the i.t t;: hot jif ia :;i7.. - library of...

THIRTY-SIXT- H YEAH " " NEW YORK," SATURDAY, M Y29, 180o! PRICE TWO CENTS. NEW WAU Ui'QX THE TOPE hot shot rnosi Tin: it nr. uii.i.iam ADAM.S'S I.OCKVIt. The I'rrsbllerlnii lusllluv nil other Pro-lcln- nl to I nllr In n I'ommnii Wnr upon llif l'npul fee Interesting Nurllnl Crrr moult In thr I'leslirtrrlnn Assemblies. The l!ev. Dr. Mttgmvc aud L'lder Ilobcrt Carter arrcircd as a dilerratlon from Ihe Old School assembly an.! formally nnnnnnred the adoption by " boly of the teport on reunion. Tbc delegates 'wire rccilred with spplstisc. A rcro'otlon was w,dopt. d flit urine ami denouncing the crowing o'ciinrch members to patronise theatre an J Operas. The delegate of the New York Tori Scciely appeared ami addressed the Assembly on the mil elonof ll. it orgsulratlon, commending It !o the pi ay era and hmeTolrr.ce of the Assembly, tin iinuxes nut lorn ukmumb. Tin Per Dr. Adams Inlroduci J the lollowln; pre- amble an I resolutions: Wh'if Tie roi of Hon r. exited riu tie Nlrlh, did, on Hi- - l..iti osy er Pcpte.rhcr, lu the )ear uf onr Lord l , sue a certain Liter fr rrmlamatlon ad- dressed to ail Protestants ant "trM amitM Pi 'vs'imfes ottaw n iMoirio throughout tli wor I, .he tinnon of whn h Is to Inviit' and urge AH nr. I imsnlration, thus !" s'ttstM ti 'lisiten KMni'i lo lha only MO," m suing the Church of Home . an I 11'Srrs.o, The Mill Tore, id the said teller, callod "palern ii a aputopc " ba. In an unwor-le- man-e- r, a II i. .idn it Rt the iMr car pi.bli npiuiou aliened several ud various icasona Iwr Us preparation an I l on 11 U7,ere'- - Among It-- resrnns so msnllone.1 is the as. aertl n of hi own inrrem cy over the linmon i'n " Ii sr of Jen s I'hilsr," "the nothcrltr tugovfin h" psisuasions r.f the liiunin ictc ten. and In win i t'i actions of turn, both In prlvslu aocinl lllci" :i ilhK, that tli' rejeetlun or tl.H anihorltr and pr ill l aaaluat It tr o ntnnjr liat ' f rouiolri a'jil nutirif In d i'iie perturhiit o if in aQAtrt in till. onrdr "ho lithe ail I'ope prnnoon'-- "intrrat'e atiiar'tl i." bi.t hith ni'i lie rrcardiHl by cer? I of I. It ii ccicJ u eiiunriitljr liopefnl and anp!-Clou- : MAitiM', Al iifhelalma anl attritions on Ihe part of the l'i f Home are. toi'ia last decree, nnfonndei In fict r.'iurarr lu liiith. tenon. N rlptere. and the whota c puis 1 I hriUn tr. and if allowed, protc auhfersn oi f all human rihi and lit e ttlrs ; and H'Afivo. il.'rent tuple illy la An'ria and Ppn.ii nations I .tiir in subjertlon to there mon- strous pr.'ii iislinis oi'the I a aey command Ihe priiinpt rccoxnill simpalhr and sappoit of all Iilendt of tin- - mailtr r.."d'ini anil tel.lou thrunshout tae world: Uicrrf r'. it IteM''1. Itiat Ihr fa"ts non recorded fnrnlrh and prrstentai'i n er and einnu oeislun fur all 1'iotrMa it ehurthr' l ro ulmut I hr alerHuiit, rai'lt in the modn vvtiUhlt o ii wi do'ii tliall nr.teM, to ptepaie ei I fotth for i.'enfnitillsirlMitton.i brunch tl e 'a-i- t era .ni Is whlrb Ho' Pop" hlmsi If hs4 clioen, a sullahV ruMiinu to bis lion r vrhtrh reloi sr ftiall em Islu nslali inelit of the re' i.nhv lilselslmsein in no wise le teroicnlx-e- i as lti.onlslent ivilli a euthollclty moii- r e, the auihorll uf InlnniMe scripture, and tacalor.o si. .n in r of dial's t.l lit. rsofrfit. i lut a L'oo.uiUlo' f three I c appoints I by this Aisi nibly, wtioseuuly It ilmll be. in with a sliinl it t'oniiuttiee to appon Ird It tuk (len-era- l As."iiM ui rr-- et ia pi iln lir'e't evircti, to notnliiNtr and appoint, at Ihe rattiest tune whu It U ae .iiiinlllee or t u. nbu.if tl.oy deem Itnlse. aliatl r n i nro ss pel Ilh snrli a teply to the said Inter of thr IVi.e as shall tie r' led as an oij.rosil in of tha seiitlmei ti tf tlio I'rrsl)li-iU- t'hnrrli or the I hiUit Flstes nf Anierli'i, CM.ii'rii'ivj llu m.ilteri therein eon. talued. as of Mial I n ort int r tu ml ulvil aud ri llsions llU'ily iliroiidhout the world, an I lo U.c r.ilvallun ol the ill.i.sti t.l' e The roomtion Mere adopted, an.l ll. e Iter Dr. Adams, I'roi. Mills, and i:idi r It. W. In ei 'll, of MituiisoM, ueri at.p tiled as Ihe Mt.e School branch of the commlttei. priposetl. tor rtsmnAi. li:tti rj ny rri'.iiuv. Tu Ice Mronir. or I'ri'laJetphlj, Intro lined a isol- ation ti Hdhit lor t e suiuu ssliiii of the titcrture on riLiiltit to Ihr rteh; Irr'es, hlch as adopt it, Tlte ilidht ConunilUe oi Ifrtinlon and the two Model itoi wire direi le lo and send itoaii to tl.c a patorul luiti'r nu the siibjei'l of rcn&lun. TI e . at the close of Ihe mornin? session, adjomiud until this inortiii'ir, to eiinlt the tiieui-ber- s t i in e wlili the (lid Si hu I Assembly in r; the Holy Communion In the Church. ' Tlip Old School I'riMuirlrrliiii. The II sv Hr. MttaisroTP anil Mr. Ilnlurt Cnrler tre apiioiiilel lo Inlorin the New School As mbly that the ' i d I'lhool had adoptul the artlclea til T. c Her. N. O. Parker presented a niijorily reirt rrutii the Cnmnillti c on a plan of stistt uu-- I tion, In ithiih It l protK s. d thai Ibc Heard of Ho xse tic y .ens find Mork Tor all n In'Stera. at a n. ary ot not less I HO, one-hal- to bo paid by tho Hoard, tho rcmaln'in li.ilf by the ror.RreKatloii ainril. unlesa In eae of destitution or Inability. The IP v. II. ('. Criuhb.w rend a r'port of the Comnillloc tin rreedlnrn. The total avallahlo fond for lHJi was tT.i.lliJ.M, of wl lcli f.X.WiM bid been conlrll'tltf linrllj lo tie Co niulltee L) tllilirheH, Ac. etc lc i f toe free.lmi h'a chtuc'iea. KxtCLdl tuna lor 'lit )iar, tTi.HOM, b avins JB..')1U1. The 11. v. Dr. U' .Ilium Adams and the lion. Wil- liam Utronx entered and lorniall) anninn el II. e action ol the N. w Scluol Aaarmlly, Hhlcli lad cnanlnnu ly aduj ted tho artb-le- of tcu'.loo. Tile annru .i "ineul aim r. eeivot with appLmc. Adjourned unlll this tnnrnlni;. l'ATltlUK'H ItAV mor. lCaotiernlrd sVllnessra Ihr (inicer nut lu the Trial lar.lcrre yesterday, Win. i.ST. Itounditnan J J. Ta)lor ere called to of Dennis Daly. On the Kill of was wntrhlnjr, the proceslon, when him and llirus', Idin hack tic point of his club. At length his w I en tho t.fflftr raised Ida club and Bach was the force of the blow that II, c of the oncer's hand, when upon Dennis took It up and struck tl.o oSlccr. A number of on- cers then sprang upon him and clubbed Mm like madmen, and took Mm to tho police station. When he reached It Ihcy flun; hint on tho Door, lie Irlod to rise, and Ilurford kicked him like a do;, Mr. Manlerre here c'rllcd tl.c mints of Messrs, Kooi, llotchkln, and Williams, of The Hun j hut at 'tall-pas- t P, of couiee they wero not In the ? C .tirt r. otn, and Mr. Mmlerro put the case aside, iemlnaW lo alTard time for the arrtral of those Im- portant wltntssis. Hut at lhowitntFaralor the officers sentlcmrn who a,e not employed by n mom m newspaper und ktpt up till il o'clock cvtry morning, became Impitlcnt, and tho trial was re- sumed, Capt. Thomas V. Ihornc testified that he ll.e chartrea .vaiiisl thi-- ordcers in conse- quence ofan article which appiared In Thk I its of the lth uf March, tthtch named thee officers as having brutally treated Mr. Dsly. On the prcWous ftviniiK ho had been tn The Sun and Invited ' nllparliia who were there to send a rt porter down r and eiatnlno the man. A if l orter did co down (Mr. Wllllaiiis, us ll.e Captain sal I), und saw tint the man liadtiotbten HI used, Mr. Williams said, "Iain eorry for this, hi cause It lias spoiled a Rood article 1 Oi'Ulvu M.'.ll"HK Itobcrt II. Holmes dipost-- Ihst he saw the Horn the window of He IH'imlch cdlcc In at. The officer was blecdiug rofusely.and number of wouen were calllun out " Kill tic ptelers." Ilu consl leiid that haj Ihu not ac:cd as th y dl.l llirio would han- bei-- a not, '1 ho offlrcrs jccd In a huniano manner. I.i ach, ol llrooklyn, swore that Daly :i a man. he had been convicted ol n riot lu and had teen sent up for thirty days. Uuiitli Ve ought to tend hint for irara. Matilerrc I am very sorry those Bitn aru not here; Ih'Vlnd acresl symialhy Daly . a mutter Hho examined Ihe man said ho sorry to but a spoiled a good article, yet tho appeared nest day, I hope the rcpoilo a will 1ju nollie of this and til Hie Department credit when thi-- do a good thing, for when msko a mlstako or do wrouj- tho papers cry against them. In tho ease of llenmsy the raised n great outcry, yet whin the matter waa thoroughly sifted there was lu suow eicept Unit lleunesy did Lis duty. is duo to tl a department to say that since I've a member of the I'o.lco Commission, out of Uro number ot clubbing cares which canto tLo Hoard, not rnoro than lour or live wcie In which It waa necessary to dlsclillnean leer by dUmissil. I see notldng whatever In this to recommend the oCiccr to discipline, but shall It to the Hoard, nevirlln less, Tll ICN RtPdHIEKs' aTATCMK-fTS- , Capl. Tliorue's memory Is greatly at fault. Mr, did not K i ucar Ills alutiou at all, nor sie jk man after he Irll l'ranklort street In the carl. MT VTtcn Daly was tried Tint fruN witnesses wire not j Vnmoi.cJ, although botn tho prosecution and Ibo V. nco wcru nwaro of their readiness to appear. Mm V'fu r tl.c man had bai n suit to the Islar ' " si V llotchkln, aud Mlllaini irere subpienaid to i iNit II o'cl.nk one niornli.B. They were pre- - If VI, after waiting moro than au hour and a I, a.iiaje ciso to be called, they requested Com- - It p ii iiVlrenuan to bring II on, but he replied that 11 ilni. doveio not present, and, as Dsly waa on ,1? Ui.ut must be adjourned. j i i,.o.'id weio aaiti summoned to appear MCi inriv-- ""'Jled, sato Mr. llotchkln, who waa 111 i ,i, whin he wus Informed that the I I","',," n i' been disposed of, It la very r,ni i,n .i i t.cif Captain, tlio Commissioners, Ii I limy oi Mn.' y ii desired very mucn Iho pic- - II t,l ,'o ,lnd,o Metuu tli L tviirvoil. ruo called at tho office of I Htfoie Jude ' lh c!ubbln on the 11th if .1 instil in II itai ion, 'i aware of our readiness 4' ' iv.ta UKih- -. l", me J :d ho draircd to put a Jl nuriii.i' ..Vin'i-i- J.ii.Mr- - Williams atsured X Si;',u1?h.Vd ' 'u 'iho slory a. it was wit- - i'l.i "i, N ol. rt tin d. ows. And we told it, t lui.Tti lyrniid'o mill h, but It waa hardly "nv i u . lr riantouseh ,, to come a second pci Tawl Mr. "".'V' :?i'?'rnd another Irom ILa HUk lo hhu in oop'h , , u A, M ' JJiulu' OOI U.I., and divorce suit of Mav i I . The nvi.h coy fi n.v i:n o.v the iii:scii. Sir. Fowler nnd Ilia Ilnllpt-Itoxra-T- I.t I'.Menillna nil l.lrellvr Jtidsr'a Trtm Ciirlons ( onipllcnllous lu Ibr Klihlli Jif rllclal District. Iu llicSnpnaic Court yestcrilar, Jlr. N. Hill Kowler'ssult against Justice Willlsm II. Poll was decided. The defendant In ISftl was Justice of tho District Vi ort of the Klchtlt Jndlclal District of this city, comprising the itlitrtnth and Twentieth Wards, his term of i flics tiplrtng at the end til the year. The Leglilatute pesred an act eitcndlnghls term un- til Jan. 1, 1S10. The relator, Mr. Konlcr, dslming that this act was oiiconslltgtional, and tUt Mr. ll'ill Illegally held his position, sought to base hlra-rt- f cleitcd In his stead at the Notcmber election In Wli To that cud he procured a hallol-bo- i from Su. lertlior Orisoa lllunt, and took II to the polling P'ace of the Third Kioctlon District of the Twentieth War J, marking It "Judiciary No. 9." One of the Inspectors llionght that the bo i should not le placed tht re, but another Inspiclor took ch.irso of It, and aboil filly totes were csst for Mr. Kovtler. At about 1 o'llock on election day, the boi was foiclbly taktn an i , and the ballots were dest'ojed by two police- men by crdrr of a Superintendent of I'ullce. Mr. I'uwler ilalma that In view of these facts he Is the llghlful lucuinbrnt of tno nffirehrld by Mr. Hull. Mr. Vandfrpoel, for tl e defendant, moved to dis- miss the comptslnt, on the ground tnat the Lecithv lore had tapressly prohibited any election at that time. The act extending the term of Mr. Hall was clstmod to be constitutional, as the Court of Appesls had heard that tho extending of ll.e term of Judicial cBlces rocld be done. On the other hand It was contended llitt the Court of Appeals' decisions did not authorize such a construction. Judge lVckhntn l that such erlinlon of the term wan uiinathorlxc-l- ; Ibe Legislature, could not do Indirectly what they cool I not directly The Constitution provided that Judicial oMrrrs should he ileclcd, a.i.1 the etlilillon of tin Icrnt of au offlicr Wus In clfcet an apiolntment of that ofleer. Hut , In conco.iicni'0 of a pilor drclslou In the same ease by Jude Iiuraham, lu a writ of tnnnilttmvi. he would dlrnt for tl.o defendant, rubjtct to the oilulon of the Court oftlenrral liiru. . I .V.V.I III fit IS SOS, Nnlhlnt 1'iircnsonnbli In f'onper Inalltiito l.nst I'.srnlna s"uu nnd Annii In lln-l- iiii'M-W- hr fcnti'ncc of l'ollllrul llrnlh should not Lo 1'rnnomiccd. A very largo audience nssoniblol in Cooper Institute last crenln; to hear Miss Anna Dickinson spsak on Woman Halli-age- . Tha enlarged platform of the lla'l was occupied by man) ladles and gentle- men. Mrs. Ptantou presided, and In telly sketched Miai Dickinsou's eaioer. Tlio speaker appeared In a light colored dress, nd spoke for an hour and a Lulf without wearying tho audience In tho least. HltS f,NMlK,1 lV!,lntl,4t tllrAa .A. !ll.1 r l.ttl. Hal, she had somrlldng to ray why sentence of Ileal dealli should not be pronnunrcd apilnst her hy man. 8hc claimed fur Jwoiiinn all the rights of a i Amith'.in cttlien. The objection ha I leenralsid against tho Woman SuflVaga morement that but few wire tucaged In It. Then why is so much said about It In the dranlng-tooni- , in rpiljttTe hals, nnd In newspapers! It must be Inferred cither that these few are a host In Ihiuirclvcs. tr that there Is a sllint host back of them. Ills also said that womenare not asking tor ti e tote. This is an argument of Hie Tribune. Hut the ptopcr tlevv of litis point Is that alter womrn Lave once heroine possessed of the rote, then to k them iflhev would give It up, Homo women are too Ignorant tu know when they are wronged, and sou n are too carelcia to know how much, r.nih inc ii nnd aotntii should parlti-tpit- tu the nllslrs of the t alum. It la an insult lo Hod to sny tiiat ti c laws, morals, and punt) ot'hutnanlty should be undtr theesre of men alone. One of nun's ar- guments Is that they do not wtsli women tu waliovv In tlis mire of jiolit cs. Men lie, chiat, bribe, mo 1'ilbcd , prd limine enriuul. Hhnll women do these Ihlntst Ood lorhld I (Apittusc.) Miss D.cklusou Hun dwelt on the Influence wo- man, by her tote, wiuld have on Inlcmis'ranee, silool", icnitrnllarlis, and all rjuesllotm alleetln both sexes. Hbc commenlnl severely on tho editors of the 'Wrni. Wwrt-cr- . and IlirulJ, nnd Inquired w. ether any three i.n n In the Common Council or Haw l'lstilure could lie found tho equals of Mrs. Bunion, Miss Anthony, und Mrs. Mvermore ; or whethtr any editor or reporter wus as kcin and bharp as a i n I on ladr occupjlng the platform. 