?ad w ?c opying b00 - library of congress...nraa a wonderfully seu>nolsed little girl, whs...

NEW PUBLIC?????& FOLK NOVELS. his. s uciland Horuun. Ç. By leuio, pp. 16H. Hai pei A. Brothers. THAT OTHER PERSON. By Mrs. Aurntn ??·??. lCnio, pp. 313. Philadelphia J. B. Uppbicott Co. IN THE WltONi» PARADISE, and Othor Stories. By AM.RKW Lam», ltliuo. pp. 2SÒ. Uurper i Brothers. A MODERN TEI.EMACHI'S. By CHsHLOTTtt M. Yo.NiiK. lOuio, pp. '¿IS. Harper i Brotbere. "Britta" Is a tale of the Shetland crofters. It has tbe drawback of being put in the' form of a narrative by a third person, who «Supposed to be tho minister of one of the islands. There ie not much plot. A tyrannical factor or merchant com¬ mits suicide under cirenmstancee which suggest murder, ani} a crofter who had qunrrclled with him ie tried for tiA crime, and has a narrow escape of the kind which does not otten happen in actual life. bouie incidental light is thrown on the way of lifo Of tho IH-asaiits iu the Shet bind isles, but no serious etudy has boon made of their condition* Alto¬ gether the story, though not without interest, is ratherthm, and thore is not much art m its present¬ ment, much of the character drawing being crude. Tbe tendency to introduco the "seamy side" of society into English novels appears to he growing rather alariinnelv. Imprinter ladies of fashion jog elbows with disreputable men of the world. The ekeleton in the èssati which used to be kept under lock and key discreetly is aawadajl paraded, after the ancient Egyptian custom, at the feast, and even the present writer seems to think it necessary to take a leaf from the notebook of the late George Reynolds. The lady who wrote "Tint Other Per¬ son" is apparently as harmless as a dive, though not perhaps as What lanssgaatlt, f.ir she cannot tell ? commonplace lovo story without gratuitously dragging in a ttacioej altogether discreditable to the hero, a'id as unnecessary to tho development of the plot. This hero is meant for an estimable young man, but he u represented as possessing about as much mural sense as Zola's Claude Lautier, aud the her.iine, though she knows of his loose conduct, and has reason to Suspect that at the vere time he wits malting hot loyo to tier he was in afl-'ctinnate correspondence With his mistres«, consents |0 he his wife. Why utter marriago she should develop an almost insane jealousy; why, having condoned so much, she Should suddenly refuse to condone anything, is one of those mysteries winch authors do'uot seem able Menata to clear np. But it is brought out that tins ill-rrgiilnteil young woman really did not love limi when she married him. ami while this fact does not clash with the conception of 1?·t darttable from her antecedents, it is unite »nit of accord with tlio position which aha takes eub.>eiiueiitiy. There is a preat deal of surplusage in the story, which could have been better told in half ? lie spare, mid oven then the qties ion would have arisen whether it was worth telling at all. Mr. Andrew Lang has so accustomed ns to brill- iaut writing that the general tlulness «if his new stories ie surprising and perplexing. That they are dull, however, must, we fear, be admitted by nearly all (at least on this side of the Atlantici who read them. The first tale, " The End of I'lin-acui " is better conceived than executed. A modern mis¬ sionary, rather of tlie Piotfcor lltiggins Tsikitjr. is wrecked on an island inhalii.e.1 by a remnant of the ancient (¡reeks, who maintain the old civili¬ sation and cults. He tries to convert them aud they prepare to sacrifice him. There is sense humor m the story, and »vident option unity for much mere, but somehow Mr. Laut;'* hand is beat y and bis gambols clumpy. " In the Wrong Paradise " 1- more deftlt wrnten, but after all ininpatatively little has been got out of the initi »1 Us· Whleh should have been full of sngJOSTlen "A (heap Nigger 'has little merit, being in fact mere mention alisto. Mr. Lang's natural vein gmnagn only ? such état sa «s "in Castle Perlions,' *'? DaenesVa Beeret" and " ihe Oraal Gladstone Myth." All these talcs hare a.i'eu.lynppoared m the nwsgasl me and they are a >t of a citara».· ter lo addiiiuch to the ani hors reputai ion. "? Modern leinaehns" is not a panieiilurly happy tit'e. Tlesloiy told by Miss Togata is aa iute:·, sting and for the nio-t part an hiatnr· ici. one. It is of the adventures of th ci iltir-n of the Comte «lo Boarhe, nn Irish Jacobite, natumüz d in Trance, who m 1710 .aa sent ne aesarat amhaeeaslnr ta Bwcden· His wife-c out ta J du htm but was ctp'nrel by an Aig. r,a:i pirate, ihe prisa was cast away before reaching Algiers on a c east inhabited by wild Arabs. The wife and mother was drowned, ami tbe Children wer·· saved and tak-ti prmonetl by the ravages, tn.'etlicr witii a rnang Bnotehmnn, who was aceoaaaaayinf the party as seaietarjrte tbe acsbnoendnt,and sameeertaata. The eldest child nraa a wonderfully seU>nolsed little girl, whs coodacted berceli s ? ably among the Aiabs as to wm iheir admirniion. The vuiig Beotehsnan with the yaangr t Bonrke boy managce to g*'l ashore ori a moo heepitablc part the foist aad forthwith staehineseli to ? r sjnre the da» Jiveranc·· of his late c unp in.iris. I In- ¡t ! ? en tun·.