a perspective on american eel management and …...a perspective on american eel management and...

A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1 , Alastair Mathers 2 , and Steve LaPan 3 1 Great Lakes Fishery Commission 2 Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry 3 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

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Page 1: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the

Great Lakes

John M. Dettmers1, Alastair Mathers2, and Steve LaPan3

1 Great Lakes Fishery Commission 2Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

3New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Page 2: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

Outline for Today’s Thoughts

• Importance of American Eels in the Great Lakes

• Great Lakes fishery management

• Existing efforts re eel management

• The need for coordinated management

Presentation Notes
IMPORTANT: Notes pages will accompany each slide. Please use the notes page to complement the slide – to help a “relatively uninformed reader” grasp what is being conveyed on the slide. Unsupported slides can be somewhat unintelligible because of the limited space to convey complex points. Bullets are acceptable as long as the “clear communication” objective is met. Efforts should be made to restrict the note to one slide page. Commissioners should be able to read only the notes and understand the point of each slide. Also, the notes for each slide will serve as the foundation for the GLFC’s annual report. Annual reports will be in a new format that will present the highlights of each directorate Be sensitive to the possibility that your notes will be publically available, though directors will always be able to edit text before it is included in the annual report.
Page 3: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

Historical Abundance • “…an almost unlimited supply …eels”

Du Creux 1664

• “…the eel constitutes a manna exceeding all belief…”

Le Jeune 1652-1653

• “ …one or two men could catch five or six thousand in a single night…”

Le Jeune 1652-1653

Page 4: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

American Eel Fisheries • Important source of food and medicine to First Nations peoples

and an important component of the commercial fishery. • New York commercial fisheries for eels in Lake Ontario closed

in 1982. • Ontario commercial fisheries for eels throughout the province

closed in 2004.



































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(After King 1866) Ontario commercial fishery for eels in Lake Ontario - closed in 2004

Presentation Notes
American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) is the only member of the genus Anguilla found in North America. Once thought to be more than 30% of the nearshore biomass of Lake Ontario fishes Ontario commercial fishery for eels in Lake Ontario was closed in 2004
Page 5: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

Fishery Independent Data

Page 6: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

Moses – Saunders Dam

NYPA eel ladder in operation since 2006

OPG eel ladder in operation since 1974 (upgrade in 2009)

Water flow

Page 7: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

Moses-Saunders Eel ladder results as of Oct 1, 2015

Page 8: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve
Page 9: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

Outline for Today’s Thoughts

• Importance of American Eels in the Great Lakes

• Great Lakes fishery management

• Existing efforts re eel management

• The need for coordinated management

Presentation Notes
IMPORTANT: Notes pages will accompany each slide. Please use the notes page to complement the slide – to help a “relatively uninformed reader” grasp what is being conveyed on the slide. Unsupported slides can be somewhat unintelligible because of the limited space to convey complex points. Bullets are acceptable as long as the “clear communication” objective is met. Efforts should be made to restrict the note to one slide page. Commissioners should be able to read only the notes and understand the point of each slide. Also, the notes for each slide will serve as the foundation for the GLFC’s annual report. Annual reports will be in a new format that will present the highlights of each directorate Be sensitive to the possibility that your notes will be publically available, though directors will always be able to edit text before it is included in the annual report.
Page 10: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve


Page 11: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

1880s 1890s 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s

Un-successful attempts at cooperation

Failed Treaty

1883-1942: Improvised conferences, false starts, and attempts at agreement

Presentation Notes
1883-1942: Improvised conferences, false starts, and attempts at agreement During this era, agencies were highly parochial. They did try to work together. At least 27 international and interstate conferences were held At the AFS meeting of 1897, for instance, states agreed on the need for uniform regulations, but nothing came of it. In 1929, Michigan and Ontario met to establish uniform regulations but neither government passed those regulations. The federal governments signed—but rejected--one international treaty: too much power to the feds. Governments virtually ignored and often infringed upon tribal prerogative Fishery managers were unable or unwilling to persuade their legislatures to implement the recommendations of the many conferences and meetings. This parochialism did little to conserve the fishery or to build trust among fishers. Hard-won regulations in each jurisdiction were rarely reciprocated
Page 12: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

Great Lakes Fishery Commission

Established 1955 by Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries U.S. & Canada Parties 3 General Duties Coordinate Fisheries

Research Coordinate Fisheries

Management Conduct Sea Lamprey


Page 13: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

A Joint Strategic Plan for Management of Great Lakes Fisheries

• Many jurisdictions on the lakes • Provincial, state, tribal, federal, binational • Need to work together

• Plan signed in 1981; revised in 1997 • Complex issues

• Need to understand the resource • Need to translate science into management • Need to balance competing interests

• Participants work together

• Under the Joint Strategic Plan • Through “lake committee” meetings

• Great Lakes Fishery Commission facilitates • Highly successful agreement!

