a quarterly publication of alpha phi omega natimuli service fraternity · 2014-12-04 · a...

n TORCH & TREFOIL .. A brother in "jail" was one of m an y at I he- Con - ve n unn Carnival tha t helped raise- funds for Ronald Uelv Brothers on rhe Board (U BOB)conteer rais- ed 51,300.00 for juvenile Diabe tes- Region I Director, mrn "lornusiak, was th e mos t favorite U BOBl T he coast song at the rma l ba nq uet was awesome. O Uf new Na tional Pre sid ent ... CONVENTION 1990 Region VI Director, Bobby Ha in lin e (left), buvsa new Life Member pin . Bob Dobo, Sect ion 72 C hai r man and Region IV Alumn i Repre sen - tative, was responsible (or adding 400 new Life Members to the Fraterrut.. -. A Quarterly Public ati on of Alpha Ph i Omega Nati mUlI Se rv ice Fraternit y Wi nt er /S pr ing 1991 Merchandise sa le'S were" hot", OU f blood drive attrac ted many famo us don or s...over 80 pin ts collec ted ! The se happy faces and 1469 oche r bro thers at- tend ed our St. Louis Conven tion represe ntin g 1i7 chapters.

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A brother in "jail" was one of man y at I he- Con­venunn Carnival tha t helped raise- funds forRonald ~tcDonalJ H\lUs~-Sl,Ol'O.l'('.

Uelv Brothers on rhe Board (U BOB)con teer rais­ed 51,300.00 for juvenile Diabetes- Region ID irect o r, mrn "lornusiak , was the most favoriteU BOBl

T he coast song at the rma l ba nq uet was awesome.

O Uf new N ational Presid ent.. .


Region VI Director, Bobby ~l. Hain line (left),buvs a new Life Member pin . Bob Dobo, Section72 C hai rman and Region IV Alumni Represen­tative, was responsible (or addi n g 400 new LifeMembers to the Fraterrut ..-.

A Quarterly Publication of Alpha Phi Omega NatimUlI Service FraternityWinter/Sprin g 1991

Merchandise sa le'S were " hot",

OU f blood drive attrac ted many famo usdonors...over 80 pints collected!

These happy faces and 1469 oche r bro thers a t­tended our St. Louis Conventio n rep resenting1i7 ch a p te rs.

National ArchivistRobe rt C. Barkhurst, WeM Dundee. IL

Nat ional Executive DirectorPatrick W. Burke, Independence, ~10

Ex.O fflclo MembersDonald R. Adkins, Irv in g, TXRicha rd H . Leer, Downers G rove, IL

Notice to1990

Torchbearers:Because of space limita tion in thisissue of the magaz ine , the presenra­tion of the 19<)0 roRCHBEARERSwill he featured in the Spring issue,

Gera ld A. SchroederNational President

thi s responsibility is part of a college educa­tion, pa rt of preparation for life as a par­ticipating citizen after gradua tion.

Finally, if A lpha Phi O mega is to be thepremiere co llegia te service orga niza tion ofthe 1990', and beyond, it's membershipmu st nor simply be open to all students,b ut all must be made to feel welcome andcomfortable in its embrace. A lpha PhiOmega as an organ ization must be flexib leenough, sensi tive enough, an d innovativeen ough to be inviti ng to every student onevery campus who be lieves in its ideals ofleader sh ip, frie ndship and serv ice.

A s these and other challenges are con­fronted, as they must be, choices will haveto be made. So me will invo lve change. A llwill req u ire wisdom and vision. Butnothing more is be ing asked of you thanhas been asked of your predecessors. Mak­ing choices for the goo d of the Fratern ityis an obligation of active membership. Asan aid to you, I can offer no be tter advicethan was given (0 the voting de legates atthe 1972Convention by the Chief, H. RoeBartle: "You do as you please with thisFraterni ty. But remember, the Frater nitycomes first and your selfish in terests mustcome second:'

CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIESIn this my inaugu ral column as your

president, 1 t hink it worthwhile to reviewsome of my rema rks at the closing ba nq uetof the recent National Convention in St.Louis with particular emphasis on issue sthat , in the final analysis, can on ly be ad­d ressed by our undergradua te chapte rs.

Many challenges and opportunitie s faceA lpha Phi Omega in th e 1990's, The sirn­pie fact is t hat t he world turns and thingschange, and A lpha Phi Om ega mustchange wit h t hem o r be left behind .C ha nge and bold leadership, however, arcnot hing new to ou r Fraternity.

We are t he first fraterni t y to be foundedon servi ce to ot he rs, the first fraternity toco ndemn hazin g and mean it, the firstfrater n ity to admit students of all races andcreeds, t he first fraternity to open its doorsto wome n, a nd the first and o nly fraremi­tv to be built on the principles of sco ut ing.Many of th ese cho ices took foresight andco urage. Some of them were not popularat the time wit h other student organiza­tions. A few of them were preceded bymuch discussion. But all of them toget herde fin ed and shaped the unique andmag nificent organization we know todayas Al pha Phi Omega.

Todav's Al ph a Phi O mega must continueto make informed and wise choices, not to

seek change merely for its own sake or inrespo nse to fleeting fancies, but rather toapp ly our foundi ng principles to todav's op­port uni tie s and challenges so that ourFraternity is even more viable and relevantto tomorrow's college stu dents than it is to

todav's.What are some of the challenges th at will

provoke these cho ices! First, now th at mo reand more co lleges and universities arc pro­meting volunteerism among their students,A lpha Phi Omega's ro le o n cam pus mustbe better defined to firml y establi sh it asthe prem iere collegiate service organization.

Second, at a time when the media, thepublic and, indeed , our host academ ic in ­st itu tions are questioni ng the need for andmissio n of traditiona l fraternities andso ro rities on campus , we mu st clearl ydemonstrate tha t A lpha Phi Omega alwayshas been and always will be unique as theleader and innovator of tru e ser vice toothers and the genuine worth of hu mandignity.

Third, as America ha s vast unmet needs,when one-fifth of all child ren live below th epoverty line. when peo ple are in need ofshe lter and food, Alpha Phi O mega mustdemo nst rate through action that helpingo thers is responsibil ity of citizensh ip evenfor college st udents - all co llege students- and that reco gn izing and respo ndi ng to





Alpha Phi OmegaNat ional Service Fraternity

Volume 66, No.3Winter/Spring 1991

Mem bers-at-La rgeCh uck Bowen. Columbia. SCDavid Eme ry, Turlock, CAFred C. Heism ever, Sprin gdale. ARFred L. Pollack, Port Washington, NYBetsy U llric h . Rcversford, PAJohn M. Wetheringt on. Engl ewood, CO

Regional Directors1. M. Tomusiak, Medford. MAU. Warren C. Weidman, Reading, PAIll. Robert J. H arris, Cary, NCIV. Jac k A. McKe m ie, C lem son. SCV. John R. An derson , Lan caster. O HVI. Bob by M. Hainline, Livonia, MIVII . Neal Farmer, Houston. T XVIII. Chris Nelms. Lake 51. Louis, MOtx. C ha rlie Zimmerman, Naperville. LLX . Allen Wong, D.D.S., Rosevill e, CA

Past PresidentsDr. Stan Ca rpe nter, Brenham, TXE. Ross Forman, Philadelphia, PATom T. Galt, tI,·1.D., Spartanburg, SCEarle M. Herbert. Los Angeles, CALaw rence L Hirsch, M.D., Northbrook , ILLorin A. jurvis, Rockville. MDDr. G len T. Nvgreen, Scarsdale. NYWillia m S. ROIh, Birmingham , ALDr. leste r Steig, Palo Al to, CALuci us E. You ng, LTC, Ret .• Washington, DCD r. C. P. Zla rkovich , El Paso, TX

Life MembersGeorge F.Cah ill. Pittsburgh, PAIrwin H . Ge rst, Palos Verde s Peninsul a. CAj oseph Scanlon. Kan sas Ctrv, MORoger A. Sherwo od , Kan sas CiIY. MOA. G. Spizzirri, Louisville, KY

Founding Life MembersEllswort h S. Dobson , Sabetha, KS-Donald L. Terw illiger, En glewood , FL

National OfficersGe rald A. Sch roeder. Mclean, VAN ation al Pr esident

Wilfred M. Krenek, Houston, TXN ational Vice President

National Legal CounselAlex Lewandowski, j. D., LL.M.,

Ka nsas Ci ty, MO


DESERT STORMAt O U T 1990 C onvention in St . Louis, brothers from Alpha Epsilon wanted to recognize th ose brothers from aero...s the na tion who

were serving with the military in Saudi Arabia. Donna Vicari, of th at chapter. alo ng with b rothers Yosheka Gaston. Leah Mcfarlaneand Frank \"hire, initiated a project to collect names and create a banner. Many nam es were placed on the banner at the Conventionand since then chapters have sent more names to the National Office. These names are prese nted below and svmbolize our hope thatthese brothers can return home soo n . OUT Brothers serving in th e rnilita rv seem [ 0 inte nsify o ur spiri t of Leadersh ip, Fr iendsh ip, andService and co mmitment (0 "Service to the Nation".

At this date our list is likely incomplete b UI we want to recognize th ose we do kn ow who are serving in the Middle East.

