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A Project Project Project Project Report Report Report Report On On On On Recent Advances Recent Advances Recent Advances Recent Advances in in in in Model Predictive Control Model Predictive Control Model Predictive Control Model Predictive Control based on Convex Programming based on Convex Programming based on Convex Programming based on Convex Programming BY BY BY BY Kamal Reza Varhoushi Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Dr. Farzad Towhidkhah DEPARTMENT OF ELECTERICAL ENGINEERING January - 2012

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Page 1: AAAA ProjectProject ReportReportReport · Horizon Model Predictive Control ... Figure.3 illustrates the flow chart of a representative

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Recent AdvancesRecent AdvancesRecent AdvancesRecent Advances inininin Model Predictive Control Model Predictive Control Model Predictive Control Model Predictive Control

based on Convex Programming based on Convex Programming based on Convex Programming based on Convex Programming


Kamal Reza Varhoushi

Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor

Dr. Farzad Towhidkhah


January - 2012

Page 2: AAAA ProjectProject ReportReportReport · Horizon Model Predictive Control ... Figure.3 illustrates the flow chart of a representative



1 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

1.1 The philosophy behind MPC ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

1.2 MPC formulation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

1.3 Robust MPC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6

1.4 Real time MPC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

2 Robust MPC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

2.1 Standard convex optimization problems ----------------------------------------------- 10

2.2 Modeling and solving uncertain optimization problems --------------------------- 11

2.3 Designing robust MPC for four-tank level controller -------------------------------- 16

References ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26

3 Real time MPC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27

3.1 CVXGEN example -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27

3.2 CVXGEN implementation --------------------------------------------------------------------- 30

3.3 Code Generation for MPC -------------------------------------------------------------------- 31

References ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40

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1 1 1 1 IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction

Model predictive control (MPC) refers to a class of computer control algorithms

that utilize a process model to predict the future response of a plant. During the

past thirty years, MPC has become the most widely implemented process control

technology. The main reasons that make MPC successful in industry are:[1,2]

• It handles multivariable control problems naturally

• It can take account of physical and operational constraints, which are often

associated with the industry cost such as actuator limitations.

• It can carry out Necessary computation on-line with the speed of hardware

increasing and optimization algorithms improvement.

• It is an easy to tune method.

• It can handle non-minimal phase and unstable processes.

• It handles structural changes.

• It allows operation closer to constraints, hence increased profit.

However, a practical disadvantage, needed to be solved:

1. The main disadvantage of the MPC is that it cannot be able of explicitly

dealing with plant model uncertainties. For confronting such problems,

several Robust Model Predictive Control (RMPC) techniques have been

developed in recent decades.

2. Another practical disadvantage is the computational cost, which tends to limit

MPC applications to linear processes with relatively slow dynamics.

Next sections illustrate some recent works to develop new algorithms in Robust

MPC and Fast MPC. Before that, it is necessary to discuss about philosophy behind


1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 The philosophy behind MPCThe philosophy behind MPCThe philosophy behind MPCThe philosophy behind MPC

The conceptual structure of MPC is depicted in Fig. 1. The name MPC stems from

the idea of employing an explicit model of the plant to be controlled which is used

to predict the future output behavior. This prediction capability allows solving

optimal control problems on line, where tracking error, namely the difference

between the predicted output and the desired reference (as shown in Fig.2), is

minimized over a future horizon, possibly subject to constraints on the manipulated

inputs and outputs. When the model is linear, then the optimization problem is

quadratic if the performance index is expressed through the L2-norm, or linear if

expressed through the L1/L∞-norm. The result of the optimization is applied

according to a receding horizon philosophy [1].

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Fig.1: Basic structure of Model Predictive Control

Fig.2: Receding horizon strategy: only the first one

of the computed moves u(t) is implemented

Output horizon Np represent two kinds of MPC, for finite Np, we have Finite

Horizon Model Predictive Control (FH-MPC), and for infinite Np, we use IH-MPC.

Figure.3 illustrates the flow chart of a representative MPC calculation at each

control execution. The first step is to read the current values of inputs (manipulated

variables, MVs) and outputs (controlled variables, CVs), i.e. yk, from the plant. The

outputs yk then go into the second step, state estimation. This second step is to

compensate for the model-plant mismatch and disturbance. An internal model is

used to predict the behavior of the plant over the prediction horizon during the

optimal computation. It is often the case that the internal model is not same as the

plant, which will result in incorrect outputs. Therefore the internal model is adjusted

to be accurate before it is used for calculations in the next step. The third step,

dynamic optimization, is the critical step of the predictive control, and will be

discussed heavily in this report. At this step, the estimated state, x, together with

the current input, uk−1, and the reference trajectory, r, are used to compute a set

of MVs and states. Since only the first element of MVs, u0, is implemented in the

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plant, u0 goes to the last step. The first element of states returns to the second

step for the next state estimation. At last step, the optimal input, u0 is sent to the


Fig.3: Flow chart of MPC calculation

To simplify the problem, we make a few assumptions listed below. These

assumptions are not valid in industrial practice, but for the development and

comparison of numerical methods, they are both reasonable and useful. The

assumptions are: [1]

• The internal model is an ideal model, meaning that the model is the same as

the plant.

• The environment is noise free. There is no input and output disturbances and

measurement noise.

Since the internal model and the plant are matched, and no disturbances and

measurement noise exist, state estimation (the second step in Figure.3) can be

omitted from MPC computations when simulating.

• The system is time-invariant. MPC formulation MPC formulation MPC formulation MPC formulation

MPC is formulated almost always in the state space. Let the model ∑ of the plant

to be controlled be described by the linear discrete-time difference equations:

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Where denote the state, control input, and output

respectively. Let or, in short, denote the prediction obtained by

iterating model k times from the current state .

