a story of true love (first draft)

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  • 8/9/2019 A Story of True Love (first draft)



    This story begins in a place named Loombon.

    Loombon was ruled by the Prince, Prince Christopher.

    The Prince was a horrible person. He was so full of hatred that there was noroom for love.

    Although he had everything he ever wished for, he was still greedy.

    He took advantage of his beauty being so pleased with himself. He was tall,strongly built with long brown locks and blue eyes.

    But even with his beauty he was never fully satisfied.

    On the night of his 15th birthday prince Christopher was out riding his horse.

    The weather began to turn bad and claps of thunder and lightening camedown to the earth. Prince Christopher began his way home when a fork oflightening came down in front of him and his horse.

    The horse reared flinging the Prince from its back and ran away. LeavingPrince Christopher unconscious and bleeding.Since then no one has ever seen Prince Christopher. They all believe that heis dead.

    But he is alive and wandering around the place of Loombon. He has knowmemory of who he is.

    That night of the lightening was know accident. It was caused by a powerfulsorceress. And to regain his memory, he must learn to love and to be lovedback.

    But will she love him when he remembers who he was?

    Chapter 1One day in June a beautiful young girl was on her way to the market.The name of this girl was Rose Tyler.If you were to ask people in the village of her all you would hear is of herimpeccable beauty, her long brown hair that shimmers in the sunlight and herbrown eyes that shine like diamonds whenever she smiles.

    The reason they only speak of her beauty is only because the people of thisvillage can not see past the end of their nose. Although Rose is beautiful there

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    is more too her than meets the eye. She is so full of love and compassion thatshe can hardly keep it in.

    On her way to the market she began to daydream. She dreamed of oncebeing married to a man who would understand her, and would not just see her

    for her beauty but for all the love and compassion she holds.

    She would of continued daydreaming if it hadnt been for Aland. Aland was byfar the most handsome man in the whole of village. With his great blonde hairand his baby green eyes, his well built body was never contained it wasalways out to show. Any girl would be crazy not to like him.

    Why hello there Rose said Aland with his usual charm.

    Good morning Aland replied she, with her same uninterested smile.

    What are you up to on this fine day? asked he.

    I am on my way to the book shop. She began before being interrupted byAland.

    You have to get your head out of those books Rose, its not right for a womanto read he exclaimed You should spend your time with more importantthings.like me

    Oh Aland she sighed I must be getting on but it was nice talking to you andwith that she rushed off. Hoping that he wasnt following her.

    After a while she slowed down to a natural pace. As she walked she heardmany of the markets women talking.

    She must be crazy to run away fromAland said one.

    Whats the matter with her? said another.

    I wouldnt if I were her, what does he see in her anyway? said a third.

    But Rose paid no attention to those remarks. But even though she looksstrong on the outside, the inside of her was not as strong. Every bad remarkor comment does not only make her feel unwanted but it fills her with so muchdespair. If onlyshe thought if only there was someone who would understandme.On her way to the bookshop she heard the normal gossip. Everyday was thesame story. Where was Prince Christopher?A few years ago the prince had gone missing and ever since then the land ofLoombon was getting better. Many people were thrilled that the prince wasgone. But few people wondered where the young prince may be.Rose was one of the people who were still undecided. She thought it was

    good that Loombon was improving. But also she knew that someone had torule this land and the prince was the only person who knew anything about

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    ruling.But Rose wouldnt worry about such things. So she carried on her way to thebook shop ignoring the rest of the gossip.

    When she arrived at the book shop she was greeted by the bookkeeper Mr.Landy who was always happy to see her since she was his best customer.

    Good morning Rose. Back again asked he.

    Yes of course, Ive come to return the book I borrowed. I couldnt put it down.Now lets see she said as she searched threw the book shelves Illborrow.this one she said as she pulled out her favourite book Romeo andJuliet and handed it to Mr. Landy.

    This one again! he exclaimed But youve read it so many times. Dont you

    become bored of it?

    Of course not my dear friend. It is a story of true love and compassion. Andthat is why it is my favourite she explained.He smiled at her explanation and said If you like it that much, then its yours

    Really? Oh thank you, thank you so very much she said. She hugged the oldman and placed a kiss upon his head. His face turned a crimson red but hequickly composed himself.

