abc book final

abc’s of technology BY Noah and Jon

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Post on 02-Aug-2015




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abc’s of technologyBY Noah and Jon

A is for Android

Android is a type of phone or device :)

B Is For Bing

Bing is like google. it is a website where you can search up things like

pics of dogs with pizza!

C Is For Clash Of Clans

Clash Of Clans is a really fun app that you can attack someone and watch your troops


D is for Document

Documents are like Microsoft word

documents where you can write about ANYTHING!!!!!

E is for eBay

eBay is where you can shop for clothes, toys

and other items!

F is for Facebook

Facebook is a app or a website where you can look at people and the

things they do!!!!

G is for Google

Google is a place where you can where you can

search up anything.

H is For Hack

hacking is changing peoples devices.

I is For Ipad Ipod and Iphone

all the apple devices.

J is For Jailbreak

after jailbreaking your device will crash. :(

K is for Keynote

Keynote is what we are making this book on!

L is for LOLlol is a symbol in texting.

M Is For Minecraft

minecraft is an app that you can mine and build blocks.

N is for Notes (the app)

notes are when you can remember stuff that you


O is for Online

When you get on the internet, you are


P is For Pause/Playwhen your watching a video, you can hit THE PAUSE and THE PLAY button! Pause pauses

the video and play plays the video from

being paused.

Q is For Q Key

The Q key is a key on the keyboard and when you

press it, it does this:Q Q Q QQ

R is for Restart

restart is what you do to your computer if its


S is for Shut Down

shutting down your computer turns it off until you want to go

back on (you have to log in


T is for Typo

typos are when you type something wrong like if i’m typing you, a typo of that might be: yoo

U is for Undo

undo helps you correct your mistakes

V is for Video Bomb

Video bombs is when you run in in the

middle of the video!!!

W is for Wiki

wikis are websites that people make

X is for XLTE

XLTE is this device from Verizon

Y is for Youtube

youtube is a thing where you watch videos

Z is for Zebra

Pictureszebra pictures are

pictures of zebras on the internet