CHAPTERThera TauT hera Tau

Io ta MuLambda Omicron

Mu AlphaMu AlphaMu Alpha\1u Alpha

Nu ~tu

~u ~u

x. ZetaXI Zeta

Xi Zeta

Xl Zeta anJ Chi PiXi Zeta


Xi OmegaRho Ch,Rho ChiSigma XiSigma Xi

Tau LambdaPhi Mu

Alpha Alpha EpsilonAlpha Alpha Epsilon

Alpha Alpha X,Alpha Beta BetaAlpha Beta Mu

Alpha Gamma Gamma


Cecil Sinclair"George PappSteve A nderson

Scon BarneyMicha el-Alexis Courri nesMar tv O' BrienPaul SchroederKevin Lang

"Pat rick PrattBill BuchkoLT William BuschkoCPL Michael Mulcahy"Da n New hartLt William SheedySeen Lamerand"Carl MooreMike Allardjames G riffithMike TassoneD ave A llanFred RiplevDavid JonesBriano CloseSonny LeddaMarv BrigmanSally Ann Hines

Kathv Todd"]:im O'Donnelllui!' Alvarado"Alumni




Alpha EpsilonAlpha EpsilonAlpha EpsilonAlpha EpsilonAlpha EpsilonAlpha Epsilon

Alpha IotaBeta Beta

Beta Sigma

Beta SigmaBeta Sigma

Beta SigmaBeta Sigma

Gam ma Gamma

Epsilon ZetaEpsilon Lambd aEpsilon LambdaEpsilon Lambda

Epsilon NuZeta Alpha

BROfHE RS SERVING IN SAUDI ARABIABill BoyettScott McKa yMike \'(/atts

Brian Moore· Jeff DorseyTim Nichols·SCOt AllenKeith Karnes

Karhv A ndersonRickv Gcs mes"Todd JohnsonPeaches Cla rkJohn Grav, Jr.*Don Larso nC harlo .. Newman"David Nico losiMan hcw \'(!elchDave Lane

Dou g PierceSha ne Arnwinej. B. BcnnenRay GalindoRick KingKen Lcwi..Bill \'('ell,Dav td FischerBaron DavisTimothv jenkins

Harold Knapp

Tom MoranAn thorw-Michacl Gorski


In early February, Brothers from Mu Chapter, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana , held <1 candlelight vigil on campus In sup­po rt of the [TOOpS in Saudi Ambia. Almost 50 people including studen ts and ci ti ze ns pa rtic ipated sharing thei r' thoughts and (earso n war and offering prayers for those serving in the Middle East. For furt he r informa tio n co ntact the Mu Chaprer, ALPHA PHI OMEGA,Ind iana U n iversity, Activities Desk IMU-48K, Indiana Memori al U nion , Bloomingto n , IN 4i405-oool.

EPSIWN NUBrothers of Epsilon Nu joined in suppo rt of the troops serving in the Mi ddle East. In Februa rv they conducted a lund-raiser selling

Dessert Storm Tshirts and sweatshi r ts with all proceeds being donated to the RedCross. Fo r further information contact the EpsilonNu Chapter, ALPHA PHI O MEGA , Hewitt Union MaIO Office, SUNY College at Oswego, Oswego. NY 13126,




M It Alpha '66

Gera ld A. Schroeder of Mel.can. Virginia ......as elccu..d bvacclamation as National President bv the delegates to the1990 National C onvention In St. Lo uis, Missoun.

Jerry was initiated into Mu Alpha Chapter at GeorgetownUruversirv in Wa~hington, D.c.. in 1966 and later SCTVc..--d

as chapter president . He was also a delegate to the N67 Con­stitut ional Convention in Norman, Oklahoma. After co rn­plering his undergraduate studies, he received his Donor ofJurispru de nce degree. magna cum laude, from IndianaUniversity Law School in India napol is in Iqn .

Jerry was Chai rman of Section 84 fmm )Q77· IQSI and serv­cd on two Nat ional C o mmiu ees. Mtnortrv C o ncerns(1981·82) and the Special Committee on Fraternity Standard..(1982). He was elected to th e Nat iona l Board of Dire ctorsas a Mem ber-at -La rge in 1982 and serve d as the Chairmanof the Na tional Membershi p and Extension Committee. Hewas elected Vice President in 1l}8h and re-elected in 1988.

Since JQ7i, he has been pcrsonallv involved in the charter­ing of four chapters of the Frarer rutv . He has ad visedreference cornrnitrecs at the 1980, '82, '84, and '86 NationalC onventions and was the Advisor to the 1984 Convent io nin Washington. Jerr y is a recipient o f the Chapter, Secti onal,and Regional Distinguished Service KC·.,.5 . Silver FoundersC ircle Torchbearer. Life Member.

Following his graduation from Law School, [crrv servedfour years with the US. Army as a Captain in the Staff JudgeAdvocate C orps. He then joined the United States Depart­ment of Just ice and is curren rlv Senior Attorney in th atdepartment's Office o f lnrelligence Policy and Review. In ad ­dinon to be longing to several professional organizations. Jerryi!> a volunteer umpire in three Little-League Basebal l organize­nons and is a member of the Virginia State Tou marncru Um ­pire Associatio n. He lives With h is wife, Betsy, and thei r th reech ild ren , Jeffrey, Leslie, and Kat hrv n.


Alpha Rho '71Wilfred \1 . Kren ek wa .. elected bv the delega te.. to the St.

Loui s. Missouri Convennon to verve as the Nanonal \'11.-('Pres tdenr for the lQQ()·Q2 term.

\Vilfrl.."J was acnvated in !9'j'1 into Alpha Rho Chapte rat the Uruversuv of Texa.. ar Austin and later served 3:'

chapter president. After recetvmg a bachelor of busmcs.. ad­min istration degree In accounting. he served a Secnon 42cha irman fro m 19 77-JQBO. At the 1980 anonal Corwen­lion. Brother Krenek was elected Region V II Director. Hewas subscqucnrlv re-elected In !()82, 1%4, an d 1QSo. Hebecame a Mem ber -at-Large at the 1988 National Com-en­non in Denver an d served <I.. t he Chairman 01 the NanonalFinance Cornmit rcc.

Wilfred also served as th e Convention Coordinator fort he 1986 National Conven tio n in Hou ston. Texas. BrotherKrenek advi sed reference comrrurrecs at the 1482, jC)84 , anJjt18R National Conven tions and was an adv isor 10 the 1980and IlNO National Convenuons. He served a.. chairman ofthe National Executive Di recto r Search Committee tn 1984and more reccntl v a.. co-chai rman of the 'Target 10' fundrais­mg effor t for the Nat ional headquarters 0 1 rhc Fraternity.

Wilfred i:- employed as the Viet' President and Controllero f Galeeston Ho u..ron Company. He I .~ a member (l{ the:American Insti t ute of Certified Public A{countant.., TexasSociety o f C PA's , the Financial Exec un ves lneuture and theAssoc iation for Corporate Growth.

Wilfred is a lift' member, Torch bearer anJ a recipient 01

Dist inguished Se rvice KC'i ~ from Alpha Rho Chapter, Sec ­(jon 42, a nJ Region \'11. He I" ~Hlglc and lives III Ho usto n ,Texas,

MEMBERS..AJ:LARGEThe delegates [ 0 the 1990 National Convenncn elected six. outsta nding Bmrhers [0 SL'l1:e u.s .\ Iemben:-ac-Lzrge o} the National Board of

DircClOn . The President has assigned chem CO chair the follou;in~ commiccees. T~' u'il! serve In [heir respective capacities until the 19Q:!National Co n\'t;'ncion.


FRED C. HEISMEYERumbda Omicron '73Docroral C and idate for Higher Edu cati on Ad ­ministration, Un iver sity of Arkansas, Pavcrrcvillc.M.S. in Counselor Education, Emporia StateUniversity and B.S. in Rccrcanon and Perk s. Wt.' ~1

Virginia University. Advis or v cha irman for Bela Rho chapte r. Served as 5<.'1.:­non H C hairman 1982-84 and Region Vlll Director 1484·87. Acnvc 0 0 theLeadersh ip Development Committee coordinan ng Secti onal Sta ff Resource~'Orbhop!', Scouting and External Relations Committee. and Alu mn i Corn­mnree. Assisted in the cha rtering of two chapters, Universwv of Arkansasat Mon ncello and Uni versit y of 'krmom. Life Member. Torchbearer, Att endedall co nventions since IQ74 except IQ80. Active in Scouung. an Eagle and Vigilmember of the O rder of th e Arrow. Elder in the Presbyterian Church. Honorsinclude Outstanding Leadersh ip Award from the Arkansas College Person­nel Association 1987, \'('ho 's Who in the South and Southwest 1990. Wh o'sWh o Am ong Human Services Professionals 1988, and O utsta ndi ng YoungMen of America 1986. Married to joyce Hei smever. Alph a Beta Epsilon '84.


JOHN M, WETHERINGmNGamma Thera '74

Direct or of Finance, C usto m Business. Standard &Poor's Compustar Services, lnc., Englewood, C ol­o rado. B.A. in Economic s and B.S. in Business Ad­mmiscrauon. Uruversuv of Colorado, 1977. ~t.B.A .•Untversuv of Denver. IQ82. C e rti fied Pub lic Accountant. Ser ved as ServiceVice Preside nt. President and Ad visor of Ga mma T he ta, U nivcrsitv of Col­orado, Secnon K1 C hai rman. 19ii .&J. Member. Nanonel Leadership Develop­mem Co mmittee since 1981. Nat ion al Convent ion Coordina tor for 1988 Na­nona l Convent ion in Denver. Nati onal Leadership Development C hairma n.1988-1990. Recipient of C hapter and Sec tional Distingu ished Service Keys.Member of AICPA. Colorado Soocrv of CPA s and th e Finan cial Manege­me rit Associanon. Life Member and Torchbearer . He live':'> in Englewood. Col.orado WIt h his wife, judv, and dau ghter, Mallorv.



