ad altare dei

Ad Altare Dei Chapter 1: Sacraments and Sacramentals in Our Daily Lives

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Ad Altare Dei. Chapter 1: Sacraments and Sacramentals in Our Daily Lives. Program Goal. As a Scout to Recognize the Signs of Faith in Your Daily Lives , and Their Importance. Life Experience. What is the Symbolism of the Scout Sign?. The Three Middle Fingers Standing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Ad Altare Dei

Chapter 1: Sacraments andSacramentals in Our Daily Lives

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Program Goal

As a Scout to Recognize the Signs of Faith in Your Daily Lives,

and Their Importance

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Life Experience

What is the Symbolism of the Scout Sign?

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The Three Middle Fingers StandingErect Stand for the Three Parts of

the Scout Oath

Duty to God and CountryDuty to Others

Duty to Self

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Life Experience

What is the Scout Sign Used For?

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The Scout Sign Shows You are a Scout

Give it Each Time You Recite the Scout Oath and Law

When a Scout or Scouter Raises the Scout Sign, ALL Scouts Should Make the Sign

Too, and Come to Silent Attention

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Life Experience

Explain the Symbolism Behind theScout Badge?

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Shaped Like an Arrowhead or TrefoilThis is the Basic Shape That is Used by

Scout Organizations All Over the World

1. The three points of the trefoil stand for the three parts of the Scout Oath.

2. The ‘point’ of the badge points North meaning that a Scout can point the right way in life as truly as a compass in the field.

3. There are two stars on the badge which stand for truth and knowledge.

4. The Eagle and Shield stand for Freedom and a Scouts readiness to defend that Freedom.

5. The scroll bearing the Scout motto is turned up as a reminder that a Scout smiles as he does his duty.

6. The knot represents the Scout slogan: Do a Good Turn Daily.

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Life Experience

What is the Meaning of the Scout Handshake?

Why Did Lord Baden-Powell Establish the Handshake as a Sign

of Brotherhood Among Scouts?

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The Siege of Mafeking Was the Most Famous British Action in the SecondBoer War. It Took Place in the Town of Mafeking (now called Mafikeng) inSouth Africa over 217 days, from October 1899 to May 1900,

It Turned Lieutenant-General RobertBaden-Powell into a National Hero.

He Later Went on to Found the Scouting Movement.

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After the Siege of Mafeking That Brought Baden Powell Fame and ‐ Recognition, He Met With the Great Zulu Tribal Chieftain Denizulu

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When the Chief Recognized Baden Powell, He Shook Hands ‐With Him Not With the Right Hand as is Our Custom, But With the Left Hand.

This Was an Important Sign for the Zulu Tribe. It Was a Sign of Trust & Friendship,Because a Zulu Warrior Carries His Shield on His Left Arm. To Shake the Left HandHe Had to Set Aside the Shield, ThusLeaving Himself Bare and Defenseless.

The TRUE Meaning of the ScoutHandshake is TRUST and FRIENDSHIP

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Life Experience

What Are Some Other Signs / Symbols That Are Commonly Used

in Your Daily Life or Family?

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• The• Marriage

• Friend- ship

• Uniforms

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Life Experience

Do the Seek and Find and Then Ponder the Question:

What Do You Think the Signs inthe Seek and Find Are Used For?

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Although Many of the Signs Are Used by Other Christian Faiths as Well They Were All Originally Developed by Early Catholics

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Life Experience

There Are Also Special “Outward Signs Instituted by Christ”

That Are Called Sacraments

What Does Outward Sign Mean?

What Does Instituted by Christ Mean?

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SacramentsOutward Signs are Signs and Things People do With Extra Effort (i.e. Doing Things to Show Someone Something)

Instituted by Christ Means That They Originated With Jesus’ Words and Actions, Some Directly and Some Indirectly. Sacraments for Example are Meant to Help Us Encounter Jesus Our Risen Lord Through Symbols and Words.

The Church Has Identified Seven Sacraments as Instituted by Christ Like His Sacred Word Preserved in the Scriptures. The Sacraments are Continuations of his Attitudes and Sacred Actions Which Convey His Personal Love for Us.

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Do the Unscramble and Then Ponder the Question:

What are Some of the Ways Our Faith Has Been Passed From Christian to Christian by

Tradition and Custom?

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Faith Passing• Parents • Bible• Grandparents • Books• Teachers • Video• Priests • Deacons• Stained Glass • Stations of the Windows Cross• Mass • REC

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The Mass and the Church are Filled With Other Signs and Symbols

What are Their Meanings?

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Signs / Symbols

• TheCandles

Sign of Peace

Holy Water

Sign of the Cross

Sign of the Cross at the Gospel

Light or Presence of Christ

Gesture of Forgiveness forOffenses

Baptism Purification

To Do Something in theName of God

May the Word of the Lordbe in My Mind, on My Lips,and in My Heart

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Signs / Symbols

• TheStole





Sign of Holy Orders

Sign of Jesus’ Sacrifice andour Redemption

Sign of Our Prayers Rising toHeaven

Sign of Calling to Prayer, anda Sign of Celebration

Symbols Reminding Us of theVirtues of a Saint, Christ, orMary

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The Sign of the Cross, the Fish, and the Chi Rho,

are Ancient Signs of our Faith.

Why Were They Originally Used by the Early Christians?

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Early ChristianityTo Live as a Christian in the Early Church Meant Taking the Risk of Losing Your Life at the Hands of Persecutors. Those Who Were Identified as Being Christian Often Had Their Property

Confiscated. They Were Also Tortured, Exiled or Put to Death

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Life as an Early Christian

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Who Did the Persecution?Persecution Came at the Hands of Non Christians ‐

Who May Have Been Civil Leaders, Private Citizens, andEven Other Family Members

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Early Secret Signs The Early Christians Devised Secret Signs That They Used to Identify Each Other as Christians. The Fish

and the Cross Were Common Symbols Used and Understood

Another Common Sign Used by the Early Christians and the Current Church is the Chi Rho . The Greek Letters Chi (Written ‘X’) and Rho (Written ‘P’) Were the First Two Letters of Christ's Name.

These Were Not The Only Signs Used

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How Did These Early Signs of our Faith Relate to Our Use of the

Scout Sign and Handshake?

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The Signs are Used for Identification Among Members

It Reminds One of the Commitment to the Group

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Faith Response

Think of a Story From a Book or MagazineWhat is the Lesson That Can be Learned From the Story?

A Priest Does the Same Thing at Mass

He Uses Scriptures to Draw Lessons From Daily Life

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Faith Response

At Mass for the Next Three Sundays – Listen to the Scriptures Readings and Homilies.

Share With Your Family What You Learned From the Readings and Homilies and How You Plan to Put ThisInto Practice

Please Fill Out Page 9 With Your Answers When Done

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Faith Response

Express Your Ideas of What You Have Learned in This Chapter by Doing ONE of the Following:

Perform a Skit That You or Your Group Have Created OR

Make a Video Presentation (Videos, Movies, Slides, Etc) OR

Make an Audio Presentation (Story Telling, Music Selection, Raps, Computer Presentations, Etc.

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Ongoing Activity

As You Work on the Remaining Chaptersof This Program, Do TWO of the Following:

Attend a Retreat While Working on the AAD Program OR

Attend a Day of Recollection While Working on the AAD Program OR

Complete the Crossword Puzzle in Appendix A