A receding horizon implementation is typically based on the solution of the

following open-loop optimization problem:[3]

Subject to:

linear nominal system

polytopic constraints


“stability constraints”

The main goals of MPC formulation are:

1. Guaranty stability of system.

2. Constraint satisfaction.

3. Performance guarantee

Below, we review some of the popular techniques used to “enforce” stability (for

more details reference [3], can be useful):

End (Terminal) Constraint Infinite Output Prediction Horizon Terminal Weighting Matrix Invariant terminal set Contraction Constraint

The policy of this report is in principle of “End (Terminal) Constraint”.

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Now with this assumption, MPC law is described by the following algorithm:

1. Get the new state x(t)

2. Solve the optimization problem

3. Apply only u(t) = u(t + 0/t)

4. t→ t+1. Go to 1.

End (Terminal) Constraint :

The stability constraint is:

x(t + Np/t) = 0

Value attained for the minimize

Of optimization problem at each time t as a Lyapunov function. This renders the

sequence feasible at time t + 1, and therefore V (t +

1) ≤ J(U1; x(t +1);Np;Nm) ≤ J(U*; x(t);Np;Nm) = V (t) is a Lyapunov function of

the system.

The main drawback of using terminal constraints is that the control effort required

to steer the state to the origin can be large, especially for short Np, and therefore

feasibility is more critical because of polytopic constraints. The domain of attraction

of the closed-loop (MPC+plant) is limited to the set of initial states x0 that can be

steered to 0 in Np steps while satisfying polytopic, constraints which can be

considerably smaller then the set of initial states steerable to the origin in an

arbitrary number of steps. Also, performance can be negatively affected because of

the artificial terminal constraint. A variation of the terminal constraint idea has been

proposed where only the unstable modes are forced to zero at the end of the

horizon. This mitigates some of the mentioned problems.

1.3 Robust MPC1.3 Robust MPC1.3 Robust MPC1.3 Robust MPC

The basic MPC algorithm described in the previous section assumes that the plant

∑0 to be controlled and the model ∑ used for prediction and optimization are the

same, and no unmeasured disturbance is acting on the system. In order to talk

about robustness issues, we have to relax these hypotheses and assume that (i)

the true plant ∑0 Є S, where S is a given family of LTI systems, and/or (ii) an

unmeasured noise w(k) enters the system, namely:

Where w(t) Є W and W is a given set (usually a polytope).

Different uncertainty sets S, W have been proposed in the literature in the context

of MPC, and are mostly based on time-domain representations. Frequency-domain

descriptions of uncertainty are not suitable for the formulation of robust MPC

because MPC is primarily a time-domain technique.

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The uncertainty represent by following descriptions:

• Impulse/Step-Response

• Structured Feedback Uncertainty

• Multi-Plant

• Polytopic Uncertainty

• Bounded Input Disturbances

In this report, I focus on polytopic uncertainty and structured feedback uncertainty


Polytopic Uncertainty: The set of models S is described as

and Ω = Co[A1 B1],…, [AM BM], the convex hull of the “extreme” models [Ai Bi]

is a polytope. As remarked by Kothare (1996), polytopic uncertainty is a

conservative approach to model a nonlinear system x(t+1) = f(x(k); u(k); k) when

the Jacobian is known to lie in the polytope Ω.

Structured Feedback UncertaintyStructured Feedback UncertaintyStructured Feedback UncertaintyStructured Feedback Uncertainty:::: A common paradigm for robust control

consists of a linear time-invariant system with uncertainties in the feedback loop, as

depicted in Fig.4(B) (Kothare . 1996).

Fig.4: (A) graphical representation of polytopic uncertainty (B) Structured Feedback


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Several Robust Model Predictive Control (RMPC) techniques have been developed

in recent decades. This report introduces a Robust Model Predictive Control

technique by using Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) and in the convex form, which

is mainly presented in Kothare, 1996. And especially focus on minmax optimization

problems. The first step to do that, needs a complete knowledge of modeling and

solving uncertain optimization problems. (my project is based on Johan Lofberg

works on developing YALMIP ).

1.4 Real time MPC1.4 Real time MPC1.4 Real time MPC1.4 Real time MPC

For each MPC problem, we need to solve an optimization problem for each

sampling. So MPC limited to applications with slow dynamics (sampling time in

seconds or minutes). A well-known technique for implementing fast MPC is to

compute the entire control law offline (explicit MPC), in which case the online

controller can be implemented as a lookup table. The control action is then

implemented online in the form of a lookup table. The major drawback here is that

the number of entries in the table can grow exponentially with the horizon, state,

and input dimensions, so that “explicit MPC” can only be applied reliably to small

problems (where the state dimension is no more than around five). So this method

is not applicable for more complex problems.

The new methods for fast MPC, develops by professor Boyd research group in

Stanford university. These methods are based on combination of MPC with

automatic code generation. Below figure shows a brief description [5,6].

Fig.5: (a) shows a general-purpose parser-solver, which takes a single problem instance and outputs the optimal solution. (b) shows a code generator, which takes a problem family description, and produces C code that can be compiled into a customized solver for the problem family. That solver can then be used to solve problem instances.

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ReferencesReferencesReferencesReferences:::: [1] Jing Yang, “Numerical Methods for Model Predictive Control”, Technical University of Denmark [2] Yousof Koohmaskan, “Convex Optimization in Model Predictive Control”, August 25, 2010, Amirkabir university of technology [3] Alberto Bemporad and Manfred Morari, “Robust Model Predictive Control: A Survey” , Automatic Control Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) [4] Mayuresh V.Kotare, “ Robust Constraint Model Predictive Control using Linear Matrix Inequality”, Automatica , March 20 1995 [5] JACOB MATTINGLEY,YANG WANG, and STEPHEN BOYD, “Receding Horizon Control Automatic Generation of High Speed Solvers”, IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE » JUNE 2011 [6] Yang Wang and Stephen Boyd, “Fast Model Predictive Control Using Online Optimization”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 18, NO. 2, MARCH 2010

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2 2 2 2 Robust MPCRobust MPCRobust MPCRobust MPC

Controlling a system with control and state constraints is one of the most

important problems in control theory, but also one of the most challenging. Another

important but just as demanding topic is robustness against uncertainties in a

controlled system. One of the most successful approaches, both in theory and

practice, to control constrained systems is model predictive control (MPC). The

basic idea in MPC is to repeatedly solve optimization problems on-line to find an

optimal input to the controlled system. In recent years, much effort has been spent

to incorporate the robustness problem into this framework.

