a-intd icle · 2015. 2. 14. · a-intd icle une 8. 1933 wwdd offer education to local unemployed...

A-INTD ICLE UNE 8. 1933 Wwdd Offer Education To Local Unemployed Rev. M. Y. Poynter. Rev: W. F. Behrens, Jr.. Submit Report to Relief Commit- 'tee's Advisory. Council. A suggestion that the Cranford Emergency Relief Committee offer' a number of educational courses to the unemployed, attendance at which and stated achievements in such courses to be counted as service rendered, the Re- lief Committee, is contained in a spe- cial report to the Advisory Council of the Emergency Relief Committee. The report was submitted by the Rev. Mat- chett Y. Poynter, pastor of the Cran- ford Methodist Church, and the Rev. WUliamF. Behrens, Jr.. pastor of Cst- vsry Lutheran Church, both of whom are members of the Council. Their recommendations win be considered at a meeting of the Advisory Council FrK day evening, June 3O.> y . ;The Rev./Mr. Poynter and the'Rev. Mr. Behrens were appotrited "recentl>; •to study the possibility, of^arrylng out a program of supervised" activities In would 1 have for ius. purpose ttie-better- ment of the morale of the individual and the refinement of his intelligence, and. in the case of the youth particu- larly, ttie occupying of his time in a beneficial manner. ' ... Their recommendations follow: / "\. That so far as this committee 11 concernedjoor educational work be con- fined to tlie unemployed. If adult ed- ucation is sponsored for any employed, t ^hnnid be under separate auspices. "3. That the following courses, might be offered: <a)^current problems, <b) salesmanship, <c) elements of electric- ity. But any recommended courses would depend upon the teachers avail- able and the enrollment. . "3. That attendance at courses and stated achievements made be counted as service rendered the Relief Commit- tee. ' • • - - • •4. That some standard relief wage •nded). ~t. That a board of adult education for the unemployed be formed." Should the Advisory Council adopt an educational program, it Is unlikely that the program would be placed In effect until next fall. Lang SeU New Record : In State Track Meet C. Lang set a new State- recorp In the Javelin throw in the State track and field meet last Saturday to give -Cnnford high school, the' defending champion. Its only first place. Lang threw the javelin 169 feet and four Union won the Group 2 champion' ship with 24 points. Cranford's. en- trants were able to account for only 17% points. ; 7 '""" ~"\~ Members of the Cranford team to place In tne^meet were; Rosjch. fourth In the discus;' Griffiths, fourth in the high., hurdles; jButier, second in the run: Uusa. fourth In the pole vault, and Tomczyk, second In the shot put. Summer School Term , Will Start June 26 The Cranford Summer School "Ses- '*Eion will start Monday, June 28, ac- cording to plans approved Tuesday night by the Board,of Education. The summer term will last six weeks, clos- ing on'Friday. August 4. All classes will be hejd In Cleveland School. Miss Jeanette Armstrong will be in charge of the summer school. Other teachers «fll be Miss Etta Tunner and Miss Mary Dugan. Enrollment is expected to exceed one ,bundred pupils this summer One hun- dred seven were enrolled last year Mba Beatrice Franklin Whipple, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W Whipple. received her third degree, Mt f S i fm Colum Holy Name Society To Entertain Ladies The annual Ladles' Night entertain- ment of the Senior Holy Name Society of St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church will be held In the school hsll at 8:30 o'clock Monday evening. The musical troupe of the society will give a short entertainment during the evening. Refreshments will be served following, the program.; The monthly meeting of the Junior Society will he held in' the recreation rooms of the psmrhlal school at 8:1! o'clock tomorrow night. First report] will be received from the various com. mlttees recently' appolnted/by Presl dent Lawrence Larkln. y —: "• The Senior and Junior branches of the society will receive Holy Com- munion in a body i t the 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morning/ . ( . . There will be no meetings of'either the Senior or the Junior Societies dur- ing July and August. Historical Society Has v Annual Election Presentation otTShort Plays Tuesday/ Night Pleases Audience; Annual tion Is Held. The Crsnford Dramatic Club held It* last assembly of the season at the Casino Tuesday night when three short plays were presented, and the annual election was. bsfct The result of the tatter was s s follows: president, Harry Folk; first vice-president, J.. Branch Darby; second vice-president. Clara Low; secretary, Kusabtth Qreen; treas- urer, Albert Mount The first ptay given was a comedy, "Pie." by Lawrence Langer, capably and amusingly acted-by s well-selected group of veterans of theclub who know how to get their laughs where they are due. A large and appreciative audience attended. The out ol "Pie", which was produced .'by Prances SUles. the properties being by. Eleanor Mason, was as follows: Clifford Quitter. Edward Everett; Annie Mulligan. Prances heea aa President;'"A. G Woodward Succeeds W. J. McKee as Treasurer.' J. S. Voorhees was re-elected presi- dent of-the CranfordHlstorlcal Society at a meeting of the trustees last week in tlie society's headquarters oh north Union avenue. Other officers re-elected Include: First vice president, E.~ K. Adams; second vice president, Wesley A..Stanger; secretary, C. F. Manchon; and corresponding secretary, William B: Brandon. A. C. Woodward was elected treasurct, of the society to suc- ceed W, J. McKee, who resigned. Mr. McKee f s resignation as treasurer was accepted with sincere regrets. The slate of officers was presented by a nominating committee composed of W. F. Hoffman and Mr. McKee. o^n*w~mcmbers,-C,-C^Van-Nuys and Nicholas O. Xcnos, were approved by the trustees, and Mr, Van Nuys was elected to serve a three-year term as trustee; after It had been decided to In- crease the membership of, the boanl of trustees from fifteen to twenty. . Announcement was p made that a number of gifts of historical value had been donnted to the society. They are as follows: From Mrs. John R. Reay, a sheet from the record book of the Fort Jeff- erson,' Fin., prison, j known as The Is- land of Dry Tortugns. The papCT car- ried the names of a Dr. Mudd and Messrs. O'Loughlln, Arnold and Span- ger, all of whom are said to have been implicated in the assassination of President -Uncoln. ~ " From John_W. Tfipp,- ffranford's sole surviving Civil War ^veteran,, a Con- federate almnnnc: from SheTly 1 Austin, an announcement of the formation of an organization known ns-The- Crank forfl River-Improvement Association, a group ..which wns active In bettering ,-^wm...— :._.-. .--_, .... -.;, i»_-: J. ..... j,: river conditions In Cranford during the javelin: Latane. fourth In. the 2Wyard ^^ icaia..Bt-tba pasLcentury_. „_;- :;Jri4he3«(riyarit -^fo^oftbrgf :C;Jtfbon?S v powder caiT from'the. ill-fated V. STB. Maine: from Mrs. Moon, a silk cushion cover which covered il cushion used by Cienertil Grant in 1879; from William B. Brag- don. various booklets and documents. The society decided to Install four new fire extinguishers to further pro- tect the many relics housed in the so- ciety's headquarters. < . ' .... The next, meeting will be at the home of W: J. McKee in October. Fiske Post b Presented - \Vith. American Flag, Staff H. C. Hcckendorf of 103 Benjamin street has presented Captain Newell Rodney Fiske Post..335, V. P. W,, with an American flag, measuring six by nine feet,- according to an announce ment made today:"" A twelve foot'Staff, tlped with a gold-, i Beatrice Whipple Receives "^^^^^SJWW^^JB^SSJ^B^ . . • ••..—•— v r- ~. - - - —,— r vr~~~~~ ~~ -~~ * ' —, post by Joseph Cannon of 11 Spring' field avenue -...' . • .-. The stall will be placed at a forty- five degree angle over the entrance to the headquarters In the Shapiro build- tb ^'*^^ Ol f^ aCe :TZ^ U ^ ta K on Union avenuei North. It is Us] University at Jhe one hundred and, baW thal the ^ m ^ displayed «e*jenty-ninth annual commencement * . . . - .. Tuesday evening 1 ! ' • . . i ' . -. ' Whipple has majored in 1 history' : and the fine arts and will continue her * thi ith e fine y of r-'"*'T this summer with a noted artist in Woodstock, N. T. [.Taxpayers to Hear . Officer Wednesday Dr. Dunfee Is Honored By Cranford Lions Qub The "Craofbrd'-Lioiis Club . Friday night-presented Dr. Earl.A. Diunfee, past president of the club »nd\now itrit ith n p a s t president of the club »nd\now I Lions deputy district governor, with a Blwelir flelcT seeretary-of tte past i>resJdent's pin.—Friday* meetiag key Taxpayers" Association. wHlTm the Rostrevor 'was the last regular 1 speaker at the meeting J meeting for the season. Weekly dinner Taxpayers' Association meetings will be resumed September 8. p^Rooms, Wednesday! Summer activity will contlst of a _> 14. at 8 o'clock. ' picnic some Un» In Jmy and an outing eoBsOtntlon and-by-!»ws-in August The outing will-be « l the Ittted for the approval of summer home of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. i at the meeting. ' ; Baker In PointPIeasant V- Dramatic (M Successful lodiaii Scoot Executive To Speak Here Sunday cbie; and Mrs; Qullter, Hannah McAl- lister, . .... . ,• . . The second presentation was "Hall an Hour," a one-act satirical drama by Sir James Barrte, produced by Clare Low. The antique furnishings used in this and the previous play were ob- tained through the courtesy of Walda Rosencrants, of the Black House, Cen- tral avenue; and-Maxwell of Westfleld. Mrs. Rolfe Oenman was In charge of the properties tor "Half an Hour." .. This is in Hhree scenes. It U, per- haps not on Barries highest level but la nevertheless Interesting, especially the. last scene, to which the others lead up. The production was well cast and beautifully set. The club has acquired an outfit of dark velvet hangings which are of great use, and form an effective background of many purposes. This drama was the most elaborate of the threo.s.nd might be cslled the pleeede re«lstaace"«f-the-evenlngrslnce-lt~was of the most serious character. The per- sons in the plsy were as follows: Lady Lilian Oarson. Helen KempshaU; Rich- ard' Oarson, Paul Crispin; Hugh Fa- ton, J. Branch Darby; Susie, Msrda Darby; Dr. Brodle, S. B. Baninger; Withers, Richard lackey; Mrs. Reddng, Opal Randolph; and Mr. Bedding. Charles Messerve. • _ J.—. The last play was "The Reunion." by Jerome Davis Ross, produced by Alice Matthews, and was not.classified on die program aaeither comedy, fans or drama. It Is, In fact, a take-off on the melodama* of olden days, although such . are hard to caricature, being themselves so far-fetched as to admit of litUe humorous: exaggeration. This play, a, guest play,' has already-met with one success In Cranford, having been presented by the same cut at a recent meeting of the College Club. The players entered thoroughly into .the Spirit of the-thing, adopting the stage technique former times with sur- prising aptitude, and, undoubtedly, a good time was bad by all. Incldental- hot take a Sherlock Holmes to deduce the fact that Mr.' Ross U quite a young man, since he lays (he scene of his mel- odrama In "the gay nineties/ 1 In the name of. which many chonological sur- prlses""are sprurw, l%ttoe way 1 of cus- tom and'costume. It was an Interest- ing period, but not quite so all-embrac- ing In style arid habit of thought as the young persons of today _»»em_to think. One need not berth*, oldest In- habitant to remember tharthis type of drama had already "gone out" at that time; but what axe forty years, more or less, to a Juvenile dramatist} Mr. Ross wanted to be funny, and he. succeeded, with the able assistance of an excel- lent cast. The properties were by Doris Pennypscker, and the Incidental music by Jack van Bigferoie. Taking past were: Daniel Ouililt/i master crook. Floyd.Shannon; Cokey Joe, his sceom- plice, Marvin. Payton; Jojlah Finch, a professor, Herbert Randolph; Thelma nnchThisirtfe,SjitfcNesl; Old Tom, a trartrpw James Fennypacker; and Ah Wu, Esther Btoman. Scene-^-A dilapi- dated tenement in the slums of New York. Time—In the gay The' hostesses .for the Mrs. Moses Craig. Un. son and Mn. Harold L. Robinso^i. Har- old L Haskins was the business man- ager. •-— .'" - uccrvs-Dsai Miss Blapche V. Abrams, teacher In the Crahtord) schools, received the de- gree of master of education at the commencement exerclsas of the Rutgers OnivenltyjScbool of tducation tooaj. Winifred J. Usowisi^Jr^reoelved the degree of bachelor of science In educa- Uon. EAZI OLD HOC8B Work of ruing the old houss Just west of the Cranford theatre on Korth srenne was started yesterday.. Jr. O.U. A. M. to initiate Candidates June IS The three degrees of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics will be conferred upon Mward LsDue and Robert Lodentedt Thursday even' Ing. June 15, at the Masonic Temple on South avenue. Several other candi- dates from other councils also will be Initiate*. The Union OouneU of Rah- way will confer the first two degrees and the Sherman Council of Roselle will give the thud degree. State Councilor Barnes of Paterson will make lus official visit on June IS to the Cranford Council, Na 32, Jr. O. U. A. M. Other State Council office™ also will attend the meeting,.sccordlnf to an announcement made by Otorge Lawrence, Cranford Councilor. W. K. Relnhart, secretary of Cran ford Council, has announced that the Union county Put . Councilors will meet June It with the Central Council of Westfleld In Westfleld, All mem: ben have been Invited. "• •; , dress in Methodist Church Following Court of. Honor; . Eight to Get Awards. The Rev. Henri B. Ferger, divisional Boy Scout executive for India, will give an Illustrated address on "Scouting In India'' following the Cranford'District Court of Honor in the Cranford Metho- dist Church at 7:30 o'clock'Sunday ev enlng. Troop 75, sponsored by the Methodist Church, will'set host*. The publlo has been extended an invi- tation to attend; / The Court of Honor will be In charge of Harlan W. Drew, scoutmaster of Troop 76; B. W. Fi Randolph, dlttrict Scout oommluioner, and A. 8._C1ark, chairman of the District Court-of Honor. Among the Scouts who will receive award! and recognJUOn Sunday-night an: John Faunce, Roy D. living, Rob- ert Davis, Henry Romlnger and Byron Cameron of Troop 70; Howard Rath of Troop 7»; and Harvey Seavy and Ar- thur Brown of Troop so. Herbert Sim- mons will receive his First Class Badge- Roy Irving will be cited u a Star Scout and John Faunce as a Life Scout. The atter two will receive their awards at the County Council court of Honor June M. The tenderfoot lnvesture service will be staged by the lnvesture team from Troop 79. The recognition of Scouts attaining the second class rank since the/lut Court of Honor will follow. Award of" first class badges and merit badges will conclude, the Court of. Hon- or program. - The District Board of Review Tues- day night marked the last opportunity that will be afforded the first clan Scouts to earn points towards the dis- trict progress contest. Arthur Wesi- ghan of the Sea Scout ship,.with 103 points, la- in the lead for the Lions blub .-prise, with Byron Cameron of Tr«>p-75,r» .close, secoad.-with.^101 points, aocordlng.lo an unofficial count. John Faunce of Troop. 75 failed by six points of overtaking Cameron. The latter young man-established himself the ranking Scout In UM district u he has more than the number of merit badges required for the rank of Eagle Scout andlacks only two of the badges peclally required for this rank.' \- Relief Illegally Received Will Be Refunded to Town Peter Chereshkoff of Bessler avenue will repay the Township of Cranford the »1M.«, which he received Illegally tn relief funds. Aocordlng to-the set- tement which was mad* before Judge U. li LoVeland in police Court Monday night, Creatkoff Is to re-pay U» sum In payments of « » monthly. Sentence was suspended u long as parments are made regularly. ChhfcA i * f tlM.40. from the Township.In from theflrist of' the year unUl May 15, in addition to 1376JS which he had earned by working for a' railroadcom- pany. :'• •- • • • .-•:".:. Police Campaign Against" ° Peddlen Net. Towmhip $325 The township of. qrsnford has real- ised BJS in leeslrom thirteen peddlers' licenses Issued during the last month a result of eheskup conducted by UM Crsnford police. Tbs drlre against to peddle their goods In Cfraaford-wltb- out license, wUl He continued, police offldsis said. 1 VniX HA.VK M M B R SHOW A pictore show, for'thc*«flt of the JunlorPonce camp fund. wUI be bald In Bbsrman scho6T~«aditorluin Ml Cdoek mdsjr.alghl. SolidtFandsToCondud Cranford Boys' Camp Subscription. List Open to Those Who Pesire to As- sist in Maintaining' Outing Place for Local Youth. Letters have gone out to.Cranford people this week^lnvltlng them to as- sist In raising tumctent addltonal funds lo conduct the Cnnford Camp at Sil- ver Uke, Warren County this summer. As the letter" states, already some very substantial contributions have Men made so that the budget Is within about H00 of-ffieTecjulprd amount. The finance commlttM Is asking trie Inter- ested clltsrns who realise the. value of the camp to the boys and to the com- munity to supply the small amount «U1I required to assure the/camp operating throughout the summer. Latt year was a'pronounced lucoeaa with' the iu*ocl*Uon and .Uie camp en- tertained more .boys than at any time since Its inception. -The wooden cot- tsgea or "shielu" on the hill provided Ideal sl*«prag fljisrtei* and with (he pump Mused In. the hillside camp pre- fquh^ln any camp anywhere. Three sucb,' cottages have been completed and the': trustees feel that will'be enough or many years to come. In addiUoh to the three cottages are two. tent plat- forms and tents. Some of the boys pre- er tents to roofs and therefore the trustee* provide both types of sleeping accommodations. . The camp U also completely supplied with steel cots and iprings so .that the boys .have very com- fortable sleeping facilities. The straw ticks are laundered after each contin- gent leaves and tilled with fresh straw. The deep well on the htll.supplea an abundance of-fresh.wat«f^..Thl»-yoaf the trustees are having a drive point sunk In the spring near the'maln lodge to provide an extra supply of water; this to be for the kitchen and for Use In the lodge. The staff for the season has been authorised by the Board of Trustees. William 'Barnes' will- ; 6e Camp:Dlrertor.:,JIc_waa In cliarge »llh his brother last year." Charles A. Wal- lace] principal of Sherman School has been retained as csmp manager. Four young men from {Lebanon Volley Col- lege will be counselors; two of thembe- ing thw same as last irean- AU of the men are well trained In camp work and are experienced campers and counse- lors Francis Hennessey will have charge of the truck and will assist Mr. Wallace so that the camp Is well man- ned from every pbnt bf view. JA regular program has been mapped out and Mr. Wallace Is preparing) Die annual book- let which will be sent to. any applicant upon request Full. Information may be secured from Mr. Wallace who ltvet In Elm street or by telephoning township headquarters, Crnnford 6-0060. It Is planned to take care of the boys h|s summer oh the nune~aasls as last year. No charge for the. camp or It* acilities, them ootts being paid out of the contributions the trustees now no- licit. All the boys pay Is for their food at the rate of. a dollar'a day. One week _ the shortest.period for which a boy may enroll but there U_no limit..-onJhe MochActivityMarks Closing of Schools Roosevelt Eighth GrarJe Exer- cise's Next Thursday Night Will Be First of Severn!Pro- Brnma With leas than two weeks remaining In the 1932-33 school term, closing ex erclses will start soon In the various Cranford achools. Tlie first of tho cxerclnei will be In Roosevelt school auditorium nt 8:15 o'clock next Thursday night when the eighth grade pupils of Roosevelt school will be^graduiited. James W, Barrett will give the address, ills subject will bo "Rhubarb and Roses." •,.,... Friday nlgiit, June 10, has been du- lunntfd as high school Class Night. A irogram honoring the high school icnton.-**!!! bo- staged III .Ilopspvrtt School.starting-at 8 p.m. on that i>l«hl. The Rev.- L. *r_Warren will apeak at he. Lincoln School's eighth grade ox' the event of the receipt of more appli- cations than the faculties will take care of; In which event, the hew appli- cants will be given, the preference and boys who have been In camp two weeks or more will be asked to step aside rcf such boys as have notrnad the-privilege. Osmp opens July 1 and runs Until La- bor-Dsiy. Campers supply their own transportation. A physical examina- tion U glvenVvery boy before he enters the camp anoHhen weekly medical In- spections follow as long as camp U In operation. Residents of Orshford who are de alroui of seeing the camp continue are requested to make donations at they feel they can. AU checks should be drawn to the order of the treasurer and may be mailed.to him or left at either or the banks. The finance com mlttea is composed of Charles K. Oreen, chairman; P. a. Sykes, W. W. Btakley and W. J. McKee. .'Wesley A. Stonget Police Station bin " Darkness During Storm ' ,i The police ststUatfejjrssLjhrown Into darkness afij^06 Tue»day_when light- ning struck* light fixture on the first floor during the heavy rainstorm. The Oamtwell system'and the teletype also wen: put out of operation. Ltght»wert turned on again at 13:30 a. m. '• The roof of UM WWren.'HqMljr ban* at 30 Adams avenue was •JIB damaged by th« Ughtnlng. Limbs were blown chi nues, and on^ MOn street late Monday night. Saturday night * partially construct- ed bouse on Seventeenth street, oil Or- ange avenue, war blown':over during the storm. The gale also blew over a at tree it Bluff add High stnett, and a large limb off a tree In ttaerav curt lot si South Union sad aoutb *v- if. Democratic Municipal - Committee to Meet Monday The Democratic Municipal Commit. tee will meet at «30 p. m., Monday a the Democratic headquarters on North Union avenue-, according to, an an- nouncement today by WUltam-H. D'Ar- cy, municipal chairman. ? - EdwardU WlMljaivDtmocralic-Coun- ty chairman, will speak at the regular meeting of the club Thursday night, June IS.. Final plan* (or the "Victory- card party to be held Saturday night, June 17,'on the Craig lawn at the cor- ner of North and Forest avenues will be discussed. Mrs. IT, B. J.- Craig Is chairman of the committee in charge- Tickets are priced at fifty cents. All games will be played. The annual outing or the cliib will be held Saturday. July 8, at Miller's Orove, Kenlhvorth. Eight persons were elected lo mem- bership at a meeting .last Thursday night?- The club'now has an enroll- tnont of more than one hundred mem- bers. ' School Board tional Pe Dentista Mayj Services t6 Additional protesU' elimination of the selK . from September.'to tb» ) were reglitered tn two BOB 1 received by the Board of) it* meeting in aunt r- nlittit.1 A delegation of I by Mrs. Wesley A. prared before the t tempt to have the A petition signed by all' alclnns and dentists, ( ,. rilmliutlon of the clinics, wa»..^ at Ui* May meeting;. It ^ssa/w-;- out at tho meeting that thaw apt •»- clent dental tuppHu on %s/i«.*',Jait through December. Betsralvjfr'thr trustees appeared! to bt to *55L^! the continuance of the eUakpgyth volunteer services. « . Is uodsmnnil that a number of Oranfotd d M t W M n . at 8 o'clock Friday night, June , In the Lincoln school auditorium. Its subject will be "Life and How," The nev. Ilo«co« Tliornton Foust. ector: of Trinity Bplsoopal Church, will deliver the Baoolsurrote nddrna to the high school graduating class at 10:45 o'clock Sunday morning, June IB. The services will be held In Trinity Church. ' The annual, high school Commence- ment eftf/clses; will be held In Hoone- It sch wl auditorium nt 8 o'clock Monday {evening, June In. Ur, Albert a. Dutter will bn the speaker. <. —The school cloalng exercises will be concluded Tuesday night, Juno 20, whpn the operetta^'Tho HOUM nf SIhK " will be presented in the atuir- torlum of Hhprnian School In connn- lon with tho eighth Krade exercises or a} school. The program will start nt p. ni. :,..•.• ' that the clTnlcs may h One petition, which fifty cltlicns, protested th» 4>lnti to dlicontlnus the aebAei clinics because: , •Tho number of chqdren from dental-defects has decreas**! tho vstabllsment of the dinks: I cent of the Cranford pupils dental work In IMS; health i agree Hint dental Infection about Kyntematlc:diseases and tbs < tnl clinics detect such infection f It has progressed to a point of i and arrests it; protection of healthaj children..IcesMlltlsLln: order W»l J I ^ . may get the most out of their echo* - cx|M-rlence and the dental clinks aw the fmmdatlon ol effective n*«19% methods; cost of maintenanc* has bsMk. nstonlahhigly small In enmparison wtttf the Rood It has accomplished and t b * coat ol' maintenance rrom Septsmblr to thii cl'oie of the year, IW». WOBM ahly be MM. which Is the period of dts- Wednesday Morning Quo Has Annual Garden Psrty "The"Wedneiidsy; Moriilrig Club held ts annual garden party ymterday nt he homo of Mrs. Charles E. Kollen- bach, Oreystonoi, Llnffiln Park, A. one act play, "Lady RosaC' written by Mrs/Howard B. Mcrrltt of Weal- neld. and which won second prlnf In he State Federation drama content was produced under the direction of Mrs. P. D. ailpin. The cast was com- posed of the following members: El- lie Blythe. Stella, Ttockwell, Dorothy Messerve, Ruth Oaston and' Maluan Ollpln. A piano solo,."Prelude" composed by. Mrs. Van Nuys, ahd which wart first prize In the State Federation music de- partmVnt contest for instrumental mil- ilc, was'played by Mrs. E. E. Dey. Mrs. Fluisell A. Rockwell, contralto, accom- panied by Mr». Ayres of Wntfl^ld, san,} group of three numbers.,. The hostesses' were: Mrs. Telfulr Crsiighton, Mrs. Ralph L.. Lovell, Mrs. John 8. Oarrteon. Mrs. John: Von John Fast, Mrs. James K. Pennypaeker, Mrs; Adam Earl Robinson,'-Mrs. Paul Nelson Crispin, Mrs. Horatio P. Van Cleve, Mrs. Thomas O. OUley andMrs. Joseph -D, Tomllnson. The club win resume Its activities in Oct(?b»r. ,^' ; ' :•'.-. -•;..- Fiske Post to Present '' SchoUrship Medal A medaV'win -tie jkwarded.-by Capt MeweU Rodney FlskeJKit, 13s, V. F. W, to the Cranford high school, student 7~Caa au«»nea uie mgneu msrK-in American history during the tchool year. It was"''announced at Uie last roeethTg-of-therpnst'The award will be presented'at the high school com- mencement June 19 by Leon 8ouU> The pc»t realised I106JT from Ute recent popppysale, It was reported The money will be divided between the post «»"* Ladles' Auxiliary "^1 wUl be ttwd for relkt work; . • ,t l'M.k, coiitlnuancn' of such * vice for tlw preservation of Ibsf] of our children; we believe that It to false economy to risk the future of children to sava such -a - nmUt.-sum. - which Inter will cost more a* • result (if ntolect." : Or. S. M. Hlnman, the denial In- spector, In n letter to Mlas Sarah Ed- mqnd, the «upervl>lnij principal, said In part: "EHimlnalions J)f the past tlirk» 'cars show that Criuifojil children had nil nveragrr oftwo delectlvo teeth per child; the lowest In the J county. Au pxumlnntlon of-the children of a near- by school where there Is no dents! clinic; showed that there was an aver* ige of. more than seven'defective lestb ier pupil.* "During the past year, fourteen per cent of tlio pupils of Sherman and Lincoln Schools- huvo been treated by irtvalo dentists; thus eighty-eight per •nit of the children or these schools [lad Jo:dftiwmlr i-ntlreiirupon- the dttilc. "No one known better Uiait_yoi4 and.'_ lia^ltiacliiiiirTjiriiuVwettt^liL tlie srtfcffils * irlor U> 1033 of the dental conditions) if the pupils that rxl»trd before the jays of the clinic: tlw inu of schoor Llmn l>y pupils due to dental troubles is absolutely eliminated., , " "The second year after the ratabllsb- irn-nt of Ihir clinic, there was an in- c:ri>iuc In. the number: of promotions of over five per-^eento If eighty children ptrr year, are able .to pass thru- grades ' dill! Ui Improved mouth conditions, this would menu a saving to the township (if MJWO.DO; an amount for greater than the unall cost'of (he clinic 'Can If be possible, that the Town- ihlp of Cranford after so well equlplnc these two clinics will take Uits back- ward step'/ . "Our neighbor, WeatQrld. apprecia- ting the necessity and value of Uke deijtal health of their children, has re-, ccntly Increased the service to include those of pro-school' age, "There are about thirty more childV coln School who'have applied for treat- im'nt. In I ho three remaining days of he clinic It.will noi be. possible to at* 'end to all of them;: There Is now oo , hand suniclent supplies for the Opera-- tlon of the clinic until after January"" I, 1933." . '• •' - ~ ,_ k -' *Both cortrHuiilcatlons were referredT V'- to the health and attendanc* commltA.V' tee .of which O. I t Warner is Dfe^*' chairman.' : 3* "•%" Mr. Warner,- Jojeph A. Rummer,' - chairman of the finance committee, ft. T. Robinson, chairman of the buildllsjs. arid, 'grounds committee.'' and Mrs. ~3cwu;e \M. JisXesT chairmaiS ai Qs, eachers' committee, all acbnlt that tbs elimination of the dental- dink* has been unfortunate, and espstia||y^^st i this tuns. It was pointed oabbOsJMMr, that Iri'vlew of the failure Of-.-"-'""- erty owners to pay tbtlr clal crisis has arisen,, msl live, to effect the gram,, even to lndud* I t£$''J, '^A'JT

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Page 1: A-INTD ICLE · 2015. 2. 14. · A-INTD ICLE UNE 8. 1933 Wwdd Offer Education To Local Unemployed Rev. M. Y. Poynter. Rev: W. F. Behrens, Jr.. Submit Report to Relief Commit-'tee's


Wwdd Offer EducationTo Local Unemployed

Rev. M. Y. Poynter. Rev:W. F. Behrens, Jr.. SubmitReport to Relief Commit-'tee's Advisory. Council.

A suggestion that the CranfordEmergency Relief Committee offer' anumber of educational courses to theunemployed, attendance at which andstated achievements in such courses tobe counted as service rendered, the Re-lief Committee, is contained in a spe-cial report to the Advisory Council ofthe Emergency Relief Committee. Thereport was submitted by the Rev. Mat-chett Y. Poynter, pastor of the Cran-ford Methodist Church, and the Rev.WUliamF. Behrens, Jr.. pastor of Cst-vsry Lutheran Church, both of whomare members of the Council. Theirrecommendations win be considered ata meeting of the Advisory Council FrKday evening, June 3O.> • y .;The Rev./Mr. Poynter and the'Rev.Mr. Behrens were appotrited "recentl>;

•to study the possibility, of^arrylng outa program of supervised" activities In

would1 have for ius. purpose ttie-better-ment of the morale of the individualand the refinement of his intelligence,and. in the case of the youth particu-larly, ttie occupying of his time in abeneficial manner. ' . . .