Page 14: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

Strategies for Great Lakes Fishery Management

• Consensus • Accountability • Information Sharing • Ecosystem-based Management

Page 15: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

Outline for Today’s Thoughts

• Importance of American Eels in the Great Lakes

• Great Lakes fishery management

• Existing efforts re eel management

• The need for coordinated management

Presentation Notes
IMPORTANT: Notes pages will accompany each slide. Please use the notes page to complement the slide – to help a “relatively uninformed reader” grasp what is being conveyed on the slide. Unsupported slides can be somewhat unintelligible because of the limited space to convey complex points. Bullets are acceptable as long as the “clear communication” objective is met. Efforts should be made to restrict the note to one slide page. Commissioners should be able to read only the notes and understand the point of each slide. Also, the notes for each slide will serve as the foundation for the GLFC’s annual report. Annual reports will be in a new format that will present the highlights of each directorate Be sensitive to the possibility that your notes will be publically available, though directors will always be able to edit text before it is included in the annual report.
Page 16: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

Conservation Stocking – Background and Objectives

• Over 4 million eels stocked into Lake Ontario/ Upper St. Lawrence River between 2006-10

• Objectives: 1. Assess relative abundance,

biomass, growth, sex ratio and determine current distribution

2. Determine the possibility of small stocked silver eels successfully migrating to spawn

Page 17: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

Conservation Stocking - Results

• Stocked eels survived, dispersed, & grew rapidly

• Some issues: 1. Stocking resulted in ♂ 2. Anguillicoloides crassus

appeared in the lake 3. Stocking ‘phenotype’


2009 2010 2011 2012


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2010 2011 2012 2013



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Page 18: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

Eel Passage Research Center Funding:

• OPG, HQ, and NYPA are Tier 1 funders

• $230,000 per year for five years.

• EDF (France) considering joining

• Duke Power is Tier 2 funder

• $75,000 per year for five years.

Current projects:

1. Measurement of water currents and flows above Iroquois Dam and Beauharnois Dam

2. Testing guidance techniques

• Using St. Lawrence River eels in flume at Alden Labs

• Guidance techniques include sound, electricity, and EMF

3. White paper on use of light as a guidance technique

Page 19: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

Outline for Today’s Thoughts

• Importance of American Eels in the Great Lakes

• Great Lakes fishery management

• Existing efforts re eel management

• The need for coordinated management

Presentation Notes
IMPORTANT: Notes pages will accompany each slide. Please use the notes page to complement the slide – to help a “relatively uninformed reader” grasp what is being conveyed on the slide. Unsupported slides can be somewhat unintelligible because of the limited space to convey complex points. Bullets are acceptable as long as the “clear communication” objective is met. Efforts should be made to restrict the note to one slide page. Commissioners should be able to read only the notes and understand the point of each slide. Also, the notes for each slide will serve as the foundation for the GLFC’s annual report. Annual reports will be in a new format that will present the highlights of each directorate Be sensitive to the possibility that your notes will be publically available, though directors will always be able to edit text before it is included in the annual report.
Page 20: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

Coordination in the Great Lakes Region

• Upper St. Lawrence River/Great Lakes region cannot directly control immigration into the system

• Conservation stocking is not a viable solution

• USLR/GL region is working to reduce escapement mortality in its area of influence

• Efforts to coordinate are good within the region • Common sense of the problem (e.g., jurisdictions, industry,

stakeholders) • Commitment to improve population status

• Regional efforts may have minimal impact on the population

Page 21: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve

Coordination Across North America

• Requires Canadian and U.S. federal governments seeing need to coordinate

• Likely to not occur until some crisis arises…or • Substantial agreement among regional groups that a problem exists • Uncertainty about listing status does not create urgency

• At what point is action needed? • Limited recruitment to extremities of the range • Climate uncertainties • Extensive harvest of early life stages • Importance of the precautionary approach

• Great Lakes Fishery Commission could assist if called on • Commissioners will discuss at their December meeting • Would want to work in partnership with Atlantic States Marine Fisheries


Page 22: A Perspective on American Eel Management and …...A Perspective on American Eel Management and Conservation from the Great Lakes John M. Dettmers 1, Alastair Mathers 2, and Steve