The main part of the project revolves around minimax formulations of MPC for

uncertain constrained systems. A minimax strategy in MPC means that worst-case

performance with respect to uncertainties is optimized. But the basic problem is

converting an uncertain problem to a robust counterpart without uncertainty. A considerable part of the material in this report is based on convex optimization.

The idea in almost all parts is to formulate an optimization problem, and then show

that the problem can be cast as some standard convex optimization problem.

2.1 Standard convex optimization problems 2.1 Standard convex optimization problems 2.1 Standard convex optimization problems 2.1 Standard convex optimization problems

Let us begin with the definition of a general convex optimization problem:

The objective function and the constraint functions are assumed convex in the

decision variable x.

Some commonly known problem in convex optimization:

1. Linear program, LPLinear program, LPLinear program, LPLinear program, LP

2. Quadratic program, QPQuadratic program, QPQuadratic program, QPQuadratic program, QP

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3. Second order cone program, SOCPSecond order cone program, SOCPSecond order cone program, SOCPSecond order cone program, SOCP

4. SemidefiniteSemidefiniteSemidefiniteSemidefinite program, SDPprogram, SDPprogram, SDPprogram, SDP

5. Determinant maximization, MAXDETDeterminant maximization, MAXDETDeterminant maximization, MAXDETDeterminant maximization, MAXDET 2 2 2 Modeling and solving uncertain optimization problemsModeling and solving uncertain optimization problemsModeling and solving uncertain optimization problemsModeling and solving uncertain optimization problems

In a general setting, robust optimization deals with optimization problems with

two sets of variables, decision variables (here denoted x) and uncertain variables

(w). The goal in deterministic worst-case robust optimization is to find a solution on

the decision variables such that the worst-case cost is minimized and the

constraints are robustly feasible, when the uncertainty is allowed to take arbitrary

values in a defined uncertainty set.

This paradigm, commonly referred to as a worst-case approach. The problem

considerably changed from the original problem, indicated by the new objective,

constraints and additional variables, introduced in order to eliminate the


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The process of removing the uncertainty and deriving a robust counterpart is

called the filtering step, and there are currently five filters implemented, as outlined

in the next section. The filters developed in YALMIP are:

1. Duality filter

2. Enumeration filter

3. Explicit filter

4. Polya filter

5. Elimination filter

The different cases are called scenarios in the [1], and they are converted to a

robust counterpart using so called filters. There are three major scenarios with

corresponding filters, all discussed in the paper referenced.

1. For elementwise constraints affinely (for fixed x) parameterized in the uncertainty,

polytopic and general conic uncertainty sets are supported. The uncertainty is

eliminated using either duality theory or enumeration.

2. For elementwise constraints affinely parameterized in the uncertainty and the

uncertainty constrained to a norm-ball (p=1,2, ∞), the uncertainty is removed by

explicitly maximizing the expression w.r.t the uncertainty typically leading to a very

efficient representation of the worst-case.

3. For conic constraints affinely parameterized in the uncertainty, polytopic uncertainty

sets are supported. The uncertainty is removed using enumeration.

Robust lRobust lRobust lRobust linear programming: inear programming: inear programming: inear programming:


Subject to:


1. We use explicit maximization approach.

The constraints equivalent with:

for worst case approach (max w).

means elementwise absolute value (the size of the problem remains the same)

Tc x

( )A x w b+ ≤ 1w ≤

1Ax A b+ ≤


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2. The enumeration approach: it is based on the vertices of uncertain constraint

and would lead to the constraint where denote the vertices

of the unit cube. Hence the original set of constraints are replicated times,

thus leading to a quickly growing problem size.

YALMIP solve the problem by using the first approach.

For very easy example:

>> A=2;

>> b=6;

>> c=1;

>> x=sdpvar(1,1);

>> w=sdpvar(1,1);

>> C= [A*(x+w) <=b,



>> C=[C,x>=1];

>> D=c' * x;

>> solvesdp(C,D)

~ 0: obj = 1.000000000e+000 infeas = 0.000e+000

ans =

yalmiptime: 0.2070

solvertime: 1.0000e-003

info: 'No problems detected (GLPK-GLPKMEX-CC)'

problem: 0

dimacs: [0 0 0 0 0 0]


ans =

yalmiptime: 0.1010

solvertime: 0

info: 'Infeasible problem (GLPK-GLPKMEX-CC)'

problem: 1

dimacs: [0.5000 0 0 0.3448 0 0]

( )iA x v b+ ≤ iv 2n


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LLLLinear parameterinear parameterinear parameterinear parameter----varying (LPV) system stabilizationvarying (LPV) system stabilizationvarying (LPV) system stabilizationvarying (LPV) system stabilization::::

Our goal is to compute a controller u=Kx for an uncertain linear system. Where A

is linearly parameterized in the variable which is constrained to a simplex.

, .

The performance measure is given by the standard infinite horizon quadratic cost

A controller which minimizes the worst case cost is given by solving the following

semidefinite programming problem.

This is a nonconvex problem, but a standard trick in control (Boyd 1994) is to

perform a congruence transformation with Y=P-1, introduce L=KY, and apply a

Schur complement. Instead of solving the nonconvex problem, the following

problem is solved instead.

To elimination the uncertainty, the approach can be obtained by using Polya filter

Polya filter: consider the constraints as below

The sufficient condition obtained (for arbitrary N):


1iα =∑ 0α ≥

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>> Anominal = [0 1 0;0 0 1;0 0 0];

>> B = [0;0;1];

>> Q = eye(3);

>> R = 1;

>> A1 = Anominal;A1(1,3) = -0.1;

>> A2 = Anominal;A2(1,3) = 0.1;

The uncertainty we will address is a perturbation in the (1,3) element. We create two matrices to denote the two extreme values of the uncertain matrix.

