a study on customer behavioral intention and satisfaction towards

10 | Page A STUDY ON CUSTOMER BEHAVIORAL INTENTION AND SATISFACTION TOWARDS INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO TAMILNADU Dr.K. Moorthy 1 , K.Selvaraju 2 , K.Ayiswarya 3 1 Director, 2 Assistant Professor, Department of M.B.A. K.S.R.College of Engineering. Tiruchengode Chennai (India) ABSTRACT In today scenario, internet plays a vital role in all the enterprise services and operation by the way of providing information, performing customer service, facilitating financial transactions, decision making to manager, communication facility and so on. The Internet is changing the style and nature of work, socialize, create and share information along with organize the flow of people, ideas, and things around the world. Yet the magnitude of this transformation is still underestimated by the way of receiving negative feedbacks in terms of speeds, connectivity, quality and price. Customer attitude are always changing and the firm want to satisfied the customer needs and wants according to priority of their needs. This survey helps to internet users and their satisfaction level by adopting questionnaire and adopt various tools such as simple percentage, chi-Square, correlation rank and Likert scale analysis. Results suggest that disconfirmation of expectations is important in determining customer satisfaction /dissatisfaction as well as the price of the experienced. Interactions between disconfirmed attributes and other attributes also are significant overall. Keywords: Information Technology, Internet Service Providers, Customer Satisfaction, Beneficiaries, Service gainer I. INTRODUCTION Customer behavioral intention: In general, behavioral intentions are associated with customer retention and customer loyalty, Several researchers note that behavioral intentions are indication whether internet customers will stay with or defect from an organization behavioral intentions as “a compute of the strength of one’s intention to complete a specific behavior” Favorable behavioral intentions are connected with a service providers’ ability to make its customers spend more with the organization and pay price premiums point out that unfavorable behavioral intentions include customer switching behavior and grievance behavior, Behavioral intentions can predict actual customer behavior when behavioral intentions are suitably measured .Several studies have paying attention on the assessment and measurement of behavioral intentions in the Telecom industry . Explain that an accepting of the reasons why customers in and identifying the factors that influence their behavioral intentions of choosing a particular brand. However, researchers note that few empirical studies have focused on the behavioral intentions

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Dr.K. Moorthy1, K.Selvaraju

2, K.Ayiswarya



2Assistant Professor, Department of M.B.A.

K.S.R.College of Engineering. Tiruchengode Chennai (India)


In today scenario, internet plays a vital role in all the enterprise services and operation by the way of providing

information, performing customer service, facilitating financial transactions, decision making to manager,

communication facility and so on. The Internet is changing the style and nature of work, socialize, create and

share information along with organize the flow of people, ideas, and things around the world. Yet the magnitude

of this transformation is still underestimated by the way of receiving negative feedbacks in terms of speeds,

connectivity, quality and price. Customer attitude are always changing and the firm want to satisfied the

customer needs and wants according to priority of their needs. This survey helps to internet users and their

satisfaction level by adopting questionnaire and adopt various tools such as simple percentage, chi-Square,

correlation rank and Likert scale analysis. Results suggest that disconfirmation of expectations is important in

determining customer satisfaction /dissatisfaction as well as the price of the experienced. Interactions between

disconfirmed attributes and other attributes also are significant overall.

Keywords: Information Technology, Internet Service Providers, Customer Satisfaction,

Beneficiaries, Service gainer


Customer behavioral intention:

In general, behavioral intentions are associated with customer retention and customer loyalty, Several

researchers note that behavioral intentions are indication whether internet customers will stay with or defect

from an organization behavioral intentions as “a compute of the strength of one’s intention to complete a

specific behavior” Favorable behavioral intentions are connected with a service providers’ ability to make its

customers spend more with the organization and pay price premiums point out that unfavorable behavioral

intentions include customer switching behavior and grievance behavior, Behavioral intentions can predict actual

customer behavior when behavioral intentions are suitably measured .Several studies have paying attention on

the assessment and measurement of behavioral intentions in the Telecom industry . Explain that an accepting of

the reasons why customers in and identifying the factors that influence their behavioral intentions of choosing a

particular brand. However, researchers note that few empirical studies have focused on the behavioral intentions

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1.1 History of Internet Connections In India

Internet services in India were first rolled out in 1995 by VSNL. However for the next 10 years Internet in the

country remained very slow development till 2004, when the Government formulated its broadband policy.

