bardttuiit ul aide

r ollvaoniMa

are many

iar go inana complex

modern jn4uitrtalmorovpr

other5 Few lnciee arestand Theporxt are with


t andthoth band there cn bono real

UflXPU Oflr

the tillerHut

ht and methodsgiant Industrial thanga

beencourse alco-

canwotk tatdot h tJt aueces

bay morelaw will direetly

new gradee

qualities we liketo consider

the material is ltowhat we exIsts more

em-battled 7e


and iarre



lit Iscanoot

Individual Initiative his individuwer

t Scan dose the

the ii












to declare Interference of the Bshould deemed legitimate

over Interference and lack ofU well and shlf

with tbo changehost we should Invoke tlInterference of the or nation

of It n we shoulnot on academic grounds refute It ifactory law laws to the

labor and to safeguard the

Sheemployer are necessary not mere

the wave but Inof the and humane

who should not be penalized for honestto unchecke

competition with an unscrupulousmorn difficult to

that works tban withthat works through violence But

effort to with must steadilyOP A1IHITRAT10X

much effort In reference tilabor matters should be by everyand to to secure abettor understandingnnd employee possible shouli-bfueling between

specially t In dispute omewhaothers If met with i

sincere desire to sit fairly by one anotherand If these furthermore power byto appreciate the otherschance for Is

Iwhen by mediation or arbitration It prove

to settle troubles In tUne to averthe miflerlng and bitterness by strikesMoreover conciliation committee can dbest work when the Is at Its beginfling or at has not H head

N hen actually occurred dam

and angry nnd It Is difficult to et then

Its nnd remember the rlchta othe other If the effort nt condilation or mediation or arbitration shouldhe made the stares and shouli-l e by the wish on the part of botlsides to to come to n common

which each shall think In the Interestiother as well as ofltoelf

mAtes YaK THE COAL STRIKf COMMISSIONWhen we deal with such a subject we nn

fortunate In having before us anobject lesson In the work that has Just beet

by the Anthracite Coal Strike Com-mission This was the whichwas appointed lout fall at the time when the

the anthracite regions threat-ened our nation with a disaster tinone which has befallen us since the dayiof the Civil War Their was

before the Senate adjourned at thesession and no iovernment document orecent marks a more Importantof work better dons and there none whirl

sounder to our peoplecommission consisted of seven is ROOC

as were to he found In the countrythe bench the Church the army

the professions the employers

acted as a unit and the report whirlthey unanimously signed la a

common tense of sound doctrineon the very questions with which our

moHt concern themselvesThe Immediate of thisappointment and action was of vast

benefit to th but theultimate be even better If capitalistwaiTs and law maker aliketo heart and art the lessons set forth Itthe report they have made

SCaOESTKD LABOR LAWSOf course the National Government hai

but a It can work In laborSomething It can do However

something to be done A moniother things J should like to seeof Columbia which U completely under thicontrol of the National ilovernment receivea set of laws Washington linot a city of very large Industries stllIt has some labor legislation for thi

because a standard would thereby be aefor the country

In general legislation relatinto these of Congress I

ways In which we can act Thus thethe Navy has recommended-

with cordial theenactment of a strong employerslaw In the of the nation shouldbe extended to similar branches of th Gov-ernment work sometimes such lawran be as an Incident to the nationcontrol over Interstate Inlast annual message to I advocated-the of a law In reference to car coup-lings to the features ot one

on the statute books so aa to mintmlrthe and maiming of rail-way employees Much opposition toovercome the an lawwas the safety of

and travellers bycompelling common carriers engaged

commerce to their cars withautomatio and continuousand their locomotives with drivingwheelbrakes This my a

of days before adjourned-It represents a real and substantial advanceIn an kind of legislation

themselves of far more political Importh

ho swapping If It shouldreally turn out tho Yellow Stone

too full of snow to be reallyt Is possible thatnit re one short to make-i to Capt Bullocks home at Dead


