activate coaching for performance


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David Margetts

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Your Strategic Direction

What are Your critical Business Objectives this Year? To be #1 in your Market Place? To be the ‘Provider of Choice’? Grow Your Market Share? Drive Up Top Line Revenue? Reduce Bottom Line Operational Expenses? Build Distribution Capacity? Build Human Capital & Capability?

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The Critical Success Factors

What are the Critical Performance areas that will enable Your Business to achieve it’s objectives this year? Excellent Customer Relationships? Higher Productivity? Attracting & Selecting the ‘best’? Retaining & Developing Your Sales People? Maximising Executive & Field Leadership

Capability? Embracing a Quality Culture? Implementing a new business model for F2F?

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Building Capability

What are the Critical Development Needs that will deliver Performance? Coaching & Leading to Success? Managing Activity for Results? Managing Performance and Standards? Effective ‘Active’ Recruitment & Selection? Superior New starter Induction and retention? New Customer Acquisition – Prospecting? Relationship Selling – an end to end sales

process? Sustaining an Profitable Customer Experience? Change Management and Changing Behaviours?

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“What We Do”“Activate Coaching for Performance” has been set up to help Individuals, Teams and Businesses to Maximise their Potential in exceeding their Goals.

As Performance Coaches we take full responsibility for building tailored programs to address Your identified and agreed Business, Performance and Development Needs.

It provides an holistic approach to raising Performance levels through effective operational reviews, solution development & implementation, up to the all important Results delivery.

It combines diagnostic, training, performance coaching and strong ‘follow through’ in order to have the greatest impact on sustainable Performance.

Crucially we always put ‘skin in the game’ and assume full ‘partnership accountability’.

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Introducing David MargettsA Senior Business Leader with extensive Global experience operating in both mature and emerging markets, David can boast an excellent track record in consistently delivering ‘turnaround’ results. He has scored notable successes in relation to in raising Sales Productivity, building Distribution, delivering Manpower Growth, and in developing top Executives.  A committed and energetic Leader, David is passionate about Coaching teams and individuals to ‘superior performance’, combining both strong business awareness and results orientation, with an effective coaching style and excellent relationship management skills.  In 1981 he joined the insurance industry with Friends Provident working in Home Office prior to building a career in Sales and Sales Management with Prudential UK. During a successful period with Prudential UK spanning 18 years, David enjoyed a variety of sales and sales leadership roles, starting as a District Agent in 1983 and progressively rising to Regional Manager. Consistently he exceeded set targets and was a perennial Top Quartile performer.   The last 12 years with MetLife (Alico) has given David the opportunity to continue to utilise and develop his skills and experience to deliver incremental ‘top and bottom line’ results, and measurable improvements in operational efficiency, across a wide variety of different markets and locations. These include, living in 6, and operating across more than 25 different countries, spanning Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Africa, and Asia.

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“What We Can Deliver”

The results below provide a ‘snapshot’ of ‘what has been delivered through a selection of tailored ‘Performance Improvement Coaching Programs’ Greece DSF 2012

Productivity +36% Active Agents + 48%

Spain 2013 Productivity +82% Active Agents + 61%

Lebanon 2011 Monthly Production Average +60% Monthly Recruitment Average +53%

Colombia 2011 Active Agents +25% New Contracted Agents +21%

Turkey 2010 Productivity +43% Average Premium per Agent +44%

* Source AMP Results. Based on 6 months before vs after performance comparison

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“How We Add Value”

Operational Diagnostics Performance Management Manpower Development Coaching Specialised WorkshopsWe can offer one or a combination of the above ‘tailored’ products or bespoke solutions depending upon the identified and agreed Business / Performance and Development needs.

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Operational Diagnostics

The Operational Diagnostic consists of a ‘deep dive’ into a selected part of an operation to review and understand current results, activities and processes, compared to planned objectives and best practices.The review will determine the Business, Performance and Development needs in order to propose implementable solutions that will deliver enhanced Performance.

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Performance Management Program

The Performance Management Program (PMP) will develop Field Managers and Executives to be able to proactively manage performance through Sales Activity Management. The program will coach teams and individuals on how to evaluate and manage activity, to increase their team’s Activity and Productivity levels.It will provide the approach and the tools to enable the Field Manager and Executives to segment their teams, identify the people who need most help and implement the methods they should use to create a Performance Management culture.

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Conducting a Workshop with a selected Executive Team in Lebanon 2010

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Manpower Development Programme

The Manpower Development Program (MDP) has been designed to support the development of F2F distribution. The program utilises F2F best practices that have worked successfully across the World to ‘drive up’ New Agent Recruitment, Productivity & Retention. It includes; Development in recruiting, selection and coaching of new Agents.  Active recruitment, selection and retention of agents to targets

under supervision.  Development in the supervision, monitoring and measuring of

New Agents. 

