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aaaaaV laW59(aia& aaaaBla. -r-- rci t a XT V A PPU t rriTTir5T A V VT A X3-- rx to t 00-- 1 THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. HY M'CLANAHAN & DILL. MEMPHIS, TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1861. VOLUME XII.-TJMR- ER 51 rnt ii tiic iaBii mi: or ti ".- - FRII. The effect of present nd antieinatad politi- cal revolutions upon the future deetioy of Memphis bss beeom. tb theme of popular dieqc'tior. and of newspaper .peculation. It has been Mid that Memphis wouid moat certalely frotoote her own latere! and proa-pe- ri t by aa laamediatr identification of her fortune with tboa of tie cttiea aud people of the Confederate Statei. Whtle the reault of our late election wai well calculated to exas- perate araiaat a a brave, excitable an people, to whom we are Indebted for a treat portion of our wealth aad frreatnees as a commercial community, it is bat jest to our- selves that they should comprehend the mo- tives which influenced Tanneaaeeate, and the representations made to them by their mieruiced leaders and press, prior to the lata elect! os Unfortunately for Tennessee, as many now believe, that great national bumbo;, the peace conference, spoken into existence by the potent voice of the Old Dominion, was herald- ed abroad a, a certain panacea for all cur woes jsst before our election occurred. The people Imagined that a convention waa only designed to ranee the immediate secession of Tennessee, and since our wrongs and grievance would be clearly defined, and ceitainly remedied by the rati lirenee, wiadom, and patriotlam (?)of the Northern States ae represented In the peace conference, they deemed the existence and ac- tion of a State convention altogether unneces- sary. TLe people of Tennessee did not by their action to betray the cause of the South, bot they themselves were betraved bv unvise leaders, and dflualvehopestf justice to be meted out by the fanatical enemies of our risrhts and Institutions. Not only waa the action of the peace conference wholly unsatis- factory, but empty and shallow as were its pretences, a: : devoid of patriotism as they were of s jus: appreciation cf Southern rights, Mil a n Congress rejected with acorn and contempt this slight advance made toward the final pacification of the conn-tr- y. When to these recent events the a policy announced in Lincoln's inaugural as you construe it, is super-adde- d as anotaer flaring insult to the South, and as another expression of the determination of the demon of to denv us our cod acitutional rights, we sre not surprised that a revulsion of feeline baa occurred among the Union men of our State ; we are not aurprised that they regret their folly in voting down a convention, and that they now admit they were misled and grossly deluded. With these potent facta before us it aay be true that tie antipathies against this Htv, which have been evoked by the action of the State, should at least be materially modified. Besides all this it is undeniably true that the great mass of the property-Lolder- e and business men of Memphis, thoroughly comprehending aa well their own interests ami necessi'ies as the csuse of aectional diaaenaiona, concurred with the ArrKAL in advocating the secession movement and the State convention. But now so fixed is the determination of many of our citizen", that oar destiny must be made identi- cal with that of the Confederate States that the policy of separating from the remainder of the State la freely discussed, and by many strongly urired. At present there is not little reason r-- well- - founded cf Ten- - res should reconsider the expressions of sent! nent inimi-bav- e eal to our people, to which tbey given utterance. If, however, that you deem the most of all calamities, is infamous heresies of Andrew Johnson and should popular!; I Tennessee: if Memybie te destined to I e the "tail end" of a m'ddle c .r.r.- nr nf a TJ - 1 D fublicsn oligi we cannot even in this most "disaatn id disgraceful condition of things," belie, t the commercial advanta-- 1 ges of Memph I be lost or unreco 'n'zed tall :r l,0D' ,D- - 0 aa informal that little mprt be agreeable. have actively people might prove to ! in and true interests has having the cannot be ject 'r iv toliticat and of the revenue States llna Fnrt yet this We mar the Great but lata? con- - '""ris made effect so-i- ll resume her gentle reirn ' lut'on question the forts rev- - In er onrse would Government owea the ward which equivalent to ctsh v . the Indian the ab- - '.o neatly affected by a iranerormations which can occur 01 be involved in war, tiaue; torn peace "commerce will be ral lines wilt imagi taxexat and love g will overleap, and Memphis will become again the great ertrepot for tbe interchange of tbe diverse products the North and South. Un- wise evstems, onerous and oppressive. created to divert trad from its natural chan- - .i. will Sre. n.Ani. lik. .,.rr lawa, become practically obeolete, or soon ,ub-- ! jecled to all iificationa adaptine than to the interests, ssilies and greatest ' good the greatest Jf the people Wait, afoas ".-.- .. a 'bsrlsotoa must con- - i ' tinue to be the great of the one for the eastern, the - .Ar.i.'.r n mnr. ' tioo of tbe cotton we anticipate for these cities a brilli and une,ualed j 'ity under a rnrcent, upheld bv the most liberal Tree policy, still, Memphis, at the northern extremity of the cotton region, possesses facilities and advantages equally undeniable, and which no conceivable tbe political rela- tione of Tenneeeee can permanently affect. The Nortt. must bav tbe prodn-t- a of the Sooth, and 'he South those the North : both will and exchange where the can be effected on the best terms, despit all laws and prejudices, and despite all arbitrary and imaginary Slate lines boundaries, j Nature has designated the on tbe banks of mighty "inland sea,' wi-- 50,000 miles of navigable water, and at the it railways, wtitrti , BJg PJ'"' r trade, traffic and travel empires. Tfcere are no ultimate dangers to Memphis ; whatever may be tbe ephemeral effects any pol.tical revolution change which the conn- - j try may una ergo. Man cannot deprive Mem- - phi advaatage which nature baa given her, and which energy and enterpris- - have super- added every element or prosperity and great-ae- a tbe scope human ability genius. While transactions real estate are com- paratively few,lndicating the fact that our own people are doubtful tbe future, we ssy to them that men in distant portions our country who have studied and graaped thie whole question ia all bearings and e, do not doubt that a glorious riee-ttt- y awaits oor city. Northern capitalists are looking to ttiw point ae the aafeat furors operation and success. An agent the Pemberton mills baa already bought a art for a manufacturing establishment in our s. The fact which we have here presented hare everywhere recognized, ave by none our own timid tradesmen and capital ist. theae woul danger ; the whole philo free self gov-- . enapeat by aa intellige'r comprebend- - lie the r own want an eettiee, and Lav lag the power to adapt to them all laws and S'stema revenue mast seur thinking men tiat no change, nor revolution, nor tranofor-ir-tion'- States confederations, can affrct. dsastroue'v. 'be fortunes ral city of The political opinions expressed in this of tbe Arrrti. rather than of aayrrltrT.but the deduction as to tbe fortstnes of tie eitv, flow as and necessarily Trias ttiepoeition aeawsned by tbe Arvrai., as from tbe sta ad point the BJfeffa. Wbile people reign until a despotiem la estab- lished all future government trait adept all cola and to tbe wants and of tbe otherwise and revelation will be perpetual, which no man aad no contemplate. cATO WA8HI-6T- O- WEW. WAeurncTon, March 7. Mr. Crittenden as aereaaded by tbe citizena Washington. There waa an immense crowd o' people, who most enthusiastica'ly renpood-- i ee KTZa. utranees of fervent I'nion sen':- - m .nr.fiJ.ere in the intelligence c' people, who new aione re Tbe troubles were c rtrarting qetion. and kept alive by petty cross road pol-- i' clan for selfish purposes. Preserve the i nion, and tie Uaioa will The 1 oman veteran was permitted U retire a. the W.t be had k end of thirty He espec ed hta forty years. uphold the Union and Constitotioa, which iTe conferred Ineurr-erabl- e hl.Ming. on .11. Gen. ro, Seirator Johnon and otlier. were 'erward serewaded, and oratoricaliy respon-r.- d to the compliment President Lincoln aaici to atuthern gentle-ce- a rlo eaH4 en him to know bow 1. inaugural was to be uader.tood, that it r .eant peace. southern commiesioners held a eonrer-enc- e this morning Wigfall'. room, when it a few day., tbeir ea irrrol to postpoae, lommunication to Lineelo, an II Mr Sewrd hi. an opportunity to develop his lorramme of policy toward ki.i ntatea. . Mr. Wigfall urged tbem to act Immediateit snd bring tbeir ieio to a eloe. in order to Preoident Davia an opportunity to cap-u- rs Forts Sumter and Piekena before rein- forcement can reaeb Mr. Forsyth .gi.ored the proposition, and aoaae words awaad. At the diplomatic viait, laat night, Mr. Lm-o- lt made the following repjj- to the addre. hj Figaaier, ia behalf the diplomatic corps: of tne ("Iplmnatlc body: Plea.e ar-'- ! t sincere thaaka for yoor kind congrat-l- t x afford me pleasure to confirm 'onti yon m generally exnre. in tbe friendly diapoaitiea f tbe United Slate, through me, toward the sovereign, and .0 reepectivly repreeent. "With equal setle'iotion, I acOpt the lta are yn,, lr, pleased to give that tne a ispoait.o,, ia reciprocated by yw: sovereigns, governments and ymirselvei Allow me "o Sxnreea the hope thai the friei Ity relations nay remain andieturbed ; also my fervent for the and bappi eas of your- - seises pereonelly." at seems be pretty generall ' nderstood that M. Clay will receit mission toU-iir- o This ia bv Lite adminis- - trat on being at the present juncture af- fairs ia that country and our own, tbe mo.t important mission ube Government. E'.heridge ia etrongly d for the mission to Spain. ue son of Smith, (secretary of the In- - , wan appointed librarian to inienot rtmeat, vice of Mies .a.ppi, a a- - GfkBger, recorder ti-- e bjpbctbI Ibbo offce, and brother-in- - w Senator Donglas, vraa removed The secretary to tie Preldent r ticn land Leonard, received noiiee that services were no longer required. Reliable information waa received this even- ing that Gov. Houston baa reeened, and re- tiree to private life. Major Anderson has not Keen promoted yet. and the artny interest oppaee it earnsaely. The eorrVapoiideace which reached the War Department te-s- y fhowi that General received tb- order of Secretary Holt, relieving him from command, three days before he surrendered. All the statements, therefore, representing that he was unable to ascertain the views the Department, are fale. His treach- ery was anil lafamons. Col. Cooper, Adjuiant-Oenar- Withers' as- sistant, and Capt. Macbln, paymaster, re- signed their eoranlssi-in- y. Cooper ia brother-in-la- Senator Maean, aad bis resignation I aa bean expected for some time. Jeff Davie tat sent a secret agent to Mex- ico, with a view of recognition of the Cotton Confederacy. Wasbibgtoic, March 8. The fTotidenlhaa accepted the rselgnation of Adjutant-Gener- Cooper 'C Assistant Adjutant Withers. Withers is a Tennesaean. A report is prevalent that Quart ermaater-Gener- Johnson, Virginia, is sbout to re- sign, bit he said, this morning, the occasion for such a coarse baa not arrived. Tbe resignation of Adjutant Cooper has oc- casioned general regret He was appointed from ia native of New York. It ia known that several officers the arm , located here, have been offered lucre' tve W ntmenta under tbe Government of tbe j j Confederacy. Charles Joies, late the regie'er'a oCce in tbe Treasury, haa left fas' Montgomery to take a place under that Governmeat-- A large crowd at the Mate Department til. morning waa much disappointed at the abeence of Mr. Seward, wbo ia detained at home by physical indisposition. Tlie Senate, in executive session con- firmed Norman B Judd aa miniater to Berlin; Herman Christ man, also of Illinois, as secre- tary of legation, John A. Kaasou of Iowa, aa first assistant Postmaster-genera- l. Tbe President did not send aay nomina- tions The following are the Senate eomrel'tees : On foreign relatione Sumner, Collamer, Doolittle, Harris, Douglas, Polk and Breckin- ridge. On Fivance Fessenden, Simmons, Wade, Powell, Hunter, Pearce and Brirbt. On Commerce Chandler, King, Morrill, Wlleon. Cllpgmao, Saulabury and Johnaon. On Military Wilson, King, Baker, Lane, Rice, Latham Breckinridge. On Naval Affairs Hale,JGnrr . Foot, Cowan, Thompson, Nirbolaon and Kennedy. On Judiciary Trumbull, Foeter, Ten Eyck, Cowan, Bayard, Powell and Ciingn On Postnffice Collamer, Dixon, Wade, Trunibell, Bright and Latham. On Peblic Larrd Harlan, Bingham, Clark, Wilkinson, Johnson, Mitchell and Btagg. On Private Laads Harris, Ten Eyck, Sum- ner Bayard. On Indian Affairs. Doolittle, Baker, Cow- an, Ten Eyck, Sebastian, Rice, Nesmith. On Pensions Foeter, Bingham, Line, Sim- mons Saulabury, Powell and Mitchell. On Revolutionary Claims King, Chandler, Wilkinaon, Nicholson and Nesmith. On Claims Clark, Simmons. Howe, Cowan, Bragg Polk. On District of Columbia Grimes, Anthony, Motrill, Wale, Kennedy, Clingman and Pow- ell. On Patents Sumner, Doolittle, Thompson. Sebastian. On Public Building Foot, Dixon. Chandler, Bright. Kennedy. On T rritories Wade, Wilkinson, Cowan, Hale, Dulaa, Sebastian, Brag. On Audit Expenses Dixon, Clark, Johnson. On Printing Anthonv, Harlan, Nicholson. On EnT08ed Bills Line, Morrill, Mitch- ell. On Bills Bingham, Baker, Saula- bury. On Library Pearce, Collamer, Feaaenden. Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford have as yet made no official communication to the Admin- - Floyd has published a state- ment vindicatory of the acceptances of Russell, Majors at Co., and of their legali- ty. Instead of their being six millions of'them outstanding, he shows there are only six hun- dred thousand, and declares tbe contractors have secured these by assignment of property am p!e tact protection . ana mat it trie t,ov- - rnmnt will permit the earning the trains ror l"1 to PP'd ' " acceptances, tney man, and information a taxee would The commissioners been ocrn-ii:- '"' since their arrival consultation wi- ld ' oficia! intercourse reference to is pernii- - ' tn misaion. revolution? The' .ubj.ct tbe collection of and ronfe.-ier.-i reinforcing of Sitmt'r not continent. engaged the attention of Cabinet. war cannot re being to s peaceful of the of and the wl" be liquidated that way, without to 'he ass'gnments. It seem, also, lat contractors op- era la the of trust bonds, of be of tariff .mnne- - neeuTu of trace, o! th. Sta wi possible trade growing change in of boy exchange and epot a BJJ rompase, of or to within of and In tr.ust of its icene for of been of To we of aconfine't. those naturally of tbe constitution people, secession de- nt' of tb wi" prcrve a. yaare, a. The In for Prreioent tne taera. high na4e of 'Gents I? the ear health to he a. of a. in Emerson of Mr. tne Lee'er nmat ot to patents, Mr. Twigga the of entirely deliberate of General of and a of of and In and an. Rice, and and Enrolled In favor Tor of of $500,000. of of of of of atraction of which Mr. Floyd repudiates all pr'vious knowledge. He denounces the conduct to Die proceed ings of tbe select committee wfth great sever- ity, and aaya their sole object was his political persecution arid defamation. Brevet. L'eu. Col. Lorenzo Thomas, second in rank in tbe adjudant-general'- s office, haa been promoted to be adjutant-genera- l, vice Cooper, resigned. Among the prominent candidates for consul to London, ia Col. Schouler of Massachu- setts. Beril Djrpi'rb to llie X. 0 Delta. Washikotok, March 3. Tbe southern com- missioners, Messrs. Crawford and Forsyth, state that y tbsy are quite hopefnl of a favorable result tc their mission. Nevertheless, for prudential reasons, be postponed until ,h, r,hir,.t I. rel.ased from the ont.ide nre. ,r. tj,. Influence ia very powerful at pree- - ,nti inj wt, nToa,ij against a recognition of ,j , Confederacy. intimations are freelv given out, that, if SeWlrd eontrole the policy to be adopted, th comoiiee'eners will be received and a respect ran sasaring extended re mem. Tbe Cabinet yesterday agreed to the nomina- tion of Crittenden for the vacancy en tbe Su- preme bench. Chase violently, but ineffectu- ally opposed the measure. The result is sup- posed to be a victory of the Seward party, and augura favorably for the preservation of peace. Tbe southern rommiseionere are possessed of means, for informing fiemaelvea of the tem- per of tbe Cabinet, and of these they will avail themaelvea. Nothing has yet been heard from Governor Roman. Ex- - Attorney-gener- Black yeeterday re- marked that he should not be aurprised to see Preident Davit and his lady diapeaaing the hospitalities of tbe White House withia ninety Floyd has published a pamph- let in reply to the congressional committee. Spe.