academy magazine 2011

MAGAZINE 2011 ... Cahill Chosen for National AP Position, page 6 ... Academy Students Experience China, page 13 ... Alumna Runs to Beat Diabetes, page 26

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... Cahill Chosen for National AP Position, page 6 ... Academy Students Experience China, page 13 ... Alumna Runs to Beat Diabetes, page 26

SALEM ACADEMY Magazine Susan E. Pauly President Karl J. Sjolund Head of School Vicki Williams Sheppard C82 Vice President of Institutional Advancement Alumnae Office Megan Ratley C06, Director of Academy Alumnae Relations Published by the Office of Communications and Public Relations Jacqueline McBride, Director Jennifer Bringle Handy, Communications and Social Media Manager Contributing Writers: Karl Sjolund, Lucia Uldrick Higgins C99, Megan Ratley C06, Jennifer Bringle Handy, Jane Carmichael, Susan E. Pauly, Ryan Jones C10 Designer: Carrie Pritchard Dickey C00 Photography: Alan Calhoun, Allen Aycock, Carrie Pritchard Dickey C00, Black Horse Photography, Megan Ratley C06, Peter Levins, Lucia Uldrick Higgins C99, Nick Grancharoff, Elise LaViolette C10, Snyder Photography The Salem Academy Magazine is published by Salem Academy, 500 East Salem Avenue, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101. This publication is mailed to alumnae, faculty, staff, parents and friends of Salem. Salem Academy welcomes qualified students regardless of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, religion or disability to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities of this institution. For additional information about any programs or events mentioned in this publication, please write, call, email or visit: Alumnae Office Salem Academy 500 East Salem Avenue Winston-Salem, NC 27101 336/721-2664 Email: [email protected] Website:


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A Message from the President ...................................................2 Message from the Head of School .............................................3 Commencement 2011 ...............................................................4 Tag Room Tidings .......................................................................6 Experiencing China ................................................................. 12 Academy Alumna Helps Students Stitch ............................... 14 ASSISTing Students ............................................................... 15 Student Scholars ...................................................................... 16 The Search for the Next Sisters Scholar ................................ 17 Star Student ............................................................................. 18 Howard Celebrates a Milestone............................................... 19 Alumnae News ..........................................................................20 A Classmates Lasting Legacy ................................................. 29 Reunion 2011 .......................................................................... 30 Alumna Awards ........................................................................ 34 Chairs of Design ...................................................................... 36 Salem Legacies ......................................................................... 38 Notes and Notices .................................................................... 39 Remembering A Friend ........................................................... 40

Special Insert: Honor Roll of DonorsOn the Cover: Left to right, Zada Gabriel, Winston-Salem; Virginia Maddrey, Raleigh; Madeleine Shelton, Santa Monica, Calif.; Katie McDuffie, Columbia, S.C.; Rainey McLaurin, Ferndale, Wash.; Camille-Macie Rumph, Winston-Salem.

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A Message from the PresidentSometimes, numbers can be beautiful. In the midst of a global recession and with wild swings in the stock market, at the Academy we still have numbers that make us smile. They serve as windows to the past, make us feel pride in the present and inspire us to envision an extraordinary future. Of course, some of our favorite numbers are dates in history, including 1772, the year our school was founded. Then there is the milestone of 1804, the year the Academy became a boarding school: according to the Terms and Conditions we circulated on May 22, 1804, girls had to be at least eight years old to be admitted and were required to leave at the age of 15. Archives of 19th century life at Salem serve as a treasure trove of human interest stories, like the letter dated January 13, 1818 from Margaret Maria Crockett to her father in Virginia in which Margaret assures him she is dutifully studying English poetry and history at Salemexcept on Wednesdays when, she explains, girls are allowed to read the newspapers. From the pain of wartime separation to the pride that was felt as the school grew, numbers from centuries past reveal the trials and triumphs that made Salem Academy a unique success story in the history of our country. Today, numbers at the Academy still tell stories. They track our commitment to contemporary education (22 innovative Jan term courses were offered last year along with new online course options), yet numbers testify as well to our love of tradition. From Opening Chapel to Ring Banquet to Smoosh Cake to the Christmas Concert to Chaucer Lines, there are 14 annual ceremonies and events that affirm our commitment to sisterhood and academic excellence. Numbers can even help describe the beauty of our school and the sights and sounds we love, from the 14 weeping cherry trees that create a perfect pink tunnel of bloom on the front drive each spring to the 35 steps that lead to the bottom of our beautiful May Dell. At the Academy there is always a number to celebrate. Percentages help us demonstrate our girls amazing academic achievements (like the phenomenal 84 percent pass rate on AP tests last year), and numbers help us track our expanding wellness programs (eight initiatives to date, including the organic herb garden, a new purple and gold athletic competition, the triathlon club, fencing, Wii Fit, and guest speakers on health and wellness). Even the intellectual energy of faculty can be described in part through numbers: did you know that 55 percent of our faculty has traveled overseas in the past two years to lead classes or gather materials to enrich their teaching? Whether were tallying states and countries represented by the student body (11 states and six countries this year) or counting how often we hold Cookie Break (now theres a number I dare not share!), we love the way numbers tell the story of our extraordinary school. Sometimes, numbers can even foretell the future. Our continued strength over more than two centuries has led to plans to expand facilities and athletic fields and increase our footprint by at least 17 acres to accommodate growth now and into the next century. With hundreds of inspiring numbers to choose from but with limited space, I have chosen the number 1 as the last I will share, for what better way to express what the Academy means than through the eyes of one of our girls? President Pauly, she said as she stood in line waiting to walk down to the May Dell for commencement, I can hardly wait to leave. . . but I cant bear to go! I have so many friends here and so many wonderful memories. Im so grateful to all my teachers and Im so ready for the future. But I will never, ever leave the Academy. It will be in my heart forever. How many times have I thought about her words and smiled? I admit the number is too high to count. But then, like your love for the Academy, some things just cant be measured. And so in this, our 240th year, I thank you for the love and support that made it possible for this young woman to feel self-confident about the futureand made it possible, too, for her to walk into that future with precious memories of her life at the Academy. Our gratitude to you, like the number of stars above, is endless. Sincerely,

2 Magazine 2011

Susan E. Pauly, President

Left to right: Catherine Ward A14, Camille-Macie Rumph A12, Karl Sjolund and Madeleine Shelton A12.

Message from the Head of School, Karl SjolundTheres lots of conversation these days about learning 21st century skills. These are the qualities that colleges and employers are demanding their applicants possess. Ive seen them listed in several different ways, but the folks at NAIS (National Association of Independent Schools) refer to them as the 5 Cs: character, collaboration, creativity, communication and critical thinking. You can make an argument that the last four are somewhat interchangeable when it comes to importance, but I believe the first one, character, will always be kingor in our case, queen. When it comes to education, I believe the most important thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. I realize thats not a particularly profound statement! And yet, in an effort to chase a grade, or an AP score, or a college acceptance, we often forget to remind our students that those things are secondary, at best. The main thing, I believe, is for them to understand that their self-worth is not rooted in grades and test scores, but rather in the fact that a loving God created them as unique and precious. If they understand that impenetrable truth, then their self-esteemthough often bruisedwill always return intact. Of course, discussing self-esteem can be a little tricky these days. Conventional wisdom suggests that the self-esteem movement is attempting to create a world where everyones a winner and there are no losers. Maybe thats happening, or maybe thats just political hyperbole, I dont really know. What I do know is that winning is important for everyone to experience, and so is losing. Setting lofty goals and falling short is often much more valuable than setting low goals and achieving them far below potential. I believe that Salem Academy works, in large part, because students learn to win and lose over and over and over again. And that, I believe, builds character. Heres what matters to us. We have an honor code, because it matters to us that a students word is her bond, and that she can be trusted in all her dealings. We have special interest clubs, because it matters to us that students learn to have the courage of their convictions while at the same time show respect for those who differ in culture and thought. We have conference period, a counseling center, and several different service organizations, because it matters to us that every student learns to ask for help; while at the same time, recognizes the importance of serving others. We have a robust adviser program, a wide-ranging athletic program, and a vibrant fine arts program, because it matters to us that each girl is known and loved as an individual, while at the same time she learns what it means to be relied upon as part of a larger group. We have a rigorous academic program, and a funfilled activities program, because it matters to us that our girls understand what it means to put in an honest days work; while at the same time seeking balance and embracing joy. These are the things on which were focused. So, whether its a test or a paper, an audition for the play, an athletic contest, or a dispute in the dormitory, we believe that the outcome is far less important than whats been learned in the process. The threads that bind this community are honor, work ethic, friendship, love and service. I dont believe that Salem Academy is a great school because our students excel on the SAT or go to competitive colleges. I believe that Salem Academy is a great school because it matters to us what kind of people these unique and precious girls are going to be when they leave herewherever they go. After all, character is queen.