'll.o rddicssof the spinier found n s)miathetlc nndietice, und abooi.dcd In itupressitu and eloquent p vssais. Lay Itepresrnliillon In the .11. I'.. Church. A large ineetlnu of the friends, uf thia move, merit waa held last evening In the '1 hlrlli Hi street M. !. Church. Tho pastor, tlio Itcv. A. D. Vail, pre- sided, and In a Taw rimarks Introduced II. M. p'ur rcstrr, Iq , who warmly advocated hy rrpri ambi- tion. Kilty years ego, he aald, no one would Into hcllevrd that Ibe d.iy wou'd ever coino when any portion ot tho Protestant Kplsenpal Church. Hut wo hare lived to aec It, and lllili Cliurchlsm Is now rending that branch or the Christian t'hnrrli tin on t this land. And there la a counterpart of this nigh Chnrchlam springing up In tho Methodist Cliuich. Home of our rlergy, said he, oven now are claiming a ill vino right to rulo in tho church, and ono of our moat eminent D. D.'s has slid that he would not sit In a tonleicnco slice laymen stood on an equal f noting wltlt him, and he di spised the minister who would. The opionents of lay do egallon assert that ambition Is the mainspring that guides the move- ment i but be di nlcd It. and cited mat y of tho best men In the de 'animation who art) In favor of it. Tie ltiv. I)r Abil Hlctcus, the historian of Methodism, related a little of Ida early expcrirnre w hen he w as opposed lo hy delegation, and said that th - textbook of the opponents of tho motement was written hy himself many yesra njo. Wise mi n, he said, chanie ll.itr otlnions, but fools nevi r. Ilu bad changed his mind since, aud now advocated tl o measure as one of expediency, right, and duty, aud gave several apparently good reasuns therefor. .Mr. C. C. North talked brnfly about tho charge of desiring changes which haa been brought against them, and showed that the (Jcneral Conlersnce, comiiosed solely of ministers, has made chan:i a finitely, mid he did not htlievo lint the t'liunh would be Injured In the least hy allowing a layman to sit side by side with a minister In that body. The benediction waa pronounced by tha llev. Dr, Crooks. The IIiiiisoiii Cnb rrnlect. The Hansom Call Company is (jetting alone very well. Yesterday, the suond day of the lia.OOO worth of shares waa taken. The shares aro sold at t.VI each, ar.d as soon as fl,ul worth of them have been taken, working operations am to be begun. Il lsroiosed lo begin with HO cabs, one down town dttut, and three or funr up town ones. A telegraph will be one of the features of Hie enterprise, au Hint In case a gt eater I umber of cabs than usual is needed at one depot, an ordtr may be seul immtdiately to the others. The Kate I'lsher t'nao In Conn, Miss Kate Fisher was before Justice riliandler at Essex Market Court yesterday, lo answerachargo ol thefl, pretermit by Mrs. Kllia J. llevins, of I.. I. There was a large sprinkling of How-er- Theatte actors, actresses auilAiW"", all flashily dreratd, Miss Fisher was quietly dressed In black. Mrs. Hevins, the complainant, was 111 si called to testify. Mho anil J that on Nov. lu she missed hi r watch, and her daoghtcr I.llia told her that Mlia Ktshir had taken It. Acting on this information, she scot for Kate Fisher on the afternoon of that dsy, Mrs, Hsvins then askod her where her watch was. Kale Fisher was very much Intoxicated at the time, but understood all that waa said to her. Hhu answered that alio had takm It, und had given It to Hrmmings. The watch and chain wero woith Mrs. Hevins sabscqui'Otly learned that Ihe watch had bten pledged. Home time alter ahe (Mrs. Kevins) caused the arrest ol Kate Fisher at I'litiburh, but the complaint war dismissed for want of Jurisdict- ion- Attempt lo rxi from Mug Mm. rotntiir-arsu-, May 23. A convict by some means unknown ,:jcu-"- d a suit of cltitcn's dotiits, with the exception of pantalons, uuo a.iiin:', s pair from lua bod quilts, coolly walked by the main guard house One ol tho guards ealled on hllu to halt. '1 he convict started on a full run up a bank. A num. btr of the guard started In pursuit, Crlng from their curbiues and revolvets, a ball piotsing through the fugitive's hand. He was finally orertakin about a quarter of a tula from tne pilsoa, Juvenile CuudlrlHIo fur High Office, Alexander Cohen, being; in (I, Drum's con. fcctloncry, nt t'lT l'earl street, last evening, saw an nnknowu boy. about 15. pilfering. He Informed the proprietor, who turned the thief out of his store In revengo the boy turned upon Cohen and slabbed him with a pocket knlte, and then ran away. Terrific Hall Morui nl U'hecllrg. Wnifuxa, W, Vs., May 28. This afternoon a terrific rain and hall atorm passed over this city, lasting about twenty minutes. Tha ball stones were aa large aa ogga and soma were aa Isrgo as a msn's flat, Tha panes or glass broken sre estimated by thousands. The Iron roof of the Dslllmors and Ohio llaolroal Depot; was blown, eft LIFE IX THE MUTKOI'OLIS. iasiij:s ni:ni: Ttti.m: nr Tin: bis'n nv.roiiTKUx. The Astonishing Vomer ofnJnmalcn Nrcro -- Tho I.ntest Arrlvnl from till Ntnrly Mno Dnys Without I'ooi'. Just previous to tlic sailini; of tho i(iing Star from Af pintrall, James Wilson, a Jamaica negro, cmplo) Oil In taking In tho cargo, fell asleep In tl.c bold, when iho hands ceased work for supper. At about midnight Ihe hatches were dosed, and the vcsrel departed at 1 o'clock on tho morning of the 18lh Inst., the man bilng silll asleep below. 11c re- mained (hero without fool until the morning after the arrltal of the vessel at this port on Tuesday last, Mlh lust., neatly nine day, ltclng at the bottom of the vessel, he waa unable, hy shouting or striking Iho hatchway, to make him- self heard, and finally resUnrd himself to his fate. The cargo, consisting of wool, hides, mother of pearl, a rubber, Ac., affurded nothing from which be could extract snitrnanc-- , and he waa re- duced by hanger to drinking his urine from his shoe. He Anally fi ll Into a stale of torpor. As tho hatchwsya were opened here, an hour before the hold ww vlaitct, the air revived him. and as the stevedore descended, the man feebly rose and I himself. A cup of tea waa given him, which lie vomited, A glass of sherry was then admin- istered with better success. Though his mind was clear, he teelod tike a drunken man, and could not maintain his fcit. He was supported lo a neighbor- ing tavern by tno men, and taken on Tharsday to Ihe Colored Home. The Commissioners of Chari- ties aud Correction will return him to Aspiuwall. Tbr IMrst CnnsiiUflenprnl lo John Meredith ltcad, Coiuul-llcnern- l to Franco, sails for Kuropc to day In Ihe 1. Laurent. On Thurs lay evening he was tendered a dinner at tho invite residence ol Willi im T. Illodgeil, I q, l.j Fifth avenue, where he met the Hon. Tow mend Harris, lq United Bines Minister to Japan j the Hon. Datld Dudley Flild, the Chevalier Hahlcht, Consul ( In the United States for Norway and Hivulcn ; Howard Hotter, A. V. I". Dana, the artist ; Judge Head of I'hlhdclphli, Captain (Irahani of tto Ilrlllsh Army, Henry T. Tuchrriuni, Iltrhard (Irant White, and others. Among lhoe who ealled upon Ucn. Head nt Filth Avenue Hotil yesterday wero Judge Daly, Col. I.c (Hand II. Cannon, Col. Frank K. Howe, the Chcvalii r Hahlcht, the Iter. Dr. Vin- ton, Mr. Marshall Woods, ,Vr. ilsinilton Iloppon, Mr. Hedgwlch, A. II. Cornell, Burveyor of the I'ort, and others. The latter-name- geiitlrm in tendered the departing ofllilal a revenue culler vvhrieon to liiinds during his trip down the ll.i, but tl.c St. Laurent sailing at H o'tlurk thh. Uioruitig, tl.c oiler was ncccs-aiil- y declined. "Iloiv slinrprr limn n Merp.tnl'si Toolh." On Tlmrsiliy eveiiltij; a reieetallo woman hired a back In Ihe I'ark, and was driven to the New Haven llallroal depot and birk to the Astor Honsp. On arriving their, tho driver observed soturlhing wione, in her appearance, and his suspi- cions were confirmed by her being a i cus- tomer. He accordingly called Officer Dunn of the Cltj Halt force, and she was arreatidaaa Innatle. bh" drncrihcil herself aa Mrs. C A. Seaman, of Fort Washington. Bhc was taken to the Central I'ark 1'olKe Office, and from thence a telegram was sent to the frh nds. Vestenhy lunrnlnt the rid itlvt a by tilegraph, "Send hirmothrrto the Island.' A Irlrgram wua next sent to the relullvea Informing them that Mra. Beam in was abuut to be disposed of as a v igrant, and the reply by tclcgranh was, " Tho relatives don't want anything to do with her; aind her any where so ahe won't trouble Iticni." The l.liiiior Ijleeusrsi. The tlipior dralera wero tin again in strong force bffotc Mxcise Commissioner Msnlriro yester-day- . They wanted to know why he would not lake 133, Th fact Is, that teloro the new law can luspielnra must be anil round to asccitalo the grade of tho several houst a Uctnttit (not lo be licensed). For riant, le, a man keeping a second-clas- s hotel might a- - tly for a (11 license, wheroaa he should pay (IV). It Is therefore the Imperative duly of the Cominlltco on Applications lo classify the pheea and report to Ihe Hoard. The inspectors will begin work today. htorli F.xclmuuu Amenities, The current of speculation was checked for a few moments In the Iiug ltoom of the New York Block exchange yesterday afternoon by on encoun- ter tno well known oiiralors, namely, K. II. Hieasbyand Oco. H. Haaklus. Hleaahy had volun- teered n remark which llakcn had contradicted, telling Hleaahy thai if ho repeatol It ho would slap him In Ihe face Ille.isby did repeat It, and upon bclnr slapped In tho faco. attacked llasklos, and alter several damagngblows.waa hauled ou by Iho epecta-tors- . The Vnnngrst I'limllv Halnnt. In Witverley placo livca a family of throe, wlioso united age Is only twtnty nlm yam and a few months. The physician's ccrtlflcalo describes the father as a schoolboy, aged Dltccn, and lha mother as a schoolgirl, ajed fourteen. The child la only twilve diys old, It Ir pleasant to know lhat the youngster haa been born to a handsome fortune. A Church Allonl. Tlio foundation for a lloatinj; cliurcli was launched in Willlamsburgh yesterday altcruoon. It wa built for the l'rotistant liplseopal Church Society for seamen of tho port of New York. It has tho appearance of a scow, Is strongly built, bs fect long, aud 40 feet beam. mi: i.Aiioit storr.xiKST. The l'rrsldent'a Iiit l'rorlnmnllon, Tito Workinnmen's Union arc making arrange- ments lor a grand open-ai- r mass meeting here in ap- proval or the Eight-Hou- proclamation of I'rcaldcnt (Irant, nnd lo protest against tne retention In office of Mr. Secretary Horle, whoo silly order has created so much trouble among worklmmcn throughout tho country. Trade Unions In llrooklyn and oilier clllcs have already spoken on those points. Tho working-me- aay that they have reason to believe that Mr, llotlc's rt sanation would be promptly accepted hv be I'resldent, and as lie Is allogrthtr out of accord with their Intcrrala, they desire to havo him super- seded by a man who has common sense. Voice or the lliuiiloilng llonl I'riiiuers. A meclinrj of tlio employing boat framers waa held last ulcht to deliberate on tho strike or thilr etuploiecs, John Hchaler presiding;; and resolutions were paised, proli sting against ths) rtrlko ss unrea- sonable and unjust, and calling on all other employ- ers in their branch of tlio trade not to employ men who had lell their situations for such u reason, l.nbor Items. Tho Sottlli Rldo Cooperative Lot Association will meet at ICO Fulloo attcct, llruokljn, on Monday evening. Tlio Second Union Co6pcrntlvo Iluilditi .So- ciety adopted Ihe aud look In (Cud In sub- set ipllons last night. mtoimi.ry. Tlio Thirteenth Regiment marched to the Cap. Hollnc Grounds yesterday. Assistant Hanilary Superintendent Dr, .Stiles has complained of tlic tlltliy cuudiliuu of several streets. The new Fire Department will tllsliotnl KnRitia Companies Nos. I, B II, 13. 10, II, and W -- Hose Cos. No. 1, a, B, 11 and II-- 1). Truck Cos. 1 and Hose No. K. D. JamisWcavcr, Jr., tiled at Ms resilience, 123 Ilemicn stuet, ycsteiuSy mornlug attcr a ahorl Ill- ness. He married the jouuesl daughter of Majoi Ualblleisch, James Hansford, decree Arnold, and Joiu. Ilolllday were hild by Justice Welsli yesterday to answer the cbirge of playing three card monte on Coney Island, Tho Water Hoard fixes Hie sum to lio raised fur street cleaning next year at (to,IS, leaving (i.SOU lo the credit of the well and pump account, aud f S3,ixx) for repairing Ibe streets, The coroner's Inquest In tho case of John Mulla-dy- , who died of a pistol shot wound on Wednesday last, concluded the Inquiry on Thursdsy night with a verdict exonerating Jeremiah Dasey, the pcrtion who shot Mullsdy In self defence The Committee in charge of the decoration of soldiers' gravee request that contributions of flow, crs and plants be lell at the hall over the I'oat Office and on Monday next before 11 o'clock A, M.J the leu suit of U florr VJ W this Ullcf djy. svira rnoir n:tstnxiio.v Epreial He ipstches lo The !nn. Wasiiincitox, May 23. Tlio nnnntineemeiit of Secretary IlniitweH'a alrlngent order prohllulli smoking, drinking, and lending money among the employees of the Treesnry Department caused much comm nt to day In that dipnrtment. Its propriety was generally admltlcJ. Some compliln of Its stringency, hut others regard It as step In the light dlicctloit. Itli UDdeisWd that It w 111 he fol- lowed by similar otdcts lo otlirr d(p.irtn:cnls. Till rt'BLIO DEBT OOtKQ POWM. tn adjusting the Items of balances and g. nrral current business of receipts and expenditure i In t'.e Treasury Department, the monthly rvhlbP of the public diht will be mnch moro favorthle thsn was anticipated. It Is expected the reduction In the pnb lie ilrbt during Iho present month will be ttnwnrd of twelve millions, mote than double that of Aptll, TO B. r. DlTTL&lt. Application was tnado recently to ttio Secre- tary of War by several persons In Ihe South, among them one or two United Senators, to have the boxes containing captured and abandoned pro- perty selred by Utn. Sherman on his march through the Boulh, placed In chargo of Treasurer Spinner for safe keeping, examined, to ascertain whether certain artlc'rs which thcio parties chimed as l aving been lost were in them. Tho examination commenced yesterday, and completed io day. Il resulted In the dlseovirynf a large amount ofvalmblo silver plate, watches, diationd rings, gold chains, pearl neekuec-- and hratilets, cameo sets, hecs. and vel- vets, 1ml none of thr articles claimed as toil by those who Instituted the examination wero itnniit, except a rllrtr pro,i bearing the Initials nl one ot the Hen: t irs, ll Is expeele 1 that an ord r f r the sale uf this prnprrt) will shortly be Issued, sod the ptocecda turned In In tha Trcuvuty. IIIIW TO ItVll.ltK Tllll IXtllVNS. n (liiv. Arny, of New Mexico, linl an ittler-vie- to day wll.i Iho Hresldent lu tea ird to li.d is Iml Indian cd.miiion. His lau i, tint all Indians bo il tin nseiv nitons, an I pay tlit-- v eotnpensatloa for the lands they lelimiuisli in annual pivinftiis for a rpciHlod number of yeirsj not In liii.tiry, but In rlothlrg, proilsloii., rattle, slieip, herrs, farming tni plcmenls,, tic. , "iieh ns would bo lor their cuuit'irl, and mablo Ihmn to cnlllvate the roll and manufacture Ihelr own clothing. vxHiKTtrai. IV I llalstenil ami .tohn (,'oelirane liere. II Is slid that the taller declined the Paraguayan mis- sion. A lmlcli of removals from llio Ciislnm llmisn In New York was received this morning at the 1rcati-r- Department. The I'xci'iitiio Mansion will lie closed together with the vaih.iH public dcpii-tu- tils. No business will be done, and neatly ail uf the officials here will Join In thn of the gravis of Union soldiers. Siirmgalo (liilcon J. Tucker, uf New Ynik, bail an interview this morning with Ihe l'otiiinlsiniiir of In'emal lletrnne. From suggestions of .ludsr Tneker, tho reveuue ree. li ts from nieec-lon- s aud legal les will be considerably augini tiled A ilelegiillon of (lentilea from ITlah had an in- terview with the Ktcntary uf the lull rlor, asking for a more grneril survey of Ihe lands of I l.ili Tho Oentiles claim that, so far, only H dnts tme been aide to purihasc lauds, Ui the excltisiun ol cuplo not ol ll f sills. jh:ci:.t M'oiiTisa a i:rs. Thn Jrrotnci i'nrk Hprltia It nee Hi i tlng. The spring meeting of tlic Ainetieati Jockey Club commend a next week at Jerome I'irk, and gives prumlsoiif being the mitt surcis-lu- l r irnlv il of racing sport ever held In tin North. Tho nniiilier uf bursts arrived at Jerome I'ark, and now lu active training I reparation, Is unusually hrge. undo! Iho bUhet quality. Hiiro now belnr upwards of una hundred and thirty horsos idnvdy on Ihe ground. Nrxt Wrdiicudsy is tho match day, bring spcclslly derided to this purpose, nnd already tlnre aro three on the cards, Tim tint Is a match lor f.1,l n side, half forfi It, one mile, between Messis. Its, sunn nnd Crawford's bay enlttiyCt'tisoruuttif The (lloivitnn',and Mr.t'ameron'shay lllly.two jears,tiy Ids linpoitnl stallion Leamington, dam This riice will ho In some luisisure a lest uf the superiorl ty of Imported and nallse-bre- sites; Censir living hy out of Flcnr lie Lis. The second matcli Is tor (I iss), one mile, bitwern ImpuiUd (llenilgjby Citidel. sod Kaplurc I r Lspldlst. two owned repeittvely by Mr. Ilclmont unit 5lr. Jriotiir. The third matcli Is for i'l.O'SI, balf forfeit, between Mr. Limit's two yenr idd che'nnt roll by IUIi ov, Me. auilMosrs, Hunter and Trsvera's chesinnl filly, lwi( oars, by the samc.slre, out of Captiin Miin-e'- dstn. Tl.o rrgu'ar meeting canimrnees next Saturday, the Mlmf June, on wblrh day there aro five races, entiimei.clntwllh a htirdlo rare; then fi lloivs the Furdhani alskrs, handicap, over a mile and a guar tir, the llilnioni snkn for three-yea- olds, with 57 entries; the members' enp, with cenlleiii-- n riders: atidu sweepstakisfur On tin second day, Tin sdsy, June K, the Westchester cup is the ftaluruuf tho four racei, and will pmduro a most eielllng race, the probable starters being lv eal, Laurarter, Nsrragaiiselt, Australian, (Ittiorat Duke, I'lensurcvllle, Vattxhill, und llnishee, the cracks or tho American turf. On the third day, Thursday, June ll). the Hopeful stakes lor the Ladles' stakes