-t- Dispatch to tbe Cincinnati Erqmrer.l Washington, March . Tbe Senate had a brief exeentive session y. It i. known that Mr. Crittenden'a name waa not aent up for the vacant judgeship. nor i. it believed that hi. name will be aent up, it Dring iiujeraiooa mat me Virginia oen tor would vote against him, and that tbe Re- publican would not unite upon him, and bo defeat the nomination. It ia now aaeerted that either Judge Ruflin. of North Carolina, Holt, ef Kntnekr, or Mr. Badger, of North Carolina, will be aent up. It I. evident that Lincoln's policy I. to con- ciliate the border State, and build bimlf a party thereon, before he attempt, any definite aaeaaure toward tbe South. Tbe southern commissioners have appeared on our atreets, shewing that they do not fear tbe arrest which tbe Republican" threaten. It I .aid that tbey will not approach tbe Admin- istration Jntil it ba. bad time to develop It. policy. Mr. Seward wa. not at the State department y. He waa detained at borne by a aavere attack of lumbago. Tbe resolution offered In the Senate for the exput.ion of Mr. Wigfall ba. occa- sioned much comment. It ia under diecunion a. I write. By it. adoption tb Senate will Indirectly acknowledge tbe accession of Texas, a fact winch tbe Republican, take great pain, t deny, or rather atriv. not to believe. It i. useless for me to attempt to give you tbe list cf here, and their pro- spect. Tliey are larger, and every oae seems te be confident cf .uceceea. Up to to-- v ft President ba. devoted much time to bearing tbeir claim, himself, but at laat be find, that he esanot de ao further, and be baa ordered ill applicatioia to be .ant to the bead, of the de- partment, ander whom the officers are to be empleved. Ia the dia'ribatioa of the aflces Mr. Seward ha. lost much power, end Chase and Blar have gained it. Tbey have the bulk of Government patronage ia tbeir handa, and consequently will be backed up by tbeir io any position of national affair, tbey xsay assume. The Secretaries bav, a. far as possible, extended I helping band to tbeir rela- tive. Mr. Seward take bi son ; tbe other Cabinet officer, each have aome relative near tbetn. To-da- y I learn that Mr. Leater libra- rian In tbe Interior Department, ba. been suc- ceeded by a eon of Secretary Smith. Mr. Les- ter la a Misaissippian, and a aecersionist per ae. George W. MeLellan, of Boston, ba. been appointed aecotd aaai.tant Poatmaeter-gen-ere- l. Mr. McPlalr, of New York, will ba s oner of public buildings. K is new said that Caesio M. Clay I to go to Mexico, and H. Winter Davis to Conatan-tinopl- I bear it rumored that the steamere Water Witcb and Cumberland bav been ordered to Fort Sumter, on human, and pacific miaaion A officer in Baltimore bee been ordered to take cor.mand of one ef (be vevaela. It la eaid that Judge Douglas will act a. . medie'or between tbe aoutbera commissioners and President Lincoln. If be refuse to receive them, they will immediately return borne, aad Congress will action at Wa.bttgtoa. It is elated that Lincoln will not call aa sa- fe .ee.ion, unless tbe finance of tbe Govera-- i Jsot become more crippled than at preseat. Such a state of things may apeeaTIv ari.e from the shipment of good, to New Orleans, to be admitted under a low tariff, and thus be taken to tbe Western State via the Misale tiepi and It. tributaries. It la feared by tbe Republican, that tlii. would e divert tbe rev- enue aa te defeat the operation, of the tariff bill. I bare had eevera! renversal iona with gen- tlemen intimate with the view, of President Davis and tboae deeply engaged in 'he forma tion of the new confederacy. From tbe tote ' of their conversation, I aea led to believe that tbey look upon we nwiMipp. ner bs we backbone of the new empire, and that tbe policy of the Southern Government will be shaped, as far as possible, to conciliate and at- tract the States lying upon its bank, and those of it tributariea. The New York 7Voe of to-d- a letter from Gov. Houston to General Twiggs, showing that be approved of the latter', course In the surrender of the federal property In Texas. C. irtuar. conrrtetniiRE TtTSAlt. Prera the Aiicnsta Conalitall.inaHit. This dlatlngui.hed Georgian ia now in Mont- gomery, Ala., where, we are please to leara, he ha. been received with open arm, and with that respect which bia past aerrlcea and hi. recent devotion io hi. native State entitle blm. He ha. declined to receive any office from tbe Government of tka Confederate States, until he learns that bia service, are not needed In Georgia. He resigned under the Georgia ordi- nance of Secession, and feel, that tc her he owea hi. first allegiance. If he I. not required here, then he will be ready to aeeapt Ibe posi- tion which may be tendered him by the Con- federate Government. We learn alio, that it is the Intention of the Commodore to visit Au- gusta at an early day; and we again call tbe attention of our fellow citizens to the propriety of giving him a reception worthy of bia name and fame. While upon tkl. subject, we may add the following article from the oerwoi of r, which will explain it.elf; Dirxir.x or CoauioDoac Tathall. The Rochester I'm publiabea a communication from Panlding Tatnall, son of tb. veteran commodore, vindicating the course which bia father ha. seen fit te adopt. In accepting a commission from the authorities of the State of Georgia. He say : If tbe "republic of America" Is a thing of tbe past, with It government a corpse, ai I believe, then it may be claimed that all officer at present serving uader tbe 'star and stripe.,' unlet, they renew their old oatba of allegiance under a diHerent Zorm, do so not from duty but from their own free pleasure. Th.y are free to give tbeir .word, to whatever govern- ment they choose, and are aarely not to be blamed if they accept service under that of the land which gave them birth, and has fur- nished them a home through life. It I. not for tne, air, lo aouud the of my own parent, but thta much I feel bound to aay that, during a career of forty-fiv- e years in tbe American navy, my "traitor" father baa never once swerved from hi. duty to the Government He served the national "grid- iron " faithfully and well a. a T.nkee volun- teer at the, to ue, dl.a.trou. battle of Bladena-bur- g, in the last war with Great Britain, and also in tbe Algerine war under Commodore Decatur. Wbile a Lieutenant stationed in tbe Went Indies, Id command of a gun brig, be did inch good sen la agalnet the Spanish pirates that bs received a public expression of approbation from bie Government, and a ser- vice of plate from the merchants of Baltimore. More recently, as tbe commander of the " Mua-q- to fleet" of steamers; during the Mexican war, be waa preaent at and participated in tbe bombardment of the ea.tle of San Juan de Ulloa, waa there badly wounded in the arm; waa memtioned mo.t honorably by Commodore Perry, forbi. conduct on several oceaeion., in hi. official dispatches, and received a atill more gra'ifyiag acknowledgment of tbe same in the tbape of a aword preaented him by bia native State of Georgia, and a silver vase pre- aented by tbe citizens of Savannah. ix month, ago. be returned from a crui.e In the Eaat Indiea and China, wbere he acted in the ca- pacity cf commander-in-chie- f ef the American force, in tho.e water.. For the m.naer in which be supported bie excellency, Town.end Harris, at Simnda, Japan, wbile tbe diplomat wa. negotiating a treaty with it. government, he received the acknowl- edgment of that gentleman himself, with tbe verbally expressed approbation of hi. Presi- dent, and for aaai.tlng, at tbe peril of bia life, tbe brave British force, when treacherously surprised by a host of Chinese at the Peiho river, the tiianka of h.r British Majestv'a gov- ernment, delivered through bi. cxcslleacy, Lord Lyon., the F.ngliah minister. fy The Charleston Jferewry of the 7th has the following paragraph : We learn that a vessel, acting under the or- der, of the United State. Government, re- placed, a few days ago, the buoy, lately re- moved from St. Helena bar. The fact being brought to the notice of the State authoritiee, prompt measure, were taken to undo tbia gra- tuitous and aomewbat barber Im- provement. Thx Taoors at Chaxli.ton. The State troop, in and near Charleston number 2,24'-- ', con.lsting of on. regiment of artillery, one regiment and one battalion of riflemen, en regiment of infantry, and six mounted compa- nies. Who!' number of eompaniea 31 ; aver- age strength 71 men. Four of tbe companie are Irifa, three German, and one Scotch. Goop roa John Chinaman. The "loot" of the summer palace at Pekin, although pro- ductive of much plunder to the lnvadera, seemt to have afforded them but little substantial benefit. Tbe Chineae eagerly bought up a large quantity in the firat days of Ibe sale, giving in exchange counterfeit Mexican dol- lars. Brick Machine TTTABR1NTKP, De orilBarr hsqcls with a horse lo TV i mi .r the else, will make I2,rja0 as 11,000 brick per day with ease ; superior to hrod Ditto. Prioa, $100. RRK K PRESS. Twn hands will press t.000 te a,'" per dev. equal u tbe liett race brick. Price, $100. I will have it in peratin by the 20th Msrcb. Adtress with past stsnipe. B. C. SIPLT. out 1m Memphis, TeE.ner.e. PHOTOGRAPHIC GILLERY, H. E. Corner Union and Main Streets, MEMPHIS, TEffWESSEE. WE hTf now opntM up our now aad ttNUi.t roomi for the rrcwvUvo of visium. Oar rooms arc bu'ti-jiae- ir flatabca., with a large-- sk?Hfkt, amused czclnalTelj for making all kituU of Ptctnraa. Our wtl' (to otjrorJ in oil by tbe celebrated arttit, WK. COOPER, on toe must term, and of all aiaet. Alao, Anbrotypes of all Sizes. Prom Mcenti to $10 We wiah a call frrm aTl. By indntiTr and attention tu boelneu, and bavins n- me bat operators, we intend ntaaXiDg oer work eq'aai to any la tbe country. Ooroe and e and try ne. Pity tnret of Children Lakeo mstautaaeoonly. Heaped folly, TEaVROCT. ROTSTBR k CO. A'!j"iMo it onr Sewing; machine Rooms, Arranged for tbe convenience of Ladles, being oa lb eeoond f .jrir. We have nor rfilTerant elylea ef Sewi'ig Hachinwa always on Itstad W. lake srst i.p' ure ) bowing ear WILCOX M ACFftKK, knowing, from a atr trial by Uinee who have untight them, that they are the farri;lv machine. One great featore In tbetn i the Needle cannot be aet wrong. Tbey are the mot simple atsd least arte plicated Machine In ne Er calling and seem, them yva can be aatiafled of their rata. Also, on the aarae floor. Dr. J, B. WASSOX has fitted cp and tarnished nfl.VTf, ROOMS, to the most elegant and aaperb manner, for tke and oomfort nf all who may deeirr his profes- sional eervire; and from oar personal acaTia1ntw.r-wit- tb. a gent era an, and knowledge of bis skill In tb science ef Dentistry, we can awore oar no mar oris b jetuls and ajTiai.Dlaice that he is m every way worthy of tbeir oorfi tenee. ferj-l- TEABOCT It CO. Notice of Dissolution THE partnership heretofore eiietitg W. Freeman, of Nashville, Ten o bis e, and Smith tn k Lewis B. sf Memphis, Tennrwsee, under tbe name and style of Praaman tk Co., waa by mutual consent en the Brat day of Pot r nary, 1B01. K. Freeman having purchased the entire inter- est of the late w. fa B. Prrexnan in the said firm of 4k Co., the hnrtineaa will b continent, nader the aarae ar.ri style (as heretofore) of Freeman k c vfeo are avthortxed to settle all debts doe to and by tba former cewnany, the firm now chsi sting o.' nV. Free- man, 8 Freeman afrl I.. B. Freeman. W. FBBBBTAK, E. PR BE MAN, B. FREEMAN. arB-l- m L. B. PBXXMAN. FREEJiAI sfc CO., of Picture and Looking (rises MANrPAtrPTBEBB MouMings, Oormrea, Venetian ttlinds. Bbsdea, Plf-- and Looking G'aases, elcH and dealers In Artists' Materials and Bugravinga, PftOTlNB BLOCK, Memphis. bB"i. VIEtEL &, RELNAt H, RESIDENT PHYSICIANS, and the voer sxrccusrTL Cancer Operators IN THE WORLD! Eight Years in Itlcmphis. INPwRV the paf1k In gener they are prepare ! all diseases, hnt m y those whiCBsMre .' and cat Tbeir treat mart of Cancers is withorjt any rival, be- cause the will te nx pet led from trie system, with all their roots snd fibers, only by cons vtional treatment, without caustics and without the ku'fe. Tbey ,a treat with anaceaa, according tothemoat science of medicine ia Europe, Bheaanrt'.iBtij Nrra!gia, wont, Oi tf almia, Pistu'a kii Ana, BcrofnU, SyphHts, rtytpia, Chronic Dyeeutery, Torpid Liver, dravel, Pits, Tapeworm, Fllne, Dropey, Diseases of the Skm Bronchitis, Conau'nptson, di --eases ef the Bye sni Ear. and gg part..-cta- attention to all Feauale Complaints, thuae of th womb. Nacrens who sre aft!. !M with sn of thn ahova diseases will be cared, and can find good board and so itnmodauons while under treatment at tbe deciors' Tbe doctors call attention of Batteries st rliaiarw that if they are net prepared to consult tbe doctors by writing to them, with an exact naoonat of all sympvome wa tne i Lsraae.medacine will be forwarrterf by Adams express. Rofem V,. 1M Main stree' asstnsansi Union and flayoso streeta. Infirmary am Pnien strtaT, east of bsyou, st Dr. Kpiegsi's private resldeaca. Br C. Spiecel has. in his tbirtv veers nrarLis av- nnclally on chronic diseasrs, cured them with the ntniost es He Mas in bu,, mrr fls tbonsnnd planu, herbs, harks, etc., which he can rely npon lo rnre diseaaves whe-- h are try the moat succnasful prscU- - iionsrs protsssaneM i near able e also makes it hM aetvactal .rartlce to trsat nil Dri- - vate diseases with tbe utmost enccess. in a short time. matter af how too stsoding, nor of wba: nature. AH Dr. Bnlese! asks from tlas ajni.-ia- l fir rtwi then all the reference he will five will be a tweedy care lo tbenu uoossncs of tost:-- .naU, from the moat reMahie source, may be seen st the ooctor's oBtos. dei3-4-m DRS. J. B. WASSOft a WM. WASSOl, NO. 320. DENTISTS. NO.m TTAVE moved heir offlre to corner f 11 ITNION AND MAIN STREETS wbre they have fitted op snd fnrn'shed1 rooms suitable for ite acnommsdai: n af iboss who may favor thsta with their conBdscce. sad having thus located lermanentlt offer their Drofessional services In tbe dltterent branches er Dentistry, promis- - ug the public to serve tbem m iv- most skillful aad Judicious manner, and in every reasonable case warrant satisfaction, bach as u operations performed and rhsrtes fur the name Further than thia we wish It bold oat no in'ocemeel whatever, to ensnare the nnblic ar draw them to onr oeBoe, by any exhibition of Dental specimens, or propositions to to "cheap Deutistrr, "at pri es as low, or even lower than the very lowesi," or by any other disreprasen'ation af facta la aay way whatover. neither do we wish hit as mistake oar name (Wesson) far that nf another, as the same Is ptsne, nod :4aoe r bnalaass easily l und. Orltoe .mer y: Union and Main, Be. BfO. d.twaw euaiuoio DALLT, ASD waiau.1 ST o a. ar'cLAaaaaa eanuaerr r. am, .. the strle a arm or n:i,t,taAX a dill, wbsm all Letters- - Baeiaesa, r eaasrwaaa, tUmH a Staattoa, PRICE OF SUS9CBIPTION. Dalrr (Is aavaoce) per annum (10.. m-tl- T " " - - 10 wee.y - tj" All Dally sobecrloUooa will S ovstSered das as a...b . Sall-sr- Id dtr," DASlraT RATES OF ADTERTIhl JIM Fnr of . aqnare nf tan liaea or lew, one insertion.. .a For wxa additional Insertion of .am. to I 5 1 V, r i - i ti I 0K 4 00 CO 00 g IV lo QO'lt 0 1 ftr tv 00 a! 4 ftOt tO 7 AO 0OU 1BSS 60 17 BO S B .M t 04VI0 00 12 00 00 90 (. 26 OS) SB 0T M Ot 7 SO 10 OR 13 60 U OOttO tM'JO 00 SI M 31 W n 00 wa 6 0013 QMS 00 18 0OB4 0)1)10 0017 AO to 00 7 ft 10 Kfli OAin 5021 (K) IA 00 U 18 S5 50 BT M I It 00 It 00 M 00t3 00 to 00,60 iXTAB WIOO 00 ijn sot? BOjM on. ts oo'sb 30 rr fioius so hf OlfesO rjofctO OOyJO OOjeO i M no ouxts oont objim 00 syTir square, renewable weakly, par annum, BsO.OO twice a week, ' 00.00 rt-Tw- sefjuras. renewable weekly, pr annum, tO.OO " m twice a was. " 90.00 yxl advertisements for the AppaaJ must ha handed In at kba Clerk's desk. ? .111 tranaient adrerUsemerU mvthe marked for a speciiled time. When not Una rasrked, they will ba chart td for one weak, and discontinued at the end of thai tirjM. EfAH advertisements required to be kept on snnond pa-- i uars i D as hew each oat, and on iLirdnage, an acTaaoa ovsr stated rates directed to bs displayed, or sot In Isrge tfps, chsrged st OOriLE RATES. grfTesrty advertisers will bs charged extra for pyiig spaua aver eontrsot, and whan 1VAROB TTrr is raqUrod to bs osad, or the adreruaesnent kept ot inside of paper. ateertisera will be eharged extra at regu- lar ndecs, for Wsau, Rents, Rensevsla, Nutices. To Ooosigneea. sac. Advertisement! must be paid st i advance. ry adrartisenent will appsar in the WekLy paper unless by soecial oontrnot. f .'. .r - woianto to ba Inecrtod In ttetTeekly paper enly, or rrecriar iBtcrrals in either of the papers, will tie cnarged $1 per square for each and every inser- tion. AnnoawclngOandldatesfor Bute, County and oiBces, $6 each, to he paid In advance la ever y Inatanea. rJMarr:axes and Deaths are pnbltahsd as newt ; bsjt Obituaries, Trlbntes of Respect snd facer a! Inrltatlanr as al ether advertlseinente. 0Ail legs) sud transient advert lsetseuU wMl he charred by the iaeertioa. 9TBditoria) nwticna In local column will bs charted 30 cs its per lino. If" No deduction or variation will bs made from the foretioiiag rates. IF YOU HIVE TBE DIARRHEA, Qq i t enoe and get a bottle or thst Jostly oslsbrstsd medicine. Barton's Dewberry Cordial. tARTOVS DEWBERKT CORDIAL Is the best remedy for Diarrhea, Dytietitery, Flux and Clio'era Morbus in the world. MRTOVS DGWBRRRY CORDIAL Tlat no eevTial In the cure of Diarrhea, for it relieves pain snd removes the disease at onoe. BARTOW DEWBERRY CORDIAL Will core the worst cases of Dyfentery in a few hours. IiARTOX'3 DEWBERRY CORDIAL Is good for any and ail Bowel Afct:ons. For Children It has no tqnsl. BARTON'S DEWBERRY CORDIAL la sold bjr ward it KeSULIA KP, a. w. jusks a co.. PLUHJIKR & G1LBXRT, S. ' K V WIGGS BROTHERS Si CO., XIMTHr . TIKKIS8B1. THE HARTFORD INSURANCE CO., R o'dest Insurance Company doing busmen in the Tr Boa lb. CASH CAPITAL AND ASSaTTTB, l,Of,0OO. Thrs enmpaay rests It claims lo patronage on the fol- lowing facia: tj It has been doing a legitimate Insnrsnes hnsi-ne- for HALF A CBNTUBT. 13 It has acquired an enviable repatotion in rsgard tn fair dealing, equitable adjustment and prompt of losses, which acquirement is s guarantee that it wi I never dtviste from its former course, and Jeopar- dise i character ao iong and deservedly enjoyed. tj" It pamsesses bans tide means to the extent of a MILLION DOLLARS. t3 t has t wsoty thousand do lars n Tennensas Btats batidn de.oaltod with the oomntroller, as an ADDITIONAL ;' AR ANTBB to its poller boi4ers In this Stato. Cf It largely toarard the revenue of this B'atr by annual payment of taxee en license. Prtiperly hinders wlahiag to protect their property by s policy of Insrrance in a really solid coupe ey, sue thst wlTl stand up boldly and psy every lost ntaia against it, let casne what may, will accnmplish their ob- ject by applying at the ageney of this company. OBtce No. 2, Bank Buildings, Main street, Memphis. J B. CnADtTICK, Agent. Jntawph Kash, ff WashvUts, State agent for States of Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi snd Arkansas will attei d to the prompt adjustment and payment of I sagas In tats district tnrl to uh i osn E R. ECOXOIHT IN CAS. RVntCTlOJT MnT GjtS BT nsing McBsnry's patent flag Bcrnar. These linrnara have been adopted by the city autorlties of leoultvtlle and Cincinnati for ths purpose of lighting their strsets, snd were subjected to the moat rigid paovsnetriral teat, aa rewards affardlng the great set amorist of light for tbe smallest consumption of tana, and 'rare found to oonspnts with all ether bar era sect Light Oemmittnas af those etttsa for their consideration and adoption These burners ars guar anttid to all wbo nee them, Tor the following sdraaia-g-es : 1st. Ectancrray in ooasumplion of On te ths smooo l o frmn t to 8 per cant, over the best patent burner mad, and from TO ts 10 nor cent, of the common il at bat.wing burner. Sad. A perfect e'ear and tea-l- y flame, td, perfect combwstlos. and freedom from smoke, tth . Freedom from blowing and wasting of rsa. eomnaoa to the il nnd bnrnars. My ias x.prirnce in tbe manafactare and ermsnuio- - tioo if Gas (having been superintendent of Memphis Gas Works for the laat seven years) ladoeee me to aay they are the bead barner that haa aver boon etered to the (Ublic, snd are used by private oenoomers ts the excltoian of all other kinds where they have bee:- in. trod seed. Tbe bnrnors can be soon at Chsndlsr h. Co s drag store; co the eltyjlamp posts In front of ths Appesl eases on Union street, and Dr. Merrill's, on Madison stresL K sale at any won, flret north of the Qa office, Main street, between Washins t,n and Poplar. A ML SlallaiTHR, Gas and Steam Pip Ffit sr. Sole sgent for Memphis mrr-- ty ARKANSAS LANDS For Sate. will sell, on the 16TH DAT or M ARCR neat, ia WI frvat ef tke Bank or Menpaw, la the eitv ef Men. phis, at public aactloo, for cash, the foltawlr:. iaaSs. to par a debt for which they have bees ewarered to aa, to tit: la fcinseu coantr ia .ha Stole ef Arkenea W. U Section 17 Tonwihlr 10 X. 1 I I. M ol K. W. ' S " 8. W. " S H frset. ' It " ."IK.W.K" 1. " " an -- to '. y ef x '. xofW. " n MEi " Cof tatnioa 'i,fm.n-O- 0 arra. also in Oreea Oemit. State ef Arkaaaaa. V. et Sec. 8 T.wnehip 17 K. ft 7 I. s.ans.erir.w. " t " . w. m "v - " OeaAaiDtDf 71 7 1 SO acres . AtlVl. hi Secll. a II Township tl X. ft. 7 ft" s. h, of a, i. i N . N.K.I h " It - r.w. it as hs. h- - a H. H alt. W. H a s. Mors. w. it is ft. aers.w. is S. W. N i. w. M ai - h. k at. w. x ae .. a. Hot ..S ka v ao - OoMUlMas !,SM acres. Also S. M ef aectlen a TowshliSl SJ. ft. t. a. s. w. v n H 41 I U WWS.ft.x . sr. k a w. a w S W. It fcN. W. miii " Coatoiains 1 ,.. 