Internet penetration gained acceleration in the year of 2005 onwards, starting off with only PCs as the Points of

Presence, and later moving on to mobile devices. Following the auction of the 3G spectrum and subsequently

the 4G spectrum, the scene was set for the Indian market to move beyond the existing wired-line technologies to

a more competitive and challenging wireless broadband market. As of December 2011, India has around 121

million users, which is the world’s 3rd

largest Internet user base.

1.2 History of Broadband In India

VSNL launched Internet services in August 1995 in India. Till November 1998, VSNL was the monopoly

provider of internet services in the India. The Government allowed provisioning of internet services by private

operators in 1998 and the Internet Service Provider (ISP) licenses were issued with liberal conditions. There was

no licenses fee and the policy allowed unlimited number of players who could install their own international

gateways and decide their own tariff plans.

The Government of India announced the Broadband policy during 2005. Even though India continues to be one

of the top growing telecom markets in the world, the development of Broadband is not very impressive till now.

There are around 180 operational Internet Service Provider (ISP) in the country as on date but a very little

players control the entire broadband market. It is predictable that 90% of the connections are with 10% of the

ISP providers.

The monthly broadband subscription starts from Rs 199 (US $ 4.50) and the Government is also taking initiative

to make computers available under Rs 10000 (US $ 226). The low cost broadband has helped increase internet

usage in the country. The growth of e-commerce mobile banking increased demand for Internet usage domain

registrations are also other factors indicating the growth the internet usage in the country. The other initiative

which will further improve the growth is the development of local language fonts and localization of content


According to an IAMAI study, Indian customers use internet for e-mail and instant messages (98%) job search

(51%) banking (32%) bill payment (18%) stock trading (15%) and matrimonial search (15%).

Broadband is the new oxygen. It opens up a large box of information with a single click of a button. Get ready

to surf the world in the WWW with a high speed connection. Access mails faster, download music, share

multimedia instantly, video chat with friends and play games with someone at the other end of the globe. When

broadband was first introduced as a method to connect to the web, many companies confidently expected it to

capture the majority of the market share, and with good reason.

1.3. 2G Net Work

2G networks on the other hand, were based on narrow band digital networks. Signals were transmitted in the

digital format and this dramatically improved the quality of calls and also reduced the complexity of data

transmission. The other advantage of the 2G network came in the form of Semi Global Roaming System, which

enabled the connectivity all over the world.

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1.4 3G Net work

Third generation mobile telecommunications meets standards set by the International Telecommunication Union

for mobile communications. Specifically, 3G is a term that encompasses a variety of services applied to

cellphone networks and data plans, including the 3G hot spots that Kindle and iPhone users access, for example.

The download speeds for 3G will vary, much like the bars on a cellphone vary from one location to the next,

although this is only a problem for access while moving around. Generally, if you're sitting in one location with

decent signal strength, the connection is steady. Plans for 3G may be unlimited, such as with unlimited data

plans from cellphone providers, or limited, such as the 3G data plans for iPad users.

Rapid growth in Information Technology has made the world very little. The impact of IT is felt by common

man, like reservations of tickets, Internet banking facility, Online trading, Home shopping etc, besides all these,

the fast access of the information could be possible due to the revolutionary changes in the IT.

1.5 4G Technology in India

Bharti Airtel launched India's first 4G service, using TD-LTE technology, in Kolkata on April 10, 2012.

