abstract 1027| · pdf file1 rheumatoid arthritis practice performance (rapp) project...

1 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PRACTICE PERFORMANCE (RAPP) PROJECT David Sikes 1 , James Bower 2 , Drew Johnson 2 , Timothy Harrington 2 , Rafia Khalil 3 Edmund LaCour 4 , Michael Narendorp 5 , Hillary Norton 6 , Kathleen Thomas 7 from the Rheumatoid Arthri/s Prac/ce Performance (RAPP) Project 1 Florida Medical Clinic PA, Zephyrhills, FL 2 Joiner Associates LLC, Madison, WI 3 Rafia Khalil Arthri/s & Rheumatology Center, Port Huron, MI 4 Dothan Medical Associates PC, Dothan, AL 5 Harlem Rheumatology LLC, New York, NY 6 Santa Fe Rheumatology, Santa Fe, NM 7 Community Rheumatology, Noblesville, IN Abstract # 1027 | Session: Quality Measures and Quality of Care

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Page 1: Abstract 1027| · PDF file1 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PRACTICE PERFORMANCE (RAPP) PROJECT DavidSikes 1,JamesBower 2,DrewJohnson 2,TimothyHarrington ,RafiaKhalil 3&& EdmundLaCour 4,MichaelNarendorp


R H E U M A T O I D A R T H R I T I S P R A C T I C E P E R F O R M A N C E ( R A P P ) P R O J E C T

David  Sikes1,  James  Bower2,  Drew  Johnson2,  Timothy  Harrington2,  Rafia  Khalil3    Edmund  LaCour4,  Michael  Narendorp5,  Hillary  Norton6,  Kathleen  Thomas7    

from  the  Rheumatoid  Arthri/s  Prac/ce  Performance  (RAPP)  Project  1Florida  Medical  Clinic  PA,  Zephyrhills,  FL  2Joiner  Associates  LLC,  Madison,  WI  

 3Rafia  Khalil  Arthri/s  &  Rheumatology  Center,  Port  Huron,  MI  4Dothan  Medical  Associates  PC,    Dothan,  AL  5Harlem  Rheumatology  LLC,  New  York,  NY  6Santa  Fe  Rheumatology,    

Santa  Fe,  NM  7Community  Rheumatology,  Noblesville,  IN  

Abstract  #1027    |    Session:  Quality  Measures  and  Quality  of  Care  

Page 2: Abstract 1027| · PDF file1 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PRACTICE PERFORMANCE (RAPP) PROJECT DavidSikes 1,JamesBower 2,DrewJohnson 2,TimothyHarrington ,RafiaKhalil 3&& EdmundLaCour 4,MichaelNarendorp


R H E U M A T O I D A R T H R I T I S P R A C T I C E P E R F O R M A N C E ( R A P P ) P R O J E C T


Crescendo  Bioscience  provided  consulTng  fees  to  Joiner  Associates  and  support  for  RAPP  Project  advisory  board  meeTngs.    

Joiner  Associates  LLC  received  consulTng  fees  from  Crescendo  Bioscience  for  designing  and  coordinaTng  the  Rheumatoid  ArthriTs  PracTce  Performance  (RAPP)  Project  –  without  any  influence  from  the  company.  

D  Sikes,  R  Khalil,  E  LaCour,  M  Naarendorp,  H  Norton,  K  Thomas,    Crescendo  Bioscience5  |  K  Thomas,  Crescendo  Bioscience8  

J  Bower,  T  Harrington,  Crescendo  Bioscience5    

D  Johnson,  Crescendo  Bioscience3  (prior  to  7/1/15)

3Employment  (full  or  part  /me)    |    5Consul/ng  fees  or  other  remunera/on  (payment)    8Speaker’s  bureau  

Page 3: Abstract 1027| · PDF file1 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PRACTICE PERFORMANCE (RAPP) PROJECT DavidSikes 1,JamesBower 2,DrewJohnson 2,TimothyHarrington ,RafiaKhalil 3&& EdmundLaCour 4,MichaelNarendorp


R H E U M A T O I D A R T H R I T I S P R A C T I C E P E R F O R M A N C E ( R A P P ) P R O J E C T

The  RAPP  Project  is  a  clinician-­‐led  quality  improvement  iniTaTve    designed  to  improve  care  using  clinical  populaTon  management.  


 It’s  an  approach  to  managing  chronic  diseases  that  includes:  §  Enrolling  all  paTents  in  a  populaTon  registry.  § Providing  standardized  on-­‐Tme  disease  acTvity  assessments.  §  Focusing  physician  work  on  paTents  with  high  and  moderate  disease  acTvity  and  other  problems.  