Senior Health Physicist in th e U.S. Nuclear Regula­to ry Commission Region 1Office, King of Prussia.Pennsylvania. B.A. C hemistry. Rutgers U niversuv,lQiS; M.A . Teaching. Trent on SeaecCollege. 19$0;

M.S. Radiat ion Sc ience . Rutgers University, IQ86. Served in various officesin Delt a Rh o chapter. including Pres ident and Memhe-rsh ip Vice President ,& rvn::l as Vice-Chairman of Section ()q. 198()..83; C hai rma n of the De lta RhoAd vi!>Ory Committee 1984-87; Secrion 92 scaff rep~ntative to Omicron Up­silon at WC!tt C he:o; ter University. 1989-present. Memht-r. Nati on al Leader ­ship Development Committee since Ni 7. part id pating in rhe developmentand prC'Senta tion of the Leadershi p~'e1opmen! Workshup and othe r (rater­nn.,· leadershi p programs. Vice C hairman. National Lt."'dder::.hipDevelopmentCommittee 19I:U-I990. Member: Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America; Healt hrhY~lo Soclcty; America ~int Horst' Ass\'x:iation . RCl.:CI \'ltJ Della Rhn C haplt"tDistingUished Serv i\-eAward. JQ8i. Re-ct'ivl.J Nati onal Distin guished Scn'i\'eAW:Hd. IQ88. Life ~fcmber.



An orncv-at-Lnw, Mineola. New York. B.A. 10

Govern ment and Pubh.. Pchcv, Syracuse Unt versi­rv, Nil. M.PA., The Maxwell Schoo l of C itizenship and Public Affairs. Ni-l. ).0., Svracuse Uruwr­

snv College of L1w, IQ7i. Served 10 venous offices 10 Phi C hapter, i nduJ lt\~

President. Na tiona l Chairman. Task Force on the Elmunarion of Archn..-c­rura l Barriers . IQil-72. Member, "Project Survival," IOil. Served as VICe·Chai rman for Section 84. IlJi6-i! and Chairman for Section I)i. Il.,lii·~

Member. National A lumni Committee. IlJ76- . Member. National Leader..hip Development Comrmnee, 19i5-t)O.Chairman. N:lUon31 Public RelationsComm uree. 1979-80. National Leadership Development Chairman. IlJ :1'\. •

Na tio nal Mernber shrp & Exrensron Chairman. smce N88. Recrrneru. Ne­nonal Dtsnnguished Service Award. Lie Member. Torchbearer. He hve, In

Pon ~'3:;.h i ngton . NY with his wife, Men...1


C HUCK BOWENlora .',1 .. '76

President, FIrst Mumctpal Financial Services. lnc.,Columbia. So uth Carohnn. B.A. In Pubh.. Corn­murucanons. Served as Treasurer. Alumni Sccretarv,Membership Vice I'residem. Presrdem. anJ Advisorof 1m3 Mu . Universnv of South Carolina. Secnon 7i Chairman, IQii-til;Region IV Newsletter Editor. Region IV Director. IQ \-&1;National AlurnruChai rman. 1987-1::\8; I lanonal Scocnng and External Relauons Chairman.198&90. Received Chapter, Sectional and Re•.nonal Disnngursbed Service Kevs.Torchbearer. Life Member. Chairman, Indian Water, Councd. B.S.A. AJ..-aocemen't Committee. Eagle 'our. received Silver Beaver Award. OutstandingYou ng Men ur America In 14 . Arrended N76-1990 Nanonal Ccnvcnnons.Maso n and Shriner. Chairman. RIchland Coumv Board of Health. Smell'


DAVID A, EMERYlOla Ph, '79

Branch Manager. Stutts SClentifil. Service. IncCen tral Soya Co., Ballico &. Turlock. Califormatvuarrun & mineral manufacturer for animal feeds).~1.S. m Avian Nurnnon, B.S. In Ammal Science

for the Universuv of California. Davis; Dean Lewts ! '. [one, Pledge ClassSecretary, various chapter otTi..es Including. President, Iota Phi; chapter ad­visor. Omkron ~ta; founding memhc!r and chairman Section IV AlumOlA.s.s.ociarion; delegate to Natlonal Conventlon~ since N ; delegate to 'k..)

Alpha Phi Omega Inrcrn atlonal (rhllipPlne~) Natlonal Convention. Davda,Clt\'. Mindanao. Phlilrpmes; ser\eJ 3:, Secuonal Chairman and l"1n "l;)ff mSect ions 1 & 4; Leadership Development Workshop & Chapter Pn:~IJl'nr'

Wor k<:hop staff member since I~B2: ~anonal Leadt"rshlp Development Commmce membe r 1l.,l82-tib; Life Memht-r; Ton:hht-an-r; Red Cro~ CPR lnstru(l \ lt ; 198Q OutstanJing Young ~1cn of America; Stamslau~ Commumty AID~

l' roJcn Speakcr\ Bureau m\·mher. Reuplt'nt Dls,inglll~heJSen'lu.' Kevs; Im.lPhI C hap rcr. St."C'rion -I.and Region X: Rc.OW(ln X [lln'clm 111&i-1l(). Not martinI.livcs in Turlt'x:k. Co lifllfnia.


REGIONAL DIRECTORSThese ten Brothers serve Al pha Phi O mega as Regio nal Directo rs. T he re are ten regions in th e Fratern ity and each is headed b.., a Regional Direr tor

who is elected hy the chapters o f th eir respec t ive regions.All o f these Brothers ha ve had extensive expe rience in the Fraternity. Thev br ing substa n tialleade rship experience and a commitment to improving

Alpha Phi Omega.Regional Directo rs a TC your representatives o n the Natio nal Boa rd . Whilt: t hey work closely with and th rou gh Sectional Chairmen. it IS essent ial

that chapters co mmunicate with them di rectl y. They want 1('1 hear (rum vou and learn what you would like Alpha Phi O mega to do on a Nat ionallevel.

REGION IM. roMUSIA K, Alpha C hi '74Nc«' £rlJ:lund, N.:u' }enr. , :-,reu lark Cit) .md Longlswnd, Peerrc R ICO

Genemllvknown as "mm" Systems Engineer.KenanSvve rns Corporation. Cambridge, Massachusen s.Bachelors and Masters degrees in Aeronautical andAsrronauncel Engineering from the Massachusett slnsnrurc of Technology. Boston Museum of Sciencevolunteer, Served Alpha Chi as Service V ice Prest­dent, Membership Vice President, President. In 1977,n.....CiVL.,J Chapter Distinguished Service Key, and 1'..fITCompton Award for outstanding community service.Set-ton Q'i Disrlngulshed Service Key, 1989, LifeMember. Torchbearer. Participated in evcrv Nationa lConvermon since 1974. Cont ributed to man... sec­tional. regional. and national conferences and com­mmee-. including Secno nal Resource \\'orkshops,Long Range Planning Co mrr urree. J9 . NationalCorwennon. and Bee..ton in 1992 Convenuon BidCOmmIUI,."l:. Served New England Sec tion as staffmember, Sectional Representative [('I Epsilon Deltaand Onucron Iota, and Vice C hair. Served as Sec­tion 9'i C hair, !1l8S-!Qt)8. Elected Region I Directorat rhc 1488 National Convention; re-elected IlNO.

REGION IIWARREN C. WEIDMAN, Mu Eta ';8Dd.unJrt, Xtu' YOTk (except ,\lYC and Long hland',CenfTal and Esscm Pemu)l t'anla

Lead Project/Project Co ntrol Systems Engmeer.Gilhen Commonwealrh. Inc. Holds n...Ci. degrees fromAlhright Co llege: and Drexel UniVt"r~i t V. and MBAfrom Drexel. Director, Standard and Practices (s&..p)Board of lnmumem Societv of America USA); ISAViLe' President EleG, Standard and Prnetices boarJ(I1NO·Q2), Vke Presidt'nt (1W2-~); lSA S&P Achieve­ment t\~drd (19&,); National Standan:ls and Prnctice5Award (1990), Pa'" rr~ident and DIrector. LehighValle,' SI,.>(lIon ISA. hmrun or in tlochmcal courses((lr t(lmpan~' and vanous local coll~es. Profe.<;slonalEn~mttr. Halo ~rvt'd Alpha Phi Omqz3 as Set:tionalR('p~nt :Hive. Sl'1:t1onal C hairman . and Region II

Director from 1968-i4 and 1976-present. ExecutiveCommitteeman, N74-i6. Received Philadelphia APOAlumni "Man of the Year" award m 1965. SectionBB/ SQ Disnngutshed Service Kev. JQ80 and Section92 Disn nguished Service Kev, 1982. Region IIDisnnguished Service Kev, 1981. Leadership Develop­ment Award. 1985. Life Member of the NationalBoard of Directors. JQBS. Senior Mem ber of the In­strument Sooerv of America. l utheran Ch urchSchool Superintendent for 20years, Single. Lives inReading, Pennsvlvauia.

REGIO N IIIROB ERT j. HARRIS, lora Lambd a '67Diuna oj ColumbUJ. .\lar; /anJ, .\rorth CarolltltZ,Virginltl

Senior Assocrare and Group Benefi t" Specialist.Fmanctal Drrecrtons of the Southeast. Inc. Raleigh.Nort h Carolina. Nuclear engtneenng major. NorthCarolina State Umversuv. .o\I.:tive in AmericanNuclear Socierv, American Nano nal Standards ln­smure A:-.JC 58,3 working group. Amencen Manage­ment A ssoci at ion. and sc-vera] other professionalassocianons. futj \·c in Scouting, member of NESA.OA advisor. Wnodbadge staff; district comrnitree andunit committee chairman. Served Alpha Phi Omegaas chapter officer, Sectional Vice Chairman andChairman. Delegateto 1Qt8..19QO National Corwen­non s, H.Js served as Region IUDirector since lQ74.Recipient of Region III D istinguished Service Kev,IQiS. Chapter Alumni Disunguohed Service Kev,JQ84. "lonhbearer Mar ried. One daughter and one<'(JO.