103 , J l ass ft. SAUKDftftS, fel MATT tTLAT. Old Newspapers. HBTBBAI. HChftBeTD OLD VX Wpa PBBB for sals J it Uhs AJTBA. Qawarsin Bnaw, jaU Cotton factors. WALT, JOHivSOiw & CO., COTTON FA (TORS, GHOOBHS,' JJTD Commlsston Merchants, NO. T7 FRONT ROW, IMCosxa.Tila.i Tennoaaejoo. tf OoasiimnieBU of Ootto. Tiiiacco and other respectfc'ly solicllsd. Plaatotloa sapnllee kept oncataD Jr ob hand aad sold at lowest aurkst ratoa. Jrlo-- lj A. s. aaow,iHmBasON osran.ian.BS nwia, Br.o.J., Mist. LaAe ol Socaervi Uo. UaaapaU,Tenn. BROWN, OVFU & CO., Cotton Factors, RECEIVING, FORWARDING, AND GENERAL COK MLSsiSOS MERCHASTS, No. 5 Monroe Street, MEM PHIS, TENN. A LL Oottoa, Tobacco, or other prodece eoDiiciieA to J oslnaared. aaleea .therwlss laatractod. HSaainK. ftooe and otber sapplla. farntibed at the lowest market prices. Oaeh advatoei mads ,d consiro aaenla. se.-dw- AaaSbel'oa T. S. Joaea. A. natch ott. SRELTQH, JONES & CO. Cotton & Tobacco Factors ( ommlwl on it nH FORWARDING MERCHANTS NO. 40 FRONT ROW, MEMPHIS TENNESSEE. BI. BT. Ttirataroaa. s. c. Las Daavills, Kr-- i Jaa. O. SiatraoN, MeDtplusi Wm. West, Greuda, WEATHERFOBD, SIMPSON & CO., (Swsonsors to Jameson It Bro.,) Wboleale ISroeers, Cresrral Commission Merchants, Product Dealers Cotton Facfr NO. SS FRONT ROW, ZbXezu-xplxJjas- , .Tonn. rSrBsaalaa, ftope and Twine, Wilskr, Floar, Tobacoo. Tea. Soxsr Salt, Bacon. ColToe, Natla, Soap oad CaadJea, tosethsr witn a rail stock of Plantation Snpplioa. aBwbeaWewSl ROST. BLAPC ..a. ft. PITTMAK, Pornterlf of Fanola conntr, MIm. Memphis BLACK PITT.H A 3 WHOLKALE TOBACCO FACTORS, A. If D General Commission Merchants, NO. 74 FRONT ROW, Todd .. Gorer's Building, Memphis, Tenn., oonstaotly as band a large and well selected KBstP af all grades of Virginia and Western Toaacoo, Cigars and Smykii.g Tobsvrcoes, which User otTar to the trade st snannrsrtarers' prices. Tislung ths citjr will find it to tbeir edrsatagn to cs and -- x am;ne oar Block before pnrcfaasiDg elsewhere, as era ars otTsrsng rare iBdncamento to dealers, ly C A R D. O. C. BOONE, COTTO.T FACTOR, COMMISSION MERCHANT, DeSoto Block. Madison street, BETWEEN MAIM AS.' FCOSD. feM-A- Memphis, Tean. JOHN COOPER, tOTTOS FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. !i Monroe St., Up Stair. ASftNT POft SALE OP HALL & CHAPP1NK' MODEL COTTOK (.INS. LAFLWH, sniTIl A, BOIES, MAMTPACTCREKS OP GUJ MOH &ER9 omci so sa frokt bow, Memphis, Tenn. All kinds of Gairpawder asnatantlr on .hand Orers nrampttr atteirrtod to. ivVtili GOODS FOR CASH. We are ow SelliBS Goods EXCLUSIVELY FOE CASH An4 Short Time Acceptances, OtTal stock Isqnlto coDinlste, and we will sell at snch as to make it 10 tbs interest af aM barers to call and examine oar goo's. We feel assnred if par- - cliasers gire ns s call, we can satisry tbetn. hohtojt m jnrntt. 291, corner Main and Monroe strrts. S H X E I DE R & G LASS I C R . MArrACTtTRERS ART MALMS IH 8J10T GUXS, RIFLES, PlsTOLS, And Furnishing Goods for Gunmakers, Ko. SO. Jererson 8trettp Oppos-- t Commercial Hotel. MBMPTI.S, TRNN., always on hand a full soppl? of all articles 1b KBBP Hoe, which the will famish to tba trsde, or st retail, st s smsll sdTsnce an oust, le thsir sure can be fonnd Gone. Dwable aad Single, for Seer, Dark snd Bird shooting ; Twist and Laminated Si eel Barrels. Pisiois (rAllerr, Doellafl and Pocket Pis o!s ; CoR'g Allen's, and other Beaeatars, wllb the latest improve- ments. Parlor and Derlnger'a Pistols, Piuc- Pocket Pis- tols of thir own tnsnafnctnre, wtth the great improre-mfnt- Dermger's Pattern. Biflea of every descrip- tion. Percussion Caps of ever qoslltv. Powder Flasks sf rsrions kinds. Boot Bells, Poocjes, Dr taking Cops. etc. Oom Wadding- Cutlery Hunting Knives, and flne Pocket Entree. PsriictUar sttention girsn to sll orders for new work, aa Djo bie Barrel Quns, Bides, snd Pistols. Bspatring of seery description done a! the ahoTtast notice, and folly gnsrantesd. fed d tar. w now Spring Barley. 8rs' PIKR canai,an bbbd 0AtiLiT' 100 Bed Crorer Seed, 60 bos. Clover Seed, Blae Srsss. Herds Grssij Timothy Seed, All fresh and genuine. B,. G. CaVAIG'3, w Horttcaltnrsl snd Seed Stors. Corner Second sad Union atreets, fell Memphis. Tennesae. j. noK;.t. & co.'s M-A.N- " UFACTOR Y, Cor. Third and Washington sts. ti" AH orders for caw work aad ra&airtBC attended to on the shortest nntiae. f.l-- 1 In Hartford Fire Insurance Co., CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $963,771.52. Chartered In 1S10. Phrjeniz Insurance Company. CAPITAL AifD SURPLUS, $553,132.83. rpwEITTT THOUSAND DOLLAftS la Teaaeeasa A Bonds deposited at Na.h.llle by eash of tbe above eeenpAni.. tor the seevrlty ef pallc, hoMers. J. E. CHAD WICK, Agent, 'e BAKE BVILDINd. Hew Dyeing EBtablishmeDt. MESSRS. MATTHEWS M. HI'Sl . LATE of th school of the frwat abd eei.brated Dyers aad Scourers, OooA ft Matthews, ef St Louts, hare been indaeed 1. open aa astabUahmeat for carry ina an the above boainaoa la all ite breaches. Eve. v deacriptien of xactleaien'sCoata, Teeta acd Paats are dyad, eletaaed aad restored to thei- - orlrinat perfeo-Uo- Thar certaialy do remove every spot ef sreaee, paist, wax aud tax, toxether with all other bieiuuihes impurities so wnicct sacp. fsrmeut. are liable, ana rant tba spots not to reappear. Clt aad exaeabas their samples of Coat drewtac. If they fail to please yon, ao charga will ba saada. Their otto, iaoo JerJorsor (treat, between Main and Front Row. aarlinr atTTHm a run. Trust Sale. virtue ef a deed of trast executed lo me!as trnstee, BT by C. Lafocaaalno, oa the 7th day ef Jane. iaje. to eecaro certain notes therein mentioned, parable to, and indr.r.ed by, A. Botto, 1 will s.ll to the hlxhsst bidder, for eawh, est Wednesday, the IS March, 1W1, a certain let of srownd situated en tha west sts. of aeooad street, between .yoso and Seal strsets, tl feet frost oa said street, raanlnf back lad teat to an allay, known aa lot Se. a. la tha division ef the said xroond. Said treat deed ia raeorded in the rertsler office of Shelbv oranty. i a, part '.st, pares 1,4, 116 and lad. The riant of ralemptkoa is waved and tha title Bond, hot I covey aa trnstee. Sale oa tha premlser at It e'cloc. AI. tl. GATUB, Kl. Tro.lee. Goes Cask, Wasser sad Irsscr, for saie. 11 B offer s woman abont Is year, old, with a child TV . or 4 years old for sale low. Also, a Woman of ebovt too asma ao. P.... t ie onus, good washer aad irooor aad eood eearaatreast n naaa .boot thirty lo thirty-at- e ; , Tory pupenor h&od Also, a mar. snow ire ..nie age, not so sood. AJ1 will be sold rbaap Ttrniso a weld, Set m Mala atreet, ap stirs. CHRISTMAS ajro FOR ROWS ana GIRL.S! BBOTT-- S ILLUSTRATED HISTORIES. The Aimwell Stories. The Young By Capt. Reid. Tb. Bush Boys, By Capt. Reid. Odd People. By Capt Reid. The While Elephant. By Daltoo. The War Tiger. By Salton. A Tear with Maggie and Emmie. By Mi.. Mcintosh. Leading String.. Harry's Summer ia Aahcroft. Sequel to Mamma'a Bible Stories. Woman an Enigma. Reading without Tears. The Mother's Mission. Margaret Huntington'. Experiment. Hooker's Illustrated History. Tbe Crnssdes and the Crusaders. A Voyage in tbe Dark. Prince Charlie, the Young Chevalier. English Country Life. Beautifully Illns- - trated. The Hunters of tha World. Stories for Alice. Good Girl s Story Book. Fife Years Before the Msst. King Arthur and his Knights. Work while it is Day. Little Annie's Primmer. Queen, and Prinreaae. of France, Constance and Edith : or, Incidents of Home Life. Little by Little. FOR SALE BY Clearest 'f ad en. Hearr 3 4, 7 8 mi Oznabnrgs. Heavy Cotton Drillings. Bleacher, and Brown DosBestlca. BleachM and Brown Sheetings. Southern Stripes and Plaids heavy. Southern aingbaiiu handtvome. aVinthern CaHonsdes and fairy Drilling. Atakapas Colloades--re- 4 and Ldne. New style Calaceea fast colors. Ore? Poplins neat. Vnhtaa, Bead Dresses. Wool Tarns;tCoats' Snonl Oottan. Carpets, Bags; Stair Linen. Table Cloths and Covers; Towels. Wine C.otb;?OuTtatn, Cnrtaln Dsmashs. 8 le am boat and Bed Oom'orts. Cotton and Shock Vsttreseea. Pillows, Bolsters, Sheet, Cases. Country Jeans; Feathers. On hand and arriving as above. ISpinninc Wheels. Saib, Doors, etc., supplied to rder. TAT!.- K sl MclWalN Vain street, near Wereham Honje. ltlaraard Rifles, Sharp Rifles, Colt Rifles, RIFLE AND SHOT COMBINED. SHOT iVUXS, la great variety, with the accompaniments. PISTOLS, Of all the appraved patent. This branch of our stock is very tyrmplete. deU.d,twawSmis F. 17. CLABK k. 00. " SAM'S HOUSE!'' rriHB nndersienesl has opened tha WnW X HOtTSB, recently completed, on tha north side ef JBFFKRSON 8TBBBT, Second and Third, where he will keep a flrsKlasa EATING AND DUSKS. SALOON. T would resyterifTi'w Kk of my friends and the pnblie a call, as nothing hot the best will be served Tbe saloon will be known as " Sam's Heose." jatS-3- BAM HARHOV. SI , DRIES. CA 1 1 B0XE3 Pcppiaj Crackers. 0JJ 1000 :t. S. S. AlBionds. 600 lbs Filberts. SOU lbs. Cream Salt 100 Bosbels Fresh Meal. 160 brls. Knscett, Prior Rod and Jeaatin Apslea. 260 Pink Eye White and Red Neebaals Fotatoee. 600 Eers Nails. 60 dus Brooms. AUo Soxar. C'llfee, Molasses, Salt, vrhlsfcy, Brandy, rbampalsn, Flear, Lisa., Oeareot, Starch. Wooden Ware, etc., etc. Jaat received and for sal. low by FLOt'RNOT a CRAWFORD, detfl-ds- w Vo. II, Front row. POTATOES. fZf BRUS. LONDON LADT POT A TOBS ; JU ftrt rirli. California Potatoes ; i ' ' Ptnk Bye Potatoes ; 100 brie. Keshannnck Potatoes ; 90Onris Baltimors Blae Potatoes) IOC sacks 900 sacks rfeshannock Pstatoes; Just received and for sale lower than they can be bought at the river of flatnoata. Tboae wtaalng to tmy in lota will Ao wall to giva as a call. FLOURNOT St CRAWFORD, JsW-da- So. It Front raw. Sunares. A BRrs White lfhirrorh Potatoes; 4UU 100 Bed Neshan.K Potatoes. 900 brla. BaltiEiire Blae Potatoes, 300 hrla. London Lady Potatoes 600 brls. Oallforais Fotatoee; ISO brls. cboiee Russett Apples; 100 sacks Red On torn,; 600 aaaks fresh Bolted Meal. ALSO Scgar. Coffee. Milaates. fait. Tea, T a ran. Cigara, Barrett's SnntT. Farraflne and SUr Caadiea, Ovacerehalfs and qnariers. Sardinee, Kaila, FYaits, Nats, Wines, Oins, Apple, Peach, French and Cagnar Brsndiea, etc., etc. Jost received and for aale low to tbe trade. FLOORNOT Ai CRAWFORD, felO-ds- No. II Front Row. C. K. HOLST & SON. UJYBER TAKERS, NO. 300 MAIN STREET," MElVrr'HCIS. TBNN-- , AOEICTS FOR MARSHALL'S SOBTMEBN MKTALLO-PERfM- A BURIAL CASKETS. ALSO, FOB ' Barstow's Metallic Burial Caskets. COVSTAWTLT on hand all sites of FISE fc KEEP CASKS. Also, WOOD 00PFIX8, of every description. Country Undertakers rnrnteoed with Caskets and Cases at a reasonable aiamuct. derVty PROVISIONS. OAR f.TREI HAMR. DO BREAKFAST BACON, ii, i sonei t , a . r VlaIIC HA KB, SACOM snori.DBTIS, DO BIBRBD SIII8S, DO CLEAR SIPBS, FAMILY PRIME MESS PORE, in barrels aad bt. aria. DO CLEAR FORK So de, DO l.ARD. pri na kettle rendered, in barrel , half barrels ssd k ... CLBAR MESS AND . O. PORK. S17LE MEATS, SIIOHLDERS, SIDES and RAMI CfeTlie Move era now in Stock, and will tea kept cotuunuy on l and tbrowyh the sean, froa wbib Hotels, Gr vers. Boat Stores, Coaat Orders and the Trade eenerslly, will t. aneplied at market rates by FRANCIS WHITTAKEB, F.rker and Provision Mereaant, Scvewth and Carr svoels, at. Lontf, Ko. Refers lo m.rchanta of Memphis, ceaerally who do a pruvisioB btumesa. JSnsiiifSi? (farUs. . s. anaarr a. J. B. SHARPE Ml TO.. Wholesale Tobacco Faeton a v n GEXEBAL COrimsSlOS MERCDAXTS 0. 11 FM OUT ROW, MEMPHIS, TKNN. sre w. win - . with the same, sr braada aqaaily aa toed, frees :;e boa hi Ti-- 1 v 1. 0. FLOUENOT B. S. SRAWFORD Flonrnoy ft Crawford, WHOLESALE GROCERS. Commlsalon Merenants, ABB DEALERS IN PRODUCE, Keep constantly aa hand a large aad well seteotwd adodk of - Choice Groceriss and Previsions, Salted te City aad Country Trade, JTO. 11 CROAT ROW, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. tjr ParUcnlar attention paid to Store., snd Far. arolnj. seMMlaw TAIBOT DEALERS IN Drugs, faints, Oils, WINDOW GLASS, Perfumery, Instruments, Brnsnes, Etc., 340 Main Street, PM0V1NK BUILDINGS. fJETB call tie attent.ub of PhyaAclawa, Plant.-- , aad TV Builder, at ocr larae st.xk. as we offer etrona ta- - 'larement. buyer, ol Sood, in oar line. Onr PSKSCKIPTieiN AND RETAIL DBPARTM MT wtl : reeeiv. parUcnlar attention. JvtiMltwaw raoMK Msjccwjicmm. mo NASHVILLE PENITENTIARY TrVsEtr'Ow BALI AT LOW PRIORS FOR Jlaah'llie Oedar Ckeata, .. Churns; .. Y.rz Tnna, .. Diapers; Water Canal . d Backets; Iron nonnd Backets; Cane-se- Chairs. IN QRAH AM 4k LRBS. dt SS2 sfaUQ street, Brinkler's Black. LOOK 10 YOUR INTEBESTI ft- - srB aanaa T. & M. FLAHERTY, lave on hand sad are deity reoelTloat, a laraja saeitt of auoet alegaat PIAXOS, C.UIPETS, OiL CURPFTI.ra, FTC, At No. 41 Union street, And Invite the pajlic U call and examine their stock be- fore pwchaatns elsewhere stfl a. C. WEST 0X0. A . COLHBAS . WEST, COCHRiif a CO., General Commission, Forwardiag Aim FRonrcF. jrsEiscnriJrrs, No. 70 Front Row, old .land of Stratton, McDavitt It Co., VEMPH1S. TBKK. attenuon siren to the sale and PARTICULAR Tobacco, Floar, Pork, Bacon, Lard, Wheel, Corn, etc. Libera! cash advances made on con SL.nm.ote Is onr friends in New Orleans tnd St. Loals. Rxrxr.EJfcca. W. 3. Davie, Hemphia, Tenn.; Giv- en. Watte S Co., K. O ; Watts, Otvea a Co.. Padncah, Ky ; If. D. TraTie. Clarse.ille, Tenn.; Hardin., Oiven aOo. ,S. Lfw.i-- Blanton a Jarae,, Paris, Tean. nsy-- iy Wat. Ltrw ..pniLip j. m.u.i.os, Steam and Qai Pltlsr. Plnmbev. PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, STEM & GAS FITTERS, 16 1 JHuin Street. have opened for the liaftpection of tha pnbl.r the WI tnoat select stock in Memphis of Chandeliers, Brackets. Rati LichU, Bath Tubs, Water Cioeeu, Wash Bunds, Steam (wangee, Water Ganges, Alarm Oanxea, Globe TaWes. Whistles. Lead, Iron and Copper "if Ptvaapa, Ite., and everytauni; eoanectad with the BR Water, ftteatn aad Alarw Gaofes repaired. JaM-l- y Direct ImpoitatioB and no Humbug! Oxn BABE RT Flper Heidaick Clumaatxe; 4 100 hoaea Rhine Wlce; 2 nan'heona Irish Wbiskr : 10 casks Word. Hanaer Brarmtweln ; 100 casks London Porter and Scotch Ale i 10 af pipea Otard Dapre Braiidy. ALSO Bofar, Coffee, Mclas-e- Floar. etc., eto. Far Mia be f. F FRAKC, - - . aw Fnasrt row. I860. FALL TRADE. I860. HARDWARE k CUTLERY. Will. PARK & CO., (Sooresaora to Hawks, Smith NSS. 304 AND 306 MUX STREET. VI KG now receive.! the prreater part ef onr FALL HA STOCK., wa are prepared to onwr areat ladnoa-meo- ts to parchasers. Oar stock consists in part of, TINNERS' MATERIALS. Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Zine, Soldering; Iroo., Bar Tin, 8heet Capper, Wire, Speltre, etc., etc. BUILDERS' MATERIALS Locki, Hinges, Sash Pulleys. Latches, Bolta, winnow irimminga. Toffether with a fatl and ctnipUte asfortineDt of Boild-ers- ' Hardware. Heavy Hardware. IRON, NAIM, SPIKES, ANVILS, STEEL CHAINS, GKINDSTOXES, BELLOWS, With a full stock of Tsols, lericaltaral Inpiemeats, etc. Wa wonid also call tbe attention of levee and railroad contractors to onr stock st Wheelbarrows, Shovels, Spades, afettsvka, Sta. ia wai. FABE fc CO. P. H. HEIKRICH A. HO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COXfECTlOMEttS, AND CANDY MANUFACTURERS, No, 67 Front How, on hand a fnll lapplf nf all kinds of flne Stick KRBP Fancy Oadiea, Cakes, Hata, Preserves, Fruits, Pickles, Orsters, Wines. C If ars, etc. Orders will be promptly and sarefnlly titled, at the lowest prices. deld-B- CHABLEs H. STROTHER AW aad Collector of Claim. ATTORN Tenn Office in Sank baiMlna. marSa-l- r . E. THOIAS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, AND COLLECTING AGENT, JVIolxx roll less. Tonnoneaee. rf" Office stnth side ef Coort sqnsre, thrwa duo. row Main street. Jala-er- a JOHK C CARTER, Attorney - at - Law, MEMPHIS, TENN. CJr Oflce in the Adams Express bnildinx. nol.-l- r DR. G. W. ACREE, DENTIST, Conrt Street. oprte A- - T. WU It Bro. A LL ocerstii'is performed wll XA. At possible pain, and In tk Kknifni manner. Diseases of tne n ArtiV al .1.,; h treated. teetn inserted npon the tot appTWed plan, wHh gnar-aut- y and no bnrnbaf either old ar caw, is aflated to itw sptrs the pnblie with OKofldensja In mi skill, or as an Indncefvvent tocall at sar osVs. sari books: books: oddfellows' hall. EVTJBUCAK COrrBTi T.BB The ShlpwrscX, br Falcon.r; Lailah Bbont; fjertmd. of Wronlnx; Tb. La, of ths Laat Minstrel! Cettsia Harrv; lltAla, etc For sale br TOOUri fc BKOTRBB, o. SI. Hain street, dee Tfeder nail. Hatnahia, Team. SIlltJLESI. iITi rs Jos t in raeeipt f a large lot af rery snpsv W Tier shinnies which we will sell very low to dose the eonsirasnent. We will always keep a supply on skand. Oall aeon at FLOUaaNOT fc rUAWFORD'R, Kg. 11 Frost row. ISLsccIlanfons. Dr. W. W. nORGA, SURGEON DENTIST, OF PHILADELPHIA, XsvPersuBent' Located la ntrnmnn, WHBRB lor tws vxaaa ha baa perform all oneratioaa with snch oaiveroal aa lo auclt to. Bust una! enciersae-men-t, aKttcrl0K p.truM.. tbe hldbeat enosoj. ewa. His raicxa are still aa lav aa tmt. vcav Lowa.v, tr u.. una tpiei, esscwfien and mmrrruu. Some efrrSf year .lace he tbe dues nUoftlktr, in oun'Wun.noe of their d'lrvfte ter.den.