    Now off with you. And be soon to visit again he said.

    And with that she was gone.

    As she left the shop she began to read. She felt so happy when she read; itwas like she was in a whole world of her own, away from all the remarks andcomments. In a place where she could be with the characters in her stories.The characters in her stories were her only true friends. She would havecontinued reading if she hadnt of had her book taken out of her hands. Sheturned to see Aland behind her, with her book held up above him.

    What did I say about women and books? he said rudely I will not let mywomen be controlled by books

    Aland you have no control over me. And I am not your woman, I belong tomyself and to no one else she replied calm but firm Now if you may, I wouldlike my book back please. I must get home to my father

    And with that he gave her the book back, since he knew of her fathers illness.But just as she was about to leave he pulled her back to him and said Youmust dine with me tonight, I will let you cook and all he said trying to charmher.

    Aland I would if I could but I must stay home with my father she said. And

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    with that he let her go.

    Rose rushed home as fast as she could. She couldnt wait to tell her father thenews about the book.Her cottage was on the other side of Far Hill and as she climbed up the hill

    she began to think.

    What she thought was that it was obvious that she did not fit in. that she wasodd. She had no friends, and the only person other than her father who wouldtalk to her was Aland and all he did was try to charm her. She would talkabout this with her father and see if he agreed.

    When she got to the top of the hill she saw her cottage. Its cream colouredwalls were worn and its windows were cracked in some places. And the roofneeded some new slates, but to her and her father it was home. She smiled toherself and continued walking to the cottage. She knocked three times and

    then walked in.

    Father, its me Rose. Im home she called.

    A few minutes later her father walked out into her view. He looked worse thanwhen she left him. His hair was a very light grey, his eyes a bloodshot red andhis lips a bluish colour. Hello Rose. How was the market? he asked.

    Oh Father you mustnt get out of your bed, here let me help you she said asshe helped her father back to his room.

    Thats better he croaked when he was under the covers Now as I askedbefore, how was the market?

    It was fine father. I went to the book shop and Mr. Landy let me keep Romeoand Juliet she said. And then she sighed and looked out the window.

    What is it my dear? he asked.

    Fatherdo you think Im odd? she asked him.

    Of course not. What would make you think that? he croaked.

    Oh I dont know. I just dont think I fit in with anyone she sighed. Theres noone I can really talk too

    What about that Aland? Hes a handsome fellow

    Hes handsome alright. Hes also rude and inconsiderate. Oh father hes notthe one for me

    I see. But I can tell that he is fond of you my dear. And Im not going to be

    here forever, I need to know theres going to be someone to look after you hewhispered.

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    Oh father dont talk like that. Ill be fine and so will you she began to cry.

    Its fine my dear. Hush now. Everything will be fine he said.

    But he knew that it wont be fine. He knew that he may only have days to live.And he wants his daughter to be safe. But how to do so, he did not know. Hewould just have to hope for a miracle.

    Chapter 2As Rose and her father sat upon his bed they talked and talked. Rose sawthat her father seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, but she did not

    mention it.She realized that her father kept staring into space. So she asked Fatherwhat is it? You seemdistractedRose you seem starved. I feel fat just looking at you, you must eat my dear. Iwould cook for you myself but you no of how I cant cook to save my life hechuckled.

    Of course father I will start it straight away. What would you like? Roseasked.

    How about.. Roast chicken and vegetables? he said.

    Sounds great, Ill get right on that she smiled and kissed his head.As Rose cooked her and her fathers tea, she began to think.

    She thought of what she would do after her fathers passing. She was neverhappy when she thought of this particular subject.But in the sorrowful days it was a good time to start. Since it was obvious toher that her father did not have long left.

    She knew that her father wanted her too be married before he passed. But did

    he really expect her to marry someone she did not love. She knew she mustspeak with him about this. But she would wait for a better time.As they ate there dinner they did not speak. It was a strange thing for them,since at dinner they never stopped talking to each other. It just seemed thatthat night they were both a little distracted.

