academic(excellence( indicator(system( 201011( ·...

Academic Excellence Indicator System 201011 Annual Report and Public Hearing Georgetown ISD February 16, 2012

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Page 1: Academic(Excellence( Indicator(System( 201011( · Academic(Excellence(Indicator(System(201011(Annual(Report(and(Public(Hearing(GeorgetownISD(February(16,(2012

Academic  Excellence    Indicator  System  

2010-­‐11  Annual  Report  and  Public  Hearing  

Georgetown  ISD  February  16,  2012  

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Academic  Excellence  Indicator  System  (AEIS)    Comprehensive  repor-ng  system  defined  by  statute  

  Published  annually  since  1990-­‐91    Gives  parents  and  community  a  snapshot  of  

  District/Campus  Performance  (Sec-on  I  of  AEIS  Report)  

  District/Campus  Profile  (Sec-on  II  of  AEIS  Report)    Contains  all  data  used  to  determine  District/Campus  

accountability  ra-ngs  

  Uses  data  collected  through:    State  data  repor-ng  system  (PEIMS)  

  Student  assessment  system  

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AEIS  Report    Cover  Page  

  District/Campus  2010-­‐11  Accountability  Ra-ng  

  District  PBM  Special  Educa-on  Monitoring  Results  Status                  (if  applicable)  

  District/Campus  Gold  Performance  Acknowledgments  

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  Sec-on  I:    District/Campus  Performance    TAKS  Performance/Par-cipa-on  

 Disaggregated  by  grade  level  &  student  group    ARendance  &  Annual  Dropout  Rate    Comple-on  Rate    College  Readiness  Indicators  

  Advanced  Course/Dual  Enrollment  Comple-on,  RHSP  &  DAP  Graduates,  AP/IB  Results,  Texas  Success  Ini-a-ve  -­‐  Higher  Educa-on  Readiness  Component  (HERC),  SAT/ACT  Results,  College-­‐Ready  Graduates  (Class  of  2010)  

AEIS  Report  Overview  –  Three  SecLons  

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  Sec-on  II:    District/Campus  Profile    Demographic  data  about  students  and  staff    Financial  informa-on  

  Program  informa-on  

AEIS  Report  Overview  –  Three  SecLons  

  Sec-on  III:    Bilingual  Educa-on  /  English  as  a  Second  Language  Report    TAKS  performance  data  for  current  year  Limited  English  Proficient  (LEP)  students  

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AEIS:  2011  Accountability  Standards    

Academically  Acceptable   Recognized   Exemplary  

TAKS  (2010-­‐11)    (including  TAKS  (Acc),  TAKS-­‐M,  &  TAKS-­‐Alt)  for  All  Students  &  each  student  group  (African  American,  Hispanic,  White,  Economically  Disadv.)  mee-ng  minimum  size  requirements  

Meets  each  standard:     Reading/ELA…….  70%  

   Wri-ng…………..  70%     Social  Studies……  70%     Mathema-cs…….  65%  

   Science…………..  60%  OR  Meets  Required  Imprv.  

Meets  80%  standard  for  each  subject  

OR  Meets  75%  floor  and  Required  Improvement  

Meets  90%  standard  for  each  subject  

ELL  Progress  Indicator  (2010-­‐11)  TELPAS  or  TAKS  

All  ELL  Students  ≥  30  N/A  

60%  at  or  above  criteria  OR  Meets  Required  


60%  at  or  above  criteria  OR  Meets  Required  


Commended  Performance  (2010-­‐11)  (including  all  TAKS)  if  meets  minimum  size  for  All  Students  &  Econ.  Disadv.  