Fourteen months prior to the official launch in Kolkata, a group consisting of China Mobile, Bharti Airtel and

Softbank Mobile came together, called Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI) in Barcelona, Spain and they signed the

commitment towards TD-LTE standards for the Asian region. It must be noted that Airtel's 4G network does not

support mainstream 4G phones such as Apple I phone 5, Samsung Galaxy S III, Nokia Lumia 920 and others.

• Airtel 4G services are available in Kolkata, Bangalore, Pune ,Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula. Airtel is

currently launching 4G services in Delhi.

• RIL is launching 4G services through its subsidiary, Jio Infocomm. RIL 4G services are currently available

only in Jamnagar, where it is testing the new TD-LTE technology. RIL 4G rollout is planned to start in Delhi

and Mumbai, and expand to cover 700 cities, including 100 high-priority markets.

1.6 Statement of the Problem

The customer’s behavioral intention and satisfaction towards internet services providers is to obtain the response

to the service as well as to evaluate the most appropriate solutions for the difficulty. It is because nowadays the

customers of internet services are increasingly changed by time. And many telecommunication companies had

begun to commence internet services, but the speed of Internet diffusion is still at the initial stage and step by

step growing. Internet services have been receiving many negative feedbacks in terms of speeds, connectivity,

quality and price. There are still not enough internet penetration rates in the nation due to many reasons and

factors. Therefore, in this context, the researcher has undertaken to analyze the customer behavioral intention

and satisfaction towards internet services providers in Tamilnadu

1.7 Objectives of the study

The following are the main objectives of the study:

1. To Study the customer Satisfaction about internet services providers

2. To understand internet services provided by the service providers in India.

3. To analyze the customers’ satisfaction towards the internet services providers of various companies.

4. To identify the factors that motivated the customers to choose internet service providers.

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1.8 Research Methodology

The power of any research is based on the systematic method of data collection and analysis. The present study

used primary data as well as secondary data. The primary data was collected from the Broadband internet user in

Tamilnadu. Questionnaire is the main tool for collecting the data. Hence the questionnaire is prepared in a

systematic way by covering with relevant questions to ensure in achieving the research objective.

The study group is consisted of 500 Broadband internet users and a questionnaire was distributed to the business

organization, browsing center, individuals, and students. They responded the questionnaire accurately which

assessed Price, Quality, Speed, Schemes and Customer care services factors. A convenient sampling method

was used to acquire the Research sample.

Pilot study was conducted with few samples and necessary modifications were incorporated after the pilot

study. First-hand information was collected with the help of those questionnaires. The data collected from the

primary sources are arranged sequentially and tabulated in a systematic manner.

1.9 Conventional Analysis

The data thus collected from the primary sources are arranged in the simple tabular statements. Statistical tools

like percentage, average, range and standard deviation are used for the analysis of the data. The results and

discussion in this study based on factors like Price, Quality, Speed , Schemes and Customer care services.. The

statistical tools used were Level of satisfaction and test of hypothesis. The factors have been quantified with the

help of Five point Likert’s Scaling techniques for effective statistical inference. Correlation have been applied to

test the hypotheses.


2.1 Demographical factors

The following table predicts the demographical factors of 500 respondents.

Table No: 1

Demo Factors Particulars Number of



Gender Male 277 55.3

Female 223 44.7

Age Less than 20 30 6.0

21-30 221 44.3

31-40 112 22.3

41-50 97 19.3

Above 50 40 8.0

Education Up to10th Standard 23 4.7

12th Standard 47 9.3

Diploma 198 39.7

Under graduate 172 34.3

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Post-graduate &others 60 12.0

