a sourcing and recruiting method that works

A Sourcing Concept that Works Well defined requirements, clear steps, emerging technologies and full communication.

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Post on 28-Nov-2014




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We source and recruit human resources that work in relation to the Information Technology field. Our method of sourcing is very effective and we want to share our knowledge.


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A Sourcing Concept that Works

Well defined requirements, clear steps, emerging technologies and full communication.

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✦ We are a sourcing and recruiting agency

✦ At AndreaTanzi we have a process that works wonders

✦ The results are a wealth of ideal potential candidates for our customers to choose from

✦ We want to share what we know

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✦ One of our main assets is that we are focused

✦ Focus could mean a sector, a discipline or a concept (i.e. pharmaceutical, IT, management)

✦ Focus provides strength and reach within the realm

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✦ Prior definition of the requirements needed is a must

✦ Well defined role, responsibilities, skills and tools, attitude, background and training is vital to success

✦ Definition is a foremost step and is done in collaboration with the client

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✦ The Web 2.0 and Social Media provides a myriad of opportunities for boosting the process and spreading the word thus increasing target reach.

✦ We use SAAS (software as services) to hire a variety of tools that enables us to improve our sourcing, selection and recruiting process.

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Upgrade✦ With the tools available today:

✦ Promotion can be beautiful and enticing

✦ Audiences can be opt-in

✦ Knowledge capital is an marketing asset

✦ Advertising outlets have minimal or null cost

✦ Process management can be shared with the client

✦ Applicants’ input can be automated

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Automation✦ In service providing operation costs and

delivery time are primary

✦ By automating Candidate Screening, Reference Checking and Client’s Feedback costs are greatly reduce and final pricing become a competitive advantage

✦ Plus everything gets to be safely documented

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Structure✦ Structure is usually a virtue

✦ A well structured and consistent sourcing and recruiting process results in efficiency and replicability

✦ The process must be transformed into a framework and patterns created

✦ There’s always customization but standardized

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Communication✦ Constant, well design and frequent

communication to both the applicants and the employers is the main ingredient to a positive outcome

✦ Communication should be rule by structure and consistency

✦ It must always proceed actions but is also ideal during stand by periods

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Business Models✦ There are two most common business

arrangements with a recruiting agency or a combination of both

✦ Contingency: Fee charged after job opening is fulfilled by one of the agency’s presented candidates

✦ Retainer: Monthly fee that includes the sourcing and recruiting of as many a potential candidates as possible

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Advantages✦ Contingency is best for sporadic

recruiting. Is best for the agency to also establish a set up fee that should be charge in case the client ends up not hiring a presented candidate

✦ Retainer is best for continuous recruiting, either for the same profile or for a different one. A combination of retainer + contingency is convenient

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Set up fee✦ The first half of the full effort is allocated

in the set up and the socializing

✦ In doing contingency that effort is reward when the hiring is done and the fee collected

✦ In case the hiring is not done, this first effort has to be charged in the form of a set up fee

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Time✦ Another advantage of the retainer model

is that time brings the best potential candidates

✦ It takes time for socialization to move to action usually taking up to a month or two for the curve to peak

✦ Ongoing recruiting is a common practice within the Information Technology industry

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Case Study: Us

✦ Our focus

✦ We resource and recruit exclusively for professionals within the Information Technology practices.

✦ Developers, programmers, engineers, testers, technology architects, system and database administrators, infrastructure technicians, interactive designers, etc.

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The First Step✦ As soon as a new Service Order is signed

the first step we take is doing a job profile requirements review

✦ If needed we advice our clients towards precise definition of the job profile

✦ Next we proceed to set up an automated Screen Form to measure applicants’ compliance

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Our Database✦ We have an active DB of 1000+


✦ We regularly receive approximately 20+ Resumes weekly from new applicants

✦ Our DB is classified through tags (i.e. practice, seniority, specialized tools, vicinity)

✦ We search & contact first within our DB when a new Order comes in

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Socializing✦ We use social/digital media to socialize

our open positions:

✦ We have three accounts on Twitter. Andrea Tanzi’s personal account has 350+ followers, a high number for Costa Rica

✦ We use LinkedIn, Facebook (general feed, a Page and a Group)

✦ We also have banners in the Trabajo en Costa Rica website and Fusil de Chispas blog and post positions in online job boards

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Newsletter✦ We have a bi-monthly newsletter that

reaches 1500+ Costa Rican Information Technology workforce members

✦ Our newsletter is opt-in as opposed to spam mail marketing

✦ It also has a feed through RSS and posts directly to our @ITjobsCR account on Twitter

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Self-Service Forms✦ A Screen Form is set up for every job

profile using a fast forms builder and information collecting service (SAAS)

✦ Applicants are directed to a URL to self-sufficiently fill out the forms

✦ The form builder service enables reports on each individual form’s activities

✦ Other forms: Basic Info, Reference check

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Project Management✦ We use a Web 2.0 project management

tool to document and organize the job opening, its data and its potential candidates

✦ Our customers are able to access the tool through a user name and password

✦ Everything that has to do with the job opening is preserve securely and accessibly within the tool

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Communication✦ We have structure and pre-design emails

that keep the applicant aware of their status within the recruiting process

✦ The communication is both in English and Spanish

✦ Emails: first time greeting, recruiting process invite, forms fulfill request, on going process notice, interview coordination, process conclusion notices

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Job Opening Management

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Screen Form

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Human Tactics Newsletter

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Digital Media Presence

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Muchas Graciaswww.andreatanzi.com

[email protected]@andreatanzi.com