-- upon a. netfwref feef. t. ssy notblns .f ths iwUsry, the w hreeth, or the Speed, hs aiat tout toes u, th. aswarer of all swrh work, naimertefron a siaaL to aa eufws el .1. a Stvlx (ritAwuf r.'rl wa.aauuinai-fo- r , cleaaliofc, ud hje-li- ricaneM. rf -7 ""sr. aad in fact an tba nniw ifyTei Iria 7 ' a pcatesekai, can I. Masai his oOfe., snd for which "aeswardad the Paxaiiuw, at oor late itrTP.i.rted without pln, when Dl1' ATI I ely and dorabty Sllod. nourns' Tr.- rrT Falai -- f 1 mta tuastii-- 1 I I. Mark, j tha trait. HU.-- ; I: L aV Xd.e. k Whitsn Dr. s nt Fa.; A. J- - Walt, ftae,.) Dr. J. a w Bro ; Chandler ItCs., Jferapfcis. T Mmryan's UOstAL Tootm row and preMrriaf the TKST1I cs;. a Orricz, in ma:k stfikkt. of losTtV ball. Mistrais. tems WE T H ER IE E , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, t No. S35 MAIN STREET. t Below L Lion, wast aide, GREFjrM-4W'- S BLOCK. Iff eaaiity and price we defy compel.' 6entplat. ia ever, department, tajn LIVE OIL, to the trad. Bt maaefactnrera' arlcea. SCXETESS Bt7BI.IK FOSTER. FI'RB WINRS AND BRANBIES, A S VIST. AND Bril.DERS MATERIALS, BaVOSIRS AND nLASSWAkR, FERFrja RRT. TOILET ARnri.ES. etc., eU. Axawt. for l.r.n's Pnre Catawba Brandr-On- of tb. Arm la at tb. Eaat, eeleetlu, tbe Pa real Cb.mka'sthat can be obtained for on. nrewrlption caee. I f rnre. lo .ell Ike ties- -. f 5 1) EARING At WETHLKILL. novlt-da- US Main .treat. Notice of Copartnership B have sold te Mr. TBOi, B JirK)S w esse real u I rvl acted oaler tbw name BB i ty- of 9T11KBT, st JACKiVJN'. for th pat patr ma'" npt-- the oM firm, we tupe by ttihfence to tuerU its oontinaaace te the aew. 9TRBBT A HUSi EBFOBD. Memithls, Janaarr 1, ltSBl. STREET, HUNGEBFOED & JACKSON, South end of Rope Walk in N'avr Yard, BTBBHTfTS, TEKSTESRVR, sf all kin's nf RAILROAD MAWrrFAeTvTlERS CARTS. DRiTS, etc Brsas and Ir,n Castinav, Wronrht an. Railincs, and everv description 'f BI'ILDF.RS' 1RH WORE. Machiua and Jjania, Work of all kinds proasptij at- tended to. !.::. 8TRRET. HWIfrjERFORn A JACSS'lX M. n. L. STEWABT J. B. ALGEX, Ealeicb Mempbls. STEWART Sl ALC.EE, AUnrneys and Cuuselois at Law, (Oflce at KaleiaTh, an In BBBJ lstat's Onlce BaildtnitJ Cornier of t ourt & Third Streets, JXoTXxyl3.m, Tonn. rygpegiel attention ii CoUctiois, Conv an. an invest) Italian Titlea.etc. del For Rent. ENT the OFFICE now occapieil Ion office, aad. if desired, will Mil opi,n rea.wiabie :e ni. all th. OSae. Fwnitnr. WWe alas offer fnr rent la. CCTTOM snBD AND WAREII.JVSE, a Ma: ison street. Base onmpied b, na. M ABORT fe Oil , 3SS at a:a street, ap .alrs. WITH STOCKMAN tc CO., DBALKB5 la Poreiirji and Domesui WHOLB9ALB WhilkF, Fancy Groceries, To- bacco, Ciiars, etc., Na. 1.19 Mala Street, W hater BUcIl, rKS-ti- n Measphka. n . O TI.C E. Ihfi a. Id onr stock of Bxk. s y, etc., HAf If. Wade sa Co., after ths-ik- rleois and tbe pot-li- far the very liberal astr steaded to as, we Boost cordially solicit fur the 31 a cuotuin- - auce of their favors. Besapecuuiry, w20. FATT130N ft. fO. To tbe Public As yon perceive, T have purchased Lhe stock of Books and Bteti'-'ser- of kf esra. (Jo. Fattiton ft. Co. 1 to conduct tkya ander the nam snd style af It. Wade ft. Co. Moat reepectfally do I aoliett for tba bunae a share nf public ptreuaige JaC II RNKT W DE. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Young V Brother, HALL. TACT10S Scfeoai af the Trooper, of the CAVALBT aud of the Sqajidrosi. Rifle aad Lifl-.-t Infsotry Tactics. By Brev. W. J. Hardee. Bancroft's Histor; of the United Statee. Full calf. Works of Jobo C. Calhoun. 6 vo.s. lrrlRfr's Wcrks complete. 33 Gold Fens, Pocket aLntves, Port Folios, Crayona, Writ- ing Deeks, Wjrk Boxes, PorkAt Slubea for ftchls, gt Trees copes and Views, Bills 1 jlt. Motet, Drafts, Bills BxchaiAge. etc. For sale by TOCMii ft. BBOTfTBR, Jail nail c. mi Ri.iii.i- - . C. STABKWLATHIR. l. c. ;n it nsi.i. tc co.. (now permanently located) No. 11 exchange Rniidias, DEALERS Ilf FEED AKD PROBCCK fJTIeatlllT No 12. EXCHANGE BUILDINC, eo9 nemnbi). Tenn. GRANT OIL WOKKS, liATT YARD, lMCesxaiiolalsji, Toiinoansoo, BTannfactnre aad keep fer sale Crnde and Refined Cot. too Sewd OIU, Oil Cake and Oil Cake Meal. Ssatkcrs Stack Food. seed. Oil Xfeel and Oake are the cheapest COTTOTC nntrtcions food far all kinds of st.-- more MILE and BUTTER, and a richer and mors delicate Savor than an, ether kept at all time a on hand ia quantities to salt purchasers, at the Works. d.n-- Trust Sale givrn bad snd security aa required by HAVING will, by virtrte ef power vested in me a trustee, at the Arcade, on Union street, on THURSDAY, the 14th of March, INI, between tba toars of 11 and 12 o'clock, gffsaasM to sell at public sale, to the hiphest bid- der for cats., a certain Lot af Land, lyinR io 5helby county. Tenneeeee, near Memphis, and more parties larli described la a deed frram J. M D. Miller to me to secure certain deferred payment a therein mentioned, said deed being new of record In the Reals ter's office of Shelby ceaety, in Book 41. pagee 135 aad ISC, wbereia redemption ia waived, reference to which is hereby soade. JOBS BROWN", Troetre. fel3-- M. C. CATCB ft. .. Anctloneers. YOUNG k VELD'S WANTS ! WE WAJIT TO nit, Negro Woman, a good cook, washer, etc , etc. OMR Sbto Otxi, twelve or foarieen years otd. WE WAXT TO HIKE, Three Negro Men, eeanmoa laborer i. Oue Kegro Wman, goud cook, washer, etc. One Megro Otrl, as a nnrie and house set rant. WE WAST TO SKM,, Ons Negro Man, a So. 1 hand for $1000. Oae NegTO Boy, eighteen years old, Isnie, but an efl- - cient hosae servant. The owner must bare .matey, and will aell for B60. WE WISH TO EXCHtXGE, Improved City and Suburban Fropertr for Farming Land, lo cultivation, with ar without aearoes. We wisb also to exchange valuable Subnrban Propert for Dry Ooods or Orooerlea. Any person barisg nch proper'y, and wishing to asake such ao raihaori, srill aud It to their adrantage to sail oa us. WE HAVE FOR RENT, Sere ral of the mas. desirable sitnationa la the dty Among these we euaaserate, a large Brlk Bnildiag, earner of Linden and DeSote streeu ; a beau- tiful Residence ea Landerdale street, with sn excellent garden, orchard, and five acrea of laud attached. Also, t ur handsome Cottage Residncae, uew and neatly inv aroved, oa Madison aad Monro- - streets. WE HATE FOR SALE CHEAP, Aa elegant Watch, cost $100, will aell for $00 A Lady's Watch, for sale cheap, and somo lMaraotl at it per seat, leaf than their value. 21 Msm ureet. JsJrt Over Mansfield ft Co.'s Drug Store. ATTENTION ! ATTENTION ! Stationery Stationery. taeet rurm at Letter err! Vote Paper ever TUB in thisctty. We invite particular attention to onr beautiful assort-met- it of Ideal er aad Note Paper, ceDsisting of the fol- lowing sty lea amak Wave, Damask Reticulafed, Windsor Oenrt, Windsr Amber Laid, Windaer Retica-late- De La Rae Royal Note, De Le Rue Bow Dams.k French Paper, aaswrted colors; Matnae Vellaan Bath. Martinea, Arabesqoe, Victoria, Qaadrtlla. Also, Moora lag Paper and Rnvrlopes, of every description. Oall and make j ur selectiens. TOi'Vf ft BRO., nolg Under Hall. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! H. WJDE & CO., 963 MAIN STREET. 363 LOST FaUNCTFLli or, The Sertlonal Bgnili TBI Br Mlas Oilbert's Career. Ltfe of Wra. T. Ferter. tar Lssyt Hunter. Qoder'a MaaUxaino, for March. FsAersoa's Magsstae. for March. Kaiekerboeker Magasme. tor March. Harper's MaRaett-e- , for March; at H. WADH ft CO , fel Ml Main street, Metuphis. Slisffllawuns. Valaable Standard BOOKS, IN FINK B NDINGS, SUITABLE yOU Christmas and Holiday PRESENTS, FOR SALE BY CLEAVES k V ADEN. 'f'HE HISTORY OF THE CRU' ABES. A- - Uj Joseph Fraaeoia Mirhaud. Trans-iate- tl from the French by W. Rooms. In 3 vols., 12ino., balf calf. HISTORY OF EUROPE, from the of Lhe French Revolution to the Restoration of Bourbon., in 1M5. By Archibald Allison, LL. O. Ia 21 Vila., 8vo., calf, gilt aiarble etlge. THE WORKS OF OLIVER fiOLDSMITH. Ewited by Peter Cunningham, la 4 vol.., 8vo., half calf awl full calf. THE WORKS OF MRS. SHERWOOD. Uniform edition. In 16 vols., half calf. HISTORY OF TURKEY. By A. De Lam.r-lln- e. Translated from the French. In 3 vols., half calf, gilt back. THE DIVERSIONS OF PURLEY. By John Horn Took. To which is annexed l is let- ter to John Dunning, Eaq. 1 vol., Svo., eal.. London. THE MAY Qt'EE.V. By Alfred Tennv- - on. Poet Laureate. Splendidly illna-trate- d by E. V. B. 8 vo., mor., jilt. THE POETRY OF NATURE. Selected and illustrated bv Harrison. Weir. Fine Tur- key ruorocco. POETS WIT AND HUMOR. Selected by W. H. Willi.. Illustrated with one hun- dred engraving ; full gilt, cloth and mo- rocco. THE TEMPEST. By Wra. Shakspear. by Foster, Here, Skill, Sander and Janet. Quarto. THE WORKS OF ROBERT HALL, A. M., witn a men.oir of hie life. Originally published under the .operinteBdence of Oliuttiua Gregory ,,L. L. D., in 6 vols., full calf, London. THE WORKS Og THE RIGHT HONORA- BLE EDMUND BURKE, la vola., lis,:., full calf, marble edge. THE LITERARY WORKS OF SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, firat Preaideat of LB. Royal Academ , with a memoir af th aa lior. By H. W. Beechy. lu 2 vela., 12mo., half calf. London. LIFE OF LORD BYRON', with his Utters and Journal.. By Then.. Moore, Esq. 6 vol.., calf. HISTORY OF ENGLAND, frora the peace of Utrecht to the peace of Versatile., 17131783. By Lord Mahon. In 7 vola , full calf, marble ede. WORKS OF MICHAEL DE MOXTAIGNE. comprising his Essays, Biographical and BibliocTapuiral Notices, etc. By W. Uazlitt, In 4 vol,., half calf. FOR SALE BY Cleaves aaen. Window Shades. ue. skbxh a vii bi:fp bsillasd shades. B made to ovter and put nn br an ezperi.aeaw Baas. rKEESfA.V a CO., 160 Earn atreet, Prone. blw:k. Artists' Materials. BOOB ATBS, XESBAV1MOS, Bt. LIT . rBEEHAB" a 00., ase Main .weet, PrwviD. bleak. For Comfort and Economy, TTS1 THE VEW1TIAII BLINPS raanafawtared I russM an a co 50 afaia street, rrovtae block. HOME MANUFACTURE T OOKTNa GISSRS, PARLOR MIRRORS, FOR- - A TRAIT Sid rTCTTJRB FK1I53, tll.T MVVLJ IN OS, as eheap as they can be imported, at freeman a ro.a. 350 MAIN STREET, TTovlee Mnek. 8. i. caxr .HEADER a CO CAMP & CO., (SaweesoTB to (rroarenar. Camp st Co.,) PIANO, FURIUTUEE, sgSzm axd QfR !TTT! Carpet Dealers. from the celebrated HaaelUm Brother, A. A PIA9T08 and from Mew Fork. Roaaswwad Parlor 9e U, eerered with Brocatelle ; Ma nogaay and Walnut Baita, cowed with Haircloth aad Fl ush ; Rasewond. MtSogany aad Walnut Eedrtwrn Suits; a run assorsaaeBw m a.t mi mi COMMON FURNITURE. The bwat Serins Bottosj. fee S. Blair, CeAUnt. Moaa and Shock MAITUKSSBS. Teresssrv, Brnaaela. Tbree-pl- ,. Strpsr an Inxrain CABPET1N03. OIL CAEPBT-IN- frees three tn eiskteea feet wide. LOOEUfS OLA3SI3 of all klnda. CAMP a CO., Old Stand, No. SSe Main street, aalO-l- v EtTOPhls, Tenn. ECLIPSE STABLE TTtriKO sold an Interest In tbe ''KcTipeel rl Livery SUble," kg Jno. M. Fik, lhe bu-;-- naa. r.f the Ann will aearafter be conduced J under tbe style of Bunt & Pis.,. T. w. uuT. We will keep on band at tha " Be Ipse," the beat stock that the market ran affor, acd will furn sh such turnouts ae will giro entire satisfaction to all the pa- trons of the e'd p puiar stand. If good teams and constant attention to the wants of our sruitomers will do It, we will ewdeavor to pleaaa. Horses boarded by the day, week, or month, upoa the most reasonable terms fvV Itw HrVTRFtBsI. Opening of the Fall Fashions 1 On Saturday. October 6th. jsVt 8fl8 TaVTailTj. Street. MISS M. PERDUE, of Baltimore, VI returned from the Bast win aehesce aelee HA tien from the Brat las porting houeaa, ia bow pre- pared to open with fall and wiater fashions ef MILLIN ERY, la ell ite Ranches. Bke will kee rsaalsatiy on baa the cnolcest and kamlaomMt sertment of Bonnet. Hata. Cape, Hetul Drswas, Bibooos, etc., wit a fell ao aortmert ef Dre. and Cloak TrXnainsa. aad Fane, Articles. DKBM BLAXIX9 altdoaT lo la tke laieat Farwaa stjl.. v omp tjariis. WESTEKM SriCE MILLS. IAMT I.OI fw. SHI. Grtmad Coffee, Spieea, Mnatard, Oatnty, etc. NORKIS H GARESCHE, LOUISVILLE PAPER MILL A. v dupont & CO., MABrrrACTcaxaa er Sews ass Beak rriatiag Paper a.vd ia PAPEKS OF ILL SUNOS, Printers7 Inks Arc, 47 T Mmlm St., EeoalswiU., Ky. E. BOBBINS tc BBADLEY .ro SO Warren Street. NSW YORK, InfflrttTs tad Wholesale Deslfn I N JEX el i? dware, CUTLERY, GUN8, PISTOLS, ETC. AVE bwwaeaiaolisted more tban TWET1-FT- TEARS, and do aa XXCLI'SIV nonth-- m and ath wnt.ra Trad.. So, tmU for . Bo CXT.XSaATSD ll'II iitalxtx rrrrroa hob. e, UNION STREET DEPOT, Western Produce: ROLLING, BIGGS ft CO , 7J"o. 43 TTbblIox. Srx-oot- . H ATR en band and .'or aal large lots ef Wae"i Fr- - lae nad Groceries. aeiatiBa" ef 0tm agn iisb Ftnaasss; 990 brls Cesaent; ton aacics C'rn ; tAaVRrla. raritrtja bran ; ti) reams Wrapping Paper, 900 ftcxen Burfcera ; IK nnu Tube, painted snd eedar ; Mft brls. Wbikr ; taw brla. Lime j law piece Loesn RaaTii r i Hit coil. Rope i 100 sacks F"mr; 199 . Starts : 99 baaea Oyatera, rreab. piakM saaj snssed ; ten boxes Sowp , law kwxea Tbarc, al! iroaiitlaa ; GO bales Cotton Tarns, tno kegs w bite Lead; 90 rarecsM Ianlgu ; 990 brls. lefueet.c artree and Liaaors; X csMSka aady ; With a great variety of sa-- ir guMa. ess bracing Pia Fruits, Sfnstard. Rlaeking. RatrL, slre-ja- Oicger, Fepper, Cienaawrn. eTiores, Mace. Alepsee. Firtlea. Ta- ble Salt In pspars, Crttoo C rdae. rhimsascnee fft.i wuakets BoUiod Liquors, Wax Car.dlesof rar.osja co.ors, ate., etc. Persona wishing to supply tbmselrea with ehoira aroceriea, woald do wall to call aad examine tbia s. nold Tro Half irtae ef a Dei t BT Klyce and ftusaa J at.'! r.f record in t ike oo air of Tippab. ai perporse et secuMnar cn .i the i4Tii Of M a it tbe iate L 9. Clyca. e the Ml'rwlng tracts er ifjarter section of land , and upon which ' a thetinse ef the gejM tract known as aPeed asd aet apart to hundred aad :w The title is belired W rey ualr snch tmeaa haa feaa-t.- i j J. W. WATSON & CO. fo. i Monroe Sireet, Between htaln Street and Frcnt RVrsr, GLS & HUM PIPE FtTTtBS u lafon U. watlic la setters! tkal ; DfJEE the larjeet and beet selected of Gas Fixtures in tha city- Boiidiage fltted rrp at auVrrt aekhce. WORK. Stana Flpe and ritUaga, Sheet Lead), Xiaa Lead Fty of ail k hid and alios. LNrrW AIi kiade of Brass and Iresi Farce and Lift Fnmps fa railroads, cisterns, deep well aad beer Fuipa. BATH. Baths flrted up in the mast complete All w warraated. SMART'S PATENT FORI E 11111. are hare boarht the the aa'e of theee eztreerdinary Purnca. T merbaac that Fair and Ohi" State Fair. and examine tiim fstrJkeawly 80METHING NEW. CARPET A VT 4 I KT 4IN STORE. un'leraltrued baring epen.d a the Carpet and THX is now prepares to show to hie friends and tbe public aa entirely new stork of carpet and curiam s.ioda. Velvet. Tapestry, Brans ela, reyer and sjsaasejsa Carpets, Ruga. Mau. afattifiga, Cwaa etc. Silk, Davmaak, Lsmbs aad rwoaon Curtaiae. Taaeeia, Lonpe, Baada, Flciure Corde. Ceinica. etc. Buff acd White Hoi .and af different widths, Ouilt Lerxl-sc- and pfa'n Sbadea, " r Oil Clrh9. from B to Be teet ride Finkte as Lyoaa Bww.n; 9l3cnina, the beat family eewing Daaehiue made, for from $6 u (190 Tt- Best of workmen on band to trot make and lay carpets, abadea, etc. H. BT. GROSTiyr.R. r, 999 BTatn street. Jackana Block . 1 CARD TO THE flBLIC. coal,: been engaged in the eoal Trade for the past IHAVR years I hare tvoated coai v thie faarket for the retail city and steainlaat trade, and hare learned fravn experleece the neceeaityaf basing .beeper fuel ia Memphis thn haa heretofore been furnished to her peo- ple. The of the rich and pe,r alike require, the change praposel, atv) while I do not pretead) to the fact that I intend to make afrne sastaey. It .a not the leaa true that I shall re a public benefactor I ns.w hare ea hand a large supply of Oree river eoai. which I have always furnished at a price far below that which must he paid for Pittsburg coal. The pieeea are not now ao large as tbe caal Norba received fraaa Flrsa-bur- f, bat these grow larger aa the mine ia penetrated, asbd with each hipmeat te me, by spring tbe inmp will b as large as the largest taken from tbe Pittabcrg p:ta. Oroon near eaal eoaU me lews than that the af the Ohio, sad I therefor sail it law, end set birsesB tt s not to valuable fer all purposes. I hara deaaaed it uaeleaa te ebtaia and pwhiisB certifVate aa to iu properties froaa thoee wbo nee it here. Try it, and bank sharka are th ceruBcates I waist. T hara, how- ever, a larger stock ths a ever before of Pittsburg eoai , whieh goes ehT at market an era. f wosvid state, more-ew- e- that those who bay frm me pay saeney to an al. ctUaea st Memphis. All that I make goea into eirra'a-tie- a here. I take nethiag frosa the city which onr cre- ator did aet lartend ahssild awny, ranee he did not Baaaj M'mphis oa a ooal bed. Keep roar money at heme, and stari by yoer own people, which yoa ran i.h y buying eoai at the Blue Oahce, oa JetTarrxA, er at the root af Poplar street. aoT TBAMtRJAMRK Elmwood Cemetery. Memphis. JOS. LMWOW, Ft eat. C. HAMILTON Sup't. MAMAOFRS: JOS. LRXOW, T. BT. ALLR9T W B. MTLLRA J. M. 9711 LI AMBON, W 9 HAMLIW. Cemetery ia two mil ssnth eas fraaa the city TBI offlce of the company is an the grounds, where the Superintendent neay at all ttaee be farjnd. When o is not in the offlce, ring the bell, and he will soon appear . iaver!blTcan. mlfcllv 283 atIAI.1 STREET, 282 BRINKLEY'S BLOCK. Injarraham & Lees, AVE now on hand, and will aell to wholesale H ev,. at extremel, LOW raiLBS, M boxes Clothe, te Rollins rtnai St) nesta Market Baeksta I Aa a ooainl.te stk sl ahelt (i.ia. Trr ae e.fora soead Tear mone, at the MOETH. Qui, A. Vaccaro & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND IMPORTERS Or Brandies, Wines, liqnnn, Heirs, Etc.. Ko. 7 Front Row. IN STORE J ND FOR 4 L R 100 baakets Cbas. Fsrre Chsmpsrn., street frota Rheima, France ; 100 ba.keta Heidaie a, Co.; SO baskets Golden Spray ; 10 caae Widow Clictjaat ; be) casta Cabinet ; 100 cases Sparkline and Still Catawba 500 caaea Claret, different braada ; 100 caae 8 tit erne ; 100 ease Sardines, 1 sad ; 10 hi. pipe Cognsc Brandy ; 20 qr. " - 60 eighth " 100 caaka Loudon Porter, qts. snd pte. , 50 caaka Scotch A.e, in stone r,. direct from Edinbur'. ALSO, Snear. Coffee Molasaes, Bacon. La Flear, etr., etc., mrto LOW FOR CASW Shade Trees. Enfl S1TVEK LEAVED i0IEti JUl' noe Silver Hsaawe; J00 lars. Donhle Ssnrin, Eeawa ; Just received and few sal. te Cornar awBBBi aad T"ni. draato. DAils Menvphle, Tvue j dm

