a short form version of the myers-briggs type indicator mbti kierseytempermentsorter

A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI Kiersey Kiersey Temperment Temperment Sorter Sorter

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Page 1: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter

A short form version of the

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator


Kiersey Kiersey



Page 2: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter


Page 3: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter

E Extroversion / I Introversion

The Four Major Scales

S Sensing / N Intuition

T Thinking / F Feeling

J Judgment / P Perception

Page 4: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter

Extrovert (75%)

Externally Oriented



Multiple Relationships

Thinks out loud

Temperament Types


Internally Oriented TerritorialDepthLimited RelationshipsReflects Inside

Page 5: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter

Effects of each type at work

• Extroverts (E-Types)Like variety and action

Tend to work quickly, dislike complicated jobs

Are often good at greeting people

Are impatient with long, slow jobs

Don’t mind interruptions

Act quickly, sometimes without thinking

Like to have people around

Usually communicate freely

Often enjoy talking on the phone

Page 6: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter

Effects of each type at work

• Introverts (I-Types)Like quiet for concentrationTend to be careful with detailsHave trouble remembering names and facesEnjoy working on long projectsDislike interruptionsThink carefully before actingWork contentedly aloneMay have trouble communicating easilyDislike telephone interruptionsMay prefer communications to be in writing

Page 7: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter

Temperament Types

Sensing (75%) Intuitive

Experience Hunches

Past Future

Realistic Speculative

Actual Possible

Perspiration Inspiration

Page 8: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter

Effects of each type at work

• Sensing TypesEnjoy solving problems in standard ways

Like established ways of doing things

Enjoy using skills already learned

Work more steadily

Usually reach conclusions in a step by step manner

Are patient with routine details

Are not often inspired

Seldom make errors of fact

Tend to be good a precise work

Page 9: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter

Effects of each type at work

• Intuitive (N) TypesLike solving new problems

Dislike doing the same things repeatedly

Enjoy learning a new skill more than using it

Work in bursts of energy with slack periods in between

Tend to reach conclusions quickly

Are impatient with routine details

Follow their inspirations, good or bad

Frequently make errors of fact

Dislike taking time for precision

Page 10: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter

Temperament Types

Thinking (50%) Feeling

Objective Subjective

Policy Social Values

Laws Circumstances

Impersonal Personal

Analytical Empathetic

Page 11: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter

Effects of each type at work

• Thinking (T) TypesDo not show emotion readilyAre uncomfortable with other’s feelingsMay hurt people’s feelings without knowing itLike analysis and logicCan tolerate disharmonyTend to decide issues impersonallyAre able to reprimand or fire people if necessaryTend to respond to others’ thoughts, not feelingsTend to be firm mindedNeed to be treated fairly

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Effects of each type at work

• Feeling (F) TypesTend to be very aware of others’ feelingsEnjoy pleasing people, even in unimportant waysLike harmony and may be disturbed by office feudsOften let feelings influence decisionsDislike telling people unpleasant thingsAre strongly “people” orientedTend to be sympatheticRespond to people’s valuesNeed occasional praiseTake an interest in the person behind the job or idea

Page 13: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter

Temperament Types

Judging (50%) Perceiving

Structured Pending

Settled/Closure Gather more data

Plan Ahead Adapt as you go

Run one’s life Let life happen

Deadline What deadline??

Page 14: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter

Effects of each type at work

• Judging (J) TypesWork best when they can plan their work

Like to get things settles and finished

May decide things too quickly

Dislike interrupting a project for a more urgent one

May not notice things that need to be done

Want only the essentials needed to begin work

Tend to be satisfied whey they reach a decision

Schedule projects so that each gets done on time

Use lists as agendas for action

Page 15: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter

Effects of each type at work

• Perceptive (P) TypesAdapt well to changing situationsDon’t mind leaving things open for alterationMay have trouble making decisionsMay start too many projects and have trouble finishing

them.May postpone unpleasant jobsWant to know all about a new job before beginning itTend to be curious and welcome new information a

situation or person.Get a lot done at the last minute under pressure of a

deadlineUse lists as reminders of things they have to do “someday”

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Page 17: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter



Financial ManagersPolice officersSteel WorkersTechnicians

ISTPCrafts workers

Construction WorkersMechanics

Protective Service WorkersStatisticians

ISFJHealth Workers

LibrariansService Workers


ISFPClerical Workers

Construction WorkersMusicians

Outdoor workersPainters

Stock clerks

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Social WorkersTeachersWriters

INTJComputer Analysts


ScientistsSocial Scientists



Computer AnalystsEngineersScientistsWriters




Social WorkersWriters

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CarpentersMarketing Personnel

Police officersSales Clerks

Service Workers


Financial ManagersManagers

Sales AssociatesSupervisors

ESFPChild Care WorkersMining Engineers


ESFJCosmetologistsHealth WorkersOffice Managers


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Public Relations Workers




JournalistsMarketing Personnel

PhotographersSales Representatives


Credit ManagersLawyers

ManagersMarketing Personnel


Page 21: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter

NF 32% BlueBlue 12%

NT 8% GreenGreen 12%

SP 4% OrangeOrange 38%

SJ 56% GoldGold 38%

% Teachers % Population

What is your color?

Page 22: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter

People who prefer: Sensing & Thinking

focus their attention on: Realities

and handle these with: Objective analysis

Thus they tend to become Practical and analytical

and find scope for their abilities in Technical skills with objects and facts

For example:

Applied scienceBusiness


Law enforcementProduction


Sensing-Thinking ST

Page 23: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter

Sensing-Feeling SF

People who prefer: Sensing & Feeling

focus their attention on: Realities

and handle these with: Personal warmth

Thus they tend to become Sympathetic and friendly

and find scope for their abilities in Practical help and services to people

For example:

Health careCommunity service


Religious serviceOffice work


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Intuition-Feeling NF

People who prefer: Intuition & Feeling

focus their attention on: Possibilities

and handle these with: Personal warmth

Thus they tend to become Enthusiastic and insightful

and find scope for their abilities in Understanding & communicating with people

For example:

Behavioral scienceResearchLiterature

Art & MusicReligous service

Health careTeaching

Page 25: A short form version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI KierseyTempermentSorter

Intuition-Thinking NT

People who prefer: Intuition & Thinking

focus their attention on: Possibilities

and handle these with: Practical analysis

Thus they tend to become Logical and analytical

and find scope for their abilities in Theoretical and technical developments

For example:

Physical scienceResearch



Technical work

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