aberdeen herald (aberdeen, chehalis county, w.t...

\u25a0)GRAPHING (COLOR* Done, bat but 0«ner»lly I, m It Hm no Great Value. de W. Abney. in a paper ect of light on matter read .British association, said: to is often asked when pho- i natural color* will be dis- Photography in natural onlyhas been discovered, bs in natural eo'ors huve ced. lam not alluding to bs produced by manual which have from timo to 'oisted on a credulous pub r produced bv the action of , much to tiie damage of ly and usually to the so >ntors. Roughly speaking, of producing the spectrum ml colors is to chlormizo u », expose it to white light met a violet color, heat till rather ruddy, and expose tit spectrum. The spectrum hen impressed id their nat- Experiment haa shown solors are due to an oxidized j ng formed at the red end of | in and a reduced product at nd. Photography in natu however, is only interests a scientific point of view, as I can see, can never have | ial value. is to be useful nust be one reproductions are strictly ther words, it must be a de- ind not a printing process, ist be taken in the camera, inting process requires not ght light, but also a pro- osure. Now, it can becon- t in a substance which ab e visible spectrum, the mol- be so shaken and sifted by it rays that eventually they tlves into masses which re rticular rays by which they i; but it is almost?l might impossible to believe that lifting has only been com- it would be in the short ex vhich a camera picture is the substance deposited to le imn£C by purely ciiemi- would be so ol)liging as to lat the iwvticular size of par should give to the image it the nucleus on which it mg. lam aware that in days of photography we >od deal about curious re- had been obtained in nega- re red brick houses were ed a (id the blue sky as blu- ause of these coincidences d to explain, and would be e same as when the red » were shown asblaish and s red in a negative. The ;he production of the latter .re naturally not abundant, ' would not attract much at- : may repeat then that pho- i natural colors by a print 1 cess ?by which I mean by sf light alone?is not only ut has been done; that jtioiiof a negative in natu night be produced appears, our knowledge, ossible. Supposing it were iticable, it would be unsatis- i the light with which the s impressed would very ?om that in which would Pare fully aware of this diffl- ainting, and take their pre- against it The nearest ap 0 success in producing pic light alone is the method of hree negatives of the same account of theim^w'coKr' »es used. If a device could 1 whereby only those three ie spectrum could be sever- which form the color sensa- method would be more per- tis at present. Even then could not lie attained, ovv- defect which is inherent in hy and which cannot be L This defect is the imperfect tioii of gradation of tone, ce, if we nave a strip gradu- what we call black to white >e recollected that no tone tifically be called black and ite) and photograph it, we na print from the negative sss which is supposed to rep- ?rav of equal mixtures of 1 white by no means does so black is not as black nor the "hite as the original. I i»nth Atlantic llollern. tlior of "The Cruise of the ad a chance to study tho ef- h waves, or rollers. It wa? lores of the island of Trini- li lies off the coast of Brazil hundred miles. The island re covered with wreckage been carried there by winds truck me as remarkable was of this wreckage had been great distance above'what ] be the high water mark. , jammed between two rocks, ved a hu<re iron beam thai ve weighed many tons, xplanation probably is thai I, like several other low lying Atlantic islands, notably St. and Fernando Noronlia, is to that terrible phenomenon as the rollers. Those who tnessed this describe how on a -ir day, when tho winds arc the ocean smooth, of a sud- -1 