Pair Frightened by an mobileDash Into East River After a RonSamuel Springer a driver for Moulton-Co at Thirtythird street and l erlng

on avenue took two new bay horscw and abrougham to the Lambs at 70 Westrhlrtyeixth street at 8 evening

pick up a fare He had hardly drawn-ip at the clubhouse when an automobile-rent puffing by The bays which wereJready restive got frightened whirledround throwing Springer from his

and dashed east through Thirtysixthtreet

At Filth avenue the horses met anotherlUtomobile They grazed the machineind went on ever At Thirdivenue they a north

trolley ear avenuedown a woman She got

everal bad bruises and went toto have them attended to She

Inclined to tell her namePolicemen Kahlen and Colder were not

ar behind when the runaways dashed onhe pier at tlio foottreet At the pnd of the pier the horses

he on the pierThe horses Into the water with a

The police say that one of the Eastecond street ferryboats was passing athe time and an which the runaways were probablyIrowned At any and

name to find theIt was said at It Cos stables

hat the pair was worth 800

WHATS BRONX LIQUOR TAXReetlons of New lAW Ret Salon Mm

Some of the liquor dealers in The Bronxre wondering what their excise tax will-

Is under the new law Those in this judicialistrict have been paying two those in

district SSJO

law inserts the words or borugh after the word city in the followinglauses-

If the same be in a city or borugh having by the last census a

1900000 or more the sum of1300 if In a or having by saidtnsus a population of less thanut more I67S if in a city or

having a population of00000 moreIf this last clause applies to The Bronx the

tax the men seems to beeduced there not increased

But later In tho act U this which 1s aUew law

The excise taxes assessed under thisacti cities containing a population of MO000r more are or be formedy the consolidation of territory situatei one or more counties assessed

the several or portions of theso consolidated to city

t an advance of onehalf in the rate overamount at which such taxes were

ateamd on the list of December 1802the several portions of UM territoryconsolidated

111 lma of

delebut It




del mae

to the teloandto


lentthE aide I sari

to make





mat ra


of aIn and It a far

actonnr there



who ladent as far a to the

of Dakotans who

with the







the of athe bro the


wbo put out t ahon



the and



h demarcation betwen unbeaitbret

unleu-is absolutely ne Is ITt

culpable negligence b




theft everallow each to




eachejther to forget



Washington be thinsItself be better

thenecessarily are


Seth Bullock going with the PgeelMon

South feel

shoe been President roost

Park-s interesting




an pilemd collision traces and left

once rowboat were









On the IIIghMt Claims orSpenders the State Must Pay 1O

for Every Dollar of to Navl-

tors Hrheme TVattcf

A protest against the signing of the DaThousandTon Barge Canal bill was file

with Oov Odell yesterday by John I Platsecretary of the State TaxTransportation Reform Association Mi

Platt lives in and is knowthroughout the State as one of the beeinformed men in America on the canoli-

He has served in tho Assembly fromDutches county and has participated imany of the rocfent conventionsdiscussed questions of canal usefuneaand development As a delegate to thState Convention at Saratoga which nom

Oov Odell he took part in a livelbefore the Committee on Pint

on the canal plank While he In

Republican Mr Platdoes not to say that hothe operation of the Davis billdefeat to the Republican in thState

The arguments against unfair taxatioto raise 1101000000 or more for a wastefulcanal which cannot possibly bring a compensatlng return to the State are set fortas followsHon Benjamin B OdtU Governor-

In the name of the association of whichI have the honor to be the heiYork State Tax and Transportation Reforr

cost whether that bo provided by atax on their property or anonerous tax on I respectfulenter a the bill now youhands providing for tho construction

of canals xknown as the Barge Canabill

First Because it Is not proper or jUtthat the should bo an un-

profitable The test of the useevery undertaking is that I

return an Itsit is a business undertaking

shall its own expenses The olthe State of to do thii

of their

were removed and they were madeparlance of the that is to

people at were compelledto cost instead of those usethem and were enoflted by them