Their recommendations follow:/ "\. That so far as this committee 11concernedjoor educational work be con-fined to tlie unemployed. If adult ed-ucation is sponsored for any employed,t ^hnnid be under separate auspices.

"3. That the following courses, mightbe offered: <a)^current problems, <b)salesmanship, <c) elements of electric-ity. But any recommended courseswould depend upon the teachers avail-able and the enrollment. .

"3. That attendance at courses andstated achievements made be countedas service rendered the Relief Commit-tee. ' • • - - •

•4. That some standard relief wage

•nded).~t. That a board of adult education

for the unemployed be formed."Should the Advisory Council adopt

an educational program, it Is unlikelythat the program would be placed Ineffect until next fall.

Lang SeU New Record: In State Track Meet

C. Lang set a new State- recorp Inthe Javelin throw in the State trackand field meet last Saturday to give

-Cnnford high school, the' defendingchampion. Its only first place. Langthrew the javelin 169 feet and four

Union won the Group 2 champion'ship with 24 points. Cranford's. en-trants were able to account for only17% points. ; 7 '""" ~"\~

Members of the Cranford team toplace In tne^meet were; Rosjch. fourthIn the discus;' Griffiths, fourth in thehigh., hurdles; jButier, second in the

run: Uusa. fourth In the pole vault,and Tomczyk, second In the shot put.

Summer School Term, Will Start June 26

The Cranford Summer School "Ses-'*Eion will start Monday, June 28, ac-cording to plans approved Tuesdaynight by the Board,of Education. Thesummer term will last six weeks, clos-ing on'Friday. August 4. All classeswill be hejd In Cleveland School.

Miss Jeanette Armstrong will be incharge of the summer school. Otherteachers «fll be Miss Etta Tunner andMiss Mary Dugan.

Enrollment is expected to exceed one,bundred pupils this summer One hun-dred seven were enrolled last year

Mba Beatrice Franklin Whipple,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry WWhipple. received her third degree,

M t f S i f m Colum

Holy Name SocietyTo Entertain Ladies

The annual Ladles' Night entertain-ment of the Senior Holy Name Societyof St. Michael's Roman CatholicChurch will be held In the school hsllat 8:30 o'clock Monday evening. Themusical troupe of the society will givea short entertainment during theevening. Refreshments will be servedfollowing, the program.;

The monthly meeting of the JuniorSociety will he held in' the recreationrooms of the psmrhlal school at 8:1!o'clock tomorrow night. First report]will be received from the various com.mlttees recently' appolnted/by Presldent Lawrence Larkln. y • —: "•

The Senior and Junior branches ofthe society will receive Holy Com-munion in a body i t the 8 o'clock MassSunday morning/ . (. .

There will be no meetings of'eitherthe Senior or the Junior Societies dur-ing July and August.

Historical SocietyHasv Annual Election

Presentation otT Short PlaysTuesday/ Night Pleases

Audience; Annualtion Is Held.

The Crsnford Dramatic Club heldIt* last assembly of the season at theCasino Tuesday night when three shortplays were presented, and the annualelection was. bsfct The result of thetatter was ss follows: president, HarryFolk; first vice-president, J.. BranchDarby; second vice-president. ClaraLow; secretary, Kusabtth Qreen; treas-urer, Albert Mount

The first ptay given was a comedy,"Pie." by Lawrence Langer, capablyand amusingly acted-by s well-selectedgroup of veterans of the club who knowhow to get their laughs where they aredue. A large and appreciative audienceattended. The out ol "Pie", whichwas produced .'by Prances SUles. theproperties being by. Eleanor Mason, wasas follows: Clifford Quitter. EdwardEverett; Annie Mulligan. Prances

heea aa President;'"A. GWoodward Succeeds W. J.McKee as Treasurer.'

J. S. Voorhees was re-elected presi-dent of-the CranfordHlstorlcal Societyat a meeting of the trustees last weekin tlie society's headquarters oh northUnion avenue. Other officers re-electedInclude: First vice president, E.~ K.Adams; second vice president, WesleyA..Stanger; secretary, C. F. Manchon;and corresponding secretary, WilliamB: Brandon. A. C. Woodward waselected treasurct, of the society to suc-ceed W, J. McKee, who resigned. Mr.McKeefs resignation as treasurer wasaccepted with sincere regrets.

The slate of officers was presented bya nominating committee composed ofW. F. Hoffman and Mr. McKee.

o^n*w~mcmbers,-C,-C^Van-Nuysand Nicholas O. Xcnos, were approvedby the trustees, and Mr, Van Nuys waselected to serve a three-year term astrustee; after It had been decided to In-crease the membership of, the boanl oftrustees from fifteen to twenty. .

Announcement was p made that anumber of gifts of historical value hadbeen donnted to the society. They areas follows:

From Mrs. John R. Reay, a sheetfrom the record book of the Fort Jeff-erson,' Fin., prison, j known as The Is-land of Dry Tortugns. The papCT car-ried the names of a Dr. Mudd andMessrs. O'Loughlln, Arnold and Span-ger, all of whom are said to have beenimplicated in the assassination ofPresident -Uncoln. ~ "

From John_W. Tfipp,- ffranford's solesurviving Civil War veteran,, a Con-federate almnnnc: from SheTly1 Austin,an announcement of the formation ofan organization known ns-The- Crankforfl River-Improvement Association, agroup ..which wns active In bettering

,-^wm...— :._.-. .--_,....-.;, i»_-:J......j,: river conditions In Cranford during thejavelin: Latane. fourth In. the 2W yard ^ ^ icaia..Bt-tba pasLcentury_. „_;-

:;Jri4he3«(riyarit -^fo^oftbrgf :C;Jtfbon?Svpowder caiTfrom'the. ill-fated V. STB. Maine: fromMrs. Moon, a silk cushion cover whichcovered il cushion used by CienertilGrant in 1879; from William B. Brag-don. various booklets and documents.

The society decided to Install fournew fire extinguishers to further pro-tect the many relics housed in the so-ciety's headquarters. < . ' .... •

The next, meeting will be at the homeof W: J. McKee in October.

Fiske Post b Presented- \Vith. American Flag, Staff

H. C. Hcckendorf of 103 Benjaminstreet has presented Captain NewellRodney Fiske Post..335, V. P. W,, withan American flag, measuring six bynine feet,- according to an announcement made today:""

A twelve foot'Staff, tlped with a gold-,i

Beatrice Whipple Receives"^^^^^SJWW^^JB^SSJ^B^ . . • •• . .—•— v — r- ~ . - - - —,— r vr~~~~~ ~~ -~~ * ' —,

post by Joseph Cannon of 11 Spring'field avenue -...' . • .-.

The stall will be placed at a forty-five degree angle over the entrance tothe headquarters In the Shapiro build-

tb^'*^^Olf^aCe:TZ^U^ taK on Union avenuei North. It isUs] University at Jhe one hundred and, b a W t h a l t h e ^ m ^ displayed«e*jenty-ninth annual commencement * . . . - . .Tuesday evening1! ' • . . i ' . • -. '

Whipple has majored in1 history' :and the fine arts and will continue her

* thi ithe fine

y of r-'"*'T this summer with anoted artist in Woodstock, N. T.

[.Taxpayers to Hear. Officer Wednesday

Dr. Dunfee Is HonoredBy Cranford Lions Qub

The "Craofbrd'-Lioiis Club . Fridaynight-presented Dr. Earl.A. Diunfee,past president of the club »nd\now

itrit ithn past president of the club »nd\now

I Lions deputy district governor, with aBlwelir flelcT seeretary-of tte past i>resJdent's pin.—Friday* meetiag

key Taxpayers" Association. wHlTm the Rostrevor 'was the last regular1 speaker at the meeting J meeting for the season. Weekly dinner

Taxpayers' Association meetings will be resumed September 8.p^Rooms, Wednesday! Summer activity will contlst of a

_> 14. at 8 o'clock. ' picnic some Un» In Jmy and an outingeoBsOtntlon and-by-!»ws-in August The outing will-be « l theIttted for the approval of summer home of Mr. and Mrs. A. T.i at the meeting. '; Baker In PointPIeasant


Dramatic ( MSuccessful

lodiaii Scoot ExecutiveTo Speak Here Sunday

cbie; and Mrs; Qullter, Hannah McAl-lister, . .... . ,• . .

The second presentation was "Hallan Hour," a one-act satirical drama bySir James Barrte, produced by ClareLow. The antique furnishings used inthis and the previous play were ob-tained through the courtesy of WaldaRosencrants, of the Black House, Cen-tral avenue; and-Maxwell of Westfleld.Mrs. Rolfe Oenman was In charge ofthe properties tor "Half an Hour." ..

This is in Hhree scenes. It U, per-haps not on Barries highest level butla nevertheless Interesting, especiallythe. last scene, to which the others leadup. The production was well cast andbeautifully set. The club has acquiredan outfit of dark velvet hangings whichare of great use, and form an effectivebackground of many purposes. Thisdrama was the most elaborate of thethreo.s.nd might be cslled the pleeedere«lstaace"«f-the-evenlngrslnce-lt~wasof the most serious character. The per-sons in the plsy were as follows: LadyLilian Oarson. Helen KempshaU; Rich-ard' Oarson, Paul Crispin; Hugh Fa-ton, J. Branch Darby; Susie, MsrdaDarby; Dr. Brodle, S. B. Baninger;Withers, Richard lackey; Mrs. Reddng,Opal Randolph; and Mr. Bedding.Charles Messerve. • _ J.—.

The last play was "The Reunion." byJerome Davis Ross, produced by AliceMatthews, and was not.classified ondie program aa either comedy, fans ordrama. It Is, In fact, a take-off on themelodama* of olden days, althoughsuch . are hard to caricature, beingthemselves so far-fetched as to admitof litUe humorous: exaggeration. Thisplay, a, guest play,' has already-metwith one success In Cranford, havingbeen presented by the same c u t at arecent meeting of the College Club. Theplayers entered thoroughly into .theSpirit of the-thing, adopting the stagetechnique 6£ former times with sur-prising aptitude, and, undoubtedly, agood time was bad by all. Incldental-

hot take a Sherlock Holmes to deducethe fact that Mr.' Ross U quite a youngman, since he lays (he scene of his mel-odrama In "the gay nineties/1 In thename of. which many chonological sur-prlses""are sprurw, l%ttoe way1 of cus-tom and'costume. It was an Interest-ing period, but not quite so all-embrac-ing In style arid habit of thought asthe young persons of today _»»em_tothink. One need not berth*, oldest In-habitant to remember tharthis type ofdrama had already "gone out" at thattime; but what axe forty years, more orless, to a Juvenile dramatist} Mr. Rosswanted to be funny, and he. succeeded,with the able assistance of an excel-lent cast. The properties were by DorisPennypscker, and the Incidental musicby Jack van Bigferoie. Taking pastwere: Daniel Ouililt/i master crook.Floyd.Shannon; Cokey Joe, his sceom-plice, Marvin. Payton; Jojlah Finch, aprofessor, Herbert Randolph; Thelma

nnchThisirtfe,SjitfcNesl; Old Tom, atrartrpw James Fennypacker; and AhWu, Esther Btoman. Scene- -A dilapi-dated tenement in the slums of NewYork. Time—In the gay

The' hostesses .for theMrs. Moses Craig. Un.son and Mn. Harold L. Robinso i. Har-old L Haskins was the business man-ager. •-— .'"

- uccrvs-DsaiMiss Blapche V. Abrams, teacher In

the Crahtord) schools, received the de-gree of master of education at thecommencement exerclsas of the RutgersOnivenltyjScbool of tducation tooaj.Winifred J. Usowisi^Jr^reoelved thedegree of bachelor of science In educa-Uon.

EAZI OLD HOC8BWork of ruing the old houss Just

west of the Cranford theatre on Korthsrenne was started yesterday..

Jr. O.U. A. M. to initiateCandidates June IS

The three degrees of the JuniorOrder of United American Mechanicswill be conferred upon Mward LsDueand Robert Lodentedt Thursday even'Ing. June 15, at the Masonic Temple onSouth avenue. Several other candi-dates from other councils also will beInitiate*. The Union OouneU of Rah-way will confer the first two degreesand the Sherman Council of Rosellewill give the thud degree.

State Councilor Barnes of Patersonwill make lus official visit on June ISto the Cranford Council, Na 32, Jr. O.U. A. M. Other State Council office™also will attend the meeting,.sccordlnfto an announcement made by OtorgeLawrence, Cranford Councilor.

W. K. Relnhart, secretary of Cranford Council, has announced that theUnion county Put . Councilors willmeet June It with the Central Councilof Westfleld In Westfleld, All mem:ben have been Invited. "• •; ,

dress in Methodist ChurchFollowing Court of. Honor;

. Eight to Get Awards.

The Rev. Henri B. Ferger, divisionalBoy Scout executive for India, will givean Illustrated address on "Scouting InIndia'' following the Cranford'DistrictCourt of Honor in the Cranford Metho-dist Church at 7:30 o'clock'Sunday evenlng. Troop 75, sponsored by theMethodist Church, will'set a» host*.The publlo has been extended an invi-tation to attend; /

The Court of Honor will be In chargeof Harlan W. Drew, scoutmaster ofTroop 76; B. W. Fi Randolph, dlttrictScout oommluioner, and A. 8._C1ark,chairman of the District Court-ofHonor.

Among the Scouts who will receiveaward! and recognJUOn Sunday-nightan: John Faunce, Roy D. living, Rob-ert Davis, Henry Romlnger and ByronCameron of Troop 70; Howard Rath ofTroop 7»; and Harvey Seavy and Ar-thur Brown of Troop so. Herbert Sim-mons will receive his First Class Badge-Roy Irving will be cited u a Star Scoutand John Faunce as a Life Scout. Theatter two will receive their awards atthe County Council court of HonorJune M.

The tenderfoot lnvesture service willbe staged by the lnvesture team fromTroop 79. The recognition of Scoutsattaining the second class rank sincethe/lut Court of Honor will follow.Award of" first class badges and meritbadges will conclude, the Court of. Hon-or program. -

The District Board of Review Tues-day night marked the last opportunitythat will be afforded the first clanScouts to earn points towards the dis-trict progress contest. Arthur Wesi-ghan of the Sea Scout ship,.with 103points, la- in the lead for the Lionsblub .-prise, with Byron Cameron ofTr«>p-75,r» .close, secoad.-with.^101points, aocordlng.lo an unofficial count.John Faunce of Troop. 75 failed by sixpoints of overtaking Cameron. Thelatter young man-established himself

the ranking Scout In UM district uhe has more than the number of meritbadges required for the rank of EagleScout and lacks only two of the badges

peclally required for this rank.'\-Relief Illegally Received

Will Be Refunded to Town

Peter Chereshkoff of Bessler avenuewill repay the Township of Cranfordthe »1M.«, which he received Illegallytn relief funds. Aocordlng to-the set-tement which was mad* before JudgeU. li LoVeland in police Court Mondaynight, Creatkoff Is to re-pay U» sumIn payments of « » monthly. Sentencewas suspended u long as parments aremade regularly. •

ChhfcA i * ftlM.40. from the Township.Infrom the flrist of' the year unUl May 15,in addition to 1376JS which he hadearned by working for a' railroad com-pany. :'• •- • • • .-•:".:.

Police Campaign Against" °Peddlen Net. Towmhip $325

The township of. qrsnford has real-ised BJS in leeslrom thirteen peddlers'licenses Issued during the last month

a result of eheskup conducted byUM Crsnford police. Tbs drlre against

to peddle their goods In Cfraaford-wltb-out • license, wUl He continued, policeoffldsis said. 1

VniX HA.VK M M B R SHOWA pictore show, for'thc*«fl t of the

JunlorPonce camp fund. wUI be baldIn Bbsrman scho6T~«aditorluin M lCdoek mdsjr.alghl.

SolidtFandsToCondudCranford Boys' Camp

Subscription. List Open toThose Who Pesire to As-sist in Maintaining' OutingPlace for Local Youth.

Letters have gone out to.Cranfordpeople this week^lnvltlng them to as-sist In raising tumctent addltonal fundslo conduct the Cnnford Camp at Sil-ver Uke, Warren County this summer.As the letter" states, already some verysubstantial contributions have Menmade so that the budget Is withinabout H00 of-ffieTecjulprd amount. Thefinance commlttM Is asking trie Inter-ested clltsrns who realise the. value ofthe camp to the boys and to the com-munity to supply the small amount «U1Irequired to assure the/camp operatingthroughout the summer.

Latt year was a'pronounced lucoeaawith' the iu*ocl*Uon and .Uie camp en-tertained more .boys than at any timesince Its inception. -The wooden cot-tsgea or "shielu" on the hill providedIdeal sl*«prag fljisrtei* and with (hepump Mused In. the hillside camp pre-

fquh^ln any camp anywhere. Threesucb,' cottages have been completed andthe': trustees feel that will'be enoughor many years to come. In addiUoh

to the three cottages are two. tent plat-forms and tents. Some of the boys pre-er tents to roofs and therefore the

trustee* provide both types of sleepingaccommodations. . The camp U alsocompletely supplied with steel cots andiprings so .that the boys .have very com-fortable sleeping facilities. The strawticks are laundered after each contin-gent leaves and tilled with fresh straw.

The deep well on the htll.supplea anabundance of-fresh.wat«f^..Thl»-yoafthe trustees are having a drive pointsunk In the spring near the'maln lodgeto provide an extra supply of water;this to be for the kitchen and for UseIn the lodge. The staff for the seasonhas been authorised by the Board ofTrustees. William 'Barnes' will- ;6eCamp:Dlrertor.:,JIc_waa In cliarge »llhhis brother last year." Charles A. Wal-lace] principal of Sherman School hasbeen retained as csmp manager. Fouryoung men from {Lebanon Volley Col-lege will be counselors; two of them be-ing thw same as last irean- AU of themen are well trained In camp work andare experienced campers and counse-lors Francis Hennessey will havecharge of the truck and will assist Mr.Wallace so that the camp Is well man-ned from every pbnt bf view. JA regularprogram has been mapped out and Mr.Wallace Is preparing) Die annual book-let which will be sent to. any applicantupon request Full. Information may besecured from Mr. Wallace who ltvet InElm street or by telephoning townshipheadquarters, Crnnford 6-0060.

It Is planned to take care of the boysh|s summer oh the nune~aasls as last

year. No charge for the. camp or It*acilities, them ootts being paid out of

the contributions the trustees now no-licit. All the boys pay Is for their foodat the rate of. a dollar'a day. One week_ the shortest.period for which a boymay enroll but there U_no limit..-onJhe

MochActivityMarksClosing of Schools

Roosevelt Eighth GrarJe Exer-cise's Next Thursday NightWill Be First of Severn!Pro-Brnma

With leas than two weeks remainingIn the 1932-33 school term, closing exerclses will start soon In the variousCranford achools.

Tlie first of tho cxerclnei will be InRoosevelt school auditorium nt 8:15o'clock next Thursday night when theeighth grade pupils of Roosevelt schoolwill be^graduiited. James W, Barrettwill give the address, ills subject willbo "Rhubarb and Roses." •,.,...

Friday nlgiit, June 10, has been du-lunntfd as high school Class Night. Airogram honoring the high schoolicnton.-**!!! bo- staged III .IlopspvrttSchool.starting-at 8 p.m. on that i>l«hl.

The Rev.- L. *r_Warren will apeak athe. Lincoln School's eighth grade ox'

the event of the receipt of more appli-cations than the faculties will takecare of; In which event, the hew appli-cants will be given, the preference andboys who have been In camp two weeksor more will be asked to step aside rcfsuch boys as have notrnad the-privilege.Osmp opens July 1 and runs Until La-bor-Dsiy. Campers supply their owntransportation. A physical examina-tion U glvenVvery boy before he entersthe camp anoHhen weekly medical In-spections follow as long as camp U Inoperation.

Residents of Orshford who are dealroui of seeing the camp continue arerequested to make donations at theyfeel they can. AU checks should bedrawn to the order of the treasurerand may be mailed.to him or left ateither or the banks. The finance commlttea is composed of Charles K. Oreen,chairman; P. a. Sykes, W. W. Btakleyand W. J. McKee. .'Wesley A. Stonget

Police Station b in" Darkness During Storm

' , i

The police ststUatfejjrssLjhrown Intodarkness afij^06 Tue»day_when light-ning struck* light fixture on the firstfloor during the heavy rainstorm. TheOamtwell system'and the teletype alsowen: put out of operation. Ltght»wertturned on again at 13:30 a. m. '•

The roof of UM WWren.'HqMljr ban*at 30 Adams avenue was •JIB damagedby th« Ughtnlng. Limbs were blown

chinues, and on MOn street late Mondaynight.

Saturday night * partially construct-ed bouse on Seventeenth street, oil Or-ange avenue, war blown':over duringthe storm. The gale also blew over a

at tree i t Bluff add High stnett,and a large limb off a tree In ttaeravcurt lot s i South Union sad aoutb *v-


Democratic Municipal- Committee to Meet Monday

The Democratic Municipal Commit.tee will meet at «30 p. m., Monday athe Democratic headquarters on NorthUnion avenue-, according to , an an-nouncement today by WUltam-H. D'Ar-cy, municipal chairman. ?- EdwardU WlMljaivDtmocralic-Coun-ty chairman, will speak at the regularmeeting of the club Thursday night,June IS.. Final plan* (or the "Victory-card party to be held Saturday night,June 17,'on the Craig lawn at the cor-ner of North and Forest avenues willbe discussed. Mrs. IT, B. J.- Craig Ischairman of the committee in charge-Tickets are priced at fifty cents. Allgames will be played.

The annual outing or the cliib willbe held Saturday. July 8, at Miller'sOrove, Kenlhvorth. •

Eight persons were elected lo mem-bership at a meeting .last Thursdaynight?- The club'now has an enroll-tnont of more than one hundred mem-bers. '

School Boardtional PeDentista MayjServices t6

Additional protesU'elimination of the selK .from September.'to tb» )were reglitered tn two BOB1

received by the Board of)it* meeting in a u n t r -nlittit.1 A delegation of Iby Mrs. Wesley A.prared before the ttempt to have theA petition signed by all'alclnns and dentists, ( ,.rilmliutlon of the clinics, wa»..^at Ui* May meeting;. It ^ s s a / w - ; -out at tho meeting that thaw apt • » -clent dental tuppHu on %s/i«.*',Jaitthrough December. Betsralvjfr'thrtrustees appeared! to bt to * 5 5 L ^ !the continuance of the eUakpgythvolunteer services. « . Is uodsmnnilthat a number of Oranfotd dMtWMn.

at 8 o'clock Friday night, June, In the Lincoln school auditorium.

Its subject will be "Life and How,"The nev. Ilo«co« Tliornton Foust.

ector: of Trinity Bplsoopal Church,will deliver the Baoolsurrote nddrnato the high school graduating class at10:45 o'clock Sunday morning, June IB.The services will be held In TrinityChurch. '

The annual, high school Commence-ment eftf/clses; will be held In Hoone-

It sch wl auditorium nt 8 o'clockMonday {evening, June In. Ur, Alberta. Dutter will bn the speaker. <.—The school cloalng exercises will beconcluded Tuesday night, Juno 20,whpn the operetta^'Tho HOUM nf SIhK

" will be presented in the atuir-torlum of Hhprnian School In connn-lon with tho eighth Krade exercises or

a} school. The program will start ntp. ni. :,..•.• '

that the clTnlcs may hOne petition, which

fifty cltlicns, protested th»4>lnti to dlicontlnus the aebAeiclinics because: ,

•Tho number of chqdrenfrom dental-defects has decreas**!tho vstabllsment of the dinks: Icent of the Cranford pupilsdental work In IMS; health iagree Hint dental Infectionabout Kyntematlc:diseases and tbs <tnl clinics detect such infection fIt has progressed to a point of iand arrests it; protection of healthajchildren..IcesMlltlsLln: order W»l J I ^ .may get the most out of their e c h o * -cx|M-rlence and the dental clinks a wthe fmmdatlon ol effective n*«19%methods; cost of maintenanc* has bsMk.nstonlahhigly small In enmparison wtttfthe Rood It has accomplished and t b *coat ol' maintenance rrom Septsmblrto thii cl'oie of the year, IW». WOBMahly be MM. which Is the period of dts-

Wednesday Morning QuoHas Annual Garden Psrty

"The"Wedneiidsy; Moriilrig Club heldts annual garden party ymterday nthe homo of Mrs. Charles E. Kollen-

bach, Oreystonoi, Llnffiln Park,A. one act play, "Lady RosaC' written

by Mrs/Howard B. Mcrrltt of Weal-neld. and which won second prlnf Inhe State Federation drama content

was produced under the direction ofMrs. P. D. ailpin. The cast was com-posed of the following members: El-lie Blythe. Stella, Ttockwell, DorothyMesserve, Ruth Oaston and' MaluanOllpln.

A piano solo,."Prelude" composed by.Mrs. Van Nuys, ahd which wart firstprize In the State Federation music de-partmVnt contest for instrumental mil-ilc, was'played by Mrs. E. E. Dey. Mrs.Fluisell A. Rockwell, contralto, accom-panied by Mr». Ayres of Wntfl^ld, san,}

group of three numbers.,.The hostesses' were: Mrs. Telfulr

Crsiighton, Mrs. Ralph L.. Lovell, Mrs.John 8. Oarrteon. Mrs. John: Von

John Fast, Mrs. James K. Pennypaeker,Mrs; Adam Earl Robinson,'-Mrs. PaulNelson Crispin, Mrs. Horatio P. VanCleve, Mrs. Thomas O. OUley and Mrs.Joseph -D, Tomllnson.

The club win resume Its activities inO c t ( ? b » r . , ' ; ' :•'.-. - • ; . . -

Fiske Post to Present ''SchoUrship Medal

A medaV'win -tie jkwarded.-by CaptMeweU Rodney FlskeJKit, 13s, V. F. W,to the Cranford high school, student

7~Caa au«»nea uie mgneu msrK-inAmerican history during the tchoolyear. It was"''announced at Uie lastroeethTg-of-therpnst'The award will bepresented'at the high school com-mencement June 19 by Leon 8ouU>

The pc»t realised I106JT from Uterecent popppysale, It was reportedThe money will be divided between thepost «»"* Ladles' Auxiliary "^1 wUl bettwd for relkt work; . • ,t


coiitlnuancn' of such *vice for tlw preservation of Ibsf]of our children; we believe that It tofalse economy to risk the future ofchildren to sava such -a - nmUt.-sum. -which Inter will cost more a* • result(if ntolect." :

Or. S. M. Hlnman, the denial In-spector, In n letter to Mlas Sarah Ed-mqnd, the «upervl>lnij principal, saidIn part:

"EHimlnalions J)f the past tlirk»'cars show that Criuifojil children had

nil nveragrr oftwo delectlvo teeth perchild; the lowest In the J county. Aupxumlnntlon of-the children of a near-by school where there Is no dents!clinic; showed that there was an aver*ige of. more than seven'defective lestbier pupil.*

"During the past year, fourteen percent of tlio pupils of Sherman andLincoln Schools- huvo been treated byirtvalo dentists; thus eighty-eight per•nit of the children or these schools[lad Jo:dftiwmlr i-ntlreiirupon- the dttilc.

"No one known better Uiait_yoi4 and.'_lia ltiacliiiiirTjiriiuVwettt liL tlie srtfcffils *irlor U> 1033 of the dental conditions)

if the pupils that rxl»trd before thejays of the clinic: tlw inu of schoorLlmn l>y pupils due to dental troublesis absolutely eliminated., , "

"The second year after the ratabllsb-irn-nt of Ihir clinic, there was an in-c:ri>iuc In. the number: of promotions ofover five per-^eento If eighty childrenptrr year, are able .to pass thru- grades 'dill! Ui Improved mouth conditions, thiswould menu a saving to the township(if MJWO.DO; an amount for greaterthan the unall cost'of (he clinic

'Can If be possible, that the Town-ihlp of Cranford after so well equlplncthese two clinics will take Uits back-ward step'/ .

"Our neighbor, WeatQrld. apprecia-ting the necessity and value of Ukedeijtal health of their children, has re-,ccntly Increased the service to includethose of pro-school' age,

"There are about thirty more childV

coln School who'have applied for treat-im'nt. In I ho three remaining days ofhe clinic It.will noi be. possible to at*

'end to all of them;: There Is now oo ,hand suniclent supplies for the Opera--tlon of the clinic until after January""I, 1 9 3 3 . " . '• •' - ~ , _ k - '*Both cortrHuiilcatlons were referredT V' -

to the health and attendanc* commltA.V'tee .of which O. I t Warner is D f e ^ * 'chairman.' : 3* "•%"

Mr. Warner,- Jojeph A. Rummer,' -chairman of the finance committee, ft.T. Robinson, chairman of the buildllsjs.arid, 'grounds committee.'' and Mrs.~3cwu;e \M. JisXesT chairmaiS ai Q s ,eachers' committee, all acbnlt that tbs

elimination of the dental- dink* hasbeen unfortunate, and espstia||y^^st ithis tuns. It was pointed oabbOsJMMr,that Iri'vlew of the failure Of-.-"-'""- •erty owners to pay tbtlrclal crisis has arisen,, msllive, to effect thegram,, even to lndud* I



Page 2: A-INTD ICLE · 2015. 2. 14. · A-INTD ICLE UNE 8. 1933 Wwdd Offer Education To Local Unemployed Rev. M. Y. Poynter. Rev: W. F. Behrens, Jr.. Submit Report to Relief Commit-'tee's




Christian Scientist* HoUAnnual Meeting lit Botton


m t*AKi«u>» I»J1

.PUSUtXtD EVERY THURSDAY.Uais* Afaaaa. Crasfar*. H',-l

M i a B. WAKMttsad FMMhar

- Terass Tw» M i n a Tear

•Mara* •( in. Creafard Twi 0«y. u

: The lntteUnLjlemand by the peopletor reduced expense of government andthereby reduced taxes Is Uie direct le-ault of continued yean o! reduced or.vanishf-d Income. If Income u lackingtax/* cannot be met. The country•pver,. Nationally, 8Ute, County andflOeal, hM in moat cases paid heed toiift* acute situation, spurred on by theUtttlvlUes of taxpayers' orianliatluns In

sea and In others by- UieS|j<»inkage of tax recelpta coupled withijjJftHjlllty to borrow aa usual against tax

I ^ H H Altogether there lias been a vast^Iggllijductlon In expense, particularly In

IjJhmirlpallUe*, although there are ajjBHtaber of prominent exceptlius. l l iciNQounty also has made drastic cuu niidWjjf 8Ute to .a lea* extent. National•ejowmtnent hue In some vay>.made

Word that no further 'contributionsto the fund for the building of the newM,000,000 home now bring 'erected for.The Christian Science Pubjtahlng So-ciety need be made alter July, l . w i lannounced here thla week at the AnVHUal.JteLlng_of The_ Mother Church/,The rinl Churc1i~ of CKftBfBcleriurt.Boston. • ' '•: • •'..; ..,

Member* from many ..land*—morethan MOO In all—heard the menacefrom, the Directors, read by Mr. CharlesE. Heiiman, chairman, which' hailed'Uie "ucrtnee and tinselled eRorta" ofthose "who have ' made poMlble thecompletion of Uie new PublishingHimw without delay and without'debt"- AnnMUiict-tnent was. made of the eiec-.Uon of the lollowtng offleert:. . /

I'renlilcnt••-MIM Mary._Ov E*lng otDrooklliie, Muaa.' »/ -

Clerk - Kim W:'Palmrr of DropUlne,

Mass.- ' . ' . - - / ---- '•In her addremi, the .new President,

MIM Ewlng, said In port:"Pexhapa never before In the history

of tin- chrlKtlan Science movement hatthere been ft t)me when the comfortand riicvuraifrinrnl ot our AnnualMeeting could pour so rich a balm Intoour heart*', nor when Its "inspirationand bleuing narrled beyond theae wall*of hurtful thought and rndeevor. ror.today, that world U fatting the claim ofev\y conditions In human affairs unpre-.