3 Salem Academy

Karl J. Sjolund, Head of School

4 Magazine 2011

Seochung Kim A11, Susan Eshelman A11, Margot de St. Aubin A11 and MiJi Choi A11.

5 Salem Academy

Madelyn Stone A11 and Mary Lorick Thompson.

Juree Sun A11.

Commencement 2011

Salem Academys Class of 2011 enjoyed a gorgeous, sunny day for their commencement ceremony, held May 28 in the May Dell. Family, friends and members of the Salem community gathered to celebrate the achievement of 34 graduating seniors. Three accomplished members of the classhonor graduates Anna Mullen and Juree Sun and senior class president Esther Baloghaddressed their classmates and the crowd. The girls shared treasured memories of their time at the Academy and offered messages of encouragement and inspiration to their fellow classmates and the audience.

Oesterlein Award winner Madelyn Stone was also recognized during the ceremony. Stone, from Pinnacle, N.C., was chosen for her exemplary academic record and her active role outside the classroom in activities such as theatre productions, the school literary art magazine, president of the Honor Cabinet and the school newspaper. She received a full scholarship to Northeastern University. The ceremony was followed by a reception on the front lawn attended by graduates and their families, and faculty and staff.

Tag Room Tidings

6 Magazine 2011

Ali Monroe A12, Zhane Littlepage A12, Eileen Cahill, Dani Hill A13.

Cahill Makes the GradeBeing selected as an AP exam grader is a high honor, and being chosen to be a Question Leader, one of the highest levels of AP readers, is even more special. Salem Academys Dr. Eileen Cahill received that honor this year, being chosen as one of only three Question Leaders in the nation, and the only one teaching at the high school level. Shes the first high school teacher in many years to be selected, says Head of School, Karl Sjolund. As I understand it, the leadership usually comes from the college ranks. In other words, this is a real honor for Eileen. Cahill began working as a grader of the advanced placement exam (which awards high school students making a

certain grade with college credit in the applicable subject) in the early 1990s. In the years since, she has been promoted to Table Leadersupervising several graders during training and the grading processand now to Question Leader. As Question Leader, she oversees all of the Table Leaders and readers (about 500 in total) who grade one of three essay questions. Reading and grading of the test takes place each summer. Cahill, who serves as the Academys director of studies and an AP English teacher, has taught at the Academy since 1998. She has also taught at a number of other prestigious schools, such as Bryn Mawr College, Temple University, the Marlborough School and Wake Forest University.



Barbara Douglas and the Academy ALS Walk team. Winkler worked at the Wake Forest University Writing Center, Wake Forest University Press and the Governors School of South Carolina at the College of Charleston. Her devotion to Salem extends beyond the classroom, as she actively supports her students extracurricular interests by regularly attending school performances and events, and cheering on students during athletic events. A native of Baltimore, M.D., Sarah enjoys reading, writing, cooking, film and traveling.

The Elsie Nunn Headmasters Award Betsy OvertonBetsy Overton, history teacher and chair of the history department, received the prestigious Elsie Nunn Headmasters Award, named for one of Salem Academys most distinguished teachers. Overton was chosen for her selfless and cheerful service to the Academy, her strong relationship with students, faculty and staff, and her unrelenting willingness to go above and beyond the required duty of her job. Head of School, Karl Sjolund says of Overton, She puts in so many extra hours on behalf of the Academy every year, and she does it all with a willing spirit and wonderful smilewhat a blessing. Congratulations, Betsy!

Salem Freshman Gathers Students for ALS WalkOn April 2nd, 10 Salem Academy students (along with four friends from area schools) participated in the Walk to Defeat ALS at Wake Forest. ALS, also known as Lou Gehrigs Disease, is a fatal condition that disables a persons control of their muscles. There is no cure for ALS. Miriam Himes A14, a day student at the Academy, formed the team to walk in honor of Barbara Douglas, a former Academy Latin teacher and tutor. Deeply moved by Douglas struggles to do ordinary tasks due to the disease, Himes assembled Barbaras Bunch, which raised $675. The race brought more than 850 people to Wake Forest and raised $62,000 for ALS research.

The Joel Weston Award for Faculty Excellence Dr. Eileen Cahill and Sarah WinklerFaculty members Dr. Eileen Cahill and Sarah Winkler were honored this year with the Joel Weston Award for Faculty Excellence. The award is given for excellence in the classroom, in student relations and in overall contribution to the total Academy program. Dr. Cahill, who came to the Academy in 1998, serves as the director of studies and AP English teacher. In addition to her work at the Academy, Dr. Cahill works as an AP Question Leader and has spoken at numerous conferences on contemporary Irish poetry, the canon of British literature and teaching. Her passion is travel, and she has lived in Canada, Ireland and Japan. In recent years, she and her husband have traveled to India, Egypt, Morocco, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, Greece, Finland, Estonia, Russia, Tibet and twice to China. One of the Academys newest teachers, Winkler began teaching English here in 2007. Prior to teaching at Salem,

7 Salem Academy

Llamas Bring the DramaSalem Academys traveling theater group, the Drama Llamas, had a busy season this past year with four performances at local schools and museums. This past years group included Jordan Jones A13, Ivy Webb A13, Peggy Liao A12, Rachel Williams A13, Abby Nichols A11 and Savannah Livengood A13. Students who wish to become members of the troupe must be enrolled in

Drama Llamas at Summits lower school. theater classes and have 6th period open in their schedule to allow for practices and travel to performances. This past spring, the group performed Aesops Fables III, a childrens play by Gerald P. Murphy based on the classic tales. The group performed the play at Our Lady of Mercy School, the Summit School, St. Leo the Great Catholic School and the Childrens Museum of Winston-Salem. The actors use a portable set, costumes and a boom box to stage their performances in multiple locations. After each show, the students spent time talking to the children and answering questions. The group has become so popular, they were featured on WFDDs Triad Arts Up Close program in February. Advisor Kerry Lawson looks forward to continued success during the 2011-2012 school year.

Tri Club members after the Angels Triathlon Wilmington in April, Leigh-Ana Castillejo A11, Lauren Hart A14, Caroline Musser A13 and Hilla participated, with Hilla winning the age 15 and under womens division. The clubs final race, Statesville Rotary Sprint Triathlon in Statesville, was held in May. Bassewitz and Hilla represented the team, earning second place finishes in their respective age groups. The club, which is advised by Salem cross country coach Chris Vaughan, looks forward to an even more successful season this year!

8 Magazine 2011

African AdventureAt Salem Academy, a diverse student body of girls from around the globe means Academy students can forge friendships that cross both cultural and national boundaries. Those friendships can also sometimes lead to the realization of a long-held dream, as was the case for students JJ Mao A12 and Quinta Fernandes A13. Mao had always longed to visit Africa, and so Fernandes, who hails from Tanzania, invited Mao to come stay with her family for several weeks this past summer. Being able to go to Africa has always been one of my greatest aspirations, says Mao. During her time in Tanzania, Mao worked as an intern with a lawyer at the International Criminal Tribunal for

On the RunThe Salem Academy Tri Club, a group for triathlon racers, posted impressive finishes in several races this past year. Their first race, on September 19, 2010, was the Angels Race Triathlon at Tanglewood Park in Clemmons. Students Alice Bassewitz A12, Bethann Hilla A14 and Haley Norris A14 participated and won first place in the all-female relay division. At the Wilmington Athletic Club Sprint Triathlon in

Honoring the Past, Looking to the FutureMore than two centuries ago, a small group of women in the Moravian settlement of Salem started a school for girls in the revolutionary belief that women were just as deserving of an education as their male counterparts. This year, Salem Academy and College celebrates the 240th anniversary of that momentous occasion, and the legacy of academic achievement since. This 240th year, Salem has a lot to celebrate. The Academy continues to thrive with one of its largest freshman classes and a diverse student body of girls who consistently excel both in and out of the classroom. Our students are accepted to some of the nations top colleges, and post exemplary test scores that rank them among the top students in the United States. In response to the demand for expanded opportunities and better facilities for our students, the institution has developed a plan for future growth. Unveiled by Dr. Susan E. Pauly, Salems proposed vision includes an expansion of campus onto land now occupied by the city of Winston-Salem. The citys plan to move operations to another site leaves the tract open for development. Salem hopes to acquire the land and repurpose it for new campus projects, including science buildings, residence halls and a womens conference center. We are moving forward and expanding our educational outreach to women, says Dr. Pauly. We want to make it possible for women in our community and far beyond to come to Salem for specialized workshops, conferences and other events. In addition to the new buildings, the expansion would also include new athletic fields. Todays young women are focused on physical fitness and wellness, so its essential that we expand athletic facilities to serve our students now and into the future, says Dr. Pauly. While the plan is still in the early development stages now, its clear that the future is very bright for Salem. For 240 years, this community has shown that it values the unique advantages of an education focused first and foremost on excellence and the needs of girls and women, says Dr. Pauly. We are excited to build upon and continue that tradition.