« af all ara dnaenbad nitfa much, vivacity and hi a highly inteicstiiig manner« 8 ana dation Is werten into t'io bar· fa ts ol th grigio u n ¡rrativ ·, but Iho principal points nie historien!« and a enrionc ami Sitatigli, illustrativi' bit of history the story Contali ut··.«. ______^_____^_____, THACKERAY. A BPO IMKN OF HIS EAKLV PK08E SIVI.E. Tin: sTuBY of jaM OLD woman am» ihi: iua.v S ? ?. troii Ihr ? " ' " U m. On the 28de< out.?,.?, ì-.i;!. Thackeny was in Paris s,..:., aiut atale .?-:,·.;,·.· - : 1 iitludrc .loiir indignation alani! the old w.,rriali and cha cock af beans. It is translate«! Irem a very »lever I rein-h story, which la written in a seri of pattai, 1 s,tj»- iKise ? nave not Imitated it well, lur ? seni awaj tbe per- mtmnnee the day it Mas written, end one »has am know feed Item bad then. I have arni ntabtag else, exeept c cheek, bol the paper is very mpbUy Improving, und mil Im",n. 1 have BO tit.al.I, a property. In »vid. ti case It would !.. pleaaaal au occupation aud an locóme. This letter p fits tu an aititi»; which appeared in the nnsBbor tor the ISth of uctoOer, 1033, nadertae title »it "Ortgtuol i'.ip. rs : a Tata of Wonder," and hi worthy of Bteccrvatlaa aa a good ipertoien ?? Thackeroy*a catty loose style. \\ e therefore gl\ c it below : OKKilXAl. PAPMBM. A lute of Wemtmor. Once ii ?> m a time there was an ohi woman who lived in a tillage not far oaT, aad whe veal to market to bay a Back m besan Now she had to walk i.ack ten mile· over a dreary common; a Imi« step at mont Unies, Inn a tel¬ ili.le pall w hen one has a suck ol beaaa on one's hac!<. It Was Begat tit-lore she tot half wag, and ihe moon waa hid, and the hii.iw was falling, anil the old woman whs teit.lv to drop; she wu.·, tirad and hangrj so ihe »»a« righi glad When sac came lo a homo, which, though an Ugly hsiking atara at the best, she thoagnt gaita good enough for her tt> rest In. Mie took out a poiiTiy and asked fm a In.I, ami the wom¬ en et the htm«, tat her go luto a lofi, where she slept on h. ? sack si bassa. Now !,.»¦ ht.i-e bemagad to thieves; and this was One of their wives woo let lu the ivumuu with tho Back. Hut, though the ohi woman was so tired, she esali not .torn« tail lay taaalen about ea lux etra*· quite oaeaeyi |tresi-iitlv sh»· «aw ¡i light In the nsnu lielow ami two laie'u, Ouch will» a knlr»· mii-i i: laut. p?. And she i»-it des poniteli Mghteaed, as you aaay faarT. for she thought they might want to murder her, cod then e.ii her, which wasofteadaae in tho«.) days» whaa them ».¦p· a steal amay ogrei audgioata. Weil, the two meo Alili the knives Went on till they esiite to a bad » lui«· a gentteaum was ?-?<·«-?»??»?, who bad b( en overtaken like ihe old woman and who hail trot with tuo a barga pectmaaieaa there h<- hu as »ouud aseet- .·-, .?,?.? .nt uway iu a mauin-i «lull«, pasasaat lo hear. As BssMiea tea tworesrueccan bow faat aataep he was,tbe Uggait took bota of bis lests, aud the Unie mm took ont bis State and cut Ilio g.Milltinun'» throat, slick 1 ut one aiu-.h : soon as they had stuck him they left him then·, all bloody, t»«'k Ih. portmanteau U1.i wellt aWl,.. UKU1I1 ,i.w. Stab»; iu« ..id woman with urn easta bacarne miabtr Oii«a.y,thiukiin/ii was tolmh.-r turn ??«.·«.?, und that It »*.»? all over with liei for Battala ; whereas h.uven had tata lui thcrvon ptirj«»»« dtt.it anil punish these altked men. As soon ut they got dewastatm tu», woowa masi Intve (old til-in ol tini i>oo¡-old creature In the loll f».i prceeatly up they came again, knives aud laateraa ami all. The p«Mir old t'ody w as terribly frightened, w voti may think, »¦ ?·· la.li anca the Idg Uiau took hold of* her it tos he i-uil done bctaw stairs), and the little m.e eumo up lu tier lieutl with hi« lantern and his l"iig knits. However she did not movo a muscle, only sue snored to ma ko believe she was asleep. "L»:t's leave her," says the big man ; "she's asleep ami eon It'll no lab ·." ..1*1'* kill her," says tbe little one ; " »he'll do to feed the piss I " All this while the old woman lay as still as a «tone; Si" the he« J, at last, us they did not susoeetthat sho was awake, «y let her off, uu»! went down stalls, bo the seasjwm Stame, graiitlng and suuflhu« rouud Uistrungn, whleh was ihe otanu that liieae wieked molisteis gave the poor untr¬ eated' gentleman. feu may suppose that she did not sleep much that taSta^utueaexiiK'rulijgessoon as it wss light she ¡hooked Ihe woman of the house, took up her sack and let seT same as ttumgh uotaiug had luiapeaed, tiñidgiug ¦saw« orer ta· common ai feet m her peor leg« would earry ber, though that waa not rerr feet, «ho trembled «6. Now the fittleman (he that bad «tack the gentleman) «uspeotert thut all wa« not right, and be followed her, and came np with her before the had get a mile on the road ? at soon aa ihe «aw Min coralna. the bold old lady puta down ber suck aud ilta waltlug for blin on a itone. " What*« the matter. Mliaee IM »art be "J» BY,Jmy «ack U beavy and my old toga la rather sea»; l wi«n .ome honest mnu would giro me en arm and belp me on my road a bit," . .. _ .. ._ »<· tbe little fellow gare her hi« arm and there they went aeroHs tbe common. Ulklng «bout beans, ana we weather and what not, ae If tbey had been two antcei« ? he. saw her alinoit home end you may he sure tnat win ? «begot there she fell down on her knee« and sa U nor yravere; ae well »lie might, after getting off so WBU._ While she was In the udldle of her prtyert ta eeSMe her husband, ami ¡t,» soon ne she'd iltme he askod lierjaw a bit of bacon aud «orne of tbe beant ; so she.cut » UHBS ptoea anil plenty of bean«. While it wa« boiling «lie MM her husband of all she had «een the "toht berore. » mutt «joto the Justice." »ays »he, "und tell D lui ¡?