waters in the olßng are ob- to become disturbed; billow llow advances to the shore, ly increasing in magnitude, last tho wuters are piled up in ins far higher than the hugest raves, that rush on to shore ; irful impetuosity, driving from ichors any vessels they may j er > and hurling them "far up I land, beyoud the reach of the spring tides. at hurricanes and submarine ? are both suggested as P L L^' 1 phenomenon.? Our Latest and Greatest Premium Offer! | THE MAMMOTH CTCIMIA, FOUR VOLUMES. A Great and Wonderful Work, \ oonTiiiiro 2,176 Pages 620 Tai Mammoth Ctoi.op.adia hu been Mehed to meet tu# wanta H unlv«*iealeomieiidlumof knowledge, practical, useful, scientific *-.-4 «e«?T2l. Halted complete In four volumee, total of f,17« pages, la proluaelY illuatrated wlthtfObeaalHulengrav- I ok* Thoueaada dollars to make this Uie moat complete, naefol work for the uisssss ever published. It A work for everybody? |g «very occupation Stance and practical Tolumee are replete It the knowledge kind, so Ailed Is suggestions, that we home to which ooroe to For want of apace we can briefly summar* Iw a portion work, as follows sks-MW? a'SSS ESSSS-S5 I hint, tad .Mftil »M«tlon> P " UU, " J """""" ! N ATOKAI- i 1,., T V "-'rr ** a ~ -'-" t "-- t . T -* from th« liperuuo* «f llio moM luocwful liorlrtullurLU. bifS*l,li? wli uiuoh «url«u. luUiriwiWu AitciiiTKCTrur. «»<n»°**?"y' lug ibtli life end habits. " l " '""" i.AW. J.. >i««u« thoaalutendlm build. ... book, iellfhg every miu hew he way ke kit eve lawyer, and HOUSEHOLD. Thl» work oontalna tried aud teated reotpeS full aud aoeclae esplaueitone ef %ke sauera! lawa for almoal evory Imaginable dlah for break feat, dinner and tea. K ,id the lewa of the aeveral States upou ell matteae which fttS tbla department aloua being worth more limit nlna-tentha of iUbJeoeeo lltlgatlou. wiili nuuiaroua foriu* oflasal deeuuieute, mim?. \u25a0>«**.. .<». «. 5 «n., nmuy beautiful thlnu* f> r ihv »ilnri)iu«tit of liaui, 1u uaedlo- fold, alltar. dlaiuouda, ooal, aall, eopper, laad, »lua, Uu aud work, ombrol'lorv, »;o.; hluiaou llortoiiituro. i«lMuk how to ba qulokall*ar. anooaaaful wllhell iba *«rlo«apli»uia; i«>Ilol hlata, lallUog how WOMIIEHt OF THE BEA. neralo era daaorlha.l and to praaarta end IhmiuiKt H«a coniplaaloii, hauda, leaih, heir, uiuatratad lha many wonderful and baeutlfnl thing* found at the ate., ate. t boiion ofthep«a*ii,'th« plauta, ftowar*, ahella, flahea, ate,, llke< MEIIICAI.. llfkj?«WlUra in dodiera' bllla will ha aavad WIH paarl 4fr|P|» oarel flahlnf. etc., elf, *on»»"r? 1 «'? ??'»»»;? STATISTICAL ASU nor.io luforiua'.toTi h#fHM .. i.l »1. !??>» T.i aer*, l»y. aimpie glftn a vaat amount of uaeful and tntaraatlug Informntlon, yet reliable UttKi* i ei<i«lto« »i»lm <*??*» wrory Mma Qf which lathe poiiulatlon or American oltlea, area and aleeeee end ali»i«i t I>.»t u«t»r» ihi* dtp*t»aMul forming a population of theoontuiauta, of lha Statei and Terrltorlea. and * m P'" u <>f which la any home can nf tha principal oountrlaa of tho world, langth of tha principal iarcly ba ice'; itee>*. »: a atil r:. i. rl*afi,KraalJantlal vot? for alxtr yaara, Proaldonilal atatlatica, mVJSXI ION V Nik IHftOAVKtlt. newarkably Inter | araa an l dapib of a»*s, lakaa artd ooaaaa, height of mountain., ualiug d»«rlp.i -u. .- . Iu» -o i .... lu ?!udit'j tl.a Htcam i lo«oUoU9B of auSmala end reloclty of bodUl, Tlalght of monn- \u25a0nglne. Ih«fel*«rai i. tit a rrlntlng freae. ».h- Kland'a Mrht, 1 nianta, lo*»H ah"\ »travlur««, dlatanoaa from Washington, aUo the Hawing Meehif ?». he r .lephoue, the Typewriter, ilia Tyio f-r\. Saw York, tolmpertabl polnta.ehreaolegl'Ml history of dla- Betting Mach I it*, 'ha Coiiou Aln, etc. eovery and popular aobrlqueU of Amarlean Statca, 11r1d,., Waiklui Ul.