America. Twenty•jpr C"hrUll.m ScienceBnrlrlies ru»f- tjusliflMJ tor thr lltl< ufChurch. Five new" college or univer-sity organizations have lira) formixlJThe Mother Church now ha> 2M9branch churches and societies, and 41,coUrtre and university organl&»Uonfl "

A yt-ar of -subaitantlitl frfhlirvementi' the 'activities of Tlw Chit»tlun

Hc.lence. Publlkhing ,.B<x:W'ty was . re-| ported by Mr, lUjland K llarrlwn.

' P t t d n

(insai. Iwrt a

at& m **•««•

iMpoMd to add vasUy to Ui« Na4|sM which, must In time'tie pait I t cas* the

. aiionalIIIMI, wip* »«.»«» J~J paid—by

i In too many cases the main'-•Hort ha* been to find ii^w source ol

•aUier than ellmliiatj unneceai-i asrv government expenditure. 80 irianyi * a y i have been found to spend publicf raoney—ihe taxpayer's money—and soi strongly are theae various bureaus In-ItflBJchrd It vrtll require tar more post-I tire action/to remove them and getI back to the real asd .necessary func-(tloru of Government,

As /always will happen, when a tealpublic movement U started, there are

[free rider* on the various organ-»—« efloru to reduce taxation. . Inmany cases attempt*.are being madeto use taxpayers' associations tor po-litical purposes; the temptation I* toostraw to reslat, yet It will mean dls-Mter' to the work if politics I* allowed

1 enter even In the smallest dr>|[r«j.

Cf*dr.nu-d .In Influence 'and «xtent cot)'-I'dlUoni which krio* no barriers of race,nutlon ur tongue. \ ' '

"In human eitiierlence, the regenera-ting Influence of Truth begins with theIndividual, Sprcadytrom one Individual.

eventually: It must Uaven- the WIHIIIImass of human thought* . Then wuTwars ceasi- arid the true brotherhood oil

t b to bt1!wars ceasi arid the true bman be < made np|mrent, be se^n to bt1

d i t i d by Uod'man be < made np|mren, b ^

| established and maintained by Uod'slaw; then will the bounty of Clod'shouse be realized* and inrti••• dwell Ui*getlier In s»cu>Uy"i>nd peace."

.MUs .Kosnmond Wright, manager o(the Department Of Brandies and Prac-titioners, cited the establishment of "anew branch of The Mother Church InKenya, Africa, situated 3000 miles fromthe nearest branch church; also, ourtint branch In Egypt, at Cairo; and

I two new branches In Draill, BouthAmerica, ax well as five additionalbranches In Australia. Theae repre-sent Uie distant points to which thearms of The Mother Church, have ex-tended since our last Meeting. •

"In addition. 31 new branches liavrjbeen formed In Europe, and 43 In North

"revenue from The Christian ScienceMonitor," the. wport saysy "Mid tesnen-ed income In other direction*, the' HO,piety report* -an Increase In 'ict profitsover, tiie previous year.- due largely, totlie publlratlon ul the ))'•» Hymnal,irrid to' the loyal support of tomccratedChristian Sciential*. . . . • • .[.

Sem Scout* to Train. On Dcatrpyer Cumminga

Tht nAvnl destroyer Cummlnga hasbw>n loaned by the Navy Departmentto the Munmouth Couhrll, n«y Scout*-of America, a» ;a school and trainingnJilp for Bea BcouM. Tim request Uiat'the venel be given bver temporarily bythe Navy for flra Scout use wa* maileby United Btalea Senator W, WarrenDarbour, hlrrwlf churmanof thij Motv"mouth Council, and anriouncfrrrPht thatthe department had granted, th* re;'quest was made at the Senator's otrke;today. Ttx- headquarter* of the Scout'Council U at Farmlngdale.Jf' J. '

The Cummlngs'wlll be moored..»(•Camp Lowe., Fort Huncix k, Bandy Hookwhere .oo-<ii)erBtloh in equipping' theve«wl for Bea Bcoiii. u»e and Iri moor-ing It ha* been offered by the army.andthe Coast Quard. The jfft'nervatlon aridupkeep will mil be" maintained In ar-a

Camp Ume army .wharf'by .'.li*avymushroom ancliors and It will not atany time durum in pouculun by theB06UI* leave 1U mooring*.

B*rar« KarHa Oei*.. Edward Martin Cole of «M w , - - ,fleid avrtiue died Sunday at the borne-after a brief iOnes* lotlowlnf a heartstuck. He was 43 yean old.

Born in aebrneeUdy, M. T., a son ofA s c * rurbeck Obie and theR**.?hU-Bp H. Obie. D D*. he attended Uie. Co-taaabte Wturenlty Colieae of Pharma-cy from whldi he was graduated in1*14. He married Ul*s Lots Irene Cfrp-

• " I x i D««r» C««tif -V". fnri'st »<-r\ h •• -»:!i;.ii>« I t s t t

vtt-ry l;u< V kuit'.t \>i bcEi'^a laDai:<<risl t'.^f-'J I n . f ' N il h * »ti*«;»<w» frit* ,

RIALTOTIICATBC " — wttrtraooMAtliwe t:J» 'ErraUaaj » : •


"SON-DAUGHTER"Toh»n» anat Kelly* la

Classified AdvertisementsRead for Profits Use for Results

. Ur. Cos* ao-red in the chemical warfair branch taf the senriee daring theWorld War, beta* stationed at Wash-ington. Be had resldtd in Craafordfor.arven yean. Until last October bewas aSIUated with the Bristol-MeyerCompany. •

Survivor* include the wife, two chil-dren. Bhrard at OWe. Jr. and PhyUiiO. Cole ofOrantord; Ma father, theHer. PhUllp H. Cole of Rome, N. Y,and a brofiwr. Dr. Lewis P. Cole ofU U c a , N : T . • • ' • ' • • . , ' • '

abort funeral service* were heldiaday-eTe»tng_XiosiJ_Uie_hon>e In

— Hatsw«ay

Richard BarthdmeM


Try our Clnuined Want Ads It' youwant..to buy. or.Mil.-* - "*,

:-,VJpio emer. gyro ua wgamiinwv « ) • «y^Tt» first thoufht ot most of those urg

iflffitiJ'fftt'^-*0* «»<lu<** .expense-' of 'governmentIfpSffffcwaa; .of- course, reducUon. of pay of

' •—' * * public employes and all over there haveSftwat drastic cuts In such pay, Oranford'(Included, yet the tendency In many'•"—-ice* la to 10 further yet. It U not• laaafr In swiietniil pubUc employes to' t o so far in pay reducUoo that they

are usable to carry on. Vet Uje de-' mand lainalatent; like all public tnore-

menU there I* always the chance Uiatthe swing 1* too strong (sad wage re-duction will go too far. -j .

\ , Thing* are picking up a bit. Hereand there U evidence of improvement

_Jnbuslne*» and in industriesr_ A_ v0"'-Uv» way to help, and "there are manywho can help, would be to make nec-essary repairs or Improvement* toproperty. Look over your home. Ifyou are the average home-owner, you'll.find lots of placer where repairs, re-placement* or alterations should be

' made. The steps are becoming rickety^^he^rieVtrkrJrtrtng^n-the basement

—*jvr:ipirt^ tf:ln:Ty«^ mr^mon—new

' "• STARTSt Flit.


• I lh i l" THf OMAT"

—ON . ata|a— •


- MM., T M ^ - J W UJU


Wr*. Tfcavtv-Jaaw |«-IS

-r-.SlDNEV"PICK UP"i,tt

T R A C T '"

pf. with «l»rtt*Mji t i d MJr fUUiMa, $3*H

ford *'V$m. * VUuwmout PIMB.


as* sUetfe.«wiMslaU looUai.

ClUBtorf S-MUM.

LAJU1I Oral auor traal. ruwM. .uluUt farro.rn.rlr a dotvir-i a b t C«U Cawl* - • « « . • * • • • • . • ' •

tncfn, rmbal. Truths, t i n7 K«w u4 Vw4; Un«l* lurxalssAUclilMr7, K«w u 4 Vw4; Un«l l u

Atvtr n i l s Ti«ar cu , . i.Uonow. .1. jr M » e k U L . ' . ' -

HOTTKD m htit-tvuM f«« iaaaiif* ijotl U4MU for Mta. l»tll*wBd utjwlMf*. Cstl ««.urn UM dutlllr «n4 ulMaUir. - 1*1HB« Waaladd l -SUt. . H

•'•van • * • *

cfcarg* an the Rev. WUl$LmR. Sloanpastor of the Pint PresbyterianChurch,- Interment took place In Bor-eal Hills Cemetery, UUca, Wednesday.The tun. Dr. Dole of Rome, father of|ihe deceased, was In charge of the lastram at the cemetery.

Aawa Laogestberg .Anna Langenberg of Bt, Unils died

aaturday while vtsiung relatlvea at 130Cranfon] a**enue. The body was re-turned to-8L. Louis Sunday for burial.

OareUae Jeergen*Ura Caroline Joergens, formerly of

14 Burchfleia avenue, died Saturday at4WI Proapect stteet, Jtaplewood,; .'.'•_

J f e J e r f t n a ; was a., reajdent < ot

lUKWOOt*—Nf.r fr»«furO. »IAI«O- »i>«fUM«au; tvujrfaut iwwk Mid g^__

trata mtrftM*. Low r » u i . VaVcMif tUU UUnfcml t l t t i - W .

TWO Uu» fOmUUd rruat man, all» u , fur ll«»>kp»l««. Aim a rt«It Ald« a!n*t. CaU CKaatanl « «

LAV,*, coarfwubtr rumkbail nan U l»l>«rajalljr. Budn*« mupto. M im« or t*u gnUaanL MHI> V dalml. Ala> s>ns« < vMar iMIIna. sWIensrM. M< »iiMI f m t TitotHua* CKutind «1M*.


r W cUMrnu' !*>'• KTdrpbau taariMil *-STIS.

I5J.TSu l

WUU. E8TATB FOB HAI*,i»0 O r n x J i u i lots. » l lit; J* •

1«. (.'mm «"•«• • irr«d u*<t. mif r d

AI'AUTUa.NT far mil , flnt Iliior, all rowaaand baUl. IVIUI lat*a aufitwrrii. auaw ll«at

* furnlalMd; B!M> Saras*. \'tiy ftaBmaMa.Avoir II -•Jormaiidr flai •. : « •

2*«T tnlwa AralKIt

riU'R nwM. rmt 933. Heal, hoi1 *al«rrwr. rrout and r«ar prlfsu eauWt. 1msUi AIMIK w « t • • ••

l U U i m t t T , thfaa roonlii and UaUi..«lUib>at.Kwarala auuancv. I l l Nurth'Av.rntia,~WMt.

CKaalord t l iS l -W. U

. BBAL ESTATE WANTEDWANTED u bu> lata noikl IKI«U, laract

itliai Iw IUMI liM-alWHi. Wrlla particularCtiaria* Dnaa«r, 111 Wrai Vnial Htrvvt, UHank. X«« J.mr . II

FOB BENT \ICC DXPOT fur rent. cori«r .Will aad Cllu

t«ltf Arcnga. uuUil a nicy amount uf bti i

c^ortTW^vS^y^riiiofiWfrom CraDford to Uaplewood two yearsaco.-3urvlvors IncluSe » ton, Arthur,wbo fonnerly lived on BurchfleM av-

lenue. '.. ' * .:

runeral aervlces were held Tuesday: afternoon. Burial was In PairvlewOroetery. WestfleM. *

iKAHTUXNT r o r . m l »1 IS Norm Unlun ArrIIIM.. VUw ra*au aail UaUi. with all laprgrt-»»h(a.•-"? Sairlr, dmrabd. . Hollexl i .ul

MXruMBt, MOVING. TBOCXINOWH. W. AtiaTIn— Morloi, Sura*', 'Trucklna

Wrakly alwr* .trim. Truusa, bsnas*. ate.All fattmaU* «ba«(ullr ctteo. « • ' • » •arresa tb« hall or acruaa Uia cooUUMt Tbadrat to u*a wotfara vsn MltilptaaliL. rallh-fullr awvlns Cranfofd for atTan yaara. Tb«ruin uric al all Itmaa. I'liona CBanlurdH i l l . IIS Norm A<aou«i XaU- tf

Be hard to please

•J.J , —

The New




We perioiuUlv urv<ye* to see thtt

great hit;

The Management.

ahengarage:U:ln:Tyxw condttlonnewplumbing fixtures are needed—Use rootU beginning to leak—those hardwoodfloors for Jhe living room you've beenthinking about *o long have never rHa-terllalxed—the garden and lawn ahouldbe rejuvenated—the whole house coulddo with a new paint Job. The additionof. a lew labor-savlnf-deviee* in thekitchen would make your home • tnorepleasant and efficient place to live hi.Its probable that you've been thinkingof making such repairs and better-ment* as thcae for several years—andhaven't hid them, done because of ner-vousnees as to the future, the thoughtthat you'd keep your money aa intactaa posstbJe. That'* the kind ot reason-ing thai ha* prolonged the depression.It* the kind of reasoning that throwstnen out of work and make* it Impossi-ble for them to find new lobe: the kindof reasoning that cause* basic Indus-trie* to run at.the lowest productionpoint In decade*. Today you can getwork done, of what"'ever "kind, at far

gives you mor.e

he. t^k*.ym^J^JmtkJmihj.ten yean ago. Touil. probably neverbe able to buy «o cheaply agiUn-lfsalnost cerUIn 4hat price* will, rise,aharpty io the near future. Youil be

^ * * l y Ila^rwriMfynftlnn• l ^ ^ j i y i n § y y I j ^

doOarii worth,; And you3M» puttingmen to.work, putting money Into pay-i«|i» and salary checks.and Ipurchas*orders. Dont forget that Job*-,-artcheaper than djaHty—and that onlji&m mate charity, poanbie.

Tb* bureau of Anierlcso ethnology—yg tbati f*** *^*' frWirlpp df ear

At IScW LowUtter Silcncx v

1 . j - . / . . • • •

.. Lowest Operating Cost

BK HAltD to please when you liliy allautomatic refrigerator.. EX I'ECl'

•MOUE.,D«usJHi unire. You'll get itiu Uie New Alr-CuuleJ Etktrolusl." TtteNew Air^'ouleillile*rtroluxuscs

' nri walt-?T It liis-uo nmv'mt pjartsc AiinygulUmecirrulatestherrfriK<rraiit,*w,hirh orttliiary air couls. Tlie flame Uiroui|s)elrly prolcctni by au automaticalidt-ofl. It is this unmatched iiui|4icily

. , j for il< even lower ojwratitig, 'ytMl*—its ix-riusiwut' and klwultile

ailrnre. •' r. -t But. fxpcH mot* with tire New Air-

CoulcJ Kloctrolux! E i | w t siioh.enlu.-. aive (taliir«Mtwxvtciu|iCTjjLiAre'tliili-

-r ing unit whg>liinsttre9t'uuslant.umfomin

ctllil.ailjiuuiJc split ahilvcCautouutictrigger rrtvaie uu ice trays. When you

—. n m e to'our showrooms,, expect |o find':itt the Kew Atr.CouJed Elivtrolux lite.

finest refrigerator money ranj*i>u)r..vVetpriww. are lower than e»\-r. T<rui* a n

"Be MineTonight"

The tnttnatlemaX VmlcolSuccess/

-Alico»i a fetter Shovr


a AUjaoN, inc.—Motun. atotan.Iacalm. abUwla*. Caillos trunks, bauasa.rrnsUI.au. A(aaU AJIIad Van Lima, Inc.W. ba<« • m l Cranford and tklnltr rot IIr u n 1U BoiiUi Ata.. a lluwa caaofoM

' •-MIS. It

o i XINT-Al U *Bt(«a airM. Craafuril-rooaa. )w«ia«—and—ttcajfv, all lautinntm• SU twr tnnnth, f'ur tufurmal-MArlhrt ff-MSt and aaa fur ai

w!!iSirlalf«5is*i»5iP3SiInraUun. . » d«rktl«> I'laea.

a 8MAU1 BBDr FOB'BKMTKMAU. ahoa, Mtabla for llabt machaniral

•ark. Canlral laeatloa. Hani n"iai>nabUBui A H . c«ra Cula.u and CnronU.!L ll

WORK WANTEDYOUNG ' woman trlabea senvral bouaawurk l>r' Ih* day. weak vr Dart lima.- T*ltphf>iir'' CBajuIord S-OIM-M. alt , .

WOMAN wlibn u> raro for cbUdran. TalHK.Ul.ld : } 4 » J


. HCLT WANTED-Mal*MAN wltii rar, niarrlad prafnml. ror poaltton

In Ionian f.\iuaty with National trrsanlxatlon.Uuat tia-alAa bi accapl rnuoiialUUty. Mitr..

.. ..nrta. Addrfaa' Hot A-1SS. car.'or Cllla«nand Chronkla olllra.

. ' CUAIB8 OajHl?rlll Imtlnm w^a a aiMttallr; all trrrk c a r -

aniani Oallxi far and dalltrrnd. ». Viuoa,lH.WInaJuw I'Ur. |nNi .North Airourlllarwoud. Tllapnon* WCallUld I-SKll-w.

VVOKAH Ttaim houaamik br UM dar. full orpart, llmt, DO laundry, T«lepbona:CBAnfordl-ltlt-W, ' _ / .

AND DECOBATINQBO01IB rapaMd Cowvlala II »0. oll'r InciuiKa

naurlal and haullo* Iv rolla wall,- < walbinUlns. II ;arda l»rd<r. flood aalMlou papaiaat Uila l>rlea. L«l us aaUiaat. your lialnliniand dacoralldg. Uatun, 11 EaaUnan.HlrcaLriisna Ctaofonl l - m t U

INVESTHSNTSARK you ullaata\.wUn.aU ptr cant oa your

noaiayr Infaatntnt of unuuasUonad nurttand aoautllr, »1« and up. BtrlctMt InftaU-

l t t t V B f U r c a r a C I U * B B a a d: -: Lp«T

Lout- Broun miiulad Walaraan rounuln I'mwith tianw "Johu T. lluatanlk" ansravid <m1L Bnrard. Vindar plaaat raturn In JotnlU. Hummla. 911 BouUl Atanua, Uarmnd.

CABTKVRB JOBBING , -1'AHl'KNTXIt work. Contrartlnf, )obl>Ul(,rhooa rnaofonl I-IUI-W tor (aunutaa.

flln.man. S-ll

. AoCIIOM SAL!WaiVaa.iiaiiaa SaU al

UaaaU Charaaa.la arxvrdanoa «lth taa pravtalon at . taw,

itiMa Wtas dua and unpaid rharsiia |4r «UlcnO r wtdmllMd, XaUanam M .1 I l l - i l l Boulli A>™u»./tau. 1'rao•mi. N. J . la antttltd to a llan^la wanhouaoM I oa the swiida and UMrchaiAua.' haralHanrrdncntvd a»d du« avUca haKWS . f n a slvan to

" " • " " • " laUMSt-Jaaosjlu!lad U>e:«n>a-aMrUU« Hyiach uuUisa (or audi

Tat It A. U.

and aoautllr, » 1 « and up. BtrlctMt InftaU-latluu tnrttaoV—B*ettfUrT-cara-CIU*BB--aad-Cbralela. Cranford. N. J. U

LOAM WANTED -Wantad—toad or tut load of hnua.lx.ld looda.FBOJI—Chlraie. III. Juna « l h and An*. 51 h

Bnlon, Maaa. . luna 4«lli~ Indlanapolla, Ind. « _ - „ - » • Jana Xtlb

I Dallj trlna to alxjr. poluu.a u a n Baoa , - - - - -nrunawlct


THE (-/&/ pl^GEBATOA .""

i l i a at Mr wartlwuaa; 311 413Xaat/Iraaiold. N J . on

Uw aalv Ibmof la nut t.-um-la« aanw wtll ba vontlauvd

. al our warahuuaB, l i t USat. on .ath aad .rary day

no.pt Hwday. baalaalnf al ISday and nnUuuln* until all vwda

i> witand havlua. dtnjaf ro6a> taMa.

Ldaa. Wda. chalra. to* bos, lampa,baakgl. radio, daybM. vbaat or draw.

avw r«sa plaiil^raebli: ouppllM. antkjttaa. aawwuaaaralad In tba watrwouat lafmlotlaa bunwdH bliMaa * Alllaon lac , and baM. ror thaatvamnta vt UH rolloatb* partita rontffttad

T» Mr. IKlrtal. Mr. Barutd Jordan, Mr.8aai Lucau'Hr. HalMwwakl. Ulaa H. V. Uann,

a. Murphy. Mba TlHukira Wacbtar, lira.r. r. w»t*. Wantwarth 4k Wratwilrlh. lao.

Ta» awda wul ha oa rHUbltloo al tha Unaaa« Mar. ai U» aala.

a o k a i M a> ALLISON, LNCt l l - H I Bmlh Aia.. Eaal,r r d a N 1

I SPal>« Jana lat, I I M .

v T P e ScfVIM CofpQfBtlOII ~oINewJcnoy

PM.nH We. 1M an Ossa-

- Casusrtalln ftefatt**! gttcfcDMdssat Ne. t* **a tSMCaawaUllv* r ic tand Bleek

Tha Board of INraitan' o( r»Mlc Barrlr.. at Kam JaraaJ has dactarad dttt-

M i al lha'rato • ( 1% par aaniiaa oa Ika 1%r-rVsti-T naCHnd Stack. haUf (X.N Kr

F: at. Ihs'-rsaa af T% »ar aaaaat aai thaCuntotlra rrafarrad Work,, bains ILtSnhax: at tha raH rf | 1 « Bar annual an

tfc. a » par talm C»i«liU». mtarrad BUrk.tw*&s U K m anar*. and 71 cvnta .wit abarcan tha .MM Mr talua Coanoe U U ftavtha(tnanar «MBU.JIUC SD. 1111 " All dIVIifcno*an pa«%Bla lana M, ISM. u> anpUntjara afnncd al hW ttaaa' af baakaav Maa 1. Iltl.

BhHa.il aa (% Caa>nlatl.a fratarrad taai

TeJephent Cftanford W W

'• • ' " ' . "" • • T O D A Y . - • ' . - • • - -


ntlDAV — SATVROAY • . -


t w.. . , -nnwl*..

VaalOddUawora, Traaanns.


LEWIS STCMflE — ROBERT YOUNGin "MEN M U S T F I G H T "Satarday Mallne* Ut Eptowle, .**•» MMBKBT1KB8"

BUKDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY •amid the ( _ing and caressing that1,goes oa, .beyond the

Yew f^v*«aie Starla a OrearTictlsr*


wmNexl Wed. aasl Tkarsb-.*EX LADX* and "MAOB ON BBOADWAX"

OLYMPIC JRARK- Ord St. inlasaM, SL J. -.



'-•-";; ( taia synibal* reprwentln* natural**5* pbeooiieii*"or object* of nature, suck•'_•' rtt ttm tun, moon, cload*. Ugbudag.';y '"etc, pJctofraplBt can be decipliertd", .:*•' • only by the person who mstle then:.

SaMwWDa AlxHit E s U a U :Banters have killed off *o many1

ssT tt* plcture*o.o* spoouWU* or HOTMa, far both food and realhera, thaitat* than Uty of these bird* a n left

Consolidated Gas Co.206 EAST BROAD STREET, WESTFEIA It S.

NOW OPENMl Attrntlisi

flat «oa>4 M ntaaora at. ruhUc- SarrleaSJtrtrte a»4 < ^ *»aapaar. na« d«aar«l Uaraxatar ~«M»aH« drrlaW • 1st 1 * and)•M* Wasaaiae Stack (T a s * Oiaa|iin>. PtTt-dasdk aia H n U a laaa t*.' Ian, h> aaatk,snaaVn• aT retard al.Ik* daa| at hgslnaas ]«aaL ' T. W. TtalOdilasnctk, Ksssanr.

Pool Open



PERSONAL FINANCECO.2H% pex mooUi on balance

boa III. am rtoo, Ucaus So. IISara* Tawwr "

it* I«OAO rrmrrBtstsata a-mt, UaskshV «. J.'


Page 3: A-INTD ICLE · 2015. 2. 14. · A-INTD ICLE UNE 8. 1933 Wwdd Offer Education To Local Unemployed Rev. M. Y. Poynter. Rev: W. F. Behrens, Jr.. Submit Report to Relief Commit-'tee's


- I


SHDtnrr - "ALB—la Oiaarxrr *f New' taw,•Mwete Maria BUsakria Grata*. MUh

FL fa r * u lc of ta<>rej>ffM prcaslar*. t

By r«m» rf the . > m » M writ of Bart

I* peAD. i n i K , I* tie* DWrk* Court Soon.la ta* raai H*aaa. la tit CBir •» DU>tM>r,. " > J , « » • ' • • • . • • : •wmndur. m inn tuv OF

ivy*, A. a. i»»v .•1 a w .'ctar* BUadar* Itw* a"e»*rll D u l H b la i ) Tt i U i M t p s t y d a r

wank ta ...Veer Jersey

•Mar laid d*era aad

U« la IOta**? «C Utdta

U ««t ta UK I q l A A » • «of I'clui *l BtokMlu "••••"•

ttt Urn toUwUw

, ar Bled,ot IB* center. IBs* aad

OMoca AnoiM. DluhMl. ul ' l i * * W br Uu>


Tt-B. .- / . -k

of NOB April 1, I Mi

M tu* W*st «ld*teHi

point T«« Uuadmr sad Bemit>-B.e <•;rd frufc the North *M* of N i

tt l f bAreaa*. T' T*rr rtrrnft-g la front or breadth\«tb*<rd atari aakl . Boulh. TaMiiy-rUUiKtrtl « t r I »t fret to a polnn thence mend-ing Hratward oa a Ibie al right angle, to salKwulli Twraly fifth . Street One Hundred (loofrrt to a udnl ; Ikenre- expending nil a III)laiallrl'ttltli aaldHwitli Twenly-ttflH KtnSouthward nftr (51) ferl to a point: IUIIt u r o d w Lasranud m a line.at. rich! ami!„ -aid r . ^ n , fifth rUrm One Hun<lrrd (100(iM IA I r tmlnl aud plat* i>r Beginning. -Tinnatd If l Ulna also known as l» t Tulrtj-»tn

' i- l l ai-t i art of Lot (30) In IIlock Onr Hul.dml at"' rlerrn (111), aa laid down on til*Ti>.rtal.l map

Then t ilii* approximately' 16,533.. willluterwn i a Iprll Jl«. 1133. and rosli.


11 f« .IU

Jaria*tir I" :

In It *

at «•Hatli

All •

- »*ALK-!n Chanrwrr »f Ntw J. Tb« i|rudriflial I n ci « sV«r JrrMjr {(vporatton.tid (Vila H«t-H. rt at., ( M Hr M I * of. moneJKttJ iirrmUrii.•<«• itf. Ihr atiovr-alAlnl writ of flrri:nr Jlrn-Uti 1 *hatl rilMMe fur *•!lrtidtie, lu. lhf IHitrli-t <*i>urt IUKir< HoitH, In tbf U l y . u f EH«*U


.im'k Ktandard (tw<* w'rlork Payll>r in-th« aft*n««n of *aid (lay,

toUuwlnt irart nr i^rrei of laud andutrvlnalUr iiartlrularly OMcrlWd, all

jntj of »ud HUlf ot Nrw.

111.'<>f ( •

liutid'funn. t:>f f]l



MNfl at < iwint.lo 'Uw wntcrljrr Mr*rt dlntaiit wullitriy along Die

liuiKlrrd nf^v-wim end eighty-Hir.a fcri (I^;.H5r) from the rorn<T tlte ItiUnrrtlon of-th« Westerly •!<)«

Strtti attd tlia iwuibcrly aid* or Vli.:iitnJrp ttfucM nuulti atstr-ltirec (<U

ihlitritt 113) mttiulea, wrat one turnitilrtj f>*t (U0' | to » lKtlttt; rtwrittifiutli twHily-sli 116) dvtrrvH forty

IT) mlnulM Ra«t Ihlrtj-wun andr huMirtttlhi fttrt (S7.HV) to a pglnttl N t l i t t l i I ( 8 J

>h1»>-ii lUt 111111(111* Eaat' un* hundml ant•Mm d*l ii;i«'l-tu a point In the said wwt«rtr *I<1« of Horn- Htmt; runnlni ih«m-i.Nortii (H4iilv-iit d<crtes 110) forty-aerm uilnttln it:I wfrt tlntix (tie wntrrlf «ld«-(>Cloftr strctt :hlrt)-a*rpn aud fiehty-flfe timidrMlili* fret (JT.8J'I to th* point or place uhfUAWtSii. II«lnc known aa No. 18 liovrr

T>itr<> In dur.«rt>n>iltiutr(r^tU.ll4.13, wltliinttrrM fiom April 5th, 1V33. anil innta.

