a quarterly newsletter for ayurvedic & herbal … › downloads › ayurbiz_ayurbiz...

Dear Members, It was a great pleasure for me to meet some of the Founders, Patron Members and Past Presidents of ADMA while we had organised Felicitation function on 17th November 2011. During our Annual General Body Meeting held on 17-11-2011, our Managing Committee has interacted with the Members and fruitful discussions were held. Some of our members brought to our notice that they are facing hardship while renewal of their licenses due to implementation of Rule 158 B. This is now a burning issue to the Industry. Our Managing Committee is trying its level best to solve the common problems faced by the ASU Industry by way of representation to the Department of AYUSH and other officials. ADMA Representatives are also interacting with the officials of the Department of AYUSH to solve various issues. Department of AYUSH has invited the comments on the GCP Guideline which is uploaded on their website. Our Association has submitted its comments after receiving the feedback from some of our Member Companies. I thank all Patron and Life members who have whole heartedly who have supported the Association by way of Special contribution. We wish all our valued Members of ADMA a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. Subharthee Dey President-ADMA A QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER FOR AYURVEDIC & HERBAL INDUSTRY From the President’s Desk For Private & Restricted Circulation Only Vol.1 No. 4 October - December 2011

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Page 1: A QuArterly NewSletter fOr AyurveDic & HerbAl … › downloads › ayurbiz_Ayurbiz October...Ayurvedic formulations would severely affect the ASU Industry. We had also mentioned that

October-December 2011 1

Dear Members,

It was a great pleasure for me to meet some of the Founders, Patron Members and Past Presidents of ADMA while we had organised Felicitation function on 17th November 2011.

During our Annual General Body Meeting held on 17-11-2011, our Managing Committee has interacted with the Members and fruitful discussions were held.

Some of our members brought to our notice that they are facing hardship while renewal of their licenses due to implementation of Rule 158 B. This is now a burning issue to the Industry.

Our Managing Committee is trying its level best to solve the common problems faced by the ASU Industry by way of representation to the Department of AYUSH and other officials. ADMA Representatives are also interacting with the officials of the Department of AYUSH to solve various issues.

Department of AYUSH has invited the comments on the GCP Guideline which is uploaded on their website. Our Association has submitted its comments after receiving the feedback from some of our Member Companies.

I thank all Patron and Life members who have whole heartedly who have supported the Association by way of Special contribution.

We wish all our valued Members of ADMA a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.

Subharthee Dey President-ADMA

A QuArterly NewSletter fOr AyurveDic & HerbAl iNDuStry

From the President’s Desk

for Private & restricted circulation Only vol.1 No. 4 October - December 2011

Page 2: A QuArterly NewSletter fOr AyurveDic & HerbAl … › downloads › ayurbiz_Ayurbiz October...Ayurvedic formulations would severely affect the ASU Industry. We had also mentioned that

October-December 20112

A gist of activities and updates are given below for your information.

1. We have received Office Memorandum dated 29-9-2011 from Dr. Janardhan Pande, Joint Advisor, and Department of AYUSH requesting us to provide a list of medicines con-taining potential toxic ingredients of

Schedule E1 Drugs to be covered under provision of Sale Licence.

We had sent our submission on 24-10-2011 giving therewith the details of our earlier submissions and also informed that introduction of sale licence for Ayurvedic formulations would severely affect the ASU Industry.

We had also mentioned that it would be difficult for the Industry to provide a list of medicines containing potential toxic ingredients of Schedule E1 drugs.