«, tl.e Wl.lt. U.u nt.i..., .tc, ,L=. "A'. TK4VRT<9. Deeorlpllona, profusely lllnatraied, of tha llfa, statlatloaor tha globe, leading governmanU or |ia world, eta., nianuura, ouaioma, peoullor forma, rltoa and oeremouiua of tha oto. FVoni the above summary of its eontents aome Idea of what a remarkably Interesting, Instructive and valnable work tho Mammoth CyclopediaJs may be Rained, yet but a fractional part of the topics t.reat«il In thler*-at work have been named. It lea vast storehouse of uaeful and entertaining knowledge?unquestion- ably- of the host aud most valuable works ever published In any land or language. No home should bn with- out la % work to be consulted overy day with regard to the various perplexing questions that constantly arluu 1m writing ani conversation, by the farmer and houaewlfe In their daily duties and pursuits, and for con- tinuous reeding no work Is raoro entertaining or instructive. J. E Calder. Real Estate. Real Estate. Bought aud Sold. Chehalis County and Graves Harbor timber and farm lands for sale. Correspondence solicited. Montesano, Wash HOTEL SARGENT ABERDEEN, WASH. The only First-Class Hotel on Gray's Harbor. OMMER?IAJU TP-AVEI^RS.. LEVI SAktt^fMur. GEO. H. WYMAN, Pres. J HFSNES3EV Vlce-Pres. Aberdeen Board of Trade, ABERDEEN, WASH. Manufacturers, mill men and seekers after information in regard k to to Abeuleen and the surrounding country should write to the secretary. F- A. HART, Sec. Des Brisay & Kemp. CIVIL ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS AND GENERAL DRAUGHTSMAN, Plans, Estimates and Quantities Furnished for all Classes of BuildJ ings. Blue Printing, Mapping &c. Mechanical Drawings Made for Patent Office. MONTESANO, WASHINGTON WALL PAPER. Biggest Stock; on ttie'Harbor Just Re- ceived] at Crowther's Furniture Store, o Infinite Variety of Patterns and Prices. A. (I. WILLEY. lAmlrr iii 'JET .A. lEj ID ~W .A. ~EL IE, Stoves, Tin, Iron and Copper Ware. Plumbing nnd nil kitadft of Jobbing in hit iiae J. »i\p on sharl notice. A full Hum of mten in and ?water flttiucv ABKHDKKN, - - - IVA.-Jl. Flit! Sure, X ZELOSXO Propr. F Street Bet. Heron & Wishkah. Furniture for Sale, Repairing and Upholstering Neatly Done to Order. JOHN M. STRAT TON, Receiring. Forwarding and Coramission MERCHANT, CKKTKAL WAKKHOI'SIC, Montesano Dock, W. T. f Kee|w for mJ* FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED Of nil kin<l«, potatoes, Hay and Country ' Produce. | CALIFORNIA GREEN FRUITS In Virion. Apent for the sale of Bain Wagons, Buggies and Carriage, CORMIC STEEL MOWER, CROWN & DEERING MOWER, | Harvesters and Binders, Hay Rakes and other Haying Tools. Steel and cast plows of all kinds, Harrows, Churns and everything needed on a farm or raneh. Parties needing anything in thes£ different lines of goods will do well to see him before buying. Telephone in office. 13 D.E. DUNBAR & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Groceries* Provisions, Hardware* Crockery Flour and feed. Finest Line of Teas and Cof- fees on the Harbor. i Soicited and Country Orders Proinpty Filled. | One Trial will convince you that our Goods are Superior and our I Prices below Competition. i Goods Deliver Free to all Paints on tlie Harbor reach- ed by Steamers. ?? L .\u25a0» Write for onr printed Price List Remember we guaran;ae a sav- ing of from 5 to 10 per cent on a general bill. ABERDEEN, - - - - - WASH , ABERDEEN ==== th.o . | 1,c »ea. Auemifll, VtdMl. \u25a0m FRANCISCO OF THEN SEY & CO., ( IS BO Of Ir" Aberdeen, Wash. Now this Is aflchance of life a fortune py tot»Sl4|ig hundred dollars in will -> : f f\ r. make you as many thou- sand in a very short ' time. WE HAVE A LARGE LIST OF FIT CUSS PROPERTY Consisting of Residence and Business Lots, also a Number of Tracts Suitable for. Platting and Manufacturing Sites. FOR PRICES AND TERMS, CALL OR ADDRESS THE ABERDEEN LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO., RICHARD DABNEY, Pres.