Status Employed 173 34.7

Business 142 28.3

Professional 67 13.3

Student 38 7.7

Unemployed 80 16.0

Income Less than 200000 180 36.0

200001-400000 170 34.0

400001-600000 125 25.0

Above 600000 25 5.0

Purpose Academic 57 11.3

Business 110 22.0

Learning 132 26.3

Entertainment 60 12.0

General 141 28.3

Frequency of using Daily 161 32.3

Weekly twice 177 35.3

Week thrice 87 17.3

Occasionally 75 15.0

Time Less than 1 hours 60 12.0

1-2 hours 218 43.7

2-3 hours 118 23.7

More than 3 hours 104 20.7

Table No 1.Shows the demographical factors of the respondents. Out of 500 respondents, 55.3 percent are

Male respondents and 44.7 percent are female respondents. Internet users are more under the age group of

20-30. Regard to education qualification postgraduate respondents, are more i.e 39.7 percent when

compared to other category. As per the study, internet users are more under the category of Employed i.e

34.7 percent. Out of total, 180 respondents fall under the annual income of less than 200000. The

respondents use internet for general and learning purpose which share percent of 28 and 26 respectively.

Nearly 177 respondents fall under the category of using internet twice in a week and time of usage is

Between 1-2hrs by majority of the respondents’ i.e. 43.7 percent.

Table No .2 Respondents using various internet service providers

S.NO Name of service provider Number of Respondents Percentage

1 BSNL 85 17

2 Airtel 90 18.0

3 Aircel 63 12.7

4 MTS 76 15.3

5 Idea 18 3.7

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6 Reliance 45 9

7 TataDocomo 40 8.0

8 TataIndicom 8 1.7

9 Vodafone 73 14.3

10 Micromax 2 3

Total 500 100.0

Source: Primary data

The Table No: 2 Shows the user of various Internet brands. Among total respondents, 18percent respondents

have Airtel connectivity, followed by BSNL 17 percent. Nearly 15.3 and 14.3 of the respondents use

connectivity of MTS and Vodafone respectively. Remaining shares negligible percentage.

Table No.3 Factors determining Internet Services Providers

S.NO Particulars Number of Respondents Percentage

1 Speed 278 55.7

2 Price 53 10.7

3 Quality 100 20.0

4 Scheme 52 10.3

5 Customer care Service 17 3.3

Total 500 100

Source: Primary data

The Table No.3 shows the factors determining ISPs. out of 500, 55.7 percent of the respondents fall under the

factors considering speed as a criteria and 20.0 percent of the respondents fall under the category of quality.

Eleven and 10.3 percent of the respondents fall under the factors considering price and scheme respectively.

Only 3 percent of the respondents fall under the category of Customer care Service.

Table No.4

Type of packages

S.NO Particulars Number of Respondents Percentage

1 2G 140 28

2 3G 317 63.3

3 4G 43 8.7

Total 500 100

Source: Primary data

The Table No.4 shows the type of packages availed by the respondents. Out of 500, 63.3 percent of the

respondents fall under the scheme of 3G, 28 percent of the respondents fall under the scheme of 2G and 8.7

percent of the respondents fall under the scheme of 4G.


The primary data were collected from the respondents tabulated for analysis and interpretation. The data

analysed and interpreted are tested by using the chi-square test.

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The chi-square test is applied in statistics to test the goodness of fitness to verify the distribution of

observed data with assumed theoretical distribution. It is defined as


χ2 = --------------



O= Observed frequency

E= Expected frequency

In the present study the researchers frame hypotheses to test the goodness of fitness. In this regard the following

hypotheses are framed:

H1 = There is no significant difference between age of the Broad band subscribers and level of satisfaction of

Broad band subscribers.

The age of Broad band subscribers and Level of satisfaction are analyzed with the help of chi-square (χ2) test

which is represented as follows.