Quinta Fernandes A13 and JJ Mao A12 Rwandan Genocide. On the job, she did research on the genocide and helped out with office duties. She also found time to do a bit of volunteer work in the community. I went to an orphanage called Malaika to volunteer for two days, she says. It was such a pleasure to take photos for the kids, and after taking the photos, I helped Quinta make a Power Point presentation to teach others about Malaika. In her off-time, Mao spent time getting to know Tanzania and exploring some of the countrys most famous sights. I went to the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro and also visited Arusha National Park, she says. The view there was totally breathtaking. You feel engulfed in tranquility and peace at these places. The trip left Mao with a feeling of greater purpose and a stronger appreciation for the scope of opportunity available to Academy students. I think this experience not only broadened my horizons, but also made me start thinking about what I can do to make this world better, she says. Imagineif I had never known Quinta, I would never have been able to do this wonderful internship as a high school student. I realize how lucky I am because at Salem Academy, we have lots of resources that will help us to achieve success if we use them wisely.

9 Salem Academy

Alicia Markham with students at Moshi Primary School

Making a ConnectionFascinated as a child by the work of primatologist Jane Goodall, Academy history teacher Alicia Markham always dreamed of visiting the East African nation of Tanzania. Though her career path led her into the study of history rather than science, she still hoped to one day make it to the faraway nation. This past summer, thanks to a grant from Salem Academys Alice Litwinchuk Endowment Fund, Markhams dream finally came true. Under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Education, she spent a month teaching and studying in Tanzania while participating in a Fulbright-Hays K-12 and College Group Project Abroad seminar. From June 17-July 17, 13 teachers from the United States spent time in East Africa, teaching in Tanzania and traveling to neighboring lands, such as the islands of Zanzibar, to study the Kiswahili language and Swahili history and culture. (The trips) intent is to give teachers an opportunity to learn about a culture and immerse themselves, and then bring back a better understanding of that culture to the United States, explains Markham. Markhams mission on the trip was two-foldteaching in the city of Moshi and researching the concept of comparative slave systems. While most people know about the European

trade of slaves across the Atlantic from West Africa to the United States, many dont realize there was another slave trade happening on the opposite coast, between East Africa and the Middle East. Im trying to shed light on another huge African slave system, she says. There were many more women and children involved in the East African slave trade. They were specifically targeted because they were used as house servants rather than field slaves. The climate of the Middle East makes the agricultural system of that region much smaller than that of the U.S. Markham taught at Moshi Primary School and Mawenzi Secondary School. During her time there, she was struck by the students eagerness to learn, despite having limited access to even the most basic resources, such as paper and pencils. Based on her experiences with the needs of these schools, she will ask her Academy students to create projects throughout the year to share with her Tanzanian pupils. What Im really interested in is having my students create work, whether its mini-books, essays or presentations that can be transferred to the students in Tanzania to use as learning tools, she says. By doing this, our students efforts are not just for their own work, but its also an effort to share their knowledge with people in the world who dont have the same resources. Our students are so lucky because they have so many resources and the support here at Salem to help them succeedit will be so enriching for them to share some of that with our Tanzanian friends. Markham is sharing her knowledge, as well. In addition to incorporating her experiences into her lesson plans, and sharing what shes learned with fellow Academy teachers, she will create a lesson plan to submit to the U.S. Department of Education. The curriculum will then be used in schools across the nation. Its a high honor for Markham, but for her, the true reward is in the connection shes building between her Academy students and those in Tanzania. I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity at a relatively young age because I can continue to cultivate the relationship with this place and these people while enriching my own students and giving their work a greater purpose, she says. To do it for my own success is rewarding, but to enrich both my students and those in Tanzania is whats truly gratifying.

10 Magazine 2011

Visiting KoreaKarl Sjolund, Academy Head of School, and Wynne Overton A96, assistant director of admissions, visited Seoul, South Korea, last fall to meet with families of current students and Academy alumnae. The trip, which was generously funded by Korean Academy parents, allowed the two to learn more about Korean culture and strengthen the schools bond with students families.

Cyber Smarts at SalemFacebook, Twitter, YouTube, Four Squareit seems the reach of social media is inescapable. While these sites can be both fun and helpful, they also can be dangerous for young people. Salems students and parents learned about those cyber dangers and how to avoid them when student safety expert Katie Koestner visited campus April 27 for a program titled Cyber Smarts. Head of School Karl Sjolund invited Koestner to teach Academy students the skills to use the internet safely. Teaching students to use technology wisely is far more effective than simply trying to box them in with restrictions, he explains. I learned a long time ago that its next to impossible to simply regulate appropriate technology use. If we dont help the girls understand the true power behind their every keystroke, then theyre bound to get tripped up at some point. Program director and founder of Campus Outreach Services, a national organization dedicated to providing educational programs for schools on student risk issues, Koestner has spent her life advocating for and speaking to young people

on safety issues. During her visit, she met with both students and parents, educating each group about online risks and offering strategies to stay safe/ensure their children are safe online. I realize that a lot of grownups dont understand the appeal of Facebook and other social networking sites, says Sjolund. They say, we just dont get it, so they tend to ignore it. The problem is, it no longer matters whether they get it or not, because its here to stay. So, since it doesnt make sense to ignore it, we look for experts like Katie Koestner to help us better understand it. Koestner emphasized that with the knowledge and skills to navigate the internet and social media safely, the web can be a wonderful tool for students. Thats a sentiment shared by Sjolund and the Academy staff. When we decide to finally take the step toward a better understanding, thats when we begin to see the possibilities that this new communication platform offers us, says Sjolund. We begin to see the upside...and theres plenty of upside.

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Zhane Littlepage A12, Angelica Mack A12, Miriam Himes A14, Mary Lorick Thompson, Daniela DeCristo A12 and Haley Wiebel A12 on the Great Wall of China.

The entire group at a Beijing Duck lunch hosted by Laura Zhang A13 and her mother. Chinese students Emma Zhu A12 and Nami Kuang A14 (along with her brother, Porter) also attended.

Experiencing ChinaSalem Academys diverse student body includes several students who hail from China. Eight of their American peers, plus two chaperones, got to experience their counterparts culture and lifestyle in early June during the six-day China Experience Trip. The chosen students, all underclassmen, went through an extensive application process that included writing several essays. In anticipation of their journey, they met weekly to prepare and familiarize themselves with aspects of Chinese culture, such as the monetary system and eating with chopsticks. Their Chinese classmates also attended these sessions, offering tips for navigating the nations cultural and societal mores. Departing from North Carolina, the group flew to Beijing, China, where they were greeted by an Academy student, Nami Kuang A14, and several members of the staff of the corporation that hosted their visit. From there, their journey began, taking them throughout the city and surrounding countryside to see the iconic sights and interact with locals. Their travels within the bustling city and its more bucolic suburban areas gave the students a new perspective. Glancing out of the van window while contemplating my surroundings, I observed the coexistence of both traditional and modern aspects of Chinese culture when viewing both roadside gardens and looming skyscrapers, says Haley Wiebel A12. Although I was unaware of their true significance at the time, I would come to realize later in the week that the gardens and skyscrapers represented the continuous effort in China to preserve the richness of an ancient culture, while remaining a world power. Each day brought a new adventureclimbing the Great Wall of China, exploring the massive Forbidden City, experiencing iconic Tiananmen Square and even shopping in one of Beijings massive mall/market complexes. Going to the Great Wall of China was especially breathtaking, says Miriam Himes A14. I never thought I would actually walk on the Great Wall of China. It was not only a cool experience because of the Walls fame, but also because of the surrounding mountains beauty. I really enjoyed hiking on the Wall and taking in the green scenery. The students also got special permission from the Chinese government to visit a school where they were able to observe classes and talk with students. The experience gave Academy students the chance to see how their peers learn, and how that affects the nation as a whole. One of my most distinctive memories of the trip was our visit to the Chinese school, says Wiebel. While students were taking part in their synchronized morning exercises, we toured the schools classrooms. Not only were there classrooms designed to teach students about physics, the English language and computer skills, but there were also rooms for traditional Chinese games and calligraphy. Through the presence of both old and new, the current Chinese generation is learning the importance of both changing and traditional aspects of their culture. More sightseeing, as well as dinners of authentic cuisine with Chinese Academy students and their families filled the rest of the itinerary. For those on the trip, these moments of experiencing true Chinese culture will allow them to gain a better understanding of their Chinese classmates and strengthen the bond with their counterparts from abroad. I hope we better understand from this trip how our Chinese students feel when they come to our country, says Mary Lorick Thompson, assistant headmaster and dean of students. Theyre off the plane from a long flight, jet lagged, and they walk into a dining room to sit at a table full of food they dont know and eat with utensils theyre not accustomed to using. We had to adapt and try new things on this trip, just as our Chinese students do when they come here. That experience will help our American students have a better understanding of their Chinese peers.