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Post on 08-Mar-2018




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Done, bat but 0«ner»lly

I, m It Hm no Great Value.

de W. Abney. in a paperect of light on matter read.British association, said:

to is often asked when pho-i natural color* will be dis-Photography in naturalonlyhas been discovered,

bs in natural eo'ors huveced. lam not alluding to

bs produced by manualwhich have from timo to

'oisted on a credulous pubr produced bv the action of, much to tiie damage ofly and usually to the so>ntors. Roughly speaking,of producing the spectrum

ml colors is to chlormizo u», expose it to white lightmet a violet color, heat tillrather ruddy, and expose

tit spectrum. The spectrumhen impressed id their nat-

Experiment haa shownsolors are due to an oxidized jng formed at the red end of |in and a reduced product at

nd. Photography in natuhowever, is only interests

a scientific point of view,as I can see, can never have |ial value.is to be useful nust be onereproductions are strictly

ther words, itmust be a de-ind not a printing process,ist be taken in the camera,

inting process requires notght light, but also a pro-osure. Now, it can becon-t in a substance which abe visible spectrum, the mol-be so shaken and sifted byit rays that eventually theytlves into masses which rerticular rays by which theyi; but it is almost?l mightimpossible to believe thatlifting has only been com-it would be in the short exvhich a camera picture isthe substance deposited tole imn£C by purely ciiemi-would be so ol)liging as tolat the iwvticular size of parshould give to the imageit the nucleus on which itmg. lam aware that indays of photography we

>od deal about curious re-had been obtained in nega-re red brick houses wereed a (id the blue sky as blu-ause of these coincidencesd to explain, and would bee same as when the red» were shown asblaish ands red in a negative. The;he production of the latter.re naturally not abundant, 'would not attract much at- :

may repeat then that pho-i natural colors by a print 1cess ?by which I mean bysf light alone?is not onlyut has been done; thatjtioiiof a negative in natunight be produced appears,

our knowledge,ossible. Supposing it wereiticable, it would be unsatis-i the light with which thes impressed would very?om that in which would

Pare fully aware of this diffl-ainting, and take their pre-

against it The nearest ap0 success in producing piclight alone is the method ofhree negatives of the same

account of theim^w'coKr'»es used. If a device could1 whereby only those threeie spectrum could be sever-which form the color sensa-method would be more per-tis at present. Even thencould not lie attained, ovv-

defect which is inherent inhy and which cannot beL This defect is the imperfecttioii of gradation of tone,ce, if we nave a strip gradu-what we call black to white>e recollected that no tonetifically be called black andite) and photograph it, wen a print from the negativesss which is supposed to rep-?rav of equal mixtures of1 white by no means does soblack is not as black nor the"hite as the original.

Ii»nth Atlantic llollern.tlior of "The Cruise of thead a chance to study tho ef-h waves, or rollers. It wa?

lores of the island of Trini-li lies off the coast of Brazilhundred miles. The islandre covered with wreckagebeen carried there by winds

truck me as remarkable wasof this wreckage had been

great distance above'what ]be the high water mark.

, jammed between two rocks,ved a hu<re iron beam thaive weighed many tons,xplanation probably is thaiI, like several other low lyingAtlantic islands, notably St.and Fernando Noronlia, isto that terrible phenomenonas the rollers. Those whotnessed this describe how on a-ir day, when tho winds arcthe ocean smooth, of a sud-

-1 waters in the olßng are ob-to become disturbed; billowllow advances to the shore,ly increasing in magnitude,last tho wuters are piled up in

ins far higher than the hugestraves, that rush on to shore ;irful impetuosity, driving fromichors any vessels they mayjer> and hurling them "far up Iland, beyoud the reach of thespring tides.at hurricanes and submarine? are both suggested asP L L^'1 phenomenon.?

