a2 media natalie wall final evaluation

Natalie Wall 3832 Aquinas College 33435 With Rebecca Miskell, Juliette Stewart, Daisy Clarke, Sam Woodall Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

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Post on 22-Nov-2014




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Natalie Wall3832Aquinas College 33435With Rebecca Miskell, Juliette Stewart, Daisy Clarke, Sam Woodall

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media



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Link To My TV Soap Trailer


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Front Cover

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For my TV Soap Trailer planning, I used the site BlogSpot, to upload all my documents that I had created, used or compared to. As I went along in creating my media product I uploaded everything that was significant during the planning of my TV soap trailer.


My BlogSpot also features my final two ancillaries, TV Magazine front cover, and my bus top billboard.Uploading my planning to a BlogSpot made it clear for me and others to understand whilst also keeping everything up to date, tidy and accurate.

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Soap Conventions

Parallel narrativesOur soap trailer Shearwater road is told from different points of view. From Jess’ and her worries of people finding out her secret, to the point of view of Chris mead, the teacher. Using these different points of view it invites the audiences with different coverage from who the soap is told by.

Genre CreativityBy being creative with the genre we are able to show the audience exactly what makes it a soap and how the audience will perceive this.

MusicI chose a song that I believe creates a tense atmosphere and fits in with the genre of the soap. The music is none diagetic and shows the audience how to feel whilst watching . The tense atmosphere and sharp music helps it easier for the audience to relate to the characters feelings

Character CostumesFor the different characters in the soap we had to think about the types of costumes that there particular role would wear. For example the teacher – Chris, we had to make sure he was dressed in quite formal wear which would separate him from the students which makes his role more obvious to the audience.

RealismRealism was created by the informal clothes worn by the students, in contrast to the teacher who was dressed more formal.

Shot TypesWe had to consider the different shots we would use to create the atmosphere for the audience, for example Over the shoulder shots, Establishing shots and Close up shots.


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Music That Fits The Mood

For my soap trailer I used the song ‘Cry’ by ‘Rihanna’ I used this particular song because Rihanna is very recent, she is popular today and my target demographic are the type of people who listen to her music. The reason I used ‘Cry’ is because it is a song which creates emotion, from romance/heartbreak it is very melodramatic. It will help the audience to feel what is going on in the trailer.


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Parallel Narratives

For our TV soap trailer there is 2 obvious main characters, Chris and Jess – through the soap trailer we see there relationship with each other from both their points of view, which means our soap is told from parallel narratives. This keeps the audience interested and more able to relate to what is going on.


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Similarities And Differences:Existing Media Product Against My Media Product.

Existing Media Product

Waterloo Road

Original Media Product

Shearwater Road

SimilaritiesAlthough there is a contrast of day and night between the existing media product and my media product. They both have similar point of view shot as though someone is watching them it creates the tense and negative atmosphere for the audience.

DifferencesThe existing media product is set at night which links to the mise en scene of the clips lighting, it creates tension and makes the viewer assume what Jess is doing is wrong. Whereas my media product is set in the daylight and the shot shows natural light which creates realism and sticks to the mood of the trailer.


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Existing Media Product Original Media Product

DifferencesLighting used in existing media product is dark, creates tension, and the shot shows that nobody else seems to be in the room, whereas my media product is shows a lot more light and the angle of the shot shows that it is in a busy environment within college.

Shearwater RoadWaterloo Road

SimilaritiesThe establishing shot on both shows what particular room Jess is in, and they are both approached by Chris the teacher. The way that the girls both look shows the audience how they are feeling which creates realism and helps the audience to understand this feeling.


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Existing Media Product Original Media Product

Waterloo Road Shearwater Road

Differences SimilaritiesThe over the shoulder shot on both of these screen shot is showing who's point of view the narrative is coming from. The expression on the teachers face shows how he is being put under pressure.

The existing media product shows a head shot of Chris where as my original media product is more of a mid –shot showing more of what the subject is wearing. The close up shows his emotion which helps the audience to feel this also.

Both are male being questioned by a female.

Both expressions on the two teachers faces are similar, this helps the audience to understand what is going on, and feel that emotion.


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How Effective Is The Combination Of Your Main Product And Ancillary Texts?


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Evaluate Existing Soap Magazines


Cover Stars looking at reader

Coloured tabs – Easy for reader to understand layout

Large masthead

Font all in capitals

Messy layout, No particular colours, Different font style, size, and colour.

Date & Price (In Bubble

Brings in other soaps

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Evaluation Of My Media Product


Price In A Bubble

Large Masthead


Cover star looking at reader

Tabs for different days of week makes it easy to read


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• I chose the BBC one logo and institution because the red and white colours make sure that it is instantly familiar with the audience.• BBC one is the leading channel and our desired time slot of 7pm is suitable and popular time for this particular channel


Our soap was based on Waterloo Road, Waterloo road being popular with teenagers, because it shows real life situations and problems within a school. This is what we wanted our soap to be portrayed as, and we believed that BBC1 was the best channel for our particular soap.

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Brand The font which has been used

in the title credits for my soap and my ancillary 2 (billboard) matches the font and style of the BBC’s own title credits.