2. We had made a submission to Mr. Suman Chatterjee, Under Secretary, Department of AYUSH on 25-10-2011 requesting him for a special sanction of subsidy for the following events:-

i. 1st Ayurveda Today Conference and Arogya Expo 9th – 11th December 2011,Mumbai

ii. World Conference on AYU 5-8 January 2012 in Pune

iii. Global Ayurveda Festival,Trivandrum 9-14 February 2012

iv. 12th International Congress of Ethno pharma-cology 17-19 February 2012, Kolkata

We are happy to inform all Members that proposal for reimbursement to Industries for participating in 1st Ayurveda Today Conference and Arogya Expo at Mumbai and Global Ayurveda Festival at Thiruvananthapuram have been approved by the Department of AYUSH vide their letter

From the Secretary’s Desk

chandrakant bhanushali Hon. Gen. Secretary

Conference Room

ADMA Conference Room is available for Meetings/ Workshops

For enquiry, kindly contact the Secretariat


3. We had requested Shri D.D.Sharma, Joint Secretary; vide our letter dated 2-11-2011 for a proper training to our Members enlisting therewith details of Notifications issued by the Department of AYUSH. We had also requested to depute their technical expert during the Workshop which would be shortly organized by ADMA. We also informed them that our Association is prepared to conduct Workshops all over the country with the financial assistance from the department of AYUSH.

4. As you are all aware that Felicitation function and Annual General Body Meeting took place on 17-11-2011 and proceedings of the same is published in Page No. 5 of this AYURBIZ issue.

5. We had been invited for a Meeting on issues related to normally traded commodities scheduled to be held on 21st December 2011 at Royal Orchid Hotel, Bangalore. Dr. D.B.A. Narayana and Ms Preeti of Hindustan Unilever represented ADMA in this meeting.

6. GAAMA and ADMA organized a Training Programme on Bar Coding on 22-11-2011 at Vadodara for the awareness of the Members on the notification issued by the DGFT. There was a good response for this Workshop.

Members who have not yet renewed their member-ship subscription for the year 2011-12 are request-ed to support and co-operate by renewing their membership immediately.

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year 2012.

Page 3: A QuArterly NewSletter fOr AyurveDic & HerbAl … › downloads › ayurbiz_Ayurbiz October...Ayurvedic formulations would severely affect the ASU Industry. We had also mentioned that

October-December 2011 3

Don’t worry, be happyPositive affect prevents heart disease

The famous saying, don’t worry, be happy, does indeed seem to have a scientific basis after all. Studies have found that positive affect is associated with increased survival, improved immune function, and lower risk of diabetes and hypertension, whereas negative emotions such as anger/hostility and depression are associated with a higher risk of incident coronary heart disease (CHD). Positive affect is defined as the experience of pleasurable emotions such as joy, happiness, excitement, enthusiasm, and contentment. These feelings can be transient, but they are usually stable and trait-like, particularly in adulthood. Interestingly, positive affect is largely independent of negative affect, as someone who is generally a happy, contented person can also occasionally be anxious, angry, or depressed. Positive affect has been proposed as a protective factor for ill-health for many years. In fact, Ayurveda identifies Vishaad (depression) as the foremost cause of aggravation of disease. However, there has been little research to address the question of whether positive affect protects against CHD.

The Canadian Nova Scotia Health Survey conducted by Karina W. Davidson, Elizabeth Mostofsky, and William Whang of the Department of Medicine, Center for Behavioral Cardiovascular Health, Columbia University Medical Center, New York throws some interesting light on this phenomenon (European Heart Journal, February 17, 2010).

These researchers examined the association between positive affect and cardiovascular events in 1739 adults (862 men and 877 women) in the 1995 Nova Scotia Health Survey. Trained nurses conducted ‘Type A’ Structured Interviews, and coders rated the degree of outwardly displayed positive affect on a five-point scale. To test that positive affect predicts incident CHD when controlling for depressive symptoms and other negative affects, the researchers used as covariates: Center for Epidemiological Studies Depressive symptoms Scale, the Cook Medley Hostility scale, and the Spielberger Trait Anxiety Inventory.

There were 145 (8.3%) acute non-fatal or fatal ischaemic heart disease events during the 14 916 person-years of observation. In a proportional hazards model controlling for age, sex, and cardiovascular risk factors, positive affect predicted CHD (adjusted HR, 0.78; 95% CI 0.63–0.96 per point), the covariate depressive symptoms continued to predict CHD as had been published previously in the same patients (HR, 1.04; 95% CI 1.01–1.07 per point) and hostility and anxiety did not (both P . 0.05). Thus, in this large, population-based

study, increased positive affect was protective against 10-year incident CHD, suggesting that preventive strategies may be enhanced not only by reducing depressive symptoms but also by increasing positive affect

The positive affect we assessed is relatively easy to judge in a clinical situation. Does the patient smile and appear able to enjoy some aspects of life during the clinical interview or medical history taking? Do they report that they experience pleasure or excitement with some parts of their daily life? Assessment of positive affect may complement

evaluations for CHD risk that only assess negative emotions such as depression.