for tl ree year-ol- rlillca, and the Metropolitan stakes, two mile heats, are the at- tractions ; while a hiirdle rsc - handicap, Ihe Jockey Club handicap, and a llireo-inil- dash, are the lead- ing races ou the last day of Ihe mroilng, Saturday, June 13. Tho stables at present at Jrrnme I'ark are as fol- lows: I). WelCon has nine In tralulng ; McCnnnell and Thompson havo seven ; John J. Davis (the e atnhle). seven ; T. II. I'atlrison. eight; Messrs, Jtrome and Forbes, seven : It, W. Waldrn, clevin; Col. lluford, two: T . W. Doswell. three ; Col, Todd, live; John Waldcii, four; T. I'uryenr, lour: J. Hunter, four ; Meisrs. Howie and Hull, Die. The stnblra of Mr. Hnulord, Mr. Helnmnt, Mr, I'f nnrv-U- , Mr. Cameron, Mr. Morris, Mr. (Irlnstead, Mr. t Id, and ('ol, McDmlcIa are dally expected. There lias been sornw talk of a tiatdi beiwcvn Dr. Wcldon'a rh. g. Ablibarau, aged, and Capt, Moon's b. h. Privateer, six years, four miles, each carrying Hn Bs.; but It Is nut yet arranged. Tho Doilor is w tiling lo tnako It for ( 1,0)0 a side, hut the Captain is unwilling to run for leas than (4,Biaja side. I hey may yet conic to terms. A mulch bt Iweiui Mr. J. O'Donnnell's hr. h. lllchnrd II, Connolly, tlvo year, and Mr Krkerson's ch. c. l lork, two tulles, lor tl.if), is also on tlic tapis. An Interesting .Hatch on Cushion Course, Yesterday witnessed an exciting trot on tins course. The contest was a matcli between D. Mace's llhck Knicht and Mr Itodeu's Hilly llird. Thcro waa not much betting, but fie oJds were ix) to n on tho Knight, Mace and Itodcn drove t'telr horses, who went In harness. There wero live he its, one of which was a dead heat. In the llrst one, Hilly llird got off In front, and though 1 lipid along tho back Uracil, got away from the hlilfht on Hie I lushing turn und was not and won the host hy lour lengths. In the second heat the lllid got away In tlio lead, but on lbs hack slrrtrh Mato with the Knight caught and headed and led to near the end, whin Hilly bird overhauled hllu, and tl.ey went In head and luad, making a dtad htut. In tho third heat, the Knight fed oil. but braking ut Iho half mlle pole, Hilly passed and held bis ow n ui.lll, on Iho I oino stretch, bo broke, and tho Knight rrgalued tho load end won tho heat. The fourth hint brought out a little belling at 9) to 1 on the Knight, who led from end to end, and won It fuur lengths. Ths filth heat wua a mere ropetillun of tho foul Hi, and the Kuirfhl had It all his own way, and won easily, BUMMAHT, FtauioK Counsi. Msy for 11, CO), mile heats, a lu S. lu harness, ll. Muco'sbl. g. HIsoU Knhlhl.,., 3 0 111 M. lloden's ch. ir. Hilly llird , 10 113 TliTio-K- lrn mile. IH3 second ntilr, third mile, J.liH , fourth mile, tMi nrth mno. 3.1V. Trolling on the llulon Course, 1,. I, Ukiom Cotitua, L. I., May 29. Match, (500, mile and uprat, to waion, owners to uuve. Owner's h g. Ileneral Tntnam t I Owuir's h, g. lllsck Crook , i 3 Time, aiux. This was an enjoyable private trolling contest be- tween two road horses belonging to Iwu wealthy and Influential cltlxcna of the Jewish pirsualon. Thr attendance waa confined almost solely to I lie friends of the owners, of whom a large wer ladles, There was little or 110 beltlug, and tho affair passed offplcasautly. I.nlrst IlrtllngonToa'iir's Trot. Tlio latest betting on tlio great trot M evidenced by the pool selling by J. Somirlndyko, at Mitchell a saloon, lu Hroadway, last n it lit , shows llolJmnllli Maid lo bo the favorite. Hlie sold si t the rale of pill; (leorge Wilkes, (11; Lucy, (; Ameri- can tllrl, Ilaihaw, Jr., and llt.ouu Island, coupled. (.'i. It Is doubtful, howcur, wnetlit-- Ithude Island will start In race. Tho llucbuyr Itaces, Yestcnlay'a race wero won by g. ii Tom I'ortir. nnd Itlehsrds CV Kllgoiir's ch. f. hv Imp Mickey Jfl, Time, ;Ui, iM. The track was heavy. J.0SIK1 nv viui:. Georgetown, Califori''f noarir destroyed by Cre yesterday, and mi)" Urea were Inst. Last evening a ahed over atone yard, at the foot of Court street, was buriirJ' Loss, W. Insured- The foundry connected t'10 Lowell shoo waa dsmsared by ou Thursday night, Loss, 16,UsJ. The lost by the burning 0' - A, Downer A Co's. coffee, splee. and tea o'su"' I'eut lu Chicago hsrobtibly (W.ggi), Then u'tV Isiuraiice of t),- - ' 1 ' . . 1 s "s XEWsSFKOMTHEOLl) WORLD t;: nt nut ia v or Tin: jw.iom tiritixu m :;i7.. Hnln on the Trneli-.lrrB- ro Altenilnner The Onhs rsiiiliFs-T- hn llpsom I'lrtlo fur Tivo Vrnr (Hits, Loxtinx, May SJ8. The unnrntitlions vreatber kept thousands .tivay from the E;isom races to thy. The track was wel and heavy. Tho first nee was for a renewal ol He Oaks Stikes of fs) sovtrtlgns each, closed with 1M subset Ibcra. Fourteen horsi a slattrd. The race was won hy Mr. Cookson's b, f. Ihtgilillnc, healing Sir J. llawlej's Morna, second; Slid Sir It. W. llalkley's Msrlli.lqtte. third. The hot- ting was three to une atltist llnganllne, Iwo lo one agaluit Morna, and tl;ht to one agalust Martinique. Time Itl'V. Tlio second mcc was for the great Suny Foil stakes of 10 sovereigns each, w lib ion a.MM for foals of 1801. The race waa won by Mr Joneph Dawson's ch. c. Do Vcre beating Mr. Norman's e. .Knean. The third raco was for Hie llpsom two years old phlo of x) sovereigns, 55 cutrles. The race was won by Count F. D. Itgrangii'a Hoqneforl, heating Mr. S. W. Itccvcs's Falo second, and Mr. F. Hlllotl's c, Llferon third. Ten started. The betting pre vlous to the race was 3 to 1 against Koquefoi 1, I to 1 against Far, an.l Id lo I against Illferon. Thn London l'ress on Ihr Alntnsnin Clnltns, Iiiimhii, May 24, 1 he Timti, this morning, in reviewing the Memrs. Laird's Idler of de'ence, auy negltgrnre on the pari of Iho (lovcrnmcnt In p rmltllng the AtaSaint lo ssll. Thn IKilt) .Viim says It will wnnl goo I ssstmncet that the neiv American Monster, Mr. Motley, is cmpowcrcM toex-pres- s llrenvlrloiis of the President an I the Henalo, and certainly of Ihelr unci Inn of any new Irtaty. Tlir Irish Church Lxsihin, May iW. Tlic Toriei throiighont t tie country are organizing rietlius t.rotr.t nnlnst the dlseslabihlnncnt uf tho Irish Chtireh, In Ihe House uf Commons this evening the Irish Church bill bring up. Mr. Olvdslnne snld th it there was no intention of abollshtiij the ssli m of national edu- cation In Ireland, but amendments tmht he lllltoduc ' I. l'nylna Ibr Debt ol C1111111I11 lioxnoi, Mist S.H. In tlic House of Commons, Oils evening, the lllght lion. Mr. Mnnsell, In teply In Mr. Charley, said ho Ihoutht an appropriation of a lo.m lor the Intercolonial Hallway, to ply the debts ol Caiiadi, would not bo liters', conaldtrlng the pre- caution taken to render tho sum available when needed. i I'lillllonl Troubles In "pn'-i- , Mvnnin, May m. Serimis illsiurlistici's havo ocetttteil today nt Mulvgi and teville. directed ngninst the Ptovhtonil (tovernmenl. The details ato us yet unknown. IVllllon fur Ibr Ft'itlnn l'rlsonrra, IiOsmiN, MivSH. Tin" Cmk City Council has adopted a petition lor Hie patduti of tiu- Feul 1.1 pns oncis. The Vrrncti Uleetlous, Finis, My SI. Tho ollleiivl pnp.-r- s say that ttie dictions extinguish the old pnrllos. siiil htivo the I1l1er.1l mimic oppoacd by only a few evolution- ary candidate. cvniH&inr.s or vitim:. ,llr. HnywnrrFsi Aeioiinl svllli tlio North Itlvrt IIiiiiU Thr I'rriilralllrn of n Con II ill u t'.isliler -- Tlio llniik In lor 11 TliMiisiind About two weeks ng'S, I1.11M MarsU e.lle.t on David W Cirnwell, uf Vt.ey street, and Intro, diicrd lo him a man who sly, e l himself J lines l, as his prospective nrinrr. On Motut ty last, llayward eslled on Coinwell at let Vesey stteet, and nfter somu eonvirsutiou solicited sit Introdtirtlun ti some person havlna a hank account, ns ho wished lo tnako a deposit ut sevin or tlelit thousand tlnllars, Mr. Curnwill took hlut on MnmUi afternoon tu Ills Irlrnd Jsinea Donnelly, uf lit Wishliitiin Mntkct, and explained the business. Donnelly having an nc count nt lie North lliv.r Hank, Introduced Hay. ward to Daniel 1 Hmlth, tho receiving teller, and an aeccnnt was opened by the deposit uf a check purporting to bo drawn by I.lvrrmnru A Whit- ney on tho Fourth National Hank lor (7, MM, payable to the order of Jas. Hay wind, d lied Msy 37, atainped and properly entitled. The 7,50d was therefore placed to the credit of Hsywunl, nnd Ihe account was duly opened on the books. Next morning prrscnted In person a check for II.IXH, which was duly handed to him. Iiti-rl- the fori noon a cheek for (l.uu was uttered at tho hank ; but as the draft waa rather heavy, iriough hcsltiilou was mani- fested to excite alarm in the mind of Iho person who presented the check, and he vanished, Inquiry waa thin made at tlio Fourth National II ink about tho check delimited by llayvvatd, und tho check waa found lo he win tide, n, The ll.i'n) paid In tLo morning was Uictcforu a loss ; and as It was neces-ssr- In find thu deliiiquetit Hayward, application waa m idc to Dounelly. who hunted up Cornwrll, and he anught out Mirsn, but Hayward had di'iippi-srid- As Maish had brrn seen In Hayward'a company, both and a!tnr tho deposit had been mudr, it was presumed by tho auk authorities tint ho was of thefraul, and be was therefore ar risn d, although rrhaps only the Instrument In the lands or Hayward. YVhcu takru bi lore Justice Dow liii yesterday Marsh was commuted toanswer. I'olsoiilng it Wouinn for lier ,vonry, Tlio nltcntioti of Ihe Coroners was called by the Hoard uf Health ycrteidiy tn the case of Mrs, Mary Ann Dow Clark, who died recently at lilt Uci.1 FHty-Itrs- t strict, and who wai burled at (Jii'eiivvoud nil Tuesday. The alticrof.Mrs. Clark had Informed the Hoard uf Health that from clrctiiustaiicca coiineeted with the ease, especially her shurt Illness, slm sus- pected that Mrs, Clark Irtd tact it poisoned, and, ns a large amount of properly - Involved by Mrs. Clatk's neath, she was dealiuus that an Investigation should he made by the proper authorities Di II. T. Hears, the annulling ph)tilcluii, had undo 1 ( inurltm and given a ctrtlfleato tint sho bad died nf d.seasi nl the briln; nnd upon that rirllllratc a tuirlsl permit had been granted. Curuutr Ply u and IK puti t.orouir Hhiuo have the case 111 baud, will Invisliftslu it tlioroughly, und, If nece".ary, Hie body. Mis. Chrk was 61 yoais 01 m, , and a na- tive of llauuvcr, N, II. How Ihe Kits! Mile llobbcrs Do ll, Last evening, as Thomas Collin- entered Shan- non's In South street, upposllo Pier tl, he found In the place three persons ol unprepossessing visa;;e. Ho tillered Into conversation with them, and presently displayed a watch, which ho uttered to Siilllor(P). No otic at fined disposed to buy It, and he returned It to his pocket. In the mean lime a game of titco had been begun, and a dispute arxing Mr. ( oilier was appealod t". II "decile I In favor ot the pruprictor, whereupon tho nthcr, who merely wanted a pritext, Pitched into bliu, dtpoilP' I hllu mi the floor, and while one delicately slunk bis list Into tho victim's e)e, another icllevcJ him of his r watch, They thrn depar ed, and Mr Collier rushed out to got a pollci man. He peraoihuhted the strt'Lls In lils search, bin hid neaily gin up all hope wlii'ti he aceldeiitally sturnb'ed 11,1011 a guardian of lbs peace ut Canal Hi tit. Hut Iho Ihtetcs had van- ished, A l.llllr Piirlni rshlp Dimcultr. Tlcnry A. Pullman, of tlio linn of Pullman, Tyler A Co., In this city, appealed beforu Justice Dodge with a bandazed Inud and sorrj looking visage. Ho slid tint on thu prereditig evening AKml A. llyuts, formerly a piilnir lu thu establish- ment, cnlued his store on Hroadway, ami Ilu ru liltn. Aipioarldug him iroui In bind, be smashid the uiisuipeelinx Pulliinu's nose, luru Ing It six dr;rrit lo I In.' Irlt, unit then stabbed lu thu lnuple Ii tin with a pocket knl'e, ufltr which ho diposiltd Ids bloody weapon ou the floor, dillbuntil) ) urti'.l I, is h.ilr be- fore the looking glass Hint hung "10 couuler, iturk his hands lieiiinlh c ' ll, and departcVI whUllliig. Mr, Pullman's nuitabU ;urluir was locked up, l.nvvyer C'oiniiilllril In Iho Tombs, William W. Mcdoniglo, coiinselior ut law, of 3 llonst-vil- t street, was lusterd ty iirrslguud he-I- t re Jtiitico Duwlltig, 011 the charge of Irom Wdliam II. hl.ildon, now nl the Nsliaual Ho- tel, Cnrtl indt paired, over (ll.Ini, by representing that be was prosecuting suit ayalnst Prnuois Palmir, In behalf of Sheldon, 011 Iho chargo of si From January, I'M, to May '31, I so), Midonl-gl- drew money on tills account, and tvtn exhibit! it a doi uuient purporting tu he a transcript ol judo Irom (li j County ('Ink's omee, winch dotu-min- t. H i" alleged, has since proved to be a forgery. Mitauuijle was lumnilttid lor trial. Thn Long laliind Thli'vis ut H'nili A en' ,, lliirly jesterday morning Messrs, Sniilli 4 Hunri's store In Habylon waa broken nprn Tho llikves, alter a grnrial ransucltlng ot ll.e shelves slid druvirs. can lid off some of the most valuaMo dry goods, cunststing of silks, clothes. Ac , valued at utuul (!.&). At I o'clock In the murnlng ll was ascrrt lined that the premises had In en entered, and thereupon an offlicr stilted afier Ihe thlevis, and belug sueloicly pursued thry wcru compelled to abandon the goods, which wire recovered aud taken back to the village. ceremony of decorating the soldiers' 1TI10 lu Flushjuf ., will take pltcc to dsy Instead of 1 ,i rtoiiT ron $1,000,000. A .Ullllonnlre's Descendants letting Aside his Wlll-V- nlr ( olleire luleresteil. Ill the Stijireme Court Francis I. Manice Smilh has snrd Wm. De Forest Manlie and olherj to set aside, In whole or lo part, tho will of the hi De Forest Manlcc, of Hempstead, who died tn ISM, leaving property In this city and ilsewhcre valued at orcr two millions of dollars. The testator makes certain beiitiests lo hit wife, mother, Ids sons and dtnghlrrs to the extent of about of the estate, and then he glroj the rest of his real and personal rtata lo his executors la trust during the lifellmeof his wife, with provision far her support and forolhrr purposrs; and the surplus Income Is to be divined Into two puts ; one to be Inv sled and lo aerntnulatc during her Iifetlm, and to pay there- out at her death (5,000 to the Trnstres of Yale Col- lege, to be Invested and accumulate. Interest unlll I rtnelpal and Interest shall smounl to flw.OM; so much of the in teres t of which last sum la thi n to be used by the Tiustees when required to do so as will educate continuously i . person, who shall hear the testator's pitcm-i- t rams, end be a lineal de- scendant of Ids In all their courrcs collegiate and scientific. The will thrn provides fur an appraisal of the re- siduary pcrsoaat and rcil estate Into twelve equal par la ; three parts of which are riven to each of his two sons, Wm. De Forest Msnlce and Kdwaid Au- gustus Manice; tho net Income of two parts Is given to recti of Ids Hirer danghlers, Miry C. Lockwood, Caroline Amelia Mania', and Ihe phlnllT, Frances M. Sni.lh, for Ihelr lid', and at their death the share of each to be divided rqttilly ainont her children, the net Income to be accumulated during the minori- ty of each, except necessary outlay for their support, and at Ut to he pshl to them with the accumulations, In case citner of the daitihtirs shoul I die unmar- ried, she Is atttliorlicd 10 dispose of her share by will. II Is sought on tho part uf plalntllT to have tho heirs at I iw declared seised of the real estate be- longing In the tealatur at the time nf liU decease, subject to the dower uf the w blow. The tout Ir 1 served Its decision. Tin: .ni.iKf.'f.'.s i.v nonrox. .llnrrlngn not rtiieetnllv is Chrlinti Inslltn lion Living s lies Auitel Ltfr ol .llcn-N- o Distinction or Hex -- Mister Ilium's TeniU rttoiiy, llosmi, May 23. A Ciinvenliim of Shakers, numbering ah-n- sixty delegates uf both sexes, met In tho Mehinsou They represented Ihe Com iinmltlis of Mount la Un,. 11, of Walervllel, N. Y.: Harvard, uf Shirley, Miss ; Hancock, uf West IT'tsllild, Msss. ; Canterbury, at Lntlchl , an I the Community nt I'rcdrr.eksburgh, M" ITirre) was a large utleudjne.i of sneetntms. Presiding Kbier Frederick W. Fvans, of Mount Lebanon, welcomed th.