· winde story." " OS to tho Justice: no to the «lev I. '»)i he ? " f..r the gentleman. It Is all ov er with h lui aew, and some of these rogues' comia.li·· will lull ue ¦ we Wrtb that he stuck his fork Into the sane«pan to cntch hold of a bit of the b«««B. Well, as sure aa I in sitting here. Instead of puHItnc nut aldi M l»irk. what docs be Uud at the end of hia fork but a man's head! " It's the n-eiitleiiiun's bend." said the wile. " But what can we tin I " »ay« her bualiaud, who wits, ruther llusN-reil. " You can revente me t" s.iys the head. " Lust nU'iil I was wickedly mindere 1, and eaten by nigs, as your wile citi BWsartol I «h,ill have no rest until 1 see those robber« .t the gallows; and what'» more, G11 never leave rea till tuen botile farmer fold the Justice, and the thieves were haased) unit all the pig» drowned «ho had euttu the ifciitleiiiaii's Iiody. " And the lieadl" .???, It WM buried In the field where the farmer sowed the beiiiis, and there »?ß never such crop« known as came from Ihat flcid. ·' And f he brave ol·! woman t " Why, though »lie waa seventy yearn old, sho had a son, and lived happy ever after. rriIE MIDWINTER ? UM BEB. THE CENTUUt FOitFKilrUrAHY Con talus: THE STAUS. By Prof. 8. D. LAN'iJLEY. An lnt"r»st!n«T chapter of the Sew Asironomy, with «loll« ate illustrations of ttar »I'ectra nuil astronomical ????ß?????ß. ???G OP AN' OLD ST«>RY. The hitherto BBasstteBeB eiBilsatss le as aM lsaaaaeeef Ia.veaiiil Alchemy. BvJ.VMES LANK AI.LKN, with a full- pas;« Illustration by Hliiui. ABRAHAM LINCOLN] ? ??1???, G?.? JlllIN a «iI.AY ¡in,!« ol. JOHN HAY. The llliiMt ration»« tin» inoiitb inclini·· BU llalli "f four Presi¬ dents, of Ihivlil Darta llobei t «'. ??ß????ß,fBBbBS It. flBMlBBS aud of iho llev. l'eter l'artvirialit, the BHBIBB Mel'iotllst preacher who ran ugaln«t Lincoln ??> ? III·· latter w.ts tic· tel tu Contre»«. The araeeal lattala··! Mietei ti LINCOLN IN CONGRESS AND IV LAW. And while reviewing the. Interest ng hist ir.v of the M »Irin WaiHiitl theailnilulslr.itioiit of I'olk Bad Taylor, it follow« I.incolti through hi» growing ?ßß? «Intani·· with public neu am! events, describing, with many anecióte», bis (im ? re» sioiial career, und revé ilin< lus cluM ter.«Ho method« antl principles as a Uwver. A MDDWINTEB RESORT] ??ß??? In the Bahamas, by WM. C.CU CUCII, with lüuetra- tlon» By WIiibIow Homer. THE RELATIVE BTBEKGTH ANI) WEAK¬ NESS ol'NATION'S. The sccunil of KIiWAItP ATK I.NsuVS valiiablo ami sltr- nllieant jnpers, discussing the leal BBSSttal of ?,allouai ariiiauK nie and ts»t ·. tTPHIET ANN. An Illustrated story or the moonshiners. By MAT. C'KIM. EDWARD IU )MI'«ON rAYLOS, rty Bee, c. A. dahi'ol. An interesting liberai t«rli«ll«a of lioKtnn's |Owci/ul am! eri ???.?? «ailoi ¡,readier, lobi wl!h »net ilutes, alni *vecO!iip»nl"il by » full I»ai(· iMirlr.dt, Asi, FATHER rAYLOH AND OKATORT, lly WALT WHITMAN, abo in u «tr.king piper ranks the areaetaf as "the o.io eaeeaUaUr porti i enter" he lia» Inali!. FRANK ??. (????????*! NOVI L. ..Tilt: inNnniHTii man." weeattasaa. " it ataatara lin ?ßßßß? littiary skill." '( Ir sten G???,?. RBCEN1 ART lilHCOVERIBfl IN ROME, An Illustrated ar, BBWeagMal |··?· t by the,lire« tor ot the new Mum o Ir bant,. IHK BAILING OP JEFFERS »? DATI«, Wien íiccuae«! of compi iti lu II,en»«., «I· «tloti o' PreBtSSul Mattia, a «iie¡ii« r of " nasse h.»tory ·· earsfaltr eaBjIleiipij i LOU· E l'AllsoNSI.AlHKuP. iniroim 'n · !',· n.ieesof ..a·!,-,,!,, x:,a île is atarea«, Charte« 0*tSaer, Jo',n a ? n lu vt, ai,<l otle ?», ai,il glrtBg a f. e statile«rf lb· BBWSI ot Bllttriiey tuM l>y ? I .1-1 .1 u-iI··«· w l.ea from tbe hOBrtBBUlB. ( oiuiiio.ioi·· Vaaiii'iiilH. Henri fTrrilrr. aad flarrltt Beaith LEE'S INVASION OF MARYLAND, Ry ? ? ? K II vi, bONOM BKI r. Wltfe ill asa ai loa«. In, la I- In μ a portrait of ti.ß ? «,:.!«¦.·. rat- ? .?. JAMES M. os 11. Th.- Pr »aient of ?? .nu Ion (?! ?·· e. wlt'i «attirali QEOBOE rV. CABLE'S NOVELETTE Iif-'ARACIAN LIFE IN I. if I« IA ? A, a »tory of lore »lei war. Illustrated br Keiuiile. fait Two I «MM IHM «ß ?. I BE OLDEST OHÜRCII IN LO.NOO «. B| BarlBelaiaw tk« ritaat By JIORMAJf μ ? ·???\ «.?, BStrteea escleral ·,( au.., al un blu* tur·· ?>·, ?·, i.u, IL POEMS G.? BDXCÜDC.8TEIIXAX, ??????? BVHX8 ????.«·??, JOAQ1 in MILLER, aa attv ra DEPART M MS. ?...,,.·.! tbe Tin,·· Opea Letter«! BrK sBrae, ?? in-, .!.', cent«. *1?,·??· ,r «,,: . ?, :v» !? r«\ New sni.stui" who Bestia with th· laaeery Bomber ? ia here Ifer. aad Dee. Batallara free, if elenae«! waea taa «aa. siiij.i.t.n entered) aa«t Uhu beata ta LI« »a Ufe aad alaei », r.