achieving environmental, energy & economic performance goals

Achieving Environmental, Energy & Economic Performance Goals through EMS: An examination of EO 13423 and EO 13514 and their Impact on Federal Facilities

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Achieving Environmental,

Energy & Economic Performance Goals

through EMS:

An examination of EO 13423 and EO 13514

and their Impact on Federal Facilities

Presentation Overview

• Review of Executive Orders 13423 and 13514.

• Review the sustainability goals of the Executive Orders.

• Discuss why the EMS should be used to achieve the goals and how to use it.

• Discuss obstacles to using the EMS.

• Present potential solutions for overcoming the obstacles.

Executive Order 13423-Strengthening Federal Environmental,

Energy, and Transportation Management

• Issued January 24, 2007 by President George W. Bush

• Designed to strengthen key goals for the Federal Government.

• Set more challenging goals than the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and superseded EO 13123 and EO 13149.

U.S. Department of Energy

Executive Order 13423-Strengthening Federal Environmental,

Energy, and Transportation Management

Sets numerous Federal energy and environmental management requirements in areas including:

• Reducing Energy Intensity

• Increasing Use of Renewable Energy

• Reducing Water Intensity

• Designing and Operating Sustainable Buildings

• Managing Federal Fleets

U.S. Department of Energy

Executive Order 13514-Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy,

and Economic Performance

• Issued October 5, 2009 by President Barack Obama

• Does not replace or eliminate the requirements of EO 13423.

• Expands upon the energy reduction and environmental performance requirements of EO 13423.

U.S. Department of

Executive Order 13514-Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy,

and Economic Performance

Sets numerous Federal requirements in areas including:

• Accountability and Transparency • Strategic Sustainability Performance Planning • Greenhouse Gas Management • Sustainable Buildings and Communities • Water Resource Efficiency • Electronics Stewardship• Fleet and Transportation Management • Pollution Prevention and Waste Reduction

U.S. Department of Energy

The Goal of EO 13514

"to establish an integrated strategy towards sustainability in the Federal Government and to make reduction of greenhouse gas emissions a priority for Federal agencies. "

An Overview of the Sustainability Goals of

Executive Orders 13514 and 13423

REFERENCES: Executive Order 13423, January 24, 2007; Executive Order 13514, October 5, 2009; Crosswalk for EO 13514, EO 13423, and Other Statutes, Office of the Federal

Environmental Executive-

Executive Orders 13514 and 13423

Performance Area EO 13514 E.O 13423

Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Reduction X

Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy X X

Water Resource Efficiency X X

Pollution Prevention/Waste Reduction X X

Sustainable Communities X

Sustainable Building/Construction X X

Sustainable Acquisition X X

Electronics Stewardship X X

Environmental Management X X

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory & Reduction

1.Prepare baseline inventory of scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions. (EO 13514)- January 2011

2.Establish % reduction targets of scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions. (EO 13514)

Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy

1. Reduce energy intensity in buildings.(EO 13514 and EO 13423)

2. Increase agency use of renewable energy (EO 13514 and EO 13423)

3. Ensure 50% of renewable energy from new sources. (EO 13423)

4. Use low GHG emitting vehicles. (EO 13514)

5. Optimize the number of fleet vehicles. (EO 13514)

6. Increase non-petroleum fuel use. (EO 13423)

7. Reduce consumption of vehicle petroleum. (EO 13514 and EO 13423)

Water Resource Efficiency

1. Reduce potable water consumption intensity. (EO 13514 and EO 13423)

2. Reduce industrial, landscaping and agricultural water consumption. (EO 13514)

3. Implement water management strategies to reduce potable water consumption. (EO 13514)

4. Implement and achieve objectives in the Stormwater Management Guidance (Section 14 of the EO). (EO 13514)

Pollution Prevention/ Waste Reduction

1. Minimize waste and pollutants through source reduction. (EO 13514)

2. Increase waste diversion rate. (EO 13514 and EO 13423)

3. Divert at least 50% on non-hazardous solid waste and at least 50% of construction and demolition debris. (EO 13514)

4. Reduce printing paper use. (EO 13514)5. Use printing paper containing at least 30%

post-consumer fiber. (EO 13514 and EO 13423)