Second Because the purposesin proposing the enormous re

are or purposes 01

such ns can be reconciled aregard for the welfare of the people It

political economyshall not be tho of the fewThe author of this bill in debate li-

the argued that this improved

tho greatest iron industry in thiiwhat or under what

rule of justice can the funds of the State oNew e used to build up such on in

The counties tho IludsorRiver contain large quantities of excellentiron ore In census 1800 the TillFoster mine In Putnam county was said Uhave the largest output any in Americabut slnop hnvisurpassed it and it la their ore which

great centres ofsteel manufacture have naturaadvantages over us on tho Hudson but why

our Iron mines In Dutches antOrange and Putnam counties and the iron

Industries ofNewburgh be taxed to add to those naturaladvantages and to Lake Erie portssome of beyond the State i

ofA representative of the sandstone

at Conventlon described the situation of hU quarry

get his stone carried cheaply at the ex-

pense of the State complained

right arid justice are we taxed that thquarries may a monopoly Presl

Friday lost denounced the xnilawfagreements of certain trunk lines to trans

from the West to theAtlantic seaboard giving a few favoredshippers rates the tariff

upon the generalwhole people In such de

Why then should we favorImprovement on to

favored localitiesrates what the general public has to

there ever a more monstrouslon The author of the bill in thedeclared that its passage was

the interests of Is the Statethen to that Buffalo may bo

wo object we are told thatYork a larger amount

if tax s than the rural and wehould therefore bo and ntten-ttt we pay the some amount on the dollarf their taxes produce more It is because

they are rich counties ams a reason we should imposeurther taxes to make the richhe poor poorer

Because cheaper transportations not in the ofYork unless It is obtained cheaperost The founders of tho canalever dreamed of such a thing as affording

avenue of transportation forrn products was to proide revenue for the byn such products ever sun

osed would l taxed toupport the canal they would have re

Fourth Because canal transportation Ischeap it is only to

lecause moreost is paid out of the treasuryn the 1601 the cost

he State treasury 815 wholeNew York Central system for much moreraluahln freight was 41 mills Theinsertion the canal Is essential tohe commerce of New York which la

without a of evidenceo sustain it would if Itcern true for It Involves theif taxing one locality to build up

It not true The canal is ao the commercial prosperity of New Yorkh tool that 181 for every-on of brought to It canalThe railroads from Buffalo

o New York for 88 23 ton Thenmmerce of New York did not reachts highest development until the tollssere and theyocame the Important factor in the

of The complain-that New York has been

if true would be conrluslve proof of the worthlessness of thelanol as a There

Philadelphia and Baltimore are notheir railways have

een extended to Newbenefited New York not

n the 1001 these two roads broughto New York freight originating westje Western Umounting

In same year brought from allovrcea 700191 tonsFifth Because the enormous dlscrep-

ncy between what the trafficnd what the canal has already taken andhis bill proposes to the State

the whole matterut of the question in the of everyeosonable man me to call yourttent Ion to tho following figuresear 1001 the canalsrue 3i20tl3 The

in 1R90 stated the average distancehat this was carried at 160 miles-t is now but if wo multiplytie 160 it us