>> sdpvar t1 t2

>> A = A1*t1 + A2*t2;

>> Y=sdpvar(3,3);

>> L=sdpvar(1,3);

>> F = [Y >=0];

>> F = [F, [-A*Y-B*L + (-A*Y-B*L)' Y L';Y inv(Q) zeros(3,1);L zeros(1,3) inv(R)] > 0];

>> F = [F, 0 <= [t1 t2] <= 1, t1+t2 == 1, uncertain([t1 t2])];

>> solvesdp(F,-trace(Y));

>> K = double(L)*inv(double(Y));

>> K

K =

1.0e+003 *

-0.7261 -2.2733 -0.2539

Uncertain sumUncertain sumUncertain sumUncertain sum----ofofofof----squares:squares:squares:squares:

A nonlinear system is described by the following differential equation.

The model is not known exactly, due to the uncertain parameter

Our goal is to show that the nonlinear system is stable for any w Є W, and our

approach to do this is to construct a polynomial Lyapunov function, and prove

robust (asymptotic) stability using sum-of-squares techniques.

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A polynomial Lyapunov function:

For stability, we requires

A sum-of-squares (SOS) approach tries to find symmetric matrices Q1 and Q2 such

that and , given a polynomial basis h(x).

the semidefinite problem will include two constraints, .

Remark: In its most basic formulation, a sum-of-squares (SOS) problem takes a

polynomial p(x) and tries to find a real-valued polynomial vector function h(x) such

that p(x)=hT(x)h(x) (or equivalently p(x)=vT(x)Qv(x), where Q is positive

semidefinite and v(x) is a vector of monomials), hence proving non-negativity of

the polynomial p(x). To see if the decomposition was successful, we simply

calculate p(x)-hT(x)h(x) which should be 0.

>> sdpvar X1 X2 w; >> f=[-1.5*X1^3-0.5*X1^2-X2; 6*X1-w*X2]; >> X=[X1,X2]; >> [V,c]=polynomial(X,4); >> dvdt=jacobian(V,X)*f; >> r=X'*X; >> C=[uncertain(w),3<=w<=5]; >> C=[C,sos(V-r),sos(-dvdt-r)]; >> solvesdp(C,[],[],c) -> Solver reported infeasible primal problem. -> Your SOS problem is probably infeasible.

The sum-of-squares constraints and the uncertainty model are defined and the

problem is solved. If feasible, robust asymptotic stability is proven.

2.3 DDDDesigning robust MPC for fouresigning robust MPC for fouresigning robust MPC for fouresigning robust MPC for four----tank tank tank tank level controllerlevel controllerlevel controllerlevel controller

The four tanks plant is a multivariable laboratory plant of interconnected tanks

with nonlinear dynamics and subject to state and input constraints. A scheme of

this plant is presented in Fig.6.

A schematic plot of the process is shown in the figure 6. It can be seen the four

tanks (T1, T2, T3 and T4) which can be filled by several flows from a storage tank

sited in the bottom of the plant. The tanks at top (T3 and T4) discharge in the tanks

at bottom (T1 and T2 respectively). The aim is to control the water levels in the

tanks with the two pumps. The inputs of the process to control are the input

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voltages of the pumps v1 and v2. The outputs are the corresponding water levels in

the tanks. The pump and valve symbols used in Fig.7.

Fig.6: The four-tank process

The three-ways valve of the original quadruple-tank process has been emulated:

according to the taken parameter γi and flow qi, the reference for each flow control

loop is suitably calculated. Thus, the controllers are responsible to ensure the taken

ratio and flow of each inlet.

Fig.7: (a). Symbol of a pump with input voltage vj generating ow qpump;j

(b). Symbol of valve splitting up pump generated flow

The variables of the system are:

1. Tank cross sectional area

A1 = 15.5179; A2 = 15.5179; A3 = 15.5179; A4 = 15.5179

2. Outlet cross sectional area

a1 = 0.1781; a2 = 0.1781; a3 = 0.1781; a4 = 0.1781

3. Pump coefficients

k1 = 4.35 ,k2 = 4.39

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4. Ratio of allocated pump capacity between lower and upper tank

γ1 = 0.36, γ2 = 0.36

The nonlinear model shown in fig.6 and the linearization model of the systems

implemented in the Matlab (using jMPC toolbox).


Steady state values: x0 = [15.0751 15.0036 6.2151 6.1003] , u0 = [7 7]

Due to the non-square nature of the system (2 inputs and 4 outputs) we will

control two outputs, namely the bottom two tank levels (y1, y2) to a specified

setpoint. This will be achieved by controlling the pump voltages via the inputs (u1,

u2). The top two tank levels are measured and are also constrained within safe

operating limits, but are not directly controlled.

System constraints are:

Both Pump Voltages are constrained as:

The Bottom Two Tank Levels are constrained as:

And The Top Two Tank Levels are constrained as:

The unmeasured disturbances are the following:

Inlet flows:Inlet flows:Inlet flows:Inlet flows: the plant has a couple of manual valves downstream the regulation

valves in the inlet of the upper tanks. These can be partially opened to add an

unexpected inlet flow in the tanks.

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IntIntIntInterconnection between tanks 1 and 2:erconnection between tanks 1 and 2:erconnection between tanks 1 and 2:erconnection between tanks 1 and 2: a valve located in the connection pipe can be

manually open to allow a flow between both tanks. This disturbance is state-


Water transfer:Water transfer:Water transfer:Water transfer: an additional disturbance can be easily added by means of a

submersible pump transferring water from a tank to another.

Section:Section:Section:Section: Adding an object inside of one tank yields to a variation of the section of

the tank that may depend on the level.