«.«. TI1ECEVTIIRY C >.. Now-Y VOUI1I AMERICAN Kl.\ ll.U FOB n:ii*.r vitv. l'ulti, al Ketnioiiiv In Ain. il, a Pi I RICHARD T. Kl.Y. (mi Km« In In. ost Mi Ni UE l». t'ONWAV. Knter.· Probation . HAIL HAMILTON. ?;,,» I.Is in .Mein r..· ?? ill lu - II. llh.MlV M II. \ IllçHlltV Ot I l'A. " The New houlh I .nan, i.ill} Iterlewed MAIMÓN I VKRDFKV. TheContlltlonoftlie Anicnrau MUft ji i.i.tN m.ium It. niitplratles of Ibe Ilion LEONARD BWK.n Lit-A.ui: lb.· us ?,.· AllKIANA ? HIIIN'i Kl.i:. Literary Birkblllna (IKOKUI PAllfsONB I.ATUKnl'. Aasuniittlonam! Pretension (lEOItnE »A.NH BcleutlUc ?.??.1. iJvt.Vlil' (iiil.lcN ( ?.??1? Bhoubl Women be Hanne.il HI.LI.? MAR WlLKH. Current An>ertcan Literatur'. 1. vi, l.llin'i own Blery II 11,-ioivif ibe .«.¦«.on.? Ann* rerne, ¡? Praneti A. Walln-i :i. Persia nutlie Persi at, by ?. ··. w, Uenjamta. i. Tbe MaklngetNe« ????·:.??, bj «. * Unke lo! -ile lb.« ?,·..in :i.· ,?? lit«._ QTJT IO-DAY. G????G??'.? M Mlll.i:, OUTIXO. A ftiw featui 11 »It ICE yauittN'i. a BKBsrablaetea artiale by Colonel Norton fully II u,lrstel by C«ili>as TiioMAs BTBVKITBitarrlbti ? s .,«?. rteaeeata taa cap¬ ital of Barata, vt it h «taay lUaetrstteea Si'AKLINti, tt ,tli BtSBT lltsatt! ili >ui b> ('barb» K. (lay. A compiti« list of tbe Ica'linir out Beer t lu'.s of Aiiitrle», to- gt thcr with a full rccor.l uf last ?, Beth'· «Bel Is. 13 VKAKI.V. BIKOUE ?G????ß,? CK.NT.4. MO NASSAG-.-?. _ -pli GRËV1LLE MEMOIRS. in areaa for iSnaedlat· ·,'....? ..u. A JOURNAL or TUB UEHiNiiF QCXKN VKHU'.IA, fumi Ih;·.' to IH'.II. Ily the 1st»· ( H.AIll.l » ORBA II.LK, Clerk of the (tmncil. MM the Third siel Coin liiiliiiir l'art ef "THE OttXVIl II. Ml M 1 It«-.." In one vol., unlforui wilu tin- inic, tin« volumes, 12mo, BMSB, price f2. D.APPLETOM A ('<>., I'ubli-hers, New-Vurk. TTO aVNDOVEa REVIEW F«llt Fi BUl'AllV ONT.WNS EIHTOHIAL A IITI· LlX ON European Com|illcalloii»; TTteCBsl lo the < hnstlsB Mlalstry 1 be Coi.Krt'KSlloU.il hiirrhes iiiul tin li l'orel^u Mutalo lary Society; How It Look« in in,Ila ia couimuulcatloui with In.l'oituut outrlbute.i Art,tie«. 3.? CENT«; BI A VEA I!. nOLOIITON, MIFIUN A CO., ?ßß???, 11 KAMT I 7 III ST.. NEWVOHK- _ VOLA'á NEW HOOK! CHRISTINE; THE *J klOHKL. BOLA*a LAST AN1I (JllKATl.HT WOKE, ciiklshm.. ? in: MODEL· OltKAT 8CC< KSH HI· IT. TIIIltD KDI'I lOX REAIiV Till« DAY. EV'lllYlKMiV llr.AIH NO AND RF.< OM- ¦BafOIaTU it. l'.i|.· r um r, 75 mit», or fine etlitiun, * 2H. IT" For tale, by the Publl»a««ia. and by the AMKttlCAN BBSra «OMI'ANY.aiilbyall other Hooks, llsrs und at all ueassUnUs In Nca-Vork and every whei e else. <o,.la««,i,i eoitpaid to any lilac«, on reiulitinx prico to ihe ????????? T. H. »W¡gglBSOTt_A IlKiri'IlhliH, l'biladelphia A D VERTI«s ? VIE a J S F0ÏÏ~tÎ7r ne\s7 J\ YORK TRIKCNK WILL m·; HKCKIVBri »t W, G PTOVAN (»FH('EAti,'o. \m* iVulíw.V ^«rr^-ffi ??? theatre. IllusUalcil Weekly M tes o ne for th» tuaaue.gotr. fer taie tvwywhwe A «la Ken» ßablirtitions CCRIBNER'Ö MAGAZINE FOE FKHKUARY. Vol. 1. No. 2. IS READY AND POS MU IIY ALL NEWSDr.AI.BllR. C'üNTF.NIB: Jt'LIfS CKSABA» PONTIKKX MAXIMIS. Pronlls· ple«e, i'rotn th« htul In the Museo Clilraninnll, in BBS Vati¬ can. Knicrared by W. H. QSSSSS after s photograph from the aasstaaâ TIIK MKENKS.SES OF Jt'I.IIH ("THAU. Hy John ('. Hopes. With Illustrations frinii Ihe author-» collection. TIIK BBMDCABY LBOATBC or. tie- Pusluiiuious Jest of the latte Johu Austin. Part lirit-Tho SVI1L By "J. 8. of Dal»·." HALF A DUMB. (A storv.) fly oetsveJTh.tner. 1VOKY AJtOOOl !>· Hy Charles Henry Linier*. REMINISCES'» ES OF TIIK MBOfl ??? (???G?? OF PA Ills. He. nn.1 Paper. I'h" *1·'1<? By K. 11. Weshlmrnr, K-atanaata m Pssnse» with tttaacrattsai Ikeai portrait« aad diHUtnents In Mi. Ws»hbiirne's possession, ami frutti tlrawin»;* hy Howard Pyle, T. do TliiiMtriip. J. Me afta Dette and K. J. Meeker. sEI'H's BBOTHJUTS WIFE Chapters VI IX. By Harold Frisierte. IHK !.A*T rVBBOW. By "hsrles Elwln Mar'tlism. OUMrStJ AT Tin·: DIABIBS of OOCVBBMBUI Multiti ? ? ,??,?? ?.If»· an I Clurarter in th« Pans..I ttu« Revo¬ lution.So· «nut (( on. lu.Hu*·, l'Sper. Anni«. · ary Mattia ??? STOBT of A Now rotti Boons, It ii, i!. ('¦ Bnsner. lBaetr»nna '»y a. ß. G? it. f, Beefttesea smith sud o. W. Ktlwari's. Of It NAVAI, I'i iI.H'V. A IsMSSa from IML Hy James Hus«ell S,,ley. ?. S. Xavy. THF. DUCBABMBfl of nil, BAgBATOWOB. (A gtaty.l Hy Priman Csmi.lw.ll Minti. AFTF.it ???????. By lealtànsmHltit MeaBen. M. COQt'F.I.IN". Hy HramtiT Matthew«. BOnaiAB NoVF.I.s. Hy liions» Bsrfoaal Perry. BÜBW BiiiF. FiioM Tin: ????t 1.1 avi a HY) BUatBBB. ·.· HeiiiitUiit-es should be sent hy post money etdetW reg- l«terivl letter to CHARLES BCBIBNEira SONS, Pnblighen, 7i:t»ii,! 74." Brssdwsy, Bsw Tctfc. Jnstrnc.ion. B073 ani Youri? Moi Cit«\ 'G????'???,COLLEGIATE school. eSEasi 1 ?'.???«! itaera nnosnta advaatagae tar caretta tadlvld- usi instruct:.>ti ni ilei eipertsneod teacher· ealr. sintisI st· i.iiti,.ii la fundamental English, ifeUogt sisgstatary stsanen towtagaaata^work.^ y ?