C WSftUEY COLLINS, HherllT.liLTVV- k CiBVKUi-'Hol^r- - —KWACC . 121.42

r H A L B - J Q rhuirerj i>f New Jtm«BftwtM Mutiul Btvlnss Fund HarmonU,

rorp ftrtuidalRanlr. and Frank K. Kaiier*ala. fltfendaola. FL fa. for sale, of niurteag

By ilnuc »T Iht aixire.iutrd writ of flrrlfarlat to tn* directed I Rliall IXIKMC fur KaleI? public 1 endue. In (hit Dlltrlrt <'ourt ltw>ni,In 11K- Court n»u»*,. In H.e CHr <»f XlluUtli

'WEDNESDAY. TUB MTH DAY o rJliNK. A. D. t » » . - • -

at c4ic o'clock Ktandmil (two o'rlork DayllrlnHtrlnc) Time. In tht iriernoon «r Hid day.

• w — - 1 A11 **»• fnllowlni trart or parcel of lanaV andHrabra tiereJnaflrr parlUuUrlr d^srrli^. vittule, iTtnf and belnr In the Clly nf Eltzabethla the Count; of Vn\o,\ and HUie or Nvw

lirctnntns at a point In the fasterljr line ofTnlon Av«iu« at a i«olnt therein distant l.M)Itti *'>tii)inly from the Intfrseftlon of said Unaot I'nton Arrnue with the Botittittly tin* nfMaiden Trm«t*. formi-rly fcimwo lat Wtxtmlitrtrr Ttrrace: tlicure i-aslcrly and_ at rlph

« Ijufnn Amtue ZJO feet; Ui«nr«"»<»ullirrlr - id i k » I M wllli I'tilon. Avrauv 1CB Twttlw4nv wrflterly mid imnllel will) Hie flrat itn-

<-o»r«r 120 tevl to the • afomiald lineti Avenue: lh*-nrr Hurthtrly itlgI'ntoo Avt-iiuf 160 ftvt lo the twlnt or_ HiTintiinf. - —-I c Truiu Uie a bore dearrlbcd iiretulici

i«tliC " . • . - -11 In* al a iwtbit In I lie ftatcrly llnc.ti

. AM-utic it •p»lnt therein Utstnnt ]'•»s..i.ilm1r friini' ihe IttUTaffUon of . »ild••! I'niuTi Avenue with ttm wtuthprly lineiiJfii TVrrare. former I) known at Weit-tr Tcrraic; tticnre caitU-rly and a) right* Ti I u JI ATtnue !M feel; thenre-aoulti-.-:M VHtallrl wlttf ITnlun Artnuo 75 fret;r "uiMrrir and pirailri with the first do<

2 * f i t h7 u d: theirr uotihrrly Almtic "sa

J t f l tilrstmitncrI* due s|i|irmlmalcly fll.lln.lN and. ind tJo.iwo. .and li.tlS.19 amiwlUilnterral frum.;, February lDltl,

(' WKSttiV COLUNB, Sheriff.i -i nviirT. in.; s i l r<. " F«i ii:l

uEI II r ** *>ALL~In t:ltanrery nf New Jersey,ltetwrm Ittllt-r I'lsn hvillillnc & Loan Assu-ittun f Ulrslfth, New Jersey, a Imdy enr-

anil MortKace (*<ininany, a-t-porslUn of *«ew Jersey, et al,.. uXtiiuanls.

i fa rur sal , uf imirlcsceu lift-ntleea. - .lly Tiriue n( the atxivi'-slatpu writ of ItiTllas rrt me illrerl*!! I 5 hall FXIKUC [or sale

•rntlue In Uie Ulstrirl - Court Itootn,it House. In tlie City of .Kllialielh.

IF"<IIAV. THE urn" PAY orJLVK. A . D . , I9J1),

. dock *.tasdani' (tno o'dock UaylllhlI Time In (he altrrnootl of aald day.ilit- lolloMlnc tracts or parcels of lsn'1

ard I iii-vses bwelnsller iiartlcularly described._ J and *l«lrif.u>.lint l'ltr."( K » « -

(VUi he loun.ty o( Union and HUU ofliew'jrrry . '

"*ts Oue (II. Two (•>„ Three (4».Four i l l In Work "A'n SB deslEnalnl on arerun msp mllllcd. -Kevisid Tlan n( Build-!M Liu O( Ilelvharilt Ad'lltlon, Hlandwd- " Eii»ru v««»r«. N. J . Owners, '•<••-

Prederlfk f nlUi. C ^ r & ;J^n« 1-rr rolled >(>imil«rr.1922-Uy-LusterA Luitrr <I*H Ee«iireri«. Ellulvtfa, N. J., t

1K& <f l lf twiBl? of Union,; at KlUibefll.^ J *T«-ptlOf boweitr thcrrfmai the foUow-\bg dcwTllwl I « d «"* prfmlaei: /

rucri ^n :» *Dd 3BA. »s fnd>«t«l - '•nruln (l*i> IIW br f»l«ut-to l^ Hied, aboI-artlculail> lh* location of the water lloend« of way m e . of the• 8&«j l l ** w *»U: from tlnwra Atrouc, Ella. ^ J t A ™ « I OWO.,H adoKtfd byll i iway < orumUsIon. Khlch j»lw /

New j'rwy Mat* H U l m i DepirimjAt.er.ilproperty h«* Map. Route 8-24, Action I.Tnan A*moe Rliabflh to. S i fa

ioi e i b t i . luired In the Cly

of4 L'Dlon, t'nlon

a I that lud of the

Af«we, ninbetdMAnl forty »•)


Vlgbt of way lb»ectloa 1 from F3-tayiwant Awnue• « from,tht n»*

« £ t o of «*lASUt« BUhway ?M aald Plan, exlcndbir from Una*, now or

J S 5rH*rt a Moore at ttrtt ttiti«ti^ to tl» ellsthic Boui'i

Melr-# T*mdr*t abouth N t l

Lou tw. (t), Tfare* (3) « d the

- T F i i ihfls»«Ud l » & nrUifl HUP en-"ErrWl Flan of BufUtoc L«tl of Refeh-

|», l a l » . •• i*P*W br Uu WUBl«t>CumadMfeo. rl>l<-h glut U Mimed. "Nnrjr 8UW S1|t.«ir Detotamii, Gotnl

pnstxttr b > H r . I n t o D-SI. »<*1to.-I. Vaor> A i n u . DUaMUl u> BUir'auut Ansin.U b l olxUsc rl<ht*Df Wly usd tar<

Ju J . icwlrtd la, ;U*. Cttj- o!-. BU>I»U^» In Ilk To.iulJti uf Union. Cnloo Coualj.taw. J»l ." • • ,

l'aral No 3«B. Inrludlnj .Ptcijttut Und of UM Cantor Iwtvtn tybm balill* tiuilnj BouUcultrli «ij« U»« of SunkA««nu« «oa Itw nrw SouUeAHcrtr rlfht of «iylit., «r mate lll«liw.r Hinit« H-H. 1MI0* if El A K l l b h M M


, ate l l « l i . r Hinit« Hffom Elmora Araitw, Kllwbeth.irruuv. .I'nkio. (ilnatit fortj U(It* Iww renter Hnp uf uid 8l id ri id l

4> f«»t I n afllgliway aaf l dMid |.l«ii. iitmdltu froa* laada

nt>w ur furmrrl; uf Ausust tlctiau at abouts t t i l ^ i i x h M & l dstation

; s tim the Mout&wnl to' laada now^ laada o

ur rormtrl) vr .Uthur C Ulu«l at atoul Hu*lion H_t_31 un Ilir Nortb«a«t.

Oiittalulni. BUS R<}itar» fert be th* aala» mor*ur leu. *

Thrrp. la due approitBUtclr 19.30T.S5 andT 2 K

annum u u - b ckuncr <r i

la tt* Caatt Beaaw. ta ta* ctty- at


» o'rtoe* aisatwrd itw*. e react IHtvlag) Tta». I* t ie i - - -

:rMan>t««Mand m M hanUartat lartlrolariy l .annau. l i t t t a a d t»«a» t> n r CRT arI»U to UxOxauj al l-Uo« u 4 K *

« a awatt, la ta* taataaartr Baaof Baal Jersey aenet laareia, inalaal

feet "I northerly lla* of Baal lutrr Mm* wkawrslerly Ua* of Mrersea Aeaaat; User

(I) aorta II iXrren u ajaaast* aaat It* feat:tllear* m aorta f l decree* It aIMS feet; tkear* (SI aawtk 11•alautea west IM feel te atld aarUwei* raseBaal Jertey Rtfwri; tkaart (II aawat sinortherly line of Baal Jereer WrMt atatk (al

and I .Marrii dlh. lit^.v. ant)

r. u.t LKV IOLU.VH;II.VIIIIV i;i\HH«MA\. |«il*I.E W K C . 1 n

rwtth Ultmal rroBi

.SHKIIltTS SALK-ln fham-rrj uf Kait I r m .IMturn Fklvlll) - t'nlou Triut t'

Newand Marlou

(or i

corporation, el ala. CQBapialoaata." l.luin. .n als.. Oeftndania. ~

lly tlrttie u(. the aUire-sutru writ of fierime (llm-lvil I sltslt eipott for sal.l d I h paa

I) i.w.lw irmlus. iu Ihe niitrtrt Courtin iti> (uuri.iiuuu. in uw <ntir of u i n W i i ,Nv J . . ull - . . • ^

WKUNRDUAr. Till! I1TU DAr Or" JI'NIS. A. !>.. ISS1, .

it imc oVItM-k KUntlard' (two o'clork DayllgnlMating) Timr, In* IL» aflnniouD of aakl day.

All lli« following tract or i«rr«l ttf land,andI'mtitM* hfrrlnaflrr luirlli-olarly.tWacrlbrd. all-lute, lyIng and Iwlng In- the Tuwnaiilu of Vrut'lerd. In-trie (Vuniy of Union anil Hiau of S'twJnn*T.' • . .

ili;i;l.N>'INU In Ilia NortlierLy llDa of Craa*'ord. AfHiut. at a * ftuliit tli«reln (flata'ut LTV.44fwt Nulttifaatvrly from Hi lutrnvnlon wltliIlia Kaaurlr llna uf t'urnr Anniua; t l m i i *.\orth«ailcrljr along lfi« Nurlhrrly llna of Trad.ford Avvnpafill f w t o l inl*\j th*pr« J*ort»

dearee* !» eilanea Mat tlB feet a* la* aaaataad plar* ef Begltuibav.

Ttie >tut, drarrtplln* brait la arneaaar*

tunryora. dated NVetR* tn* tan* i

Bea-Tnp (\srparaltaa.u tnaiatJeney. br tw* deed,, ea* trees (award

win. dated A*ni It. I t n . aad re-corded April tt. 1MT. la Oeed I :_Pate l i t . a > d th , etawr froea Bttrlaaa McKDtiaa, and alft. recorded Mar X ItTT. ta DeedBooa UM aa p a n I4T.

B.lnar all tad la* aaasBoot Ml of Mart(a**rrar VaMaCawaiy.

pan Ml. iKnown i t Net. I1U-S

BltalMk. N. J.TMr* la due apprasrasalety. eHl . i l l M "Ui

l i n . t t S l l . wHk tauaeal fnas Mar 1st 1PU.aad eoatt. '


nU.C>0 ' ' raaa (H.M

U ctuuM«rr mi's** iB«lwctB I'DtaB <ou«iy Sattaci Mu*. ar*tUm, roMptoteturt. • • * r>Jw«» • l a

et ut.. oVfetwAwu. f l f*. forl l

n-e B^uihwratirly tisrallrl. with -Crau-ortl Avenue rftfBV tcH;' Ilirnre rlouthraaterly['.a.; 3 n-ei to ihe lit.ia.NMN'ii. . . .

Ili'lilf Iliv same |irrriilst^ rujiteyed 16 llarHiilliy deed from Julls M. Jiterxcna ai

lnisliand, rr«*ordi<d Junellouk UUfl. |«K, 513,

M ena aiITIh. 1V23 .In Uaed

UeltiB all and Ihe same-premises as dracrlbec*In Mortesge llouk t i l (or fiilnii IVunly. pan

Kiiuwn aa Nii. T Orsnfurd At«uue.-Crautord,N. J.

There is tlue B|.|iri>ilmately $a.tt4.31. wllliIliturvst (runt April ^klli. lf:'3, and roattl

C. WE.1LBV IDLLINS, 8heftlf.NIMUN I'. .NdBTIllllIl', Hgl'r.Kl lJ i lC Fret l l » . ;

HIIKIIIFF'H HAMS- In I'liaiirir)' "t .New Jersey.Uetwren = Anna Luulac tim.tie, complainant,id Marlon £. KluIli-lirr. it al.. ur(mdanta,I. fa. (or Halt ot lnurti.'M|;ed lirrniUe*. •lly virtue of Ihe alum-staled writ of flm

aclas -It* mi* ulrevli-ii I slisll -eiiHise' ftir saleby I'tilillc vendtie. [n tltu Dtilrtct Court RuoiuIn Hi* f?outt Uuune. In the City »f Kllxalwth,N. J., on • • .


v UVIIN-K Mnmlnra llwu ucloc«_JtBytlshtHatltiK) Time, In l i e nlliirmiuti of said day.

All Ihe folloaliiK ITairta i>r |isri-ela u( landid premise, lu-rrlimlier naltlciilsrl) deacrlbetl.llUtC, ij'lllE mill l:rllip tn Uly Tnwn.

*:raiifonl, In (he Cuuntv nf 1'nlon and Slatt ofNew Jersey. .

Whlrli are v ii.inlrularly .laid down,

Hilled: "I'lut n( llullilmu U t s owned tty Ur.Lounsberr) at t mndirij. .N. J.".l)iie-half milefrom Depot, iMciity-ilve liy one hundred

Ictll ttn't; lilt J .Vovemlwr &th, Ittfl*. asMap Nuntbereil Out. Hundred slid Una Hill.II),lielut known un hits iiumlieriHl Two Hundred•nd fourteen I J i l l ami Tnu Hundred and-Ifleim (2r.) as Ulil IIIIMII uli said map.

There. Is. due ' .-ip|ilnxlniuu-lv f8.12t.3t. withittervsl from April inh. PJ^, and Costa.

t:. U I.SLEV CULUXH. Ml.rrltT.AI.IIEIIT F, llKMlUi.- Sulr, •EIIJACC Fees 115.1:

k f l p f M . , .By tlrio. <rf ID* atetwatet** writ W

faclaa to is* (UrttttMl I •*• ! ! t tvsw foehy pubHc *mdu». la tn« DUtrWt Court


JUNB. A. D.. 1*11.it one o'clock Hatadard . (Iwa a'rlark DaylltktiH»TtBt) Tim, lo U »

AU t f l l t

tok Dayfl»f aaM day.

l € l. AU the follawla* tract* or parala at laadtad prttalati btrtiaafter parlaruUrlr drarrtfasd.situate, lylitf aad vein* la Ik* Cttr af BIU.bsth. Ui In. Coualr of t-'ato*.New Jersey:

1. BerbuilBC t t a polallint of Huauall BaaaS iwaasU feet utrtheaalarly (rasa Ik.sld. of Matle Artaiw. ala* kaiseaBUrly corner of a lot of lead ktreaatar* r*a.vtytd to Eivea* 11. CaeUtlla* aaat lUHh I!I'aaterllnt. bis wu*. I* Cktrlea r. V.and Etllabrla- Varwerrk. tile wlf*. ttscorded la a*tk t ; t of data. f*r Uahas

lit 4tti tbeac* nsaala* IIIlint Ibt aortbwmerlr sld. of awawall Bead.

slityeliM ISM: theetr. II)at rl«ht anttea l« Ik* aaeljstraattlKtlmmll Ho*d lialynuie f*et aad •firof • foot aw* or leva ta a await lanortl-wwatarly ktuadarr Iks* ef laada ofn. Caalerllat tad Bdtth C Caataelbs..tbenca (J) totnkwaatirlr aloas taldline sltlr-tltbt fewt aad a*sidredtha of a foat I* a aalinortlteatttrly corn**, of Ik*Torwerek nerttafDr* tatatlaiaeullMaaterlr ptralM to Ikt

aad Utr-lhrte- buadndlka ofleak la Ibt norUmlr lla* «f IIht polnl or plar* of BBOINrt_ . X . . . M l ! 0 .etatatlT aid* of Hiaaadred and twentv-Sfadradtha of a foolaectloB with tbaAfanoa wkleb point laand iwaaly " -

no taa avatli-otaaual taw kaa

aaMW-all aaa.fraai n t waUa of

SAI.K III Cliuiu-ery uf New Jersey.Hel.HeeIi| MiMie Kll/nk'tli liriH'lir,. covplallr

II. and. Knnm M. Llnucnurluk, cl~Bt'.*~ueiiUants.t F L la. !ur n*U oaf nwrlKaled prem-

lly virtue i>( Mil- itlNim-slsled writ of. fierielus ti> mi' illrtvltd I hliall* esuuse for sale' I'uMIr K'lKlue. int l ic liMrlrl Court Itooln.

. J.. w i - • • ' '" • - • • - •WBUNKSIIAV, TIIK SIHT I1AV Or

- . -Jl-NE, \ . V,. I 'M.it nue o'rliii k. sutmiutil ttwd u'l-lotk UaylUlilivhiit) Tinier. In ll.e aflvmouii uf said day. 'All the rulliinln'i: Irsi.t ur parcel of Undyid ureuilsiM l)trdnsller*|>arlli'u]Brly ituatr, lyliifi' lind l^lug (H.tlie .To

:rauford. In thi.- County of- t'nluu and Htallew Jersey. •

' l a loltit In tin

Kltlili iniir lluiiurnlltia ( l i . t» l

vtHiue~Trt><tuvf<. -«*MiiiH!fly—wltli the -f Normainb ' [ilace- piwliii-eii /

lieme (i) Nuriirnitir dt'icreea Mtf-MVe»X Jtloric. th# Hue nf f.t*B«lie Ar /

td sltt^ii Imiidrc'ltb*-' (61.1l /lnt; • thm

LJII (eel 10 Uliare'; llielu.1!lil> ii.In Hv, West aH*. ouu liuudreiliiiumltlm i lo ) .2 l )

.*») i.ti a rurfe curt ITen. 11(0 tl^l rslllt


ia «iue-. »IU> l

NurthKlit *ii)glc»

ne huiidrcil uud trntU-rii-e \.U - Hoiillt nbi

K*st p d l l ii -iletrn' aud fo

lite line of NonuanuyL/otte and twenty-four

Ui a-|>olnt; tltenceward tlia weat* on a

twmty.'ona and twetity-frVl to the point of

/i^tirolmately tB.O40. andcrr»l from AurU Ulh, \%a.

/.WK.MLtV C0LL1NB. Bntrlff., Hol't.. .

• , .Feat

Jn Chancery of Ntw laraay.utua( Hatlnrj,. Fund Uarmonla. a

I. and Samuel 'J. Crane, etFl. <la. for sale of trortfaiMl

i l««/ ' L ' - • •H)- t/rt'lir of (lie abotit-allled writ oft- fierifiasco mr iilmtrd 1 sliall ripus. (or aals

]|c »enduei "I'cv.rt. •"

riduei Ih Ihe District Court Boom,.. House,- fa lit* Cttr' of. Elizabeth,

MEUhlgilAV! THE I l ^ I H i t Or• f . -JPN'E. A. D..- 1»33. } ..: ,

one o-5li«-k BlsnJ.nl (two o'clodf Dayllfhl'atlnll TlW. In Ihe afternoon of Bald day. .

All tlie (ollowlnc tract or pan-el of laad andi:ml»s lirre.lr.aner rartlculatly deacrllrsd. Jit-te, f}lnc~ Knd l>rlnR tn-.-tlie City, of BHaabeth,.the (C\iIiii(y. of Unfou . and .Stale of New

!tE(il.NM.NU.act [tolnt In Ui* irestcrjy llnatuthirlne Strrel which' point Is distant '125

-1 more or less northeasterly, from the cornerrmed !»' Ihe Inlerwilloit of the northerly lintEast (irantl Street wl:h Bhe westerly line of

ulhcrtne Htrret.atul ulllch point (a at th* ln-•rstfctloo ot the noulbcrly lioundaO' Itn* ofriipnrty. n.uw i.r foVmerly of uno Moor, and

he—scstli)r Hoe of CafiierJlK Btteet; IhenceWnrlne iiortltwralerly t/Ht ilone tht iUna ot

.perHr nirw cr (onnerly nf on* Moore 5t feettlici nirtthwrst. comer of demises wnreyeaFrell IV (ilastiy, Shtrllf to Oeonr W. iferlla

I rfi-nnled In Itoolt « 1 - of deeda far

w uat^ wma.a beta a tlttrpalat b alt* U* west*

fool northeasterlyof Uada Atearoot street andarlr corntr of tB. Catlerlla* aad/Bdttk C Caattrtlaa. alt wifelo Kllea T. A t by dew* beat It* data N.-embw t. 1117 aad recorded la ta* Uklaa

County KeHtteVs UtBre la l a * U U at deedsfor tald Cour/ly at pat* SU i t . laaac* atajlkerly it rtiM aaata* lo tald atdt of awaaatt

said rkllpat lla* alaety^eees,-on* kuadradUa af a faat

a polal In Ik* lla* of tropes Ir newr of Bealaaua Bulakwi aad-Baraklilt wife; Ikanr* alow aald Butt-

. norlbraaterly forlr fttt tad tww'kwa-of a foot to a patat araarw aaM las.

U a lla, drawa al rl«al aade* uRoad, which polat Is. dwaal ataetr

raore or laaa aowikettltrtr free* aaldRoad aad wblch Uat rsiallsaid "

, parallel I*. Ibt furat muraa berelaand ererywben dteuat farlr fee4 Iihtnet norlbwiatarlr paxallel wills Ik* Brat

nlnety.nlne feet ntart *r laa* 'Ieaaurty ltd* of Xuaaalt Boad;westerly slow atld. anrUtaattrtr Uaa ar I

.::i.... Baglnnlag. «». t ie . c tnat: reeaaaa.kylirteeaertkio of the e»»taiaaliilj laaa'of -tmlt Road with the norlbeaaUrly luvaet Hade• ' " aa Iha saate la

thence aloog the aald laaa ot Bweaat*north Uilrtyietaa dagnaa ell ajlaaiaa IhMyaaconda aaat oa< htutarwa - feat aad farly^tal-.undredtha of, a I m aaas* ar leas u > aaaaaIn tha line of othar laada aua m feiasaill ofKugene B. CajterUaa aad Kdlh c Caatartlae.lilt wife, and leatrlbed la a ceetata aseniatsnuda by thra lo Hasuiaua A. tarraad. whkhraungaga bears date Derssahsr It. l tM. a»4la recorded In Beak I H at aaaragagfa farllnloa Cotuitr t t pe l , t t l ; iwayaaar, lasarrtouUl Dfty-two dajrcea flfrr-fear BreaaHa ' eastand Hong tk* aald unailiii daatrlM la 'aaldinortgaf* I* Hrartalta A. Ftjitad ataatr^aasfeet and UcJ^indrtdUui of a taat, tarn or let.u a patat la Ib* Ita. af laaek) aaw ar lau *fant Blatel: runnusc l l l i r i *at tMrlpHdaedetreee ony alnmra. a n t alaa* tall laad aMsor formerly *f Btatat ntaely-tw* r*tt aMthlrtr-four tmadridlhi .of a tee* atara *r laaalo a. wlBt. to..Ib...sal4- lut* at Ilaa1«-llead;runtlni Ihtnet Bonk Mlr-atlM decree*. eaUanlnistat wtat along aald preasat laaa • ( laalwKoad ninety feet eod Ore nasadraatka *f a fastmore-or Int te Ik* polat aad ptaca af 1r.INNl.NO. tncladaaj In* property ai fraatand ImatedUlely aaWatac U* aaaatctnlrt HD* of Ma*l* Bead aa aaw laid

4. BIOISMNOiiorthcrlr Ita* of

nosrorfSraurlJ of __Braahelh> Varwerrk. Ua•aid Vorwerdre lla*(5«*( nny-foura point lirahaof Sdgir' D. •

nlon CouTity. on" paee « S j thenra nunlnghwUiul). and parallel, with; CatherlM

I M V nearly M 3 "ferti thenca runningurihwealrrlj-mid along th» northerly bouod-•y Una of . ron»e.r*. by Nalheot.l

nil to Blanliih.Oeilto bT deed recorded Ink j r . of deeds for I'nkai County, on Page-30 feet to the norUiweat'-corner tberaaf:

«™ running loulnwaaterlr a*l along theeiferly l»u«dary line of property formerlr "f

Sail aforesaid 25 feet ti'.» poult; Uteao nai-l| 5» d e 5i minute* eaat M faat

la. plact^4r H

Tinntec noitl easterly, gf WtfcfrlM.KtMrt » : W te

•"?!™e°*rs; dur .pproilauuelr « - * » • " . " * 'i) JSTSM. wllh totereet froaa April


a tfu-'aa* aegne>..forty feat I W ) ta-a. a a - o r feaaaerty


Keld* M*wart.tamk tMrtr-nr. degree* l » * lweat-tad alaag said atewart'sand two aad aUty-aas. aa*-IttreV) asort or taat u a

. aarlKijrUa*-af Magi. Arat**;. . . along saM l b . ef 'Uagla Areaae

artr-aigkt deajna*. (Sg-V^ferlyidea (IV) tan forty aadfeel (It I f ) la ICLVMNO.

Tkar*- la. da* /I _.„M.llt aau f'M*M- tad M*».sa.. wta I*tartat (rasa April 154*. IMS. aad rwaas. '- • . c. <mui«uKAVMOND T. PA1BOT. BaTr.

Between Kalleahach k _. corporatloo. rneitileliaa). aad KaUai Taaluree, l o t . a earraeataaa. aWaadaat. fL fa.dr—A « * ) * . * ' « # na i iad ii e I I at • - * -

: By ilnue of.lae. abaea alalad writ af Ifadaa to a» ftwM I ahall ,by public ta tl» MaMd Caan laosa.la tb. Caort Boaar. la tk*..C«w at Bbaaatlk.". J^ aa

at one a-rtack aUadard (ta* treiaek Deft.Baringl Tbaa. la tht.atlar.aaa at Bald day.

All- tha fallawlar met* a* aanaas i f laad

Met aad beta* la law Tiaaettj at

I taatk tkrrtj t i e» **al aaal akaag'

slid astttilr itat •< CeawwaasTAreaw, l i e

at right aaaiea a.h d dd a d n , fM la a »

i 111 ae»th t u t i *e> t ipi is aaa fartjalai weat alwag taee at Uada of Ka|

h d d d l » « hg Uda Ka|aad ela»Cr-«r, het aadialia af a taal » a

l l lw e .m m > a l i a af a taal »

paaal: lhaar* (II SOU eleaaj luse at laada a•Uheabach aanh sinew degreea aad raw aMaatea eaal eleraa feel aad UU-aarht .sae aaa• s a ^ er a t»»r^t» a >eaB<7 theaee.aaaag aaM laadi of Saltaaaarh aanhU«e»e aagreee aad fmyaU aawatea oeat otwadrai aad U l i feet U a aatal: tbeao |Larm alaag Uaa at lisas if m l r iKiaenn

.-- f«»t leiseal _•ha eajterly Uak of tht Haaway l i ter: t h e mIII aekthartr alwag o , aaM aaak at t ie Rah-

. asara s» leas u .a paiai la thea> 1 aowa A>eat>e: rheare H)

. . .-jr-ataa. daanaa Mtr^asrrea wtaaiasaaat atoaa aaM aaatharly Itaa ot South Aeeawaaaaetyliwa faet la Iha palat ar altca of i l

traMiMraMiM.•UDCOX* TRACT: aUKUKJilni-ei a »>au la

law waaterly luse af CearaaataJ Araaaa Usuallisle.irlr etgU hassdroa aad etthu-etawl fan(raaa Iha aaataesla Ihta of Itaalk Aeaaast: theae.I l l weetertj aad at right aaaiea to aald tin

feet ttj a pelat at lla* ef laad af aaM Ks*eakark; Ikaae* I I I aaalksrlr aad PSrellH • I U I

Uat ef ,(Y*j**tl*l Anaa* aad aloag tald1 ef aald Kslisaaara aaa kaadnd f«tA • • •• RI

Ka a aadnd f s t loi IIsail i l l aaaum aad at rlgHaagke.U * f C t J A k d dI* t a . U a . e f OwrHaaiUI Artaa* oa* kaadred.

aad any reel I . * patat U Ikt atld weawrt/• M r**Maalal A>e*we: Iktar* 14)

s|l«ag tald aeas.ilr llse oT Ciwe aw* alia ate) t*a) U laa alar*

UIKKLNU.* TaUrT: aUtOIXKIM) al a Milat In

A< 'enwraarly a n I tad alsiy.tla

[Mttr IBM «f* Booth ATIIk IMrty t»e degrre* aM

ale* faet •Uatg aald westerly IAreatjt r*w k¥adred aad jrwttIketww I I I aoMk tVlT-fear i

' froas Ik .

4eet l e t p*lal:i aad eeerttla III x h M r r a r grara aad el

asaawtea waat aad at elehl aiiglea ia Ihaaf Oateaalal Artaua. ona Auadred and flft.

fa. a paaat l a i n , 'W«:i iWf'i ,.«*.;Mirj»i-JaW-»«.i4aaraa» i

fartri-afaa ^laatea trea|j«raag liar of laadaaaM KaUaaaaca tw* Xundrea aad sltlyfburfeet aad forty l«e«e ilcehiiadiiitlha of a leM1* ajpelal la tha Im. of lanoa of' Real! nilh l U h I A l l M

j p a aBherlU: Ihraea IIIof Uada af aaM•fte.kll feat aaa raoa lo a

rarRTatla the aotlK 4

an f al! nilj aad alwat aaM ll»e

sl ia . (me htiadeed aad/fnny four oae-huaaredlhl uf

la Ike place of REUWNINfl.CT: BIOINM.VO al a pnlutItaa af Linda Ateaae. where

d l h t li f

III jaaattalgaurest alasuj Uads

d t w «

IK* 4aaw rs/ialerterted py the weatertr line oflaatal *t Be>U: I t ian III . aertaerlr alMig

ild | Ha./of laada of Dorle Iwa hundred and, , feel aad rerlr-alB aae-bundredlba

o f a |.rail te a polal la lit* lint af lands forMiataj; Ihtac* It) toulk aevenly-*ne

we« tlocig laada af moon and Kaltaa-iw* liiutdltd tad ateeaty-elgkl feet aM'-a**«B oss»*kawdretaaa if a> r*ot I. iof-Uadt • / tald KalteaUrb: thear* IItlgkttta dsgria* alaeaeaa rattulaa eaat

'adUlalsaai Uada *f Kallrakarh. oae buadredfeet aad twaaty-flrt oae-huBdrfdtba of a rootta a palat; theor* (II rowlh set*atr-«aa dr-

weat alaag aald laada of Kaitoatark. onehuadred aad testaty.etifai reel aad aaeealeea

' dtbs of • foot t* * palat: tlaareettfctre* akvrM* twenty sis nlaneo

_ Uadt of Mulilaaamk oa* buadredtkd twewtr-llra feet to a point la la* aonktrl'da* af ilaiwla Arta)**| tkaara (tl nartl

eetUJMea* awgrwat twelve tawmla* ' eaat alan,ikt twnkrrly Mae of Uaralo Avenue, foursadrad tad alur-tw* feet aaar~isiny.fouri, aaadisdtlj »f a fowl I* ikt palat

BBommNaF i m THACT: BBOINNINa al a polat la

Ike dtekiaa *f lands of atld Anna. Drtaaebertad- iaada of Itaaltwvarort. distant oa» butt:

aad alaatr-fwar tret and BarrBly one.aeika of k foot northerly fraaa Ihe aonk.

ertr-lfcvtaf llaasla Aetawai Ibeaet (I) swrlbtertattr eVgrtea rtrtr-flvt Bilaula* eaat altogtald atrurtea Uaa. twraly.ftar feel lo a paint,Ikaaat. Ill altag lla* of laadt af K site, eachnortb lne.ly slB degree, Iwtalr-algal Jalauleatreat aa* kindred feat to * petali tkaaa* It)aaetk laanrfwar aegr.ee IweMy-eevea aslauUe

- atlll aloag l i t . af Itada of aald Kelts.aaa kawarad fast I* a Mal i Ikeae* (II

aarrk IBJrty serew degren .flflr nalaaUa w*KatlB alaag lie* ef laada of aald Kalleahtrh.

