a/2-124 infantry “seminoles…never surrender!” opord process

A/2-124 Infantry “Seminoles…Never Surrender!” OPORD Process

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Page 1: A/2-124 Infantry “Seminoles…Never Surrender!” OPORD Process

A/2-124 Infantry

“Seminoles…Never Surrender!”

OPORD Process

Page 2: A/2-124 Infantry “Seminoles…Never Surrender!” OPORD Process

“The key to every successful military operation is that the individual soldier completely understands what his role is, and what the intentions of the highest level of command are…”

Helmut von Moltke, Chief of Staff, Prussian Imperial Army

Required Dead Guy Quote

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Troop Leading Procedures

Step 1: Receive the Mission

Mission analysis answers the following questions:

a. What is the Mission? What are my tasks?

b. What do we know about the enemy?

c. How will the ground and weather affect the operation?

d. What troops are available to assist me?

e. How much time do I have?

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Mission Analysispage 2

The key to developing a plan derived from another, is to only focus on those parts that relate to your unit and maneuver space.

a. Don’t waste time going into details about the tactical plan at Bde level, worry about your companies mission, and how your platoon mission derives from that.

b. Likewise, analyze terrain that you will be traversing..what is important about it to your unit-platoon and squad, and how can you leverage it to accomplish your mission. Go into detail…condition of roads, walls, buildings, fields of fire for your weapons…

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Mission Analysispage 3

The 1/3rd 2/3rd rule is sacred…

a. Unless you are the last echelon, you must give your subordinates time to develop their plan.

b. If you are the last echelon, you must consider rehearsals, back-briefs, PCIs, re-supply and load time, and movement to the LD time.

A good plan executed violently NOW, is better than a perfect one delivered too late… Patton

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1. WARNO provides initial instructions.

2. Contains enough info to begin preparation. SOPs should address who does what..draw ammo, get demo, any special equipment, rations and water needed, check commo equipment…

3. Issue your WARNO just as soon as you have done mission analysis.

TIP: Sound SOPs, that are followed, reduce planning time

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WARNOpage 2

Parts of a WARNO:

a. What is “our” mission…attack, defend, MTC, raid, etc.

b. Who is going on the mission…any troops not going can assist the platoon in preparations.

c. LD time

d. Time and place for issuance of OPORD.

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Parallel Actions



Platoon SgtSquad ldrs


Gather AmmoDraw DemoSpecial EquipmentCheck GPS/BFTExtra BatteriesCLS Bag refills, Preps vehicles, etc.

Continues Mission AnalysisAnd Plan development, contacts attachments,Confirms call signs, prepares sand table, briefingMaterials…prepares to issue OPORD.

Maximizes use of Available Time

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Make a Tentative Plan

Plan steps are the same as for MDMP, just abbreviated…a. Mission analysisb. Situation analysis and COA developmentc. COA analysisd. Comparison of each COAe. Decide

Missions at the platoon level seldom allow opportunity for multiple COA development…your actions are usually dictated in the company order…Keep it SIMPLE! Instead, focus on a plan that works…

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Tentative Planpage 2

Remember, you usually don’t have the luxury of formal analysis…get your PSG involved in your plan development while Squad leaders are conducting parallel actions.

Products out of the Plan:a. Equipment neededb. Recon planc. Task organization (demo teams, breach teams

etc).d. Movement instructions: LD time, formation,

vehicles used, vehicle formations, etc.

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Start Movement

PSG or Squad leader may begin initial movement while PL is refining plan, doing leaders recon, studying imagery, etc.

Actions at your TAAa. Eat and Hydrateb. Check and load weaponsc. Commo checksd. Distribute demo or special equipmente. Secure any additional gear to vehicles, etc.f. Conduct link up with any attachments

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Leaders recon is critical…don’t skipa. Usually impossible to conduct on site

due to OPSEC.b. Use maps, imagery, Humint sources, etc.

to gain best picture of terrain and objective.

c. Are TUAVs available?d. May be conducted by higher…CAV,

Scouts, sniper teams etc.

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Complete the Plan

Leader finalizes the plan based on reconnaissance, and conducts checks to ensure his plan:

a. Meets the requirements of the Mission-will it work….

b. Stays within the framework of the CDR’s intent…am I doing what the boss wants…

c. Have I used all assets at my disposal…Reconnaissance and Intel assets are NEVER held in reserve…use everything you can get.