The Manpower Development Program can be adapted to support: New Agency Distribution development.  Existing Agency Growth development

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Field Management Development in Colombia

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The Executive Coaching Program (ECP) will enable selected high potential executives to enhance their leadership effectiveness, performance and career progression. Executive Coaching is aimed at the individual to achieve their full career potential while implementing their improved competencies to deliver tangible Results through an agreed Performance Improvement Project, as well as transferring skills and knowledge to their direct reports.

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‘Partnering Marcin Borowiec’ Regional Agency Director Central Europe

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Specialised Workshops

A number of ‘Specialised’ Workshops are available and can be tailored for Agents and Field Managers to support business improvement, including; Customer Centric Relationship Selling, designed to

deliver a ‘positive’ customer experience and improve activity ratios

Living a Life of Significance; designed to create Belief, Confidence and Value in the ‘Good that We do’

Maximising Our Unlimited Potential; designed to support high achievers move to the next level

Building and Retaining high value Customer Portfolio; designed to provide tools and methods for agents to Actively Prospect and Service their clients

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Observing & Providing FeedbackCEE / NO Bratislava 2008

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“What People have said about the Programs”

“It was not like any other "courses" .. what made the difference was not only the content, but the delivery style, the commitment, resourceful analysis, and the close follow up by David. made all the participants passionate and convinced that this is not "another management course" but a "must-apply" modus operandi “

- S Halawi Agency Director Lebanon

“David has definitely done it and you can tell from the way he trains. It has a different approach , tone , it is more assertive , to the point , it is real , it shows you the way.,actually the best part of it is that it works.”

J C Noujaim CEO Lebanon

“David is a world class coach for any sales person as well as for managers. He perfectly knows the agency insurance business, provides very high level trainings with tips and highly operational key success factors.”

C Garnier WE Mkting Manager F2F

“David is a no-nonsense executive who gets down to work and effectively gets the job done. He's an agency expert who's also easy to work with.” D Costello CEO Korea

“David is one of the few trainers who came up the ladder from the agents position through Agency Manager position. He can relate to the problem and analyse it and help with the right advice.”

I Horsky Senior Agency Manager Slovakia

“David had provided an invaluable service by consulting on agency development in Russia. The substantial hands-on experience in life insurance industry, great training and coaching skills as well as great character and cross-cultural sensitivity had become factors to his mission's success.” M Ryzhkov Dist Head Russia

“he is a thoroughly professional, articulate, thoughtful and energetic leader with the rare ability to get things done to a high standard all the time. He is a good strategist and knows business inside out, but allies this strength to great people skills. A top guy! “L Forrest Regional Head F2F Asia

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Delivering an Executive Program in the Middle East

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Example Duration of Programmes

Operational Diagnostic – 3-4 Days Performance Management Program – 3 days

Workshop + 20 hrs Coaching – Total 6 days Manpower Development Program - 3 days

Workshop + 20 hrs Coaching – Total 6 days Coaching Program 4 days F2F + 20 hrs

Coaching – Total 7 days Specialised Workshops – 1-2 day events

* Programs will be ‘tailored’ t0 the individual needs of the Operation

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Investment in Your Business

The Investment in Your Business is uniquely based on Our Measurable Results Delivery. There is a notional per diem Performance bonus of £ 725 payable at the end of the assignment and calculated in the following way;

Assignment days x £ 725 bonus x % of Agreed Performance Objective (KPI) (min 80% max 125%)

There is No Performance Bonus for Results < 80% Expenses for travel and accommodation to be met by the host organisation. There is no cost for admin’, preparation or travel time

We seek to provide ‘Top Class International’ experience and expertise, and without the ‘middle men’ and ‘infrastructure costs’, we can do this at ‘Local’ levels, and with a unique ‘Variable’ element based on results delivery – ‘skin in the game’.

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‘Enjoying a lighter moment’ with Nikos Daskalakis - Regional Agency Director ESE

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Next Steps

1. Book an exploratory discussion; Is there potentially a ‘match’ between Your

Business Needs and Our Results based Program?

2. Request an Operational Diagnostic; Is there an opportunity to improve Operational

Effective & Efficiency? What are the priority Performance Areas which

can ‘Move the Needle’?

3. Select an ‘off the shelf’ Solution for an identified need

Test us with an initial ‘pilot program’

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Contact Us

ACP Office +44 1454 312844 Mobile + 44 7585 900 518 E-mail [email protected] Office Address;

9 Old Mill CloseWesterleighBristolBS37 8QDUK