- - brctt ren and fpeet itors and sal I that the meet- ing w is lurtnitlu-i- l consultation. Addresses Intersperse.! with singing were deliver-enb- y Klder Hrnty t nmnilufs, of r.nfltl.l, N II.; til ler Win Leonard, uf II irvard, Va-s- .: Sister irrli-- t Hiillsrd. Protl er Albeit Linmis, of Water-- lie t; Slsti r Paulina Hates, and other women of the sect. 111 Irr Lru'inrd said th it t'to shakers occupied n dlHerent phne from the miss of Oirl-tltn- v Tho plane of lite ueeupn-- by the utlices was welt enough, but the Shakers deemed III it the Christian Hcrlp-lutr- a rrqulro an nhaudnunient ut the wurldly and aulmal Inslliicls and passions, lie quoted two nr three Sctlplure texts In prove that punly ol lite was the special thing nqiilrid hy (Tirl-t- . Ilrolher laKjims said the Shakers rrcngnUrd the equality of all pirsoi.r, without distinction of raco nr sex. Ho nniioiinred that while tnry regarded mairla:eM a prupir and lionora'de wr.s not a Chrlslhll luslllttltoil It belunged to the tinier nf Adam, but not lo the urder nf Christ, and as dl'clplca ut Christ, seeking to live the angil life niiw, they h It rsllitl upon tofurbear enti ring upon matrimony. He thought Hist man) of tlio practices uf popular rlcigimcn weir not pitlrrned after the itiiworldlinessnf Christ, lie tllsiussed thequestlon or tnatrlage as a Christian ordinance, and urirmed lhat the Si ilpluru la ngalnst It. The benediction of the ministers rould not sanctify It If the Master did not by his example and Injunctions. He argued in guiiral that spirituality of life wus the caaeultal re- quirement nl Christ's leaching. Mister Paulina Hates testified lo the spiritual satis, faction which she bad found lu the lite uf a sister uf tlte Mli ikrr iraterolty upwards of lorly 1 cars. The kindlier) ot tho brilhren Inwards her und thu other sisters, and Ihelr honnrahle and ex tuplaiy lives, she boru w Hut ss to :11ml ane added Iho belief that the spirit of Hod had appointed Hut Ins children should walk lu this way Ilia Christian Ills:. JOIT1XOS AHOVT TOWS, Mmlc ou tlic I 'nt L Mull this afternoon. The Northeast Sariigerbiind'a picnio netted (1,'JISJ. Four ateaincra leave Una port for Kttrope laden with tourists, The new Thirty-fourt- street market is tu bo formally ojicncd this evening. Tho llickaito branch of Hie Society of Friends formally adjourned yesterday. Widow Van Colt will preach in tlio Chapel, 113 L'lizibulh street, to morrow evening. Margaret Malian, full last night from the third story window uf 13 Pell atreel. The Jewish congregations uf Ihiscily arc raising funds to relieve their corellgloulsts lu Eastern Prussia. The Custom House authorities havo tuade a heavy seizure of silks belonging to a firm In Ibla city. The Oithodox Friends held it liutlness meeting yesterday morning and evening. They will continue their sssslons next week. The (lerinnii Itepuhlican Central Committee met last evening to ptovitle for the families of souio of their decnased members. Tho bodies of two unknown men were found irslerday morning; ono at Pier '37, East Hirer, and tho other at Pier Est. North Itlver. Tho Her. F. W, Hedge, of Itrookline, Mass., will preach In the large hail of Ihe Cooper Itistttuto tu morrow morning and evening. The ferryboat Miperior. In running out of tlio slip at the lout of lluosi'vell street jcsteiday tan lulu the schunuer Chase. Jane llowatd, uf 'Mi Stanton street, in a fit of uVfiil'm tmiitm, last evening, look it dose of Paris girt n, and tut ascvere gush in In r arm, Mr. A. W. Teniiey, uf this city, delivers tho oration on the occasion of decorating the graves of sol dicta In Jersey City, on Monday, the 31st lust, Tlio play ground of the Central Park aro to he open hcri-alle- on Mondays, Thursdays, and Satur- days for the putdls uf the schools, Croquet on S rdtirsdiy and Friday afternoons, Mr. John I'uund, organist nf the Fifth aventio Presbyterian Church, and Jl Mr. Mora, aa errone- ously repotted, presided al the organ on Thursday at the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. T alntor. Lust orcniiig, Louis Stcitnlor, aged 13, nf 141 Attorney street, quarp lied with Augtisl-- i Springer, ol 1S1 Attorney sired, with whom he was I Ii) lug, and stubbed her In the back with a pocket-knll- wounding her severely. If M011. Chevalier should fail in his icrlal voy- age to Kurupe, the Jovial 11 irry Hill might go up In n balloon. However, as the old Harry Is worm f.Ml.imi. be might survive Ihe loss of the (l,5oi) which be his invested In the voyage. Tlio Lxi'iiilivo Committee nf tho proposed So- ciety of tl.o Army uf Hit- - Potomac hivo made irrang incuts with Ihe several 1 abroad fur the necomiiiudallou of ofUerrs attind-11- it (he tcunlou lu this city 011 Hie 5th of July next. Tlio llev. John Sheridan, n convert from Ito. maiilstn, who fur tie pist ten ytars has bten as a mission irs by the Hronkl) n City Mission H.Ktity, was ordained on Thursday as a minister uf tno llsptlst persuasiun, lu the strung placo llapllst Church. The Yunng Men's Father Malhew T. A. M. II. B No. l.of this city, Intend lo hold tl.cir fifth iitiuual p'culc at Hilvedere Park, llOtli street a nl F.lghth uviuuc, on the afternoon slid everlng of Miindiy, May HI. ThU will be a hue chance foi tvery one so iuclliii'd tu ato how the tcmpeiauce young men of our city enjoy themselves. XKir Ji.iisr.r. Tho llev. Dr. L. 0. Holland is to preach in Irvltigtnn.N J . to tnoi row morning and evening. Mis O'ltoiirke, of Neivuik, was badly leulv.ll with u stone by Mis. Mary Kane Tho Hotel, nl Long llr.itioh was sold 111 Wcdnisduy, with tta site anJ Uxluris, lor (lUO.MW, llobeit II. Harle was arrested at Newark yoslor. iliy. 011 a charge of ass lulling with a red hot pukir TUomaa llriun, uu cuiploi'u in a siwing uiachluo istahllshini ut, Junius (lillvii was arrested 111 Jersey City yes- terday, on charge of colli clirg aud appi updating to ns own use ft right muno, the ropirty of William Wtn-- 111. tliorgc ll'iman, who claims tu be Iho agent of a New 1 ork wholesale liquoi tst.iMishiueiit, wus be- fore Justice Mills, In Newark, ) tirdiy, on a charge or atleinptii g to aasaulu ite Carl Illudircr, a saloou keeper A keri scno lamp cxplodeil id tho sitting room uf Mlchvl licit' In uif, I f J Meadow slnrt. Mrs, llcssi' was badly burntd. Two of the children were severely Injund, one or Ihem fatally. No Lopes are eutoitalned uf the recovery uf Mrs. Hesse, Mrs. Faircl, while drirliig a wagon through Malu atreel, Paterson, on Thutsday, very coolly drovo lit r horse and wagon over her hushaud, severely Injuring hlui In the hip, but was tetuiauig uuu 1 NYuaua'i UlthM mteUnb LATEST XEWS FUOM CUBA. c.i it.i ix.o ExmtAT. mrr.cK asks .IVAtX 10 CALL ItlJl llQitJS. Nolhlm New about Dulce's llrKllti-C'haa- la n Mu.plrlous Three. ninstrd Mlenmer-T- he American Flag llolstrd-ll- rr Escnrr. HiTAna, May 21. The Spanish gunboat Aut-Irl- i reports, that wlnl, cruising In the neighborhood of Cuba she saw a acsp'clnn h)kng ste.imrr. The Austria Immillatcly give chase, sod flrcii her guns for the purpose of bringing the vessel to, hut she hoisted Ihe American flat and continue! on her course. Ceptsln-Oenrra- l Dnleslo dsy telerphed to Spain, aking to be Inmellatily relieved of the The Itrhrl Itnm Atlnuln Out for C'nba -- Ciltmn Color lo bp llolilrd nl fea, , Pint. May 2'. Workmen oro fltllno: up the Confederate rm Atlanta. She Is expected la sill wllhln Iso weeks and It i not donbtril that her dettlnatlcn Is Cuba, and that her officers are sytppelhlxirs wltlt the pattlot'. Her gnn were to hive been put abnar t yesterday, but they did not arrive from Fortresa Monroe, the weather off lhat place bilng so bad un Monday and that the vessel chartered to t ring them did not put In at rnrtres Monroe. Tiny will arrive next week, she Is to sail under the Mexican (tu, an I after being a ten days st sea will prubably hoist Cohan colors. 11 o.s to x it t: 1, to 10 x. I Itnlnh tViildo Emerson, Ihe Itrr, T. W, I lllgalnson, Dr, Ellunicr. .11 rs. Julia 4 ' Wnnl llorrr, nnd Olhrrs, before Ike Frrr ISrllglnua Aasoclntlon, ' IIimtiiv, May 23. A largely-alli'iiilc- J meetln . of the Frie itdl.lous Association waa bold In Tie-inn- Temple tod ir The iter. (. II. Frolhlnghara opere l the mrrtlng with an ad Iress, In which he staled iho posiiinti which the .Society occnp'ed the public -- having no cre, d to propngste, dltTer lag very much In thtlr belief, hut all seeking th truth Dr Ktlanrcr, of New York, editor of the JtieUk Timri, read a paper on Hie Jewish faith, making an esrnest appeal for truth. Tlio Iter, Jisse II. Jonis, of New York rlty. desired to apeak of Jesus In aa tiltllodl'I light. The Iter. Francis K. Abbott said they wanted to offil a plallorm In w hlch every one could speak Ids own Halph W vldo Emerson was received vvllh great opt liuse. He opened by saying lhat we might now relinquish our strife In the theological world. We are all bellev era In natural rollglon; we aO aguo lhat the health and tntrgrtty uf man is ei t Zealot eagerly fasten their ejeaupon the it between their creed and your, but the China was 10 Ond the Identity between tho Iwo, The Chilrrrau, read a teller front Lucrella Mott, who la sick. The Itcv T. W. Illgglnson read the report of the Exreuilvr Committer, an t letter from Dr. A, II. . t joint, nf New lb, llord; tho Iter. Phillip Hrooks ol f Phlhiiflphl'i; the llev. Win. II. II. Murray of Hostorj- - I the Idv. I.) in in Abbott of New York; Win. B. I Paiks nf Mwience, and lrotesvor Diamond ol I llrown t'nlsnslly, all ut vvhtili cxprissed sympathy r with tho uhjrcts of the Asioclatlon. Mrs. Julia ward Howe then read an casiy 0:1 " Fredom and Kcatralul in Id Itelon." Mrs. Mary Drew charged unon Christianity, nil ths libels that hid ever been uttered atnnst true rc- - . Ilglnn. She arraigned the ehurcn of high cccleslsa- - ttcsl crliiie-- and inisdcuiranors. The Iter. Miss till. son dl'CJis.'d tin: iitcis'ity of a religion thai would know no sects, and would rccognlxo woman as the equal ufmtp. The Itcv. Dr. Harta l, of Ho ton, Lucy htune and other addressed tho Association. tiv.t 1:0 xorr.s. The National lliiird of thl State 1 tu be reduced from 11,00 tu 30.0O9 men. Dnrlug the past week lospes. tor Ueneral Metjusde has been maWiug a tour ainonf tho various regiments lu this cty and llrooklyn that , nilahl stand a chance of being consolidated or reduced. On Monday evening ho vlvlled the armory of the Sixty, ninth Itrgpv.cut, Col. Cavanagh commanding, and that old and f unoui organlxaUon. There were resent Vti men in the new nnlfotm lately adopted by fne eonimatnl, and &9 tu the old stylo. Ttwro are , lis) adiiltlonsi names tound on ttm reginienlal rolli. A ruiunltlonfor TUJncw iitiif',rnistiiis lately buenaprioreit. so that the emuiiisnd will soon ho uuiiornied in good shSfU. tin the sninn uvemng, lha t'uuritl (Veturaa Zouavel Itealiuent, Hot. l l.sey eommana'ne, sii lav. ut the Htata Arsenal. T here were tint Va ufilccrs I and men presiiit, an I with unly pan of a unllonu. I It l mine tlisn prnbabto that tha rirsl, Third, and ' I'snrtli Iteabiicnts (lha ouly .onave Itegiinciits in ths ' llivlsionl sv.ll be consolidated, riaktng ono good, hi a ttiy oigunu.vllon. tin Tuesday evening, ttie fifty, sixth Iteulnieiit, (Jut Chat'Uiaa couiu.anding, were In. specled in their armory lu t'onrt street, llrouklyu. j T here were pruent 371 utnci-r- and men. The regiment li soon 10 be uniformed la grey; the uniforms are mak I lug, and are lo be ready tor thu parade of tho Llevcula I Unmade on the IMhot June. ' The Klcventh Hiviuiint iWaihlngton IllUss), Col. 1 ux commanding, will parade un llouday next, to cele-liia-ij the auiiiveiiary of tnelr depai tore for Harper's , 111 Ihe;, Line 11 to be formed In (treat Jonea street, right on Lafayilte plaie at 10 o'clock A. M. Altera siiott parade the cuwmaod will proceed to Juues's Wood. Majot V. W. ftchmale lias been elected Lieutenant-Colon- or the First lleginienl Cavalry, and Capt. Henry W.tawr, ol lompany D.AIaJor Thu orQi-cr- an 1 non cuuimlsiloned nfiiccr of tho Twelfth Iteminent, Intentry, are ordered hy Col. Jo.ia Wsrd 10 asK'iuble lur drill al Ihe regiaieutat armory In Hroadway, ou Monday evening next. Ou tue'day lite regiment will ariein'ile for drill au j Initrucllon ui , IV sshlngton squ ire. Line formed at 3S u'clock P. M. Owing to Ihe condition ol loiuiiklns bquare ttie eon erele pavement being itltl In preparation, the ill libs ol the First and I bird Itesrlmcnis of Cavalry, aod of Ibe iVastilngtoli tlrey Hiiuidruu, have been postponed. On tl.e evening of vv eitnesdsy, June a, the Mrst Itegl uictii will have a nulla ion drill In their aruiory, and vote on the prnpnsi',1 change of uniform, 'I he Second Urtgado, ling, lieu, Uu,grr, commanding, : will mat.e ttieir Srlng parade uu June a. 4 'Iho Wsihingtuu Orsy hniiadron, composed of the offlcerr, an. 1 color gaant, euuiuianded by Major Kent, will visit Hotlon uurinir lbs penuejuhllee. btate Ktuinecr Tweed, Urig.-Oen- . Post, loy, suit staff, and ottiers will accompany the party. They wdl leavo hereon the llthof Juns and return 01 ths Inn. They aro to be Hie guests of tho Hoiton Laa- - , ClA,t'an election oft Oompeny, Elehth neelmont.ths " followtag named were Second l.leut. J. P. 7 Leslie, First Lleot Talle transferred private J. Cassl- - I ttr.Sieond Llotiteountt Foarthscrgt.J. Maitln, Third I Sergeant Fifth bergl. W.J. Newman. Fourth bergiaut, private lleo. HroOkl, KlftU Sergeant. After the cteu- - J lion, the ( ompa'iy psitouk of a codatlon prep ttcd by il Hie newly elected omens. rj Hpnrhs from Ihr Telesrnoh. f Isabella abdicates Ihe Sponisn throtio In fator ol Anurias. Six hundred volunteers sailed from CaJli for 11a- - a vana yesterday. , I The Paris Duutsv, donJ quiet, with rentes at - f llf. 10c. - The Havre cotton markt. closed al lUf. per cwt, ; for Ires ordinaire on Anothir (Islncs suit has been inilltutoJ la the coiuli of Sew Orleans. The Schocppe murder trial was continued la I'a,, yesteiday. A demonstration In famr nf the Duke ot Monte t enner is expected soon at SevUle. The debate on Ihe new National Spanish Constitu- tion lias bceuilosrd. liuiacl Pasha has srrlved la Trieste, and beeu re- ceived uilU great stale. Hoyte Ins not escaped nor Is It likely he will very s iou. He is lu Clinton Prison. Mr H. C Low is, formerly agtnt for the Cunard fnsmililp Company, died on Thursday night, MaJ. rien, Thomas L. Crittenden arrived In ltlch- - jl mond, Va., )csti'rda,elkht ilajs irom California. Eili-nsiv- amngemenla have bien made In all the principal clues and towns ou Ibo Uudioa todecuratt tue graves of 10I Iters. , Alexander Holmes, formerly President of the Old Colony llatlroad, died at bis risldence lu Kingston, Mais., onThursday. The Keformed Presbyterian Synod, In lis Ncwburgti. adopted a tcsolutlon ecusurtn;r the geuerai Uovt rnuient lui running the mails ou buuday. The ltepubllraus of the Galena (UI.) Congress Dls-- ti let have tr.ed UU tin. rs, without success, to Sad a man to lake WashburueT place. Four out of a party of alt buffalo hunter wcru kilted by the Indians on Monday, near While Hock, twt'Uty lour mile west of Shirley, kausi At Cynthlaiia, Ky., on Thursday, a monument to ' the Cnntedirato dead in Ilsltle llrovo Cenicterv waa on. veiled. W. c. Uncklnrldge ite.irerod the oratljn. The new Iron-cla- steamer hi ro- - I turned 10 Iheil, after having circumnavigated It the nut wilUno aicident wnttevtr. The New Orleans Commercial Convention, which adjourned cilerday, a bq ted i.sulul.ons urgtof a to coutluut'd rolglng Iho muulhsuf tlio Muil- - J s pi. I The Kentucky Ilirubllcans heartily support Presl-de- llranl, and led inriiend thospesdy ratitlealloii of ilin f utn 'itli Aiuuuauiiul as conducive to the wclfaro . of Hie country. I The lil pi Zctus and Margaret were recently wrecked at I'aitboit I'lso I, oif Aut.cosll Island, aud ah hands weiu lust, except tha mala of tho Maigant, w ho arrived lu ijutbic ou T hursdsy nl.tii. The Virginia SI He Conv. nth n adjourncned ye, terday after aluptlug a series of risoluutl 111 requesting den rai ra.ily ta give colored ntcu rcprissutalloa upou the benches of the courts. The counting room of Ch irlee and F.llaa Milllken, luiuuer merehants, of Augusta, Me., was robbed on Wednesday nlglilof bank stocks, T Iconic vv.isr power .hsre., UJtcl ol baud, lc, to the value of I30J.VJ. James W. Camrbcll, of Covington, ha made affl. davit that t'ta tesltiiionv bef ire I'te lliaad Jury In De- cember last. 011 which ludlctmenU were procurvl agaiml certain tobacco manetaoturca was fslvei thai ho testltleil falsely because of inieals and tudaccmcuu made by the Uovctnuieni detective offlrcrs. t . Tho Good Templars, lu session lu Oswego, bava 'ft elected Itifhl Worthy Orsnd Templar. Jonsltiaa 11. jP, Orne, of Usrblchesd, (loss 1 ttiiU worthy Oraaacoaa. f , sclor, W, u, VVIIllanis, uf Isapanee, tlolarlo. Caoadai ' KUrlil Wortny Urand Vies Templar, Faoala Woodbury, ofbhlcago, till tllghl Worthy arauit SecrsUry, J. I. Spencer, of Clevebvad, Otiloi lUkt Worthy Orsnd ,1 Treasurer. Jotn Campbell, or it. Loan, It MSI as- - jj nasi fcasstoaw la tie held ta at. Louis, JV