N/A  Meets  15%  standard  for  Reading/ELA  and  


Meets  25%  standard  for  Reading/ELA  and  


Comple@on  Rate  I*  (Class  of  2010)  

Meets  75.0%  standard  OR  Meets  Required  Improvement  (RI)  

Meets  85.0%  standard  OR  Meets  floor  of  

75.0%  &  RI  Meets  95.0%  standard  

Annual  Dropout  Rate*  (2009-­‐10)  

Meets  1.6%  standard  OR  Meets  RI  

Meets  1.6%  standard  OR  Meets  RI  

Meets  1.6%  standard  OR  Meets  RI  

*  If  meets  minimum  size:  All  Students,  African  American,        Hispanic,  White,  Economically  Disadvantaged  

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2011  Accountability  Results  for  Georgetown  ISD  

  Exemplary:    Ford  Elementary  

  Recognized    Georgetown  ISD    Georgetown  9th  Grade  (EVHS)    Cooper  Elementary    McCoy  Elementary    Frost  Elementary    Village  Elementary    Williams  Elementary    Purl  Elementary    Mitchell  Elementary  

  Academically  Acceptable:    Georgetown  High  School  

  Richarte  High  School  (AEA)*  

  Benold  Middle  School  

  Tippit  Middle  School  

  Forbes  Middle  School  

  PickeJ  Elementary  

  Carver  Elementary  

*AEA  –  AlternaLve  EducaLon  Accountability  System      (The  highest  raLng  allowed  is  Academically  Acceptable.)  

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Percent  Met  2011  TAKS  Performance  Standard    (Standard  Accountability  Indicator)  

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New  Base  Indicators:  

  English  Language  Learners  Progress  Indicator:   81%  

  Commended  Performance:  

Reading/ELA Mathematics All Students 41% 40% Econ. Disadv. 27% 25%

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CompleLon  Rate  I  

Comple-on  Rate  I  (HS)   Grades  9-­‐12    4-­‐year  cohort  measure  


                       #  Graduates    +  Con@nuers

#  Graduates  +  Con@nuers  +  GED  +  Dropouts  


Continued High

School Received


Dropped Out

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CompleLon  Rate  I  Class  of  2010  (longitudinal  data)  

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CompleLon  Rate  I  (Standard  Accountability  Indicator)  Class  of  2010  (longitudinal  data)  

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2011  Annual  Dropout  Rate  (Grades  7-­‐8,  2009-­‐10)    (Standard  Accountability  Indicator)  

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AddiLonal  Indicators:  College  Readiness  Indicators  

  Percent  of  high  school  students  comple-ng  an  Advanced  Course/Dual  Enrollment  in  2009-­‐10:    24.3  

  Percent  of  2010  graduates  comple-ng  the  Recommended  High  School  Program  or  Dis-nguished  Achievement  Program:    89.8  

  Advanced  Placement  (AP)  results  for  2009-­‐10:    %  Tested:    18.3    %  Examinees  >=  Criterion*:    75.2    %  Scores  >=  Criterion*:    66.8  

*3  on  AP  Exam  

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Addi-onal  Indicators:  SAT/ACT  Results  for  the  Class  of  2010  

  Percent Tested:   All Students: 66.9   African Amer: 75.0   Hispanic: 50.3   White: 73.6   Eco. Disadv: N/A

  Percent At/Above Criterion*   All Students: 42.3   African Amer: 26.7   Hispanic: 25.0   White: 48.6   Eco. Disadv: N/A

  Average SAT Score: GISD 1055 vs. 985 State Avg.

  Average ACT Score: GISD 23.0 vs. 20.5 State Avg.

*1110 on the SAT, or 24 on the ACT

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AddiLonal  Indicators:  Texas  Success  IniLaLve  (TSI)  Percent  of  11th  Graders  MeeLng  the  Higher  EducaLon  Readiness  Component  

ELA: Scale Score ≥ 2200 & Score 3 or Higher on Essay Math: Scale Score ≥ 2200

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AddiLonal  Indicators:  2010  College-­‐Ready  Graduates  

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AEIS  Report    SecLon  II  -­‐  Profile    Student  Informa-on  

  Enrollment data by grade level   Ethnic distribution   Other demographic statistics   Graduate information   Retention rates   Average class size information

  Staff  Informa-on    Type of staff   Educational & experience level   Salary data   Turnover rate for teachers

  Financial  Informa-on    Tax information   Revenues   Expenditures

  Program  Informa-on    Student enrollment   Teachers by program

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SecLon  III:  Bilingual  EducaLon/English  as  a  Second  Language  Report    2010-­‐11  District  Performance  Report  for  Current  LEP  Students  