13 Salem Academy

Mickey teaches students needlework technique.

Academy Alumna Helps Students StitchWhen most of us think of needlework and embroidery, we imagine a centuries-old craft enjoyed by women and girls whose lives were much different than ours; a passive activity without much relevance to the fast-paced, modern world we live in today. But for Hollis Mickey A06, needlework is much more than a pastime from days gone by. Its a way to connect the past with the present in a real and tangible way. Moravian embroidery and needlework has a really long history, she explains. It changed the way embroidery was done in the United States and it was really important in relationship to education at the Academy. Thats why Mickey decided to use research from the compressed masters program she is about to complete at Brown University to develop a January Term course for Salem Academy students entitled Stitches Through Time. The class began with thinking about the place of embroidery and needlework at Salem, looking at why it was important here and what was done, says the Clemmons native, whose family boasts seven generations of Salem Academy alums and supporters. Then we moved into thinking broadly about the place of sewing and needlework in womens education. Throughout the class, the girls learned fundamental embroidery techniques as they would have if they had attended Salem two centuries earlier. They made their own monograms and worked on their own embroidery patterns. According to tradition, they also presented a group sampler at the end of the course to demonstrate the skills they had learned. Samplers were a way a of learning communally how to value beliefs, says Mickey, referencing the embroidery examples that can be found hanging at Salem Academy to this day. Lots of what is represented are ideas about femininity, piety and obedience. Beginning in the 20th century with the push for the vote, there are some examples of embroidery that would be considered biblical in style but that were taking on this big womens issue about the vote. Aside from exposing the hidden language women shared through embroidery, the class had an unexpected social relevance for many of the girls, said Mickey. Just as early Salem students used needlework to reach beyond cultural barriers like language (many spoke only German), dress and social custom, her 21st century students found common ground as part of the sewing circle. So many girls who came to Salem in the early 19th century were traveling great distances. It took days and days to get to the Academy and you wouldnt be in touch with your parents for months; you might not see them for years. Its very much the story that international students have at Salem now, says Mickey. Sitting and sewing together bridges gaps and helps identify a communal spirit. It offered some of my international students a way to think about how their experiences parallel those of girls who had been to Salem before them. Their stories arent the same, but its an exploration that allows us to feel that connection to a long line of Salem sisters.

14 Magazine 2011

Left to right: Martha Sophie Rabus, Ari Vergos, and Amelie Gaetjen.15 Salem Academy

ASSISTing StudentsFor the past 13 years, Salem Academy has participated in the ASSIST international exchange program, which offers top international students the opportunity to attend some of the best American independent secondary schools. The program, which was designated by the United States State Department as an authorized exchange visitor program, offers qualifying students a one-year scholarship for study at some of the nations top independent high schools. The goal is to promote mutual understanding and cultural exchange, while connecting students to a global network of alumni and friends whove participated in the program, be it as exchange students, or at a school hosting exchange students. Since the 1998-1999 school year, the Academy has hosted more than 40 international students through the ASSIST program. Students have hailed from a variety of countries, including Bulgaria, Croatia, Moldova, Sweden and Macedonia. For the 2011-2012 year, sophomores Amelie Gaetjen and Martha Sophie Rabus, both from Germany, and Ariana Vergos of Spain, are attending the Academy through the ASSIST program. When it comes to helping us find great students, ASSIST has had a perfect track record and the streak continues this year, says Karl Sjolund, Head of School. Our three ASSIST students are amazing young women, and were thrilled to have them at the Academy.

to others, think well and be willing to contribute to their community and beyond. Additionally, a leader must be able to respect others as well as him or herself. Scholarship finalists Grayson Sloan, a freshman from Flat Rock, N.C., and Lee Thompson, a freshman from Long Lake, Minn., received the Higginbotham Award. Grayson Sloan A15, maintained a busy schedule during her time at Hendersonville Middle School. An active member of the student council, she served as the groups historian, carefully maintaining records of the councils activities. In addition to student council, she was also a member of the Beta club, the career club, the MathCounts team and the cross country and track teams. Outside of school, Sloan served her community through her church youth group and as a member of the Henderson County Left to right: Grayson Sloan, Lee Thompson and Mary Beth Browne Young Leaders. In her scholarship essay, Sloan talked about her role as Three new Sisters Merit Scholarship finalists began their a leader at her school, and how shes helped others recognize high school careers at Salem Academy this fall, adding to their potential. She said, A leader should be someone who will the schools reputation for strong leadership and academic stand up for what is right. They need to be a team player and performance. participate in whatever activity they are leading. They should Mary Beth Browne A15, is the recipient of the Sisters be a guide and a mentor and someone on whom you can rely. Merit Scholarship, which covers tuition, room and board, A leader is someone who is responsible and will get the job as well as other special academic opportunities. A native of done; someone to whom people will listen, someone they will Mount Airy, Browne attended Millennium Charter Acadrespect. emy, where she stood out as both an exemplary student and a Lee Thompson A15, comes to the Academy from Orono leader both on campus and in the community. Middle School in Long Lake, Minn. An honor student and On campus, Browne was in the advanced music program avid writer, Thompson participated in the English Olympiad, and participated in the MathCounts competition. She also the Academy Awards of Literature and attended the Young participated in fall Model United Nations, mock trial and the Authors Conference. Thompson is a world traveler and has Habitat for Humanity club, in addition to being president visited the Marshall Islands, Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia, Canada of the Millennium Charter Academy presidential leadership and the Bahamas, among others. council. A talented performer both onstage and athletically, An active member of her community, she has devoted Browne was a member of her churchs choir and performed much of her time to charity work, volunteering with Feeding in the Dewey Decimal Players Christmas production, in adChildren International, the Kory Wawanaca Childrens Home, dition to participating on the MCA ladies marathon team, Union Gospel Mission, the Susan B. Komen Race for the running several competitive races, including the Mayberry Cure and Operation Christmas Child. Helping her commuHalf and Full Marathon. nity is a major priority in Thompsons life. In her scholarship In an essay she wrote for the scholarship competiessay, she said, The community I am part of is wherever I am, tion, Browne spoke of the importance of being a leader, and and wherever I serve; the world is my community, and where I described it as thus, To be a leader, one must be of virtuous serve, I make a positive difference in it. character, be capable of independent thought while listening

Student Scholars

16 Magazine 2011

Savannah Livengood A13 and Nami Kuang A14.

The Search for the Next Sisters ScholarEach year, Salem Academy awards one lucky student with the prestigious Sisters Merit Scholarship, a full merit scholarship for boarding students that covers tuition, room and board, plus additional perks, including travel and internship opportunities. Its a high honor, and a wonderful opportunity to give a very deserving girl the gift of an Academy education. The Sisters is such a great scholarship because it can truly reward a very smart and deserving girl for all her hard work, says Academy admissions director Lucia Higgins. As many alumnae may already know from an admissions postcard sent out this year, Higgins is looking to alumnae as she and her staff search for future candidates for the award. Alumnae are encouraged to nominate girls whom they think would be good prospects for the scholarshipdaughters, granddaughters, nieces, children of friendsand encourage guidance counselors and other members of the community to nominate deserving students. Criteria for the scholarship includes: StudentmustbeaU.S.Citizen Studentmustbearising9thor10thgrader Studentmusthaveaminimumgradepointaverageof 3.5 Studentmustbeinthetop15%ofscoresonthe Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT) Studentmustbeaboardingapplicant(outsidea25mile radius) Studentmusthavedemonstratedschooland community leadership Studentmustfostertrust,responsibility,andasenseof the value of each member of her community Higgins emphasizes how valuable a resource the Academys alumnae are to the continued future growth of the school and its quest to bring in the most talented and academically gifted students. Says Higgins, It is wonderful to have alums involved in the process of nominating students, because what better person is there to see that Salem spirit in a girl and share her with Salem Academy!

17 Salem Academy

Admissions UpdatesThe halls of Salem Academy are a bit more crowded this year with 64 new students joining the ranks for 2011-2012. An increase from last years new student count, it brings the total student body number up to 167. We have students from 11 states and six countries, including Belgium, China, Germany, Korea, Pakistan and Spain, says admissions director Lucia Higgins. We increased our number of day students this year and almost doubled the amount of new day students over last year. Proving the power of alumnae influence on admissions, 25 percent of the student body are legacies, and family ties are strong this year with seven sets of sisters in the student body.

Jen Musso led the basketball team at the point guard position.