|??, ,,,s M A ,.,...., UNIVERSITY. GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 1,473 lir'wny, iusr 4'Jil-st.. 1Mb vear. Pniiary. »oiiitiierrlal llii!cla»tsi»sit!eii.irtliieiit» ilMtTUCtlon timi«.utili. U, U. liolt- 11 Y. SV. 1.AIK1.V G? III. N. I Ill SlU'.ll'KMi.N. AOMaUBM. WOODBPIDGE SCHOOL, H2 Enel 4ötb-st *T Hprinit linn. F.lriiarr 1. ? hisilcal, Si-lcullllu. Lat¬ tei pr«psi»i. a y tu Si htsiì el Unie». For Yours Ladies.City. MISSF.S LEEDS' English and French Board· ins an,? Daj sel.? for toaos Ladlseaod Cklldraa, it Bast l'.Oth st. Ssi'OBd Itslf tssgtoa get 1 AIISS ELIZABETH I.. ROUES' School fur i'l Volili« laitlie» nuil CBtUreO, IS Käst Olli ·.!, .Sew York. _ For Both Sexes..City. ? BUSINESS EDUCATION, Bookkeeping, M Util |t. Alitili.,r:i, ( .,»reaponrteyiee, SpelIlBC I'h' BOB rsi.hv. '1)1·* rl n.sr- is.:·» brpartaisnl iy son evening 1 AlNI 'S III slM.-s ?,?.? 1 UvWaTtl I BtOWB, lot West Ssth-st,_ ? .CIRCULARS OF SCfFlOI/*, wim re- . its! I«· tritoni istloo, tree» Billlet! for postage. !.. I.. AVl.liV. Alii'n Si ool Hurra'i. ? \t » «I 111 t..s».. ?C. V. / MvW.MKKCY PAKE SCHOOL AM) fOOL \ I in.i-i »-inntion. In i,i|~,t,.tr<1. The Sit,.let Term bacías tebroari 1 A|,plli\»t|nn· fora.! mission» t.. n.· I'.oi ·' si in.·,? ami ? ool II«ma« ?.·· mads ai Ins principal offlee, UM l ni tinti «t. K IMO.i'.t.AHl K.N ..li.? ?. 11.?. ? G ?'? III Ml NT, i. Basi 2i»l st, maniai i rai ? in·; DRPABI men ranea io visitor· every ? Imitasi altri ··, ,·. k ? ¡a. SJKl.r'cT μ IK»'»!, ANI) RINDERGARTEN O 118 Wsverli fiaos. Bosh aad uuuniagaa Mils. M a I \ Il Kl ?!. 1 r .iielnal. rpífÉ BERLITZ BCHOOL OF LAN OU Ali ES. A ·1? Wr»l Ud «'. Sll'l ·. m -, » .t :,..tti'St.. kl·., Brooklj ti end .ali··! riti.·», ? ,?,situ« tu,?.. I le pei ni ..?. MueiCAl Instruction. áOUlTAR. VIOLIN. UANDOLIN, IMAM». vi BIMOI N'i. ..,·.·. ? ? I ill. Pritaie I-ns only ?.· is ?..e Tm» hers \? ? -·. \ -.:.', M»l 11 :. / iRANO CONSERVA G??? < »1·' ilCSlC. U 11 ? ? -I i II» ti'. -II 1 Se btodlac sehe ? at Musi«, »s In ills Ar», ¦· soacoa, »rae lai Ps l'i ?.,?.·? Ivfii ii'Mui.1. ?«.! »fsli. lorpertk-tilarsatl r.-· 1 1 r.l.i.iiAi.l·. 1 Art Schools Cit/. MHS. LOUISA ?. ? J.\T.It «ili »...ni»«, as· ?»««·» trota Morsa»bor i, in til»» III»·, ,,Il »rei ?.tu ..,,? (, .1.1.?.? »III! life. Il,,a. let laie?-, ai. M l tilo Ni Ht rem · Mr. ?·??.,·' ,t ,a, \,.. ? ' Ml William Hart, ? \ Mr. James M Hait, ? ?., ??. I'St Hl Jet. ...?,, . ?. _ ? roo '.cl y :i. ."????. ('ICH I ENDEN " 1 1 IHM » ?'? Ht llool ?' ?? I '. Dl IKIAKTI '. ?.u ? » - »' 87 links-··.. <»·? in« ?·,·.·· »t. Urne 11. W. Vt IIl.KI. AU, 11?? Les lirón m ? .n .·, t ?,· ol Uli I ,?· k.l ?,, ,, .... II.- lint» I. », » For llovs nnd Youti ; Mi -Country. A. CIRCULARH ol schools, both . in«1 ?.,??? ·'» ·. 1 NI ? ... 1 SI 1711 '.· rplirr'l *\ LE X A N DEH IN ? 11 IK. Mifi n J\ Beai IS.N.V. l'r.o. I |»<ii;|M.NK»\VN N.J. 1> Mll.l Ai: ? ?\· 1 ? II K, ? ierre» ?? » 1 11. ?.?????. A M I.'I.MUColi KCHOUL FOH IlOYtS.- M \|ji- 1 ? lord, ..im. r iront· »h-. irò a i. ni »f Un ir ..?.- ··. rulli ?.y t·, «?,?· brtliteerl.·. siMrres, l r. \ s ,. \| ¡,,,m ¦¦ II IttllLANU Mll.l AKY Al M »KM Y, II M ,,?,. »?. ?, Maas, ait ( Il M l.l· ??.?, .1. \, huprili \iwroN s. j. i.nstiîi ?i'..-i'..:iiii.f.ii; il homollkO.!i<ullliV.ll ;? G.? S.e ?,,,, ..... rlaltT | ili, siv. ? ?.;·?,, .·?. p -?- il, unii, ,, loro pro tarii..rv. molle, «rr ñrmnaslum, l'hysitai ilrvrlopnioi.l sth-rooms, 111 sin] .... »t ??«? ·. .·? ·, t riiliu · ?.· ? Mi mi ut, «a te, poi - al.'l |·. "leu. J »\ ll.>t,N. A. M.. ITU,, PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMì 1? hi. ??:,. »»..,»· tifili », ir. a mu 11 ai:, «.li lai. . .,.. fbomlstrr -. bugiteli. ti«, ni ii. in »? ,-? |>?? ??.AM» f'OLIsEOE.N'Y ?'?-??-? m m iKso.N. Prriiaraiory »ivi l.iisineoi loi rsntlsmen trsduilliii.srfor ? Ilo ? twelve tsacber«. I nier at au· Unni. Ormi lui ...1..,.: lie. Y\. »i. l'A S INI It. ?. M 1·, ,, ,,,, CIIOKTLIDOK'H Motila Acndeniy. *l"% I' ii.url.ilr f..r i.vt »tu ln,t « , |,. p., | , , | ,'ljN |,,,~,, mi» ti..,,·. Brsl IH M .¦·.,. Is ,r.·, ,.·,.,.. r .,;,'. ,'. . luiii.ii reu ?.» ?,.·.??? y -?.·.·?? NOS Culli rSpBTsturi lisi», telline,. all'I ?, ..· ne. ? tu .?-.». SWIIHIXll Ululili ll.lil A. I.. .'. A .M.ll. 1 » LI M. .I,a. ? , ?,?, V un Re uh on the Hudson.- a ram I sesami for <loslrai>le bovi little Sor« an.l tboar,.-f,,,,, I.,,.,,.· tor tbs Srsl linio rspoelslly ».,? ,·??.·.| mrtciieac bui ?.hihihi· and lliomiign hs« koanl buysan<1 .,?,,?,?.,,,,,,{ »¡,, til lillltii· alni II 0? 11 "? ··, 'r. ,- 1111 I ,,r. ,,,, | ronitll.,1 .In ili ?,?» nal Imi «un,mi rami »t ??,Irr. llilii LAIOlITC'ìl For Yotin» La lies.OOdBtTf |».\t»l El INS'I II III. ??]; \OU.\0 I \- I> HU.-. ?,.,??,? II..II.» ? -,,,... ;,,,. ,;,,.|1?? ' * iiiay'J Miss Hai'.iui.i hTUAKT lltuii.r. fítm UOARDINO KCIiOOL Kin: (.1 i:i.s, r,.t.n. It .i, H ,.«,.,, w, »?, luster fa- »ew Vurt. I'r.n, ?,,;. M - ~ I' l.AN ? - v ' ' II Mi .It'll 11.1. /¿OLDEN HU.I, SEMINARY \ * I oil lui M, ?. ? |?| e. Hill IMI I Po UT COW Addtasa ..ii«- KB tu NI ?.-, .? ?·,?,. ,'?.? I IOME ANI) DAY SCHOOL FOB ?.??? s- I I I·,,ma.V ini.,.,,?.,,......,., ..,,. \U" \?\,? isti,,,, fot \ sessi uIIors a .,,.. .li- ?'.?.,,?« J,,n " ;,, ,,',": «,||,l.t»t·· ttllli..ut tisii.li.il ..n. i Ht Fi \m''L.V.. ,, . M..·,-.. Mi·».