a pictorial tour of coach houses of toronto

A Pictorial Tour of Coach Houses of Toronto Meet Author and Founder of Move Seniors Lovingly, Margo Salnek. Margo reveals the secret world of Coach Houses of Toronto exploring a blend of history, beautiful interiors and life behind the gorgeous gardens. Followed by High Tea Thursday, October 24 th 2pm-4pm "You've got to get this book" Brian Gluckstein, City Line TV Guests can purchase “Coach Houses of Toronto’’ hard cover book for $40 Please RSVP by October 21 st .2013 The Royal Henley 582 Ontario St. Catharines, ON L2N 0A2 905.935.1800 PRESENTS

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PRESENTS. A Pictorial Tour of Coach Houses of Toronto. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: A Pictorial Tour of Coach Houses of Toronto

A Pictorial Tour of Coach Houses of


Meet Author and Founder of Move Seniors Lovingly, Margo Salnek. Margo reveals the secret world of Coach Houses of

Toronto exploring a blend of history, beautiful interiors and life behind the gorgeous gardens.

Followed by High Tea 

Thursday, October 24th

2pm-4pm"You've got to get this book"Brian Gluckstein, City Line TV 

Guests can purchase “Coach Houses of Toronto’’ hard cover book for $40

Please RSVP by October 21st.2013

The Royal Henley    582 Ontario St. Catharines, ON  L2N 0A2     905.935.1800