Age (Years) Level of satisfaction Total



NS nor




Less than 20 10 17 2 1 1 31

21 -30 71 124 15 7 6 223

31-40 35 62 7 3 3 110

41-50 32 54 6 3 2 97

Above 51 12 22 3 1 1 39

Total 160 279 33 15 13 500


O E (O-E) (O-E)2 (O-E)2

Σ -------


10 9.92 0.08 0.160 0.016

71 71.36 -0.36 0.130 0.002

35 35.2 -0.20 0.040 0.001

32 31.04 0.96 0.922 0.030

12 12.48 -0.480 0.230 0.018

17 17.29 -0.290 0.084 0.005

124 124.43 -0.430 0.185 0.001

62 61.38 0.620 0.384 0.006

54 54.12 -0.120 0.014 0.000

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22 21.76 0.240 0.058 0.003

2 2.04 -0.040 0.002 0.001

15 14.71 0.290 0.084 0.006

7 7.26 -0.260 0.068 0.009

6 6.40 -0.400 0.160 0.025

3 2.57 0.430 0.185 0.072

1 0.93 0.070 0.005 0.005

7 6.69 0.310 0.096 0.014

3 3.3 -0.300 0.090 0.027

3 2.91 0.090 0.008 0.003

1 1.17 -0.170 0.029 0.025

1 0.80 0.200 0.040 0.050

6 5.79 0.210 0.044 0.008

3 2.86 0.140 0.020 0.007

2 2.52 -0.520 0.270 0.107

1 1.01 -0.010 0.000 0.000

TOTAL 0.441

Calculated value = 0.441

D.F = (c-1) (r-1)

= (5-1) (5-1) = 4*4 = 16

Table value of chi – square at 5% level of significance (16 d.f) = 26.03


The calculated value is less than the table value, so we accept the null hypothesis. Thus there is no significant

difference between age of the Broad band subscribers and level of satisfation


The following tables represent the level of satisfaction with selected factors. The Level of satisfaction among the

respondents has been analyzed by applying five point likert scale measurement. The components of levels were

Highly Satisfied (HS,5), Satisfied (S,4), Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (NS nor DS,3), Dissatisfied (DS,2) and

Highly dissatisfied.(HD,1)

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Table No.6

Level of Satisfaction and Price





NS nor

DS (3)





Total Likert



1 BSNL 35(175) 42(168) 5(15) 0(0) 3(3) 85 0.83 2

2 Airtel 58(290) 27(108) 5(15) 0(0) 0(0) 90 1 3

3 Aircel 19(95) 41(56) 3(9) 0(0) 0(0) 63 0.66 5

4 MTS 24(120) 51(204) 2(6) 0(0) 0(0) 77 0.77 3

5 Idea 0(0) 14(56) 2(6) 2(4) 0(0) 18 0.16 8

6 Reliance 2(10) 35(140) 8(24) 0(0) 0(0) 45 0.41 6

7 Tatadocomo 0(0) 32(128) 5(15) 3(6) 0(0) 40 0.35 7

8 TataIndicom 0(0) 5(20) 3(9) 0(0) 0(0) 8 0.02 9

9 Vodafone 32(160) 40(160) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 72 0.77 3

10 Micromax 0(0) 2(8) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 2 0.01 10

Total 170 289 33 5 3 500

Source: Primary data

The table 6 shows the level of satisfaction with the factor-price. Among ten ISps, Airtel rank first with factor-

price where the satisfaction level was one. It was followed by BSNL, MTS, Vodafone and others. The least

value shared by Tata Indicom and Micromax ie, .02 and .01 respectively.

Table No. 7

Level of satisfaction and Quality





NS nor

DS (3)





Total Likert



1 BSNL 57(285) 26(104) 2(6) 0(0) 0(0) 85 1 1

2 Airtel 30(150) 60(240) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 90 0.98 2

3 Aircel 5(25) 32(128) 26(78) 0(0) 0(0) 63 0.58 5

4 MTS 17(85) 53(212) 7(21) 0(0) 0(0) 77 0.80 3

5 Idea 2(10) 8(32) 8(24) 0(0) 0(0) 18 0.16 8

6 Reliance 0(0) 20(80) 25(75) 0(0) 0(0) 45 0.39 6

7 Tatadocomo 2(10) 13(52) 20(60) 5(10) 0(0) 40 0.33 7

8 TataIndicom 2(10) 5(20) 1(3) 0(0) 0(0) 8 0.08 9

9 Vodafone 13(65) 27(108) 30(90) 2(4) 0(0) 72 0.67 4

10 Micromax 2(10) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 2 0.02 10

Total 130 244 119 7 0 500

Source: Primary data

The table 7 shows the level of satisfaction with the factor-quality. Among ten ISPs, BSNL rank first with factor-

quality where the satisfaction level was one and it was followed by Airtel 0.98. There was very negligible