·, l't.l.l ? ? U^U'SlV^;'^'':"- orni term Iii-kIii« 1.1.i.L.ry 11. ls«7. ' * ,,c rpßlNlTY ?1??.?.. * BBTBBLT, Nrw Jemr. I MAIlI.IKHK.li Ig 1 ,,;. A thoronrli Home ?, ??.??? fur riiun«: s I Vsrlr.l a,h ,n hsgec of Ota htanaat saaan suiiu cattate hi Baaash Boato. ansail«asgaagsi isnr.t. ·ßta? ssgtaa fssaaanr L lor riiiular sildrcu lha pnnrii.sl, Mlh« I.A. 111 (¡llllloNH HUNT Miscellaneous. A LADY of largo odiicntional rxncricnro wl»he»l<.lrn..of »n «.,».tiin»c for » vo.n, tÏÏ«' . aery, Brota i...«.iu... in acuuol from whichto"prtai?BsíTrÍ SaosetaieSBa, Aütir^··»» anelai ??> tlsv. U. W. ?,?.????, Uran. Iirnis. \. j. Ctarljcrg. A -BEST TEACHERS. Tutors and Govi-rn- J\, es»«« loptllta with..m eharga ? ka» h?. ?». î«i, , free. Many taconciaa lora, ¡ta ¿ui.,j, \¿'¿ ul\ÎT% ·.«*'*» ?,,,.?.,,?» e.i,uu, liiii.mi. /Va« G???,.?G N V FRERICAN AND lOlih 1 UN ??????G?^ il ????G? lappile« Piofesanr», Twr,.,r¿ íut" ,iuT ^'·?· sfîis^rïTii^rr p?,«?;.3£ A YALE QRADUATK trfsbeg iirivato Donili BSSfenSttaB fur o.» les-n s si..»««lalir ?,?,?,,,? ,,.,V, ,,1! ,.?. a..l.l\y loforoo»... AdAraM Y ALK. Li ?\ ' ??,,". tmuSl WOMAN'S EXCHANGE IF.AC1IE1W mi- nKAU (f«.r Ixitli Bnssl -up. Um rrntsssiir. ?..?! .r. «lüvsrnrssrs. Vtislrlsns, H.u»· k.ei.n«. ( ,,,,.** f'l J·"1,e"· »«.ilries, schools sritl liimlllr· sl«.. llut.kk¿üM. i'u?.. ?^ phrrl Sli.1 Cui.ylsU to usiuvaa II 1. m. w·"·*"·'·. "touogra- Mlttt. A. It. ( t I Afe, ll...'«8 6th eve., New. Y.,k City ??????? SHETLAND SEALSKIN Bmniifo » Bajaca Bog Otter aaa,a^ i. », sVus» 'Mf^* ???^?« l bllAN N^· «ÄfctaaÄt. ?.,?-?,,?. .L mark soar hruadnajr Qtoctiott Sake. PETER C. KELLOGiJ & CO.'S NEXT L U ENS RAI, AUCTION- SALE ot HOUSE«, Ae. TnCUPDAY. February ?. 18H7. »t 10 o'clock, »I the An.ericen Horse I·'«. hence (Limited), lllomiwiiv sud5"t!i «t, New-York. Ofllce. 107 .'.'hu st. THF (ATALOtlCE INCH DES _. _ Br order of the Executor« of the retaje nf the ltte ITetident ' L'HBHTER A. AUTHUH. Th-csrrlB'-e« (liy rirewster ? Co.:. tlie harne»» (by VVood (llbse-m. robe«, livery suits ami general stable effects of the 1 it-u.vii.r. Including a Ismlau with pole crsbs end whiffle, tri-s for fuiir-lii band. Itmuitlivii (pete BBS shaft·). Victoria on 0 tprings four in-haud harnee«, «Se. BEVERAÍ. COHBiniVMBNTI from gentlemen'· statile«, Includine ¡? paient bleckt well broken to faii-lcm ln.rn· s«, .·« comi,In"! ssddle and carnage mar·· an 1 a number of roadster« and laiuily burst a Pioptrtyof Mr. Jtmes Cantili, New-York. Agent for Con- ·1»|??·?«. TWO f Vfll.it \DS superior Western neraea, Jn«f arrived from Illinois and lotta. ? bev iiicln.le ?·t? lieavy, h, ai rand ii.ed.iliii tlraughl hor«··», eartfage hor.es and piiir», high BtBf ptr«, roadsters, taattfieeasl bsateeea hanee NONE WILL UL BOLD I'll! VATEI.Y. .nt« 11 go at «netten thee inuie (baa «?·' In ad. The entire shipment» 11 go at anelimi IheSgb they bring no Ilia Tb's,· h ,r>e« »re etpre-sly consigned le snpplemeiit mir foiuei .Unit« toeetabfiahaprnetameinarkei here brlaate tl:.it·· au' lion exclnslvelv. in order that the ion»ig!ior« may abandon the slower privat.· sal·· method, which so e»pen«lve |o in essll.it.· blgh prb e«. All who bav·· attended l'levlous «alt s km.w lhai the horse« »r·· superior. It Is hoped Unit by t»iitiui|e.l effort tbe pulillo will tluillv Beatala then» «ties at p.i in« piuts and te enable flu· consignor« 11 make them reg¬ ularly aaeh weck. _ ter other propertv see e.·« tallirne. All the pro|,eity may now l,tiBBCB Bl pine·· ti «ale sud liorscs tri··,! in liarue»». Eiitrle« for sb«o!iite sal« oily 'nil other» respectfully ile. t bun!) sboiild b·· luade Immediately. A hires» I'KT, R «. KKLLuiti. á «' ... Aartioaeere, 107 Jeb« st, New-Yerk. Propooa o. As! ?'?'' ? ' ?? ti ISSI "ir He" ???????. ) Rutili 209, Mitt «HI IH IIJUSII, "¿ho HBOAIIWAT, / NlW-YOBK, Jan. SI, 1««7.) TO CONTUACT· IRR pins or PROPOSALS fol lìointxthe work and 1> fuiiisiiiiig tbe materiali called fer ia the arerored rorm nf lontrsct now on PI- in Ibe ollb I of tbe Aqaedut t G?????,? « «lanera for Ibe ronatrnt tlon of r, shan No, 13 A, «Un ited nn Htwilon 7 of the New Cretofl tqnednri Btabnni Bla- Ilo.? lISlOO, Will be re. tiv. ·I at Ibi« oflb ·· mil,I the lm'i day el febi ii.iiy. 18*47. «? 3 o'clock D, rn «' « lu. b plat e »?.? hour ib'-v will be publicly o ened in the Aqaednct commlsalonera, me! the award of the MBlraet for dnlBB said work and furnish- IB« «aid nuilerlsls will he inaile by tald ? oiniiiUeioiier« as »non thereafter pis« I!· able. lank f.,1 ins of BBllt unproved, oiitr-iit ind the «peciflcatlon« tl.er, of. »nd the bid« ,,i proposals, aad proper envelop«« for ,i in osuie, and feraM of bond«, and also the piaaa 1er «aid win., oml »II other liiforuiitoh ?,·,pin.,? eaa ?.nu.i.ed nl lue a'.ove oiib e or die Aqueduct Commissioner· ou itpuilia- tion to tie· Met retarr. liy oíd r of Ibe Aun du. Coin in ¡««loners. JiiIIN C. Mil MIAN. JA.MI.M ? '. BPENORR, f-··· let ut. ito«iessa Avi «iti etiti!««!.,μ ,,«· orni ?. G"~ Room Vi·*.', si. wart lliiibliiig. No V«il BlWldwar,) NBW.TOBS.4aB. 2'.. 1«17. S rpo CONTRACTORS..Bide «·? propoaala for 1 aetag the warb BBdfarelahlaa the atatertali called for In Iba «piioved i.m ol eoi !?«. bo« ?a fi ·¦ io the olii,·· ,,f the A ,,¦!