Our Latest and Greatest Premium Offer! |


A Great and Wonderful Work,\ oonTiiiiro

2,176 Pages

620Tai Mammoth Ctoi.op.adia hu been

Mehed to meet tu# wantaH unlv«*iealeomieiidlumof knowledge, practical,

useful, scientific *-.-4 «e«?T2l.Halted complete In four

volumee, total of f,17« pages,la proluaelY illuatrated wlthtfObeaalHulengrav-

Iok* Thoueaada dollarsto make this Uie moat complete,naefol work for the uisssss ever published. It

Awork for everybody?|g «very occupationStance and practicalTolumee arereplete It the knowledgekind, so Ailed Issuggestions, that wehome to whichooroe toFor want of apace we can briefly summar*

Iw a portionwork, as follows

sks-MW? a'SSS

ESSSS-S5 Ihint, tad .Mftil »M«tlon> P"UU," J """""" !

NATOKAI- i 1,.,T V "-'rr**a~-'-"t"--t.T-*

from th« liperuuo* «f llio moM luocwful liorlrtullurLU. bifS*l,li? wli uiuoh «url«u. luUiriwiWuAitciiiTKCTrur. «»<n»°**?"y' lug ibtli life end habits.

"l" '"""i.AW. J.. >i««u«

thoaalutendlm u» build.... book, iellfhg every miu hew he way ke kit eve lawyer, and

HOUSEHOLD. Thl» work oontalna tried aud teated reotpeS full aud aoeclae esplaueitone ef %ke sauera! lawa

for almoal evory Imaginable dlah for break feat, dinner and tea.K,id the lewa of the aeveral States upou ell matteae which fttS

tbla department aloua being worth more limit nlna-tentha ofiUbJeoeeo lltlgatlou. wiilinuuiaroua foriu* oflasal deeuuieute,

mim?. \u25a0>«**.. .<». «.5 «n.,nmuy beautiful thlnu* f> r ihv »ilnri)iu«tit of liaui, 1u uaedlo- fold, alltar. dlaiuouda, ooal, aall, eopper, laad, »lua, Uu audwork, ombrol'lorv, »;o.; hluiaou llortoiiituro. i«lMuk how to ba qulokall*ar.anooaaaful wllhell iba *«rlo«apli»uia; i«>Ilol hlata, lallUog how WOMIIEHt OF THE BEA. neralo era daaorlha.l andto praaarta end IhmiuiKtH«a coniplaaloii, hauda, leaih, heir, uiuatratad lha many wonderful and baeutlfnl thing* found at theate., ate. t boiion ofthep«a*ii,'th« plauta, ftowar*, ahella, flahea, ate,, llke<

MEIIICAI.. llfkj?«WlUra in dodiera' bllla will ha aavad WIH paarl 4fr|P|» oarel flahlnf. etc., elf,*on»»"r? 1 «'? ??'»»»;? STATISTICAL ASU nor.ioluforiua'.toTi h#fHM .. i.l »1. !??>» T.i aer*, l»y. aim pie glftn a vaat amount of uaeful and tntaraatlug Informntlon,yet reliable UttKi*i ei<i«lto« »i»lm ?« <*??*» wrory

Mma Qf which lathe poiiulatlon or American oltlea, area andaleeeee end ali»i«i t I>.»t u«t»r» ihi*dtp*t»aMul forming a population of theoontuiauta, of lha Statei and Terrltorlea. and*mP'"u <>f which la any home can nf tha principal oountrlaa of tho world, langth of tha principaliarcly ba ice'; itee>*. »: a atilr:. i. rl*afi,KraalJantlal vot? for alxtr yaara, Proaldonilal atatlatica,mVJSXI ION V Nik IHftOAVKtlt. newarkably Inter | araa an l dapib of a»*s, lakaa artd ooaaaa, height of mountain.,ualiug d»«rlp.i -u. .- . Iu» -o i .... lu ?!udit'j tl.a Htcam i lo«oUoU9B of auSmala end reloclty of bodUl, Tlalght of monn-\u25a0nglne. Ih«fel*«rai i. tita rrlntlng freae. ».h- Kland'a Mrht, 1 nianta, lo*»H ah"\ »travlur««, dlatanoaa from Washington, aUothe Hawing Meehif ?». he r .lephoue, the Typewriter, ilia Tyio f-r\. Saw York, tolmpertabl polnta.ehreaolegl'Ml history of dla-Betting Mach Iit*, 'ha Coiiou Aln, etc. eovery and popular aobrlqueU of Amarlean Statca,