Potential interventions to augment positive affect are usually labelled behavioral activation interventions, in which a patient notes which hobbies, daily activities, or other habits are enjoyable, with instructions to pursue those activities with increased and documented daily frequency. Conducting such a simple intervention results in patient-reported increases in quality of life.

In fact, most successful depression interventions include increasing positive affect, as well as decreasing negative affect, as key components to psychotherapy. Furthermore, a recent study reports that the use of antidepressants without psychotherapy can result in lower levels of positive affect. Randomized controlled trials directly increasing positive affect in cardiopulmonary patients are now underway.

Source-Abstract from “European Heart Journal’

Page 4: A QuArterly NewSletter fOr AyurveDic & HerbAl … › downloads › ayurbiz_Ayurbiz October...Ayurvedic formulations would severely affect the ASU Industry. We had also mentioned that

October-December 20114

Arjun tree- Kingdom : Plantae

Division Magnoliophyta

class: Magnoliopsida

Order : Myrtales

family : Combretaceae

Genus : Terminalia

Species: T. arjuna

Zoological name : Terminalia arjuna

found in : Bandhavgarh National Park, Pench Tiger Reserve and Kanha National Park

Other names: Arjuna, Koha, Kahu, Arjan, White Marudah, White Murdh, Arjuna Myrobalan, Orjun, Yerra maddi, Sadada, Sadaru and many more.

Description: Arjuna is the large size deciduous tree. The height of the Arjuna tree reaches upto 60 -85 feet. It is the evergreen tree with the yellow flowers and conical leaves. It has a smooth gray bark. Fruit is 2.5 -3.5 cm long, fibrous woody, glabrous with 5 hard wings, striated with numerous curved veins. It has a buttressed trunk and a vast spreading crown from which the branches drop downwards. Its leaves

are dull green above and pale brown beneath. Arjuna flowers between March to June and fruits between September to November.

Other Species: Terminalia chebula, T. bellrica and T. ciliata are the other species of Arjun tree found in India.

location: Terminalia Arjuna is common throughout India especially in the sub Himalayan tracts and Eastern India. They are widely grown in Bandhavgarh National Park, Pench tiger reserve and Kanha National Park in India. It is mainly grown on the banks of the rivers and streams.

cultivation methods: Its fruit is dried in the sunlight and than stored up to 6 -12 months. Seeds are pretreated by soaking in the water for 48 hours before sowing in beds. 8 – 9 months seedlings are better to transplant in the field.

Medicinal uses: The Bark of the Arjuna tree contains calcium salts, magnesium salts, and glucosides has been used in traditional Ayurvedic herbalism Juice of its leaf is used to cure dysentry and earache. Arjuna helps in maintaining the cholesterol level at the normal rate, as it contains the antioxidant properties similar to the Vitamin E. It strengths the heart muscles and maintains the heart functioning properly. It also improves functioning of cardiac muscle. Arjuna is used for the treatment of coronary artery disease, heart failure, edema, angina and hypercholesterolemia. Its bark power possesses diuretic, prostaglandin enhancing and coronary risk factor modulating properties. It is also considered as beneficial in the treatment of Asthma.

Other uses: Its wood is used in boat and house building as it is very hard. Its wood is also used in the making of the agricultural implements and weapons too. It is grown in the cities and towns for the purpose of shade

cultural importance: Arjuna is one of the sacred tree of India. It has acquired the social and religious sanctity with the passage of time. It is said that Arjuna has been born of the two sons of Kubair after saint Narada cursed him. The leaves and flowers of this tree are offered to the Lord Vishnu and Lord Ganpati on the several religious occasions. It has been used in Ayurvedic formation since ancient times.