The same committeeave the charge person mile for canal

lo at 10 to the boatmen

given and





natfor pal helot


Alton on ofNew York who muet the



hal cst

ago and thethe toll


would onlble

t mlnmake



Miaon the k of the to

thebe todid



mucn Chg

Calblow do this at of pop





not m appStat

was mil of which







to The



numb ton

175 015 U

te the oton



ail pay

years possibilityso wac when




canal buIld lice


because when wasclosed had railway freight asothers what

dent In his

pay the cost the


ianl transportation p35

ortatlo n

cad discrimination

5 discrImination Incidental to face

of trunlc lines1132000 tone Irla

mills and their profit zulUs wenumber miles




multiply them by these figurew fttheThe tow 74r7

I7MK-ilvtnt MM1

To produce wblcb tn Slate paldJ6e1UIn other words for every dollar of

veil dollar It paid 4300But wo shall bo told the new a

improved canal will this Ius

report of the canal1899 amount necessary tointerest at 3 cent and form a slnkiifund that will extinguish the debt In

yeses as requires

000000 The lull in yourfor this and we cannot ai

that It will be changedcost of the new can

will not be less than theono so if wo add to this the amount actualexpended In 1001 It nukes

confidently assert that the hondswill beetended so as to run fifty thus increaIng the total amount the burdenupon our children and grandchildren

of the fact thatopinion but recently prohibited such etert

They put the annual sum to be raiseon account of tics debt In round figure-at 5000000 I am theirthroughout and therefore thaFive added to tho expenditure1901 makes 1830874179 as cowhich must be out of the State Treat

The friends of this bill estimate thithe canal will attain ten

That will be 0379387 moro thawere in 1901 They also aAsurathat of bethrous-fricght therefore we will estimate that tlaverage distance will be 300 milesthe ton mileage 3481908050cost to the State 334 mills per ton millThey further estimate that costton to the will he reduce-to 052 of a mill and if we 0-

1sume the some profit 015 ton millthen the amount to received for cartingwill be 067 These will give thefiguresThe canal wilt ram llfMSMJAI s to me boatmen ot 173197

of 17SQMFor which the Stale will py S0874t

For every dollar by the boatmethe State dollsearned the State will payevery dollar of profits State will pa12227 The guess for theof the new canal is a tonnage of twentmillions This will 6480908000 tomiles reducing thn cost to the State t151 mills per ton mile This will giveCsniU Merr8J3-At to She boatmen of 3aS3mlProfit S2JOMJThe State will pay M before Saoe7 t

For every dollar the earnthe then everdollar of cost to the traffic the State wlpay only 200 for every dollar of profitthe State will Ifany one who can figure an advantage to thState of Now York out of theeresults it would b interesting to understanthe mathematics

But figures are exwhat men themselves give

are untrustworthy and untrue Onlywhich show State will pay can bdepended upon and we protest

Sixth there never be ansuch Increase of traffic and there neverbe such decrease of cost All canttransportation everywhere in the world i

with improves

America The barge is knotin theory only Nothing in

use less than 2000have been found unprofitable on the frowater of the are thousandton vessels on the Hudson River whichbut are built on a model as different acnn b imagined broad and willhigh one above the

their loads above the water-line The thousandton barge carries twothirds of its load Thsubmerged more thai20 per cent of the entire section of tho canaland no vessel can be economically propelta

waterwayon the

River the Adirondack with its four deckan

watethousandton will draw ton an

cannot navigate the Hudson fiveof the

is crowded with estimates and predictionthat were not trustworthy onethe proposed improvements has been

cost not onof has produced the promised resulu

beeneglected but within the last twent

more money has been expended oalleged betterments than has

construction account of anyrailway in the State and every

to believe will be the vast stirthis bill proposes to take from th

responsibility remains withthat a-

inswer be given to the question ShalIlls bill ought same to recciv

sanction of the It is foranswer that question Respectfully


ACCEPT TIlE BROWN OILevens Intflcatlon Plan Paw

One Regent iSt Clalr MoKelway of the

f Regents was asked by aist night If despatches from Albany tha

10 favored Senator R Brownsimended unification true Mr

IcKnlway said they were not lie wenn to

I liavo written to tho Senator thatunnot stand for his hill and am in favof the plan of Senator fitavensn bills Intro

lost Friday They met then whatto be tho views of Senate

jewis chairman of the Senate Committee-

in Education and of Assemblyman Landonhalrman of the like committee inAssembly

I hope the two committees will favorableport them on Tuesday If they do not

motion will be carriero the from theirurther consideration and that thenrill bo passed Further delay at this stagesIll signify a purpose to para no bill foiinlflcatlon That would plunge the subjectnto polities It would be an Inflammatoryuoject there hurtful to politics and tducational Interests