Page 4: Abstract 1027| · PDF file1 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PRACTICE PERFORMANCE (RAPP) PROJECT DavidSikes 1,JamesBower 2,DrewJohnson 2,TimothyHarrington ,RafiaKhalil 3&& EdmundLaCour 4,MichaelNarendorp


R H E U M A T O I D A R T H R I T I S P R A C T I C E P E R F O R M A N C E ( R A P P ) P R O J E C T

RAPP  CLINICIANS’  COMMITMENT:  At  least  every  3  months  for  paTents  with  moderate  and  high  disease  acTvity  and  every  6  months  for  paTents  with  controlled  and  low  disease  acTvity.  

TREAT-­‐TO-­‐TARGET  TASK  FORCE:  “…  as  frequently  as  monthly  for  paTents  with  high/moderate  disease  acTvity  or  less  frequently  (such  as  every  3-­‐6  months)  for  paTents  with  sustained  low  disease  acTvity  or  remission.”  

Smolen  JS,  et  al.  Ann  Rheum  Dis  2010;69:631-­‐37  


Page 5: Abstract 1027| · PDF file1 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PRACTICE PERFORMANCE (RAPP) PROJECT DavidSikes 1,JamesBower 2,DrewJohnson 2,TimothyHarrington ,RafiaKhalil 3&& EdmundLaCour 4,MichaelNarendorp


R H E U M A T O I D A R T H R I T I S P R A C T I C E P E R F O R M A N C E ( R A P P ) P R O J E C T

Determine  on-­‐Tme  assessment  rates.  


Understand  reasons  for  any  observed  care  gaps.  

Implement  pracTce  changes  to  provide  on-­‐Tme  assessments.  

Page 6: Abstract 1027| · PDF file1 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PRACTICE PERFORMANCE (RAPP) PROJECT DavidSikes 1,JamesBower 2,DrewJohnson 2,TimothyHarrington ,RafiaKhalil 3&& EdmundLaCour 4,MichaelNarendorp


R H E U M A T O I D A R T H R I T I S P R A C T I C E P E R F O R M A N C E ( R A P P ) P R O J E C T

RAPP  Project  PracTces  Included  in  Study  

Total  RAPP  PracTces        168  

RA  PopulaTon  Registry  Implemented      112  

Full  RA  PopulaTon  Enrolled  in  Registry        86

RepresentaTve  PracTces  Analyzed            26

The  variable  rates  of  adop/ng  clinical  popula/on  management  are  due  to  individual  physicians  preferences,  prac/ce  resources,  and  administra/ve  barriers  in  different  prac/ce  environments.  

Page 7: Abstract 1027| · PDF file1 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PRACTICE PERFORMANCE (RAPP) PROJECT DavidSikes 1,JamesBower 2,DrewJohnson 2,TimothyHarrington ,RafiaKhalil 3&& EdmundLaCour 4,MichaelNarendorp


R H E U M A T O I D A R T H R I T I S P R A C T I C E P E R F O R M A N C E ( R A P P ) P R O J E C T

Data  Flow  Process  

We  developed  a  simple,  doable  clinical  populaTon  management  process.  

PopulaTon  data  and    paTent  work  lists  

PracTce    team  

PopulaTon  registry    

PaTent  Data  CollecTon    Sheet  

Physician/  pracTce  team  

PracTce  staff  or    designated  registry  manager  





1  Document  paTent  data  

2  Enter  data  in  populaTon  registry  

3  Analyze  

populaTon  data  

4  Improve    care  and  workflows

Page 8: Abstract 1027| · PDF file1 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PRACTICE PERFORMANCE (RAPP) PROJECT DavidSikes 1,JamesBower 2,DrewJohnson 2,TimothyHarrington ,RafiaKhalil 3&& EdmundLaCour 4,MichaelNarendorp


R H E U M A T O I D A R T H R I T I S P R A C T I C E P E R F O R M A N C E ( R A P P ) P R O J E C T


Date _____/_____/_____ Physician: Dr. Jamie E. Jones

PATIENT INFORMATION (Fill out or affix label in upper right)

Name _________________________________________________ DOB _____/_____/_____ ! M ! F

YEAR OF RA ONSET ___________ (Optional)


1) You may submit this sheet to Crescendo Bioscience for data entry if using VectraView as your analytic registry: a) Send via secure fax to 877-743-8640; or b) Place in Vectra DA box with specimens; or c) Staple to patient’s Vectra DA order. 2) Your practice may enter the data directly into your chosen analytic registry. !