Global diGlobal diGlobal diGlobal disturbances:sturbances:sturbances:sturbances: the uncertainty that the plant exhibits can be modelled as a

global disturbance that should be taken into account in the control design to be


Constructing model:Constructing model:Constructing model:Constructing model:

% Parameters

%Tank cross sectional area

A1 = 15.5179; A2 = 15.5179; A3 = 15.5179; A4 = 15.5179;

%Outlet cross sectional area

a1 = 0.1781; a2 = 0.1781; a3 = 0.1781; a4 = 0.1781;


g = 981;

%Pump coefficients

k1 = 4.35;

k2 = 4.39;

%Ratio of allocated pump capacity between lower and upper tank

g1 = 0.36;

g2 = 0.36;

%Steady state values

x0 = [15.0751 15.0036 6.2151 6.1003];

u0 = [7 7];


T1 = A1/a1*sqrt((2*x0(1)/g));

T2 = A2/a2*sqrt((2*x0(2)/g));

T3 = A3/a3*sqrt((2*x0(3)/g));

T4 = A4/a4*sqrt((2*x0(4)/g));


A = [-1/T1 0 A3/(A1*T3) 0;

0 -1/T2 0 A4/(A2*T4);

0 0 -1/T3 0;

0 0 0 -1/T4];

B = [(g1*k1)/A1 0;

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0 (g2*k2)/A2;

0 ((1-g2)*k2)/A3;

((1-g1)*k1)/A4 0];

C = eye(4);

D = 0;

>> A

A =

-0.0655 0 0.1020 0

0 -0.0656 0 0.1029

0 0 -0.1020 0

0 0 0 -0.1029

>> B

B =

0.1009 0

0 0.1018

0 0.1811

0.1794 0

>> C

C =

1 0 0 0

0 1 0 0

0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1

>> D

D =


%Create jSS Object

Plant = jSS(A,B,C,D);

>> Plant

Plant =

-- jMPC State Space Object --

States: 4

Inputs: 2

Outputs: 4

Continuous Model

%Discontinuous Plant

Ts = 3;

Plant = c2d(Plant,Ts);

>> Plant

Plant =

-- jMPC State Space Object --

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States: 4

Inputs: 2

Outputs: 4

Sampling Time: 3 sec

Designing MPC controller:Designing MPC controller:Designing MPC controller:Designing MPC controller:

%MPC Model

Model = Plant; %no model/plant mismatch

%Horizons & Time

Np = 10; prediction horizon

Nc = 3; control horizon


con.u = [0 12 6;

0 12 6];

con.y = [0 25;

0 25;

0 10;

0 10];


uwt = [8 8]'; R matrix in quadratic programming

ywt = [10 10 0 0]'; Q matrix

%Estimator Gain

Kest = dlqe(Model); state estimator or observer gain

%Simulation Length

T = 250;

%Setpoints (Bottom Left, Bottom Right)

setp = 15*ones(T,2);

setp(100:end,1:2) = 20;

setp(200:end,2) = 15;

%Initial values

Plant.x0 = [0 0 0 0]';

Model.x0 = [0 0 0 0]';

%-- Build MPC & Simulation --%

MPC1 = jMPC(Model,Np,Nc,uwt,ywt,con,Kest);

simopts = jSIM(MPC1,Plant,T,setp);

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%-- Simulate & Plot Result --%

simresult = sim(MPC1,simopts,'Matlab');





Model Properties:

States: 4

Inputs: 2

Outputs: 4

Observable: YES

Controllable: YES


Controller Specifications:

Sampling Period: 3.00 sec

Prediction Horizon: 10

Control Horizon: 3

QP Solver: jMPC Wrights Method

Soft Y Constraints: NO

State Estimation: YES

Setpoint Look Ahead: NO

Input Weights:

IN1 = 8.00

IN2 = 8.00

Output Weights:

OUT1 = 10.00

OUT2 = 10.00



0.00 <= IN1 <= 12.00, -6.00 <= IN1/rate <= 6.00

0.00 <= IN2 <= 12.00, -6.00 <= IN2/rate <= 6.00

0.00 <= OUT1 <= 25.00

0.00 <= OUT2 <= 25.00

0.00 <= OUT3 <= 10.00

0.00 <= OUT4 <= 10.00



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Simulation Specifications:

Simulation Mode: Matlab

Plant Type: Linear State Space

Length Of Simulation: 750.00 sec

Sampling Time: 3.00 sec

Output Disturbances: NO

Input Disturbances: NO


Sampling Statistics:

Average: 0.00187 (s)

Maximum: 0.10042 (s)

Theoretical Maximum Sampling Frequency: 9.95865 (Hz)

In this case we have chosen a prediction horizon of 10 samples (30 seconds at Ts

= 3s) and a control horizon of 3 samples (6 seconds).

DesigningDesigningDesigningDesigning robustrobustrobustrobust MPC controller:MPC controller:MPC controller:MPC controller:

This next example will show how to add an unmeasured input (load) disturbance as

well as measurement noise to the system.

The variable umdist now contains a 2 column matrix of input disturbance values,

which in this case u1 has a 1V bias subtracted from it for samples 80 to 100. The

0 50 100 150 200 2500






Outputs: yp(k)




0 50 100 150 200 2500






States: xp(k)




0 50 100 150 200 2500



15Input: u(k)





0 50 100 150 200 250-4





6Change in Input: ∆ u(k)





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variable noise now contains a 4 column matrix of normal distribution noise, with a

mean of 0 and a low power.


umdist = zeros(T,2);

umdist(80:end,1) = -1;

noise = randn(T,4)/30;

%Rebuild Simulation

simopts = jSIM(MPC1,Plant,T,setp,umdist,[],noise);

%Re Simulate & Plot

simresult = sim(MPC1,simopts,'Matlab');





Model Properties:

States: 4

Inputs: 2

Outputs: 4

Observable: YES

Controllable: YES


Controller Specifications:

Sampling Period: 3.00 sec

Prediction Horizon: 10

Control Horizon: 3

QP Solver: jMPC Wrights Method

Soft Y Constraints: NO

State Estimation: YES

Setpoint Look Ahead: NO

Input Weights:

IN1 = 8.00

IN2 = 8.00

Output Weights:

OUT1 = 10.00

OUT2 = 10.00



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0.00 <= IN1 <= 12.00, -6.00 <= IN1/rate <= 6.00