· ·'.!¦ t l'oillll |.F.KJIi.-r<· fol (lie .? « r 11. 'funi ol ««-etl.,11 1,1 of the Nrvt « rotoli \ .|in din t. Lenin ih·. .New liete Hun»«· at l.t.'.fi. -il in t ?- 11 ? al V e York, will b·· tei>iv«si ai tins OtBr« un ?? ? 11! av. 1 te· 11 lb.lt ? ol ? .?.? ,.tiv. IHX7, at 3o'< loak p. in si »v b,. b pi o e au,? ?,,,,?? lie-y ?! be pubíi, lv openol by tie ?,lile,Ilici ?',.?????? «,. ,||.-| s. und the »ward of III.? littet for iio.ug «iid work Bed farniablag said metértela wiU ·, I, by ».let I eii,iui»»io,?, «« loon II,· leaftcr pr »· !!l»tik form« of «aid approved contrai ? and the sp. otritatlons G.,??,,? and bM« oi propoaala and propel « im pea b.r in.-.r ?,, oanrr, aad fot u ol b.l«; and si«,, in,, i..«n« fm «ail work, aad all ol ,i informatloa r«quire.i, eaa I«· eataleelal '.f Ibe Ai'iix.u· I ( oii.uii·«! nur» on applica ? on tolti,· tei retarr Ur ordei ,,t lb· Aqnedu · ' ommli«ion« r«. JAMl.- «1·1..?'?:?'., Pre».dent. JiiIIN G II KUAN, .-.,,?p.,?G. Caeinceo Cljuacee. M OSTHLY ?? G, A ZI ? E FOR S.U.K.-? ho pflbllsher ef one of I eldesl moBlblf iiMgirlti· » In ti.u.n» fiaría·· other Interests win tell i,1,,· w ,,?,· ora ' lo a parir a ',o is enmelen! to tak« entire ,·,« ··¦ None other wanted al my pr.· ¦·. It .!,,··« ?.?? owe «i,e .',. ,r «ud ?. · p.- »ineee. A yoon« man with s··«»' rutiiB. «< ?·· ratti sii aran a ?, tv ,|.».?«·1. I IMI Ilo» 1.1*77, .\. , oik lo-l íUlOCClllllKOlie. ? A D W ?C V N |-n ?·? V' OPYING B00 ?? «I«.. Nr« ? m U. Ctiiiraiona. ? ni: M.\t ini: II« (tt < eu NI W .\ m: It. |·| (II. MM | m | , m,.I Vlllíllll.K, OLI) POI XT COMFORT, t ?? ? BUL'I'll «IV II· ·? -?! ut p: ? riHV AWV OTIIKR ? ??? ?. «?· r ". ? ? ?. 1--·' ,.· ..'.,... . >, ,r'. « m | ? »Ini (?? ?? -? Norfolk, 11·» tit« Mew.York. ????ß?! . ?, Solitili I IImsmL ,.-,s Im,., tanll «nn ».'-lalloii, ·., . Vor«, it e t> a ?. ?? ina «t «? · u ». ·?, dally. Obi l'oint ? nn.forl h:4.1 ., ··¦ Nor ·¦ « r llioiii'h flou, S eW.York tt- ? tp. ( I, pries. ... I, «n - - ruled al lha I ., soi lifl ni Hie i.«t :·..:. Ri In a·: miipai-y. II VV II N .*. 1 . Í!. 11. I OO KB, Mi|« ?.? lidi lit. !.. n'; li.- | \ ,,!. S1' ?? t IAL w in ? ¡i: l'Mi:«. fa \ » vv ·. ¦· .' » Wi·!'. 'r r i- ¦sanas G?. ?··-«« ,,? loiigei «.,·,ni,.· irrang»L ,.-i nitun« || ,.: ,'|,) if t ,...-· · Il« » ?.' t | i,, Passen Ite ? ? G?. LI ? H r for lentia», Il »rtl, t Urti »ran«, riarantlla, .sl.l« G? ·,' I. -V..··! l-IHt,' ÜlllUii.l lil'll.ll .'<1 " ? ?.?-t I i.a.l (tuli First i.l'i ?" trri > I. | ? Bfui il ion ?? let ...·..·· it ? iY. ·' ? Iran rivi. Ir .?? .'.-'·· »I» S It «t»l ¦· ? ? V ire. 'G" .'LEA.SUi.TRAVrXLElW. 1 ? be «. »ml Iti ./il Mall BK Co « .«:, an era," A Ulani.»." » ,i ui, .·, and to vanee." tall inonllily for Ilio da Janeiro, ?., ß·.·. Uarbadoa l'aia, Marinham, I'rruaui lui.,..let 11..|e I'· All,«io a rollllUUlBg Mnlnv I, s s.tlllOl V a. ?- II! ,.,M ». II.? III. bill· .tops, ??,,?· tre i" tale! ..? u--?. ,, ,u, flirtato ·· tteauieri iioii. li ?«»« iv s,. eon, ina! Ihej meet bb« rou«b «realliei 1 A I. 1. IIKHII vili, ? ?.tu. iils. .«« llioa.l al. A PLEASANT NIATi.ll TBIf rm: .«n.wi-iiii's ni' nu. ici·:.» ?.in,:. « ,.| n - , ? IT« Or Ven ? \ ? 11 t ? > ... ?. W, ?., a-foi m ana-i ? tiled ¦· ?,· irti my . ? U.«uhm· ?·· .?.?»·· labori «.,« royan.' w Ueioio* ? , . .ins. «|iei lallv ou.il or tfe·· tr» I ,. ir · irv ?? iv in··,!.'! u n.pli ???· f.. I'm. if ·: nirenlnnos fori of e is,,.,.-, ?«. ?·, riunii irl'i in t.lo in fa ir «,,.«. i'.ts-«,:.-, till- r'orjmiilcolars apply to LUI I KIN. Ill.lt' ? I'M II TT, i., i,, ral Miniai..r«. 71 ail.r. tüiiilci Ucearía. WIND80R HOTEL, .1 Ai K>iiN VILI !.. I.A. ti need I·'·' «ea.¦ Ac. ornai., Iliaci. 100. Hie of Ihn M,,.! «tin follai·;·· .»I'd llOOiellk· holeis m II,, lilted L,!,,,. Us |,. al.oll ·' IHK ' ·"·' "" Le ? H) I«·«, so ill, ,,,, ?,,??,,?. .|. ,,,.,,,. ?, ?, ,,,? ????.?, »I. Is II,e line.I ill .1.,, k sou Ville. li,s,m« Milli halb, parlol »Ullaa, li valor, «lemii li, ,,?, μ.,», al«. Musi,- .·:, ,,.u ulel Vi ?,,??,? o^s llol l..k, II. r.n. ORVia. Bl'alMKR RKBORT, l.ql l.Nn\ 1I"L«I. Man, lii-sl.-r. Vt HliiHUMiPARK HOTEL, AIKKN, & G liydiaiiiic Baaarsaei Bhrealer. New ??ßß?ß?ßß, Atas luitly l'nftil BetatSry Arr.iiii-iiieii!«. UaBBIBl VV. H. II../« ??. elei --iKiial '».'" '? I .* *.. »»y» of Alken: "Asa w ut. ? Ktiib in e «oiisidt r lt. m palai of lem|H-«rstiiro sud ,. ,.aie, tbe mull <??|???|· ol iiny pi." ·' in il" IfetoUtBIetee" M nil lot i"·« paiuphb '. 1! P.I H AÍHKI.H, I'ruprletor. Tilt: ran hoods hotel, I MUM AfsVll.LK, HA.. MiVVAUli ?. 'ill. ?, I·. G, Manager. BUWy (??.?-. TUL PARAD1BK ui' vv i.m Kit ??ß????, bend ??! <|<·ß? ?????? clicular. m. a. iiowr-R. TLANTH· IIOI SK, OCBAR «tin vi·:. N. J. LslablUbeil l«7il. rira»»nt, «atei ? Inter ?,,,??«, Tburoiialilr heated by steam. CllAlll.l.si J. lít ? r. fVUE PI G??? HOUBfS. 1 pala ? ? a. rLORIDA, ?,?'??? 11 K.C. ?? ? hi» larse. uew liiitel. bullion (ha »Ite t,f tl,e old G??(??»??? House, luta bt-en lsa«r«l for a terni of years |,t (i-si AK ?«· UAUU'I.N el ib» U lili» Mountain buléis [lie ··'( raefopl." "l'aeree," "Twin klonnUilu,-' "niiiumlt," tail ..Ml. I'li-asanl " hou»es it !,»» set ,m.?,p,,??? lui ntrliiiu «Ired irnes!