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Issue the Order

a. Always use something graphic…sand table, pictures, imagery, maps…in today’s COE, satellite imagery is often the best available.

b. If possible, issue the order overlooking objective, or on the ground to be defended.

c. Use toy soldiers, vehicles, etc to display the platoon…”picture worth a thousand words, etc.

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a. Rehearse critical tasks: Door breaching, cordon, use of demo, establishing TCP, placement of killer weapons, IED contact…use your vehicles.

b. Continue to talk up the mission and ask questions to ensure intent is clear.

c. Conduct rehearsals on mock ups if available…if not, have squad leaders back brief (with the squad) on the imagery or sand table.

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1. Personally verify presence and status of all critical or special equipment. Have a written mission checklist, laminate it, and check each item off…

2. Verify soldiers know how to use special equipment

3. Personally check H20 status, ammo, extra batteries etc.

4. Move to the LD/ECP…don’t forget to give status report/request clearance to leave FOB.

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OPORD Development

5 Paragraphs of an OPORD:

1. Situation

a. Enemy

b. Friendly

c. Environment

d. Attachments

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OPORD Development

Para 2: Mission.

At the Platoon level, give:

a. Bn Mission

b. Company Mission

c. Your Platoon Mission

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OPORD Developmentpage 2

Para 3. Execution.State Commander’s intent two levels up.Important to understand concept of intent, it is not the

mission, it is the broader overall state that commander wishes to achieve..

Situation: TF Gator is beginning to take unacceptable IF casualties along MSR Osceola. TF Commanders intent is to “restore freedom of maneuver along LOCs”

METHODS: a. Use Q-36 and conduct Counter-Fire on all IF b. Use MTC missions to patrol and eliminate possible IF

positions c. Use CMO to cause local Shiek to discourage attacks.

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OPORD Developmentpage 2

Para 3. Execution

a. Concept of Operation. How You see the operation flowing. Addresses at a minimum scheme of maneuver and fires.

May contain more if necessary: Air Defense, CAS, ISR support, IO Opns, etc.

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OPORD Developmentpage 3

b. Tasks to Maneuver Units.

These are the tasks for your squads. “while 1st & 2nd squads establish a TCP at intersections leading to target house, 3rd squad establishes security on target house while Team A conducts breach and searches house for Target…..”

c. Tasks to other combat and CS units.

“attached HUMINT team conducts tactical interrogation, and supervises site exploitation..”

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OPORD Developmentpage 4

d. Coordinating instructions.

List only instructions pertaining to two or more units, and not things covered in SOPs…

Examples: CCIRs, ROE changes, fratricide protection measures, security or force protection measures, who carries what weapons or equipment.

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OPORD Developmentpage 5

Para 4. Service Support.a. Concept. This will usually be very brief…who

is going to support you and where. “we will re-fuel at FOB Falcon enroute to the objective.”

b. Material and services. If appropriatec. Health Service support. “who’s got the Medic..”

where is the Plt. Casualty collection point…SOP

d. Personnel service support…not generally used at your level.

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OPORD Developmentpage 6

Para 5. Command and Signal.a. Command. “I will be in overall charge…I will

be with 3rd Squad, main effort…PSG Jones will be in charge of the TCP teams and be with 1st Squad...etc. Your succession of command should be SOP.

b. Signal. Any signal instructions not in SOP. “signal for withdrawal will be…, method of marking PZ will be….; RTO will be with me…; call signs for CAS, Arty, etc. are…; friendly recognition signals are….; method of marking our vehicles is…

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OPORD Developmentpage 7

Biggest challenge at the Platoon level is to take a written company order, and condense and refine it down to a platoon order that is meaningful, and that can be delivered orally…

You make your life easier and eliminate confusion by:

Utilizing standardized battle drills, and making them SOPStandardizing load plans for missions-”everyone always carries this on

any mission outside the FOB…” “We always carry this on route recons…

Using standardized signals…three whistle blasts always means withdraw…” “We always mark front and rear vehicle with IR Chem”

Ensuring everyone knows standard call signsUsing graphics where ever possible…a picture is worth a thousand

words…Practice MA and OPORD development. These are also battle drills.

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