a last day home by :markus cardenas. the trees bristle thru the air. water flows in a graceful...

A last Day Home By :Markus Cardenas

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Post on 31-Dec-2015




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A last Day Home

By :Markus Cardenas

The trees bristle thru the air .

water flows in a graceful current of peace.

Even the air is as gentle as a feather .

All noise is heard, even the tiniest squeak.

But where did this noise come from? A mouse, a cow or even a bear?


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For it came from an animal not known to any. It lived a small life, not noticeable to many.

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It ran though the forest at astonishing speed. For this is the reason, it had never been seen. For it legs are like rockets and his body like comets.

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He was unknown to all, and the last of his kind. He lived his life a lonely life with no company except for himself. For what would happen if he wasn’t there?

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For there would be no colors, if he wasn’t there. For no one did know it, but he was the one who kept the forest green, the morning sky blue and the blistering hot sun yellow.

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As the days went by, this unknown animal grew weary, now nicknamed ’’turtle’’. And what would you guess that happened to the morning blue sky, the beautiful forest green, and the blistering yellow sun?

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The colors in the world began to fade away. And as all of earth’s creatures began wondering what had happened, the turtle was still growing tired.

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Finally, when the turtle only had a week to live, the animals asked the elders what was happening. And the elders told of a legendary animal. In which they had seen on a cave wall many years ago.

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(300 A.D)

Even though the animals now knew about this creature, they still did not know what to do. Until, at last the elders gave the animals a book containing all the information about the universe. The animals quickly opened it to see the information about the color turtle.

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Color Turtles

As they read through the information about sky turtles, they knew what to do at once. Every thousand years a new color turtle was born. And when it died, a new one was born. But if this new turtle died ,then the world would fade away for a thousand years. If the offspring was never called to live , then the age of the color turtles would be gone. And the universe would be no more.

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So they called upon the new color turtle. And when they did, something amazing happened. The sky filled with mysterious beautiful colors.

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And something mysterious came out of the lights. And floated to the earth. For the animals knew what it was. It was another….

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Color turtle!!! And at that very moment the old color turtle disappeared. And all the color in the universe was restored.

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The EndAnd so they colors of

the color turtle was restored. And the animals knew, that even the tiniest thing, can affect everything.

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