TAKS  Met  2011  Standard  (Sum  of  All  Grades  Tested)  

Indicator:  District  –  All  Students   Bilingual   ESL  

LEP  –  No  Services  

Reading/ELA   93%   79%   64%   87%  

Mathema-cs   90%   82%   66%   88%  

Wri-ng   93%   92%   65%   86%  

Science   87%   71%   38%   33%  

Social  Studies   97%   No  Bilingual  Students  Tested  

86%   Fewer  Than  5  Students  Tested  

All  Tests   83%   67%   42%   74%  

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Campus  Performance  ObjecLves  

  Campus  Improvement  Plans  are  based  on  the  AEIS  data.  

  Performance  Objec-ves  are  approved  by  the  Board  of  Trustees.  

  Data  from  the  AEIS  gives  direc-on  for  the  development  of  performance  objec-ves  that  are  low  in  rela-on  to  the  accountability  standards.  

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Violent  and  Criminal  Incidents  

  Texas  statute  (TEC  39.053)  requires  every  district  to  publish  an  annual  report  on  violent  and  criminal  incidents  at  campuses  in  the  district  

  The  report  must  include:    Number, rate, and type of incidents   Information concerning school violence prevention and intervention

policies and procedures used by the district   Findings that result from evaluations conducted under the Safe and

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

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Violent  and  Criminal  Incidents  for  2010-­‐11  Type # Rate Type # Rate

Controlled Substances (including felony violations)

8 0.08% Alcohol Offenses 4 0.04%

Criminal Mischief 1 0.01% Weapons Violation 11 0.11% Arson 0 0% Assault (on employee/volunteer) 5 0.05% Retaliation 1 0.01% Assault (not on employee/volunteer) 7 0.07% Cigarette/Tobacco 6 0.06% Fighting/Mutual Combat 4 0.04% Terroristic Threat & False Report

1 0.01% Public Lewdness & Indecent Exposure

4 0.04%

Conduct Punishable as a Felony

1 0.01% Other* 0 0%

*Other: Other felonies (e.g., felony theft), school-related gang violence, gang-related activity, indecency with a child, aggravated kidnapping, aggravated robbery, aggravated assault, sexual assault, manslaughter, negligent homicide, deadly conduct, and murder

Sources: PEIMS Edit+ Student Disciplinary Action Summary, 2010-11 Summer; GISD Total Enrollment as of Fall 2010-11 PEIMS Resubmission

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Student  Enrollment  and  Academic  Performance      (Texas  Higher  EducaLon  CoordinaLng  Board  –  Required  Report)  

  Data  collected  and  reported  by  the  THECB  in  an  annual  report:      Report  of  2008-­‐2009  High  School  Graduates’  Enrollment  and  Academic  Performance  in  Texas  

Public  Higher  EducaLon  in  Fiscal  Year  2010  

  Reports  on  student  performance  in  postsecondary  ins-tu-ons  during  the  first  year  enrolled  aner  gradua-on  from  high  school  

District: Georgetown ISD Total

Graduates GPA for 1st Year in Public Higher Education in Texas

< 2.0 2.0 – 2.49 2.5 – 2.99 3.0 – 3.49 > 3.5 Unknown Four-Year Public University: GHS 166 26 28 35 49 28 0 Four-Year Public University: RHS 3 * * * * * * Two-Year Public Colleges: GHS & RHS 145 29 30 22 24 29 11 Independent Colleges & Universities: GHS 39 Not Trackable: GHS 12 Not Found: GHS & RHS 240 Total High School Graduates in GISD 605

GHS:  Georgetown  High  School  RHS:  Richarte  High  School  

*If  enrollment  in  public  higher  educaLon  is  less  than  25,  the  GPA  data  is  omifed.  

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Accessing  the  AEIS  Report    Where  the  report  is  available:  


  GISD website:

  Campus libraries or offices (available within 2 weeks of public hearing)

  Central administration building (available within 2 weeks of public hearing)

Contact  InformaLon  

Becky  McCoy,  GISD  Assessment  Director  

(512)  943-­‐5000,  ext.  6034  

[email protected]   •   AEIS  Reports  (coming  soon)