The have conceded the proresslve reduction of the Begcnts to eleven-he exchange of Ute Life tenure of Regentihereof ter elected for a fourteen yearserm the r of the Department ol

Public Instruction with salary to MrSkinner and his deputies to of hlierin That limit of oonwsion the Regents-

Mr form the retention ol-

ilr Skinner to the end of his term at onceJcct eleven more to serve withho eighteen now making the

the three membersand would then let death reduce

he life Regents to eleven as tho ultimate

hereafter an elevenyearwould put the as well as the

a political machine within theshould be entirely

ic R gents asflows

Tho Brown bill 1s cumbrous and clumsylie Stevens Is am-irrct If the legislature not

thine all The

tale educational system But If itthey can elect a that

Ecssma K Cars H J

ere <

A Dofa of


ere It and for


teen otr or



l70But the this





padever for


tat cal


M we



with orbfor







the youtomile tZZII 4


lad at






I hop mad

a to each

dcnt or acat bard


would todoanot

Oyour t Oldr

paid the trafilo paidevery dollar 4329


73710 million or

advocates of Ii


a cost

transportatIon such


and its enormous capacity freight


the cans



wasted o we everreason









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y tr mi

PolicyY-ou get one of

of hats oyou can get a KNOX hatMost others are local hatsThe KNOX hat is a

gentlemans hat



It nat Introduced by a Buffalo Assemblyman and Leader Peters Objected

and Killed It CoronenBill lo a Third Reading

AUUMT April Assemblyman Burkeof tonlghk attempted to Introduce

in the Assembly calling for aoinvestigation of the State hospitals foithe insane The resolution said that astrike of iho employees of the State hoe

at Buffalo WM in progress as a resultpoor quality of food that is being

served to them and that as constantand unfavorable criticism concerning themanagement these hospitals is beingmade by press of the was im-

portant that the abuses atonce The resolution provides for a com-mittee members of the Assemblyond appropriates 17500 for their expenses

Mr Burke showed the resolution to Ma-

jority leader Rogers but he objected toits receipt Assembly Mr Rogerswas the Assembly JudiciaryCommittee and Introduced the bill lostyou which tnrned the State hospitals overto complete control of the Sfate Com-mission in Lunacy which commission iscontrolled absolutely by Opv Odel-

lTheintroduction of the resolution cameaa a bombshell and Speaker Nixon andMajority Leader Rogers quickly realizedthat it might lead to an investigation of thesale of groceries to State institutionsby the J W Matthews Company of Newburgh and they were very anxious thatthe rule providing that resolutions cannotbe introduced in the Assembly exceptduring the months of January and Febru-ary should be enforced

Senator Elsberg was about the chambertonight working In the interests of his bill

Coroners in New York cityand substituting medical examiners intheir stead JIM bill was on the order of

reading in the lower house andto a third Assem-

blyman Finch Rep asked Ifamendments could bo offered on the orderof final passage and being assuredthey could was content to permit theto go to a third Mr Finch sayshe wilt try to bill so aa not toaffect the Board of Coroners ofNew York lie said It la an outrage-to them out of office

Assemblyman Howard was theonly member from New York

to to the advancement of As-semblyman ThreePlatoon

was order ofreading Jn the tonight The

was made a on andThursday It will pass

the AssemblyThe advanced to a third read-

ing Assemblyman Bostwicks bill whichFire Sturgis the ab

Department-Speaker alone and unassisted

to a third Assem-blyman Howard Conkllngs bill which is

to give the Hudson

Yorkthat no permit for the erection

of Icetransferring on any pierownwithout aAssemblyman Richter Tarn was on hisfeet bill was read clamoring forrecognition but the Speaker to seehim