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difference between these two ISPs i.e highly competitive. Micromax holds the last rank and level of satisfaction

was only .02.

Table No: 8

Level of satisfaction and Speed





NS nor

DS (3)





Total Likert



1 BSNL 22(110) 50(200) 13(39) 0(0) 0(0) 85 0.83 3

2 Airtel 66(330) 17(68) 5(15) 2(4) 0(0) 90 1 1

3 Aircel 30(150) 30(120) 3(9) 0(0) 0(0) 63 0.66 5

4 MTS 70(350) 7(28) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 77 0.90 2

5 Idea 5(25) 11(44) 2(6) 0(0) 0(0) 18 0.18 8

6 Reliance 35(175) 10(40) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 45 0.51 6

7 Tatadocomo 28(140) 10(40) 2(6) 0(0) 0(0) 40 0.47 7

8 TataIndicom 0(0) 6(24) 2(6) 0(0) 0(0) 8 0.07 9

9 Vodafone 45(225) 26(104) 0(0) 1(2) 0(0) 72 0.80 4

10 Micromax 2(10) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 2 0.01 10

Total 303 167 27 3 0 500

Source: Primary data.

The table 8 shows the level of satisfaction with the factor-speed. Among ten ISPs, Airtel rank first where the

satisfaction level was one and it was followed by MTS 0.90. BSNL and Vodafone hold 3rd

and 4th place i.e 0.83

and 0.80 respectively. Micromax holds the last rank and level of satisfaction was only .02

Table No: 9

Level of satisfaction and Schemes





NS nor

DS (3)





Total Likert



1 BSNL 3(15) 35(140) 33(99) 12(24) 2(2) 85 0.77 4

2 Airtel 27(135) 40(160) 21(63) 2(4) 0(0) 90 1 1

3 Aircel 46(230) 15(60) 2(6) 0(0) 0(0) 63 0.82 2

4 MTS 10(50) 37(148) 25(75) 3(6) 2(2) 77 0.77 4

5 Idea 5(25) 5(20) 3(9) 3(6) 2(2) 18 0.17 8

6 Reliance 12(60) 12(48) 9(27) 12(24) 0(0) 45 0.43 7

7 Tatadocomo 12(60) 20(80) 8(24) 0(0) 0(0) 40 0.45 6

8 TataIndicom 3(15) 2(8) 3(9) 0(0) 0(0) 8 0.09 9

9 Vodafone 30(150) 27(108) 5(15) 10(20) 0(0) 72 0.80 3

10 Micromax 0(0) 2(8) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 2 0.01 10

Total 148 195 109 42 6 500

Source: Primary data

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The table 9 shows the level of satisfaction with the factor-Schemes. Airtel rank first where the satisfaction level

was one and it was followed by Aircel 0.82 and Vodafone 0.80. BSNL and MTS share equal rank 4th place i.e

0.77. Micromax holds the last rank and level of satisfaction was only .01.

5.1 Test of Hypothesis

In order to test the hypothesis, the chi-square test and correlation co-efficient are performed:

a. Ho: There is no significant difference between education qualification and Purpose/reasons for Internet usage.

The result explored that there is no significant difference between education qualification and reason of Internet


b. Ho: There is no significant difference between education qualification and factor of ISPs. As per the result the

null hypothesis is accepted.

c. Ho: There is no significant difference between status of respondents and reasons for Internet usage.

d. Ho: There is no significant difference between Internet usage in a week and reason of Time of usage. The

result of correlation co-efficient is rejected at 5 percent level of significance. Hence there was relationship

between Internet usage in a week and reason of Time of usage.