0.00 <= IN2 <= 12.00, -6.00 <= IN2/rate <= 6.00

0.00 <= OUT1 <= 25.00

0.00 <= OUT2 <= 25.00

0.00 <= OUT3 <= 10.00

0.00 <= OUT4 <= 10.00





Simulation Specifications:

Simulation Mode: Matlab

Plant Type: Linear State Space

Length Of Simulation: 750.00 sec

Sampling Time: 3.00 sec

Output Disturbances: YES

Input Disturbances: NO


Sampling Statistics:

Average: 0.00150 (s)

Maximum: 0.00425 (s)

Theoretical Maximum Sampling Frequency: 235.128 (Hz)

0 50 100 150 200 2500






Outputs: yp(k)




0 50 100 150 200 2500






States: xp(k)




0 50 100 150 200 2500






12Input: u(k)





0 50 100 150 200 250-6






6Change in Input: ∆ u(k)





0 50 100 150 200 250-0.2







0.15Measurement Noise




0 50 100 150 200 250-1





0Unmeasured Input Disturbance





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[1] Johan Lofberg, “Modeling and solving uncertain optimization problems in YALMIP”

Proceedings of the 17th World Congress The International Federation of Automatic Control

Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008.

[2] Johan Lofberg, “Minimax approaches to robust model predictive control” Dissertations,

Department of Electrical Engineering Linkoping University, Sweden 2003.

[3] Jonathan Currie, “jMPC Toolbox v3.11 User's Guide” AUT University.

[4] M. Kvasnica, P. Grieder, M. Baoti´c and F.J. Christophersen, “ Multi-Parametric Toolbox ”

ETH - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.

[5] I. Alvarado, D. Limon, “A comparative analysis of distributed MPC techniques applied to

the HD-MPC four-tank benchmark” Journal of Process Control 21 (2011) 800–815.

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3 Real time MPC3 Real time MPC3 Real time MPC3 Real time MPC

The applications of convex programming in wide areas of science make it

important in areas included control, economic, signal processing and the whole

fields related to optimization problems. Many solvers developed for solving convex

optimization problem simple, like CVX and YALMIP, but the resulting solve times are

not suitable in application with fast dynamics or sampling time (real time

applications). This report describe the capabilities and implementation of CVXGEN

software package (new solver that developed by Boyd research group in Stanford


CVXGEN takes a high level description of a convex optimization family, and

automatically generate flat, library-free C code that can be compiled into high

speed custom solver for the problem family.

In this report we propose an automatic code generation system for real-time

embedded convex optimization, By ‘embedded’ we mean that the optimization

algorithm is part of a larger, fully automated system, that executes automatically

with newly arriving data or changing conditions, and without any human

intervention or action. By ‘real-time’ we mean that the optimization algorithm

executes much faster than a typical or generic method with a human in the loop, in

times measured in milliseconds or microseconds for small and medium size

problems. This impose special requirements on the solver. First, the solver must be

robust. Second, the solver must also be fast and finally, the solver should have a

simple footprint. These requirement are important for embedded applications.

The CVXGEN can handling poor quality data, so it’s robust and also it’s fast

enough rather than other solvers and it use simple code with minimal or no library

dependencies. The main disadvantages of CVXGEN are:

1. It reduced to quadratic programming (QPs).

2. It is suitable for small and medium size problems.

next generations of this solver provide code generation for many convex problem


An early example of this kind of embedded optimization, is model predictive

control (MPC). A numerical example [3], illustrate the advantage of this method.

The remainder of this section discusses the use and implementation of CVXGEN.

First part show how CVXGEN looks to the user. Second part describes CVXGEN

implementation and finally we explain code generation for MPC example using the

software package CVXGEN.

3.1 CVXGEN example 3.1 CVXGEN example 3.1 CVXGEN example 3.1 CVXGEN example In this part, simple example of multi-period trading that uses CVXGEN is

implemented. We don’t attention to the details associated to modeling the problem

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(for more details refer to the reference [1]), finally the trading policy will be based

on solving the optimization problem:

With variables and parameters (problem data)

Our trading policy works as follows. In period t, we obtain the problem parameters.

Some of these are known (such as the current portfolio xt); others are specified or

chosen (such as eta); and others are estimated by an auxiliary algorithm (qt, Qt,bt,

st). We then solve the optimization problem, which is feasible provided xt ≥ 0. (If

this is not the case, we declare ruin and quit.) We then choose the trade ut as a

solution of problem. By construction, this trade will be self-financing, and will

respect the post-trade leverage constraint. (The solution can be ut = 0, meaning

that no trades should be executed in period t). The CVXGEN specification of this

problem family is (for the case with n=20 assest):

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Here we describe CVXGEN’s problem specification language.


Dimensions: The first part of the problem specification shows the numeric

dimensions of each of the problem’s parameters and variables.

Parameters: Parameters are placeholders for problem data, which are not

specified numerically until solve time. Parameters are used to describe problem

families; the actual parameter values, specified when the solver is called, define

each problem instance. Parameter values are specified with a name and

dimensions, and include optional attributes, which are used for DCP convexity

verification. Available attributes are nonnegative, nonpositive, psd, nsd and

symmetric and diagonal.

Variables: The third block shows optimization variables, which are to be found

during the solve phase, i.e., when the solver is called. Variables are also specified

with a name and dimension, and optional attributes.

Functions and expressions:Functions and expressions:Functions and expressions:Functions and expressions:

Expressions are created from parameters and variables using addition,

subtraction, multiplication, division and several additional functions. These

expressions can then be used in the objective and constraints.

CVXGEN performs syntax, dimension and convexity checks on each problem

description. Once the problem description has been finalized, CVXGEN converts the

description into a custom C solver. Next part shows this implementation.

Fig.8: Operation of a parser-solver, and a code generator for embedded solvers.

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3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 CVXGEN implementationCVXGEN implementationCVXGEN implementationCVXGEN implementation

This part of the report describes techniques used to create CVXGEN solvers and

make them fast and robust. CVXGEN handles only problems that transform to QPs.