Mr Richter was however recognized on

and on bill went overuntil tomorrow He wanted the other billto take the samecourse but Speaker Nixonannounced thatas it hadit could not bo laid then No one hada chance to Its advancementIf he wanted to as the at thatinstant was Jamming legislation in hismost manner

The canal Improvement advocates In theAssembly refused to Assemblyman

resolution amendingConstitution so as to authorize theof tolls to to awhen it was on the order of necon

The bill was made a special orderfor Wednesday

hilt prohibiting

actually or apparently under B

of was In the Assemblytonight so an to read that no

years ofAssembly passed Assemblyman

a court house in New York countyThe Assembly alsoMarshalls amending the TenementHouse law an TenementHouse Commissioner De Forest The Sen-ate passed Senator Marshalls companion

seats In

permitsbutther Now York toopen until 10 oclock Sunday mornings-was advanced to a third the

the Codes Committee That kills ItThe advanced to a third

abolishingfor drivers on tho

Assemblyman McManus Tarn Introa New York city to

the Hudson River for a playground-The Senate passedSenator providing for the

of nursesSenator Oct

II Columbus Day as sSenator providing for fire

the Need of

is cure for coughsand colds found in Hale Honey

of HoTtHeund and Tarweather lyings colds but this

oldtime will cureAll it

Pikes Toothaeb Drops cure In minutes


ad kinds




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solute the Fire

Steam-boat Odells Company monopoly



the second bill redistricting



junk from persona

of Assemblypassed AssemblymantaxingNeW city Stock Exchange

was recommitted

reading Assemblyman Bamicens bills

block boundedThirtieth streets avenue



5 5













BrothersEaUbUskotf iMrty kail a CMtiiry and UII ttadtr MBM

Easter SuitsFrock and Cutaway Suits In Gray and Black

Sails of the newest

Sprlag OnnoftM of the latest designs

Also smart effects in Children Easier Clothing

Hltk 5Uadai4 of Material aid Workmanship nalnUlaed As Alw-ayiroBHft AVCDC sjy



the eiqss


Doyi and


fire in hotels outside ofYork and Buffalo

second bill permitting-the New York authorities a

for the Pennsylvania Railroad CornNew station

Assemblyman Bostwlcks providing for aIn the Mu

courtsAssemblyman poolings permitting a

recreationPark In The Bronx


AtUrneyGtaeral Cnnneen So Argue Hefete the Appeal

ALBANY April Conneen for the people this afternoon arguedbefore the Court of Appeals in favor ofthe constitutionality of the Special Fran-chise Tax law passed by the Legislature ofIBM when Theodore Roosevelt was Governor The arguments will be continuedtomorrow On Friday the takea recess until Monday April It is

Legislature will adjourn finallyApril 24 HO that it is apparent

there will be no effort made on the part ofthe preeent Legislature to remedy anydefects In the law or to carry out the recom-mendation made by GOT Odell In his

that the law practically boannual gross earnings tax on cor-

porations holding special franchises besubstituted-

The Appellate Division of the SupremeCourt at Albany In January lastthat portion of thelaw the State Boardof Tax of the localassessors as the to value thespecial franchises unconstitutional Thecourt did not the question-of the constitutionally of the pro

thestand and that the fran-

chises and assessed thelocal assessors just as though they hadbeen named in to do so

If the Court of Appeals ApDivMon

corporations itn will be taken toSupreme and thus

the operation of held upfor of time

Cunneens main pointswere

Even If the of the Special Fran-chise Tax law complained of areremain all of statutes under which otherassessments are made