Star StudentAs any former student athlete knows, balancing school and activities with playing a sport takes a lot of determination and hard work. But balancing school and activities with playing three sports? That requires a special level of dedication, a level reached by recent Academy grad, Jennifer Musso A11. In addition to being an exemplary student, Musso also played field hockey, basketball and soccer at the Academy. Her efforts in the classroom, on the field and in the community earned her several coveted awards, including the Faculty Award and the Triple Saber Award for athletics. The Faculty Award is given at graduation to the senior whose qualities of character, personality and service most nearly exemplify those of the ideal Salem student. The recipient is selected by the faculty. Jen deserved the faculty award for a multitude of reasons, says Amanda Malatlian, Academy math teacher and Mussos academic adviser. She was a consistently hard-worker, not only in academics, but also in sports; she excelled in both. She was a leader at Salem Academy and had a tremendous amount of school spirit. Musso is one of just a few to receive the distinguished Triple Saber award (her classmate Audra Aldrich A11 also won the Triple Saber). The award is given to any athlete who participates in three sports for all four years while attending Salem. Musso earned numerous other athletic recognitions, including all-conference in soccer for the past two years. She was also Athletic Council President. Playing sports at the Academy was one of the best experiences of my life, she says. My favorite aspect of Salem sports is the camaraderie that they encourage. Arriving at the Academy, I was one of the most competitive people that I and my family knew. After having left the Academy, nothing about this competitiveness has changed, yet now, I realize the importance of constantly supporting my teammates and their successes, no matter how minimal they appear. This fall, Musso began her freshman year at Drexel University in Philadelphia, where she was accepted into the fiveyear Accelerated Dual Degree (BS/MHS) Program in physician assistant studies. Though shes moved on from the Academy, she is still remembered by students, faculty and staff not only for her excellence as a student and athlete, but also for her kind, selfless nature. Says Malatlian, In my opinion, what really made her stand out was that she was a genuinely nice, caring individual who put others first; it wasnt all about her.18 Magazine 2011

Lorie Howard (seated, center) surrounded by family, alumnae and friends.

Howard Celebrates a MilestoneFor Salem Academy athletic director Lorie Howard, the past two decades seem to have passed in the blink of an eye. Howard has served as athletic director and physical education teacher for more than 20 years now, and was honored for her service earlier this year with a 20th anniversary celebration. It seems like it was just yesterday that I got hereit has gone by so fast, she says. Howard came to the Academy in 1990 after teaching for several years at a private school in High Point. She started out as a physical education teacher, then took on the job of athletic director during her first year here. Though shed frequently visited as a tennis coach for opposing schools, her first taste of the Academy actually came much earlier. When I was in the 6th grade, I took music lessons at Salem College and I was in the Fine Arts Center studying piano from 6th grade until I graduated from high school, she says. I remember spending so much time in the FAC, and at the time, I never dreamed that in 12 years, Id be teaching and be on staff here. Howard wears many hats at the Academy, in addition to being a physical education teacher and athletic director, she has also coached tennis, basketball and soccer. She also started the Salem Summer Sports Camp, a popular camp for children ages 4-11 years. On top of all that, she has accompanied students on several trips throughout the years, traveling the globe along with Academy students. I have literally seen the world through my job at Salem Academy, she says. I have spent time in England, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, New ZealandIve seen so many new places Id never get to go to otherwise. While world travel is definitely a major job perk, for Howard, the best part of the job is right here at homeher students. I love the studentsthey keep me young, she says. With every new school year, you have new beginnings, new students and a fresh start. Its so exciting because you never know what the years going to bring. Her dedication to the students, and the Academy as a whole, has made her beloved among her peers in the faculty and staff. Lorie is demanding, but shes also encouraging. She is firm, but shes also fun. Shes a doer with boundless energy, says Head of School, Karl Sjolund. All you have to do is look at the successful sports camp she createdstarting with only 42 campers in the first year and increasing to 356 campers two years later. In a word, Lorie Howard is a winner. Looking back on her career at the Academy, she cant help but remember her first impressions of the school, and how lucky she feels to be a part of the Academy family. Every time I came over here, I was just blown away because it was just such a special place, so steeped in tradition with so much history, she says. I never dreamed in my wildest dreams that Id be teaching here. We extend a special thanks to two alumnae, Laura Sides Watson A94 C99 and Tricia Cantwell Staats A94, for working tirelessly with the alumnae office to make this special celebration possible. Through their efforts, $3,400 was raised by alumnae and friends and gifted to the annual fund in honor of Howards 20th anniversary.

19 Salem Academy

Alumnae NewsAlumnae EventsClass of 1965The class of A65 had a gathering at the home of Katherine Kerr Memory, followed by a tour of the Academy. Front Row: Katherine Kerr Memory, Ann Luther Dexter, Cathy Flynn Naumann; Back Row: Barbara Keck Blount, Mary Sams Hill, Margaret Bell Lewis, Jackie Noyes, Mary Dozier Lyles, Erwin Burhoe Gunnells

Chapel HillSydnor Cozart Presnell A71, Louise Marsh Pariser C67, Martha Gomer C69, and Jennifer Eury C78 in Chapel Hill at the home of Rudy and Louise Marsh Pariser C67.

Atlantic Beach20 Magazine 2011

Suzanne Moye Edwards A83, C87, Claire Lashley Bryant C87, and Sterling Talley Wheless C87 at the 5th annual luncheon at the Coral Bay Club in Atlantic Beach, N.C.

Head of School, Karl Sjolund, with Mary-Hannah Finch Taft A56 at the 5th annual luncheon at the Coral Bay Club in Atlantic Beach, N.C.

AtlantaTheresa Kanter C98 and Madeleine Almering A88 in Atlanta at the home of Skip and Marietta Hardison Petters C67. Bebe Whitaker A57 and Alison Tyrer A72 in Atlanta at the home of Skip and Marietta Hardison Petters C67. Bonnie Horner A61 in Atlanta at the home of Skip and Marietta Hardison Petters C67.

Bechtler MuseumAcademy and College alumnae gathered at the Bechtler Museum of Modern Art in Charlotte featuring a special exhibit of the collected works of Fire Bird artist Niki De Saint Phalle The Creation of a New Mythology.

21 Salem Academy

Making Film Historysions, deciding which films make the cut. She then works with the filmmakers as they go through the process of preparing their films for screening. Once at the festival, she puts on her reporter cap, interviewing filmmakers onstage, moderating panel discussions and conducting Q&A sessions. After graduating from the Academy, Passafiume attended NYU, where she received both a B.F.A. and an M.A. in cinema studies. From New York, she moved back south to Atlanta, to work for Turner Broadcasting with the Turner Classic Movie Network. Though she eventually left Turner in 2004, she continued working for them in a freelance capacity, writing articles on films for the TCM website. Theyll give me an assignment on a specific filma lot of times its a little-known B-movie from the 30s or 40sand I then do research on the film, she explains. I like the research because I end up learning a ton and it helps fill out my film knowledge. Passafiumes articles provide a historic background for films shown on the network. She doesnt critique, but rather, provides behind-the-scenes tidbits and profile information on the actors and crew involved. I write as much about behind the scenes as I can without interjecting opinion, she says. My favorite sources are autobiographies because I love it when the words come straight from the horses mouth. Juggling essentially two jobs in such a high-pressure field could be daunting, but Passafiume handles it with finesse due to the strong work ethic she developed as a student at Salem Academy. I have a deep, deep love for Salem, she says. Im completely convinced it was the most important determining factor in my personal evolution. It was a crucial part of my life because I was there at that significant age of adolescence. Salem prepared me in some of the most important areasraising the bar and holding myself to a higher standard of excellence, holding myself accountable. Not to mention, the character development I received through the honor code, and the guidance and structure. It gave me the foundation I needed to get to where I am today.

Andrea Foshee Passafiume A88 is a movie buff. In the years since graduating from Salem Academy, Passafiume has turned her passion for film into a vibrant career in the movie industry. Through her work as associate programmer for the American Film Institutes Silver Docs Documentary Film Festival, Passafiume gets a chance to help filmmakers bring their documentaries to the screen. My favorite thing is having a small part in helping to get these filmmakers work out there, she says. There are so many great films, and though were not able to play them all, being able to provide a forum where people can see this work is very gratifying. Passafiume began working for AFI in Los Angeles, where she lived for several years. After meeting and marrying her husband, the couple moved to Washington, D.C., where she was fortunate enough to transfer to AFIs East Coast offices. In her role with the festival, Passafiume takes on the monumental task of sorting through thousands of submis-

22 Magazine 2011

Salem Grad Joins Countrys Top Student NewspaperWhen Brooke Pryor A10 applied to join the sports writing staff of the number one student newspaper in the country (according to the Princeton Review), she was floored to find out she landed the job. Ive always wanted to write, she says. I started out being yearbook editor at Salem my senior year. I wanted to try newspaper in college. Ive always loved sports and I really wanted to be a sports writer. Pryor submitted her writing samples to The Daily Tarheel, the student newspaper at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and was soon assigned her first beat covering the UNC cross country team. Since her first article, which involved tracking down the team while they were on a plane to Indiana, Pryor has only become more enthusiastic about being a sports writer. I absolutely love it. Ive done everything from cross country and softball to womens basketball. Though she loves her job, Pryor said shes had to overcome some anxieties in order to succeed. I hate talking on the phone, which is definitely an issue if I have to do phone interviews. The first time I had to call the cross country coach and talk to him, I stuttered. I had to have a recorder sitting next to my phone, she laughs, adding, I used to not be very comfortable talking to strangers and I used to be starstruck talking to athletes. The deadlines also took some getting used to. That was really stressful. I was used to having a week or two weeks (but) now I know how to prewrite. Im getting better at it. Pryor said she is crossing her fingers that shell get to cover more womens basketball, though shell have to take a break from the newspaper this fall while she studies art and philosophy in Florence, Italy. I really like being able to go behind the scenes and really get to know the athletes instead of just their on-court persona. Theyre student athletes so theyre always more well-rounded.23 Salem Academy