• hisndred aid thirty.aute ferl te a polal iBart) 111 Mill altac line of laadt of aald

alleakack. souk U t y t e e degrtea law tain-uiea weet. aa* haadrwd tad slttr feat lopatal ta tk* eauerly beak of Ike BakwarBltart taaar* If) aeutkerly tlong tald tausa itk* Bakwar ftirar; aw* buadred aad Iwealrfeat to • polat; IHittl IT) easterly tw* kwa

" a*d 'iweatr-ara feel to t pobil dlttanialgklr-faet asaikerlr fraai Ik, beglaalag polalj

(II aealk Iwwaty^li degnt* Iwtalyelgkf, aslaaisa t w | aigklr feet to Ik* plat* ef

. _ owl af tk* prettiest at drtrrlbedktta aack parfaaa tbereef at are aVterlaed In

a renal, reieaa* af aataigag* staa* by Malta.-kteJt' e> (B..HW.I CurpxsJU*. a Corp. of NewTeeK to Stellar TesHart*, lac. a core of MewTerk. dated P i i i m i e ntk. I l l l , walck'talddearrlaltot to tald release la a* folkrwa:

~ we* U la* law* ef Craafard. la IIor Ualaa aad wtal* *f New- Jertey.

Begteekwa at a awlat to l a . aoaU>waa)arlr' i »a-f itaaaalll Area* '" ' '

tt.as"f**t° apBBBandaf CaaUaatal Araaitt-to a r«ur*t of i

dtgiatt o BalBHtew aatt fratB tk*aaw) ey Ikt laseraseUea ef tk* sal

Ua* af a*ath Arraat aad ruaatogalia. U» aaM atdt Jla* at "

ath « degreea II aslau•1 feet to t potnt ta

war lla. of Ihe prepoatd , . .Hewer: Iteaii raaelag 111 thaig Ih* aald oaat-

" " * " «f41

of HIM feat to aaag (II atlll aloagwar Itat Booth Itdutaace of l i l . a i

Ua. of laada *f Cbarlea R,i raaaltg II) aloag ht> Ho.II aalaolat waat a oattoiic*

a polat la tha westerly rightot Iht aald prtaoaad Traat Mm:

Iht MM wwtterl» rtgltsus aad dlstaa« II feet

. aaglta froat Iha MM atttorl/ right ofUaa. aarth It degiist M auaalta aaat a

aa* at IILa. feet to aa aagW polat;lhaaea ruaalag It) tUll aloag said waaterly1gW of war Ha* worth Jt degrrea 41 adaatos

a dbaaacaof lt:,71 feet to iha petal aidaaic* af Redaatag. . . -V there la dwa spprollautely itMttt. aruri

fraat Jaaaaff m l . IM). aad coal*., •» fc WJMUrr COLLINS. Rharia-. -rILBU, C1UIOOLT A TAUCB, fWVB

s n U I T > «AIX-U Caaararr of New Jereer.The naitaallsl laauraace caaapaay

.^; a/jeewiararr MaftlBllaa. auta-plalaaat. aad Aieaaader Uadaraaa. tt at. dr-

n..fa. /ar eele of aaorlgaged.prais->y rtr»e of tha ahara-aitttd writ of fiericsaa laTaa* dlraeted I aktOl etpooe fat tola

aedsuc-etada*. to tht Daitrlct Court Rawaa.la» Coeat Bowse, la Iks Oil of Olaahela.

wunrRSDAr. Ttu n n mr ofmat. A, D.. ini,

ea». eclorh altaaidard |lw* e'doclt DarUgtlRaraag) Ttaae. to tha aftwteiaa at. atld aay.

AH tie feUewiag tract at paree) tl laad aad' tartlrnlarly aaacrtbad. ,

. lyatg tad hatag la tie CUT of' ~ Oala. aadwtaM at -Hew

r AeoHM al a paaat aWttal Ibrat haaand

tha ceraar feraed r r l a * i t i m m h a araide of Oereeaad Ataaaa wmh tha waatorlyat f l a m Aeaawa Ifaraaarry eaOad lwy .

w a j ) ; rwawaag thaact (1) waatorly awsaafaaWatde at Clurlead Aeaaae tarty ( M ) -

na* of lot aasaaar «fty ' " "

forty |M) faal;rhaar* 14) aenharlr aartDal with tha taaaadrawrwr at that dinrbjIliaT tad alaag ta..ttaa af

I awaaher tUy-tw* |(S| aa aaM aaw aa*radrad, IIM) bat to fat H U M *t.Ba2aaat.av>sag tea mm nrafaar (Ml W^aStTSII a) t k jh <|)

Caaatr at Caata aa4 Sato Beaag M a aaaaktn~aratr ( H I aad^at, , . , , , . 111! a t awatk aaataaawat tw*. ( I ) aa a tanaai

S at a

•wwed Iry (be n Mora-Rewrty twasaaay."Rwswa at M. Ml Otrt iwd Ataaaa, (Mat.

aeU. N. J. " , ' . .There la due aatsraalasatoljt. I1.1J5U. »l

latereel froea « » . let. 1111. tad cuota.r. * n u t rofcUNS. «h*rit.

K. CARVB*. Bal>.• • • . - • ,:• ' 1MB t i t l

awstairrs UUt—to l-haaorry at Kttr tatW

M l * Maria*, uaale af atortgagad anetlaaa.

Br >lna* tf Ik* abeve elated writ

. pwaavr swadat, to la* ,to Ik* Ceaart Beaa*. to- tk* a i r e^/Bllasbett,

WBUNBUtAY, I I I :1I!S», A. D.. . .

t t ea* Vrtork aunaard (Iwa /'clock DtyllgklII Tttta, to Ik* atflaVw*** *f aaM day.Ik* feilowlag trtrt er/trr*l of Itud and

IHMwBt kwrektifUr pantrtriarlr dearrlbed. sit-uate, tytog aad kelag ta ike rur of - Blltabrtk' • Oattaur ef Vuifi aad Mat. of.New

la Ikt tovlketaltrl!•tad con

I forty.oae feet tad elgtlr" " I of a foot Norths.it

nrlr Itoe of Beat JerteyI Nortlwaalertr and along

r eao-huadrtdtha 111.111 ofer nt Ifa parlttloa wall uf theg oa the with to described prop.

propertr raartyeCI In Meletit R•jrw stulheaalsrtr aad alaag lite lln

HUeat K. Kraft tad through theI th* paeilUaa Waal tad la rtaUaatlbw

1 oa* buadred IIMI feel I thaae* 'daub-ly tad parallH with nrst Mreet Rlgbleen

i aad Ifty tare, one huulreaua IIIB1) ola foot. tsore or leea to a point where a lindraw* la roaUavatloa of Ih* partlltim wall I*t latter tad lit* wtthla datrnbtd preai.laea would lalertfct M l d l l a e : theact North-weturly aad aloag Ik* Uaa of laud uf UerasaaW Rawer and Ihraygh ib* reaasr of lb* ptrltUaa wall oa* huadred (latl feet to lb* euuth-eaaterly .110* of rtrat Htrtal and the pu|hl orpiece of. KHilfSINU. •, ' ; /

Melag Iha eats* pretstorf rowrereoV to lotaaM Cella Cuebaslla liy ileed. uf the aaklLoulaa A. Kuler and* husband, i-r|lrlog even.date herewMh aad to be renwdeif al the etmetlsa*. and Ihta atortgage Is glVea Iu securepan of the roaaldataUea In aaU deed mro

d l j lo the roodlllonparticularly aet forth

appmalasately ll .tal. , with3 d n i l d

(baud and Is asaa*. aubierl•ad lease In said deid panlrd ea *

There ,ta du,laleewat rraai '


p p y l l . ,3rd.- n i l , and. cuata—: '

> * U . V , Hol'r.reoe l l lTt l

KAIX In Oianrery i,l New Jrrttr.Beiweea fits Illluig* HuUdlng and- Luausaurlalloa ol eil*abeib\N. J.. a rtirpotallim

of New Jertey, rwaplaloaui; and HeubeM Jsltrrt ala.. defvKuaala. 11. (a-., for sale of BrailMged' pteaklae*. \ -

Mr slrlue ut Ihe abeve-awed writ of flvrilclaa lo me directed I Bhsll Vspoaedir Balih) puttie .m.lu.. In Ihe lluulrt Court Uu»u>In Ihe l oan House. In Ui* Illy HI Blltabrlb,


Jt'Ng. A. II. I l l l ,oat u'clock HUndtrd (two n'cliM-k. Payllgh

tslrigl .Ttutaj. In the anernoon of sBtd aa|.All (be rolkiwltg uact or parrel of latid\aivleaslaea bertlutlter particularly .described, sit-

uate, lying and Ulng In Iht t i l ; ol BlltabrlhU the County of route, and Male of. N»»\

ratr. • , -riKHT TBAIT: UlailNNISlI at II e l».lnl u

Ituratctlofi ot Ik* *«Blaw*at*rly .line ol fcaetllraad Htreet WUb (be NMIuweaterly Mite uHprlng Hlreet aa aald line Maa. ratal-Halted lijike Hoard td° ruUle Wwrka 'tt the* (11/ •'

lUthslk oa Angus! II. l i l t ! tbeac* (I) Xorthktlerly along the .aldJ! ln. ol k.a.1 llrsm

Mueel twenty.(our* sad nineteen hundredth!l t l . l t ) (e*t t i Hat northweeteily tt>nier .ut. i

ikT7wih"oiibTHid"b5iiSi»r riitFA a foot (!.&•') iM « pulat In Iht BtHtliwesltrlrla* of B*t|.*(irtnd Mtreeti Ibenc III norlli

Tly alo«ig the said line »f Kaat llrBiuWrewi ntorty-ont bundredtba of a loot (t.tl'lto a point; tbeae* (I) southwesterly and parall*! w.nk Mprlal Htreet Mealy and ten himdredtka (Tt.lOI feet lo a |*Ut|i lltelii', (51

stertr and l.iatlel with East (IraiHtrewt lw*aty-Bt* 1151 teei to a (mint •>• IheNorlhweestrly lint of atprBig Duets; ll:enre It)WorlkatBlarly alattg Ik* Narlbweetetly Hut 14Bprtog Mrawt tawaly-ala* and nlnety-oae huudredlba I1P.II1 tert to lb*—wall nf t belchbBUdlBg; IbetK* 11) aoutbeasurly along talilBall of the said brbk UillJUtg Ihlrlysemikliadrrdlbt of a tool (ISI ' l l to the corner !iltIk* atld balldlag wbkb la. Ih.. Nortkwtalerli

of Hprlng Htreel ta established la-Board of |-ultllc.Worka of Hi* City of ""

' ulr_ . . - . . . . . . . . . . . and

r.laete*n bundredtha l l t . l lMtet l lo/(lit pointplace of UEUINNIMJ.

MBVUNU THAI-T •mUNNINU' al t pointtkt Nortbwealarlr lint of Hprblg Hlreet dls.it Mulnwaslerly seventy .an* leu hundredibB

I l . l t ) (ret rroas die InlerBerlloo n( ilx/asUIIn* of Hprlng Hlrewt wUft tb* aoulhwestellylla. of r.a.l lirend Ittretti tbence ( l / north-westerly and parallelyWlUi Eaat Uraad Htteol

ty sis and Ofl~j/liuodr»uU,s l/t:|->| (e.la polal; lhenrX (1) tuuUrweeleriy. and t.1

rlgkl angle* lo .the drat course thlrtr (II)' (eela polal; tbettr* (1) eoutrieaaterly forty-four1 nTtr-slxXuBdredtba (44.51/ (eel lo t pouil

Iht SeitHwesterlr lint of Hprlng Hjreel.- -r- NoflbetMerly along Ihe northwest

irly Hoi of Hprlng Hlreel Ihlur-on, and On• (ty MTfeei T/ibtpotm'or.'place •',!

itorett frwa May


jrtlVHHfrw«nli. and cotu.

r i-uLUNa, Hherlt.l

m i r r KAMS-ln Chaarerr of Neaa Jersey.Betweea Muluil Urlnga ruad llsrBulils. s

corp.. cuawlalaanl. and rtank Uruslck (Ilru-Kk). el/lla.. oyftadaau. . n . fa. for Mlt oltsongtged praashMa. '

By i l n u . of Iht abosi-BiAtod writ 'if otrlftrlaV to at* directed I shall eapuM-fer aal* hypaMic reado*. In the Ulairlct <;ouri. Room, an•beCourt llouae, In the City of. kllaabstli,


JIJLT, A. •>.. I l l l .oa* o'clock Htaodard (two o'clock Dayllgtil'lag) Ttose, la Iba-afurnoon .of said day;

All tb* foUowltg tfarl or parf.l of UndannretaUas berelufur Partltulally ujtiecTlbwl.W.M.,. lylr.g and tolag la Un BorovaS of•rwood In the Coualr of UnKaV and Hlala of[ew Immr* ' ' [ - - ' . , . •Htglaalng tl a point In fb*. nurtherlr sklr

line of Hacaad Areau* at Ibt asoat easUHl,corwer of Itadt described la a rartokr deed

oaa Calhtrta* LladanfelUtr/ widow, lo' Prue.k,. dated January I, IMS, and

la book l i t at deeds for uld oounly.pagt' l i t . and running tbeac* evuth 71 dt-

greee SI aalairut weal a]«eig Mid tide lint ofI Areau* 144.41. feet to a- point for «

h h It dagrtM I minute* weal

aTdtad; l ime* soul* Sl'degree* 11 IBUutett tlaag Mid bpuadarr Ibia, being rolnddebt

Ilk Ik* eaatad course la said dead lit.51 fretIk* polal aad plat* of Beginnings

Is. due Bpproiaaatoly H U M II, withMsy l l lk . ".Ill, and cosla.C WBHLBr COLUNH, DhatW.

laUDT. I B , Bol'f.

ra i s . O.U).

KB »C»I- i t

BRin-R SAXE-Ia Ckaacarr at Ntw Jertey.Betweea EUtahaUl iaaa Dick and AUiaadar

Dirt. coaiaUtoaala, and CHarlea W. Chapmso,t ala.. oxftadatu. 1% fa for Hl« ot aiort-

d l ' ' "t aa.. oxadat

gagad preealte*.By l l t

f l. . . rlrlo* af (bt, tao»-*UI*d writ of larl

farla* to aie dtrttttd 1 akaU ttaoaa tor ttlt byP*UU read*.. U Ike QlatrM Court,Boora. laIkt Oart B«aae. la Ikt: City of Claatetti,


oa* o'ei*ri~M**dtrd llwt o'clock-Dayllglilirlog) Tbaa. la Ik. atttraoaa of said dtr.All tk* faUowrlng uart *r parrel of Had aad

> barataafteT pankalaflr dettrtkal,lytog aad beta* at th* a u of BUa-

la . tXratr of DBloa. tad BUI* of

t* wretoriy I It l a polat aa* buadred aad nfty fttt

MatkirlT- fraaa North Avrnge at ' t oeraer atlaad af Ckarlta IrfUBtb; Iktae* rutting wan-•ardb Paranel wUb Sortb Artaa* an* kindredaaw tfty fttt; tkaae* sswtherly ptrsIW »ltkUtsiswa Arettwe twemydtt feet; tkmr* east-erly parallel wttk Son* Avtsae aaa taadrtdaad Iftr f*tt to Jatfnaat Araaot tad Utwntloag Aag atawi norlksrlr l»eair-t),e f*e| I*ta* ptte* af BtUWHIxd. , -

Tlttr* la *wa apprniatatoly tlML. with la-urea* traa-t Mar »ad. It l l . aad raau.

<f WBBLBT COLIaWB, awarlaT.

FAtx a own, —

t Srrr elliat iBringa «ark

Here U a beer tlmt proven tli«t UM 33per of ut. Is' udNiuato to give b«r ftll 1Ufiillnt-.ta of flavor uiul body of Uie beat oliilct Umr.bcora.

\tado of the finest malt, and hops, fullyaged, expertly brrwvd wlUi tlie nKMt mod-ern brewing. TncllHIni


Ptor liunir) delivery by tiie rnte of

34 boltrrw, phorwt: Crat)(ord 0-3311

We alio.have beer on drmiRht," willi private boothifor Indies or partiei

. Right an Highway .28" \:$a .NORTH AVR., if.


„ i t

' I*,



U _ 1l"\I .Mril lit

nf •

l, ,im(| Wmlltolil, I'll....!


' "

(ml I tliall ek|HiaIlie IHalrlcl Ci>lIU t h e t i t ) ' "

(ml! N I . .noil In lll.il lit Hie ili.l. i.r In (nuiilr nl t. l ltahIn I nM.I liT II ilmrs III I'IIH

4 ' ' | Siire I. .In. utlMaielr HHJ IT I , millwiUNBHIIAV. TIIR 1TII MA\ lie" InlMral .ll.il.l Mar - H l . ^ H • " ; ' " ' " • „ . »

J til V A It "tU 13 r •• ' '* a* HI K. i Cile|*|i\Ht nlsffllT,„,. iiviLk m.i'idaiii (i».t '...'inik it.m.i.i i.KiiimK m i i « i i i r . / i i . H..ir

i• lull Time. Ill Hie allolllittilt ol ttW .Ur. I KHJal C / tVt* 1H.I8All in. foil....,,. ....-I... .P.ir.1 "I un^tjidj H , ,K , , l r , .H-H-*-rr^ , , , .n,.r, of N.w J . W .

...d M . . « <,i, ..i^Kii.. ...?>r.'-.'™..*.^r";v~V-1.!"1 ."r.ftS:.1!!:.."".'!lluata, 1)14-tli tn tlta rtmiitr


AVfelUtttii frtId. ot Vlrvliila Hitt* Una itf Uia mllitilaa **.at 10IVM » Htluulri vail

Huer,U \Amym

t*ty Uy I'rli.ilvtivU Kiigliiwra, ilalatl N,nfi"l*r In, Wi\

)i.fn«\|>art ui tlm asm* (iruuliwi»«utK-)i ,i»x iHtti rrwm yrinii i

la'l«tl January / , ItCiR,

>urM livtvln lUtt fkU.U»on A.MIU* Hi

umjr »n !'->• 13a.uuuulitr hi.uwit

It IH Miillwiii AfrMilM.il4ml«iiiili-<l H

liMltvlli. N. -J.u auUl BU|P

tiini>iliual>ly «ltt.Hi(L.»,II l»(h, H-iJ, •ntl ru*U.WKHLKV


" - *A1

HAI.K-ln rimtirrrr rir\j*»» Itimvy,Jlri»v.«ii »rl.Lu T. HtmH. t'ltmi'laliiatii, HIM)

Mllrli.il, H ' - l n , (h'ft)nil«i.u\ H- "

ny tlrtu* t>r (Ii* almre aiaiid writ or Ittrli r l i i Id i..« iHrM'tnl 1 nlir.il r*tVUM I,T • « > I'VuMIr tciiilur, tu Ilia lMatrl<< I.'.I.HI lt'Miin\ IIIUm Cimrt Houav, In liin City uf KUumi. }:, un


, •>.!• ir'i'ioik HfaiitJaril |IW" i.'tlwl. ItayHulflni» Tlina, ln-tlta t\n«fi)<Mm vt aai<l <la>.AU Iti* rolluwMiM ll'acl </r imriel t,f U M and'vinlava'" ti«ffliiatt«r ' |iai(lriilar,j'_/ dt*tiVml.luau, 11Im .w.tJ lw.l-1 In Itiw I'ltjr (rr'Kllu-rlli Itj-Jti* CuuJil; ut VnUm. ail a Htal* nS Sv*'fa*;,' • ' ' . . • » ' , • •

•ilimltiit al a irolnt In . Kaatnlj' 11 •»**> utWB Atatiua OUlant MVn r**t iiiiitticrl}

rum UM O'luar furcnvtl I.) Un* hil«rat>ci.iili utlie Kaitarij lint'nf AO.m- AVH

(ill" . lrf».Ua M U , | | I .

« ! - , I l in4i .r i .nr '-f UnUa v«Mi»fy..l

r t in .»»<.*rw «.r.r-*,r (Inlvn piujitr i>aia 4;l>, cl*1. i lld-ntu rumiliiI MouUivrl/ aloii« •alii III.*- ut ALUIIM litRtiu

flat; Ilifiir* {it KaaUfly at-flgdl »u»\*aaltl Iliif utiAdatii* At«nU» r-« r*tH; ttmiH*

XI hurllmly and ^aiallvl **Ult 'Atijutia Art-ii* 2? ft«t In tli« lintt of lai.Oa of aald Knimn

l | Jl \i i * 2? f t t t l « lile!.*.. 'aua.Uianctt along |i

. 0 r««t l» III* I>oli.l "I MfKll ll

Jlim \V«-nl«-r.7lDK. Hitltig"|h(i

w* prriialm u u r y l 1 Mid WlHimn Jlllrhall l>y dewd ur Jullaitoa I'tkt, utiiMiftlnLarlng tlalt July Hth, tHV»r and >«<if'lf(. In

h* I'Urk'l onicf uf li.it iUmtiiy ut l.'uli.ii Inwk 31* pa||a l i t of JM-OJ* U>t Ifnhiii (imiit).Tltar* la du* «i>|«rMiliu«l*ly 1491.12, wllhtwvat frum Alirli 2Hlh, lUSi, anil t.>aU.

C, WKMLKY (OLLI.SH, MliHflfT,AUL I.KIIK. Holr, ' „ >

HAM.--ln Chawrer/ «f S#,w Jerwy.I I M N H D Mutual Hatlnia iVituU llanuonla. a

,,. fWMiiJAtila, VI, f». for aala nf m.,rt|,ai|i'<tprtiMaca. '".. . • ,- . - . . ». • - ' J

11/ vlrlut tit t.ta a."»ti>-*lat#J writ .if flcrlelaa to mm dlrtcttH. I iitiaii e-Ouaa-fur^aal* h)

Vtndu*. |n Ilia Dlatrltt lUtuti llM>m, hih* f'Mtitt llouat. In tha rity uf KllwU-lh,

' WtUSKHUAl, tllK STlTrnAy7 »VJULY, A. !>., IMS/ -'•*.

«o« D'rltxk ^autlaVii (!•*« o'i\'»rk Haylliililrlngr TliMij In Ilia afftrnvj.. i.f a*Ul day

All liit followliii Uat l uf (ram) of fan<J andl.i«r«(pj.fur MrllriiUflg ^KriiiT'l' *"

tht Ortjiil^*of t'plon a M HUM or h e *>ar.»r „ „ ,

KiMnra and datjtfnal*.. on a.carUIn map*an

\tW\\\\y(\\* M (a fur aal* ur limrtgM*!.

Ill ,(.>1i. it Hi.' HIHI%« HINIMI writ of fitM.'Im l / n t i d lmtcd 1 •JINII ripoM fur «al» try

|riilii,i'/)iiiiliii In itn< I'latilu (nurt Htmro, In' "• iN> In Hi- (t ly uf tCMaabcUt.

KI>.SrHDA\ f l lB U l i DAV O¥J I M A II lttJI

. . . . Imk HiamUM (Iwu o'clmk lUvllntilM4.lii«)-Timr, in Hi* Mflrni'-it. nf aaltt day.

/ All tin. roilitMinit (rut-, ur iiarcft iif lain) andiiil.fa) tH'ivlimflif iiarllcnlarlr ttracrtlwil, alt>», I>IIIB *t"t| Iwlnu fn Ihf TtiWtialilp of l'r«ti>I. In U P I'tiitnl,- «f 1 Nil-ill,att.) Hlaly vt N»wHi, uiiict. on H mm. vtiiliiwl, "UtiiiKtim

MtitUlilBi, CrauCi-rd. ' N . t,, Hui'tMi , I" (tflilritU 4id fifo |ti Hit? nil .HI County tt»«|alrr'i

iillliT* ' »T¥ Itftowii ami di'algtiatvtl aa l.ita No,lfl» n.t.l tor),

Tlnrc In iJuv aiiiintilinatnly 1 0 6 1 10, withIT'in "IITnOTJI, 'KH.. TiJilaT

(' UKHt.KV (OM.tNH. HlnrlltMAHTIN I'. iri'ONNOU, Hiil'r.


Regular Week-day Dinner85c

Special Week-day(with bottle beer)

6 0 cunday Dinner 9 0 c\ 12 to 3

Sunday Evening lea 8 5 c


- to take Home

pint v»J,v

L J. BniNNAN O. f , TOY*

BRENNAN & TOYEPlumbing, Heating, Tinning

2M (JOUTU AVE, E, CBelNrOBDTeL«-*l«t

• ' • Talapbone CRanford 64)508 ,-

Standard Lumber & Supply Co.LUMBER FOR ALL USES

Full Line of Storm Saab, and Dbora, Porch Enclosure*,. •_Jnnilatipff Material* Cedar. Clotet Lining, . -

' Cedar, and Chestnut Post*COB. Wfyl AND CHMTrtOT BTRStSTS CEAlfFOBO, N. J.


-f y-.

Schouler ConstructionCompanyALTERATIONS

•>wa * «tawca. oruarsao. »v A.

Page 4: A-INTD ICLE · 2015. 2. 14. · A-INTD ICLE UNE 8. 1933 Wwdd Offer Education To Local Unemployed Rev. M. Y. Poynter. Rev: W. F. Behrens, Jr.. Submit Report to Relief Commit-'tee's




'.:•- Commissioners SobmitAssessment Report

1 Borough Council Receives Report of Sewer AsscssmenCommission on Joint TrunlSewer. JunT 20 Fixed aDate for Hearing.

I- « night's meeUng of UBorough Counr'lJ. Uie.report of tlCommission on AsoMMnerits was rnseji*d by Oounrll and Jane 20 fixed as Udate on which-objections to-same wlbe heard Tlx- Commlsalon, created Ilevy tppcial awmsment* for benefit*reason of the consirurUpn of Uve Joli

' Trunk Sewer. Is-composed' ol the following members.: .Theodore p. Csrlnor

•' William Darroch. Jr.. and John Duj»>anr.k: ' '

Poliw rjommlMlomr Orihdlayported Uirre had been disorder at bsl

' fames at Unaml Park which .Is undrcontrol of Uie County Park Cornrh'l*-

.slon. lie nwxnmended that a trtter.1. sent uiiUus- J.'ui Oommtwlon jukin

proirrty on thi)i road agalnut UiI oat b*veragrii.oI Murray announ

i% referred to tilt

fames. 'The reborrtmcndaUon was ap-paoved and the Borough Clerk directedto .write Uie Commission.' . u

A letter from County Treasurer Lra'Ut asked what proportion of Countax may or expected from Uie BorouglJune IS. Tills wa* referred to Uie ftnance Committee.

William T. Proal again broughtUie matter of restriction* )n deeds

on Uie South side of Uw rollUie «ale of malt or spirt_ After dlscusaion. Mayo:

iy announced Uie matter would belie Borough Attorney ..for

Council by resolution extendedtlie'lerm of temporary permit* grantedfor Uie sale of beer until such time astlie. State fixes by law. Uie conditionsunder which permanent licenses ma:be granted.:' •

Secretary Anton Italnhart for theBoard of Health reported MO 00 receiv-ed from du« licenses.-and that for-thereport period Uiere had been In UieBorough 17 caws of measles, Jmumps, 2 of chlckenpox and 1 of tuberculosl*. ;

Recorder Konapack reported MO finesi*1****"*—collected had been turned over to Uie

Borough Treasurer,Permits were granted to Paul lirtti

for • wedding at his North avenue place10 and to- Uie Civic fteuubllcal

League to place a banner on Oentrstreet announcing tlie Annual Outlriii

' Tbe Laws and License Committee I);Chairman Lowland reported favorabl:on Uie/ application for beer permit byCharles Cluinp>r and.. same wasgranted. .. • >•• - >

Bui ld ing pHf«»t'«1M<W»> Mjigan r<*ported 'Uiat building permits issuesince January 1. totaled fl,U0. /

A letter from Uw Municipal WaterLeague of Union County aiuiounoed Uienext meeting to be held at WesMeldTown Hail and asked that repreaeiita-Uves of U» Borough be named. Councllnien Pieraon and kaylor already liadbeen'designated and Uiey were conUnited.- - — T _

Married Men Take TwoGame* From Bachelor Nine

ThcMarrtHl Men took a long Jumpahead of Uie Single Men of the Bato m h . b j taking both of the week-endgame*. /The younger fellowa were Jutnoaed out Sunday monUng when Uwyscored (even rum In Uie ninth Inntngto t o down to a 13-10 defeat.. RayWlcklein waa In Uie box for Uie Hen-pecka, and pitched an excellent tune.The Single Men aacd three toucn,Bradahaw. Todd and Prince, but wereunable' to stem Uie tide of hit*.v "

Friday night the Single' Men kxlanother heartbreaker by a 4-J tally at-.ter •coring two .of the.required threerum In Uie ninth Inning, Prince pitch-ed tor the loerjf-wnile"Jotin-(tteHard=


team BUndlng. W. L

Aluminum ....: 4 1Heneca A. C. 4 IBt. Atine'a 3 1White Arrowi 1 . JUrnwcral* •

J00*)0,780.KO'300.JC3Itipubllranii t.....l 4

U i l Werk'a BeaalU .Bfiirco A C, 23; De'mocraU, 1

Aluminum, Id; Republlcana, a.Dfrirca A. 0.. lf>; While Arrowi, 3.Wlillr Arrown-at; Anije'i poit-|K,n»d; lain

Clamea Thla WeekTliurtday-Wiute Arrows vt.