The purpose of the law wu to tax fran-chises not to to theState of Tax Commissioner If the

and Intended fall areavailable to accomplish the result and as

the result will standThe statute Is not void as it does not de-

prive assessors of the power to fix theamount which every taxpayer pay

scribe aelusive upon the assessors

was not assessable whenthe Constitution was adoptedattire a new duty new functions

and It for to provide for theirexecution

The Importance of the litigationthe assessments

aggregated I2NOI7770 the taxes estlthe Tax Commissioners

assessed during the three aggregateor of the

amount estimated to be necessary to rebuildthe canals of the State Of taxes

4 was assessed In of NewYork If the corporations should succeedthese enormous amounts will beassessed upon the property of Individuals-and corporations special fran

that the right tothe streets violates the obi gallonsof the contract It Is Is

and taxation are the sametax Is Imposed not as a consideration

the hut the tax Is neededo maintain government to protect the cot

In the enjoyment of grantThe AttorneyGeneral met the argument

that it Is the value offranchises for the purpose of taxation by

thee contrary that tho recordscases before show that

of these tights boughtsold and leased

Regarding the point that the special





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it Is competent peewhich shall con




reminding expert













Tiffany Co

Easter Gifts

Rich cut and rock crystal glasslily vases bowlscentres and innew forms and exclusive designsAlso superb examples of HPipers and E Rabys paintingson Doulton vases and centrepieces desirable for weddingpresents


franchises held the same corporationshould be assessed

that they areproperly assessable for property which

at the value has Inthe condition in which they possess andenjoy It that the each is used

reference to the complete franchiseand not with reference

David B Hilt will make the closing ar-gument for the corporations tomorrow


Citizen Union and other Orcanlzattsni-Indone the Clark Bill

Strong resolutions Indorsing the billintroduced recently at Albany by Assembly-man Clark for the appointment of a non-partisan liquor traffic commission of sevenexperts to investigate the excise situationthroughout the State and to report to thenext Legislature have been adopted byleading members of the Citizens Unionand representatives of a number of organ

the exciseIs Intended to tinkering

tho Excise laws Throughpetitions of

the bill arewho haysCutting Bishop Donna of Albany A O

the Rev Petersthe Rev Dr W 8 Ralnsford Brander

Robert C Ogden Richard Watsonand E R L The names ofother prominent in church

professional and also appearon of Copies of reso-lutions have sent to members-of the Legislature


Given te the Tammany Leader by Clobtof HU DUtrtet-

Isaao A Hopper the Tammany leaderof the Thirtyfirst Assembly district wasthe guest at a reception given last night bythe HarlemDemocratic and the Tam-

many club of the districtback from a winter at his home In Floridawhere he every year The gavehim a sliver tea set that cost

The presentation speech was nude byE McCall

Congressman Shober also spoke It hadHopper was to hailed-

as a candidate nomina-tion Mayor but and his

wouldnt take it No onehis being a candidate

vole foe



ton n

witbigcit AoltO


















Mills Factories Railroads Stores and NearlyAil Industries Are Crippled

Thousands of people in this city Buffering with colds are aboutTomorrow may prostrated with Grip or Pneumonia Grip

is spreading Whole are Many business places arethrough sickness of employees The disease is not

with care and the remedies It is almost suicideto depend on quinine and whiskey or home decoctions Dont trifle with

take my Cold or Cure or call in a competent physi-

cian I cant say what your doctor will do for you but I do knowmy Cold and Cure will speedily break up all forms of colds and gripIt checks discharges of the Nose and Eyes sneezing promptly

Lungs allays Inflammation and FeverIt cures Headaches and Dizziness accompanying the

It is invaluable in or obstinate cplds

I will tthmmallfm Cars will tptedllr cure nearly all forms MonatMthat y will nets say eat of ladlfMUoD or sUinMh trooble that jr wHasty cotaslalata including Brlchfs b cured with r kidney Cure 7 MM-

SffrtltMUl KTtrym sMt H tliMS oatlyltMBlsaTtat


r-oleate and to tealat






produces sleep restores strength


DIsesis can






