The recognisable white font on a red background, with the ‘one’ being in lower case letters.

Synergy the font and colour scheme on my ancillary and title credits match BBC one’s original theme.


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Brand Recognition Q2

Below are different BBC one logos, we can see the trend in the brand recognition as each logo keeps the same font and style of BBC one. This allows an audiences immediate recognition of a channel.

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Genre Representation Q2

Through my ancillary's and my final TV soap trailer I had to make it clear what the particular type of genre was of this episode/series of Shearwater Road, We did this by showing contact between the two characters, and shots which show there emotions

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What Have You Learned From Audience Feedback?


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Finding Target Audience

To make our product a successful one, with as many viewers as possible, we had to do some research over what our target demographic audience would want out of our TV

trailer. We needed to find a gap in the market for our particular type of show.

As our trailer shows students in a 6th form environment and a student-teacher relationship, we had to bear this in mind when deciding our target audience. For example the

content of our soap would not be suitable for a 10 year old girl.

Therefore we had to take into account the time, and channel we were going to place our soap on.


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Target AudienceAges 15-18Male And FemaleMost likely a college student (Can relate to the issues)Likes Facebook, Going out, Seeing friends.

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Comments From AudiencePositive - Clear narrative Lyrics Convey narrative Good Editing Genre and audience clear Appropriate to BBC1 Similar to Waterloo



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Soundtrack needs to be quieter Some speech needs to be louder Don’t fade music

Comments From AudienceCould Be Improved


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How Did You Use Media Technologies In The Construction And Research, Planning And

Evaluation Stages?

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ConstructionDuring the construction of my media product I

used an external hard drive to store all of the clips of my trailer on. Which would then be uploaded to Adobe Premier Elements.

This made it easier to be able to locate the different clips and it also acted as a back up system in case clips were lost using Adobe Elements.


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Adobe Premier ElementsTo create my TV soap trailer we used

Adobe Premier Elements. A program which allowed me to upload the clips we had filmed and edit them all together with different transitions and slides. It also allowed us to add sound to the trailer as well.

The first time I had used Adobe Premier Elements was when I was completing my preliminary task, and I did struggle with it to begin with as it is quite complex. But as I got to used it more and more I began to understand it.


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Editing on Adobe

On adobe premier elements we were able to edit the sound and soundtrack. I had to alter the level of speech as the soundtrack would over right the speech and the speech would not be heard.

We were able to edit the length of the clips as well, as the title credits. And decide which order was the best format.

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Slide Transitions

Adobe premier elements also allowed me to create different transitions between different clips. This created a better effect when it came to putting my soap trailer together. It also made my trailer fit easily in the conventions of a particular soap with the effects.

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PublisherFor both my ancillary's I used Microsoft publisher to create my TV magazine front cover and my bus stop billboard. I was familiar with Microsoft publisher before I started this project so that made it easier for me to use.

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Researching similar products...

To find out how what we needed to base our trailer on, the different genres etc. We watched similar products online on, BBC iplayer, 4od and ITV player

We also looked at different soap magazines and based our TV soap front cover off what we had seen. For example my TV front cover was based on the magazine TV easy.


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Preliminary Task Q4

For our preliminary task I worked in the same group for my actual soap trailer. It helped because it showed us how to work the video camera and upload them to adobe premier elements using my external hard drive. It helped me to understand how to edit my clips together on Adobe and become familiar with the different conventions of a soap trailer. As our preliminary task was Eastenders.

Different clips that we had filmed which we then will upload to Adobe Premier Elements.

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Planning & Evaluation...


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BlogSpot Planning Q4

When planning my Soap Trailer, I used the website BlogSpot. It meant that as I went along I could upload videos of my work so far and make notes on how I was doing and what I needed to do.

To create a new post this is the screen I would see.. I titled the post then clicked the ‘compose’ tab to write whatever I wanted to post in there. It was quick and simple.

To insert a video from YouTube that I wanted to be included in my blog. I would get the ‘Embed’ code from the video on YouTube then just simply copy and paste it into the ‘Edit HTML’ tab.

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This is the dashboard to my BlogSpot. It told me when I had published my last blog and how many followers I had. It was easy to understand and for my first time using it I found it very clear and helpful.


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BlogSpot Planning

Here you can see how I used other Soap mags to find the different forms and conventions of existing Media. This helped me generate ideas for my own. And I could always go back onto my BlogSpot and read it.


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Embedding YouTube Videos TO BlogSpot..


To Embed a video from YouTube I simply clicked the ‘Embed’ tab and then highlighted the text..

Which I then pasted into the ‘EDIT HTML’ Section when I wanted to create a new post.

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For my evaluation I used Microsoft PowerPoint (This programme) I wanted to stick with this programme because I am very familiar

with it and how it works. I didn't want to make my Evaluation too complicated and too much work so I stuck to what I know which made me able to concentrate on the quality of what is in my evaluation.


I colour co-ordinated each question from 1-4 to make it clear to read and easy to understand. I also used Hyperlinks on the first page to take you to that particular question.