As shown in fig.8 code generation product C source files, before code generation

the specification problem parsed and converted to an internal representation. All

convexity and dimension checking is performed in this internal layer. In particular,

the output is C code that takes a problem instance and transforms it for use as the

Q, q, G, h, A and b in the canonical form. This step also produces code for taking

the optimal point x from the canonical form, and transforming it back to the

variables in the original CVXGEN problem specification. The canonical form is:


are the problem data.

Once the problem is in canonical form, we use a standard primal dual interior

point method to find the solution.

First we introduce slack variables to solve equivalent problem:

With the dual variable y and z that associated with equality and inequality

constraints, respectively, the KKT conditions for this problem are:

In the second step we find analytically the solution of the pair of primal and dual



We don’t engage in theoretical subjects (more details are in reference [1]). Each

of the primal and dual algorithms require two solves with the so-called KKT matrix

to find the solution (L) for the system KL = R.

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Code generation produces five primary C source files. The bulk of the algorithm is

contained in solver.c, which has the main solve function and core routines. KKT

matrix factorization and solution is carried out by functions in ldl.c, while

matrix_support.c contains code for filling vectors and matrices, and performing

certain matrix-vector products. All data structures and function prototypes are

defined in solver.h, and testsolver.c contains simple driver code for exercising the


3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 Code GeneratiCode GeneratiCode GeneratiCode Generation for MPon for MPon for MPon for MPCCCC One drawback of MPC is that an optimization problem must be solved at each time

step. Using conventional numerical optimization techniques, the time taken to solve

this problem is often much longer. some techniques developed to solve this

optimization problem fast enough for real time applications, such as explicit MPC,

but as mentioned before these methods have their own problems that prevented us

to use them in more complicated applications And this report is based on CVXGEN,

the newest method of real time convex programming, this section show CVXGEN’s

use in numerical MPC example (energy storage system).

We do not claim that RHC always outperforms traditional control methods. In

many cases, a skilled designer can achieve similar performance by carefully tuning

a conventional linear controller such as a PID controller, suitably modified to handle

constraints (for example by saturating control inputs that are outside their limits).

ProbProbProbProblem statement:lem statement:lem statement:lem statement: We consider an energy storage system that can be charged or

discharged from a source with varying energy price. A simple example is a battery

connected to a power grid. The goal is to alternate between charging and

discharging in order to maximize the average revenue.

Let first introduce problem variables and parameters:

: denote the charge in the energy store at time period t. The energy

store has capacity C.

: denote the amount of energy taken from the source in period t to

charge the energy store.

0 tq C≤ ≤

max0 c

tu C≤ ≤

Page 33: AAAA ProjectProject ReportReportReport · Horizon Model Predictive Control ... Figure.3 illustrates the flow chart of a representative

: denote the amount of energy discharged into the source from our

energy store.

The system dynamic is:

Where the shows the leakage coefficient, charge efficiency and discharge

efficiency, respectively that belongs to the interval [0

: is the energy price at time

Our cost function that wants to be minimized is:

Where denote discourage excessive charging and discharging

Now the main challenging that need to be solve

one approach is estimating future energy prices using N previous prices.

project, my strategy is using random function to generate energy price

The receding horizon policy for energy storage process:

This is a convex optimization problem.

We look at a particular numerical instance with problem data’s:

For MPC we use time horizon T=50.

The simulation results follow by several steps

1. The easiest way to use this interface

online interface, Go to the website “

project, then impose your project data’s to t


max0 d

tu D≤ ≤

, ,c dk kη


0γ ≥

denote the amount of energy discharged into the source from our

shows the leakage coefficient, charge efficiency and discharge

that belongs to the interval [0-1].

is the energy price at time t.

Our cost function that wants to be minimized is:

denote discourage excessive charging and discharging.

Now the main challenging that need to be solved is modeling energy price p[t],

ng future energy prices using N previous prices.

strategy is using random function to generate energy price

The receding horizon policy for energy storage process:

convex optimization problem.

We look at a particular numerical instance with problem data’s:

For MPC we use time horizon T=50.

The simulation results follow by several steps using cvxgen software package

The easiest way to use this interface is via the ‘Matlab’ screen in CVXGEN's

Go to the website “” and create new

project, then impose your project data’s to the blank spaces shown in


denote the amount of energy discharged into the source from our

shows the leakage coefficient, charge efficiency and discharge

is modeling energy price p[t],

ng future energy prices using N previous prices. In this

strategy is using random function to generate energy prices.

using cvxgen software package:

is via the ‘Matlab’ screen in CVXGEN's

” and create new

he blank spaces shown in

Page 34: AAAA ProjectProject ReportReportReport · Horizon Model Predictive Control ... Figure.3 illustrates the flow chart of a representative


2. The second step is creating custom C codes for using in Matlab, shown in

below fig.

Page 35: AAAA ProjectProject ReportReportReport · Horizon Model Predictive Control ... Figure.3 illustrates the flow chart of a representative


3. Download and extract the ‘’ archive for your problem. This will

create a subdirectory called CVXGEN.

4. Inside the cvxgen/ folder in Matlab, call make_csolve. This will use the mex

command to compile and build your custom solver and creates a csolve.mex* file.