Alumirium. • ' .H u m Nut Week

Tur»d»y—Aluminum v». Re-Ijubllcan*. Wedne«day — St.AnncV vi. Wliite Arrows; Thuri-d«y — nrmocraU vi. HenecaaA CV; Prlday-Wiilte Arrowa v«.fit. Anne.'s. . -

Girwood Junior High "Loses to Cranford Nine

-Oarwood Junior High School droppeda••icIwduU'd ievrn Inning battle to

Drunatic Society Will 1 J. J. JaUontld I. GraduatedNewark Art SchoolPresent Only Two Shows From

• • — : - v ' . ' ' / ' ( - • . • ' • " ' • • •

The Dramatis- Society of Uie .Church' Joseph J. Jablonskl of 2M Secondof Bl. Anne will sponsor only two.shows avenue wairgraduated from tbe Newark

Cranford In Uie ninth Inning Friday a year In the. future, a three-act play Public School of Fine and Industrialafternoon at. Unami Park. The flnalland a.mlrutrel. It was decided at the^Arts recently. »score wait-9-2. . {regular meeting Monday night In the | Mr.' Jabionskl graduated tram the

The game was a pitcher's battle from i parish Hall. x - Qarwood Junior High School, and

O Wooderftil BbtOT by John SO.

Theftev John M. Walsh, pastor of the tended Cranford High School (orv twoChurch and'Spiritual Director of'the/yeara. • .Society, outlined the plan at Uie meet-. 8<n,ermi of hi, paintings and designIng. He declared that the .Society «ad w o r k w e r e jaaced on exhibition durUitprevented itwlf from obtaining a/rec- t | j , annual school exhibition heldord crowd by giving too m a n y / e n t e r l H f

Aluminum,' Seneca Nines .Lead in Sof tball Leagu

II'CJI A. C each' gained a'hall-gamilead on the HI Anne aggregation durHill the saftbiill riimpetltlon taut wiwhen Uie prospective game betveen Bt,Amic'ii and the White Arrow AthleliClub was ruined uut. The IJvmucraUwere Uw victims of thr worst defeat InIhe history of Uie league when Hiebowed to thr Bnnrras by a 23-2 marginThu Beni-cas also denned UP the WhitArrow* by a 16-2 count, while thAluminum wrrr victorious over1 InRepublicans by a 10-8 tally:

The Srnccas showed superb form IndelenlliiK the ' Democrats. Paul M.aterls, one- ol last year's highly toutedpltcfiers, was In the box agaiiiat them,and jtlify -rapped him for twenty-Uireehits. Illll Button knocked out twotriple* itnd two singles, and brought[our runs ncrom thn plate. Wentelpitched nlr-tliiht bull' for Uw winners;striking out slxi opposing butters. • /

The Hcnrea aggregation humbled7UieWhite Arrow group in the play-off ofratn«torat™game by a Ifwa score.Cliarlie.ftomanostruck out.alx of hi*opponents and allowed only six scat-tered hit*,bludgeoned

ife ulnglcs, Not all extra-bate hit wasscored during the game,

lu Uie other engagement during Iheweek, the Aluminum Company defeat-ed Ihe Republicans ia-8. Althoughluthlt, in-13, (lie Aluinan were aidediy lio frwttf'that fourteen errors com-

mitted by Ihe' llr|iublU-niw» The garni!witsiplayed lira light dfluie"from'thelourlh Inning on, making Uie ball veryhard to handle. DrClcco of the Re-publicans knocked out four safe liltsout of four trip* to the plutu to scorethe drst prrfeel day In the league

Tlie box scoresALUMINUM r

B IIOaluuskl 3b 1 3Fontlnelll M ' 1 >BolUa If 1 3

me*, lu ^ „ „ J J. 1Daly rf 3 1Sernjus* r~ — JORendano 2b 4 1McDonald, p 1 2

while Ills /team matesPlcknrsklfor twenty-one

Tut«U 16 13,ltKl'UULlCANB:.

Oarroch, asParklu. 3bRlcnian, cl. uUe Clcco, 2bKlecmaii, rfMoroll, cOalulnuiski, If'ilrituln, pCluuiiberlain, 1b

Totals 15 14

The Qar«'Dad Pleasure Club will playIhe Oarviood Unlun Count) Leaguenine Monday night at Unaml Park.

Tlit Misses Ceitlla and Oertrudeichinldl l ime relumed to tlietr home

Morrlstoan after spending a fewdajt with their aunt. Mrs I t Orahami f «KsJn<r ftVdnffi' " " "'

the start, with both hurlrrs workinghsrd, Kundrat, On the mound - forOsrwood. struck out nine men andwalked one-. Dale*, toeing the rubberfor tlie visitors, retired fifteen vi* the , .a'lrikc-out route,*and Jssued two free ,"ord crowd by giving too many/enterpa»es to first base. - * tainment* in the course of the year.!,,

Cranford was leading 2-1 In tlie! Heretofore four en.terUlnjnent. hadreventh Inning. With two down, HbW >*«n preaenlwl. a dance >arly In theworth Andrews slugged- a triple and «ea/»n, a .three-act pl»y. a minstrel

the spectator* by stealing -»how and three one-act playi.

throughout last week. He waa on* of„/ thirty-seven.

flectrined the spectators by stealinghome on the next pitch. Cranford was! »l • «

plo/give Wllllarnr A.

. 8T. ANIMTS NKWHThe combined sodetlea of Uie Church

of 8t. Anne will sponsor a card partyable lo shovi across the winning runIn her portion of the ninth.

The box score:. QARWOOD

olllnlck; rfDiishanrk, c ..Itloodiood, 3bNovirtliy, Ib ...Tltomav 2b ...



Oerty, dramatic cXach. sole power in Friday night, June 16, In the parishIh iki f / U Mr, Oerty re-hall. A' special Meeting, ol uie com-

] d d i hIhe picking of / y pportrd.that he/Was working on Uie se>]btned socleUes was held Tuesday night.lecUon of a/ three.set comedy to. be

E presented Dirty1 Jfi^October. The mln-Q ' Urel, he i^ald, wilC- W ' put on lmmed-I lately fallowing the season of Lent.. i The/meeting, wus In the nature of aI soclalf It. being the last meeting for, the summer seasor> About thirty mem-

bers were, pre»ciit, .*l|ltam..Kejs*!«

Kundrst.Hciiak, aa ....Pulse, If


Aniesen, cfIlonderson. iAllger, lb ...Dales, P

*"r'^^ o o^..• ..••,..:.: , a .

;. ; j.,,.,0"

i. •. 2 /CRANPOHD /• ' • • ' . / n

•--/• ° .••••••••••/- : 1

' / ' ft 'ffeshments Here served by the commit*lee under- theOrltlaln,

-of Marlon

Hienmami, II ''.1..-..-1 . 0Markowlch, ab7 , 0Smith. 2b o

...., o1

1Wilson, e/.:.

BhooaiiilUi, rf

,/TotaU '..,, 8

/ 8KNKCA A. O.

'. ' nJack Tells, c ...0Ouerrlrro, as1 .•....,. 2£ipoalto, cf_ ' - nButton, 3b ....,....:.......„•........ 4llussel. If ;.... 3Karoml, rfPeluslo, rfJ, Chllichar; 2b K±.

.-. 1.:. 2

J. Wyrcs. lb .....: ...;.....;..; 0'M. Chlnchar^ ib':;.: .„ 3Wenael, p .'.v.,2

Totals : '. 23,PPM0CIIAT8 •

RJohn rolls, w' ..-....,..: ...0Joe nunynM. c :;....OJ. Lpoimnl. ib i;..qni'nnlug.lb ,.'...i'. 1 1Materln, p

rfJohn Danyau, 3b ,Uurkr IfParisc, cf

Totals 2


nJ. Casale, cW. Wciittl. 2bB. IMekarskl. ssA Cwale, 3b , — ,i.Kcrseiu, pII Piekarskl. pnemmlng, cfA. Malcnchek, IfBchulU lbTrltUpoe, cf



PrIU, cOuorrlero, ct

Wcilxcl, rfbutton, 3bRumrl, If

Chlnchar, 2bWyres. lb

Romano, ppBoltlss, sa



j League Nine to SavePower for Last Half

After rendering Its position hopelessi by losing both of the games over the

„ I week-end. Oarwood will coast Uie re-mainder of the first half and concen-trate on gleaning the title for the sec-ond half, it was announced today byJohnny Banyan, president of the or-ganization, Mananer BUI Dushanekwill make no special effort to win anyof the games In the remaining threeweek* ol piny for the first hair, butwill try out new material, and chatuiethe present players to different posi-tion* In an ellort to stem Uie flow oferrore-whlrrritre-eosllng-Garwood vic-tories.

The local team bowed to'WestnelciBaturday by a 13-D score. An obllgtmscore-ket'per. only credited Oarwoodwith eight errors, but tin majority ofspectators seemed to be of the opinionthat eighty would have been nearerthe murk. The home town boys werelike so many sieves and even BuddyLeonard, usually a pillar In center-flpld. allowed two balls to slip Underhla grasp. Dut he more than made upfor .his Melding Indiscretions In thfinal inning by pounding out a hoimrun with every sack occupied.

8Uve Banyiu was knocked all ovetill- lot by the Elizabeth A. A. Sundayafternoon, allowing the, visitors seventccn.hlti aud two free passes to first.The home, team- wa* unable to hisafely throughout the major part oIhe contest, pitcher Preund holdingthem to five acnttered : hits... Beside

.15 21

at which final plans were formulated.Tickets are priced at fifty cents."

Sixty children received their FirstCommunion Sunday morning at the8:30 o'clock Maas. The girls were dress-ed In white dresses and wore whiteveils", while tlie boys wore blue trousersand. .wnite:anlrts. Music for Uie pro-

BSnlst. Mls*: Viola Plrmbach.TheTHoly Nam* Society wilt hold IU

regular meeUng Monday -night In Uieparish halt. • '

The Rosary Society will hold Its reg-ular meeUng Monday nightpariah hall. .

Mnrf-l rf -rircaT SA-6and- . Rorence Motytai of 3A; -Tbe, VWelr e p r e t X . ™^n "aTuuon by Charlotte WUa» of » ; TWltum

oonslsung of Ian Ftesfier andSA .Vewa " .' ,^ _

' la aumn-.mg up good.records.made'during the i>»M i « r tae- following werenoted In 5A: Seithtr abtent nor latttSunng Uvt twin: S«ue Yawyiok. LU-iian Buck. Jenc* SlaioreJll, Helensuyalkowski acd 1

whoJsare '- Frederick

material* .collected in connection %iUi astudj of bealth-aorder showiny invertti^ns of Uw lasjLcentury—3«ne sliow-ing Ufe in colonial home; 5B~S*-Ma.pshowing locaUon of Industries In 11.3.

Uneoln fkhool«A—Map of world with figures of ex-

plorers—Worman casUe—Puppet* con-itnicUd for puppet show: «B-Japanrae include Peurrgarden and street «eene-Product map Bauch. UUian Cu^«J« and Nettieof Europe and Asia; 7B-E—Border of VawySok.•poster* connected with «udy of his-. Tha* rectmng the iusbew^sdioUi.tory—Pueblo village ..n jandtable: uc records for Uie year Include: t a -

scene* sho»lr.i! Courtship ban Buck. Richard S»ch«), Lilian

striking put six men Preund poled outa double and a triple. The final scorewas: Elisabeth, 10: aarwood, 2.

Incidentally. Wntneld and theElizabeth A A. were_the only two teamsUiat Oarweod def«al«d during the firstquarter These defeats drop Oarwoodto the cellar poslUon with WesUleld.

CELEttRATKS SIXTH B1BTUDAV(Joan Rlcnian of 43J Locust avenue

popular young dancing and slhglbgstar, celebrated her sixth birthdaySaturday afternoon with a party givenin her honor by her parents. Mr. and.Mrs. John Rieman.

Ounta. Included- Olive'Anger, Fran-ces Irons, Muriel PotU, Carolyn Love-

land, Marilyn Loveland. Ruth Frow-ery, Doris Reynolds, l*eggy Kofbcrg.Eileen Dugan. Eileen Anderson, DoloresCosta, Prggy Farrell. Lprclta Prank.Agnes Frank. Bobble Anger... WilliamSeven, Walter Severs. Dick r>uhrer,Frank Moroll. Richard Brown; OttoBiust Edmond Tlennan, Wilfred Qdes aiid Ralpli Uanshar.

Try_ our^CUajlfled Want Ada U jpu

f thfay»; rieaher ant) Virgicia Run-d ;

of Mite* Blandish.in form i—Product maps of South America and;Auatraila; SA-ProJect on World Wstf—Posters UlustraUng Uie age oi

»O—Practical demon.traUonof electrtcity:9C-^-TypU>«test for DUi grade pupils slid "frff/orall" contest for outsiders. '/'-

Home Economics — Dresses — -cotton 1print made by 7th grade girls, the ma- {terlal for which cost 49c.

Idresse* by eighth grade—oiie or H»j i » w . : " u A ->.-.i —-« rwiitgraduaUon druses by ninth (trade. Tl- '• "" »•>'»-",• \"- t"*ble showing balanced diet for </i.e day

meat, and electricity. Tbe u.* uf mlay* with the project* In wood luu pro-duced some especially beautiful pieces.

•- SA N e w .Tbe following pupils In the 5 A class

received perfect records for ttw pa.it

spelling match Held on Thursday IrTlhe

Julia Chrlstman, Ann* Nuclfora, LUUanBuck and Sonny Lanxa.

Mrs. Herring of the MuiJcmentr planned a program of Jongs

H-LLTKB *- UdU.MII.be sung In the assembly.third through. Of Ui. grade* took part.

. DOKOUOU BEIKT8The girl librarian* of the Oarwood for a junior high school girl

Public Library will hold a meeUngTuesday afternoon to th* Library room'in wood, sheet metal, band-iron. « -In the Lincoln School. , '

The Qarwood Democratic Club. Inc.will sponsor a horse-shoe pitching con-test June 26. Several cash prise* arebeing awarded Uie winner*, and anentry of forty cent*.will be charged.The contest will be held In Uie parking | week: Jaine* Burns. Virginia Huh. Li!space on Uie corner of South avenue nan Culmone, Josephine Neri, Leonardand East stteet. • ....••"- Ischlecter, RicharO^Sachael, Ulhan

Charles Oraham of VA Second are- Buck and Sonny Lama.. In the oralnue is convalescing at 8 t BlzabeUt'sHospfUU In ElabeUl. He la sufferingfrom an Infected foot.

Mrs.- A. Malenchek of 1» Third'ave-nue was arrested Thursday by Lieut.Brewer on a charge of disorderly con-duct made' by Frank Conrad of 16Third avenue,. She was arraigned be-fore Recorder Edward J. Konopack andfined »5..Mrs. Margaret Bearles of New York

City was arrested by Sergeant. DennisComtsky and Special Patrolman EddieConlln on a charge of disorderly conduct made by MUler Hoyden of Locustavenue. Arraigned! before , RecorderKonopack,. Mrs. Searles was Judgedguilty and received a suspended sen-tence. She wa! ordered to leave townImmediately.


In Uw various classrooms Is foundIhe "work which pupila, have accom-plished in Uw course of tlw year. Theretjj ample evidence Uiat pupils are"naming by doing" for projects ofgroupjLOf: cbUdreo M T W U «t jhe Indi-vidual work-of pupils Is on-display ev-erywhere. Inexpensive materials. Inmany case* scrap, have been used InUie construction of Uie larger projects.

The outstanding features of Uieclauei are as follows.

rraoklia School1A—<;hrtstm*s • poster representing

the work of every child. 1-2—AcUviUescentered about home life, a circus pro-ject, 2A—Indian adob* house and Jap-anese gift shop both on large scale;3a-*Tlea» qf Arabian life—Desert Lifeshown on Uie floor—Paintings of des-ert life 3-4—Model of Alps constructedon floor-Poster* of Swiss life, 4A—Li-brary—pift shop composed of giftsmade for Xma»—Ftowec shop contain-ing 43 flowers Uie children have identi-fied. 4B—Floor, scene of a street InCairo—Posters showing characters fromfavorite library books.

Washington SchoolKindergarten—Large scale model of

a bus—A farm project; IB—Children*Interpretation of Unai'Uaey we tn their

'•'GREAT...I've been hungryfor a picnic."

A NEXT.TOWN FRIEND,Inspired by lovely weather, .

• a . - . . : • • •

suggest one of those, delightful. "spur-of-the-moment" picnics.

They'll call other friends, athome and In nearby towns,ahdjn an- hour or so they'll allbe headed for a. day.of pleasure1

i n t h e o p e n . . •„-•' •:.

Telephoning brings swiftaction—enables you to pick aperfect day and know for surewho'll be there. . . . : ' .

It's inexpensive. You cancall 18 miles for 15 cents; 24miles for 20 cents, anywher*in New Jersey. .-.•"•


•on performed for the vlctorlbut nineThe Married Men hare now won six

DOM Nol R*am All Su.liflilTh* moon • reflect* Bidj? stout one. ..

want to buy or aelLtwo-game lead over their youngerrivaU.

THE FEATHERHEADS He Wants Free Weeding. TooIf VOU •ABtS

-TMB IPBAI lAJf VtAB errtbj. Mvett S»T AtiY-


-t'rtisTne sixth annual outing of/the Oarwood Civic Republican L?a«ve,.Inc.will be held July 4 at Bear MountainPark on the Hudson, according)to.anannouncement made thla week, - l t - t splanned, to takvia boat fromHtauibeUj-porw '

WW.L—YouItt RW.



-FOUtSTATION CAMTaix Oarwood men left Tuesday morn-

ing at 9 o'clock for Newark, in chargeof—Investigator Jo*epb OosUrtbejr passed tbe examlnaUon and vertmosterid'tliM the re-foresUUoo aer-«tee, leaving for Camp Olx the sameday. -Thoat In the group were John

- Kmest

Page 5: A-INTD ICLE · 2015. 2. 14. · A-INTD ICLE UNE 8. 1933 Wwdd Offer Education To Local Unemployed Rev. M. Y. Poynter. Rev: W. F. Behrens, Jr.. Submit Report to Relief Commit-'tee's




K e n i l w o r t h P a g e••»••••••«»•••••••••«•«*•«•*••••** •

Jersey Offers , •'-•

Service to Shore

T... trmby shore visitors to have mare-.::-.(• by she sea the New Jersey Cen-•.-.,1 Ra/!road has Inaugurated a h«w!.i>t through train to A&bury Park.

/Branch- and other North Jersey<s every Sunday from Cranford.

Tlii"' fast train will leave here nt 7; 52\ M. / .

• -Tlw r.iiiifed rate to Jr'rtund trip la...Yx.jii-cuvt in draw to capacity ohil ttr^' !~.i!!ti'nn-.i;s'.have been"mode for extraj

coatiiet, «|icre necessary. ,;

' .CARD PARTY AND DANCIThe Mathew Miller fttrtatlnn will

hold a card .party and dance at Miller'sDrove. Friday evening, June 38> at 8o'clock. > Harry "Uindin Is chairman ofthe committee in charge.

If It Should Fall Upon U»tIt Is wtlmorM that there are 80,000,-

00) tuns of platinum In the sun In ttnform'of a ess, „,

- Grapaa for Radial ' ; 't4^enitw»-iHY-grmm foe raisin*.

Tlioy eontalH much sugar and arecuretl In the. sun or In an nven.

Send your bog to


win..jtro.it. .

11 roam the SUMCX lulU with"iTys—fishing, boating, «*»«•ii^rning hamUcnftst-undr-rf.ic:i who dewfop In* ben," • '.ippy summer of hciltJi. wliei\'v will Iv'arn something ustf'tul,

' responsibility, and come tom e nature—OIK ot tlic Iwst:,*.-iit* a.parent will ever nuke."

p at Amiutvr. -Nrw

Cihins.'.liot-ahowers.Only Siififnr y glori-

ous weeks! Ha may comefor lay number, of weeks—..t $.4—Init rc*rve-a puce?Ito-AU't on requew.

. •. Unroll through nearest .V M,

rktiaor. ^"uletckcr ScNeuirk, N. J,


If the Rug Is to Lastthe Grit Must Come Out

Tht AgitatorJnjheHooyer Electric Clean-

er gets out all the grit. As it revolves, it

flutters the rug and taps out the grit that-

has sifted down into the. fibre of the rug.

The Hoover also has suction and a sweep-,

ing brush so" that the three essentials of

thorough Carpet craning—beating, sweep-

ing,.suction cleaning, are all combined into

one easy operation that puts no tax on the

- housekeepefVyStrength.

You needn't-toil over rug_deaning_\\iieJl-you use the Hoover.

<fi>Or50 down brings the Hoover youselect. $3.30 a inonlli soon payi-(or it



\xom j!28l)5 forthe Rebuilt,

• G r W s YisM Asclaat Crafai .Excavations ID Schwlerteu. Oer'

many. In the goveramental district ofXlatow, which laid bare 88 prehistoricgraves, disclosed* vessels with variedcontents. Among them were kernelsot a grain allied to wheat.The gravesdate, from the transitional period fromthe Stone lo the limnte see snd arethus soms 4.000 years of age. T h emost Important finds t»v» IKVB pltcedIn the Provincial mus^nii In Hrhneldr'mnhL


AslmiyRkrkIjoat Bnuktb, Bradkr Be«ch,Bdntar, Sprint Ulw. M U M ,qaan. Point I W a n t




I n i i - ' • • - - * - — •, .MlaaaSavlatDaissVltaiaaTlaa

llaislag Ue-w Pet "as j afiy^^—


'.M.|SpciMU, Balsaar7i00P.M.|

Jeack7i<MP.M.iAsl»r>P«k7.10 Pi 111 U a s Breach 7(Z0 P.M.

TeL CHaafard « - l « l for tofsrasvUso

.JtMscv, ^.('(Mitral

Zinniu for Fall Sh^w*BrA.CMaUaa

N. J. A«rkaltanl Kxl*J>laa Bentee

Fnramm Swamp ScotchPlum, 9-2, Tuesday

fill planning, to avoid having the'plsntitoo dose together, and the removal of; -TnrTrn . ,all lateral buds to Insure Uw production' i ^ o d t Jkof the finest possible bloom on single ^ ^stems. Oarderafta who prefer the larg-

atrlklng out ten Scotch Plalru bat-ten. . Putdlck (Jltchrd thp KrntlwarU)f\n DepartnwntnlnetoaDtoJ Ylctorjrat Scotch Plaint Tuesday night. Ttu-entire KentlworUi trmm gave «xnllenisupport, only on« error belni creditedto the local nine. , KrnUworth will playat. Therru's nine In Lindm Saturday.


^ V 0' 0


i t Is U r o r w w to start ainnlas that « * varteUes wlU nnd the giant

Seeds planted In June directly where y ^ ^ „ , „ , ,„ , „„{„! for cuttlnt andthe plant! a n to grow will probably Indoor decorative purposes, aelecl theproduce their nneat flowers during late Ullput or pompon Unnla. Pumlls,

ers or plants started earlier Inson will be growing smaller unless theyhave been severely disbudded.

About* 80 days are required from the

distinctive types amom the species. Thscurled and crested .-vttrtetles, thetus flower, the soabtoea flower or Die"

time the seeds are panted to bring most - ptcotee'forms are unusual and colorfulttnnlas Into, bloom, although somo of enough to give addedMnterest -to anym n f f t o ^ l U blosom i 4h : ' M & m !b l o s s o m ;

I u m n K T piijiung,.._ _., . . r«Wt»t*ilnais^'r^:t«5^^dependent upon the beatand moisture; e n , iinnla, which Is sometimes1 known Hwarcr. rf . . . . , . , ' . ' - 0'conditions the* govern the growing as the Haagenea, a instinctive race ol Curren.MI .'. :.... 0plant*. : Since It takes considerable mlnlilure blossoms n bright yellow and Oonato, 3b 0time for the slnnla to develop after the) orange. This species.may be obtained: Woodruff, w .'...'.. 1first bud 1< formed, however, the gar-1 m both Uie double and the single Chandler, 2b ....,.:. 0

Turtura. 3bKnrlfht. Ib

. 0I

I » u.0 0.1 - 3

0Walckv If ;.........-. :lDITulllo, rf .....:.,.... ' 3 .. IHackett, c ."..., 0 . 0Wealgnah. c .•......;...:....„. 3 ' .0rtedrlcksoh, as ...:. 0 0aellowlU, 3b : :....: 1 1Butler, '3b o" 0Pandlck, p ...1 i

T o t a l s - • ••..•••

- — S C O T C HH H

Dloom, cf .'...Spencer, u-

dener will have little difficulty In Um-J fojms.I M f t o f th f l l d h i«i

n o w d l .Ing Ms ftowera.fc* the fall garden show 1 ^ h a , b t t u , u i « i before, any otby shading them or by stimuUUng; U W w „ „ , , , „ . ^ ^ M M

growth with caps of materials.Which rectly m „,„ „„,.„ g r o u n ( t a ^admit light and Increase the tempera-^ a b o u t o n W w l r m e , p , preferably Int u n about the bud. . ; ' | » rather light soil. If a Iwavy soil must

The main easentlals In growing show,be used, good" results can. ba obteaned

UeWolf.cfThuntRon, c


slniuas are a-weU fertillssd soil, care-

FIBEMKN I1LANK KLIZAHETIITho Kenllworth •Plre Ofpartriient

by providing It with a generous quan- nlm had little dlfllculty winning fromUty of lime, for ainnlas Uu-lve In a «oll • - ~ "that Is only slightly acid.

. . • • ' •

Your Garden ThU WeekBy A. V". Molcan

N. J. Airteoltara! Kitenshm Hervlce

Oarden activities for June consist

Second Clean-op DriveWill Start

Board of Health »o RepeatCampaign loCompletoTa**of Ridding Borough of Rub-bish and Trash,.

A .wond clean-up campaign will beIwld In the Borough Of KsnllfJOrVIstarting Monday. Jane U . and OOOtinu.ing tiiroiigh Saturday.; Juns) If, Sio0or4-imr to Edward U- Johnson, saoretsur^uf the KrnUwortb Basrd of Health.

The purpose of the campaign, Mr. -,,,ihh*on aaiA to to complete th t «)«•«• •Inir up of the Uoroinh started duringth» Urst camjisign: Th« t i n t drive • • »Iwld durtng Uie first week to Mhjr. * > * •

l-,>-«1*n«trti dnrinc the Ufst_ dtixr and.the project did not

I;PI! Inei lieawed resulu. . • - _The Umrd of Ifrtijlb, through per-'

.mul cuntacts. disttlbuUoa of hand-bill.* and other methods, will aUftnptto enlist the unltnt ctt-operaliOQ of eJT-

' inhabitant of the Horough during

pcrntim durtnc lh« Mcond rampalgn •and make Uw Borough "»iilc and spatx,"Mr* Juhnion said.• CollfrtK.'n ut Irmali. UUrr * M OthSTrtau- Kill be n u d e Uie Utter part ot

w » t wrrk by the unemployed. C1U-n-ru Itavr I m i mjufsted to place UMlrUtter In receptacle* or In oonvenehtHIM at tti- curb so Uial the coUectlonmay be made rapidly.

the Elisabeth Reliables Sunday niut-noon on the Nomsliciran 1'nrk dia-mond, by s » to 0 score. The lucaU col-lected two tallies In tlw flrnt- innliiK.Itwo In tile second, and u run In Uie•seventh. A. Stuuak wa» the liravy hit-ter for Uie locals with two ulnglca anda double. Art Magson, former UpsolnCollege »lar, returned to Uie Kenll-wortii lineup Sunday and turne'd In an

Teachers'contracts win oe

mainly of controlling weeds and o r « " l " » " » " ° m " ' " '

keeping the plants In good condition

both from Uie standpoint of form andof freedom from UuecU and dlsessea.'qv t n f l rjoa,,! Education at It* meet-Watch conSUuiUy for evidence* of aphli! |,1(( Monday night ' In * the ' Hardingor red spider, examlng the uiidenlde* Bctm0\ '• • .

"' '"I* f ^ ' J ^ " * ""t nllint d u ^ 1 Announcement has been nmde thstseoret of controlling most plant d l s e a a e s ^ j ^ . , , ^ d B u g n t C T o t Mr.or I M N U U to Uke the nece*»ry s t o l * ~ S S V U > £ K £ ' Kt^T Nineteentha. soon.as U.. first signs »<£"}'*r.!>M"Z* Frank Mullord. son of Mrs.pearance can be detected. J M . pant M 7 ^ „„„ ,„, .has become seriously Infected • It Is r J ^ 8 J ;sometimes too fate for remedial meat-urea. "C

M .,„„„ .», l t 4 oclockT In theChurch' of., Uis, Assumption, ItoeellePark. A reception will be held follow-,

Finish the pruning of all early bloomy; Ing Ui« wedding at Qolumbus Hall,Ing shrubs If this chore has not already, Washington avenue,been completed, and plant some of Uie1 Charles Oramlaclutt and Valentlnlquicker- growing -annuals for late Oubarnat"of KenllworUi, w?ra finedbloom. The planting of gladiolus aiid r 8U.78^each In police-court PVIday nightdabilar-can-l^contlmwd^Uiroughout;" •-—-— • - • •the month.

School Trustee* OrderedTo Re-instate Mra. Prince

The KenUvorth Hoard of BducaUonmt Ita apiK-al 10 the Btate Board Of-iluc»ti"ii In 1U flxhl agmlnat toe- re-nntatrmrnt of Mm Eiriel O. PrtOOt.

cnritlrui tr> lord m e i v r d in UM Bar-<\ntii this w«^k.

The Ktate Hoard ol Education, at Itsnrrtlnif »> Trniton Baturdmy, uptieldthe ruling of Commlnionrr BIMU call-

» n thr Kt-nllwnrtli Hoard of Kd-,, fr. rr.m«l«l« Mra. Prtnnn. a

mrner. Inuwdiateiy, with Jback pay.Mm. i M n w (soiwllme! ago applied to

;W )ocal beard fur a k a w of ahsencslfte ut HI hraJtll. The boa/d e«-

lentled t l» irrKid of Uw leave tO-*~,f»r r,r more. At the end of ihmmonthv Mv> Prince's tesumonjr thow-•d. she- waa rt-ady 10 rr*ume her schoolut|/» but i ra not aiioved to do so,

Tin- Commiartoner rifled ,U>e action ofhe KenllwDrth board ofWuUuiled anmwnrranted ^uspnuion of the' trsdher,

- J ' "'J

Own a Typewriter!