Pollution Prevention/ Waste Reduction

6. Reduce and minimize the quantities of toxic and hazardous chemicals and materials acquired, used and disposed of. (EO 13514 and EO 13423)

7. Increase organic and compostable materials diverted from the waste stream. (EO 13514)

8. Implement integrated pest management practices. (EO 13514)

9. Increase use of alternative chemicals and processes. (EO 13514)

10. Decrease chemical usage to meet GHG emission reduction targets. (EO 13514)

11. Report according to EPCRA. (EO 13514)

Sustainable Communities1. Participate in regional transportation planning;

recognize existing community transportation. (EO 13514)

2. Align federal policies to increase effectiveness of local energy planning. (EO 13514)

3. Ensure new facilities are transit-oriented or emphasize existing planned town centers. (EO 13514)

4. For proposed new or expanded facilities, identify impacts from energy usage and alternatives in all EISs and EAs. (EO 13514)

5. Coordinate with regional environmental management programs (ecosystem, watershed). (EO 13514)

Sustainable Building/Construction

1.Design new buildings (in planning by 2020) to achieve zero-net-energy by 2030. (EO 13514)

2.15% of existing building inventory meet Guiding Principles (EO 13514 and EO 13423) and continue towards 100% compliance for complete building performance. (EO 13514)

Sustainable Building/Construction

4.Pursue cost effective, innovative strategies to reduce energy, water and material use. (EO 13514)

5.Identify opportunities to dispose of and consolidate unused real property assets. (EO 13514)

6.Ensure retrofitting and renovation of federally owned historic properties. (EO 13514)

Sustainable Acquisition1. Acquisition must ensure biobased,

environmentally preferable, energy efficient, and contain recycled content. (EO 13423)

2. 95% of all new contracts (except weapon systems) require products and services that are:

Energy and water efficient Biobased Environmentally preferable Non ozone depleting Contain recycled content Non/less toxic alternatives

(EO 13514)

Electronics Stewardship1. Ensure EPEAT-registered electronic products,

procurement of Energy Star and FEMP designated equipment. (EO 13423 and EO 13514)

2. Implement policies to enable power management, duplex printing and other features. (EO 13423 and EO 13514)

3. Use environmentally sound disposal practices for electronics. (EO 13423 and EO 13514)

4. Implement energy efficient best practices of servers and data centers. (EO 13514)

Environmental Management

1. Implement environmental management systems (EMS) to support the goals of the Executive Order. (EO 13423)

2. Continue implementation of formal EMS at all appropriate organizational levels; and ensure EMS is appropriately implemented and maintained to achieve the performance necessary to meet the goals of the Executive Order. (EO 13514)

Why EMS? EO 13423 and EO 13514

require and support the implementation and use ofEMS to achieve the performance goals of the Executive Orders.

Federal EMS implementation guidance documents (i.e. U.S. Air Force) require installations to consider the requirements of the Executive Orders when identifying significant environmental aspects and setting objectives and targets.

Why EMS?

Environmental Management Systems (EMS) are intended to help organizations achieve improved environmental performance.

EMS Planning

• Environmental policy• Environmental aspects and

impacts• Legal and other requirements• Objectives, targets, and





EMS Implementation and Continual Improvement

• Training awareness and competence

• Communication • Documentation• Control of documents• Operational Control

• Monitoring and measuring• Nonconformance, corrective and

preventive action • Control of records

• Management review





Obstacles at Installations• Organizational structure

• Lack of leadership understanding

• Still considered a separate Environmental Program

• Resources- funding and personnel

• Lack of understanding of contribution by installation towards agency goals

• Objectives and targets are not aligned with strategic direction of the installation

Possible Solutions• EMS coordinated outside of the

Environmental Office with full support (passion) from leadership.

• Align EMS with strategic planning and budget process.

• Be ahead of the game. Do it your way before it gets done to you.

• Collaborate with leaders in industry and academia and be a test bed for innovation.

Contact InformationAlice Beechner Reeves, PhD, PE, LEED AP

President & Principal


[email protected]

Amy M. Gillman

Director of Business Operations


[email protected]