Salem Alumnae Dream Team Devoted to Their Dream JobsFor Preston Stockton A73, manager, and Camilla Prevette Wilcox C70, curator of education, going to work each day comes with the literal promise of a rose garden. For more than 30 and 31 years, respectively, these Salem alumnae have been the two people most associated with operating Reynolda Gardens, the gardens that historically belonged to the home of Katharine Smith and R. J. Reynolds, founder of the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. in Winston-Salem. Reynolda Gardens was established on 129 areas of the 1067-acre estate, and they include woodlands, fields, wetlands, four acres of formal, cultivated gardensboth floral and vegetableand a magnificent greenhouse and conservatory. Today, the beautifully preserved and maintained refuge is a spectacular community resource for learning and quiet recreation. Preston and Camilla are the driving forces that keep it in service for all to enjoy. Preston is quick to note that beauty has its price in the variety of work required in caring for the gardens. Without a doubt, managing the facilities requires a large amount of physical stamina. During the hottest times of the year, the staff may arrive as early as 6:00 a.m. to begin digging, lifting, hauling, cutting, and other labor-intensive work. Indoor tasks include fundraising, always a priority, and communication tasks, such as writing articles for the semi-annual newsletter, The Gardeners Journal, which goes out to donors and other friends. Camilla edits and writes for the newsletter, while handling other communications tasks, as well. Community outreach is her strong suit. She is constantly creating courses and other learning experiences for groups of all ages. In her Young Naturalists summer program, second through sixth graders come every morning for a week to explore nature. We study all areas of natureplant life, birds, snakes, turtles, everything, Wilcox explains. This year, the students had a focus on healthy food, planting and taking home plants, and preparing food that incorporated herbs and vegetables from the garden. One morning they made radish and butter sandwiches, and another morning, they tasted ratatouille. Both Preston and Camilla are known throughout the community as unsurpassed gardening resources. Preston is the go-to person for information about botanical things and Camilla about teaching and learning about plants. Both have their own gardens at home. Preston has a penchant for dwarf conifers, day lilies, and elephant ears. In addition, dogs play a big part in Prestons home life. She loves dachshunds and has four of them, including one 15-year-old. She is a deeply involved volunteer with dog rescue organizations. However, Camilla tends toward growing perennials and vegetables at Reynolda, as well as modern plants and testing horticultural techniques at work, and she collects and designs plantings off hours to the time period of her Federal style house. Her husband, Sydney C. Teague II, is the hands-on gardener at home. Both women are often approached at parties or on the street for free advice. Preston cant resist the urge to provide information, such as the time she was in a big home improvement store and a customer was complaining to a clerk about leaf spots on his Japanese Maple tree. Preston turned and asked him whether the tree was planted recently and if the weather had been scorching. Yes, he sighed, just as Preston said, Its only sunburn, and made further recommendations to restore its health. Early on, Preston lived in Reynolda Gardens in the boat house on Lake Katharine. What a spectacular place it was to watch sunrises and sunsets. It was beautiful year-around. Mists and iceabsolutely lovely. There was a downside, however. Slitherly, slimy snakes often found their way inside. Her containment method was to slam a bucket over the snake and then stabilize the bucket with a brick until the snake could be safely removed into its original habitat. Salem days are very memorable for both alumnae. Preston is from an established family in Winston-Salem. Her mother, Edmonia (Monie) Rowland was a Salem College alumna, class of 1952 and May Queen; and her mothers sister, Emily Burns, was in the class of 1950. Preston enrolled in Salem Academy, first as a day student and then for her senior year, a boarder. Her memories include classes taught by Ann Dowell, biology and advanced biology, and those of Suzanne Britt, who taught Latin. Mrs. Britt went to school with my daddy and called him Bobby. That raised the bar of awe a little for me in that class. Once, in another classchemistrywe all bet on who would make the worst grade. I did, and I started collecting those quarter bets. One friend wouldnt pay, and I harassed her in Mrs. Britts class.

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Preston Stockton A73 and Camilla Prevette Wilcox C70 at Reynolda Gardens. Soon after, Mrs. Britt called me outside the door. She looked at me and said, Hold out your hand! I had no clue what she was doing. I held out my hand, and she put in a quarter. Then she said, The bets paid. Get on with it. I did! Art major Camilla, a native of Salisbury, N.C., remembers skills that she learned in Dr. Steve Nohlgrens biology classes. He had us sketch plants in botany class. I use many of the techniques he taught us with my students now. Dr. Louise Gossett taught me how to write. She worked with me until I understood what to do. I also recall that author Robert Morgan spent a year at Salem when I was there. He had been talking about contemporary writers that the class should read and realized that the students were not reading widely. I remember he slammed his fist on his desk and said to the class, If you girls dont read, youll never learn to write! Like Preston, Camilla also has strong family ties to Salem. Her sister, Dr. Mary Prevette OBriant C61, also has been an active volunteer with her class at Salem. Also, Camillas first husband, Neil J. Wilcox (d. 1997) earned his teaching certificate at Salem. After Salem Academy, Preston went to UNC-Chapel Hill, earning a degree in botany, and afterwards to Sandhills Community College for an AAS degree in horticulture. Then she had an internship at Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson in Virginia, a job at Stratford Hall, the home of Robert E. Lee, also in Virginia, and then came back to WinstonSalem and Reynolda Gardens. She has worked through a $1.4 million restoration of the gardens and the restoration of the greenhouse and conservatory. At one point, we couldnt go in the greenhouse when the wind was blowingthe glass panes would fall out and break on the floor! Her biggest challenge today is money. Fundraising is highly important to maintaining our work. Camillas career has always been in the teaching field. She passionately speaks of the joys of reaching children and sharing with them the joys of natural environments. This incredible place is a microcosm of the Piedmont environment. It is hugely challenging to get children here with the cuts in education budgets. Adults are today separated from nature, also. Here in the gardens, that separation can quickly change to involvement. My challenge is to get people here.

25 Salem Academy

Marathon Runner Wont Let Diabetes Slow Her DownYou have to learn how to manage your health. You have to really let it become part of who you are, she says of life with diabetes. Its a daily part of life and its made me a stronger person. I feel really good about where I am. Watson ran her first half-marathon in 2010 and tried unsuccessfully to join the JDRF NYC Marathon team later that year. This year, with her spot on the team secured, she used her passion for running to give back. You have to raise $3,500 to get a spot, said Watson, who said she used social networking sites like Facebook to surpass that goal. All you have to do is invite people to give; theres such a joy in generosity. Really Im just helping people see that if a group of people do something small, it can be really big. Ive been overwhelmed. Aside from raising money, Watson adhered to a strict training program to prepare herself physically for the 26.2 mile race. It was a tougher program than what I had last year. There were 40 of us doing it and a coach emailed out the plan. Lots of folks met in NYC and ran together, but it was cool to have a group to email with. Watson currently lives in Laurel Springs, N.C., with her husband Mark and works as the assistant director of the Moravian Camp and Conference Center there. Though she has worked hard to get where she is today, she praises her high school alma mater for the self-confidence that informs each of her endeavors. I give Salem the credit for teaching me that Im a strong person capable of doing anything I want to do. To donate, visit and search Lauras name. Or, email Laura at [email protected] for donation info.

While most of her competitors at the New York City Marathon in November kept a close eye on their running page, Laura Sides Watson A 94 C99 checked to make sure her blood sugar didnt rise or fall to a dangerous level. The distance of the race is not whats in the forefront of my mind, its, Hey, am I going to have to eat? Im going to have to check my blood sugar every three milescan I do that while running? I dont want to slow down that much. Im not trying to set records, but I go into each race with a goal for myself, she says. Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 11, Watson was ecstatic to run this fall as part of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation team, an organization she says was an invaluable resource for her family as she became acclimated to life with the chronic condition. Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation is an incredible organization, says Watson. They give 80 percent of every donation to research; theyre always doing incredible things to improve life for people with diabetes. While a student at the Academy, Watson ran her first 5K race as part of the schools field hockey team. Since then, running has helped her keep her health in check.