•™WIXl1 . nr i* rtmm um tan io7n. ;.maatnLiT u z s raw '

Kvary machine U strippSl rlsht toUia-,b«»a an4ful"rabUIIL All worn parta ar. ra-p sea*- wt hbnnd new «nea. New anamsl,. n«w nlck.l, new rub-barparta, naw typa, naw ktrflnft. etc. A compl.teparllcTtypwrlttrthal-you will t). proud to own. .

Band for a machine today. Qlva It a caratul trialSndar your own cowutfixu. Uaa II for TEN -

1 FULL DATS to prova to youraelf that It Is ai. |r acUy th» genuine BUndard Underwood Typa-

wrliar • • claim It to b«. •1 saaT MOamaXT- yAISUUTS - . • •

Our easy monthly j»ym«nt plan roakaa.ltposalble for you lo hara thl< aplandldma-

June Is also an.excwllent monUi forUiose gatojeners. Untart work, who, arecontcmulaUrui .experimenting. withplants ptopa»-»t4on,-_..-CutUn»s-.ot-tnanyr

of the perennial* and early bloomingslirubs should be In good condlUoh nowU> Toot quickly. :It ls-easential In mak-

a cutting to take the new wood

poaalbla for you lo:hlne Immadlstalx- "« •«.«,».«.•,•—.savlni to pay for IL The .assy monthlypayments are Ju.t tha aama aa ran-tai.

Oalll —Jte omgaHqa. Liberty Typewriter

1M7 rack-Avaaae

yWcharges of disorderly conduct Com-plaint was made by Patrolman Edward'atupak and Special Patrolman F lV l t t e n . • .'; ' ' \ \ ' ' " '•• ' , •'.

- Mrs.-Eleanor- Dallcy, .v/lio. rtalUca. atHie corner of Washington avenue andTwent ie th-*!«»t , -wi lk-*nUtt» in i lTAdleS' AuxlUaryrtP Kenllworth Post,2330,- V. P. W. Wednesday alternoon,June &.

The Ladles' Aid Society of the Ken-

•A. muni* r of—tCT-apptnlv and prx>'sU were rfl*eiins««l at a J|oint meeting

of the ISorovsh OMincil and Ww tuseaa-ni'iiitt cwmintMlon Mortdsy nhclil tu thellorouKh Hail Sind In »' number of 111-.tancea rrductiiim were..made._

More than forty taitutyrrs of_ the

to-protrat iitt" juiiKJwnfc i>f' tinte* leviediiaitut' their respective- properties. B e -luctlons. wrte made In about thirty

that has grown this year or wood that nworth Community Church will holdIs Oral enough to break readily but not iu annual itriiwberry festival this' aft :

•o'flmv that lt will bend when snapped' crnoon and evening on the churchoff the plant. Cuttings that are tooj'iaWn, The women will start serving atgreen and. tender will wilt quickly.; ' I 4:30 o'clock. Admission Is priced at

The amateur will find that he obtains twenty-flve cent*. Following the fesU-the best results by planting .cuttings val a bunco party will be held In thefour or hi* inches long In sand or In basement of. the church.-0

sandy soil Under si glass Jar or any I children's . Diy will be celebratedother coversge similar to a Bell Jar,! June 18 In the Kenllwortli CommunityThe cuttings should be placed In a par- Church. A special service ts being

tlfl shade, and. If. they «re kept suffi-ciently moist they* will never wilt. Al-most any cutting will root If given suf-ficient time and If kept free from wiltand from the soil diseases which causedamping off or decay at the surface ofthe soil. Remember, that the secret ofHuccess In rooting cutUngs"-Jiea in us-ing, wood that Is, firm enough to. han-

seeing that the cutting never droop*.

ranged by the Rev. Malcolm Mussina.The annual Sunday Hchool picnic

will be tieid July 1. The affair Is un-der the dtrection of Swen Swenaon.

Mr. and Mrs. lftrman Beck spentSunday at Brs/Uey" Beach visiting Mrs.Deck's. uncle and -aunt, Mr. and Mrs.A, CbaTlea Brn.


Council, Aaaeaaors, Hear Tax AppegJ*

fayiir OawaM ttltithi preaidnl

Taxpayer/ Group to SendSix to State.Meeting

8 U ofnc£il deUwsW* to rppreaentKenllworth at the fltaie-wtde Ts lpay-er» meeting to be h«Sd In'Trmtim to-morrow « « i t t n v n at the rarularmeeting of the K«iiiw«rth TaxpayersAnaoclation Moiid«r nlxht In the Ifard-Ink School. Tr»«r-J.«e Albert Oilayer,HamiK-l vital?; Danie- f>rs, Hal t a n .Uml» OtfT SIKI U o a S u i c e x . Severalither members wlU go with the group,

whkh will nw*-t in front of Uw Bor-ough Ifali at 5:10 o'clock' tomorrowmoinJnic. '

The KenllwprUi Republican Club.held

be riulP-aJlystite.-wide

their Armistice Day•Jif"f A MIMMlt! .WAS

pay its ta«k oa aanr eoarentee*

Knfld Thrift ft Loan Co.16 Waicbtttic ATeaaa


Page 6: A-INTD ICLE · 2015. 2. 14. · A-INTD ICLE UNE 8. 1933 Wwdd Offer Education To Local Unemployed Rev. M. Y. Poynter. Rev: W. F. Behrens, Jr.. Submit Report to Relief Commit-'tee's



The Guiding SpiritA HERMON ...

By Rej.William F. Bebrena, Jr.Pastor of Calvary I/ilhrran Chexrh ,

Acts 1:8, ' Ye shall receive powerwhen the Holy Spirit la come upon

. you-.To understand Uie PentetoM j(I long

U id l th~agu we liimUunrto mind some^ol thethings that led up to II a« Well as someof the things that followed. There was,first of all, the period between: the. res-urrection of Jesus and His ascenilon.During this period which lasted fortydays Jesus appeared many times to. Hisdisciples to strengthen their faith sndgive them additional instruction. Itwas during this period that the greatcommission to go into all the world sndpreach, teach, and baptize was given.This period was brought to a close bythe ascension.

There followed a period of waitingwhich lasted tan days. Jesus had'toldUte disciples to "go" and to "tarry."They returned to- the famous upperroom In Jerusalem and there continuedsteadfastly in prayer. The resurrec-tion had occurred. thelcommiMlon hadbeen given, the ascension had 'takenplace, the world was waiting In It* tinand misery, and the disciples waited.They had been commanded to wait;tbey had been promlaed the guidanceof the Spirit. • .,

Plnaly the Spirit came upon themand they spoke with tongues. Everyman heard them In his own language,but the message was the same. "Letall the house of Israel know assuredlythai Ood h u made Htnrbnth Lord andChrist, this Jesus whom ye crucHlrd."

, There •.eftvmaAr frho -yjejdrd to,,the;

sense of power. It U not the kind ofpower we are used to. It la not political power. It la not the might ofwealth. It,U not the dignity of pwilllo^J|anlnt^^j|ajjthat not "many wise after the fleah. notmany mighty, - not many noble wercalled " The early churches were madeup largely of poor simple folk, buamong tlirm waa a real aenae .of poweII w u the thing that enabled, themdo all thlngi.

It was this power that enabled thrmto achieve pure and holy living. Wmust remember that the** early. Chruv-tlam were living In a corrupt worlwhone theatre* were exceedlnglyllcrrilloui, who** literature t u ««5uctivwhose morals were crow. Rconhuilng world for one who- wantedto l.ve a pure om1 hoi) llfev Yet trx-seOhrUilarj, to a very large enlent "keptthemselves unspotted from the world.

Even more remarkable' w u thistrength Uiry received for the grealtask ol rva.nKclltlng.th>! world.preached tlv- Oospel agaliut great odd*They were fiercely permnjted. Th»!were ridiculed. They were driven frorrjty lo Hty. They were commandedb« '-silent.. They were forbidden

.meet. Poverty, cold, hunger, nakedn m wrre thrlr lot. rt'it they accom

I pllalird treat - things.. They carried michoosing to obey Ood rather than mifor they had received power from "oihigh. Ood had sent them the gift ithe Holy Spirit. They kept themselv"umpotifd from'the world." Churche

persuasions of the Spirit that-day; Outof a new-born faith they cried. "What

. jsball we dot' The answer came clearlyand strongly, "Repent and be baptised,everyone of you. In the name of theLord Jesus Christ, for the reimsaton ofyour sins, and ye shall receive the giftof the Holy Spirit - . . . -

Thousand* came Into the Churchthat day by the sacrament of HolyBaptism. A Lutheran commentatorcall* attention to the fact that alreadythe sacraments were receiving the at-tention they deserved He adds thatIt la highly probable that the HolyOommunlon followed soon after.

Also note that the gift of the HolyBpuit waa not promised toilie disciplesalone. We read. "Repent and be bap-Used . . and ye shall' receive the giftof the Holy Spirit" And the HolySpirit came upon them with power.

The New Testament throbs with this


flowers In a desert.But let us not spend our time looklni

back wlatfully on the heroic days ot thibeginning of the.Church. Let us lookat our own dnya arid let us look aheadThere In much for us to do. We, tooought to strive after the achievementof pure snd holy living. We, too. oughtto be striving to evangelize the world.There Is much to be.done. There arestill too many wrongs unrlghted.-tonmany Inequalities, too little of. Juatice,love, and peace for us to sit back/andlet the world go on. To act thls/topsy.turvy world right la our taskwlt oughlu appeal strongly to our spirit of ad-venture. It ought to engage our every(acuity. And for.this task we, too, shallreceive powfr froni on7 high. The glfor the Holy Bplrtt/la promised totoo. " . . .... Ye/shall receive power

when the Holy'Bplrlt Is come upony o u , . . , " /

I :

; t * t me girt you an estimate onyour wlrlot work. We will make aaInvestigation and suggest nhingn .without any obligation to you.


E. FRED SMLZER.'.' .IM. CsUafsf* *-***» '

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PAPER HANGINGJ t u PBicxa roa. otrniDC



Prexfcyicrian* Recehre. Four New Metnben

PcurInto the fellowship of the P W Presbyterian .Oitinrh at, the njorntoj -.seT-rtM''.8u^y: :-Th*y'''asre"r:iienri''VanNuya. the acic turn ring charVr mem-ber of the Presbyterian Church in bishome town In the We**.; Mrs. Beer.

CongnttaU^cal. Church*ad-U» ileva,

Cowperthwalt* from the Church of 111Redeemer la Brooklyn.„: The Rev. William R Sloan usedthe thesis of Ma bwlltaUon at. Uamorning servloe. "Tne Cross of Christ,showing that tt was-a revelationOod'* high estimate of human natureand Its poaathtlUlfs; a revdauon of theWe of Chrtot and His loyalty to thetask committed to him by His Patter,and a revelation of the tragic natureof human sin which railed ior. such 1sacrifice. Th* Ordinance of ..tb* LordSupper, was observed at the -dose'Ih* service. . -

a**. Samuel HIntnteUom. wifethe widely known missionary, gave anInwrrattng and Insplrtng address be-fore a )oint meeting of tne ChristianEndeavor Scclete* Sunday nlgni, Hersubject was "sessionary Work in In-dia." ' • -..

Next Sunday I* Cnildren's Dayan appropriate program wtU be pre-sented at 10:90 o'clock Sundaying. Th* program, by the children willtake the place of the regular ChurcliSchool and morning sermon. The RevMr Sloan will give a ten' minute talkth* children during toe arrriec'. 1Ordinance of Baptism win be adminis-tered at th* close of the program.- Prise* will be msihbuied lochUdrrn


Announcement has -been made thaithe Elisabeth Presbytery w&rinwtthe Cranlord Presbyterian ChurchJune JO. • ; / .

75 Attend Margaret/ Greene Guild Picnic

• • . -

More than 74 members and frlendiof the Margarri Ornne Oulld olPint Presbyticrlan Church attendeithe annual pknlc and outing Mondsnight at Echo Lake. Because of in-clement weather, the group adjounwiearly to the social rooms of Ihr churchwhere a short program w u presentedand games were playrd. The Oulldwill resume Its meetings in the fall.

The picnic supper canunttler wsscharge of Mrs. M. & Tauafrrro. MissMary'-Hoak. -Mlas Marian Welcome.Miss Oladys Esterbrook, Una llelraKlaae. Mrs. Clifton PrraroU. Mrs. MPaytoh and Mrs. E J. Dills. The entertalnment eommltUe . Included thloUowlnfuMnL Daniel R . J i e a L . mL. 6 . Putscbrr and slnu O K - Daniel*.


will b* Ih* aub)ect of the. UMon-Sermon In all Churches of Chrlat. 8dmUst, on Sunday. June II. IWJ.

The Ooldcn Text Is: 'Par the Lord'Veth Judgment, and farsaketh not hli

skints: they are pmnred for ever"(Psalms 37 3»> * -,' Among the citation* whtrh c&npru>the lesson-Sermon Is Ihe fMlo^mfrom the Bible': "1 will lift up mineyes (into the hills, from whence comcth my help. The Lord shall preservthee from all evil: he shall nmerythy'-soul' The Lord- shall preserve thygoing out and thy-coming in from, thistime forth;' and evrn. for, erermow"(Psalms i:i 1. 7j»> ^ r .

The Letaqn-Sermon alio Includes thifollowing, passage Irons the ChriiUai:Science' textbook. "Science and Heal:with Key to the Scriptures" by Malt

dy: "mar uiKlrriiacdlnr;th*trii^~]fcfi^i^i'^1fl**li*£l^ia*#1rfi "a™*ai**-'*aii* :*.

by strengthening our trust: in thdeathless reality of IM*. l u almightlneat and immortality. This fauh re-lies upon an understood Principle. ThisPrinciple makes whole the diseased,and bring* out the enduring and har-monious phases of things' <p: 417).'

Plan (WdenctV ProgramFor Rutgers Field Da;

flower lover* and ornamental.placl(rawer* ot the" State -will or oHeredpractical help on problem* of Insectand disease control" and general rtilfuralpractices wnen the annual Pleld Day oftije New Jersey College 04 Agriculture-and Experiment 6UU00 1* held a; NewBrunswick <n* WiMneaday. June 1»Rock garden eO(,huiUsx« are Invited toattend th* detnuastrattoti and lectureon the construction of a. rockery teatla m b* «lv*n J^MurdasueBtf of lb*Brooklyn Botanic Oatdrn during the

rtcrpoott • i ."Th* hotticuttunl program win also

Instud* torn of tnsprctlon u>vh« various plou on 'the OoOege Parm devotedto wnameottl places and win Incudeinformal (Hmrrtnna by Or C ILJOnor* tvtsxl or to* drparUornl of ofoa«nen(*l 'Bortlcultttre. (and. «*hef mem-b f Hlie,»UB. aajrdenrltt *t» have

troubled wltli1 totect psa&'aa ornamental treat a | i i^ .neRnotaU*qanottats will be glreu lundi adjicr ancontrol measuws by if. q c Hamilton;

t^ c t bA almUar.'diteusstoD on the p tBad control of ptanLjatstjwe* wul t eg R S l i y PrTR. 7-Wfi2e.v ipt

ptsnt Udkd

as,AttQsQat o f MSKMM

small .sprayer* wit> dnsutn

(Mini* of lha, afternoon's Vofraai.R « . Stultf. BUM' erwwrtnsi acrrfoetaktUMttonst 'Jn T<«rtatle growtog.wm tor in chargt ot tnt exhibit and aria

Maora on tbdr


A special employment bureau toaid unemployed members: of theCranford . Methodist Church hasbeen esiabllshed by to* Rev. Mat-

' che.lt T. PoynJer, the.pastor. Mem-bers of the church who are unem-,ployed may register with the Rev.Mr. Poyntcr. Persons having/workof any kind are requested looom-muolcato-wtlh the Rev. Mr. Poyn-

Lutheran Choir to GivePublic Concert Tonight

The choir of Calvary LutheranChurch, under the direction of Mrs.W, Cohen, will present a programsacred composition* at S o'clock tonightIn the church. The concert will martthe first public performance of the or-ganization, which Is- composed of six-teen voter*. Pred Teschke to the orgaiust. Invitation 10 attend hasexxmded to the public.' There wUlbea sliver dfterlng. At the close of theMrrlce. a social hour with refreshment*will.be held.

Seventy-nve conflrmanU and chsrtermembers of Calvary church attendedthe reunion at the II o'clock serviceSunday morning. Plfty-nlne of thenumber received Holy Communion. TheRev. William P. Behrens, Jr.. preachedon "The Oulding Spirit." It Is plannedto make tne reunion an annual event.' Plve new members were received Intc

fellowship In Use church at the morn-ing service. ',Tlley are: Mr. and MrsW. A. Meyer. Mr. and" Mrs. Erwin Ruand Alfred O»m . \ •

The' Woman's Oulld will meet at.o'clock tomorrow night J»t the churcl

At MrEr Church Sunday

The annual Children's Day exerciseswill be held In the Cranford MethodisChurch at 11 o'clock Bundsy'mornlimChildren liave been requested to assemble at 10:30 o'clock. There will be niSunday School lessons Sunday morn

l l L U j U lthe Children's Day decoration commitee.' •

The Sunday evening service will beIn the form of a Boy Scout Court olHonor and will be under the direct!'of A. B. Clark and It. W. Drew of Troor75. The Rev. Henri H Perger, a miss-ionary from Jhansi, India, will give anIllusirsled lecture on educational andBoy Scout work in connection with hismission school in India. The Rev. Mr.Prrger has been In India since 1910and has trained boys from primary(radca through to college entrahtrre-qulrement*. More than 300 boysnow enrolled In his school. Boy Seoulwork- was started In his- mission Ja IIsnd he has been an active promoterthe movement since that tune.

Sunday morning, June It, has baeidesignated as Father's Day In thiCranlord Methodist Church. All fathen and their famine* have been extended a cordial Invitation to attcniwrvices on that day.

The Woman's Homo Missionary So-ciety, will elect officers for the1 comingyear at the business meeting at io'clock this 'afternoon following thecovered dish luncheon which will beserved at 1 o'clock. Mra. P. H. Osulnow president of the organisation.

- Mother's Jewels, an organisationemail children of the church, will meetin the cliapei at 3 o'clock tomorrowafternoon tor the annual mite boxopening. A apeclal program also hasbeen ananged. All mothers and theirsmall children, have been Invitedattend-the meeting by Mrs. 11. W. P.Randolph, the- leader. '

The .'Home. Quanta, .under the super-

chapel lor-the annual mite bax-openIng- Tuesday evening. Tlicre waslarge attendance. .

Mrs. R. E. Neald of IM SeverlnCourt entertained the Dorcoa Socis^yTuesday evening.

p . L. OrlmUu w u elected chairmanof the nuance committee at a meetingMonday night in the church. EdgarO.HUyard was named vice, chairmanof the committee for the'coming year

The Epworth League held Its regularbusiness meeting.Monday night.


Claasci from Kindergartento Ninth Grade

Than* WestfleM I-10MDR. M. P. BABBITT

rrj uiisT BKOAO STBEKXNear Eta Street ?

WE8TFTEU>;N.J. ~--

'* 7 . "v


219 Broad Street .




<a* aav w. a FITXWATU, n o , lues-sw .» rataiir. u—dr auo*.» rataiir. u—dr au

laaUlaw X CSIca«a.|4> Mil. Waaura

Letton for June 11JElUt ON THI CHOW

OM TEXT—Mark ll:t-«T.OOLOBN TEXT—But Oea Mra

•tb u s lavs Uwtrl oa, la tkat, wall*ws war* yat alaasr*. ChrUt <l*a for its;ftomaas IJ. .*

fnikMRT TOPIO-J-ma Dylgai forUa. • • - . ' ,


IKTCfcllEpUTB AND »tl<tO* TOP.IC—Jssqa AccaptlnaT -ths Cress.

IOUNO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP'IC—Th. UsaalB*; of th« Cross.

Thla la t»* graod ellaiax ot tbeyaar1! lessona, Without appracjodlagthe' sirnlDcanc* of the crueinilo* efCbrlat, aU th* other lesson* are mesD-Ingless. It I* not a nutter of learn-ing lesson* taught by a great teacheror ImlUtlng the example"of a greatand good man, bat •ppreheaduui tb*vicarious atonement mad* by tb*world's Redeemer. Chrlat'eavav net

. by his ethical leaching, but by hlaWood. ' ... • _ :

I. Jssus Arraigned Bsfor* Pllat*(w. MS). • ... - • '

They . bound Jesus and dellvibin to Pllat* la th*.early raoml»«bkfor* the mock trial of the Ughprh»«. The Jew* would gladly bav«killed him but-they packed th* au-thority to <Jo so, Thty delivered him

K UtuVlatol'

crowning act of human sin. PllatiqneaUoned bha without delay. Hiwaa accused'of pretending to b*king. To tbU slanderou* accnaatlen eftli* chief priest* and *ld*r* he mad*no.reply, to the utter astenisam*nt ofI'llate, who sought to release him 'can** convinced of his Innocance. Aft-er several unsuccessful efforts to —•rap* reaponalblllty, h* re*ort*d to tb«

"expedient of letting th* ptople cn'oea*between Barabba* and Jaso

II. J**u* CrewnMl Witt them*(w.. lft-ao).: After Pllat* bad scourged Jews,

delivered htm to be cruclDed.1. Crown of thorns _(»». It, IV

Knowing, that Jtsoi bad been coodemned tor claiming to be larasl'iKing, they clothed him with purpl<and crowned him with a wreath ofthorns, Th* crown of thorn* typifiedthe cross which h* bor* for nan'*sins (Centals 3:17, 18).

X Their salutation (v. IS). In d*>rtslon they said,."Halt, King ot tbaJew«i" - - ' ""8. Their mock" worshltf'lvv.: 19," 20]They *mole him on the head withreed, taunted htm, and went througha process of mock worship.

Ml. Jeiue OnieKM (rv. 2141).L They led him sway to th* place

of crucifixion (w. 21-23). At firstthey compelled him to besr bla owncrosa, but when physical weaknessnude this Impossible they forced Si-mon, the Oyrenjao, to bear 1L Chrlsfiface was so marked by the thorns andcruel blow* that there w u no formnor comeliness (Isa. 53:2).

2. Gambling for th* clothing of thiLord (rv. 24, 2S>. They gambled forhis (Mimes* robe under the very crossnpon which Jesus was dying. .

3. Tb* •uperacrlptlon (v, 28). It wsscustomary to place over the victim onth* cross, his nan* and a statementof hll'crhne. He w u Indeed the .kingof the Jewa, '",. 4. Between two thieves (vv. 27,28Hla IndmtUkatloD with, th* two rob-bert was in fttlflUmeot of the'j

-S. The dying SaTlor reviled (w.2SW2). They taunted bun by biddinghim 'iyme down from th* cross, aadaald derisively. "He saved others, him-•self h* 'csnnot savs." H* could notsate himself sod others, so hi choc*(o dl* to savt others. !

0. Darkness upon the land (v. 83),Nstur* threw around th*-Son of Qodshroud to bide him from, th* I*x«jofgodless companyr- • , ' \ "

7. The cry from the cross (rv. 3*36When Ood laid npon hi* beloved Bontba world'* sin aad turned hi* fac*from htm, there went out the awfulcry of anguish, "My Qod, my Ood, whybast thoo forsaken met"

8. He dismissed his spirit <v. 37).When th* price of redemption w ufully Mid, Jesns as soverelgii dis-missed his spirit.

fit Th* rent vail (v. 3D). This *ym-bollied th* firing up ot his Ufa <H«O.10:20).

10. Th* renturloo'* confeajUoa tv.

tb* Son ot Ood.t , i,11. The Ungerlntc group of women

(vv. 40,41). Having lovingly mlnls-.tered to him la Ufe they wer* M >waiting' fa car*, for hi* precious body.1 IV. Jesus* 'Burial (rv. tt47).. Loving hands now took the body

Und laid tt uv Joseph's new tomb. Thist«ttt«whoi)ld n*J consent to the foultreatment of <b* -Lord now risks hi*reputation, and by hi* action made abold confession of the Lord.

TW SolM B1WUfew book* can stand thre* rcadlnga.

But VtH Word ot God I* solid; tt willstan'd^* -tbxfilaaod *~n*d(nfaFand-lh»man wlo has goo* 'ever It'tbe afrequentjjr^l .{Wiaoat earafally tofh* wrtat-oF Bodmf u i wwosMtberti—HsmllWa. - ''"fc-

, " Ftr*v*T H*ly Sptril; Cnles* t ^ lire of th* Holy Splitt to

la our heart*, ther«.wlU.b* no btraiagapcexa upon tar U p K - A ' a SMton•I Xk. Mkla TMtK, t.


Th* Union County Extension Serrle*Issue* • series of weekly menus, pre-pared by Audrey One* Adams, Bom*Demonstration Agent for a family oftwo adult* and ton* children, of t h m .six and eight yean. A saarktttav U*and ractpaa for meau may-h» nhtahtsdfrom tb* BOD* DemonatraOon Aant,who has an otBee la th* Oourt Boo**,Blaateth. Tb* menu Dor this week liu follows:

t U a WaskPRTDAY

Breakfut—Oranges, wheat cereal,toast, butter. Bilk, coffee.

Dinner-Wet of fish, mock Holland-slse sauoe, Prench fried potatoea, to-nuitoea wtth croutons, beet salad, bread.butter. geUUn* fruit salad, mitt, t**.

Supper—Ocamed asparagus withbuttered . lout, applemUkvUm. .

Breakfast—Mixed fruit Juice*, oat-meal, toast, butter, milk, coffee.

Dinner—PrankfurUr and maaltatoea in caswrole, (reen' beans, lettuce

bread wutter, orange custardpudding, milk tea.

Supper—Potato soup, crackers, but-ter, gelatine fruit salad, milk, tea.

SUNDAYBreakfast—grapefruit, prepared cer-

eal, toast, butter, milk, coffee.Dinner—Roast leg of lamb, brown

gravy, baked.potatoes, buttered peas,mint vegetable salad, bread/ butter,atrawberrie* with thin cream, milk, cof-fee. , . - • • - • •..•'.'

Supper-ZTtaasted cheese - crackers,pear halves with chocolate sauce, milk,

MONDAY .'. •'Breakfsst-eiewed rhubarb, wheat

cereal, toast, butter, milk, coffee.Dinner Bared beans, scalloped pota-

toes, baked onions, tomato salad, bread,butter, date pudding, milk, tea.

Supper—Noodles with cheese sauce,bread, butter, raw carrot salad, peanutcookies, mDk. tea.


butter, milk, coffee. "Dinner—sliced lamb rout, creamed

potatoes, buttered carrot*, cabbage sal-ad, bread, butter, date pudding, milk,tea.

Supper—Baked bean sandwich, eelcry and apple salad, rhubarb sauoe.milk, tea.

WEDNESDAYBreakfast—Oranges, oatmeal,

butter, milk, coffee.Dinner-Baked egg* aad rioe.In to-

mato -sauce, spinach, spring salad,bread, butter, baked scalloped rbuberr,milk,.tea. • — —

Supper—Sauted meat sandwiches,mlhbed vegetable salad, cookies, milk,t e a . , • • • -

, THURSDAY• Breakfast—Tomato Juice, preparedcereal, cinnamon toast, inilk. coffee.

Dinner—Pork chop*, cream gravy,mashed potato. Harvard beets, pear anddate salad, bread, butter, cookies, milk,

Supper—Waffle*, butter, syrup/freshpineapple cubes, nulk, tea. r

MANY ATTEND PARTYThe card party Tuesday afternoon In

the parochial school under the auspicesof St. Theresa's Oulld of St. Michael'sChurch w u well attended. The partymarked the hist meeting of the societyuntil September. '•'.'•'•-


A<»» 1st a A*v. CaaiMs I* Basi* ««U &C m . Tatoria* Isr Uk. A ML M. U.

Ecole Francaise de*«i N. ChealMl g j— H I I lapaiBaxiw

TaX.. I R S n l E U t

P. J. BindeobergerPainter and Decorator •_

Lone Experieitoe and Careful Work

Ensures Satisfactory San*)*


Tlw Sunday Oleod-TO** ^Cimnf on! OMTCIBW

PSOTESTANTO u a n a ifxmoscR Eracom CHoacat

Walnut AvenueBe*. Katcbett Y. Pwyatsr

• : » A. *t-Blble School. 1100 A.M.-Pnbot Worship. 1;00 P. M.-Bp-

League too P. aL-Erenlnt

~ Betford Avenuetin. E. W. Richards

Sunday sarrlces-Sundsy School, 9:43a. to.; morning service II a. m.: even-mg service, 7:49 p. nx: young peoples'lasting, 7 p. m. .Prayer and praise meeting Thurali/

evening. I p. m. All sre welcome.

Cswaar Xta imuui LonoouM Otytai. 110 Eastman Street

' «*». wBUaas P. B**v*aw|;'•:4S A. M.—Sunday SchopLJ H 00

A. a*V-Th* Service. ' , §

100 High Street

at-Mnrnlnt Worship. <:4(iB. Y. P. U. 1:00 P M.-Ever t o * . . . . : . ' ••

PBai PusunrnauNOoraer of Springneld and i

. . Union Avenues

M i .

•:4B A at—Church School. ?HV-lIorjung1 Worship. 7:00 •;ChrtaUin Endeavor. 8:00 P. IIng Worship. • -

Txnrmr Ertscoru. io f l

: -. ' Rm. B. T. Pol a . m.—Holy Oommunlon. I8:48 a. m.—Church School. 511 a. m.—iteming prayer

mon (Holy Oommunlon the Iday of the month).

Patr Cnxmca or Gator, IOomer Sprlngfleld

M.—Service. WednesdayP. M. Reading room open 1» P. M, excepting Sundays 1days.

81. MASK'S A. M. K.M High Street

Be». W. a Bleks10:00 A. M.—Sunday

A. iL-PubUo Worship. 6:00Epworth League. 1:00 p. ]Worship.


ST. .'» R. O. (Win Street

• S T . Jeaa M. Nakwrg,Sunday if«aa«r 7 a, OL,

CbUdnm-s alaav »J0 a. m, ISunday School; High Uass, 10:1followed by bensdlctloa.

Tuesday. 7:48 p. m, St. .


(Daily -exespt Bsaday* ilegal balldays.)