REGIO N IVJACK A. McKENZIE, Gamm~ Lambda '7JAlabama, FloTlda , Geor;:ia, Wb lf.'Ttl f(t'ntuc k) ', SouthCarolina. 1l:nl\('").ln'

Alumnt/j)(.o.<elopment Editor. CommUniGltions anJExternal R.el;ltiom. Clem~n UOl\"emty. Clemson ,Sout h Grohna, \'(.'a~ Gamma Lambda C hapter\Corresrondinr; rct,lI'V and ~temht:~hlp \ 'lCe Pre;I-

demoTwice elected Chapter President. Advisor toGamma lambda. Founding member of ClemsonUniversity Alpha Phi Omega Alumni Socierv:Me mber of thc ~atlonal Alumni Committee. Chairman of the Nationa l Public Relations Commi ttee .Organued Region IV Alumni Council and wasRegion IV Alumna Voung Delegateat t'AU NationalConventions. Recipient of: The Region 1\'Distinguished Service Kev tDSK);RegionrvJack :\McKem ie A.....ard (first recipient, namesake honor]:Secnon Ti OSK; Gamma Lambda nS K; GammaLambdaDistinguished Alumni Service Chair Award(first reci pie nt]: Service Club AW<l nJ. ClemsonUniversity APO Scholarsh ip Fu nd; Gamma Lamb­da Brorher-ot-the-fcar Award (IQ75; Ji)76); GammaLambda Outs tanding Service Certificate; GammaLambda Outsrnndmg Pledge Award. Lifl' Membership. Torchbearer. rounders Tribute Award. Clem­son Universuv Norris ~'1NaI for all-around ex­cellence. Lves 10 Clemson. Sourh Carolina. Single.

REGION VJOHN R. ANDERSON, Delta Gamma ',4Ohio, IXb l VlI'gll'lla, We-m'm Pl'TIfU"Ilt,tJnld. EarcmR"t'nfIKh

Unempluyment Insura nce Claims Adrninisrrarcr.Ohio Bureau of Employment Services. Unemplovment Compere••arion "lechrucal Services Depanmem.Columbus . Ohio, B.A. English. Ohm Uruversuv,IQ'j4. Undergraduate Pledeeroaver anJ ServiceVice 'I'residenr. Secncn 57 '-r3ff member 19i; ·i6. Secnon;j Chairman Ni6-19tl8. Cotounder Delta GammaAlumm Associanon. Section ; 7 Denngurshed Ser­vice KC'\', Region \' Drsnngui...hed Service Kt"Y.Chapter President's \'('orkshop staff member andl halrman. Lt'";'Jdershlp Dt:velopmem Experien\cworkshop staff member, Life Mt·mht-r. Torchbearer.AIte:nJe J '7f."!, 'iB, 'R2, ~, '&>. '~8 and 'ql,1 cunventions. Pasl member Alumni Llmg-R:lIlge rlanmngCommilltt. EIl"Ctoo Region V Directorin 1Q8S. listedin IQ86 edition of OU{lol;mJing 'oun~ Men 10

America. Pa 1 membt-r uf State uf Ohio'" Suh.:om·miuee on \!hlunttt'flsm.lI.1ember of Lancaster \Oh lo lfamIlY YMCA Progr.l.m Sulx ommlu ee. !\.lamed.On(' daughter




M.roMUSIAKRegwn f Om'ceor



MU ETA ';8

ROBERT J. HARRISRI'1!w ll 111 D iTlXf li r


JACK A. McKENZIERl'l:ion IV D ITt'crm




REGION VIBOBBY M. H AINLINE, Ch i Mu "71NordU'(l.5ft:m lIl inOl~. InJiana , Michigan, Sou[hea-~lernlX'i scun .~ i n

Prod uct Development Engineer. Light Truck Divi­sion. Ford MOtor C o mpany, Dea rborn , Michigan.B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Waynf' StateUniversiev. C h arter President u{ Chi Mu Chapterat Henry Ford C ommu nity College. Served 3 :) Sec­tion '4 Vice Chairman and Chairman. Served asRegion VI Treasure r. A lumni President {or C hi MuAlumni Association. and Advisor for C h i MuC hapter. Received C hapter Distinguished ServiceKey (lQ75l, Sect ion 54 Disti nguis hed Service Key(1981), and Region VI Distinguished Serv ice Key(lQ82l, Recipient of American ism Ci eano n by theC ity of Livon ia. 1981. for ou tsta nding contributionsto the communitv. At tended all Nationa l Co nwn­nons since 1974_ life Member. Torchbearer. EagleSco ur. Life Member of NESA, [Znd Degree MasterMason, APO Codicil Cluh Member, Elected RegionVI Director in 1984. Marr ied .


LQlmianLl , Mmi mf'P1, Ncu ' Menco, T~_1:l1S

Spo rtswr ncr for the Hou ston C hronicle. Graduatedfrom the Uruversitv of Texas at Austin in 1979 withOJ bachelor of journalism degree. Chapter presidentof Alpha Rh o, as well as administrative vice­president. reporter and scouring dire cto r. A for meradvi ser to the chapter at Texas TL'C h (Beta Sigma!an d the chapter at the University uf Houston (DelraO rnee a). He received the chapter Distinguished Ser­vice Key. Served as Section 40Chairman. and rccciv­ed th e Sccnooal DIs tinguished Service Key. C h air­man of th e Time an d Place Co mmu ree in the 1978National Convention in Nashville. He was a delegateto thl: Ni8, 1986. and IQ88 Na tio nal Conventions.Eagle SClJut, Order of tht' Arrow. BrotherhlJlxl. LifeMembt'r and Tor chbearer. Ma rried .

REGION VlllCH RIS NELMS, fie" Psi '85

ArluJn.w..I, C.olarado, Slllllhu'e5tem l/Jmoi.~, Kansill,Mi ssollri, Nebraska, OkILlMma., W'mming

Manuiacturing Lt.oaJer/ Principal Specialb t indusr rialEn~inel:ring McDon nel l Douglas Missile SystemsCom pan y, Sf. Loui~, ~tI S SOUri . B.S. Industrial

Techno logy, B.S. Secon d ary Edu cation in ­dustrial /Vocational emph asis. So uthea st Missour iStare University. Pledged Bern P"I in fall o f N 82,voted hc :>t pledge . Served BNa Psi a ... Sa rgearu-ar­Arms. Membership Vice President, Service VicePresi dent , and President . Voted best active. v ot ingdelegate at !QS2 National C o nvenuon . Kan sasCity . Voting delegate and Chairman of NominationsReference Committcc er 1984 National Convent ion ,\Y/ash ingto n, DC. Upon graduation, appointedRegion VllI Alumni Director. Shcrrlv thereafter ap­pointed then subsequen tly electedSection 49 C hoir­man (Eastern Missouri , Sou thwe stern Illinois ). Ad­visor to Delta Delta C hapter since rechanenngbegan in 1989. Served the Board of Directors as th e1990 Nat ional Convention Coordinator. Serving th eSt. Loui s Area C ouncil BSA as a Unit Comrrus­sioner in the Boone Trails District . Eagle Scou r.Brotherhood Honor. O rde r of th e Ar row. LifeMember. Member, Phi Mu Al pha Il'rofcssionalMen's Music Frawrnlt vl. Seni or Member, Sudetyof Manufact uring Engineers (SMEl. Member, In ­st itute of Industrial Engineers. Married to Kim(McCl anahan) Nelms, Beta Psi, '88, O ne da ught er,Lauren Elizabeth horn November '0, 1989. Residesin Sf. Louis, Missouri.


1004-'a, Minnl' sow , North Dl1kllcu, South DLlkncll,Nonhu'n tl'm W.'isro m in

Systems Enginee r, Catcpillar, Inc. B.S.E. ( 98 7) andM.S. (lQ89\ in lndusmal and Management Engmccr­ing from T he University of Iowa. RegisteredEngtneer-in -Tralni ng. State of 10w:I. Rech arterin gmember of Omicron chapter in 1984;served as VicePresident of Membership and in various urher posi­rions. Received Chapter Disnneuished service Kevin 1986. Ser ved as Universnv of Iowa Stude nt Ac­tiv ities B oard Dire ctor. C urrc ru lv serving Omicronas Chapter Advisor, Served as Secno n 21 Vin"Chairm~n , V ice C hairma n for Exten sion , andReglon lX$lout ing Committee C hairma n. Del~ateto 1984, '8n, '&11, and 'q(l National Convent ions. LIfeMcmr.er. FounJing memhcr O micro n A lum niAssociation . ~1ember uf Nati onal Souety of Pro­fessional Engineers, institute 1..,( InJustrial Engineers,National Eagle SCOUt A"'<.( l(iation, and O rJer uf thl:Arrow (Vigil Honor). Active as Explorer Post ad ·viso r. Elected Region IX Director In ItNO. Singl e.

R EGIO N XALLEN WONG, D.D.S., Alpha Alpha Xi '~ I

Alaska. A.monu, CJ.lifomw, HawaII, lJuku,Monta nu, i\ '.:t,aJa. O regon. Ucuh, Wla.\hington

A private practice dent ist in Roseville, California ,and staff dentist at High land General Hospi tal.O akland. Califorma . Dr. Alle n Wong received hrsdental deg ree from University ot th e Pacific-Schoolo f Dent ist ry in San Franc isco and d id hisundergraduat e tra ining nt Umversfrv of th e Pacificat Stockton whe re he was a cha rter membe r. Pnsroffices include chapter servtce vice-presid ent a ndpresident; secucna l vice chai rm an. ch airman andsect ion representative to Iota Phi tUG Davis, CAland elected Region X Drrec tor at the 1m NanonalConvention.

Rcchartenng mem ber and r a!ot Ad viscrv chair ofb•.xh Mu l.cta tSFSLl. CAl and Omicron Zt:UI (CSU­Hayward , C Al, past advisory chair Kappa SigmatCSU·Sa.:ramellto. CAl.