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hot shot rnosi Tin: it nr. uii.i.iamADAM.S'S I.OCKVIt.

The I'rrsbllerlnii lusllluv nil other Pro-lcln- nl

to I nllr In n I'ommnii Wnr uponllif l'npul fee Interesting Nurllnl Crrrmoult In thr I'leslirtrrlnn Assemblies.

The l!ev. Dr. Mttgmvc aud L'lder IlobcrtCarter arrcircd as a dilerratlon from Ihe Old Schoolassembly an.! formally nnnnnnred the adoption by

" boly of the teport on reunion. Tbc delegates'wire rccilred with spplstisc. A rcro'otlon wasw,dopt. d flit urine ami denouncing the crowing

o'ciinrch members to patronise theatre an JOperas. The delegate of the New York Tori Sccielyappeared ami addressed the Assembly on the milelonof ll. it orgsulratlon, commending It !o the pi ay

era and hmeTolrr.ce of the Assembly,

tin iinuxes nut lorn ukmumb.Tin Per Dr. Adams Inlroduci J the lollowln; pre-

amble an I resolutions:Wh'if Tie roi of Hon r. exited riu tie Nlrlh,

did, on Hi- - l..iti osy er Pcpte.rhcr, lu the )ear uf onrLord l , sue a certain Liter fr rrmlamatlon ad-

dressed to ail Protestants ant "trMamitM Pi 'vs'imfes ottaw n iMoirio throughouttli wor I, .he tinnon of whn h Is to Inviit' and urge AH

nr. I imsnlration, thus !" s'ttstM ti 'lisitenKMni'i lo lha only MO," m suing the Church ofHome . an I

11'Srrs.o, The Mill Tore, id the said teller, callod"palern ii a aputopc " ba. In an unwor-le- man-e- r,

a II i. .idn it Rt the iMr car pi.bli npiuiou alienedseveral ud various icasona Iwr Us preparation an I l

on 11U7,ere'- - Among It-- resrnns so msnllone.1 is the as.

aertl n of hi own inrrem cy over the linmoni'n " Ii sr of Jen s I'hilsr," "the nothcrltr

tugovfin h" psisuasions r.f the liiunin ictc ten. andIn win i t'i actions of turn, both In prlvslu aocinllllci" :i ilhK, that tli' rejeetlun or tl.H anihorltrand pr ill l aaaluat It tr o ntnnjr liat ' f rouiolri a'jilnutirif In d i'iie perturhiit o if in aQAtrt in till.onrdr "ho lithe ail I'ope prnnoon'-- "intrrat'eatiiar'tl i." bi.t hith ni'i lie rrcardiHl by cer? I of I. It ii ccicJ u eiiunriitljr liopefnl and anp!-Clou- :

n.idMAitiM', Al iifhelalma anl attritions on Ihe part

of the l'i f Home are. toi'ia last decree, nnfonndeiIn fict r.'iurarr lu liiith. tenon. N rlptere. and thewhota c puis 1 I hriUn tr. and if allowed, protcauhfersn o i f all human rihi and lit e ttlrs ; and

H'Afivo. il.'rent tuple illy la An'riaand Ppn.ii nations I .tiir in subjertlon to there mon-strous pr.'ii iislinis oi'the I a aey command Ihe priiinptrccoxnill simpalhr and sappoit of all Iilendt of tin- -

mailtr r.."d'ini anil tel.lou thrunshout tae world:Uicrrf r'. it

IteM''1. Itiat Ihr fa"ts non recorded fnrnlrh andprrstentai'i n er and einnu oeislun fur all 1'iotrMa itehurthr' l ro ulmut I hr alerHuiit, rai'lt in the modnvvtiUhlt o ii wi do'ii tliall nr.teM, to ptepaie ei Ifotth for i.'enfnitillsirlMitton.i brunch tl e 'a-i- t era .ni Iswhlrb Ho' Pop" hlmsi If hs4 clioen, a sullahV ruMiinuto bis lion r vrhtrh reloi sr ftiall em Islu nslali inelit ofthe re' i.nhv lilselslmsein in no wise le teroicnlx-e-

i as lti.onlslent ivilli a euthollclty moii-r e, the auihorll uf InlnniMe scripture, and

tacalor.o si. .n in r of dial's t.l lit.rsofrfit. i lut a L'oo.uiUlo' f three I c appoints I by

this Aisi nibly, wtioseuuly It ilmll be. inwith a sliinl it t'oniiuttiee to appon Ird It tuk (len-era- l

As."iiM ui rr-- et ia pi iln lir'e't evircti, tonotnliiNtr and appoint, at Ihe rattiest tune whu It U

a e .iiiinlllee or t u. nbu.if tl.oy deem Itnlse.aliatl r n i nro ss pel Ilh snrli a teply to the said Interof thr IVi.e as shall tie r' led as an oij.rosil in of thaseiitlmei ti tf tlio I'rrsl)li-iU- t'hnrrli or the I hiUitFlstes nf Anierli'i, CM.ii'rii'ivj llu m.ilteri therein eon.talued. as of Mial I n ort int r tu ml ulvil aud ri llsionsllU'ily iliroiidhout the world, an I lo U.c r.ilvallun olthe ill.i.sti t.l' e

The roomtion Mere adopted, an.l ll. e Iter Dr.Adams, I'roi. Mills, and i:idi r It. W. In ei 'll, ofMituiisoM, ueri at.p tiled as Ihe Mt.e Schoolbranch of the commlttei. priposetl.

tor rtsmnAi. li:tti rj ny rri'.iiuv.Tu Ice Mronir. or I'ri'laJetphlj, Intro lined a isol-

ation ti Hdhit lor t e suiuu ssliiii of the titcrtureon riLiiltit to Ihr rteh; Irr'es, hlch as adopt it,Tlte ilidht ConunilUe oi Ifrtinlon and the twoModel itoi wire direi le lo and send itoaiito tl.c a patorul luiti'r nu the siibjei'l ofrcn&lun.

TI e . at the close of Ihe mornin? session,adjomiud until this inortiii'ir, to eiinlt the tiieui-ber- s

t i in e wlili the (lid Si hu I Assembly inr; the Holy Communion In the Church.

' Tlip Old School I'riMuirlrrliiii.The II sv Hr. MttaisroTP anil Mr. Ilnlurt Cnrlertre apiioiiilel lo Inlorin the New School As mbly

that the ' i d I'lhool had adoptul the artlclea tilT. c Her. N. O. Parker presented a niijorily

reirt rrutii the Cnmnillti c on a plan of stistt uu-- I

tion, In ithiih It l protK s. d thai Ibc Heard of Hoxse tic y .ens find Mork Tor all n In'Stera. at a n.ary ot not less I HO, one-hal- to bo paid by thoHoard, tho rcmaln'in li.ilf by the ror.RreKatloiiainril. unlesa In eae of destitution or Inability.

The IP v. II. ('. Criuhb.w rend a r'port of theComnillloc tin rreedlnrn. The total avallahlo fondfor lHJi was tT.i.lliJ.M, of wl lcli f.X.WiM bid beenconlrll'tltf linrllj lo tie Co niulltee L) tllilirheH,Ac. etc lc i f toe free.lmi h'a chtuc'iea. KxtCLdltuna lor 'lit )iar, tTi.HOM, b avins JB..')1U1.

The 11. v. Dr. U' .Ilium Adams and the lion. Wil-liam Utronx entered and lorniall) anninn el II. eaction ol the N. w Scluol Aaarmlly, Hhlcli ladcnanlnnu ly aduj ted tho artb-le- of tcu'.loo. Tileannru .i "ineul aim r. eeivot with appLmc.

Adjourned unlll this tnnrnlni;.

l'ATltlUK'H ItAV mor.lCaotiernlrd sVllnessra

Ihr (inicer nut lu the Trial

lar.lcrre yesterday, Win.

i.ST. Itounditnan J J. Ta)lor ere called toof Dennis Daly. On the Kill of

was wntrhlnjr, the proceslon, whenhim and llirus', Idin hack

tic point of his club. At length hisw I en tho t.fflftr raised Ida club and

Bach was the force of the blow that II, cof the oncer's hand, when upon Dennis

took It up and struck tl.o oSlccr. A number of on-cers then sprang upon him and clubbed Mm likemadmen, and took Mm to tho police station. Whenhe reached It Ihcy flun; hint on tho Door, lie Irlodto rise, and Ilurford kicked him like a do;,

Mr. Manlerre here c'rllcd tl.c mints of Messrs,Kooi, llotchkln, and Williams, of The Hun j hut at'tall-pas- t P, of couiee they wero not In the? C .tirt r. otn, and Mr. Mmlerro put the case aside,

iemlnaW lo alTard time for the arrtral of those Im-

portant wltntssis. Hut at lhowitntFaralorthe officers sentlcmrn who a,e not employed by nmom m newspaper und ktpt up till il o'clock cvtrymorning, became Impitlcnt, and tho trial was re-sumed,

Capt. Thomas V. Ihornc testified that hell.e chartrea .vaiiisl thi-- ordcers in conse-

quence ofan article which appiared In Thk I its ofthe lth uf March, tthtch named thee officers ashaving brutally treated Mr. Dsly. On the prcWousftviniiK ho had been tn The Sun and Invited

' nllparliia who were there to send a rt porter downr and eiatnlno the man. A if l orter did co down (Mr.

Wllllaiiis, us ll.e Captain sal I), und saw tint the manliadtiotbten HI used, Mr. Williams said, "Iaineorry for this, hi cause It lias spoiled a Rood article 1

Oi'Ulvu M.'.ll"HKItobcrt II. Holmes dipost-- Ihst he saw theHorn the window of He IH'imlch cdlcc In

at. The officer was blecdiug rofusely.andnumber of wouen were calllun out " Kill tic

ptelers." Ilu consl leiid that haj Ihunot ac:cd as th y dl.l llirio would han- bei-- a

not, '1 ho offlrcrs jccd In a huniano manner.I.i ach, ol llrooklyn, swore that Daly :i a

man. he had been convicted ol n riot luand had teen sent up for thirty days.

Uuiitli Ve ought to tend hint forirara.Matilerrc I am very sorry those Bitn

aru not here; Ih'Vlnd acresl symialhyDaly . a mutter Hho examined Ihe man said hosorry to but a spoiled a good article, yet tho

appeared nest day, I hope the rcpoilo a will1ju nollie of this and til Hie Department creditwhen thi-- do a good thing, for when

msko a mlstako or do wrouj- tho papers cryagainst them. In tho ease of llenmsy the

raised n great outcry, yet whin thematter waa thoroughly sifted there waslu suow eicept Unit lleunesy did Lis duty.

is duo to tl a department to say that since I'vea member of the I'o.lco Commission, out of

Uro number ot clubbing cares which cantotLo Hoard, not rnoro than lour or live wcieIn which It waa necessary to dlsclillnean

leer by dUmissil. I see notldng whatever In thisto recommend the oCiccr to discipline, but shallIt to the Hoard, nevirlln less,


Capl. Tliorue's memory Is greatly at fault. Mr,did not K i ucar Ills alutiou at all, nor sie

jk man after he Irll l'ranklort street In the carl.MT VTtcn Daly was tried Tint fruN witnesses wire not

j Vnmoi.cJ, although botn tho prosecution and IboV. nco wcru nwaro of their readiness to appear.

Mm V'fu r tl.c man had bai n suit to the Islar ' "si V llotchkln, aud Mlllaini irere subpienaid to

i iNit II o'cl.nk one niornli.B. They were pre- -

If VI, after waiting moro than au hour and aI, a.iiaje ciso to be called, they requested Com- -

It p ii iiVlrenuan to bring II on, but he replied that11 ilni. doveio not present, and, as Dsly waa on

,1? Ui.ut must be adjourned.j i i,.o.'id weio aaiti summoned to appearMCi inriv-- ""'Jled, sato Mr. llotchkln, who waa111 i ,i, whin he wus Informed that theI I","',," n i' been disposed of, It la very

r,ni i,n .i i t.cif Captain, tlio Commissioners,Ii I limy oi Mn.' y ii desired very mucn Iho pic- -II t,l ,'o ,lnd,o Metuu tliL tviirvoil. ruo called at tho office ofI Htfoie Jude ' lh c!ubbln on the 11th if

.1 instil in II itai ion, 'i aware of our readiness4' ' iv.ta UKih- -. l", me J :d ho draircd to put aJl nuriii.i' ..Vin'i-i- J.ii.Mr- - Williams atsuredX Si;',u1?h.Vd ' 'u 'iho slory a. it was wit- -

i'l.i "i, N ol. rt tin d. ows. And we told it,t lui.Tti lyrniid'o mill h, but It waa hardly"nv i u . lr riantouseh ,, to come a second

pci Tawl Mr. "".'V' :?i'?'rnd another Irom ILaHUk lo hhu in oop'h , , u A, M '

JJiulu' OOI U.I., and

divorce suit of Mavi I . The

nvi.h coy fi n.v i:n o.v the iii:scii.Sir. Fowler nnd Ilia Ilnllpt-Itoxra-T- I.t

I'.Menillna nil l.lrellvr Jtidsr'a TrtmCiirlons ( onipllcnllous lu Ibr Klihlli Jifrllclal District.

Iu llicSnpnaic Court yestcrilar, Jlr. N. HillKowler'ssult against Justice Willlsm II. Poll wasdecided. The defendant In ISftl was Justice of thoDistrict Vi ort of the Klchtlt Jndlclal District of thiscity, comprising the itlitrtnth and Twentieth Wards,his term of i flics tiplrtng at the end til the year.The Leglilatute pesred an act eitcndlnghls term un-

til Jan. 1, 1S10. The relator, Mr. Konlcr, dslmingthat this act was oiiconslltgtional, and tUt Mr. ll'illIllegally held his position, sought to base hlra-rt- f

cleitcd In his stead at the Notcmber election InWli To that cud he procured a hallol-bo- i from Su.lertlior Orisoa lllunt, and took II to the pollingP'ace of the Third Kioctlon District of the TwentiethWar J, marking It "Judiciary No. 9." One of theInspectors llionght that the bo i should not le placedtht re, but another Inspiclor took ch.irso of It, andaboil filly totes were csst for Mr. Kovtler. At about1 o'llock on election day, the boi was foiclbly taktnan i , and the ballots were dest'ojed by two police-men by crdrr of a Superintendent of I'ullce. Mr.I'uwler ilalma that In view of these facts he Is thellghlful lucuinbrnt of tno nffirehrld by Mr. Hull.

Mr. Vandfrpoel, for tl e defendant, moved to dis-

miss the comptslnt, on the ground tnat the Lecithvlore had tapressly prohibited any election at thattime. The act extending the term of Mr. Hall wasclstmod to be constitutional, as the Court of Appeslshad heard that tho extending of ll.e term of JudicialcBlces rocld be done. On the other hand It wascontended llitt the Court of Appeals' decisions didnot authorize such a construction.

Judge lVckhntn l that such erlinlon of theterm wan uiinathorlxc-l- ; Ibe Legislature, could notdo Indirectly what they cool I not directly TheConstitution provided that Judicial oMrrrs should heileclcd, a.i.1 the etlilillon of tin Icrnt of au offlicrWus In clfcet an apiolntment of that ofleer. Hut , In

conco.iicni'0 of a pilor drclslou In the same ease byJude Iiuraham, lu a writ of tnnnilttmvi. he woulddlrnt for tl.o defendant, rubjtct to theoilulon of the Court oftlenrral liiru.

. I .V.V.I III fit IS SOS,

Nnlhlnt 1'iircnsonnbli In f'onper Inalltiitol.nst I'.srnlna s"uu nnd Annii In lln-l- iiii'M-W- hr fcnti'ncc of l'ollllrul llrnlhshould not Lo 1'rnnomiccd.

A very largo audience nssoniblol in CooperInstitute last crenln; to hear Miss Anna Dickinsonspsak on Woman Halli-age- . Tha enlarged platformof the lla'l was occupied by man) ladles and gentle-men. Mrs. Ptantou presided, and In telly sketchedMiai Dickinsou's eaioer.

Tlio speaker appeared In a light colored dress, ndspoke for an hour and a Lulf without wearying thoaudience In tho least.

HltS f,NMlK,1 lV!,lntl,4t tllrAa .A. !ll.1 r l.ttl.Hal, she had somrlldng to ray why sentence of

Ileal dealli should not be pronnunrcd apilnst herhy man. 8hc claimed fur Jwoiiinn all the rights ofa i Amith'.in cttlien. The objection ha I leenralsidagainst tho Woman SuflVaga morement that but few

wire tucaged In It. Then why is somuch said about It In the dranlng-tooni- ,

in rpiljttTe hals, nnd In newspapers! Itmust be Inferred cither that these few are a host InIhiuirclvcs. tr that there Is a sllint host back ofthem. Ills also said that womenare not asking torti e tote. This is an argument of Hie Tribune. Hutthe ptopcr tlevv of litis point Is that alter womrnLave once heroine possessed of the rote, then to

k them iflhev would give It up, Homo womenare too Ignorant tu know when they are wronged,and sou n are too carelcia to know how much,r.nih inc ii nnd aotntii should parlti-tpit- tu thenllslrs of the t alum. It la an insult lo Hod to snytiiat ti c laws, morals, and punt) ot'hutnanlty shouldbe undtr theesre of men alone. One of nun's ar-guments Is that they do not wtsli women tu waliovvIn tlis mire of jiolit cs. Men lie, chiat, bribe, mo1'ilbcd , prd limine enriuul. Hhnll womendo these Ihlntst Ood lorhld I (Apittusc.)

Miss D.cklusou Hun dwelt on the Influence wo-man, by her tote, wiuld have on Inlcmis'ranee,silool", icnitrnllarlis, and all rjuesllotm alleetlnboth sexes. Hbc commenlnl severely on tho editorsof the 'Wrni. Wwrt-cr- . and IlirulJ, nnd Inquiredw.ether any three i.n n In the Common Council orHaw l'lstilure could lie found tho equals of Mrs.Bunion, Miss Anthony, und Mrs. Mvermore ; orwhethtr any editor or reporter wus as kcin andbharp as a i n I on ladr occupjlng the platform.

'll.o rddicssof the spinier found n s)miathetlcnndietice, und abooi.dcd In itupressitu and eloquentp vssais.

Lay Itepresrnliillon In the .11. I'.. Church.A large ineetlnu of the friends, uf thia move,

merit waa held last evening In the '1 hlrlli Hi streetM. !. Church. Tho pastor, tlio Itcv. A. D. Vail, pre-

sided, and In a Taw rimarks Introduced II. M. p'ur

rcstrr, Iq , who warmly advocated hy rrpri ambi-

tion. Kilty years ego, he aald, no one would Intohcllevrd that Ibe d.iy wou'd ever coino when any

portion ot tho Protestant Kplsenpal Church. Hut wo

hare lived to aec It, and lllili Cliurchlsm Is nowrending that branch or the Christian t'hnrrli tin on t

this land. And there la a counterpart of thisnigh Chnrchlam springing up In tho MethodistCliuich. Home of our rlergy, said he, oven now areclaiming a ill vino right to rulo in tho church, and onoof our moat eminent D. D.'s has slid that he wouldnot sit In a tonleicnco slice laymen stood on anequal f noting wltlt him, and he di spised the ministerwho would. The opionents of lay do egallon assertthat ambition Is the mainspring that guides the move-ment i but be di nlcd It. and cited mat y of tho bestmen In the de 'animation who art) In favor of it.