Table No .10- Rank correlation



BSNL Airtel Aircel MTS Idea Relianc













2 1 5 3 8 6 7 9 3 10



1 2 5 3 8 6 7 9 4 10

Speed (R3) 3 1 5 2 8 6 7 9 4 10



4 1 2 4 8 7 6 9 3 10

Source: Primary data

Table 10 Reveals the rank correlation that is executed between the four factors as Price (R1),

Quality(R2), Speed (R3) and Schemes (R4). The result of the correlation in relationship among the factors are

optimistic, the highest among the five coefficients of level of Satisfaction of the respondents is 0.982 i.e the

relationship between Price (R1) and Quality ( R2 ).

5.2 Findings of the Study

1. In this study 55.3 % respondents are in the group of male and 44.7 % are in the group of female.

2. 6 % of respondents are in the age group of less than 20 years, 44.3% respondents are in the age group of 21

-30 years, 22.3% of respondents are in the age group of 31- 40 years, 19.3% of respondents are in the age

group of 41 – 50 years, 8 % of respondents are in the age group of above 50 years.

3. 34.7% of respondents are employed, 28.3% Businessman, 13.3% of respondents are Professional, 7.7%

student and 16.0% are unemployed.

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4. 4.7 % of respondents are studied up to 10th

Standard, 9.3% of respondents are 12th

Standard, 39.7% of

respondents are studied Diploma, 34.3% are Undergraduate and 12 % are Postgraduate holder.

5. 36% of respondents were in the income group of less than Rs.2,00,000, 34% in the income group of

Rs.2,00,001 to 4,00,000, 25% in the income group of Rs.4,00,001 to 6,00,000 and only 5% of respondent

belong to the income group of above Rs.6,00,000

6. 11.3% of respondents are using Academic purpose, 22% of respondents are used for Business, 26.3% of

respondent are used for Learning, 12% of respondent are used for Entertainment and 28.3 % for General



Reasonable, novel and clear pricing schemes have to be adopted by the broadband internet service providers to

attract market. Existence of high speed connectivity, Improving network service, Decrease cost of use, More

value added service for free and quality of broadband services has to be enhanced for further more penetrations.

The state government can also go for the Memorandum of Understanding with cable operators in signaling and

telecasting various programs through broadband services.


Drawing upon theoretical perspective from Consumer behavior and marketing, describe in this paper examined

the important factors that effect on customer buying behavior intention on Indian Broadband service providers.

Based on the results, all factors showed significant effect on customer buying behavior intention. All dimension

of service quality were found to have a greater positive effect on service quality, Customer perceived value as

well as customer satisfaction .It suggested that not only reliability, tangibility, responsiveness, empathy and

assurance which are the dimension of service quality can have positive impact on service quality at the same

time it has positive influence on customer perceived value and satisfaction as well which has not considered in

precious studies. In other hand, based on the findings of the structural equation modeling, service quality and its

dimension, Customer perceived value and customer satisfaction can results to positive evaluation of customer

towards broadband service providers and finally influence positively on customer buying behavior intention,

however the purpose of this study was to empirically examine the key Service quality aspects that impacts on

customer perceived value and Customer Satisfaction towards customer buying behavior intention in Indian

broadband service provider.

It is concluded from the study that majority of consumers are aware about the services offered by their

Broadband operators. The study also reveals that consumers are satisfied with the services offered by their

broadband operators. Sometimes, consumers face problems of poor network and slow downloading, but overall

they are satisfied with the services offered to them. The consumers are satisfied with the l tariffs, network

coverage and periodical offers except those offered by BSNL, Reliance, Airtel broadband. The study says that

consumers are satisfied with the process of solution of their problems and queries.

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