Start Stop Dose

! ! ! Azathioprine

! ! ! Sulfasalazine

! ! ! Hydroxychloroquine

! ! ! Methotrexate

! ! ! Leflunomide

! ! ! Prednisone

! ! !

! ! ! Infliximab (Remicade)

! ! ! Etanercept (Enbrel)

! ! ! Adalimumab (Humira)

! ! ! Certolizumab (Cimzia)

! ! ! Golimumab (Simponi)

! ! ! Tofacitinib (Xeljanz)

! ! ! Tocilizumab (Actemra)

! ! ! Abatacept (Orencia)

! ! ! Rituximab (Rituxan)

! ! !

! ! !




MEDICATIONS (Optional)Check a box for each medication that applies.

Recording dose is not required.





* Poor prognosis = one or more of these: functional loss, rheumatoid nodules, erosions, positive RF and/or anti-CCP, extra-articular disease (i.e., Sjogren’s) !

Value Assessment (Range)MD Global (0-10)SJC (28/28) (0-28)TJC (28/28) (0-28)Prognosis* (Good or Poor)

Other:Morning Stiffness (15-min increments)

Patient Pain Index (0-10)Patient Global (0-10) HAQ (0-10) MD-HAQ (0-10)RAPID3 (0-30)Other:CRP (1-10)ESR (0-100)X-ray (Erosions: Y/N)Ultrasound (Erosions: Y/N)USES (0-24)Other:CDAI (0-76)DAS28-CRP (0-9.4)DAS28-ESR (0-9.4)GAS (0-62)SDAI (0-86)Other:






Record the value of each assessment used systematically across your entire RA patient population.




bs /





Ron Lopez




1 23 45 x

Disease  AcTvity  Measures  Used  


Date _____/_____/_____ Physician: Dr. Jamie E. Jones

PATIENT INFORMATION (Fill out or affix label in upper right)

Name _________________________________________________ DOB _____/_____/_____ ! M ! F

YEAR OF RA ONSET ___________ (Optional)


1) You may submit this sheet to Crescendo Bioscience for data entry if using VectraView as your analytic registry: a) Send via secure fax to 877-743-8640; or b) Place in Vectra DA box with specimens; or c) Staple to patient’s Vectra DA order. 2) Your practice may enter the data directly into your chosen analytic registry. !

Start Stop Dose

! ! ! Azathioprine

! ! ! Sulfasalazine

! ! ! Hydroxychloroquine

! ! ! Methotrexate

! ! ! Leflunomide

! ! ! Prednisone

! ! !

! ! ! Infliximab (Remicade)

! ! ! Etanercept (Enbrel)

! ! ! Adalimumab (Humira)

! ! ! Certolizumab (Cimzia)

! ! ! Golimumab (Simponi)

! ! ! Tofacitinib (Xeljanz)

! ! ! Tocilizumab (Actemra)

! ! ! Abatacept (Orencia)

! ! ! Rituximab (Rituxan)

! ! !

! ! !




MEDICATIONS (Optional)Check a box for each medication that applies.

Recording dose is not required.






* Poor prognosis = one or more of these: functional loss, rheumatoid nodules, erosions, positive RF and/or anti-CCP, extra-articular disease (i.e., Sjogren’s) !

Value Assessment (Range)MD Global (0-10)SJC (28/28) (0-28)TJC (28/28) (0-28)Prognosis* (Good or Poor)

Other:Morning Stiffness (15-min increments)

Patient Pain Index (0-10)Patient Global (0-10) HAQ (0-10) MD-HAQ (0-10)RAPID3 (0-30)Other:CRP (1-10)ESR (0-100)X-ray (Erosions: Y/N)Ultrasound (Erosions: Y/N)USES (0-24)Other:CDAI (0-76)DAS28-CRP (0-9.4)DAS28-ESR (0-9.4)GAS (0-62)SDAI (0-86)Other:







Record the value of each assessment used systematically across your entire RA patient population.




bs /



10 18 14

This  is  an  illustra/on  of  the  form  we  use  to  collect  pa/ent  disease  ac/vity  data.  It  enables  quick  documenta/on  of  physician,  pa/ent,  laboratory,  and  composite  measures.        Current  medica/ons  can  also  be  recorded,  but  this  is  op/onal.  