Tie ltiv. I)r Abil Hlctcus, the historian ofMethodism, related a little of Ida early expcrirnrew hen he w as opposed lo hy delegation, and said thatth - textbook of the opponents of tho motementwas written hy himself many yesra njo. Wise mi n,he said, chanie ll.itr otlnions, but fools nevi r. Ilubad changed his mind since, aud now advocated tl o

measure as one of expediency, right, and duty, audgave several apparently good reasuns therefor.

.Mr. C. C. North talked brnfly about tho charge ofdesiring changes which haa been brought againstthem, and showed that the (Jcneral Conlersnce,comiiosed solely of ministers, has made chan:i a

finitely, mid he did not htlievo lint the t'liunhwould be Injured In the least hy allowing a laymanto sit side by side with a minister In that body.

The benediction waa pronounced by tha llev. Dr,Crooks.

The IIiiiisoiii Cnb rrnlect.The Hansom Call Company is (jetting alone

very well. Yesterday, the suond day of thelia.OOO worth of shares waa taken. The

shares aro sold at t.VI each, ar.d as soon as fl,ulworth of them have been taken, working operationsam to be begun. Il lsroiosed lo begin with HOcabs, one down town dttut, and three or funr uptown ones. A telegraph will be one of the featuresof Hie enterprise, au Hint In case a gt eater I umber ofcabs than usual is needed at one depot, an ordtrmay be seul immtdiately to the others.

The Kate I'lsher t'nao In Conn,Miss Kate Fisher was before Justice riliandler

at Essex Market Court yesterday, lo answerachargool thefl, pretermit by Mrs. Kllia J. llevins, of

I.. I. There was a large sprinkling of How-er-

Theatte actors, actresses auilAiW"", all flashilydreratd, Miss Fisher was quietly dressed In black.Mrs. Hevins, the complainant, was 111 si called totestify. Mho anil J that on Nov. lu she missed hi rwatch, and her daoghtcr I.llia told her that MliaKtshir had taken It. Acting on this information, shescot for Kate Fisher on the afternoon of that dsy,Mrs, Hsvins then askod her where her watch was.Kale Fisher was very much Intoxicated at the time,but understood all that waa said to her. Hhuanswered that alio had takm It, und had given It toHrmmings. The watch and chain wero woithMrs. Hevins sabscqui'Otly learned that Ihe watch hadbten pledged. Home time alter ahe (Mrs. Kevins)caused the arrest ol Kate Fisher at I'litiburh, butthe complaint war dismissed for want of Jurisdict-ion-

Attempt lo rxi from Mug Mm.rotntiir-arsu-, May 23. A convict by some

means unknown ,:jcu-"- d a suit of cltitcn's dotiits,with the exception of pantalons, uuo a.iiin:', s pairfrom lua bod quilts, coolly walked by the main guardhouse One ol tho guards ealled on hllu to halt.'1 he convict started on a full run up a bank. A num.btr of the guard started In pursuit, Crlng from theircurbiues and revolvets, a ball piotsing through thefugitive's hand. He was finally orertakin about aquarter of a tula from tne pilsoa,

Juvenile CuudlrlHIo fur High Office,Alexander Cohen, being; in (I, Drum's con.

fcctloncry, nt t'lT l'earl street, last evening, saw annnknowu boy. about 15. pilfering. He Informed theproprietor, who turned the thief out of his storeIn revengo the boy turned upon Cohen and slabbedhim with a pocket knlte, and then ran away.

Terrific Hall Morui nl U'hecllrg.Wnifuxa, W, Vs., May 28. This afternoon a

terrific rain and hall atorm passed over this city,lasting about twenty minutes. Tha ball stones wereaa large aa ogga and soma were aa Isrgo as a msn'sflat, Tha panes or glass broken sre estimated bythousands. The Iron roof of the Dslllmors and Ohiollaolroal Depot; was blown, eft


iasiij:s ni:ni: Ttti.m: nr Tin:bis'n nv.roiiTKUx.

The Astonishing Vomer ofnJnmalcn Nrcro-- Tho I.ntest Arrlvnl from tillNtnrly Mno Dnys Without I'ooi'.

Just previous to tlic sailini; of tho i(iing Starfrom Af pintrall, James Wilson, a Jamaica negro,cmplo) Oil In taking In tho cargo, fell asleep In tl.cbold, when iho hands ceased work for supper. Atabout midnight Ihe hatches were dosed, and thevcsrel departed at 1 o'clock on tho morning of the18lh Inst., the man bilng silll asleep below. 11c re-

mained (hero without fool until the morning afterthe arrltal of the vessel at this port onTuesday last, Mlh lust., neatly nine day,ltclng at the bottom of the vessel, he waa unable,hy shouting or striking Iho hatchway, to make him-

self heard, and finally resUnrd himself to his fate.The cargo, consisting of wool, hides, mother ofpearl, a rubber, Ac., affurded nothing fromwhich be could extract snitrnanc-- , and he waa re-

duced by hanger to drinking his urine from hisshoe. He Anally fi ll Into a stale of torpor. As thohatchwsya were opened here, an hour before thehold ww vlaitct, the air revived him. and as thestevedore descended, the man feebly rose and

I himself. A cup of tea waa given him, whichlie vomited, A glass of sherry was then admin-istered with better success. Though his mind wasclear, he teelod tike a drunken man, and could notmaintain his fcit. He was supported lo a neighbor-ing tavern by tno men, and taken on Tharsday toIhe Colored Home. The Commissioners of Chari-ties aud Correction will return him to Aspiuwall.

Tbr IMrst CnnsiiUflenprnl loJohn Meredith ltcad, Coiuul-llcnern- l to Franco,

sails for Kuropc to day In Ihe 1. Laurent. OnThurs lay evening he was tendered a dinner at tho

invite residence ol Willi im T. Illodgeil, I q , l.jFifth avenue, where he met the Hon. Tow mendHarris, lq United Bines Minister to Japan j theHon. Datld Dudley Flild, the Chevalier Hahlcht,Consul ( In the United States for Norway andHivulcn ; Howard Hotter, A. V. I". Dana, the artist ;Judge Head of I'hlhdclphli, Captain (Irahani of ttoIlrlllsh Army, Henry T. Tuchrriuni, Iltrhard (IrantWhite, and others. Among lhoe who ealled uponUcn. Head nt Filth Avenue Hotil yesterday weroJudge Daly, Col. I.c (Hand II. Cannon, Col. FrankK. Howe, the Chcvalii r Hahlcht, the Iter. Dr. Vin-

ton, Mr. Marshall Woods, ,Vr. ilsinilton Iloppon,Mr. Hedgwlch, A. II. Cornell, Burveyor of the I'ort,and others. The latter-name- geiitlrm in tendered thedeparting ofllilal a revenue culler vvhrieon to

liiinds during his trip down the ll.i, buttl.c St. Laurent sailing at H o'tlurk thh. Uioruitig,tl.c oiler was ncccs-aiil- y declined.

"Iloiv slinrprr limn n Merp.tnl'si Toolh."On Tlmrsiliy eveiiltij; a reieetallo woman

hired a back In Ihe I'ark, and was driven to theNew Haven llallroal depot and birk to theAstor Honsp. On arriving their, tho driver observedsoturlhing wione, in her appearance, and his suspi-cions were confirmed by her being a i cus-

tomer. He accordingly called Officer Dunn of theCltj Halt force, and she was arreatidaaa" drncrihcil herself aa Mrs. C A. Seaman, of FortWashington. Bhc was taken to the Central I'ark1'olKe Office, and from thence a telegram was sentto the frh nds. Vestenhy lunrnlnt the rid itlvt a

by tilegraph, "Send hirmothrrto the Island.'A Irlrgram wua next sent to the relullvea Informingthem that Mra. Beam in was abuut to be disposed ofas a v igrant, and the reply by tclcgranh was, " Thorelatives don't want anything to do with her; aindher any where so ahe won't trouble Iticni."

The l.liiiior Ijleeusrsi.The tlipior dralera wero tin again in strong

force bffotc Mxcise Commissioner Msnlriro yester-day- .

They wanted to know why he would not lake133, Th fact Is, that teloro the new law can

luspielnra must be anil round to asccitalothe grade of tho several houst a Uctnttit (not lo belicensed). For riant, le, a man keeping a second-clas- s

hotel might a- - tly for a (11 license, wheroaa

he should pay (IV). It Is therefore the Imperativeduly of the Cominlltco on Applications lo classify

the pheea and report to Ihe Hoard. The inspectorswill begin work today.

htorli F.xclmuuu Amenities,The current of speculation was checked for a

few moments In the Iiug ltoom of the New YorkBlock exchange yesterday afternoon by on encoun-

ter tno well known oiiralors, namely, K.

II. Hieasbyand Oco. H. Haaklus. Hleaahy had volun-

teered n remark which llakcn had contradicted,telling Hleaahy thai if ho repeatol It ho would slap

him In Ihe face Ille.isby did repeat It, and upon

bclnr slapped In tho faco. attacked llasklos, and alterseveral damagngblows.waa hauled ou by Iho epecta-tors- .

The Vnnngrst I'limllv Halnnt.In Witverley placo livca a family of throe, wlioso

united age Is only twtnty nlm yam and a few

months. The physician's ccrtlflcalo describes thefather as a schoolboy, aged Dltccn, and lha motheras a schoolgirl, ajed fourteen. The child la only

twilve diys old, It Ir pleasant to know lhat theyoungster haa been born to a handsome fortune.

A Church Allonl.Tlio foundation for a lloatinj; cliurcli was

launched in Willlamsburgh yesterday altcruoon. Itwa built for the l'rotistant liplseopal Church

Society for seamen of tho port of New York.It has tho appearance of a scow, Is strongly built, bs

fect long, aud 40 feet beam.

mi: i.Aiioit storr.xiKST.

The l'rrsldent'a Iiit l'rorlnmnllon,Tito Workinnmen's Union arc making arrange-

ments lor a grand open-ai- r mass meeting here in ap-

proval or the Eight-Hou- proclamation of I'rcaldcnt(Irant, nnd lo protest against tne retention In officeof Mr. Secretary Horle, whoo silly order has createdso much trouble among worklmmcn throughout thocountry. Trade Unions In llrooklyn and oilier clllcshave already spoken on those points. Tho working-me-

aay that they have reason to believe that Mr,llotlc's rt sanation would be promptly accepted hvbe I'resldent, and as lie Is allogrthtr out of accord

with their Intcrrala, they desire to havo him super-seded by a man who has common sense.

Voice or the lliuiiloilng llonl I'riiiuers.A meclinrj of tlio employing boat framers waa

held last ulcht to deliberate on tho strike or thilretuploiecs, John Hchaler presiding;; and resolutionswere paised, proli sting against ths) rtrlko ss unrea-sonable and unjust, and calling on all other employ-

ers in their branch of tlio trade not to employ menwho had lell their situations for such u reason,

l.nbor Items.Tho Sottlli Rldo Cooperative Lot Association

will meet at ICO Fulloo attcct, llruokljn, on Mondayevening.

Tlio Second Union Co6pcrntlvo Iluilditi .So-

ciety adopted Ihe aud look In (Cud In sub-

set ipllons last night.


Tlio Thirteenth Regiment marched to the Cap.Hollnc Grounds yesterday.

Assistant Hanilary Superintendent Dr, .Stileshas complained of tlic tlltliy cuudiliuu of severalstreets.

The new Fire Department will tllsliotnl KnRitiaCompanies Nos. I, B II, 13. 10, II, and W -- Hose Cos.No. 1, a, B, 11 and II-- 1). Truck Cos. 1 and HoseNo. K. D.

JamisWcavcr, Jr., tiled at Ms resilience, 123Ilemicn stuet, ycsteiuSy mornlug attcr a ahorl Ill-

ness. He married the jouuesl daughter of MajoiUalblleisch,

James Hansford, decree Arnold, and Joiu.Ilolllday were hild by Justice Welsli yesterday toanswer the cbirge of playing three card monte onConey Island,

Tho Water Hoard fixes Hie sum to lio raised furstreet cleaning next year at (to,IS, leaving (i.SOUlo the credit of the well and pump account, audf S3,ixx) for repairing Ibe streets,

The coroner's Inquest In tho case of John Mulla-dy- ,

who died of a pistol shot wound on Wednesdaylast, concluded the Inquiry on Thursdsy night with averdict exonerating Jeremiah Dasey, the pcrtion whoshot Mullsdy In self defence

The Committee in charge of the decoration ofsoldiers' gravee request that contributions of flow,crs and plants be lell at the hall over the I'oat Office

and on Monday next before 11 o'clock A, M.Jthe leu suit of U florr VJ W this Ullcf djy.

svira rnoir n:tstnxiio.vEpreial He ipstches lo The !nn.

Wasiiincitox, May 23. Tlio nnnntineemeiit ofSecretary IlniitweH'a alrlngent order prohllullismoking, drinking, and lending money among theemployees of the Treesnry Department caused muchcomm nt to day In that dipnrtment. Its proprietywas generally admltlcJ. Some compliln of Its

stringency, hut others regard It as step In thelight dlicctloit. Itli UDdeisWd that It w 111 he fol-

lowed by similar otdcts lo otlirr d(p.irtn:cnls.


tn adjusting the Items of balances and g. nrralcurrent business of receipts and expenditure i In t'.eTreasury Department, the monthly rvhlbP of thepublic diht will be mnch moro favorthle thsn wasanticipated. It Is expected the reduction In the pnblie ilrbt during Iho present month will be ttnwnrd oftwelve millions, mote than double that of Aptll,

TO B. r. DlTTL&lt.

Application was tnado recently to ttio Secre-tary of War by several persons In Ihe South, amongthem one or two United Senators, to havethe boxes containing captured and abandoned pro-

perty selred by Utn. Sherman on his march throughthe Boulh, placed In chargo of Treasurer Spinner forsafe keeping, examined, to ascertain whether certainartlc'rs which thcio parties chimed as l aving beenlost were in them. Tho examination commencedyesterday, and completed io day. Il resulted Inthe dlseovirynf a large amount ofvalmblo silverplate, watches, diationd rings, gold chains, pearlneekuec-- and hratilets, cameo sets, hecs. and vel-vets, 1ml none of thr articles claimed as toil by thosewho Instituted the examination wero itnniit, excepta rllrtr pro,i bearing the Initials nl one ot the

Hen: t irs, ll Is expeele 1 that an ord r f r thesale uf this prnprrt) will shortly be Issued, sod theptocecda turned In In tha Trcuvuty.

IIIIW TO ItVll.ltK Tllll IXtllVNS.

n (liiv. Arny, of New Mexico, linl an ittler-vie-

to day wll.i Iho Hresldent lu tea ird to li.d isIml Indian cd.miiion. His lau i, tint all Indiansbo il tin nseiv nitons, an I pay tlit-- v

eotnpensatloa for the lands they lelimiuisli inannual pivinftiis for a rpciHlod number of yeirsjnot In liii.tiry, but In rlothlrg, proilsloii., rattle,slieip, herrs, farming tni plcmenls,,tic. , "iieh ns wouldbo lor their cuuit'irl, and mablo Ihmn to cnlllvatethe roll and manufacture Ihelr own clothing.

vxHiKTtrai.IV I llalstenil ami .tohn (,'oelirane liere. II

Is slid that the taller declined the Paraguayan mis-sion.

A lmlcli of removals from llio Ciislnm llmisn InNew York was received this morning at the 1rcati-r-

Department.The I'xci'iitiio Mansion will lie closed

together with the vaih.iH public dcpii-tu- tils.No business will be done, and neatly ail uf the

officials here will Join In thn ofthe gravis of Union soldiers.

Siirmgalo (liilcon J. Tucker, uf New Ynik, bailan interview this morning with Ihe l'otiiinlsiniiirof In'emal lletrnne. From suggestions of .ludsrTneker, tho reveuue ree. li ts from nieec-lon- s audlegal les will be considerably augini tiled

A ilelegiillon of (lentilea from ITlah had an in-

terview with the Ktcntary uf the lull rlor, askingfor a more grneril survey of Ihe lands of I l.ili ThoOentiles claim that, so far, only H dnts tme beenaide to purihasc lauds, Ui the excltisiun ol cuplonot ol ll f sills.

jh:ci:.t M'oiiTisa a i:rs.Thn Jrrotnci i'nrk Hprltia It nee Hi i tlng.The spring meeting of tlic Ainetieati Jockey

Club commend a next week at Jerome I'irk, andgives prumlsoiif being the mitt surcis-lu- l r irnlv ilof racing sport ever held In tin North. Tho nniiilieruf bursts arrived at Jerome I'ark, and now lu activetraining I reparation, Is unusually hrge. undo! IhobUhet quality. Hiiro now belnr upwards of unahundred and thirty horsos idnvdy on Ihe ground.Nrxt Wrdiicudsy is tho match day, bring spcclsllyderided to this purpose, nnd already tlnre aro threeon the cards, Tim tint Is a match lor f.1,l n side,half forfi It, one mile, between Messis. Its, sunn nndCrawford's bay enlttiyCt'tisoruuttif The(lloivitnn',and Mr.t'ameron'shay lllly.two jears,tiy Idslinpoitnl stallion Leamington, dam Thisriice will ho In some luisisure a lest uf the superiorlty of Imported and nallse-bre- sites; Censirliving hy out of Flcnr lie Lis. The secondmatcli Is tor (I iss), one mile, bitwern ImpuiUd(llenilgjby Citidel. sod Kaplurc I r Lspldlst. two

owned repeittvely by Mr. Ilclmontunit 5lr. Jriotiir. The third matcli Is for i'l.O'SI, balfforfeit, between Mr. Limit's two yenr idd che'nntroll by IUIi ov, Me. auilMosrs, Hunter and Trsvera'schesinnl filly, lwi( oars, by the samc.slre, out ofCaptiin Miin-e'- dstn.

Tl.o rrgu'ar meeting canimrnees next Saturday,the Mlmf June, on wblrh day there aro five races,entiimei.clntwllh a htirdlo rare; then fi lloivs theFurdhani alskrs, handicap, over a mile and a guartir, the llilnioni snkn for three-yea- olds, with 57entries; the members' enp, with cenlleiii-- n riders:atidu sweepstakisfur On tin secondday, Tin sdsy, June K, the Westchester cup is ftaluruuf tho four racei, and will pmduro amost eielllng race, the probable starters being lveal, Laurarter, Nsrragaiiselt, Australian, (IttioratDuke, I'lensurcvllle, Vattxhill, und llnishee, thecracks or tho American turf. On the third day,Thursday, June ll). the Hopeful stakes lor

the Ladles' stakes for tl ree year-ol- rlillca, andthe Metropolitan stakes, two mile heats, are the at-

tractions ; while a hiirdle rsc - handicap, Ihe JockeyClub handicap, and a llireo-inil- dash, are the lead-ing races ou the last day of Ihe mroilng, Saturday,June 13.

Tho stables at present at Jrrnme I'ark are as fol-

lows: I). WelCon has nine In tralulng ; McCnnnelland Thompson havo seven ; John J. Davis (the e

atnhle). seven ; T. II. I'atlrison. eight; Messrs,Jtrome and Forbes, seven : It, W. Waldrn, clevin;Col. lluford, two: T . W. Doswell. three ; Col, Todd,live; John Waldcii, four; T. I'uryenr, lour: J.Hunter, four ; Meisrs. Howie and Hull, Die. Thestnblra of Mr. Hnulord, Mr. Helnmnt, Mr, I'f nnrv-U-


Mr. Cameron, Mr. Morris, Mr. (Irlnstead, Mr. t

Id, and ('ol, McDmlcIa are dally expected.There lias been sornw talk of a tiatdi beiwcvn Dr.