Now we are ready to use this solver, as mentioned before, we use random

function to obtain energy price for our project.










for i=1:50, params.pi=rand(1)*10


[vars, status] = csolve(params);

iter objv gap |Ax-b| |Gx+s-h| step

1 -2.641e+002 7.27e+003 3.38e-008 8.05e-001 0.9915

2 -8.725e+002 1.12e+003 4.08e-009 9.72e-002 0.8792

3 -1.056e+003 3.47e+002 1.15e-009 2.73e-002 0.7195

4 -1.102e+003 1.12e+002 2.54e-010 6.04e-003 0.7785

5 -1.118e+003 5.74e+001 1.06e-010 2.52e-003 0.5832

6 -1.128e+003 1.74e+001 7.98e-012 1.89e-004 0.9248

7 -1.130e+003 8.02e+000 2.70e-012 5.57e-005 0.7057

8 -1.132e+003 1.50e+000 7.64e-013 8.39e-006 0.8494

9 -1.133e+003 4.44e-002 4.23e-013 1.17e-007 0.9860

10 -1.133e+003 4.46e-004 3.12e-014 1.18e-009 0.9899

11 -1.133e+003 4.46e-006 9.53e-015 1.18e-011 0.9900

After 11 iterations, we find optimal solution for our cost function and the variables

of the problem are:

>> vars

vars =

q_1: 9.8000

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q_2: 19.4040 q_3: 8.8118 q_4: 18.4356 q_5: 27.8669 q_6: 36.4007 q_7: 45.4727 q_8: 34.3592 q_9: 23.4679 q_10: 12.7945 q_11: 22.3386 q_12: 11.6877 q_13: 21.2540 q_14: 10.6248 q_15: 10.4123 q_16: 7.6011e-009 q_17: 0.6248 q_18: 10.4123 q_19: 1.2517e-008 q_20: 9.8000 q_21: 19.4040 q_22: 28.8159 q_23: 23.9740 q_24: 13.2904 q_25: 2.8205 q_26: 12.5641 q_27: 22.1128 q_28: 11.4665 q_29: 21.0372 q_30: 10.4123 q_31: 3.2724e-008 q_32: 9.8000 q_33: 0.6248 q_34: 10.4123 q_35: 1.7515e-008 q_36: 9.8000 q_37: 19.4040 q_38: 15.9945 q_39: 25.4746 q_40: 14.7610 q_41: 24.2658 q_42: 13.5764 q_43: 3.1008 q_44: 12.8388 q_45: 2.3779 q_46: 12.1303 q_47: 21.6877 q_48: 11.0499 q_49: 0.6248 q_50: 10.4123 q_51: 3.0567e-009 uc_0: 10.0000 uc_1: 10.0000 uc_2: 7.6158e-009 uc_3: 10.0000 uc_4: 10.0000 uc_5: 9.2767 uc_6: 10.0000 uc_7: 5.3053e-009 uc_8: 5.5717e-009 uc_9: 9.3884e-009 uc_10: 10.0000 uc_11: 2.1184e-008 uc_12: 10.0000 uc_13: 4.0029e-009 uc_14: 6.4831e-008 uc_15: 8.8862e-009

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uc_16: 0.6376 uc_17: 10.0000 uc_18: 4.0215e-009 uc_19: 10.0000 uc_20: 10.0000 uc_21: 10.0000 uc_22: 1.0351e-007 uc_23: 3.1983e-009 uc_24: 3.5030e-009 uc_25: 10.0000 uc_26: 10.0000 uc_27: 1.2778e-008 uc_28: 10.0000 uc_29: 6.4378e-009 uc_30: 7.6649e-009 uc_31: 10.0000 uc_32: 6.0607e-008 uc_33: 10.0000 uc_34: 2.5104e-009 uc_35: 10.0000 uc_36: 10.0000 uc_37: 7.9212e-008 uc_38: 10.0000 uc_39: 1.2094e-008 uc_40: 10.0000 uc_41: 2.5293e-009 uc_42: 2.7328e-009 uc_43: 10.0000 uc_44: 4.4275e-009 uc_45: 10.0000 uc_46: 10.0000 uc_47: 1.3073e-008 uc_48: 2.8971e-009 uc_49: 10.0000 uc_50: 2.7678e-009 ud_0: 3.5892e-009 ud_1: 3.2340e-009 ud_2: 10.0000 ud_3: 2.9702e-009 ud_4: 3.0852e-009 ud_5: 5.2090e-008 ud_6: 3.0805e-009 ud_7: 10.0000 ud_8: 10.0000 ud_9: 10.0000 ud_10: 3.0975e-009 ud_11: 10.0000 ud_12: 1.2580e-008 ud_13: 10.0000 ud_14: 1.8089e-007 ud_15: 10.0000 ud_16: 5.8697e-008 ud_17: 2.6438e-008 ud_18: 10.0000 ud_19: 4.9420e-009 ud_20: 5.8192e-009 ud_21: 6.7055e-009 ud_22: 4.1803 ud_23: 10.0000 ud_24: 10.0000 ud_25: 3.9753e-009 ud_26: 5.4340e-008 ud_27: 10.0000 ud_28: 5.4716e-008 ud_29: 10.0000 ud_30: 10.0000

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ud_31: 1.1085e-008 ud_32: 8.7996 ud_33: 3.4403e-009 ud_34: 10.0000 ud_35: 7.4073e-009 ud_36: 5.5124e-009 ud_37: 2.9610 ud_38: 7.7707e-009 ud_39: 10.0000 ud_40: 2.3894e-008 ud_41: 10.0000 ud_42: 10.0000 ud_43: 3.8214e-009 ud_44: 10.0000 ud_45: 8.2154e-009 ud_46: 4.8712e-008 ud_47: 10.0000 ud_48: 10.0000 ud_49: 2.3268e-008 ud_50: 10.0000

p: 1x50 cell: energy price

q: 51x1 cell: the charging at energy store

0 10 20 30 40 500











0 10 20 30 40 50 600










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uc: 50x1 cell: amount of energy taken from the source to charge

ud: 50x1 cell: amount of energy discharged into the source

As shown in figures, the variation of uc and ud between max and min values,

determine this agreement that process has been done in optimal way.

If we want to modify solver behavior, we can change the settings, this allow us to

trade off between solve-time and solution accuracy to make our solving process

more efficiency.

The code information (involving problem size, KKT matrix information and code

generation information) are:

0 10 20 30 40 500











0 10 20 30 40 500











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[1] Jacob Mattingley and Stephen Boyd, “CVXGEN: A Code Generator for Embedded Convex

Optimization” , November 14, 2010

[2] JACOB MATTINGLEY,YANG WANG, and STEPHEN BOYD, “Receding Horizon Control Automatic Generation of High Speed Solvers”, IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE » JUNE 2011 [3]