Page 9: Abstract 1027| · PDF file1 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PRACTICE PERFORMANCE (RAPP) PROJECT DavidSikes 1,JamesBower 2,DrewJohnson 2,TimothyHarrington ,RafiaKhalil 3&& EdmundLaCour 4,MichaelNarendorp


R H E U M A T O I D A R T H R I T I S P R A C T I C E P E R F O R M A N C E ( R A P P ) P R O J E C T

AnalyTc  Registry  

Patient DOB Year of Onset

# of Assmnts

MB Test Date CDAI Date RAPID3 Date MD

Global Date

Skip Stone 09/03/30 2001 7 35 03/11/15 5.5 04/18/14 6 04/18/14 2 04/18/14

Bonnie Anne Klyde 05/07/51 1969 22 16 05/21/14 7.5 08/13/14 15.5 02/12/15 1 08/13/14

Virginia Beech 09/04/30 1994 14 56 01/27/15 11 12/02/14 9.5 12/02/14 4 12/02/14

Jack Pott 12/20/41 1970 24 37 12/02/14 8 12/16/14 4.8 12/16/14 3 12/16/14

Dusty Carr 10/14/57 1970 18 47 12/12/14 14 01/16/15 7.3 01/16/15 5 01/16/15

Edna May 01/27/50 1970 26 44 01/22/15 7 01/22/15 1 01/22/15 2.5 01/22/15

Polly Ester 12/21/25 1993 15 25 10/07/14 4 01/23/15 0 09/04/13 7 01/23/15

Evan Keel 04/17/40 1970 24 36 01/16/15 11 01/27/15 13.3 01/27/15 3 01/27/15

Manny Kinn 12/13/25 2009 21 40 02/04/15 11 02/04/15 15.7 02/04/15 2.5 02/04/15

Anne Teak 09/07/30 1965 15 58 09/22/14 8 02/09/15 16.7 02/09/15 4 02/09/15

Will Power 09/07/30 1965 15 58 09/22/14 8 02/09/15 16.7 02/09/15 4 02/09/15

Crystal Claire Waters 06/22/45 1970 6 60 01/19/15 17 02/24/15 1.5 02/24/15 8 02/24/15

Marsha Mellow 12/19/25 1994 22 31 02/10/15 3 02/24/15 6.5 02/24/15 1 02/24/15

Corey Ander 07/13/44 1970 27 54 07/09/14 15 03/04/15 11.2 03/04/15 4 03/04/15

B.A. Ware 03/05/36 1965 20 36 01/06/15 13 03/23/15 14.2 03/23/15 2 03/23/15

Barb E. Dahl 03/12/41 1969 26 64 03/30/15 15 03/30/15 18.5 03/30/15 2.5 03/30/15

Adam Zaple 02/12/45 1962 41 49 12/04/14 23 04/01/15 13.3 04/01/15 5 04/01/15

Charity Case 10/11/36 1970 27 38 01/23/15 7 04/28/15 12 04/28/15 2 04/28/15

This  chart  illustrates  what  the  pa/ent  data  looks  like  once  entered  into  the  spreadsheet  format  of  a  popula/on  registry.  

Page 10: Abstract 1027| · PDF file1 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PRACTICE PERFORMANCE (RAPP) PROJECT DavidSikes 1,JamesBower 2,DrewJohnson 2,TimothyHarrington ,RafiaKhalil 3&& EdmundLaCour 4,MichaelNarendorp


R H E U M A T O I D A R T H R I T I S P R A C T I C E P E R F O R M A N C E ( R A P P ) P R O J E C T

Disease  AcTvity  Measures  Reported  

Measure   Physician’s  ReporTng  

Physician  Global  (0-­‐10)    39  

 CDAI    15    

 RAPID3  15  

 MulT-­‐biomarker  test    86  

Many  more  physicians  have  collected  a  mul/-­‐biomarker  test  than  other  measures  it’s  been  captured  in  the  registry  for  a  longer  /me.  We  as  a  group  are  agnos/c  to  which  test  is  used  -­‐  physicians  are  individually  able  to  choose.    

Page 11: Abstract 1027| · PDF file1 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PRACTICE PERFORMANCE (RAPP) PROJECT DavidSikes 1,JamesBower 2,DrewJohnson 2,TimothyHarrington ,RafiaKhalil 3&& EdmundLaCour 4,MichaelNarendorp


R H E U M A T O I D A R T H R I T I S P R A C T I C E P E R F O R M A N C E ( R A P P ) P R O J E C T

MulT-­‐biomarker  TesTng  Data  

Study  Registries                                  26  

 PaTents  enrolled      Total                            19,173  Median  by  physician                                  637  Range                            84-­‐2120        PaTents  assessed      Total                              15,611  Median  by  physician                              562  Range                            25-­‐1560        

Page 12: Abstract 1027| · PDF file1 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PRACTICE PERFORMANCE (RAPP) PROJECT DavidSikes 1,JamesBower 2,DrewJohnson 2,TimothyHarrington ,RafiaKhalil 3&& EdmundLaCour 4,MichaelNarendorp