>:30 a, m, to noon.2:90 p. m. to 3 p. 1

. 7:30 p. m. to 0 p. ]


Alteration — Repair — 1Cttaotec — P

Bl(beM-qaaIIfy-Work a


, TaLOBanforda.ilm Kara. Araaaa, B.

I Iraesta Avtaus*

WM. E, GOtnBatrer.Ava.1


The Dith That Cheer*WESTFIELD


Xot-ckaam to Mia pnteatlfiaii ir•lor the oerftot bcateaa. S a m it»»»W any bojlday^aaalj or a* UM

-Tatraataaunt-tor any

Phone CBanford



Estimate* Cheerfully,!

4 M Street"


CaidyT*L CBaafari a-un

« South (


,r VI

• • I ' M ' -

• < •

Page 7: A-INTD ICLE · 2015. 2. 14. · A-INTD ICLE UNE 8. 1933 Wwdd Offer Education To Local Unemployed Rev. M. Y. Poynter. Rev: W. F. Behrens, Jr.. Submit Report to Relief Commit-'tee's


News of the WeekIn and About Town

The card party sponsored by theaux-iiliary win be held at a o'clock toraor-l Wax Kapiown> spentrow night Prises will be awarded and Hopatcong.

at the card party.

The Ladles' Auxiliary to Cranford.Post, 212, American lagloo., win haveits Mutual election of oOecn at theIrfgton Borne oo Forest avenue ato'cJSek tonight. All member* havebeen urged to attepi.

aim. J. o.

The Beth B Sisterhood held a straw-berry festival at the Beth B Templeon South avenue Tuesday night. Theaffslr was wen attended by membersand friends, lira. Joseph Levy ofCranford. and Mra. Nathan Magsen

* * •


MI: >*


- Westfleld Lodge. No. IMS, B. P. O. E.win have ita annual Flag Day exer-cises Sunday afternoon, June 11, at 3o'clock at the band stand In Mlndowss-kln Park. Wettneld. The Rev. WilliamK. McKlnney of the Westfleld Pres-byterian Church win be the speaker.In can of rain, the services will be heldon Sunday, June 18.

The seventh annual horse show oftoe'Watchung Riding and Driving Clulwill be held Saturday at the WatchungStable,? Union County Park System,Olenslde avenue. Summit. The first ofthe. twenty .-one classes, win start*,'at

ford la chalrman.of the honorary committee In chaise of the show.

The Cranford Baby StaUon met yes-terday afternoon in the Ore headquar'ten with thirty-five babies present Dr.Lewis and the Visiting Nurse were incharge-The Baby StaUon meet* everyWednesday afternoon from 3 to 5o'clock In the fire headquarters. All

- mothers-are-and young children up to school age tobe weighed and examined.

^ urged to-orU»*helr tables -Georse^ Lor

A regular meeting of the Happy doLucky Club was held at the home ofMiss Ida Mae Blots last ThursdaymorntogJ_J4LiteakfasM«as:served'aiterthe members had received -Holy Com-munion. Initiation, ceremony onigames followed the breakfast Thosepresent were; Catherine McMahon,Lucy Ray, Caroline/Iannocone, HelenSchletrum, Eleanor James, Doris Court-ney and Catherine Hdridge.

Last week, stockholders of the Pack-Ing tnglneerrng Corporation of Cran-ford- received their cumulative divi-dends oa Class A stock of the companyfor the first three quarters of IBM-fol-lowing action of the Directors taken attheir last meeting. The business of thecompany has recovered steadily, sincethe end of last year and has now reach-ed very graUying proportions.' Thecompany is represented in every (im-portant center in this .country and Inaddition, they have several active ag-enclis In Europe and South America

The annual picnic of the Rose VillaMusical was held at the home of Mrs.Burr A Towl, 318 south Euclid avenue,Westfleld, last Thursday. As usual, itwas well attended and enjoyed. Manybeautiful bushes, were In bloom, espe-cially the rhodendron, and were usedas a background.fpr.,the,annual/pic-ture ol the members. The closing meet-ing of me club was held May ,18^at thehome of the leader, Mrs. -John-"Hs

Ings till be resumed in the fall, accord-Ing tp the season's program arrangedat til; picnic. •;

He Endi • PauiuutAper optimist l« a ultch-blker who

tries to thumb a ride on the road tosuccess. Cincinnati Rnqulrer. ' .

F«w«r Malm el A»to«During the post thirty yearsY 200

makes of motor cars have been, of-fered to the American public; todaythere ore uuoroxlrnntely SIX

1 FLOWERSfar all omaaiaat i

irlWo aad Latest Dsatgat is FaneralWart a 8»«*aty

1st, Cl i iMI

Mane Cranfords-lMg


Plumbing and Heating.Allentleaw aad- Repairs/»JHIBNSIDKAvX,(

RE-ROOF^NGl•. , AtLaw<^tCoU: ;

• Work Guaranteed

CaU Cr. &2055-W


Plumbing, Heating,TinningIU Soalk Av«, K. , . '

N . C I S I M M W

Place BeatCUtton Spring, Mew Tork.

Mr. and Mrs. a W. Hart andter, Anne, at 6 M r * " " awno*. wtslspend this week-end at Ocean Grvee.

Dr. F. a Buffam of Knglishtown waathe week-end guest of Mr. and MH. a J. ctair.

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Sthott of'Brooktlde Place announce ths> btnha daughter. Mildred & Schott. Hay 2L

Mr. and Mra. H. R MeCuDoogB andfamily have moved from OT Rewto 30* Manor avenue"*

Mrs. O. fc Craig attended a reansooat the home of her father. J. a Paoaton. east Mist street. New Tork Ctty.Sunday.

Mlsa Lois Viola Wler of a o a t .street Is spending the week aa the guestof her aunt-and' uncle. Mr. and Mrs.Paul J. Larsen of the Bronx.

A daughter. Patricia Ann. was bornto Mr. and Mrs..Patrick W. Orall at105 Walnut avenue; June 1.

Mrs. Harold MUlard of 306 Prospectstreet and her daughter. Sally, are vavltlng- Mrs. Mutant's nv**1*^ Mra. Con-over, In Freehold.

Mr. arid Mrs: John J. Moke of UTSeverln Court announce the birth of asTiIi'f ' ITiis>a'ss'*'a1L'":tiittiisai''i 'lei law i i i "

Rahway Memorial Hospital.. John W. Jackson, age SB, of 31 Hayesstreet was taken to the.Bt. Bnabeta'sHospital. Monday In the Townshipbulance for' observation.

Mr/and'Mrs. Robert S. Dietrich of328; Linden Place left Tuesday foreight day cruise to'Bermuda. Theyexpect to return next Wednesday.

WHO Iteiyea of 3H Prdonavenue recelvsd_tbe master of arts de-gree in Education at the one bundledand first commencement exercises ofNew York University Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Hamilton. Fay of 1Hamilton'!' avenue are spending thesummer at Avon. They returned toCranford Tuesday night to attend the"perf ormarlce of the Dramatic Cub.

Mrs. William M. Sperry, 2nd, at r oUnion avenue will leave Friday to at-tend the annual week-end reunion ofSmith College Alumni. She. will beaccompanied by her sister, Mrs. T. W.Towler r-Summit.

Bakerbers c/* the executive committee of theWoman's Association of the Tint Pres-byterian'. Church at her. summer"along the Mnnaopmn river at PointPleasant; lost Thursday.

Robert Francis Henofer, son of Mr.and Mrs. Elmer W. Henofer afbeth, and grandson of Mr.' and Mrs.c. s. Francis or 9 Hampton street winbe graduated Tuesday from the Balti-more City College High School tnMaryland; _'

Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Francis and fam-ily of Hint. Mich., will leave today after spending ten. days with Mr. Pran-:1s' parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Francisof 9 Hampton street .They will stop inAllentown, Pa. for a short visit wltarelatives. •„

Benjamin Franklin Newsanger of 11TNorth, avenue; West, received the de-gree'of Master of Art from ColiUniversity yesWday^/afternoon., Mr;Newswangcr 1» a teacher ia thr fipring-

tlncate which entitles- him to behigh school principal. Mrs. News-wanger and Mrs. P. J. Denningtended the commencement yesterdaywith Mr. Newswanger. . " I "

Miss MabeLJ. RosseU of Mfield avenue entertained at the HotelMontdair Monday night hi honor ofMiss Nan Crawford, who recently re-tired as a teacher'In School No. W,jersey City,.jifter thirty-live yeara*service. The .party; was attendedformer pupils and associate'Mrs.~H. C. HeckendorJ of 103street was a former pupilCrawford. '

Miss Edna. Schafer ofhue was presented In a/piano recital.Tuesday night In Stelriway Han, New

*ork city, by her teacher, Lola Adter.Several other advanced pupils ofAdler also appeared on theMiss Schafer.Bi a graduate of the:

: cranford Woman's '^ b ,of- the Chorajl/

Craafont i

,- .1 S&tUtT-CBKISTrMhiaHatMrs-Sohn Christy

ton street have Issued in'the marriage of their,, diCaroline Christy. Ui John Jbieh Smartof New York. The wedding win takeplace June 26 at the ChurejLJBt s tJohn's In the Wilderness,, St. Oabriers.N e w Y . o r s i . ' , • • • " • •

The reception, following the cen»mony win be held at the summer cuspof the bride's parents, "Twin Urea,'


Local Groap* Complete Plan*Far All-Day Horse Show, Jane 17are eosnpsebj tar the all-day

hem at On Cranford BfclaOaf vkvsfOsTvt J S O M C 8 c rtote add at the KensingtonekVEaM0fll| aCCsaaflsVOrtstaL SaVvjU^XaaUTi

T t m w f f l b ? nineteen riassas

i b a n aad the other tor•sBtr'svaHvaroVaWar4M"1ndBase*. M b aaddle ban* and

aft* trophies offend la thePita-.


w«h theat the last Bttgmle to eater the

Won. A pair class laWatti • *• troopm tiw Brt •

teas completing thehwMk —

L.L.Bataw at Cannot will JadsjeUiewhile the jumpers will

BT Donald Perkins of Fair-. Mrt-B. aoordenwood of

PlasaaeU wia select the winners in. theevents and Lieutenant

C aimer, the troopers' mounts.

aad .noted, horse showat tbe- honor-

af Oar-A. Barry Moore. Bobert A. Falr-

batos ana Artfcsn- *.Timaa of West-Setd; CoL W. W: nenderaon of Mont-

A. SL. Msa Boycott .of Newark;of pjaintkld; W.

Tracy of ai"""T"; secretary

»tachke of XaaUaorUKA. Uits. F. W. Park,

JL MdEee. a B, Sroescnar andCharles F. Hansel of Cranford.

Too "bone show com'mrt'wa areby George B. Plant of Weat-

of the Riding dub.

Mrs. John FT Daley of Crantord andDr. H. a Hamilton of WesUtoW arevice-chairman. Those on the parkingand Uekat onmmlttew an: Ruth BeUof Cranford; Mlsa Doris Labtg ofPuan-fUld: Mrs. H. Y. Barrow and Mia

Qrulttnec of. Cranford^

avenue. Craoford, Is chairman of theentries oommlttes, watch also laehtdssMra. Plant Mtaa Lair*. Mlsa BiaabethAdams of Crantord and Dr. HamUton.

Tha advertising ttwimlttue Is com-posed of Mrs. H. M. Park and MUsLillian Dill of cranford. chairmanMlsa BUaabatb Oresn. Mra. KennedyHestoo.Mrs.lt U Tonulnean, Mrs, aP. Btsekstr and Mra. P. W. Hall. Jr. olCranford: Kenneth Mackay of Dlavbeth. Mlat Marten Drehal of Maple-•nod, Mrs. Barrow; Mlsa ElisabethJoasa of Summit; Mlsa Beaoor QUU-han and Miss Lalnt of Ftalnneld.

Franrta Hansel and MrsOliver L: Richards of Cranford. beadtha prise wnmltiat, assisted by Mrs.Oeorge R. plant, Mra. Barrow,' Mrs.Prank Mnfmilwigh of Cranford and

The Ring and Orounds oommltteehas WUUam J. Mackey, Sr,, of Bllaa-oeth as chairman., with James L.Rogers and Fred CatUnsrh ol Com-fort; -Dr. Hamilton, Kenneth Mackeyand Mr. Plant. Bdward S. KuensUerof Plalnneld wUl act aa ring steward.

The program and publicity commit-tees are headed by lira. H. K. Long ofFanwood. assisted by MUs.Laing, Mr.KuensUer. MUs Drther, Miss- AglaeOates and.Mrs. Marvin Hall of Cron-

flSifi'i ^ 3crounds by a conunlttee'from thir Jun-ior Service League headed by 'Mrs.Spender Blake of Oranford, assisted byMrs, Andrew Berry Burley of Cranford,Mrs. Kenneth Jones. Miss Susan Plum-mer and Miss Pauline Hall of tha

-—" wUl also

Graduates I Ecto JL*ke Country QubM Vikr 'AJane, Joan Mac Vickar ActepU Eleven New Member.

Pnpux of Use afcOarter School enter-ntnta and frIHMis Sat-

aftijmoon^witls - two playa andand recitations. Tha en-

snsrked the close of the

woe awarded to-June andalacVlcicar "Tp *1 graduation* from

.Taking part to the first play, "TheMagic rate,". «we: Mary Berry Kemp-

Floyd. Mona Hall.Aany •WTM.U I. and Mac

KepssabaflL j ^ toe second playAn*mdlBe-*lcwam.-W»rer June and

Boato' Muhlenbrock,aad Maoey Stodalr.

SonCa aad recSatfens were given bypopfls: Mary Berry

Assy " ~ ' » ^ Mac Kemp-M m HaS. Peggy Oee and Qlsa-

beUl ' J • '

EJsven new numbers reoenUy weretaken into the Echo Lake CountryClub, aooording to an-announcementthis week. They are: H. Y. narrow ofCrantord: F. W. Moat, Harold W. Naahand Walter Thomas of Westfleld;Charles' A. Corbet. E. a. Cubberley,WUUam' A. Davidson, H. Herts, OeorgeI. Hughes, F. .P. Little and F. A.Thomas of Elisabeth. •

Play In the men's golf tournamentstarted Saturday. Tlie club champion-ship, aa in former yeara, will be deter-mined by 73 holes of medal play com-peutlon.' All members will play Ui "tha same conditions and compeUlwUl be limited to eighteen holrp" oneach of the four Saturday afiIn June.

In addition to the dub tournament,the senior tournament jMll be heldSaturday, June 17. Class "A" wUl beopen to members between .65 and 83years of age, and Class "B", \o mem-bers who are 63-and over.' A prise winbe awarded to the winner In each class.

The Echo/Lake Flag Tournamentwill be played July «. Other men's

In July will be: Specialhole medal play for members

handicaps of twentjr-two and'.July 8; selMted nine' holes out of

played, no handicap allowed.July 16; qualifying round for tourna-ment committee trophy. July 29.

Women's golf events dining June andJuly at the club will be as follows:July. U, match play igalnsl par; July

23. and 27,

Junier Sanrica LaagiiHa. Annual Election

Mrs. Harold Santord waa r»>eleetadpraaldent of the Cranford Junior B«r*vie* League at Ita annual election ofoffleen Tuesday mornlna- at the homeof Mra. Francis Hansel. Other offleenelected ware: First vke-pretWeot Mra,Spencer Blake; second viea>pnstdsnt.Mrs. Carl Mason; reeordtng sccreUry,Hn, BK-tunl- Tnmllnson; i

Mtsa.BUsabeth Oreen,and traaaunr, Mrs.' Taylor "Kennedy

All pfaears wera re-eleclad ex->cept Mrs. Mason who was chosen vice-president to take the place of Mn. D>.L. Hagw who nalgned.

FoUowlng the election tha club hadluncheon at the Baltuarol Golf dub.This meeting waa the last meeting ofthe season. The club will resume Itaregular schedule In October.

Mrs, J. F. Dairy spoke at tb* lun-cheon urging all members to cooperatetn the horse show which will be holdJune 17 tn cooperation with the Crstiford Riding Club. Mrs. Daley heads a

mltUe whkh Is In ohargo-ot-thaleague's parUelpaUon In tha show.

NewDeMolayCMtkeraTo Be

At their last meeting In the MsaonloTemple on South, avenue, members ofBremner Chapter. Order, of DeMolay,elected John Therrnann as their Mas-ter Councilor for 'the ensuing term.Thermann succeeds Victor Boerlmann.Floyd Wseks wa* elected Senior Coun-cilor to succeed John Thennanh,

Other offlosra: are: Scribe, Roy'HIb-bard; treasurer, Oliver Carey; almonerWarren . Blnns; senior, deacon. Fred

senior steward. Charles Mey; juniorsteward, WUbur Duff; chaplain,.Pope

mith; maraluU, Harry Rekemeior:tandard bearer, William Taylor; aen-

tlnal, Charles Anderson; orator, HenryRonnlund; preceptors, Honry Otto,

ichard Fullerton, John Bryant, JohnLatane, lurry Maine, Allan Wlttm-belt and August Thermann.

JnstaUaUon will be held at Itonight In ihe" Masonic Tem;charge of the 8UU OonolaveUon team. Dancing will fi

TU yAa avsraga man it one. wlio likes

te Xesl -proPlflydMssfd without IMSVng all dollstl un/ii«« a rutle,

Among the 140 seniors to receive <|n-rats at tile U2th Commenc«nii'nt nf

Colby College on June It, Is Robert J.Finch, ton of Fred W. Pinch, 503Kim -street-

^ »«o. M I'rufessur Muy/toiik lh« dr«l real iiliutiigraplis

( object In nintlon. In Csllfbrnla.

, nag tournament; July 18, two-ball., foursomes, and July 25, kicker's

During the month of May the NewYork Traffic dub and the New YorkCurb ttnhahge Brokers played thieftournaments at Echo, Lake. In June,the Newark Kiwanlans, 31 Karat Club,American Dental Fraternity and -New'Jersey Bankers' Oolf Association willhave tourneys at tha dub.


s aaaaraa «• t t le Mack prtntsd• track. Self-oleatlags make the BUECTsUC

fttle) capcM aad trtntke stems.

CRanford &2222






Entirely different than any

• - - - - ottwr-typ*of ^ - --

C ~" sports foaiwsar.

1 . Cleaa only by wasblag wttli

SUMS 4 to I

'•.'.•."•"'•.• Width. AA la- 'o- . .


tiiiiiiimiini• •» -«•«• • • •





o's Department Stbre19 UMON AVENUE, N. Open Evaning*





of the ' ' ^ x

Cranford Trust Companyand •

money -saved for the

second installment of taxes

for this year,

or money for the Holidays

• i - .*""*.& r ,_ *

Colby College to graduate~T^KOOii^JrrlHCh^JUlTe'l9^orltMtsrnnd ft member of the tennis

Mr. FlnOh. prepared lot colloge at theOranford High School, and wlilln atColby hss. been prominent, lit various

eldi of activity. He liftii bn'ii a mein-jer of the debating. tesiii for Ilireoears, and In his Junior yimr wn» imin-

ager aiid-mado the cr«w-cnunlry tripto Tulea, Okla. He has hold member-thlp-ln-Phl Kappa Ueltii,- fornnatiriio--clety, for three yoa"rs, (wrvlnn IIN secre-tary rus aophomore ynar and this yvarss praaldent. lie has been on tlio «t«lfof the Ccbo, student weekly news po-

v all four yean, and has bwn editor-m-chlef this year. 11» luis been prom-nent In Y, M. O. A. work and lias serv-

ed as chairman ot.the FresluHan'Dis-cussion Committee. Ills club member-hips have' Included International* Rota-ons; Uiter-haclal, Powtldr and Win',

the dramatic society, Press Club andDruids, the Junior honorary society. Ho

train (or four years ^uid marmger IllsJunior yeari' He Is a member ofaninma Mil, Uw national honorary.;Uuclnl Science Socloty, ttnd ofPi'llarilho frnUtrnlty. ' . •

—llnrrrMlllcronOrBouafa'lili'foot biully mjtrred Monday .when anlnb uf tingstone 'dropped on/nis tpn»whllo l/iylnv slilr.walk on Nojth avenue,I'M. llu was taken to BC Bltabeth ,HlMpltlll. ' y .-. •/•'.,. -.'.

1-kutciiuo-;—^-"' •'


NEKDH TRAINED MENnurVii'*. • imiliM'crltitf, mill' tti\\«i ii»*

/ HIM uPliiirliiitlllM t'nr tnvll 61iKliiitu, nuw wtiiklns, or

lllliut Hi |irr|i«r« titr KmM piiilll<iiii,

I •UUIIfie. Engineering Inst.

! » ' • « « • • • » ' _ ' Niv V«r« City


DENM ANBeverage Distributors


Cranford, New Jergey , \

PHONE CR. 6-2121

A Complete Line of BeeraGinger Ale. Rickeyt and SodaaAles, Wino and Iced Keg Beer Z}


• Y



Thow wishing to save money on New

As^fttrantrt lw^

Kenneth E. BellGeneral Building Contractor

Bell Place, Cranford ^ Phone Conn.

Q U A L I T t ^AtPr^TbatCaniK>tDoElg«ButSatiatV

Cranford Window Shade Col



Page 8: A-INTD ICLE · 2015. 2. 14. · A-INTD ICLE UNE 8. 1933 Wwdd Offer Education To Local Unemployed Rev. M. Y. Poynter. Rev: W. F. Behrens, Jr.. Submit Report to Relief Commit-'tee's


ford A.C.Nine Trims.Elizabeth, Westfield

^iiwui . Inning Rally Enables

V .' Locals to Win 7 tp.

g*an from Hawks; "Will,.'

i »,_- Play League Leaders

Burr s inged itnd Ortme* singled. AfterSmtili Olrd out. Enrlght's double. scoredtwo runt to Uc Oir score i t ('••II, Char-ley Orlffllli's hit «n l In Uw winningtall)

i Hit unlay ajlernoon OK local n'n'1 »1U facr U* Uiilon-Hmure Whit* HOT.and.Bmutaj, U« A C outdt will t*pmttlxd against Ulr EllabrUi Staves

TTO U-ague linden 'BoUi contMU willbe playrd on the Unaml Park diamond.

• Thr BOOTM ol norms playrd la*t w*rk-i>nd: . .


noooooiio-J000 003 WX—4,

T»o-bis« l)i'»-riTW. Torres, En-rlght; Burr, Wakk. Tfirer-bsse h l t » - |Kelber, CWara. Double playa—Walck,to Predenckwn to Ewtght. Kelber tojSulUran to' Kelbcr Struct out—ByKraemrr 1, Koraskl «. B e « on b M U -OH J & a n w r 1 Jlli by pitcher-ByKraeiwr <Ryan) Umpire -rfclos

( ^tls» Cranfofd A: C.. nln* continued)iVHi,iMtinlng streak In the Union Ooun- :

/ ' t r l a W g u e over the wi*k-«id by turn-'M t ' t n two dearrved victories. Batur-

d l t j r« f tmioon the locals upnrl Oie Elli-^ N M h A A outfit, 4 to S p u d Sunday,t t » ninth Inning rally, rked out a 7 u>• ttotory over the Wejrtfleld League

< < nprdenlat lvea. • Both galnra wrrr' fc on .the new diamond In UnumL

at the foot'of South Union arc-

Ryan, 3b „.....;,Freu, Vf .."f)ulllvan.'2bROW. »..Krlber,.|b '.:l/eid. IfHuihri. tfOHnra, cKonmkl, p

•••. ' lr:^~a~i Cranford high school's baaeball teami^^*:-~1^+kiH$fif+Tift Tinrafrfreirthe CBatttsm

high school «ju«d taji Friday -after-1 noun at the Cranford Oval. The lo-" cals scored all of their runs In the «ec-

ind Inning. • -The feature of Cranford's «Ut*ck • «

B M L Cranford la now In foOrth plarel a t h e League. . • . . . - . \

Torres, Enrlght, Burr and Walrki CTrdltfd with two b w Hltn

Saturday's contest—Kra*Thef wiu.*~i to retire only one opposing batto*. the strlkc-out route while Pitcher

I of Eiltabelh sent Mx Oranfordi to the bench with his twirling.

Sunday's game was another thriller,trttti thetocaU winning out after stkrt-

' 1 (« the ninth Inning with Weatfleldy- .holding a « to 4 lead: Ooffee, Uie first,"'" " up In the final Jnuhe. walked, j

Tonhorg, IB&fcli»a*,MEdward*, cDurutb, 3bCurtU, If «McDwid. pSpencer,.pWalck, p

High School NineBlanks Chatham Team

Coach CorTee'-s Player* Score

All Seven Runs in Second

Inning; C. GrirHtha Hits


CITIZENS PROTEST(Conttoiutd Iron fate <m*)

Phmuner aid that, In all probabtUty,the dink* would be t^ken Up o«alrtJanuary 1, 1»M. "~

President Harry.A. SUaon in replyUs Un. StangeX'* Inquiry aa to whetherit t u . leual for the board to eliminatethe cllnlci ones the public haa votedmoney for their operation, aald that Itwaa legal, pointing out that the money

wpjild not be apent for other

Bottom waa appMalas aateacher In Otanl Schael tor acat». b-rd *o w^ . r~d a t i o n i o « l«a«e kfb< Dorothy W^m

steal programs) that- are ten*sai led l a the rartous achoats. ^

Tb« board roted to cocaajr •'

HR •uM-l appropriate*

eclved from the State commissioner ofeducation. In reply to a letter sent byPresident Btaaon, to the effect thatNew Jersey schools a n not required bylaw. to have denial clinics. The letter

I "stated, however, that classes for sub

JEniiitht. M LIb

jxcellerit performance*. I" Bill Klein,pitched.» four-hit game1 for CraulordA He <lld not permit a

(txtb7~|St.tkc teaaaen in mudc and one praetie*

. June 3T. when It wUl meet toUBU ior coal and other school

Peter Poelger's

524 Center

First Prize Seermay be had in Cr^oiord from

W.C ROBINSONtifAnuSi==~L •• > Telephone &0699-J

Prompt DeKveiy Anywhere in Cranford

Qeezon Ice at AD Times

Burr, cPoraplluho IfFredi rlduton w>C Wulck 2bI Unman rfitliln ifKracmer p


The local pitcher retired eight vlalt-0 Ing batters via the strike-out route* during the conUwt, \ .

0 • : . — - /


! 0 The Cranford -high school golf team_ defeated the Union high school team.

>• . ' • , " • ' ' . 7 |g 3 10 to 8, In a match iilsyed at Nomc-Iwcstfleld ' , . , . . ; ,^ ,,..7. J00000OW^-fl '»*«*« P»rk Monday. JTlw local tmm! Cranford '""''",ZZ'ZZm2 0100ia^l '«U«> to' Dlace In Uie State golf meet

Tw.-,ba« bit.. Pompllano. Enright . ! '"' ^ U ^ » . r l t h ^ T r ' t ' vMaun 11 Bhefidan. Svrlick o u t - b y »»- l u r I w d l n a " 9 f o r lhf Mtt*drr s by 6rlnves 1, by;Mcdeed 3. Um-


V (orneiAU-Bm'emr JUNK I I

OUR PRICESOn What We Have in Stock



ALFRED BROWN(Next to the Fire House)

plrc, Kaiw.for TonhoTK In


as the low medalist for the. CrUnfor*reprenenaltves In llu> state meet.'.


of Mrsthe teachers' committee,.Mlaa Beatrice

. P i m m i 11WDCB BOND 'JMitchell Crawelly, colored, age 33. of i

TM Cranford avenue.' was released junder tSOO' ball to await action of the |Grand Jury by Judge L. L. Loveland;In Police Court Monday. Crawelly,who waa picked up Sunday morning bypatrolman Oeorge Rosendale, waatharged wtlh carrying a concealedweapon. The officer found Crawelly Ina field near Hayes street brandishinga 3« calibre revolver «t three men whogave their names as .Reynolds Rah-mlng orrjentennlal avenue,. John John-son of Hayes street and Cyrus Morrispf : Riverside Drive.. Rosendale dis-armed Crawelly. The gun cori'talrledfour iondfd cartridges and one recently

Amerlran Legion Junior

OlanUCubs ..


will meet In grant School at 8 o'clock |;_Tuesday night,.'June 27, to receive bids,

for general,'aft, kindergarten, manual ["tratnlngysclimcerand Janltor»*"iupplle*j and fuel for UK 1P33-34 school year., Sraled-blda will be received for all sup-pile*. ,

I Tim supply committee of which• Clvorge ClUnery \» chairman, outlined

t fHttntj| ftr» atlll ln the l.h» rhn\j\\jitt* h\ii\q*\ yif tVftt

...A.-.: :.3


Jtlanding.0 1.0003 " JOO2 M03 .360

(f pload In the American legion Junion for the coming year, at Tucsday'a meet-Bnaeball I<fague, the t«im waa defeated Ing, • From Chlnery'a report, the re-in u practice gam* Saturday morning quired exxpendltbres of the supplyby (lie Cubs, 14 to~3.~Thc.Oubs forfeit- :.commitU« will be 13.592.37 leas than, theed'ijMi, n'gular game because they did budget. !.*- • ' ' *not have all players registered. TheBears downed the Yanks, 8 to 3, In theother, contest Imit Saturday. r

Tlir Qlants will play ,4he Bears atUnainl—Park -Saturday morning,-^and

'Uie Yanks will attempt to get out oli Uie cellar' position by trouncing UieC'ubi In Uie' other contest which will be

at Numahegan Park.

HESS BROS.Plumbings Heating, Tinnin<

ORantonl O-0J14


Htglt-Gnde Grocer

rtwnaa CaUnford «-.ltM—t-lMl




Quality Fuel OilFar die Oi feme*


PREMfUHard, Low in Adh, GurnDg More He*l Per DolUr Than

Any Olher CoJ Mined.

Lehigh Coal Supply Co.;-"'..: v ••" •••"•. "'' * « f l t e i o o County. N . T "




, Top and Bottom Round



H« TO 10 LB.


27C« • 1 LB.



17 C

• • LB.

. —- Boneless CHUCK ROAST

fJScT1 V LB.


1 8 C1 W LB.







STRINGLESS BEANS H- VWbb-BEERW* IOB—- 'BEER""Goetz Brew . . . . $3.50 Blue Ribbon . . $3,50Kreuaer's Special 2.00 Old Stock Pule Beer £ 2 5

2.25 Budweuer BeerRheingold' Light and Dark

Elizabeth Brew 2.00 Pickwick Ale





Union Avenue, N., Cranford (Fresh Fish Thursday and Friday) Just Call CRanford 6-0260-64)393-64)3941 *- • f " J *" *• 1 * u ^ „ ~ ~ f « . - _ x ••" it4&M

J /

• - sL