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rnt ii tiic iaBii mi: or ti ".- -FRII.

The effect of present nd antieinatad politi-

cal revolutions upon the future deetioy ofMemphis bss beeom. tb theme of populardieqc'tior. and of newspaper .peculation.It has been Mid that Memphis wouid moatcertalely frotoote her own latere! and proa-pe- ri

t by aa laamediatr identification of herfortune with tboa of tie cttiea aud people ofthe Confederate Statei. Whtle the reault ofour late election wai well calculated to exas-perate araiaat a a brave, excitable an

people, to whom we are Indebted for atreat portion of our wealth aad frreatnees asa commercial community, it is bat jest to our-

selves that they should comprehend the mo-

tives which influenced Tanneaaeeate, andthe representations made to them by theirmieruiced leaders and press, prior to the lataelect! os

Unfortunately for Tennessee, as manynow believe, that great national bumbo;, thepeace conference, spoken into existence by thepotent voice of the Old Dominion, was herald-ed abroad a, a certain panacea for all cur woesjsst before our election occurred. The peopleImagined that a convention waa only designedto ranee the immediate secession of Tennessee,and since our wrongs and grievance would beclearly defined, and ceitainly remedied by therati lirenee, wiadom, and patriotlam (?)of theNorthern States ae represented In the peaceconference, they deemed the existence and ac-tion of a State convention altogether unneces-sary. TLe people of Tennessee did not

by their action to betray the cause of theSouth, bot they themselves were betraved bvunvise leaders, and dflualvehopestf justice tobe meted out by the fanatical enemies of ourrisrhts and Institutions. Not only waa theaction of the peace conference wholly unsatis-factory, but empty and shallow as were itspretences, a: : devoid of patriotism as theywere of s jus: appreciation cf Southern rights,

Mil a n Congress rejectedwith acorn and contempt this slight advancemade toward the final pacification of the conn-tr- y.

When to these recent events the a

policy announced in Lincoln's inauguralas you construe it, is super-adde- d as anotaerflaring insult to the South, and as anotherexpression of the determination of the demonof to denv us our codacitutional rights, we sre not surprised that arevulsion of feeline baa occurred among theUnion men of our State ; we are not aurprisedthat they regret their folly in voting down aconvention, and that they now admit theywere misled and grossly deluded. With thesepotent facta before us it aay be true that tieantipathies against this Htv, which have beenevoked by the action of the State, should atleast be materially modified. Besides all thisit is undeniably true that the great mass ofthe property-Lolder- e and business men ofMemphis, thoroughly comprehending aa welltheir own interests ami necessi'ies as thecsuse of aectional diaaenaiona, concurred withthe ArrKAL in advocating the secessionmovement and the State convention. But nowso fixed is the determination of many of ourcitizen", that oar destiny must be made identi-cal with that of the Confederate States thatthe policy of separating fromthe remainder of the State la freely discussed,and by many strongly urired.

At present there is not little reason r-- well- -founded cf Ten--

res shouldreconsider the expressions of sent! nent inimi-bav- e

eal to our people, to which tbey givenutterance.

If, however, that you deem the mostof all calamities,

is infamous heresiesof Andrew Johnson andshould popular!; I Tennessee: ifMemybie te destined to I e the "tail end"of a m'ddle c .r.r.- nr nf a TJ - 1 D

fublicsn oligi we cannot even in thismost "disaatn id disgraceful condition ofthings," belie, t the commercial advanta-- 1

ges of Memph I be lost or unreco 'n'zed


:r l,0D' ,D- - 0aa informal that little

mprt be agreeable.have actively

people might prove to ! in andtrue interests has having the

cannot be ject 'riv toliticat and of the revenueStates llna Fnrt yetthis We mar the Greatbut lata? con- - '""ris made effect so-i- ll

resume her gentle reirn' lut'on question the forts rev- -

In er

onrse wouldGovernment owea the

ward which equivalent toctsh v . the Indian the ab- -


neatly affected by a

iranerormationswhich can occur 01be involved in war,tiaue; torn peace"commerce will be rallines wilt imagitaxexat and love gwill overleap, and Memphis will become againthe great ertrepot for tbe interchange of tbediverse products the North and South. Un-

wise evstems, onerous and oppressive.created to divert trad from its natural chan- -.i. will Sre. n.Ani. lik. .,.rr

lawa, become practically obeolete, or soon ,ub-- !jecled to all iificationa adaptinethan to the interests, ssilies and greatest '

good the greatest Jf the peopleWait, afoas ".-.- .. a 'bsrlsotoa must con- - i

'tinue to be the great of the onefor the eastern, the - .Ar.i.'.r n mnr.


tioo of tbe cotton we anticipatefor these cities a brilli and une,ualed j

'ity under a rnrcent, upheld bvthe most liberal Tree policy,still, Memphis, at the northern extremity ofthe cotton region, possesses facilitiesand advantages equally undeniable, and whichno conceivable tbe political rela-tione of Tenneeeee can permanently affect.The Nortt. must bav tbe prodn-t- a of theSooth, and 'he South those the North : bothwill and exchange where thecan be effected on the best terms, despit alllaws and prejudices, and despite all arbitraryand imaginary Slate lines boundaries, j

Nature has designated the on tbebanks of mighty "inland sea,' wi--

50,000 miles of navigable water, and at theit railways, wtitrti

, BJg PJ'"' rtrade, traffic and travel

empires.Tfcere are no ultimate dangers to Memphis ;

whatever may be tbe ephemeral effects anypol.tical revolution change which the conn- - j

try may unaergo. Man cannot deprive Mem- -phi advaatage which nature baa given her,and which energy and enterpris- - have super-added every element or prosperity and great-ae- a

tbe scope human abilitygenius.

While transactions real estate are com-

paratively few,lndicating the fact that our ownpeople are doubtful tbe future, we ssyto them that men in distant portions ourcountry who have studied and graaped thiewhole question ia all bearings and e,

do not doubt that a glorious riee-ttt- y

awaits oor city. Northern capitalists arelooking to ttiw point ae the aafeatfurors operation and success. An agentthe Pemberton mills baa already bought a artfor a manufacturing establishment in our s.

The fact which we have here presentedhare everywhere recognized, ave bynone our own timid tradesmen and capitalist. theae wouldanger ; the whole philo free self gov-- .

enapeat by aa intellige'r comprebend- -

lie the r own want an eettiee, and Lav

lag the power to adapt to them all laws andS'stema revenue mast seur thinking mentiat no change, nor revolution, nor tranofor-ir-tion'-

States confederations, can affrct.dsastroue'v. 'be fortunes ral city of

The political opinions expressed in thisof tbe Arrrti. rather than of

aayrrltrT.but the deduction as to tbe fortstnesof tie eitv, flow as and necessarilyTrias ttiepoeition aeawsned by tbe Arvrai., asfrom tbe sta ad point the BJfeffa. Wbile

people reign until a despotiem la estab-

lished all future government trait adept allcola and to tbe wants and

of tbe otherwise andrevelation will be perpetual, which no man

aad no contemplate.cATO


WAeurncTon, March 7. Mr. Crittendenas aereaaded by tbe citizena

Washington. There waa an immense crowd

o' people, who most enthusiastica'ly renpood-- iee KTZa. utranees of fervent I'nion sen':- - in the intelligence

c' people, who new aione reTbe troubles were

c rtrarting qetion.and kept alive by petty cross road pol-- i'

clan for selfish purposes. Preserve thei nion, and tie Uaioa will The1 oman veteran was permitted U retire a. the

W.t be had kend of thirtyHe espec ed htaforty years.

uphold the Union and Constitotioa, which

iTe conferred Ineurr-erabl- e hl.Ming. on .11.

Gen. ro, Seirator Johnon and otlier. were

'erward serewaded, and oratoricaliy respon-r.- d

to the complimentPresident Lincoln aaici to atuthern gentle-ce- a

rlo eaH4 en him to know bow

1. inaugural was to be uader.tood, that it

r .eant peace.southern commiesioners held a eonrer-enc- e

this morning Wigfall'. room, when ita few day., tbeire a irrrol to postpoae,

lommunication to Lineelo, an II

Mr Sewrd hi. an opportunity to develop his

lorramme of policy toward ki.intatea. .Mr. Wigfall urged tbem to act Immediateit

snd bring tbeir ieio to a eloe. in order to

Preoident Davia an opportunity to cap-u- rs

Forts Sumter and Piekena before rein-

forcement can reaeb Mr. the proposition, and aoaae wordsawaad.

At the diplomatic viait, laat night, Mr. Lm-o- lt

made the following repjj- to the addre.hj Figaaier, ia behalf the diplomatic

corps:of tne ("Iplmnatlc body: Plea.e ar-'- !

t sincere thaaka for yoor kind congrat-l- t

x afford me pleasure to confirm'onti yon m generally exnre. in tbefriendly diapoaitiea f tbe United Slate,through me, toward the sovereign, and

.0 reepectivly repreeent."With equal setle'iotion, I acOpt the ltaare yn,, lr, pleased to give that tne a

ispoait.o,, ia reciprocated by yw: sovereigns,governments and ymirselvei Allow me

"o Sxnreea the hope thai the friei Ity relationsnay remain andieturbed ; also my fervent

for the and bappi eas of your- -

seises pereonelly."at seems be pretty generall ' nderstood

that M. Clay will receit missiontoU-iir- o This ia bv Lite adminis- -

trat on being at the present juncture af-

fairs ia that country and our own, tbe mo.timportant mission ube Government.

E'.heridge ia etronglyd for the mission to Spain.

ue son of Smith, (secretary of the In- -

, wan appointed librarian to inienotrtmeat, vice of Mies .a.ppi, a a- -

GfkBger, recorder ti--e bjpbctbI Ibbo

offce, and brother-in- - w Senator Donglas,vraa removed

The secretary to tie Preldent r ticn landLeonard, received noiiee that

services were no longer required.Reliable information waa received this even-

ing that Gov. Houston baa reeened, and re-

tiree to private life.Major Anderson has not Keen promoted yet.

and the artny interest oppaee it earnsaely.The eorrVapoiideace which reached the

War Department te-s-y fhowi that Generalreceived tb- order of Secretary Holt,

relieving him from command, three daysbefore he surrendered.

All the statements, therefore, representingthat he was unable to ascertain the viewsthe Department, are fale. His treach-ery was anil lafamons.

Col. Cooper, Adjuiant-Oenar- Withers' as-

sistant, and Capt. Macbln, paymaster, re-

signed their eoranlssi-in- y.

Cooper ia brother-in-la- Senator Maean,aad bis resignation I aa bean expected for some

time.Jeff Davie tat sent a secret agent to Mex-

ico, with a view of recognition of the CottonConfederacy.

Wasbibgtoic, March 8. The fTotidenlhaaaccepted the rselgnation of Adjutant-Gener-

Cooper 'C Assistant AdjutantWithers. Withers is a Tennesaean.

A report is prevalent that Quart ermaater-Gener-

Johnson, Virginia, is sbout to re-

sign, bit he said, this morning, the occasionfor such a coarse baa not arrived.

Tbe resignation of Adjutant Cooper has oc-

casioned general regret He was appointedfrom ia native of New York.

It ia known that several officers thearm , located here, have been offered lucre' tve

W ntmenta under tbe Government of tbejj Confederacy.

Charles Joies, late the regie'er'a oCce intbe Treasury, haa left fas' Montgomery to takea place under that Governmeat--

A large crowd at the Mate Department til.morning waa much disappointed at the abeenceof Mr. Seward, wbo ia detained at home byphysical indisposition.

Tlie Senate, in executive session con-

firmed Norman B Judd aa miniater to Berlin;Herman Christ man, also of Illinois, as secre-tary of legation, John A. Kaasou of Iowa,aa first assistant Postmaster-genera- l.

Tbe President did not send aay nomina-tions

The following are the Senate eomrel'tees :

On foreign relatione Sumner, Collamer,Doolittle, Harris, Douglas, Polk and Breckin-ridge.

On Fivance Fessenden, Simmons, Wade,Powell, Hunter, Pearce and Brirbt.

On Commerce Chandler, King, Morrill,Wlleon. Cllpgmao, Saulabury and Johnaon.

On Military Wilson, King, Baker, Lane,Rice, Latham Breckinridge.

On Naval Affairs Hale,JGnrr . Foot,Cowan, Thompson, Nirbolaon and Kennedy.

On Judiciary Trumbull, Foeter, Ten Eyck,Cowan, Bayard, Powell and Ciingn

On Postnffice Collamer, Dixon, Wade,Trunibell, Bright and Latham.

On Peblic Larrd Harlan, Bingham, Clark,Wilkinson, Johnson, Mitchell and Btagg.

On Private Laads Harris, Ten Eyck, Sum-

ner Bayard.On Indian Affairs. Doolittle, Baker, Cow-

an, Ten Eyck, Sebastian, Rice, Nesmith.On Pensions Foeter, Bingham, Line, Sim-

mons Saulabury, Powell and Mitchell.On Revolutionary Claims King, Chandler,

Wilkinaon, Nicholson and Nesmith.On Claims Clark, Simmons. Howe, Cowan,

Bragg Polk.On District of Columbia Grimes, Anthony,

Motrill, Wale, Kennedy, Clingman and Pow-ell.

On Patents Sumner, Doolittle, Thompson.Sebastian.

On Public Building Foot, Dixon. Chandler,Bright. Kennedy.

On T rritories Wade, Wilkinson, Cowan,Hale, Dulaa, Sebastian, Brag.

On Audit Expenses Dixon, Clark, Johnson.On Printing Anthonv, Harlan, Nicholson.On EnT08ed Bills Line, Morrill, Mitch-

ell.On Bills Bingham, Baker, Saula-

bury.On Library Pearce, Collamer, Feaaenden.Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford have as yet

made no official communication to the Admin- -

Floyd has published a state-ment vindicatory of the acceptancesof Russell, Majors at Co., and of their legali-ty. Instead of their being six millions of'themoutstanding, he shows there are only six hun-dred thousand, and declares tbe contractorshave secured these by assignment of propertyam p!e tact protection . ana mat it trie t,ov- -

rnmnt will permit the earning the trainsror l"1 to PP'd ' " acceptances, tney

man, and information ataxee would

The commissioners been ocrn-ii:-

'"' since their arrival consultation wi-

ld ' oficia! intercourse reference tois pernii- - ' tn misaion.

revolution? The' .ubj.ct tbe collection ofand ronfe.-ier.-i reinforcing of Sitmt'r not

continent. engaged the attention of Cabinet.war cannot re being to s peaceful

of the of and the

wl" be liquidated that way, withoutto 'he ass'gnments. It seem, also,

lat contractors op-

era la theof trust bonds, of






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beenofTo we






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tb wi"

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of $500,000.






atraction of which Mr. Floyd repudiates allpr'vious knowledge.

He denounces the conduct to Die proceedings of tbe select committee wfth great sever-ity, and aaya their sole object was his politicalpersecution arid defamation.

Brevet. L'eu. Col. Lorenzo Thomas, secondin rank in tbe adjudant-general'- s office, haabeen promoted to be adjutant-genera- l, viceCooper, resigned.

Among the prominent candidates for consulto London, ia Col. Schouler of Massachu-setts.

Beril Djrpi'rb to llie X. 0 Delta.Washikotok, March 3. Tbe southern com-

missioners, Messrs. Crawford and Forsyth,state that y tbsy are quite hopefnl of afavorable result tc their mission. Nevertheless,

for prudential reasons, be postponed until,h, r,hir,.t I. rel.ased from the ont.ide nre.,r. tj,. Influence ia very powerful at pree- -,nti inj wt, nToa,ij against a recognition of,j , Confederacy.

intimations are freelv given out, that, ifSeWlrd eontrole the policy to be adopted, thcomoiiee'eners will be received and a respectran sasaring extended re mem.

Tbe Cabinet yesterday agreed to the nomina-tion of Crittenden for the vacancy en tbe Su-

preme bench. Chase violently, but ineffectu-ally opposed the measure. The result is sup-posed to be a victory of the Seward party, andaugura favorably for the preservation ofpeace.

Tbe southern rommiseionere are possessedof means, for informing fiemaelvea of the tem-

per of tbe Cabinet, and of these they will availthemaelvea.

Nothing has yet been heard from GovernorRoman.

Ex- - Attorney-gener- Black yeeterday re-

marked that he should not be aurprised to seePreident Davit and his lady diapeaaing thehospitalities of tbe White House withia ninety

Floyd has published a pamph-let in reply to the congressional committee.Spe.-t- Dispatch to tbe Cincinnati Erqmrer.l

Washington, March . Tbe Senate had abrief exeentive session y.

It i. known that Mr. Crittenden'aname waa not aent up for the vacant judgeship.nor i. it believed that hi. name will be aentup, it Dring iiujeraiooa mat me Virginia oentor would vote against him, and that tbe Re-

publican would not unite upon him, and bodefeat the nomination. It ia now aaeerted thateither Judge Ruflin. of North Carolina,

Holt, ef Kntnekr, or Mr. Badger,of North Carolina, will be aent up.

It I. evident that Lincoln's policy I. to con-

ciliate the border State, and build bimlf a

party thereon, before he attempt, any definiteaaeaaure toward tbe South.

Tbe southern commissioners have appearedon our atreets, shewing that they do not feartbe arrest which tbe Republican" threaten. ItI .aid that tbey will not approach tbe Admin-istration Jntil it ba. bad time to develop It.policy.

Mr. Seward wa. not at the State departmenty. He waa detained at borne by a aavere

attack of lumbago.Tbe resolution offered In the Senate

for the exput.ion of Mr. Wigfall ba. occa-sioned much comment. It ia under diecuniona. I write. By it. adoption tb Senate willIndirectly acknowledge tbe accession of Texas,a fact winch tbe Republican, take great pain,t deny, or rather atriv. not to believe.