R H E U M A T O I D A R T H R I T I S P R A C T I C E P E R F O R M A N C E ( R A P P ) P R O J E C T

Disease  AcTvity  DistribuTons  MulT-­‐biomarker  TesTng  Data  

Disease  AcTvity  Level   %  of  Assessed  

Controlled/low  disease  acTvity                    21  

 Moderate  disease  acTvity  38  

 High  disease  acTvity  40    

Page 13: Abstract 1027| · PDF file1 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PRACTICE PERFORMANCE (RAPP) PROJECT DavidSikes 1,JamesBower 2,DrewJohnson 2,TimothyHarrington ,RafiaKhalil 3&& EdmundLaCour 4,MichaelNarendorp


R H E U M A T O I D A R T H R I T I S P R A C T I C E P E R F O R M A N C E ( R A P P ) P R O J E C T

On-­‐Tme  Assessment  Rates  for  MulT-­‐biomarker  TesTng  Data  

Disease  AcTvity  Level   Median  (range)  

Controlled/low  disease  acTvity                    43  (14-­‐100)  (%  assessed  within  6  months)  

 Moderate  disease  acTvity  29  (12-­‐100)  (%  assessed  within  3  months)    

 High  disease  acTvity  27  (10-­‐100)  (%  assessed  within  3  months)    The  percentages  of  pa/ents  assessed  on-­‐/me  (as  defined  by  RAPP  physicians’  inten/ons)  were  surprisingly  low.      

Page 14: Abstract 1027| · PDF file1 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PRACTICE PERFORMANCE (RAPP) PROJECT DavidSikes 1,JamesBower 2,DrewJohnson 2,TimothyHarrington ,RafiaKhalil 3&& EdmundLaCour 4,MichaelNarendorp


R H E U M A T O I D A R T H R I T I S P R A C T I C E P E R F O R M A N C E ( R A P P ) P R O J E C T

…a  bonleneck  caused  by  too  few  visit  slots    to  provide  on-­‐Tme  physician  assessments  for  all  paTents.  


Rheumatoid  Arthri/s  Prac/ce  Performance  Project  spots  problems  in    RA  management,  The  Rheumatologist,  June  2015  


Page 15: Abstract 1027| · PDF file1 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PRACTICE PERFORMANCE (RAPP) PROJECT DavidSikes 1,JamesBower 2,DrewJohnson 2,TimothyHarrington ,RafiaKhalil 3&& EdmundLaCour 4,MichaelNarendorp


R H E U M A T O I D A R T H R I T I S P R A C T I C E P E R F O R M A N C E ( R A P P ) P R O J E C T


ConducTng  assessment  visits  prior  to  physician  management  visits.  

GeneraTng  registry  work  lists  of  paTents  in  need  of  assessment.  

Focusing  physician  work  on  sicker  paTents  and  new  consults  by  building  team  care.    

Page 16: Abstract 1027| · PDF file1 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PRACTICE PERFORMANCE (RAPP) PROJECT DavidSikes 1,JamesBower 2,DrewJohnson 2,TimothyHarrington ,RafiaKhalil 3&& EdmundLaCour 4,MichaelNarendorp


R H E U M A T O I D A R T H R I T I S P R A C T I C E P E R F O R M A N C E ( R A P P ) P R O J E C T


Disease  acTvity  assessments  are  not  provided  as  recommended.  

Treatment  cannot  be  opTmized  without  on-­‐Tme  assessments.  

Clinical  populaTon  management  is  required  for  on-­‐Tme  assessments.  

Page 17: Abstract 1027| · PDF file1 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PRACTICE PERFORMANCE (RAPP) PROJECT DavidSikes 1,JamesBower 2,DrewJohnson 2,TimothyHarrington ,RafiaKhalil 3&& EdmundLaCour 4,MichaelNarendorp


R H E U M A T O I D A R T H R I T I S P R A C T I C E P E R F O R M A N C E ( R A P P ) P R O J E C T

JOIN  US  AT  OUR  POSTER  PRESENTATIONS  8:30  AM  -­‐  4:00  PM  Tuesday    |    Poster  Presenters  9:00  -­‐  11:00  AM)    


#2487:  Clinical  pracTces  parTcipaTng  in  quality  improvement  project                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    make  progress  in  implemenTng  populaTon  management.  

Session:  Health  Services  Research  Poster  III:  Pa/ent  Reported    Outcomes,  Pa/ent  Educa/on  and  Preferences  

   #2317:  Different  rheumatoid  arthriTs  disease  acTvity  measures  ooen                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

provide  discordant  results  in  clinical  pracTce  populaTons.    Session:  Quality  Measures  and  Quality  of  Care