Source : www.ecoindia.com


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October-December 2011 5

Programme started at 11.30 a.m. with lighting of the lamp by Mr. Kishor D. Shroff, Founder and Past President of the Association, President Mr. Subharthee Dey, Hon. Gen. Secretary Mr. Chandrakant Bhanushali and Mr. Sudhakar Pathak, Member of the Managing Committee.

Hon. Gen. Secretary, Mr. Chandrakant Bhanushali, welcomed all the Founders, Patron Members, Past Presidents, Ex-Managing Committee Members, Present Members of the Managing Committee and also all Members of ADMA attended this function.

While addressing the august gathering President mentioned that he was happy to meet the Founders, Past Presidents and Patron Members who are the pillars of this Association, and because of whom he could serve as a President of ADMA today. He also mentioned that it is the effort of the Past Presidents and their team for the growth of this Association which is recognized today as a National Association. Even the Department of AYUSH recognizes this Association and they have included the names of our Representatives in the XII Five-Year Plan Working Group and Task Force.

President Mr. Subharthee Dey felicitated Mr. Kishor Shroff – Charak Pharma Pvt. Ltd. The sentiments expressed by Mr. Kishor Shroff is quoted below:

“It was pleasure for me by attending the function of Felicitation it gave me the opportunity of meeting many old and new members. I am obliged for the felicitation. I wish & pray to god to give multifold prosperity to the association & I am always available for the services if any required”

Since Dr. P.G. Sandu, Sandu Brothers Pvt. Ltd., could not attend the function, Dr. Nagesh Sandu accepted .the Memento, Shawl etc.

On behalf of Mr. Anand Puranik – Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd.,Mr. Ranjit Puranik accepted. Memento and Shawl etc. and he mentioned that his father could not attend the function as he was to attend another function, and he would have loved to see all his old colleagues.

Proceedings of the felicitation function held on thursday, 17th November 2011 at ruby Hall, Hotel Kohinoor Park at Prabhadevi

On behalf of Mr. R.K. Agarwal – Natural Remedies Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Amit Agarwal accepted. the Memento, Shawl etc.

On behalf of Dr. G. Ganga Raju – Chemiloids, Mr. accepted. the Memento, Shawl etc.

On behalf of Dr. Anil Kumar – Kerala Ayurveda Ltd., Dr. P.M. Varier accepted. the Memento, Shawl etc.

The entire programme was compered by Dr. Nagesh Sandu. He also read out brief profile of all the Founder, Past Presidents,. Patron Members which are as follows:

Dr. P.G. Sandu, Sandu Brothers Pvt. Ltd. – Founder, Past President (1994-98) and Patron Member

Mr. Kishor Shroff – Charak Pharma Pvt. Ltd – Founder, Past President (1998-2003)and Patron Member

Mr. Anand Puranik – Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd.. – Founder and Patron Member

Mr. Pramod Sharma–Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd.-President and Patron Member

Dr. N.D. vaidya–Herbolabs India Pvt. Ltd.-Founder

Mr. vivek Joshi – Ayurvin Pharmaceuticals – Founder

Mr. Anand burman,Dabur India Ltd.,– Patron Member

Mr. ravi Prasad–The Himalaya Drug Company – Patron member

Dr. G. Ganga raju – Chemiloids – Patron Member

Mr. r.S.Agarwal – Emami Ltd- Patron Member

Mr. r.K. Agarwal – Natural Remedies Pvt. Ltd – Patron Member

Mr. Nitin Paranjpe – Hindustan Unilever Ltd.-Patron Member

Dr. Anil Kumar–Kerala Ayurveda Ltd.- Patron Member

Mr. Nimish Shroff thanked all those who have attended this function and made it a grand success.