Regiona l DSK, Sectiona l DSK, and C hapter DSKfrom Alpha Alpha Xi and Mu Zeta.

Leadership Developm ent Workshop and C hapterPresident Wor ksh op S13ft. Lfe Member. Red CrossCPR instructor, Roseville Chamber Commerce Am­bassador, Oprtmts r lnrem adonal. Universirv of t heP:ld fic Dental School lnsrrucror, Concord MasonicLodge, Alpha Kappa Lambda Nauorurl, Delta SigmaDelta professional fraternuv, Sacramento D lstr inDI:OI al Society member, America n Dent al Assocta .(ion and Cali fornia De ntal Assooanon, t>.laTTled toElizabeth Tom. M.D.. lora Phi, ]Qj'Q.


CHI MU '71

NEAL FARMERRq~ion VII Dircctor


CHRIS NELMSRt'gion VllI Dim'coT


Region IX Di rector

O~IICRON '84Re~i01I X OireaoT



1991 CHAPTER ANNIVERSARIESA SPECIAL LETTER...Onl~· raul:--'do [nIh poignant moments Ol,.U~T that

capture. nor in uords bur In feelings, ,he mngru!i·cent spirit of Alpha Phi Omega. One 51(Cn. momenttrtlmpm:d dl(ring rhe lQ90 National Co nvent ionu.'hh(he.. spontaneous and emotio1Ul1 reaction of all/.membleJ co theSt'rious newschatlU'O brothers hadbeen mjured in a craffic accident on du!lt u 'a,· coSr. l..mm. Won.is cennordescribethe lDt ,t' and con­cern dupla)ed ae tikI! moment .

Than kfull y and mmlrulousl~. boch brothersare110« dOing fine and MlC,' in lLlriOlU and personall.nl)' 5 rhankc:d t'\ "t'tyone \(.'ho responded u:irh card.\,lenas (md donation.'. BId I {nmt CO share ld eh allAPO hrorhcrs-ucril cs and alumni a/ike-a lerrerrecenrh TI.:"I.:en,ed by Ihl.' J\i'arional Office from [hep...tTcnlSofone of chose bmrhen. Thelener iuelj, thet'l enU u dl'Sl..'Tibes and the emenens it crnbrace.s allcombmeto pmdaceanorheT J:Ou.'erfut APO moment[ hal u vrdJ alone can never fully capcure. FmmaJumiro; we allnate learned, helpedin (ltlTt try cheSt.·u:onder/ul and lot'ing pcren rs, Ilhou[ the fragihl)of h,cman life? and [henecesnrv of caringfor ochers.

lerr; Sch reefer?\!Qlional Presidenl

To all th e br others of Alpha Phi Omega

We are wrltln g to exrre"~ our thanks for [he hugeourrounng c flovc a nd co ncern from all the brothersto our daughter Elizabeth "E~tY"Yow. E~1Y .....as m ­volvcd m a traffic accident along with five otherbrother s a~ the\' were traveling [ 0 Naucnal Con­vcnnon.

Fir st , Wt ' need to set cvcrvone's minJ ut ease. EMYreturned to school in [anuarv a nd ISp~lO~ amaz ­mglv well m he r recovery. Through the grace of GodIt ap pea rs that she \'\'"111 not have an ", per manent m·junes. A linl e tim e, a lot of dererrnmanon. and thewishes anJ prayers of her APO brothers anJ friendsal'\'makin g short work of the temporary setbacks. Thespirtr of hrotherh' Ion'. serv ice and genuine caringdoplavcd by the brothers of APO reallv docs rene"o ur faith in rhe futu re with such fine young peoplecorning along.

In pa rticu lar. we would liketo com mend the brothersof ~u Rh o who were so helpiul to u~ a~ we atrivedIn Krntuc kv. After thc other APO brotheH involveJ\\en: treated at t hc em t'q.-erx:v roo m . tht."Y wcrt' w;llnngfu r \.\oN oi E~1Y and Crv5tal who werebem~ treatt..J.A h er g,-ll n~ th rough the: trauma oi an al:cIJent . theirrt'spt.1nf>e .... a~ to ask tht" nur !>e in cha rgt" if there wasanrrhin~ rhl'v coulJ do t\J help the hospItal. Th("vwantl'J, as ~T\'ic(' fnnernitv mcml:x-rs, to spend theIrtim" wor km g for m hers" Trust us, iolks. heartwarm .ing is ntl! too stro ng a WON 10 de"'nhc our reactionsIt) such iI d Isplay C"f un~[ilsh ean ng and :-ervke.

\'('C ap p rt'Cia tc all of the co nc e rn expt'C!i!oed in the~Ib. the ~arJ~ co m ing in from literallv all across tht'count ry, from Connecticut to C., liforn ia and fromLllu isiana Itl ~1ichig;m . \1:"e'~convirx:eJ that thec.an:k.Howers <Inll good wi~hc:; contributed to E~tY\

rt"Clwrp,:.WI..' n"·rt a i n l ~' also \\'anl to thank the hm!hers for

the e);freme[v generous l.:Unt ribu tll)l1cn lllXtcd and sentt {\ us to help with lIur expen~.


Mr. an d ~ln " John H. yo....til6 \laple Fo~t Co urtChcr.apcake, VA ZHZO


SIXTIETHS igmaTauPhiO megaFIITY·FIITHAlpha TauAlpha ChiAlpha Ph,A lpha Ps,A lpha OmegaGOLDENGamma ChiGa mma T hetaGamma NuFORTY-FIITHDelta ThetaDelta Kap paFORTIETHIota MuIota OmicronIota Rh oIo ta T.1U

Io ta UpsilonKappa AlphaIot a ChiIo t a PhiKappa BetaTHIRTY·FIITHLambda TauLambda Upsi lo nLambda OmegaMu GammaLamb da PhiMu A lpha~1u ?etaTHIRTIETH~u ThetCINu Kappal\u LambdaI'u I'ul\'u Xil\'u OmicronNu ~1 u

Nu RhoNu Sigm aSILVERPi IotaPi OmicronPi TauP; ChiPi RhoRho GammaRho EpsilonRho T h t:t <1TWENTIETHChi IotaChi MuChi PiChi l\uChi SigmaChi UpsilonFIITEENTHOmega EpsilonOmega GammaTENTHA lpha Alpha XiA lpha A lpha OmicronAlpha Alpha PiAlpha Alpha TauFIITHAlpha Beta KappaAlpha Beta MuAlpha B<ta l'uAlpha Rl'ta XiAlpha Beta O micmn

Nort hwes tern Univers uvUn1\' of Florida -Gaine svilleSyrac use Univcr-atvDroke Universirv

Butl er Umver ..uvMassachusetts Inst itute of Technologv\Vashin2:to n UniversnvLehigh Unhersit\'Kirksville College of O..teopa rhic Med icin e

Sa m ford Univcr.... irvU niv of Colorado- BoulderUruversit v of Idaho

University of LouisvilleEmorv Universuv

Univ of South CarolinaG c rt vsburg CollegeFlorida State Univers irvSaine OIO'lf CollegeSlippery Reck U nl versnv of Pennsvlv aru aLamar U niversityNort he rn Mic higan Universi rvUniverst rv of Cahfcmia-Da vi:­Polvtechru, Universuv

Salem Tetkvc L:ni\'er<'lt~

L rvmu.. CollegeCal ifornia Universitv of PcnnsvlvaruarvIorgun State U ruversrtvEastern Michigan U ni ver sn vGeorgetow n UnivcrsirvSnn Fmn': I ~l.:O State Universuv

Glassboro Stare CollegeCampbell Umver-arvMo ravian CollegeEastern I 1"W Mexico Lm ".C'T"!'!t\Birmi ngham-Sou thern CollegeTroy S tate U nivers uvU nive rsitv of M inneso ta-D ulu thCollege o f W ill iam & M aT\"STephen F Aus tin St are Universuv

\X ()(forJ CollegeEmor... &. Henry C{)I1C~l'

St Peter:- College {t"\"CS)

Duquesn e Llntver~it\'Rider Cnlll-geCalifornia St;He U nlwrmv· Long. Bl'achSi1 va n nah 'i ra te Collt:~l'Capita l U nlve rsnv -

Bemi dj i State Uni\erSlt~"

H enr.... Ford Commumt~' CollegeSla te University Ne\l York-Colleg(' at FreJo ntaG ramhling State Unlvt"rsit~·

A llegheny CollegeD illard L·nivcrsiry

Illinois We<;ley a n UnlVersit~'

Angelo Stlltl: U ll iver:-lty

Unher~itv 01 t he PalllicLongwood College~'estmm5ter CollegeTallahao; "C"t" Communn" College

U niversi t .... ol1\e\\ Orlean...Grove C ltV CollegePenn Sriue Unlvero,;lIv·Behrend C(,I1l'geSta te Unt\W~lt\' III Nc~ l Clrk-G ell eseoElmh ur!'t Collt'~t'


T he Pres ide nt observes wh ile N ational Executive Direc­1M and legal Co unse l con fer,

Registration... is alwevs fun!

Bn,dwrs Pollack. Ullrich. Young, Iurvis and Lewan­dowski wail 10 honor the new Narional DtsringcbhedSe rvic e Kev recipients.

fiwthcr Bob Barkhur..r, Xuticnal Archivist. is honor ...Jwith rhe National Disringuisbcd Service Key.

Dr. SIan Ca rpe nter i.. 31<;0 honored wi rh a NarionalDisrinauu hed See...icc Kev.

T he C o n ven tio n recognised Gerald A. Sc hroeder, our The passing of Presidential privilege ­new N atio nal President .

T he Coovcnuon rel,.·lllro:ni.t'~ rhe new elect...J ~tem"'\'r<; '


Plen-e sm ile....l'm with APO news! A breakfast honored o ur C ha pter Advisors an d Sect ionalChairmen.