Wcldon'a rh. g. Ablibarau, aged, and Capt, Moon'sb. h. Privateer, six years, four miles, each carryingHn Bs.; but It Is nut yet arranged. Tho Doilor isw tiling lo tnako It for ( 1,0)0 a side, hut the Captainis unwilling to run for leas than (4,Biaja side. I heymay yet conic to terms. A mulch bt Iweiui Mr. J.O'Donnnell's hr. h. lllchnrd II, Connolly, tlvo year,and Mr Krkerson's ch. c. l lork, two tulles,lor tl.if), is also on tlic tapis.

An Interesting .Hatch on Cushion Course,Yesterday witnessed an exciting trot on tins

course. The contest was a matcli between D. Mace'sllhck Knicht and Mr Itodeu's Hilly llird. Thcrowaa not much betting, but fie oJds were ix) to n ontho Knight, Mace and Itodcn drove t'telr horses,who went In harness. There wero live he its, oneof which was a dead heat. In the llrst one, Hillyllird got off In front, and though 1 lipid along thoback Uracil, got away from the hlilfht on HieI lushing turn und was not and won thehost hy lour lengths. In the second heat the lllidgot away In tlio lead, but on lbs hack slrrtrh Matowith the Knight caught and headed and led to nearthe end, whin Hilly bird overhauled hllu, and tl.eywent In head and luad, making a dtad htut. In thothird heat, the Knight fed oil. but braking ut Ihohalf mlle pole, Hilly passed and held bis ow n ui.lll, onIho I oino stretch, bo broke, and tho Knightrrgalued tho load end won tho heat. The fourthhint brought out a little belling at 9) to 1 on theKnight, who led from end to end, and won It fuurlengths. Ths filth heat wua a mere ropetillun of thofoul Hi, and the Kuirfhl had It all his own way, andwon easily,


FtauioK Counsi. Msy for 11, CO), mileheats, a lu S. lu harness,ll. Muco'sbl. g. HIsoU Knhlhl.,., 3 0 111M. lloden's ch. ir. Hilly llird , 10 113

TliTio-K- lrn mile. IH3 second ntilr, third mile,J.liH , fourth mile, tMi nrth mno. 3.1V.

Trolling on the llulon Course, 1,. I,Ukiom Cotitua, L. I., May 29. Match, (500,

mile and uprat, to waion, owners to uuve.Owner's h g. Ileneral Tntnam t IOwuir's h, g. lllsck Crook , i 3

Time, aiux.This was an enjoyable private trolling contest be-

tween two road horses belonging to Iwu wealthyand Influential cltlxcna of the Jewish pirsualon.Thr attendance waa confined almost solely to I lie

friends of the owners, of whom a largewer ladles, There was little or 110 beltlug,

and tho affair passed offplcasautly.

I.nlrst IlrtllngonToa'iir's Trot.Tlio latest betting on tlio great trot M

evidenced by the pool selling by J. Somirlndyko, atMitchell a saloon, lu Hroadway, last n it lit , showsllolJmnllli Maid lo bo the favorite. Hlie sold si t therale of pill; (leorge Wilkes, (11; Lucy, (; Ameri-can tllrl, Ilaihaw, Jr., and llt.ouu Island,coupled. (.'i. It Is doubtful, howcur, wnetlit--Ithude Island will start In race.

Tho llucbuyr Itaces,Yestcnlay'a race wero won by g. ii Tom

I'ortir. nnd Itlehsrds CV Kllgoiir's ch. f. hv ImpMickey Jfl, Time, ;Ui, iM. The track washeavy.

J.0SIK1 nv viui:.Georgetown, Califori''f noarir destroyed

by Cre yesterday, and mi)" Urea were Inst.Last evening a ahed over atone yard, at the foot

of Court street, was buriirJ' Loss, W. Insured-The foundry connected t'10 Lowell

shoo waa dsmsared by ou Thursday night,Loss, 16,UsJ.

The lost by the burning 0' - A, Downer A

Co's. coffee, splee. and tea o'su"' I'eut lu Chicagohsrobtibly (W.ggi), Then u'tV Isiuraiice of t),- -

' 1 ' . . 1



t;: ntnut ia v or Tin: jw.iomtiritixu m :;i7..

Hnln on the Trneli-.lrrB- ro AltenilnnerThe Onhs rsiiiliFs-T- hn llpsom I'lrtlo furTivo Vrnr (Hits,

Loxtinx, May SJ8. The unnrntitlions vreatberkept thousands .tivay from the E;isom races to thy.The track was wel and heavy. Tho first nee wasfor a renewal ol He Oaks Stikes of fs) sovtrtlgnseach, closed with 1M subset Ibcra. Fourteen horsi a

slattrd. The race was won hy Mr. Cookson's b, f.

Ihtgilillnc, healing Sir J. llawlej's Morna, second;Slid Sir It. W. llalkley's Msrlli.lqtte. third. The hot-

ting was three to une atltist llnganllne, Iwo lo oneagaluit Morna, and tl;ht to one agalust Martinique.Time Itl'V.

Tlio second mcc was for the great Suny Foilstakes of 10 sovereigns each, w lib ion a.MM forfoals of 1801. The race waa won by Mr Joneph

Dawson's ch. c. Do Vcre beating Mr. Norman's e.

.Knean.The third raco was for Hie llpsom two years old

phlo of x) sovereigns, 55 cutrles. The race was

won by Count F. D. Itgrangii'a Hoqneforl, heatingMr. S. W. Itccvcs's Falo second, and Mr. F. Hlllotl'sc, Llferon third. Ten started. The betting prevlous to the race was 3 to 1 against Koquefoi 1, I to 1

against Far, an.l Id lo I against Illferon.

Thn London l'ress on Ihr Alntnsnin Clnltns,Iiiimhii, May 24, 1 he Timti, this morning, in

reviewing the Memrs. Laird's Idler of de'ence,auy negltgrnre on the pari of Iho (lovcrnmcnt

In p rmltllng the AtaSaint lo ssll. Thn IKilt) .Viimsays It will wnnl goo I ssstmncet that the neivAmerican Monster, Mr. Motley, is cmpowcrcM toex-pres- s

llrenvlrloiis of the President an I the Henalo,and certainly of Ihelr unci Inn of any new Irtaty.

Tlir Irish ChurchLxsihin, May iW. Tlic Toriei throiighont t tie

country are organizing rietlius t.rotr.t nnlnstthe dlseslabihlnncnt uf tho Irish Chtireh, In IheHouse uf Commons this evening the Irish Churchbill bring up. Mr. Olvdslnne snld th it there was nointention of abollshtiij the ssli m of national edu-

cation In Ireland, but amendments tmht helllltoduc ' I.

l'nylna Ibr Debt ol C1111111I11

lioxnoi, Mist S.H. In tlic House of Commons,Oils evening, the lllght lion. Mr. Mnnsell, In teplyIn Mr. Charley, said ho Ihoutht an appropriation ofa lo.m lor the Intercolonial Hallway, to ply the debtsol Caiiadi, would not bo liters', conaldtrlng the pre-

caution taken to render tho sum available whenneeded.

i I'lillllonl Troubles In "pn'-i- ,

Mvnnin, May m. Serimis illsiurlistici's havoocetttteil today nt Mulvgi and teville. directedngninst the Ptovhtonil (tovernmenl. The detailsato us yet unknown.

IVllllon fur Ibr Ft'itlnn l'rlsonrra,IiOsmiN, MivSH. Tin" Cmk City Council has

adopted a petition lor Hie patduti of tiu- Feul 1.1 pnsoncis.

The Vrrncti Uleetlous,Finis, My SI. Tho ollleiivl pnp.-r- s say that

ttie dictions extinguish the old pnrllos. siiil htivothe I1l1er.1l mimic oppoacd by only a few evolution-ary candidate.

cvniH&inr.s or vitim:.,llr. HnywnrrFsi Aeioiinl svllli tlio North

Itlvrt IIiiiiU Thr I'rriilralllrn of n ConII ill u t'.isliler -- Tlio llniik In lor 11

TliMiisiindAbout two weeks ng'S, I1.11M MarsU e.lle.t on

David W Cirnwell, uf Vt.ey street, and Intro,diicrd lo him a man who sly, e l himself J lines l,

as his prospective nrinrr. On Motut ty last,llayward eslled on Coinwell at let Vesey stteet, andnfter somu eonvirsutiou solicited sit Introdtirtlun tisome person havlna a hank account, ns ho wished lotnako a deposit ut sevin or tlelit thousand tlnllars,Mr. Curnwill took hlut on MnmUi afternoon tu IllsIrlrnd Jsinea Donnelly, uf lit Wishliitiin Mntkct,and explained the business. Donnelly having an nccount nt lie North lliv.r Hank, Introduced Hay.ward to Daniel 1 Hmlth, tho receiving teller, andan aeccnnt was opened by the deposit uf acheck purporting to bo drawn by I.lvrrmnru A Whit-ney on tho Fourth National Hank lor (7, MM, payableto the order of Jas. Hay wind, d lied Msy 37, atainpedand properly entitled. The 7,50d was thereforeplaced to the credit of Hsywunl, nnd Ihe accountwas duly opened on the books. Next morning

prrscnted In person a check for II.IXH, whichwas duly handed to him. Iiti-rl- the fori noon acheek for (l.uu was uttered at tho hank ; but as thedraft waa rather heavy, iriough hcsltiilou was mani-fested to excite alarm in the mind of Iho person whopresented the check, and he vanished, Inquiry waathin made at tlio Fourth National II ink about thocheck delimited by llayvvatd, und tho check waafound lo he win tide, n, The ll.i'n) paid In tLomorning was Uictcforu a loss ; and as It was neces-ssr-

In find thu deliiiquetit Hayward, application waam idc to Dounelly. who hunted up Cornwrll, and heanught out Mirsn, but Hayward had di'iippi-srid-

As Maish had brrn seen In Hayward'a company,both and a!tnr tho deposit had been mudr, itwas presumed by tho auk authorities tint ho of thefraul, and be was therefore arrisn d, although rrhaps only the Instrument In thelands or Hayward. YVhcu takru bi lore JusticeDow liii yesterday Marsh was commuted toanswer.

I'olsoiilng it Wouinn for lier ,vonry,Tlio nltcntioti of Ihe Coroners was called by the

Hoard uf Health ycrteidiy tn the case of Mrs, MaryAnn Dow Clark, who died recently at lilt Uci.1 FHty-Itrs- t

strict, and who wai burled at (Jii'eiivvoud nilTuesday. The alticrof.Mrs. Clark had Informed theHoard uf Health that from clrctiiustaiicca coiineetedwith the ease, especially her shurt Illness, slm sus-pected that Mrs, Clark Irtd tact it poisoned, and, ns alarge amount of properly - Involved by Mrs. Clatk'sneath, she was dealiuus that an Investigation shouldhe made by the proper authorities Di II. T. Hears,the annulling ph)tilcluii, had undo 1 ( inurltm

and given a ctrtlfleato tint sho bad diednf d.seasi nl the briln; nnd upon that rirllllratc atuirlsl permit had been granted. Curuutr Ply u andIK puti t.orouir Hhiuo have the case 111 baud, willInvisliftslu it tlioroughly, und, If nece".ary,Hie body. Mis. Chrk was 61 yoais 01 m, , and a na-

tive of llauuvcr, N, II.

How Ihe Kits! Mile llobbcrs Do ll,Last evening, as Thomas Collin- entered Shan-

non's In South street, upposllo Pier tl, hefound In the place three persons ol unprepossessingvisa;;e. Ho tillered Into conversation with them,and presently displayed a watch, which ho uttered toSiilllor(P). No otic at fined disposed to buy It, andhe returned It to his pocket. In the mean lime agame of titco had been begun, and a dispute arxingMr. ( oilier was appealod t". II "decile I In favor otthe pruprictor, whereupon tho nthcr, who merelywanted a pritext, Pitched into bliu, dtpoilP' I hllu mithe floor, and while one delicately slunk bis list Intotho victim's e)e, another icllevcJ him of his r

watch, They thrn depar ed, and Mr Collierrushed out to got a pollci man. He peraoihuhted thestrt'Lls In lils search, bin hid neaily gin up all hopewlii'ti he aceldeiitally sturnb'ed 11,1011 a guardian oflbs peace ut Canal Hi tit. Hut Iho Ihtetcs had van-ished,

A l.llllr Piirlni rshlp Dimcultr.Tlcnry A. Pullman, of tlio linn of Pullman,

Tyler A Co., In this city, appealed beforu JusticeDodge with a bandazed Inud and sorrj lookingvisage. Ho slid tint on thu prereditig eveningAKml A. llyuts, formerly a piilnir lu thu establish-ment, cnlued his store on Hroadway, ami Ilu ru

liltn. Aipioarldug him iroui In bind, besmashid the uiisuipeelinx Pulliinu's nose, luruIng It six dr;rrit lo I In.' Irlt, unit thenstabbed lu thu lnuple Ii tin with a pocketknl'e, ufltr which ho diposiltd Ids bloodyweapon ou the floor, dillbuntil) ) urti'.l I, is h.ilr be-

fore the looking glass Hint hung "10 couuler,iturk his hands lieiiinlh c ' ll, anddepartcVI whUllliig. Mr, Pullman's nuitabU ;urluirwas locked up,

l.nvvyer C'oiniiilllril In Iho Tombs,William W. Mcdoniglo, coiinselior ut law, of

3 llonst-vil-t street, was lusterd ty iirrslguud he-I- t

re Jtiitico Duwlltig, 011 the charge ofIrom Wdliam II. hl.ildon, now nl the Nsliaual Ho-tel, Cnrtl indt paired, over (ll.Ini, by representingthat be was prosecuting suit ayalnst PrnuoisPalmir, In behalf of Sheldon, 011 Iho chargo of si

From January, I'M, to May '31, I so), Midonl-gl-drew money on tills account, and tvtn exhibit! it

a doi uuient purporting tu he a transcript ol judoIrom (li j County ('Ink's omee, winch dotu-min- t.

H i" alleged, has since proved to be a forgery.Mitauuijle was lumnilttid lor trial.

Thn Long laliind Thli'vis ut H'nili A en' ,,

lliirly jesterday morning Messrs, Sniilli 4Hunri's store In Habylon waa broken nprn Thollikves, alter a grnrial ransucltlng ot ll.e shelvesslid druvirs. can lid off some of the most valuaModry goods, cunststing of silks, clothes. Ac , valuedat utuul (!.&). At I o'clock In the murnlng ll wasascrrt lined that the premises had In en entered, andthereupon an offlicr stilted afier Ihe thlevis, andbelug sueloicly pursued thry wcru compelled toabandon the goods, which wire recovered aud takenback to the village.

ceremony of decorating the soldiers'1TI10 lu Flushjuf


will take pltcc to dsy Instead of


,i rtoiiT ron $1,000,000.A .Ullllonnlre's Descendants letting Aside

his Wlll-V- nlr ( olleire luleresteil.Ill the Stijireme Court Francis I. Manice Smilh

has snrd Wm. De Forest Manlie and olherj to setaside, In whole or lo part, tho will of the hi DeForest Manlcc, of Hempstead, who died tn ISM,leaving property In this city and ilsewhcre valued atorcr two millions of dollars. The testator makescertain beiitiests lo hit wife, mother, Ids sonsand dtnghlrrs to the extent of about ofthe estate, and then he glroj the rest of his real andpersonal rtata lo his executors la trust during thelifellmeof his wife, with provision far her supportand forolhrr purposrs; and the surplus Income Is

to be divined Into two puts ; one to be Inv sled andlo aerntnulatc during her Iifetlm, and to pay there-out at her death (5,000 to the Trnstres of Yale Col-

lege, to be Invested and accumulate. Interest unlllI rtnelpal and Interest shall smounl to flw.OM; somuch of the in teres t of which last sum la thi n to beused by the Tiustees when required to do so as willeducate continuously i . person, who shall hearthe testator's pitcm-i- t rams, end be a lineal de-

scendant of Ids In all their courrcs collegiate andscientific.

The will thrn provides fur an appraisal of the re-

siduary pcrsoaat and rcil estate Into twelve equalpar la ; three parts of which are riven to each of histwo sons, Wm. De Forest Msnlce and Kdwaid Au-

gustus Manice; tho net Income of two parts Is givento recti of Ids Hirer danghlers, Miry C. Lockwood,Caroline Amelia Mania', and Ihe phlnllT, FrancesM. Sni.lh, for Ihelr lid', and at their death the shareof each to be divided rqttilly ainont her children,the net Income to be accumulated during the minori-ty of each, except necessary outlay for their support,and at Ut to he pshl to them with the accumulations,In case citner of the daitihtirs shoul I die unmar-ried, she Is atttliorlicd 10 dispose of her share bywill.

II Is sought on tho part uf plalntllT to have thoheirs at I iw declared seised of the real estate be-

longing In the tealatur at the time nf liU decease,subject to the dower uf the w blow.

The tout I r 1 served Its decision.

Tin: .ni.iKf.'f.'.s i.v nonrox..llnrrlngn not rtiieetnllv is Chrlinti Inslltn

lion Living s lies Auitel Ltfr ol .llcn-N- o

Distinction or Hex -- Mister Ilium's TeniUrttoiiy,

llosmi, May 23. A Ciinvenliim of Shakers,numbering ah-n- sixty delegates uf both sexes, metIn tho Mehinsou They represented Ihe Comiinmltlis of Mount la Un,. 11, of Walervllel, N. Y.:Harvard, uf Shirley, Miss ; Hancock, uf WestIT'tsllild, Msss. ; Canterbury, at Lntlchl , an I theCommunity nt I'rcdrr.eksburgh, M" ITirre) was alarge utleudjne.i of sneetntms. Presiding KbierFrederick W. Fvans, of Mount Lebanon, welcomedth.-- brctt ren and fpeet itors and sal I that the meet-ing w is lurtnitlu-i- l consultation.

Addresses Intersperse.! with singing were deliver-enb- y

Klder Hrnty t nmnilufs, of r.nfltl.l, N II.;til ler Win Leonard, uf II irvard, Va-s- .: Sister

irrli-- t Hiillsrd. Protl er Albeit Linmis, of Water--lie t; Slsti r Paulina Hates, and other women of the

sect. 111 Irr Lru'inrd said th it t'to shakers occupiedn dlHerent phne from the miss of Oirl-tltn- v Thoplane of lite ueeupn-- by the utlices was welt enough,but the Shakers deemed III it the Christian Hcrlp-lutr- a

rrqulro an nhaudnunient ut the wurldly andaulmal Inslliicls and passions, lie quoted two nrthree Sctlplure texts In prove that punly ol lite wasthe special thing nqiilrid hy (Tirl-t- .