    After they finished there meal Rose cleaned up everything and helped herfather too his bed.Father I am off to bed now. Do you need anything? asked Rose.

    No my dear her father replied Ill be fine. Sleep tight, dont let the bed bugs

    bite he chuckled I love you my dear he said.

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    As I love you she said back.

    He heard the close of her bedroom door. And then saw the darkness outsidehis bedroom door.He enjoyed the silence.

    It gave him time to reflect on his daughters life.He knew that if he did not find her a husband before he passed, she would belonely and would have know one to care for her.

    Thats when he knew who the perfect man was. He knew that he would carefor his daughter well. All he must do is ask him.So with that he climbed out of his bed and put on his best clothes and thenput on his long brown coat and left the cottage.He then headed for the market square.He knew where the young gentleman lived and it didnt take long to find hishouse.

    It was a big building. Its walls where greatly painted and never neededredoing. The windows were all intact and quite a few had amazing stainedglass window work. The roof was strongly built and so was the rest of thehouse.As Roses father walked up to the door his footsteps echoed around thesquare. He walked up to the wooden door.Knock, knock, knock.This sound echoed all around the square repeating over and over again.

    Hello Kenneth, how may I help you? said a deep voice.

    I am here to speak to you about Rose Kenneth replied Will you let me inAland?

    Of course my dear friend. Come in Aland said.

    Thank you

    Aland closed the door behind him and held a look upon his face of sheer joy,for he had been waiting for this conversation for a long time. He led Kennethto a chair and helped him sit; he then sat at the chair on the opposite side of


    So what brings you to my home on this fine night? asked Aland.

    As I said before, I have come to ask you about Rose he replied.

    So you may ask. I am intrigued with anything that includes Rose Aland saidusing his usual charm.

    I have come to realize you are very fond of my Rose, is that correct?Kenneth asked.

    Aland nodded in agreement.

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    That is a good thing my friend. I am not angry I am pleased. As you know Ido not have long to live, that is why I have come to talk to you today hestopped to cough I have come to ask if you will take my daughters hand inmarriage

    Although Aland was happy that he would soon have control over Rose, hewas not going to show weakness for if he answered to quickly it would showthat he was desperate so he would wait to answer.

    Thank you for the offer Kenneth but I must think about it he said hiding acunning smile I will get back to you when I have thought it over

    He helped the old man out of his chair and to the door.

    Would you like me to escort you home good sir? asked Aland.

    No thank you my boy, Ill be fine. Good night. And with those final wordsKenneth left.

    As Roses father walked through the night he began to think.Aland is a nicefellow and he does seem to like my Rose. But he doesnt seem to make herhappy. Now that I think about it, he doesnt seem like the right person for her.He sighed what was he going to do?Then suddenly Kenneth started coughing. But not like the normal coughinglike he usually had. No it was an awful sort of coughing that made him keelover.After ten horrifying minutes of Kenneth screaming in pain, hes breaths gotslower and slower till there was, silence.

    The next morning Rose was awoken bye the sound of the door. Rose quicklydressed herself into her blue petticoat and rushed over.

    When she opened it the figure at the door was none other than Aland.She sighed Good morning Aland, how may I help you?

    I neednt your help for I am here for your needs only he said.

    What do you mean Aland? Could you please hurry I must go and help myfather she said angrily.That is why I am here Rose he paused your father was found dead in themarket square this morning. Im sorry Rose but he has gone. he said.Rose clasped a hand upon her mouth and then walked backwards into thecottage No! He mustnt be dead! He cant be dead! NO youre lying! sheshrieked.Aland came to try and comfort her but she pushed him away.

    He held up his hands in surrender I swear to you mydear Rose. I would notlie about these things. Your father is dead, and I am deeply sorry he said

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    trying not to smile when he said my dear Rose.But why was he out? He was supposed to be in bed said she Aland do youknow why he was out that night?Yes my dear I do he said smiling Your father came out to see me to ask mea question, a very special question his smile began to widen and his perfect

    teeth began to show.Rose wanting to know desperately what her father had done grabbed a holdof Aland by clasping to hands on his shoulders.

    Aland please I beg of you, what did he ask you? she begged.

