acos #4: explain effects of european exploration upon european society and native americans,...

Chapter 3, Lesson 3 ACOS #4: Explain effects of European exploration upon European society and Native Americans, including the economic and cultural impact. ACOS #4a: Identify significant early European patrons and explorers and early settlements. ACOS #4b: Locate the countries of origin of early European patrons and explorers.

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World Travel and Trade

Chapter 3, Lesson 3ACOS #4: Explain effects of European exploration upon European society and Native Americans, including the economic and cultural impact.ACOS #4a: Identify significant early European patrons and explorers and early settlements.ACOS #4b: Locate the countries of origin of early European patrons and explorers.

1settlement = a small community of people living in a new place, usually a frontier region.epidemic = An outbreak of disease that spreads quickly and affects many peoplecircumnavigate = to sail completely around somethingKey Vocabulary Words2Christopher Columbus studied navigation and believed he could reach Asia by a new route.In 1486, Columbus asked King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to pay for his voyage. They couldnt sponsor his trip because Spain was fighting the Muslims in Africa.Spains attempt to push the Muslims out was called the Spanish Reconquista.Facts

3Columbus asked King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella a second time to pay for his voyage to Asia. This time they agreed. Spain had won their war and needed gold and spices that would be found in Asia.Columbus set sail from Palos, Spain, on August 3, 1492.


Columbus left Spain thinking he was going to land in the Spice Islands.He landed hereClose to 90 men traveled on the three ships named the Nina, the Pinta, and Santa Maria.The first ship to spot land was the Pinta on October 12, 1492.


6The ships had arrived at an island in the Caribbean.Columbus named that island San Salvador, in present day Bahamas.Columbus believed he had reached land off the coast of Asia, near India.

The sailors on this expedition were the first Europeans to meet people of the Caribbean.These people called themselves the Taino.Columbus visited two other islands, Cuba and Hispaniola.Ferdinand and Isabella wanted Columbus to start settlements and to search for gold. Europeans cut down rain forests on Caribbean islands.Also, Europeans caused many plants and animals to die.

8The hoped he would find riches, such as gold.Why did King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella pay for Columbuss voyage? Movement of plants, animals, and people between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres is known as the Columbian Exchange.The Columbian Exchange helped all people. Potatoes became important to the Europeans Corn was important crop in Africa. Tomatoes, peanuts, beans and peppers are grown several places.


Pedro Cabral explored eastern South American in 1500 and claimed it for Portugal.Amerigo Vespucci made several voyages to South America and the Caribbean. Exploration Continues

Vasco Balboa sailed to present-day Panama in Central America. In 1513, he crossed the mountains and jungles of Panama and reached the Pacific Ocean. Exploration Continues:

He was a Portuguese soldier and sailor who sailed for Spain.He thought he could go west from Spain, around South America and end back in Spain.He started his trip in 1519 with 250 men and 5 ships.He reached the Pacific Ocean in 1520 and named it Pacific which means Peaceful. Ferdinand Magellan

To cross the Pacific Ocean and return to Spain.What was Ferdinand Magellans purpose when he set sail from Spain in 1519?Magellan and his crew continued to sail west.Many sailors died of disease and starvation.Magellan was killed in a battle in the Philippine Islands.One ship and 18 men made it back to Spain in 1522 loaded with valuable Spices.Ferdinand Magellan

They became the first to circumnavigate around the world.