It i. useless for me to attempt to give youtbe list cf here, and their pro-spect. Tliey are larger, and every oae seemste be confident cf .uceceea. Up to to-- v ft

President ba. devoted much time to bearingtbeir claim, himself, but at laat be find, thathe esanot de ao further, and be baa ordered illapplicatioia to be .ant to the bead, of the de-

partment, ander whom the officers are to beempleved. Ia the dia'ribatioa of the aflcesMr. Seward ha. lost much power, end Chaseand Blar have gained it. Tbey have the bulkof Government patronage ia tbeir handa, andconsequently will be backed up by tbeir

io any position of national affair, tbeyxsay assume. The Secretaries bav, a. far aspossible, extended I helping band to tbeir rela-

tive. Mr. Seward take bi son ; tbe otherCabinet officer, each have aome relative neartbetn. To-da- y I learn that Mr. Leater libra-rian In tbe Interior Department, ba. been suc-

ceeded by a eon of Secretary Smith. Mr. Les-

ter la a Misaissippian, and a aecersionist perae.

George W. MeLellan, of Boston, ba. beenappointed aecotd aaai.tant Poatmaeter-gen-ere- l.

Mr. McPlalr, of New York, will ba s

oner of public buildings.K is new said that Caesio M. Clay I to go

to Mexico, and H. Winter Davis to Conatan-tinopl-

I bear it rumored that the steamere WaterWitcb and Cumberland bav been ordered toFort Sumter, on human, and pacific miaaionA officer in Baltimore bee been orderedto take cor.mand of one ef (be vevaela.

It la eaid that Judge Douglas will act a. .medie'or between tbe aoutbera commissionersand President Lincoln. If be refuse to receivethem, they will immediately return borne, aadCongress will action at Wa.bttgtoa.

It is elated that Lincoln will not call aa sa-fe .ee.ion, unless tbe finance of tbe Govera-- iJsot become more crippled than at preseat.Such a state of things may apeeaTIv ari.e

from the shipment of good, to New Orleans,to be admitted under a low tariff, and thus be

taken to tbe Western State via the Misale

tiepi and It. tributaries. It la feared by tbeRepublican, that tlii. would e divert tbe rev-

enue aa te defeat the operation, of the tariffbill.

I bare had eevera! renversal iona with gen-

tlemen intimate with the view, of PresidentDavis and tboae deeply engaged in 'he formation of the new confederacy. From tbe tote

' of their conversation, I aea led to believe thattbey look upon we nwiMipp. ner bs we

backbone of the new empire, and that tbepolicy of the Southern Government will beshaped, as far as possible, to conciliate and at-

tract the States lying upon its bank, and thoseof it tributariea.

The New York 7Voe of to-d- letter from Gov. Houston to General Twiggs,showing that be approved of the latter',course In the surrender of the federal propertyIn Texas. C. irtuar.

conrrtetniiRE TtTSAlt.Prera the Aiicnsta Conalitall.inaHit.

This dlatlngui.hed Georgian ia now in Mont-

gomery, Ala., where, we are please to leara,he ha. been received with open arm, and withthat respect which bia past aerrlcea and hi.recent devotion io hi. native State entitle blm.He ha. declined to receive any office from tbeGovernment of tka Confederate States, untilhe learns that bia service, are not needed InGeorgia. He resigned under the Georgia ordi-nance of Secession, and feel, that tc her heowea hi. first allegiance. If he I. not requiredhere, then he will be ready to aeeapt Ibe posi-

tion which may be tendered him by the Con-

federate Government. We learn alio, that it isthe Intention of the Commodore to visit Au-

gusta at an early day; and we again call tbeattention of our fellow citizens to the proprietyof giving him a reception worthy of bia nameand fame.

While upon tkl. subject, we may add thefollowing article from the oerwoi of r,

which will explain it.elf;Dirxir.x or CoauioDoac Tathall. The

Rochester I'm publiabea a communicationfrom Panlding Tatnall, son of tb. veterancommodore, vindicating the course which biafather ha. seen fit te adopt. In accepting acommission from the authorities of the Stateof Georgia. He say :

If tbe "republic of America" Is a thing oftbe past, with It government a corpse, ai Ibelieve, then it may be claimed that all officerat present serving uader tbe 'star and stripe.,'unlet, they renew their old oatba of allegianceunder a diHerent Zorm, do so not from dutybut from their own free pleasure. Th.y arefree to give tbeir .word, to whatever govern-ment they choose, and are aarely not to beblamed if they accept service under that ofthe land which gave them birth, and has fur-

nished them a home through life.It I. not for tne, air, lo aouud the of

my own parent, but thta much I feel bound toaay that, during a career of forty-fiv- e yearsin tbe American navy, my "traitor" fatherbaa never once swerved from hi. duty to theGovernment He served the national "grid-iron " faithfully and well a. a T.nkee volun-teer at the, to ue, dl.a.trou. battle of Bladena-bur- g,

in the last war with Great Britain, andalso in tbe Algerine war under CommodoreDecatur. Wbile a Lieutenant stationed intbe Went Indies, Id command of a gun brig,be did inch good sen la agalnet the Spanishpirates that bs received a public expression ofapprobation from bie Government, and a ser-

vice of plate from the merchants of Baltimore.More recently, as tbe commander of the " Mua-q-

to fleet" of steamers; during the Mexicanwar, be waa preaent at and participated in tbebombardment of the ea.tle of San Juan deUlloa, waa there badly wounded in the arm;waa memtioned mo.t honorably by CommodorePerry, forbi. conduct on several oceaeion., inhi. official dispatches, and received a atillmore gra'ifyiag acknowledgment of tbe samein the tbape of a aword preaented him by bianative State of Georgia, and a silver vase pre-

aented by tbe citizens of Savannah. ix month,ago. be returned from a crui.e In the EaatIndiea and China, wbere he acted in the ca-

pacity cf commander-in-chie- f ef the Americanforce, in tho.e water.. For the m.naer inwhich be supported bie excellency, Town.endHarris, at Simnda, Japan, wbile tbe

diplomat wa. negotiating a treatywith it. government, he received the acknowl-edgment of that gentleman himself, with tbeverbally expressed approbation of hi. Presi-dent, and for aaai.tlng, at tbe peril of bia life,tbe brave British force, when treacherouslysurprised by a host of Chinese at the Peihoriver, the tiianka of h.r British Majestv'a gov-

ernment, delivered through bi. cxcslleacy,Lord Lyon., the F.ngliah minister.

fy The Charleston Jferewry of the 7thhas the following paragraph :

We learn that a vessel, acting under the or-der, of the United State. Government, re-

placed, a few days ago, the buoy, lately re-

moved from St. Helena bar. The fact beingbrought to the notice of the State authoritiee,prompt measure, were taken to undo tbia gra-tuitous and aomewbat barber Im-


Thx Taoors at Chaxli.ton. The Statetroop, in and near Charleston number 2,24'--',con.lsting of on. regiment of artillery, oneregiment and one battalion of riflemen, enregiment of infantry, and six mounted compa-nies. Who!' number of eompaniea 31 ; aver-age strength 71 men. Four of tbe companieare Irifa, three German, and one Scotch.

Goop roa John Chinaman. The "loot"of the summer palace at Pekin, although pro-ductive of much plunder to the lnvadera, seemtto have afforded them but little substantialbenefit. Tbe Chineae eagerly bought up alarge quantity in the firat days of Ibe sale,giving in exchange counterfeit Mexican dol-


Brick MachineTTTABR1NTKP, De orilBarr hsqcls with a horse loTV i mi .r the else, will make I2,rja0 as 11,000 brick

per day with ease ; superior to hrod Ditto. Prioa,$100.

RRK K PRESS.Twn hands will press t.000 te a,'" per dev. equal u

tbe liett race brick. Price, $100. I willhave it in peratin by the 20th Msrcb. Adtress withpast stsnipe. B. C. SIPLT.

out 1m Memphis, TeE.ner.e.


H. E. Corner Union and Main Streets,

MEMPHIS, TEffWESSEE.WE hTf now opntM up our now aad ttNUi.t roomi

for the rrcwvUvo of visium. Oar rooms arcbu'ti-jiae- ir flatabca., with a large-- sk?Hfkt, amusedczclnalTelj for making all kituU of Ptctnraa. Our

wtl' (to otjrorJ in oil by tbe celebrated arttit,WK. COOPER, on toe must term, and ofall aiaet. Alao,

Anbrotypes of all Sizes.Prom Mcenti to $10 We wiah a call frrm aTl. ByindntiTr and attention tu boelneu, and bavins n- me bat

operators, we intend ntaaXiDg oer work eq'aaito any la tbe country. Ooroe and e and try ne. Pitytnret of Children Lakeo mstautaaeoonly. Heaped folly,


A'!j"iMo it onr

Sewing; machine Rooms,Arranged for tbe convenience of Ladles, being oa lbeeoond f .jrir. We have nor rfilTerant elylea ef Sewi'igHachinwa always on Itstad W. lake srst i.p' ure )

bowing ear WILCOX M ACFftKK, knowing, from a atrtrial by Uinee who have untight them, that they are thefarri;lv machine. One great featore In tbetn i theNeedle cannot be aet wrong. Tbey are the mot simpleatsd least arte plicated Machine In ne Er calling andseem, them yva can be aatiafled of their rata.

Also, on the aarae floor. Dr. J, B. WASSOX has fittedcp and tarnished

nfl.VTf, ROOMS,to the most elegant and aaperb manner, for tke

and oomfort nf all who may deeirr his profes-sional eervire; and from oar personal acaTia1ntw.r-wit-

tb. a gent eraan, and knowledge of bis skill In tbscience ef Dentistry, we can awore oar nomar orisb jetuls and ajTiai.Dlaice that he is m everyway worthy of tbeir oorfi tenee.

ferj-l- TEABOCT It CO.

Notice of DissolutionTHE partnership heretofore eiietitg W.

Freeman, of Nashville, Ten o bis e, and Smithtn k Lewis B. sf Memphis, Tennrwsee,

under tbe name and style of Praaman tk Co., waaby mutual consent en the Brat day of Pot r nary,

1B01. K. Freeman having purchased the entire inter-est of the late w. fa B. Prrexnan in the said firm of

4k Co., the hnrtineaa will b continent, naderthe aarae ar.ri style (as heretofore) of Freeman k cvfeo are avthortxed to settle all debts doe to and by tbaformer cewnany, the firm now chsi sting o.' nV. Free-man, 8 Freeman afrl I.. B. Freeman.


arB-l- m L. B. PBXXMAN.

FREEJiAI sfc CO.,of Picture and Looking (risesMANrPAtrPTBEBBMouMings, Oormrea, Venetian

ttlinds. Bbsdea, Plf-- and Looking G'aases, elcH anddealers In Artists' Materials and Bugravinga, PftOTlNBBLOCK, Memphis.

bB"i. VIEtEL &, RELNAt H,


and the voer sxrccusrTL

Cancer OperatorsIN THE WORLD!

Eight Years in Itlcmphis.INPwRV the paf1k In gener they are prepare !

all diseases, hnt m y those whiCBsMre.' and cat

Tbeir treat mart of Cancers is withorjt any rival, be-cause the will te nx pet led from trie system, with alltheir roots snd fibers, only by cons vtional treatment,without caustics and without the ku'fe.

Tbey ,a treat with anaceaa, according tothemoatscience of medicine ia Europe, Bheaanrt'.iBtij

Nrra!gia, wont, Oi tf almia, Pistu'a kii Ana, BcrofnU,SyphHts, rtytpia, Chronic Dyeeutery, Torpid Liver,dravel, Pits, Tapeworm, Fllne, Dropey, Diseases of theSkm Bronchitis, Conau'nptson, di --eases ef the Byesni Ear. and gg part..-cta- attention to all FeaualeComplaints, thuae of th womb.

Nacrens who sre aft!. !M with sn of thn ahovadiseases will be cared, and can find good board and soitnmodauons while under treatment at tbe deciors'

Tbe doctors call attention of Batteries st rliaiarwthat if they are net prepared to consult tbe doctors

by writing to them, with an exact naoonat of allsympvome wa tne i Lsraae.medacine will be forwarrterf

by Adams express.Rofem V,. 1M Main stree' asstnsansi

Union and flayoso streeta. Infirmary am Pnien strtaT,east of bsyou, st Dr. Kpiegsi's private resldeaca.

Br C. Spiecel has. in his tbirtv veers nrarLis av-

nnclally on chronic diseasrs, cured them with the ntniostes He Mas in bu,, mrr fls tbonsnndplanu, herbs, harks, etc., which he can rely npon lornre diseaaves whe--h are try the moat succnasful prscU- -iionsrs protsssaneM inear able

e also makes it hM aetvactal .rartlce to trsat nil Dri- -vate diseases with tbe utmost enccess. in a short time.

matter af how too stsoding, nor of wba: nature.AH Dr. Bnlese! asks from tlas ajni.-ia- l fir rtwi

then all the reference he will five will be a tweedy carelo tbenu

uoossncs of tost:-- .naU, from the moat reMahiesource, may be seen st the ooctor's oBtos. dei3-4-m


NO. 320. DENTISTS. NO.mTTAVE moved heir offlre to corner f11 ITNION AND MAIN STREETSwbre they have fitted op snd fnrn'shed1rooms suitable for ite acnommsdai: n afiboss who may favor thsta with their conBdscce. sadhaving thus located lermanentlt offer their Drofessionalservices In tbe dltterent branches er Dentistry, promis- -

ug the public to serve tbem m iv- most skillful aadJudicious manner, and in every reasonable case warrantsatisfaction, bach as u operations performed andrhsrtes fur the name Further than thia we wish Itbold oat no in'ocemeel whatever, to ensnare the nnblicar draw them to onr oeBoe, by any exhibition of Dentalspecimens, or propositions to to "cheap Deutistrr,"at pri es as low, or even lower than the very lowesi,"or by any other disreprasen'ation af facta la aay waywhatover. neither do we wish hit as mistake oarname (Wesson) far that nf another, as the same Isptsne, nod :4aoe r bnalaass easily l und. Orltoe .mery: Union and Main, Be. BfO. d.twaw

euaiuoio DALLT, ASD waiau.1ST

o a. ar'cLAaaaaa eanuaerr r. am,.. the strle a arm or

n:i,t,taAX a dill,wbsm all Letters- - Baeiaesa, r eaasrwaaa, tUmH a


PRICE OF SUS9CBIPTION.Dalrr (Is aavaoce) per annum (10..m-tl- T " " -- 10wee.y -tj" All Dally sobecrloUooa will S ovstSered das as

a...b . Sall-sr- Id dtr,"

DASlraT RATES OF ADTERTIhl JIMFnr of . aqnare nf tan liaea or lew, one insertion.. .aFor wxa additional Insertion of .am. to

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7 SO 10 OR 13 60 U OOttO tM'JO 00 SI M 31 W n 00wa

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ijn sot? BOjM on. ts oo'sb 30 rr fioius so

hf OlfesO rjofctO OOyJO OOjeOi M no ouxts oont objim 00

syTir square, renewable weakly, par annum, BsO.OO

twice a week, ' 00.00rt-Tw- sefjuras. renewable weekly, pr annum, tO.OO

" m twice a was. " 90.00

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EfAH advertisements required to be kept on snnondpa-- i uars i D as hew each oat, and on iLirdnage,an acTaaoa ovsr stated rates

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grfTesrty advertisers will bs charged extra forpyiig spaua aver eontrsot, and whan 1VAROB TTrr israqUrod to bs osad, or the adreruaesnent kept ot insideof paper.

ateertisera will be eharged extra at regu-lar ndecs, for Wsau, Rents, Rensevsla,Nutices. To Ooosigneea. sac.

Advertisement! must be paid st iadvance.ry adrartisenent will appsar in the WekLy paperunless by soecial oontrnot.

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Obituaries, Trlbntes of Respect snd facer a! Inrltatlanras al ether advertlseinente.0Ail legs) sud transient advert lsetseuU wMl he

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30 cs its per lino.If" No deduction or variation will bs made from the

foretioiiag rates.


Qq i t enoe and get a bottle or thst Jostly oslsbrstsd


Barton's Dewberry Cordial.


Is the best remedy for Diarrhea, Dytietitery, Flux and

Clio'era Morbus in the world.


Tlat no eevTial In the cure of Diarrhea, for it relieves

pain snd removes the disease at onoe.


Will core the worst cases of Dyfentery in a few hours.


Is good for any and ail Bowel Afct:ons. For Children

It has no tqnsl.


la sold bjr ward it KeSULIA KP,a. w. jusks a co..PLUHJIKR & G1LBXRT,S. ' K V




R o'dest Insurance Company doing busmen in theTr Boa lb.


Thrs enmpaay rests It claims lo patronage on the fol-

lowing facia:

tj It has been doing a legitimate Insnrsnes hnsi-ne-


13 It has acquired an enviable repatotion in rsgardtn fair dealing, equitable adjustment and prompt

of losses, which acquirement is s guarantee thatit wi I never dtviste from its former course, and Jeopar-dise i character ao iong and deservedly enjoyed.

tj" It pamsesses bans tide means to the extent of aMILLION DOLLARS.

t3 t has t wsoty thousand do lars n Tennensas Btatsbatidn de.oaltod with the oomntroller, as an

ADDITIONAL ;' AR ANTBBto its poller boi4ers In this Stato.

Cf It largely toarard the revenue of thisB'atr by annual payment of taxee en license.

Prtiperly hinders wlahiag to protect their property bys policy of Insrrance in a really solid coupe ey, suethst wlTl stand up boldly and psy every lost ntaiaagainst it, let casne what may, will accnmplish their ob-ject by applying at the ageney of this company.

OBtce No. 2, Bank Buildings, Main street, Memphis.J B. CnADtTICK, Agent.

Jntawph Kash, ff WashvUts, State agent for States ofTennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi snd Arkansas willattei d to the prompt adjustment and payment of I sagasIn tats district tnrl

to uh i osn E R.ECOXOIHT IN CAS.


BT nsing McBsnry's patent flag Bcrnar. Theselinrnara have been adopted by the city autorlties of

leoultvtlle and Cincinnati for ths purpose of lightingtheir strsets, snd were subjected to the moat rigidpaovsnetriral teat, aa rewards affardlng the great setamorist of light for tbe smallest consumption of tana,and 'rare found to oonspnts with all ether bar era sect

Light Oemmittnas af those etttsa for theirconsideration and adoption These burners ars guaranttid to all wbo nee them, Tor the following sdraaia-g-es

: 1st. Ectancrray in ooasumplion of On te ths smooo lo frmn t to 8 per cant, over the best patent burnermad, and from TO ts 10 nor cent, of the common il

at bat.wing burner. Sad. A perfect e'ear andtea-l- y flame, td, perfect combwstlos. and freedom

from smoke, tth . Freedom from blowing and wastingof rsa. eomnaoa to the il nnd bnrnars.My ias x.prirnce in tbe manafactare and ermsnuio- -

tioo if Gas (having been superintendent of MemphisGas W orks for the laat seven years) ladoeee me to aaythey are the bead barner that haa aver boon etered tothe (Ublic, snd are used by private oenoomers ts theexcltoian of all other kinds where they have bee:- in.trod seed. Tbe bnrnors can be soon at Chsndlsr h. Co sdrag store; co the eltyjlamp posts In front of ths Appesleases on Union street, and Dr. Merrill's, on MadisonstresL

K sale at any won, flret north of the Qaoffice, Main street, between Washins t,n and Poplar.

A ML SlallaiTHR,Gas and Steam Pip Ffit sr.

Sole sgent for Memphis mrr-- ty


will sell, on the 16TH DAT or M ARCR neat, iaWIfrvat ef tke Bank or Menpaw, la the eitv ef Men.phis, at public aactloo, for cash, the foltawlr:. iaaSs. topar a debt for which they have bees ewarered to aa, totit:

la fcinseu coantr ia .ha Stole ef ArkeneaW. U Section 17 Tonwihlr 10 X. 1 I I.

M ol K. W. ' S "8. W. " S

H frset. ' It "."IK.W.K" 1. " "

an -- to'. y ef x'. xofW. " nMEi "Cof tatnioa 'i,fm.n-O- 0 arra. also in Oreea Oemit.

State ef Arkaaaaa.V. et Sec. 8 T.wnehip 17 K. ft 7 I.s.ans.erir.w. " t "

. w. m "v - "OeaAaiDtDf 71 7 1 SO acres .

AtlVl. hi Secll. a II Township tl X. ft. 7 ft"s. h, of a, i. iN . N.K.I h " It -r.w. it as hs. h- - a

H. H alt. W. H as. Mors. w. it isft. aers.w. isS. W. N i.w. M ai -h. k at. w. x ae ..a. Hot ..S ka v ao -

OoMUlMas !,SM acres.Also S. M ef aectlen a TowshliSl SJ. ft. t. a.s. w. v nH 41 I U WWS.ft.x

. sr. k a w. a wS W. It fcN. W.miii "Coatoiains 1,.. 103 ,

J l ass ft. SAUKDftftS,fel MATT tTLAT.