    Aland looked down into her eyes and his smile became more mischievous.

    He asked me he stopped No, he beggedme to. He grabbed a hold ofRoses waist and pulled her to him and whispered in her ear Marry you.With those words spoken Rose froze. How could father do that to me?She

    thought I had only just told him how I despised Aland and he goes and begshim to marry me. Maybe, maybe he was that worried about me.She tried to pull away from Aland but he wouldnt let her go. Every time shestruggled he held her closer.

    Rose had had enough; she wasnt going to let Aland get away with this.Aland! she said firmly If you do not release me right this minute I will call forhelp. There are lots of people outside and they will come rushing in to myrescue she finished.He still wouldnt release her.Hel.. Rose started to say before Aland cut her off with his lips.

    He kissed her with so much force that it made her bite her tongue. And as hermouth began to fill with blood Aland finally pulled away.You will be mine Rose Tyler. One day you will be alone and thats when youwill come to find me. Aland said as the tears began to roll down my cheeksAnd I will be waiting with those final words he walked out the house. Leavingher there with tears running off her face, and a blood from her tongue.Many minutes passed and Rose never moved from that spot. The news of herfathers death still hadnt hit her. But when it did Rose went through anotherround of tears. Every few seconds she would cry out Why him, he was all I

    had left. Why!An hour passed and Rose knew that she must thank those who had stayedoutside to make sure she was fine.

    So she washed her face and removed every bit of evidence that she had beencrying. And walked out of the cottage.She took a deep breath. Thank you for staying to see how I was. It is a shockfor me yes, but if it is alright I would like to be left alone. Thank you again. Myfather would be happy to see that you all were here to check on me. Goodday she exhaled. As she turned around a tear trickled down her face, andslowly dropped to the floor.

    When Rose closed the door she crumpled to the floor, wrapping herself into alittle ball.

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    Chapter 3Many days passed and Rose wouldnt leave her house. People came to seeher but she was so unresponsive that they all eventually stopped coming.Rose wouldnt leave her fathers room for anything. Not even food.Rose had gone so far inside herself with depression that she couldnt get

    back.But then one day Rose sat up, got dressed, grabbed her basket and headedout to the town square.She walked around with a smile upon her face. She didnt even notice thetowns folk watching her every move. She went over to the book shop.

    Good morning sir she said Ive come to take out another book and sheheaded over to look at the bookshelves.

    Mr. Landy just stood there in silence his eyes watching her every move.

    When Rose chose out some books she walked over to the desk and handedthem over. She then noticed him staring at her.May I ask why you are staring at me like that? said she.

    How are you Rose? I havent seen you in along time. Mr. Landy said.Im fine thank you. And I am here to apologise to everyone for being sodistant. Its just that now I have know one. So it took a little longer for it to sinkin. she smiled holding back the tears.

    I see my dear. I am sorry for intruding in your business he apologised.

    She smiled with warmth Its fine. Im fine. Please dont worry and also couldyou tell the other towns people that I am deeply sorry, thank you she tookthe books and left.Even though she looked happy, the happiness didnt reach to her heart.Because inside she was still hurting.As Rose walked home she thought of all the times she had spent with herfather. The happy times that made her smile to herself. And the bad times thatmade her smile falter.Her father only ever wanted whats best for her. But he didnt always know theright thing.When Rose walked into her house she sat the basket upon the table and

    sighed. She sat down in a chair and put her head in her hands, and shequietly sobbed.

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    She would have continued but then a snake like voice came from theshadows. Why hello there Rose.Rose froze.She knew that voice.She quickly stood up and ran behind the table. How did you get in her? she

    yelled.Oh dont be like that Rose. I know you secretly love it. Youre glad I got inhere. Said the voice.No Im not Aland, I want you out of my house right now or Im calling thepolice. Said Rose Do you hear me, get out of my house, now!Oh Rose you just dont get it, do you? Aland said as he walked towardsRose Youre mine, you will always be mine. And I will get us married. Andyou will like it or else, got it? he snarled And if you ever fall in love withanother man, I will kill him. Now you see Rose you have no choice, you bettermake up your mind fast. Good day and with that he left.