26 Magazine 2011

Fighting AlzheimersAs Academy alumna Ryan Triplette A96 knows all too well, Alzheimers Disease is an affliction that has touched many lives. After watching both her grandfather and an aunt struggle with the disease, the Washington, D.C., resident was devastated to learn that her close friends father was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimers. The pair soon discovered they werent alone in seeing loved ones affected by the disease, and decided to do something to help fight it. We realized, by just talking to people, how many people had been touched by it, says Triplette. So, we wanted to do something very proactive. That desire to take action led to Blondes vs. Brunettes (, a football-centered Alzheimers charity. The organization takes the tradition of powder puff football up a notch, with funyet-athletic games of flag football played to raise money for the Alzheimers Association. The idea was born of a love of football, along with a need to create a charitable event thats more affordable than the standard benefit or ball. There are a lot of charities in D.C., but they are kind of out of the price point that most people can afford, explains Triplette. We really wanted to do something to make a change and make (the event) accessible to everyone. The charitys name, a nod to the playful adage of Who has more fun? was born of a natural divide in hair color among their friends (women of other hair colors get to choose which team to join). Participantswho try out for the team and then practice for weeks beforehandare drawn to the event because it offers a chance to be social and active, while helping a good cause. Participants usually get involved for one of three reasons, she says. They either do it to get to know people in a teamwork-sports environment, they simply have a love of football

or the disease has touched them in some way. Its fascinating to see how the event resonates with people on so many different levels. Though the event started in D.C., it has since spread across the nation, with games being played in cities such as New York, Chicago and Houston. The group has new chapters in 10 more cities, including Los Angeles and two in North CarolinaCharlotte and Raleigh. So far, theyve raised more than $2 million dollars nationally, with 95 percent of those funds going to the Alzheimers Association. As Blondes vs. Brunettes continues to grow, Triplette hopes to continue expansion and raise more money for the Alzheimers Association. Her drive to grow the charity and truly make a difference was instilled in her during her time as a student at Salem. Salem always inspired me that if you had a creative idea, you should to pursue it, she says. With the education you receive at Salem, it pushes you to not see boundaries and go past limitations. I learned very early on at Salem that when women work together, they really can change the world.

27 Salem Academy

Recent Academy Grad Enjoys Eye-opening Experience in ChinaThe world got a little smaller last semester for Brooke Shaffer A08, who traveled across the Pacific to spend five months in Hong Kong as part of the Phillips Ambassadors program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Its a program that encourages study abroad in Asia, focusing on India and China, explained Shaffer, who is a junior at UNC this fall. Its a more in-depth, academic way to do study abroad. Its also about bringing the study abroad experience back to North Carolina. The Shelby, N.C., native is excited to share her experience in China with others through presentations and a research paper focusing on how press freedom has changed in Hong Kong since the 1997 transfer of sovereignty from the United Kingdom back to China. She said she wants to help people understand more about China on a personal level. I got to see a lot of different sides of Hong Kong. I expected everyone to speak English when I went there, but then was very surprised when most of my eating out consisted of pointing at pictures. I got a lot of chickens with the heads still on and fish with their eyeballs poking out, she laughed. While in Hong Kong, Shaffer attended the Chinese University of Hong Kong and took classes in global communication and public relations. She said one of her most enriching experiences came from conversations with her roommate, a girl from mainland China. Even though she didnt speak great English she really tried to talk to me and tell me about her life in China, Shaffer said, adding that she arrived back in the United States with an enhanced ability to understand global issues. I came back with the ability to look at issues from more than one side. Theres obviously some conflict between the U.S. and China and I would be sitting in classroom discussions about current events, seeing how people have different viewpoints but realizing they make complete sense. It was really eye-opening.28 Magazine 2011

A Classmates Lasting LegacyTheres little doubt that Sherri Gibson Mauldin A65 C73 made her mark during her years at the Academy and College. Known equally for her musical talents and her warm, friendly nature, Gibson had many friends at both schools. It was just a very easy friendship, says Elizabeth Jackie Noyes A65. We kind of looked at her as being a more worldly personshe was always able to put things into perspective. We shared that time of growing into maturity together, the pains and joys of that process. Mauldin passed away on August 10, 2010 at age 63. Though shed been ill for some time, her death still came as a shock to former classmates who visited the Academy this past summer. As they toured the school, they recalled their classmate as an excellent student and faithful friend. She was always very generous with her time, always willing to listen to you when she could sense there was a problem, says Noyes. Mauldins musical gifts were honed during her days at the Academy. An accomplished pianist, she was also a member of the glee club during her high school years. Her exemplary piano playing even earned her a coveted honor at the Academy. She was in glee club and she was my accompanist for several years, says Jean Burroughs, former Academy music teacher. That was unusual to have a student at the Academy be an accompanistit was a high honor. She was very good at that, she loved her music and she loved the Academy. Mauldins love for the Academy and its glee club continued long after graduation. For several years, she served as director of alumnae affairs for the Academy, and continued to assist the glee club. I remember a time, after we had graduated and Sherri was employed by the Academy, that the glee club was performing in an out-of-state concert, recalls Mary Dozier Lyles A65. And even though Sherri was incapacitated due to her already failing health, her ex-husband, Tom, made a bed for her in the back of the car and off they went to what was, for them, a very important event not to be missed. Clearly, Mauldins dedication to family, friends and the Academy has left a legacy that will continue to live on. In August 2010, Mauldins family and friends established The Sherri Gibson Mauldin Music Scholarship in her memory. She was so unassuming and really very comfortable with who she was, says Noyes. She clearly made something of herselfshe was so involved with her family, her friends and the community. She really did have an incredible life.29 Salem Academy

30 Magazine 2011

Reunion 2011A beautiful spring weekend greeted over 120 alumnae as they gathered for Reunion Weekend 2011, a time of reconnecting and reminiscing! Alumnae reunited with classmates and faculty members and made new friends with other Salem sisters who will forever share the bond as graduates of Salem Academy. The weekend was filled with many events that included a kick-off party with great food, drinks, and the band Black & Blue on Friday, April 29; campus tours, alumnae panel, class photos, a luncheon for all reunion alumnae on Saturday, April 30; and a farewell brunch in the dining room on Sunday, May 1. The Academy dining room was filled with laughter, hugs, and a lot of excitement as the alumnae (from classes ending in 1

or 6) gathered for the reunion luncheon to hear a campus update and honor the recipients of our various alumnae awards. The alumnae awards recipients this year included: Martha Brown Brownie Rogers Plaster A61 C65 and Rachel Oestreicher Bernheim A61 (Distinguished Alumna), Sarah Parrott Lathrop A86 (Alumna Service), and Wynne Overton A96 (Young Alumna). Thank you to everyone who volunteered numerous hours of service to help make this a very successful reunion weekend. We look forward to seeing you back on campus in five years for your next reunion, although we welcome you with open arms every day we love visitors!

Brownie Rogers Plaster A61 C65 accepts the Distinguished Alumna award from Head of School, Karl Sjolund.

Susan Pauly, president of Salem Academy & College, addresses alumnae at the reunion luncheon on Saturday, April 30.

31 Salem Academy

We pause to honor the alumnae from 1946, our earliest class in attendance.

Special guest of the class of 1966, former music teacher and Glee Club director, Jean Burroughs, is recognized at the luncheon.

Spirit, the Academys small ensemble, performs for the Golden Alumnae Dinner on Saturday night.


Young alumna award winner and associate director of admissions, Wynne Overton A96, poses with her parents. Her mom, Betsy, is a teacher at the Academy and her dad, Larry, is a professor at the college. Its a family affair!

Members of the class of 1961 sing the alma mater at the close of the luncheon.

Classmates from 1966, Susan Scott Cunning, Ingrid Pierce Brantley, Virginia Gibbs Dugan and Leeza Maybury Miller, relax in the lounge area during the mix and mingle.

Siri Lise Holland Doub A86 brought her daughter and a friend with her to reunion weekend. Future Salem sisters? We can only hope so!

32 Magazine 2011

Patty Nash Wheeler, Emily Pleasants Smith and Julia Miley, were part of a large group back from the class of 1961 for their golden reunion!

...and Reminiscing!

Martha Manning A73, president of the alumnae association, presents a check to Head of School, Karl Sjolund, in the amount of $139,641 in reunion giving to the annual fund (as of the start of the luncheon).

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Current Salem students, Cate McDowell A14, Haley Norris A14 and Ariel Shen A12, volunteer at the merchandise table during registration.

Liz Austell Allen A91 and Kika Tronchin A91 catch up during the mix and mingle before lunch.

Martha Stevens Sutton, Lucy Brown Vance and Bette Peterson from the wonderful class of 1971.

Rebecca Harvin Woltz A76 and Pat Church Schipke A76 reminisce about their days at the Academy.