Old Newspapers.HBTBBAI. HChftBeTD OLD V X Wpa PBBB for salsJ it Uhs AJTBA. Qawarsin Bnaw, jaU

Cotton factors.WALT, JOHivSOiw & CO.,



Commlsston Merchants,NO. T7 FRONT ROW,

IMCosxa.Tila.i OoasiimnieBU of Ootto. Tiiiacco and other

respectfc'ly solicllsd.Plaatotloa sapnllee kept oncataD Jr ob hand aad sold

at lowest aurkst ratoa. Jrlo-- lj

A. s. aaow,iHmBasON osran.ian.BS nwia,Br.o.J., Mist. LaAe ol Socaervi Uo. UaaapaU,Tenn.





MEM PHIS, TENN.A LL Oottoa, Tobacco, or other prodece eoDiiciieA to

J oslnaared. aaleea .therwlss laatractod.HSaainK. ftooe and otber sapplla. farntibed at the

lowest market prices. Oaeh advatoei mads ,d consiroaaenla. se.-dw-

AaaSbel'oa T. S. Joaea. A. natch ott.


Cotton & Tobacco Factors( ommlwl on it nH



BI. BT. Ttirataroaa. s. c. Las Daavills, Kr-- i

Jaa. O. SiatraoN, MeDtplusi Wm. West, Greuda,


(Swsonsors to Jameson It Bro.,)

Wboleale ISroeers,Cresrral Commission Merchants,

Product Dealers Cotton FacfrNO. SS FRONT ROW,

ZbXezu-xplxJjas- , .Tonn.rSrBsaalaa, ftope and Twine, Wilskr, Floar, Tobacoo.

Tea. Soxsr Salt, Bacon. ColToe, Natla, Soap oad CaadJea,tosethsr witn a rail stock of Plantation Snpplioa.


ROST. BLAPC ..a. ft. PITTMAK,Pornterlf of Fanola conntr, MIm. Memphis


A. If D

General Commission Merchants,NO. 74 FRONT ROW,

Todd .. Gorer's Building, Memphis, Tenn.,oonstaotly as band a large and well selected

KBstP af all grades of Virginia and WesternToaacoo, Cigars and Smykii.g Tobsvrcoes, which

User otTar to the trade st snannrsrtarers' prices.Tislung ths citjr will find it to tbeir edrsatagn to

cs and -- x am;ne oar Block before pnrcfaasiDg elsewhere,as era ars otTsrsng rare iBdncamento to dealers,




COMMISSION MERCHANT,DeSoto Block. Madison street,


feM-A- Memphis, Tean.



COMMISSION MERCHANT.No. !i Monroe St., Up Stair.




GUJ MOH &ER9omci so sa frokt bow,

Memphis, Tenn.All kinds of Gairpawder asnatantlr on .hand Orers

nrampttr atteirrtod to. ivVtili


We are ow SelliBS Goods


An4 Short Time Acceptances,

OtTal stock Isqnlto coDinlste, and we will sell at snchas to make it 10 tbs interest af aM barers to

call and examine oar goo's. We feel assnred if par- -

cliasers gire ns s call, we can satisry tbetn.

hohtojt m jnrntt.291, corner Main and Monroe strrts.

S H X E I D E R & G L A S S I C R .



And Furnishing Goods for Gunmakers,

Ko. SO. Jererson 8trettp Oppos-- t Commercial Hotel.


always on hand a full soppl? of all articles 1bKBBP Hoe, which the will famish to tba trsde, orst retail, st s smsll sdTsnce an oust, le thsir sure canbe fonnd Gone. Dwable aad Single, for Seer, Dark sndBird shooting ; Twist and Laminated Si eel Barrels.Pisiois (rAllerr, Doellafl and Pocket Pis o!s ; CoR'g

Allen's, and other Beaeatars, wllb the latest improve-ments. Parlor and Derlnger'a Pistols, Piuc- Pocket Pis-tols of thir own tnsnafnctnre, wtth the great improre-mfnt-

Dermger's Pattern. Biflea of every descrip-

tion. Percussion Caps of ever qoslltv. PowderFlasks sf rsrions kinds. Boot Bells, Poocjes, Dr takingCops. etc. Oom Wadding- Cutlery Hunting Knives,and flne Pocket Entree.

PsriictUar sttention girsn to sll orders for new work,aa Djobie Barrel Quns, Bides, snd Pistols.

Bspatring of seery description done a! the ahoTtastnotice, and folly gnsrantesd. fed d tar. w now

Spring Barley.8rs' PIKR canai,an bbbd 0AtiLiT'100Bed Crorer Seed,

60 bos. Clover Seed,

Blae Srsss.

Herds Grssij

Timothy Seed,

All fresh and genuine.B,. G. CaVAIG'3,w

Horttcaltnrsl snd Seed Stors.Corner Second sad Union atreets,

fell Memphis. Tennesae.

j. noK;.t. & co.'s


Cor. Third and Washington sts.

ti" AH orders for caw work aad ra&airtBC attendedto on the shortest nntiae. f.l-- 1 In

Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $963,771.52.

Chartered In 1S10.

Phrjeniz Insurance Company.CAPITAL AifD SURPLUS, $553,132.83.

rpwEITTT THOUSAND DOLLAftS la TeaaeeasaA Bonds deposited at Na.h.llle by eash of tbe above

eeenpAni.. tor the seevrlty ef pallc, hoMers.


Hew Dyeing EBtablishmeDt.MESSRS. MATTHEWS M. HI'Sl .

LATE of th school of the frwat abd eei.bratedDyers aad Scourers, OooA ft Matthews, ef St

Louts, hare been indaeed 1. open aa astabUahmeat forcarry ina an the above boainaoa la all ite breaches.Eve. v deacriptien of xactleaien'sCoata, Teeta acd Paatsare dyad, eletaaed aad restored to thei- - orlrinat perfeo-Uo-

Thar certaialy do remove every spot ef sreaee,paist, wax aud tax, toxether with all other bieiuuihes

impurities so wnicct sacp. fsrmeut. are liable, anarant tba spots not to reappear. Clt aad exaeabas

their samples of Coat drewtac. If they fail to pleaseyon, ao charga will ba saada. Their otto, iaoo JerJorsor(treat, between Main and Front Row.

aarlinr atTTHm a run.Trust Sale.

virtue ef a deed of trast executed lo me!as trnstee,BTby C. Lafocaaalno, oa the 7th day ef Jane. iaje. toeecaro certain notes therein mentioned, parable to, andindr.r.ed by, A. Botto, 1 will s.ll to the hlxhsst bidder,for eawh, est Wednesday, the IS March, 1W1, a certainlet of srownd situated en tha west sts. of aeooad street,between .yoso and Seal strsets, tl feet frost oa saidstreet, raanlnf back lad teat to an allay, known aa lotSe. a. la tha division ef the said xroond. Said treatdeed ia raeorded in the rertsler office of Shelbv oranty.

i a, part '.st, pares 1,4, 116 and lad. The riant ofralemptkoa is waved and tha title Bond, hot I covey aatrnstee. Sale oa tha premlser at It e'cloc.

AI. tl. GATUB,Kl. Tro.lee.

Goes Cask, Wasser sad Irsscr, forsaie.

11 B offer s woman abont Is year, old, with a childTV . or 4 years old for sale low. Also, a Woman of

ebovt too asma ao. P.... t ie onus, good washer aadirooor aad eood eearaatreast n naaa .boot thirty lothirty-at- e ; , Tory pupenor h&od Also, a mar.snow ire ..nie age, not so sood. AJ1 will be sold rbaap

Ttrniso a weld,Set m Mala atreet, ap stirs.






The Aimwell Stories.

The Young By Capt. Reid.

Tb. Bush Boys, By Capt. Reid.

Odd People. By Capt Reid.

The While Elephant. By Daltoo.

The War Tiger. By Salton.

A Tear with Maggie and Emmie. By

Mi.. Mcintosh.

Leading String..

Harry's Summer ia Aahcroft.

Sequel to Mamma'a Bible Stories.

Woman an Enigma.

Reading without Tears.

The Mother's Mission.

Margaret Huntington'. Experiment.

Hooker's Illustrated History.

Tbe Crnssdes and the Crusaders.

A Voyage in tbe Dark.

Prince Charlie, the Young Chevalier.

English Country Life. Beautifully Illns- -


The Hunters of tha World.

Stories for Alice.

Good Girl s Story Book.

Fife Years Before the Msst.

King Arthur and his Knights.

Work while it is Day.

Little Annie's Primmer.

Queen, and Prinreaae. of France,

Constance and Edith : or, Incidents ofHome Life.

Little by Little.


Clearest 'f aden.

Hearr 3 4, 7 8 mi Oznabnrgs.Heavy Cotton Drillings.Bleacher, and Brown DosBestlca.BleachM and Brown Sheetings.Southern Stripes and Plaids heavy.Southern aingbaiiu handtvome.aVinthern CaHonsdes and fairy Drilling.Atakapas Colloades--re- 4 and Ldne.New style Calaceea fast colors.Ore? Poplins neat.Vnhtaa, Bead Dresses.Wool Tarns;tCoats' Snonl Oottan.Carpets, Bags; Stair Linen.Table Cloths and Covers; Towels.Wine C.otb;?OuTtatn, Cnrtaln Dsmashs.8 le am boat and Bed Oom'orts.Cotton and Shock Vsttreseea.Pillows, Bolsters, Sheet, Cases.Country Jeans; Feathers.

On hand and arriving as above.ISpinninc Wheels. Saib, Doors, etc., supplied to

rder.TAT!.- K sl MclWalN

Vain street, near Wereham Honje.

ltlaraard Rifles,Sharp Rifles,Colt Rifles,



la great variety, with the accompaniments.

PISTOLS,Of all the appraved patent. This branch of our stockis very tyrmplete.

deU.d,twawSmis F. 17. CLABK k. 00.


rriHB nndersienesl has opened tha WnWX HOtTSB, recently completed, on tha

north side ef JBFFKRSON 8TBBBT,Second and Third, where he will keep

a flrsKlasa


T would resyterifTi'w Kk of my friends and the pnbliea call, as nothing hot the best will be served

Tbe saloon will be known as " Sam's Heose."jatS-3- BAM HARHOV.

SI , DRIES.C A 1 1 B0XE3 Pcppiaj Crackers.0JJ 1000 :t. S. S. AlBionds.

600 lbs Filberts.SOU lbs. Cream Salt100 Bosbels Fresh Meal.160 brls. Knscett, Prior Rod and Jeaatin Apslea.260 Pink Eye White and Red Neebaals Fotatoee.600 Eers Nails.60 dus Brooms.AUo Soxar. C'llfee, Molasses, Salt, vrhlsfcy, Brandy,

rbampalsn, Flear, Lisa., Oeareot, Starch. WoodenWare, etc., etc. Jaat received and for sal. low by

FLOt'RNOT a CRAWFORD,detfl-ds- w Vo. II, Front row.


JU ftrt rirli. California Potatoes ;

i ' ' Ptnk Bye Potatoes ;

100 brie. Keshannnck Potatoes ;90Onris Baltimors Blae Potatoes)IOC sacks900 sacks rfeshannock Pstatoes;

Just received and for sale lower than they can bebought at the river of flatnoata. Tboae wtaalng to tmyin lota will Ao wall to giva as a call.

FLOURNOT St CRAWFORD,JsW-da- So. It Front raw.

Sunares.A BRrs White lfhirrorh Potatoes;4UU 100 Bed Neshan.K Potatoes.

900 brla. BaltiEiire Blae Potatoes,300 hrla. London Lady Potatoes600 brls. Oallforais Fotatoee;ISO brls. cboiee Russett Apples;100 sacks Red On torn,;600 aaaks fresh Bolted Meal.

ALSO Scgar. Coffee. Milaates. fait. Tea, T a ran.Cigara, Barrett's SnntT. Farraflne and SUr Caadiea,Ovacerehalfs and qnariers. Sardinee, Kaila, FYaits,Nats, Wines, Oins, Apple, Peach, French and CagnarBrsndiea, etc., etc. Jost received and for aale low to

tbe trade. FLOORNOT Ai CRAWFORD,felO-ds- No. II Front Row.







Barstow's Metallic Burial Caskets.

COVSTAWTLT on hand all sites of FISE fcKEEP CASKS. Also, WOOD 00PFIX8, ofevery description.

Country Undertakers rnrnteoed with Caskets and Casesat a reasonable aiamuct. derVty


DO BREAKFAST BACON,ii, i sonei t ,a. r



FAMILY PRIME MESS PORE, in barrels aad bt. aria.DO CLEAR FORK So de,DO l.ARD. pri na kettle rendered, in barrel ,


CfeTlie Move era now in Stock, and will tea keptcotuunuy on l and tbrowyh the sean, froa wbibHotels, Gr vers. Boat Stores, Coaat Orders and theTrade eenerslly, will t. aneplied at market rates by


F.rker and Provision Mereaant, Scvewth and Carrsvoels, at. Lontf, Ko.Refers lo m.rchanta of Memphis, ceaerally who do a

pruvisioB btumesa.

JSnsiiifSi? (farUs.. s. anaarr a.

J. B. SHARPE Ml TO..Wholesale Tobacco Faeton


0. 11 FM OUT ROW,MEMPHIS, TKNN.sre w. win - .

with the same, sr braada aqaaily aa toed, frees :;e boahi Ti-- 1 v


Flonrnoy ft Crawford,

WHOLESALE GROCERS.Commlsalon Merenants,


DEALERS IN PRODUCE,Keep constantly aa hand a large aad well seteotwd

adodk of -

Choice Groceriss and Previsions,Salted te City aad Country Trade,


tjr ParUcnlar attention paid to Store., snd Far.arolnj. seMMlaw



Drugs, faints, Oils,WINDOW GLASS,

Perfumery, Instruments, Brnsnes, Etc.,

340 Main Street,PM0V1NK BUILDINGS.fJETB call tie attent.ub of PhyaAclawa, Plant.-- , aadTV Builder, at ocr larae st.xk. as we offer etrona ta- -

'larement. buyer, ol Sood, in oar line.Onr PSKSCKIPTieiN AND RETAIL DBPARTM MT

wtl : reeeiv. parUcnlar attention. JvtiMltwaw


TrVsEtr'OwBALI AT LOW PRIORSFOR Jlaah'llie Oedar Ckeata,

.. Churns;

.. Y.rzTnna,

.. Diapers;Water Canal

. d Backets;Iron nonnd Backets;

Cane-se- Chairs.IN QRAH AM 4k LRBS.

dt SS2 sfaUQ street, Brinkler's Black.


ft--srB aanaa

T. & M. FLAHERTY,lave on hand sad are deity reoelTloat, a laraja

saeitt of auoet alegaat


OiL CURPFTI.ra, FTC,At No. 41 Union street,

And Invite the pajlic U call and examine their stock be-

fore pwchaatns elsewhere stfla. C. WEST 0X0. A . COLHBAS .

WEST, COCHRiif a CO.,General Commission, Forwardiag


FRonrcF. jrsEiscnriJrrs,No. 70 Front Row, old .land of Stratton,

McDavitt It Co.,VEMPH1S. TBKK.attenuon siren to the sale and

PARTICULAR Tobacco, Floar, Pork, Bacon, Lard,Wheel, Corn, etc. Libera! cash advances made on conSL.nm.ote Is onr friends in New Orleans tnd St. Loals.

Rxrxr.EJfcca. W. 3. Davie, Hemphia, Tenn.; Giv-

en. Watte S Co., K. O ; Watts, Otvea a Co.. Padncah,Ky ; If. D. TraTie. Clarse.ille, Tenn.; Hardin., OivenaOo. ,S. Lfw.i-- Blanton a Jarae,, Paris, Tean.

nsy-- iy

Wat. Ltrw ..pniLip j. m.u.i.os,Steam and Qai Pltlsr. Plnmbev.



16 1 JHuin Street.have opened for the liaftpection of tha pnbl.r theWI tnoat select stock in Memphis of Chandeliers,Brackets. Rati LichU, Bath Tubs, Water Cioeeu,

Wash Bunds, Steam (wangee, Water Ganges, AlarmOanxea, Globe TaWes. Whistles. Lead, Iron and Copper

"if Ptvaapa, Ite., and everytauni; eoanectad with theBRWater, ftteatn aad Alarw Gaofes repaired. JaM-l- y

Direct ImpoitatioB and no Humbug!

Oxn BABE RT Flper Heidaick Clumaatxe;4 100 hoaea Rhine Wlce;

2 nan'heona Irish Wbiskr :

10 casks Word. Hanaer Brarmtweln ;

100 casks London Porter and Scotch Ale i10 af pipea Otard Dapre Braiidy.

ALSO Bofar, Coffee, Mclas-e- Floar. etc., eto. FarMia be f. F FRAKC,

- - . aw Fnasrt row.

I860. FALL TRADE. I860.


Will. PARK & CO.,(Sooresaora to Hawks, Smith


VI KG now receive.! the prreater part ef onr FALLHA STOCK., wa are prepared to onwr areat ladnoa-meo- ts

to parchasers. Oar stock consists in part of,


Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Zine, Soldering; Iroo.,Bar Tin, 8heet Capper, Wire,

Speltre, etc., etc.

BUILDERS' MATERIALSLocki, Hinges, Sash Pulleys. Latches, Bolta,

winnow irimminga.

Toffether with a fatl and ctnipUte asfortineDt of Boild-ers- '




With a full stock of

Tsols, lericaltaral Inpiemeats, etc.

Wa wonid also call tbe attention of levee and railroadcontractors to onr stock st Wheelbarrows, Shovels,Spades, afettsvka, Sta.ia wai. FABE fc CO.




No, 67 Front How,on hand a fnll lapplf nf all kinds of flne StickKRBP Fancy Oadiea, Cakes, Hata, Preserves, Fruits,

Pickles, Orsters, Wines. C If ars, etc.Orders will be promptly and sarefnlly titled, at the

lowest prices. deld-B-

CHABLEs H. STROTHERAW aad Collector of Claim.ATTORN Tenn Office in Sank baiMlna. marSa-l- r

. E. THOIAS,Attorney and Counsellor at Law,

AND COLLECTING AGENT,JVIolxx roll less. Tonnoneaee.rf" Office stnth side ef Coort sqnsre, thrwa duo.

row Main street. Jala-er- a

JOHK C CARTER,Attorney - at - Law,

MEMPHIS, TENN.CJr Oflce in the Adams Express bnildinx. nol.-l- r


Conrt Street. oprte A- - T. WU It Bro.A LL ocerstii'is performed wll

XA. At possible pain, and In tkKknifni manner. Diseases of tne n

ArtiV al.1.,; h treated.teetn inserted npon the tot appTWed plan, wHh gnar-aut- y

and no bnrnbaf either old ar caw, is aflated to itw

sptrs the pnblie with OKofldensja In mi skill, or as anIndncefvvent tocall at sar osVs. sari

books: books:oddfellows' hall.

EVTJBUCAK COrrBTiT.BB The ShlpwrscX, br Falcon.r;

Lailah Bbont;fjertmd. of Wronlnx;Tb. La, of ths Laat Minstrel!Cettsia Harrv;lltAla, etc

For sale br TOOUri fc BKOTRBB,o. SI. Hain street,

dee Tfeder nail. Hatnahia, Team.

SIlltJLESI.iITi rs Jos t in raeeipt f a large lot af rery snpsvW Tier shinnies which we will sell very low to dosethe eonsirasnent. We will always keep a supply onskand. Oall aeon at

FLOUaaNOT fc rUAWFORD'R,Kg. 11 Frost row.




XsvPersuBent' Located la ntrnmnn,WHBRB lor tws vxaaa ha baa perform alloneratioaa with snch oaiveroal

aa lo auclt to. Bust una! enciersae-men-t,aKttcrl0K p.truM.. tbe hldbeat enosoj.

ewa. His raicxa are still aa lav aa tmt.vcav Lowa.v, tr u.. una tpiei, esscwfien andmmrrruu. Some efrrSf year .lace he tbe

dues nUoftlktr, in oun'Wun.noe of theird'lrvfte ter.den.-- upon a. netfwref feef. t. ssynotblns .f ths iwUsry, the w hreeth, or theSpeed, hs aiat tout toes u, th. aswarer of all swrhwork, naimertefron a siaaL to aa eufwsel .1. a Stvlx (ritAwuf r.'rl wa.aauuinai-fo- r

, cleaaliofc, ud hje-li- ricaneM. rf -7

""sr. aad in fact an tba nniw ifyTei Iria7 ' a pcatesekai, can I. Masai his oOfe., snd for which

"aeswardad the Paxaiiuw, at oor late

itrTP.i.rted without pln, whenDl1' ATI I ely and dorabty Sllod.

nourns' Tr.-

rrT Falai --f 1mta tuastii-- 1 I I. Mark, j

tha trait. HU.-- ; I: L aV Xd.e. kWhitsn Dr. s nt

Fa.; A. J- - Walt, ftae,.) Dr. J. a wBro ; Chandler ItCs., Jferapfcis. T

Mmryan's UOstAL Tootm rowand preMrriaf the TKST1I cs;. aOrricz, in ma:k stfikkt. oflosTtV ball. Mistrais. tems



t No. S35 MAIN STREET. tBelow L Lion, wast aide,


Iff eaaiity and price we defy compel.' 6entplat.ia ever, department,

tajn LIVE OIL, to the trad. Bt maaefactnrera'arlcea.


Axawt. for l.r.n's Pnre Catawba Brandr-On-

of tb. Arm la at tb. Eaat, eeleetlu, tbe Pa realCb.mka'sthat can be obtained for on. nrewrlption caee.