Convention Chair rcunion-c-Chris Fischer, Denv er.IIJI:IB; ~tQU \' (Malone) Far-mer, Hou-tcn, lLj~{l: anJMdis~a )0"'.... SI. Louis, ll·NO.



PLEDGE CE RE MONYBegin ning HISlORIA N:, page 10Amended 10 read:"IThc worJs in pa remhe~s are op rion al at th e di scret ilm l){ the chapter.)"

PLEDGE CEREMONYThe Ia.~t sentence in the (ir sl pa rag ra ph, which en ds on page 11 now reads:"Our chapter he re at was csta blished in

CollegdU ni\'ers itv______, (and was re-estahlished in .l"


It sha ll he the d urv of [h e National Servic e C ommittee [0 develop a two year Na ­uo nal Servic e Program of Emphasis for co nside ratio n and action of the biennialNatio na l Conve nricr nto srimula re effective, well-rou nded ch apter service programsby instigating resource developme nt and disr ribution ; ro encouragc qu ality in chapterservice prog rams through an effect ive program of recogrueton; and to accept andco nsider suggestio ns from th o: Na tional Sco ut ing Relations Com mittee [ 0 enablerh c Fnu crnirv to N- of service to th e Bov SCOUtS of Am erica and other sco uringand youth movement s.

r agl' 11, HISlDRIAN:Amt'nded to read:.....Al ph a Phi O mej;la has now chartered mo rt" than 650chapters from coa~t-to-t:oas t . )'"

PLEDGE RIT UA LAmended by lme rrin g the words ''as [old" betwttn "The Story BehinJ th te Foun ·Ji n~" and "b y Frank Rl.'N Ho rt on" in Mem ber 11'5 pa rt now reads:

"MEMBER 'I , TH E STORY BEHIND T HE FOUNDING . ., told by FRAi'KREED HO RTON, Fou nd er, Alpha Ph i Omega _...."

PETITIONING GROUP CE RE MONYT he Cnnvt:nrion aJoptteJ a I"C'v ised Petitionin~ Group Ceremony.

AWARDS AND APPRECIATlOi'S- &.""Olved that the 1990 Alph a Phi Omega Nauona l Ccownnon extended greenngs ,appr eciation, and hopes to those Brothers In Saudla Arabia for a safe return fromtheir d uties as pa rt of Operation: Desert Snrrm.

-c-Prese med a Nario nal Ce rt ificate of Apprecianon to Mrs . Blanche Shan for her30outst anding years of unselfish Leadership. Fnendship, and Sen' icc to mankind.

- A lph a Phi O mega shall not be used as an active chapter name.

- The final paragraph of th e Jos iah Frank Histonao's Award application is amend-ed to read :

For award co nsiderauon, sub mit this apphcarion along with examples III per­t inent mat erials an d a summary of how the histcrv l~ used to the NationalConvent ion Awa rd~ and Appreciations Reference Comrnuree at the open­ing session o f that Reference Commtncc. {Ched, the official ConvcnnonProgram upon ar rival at tilt' convenrion.]

<Extended greatest thanks and appre....-iauon to Brother l\.,tdls~a Jnl->to a~ Corwen­tion Chair,

- Extt'nded thank s and appreciation to the jlJOOConvention Planrung Cornmnteefor a job well done : Elisa Kuru, Gamma Xi; Rhonda Richardson. Bern PSI; MelcahIsgrigg, Beta Eta; BeatriceStOUt, Delta Delre.George Kober, Alpha Phi; Mark Devtv,Alpha Ph i; Garv Katz, Al pha Phi; Michelle Knepper. Alpha PhI; josh ua Rosenow,A lpha Phi; jen n ifer Mev, C hi Omega: Jeff Herman, Epsilon; Dan Hack, BetaO micron; john O etcnad. A lpha Phi; Roger Stearns, Reta Rho; Ca ndv Chnsde. Ep­silon; Rob in Kal ina, Alpha Phi.

- Exte nd ed grantude to the Convention Planning Commutee Advisors for chenvaluab le services: joh n Howard ; Sarah Howard; Marian lsorn: Jim Burton; DanDarnell; Kim Nel ms; joh n Wetherington; and Wtlfrt'J Krenek.

- The Convennon extends in heartfelt appreciatton to Chris Nel ms for his hardwor k an d dedicat ion as 1990 National Convention Coordinator.

- T he C o nvention extends irs apprecmrion II) all Refert"[lceCommill~ Chairmen.

- T he Convention exten ds tha nks to rhe brothers of Alpha PhI, Delta Delta. Ep-silon, an d Beta Psi (or eXl'cUlngin their role <I' 1m" chaptt"f'o for the jlNO NanonnlConvennon.

- The Conventioll extenJ... appn."(i;lIi\JIl t\) allworhtwp IcaJer~: AnJrca It...,v,Dl·hhll'Wach enheim , David Emery, Tony Pk,ughe, Jal k ~t...Kemje, Jcmnifer Chow, JohnWetheringt on, Mimi Lee, Judy Wetherington, Darev '''hanon, Melis..-.a jobc, jern 'Schroc."Cicr,Ten Sheets, Molh· Farmer, Earle Herbert , RIck Martin, Lorin Jurvis, ChTlsFischer , Rn n Sklann, Rohert '\X.'ha rto n, Ka~' Hairgrove, Allen Wong, FredHelsmeycr.Anthony RoJrigues, &lb Barkhurq, Lllrrv Lalkll. mrnl(Jmusiak, Carol HamJml-,Tim Mangan, Li:>a 0.)\'1, Chuck Bo.....en , Annemane Ruth, Dlln Rauch. ~taTlan born.Maggie Ka[:, Jam ie Kimball, Joe Mo rrone. Melanie- Hoffner, Bill Amld,m. J"hnt-.kG lynn. Jul ie Moore, Julie Mille r, John Ho.....ard.

- Extended grcet ing s 10 th .... GIrl Scout Coutll:il of Grt:atc[ St. UIUIS.

-Scnt heart felt thanh and beSt wbht"So to Brorher Ja\ Hc-im. former NatllmaJ BSAliaIson to the Nallo nal Board uf Directors,

- Ex[cnJ t'd greetln gs <lndappfL'dation to du." LOW Stat!: &-t~'i Ul1ril:h; Roger Elhntt:Bill Rugh ; Cheryl Smi th; Larrv Kaufman; BIll "('[tmer; Allen \X'ong; Ll~a COVI; JimHahn; Nick G lana ris; Jt:rn· Marh . and Milc!'> Caw

-Extended grce[in~s to Past PresiJents: Dr. Tom T Gah, E. ~,~.. F......rman, Dr.lilcnT. Nvgreen, Dr. L.lwrellce L. Hlr",h, \X'illiam ~ Rillh. Dr 1.c'Ic:r Ski~, Dr. C rZiatko\"ich.


The National Ccnve rmon directed that a meeting becnlled hv the Nanoual AlumniC h airman of al1 rep resentatives o f local alumni assccrnucns, regional alumni coun­cils, and all int erested mem bers of the na tional alumni association at least six (b)months pri or to th e 1992 National Convention, the time and place to be dctermin­eel by the Nat ional Al um n i Co mmtnee. The purpose of rhis meeting shall be: 1)to devel op and adopt art icles of organiza tion and ~lperatinj:! guide lines for the Na­tional Alumni Assoc iat ion: 2) to d iscuss means of establishi ng a bet ter cnm rnunicn­tions svsrem between : a) alum ni and active chapters, bl the National Office andloca l alu mni o rganiza tio ns . c) individ ual local alumni orgaruzanons: 3) to developa mission statement ; 4) to develo p methods co mcrea-e alumni pa rricipatnm hothwithi n and outside the Fraternit y; 5) to discuss means of rccogntei ng outsrandmgco nt ributions made to local alu mni organicanons by non-brothers : 61 to di~u!>~

ot he r issues as deemed appropriate.

The Nati onal Al umm Committee is [0 rnvesngarc methods to enforce compbanccwirhm the Na tional Bylaws concerning formal rccognmon of loca l alumrn orgaruzanons: and it wa .. recommended to the Nanonal Board ~)( Dtrccrors thaI the Na.nonal Frat erm rv place a higher ernphasu on [he- involvement of Bnnhers altergrad uation.




ARTICLE VlIl.FINANCESection 7. LIFE ~ tE /'I..mERSHtr FEE, now re ad s:

Lift' Membership shall begranted [ 0 all undergrad ua te active member s in goodstand ing who have co nt ributed fifty dolla rs ($50.00) in a single su m, o r cumula tive­lv, w the Nano na l Fraternirv and [ 0 gradua te, advisory, honorary, and alum nime mbe rs who have cont ributed on e h undred dollars ($ lOO.()(l) in a single sum, orcu mulative ly, to the National Fratern ity. The life Member fee shall be depcsieedin th e Nano nal A lph a Phi Omega En dowment Fund.

ART IC LE IX-CHAPTERSSectio n 6. SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION O F CHARTERS.Added [h e following afte r the second sen tence:A chap ter whose charter has been suspended shall still be respo ns ible for mee t ingIts yea rly financia l, adrntn tseranve and annu al charte r reaffiemanon obligations to

rhe Na tio nal Frat cr nirv, un less deemed ot he rwise by [he Nation al Board ofDirec rors.

The following cha nges [ 0 t he Nationa l Bylaws and Standard Chapte r Articles ofAssociation wert' adopted by the 1990 Na tional Convention.