Martha Brown Brownie Rogers Plaster A61 C65

Rachel Oestreicher Bernheim A61

Alumna AwardsEach year, the awards committee of the Alumnae Association recognizes alumnae whose professional accomplishments, contributions to their communities and service to Salem deserve special recognition. At this years Reunion Weekend, Salem Academy honored four of its alumnae with awards.34 Magazine 2011

Distinguished Alumna AwardThe Distinguished Alumna Award recognizes outstanding service and achievement by an alumna either in her community and volunteer service and/or professional career and achievements. This year, there were two deserving recipients of this award. Martha Brown Brownie Rogers Plaster A61 C65 was honored with the Distinguished Alumna Award for her service to Salem and the community. A mother and grandmother, she has taken an active role in her community of Shelby, N.C., serving on the boards of both the United Way and Salvation Army; acting as chairman of the Cleveland County Library System, the North Carolina Library Certification Commission and the Cleveland County Community Foundation. She also served as founding chairman of the Cleveland County Historic

Preservation Commission and currently works as chairman of Destination Cleveland County, Inc., a non-profit dedicated to promoting Cleveland Countys cultural heritage. Rachel Oestreicher Bernheim A61 was also honored with the Distinguished Alumna Award for her service to Salem and the community. Bernheim, who also attended Sarah Lawrence College, has had a long philanthropic career that includes speaking before Congress and the United Nations on behalf of the Raoul Wallenberg Committee, a non-profit dedicated to preserving the legacy of Holocaust humanitarian, Raoul Wallenberg. Her philanthropic efforts also include serving on the board of the American Symphony Orchestra, the American Division of Peace Board, and as a member of the Metropolitan Opera Club/Lotus Club. She is an active supporter of her alma mater, having hosted Salem Academy alumnae gatherings in New York, where she resides with her husband. She also continues the tradition of giving the yearly Oestreicher grant to Rowan Regional Medical Center in her hometown of Salisbury, N.C., maintaining her familys legacy of support for the hospital.

Sarah Parrott Lathrop A86

Wynne Overton A96

Alumna Service AwardThe Alumna Service Award recognizes outstanding contributions to the Academy, whether through leadership, fundraising, admissions recruitment, publicity or other means to promote the schools mission. Sarah Parrott Lathrop A86 was honored with the Alumna Service Award. Sarah has maintained a strong relationship with the Salem community. After she finished her degree in French at UNC-Chapel Hill, she took a job as an alumnae office assistant at Salem College before moving on to work as the associate director of alumni affairs at UNC-Charlotte. In Charlotte, she is a member of the Salem Charlotte Alumnae Club and has previously served as president of the club and as a co-chair of the Charlotte Gramley Dinner. In addition, she has served on the Salem Academy Alumnae Board, the Salem Academy and College Board of Visitors, the Salem Steering Committee and as Academy Reunion Chair. Aside from her service to Salem, Sarah volunteers with several local organizations, including the Childrens Theatre of Charlotte, Christ Episcopal Church and Wing Haven Gardens. She is also a member of the Mint Auxiliary and a board member and life member of ENCORE!

Young Alumna AwardThe Young Alumna Award recognizes an alumna who, within 20 years of her graduation from the Academy, exemplifies outstanding qualities of leadership and achievement. Wynne Overton A96 was honored with the Young Alumna Award this year. Wynne graduated with honors from Meredith College in Raleigh, earning a BA in public history. From there, she moved on to Columbia, S.C., to begin graduate studies at the University of South Carolina. She returned to Salem in 2005 to take on the role of associate director of admissions. In that role, Wynne wears many hatsfaculty advisor, sophomore class sponsor and Honor Guide sponsor. And though her duties at Salem keep her busy, she still finds time be active in the community as a member of the Winston-Salem Junior League and St. Pauls Episcopal Church, as well as a volunteer at the Childrens Museum of WinstonSalem.

35 Salem Academy

Chairs of Designhas been an adjunct professor teaching a history of furniture design at Appalachian State University in Boone. In order to improve Salem Academy and Colleges design research library, the Suttons have donated his personal library of more than 900 books on furniture, architecture, design, history, and interiors. The Sutton Furniture Book Collection is the most comprehensive that Dr. Rose Simon, director of Salems Gramley Library, has seen outside the Bienenstock collection in High Point. The collection is available now as part of the Gramley library. A major component of the Sutton Initiative for Design Education is The Teaching Chair Collection. One of the most varied of all furniture types, the chair is the focus of incessant experimentation, especially in the 20th century. During the past century, designers have drawn on the possibilities offered both by new materials and new technological processes to transform the chair into a functional item that also is an object of sculptural beauty. About 40 chairs that are icons of furniture historians will make up the core of Salems Sutton collection. Each chair is unique by design, use of materials and technology, innovation, or creativity. The chairs chosen for The Teaching Chair Collection have stood the test of time or seem set to do so. A few of these chairs have sold millions, some have remained in continuous production since they were first designed and marketed and, today, all are in current production. These chairs reflect the energy and creativity of one of the most inventive and exciting periods in furniture history. The chair collection gift is in preparation. Each item will be a high quality reproduction such that students can handle and come to understand the components that make the object. Salem Academy students taking the decorative arts course will be able to utilize both the library and chairs as they study the history of American decorative arts and material culture. The Teaching Chair Collection is unique in that no other educational institution in the country has assembled a comparable collection of chairs that students can study and use as a source of inspiration. The Suttons are delighted to help Salem, as he explains, We want Salem Academy and College to have these collections. Its locationin the heart of a state that recently had a thriving furniture industry with an enormous impact on the economyis one of the reasons we chose Salem to have them. Another is Marthas personal connection through Salem Academy and through many other of her relatives who are alumnae of the Academy and College.

Charles and Martha Allene Stevens Sutton A71 created an educational initiative, and they are crafting it with significant professional expertise for the benefit of Salem students. The Sutton Initiative for Design Education (SIDE), named in honor of Martha, is an educational resource with three components: collaboration, scholarship, and research. Shaped uniquely for Salem Academy and College, this new interior design program is fashioned to teach students by means of a vibrant engagement with design. The goal is to educate a 21stcentury thinking designer, who is at the intersection of art, design, and architecture. Charles Sutton has a strong background in design, furniture making, education, and law. He holds several degrees and has owned his own fine furniture reproduction company, Sutton House Reproductions, specializing in handcrafted, 18th century American museum-quality furniture. He twice won the industrys Daphne Award for his best reproduction furniture. Affiliated with Century Furniture Industries, his company was responsible for reproductions licensed by the British National Trust and the Smithsonian Institution. In addition, Sutton was President and CEO of Arthur Brett & Sons (USA) Ltd. He served as the Chairman of the Board for the North Carolina Museum of Art and on the Board and Executive Committee of the Bienenstock Furniture Library, which serves the furniture industry and contains more than 8,000 volumes, some dating as far back as 1620. He also published the magazine Furniture Review. In recent years, he

36 Magazine 2010 2011

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Margot de St. Aubin A11 with her aunt, Margaret Wren de St. Aubin A77

Jen Musso A11 with her sisters, Melanie A10 (left) and Marissa A09 (right)

Scarlett Voss A11 with her father, Brian Voss, Assistant Director of Grounds

Liz Alden Pryor A11 with her mother, Lucie Van Meter Pryor A70

Sarah Eshelman A05 with her sister, Susan Eshelman A1138 Magazine 2010 2011

Eleanor James Vance A46 and Lucy Brown Vance A71

Erynn Stainback A11 with her sister, Leigh Ann Stainback A04

Jennie Smith McLaurin C81 with her daughter, Rainey McLaurin A12 and Raineys godmother, Kate Gilmore Streng A66

Camille Disher McDowell A81 and her daughter, Cate McDowell A14

Marguerite Oestreicher (Salem College graduate student) and her sister-in-law, Rachel Oestreicher Bernheim A61

Notes and NoticesSave the Date: Reunion Weekend April 27-29, 2012The Salem Academy Alumnae Association is seeking nominations for the 2012 Alumnae Awards. Do you know an alumna who is a dedicated volunteer, has an outstanding career or has achievement in service? If so, please let us know! Please note that the alumna chosen should have graduated in a class year ending in 2 or 7 for the 2012 awards. Nominations for these awards must be received by January 6, 2012. Awards will be presented during Reunion Weekend 2012. Each year Salem Academy recognizes alumnae in the following categories: Distinguished Alumna Award, Alumna Service Award and Young Alumna Award. Award nominations are reviewed and recipients are selected by the Alumnae Associations Alumnae Awards Committee. Please mail all nominations to: Salem Academy Alumnae Office 500 E. Salem Ave. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 or email to: [email protected]

39 Salem Academy 39 Salem Academy

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Remembering a Friend

Sue Jones Davis C55, Roy Davis Jr. and President Susan E. Pauly. Salem lost one of its greatest supporters this year when Board of Trustees member Roy Davis, Jr., passed away on September 15, 2011. A Concord, North Carolina, native, Davis was a 1955 graduate of Davidson College and was chairman-emeritus of S&D Coffee, Inc., the company