11r1d,., Waiklui Ul.«, tl.e Wl.lt. U.u nt.i..., .tc, ,L=. "A'.TK4VRT<9. Deeorlpllona, profusely lllnatraied, of tha llfa, statlatloaor tha globe, leading governmanU or |ia world, eta.,

nianuura, ouaioma, peoullor forma, rltoa and oeremouiua of tha oto.

FVoni the above summary of its eontents aome Idea of what a remarkably Interesting, Instructive andvalnable work tho Mammoth CyclopediaJs may be Rained, yet but a fractional part of the topics t.reat«il Inthler*-at work have been named. Itlea vast storehouse of uaeful and entertaining knowledge?unquestion-ably- of the host aud most valuable works ever published In any land or language. No home should bn with-out la % work to be consulted overy day with regard to the various perplexing questions that constantlyarluu 1m writing ani conversation, by the farmer and houaewlfe In their daily duties and pursuits, and for con-tinuous reeding no work Is raoro entertaining or instructive.

J. E Calder.

Real Estate. Real Estate.Bought aud Sold.

Chehalis County and Graves Harbor timber and farm lands for sale.Correspondence solicited. Montesano, Wash


The only First-Class Hotel on Gray's Harbor.


GEO. H. WYMAN, Pres. J HFSNES3EV Vlce-Pres.

Aberdeen Board of Trade,


Manufacturers, mill men and seekers after information in regard ktoto Abeuleen and the surrounding country should write to the secretary.

F- A. HART, Sec.


Plans, Estimates and Quantities Furnished for all Classes of BuildJings. Blue Printing, Mapping &c. Mechanical

Drawings Made for Patent Office.


WALL PAPER.Biggest Stock; on ttie'Harbor Just Re-

ceived] at

Crowther's Furniture Store,o

Infinite Variety of Patterns and Prices.

A. (I. WILLEY.lAmlrr iii

'JET .A. lEj ID ~W .A. ~EL IE,

Stoves, Tin, Iron and Copper

Ware.Plumbing nnd nil kitadft of Jobbing in hit iiae

J. »i\p on sharl notice. A full Hum of mten in and?water flttiucv

ABKHDKKN, - - - IVA.-Jl.

Flit! Sure,X ZELOSXO Propr.

F Street Bet. Heron & Wishkah.

Furniture for Sale, Repairing andUpholstering Neatly Done

to Order.


Receiring. Forwarding and CoramissionMERCHANT,


Montesano Dock, W. T.f

Kee|w for mJ*

FLOUR, GRAIN, MILLFEEDOf nil kin<l«, potatoes, Hay and Country




Apent for the sale of

Bain Wagons, Buggies and Carriage,CORMIC STEEL MOWER,


| Harvesters and Binders, HayRakes and other Haying

Tools. Steel and castplows of all kinds,

Harrows, Churns and everythingneeded on a farm or raneh.

Parties needing anything inthes£ different lines of goods willdo well to see him before buying.

Telephone in office. 13





Flour and feed.

Finest Line of Teas and Cof-

fees on the Harbor.

i Soicited and Country Orders

Proinpty Filled.

| One Trial will convince you that our Goods are Superior and our

I Prices below Competition.

iGoods Deliver Free to all Paints on tlie Harbor reach-

ed by Steamers.

?? L .\u25a0»

Write for onr printed Price List Remember we guaran;ae a sav-

ing of from 5 to 10 per cent on a general bill.

ABERDEEN, - - - - - WASH

, ABERDEEN==== th.o

. |1,c»ea. Auemifll, VtdMl.



IS BOOfIr"Aberdeen, Wash.

Now this Is aflchance of lifea fortune py tot»Sl4|ig hundred

dollars in will-> : f f\ r.

make you as many thou-sand in a very short




LARGE LIST OF FIT CUSS PROPERTYConsisting of Residence and Business Lots, also a Number of Tracts Suitable

for. Platting and Manufacturing Sites.