ARTIC LE lIl·M EMBERSHIPSection 1. TYPES AND CONDITIONS O F MEMBERSHIP (6) EXTENSIONMEMBERSHIP (new) now reads:Exten sion me mbersh ip shall beco nferred by a ch apter upon student s enrolled ina nearbv insrirurio n of h igher ed uca tio n in whic h a chapte r of A lph a Phi Omegais not IOC3tl-d . tn o rder to grant such me mbersh ip th e ch apter sha ll firstobtain th ewritten au th o rizatio n of the Nat io nal Membe rsh ip & Extensi on C ommittee. Suchau tho rizatio n may be given for up [ 0 four student s from an institutio n without achoprcr. Upon the appli cati on o f a fifth stu dent for extension membe rsh ip, thesestudents mu st for m a Pet it ionin g G roup at the insti tutio n without a cha pte r. Ex­tension members shall have all rights , privileges and respo nsibilities of act ive membersof the chap te r u mil a chapter is established at the ir instit utio n .

The subsequent sect ions a re renumbered as foll ows:(9) Suspe nsion of C hapter Membersh ip(10) Natio nal Suspension and/or Expu lsion of Members an d O((ice r ~


Each member of the Board shall have o ne vote at meeting s of the National Boordof Directors, except for th e Natio nal Executi ve Director, rhe National A rchivist,and the Nanonal Lcgal C o unse l, who shall ha ve voice , but no vote.


- The Nano na l Co nvenncn remembered tho se leaders no longer With us: FrankReed Hoero n. H. Roe Bart le. De an Amo N owonw, Professor Danid Den U vl. M,R.Duboroueh. Harold Pete. Auhn:v Ham ilton. Sid North.

-Scm greeti ngs and bes t wt..he-, (or a speed v recoverv to Brother Berkelev r. Dun­can, P:N Nanonal VI(C' President.

- Ex tcnJ...J j!l't't'ti ng~ to joseph Scanlon, Roger Sherwood. anJ Darrell Spoon, Pa~t

Nanonal Executive Direc tors.

- Extended greet ings to Past ~1eml'lt.·rs of rhe Sational Board of Directors not presen t.•

- £ xlenJ t-J grectrngs and th ank s to the C lario n Hotel Staff for I I~ graciousness andhovprralirv.

-c- Exrended greetings to C heprer Ad viser s, Regional Staff, and Sect ional St('l ff.

-Scm grecnngs and th nnk -, to all Life Members.

- Extended th ank s to till" f,)llnwin~ chapters for presenting cxh .bns at the 1990 Na-nonal Convennon: A lpha Beta. Iunnsvlverua State U nivt'rsiry ; A lpha Rh o, Univer­suv cf Tcxa..-Au~ t i n: Mu Tao. \'(/t:st Virginia Tech: Lambda Nu. Duke University;Omu ron, Univereuv ot lowa: Gamma Pi,Uni v-crsirv of Michigan ; Rt'la Eta, Untversuvof Mi..souri-Columbia : G amma, C or nell U nive rsuv: Zeta Beta, Virginia Tech; BetaOmicron. Universn v uf~1i~:)ouri·Rolla; Gamma Lambda, C lemso n U n iver slty; lamb­da Kappa, Loras College,

-cExtended thanks to Patrick Burh'.Jud~· Mirch ell. MildredSpoor, Marilyn T ischin­~ki. Sharon liarns. !\nita Goddard . an d Pearl Forsvrb for all their ha rd work andsupport for th e lQO(l National Conve ntion.

-c-Exprcssed vmcere th an ks to all rhe bror he rv wh o volunteered their nme and ser­vice durmg the IQQ() Nanonal C<JOVt'ntIOn.

-Scm~ng~ and~ w i...he, to Brother Ellsworth S.'Dobb....Dobso n and Broth erDunald Terwill iger, surVIving Founders of Alpha Ph l O mt-ga,

- ExtcnJ ...J apprKiatlon to the memocr~of TrOl.~r 141 "f the St. u lUis Area Cou n­cil B..-w Scout~ of A mt'r il-a for th t:ir X"rvice~ an d participation in th~ l~ Nat ional(:Ilnvcntil,n.

- Extendt-d appn:nmion fllr th t' cxtens ivl.' t'fforts m compilmg their historic rer (lrd~

ro to the applK a nrs for (h e Jmiah Frank Histo rian 's A ward : Epsilo n Zeta-Ren sselaerPol ytech nic Im t irurt' , Tn.l~', New York; 7.eta Ekta~ Virgmia Poh[('Chnic Institu te anJSt;m U n iverSIty, Blacksburg, V i'l!mi a; Mu Tau·We~t Virginia Tt'(·h, Mo ntgomt." rv,We~t Vil)(inia ; C hi O mt-ga ·Md'.':enJrtt Colltoge. u·r,anon, Illin ois.

-ExtenJed greett ngs anJ hear tfd t th ank s to C arol Barkhurst, wife of th e "t'at io nalAn· hl \'l~{ . anJ Jat·k it' Burke, \, ift-of the: ~ationa l Execu t i\'l.'D ire..:tllr. ft.r t ht'lr man yhl'u rs of dt',hcatoo work ;H t he I~ ~:U1ullal Com'ennon,

-ExtenJt-J thank~ to ~1r. & ~tn. Gnwt'rO~mun, Balfour Rcpm.c:nt auve, and ~'mPO\locrs. ~rre">t." ntallve of Umtt-..l ~hssoun Bank . for pdniClpatinjZ In tht" 1\NO r-.:a·tlunal Conve ntion.

- _- nt \loarm grecrm~s to Paul Matum n, Philippine Jdt'gau: tl) t ht' :\' atio na l Con­\t'nnon, for rt"rmoenting rhe, 1at io nal PrtosiJcnl of th t"Philippm~ at t he lQ90 Na­nllnal CoO\"t"ntion.

-'::'ent greetmg... an d ho~~ nl ~pceJy l"et:owrv to the' part"nts of Brot her~ CrvHalAnJer..nn anJ EIi:a I:1t:th Yow, wh o suffered the o rdea l~ ~l f a ">t' riou~ accident on thc\\av to Ihe 1'NC' ~atio n:J.1 Convt' nt illn. (Seearti de this i s~ue "f T&Tl

- LJ mtmmouslv bes towed a Nationa l Cemfic:ne of Ap Pl'e'l: tiltion to Beth A lken ex­hlbltt.,J ~lfl<"5-" s.cf\ 'ICeat the NHllllnal Conventlon IllwanJ Bnlth crs C rvstal Andt:rM'lnanJ Ell:aht,th YI'W,

-Unanimou~ l v I;"xrenJeJ app n'dario n and grdtitud c to J..::av HaiTJ;: rove for he rdeJita lt.'d wo rk as Natio nal Serv ice C hairman ove r the 11I \'>t four ve<l rs,

-Unammou~h' cxrend.:J arprt.'ua t i,)O to r..1i.:hael Su hr (or his wafSof service ha v­ln~ rt·.:cnrh co mp leteJ Si:HcI'n Vt"ar~ o n the !'\ationnl Board of Director~_

-Rcu))l:ni:::.rtI th e tWl:nty-one (21) chapte rs activated sin..:e t h l.' l a ~1 C'lnvelllion forh.'lnl; the gatewa~' to the future of Alph a Phi O mega.

CH APTER O PERATIONSThe ruhlit..ltlun~Committet'", Natitmal Office, and Nat ional Exccut i...t"D irector shallWIth the neXl publication of th e Ritual Book and l.eaJer:.h ip Sene-; incl ude phras­mg m the instruction.. to the muals. an d when: appropriate In the President's,~It"mher~hip \ 'Ice P~ldent'~, anJ Ple.Jge Train er's Lcader~h tp Sl'fl~ IxlOklt"ts to

mJll..afe thac theo ritual ..hould hereviewN G!Tl"luIlV hefore bemg admml~tercd. par ­Clcularl\' [(~ look at and fl"\.1C'" tht' use oj oprional Sl'Ctlo n'o.The Natio nal OfflU'shan "nil the next National Chapt~r Bull('tl n indlt"ate to all cha r ters the impor­lanl..euj n"vit·wm{: all ritua ls caretUlIv before heing ad ministereJ. parti cu larl ..- to kJl..'kat al)J n....·l("'l\ the usc of optional ~trillns,

FINANCEThe l'\aul~na l O ffllt, wa" di rt'( wJ to prt'se nt to th e I QQ~ finam,e Rt.'{.'ren cC' Com­mitll· ...a I..llM aO':llunt mg jor servlt"C5 to Life Membl-r, to 11ldudl.' duo ITllt ial an d an­nual co~t p!." r hmther. Ti w National C o nvention re4u estcJ th t- TrUMtt~ of theEnJl)\\' ml'nt FunJ to pnwi ul' lO th e Finan c(' Rc(l'rell l l' Committ l.'t' of th t, next con­vcntj."ln fili!un's an J rerort ~ on tne ~tatus of tht' fu nJ.


The Nanone l Convention recom mended rhe Nanonal Lcedcrship DevelopmentCommittee produce an d distribute a comprehensive Chapter/Ad"'lsm ReferenceManual to inclu de: Histor v and orgarueonon of the National Frate rrnrv: ~p('''Clfll..

caregones of Ad visor s: crnena for selecnon of Advisors. out line of l't"Sp..ltl"l~>lhtlt'S

of Cbapeer and Ad visors ro each other: guidelines for developrog and orp:;lOl:inga C hapter Ad v-rsorv Committee:: strategies for goal ~t.'ttlnlil and evaluation of Ad.visors: With guidelines for periodic advisor renewal.

Recomme nded the National LcaJt'fSnip Development Comreutee aJ.lpt the seminar'Fo r and A bout AJvI~or~' fllf use bv~tlonal Staff m conjuuctum wllh Chilprer"an d their Adviso rs.