Ilrolher laKjims said the Shakers rrcngnUrd theequality of all pirsoi.r, without distinction of raconr sex. Ho nniioiinred that while tnry regardedmairla:eM a prupir and lionora'de liKlltutlon.ttwr.s not a Chrlslhll luslllttltoil It belungedto the tinier nf Adam, but not lo the urder nf Christ,and as dl'clplca ut Christ, seeking to live the angillife niiw, they h It rsllitl upon tofurbear enti ring uponmatrimony. He thought Hist man) of tlio practicesuf popular rlcigimcn weir not pitlrrned after theitiiworldlinessnf Christ, lie tllsiussed thequestlonor tnatrlage as a Christian ordinance, and urirmedlhat the Si ilpluru la ngalnst It. The benediction ofthe ministers rould not sanctify It If the Master didnot by his example and Injunctions. He argued inguiiral that spirituality of life wus the caaeultal re-

quirement nl Christ's leaching.Mister Paulina Hates testified lo the spiritual satis,

faction which she bad found lu the lite uf a sister uftlte Mli ikrr iraterolty upwards of lorly 1 cars. Thekindlier) ot tho brilhren Inwards her und thu othersisters, and Ihelr honnrahle and ex tuplaiy lives, sheboru w Hut ss to :11ml ane added Iho belief that thespirit of Hod had appointed Hut Ins children shouldwalk lu this way Ilia Christian Ills:.


Mmlc ou tlic I 'nt L Mull this afternoon.The Northeast Sariigerbiind'a picnio netted

(1,'JISJ.Four ateaincra leave Una port for Kttrope

laden with tourists,The new Thirty-fourt- street market is tu bo

formally ojicncd this evening.Tho llickaito branch of Hie Society of Friends

formally adjourned yesterday.Widow Van Colt will preach in tlio Chapel, 113

L'lizibulh street, to morrow evening.Margaret Malian, full last night from the third

story window uf 13 Pell atreel.The Jewish congregations uf Ihiscily arc raising

funds to relieve their corellgloulsts lu EasternPrussia.

The Custom House authorities havo tuade aheavy seizure of silks belonging to afirm In Ibla city.

The Oithodox Friends held it liutlness meetingyesterday morning and evening. They will continuetheir sssslons next week.

The (lerinnii Itepuhlican Central Committeemet last evening to ptovitle for the families of souioof their decnased members.

Tho bodies of two unknown men were foundirslerday morning; ono at Pier '37, East Hirer, andtho other at Pier Est. North Itlver.

Tho Her. F. W, Hedge, of Itrookline, Mass.,will preach In the large hail of Ihe Cooper Itistttutotu morrow morning and evening.

The ferryboat Miperior. In running out of tlioslip at the lout of lluosi'vell street jcsteiday

tan lulu the schunuer Chase.Jane llowatd, uf 'Mi Stanton street, in a fit of

uVfiil'm tmiitm, last evening, look it dose of Parisgirt n, and tut ascvere gush in In r arm,

Mr. A. W. Teniiey, uf this city, delivers thooration on the occasion of decorating the graves ofsol dicta In Jersey City, on Monday, the 31st lust,

Tlio play ground of the Central Park aro to heopen hcri-alle- on Mondays, Thursdays, and Satur-days for the putdls uf the schools, Croquet on

S rdtirsdiy and Friday afternoons,Mr. John I'uund, organist nf the Fifth aventio

Presbyterian Church, and Jl Mr. Mora, aa errone-ously repotted, presided al the organ on Thursday atthe marriage of Mr. and Mrs. T alntor.

Lust orcniiig, Louis Stcitnlor, aged 13, nf 141Attorney street, quarp lied with Augtisl-- i Springer,ol 1S1 Attorney sired, with whom he wasI Ii) lug, and stubbed her In the back with a pocket-knll-

wounding her severely.If M011. Chevalier should fail in his icrlal voy-

age to Kurupe, the Jovial 11 irry Hill might go up Inn balloon. However, as the old Harry Is wormf.Ml.imi. be might survive Ihe loss of the (l,5oi) whichbe his invested In the voyage.

Tlio Lxi'iiilivo Committee nf tho proposed So-ciety of tl.o Army uf Hit- - Potomac hivo madeirrang incuts with Ihe several 1 abroad

fur the necomiiiudallou of ofUerrs attind-11-

it (he tcunlou lu this city 011 Hie 5th of July next.Tlio llev. John Sheridan, n convert from Ito.

maiilstn, who fur tie pist ten ytars has btenas a mission irs by the Hronkl) n City Mission

H.Ktity, was ordained on Thursday as a minister uftno llsptlst persuasiun, lu the strung placo llapllstChurch.

The Yunng Men's Father Malhew T. A. M. II.B No. l.of this city, Intend lo hold tl.cir fifth iitiuualp'culc at Hilvedere Park, llOtli street a nl F.lghthuviuuc, on the afternoon slid everlng of Miindiy,May HI. ThU will be a hue chance foi tvery one soiuclliii'd tu ato how the tcmpeiauce young men ofour city enjoy themselves.

XKir Ji.iisr.r.Tho llev. Dr. L. 0. Holland is to preach in

Irvltigtnn.N J . to tnoi row morning and evening.Mis O'ltoiirke, of Neivuik, was badly leulv.ll

with u stone by Mis. Mary KaneTho Hotel, nl Long llr.itioh was

sold 111 Wcdnisduy, with tta site anJ Uxluris, lor(lUO.MW,

llobeit II. Harle was arrested at Newark yoslor.iliy. 011 a charge of ass lulling with a red hot pukirTUomaa llriun, uu cuiploi'u in a siwing uiachluoistahllshini ut,

Junius (lillvii was arrested 111 Jersey City yes-terday, on charge of colli clirg aud appi updating tons own use ft right muno, the ropirty of William

Wtn-- 111.

tliorgc ll'iman, who claims tu be Iho agent of aNew 1 ork wholesale liquoi tst.iMishiueiit, wus be-

fore Justice Mills, In Newark, ) tirdiy, on a chargeor atleinptii g to aasaulu ite Carl Illudircr, a salooukeeper

A keri scno lamp cxplodeil id tho sitting roomuf Mlchvl licit' In uif, I fJ Meadow slnrt. Mrs,llcssi' was badly burntd. Two of the children wereseverely Injund, one or Ihem fatally. No Lopes areeutoitalned uf the recovery uf Mrs. Hesse,

Mrs. Faircl, while drirliig a wagon throughMalu atreel, Paterson, on Thutsday, very coollydrovo lit r horse and wagon over her hushaud,severely Injuring hlui In the hip, but was tetuiauiguuu 1 NYuaua'i UlthM mteUnb


c.i it.i ix.o ExmtAT. mrr.cK asks.IVAtX 10 CALL ItlJl llQitJS.

Nolhlm New about Dulce's llrKllti-C'haa- lan Mu.plrlous Three. ninstrd Mlenmer-T- he

American Flag llolstrd-ll- rr Escnrr.HiTAna, May 21. The Spanish gunboat Aut-Irl-i

reports, that wlnl, cruising In the neighborhoodof Cuba she saw a acsp'clnn h)kngste.imrr. The Austria Immillatcly give chase, sodflrcii her guns for the purpose of bringing the vesselto, hut she hoisted Ihe American flat and continue!on her course.

Ceptsln-Oenrra- l Dnleslo dsy telerphed to Spain,aking to be Inmellatily relieved of the

The Itrhrl Itnm Atlnuln Out for C'nba-- Ciltmn Color lo bp llolilrd nl fea, ,

Pint. May 2'. Workmen oro fltllno:up the Confederate rm Atlanta. She Is expected lasill wllhln Iso weeks and It i not donbtril thather dettlnatlcn Is Cuba, and that her officers aresytppelhlxirs wltlt the pattlot'. Her gnn were tohive been put abnar t yesterday, but they did notarrive from Fortresa Monroe, the weather off lhatplace bilng so bad un Monday and that thevessel chartered to t ring them did not put In atrnrtres Monroe. Tiny will arrive next week,she Is to sail under the Mexican (tu, an I after beinga ten days st sea will prubably hoist Cohan colors.

11 o.s tox it t: 1, to 10 x. IItnlnh tViildo Emerson, Ihe Itrr, T. W, I

lllgalnson, Dr, Ellunicr. .11 rs. Julia 4

'Wnnl llorrr, nnd Olhrrs, before IkeFrrr ISrllglnua Aasoclntlon, '

IIimtiiv, May 23. A largely-alli'iiilc- J meetln .of the Frie itdl.lous Association waa bold In Tie-inn-

Temple tod ir The iter. (. II. Frolhlngharaopere l the mrrtlng with an ad Iress, In which hestaled iho posiiinti which the .Society occnp'ed

the public -- having no cre, d to propngste, dltTerlag very much In thtlr belief, hut all seeking thtruth

Dr Ktlanrcr, of New York, editor of the JtieUkTimri, read a paper on Hie Jewish faith, making anesrnest appeal for truth. Tlio Iter, Jisse II. Jonis,of New York rlty. desired to apeak of Jesus In aatiltllodl'I light.

The Iter. Francis K. Abbott said they wanted to offila plallorm In w hlch every one could speak Ids own

Halph W vldo Emerson was receivedvvllh great opt liuse. He opened by saying lhat wemight now relinquish our strife In the theologicalworld. We are all bellev era In natural rollglon; we aOaguo lhat the health and tntrgrtty uf man is ei

t Zealot eagerly fasten their ejeaupon the itbetween their creed and your, but the China

was 10 Ond the Identity between tho Iwo,The Chilrrrau, read a teller front Lucrella Mott,

who la sick.The Itcv T. W. Illgglnson read the report of the

Exreuilvr Committer, an t letter from Dr. A, II. .

t joint, nf New lb, llord; tho Iter. Phillip Hrooks ol fPhlhiiflphl'i; the llev. Win. II. II. Murray of Hostorj- - Ithe Idv. I.) in in Abbott of New York; Win. B. IPaiks nf Mwience, and lrotesvor Diamond ol Illrown t'nlsnslly, all ut vvhtili cxprissed sympathy r

with tho uhjrcts of the Asioclatlon. Mrs. Julia wardHowe then read an casiy 0:1 " Fredom and Kcatralulin Id Itelon."

Mrs. Mary Drew charged unon Christianity, nil thslibels that hid ever been uttered atnnst true rc- - .

Ilglnn. She arraigned the ehurcn of high cccleslsa- -

ttcsl crliiie-- and inisdcuiranors. The Iter. Misstill. son dl'CJis.'d tin: iitcis'ity of a religion thaiwould know no sects, and would rccognlxo womanas the equal ufmtp. The Itcv. Dr. Harta l, of Hoton, Lucy htune and other addressedtho Association. tiv.t 1:0 xorr.s.The National lliiird of thl State 1 tu be reduced

from 11,00 tu 30.0O9 men. Dnrlug the past week lospes.tor Ueneral Metjusde has been maWiug a tour ainonftho various regiments lu this cty and llrooklyn that ,

nilahl stand a chance of being consolidated or reduced.On Monday evening ho vlvlled the armory of the Sixty,ninth Itrgpv.cut, Col. Cavanagh commanding, and

that old and f unoui organlxaUon. There wereresent Vti men in the new nnlfotm lately adopted byfne eonimatnl, and &9 tu the old stylo. Ttwro are ,

lis) adiiltlonsi names tound on ttm reginienlal rolli. Aruiunltlonfor TUJncw iitiif',rnistiiis lately that the emuiiisnd will soon ho uuiiornied in goodshSfU. tin the sninn uvemng, lha t'uuritl (VeturaaZouavel Itealiuent, Hot. l l.sey eommana'ne, sii lav. ut the Htata Arsenal. T here were tint Va ufilccrs Iand men presiiit, an I with unly pan of a unllonu. IIt l mine tlisn prnbabto that tha rirsl, Third, and 'I'snrtli Iteabiicnts (lha ouly .onave Itegiinciits in ths '

llivlsionl sv.ll be consolidated, riaktng ono good,hi a ttiy oigunu.vllon. tin Tuesday evening, ttie fifty,sixth Iteulnieiit, (Jut Chat'Uiaa couiu.anding, were In.specled in their armory lu t'onrt street, llrouklyu. j

T here were pruent 371 utnci-r- and men. The regimentli soon 10 be uniformed la grey; the uniforms are mak I

lug, and are lo be ready tor thu parade of tho Llevcula IUnmade on the IMhot June. '

The Klcventh Hiviuiint iWaihlngton IllUss), Col.1 ux commanding, will parade un llouday next, to cele-liia-ij

the auiiiveiiary of tnelr depai tore for Harper's ,

111 Ihe;, Line 11 to be formed In (treat Jonea street,right on Lafayilte plaie at 10 o'clock A. M. Alterasiiott parade the cuwmaod will proceed to Juues'sWood.

Majot V. W. ftchmale lias been elected Lieutenant-Colon-

or the First lleginienl Cavalry, and Capt. HenryW.tawr, ol lompany D.AIaJor

Thu orQi-cr- an 1 non cuuimlsiloned nfiiccr of thoTwelfth Iteminent, Intentry, are ordered hy Col. Jo.iaWsrd 10 asK'iuble lur drill al Ihe regiaieutat armoryIn Hroadway, ou Monday evening next. Ou tue'daylite regiment will ariein'ile for drill au j Initrucllon ui ,

IV sshlngton squ ire. Line formed at 3S u'clock P. M.Owing to Ihe condition ol loiuiiklns bquare ttie eon

erele pavement being itltl In preparation, the ill libs olthe First and I bird Itesrlmcnis of Cavalry, aod of IbeiVastilngtoli tlrey Hiiuidruu, have been postponed.

On tl.e evening of vv eitnesdsy, June a, the Mrst Itegluictii will have a nulla ion drill In their aruiory, andvote on the prnpnsi',1 change of uniform,

'I he Second Urtgado, ling, lieu, Uu,grr, commanding, :

will mat.e ttieir Srlng parade uu June a. 4

'Iho Wsihingtuu Orsy hniiadron, composed of theofflcerr, an. 1 color gaant,euuiuianded by Major Kent, will visit Hotlon uurinir lbspenuejuhllee. btate Ktuinecr Tweed, Urig.-Oen- . Post,loy, suit staff, and ottiers will accompany the party.They wdl leavo hereon the llthof Juns and return 01ths Inn. They aro to be Hie guests of tho Hoiton Laa- - ,

ClA,t'an election oft Oompeny, Elehth neelmont.ths "

followtag named were Second l.leut. J. P. 7Leslie, First Lleot Talle transferred private J. Cassl- - Ittr.Sieond Llotiteountt Foarthscrgt.J. Maitln, Third ISergeant Fifth bergl. W.J. Newman. Fourth bergiaut,private lleo. HroOkl, KlftU Sergeant. After the cteu- - J

lion, the ( ompa'iy psitouk of a codatlon prep ttcd by ilHie newly elected omens. rj

Hpnrhs from Ihr Telesrnoh. fIsabella abdicates Ihe Sponisn throtio In fator ol

Anurias.Six hundred volunteers sailed from CaJli for 11a- - a

vana yesterday. , IThe Paris Duutsv, donJ quiet, with rentes at - f

llf. 10c. -The Havre cotton markt. closed al lUf. per cwt, ;

for Ires ordinaire onAnothir (Islncs suit has been inilltutoJ la the

coiuli of Sew Orleans.The Schocppe murder trial was continued la

I'a,, yesteiday.A demonstration In famr nf the Duke ot Monte

t enner is expected soon at SevUle.The debate on Ihe new National Spanish Constitu-

tion lias bceuilosrd.liuiacl Pasha has srrlved la Trieste, and beeu re-

ceived uilU great stale.Hoyte Ins not escaped nor Is It likely he will very

s iou. He is lu Clinton Prison.Mr H. C Low is, formerly agtnt for the Cunard

fnsmililp Company, died on Thursday night,MaJ. rien, Thomas L. Crittenden arrived In ltlch- - jl

mond, Va., )csti'rda,elkht ilajs irom California.Eili-nsiv- amngemenla have bien made In all the

principal clues and towns ou Ibo Uudioa todecuratttue graves of 10I Iters. ,

Alexander Holmes, formerly President of the OldColony llatlroad, died at bis risldence lu Kingston,Mais., onThursday.

The Keformed Presbyterian Synod, In lisNcwburgti. adopted a tcsolutlon ecusurtn;r the geueraiUovt rnuient lui running the mails ou buuday.

The ltepubllraus of the Galena (UI.) Congress Dls-- ti

let have tr.ed UU tin. rs, without success, to Sad aman to lake WashburueT place.

Four out of a party of alt buffalo hunterwcru kilted by the Indians on Monday, near WhileHock, twt'Uty lour mile west of Shirley, kausi

At Cynthlaiia, Ky., on Thursday, a monument to '

the Cnntedirato dead in Ilsltle llrovo Cenicterv waa on.veiled. W. c. Uncklnrldge ite.irerod the oratljn.

The new Iron-cla- steamer hi ro- - I

turned 10 Iheil, after having circumnavigated the nut wilUno aicident wnttevtr.

The New Orleans Commercial Convention, whichadjourned cilerday, a bq ted i.sulul.ons urgtof a

to coutluut'd rolglng Iho muulhsuf tlio Muil- - Js pi. I

The Kentucky Ilirubllcans heartily support Presl-de-

llranl, and led inriiend thospesdy ratitlealloii ofilin f utn 'itli Aiuuuauiiul as conducive to the wclfaro .

of Hie country. I

The lil pi Zctus and Margaret were recentlywrecked at I'aitboit I'lso I, oif Aut.cosll Island, audah hands weiu lust, except tha mala of tho Maigant,w ho arrived lu ijutbic ou T hursdsy nl.tii.

The Virginia SI He Conv. nth n adjourncned ye,terday after aluptlug a series of risoluutl 111 requestingden rai ra.ily ta give colored ntcu rcprissutalloaupou the benches of the courts.

The counting room of Ch irlee and F.llaa Milllken,luiuuer merehants, of Augusta, Me., was robbed onWednesday nlglilof bank stocks, T Iconic vv.isr power.hsre., UJtcl ol baud, lc, to the value of I30J.VJ.

James W. Camrbcll, of Covington, ha made affl.davit that t'ta tesltiiionv bef ire I'te lliaad Jury In De-

cember last. 011 which ludlctmenU were procurvlagaiml certain tobacco manetaoturca was fslvei thaiho testltleil falsely because of inieals and tudaccmcuumade by the Uovctnuieni detective offlrcrs. t .

Tho Good Templars, lu session lu Oswego, bava 'ftelected Itifhl Worthy Orsnd Templar. Jonsltiaa 11. jP,Orne, of Usrblchesd, (loss 1 ttiiU worthy Oraaacoaa. f ,

sclor, W, u, VVIIllanis, uf Isapanee, tlolarlo. Caoadai 'KUrlil Wortny Urand Vies Templar, Faoala Woodbury,ofbhlcago, till tllghl Worthy arauit SecrsUry, J. I.Spencer, of Clevebvad, Otiloi lUkt Worthy Orsnd ,1

Treasurer. Jotn Campbell, or it. Loan, It MSI as- - jjnasi fcasstoaw la tie held ta at. Louis, JV