a review on typing on flat glass


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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 1: A review on typing on flat glass

Typing on flat glass: Examining ten-finger expert typing patterns on touch



Page 2: A review on typing on flat glass

Advantage and Disadvantage

Visual keyboard:• Become pervasive• Most commonly in the form of mobile• Leading users to alter their linguistic style• The lack of tactile feedback./It’s visual and

software …Physical keyboard: For entering text is popular

Page 3: A review on typing on flat glass

Study of skilled typists1. No feedback and no keyboard2. Asterisk feedback and no keyboard3. Asterisk feedback and a visible keyboard

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Future oftouch screen surfaces

1. Large enough for ten-finger2. Curved keyboard3. gape between hands4. Space between keys5. Deviation in key press locations,


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References1. Typing on flat glass: examining ten-finger

expert typing patterns on touch surfaces bay Leah Findlater , Jacob O.Wobbrock, Daniel Wigdor

2. Distal tactile feedback for text entry on tabletop computers by Christopher Macadam and Stephen Brewster

3. http://www.mendeley.com