If rnre. lo .ell Ike ties- -. f 51) EARING At WETHLKILL.

novlt-da- US Main .treat.

Notice of CopartnershipB have sold te Mr. TBOi, B JirK)Sw esse real u I

rvl acted oaler tbw name BB i ty-

of 9T11KBT, st JACKiVJN'.for th pat patr ma'" npt-- the oM firm, wetupe by ttihfence to tuerU its oontinaaace te the aew.

9TRBBT A HUSi EBFOBD.Memithls, Janaarr 1, ltSBl.


South end of Rope Walk in N'avr Yard,BTBBHTfTS, TEKSTESRVR,

sf all kin's nf RAILROADMAWrrFAeTvTlERS CARTS. DRiTS, etc Brsasand Ir,n Castinav, Wronrht an. Railincs,and everv description 'f BI'ILDF.RS' 1RH WORE.

Machiua and Jjania, Work of all kinds proasptij at-

tended to.


M. n. L. STEWABT J. B. ALGEX,Ealeicb Mempbls.

STEWART Sl ALC.EE,AUnrneys and Cuuselois at Law,

(Oflce at KaleiaTh, an In BBBJ lstat's Onlce BaildtnitJCornier of t ourt & Third Streets,

JXoTXxyl3.m, Tonn.rygpegiel attention ii CoUctiois, Conv an. an

invest) Italian Titlea.etc. del

For Rent.ENT the OFFICE now occapieilIon office, aad. if desired, will

Mil opi,n rea.wiabie :e ni. all th. OSae. Fwnitnr.WWe alas offer fnr rent la. CCTTOM snBD ANDWAREII.JVSE, a Ma: ison street. Base onmpied b, na.

M ABORT fe Oil ,

3SS at a:a street, ap .alrs.


STOCKMAN tc CO.,DBALKB5 la Poreiirji and DomesuiWHOLB9ALB WhilkF, Fancy Groceries, To-

bacco, Ciiars, etc.,Na. 1.19 Mala Street, W hater BUcIl,

rKS-ti- n Measphka. n .

O TI.C E.Ihfi a. Id onr stock of Bxk. s y, etc.,HAf If. Wade sa Co., after ths-ik- rleois and

tbe pot-li- far the very liberal astr steaded toas, we Boost cordially solicit fur the 31 a cuotuin- -auce of their favors. Besapecuuiry,

w20. FATT130N ft. fO.

To tbe PublicAs yon perceive, T have purchased Lhe stock of Books

and Bteti'-'ser- of kf esra. (Jo. Fattiton ft. Co. 1

to conduct tkya ander the nam snd styleaf It. Wade ft. Co. Moat reepectfally do I aoliett for tbabunae a share nf public ptreuaige



Young V Brother,HALL.

TACT10S Scfeoai af the Trooper, of theCAVALBT aud of the Sqajidrosi.Rifle aad Lifl-.-t Infsotry Tactics. By Brev.

W. J. Hardee.Bancroft's Histor; of the United Statee. Full calf.Works of Jobo C. Calhoun. 6 vo.s.lrrlRfr's Wcrks complete. 33Gold Fens, Pocket aLntves, Port Folios, Crayona, Writ-

ing Deeks, Wjrk Boxes, PorkAt Slubea forftchls, gt Trees copes and Views, Bills 1 jlt. Motet,Drafts, Bills BxchaiAge. etc. For sale by

TOCMii ft. BBOTfTBR,Jail nail

c. mi Ri.iii.i- - . C. STABKWLATHIR.

l. c. ;n it nsi.i. tc co..(now permanently located)

No. 11 exchange Rniidias,DEALERS Ilf


eo9 nemnbi). Tenn.


lMCesxaiiolalsji, Toiinoansoo,BTannfactnre aad keep fer sale Crnde and Refined Cot.

too Sewd OIU, Oil Cake and Oil Cake Meal.

Ssatkcrs Stack Food.

seed. Oil Xfeel and Oake are the cheapestCOTTOTC nntrtcions food far all kinds of st.--

more MILE and BUTTER, and a richer and morsdelicate Savor than an, ether kept at all time a onhand ia quantities to salt purchasers, at the Works.


Trust Salegivrn bad snd security aa required by

HAVING will, by virtrte ef power vested in me atrustee, at the Arcade, on Union street, on THURSDAY,

the 14th of March, INI, between tba toars of 11 and 12

o'clock, gffsaasM to sell at public sale, to the hiphest bid-

der for cats., a certain Lot af Land, lyinR io 5helbycounty. Tenneeeee, near Memphis, and more partieslarli described la a deed frram J. M D. Miller to me

to secure certain deferred payment a thereinmentioned, said deed being new of record In the Realster's office of Shelby ceaety, in Book 41. pagee 135 aadISC, wbereia redemption ia waived, reference to whichis hereby soade. JOBS BROWN", Troetre.

fel3-- M. C. CATCB ft. .. Anctloneers.


WE WAJIT TO nit,Negro Woman, a good cook, washer, etc , etc.

OMR Sbto Otxi, twelve or foarieen years otd.

WE WAXT TO HIKE,Three Negro Men, eeanmoa laborer i.Oue Kegro Wman, goud cook, washer, etc.One Megro Otrl, as a nnrie and house set rant.

WE WAST TO SKM,,Ons Negro Man, a So. 1 hand for $1000.Oae NegTO Boy, eighteen years old, Isnie, but an efl--

cient hosae servant. The owner must bare .matey, andwill aell for B60.

WE WISH TO EXCHtXGE,Improved City and Suburban Fropertr for Farming

Land, lo cultivation, with ar without aearoes.We wisb also to exchange valuable Subnrban Propert

for Dry Ooods or Orooerlea.Any person barisg nch proper'y, and wishing to

asake such ao raihaori, srill aud It to their adrantageto sail oa us.

WE HAVE FOR RENT,Sere ral of the mas. desirable sitnationa la the dty

Among these we euaaserate, a large BrlkBnildiag, earner of Linden and DeSote streeu ; a beau-tiful Residence ea Landerdale street, with sn excellentgarden, orchard, and five acrea of laud attached. Also,t ur handsome Cottage Residncae, uew and neatly invaroved, oa Madison aad Monro-- streets.

WE HATE FOR SALE CHEAP,Aa elegant Watch, cost $100, will aell for $00A Lady's Watch, for sale cheap, and somo lMaraotl

at it per seat, leaf than their value.

21 Msm ureet.JsJrt Over Mansfield ft Co.'s Drug Store.


Stationery Stationery.taeet rurm at Letter err! Vote Paper ever

TUB in thisctty.We invite particular attention to onr beautiful assort-met- it

of Ideal er aad Note Paper, ceDsisting of the fol-

lowing sty lea amak Wave, Damask Reticulafed,Windsor Oenrt, Windsr Amber Laid, Windaer Retica-late-

De La Rae Royal Note, De Le Rue Bow Dams.kFrench Paper, aaswrted colors; Matnae Vellaan Bath.Martinea, Arabesqoe, Victoria, Qaadrtlla. Also, Mooralag Paper and Rnvrlopes, of every description.

Oall and make j ur selectiens.TOi'Vf ft BRO.,

nolg Under Hall.


H. WJDE & CO.,963 MAIN STREET. 363

LOST FaUNCTFLli or, The Sertlonal BgniliTBI BrMlas Oilbert's Career.Ltfe of Wra. T. Ferter.tar Lssyt Hunter.Qoder'a MaaUxaino, for March.FsAersoa's Magsstae. for March.Kaiekerboeker Magasme. tor March.Harper's MaRaett-e- , for March; at

H. WADH ft CO ,

fel Ml Main street, Metuphis.


Valaable Standard



Christmas and Holiday




'f'HE HISTORY OF THE CRU' ABES.A-- Uj Joseph Fraaeoia Mirhaud. Trans-iate- tl

from the French by W. Rooms. In3 vols., 12ino., balf calf.

HISTORY OF EUROPE, from theof Lhe French Revolution to the

Restoration of Bourbon., in 1M5. ByArchibald Allison, LL. O. Ia 21 Vila.,8vo., calf, gilt aiarble etlge.

THE WORKS OF OLIVER fiOLDSMITH.Ewited by Peter Cunningham, la 4 vol..,8vo., half calf awl full calf.

THE WORKS OF MRS. SHERWOOD.Uniform edition. In 16 vols., half calf.

HISTORY OF TURKEY. By A. De Lam.r-lln- e.

Translated from the French. In 3vols., half calf, gilt back.

THE DIVERSIONS OF PURLEY. By JohnHorn Took. To which is annexed l is let-

ter to John Dunning, Eaq. 1 vol., Svo.,eal.. London.

THE MAY Qt'EE.V. By Alfred Tennv- -on. Poet Laureate. Splendidly illna-trate- d

by E. V. B. 8 vo., mor., jilt.

THE POETRY OF NATURE. Selected andillustrated bv Harrison. Weir. Fine Tur-key ruorocco.

POETS WIT AND HUMOR. Selected byW. H. Willi.. Illustrated with one hun-

dred engraving ; full gilt, cloth and mo-


THE TEMPEST. By Wra. Foster, Here, Skill, Sander

and Janet. Quarto.

THE WORKS OF ROBERT HALL, A. M.,witn a men.oir of hie life. Originallypublished under the .operinteBdence ofOliuttiua Gregory ,,L. L. D., in 6 vols., fullcalf, London.

THE WORKS Og THE RIGHT HONORA-BLE EDMUND BURKE, la vola.,lis,:., full calf, marble edge.

THE LITERARY WORKS OF SIR JOSHUAREYNOLDS, firat Preaideat of LB. RoyalAcadem , with a memoir af th aa lior.By H. W. Beechy. lu 2 vela., 12mo., halfcalf. London.

LIFE OF LORD BYRON', with his Uttersand Journal.. By Then.. Moore, Esq.6 vol.., calf.

HISTORY OF ENGLAND, frora the peaceof Utrecht to the peace of Versatile.,17131783. By Lord Mahon. In 7 vola ,

full calf, marble ede.

WORKS OF MICHAEL DE MOXTAIGNE.comprising his Essays, Biographical andBibliocTapuiral Notices, etc. By W.Uazlitt, In 4 vol,., half calf.


Cleaves aaen.Window Shades.

ue. skbxh a vii bi:fp bsillasd shades.B made to ovter and put nn br an ezperi.aeaw Baas.rKEESfA.V a CO.,

160 Earn atreet, Prone. blw:k.

Artists' Materials.BOOB ATBS, XESBAV1MOS, Bt.

LIT . rBEEHAB" a 00.,ase Main .weet, PrwviD. bleak.

For Comfort and Economy,TTS1 THE VEW1TIAII BLINPS raanafawtaredI russM an a co

50 afaia street, rrovtae block.



IN OS, as eheap as they can be imported, at

freeman a ro.a.350 MAIN STREET,

TTovlee Mnek.

8. i. caxr .HEADER a CO

CAMP & CO.,(SaweesoTB to (rroarenar. Camp st Co.,)

PIANO, FURIUTUEE,sgSzm axd QfR!TTT!Carpet Dealers.

from the celebrated HaaelUm Brother, A. APIA9T08 and from Mew Fork.

Roaaswwad Parlor 9e U, eerered with Brocatelle ; Manogaay and Walnut Baita, cowed with Haircloth aad

Fl ush ; Rasewond. MtSogany aad Walnut Eedrtwrn Suits;a run assorsaaeBw m a.t mi mi

COMMON FURNITURE.The bwat Serins Bottosj. fee S. Blair, CeAUnt. Moaa

and Shock MAITUKSSBS. Teresssrv, Brnaaela. Tbree-pl- ,.

Strpsr an Inxrain CABPET1N03. OIL CAEPBT-IN-

frees three tn eiskteea feet wide.LOOEUfS OLA3SI3 of all klnda.

CAMP a CO.,Old Stand, No. SSe Main street,

aalO-l- v EtTOPhls, Tenn.

ECLIPSE STABLETTtriKO sold an Interest In tbe ''KcTipeelrl Livery SUble," kg Jno. M. Fik, lhe bu-;--

naa. r.f the Ann will aearafter be conduced Junder tbe style of Bunt & Pis.,. T. w. uuT.

We will keep on band at tha " Be Ipse," the beatstock that the market ran affor, acd will furn sh suchturnouts ae will giro entire satisfaction to all the pa-

trons of the e'd p puiar stand. If good teams andconstant attention to the wants of our sruitomers willdo It, we will ewdeavor to pleaaa.

Horses boarded by the day, week, or month, upoa themost reasonable terms

fvV Itw HrVTRFtBsI.

Opening of the Fall Fashions 1

On Saturday. October 6th.jsVt 8fl8 TaVTailTj. Street.

MISS M. PERDUE, of Baltimore,VI returned from the Bast win aehesce aeleeHAtien from the Brat las porting houeaa, ia bow pre-

pared to open with fall and wiater fashions ef

MILLIN ERY,la ell ite Ranches. Bke will kee rsaalsatiy on baathe cnolcest and kamlaomMt sertment of Bonnet.Hata. Cape, Hetul Drswas, Bibooos, etc., wit a fell aoaortmert ef Dre. and Cloak TrXnainsa. aad Fane,Articles. DKBM BLAXIX9 altdoaT lo la tke laieatFarwaa stjl.. v

omp tjariis.


Grtmad Coffee, Spieea, Mnatard, Oatnty, etc.



A. v dupont & CO.,MABrrrACTcaxaa er

Sews ass Beak rriatiag Papera.vd ia


Printers7 Inks Arc,47 T Mmlm St., EeoalswiU., Ky.

E. BOBBINS tc SO Warren Street.


InfflrttTs tad Wholesale Deslfn



AVE bwwaeaiaolisted more tban TWET1-FT-TEARS, and do aa XXCLI'SIV nonth-- m andath wnt.ra Trad..

So, tmU for . Bo CXT.XSaATSD ll'IIiitalxtx rrrrroa hob.e,


Western Produce:ROLLING, BIGGS ft CO ,

7J"o. 43 TTbblIox. Srx-oot-.

H ATR en band and .'or aal large lots ef Wae"i Fr- -lae nad Groceries. aeiatiBa" ef0tm agn iisb Ftnaasss; 990 brls Cesaent;

ton aacics C'rn ;

tAaVRrla. raritrtja bran ;ti) reams Wrapping Paper,900 ftcxen Burfcera ;IK nnu Tube, painted snd eedar ;Mft brls. Wbikr ; taw brla. Lime jlaw piece Loesn RaaTii r iHit coil. Rope i100 sacks F"mr; 199 . Starts :

99 baaea Oyatera, rreab. piakM saaj snssed ;ten boxes Sowp ,law kwxea Tbarc, al! iroaiitlaa ;

GO bales Cotton Tarns,tno kegs w bite Lead;

90 rarecsM Ianlgu ;990 brls. lefueet.c artree and Liaaors;

X csMSka aady ;With a great variety of sa-- ir guMa. ess bracing PiaFruits, Sfnstard. Rlaeking. RatrL, slre-ja- Oicger,Fepper, Cienaawrn. eTiores, Mace. Alepsee. Firtlea. Ta-ble Salt In pspars, Crttoo C rdae. rhimsascnee fft.iwuakets BoUiod Liquors, Wax Car.dlesof rar.osja co.ors,ate., etc.

Persona wishing to supply tbmselrea with ehoiraaroceriea, woald do wall to call aad examine tbia s.


Tro Halfirtae ef a Dei tBTKlyce and ftusaa J

at.'! r.f record in tike oo air of Tippab. aiperporse et secuMnar cn.i the i4Tii Of M a it

tbe iate L 9. Clyca. ethe Ml'rwlng tracts erifjarter section of land

, and upon which 'a thetinse ef the gejM

tract known asaPeed asd aet apart tohundred aad :w

The title is belired W

rey ualr snch tmeaa haafeaa-t.- i j


fo. i Monroe Sireet,

Between htaln Street and Frcnt RVrsr,


u lafon U. watlic la setters! tkal ;DfJEE the larjeet and beet selected of

Gas Fixturesin tha city- Boiidiage fltted rrp at auVrrt aekhce.

WORK.Stana Flpe and ritUaga, Sheet Lead), Xiaa Lead Fty

of ail k hid and alios.

LNrrWAIi kiade of Brass and Iresi Farce and Lift Fnmps fa

railroads, cisterns, deep well aad beer Fuipa.

BATH.Baths flrted up in the mast complete All w


PATENT FORI E 11111.are hare boarht the the aa'e of theee

eztreerdinary Purnca. T merbaac that

Fair and Ohi" State Fair. and examine tiimfstrJkeawly


CARPET A VT 4 I KT 4IN STORE.un'leraltrued baring epen.d a the Carpet andTHX is now prepares to show to hie

friends and tbe public aa entirely new stork of carpetand curiam s.ioda. Velvet. Tapestry, Brans ela, reyerand sjsaasejsa Carpets, Ruga. Mau. afattifiga, Cwaa

etc. Silk, Davmaak, Lsmbs aad rwoaon Curtaiae.Taaeeia, Lonpe, Baada, Flciure Corde. Ceinica. etc. Buffacd White Hoi .and af different widths, Ouilt Lerxl-sc-

and pfa'n Sbadea, " r Oil Clrh9. from B to Beteet ride Finkte as Lyoaa Bww.n; 9l3cnina, the beatfamily eewing Daaehiue made, for from $6 u (190 Tt-Best of workmen on band to trot make and lay carpets,

abadea, etc.H. BT. GROSTiyr.R.

r, 999 BTatn street. Jackana Block .


coal,: engaged in the eoal Trade for the past

IHAVR years I hare tvoated coai v thie faarket forthe retail city and steainlaat trade, and hare learnedfravn experleece the neceeaityaf basing .beeper fuel iaMemphis thn haa heretofore been furnished to her peo-

ple. The of the rich and pe,r alike require,the change praposel, atv) while I do not pretead) to

the fact that I intend to make afrne sastaey. It .anot the leaa true that I shall re a public benefactor Ins.w hare ea hand a large supply of Oree river eoai.which I have always furnished at a price far below thatwhich must he paid for Pittsburg coal. The pieeea arenot now ao large as tbe caal Norba received fraaa Flrsa-bur- f,

bat these grow larger aa the mine ia penetrated,asbd with each hipmeat te me, by spring tbe inmp willb as large as the largest taken from tbe Pittabcrg p:ta.Oroon near eaal eoaU me lews than that the

af the Ohio, sad I therefor sail it law, end setbirsesB tt s not to valuable fer all purposes. I haradeaaaed it uaeleaa te ebtaia and pwhiisB certifVate aa toiu properties froaa thoee wbo nee it here. Try it, andbank sharka are th ceruBcates I waist. T hara, how-

ever, a larger stock ths a ever before of Pittsburg eoai ,

whieh goes ehT at market an era. f wosvid state, more-ew- e-

that those who bay frm me pay saeney to an al.ctUaea st Memphis. All that I make goea into eirra'a-tie- a

here. I take nethiag frosa the city which onr cre-ator did aet lartend ahssild awny, ranee he did not BaaajM'mphis oa a ooal bed. Keep roar money at heme, andstari by yoer own people, which yoa ran i.h ybuying eoai at the Blue Oahce, oa JetTarrxA, er at theroot af Poplar street.


Elmwood Cemetery. Memphis.



J. M. 9711 LI AMBON, W 9 HAMLIW.Cemetery ia two mil ssnth eas fraaa the cityTBI offlce of the company is an the grounds, where

the Superintendent neay at all ttaee be farjnd. When o

is not in the offlce, ring the bell, and he will soon appear .

iaver!blTcan. mlfcllv


Injarraham & Lees,AVE now on hand, and will aell to wholesaleH ev,. at extremel, LOW raiLBS,

M boxes Clothe,te Rollins rtnai

St) nesta Market Baeksta I

Aa a ooainl.te stk sl ahelt (i.ia. Trr ae e.forasoead Tear mone, at the MOETH. Qui,

A. Vaccaro & Co.,



Brandies, Wines, liqnnn, Heirs, Etc..

Ko. 7 Front Row.


100 baakets Cbas. Fsrre Chsmpsrn., streetfrota Rheima, France ;

100 ba.keta Heidaie a, Co.;SO baskets Golden Spray ;10 caae Widow Clictjaat ;be) casta Cabinet ;

100 cases Sparkline and Still Catawba500 caaea Claret, different braada ;

100 caae 8 tit erne ;100 ease Sardines, 1 sad ;

10 hi. pipe Cognsc Brandy ;20 qr. " -60 eighth "

100 caaka Loudon Porter, qts. snd pte. ,

50 caaka Scotch A.e, in stone r,. directfrom Edinbur'.

ALSO,Snear. Coffee Molasaes, Bacon. La

Flear, etr., etc.,mrto LOW FOR CASW

Shade Trees.Enfl S1TVEK LEAVED i0IEtiJUl' noe Silver Hsaawe;

J00 lars. Donhle Ssnrin, Eeawa ;Just received and few sal. te

Cornar awBBBi aad T"ni. draato.DAils Menvphle, Tvue j