Members who are in arrears of their membership subscription are requested to send their

outstanding membership subscription amount immediately

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October-December 20116

felicitation function

Inauguration of the Felicitation Function by lighting lamp – President, ADMA

Founder Member and Ex-President Mr. Kishor Shroff joining in lighting the lamp

Mr.Sudhakar G. Pathak, Committee Member, joining in lighting the lamp

Ex President and Founder Member Mr. Kishor Shroff expressing his sentiments on felicitation

Mr. Ranjit Puranik accepting bouquet and Memento on behalf of Mr. Anand Puranik, Founder and Patron Member

Dr. Amit Agarwal accepting bouquet and Memento on behalf of Mr. R.K. Agarwal ,Patron Member

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October-December 2011 7

Members gathered for the Felicitation Function. Conducting AGM - Seating (L –R) Mr. Shashank Sandu (Treasurer), Mr. Chandrakant Bhanushali

(Gen.Secretary), Mr. Subharthee Dey (President) and Mr. Nimish Shroff (Joint Secretary).

Reproducing herewith DGFT Notification with regard to implementation of bar coding, for the

information of MembersGovernment of India

Ministry of Commerce and Industry Department of Commerce

Directorate General of Foreign Trade

Public Notice No. 87 (RE-2010)/2009-2014, New Delhi, Dated the 22nd December, 2011

Sub: Deferment in the date of effect for implementation of bar-coding on Primary and Secondary level packaging on export consignment of pharmaceuticals and drugs for tracing and tracking purpose.

In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14, as amended from time to time, Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes following amendments in Public Notice No. 59(RE-2010)/2009-14 dated 30.06.2011 read with Public Notice No. 21 dated 10.01.2011:

2. The trace and track technology as per serial number 2(i) a and 2(i) b of Public Notice No. 59(RE-2010)/2009-14 dated 30.06.2011 will come into effect as follows:(a) Primary Level packaging - With effect from 1st

January, 2013(b) Secondary Level packaging - With effect from 1st

July, 2012

3. effect of this Public Notice: Earlier the requirement of affixing barcodes on Secondary level and Primary level packaging was to come into effect from 01.01.2012 and 01.07.2012 respectively. Now more time is being allowed.

(Anup K.Pujari), Director General of Foreign Trade, E-mail: [email protected]

(Issued from F.No. 01/91/180/648/AM 09/Export Cell)

We undertake systematic product development work at our DSIR

approved R & D facility for entire range of Ayurvedic formulations &

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CHARAK PHARMA PVT. LTD, MUMBAITel No.: 022 3301 6664 / 5 /6.

Fax No.: 022 24938215, E-mail: [email protected]

ADMA now accepts Advertisements in

AyurbiZFor details, please contact

ADMA Secretariat

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October-December 20118

Forthcoming EventsNifteM Programme on GMP/ GHP/ HAccP Organised by Quality Council of India (QCI) January 23-25, 2012 at NIFTEM Campus, Sonepat.

international conference On yoga, Naturopathy and ArOGyA expo-2012 Organised by Department of AYUSH, Govt. of Karnataka February 9th to 13th, 2012. at “Gayathri Vihar”, Palace Grounds, Bengaluru.

Ayurveda Keralam 2012’ – Global Ayurveda festival - Kerala (GAf-K) & Arogya expo Organised by the Centre for Innovation in Science and Social Action (CISSA), jointly with Govt. of Kerala and the Ayurveda Fraternity of Kerala. February 9th to 14th , 2012 at Kanakakunnu, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

12th congress of the international Society for ethno pharma-cology (iSe) on “traditional Medicines and Globalisation the future of Ancient Systems of Medicine”February 17-19, 2012 at Jadavpur University, Kolkata. Website www.ise-snpsju.org

7th NutrA iNDiA SuMMit 2012,Organised by Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, IUFoST, Pharmexcil and MM ACTIV March 15-17, 2012 at Bangalore.

Healthplex expo – 2012Organised by China Chamber of Commerce for Import & export of Medicines & Health Products (CCCMHPIE) and Trade Development Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce March 22-24, 2012 at INTEX, Shanghai, China.

4th Herbal international expo cum Summit on Medicinal & Aromatic Products, Spices and finished products(hi-MAPS)Organised by ASSOCHAM April 14th & 15th, 2012 at NSIC Exhibition Complex, Okhla, New Delhi.

Middle east Natural & Organic Product expo 2012 (MeNOPe 2012) Organised by Global Links November 27-29, 2012 at World Trade Centre, Dubai.

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