MH1BERSHIPDlIl:n el.! th e:National Mernberah ip and Esrens.cn Comrmnce to revue the languageof th e Nati on al Pledge Sta nda rds and submit the revtston lor approval hv the Na.eiona l Bo ard of Directors,

NATIONAL ORGAN IZATIONDlrcdeJ th at fut ure leerslarion be proposed tha t relates to the dl·finitinn II purp(l~l.'

of Life Members on the Nanonal Board of Drrecrors. and ulsothat Iegrelonon deal­inlil with ehc voting power 01LueBoard ~tembcr~be proposed Thl~ \\ III he drrecredto rhe 1~2 Natio nal Concc nnon.


The Conve nuon unanimouslv conferred L.ft"Member..hlp on the I 'at ion31Boaedof Directors to Earle ~t. Herbert.

The Nano nal Convention elected, k' a c larnanon. Ger.l.lJ A SthmcJer a' , ianonalPrestdem.

Elected \Xlilfrn! Krenek a" Nanonal \"ICC President

Elected Chuck Bowen. DaveEmerv,Fred C Heamever.FnoJ L Pullal..\.:, 81m... LJllfll..h.and John Wethenngton as Mem~r\-at·Larce of tht" ~athmal Board o f Dnectors.

In Rt-gilmal Mttt ing~ , dc<;ted M Tomu~lak, Region I Dlm:lUr; Warren C. \XCIJ.ma n, Region II Direclor; RoIlC"tt I. HarTl", Rqnon III DlrC'Cwr, Jad, A. ~1d.':cml~·,

Region IV DlrC~(:Ior; Joh n R. Anderson, Region V Dm:ttm: Oohh' M. Hainhnl',Rt..og lun VIDlre>.: ror; D. Neal Farm er. Rt.'Io':inn VII Dinol tor; Chris Nelms,Region vmDi reccor ; Charhe Zimmerm an, Rt<glu n IXDirector; Allen \'('nn~, D.D.S,. Rt1!illll XDirt.'d or .

PUBLICATIONSTh e Convention dircned thaI all futun' publil:atlons of thl.' 'anonal Fmrl-rml\, ~h.11I

ITflt"l.:t III allm~'L'\..ts, \'l~ual t1ndwnnen,lhc (uhural JI\oer\lt'o mht'n'nt 10 the member­shIp of Al pha Phi Om;",~a a~ p~rlhnl hy rhe NatlllOal Bvla" .., and shall he uh ­Jeered to a Strln~em qU3!Lf\' cnmml pn.xcdure to m ure hiil.h llualirv in hoth textan J graphiCS, anJ to promote a ro..itl\e Im3lo!t" vi Alph<l Phi Omt1la. The l"'ati,"lnalPub lications Commitlt'C' ~h(luld ..IT'lle a ionn tor regular Jl..tribu(Jon to .:h3prer~

!U faoli tate sub missioO!l to the Torch & Trcfl,ll; cre-.ne a ilenerl..: ..uhpoena form loru~e at the :\iational Con\enuon, I reate and dl5tnbure tt) all ,hapten. an AJ\ l"'I.lrRetruitmenr GUIde.

The Lcader~hlp Deo.oek'pmenr eflt'" ,hould haH· "t"J-"lllralt" _t'ltl\lO~ tor the fC(.~ rdi ng sicrecary and tht' COfn'~rxmdml: sa:retarv, and a nt"\lo handbook ~houlJ heC~<I teJ to deal with the dutlt'S oj hl~tOnan

SCOUTISGThe l"atlonal Scl)utm~ Rdannm C l,mmlrtt'e shlluld pursue tht"1I11lnWlnj;!: I) St'1:'kto have Alpha Phi (nnt-ga IOlludt-d m the Bov out Handhook, Exrlorinl/, M<lnual~,

O rde r llf thi:" Arrow HanJbnok ~ and {~l h C'r rt"lateJ IllefillUtl': ,m ahridl,:t...1purpo:'C,hl5tor \' , wides pread kll.:atinm. n'fert'llI..t' to the coun<:11 offkes, and the I..urn'or 3dJrt.' s.\ of t hl;" Natio na l Offict', 2) Annual df(1n~ ~hm,ld he mndl' tn lllc1uJe AlphaPh i Omega articles an d mention th,>Alpha Phi Omega rlllme In ScOUtlnR pcmxhc.al"e"["Jet:iallv in rhe sprt nll prior to high ~ch(l()1 graduation. 31 A liq Ill" iJt";\~ and resounem:Jterta ls sho uld bemade 3\'3llablc.- tD local Bo~' Scout 01Amen....a Coun'::ll .. to cnablt'them (0 improvl:' relauotls with kll.:3l Alpha PhI Omega I..haptt·f\. And that a INot ldeas and rCSClurn' material!> he made aval labk- [0 Alpha PhI Omt1:a lh,1I'tl'r~,

<.atlo nal. anJ re~lona l stalf to enable tht'm to impr JVC rdatl,m~" ItII kXill 80.... SIoutuf Amt'rica toundk 4) In(mmaflon he :>em to all hapt~r about ~t3ffm~ l)prortunmC!o at all Sational !Xl\" &out of Amt:rica Hl!!,h AdH'nture BaM"S and OIt loca l(oun,11 Bov SI:OUI of America rummer lamp~. And fha- mtonnatlon, facr shtt(\,brochures, and am otht"r re..ource matt'l'"talsabout Alpha PillOmega ht- mduJe..!In sral( palket:- at National Ht~h Ad\'enrure B.l<.e". anJ If po'~lble af lo(al coun.. 1

~ummer camp'. ;) Alpha Ph, Om<'b'3should stalf 101~ rmatl,)n I\lth .. at 1kJ\ IUtof A merica funcl10m as de ..lgna teJ b\· rht"S!atillHal .... 1.. lu t ing RdatlonsC'ImrnlUl.'l.'(u:," Nauonal CounCil r-.'lee:rm~. ~10nalMct"ungs, L)roer 01 the Arro\\ '\1afl ma lConference, S!auonal Explorer Fun... tlon~) and make 3\oulahle a ~r"'l(e Staft, 11 fC ·

qut'Sroo. 6) Efforls ..h~"luld ht'ulIUInUt">.! to dt'\1:'lop a relation. hlp \10 lth rheGlrl s.."Ul'of th t' Unitt'd Srat~ tll America by a~mbling mform:moll un InJlvldual ch3pcrpanit:lpation in th("GI rl Sl..out prn~rnm. il The National .scounnR Relation" ellmmillet" ~houlJ co ndu. t il ~urvt.'~· 01all br(l[her' In atl..-I\Jaml· al t1w 1~42 ~arltJOlIl

Com·t'ntion. <I) The su r\'e\' will he USl·d l(l Je\elop ,1 Jat3ha~' on tht.' numht'r IIIbrothers with II ~mltlng hal kltrpunl..l. Al~() rhe survev "ill mlluJe thl' numr.cr ofhro th er" \\ho h;l\"t' heard aho~t Alphil Phi Om':~;l thnllJj.lh slounng pubhl...ltl'"ln~

"lflllntll:"'! 1n tll1g~ ! ~

1 I

COtl tl711lt'd Jront 1)" /;<' 11or evems. IIIUpon mb ulnuon of the database, the informa tion shall be sha red wn hthe Ex-officio fk mrJ Member Rcpr e-emanve of BI)YScours of A merica. Sl Th e Na­ri, 'na! Sc ••utlOg Rd,H i('ll\~ Committee exammc and uwcsnga tc po:;~ihle opporturuue­

to extend Alpha Phi O mega's involvement In l nrcm anonal eve nts which followanJ promote the ideals of Scouti ng,

Extended -tnccre co ngrat ulation- and best wishes to th e Bov Scours of Amcncaon the occasion of its .:xlth Anmver sarv In & rv ice to the Youth of A merica.

Extended cordial greenngs and ~t \I, i sh~ 10 the G irl Scours of the U nited St:He~

'li Amen ' <1 and rrs volunteer and profcsssona l leaders, an d mvned the Girl S, (Iut'uf the UnHI:<.l State, of Am erica to 'end observer represenrenvcs to the I<NZ :--:a­nonal Convcnncn of Alpha Phi Omega.

Extended tha nks for a JObwell done bv the Sr.Lccrs Ar ea Council "i rill' &'1\' S,UUh

orArnencu: and hvJim G rl,1';..man , Council "Iiainina Chairman tor rhc St. loUIS

Area Council of the Boy Scouts of A menca.

SERVICEThe ~atllmal - -"u ti nlt Relnnons Committee- and the Xanona l Service Comrnuree,hlluld work With cooperation and open commurucanon when uewlopllig ,mJ con-

srdcring po~~ibl<, ..hapter, regional. and natrona] service acnvmcs to and \\lth thl'Scou ring movements.

The tollowmg crtrcria arc aJJl.'J IU the Dean AmI) :\ll\\mn~ Award: add Scounngto th .... crhcr four urea- pi ,<TVIll.-; mdudt" it ,ummar~ o the ...baptcr scrv ice program. an J a surnrnarv of future goals.


The :'>J3 tillnal Program of Empbasis r..'lr I'NI,Q~ i~ TO heEducanon: The Big PavoffThe theme for Nauonal Servin' Dll\ III.:)l \\ III ht-"Lnerucv", and for IQQ2 Willbe"CIl'ct'T Awarenes-'

Tl~IE A~D PUCERt-s..11\cJ that tnt' 1'N2 \ollng Assemble be cared In dl'Sl.C'ndmlt ONer ,mJ RollCall be reversed at the liN han4Ul'r

Recommended that the Nanonal Board III DJTt"(h'lr m ke an mqutrv mtc NanonalConvention peograplucal dlstnbutll'n

Extended app re.ranon ro groups blJJml: t.u the ll}.): CI nvennon

The Thirtieth Nauonal Convennon Will behdJ Decem t 2.i 'l, 1442. tn &1 ron.~1a,,~achu~ctt ..

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