«. rontaln» nil modern Impiorsment· elevator, electric liebt» «nd isiirstdttt in aren reaaeei Tourist, tini lut »ibis «ill find no more dellabtlii! ?.-??.p In the Bettth than lalstk« and violnlly. 1'altUs the slaitlug point lur «11 i.l»· et "I luleiest In Florida. A.¡tin·««, '"v out *hu BARRO». FALa-TKA. fLOmlOA. rpili; KAU.NUK, coutil (eroluia Avenu«, Imi- 1 low l'a« m··, ir the oratili, Allanllc (Ky, ? J _A. J. liARNAI.L. V. I). Mo» l.OiTJ. fftÌB iDutilfò ? WAN TED, ? wet ?????μ? wit li u Imliv not <>v«»r ¦?«·· iiionihs old. Cali tv «nini «lay inoiiilua at 11 u'clix'k 1. Sfai lWili-st. i A S 1 Kl»..ftuIcanuMi to aelt our auree, vaniti, etcì unni Bar· oipirlnnc« In 111« butines« lioiiu other uertt apply rr|. inn ·¦ ic.'iiiie.l. Additai ?? Kl.I lt. II.U1MAN.V A CO., Cui· limali. WANT BD..A wotnuii uh μ???? cook tti.tt l»unilrc«s ? n fsiiilly of 4| wages, fl8, refcreutr, luuat be «t cu. Cull ., Went 7,1·I st. Dancing ftcaònmt«. BOSS..""" "".".'¦».,·¦¦¦,».¦ A LLEN DODWORTH. No. 681 Fifth-nve, Class «? rrlvste Irrrore. Ferii stsmp for firmier. ???' WORK, imtsius mttioctlon tm all asnees su«l 280 Saures lor ilio lotUliou. 1 ??«, il tu. itanipi or postal cassa LEXANDER MACGHEOOBM, Jt\ WM Msillsonsve. Private lessons any hour «lllly; clssses every ilay new ? Issses now forming._ KEILLY'S SCHOOL FOR DANCING. 578 Ciliare., Is reoiieued lor tbe leuiou. bend postage for circular. C ©centi Sicumere· ? ? 1? TRASATLÁNTICA Eál'AXULA Formerly A. LOPEZ A CO (North AaasrtsBa Btaaaavl laasananatesCthlecBObacaj' aiB Bats Bcv-Ynrh itr TsnA'tiret-ton the Itti. 1 Uh so 1 'Jlfi of every montti. The first rl.»»« ste insiliti ?ABA KA. CAUtalii Alratin». will sail on til" Iti bI l'a irmi ? ir ll.iv.tnt, .ina tin,· tor l'roicruso. Vera OtOB, Coi una au I Siiiiamior. FlRSl't'LWs iAHLE. WI I'll WIN!·. For Batata» passai;* »nil titilar Information, apply MUÑOZ* ESPIUELI.A, (.onerai Aírente, ru .imi m Liborty.it», baasawas» POM PÄONIE GEN E R ?11? ? RA N8ATLAN- V> TIQUE. UlKNI II LINE TO IIAVIiK. ConipaiiV'* I'ier timwl No. ? NortU River, foot ot Mort')n.«t. LA lilii l'A·. · .I- loaste.m . Mit., F»'·. ,ï, 'J p. m LA NORM WIM E.,1·. ,v «.hi a . SU. Feh, Ig la m LA HAMi'AíiNi·.. Tiaih .fsatardar, Foi·. ! ?,'.· ·. m. LOUIS G>1£ HKBIAN Aireiit. .Vf», i liowlllls; (JrtKjo. RKANi'M OFFICE. 1,1 HI BROADWAY. c LUNARI) LINK. ¦ poasBOS» oov, !"", »n,i»|iiti nu riii"iim«% t?,·. SB«» ttrliets M atei from ill part« of Europe st very lo» l'i riitlil unti l'i -«..ir·· olili·... No. 4 IlowIllifC UreeS. VEilNoN 11. UROWN A CO., Aguate. uiom new-york to liverpool vi* queens- Town, EAST IXl'Illhh MAIL SF.RVICK. AURABIA.Satiirtsr. Kl». V J:S) p. m. si'YTIUA.isatuMav. Fu. 18. ¡SSO), m. ETIll KIA.-atenía.·,lei. il·;.7 a. in. CAIMA.Ha ni ?!av. Mar. .1. lp.ru. ( shin [lassar«, SSO, *>", an,t SlUU, 'iiti-rnimliatA, Wft. ?? ersce tu· Tate«. _H, BROWN A CO- Agent» /MJIO.N LINE. \? I'. 8, ANI) ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS Kilt C.UKES8T0WN AND LIVERPOOL LCCTC Pier n«. B. iC. foot ot KiUft-st. WYOMiNi».». needsv. ree».a, io*, re. A i:i/ona.Tues.iay. geb. s, * a,m. NEVADA. TOOSdat. I'.'l'. 16. 11 a WISCONSIN .Tiicsilar. Poh, Ti. I t). in. Ai.asKA.Itaoodar, Baro* ?. ? a m. Cabla intuí" SSO »ni »i»»r ir·!, BOSOriUaa lo location. In iernie<li.ite ni'finl·· la»« .#.!·). st.-or»/.»Sin. A. H. IN IH·. ?IH LI. ? ( ?... '.iti l'.roailway, ?. Y. Il ambare· American 88. Line tor Hamburg. I Monna. Keli 8. 1 n tu. U',,: »?·?... Feti. l()7a. in. First e,itmi, ¦f.",ii, fin alni |7j. biea-rai?« »t in ? ratea Semi ¡ir" rintristì la/,att-l. KLNlIAKbl'in IO., C. 11, RICHARD A CO., ?ß??. AKt«..iil Hi.1.1.1 st., ?. ?. (ten. Pas. ? ? Is.. 01 U'wsyV.Y. I N.MAN LINK. U.8.and Royal Mail Bteamers I roil (-il! ENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL CITY OF I'llK'AU'i.llnir».iay. Feb. 8, 1 p. m. VA VCOUVER.? ?.· 'a». Feb. d.i p. III. (I I V OF CIIK-'I BH.Tii««.lay, t\u. 15. lt.SOa. ?. CITY OF BERLIN.Toacdat, Feb. ML 4 p. m. Emm Iiiiiihii I'ler. foot of (IraatLst. .l.r«ey City. CABIN PAHMAOl *.',·) suit upward. INTEIlM EDIA?/?. *?a O'lEERAliE. *18. II.Il.lt WRIUIir A SONS, Oencral A»its, No. 1 Uinatlwsy, N. V. ??G??-CfIINA. OCCIDENTAL AND OKIENTAL .«teuuier» leave sin I ran, i.tcu lolla»·« OCHA ?'IC.Thursday. Feh. 1*. (??G?,? . ._.liinsUv. MtrohlS. Il h Li. IC.ruiuray, April «t, 04 LAM. i.Ai.i.i, BELUia fcuptlblv A¡e·.,un.; 1 .«uycrwr A c un ni 1 «tl lav HAN l'A ill/! -? cm cipa;.!,/ liiiutu L Res.crrs.tlnu« «?? '"> ?? l'i "·' lattei ir tel ·,'G\·»'·. ???? cabin plant »cea «t, -·>·' lir.j ti.t*»y, -Nvsr Vunt. -r ilooa» .'«, Hillnrl . u.uinu. BSb 1taasta o. 1 J.. AM' STANFORD, l'rctldCUk T. ir. tJOODXAN. i.eiorai ?ß???μ» àgeat VuiaiDEUlSCIlEU LLOYD sa. CO. ..' RI H il H. ." I..'.-...?.?. KKW.YORK, m,l G???????.? A.M. itili M LN*. I.V. G l.M'Ui..««, hlK.lMl.llN «· A.VI L.VV.d, eu J, 11 .i',*..,,. IH.1M, vte.L, Fe 1.3,1. 6 (L m. .»i.l.l.i.. .V .,!., l'Bb. :'. "a. ni. i- ?.? A, r.«I.. G el. ML 7 a.m. I s. a,.,1.. G, ,,. lo, Vi ..up in .-»A A LI ,VV.·.' Maicli ¡t*lOa.lit ?.. u ? .bui, ?7.? t·, |lOu, accortiti·· io um attua, .«««.ouil cauiu, BM, Me, lag« «? ..,.». »l lalu». iiKi.i.i, il«, .t. u .. Nu, u Bow Heg Oreen. _ FLÒRIDA VIA SAVANNAH. 1 in-weekly Ila· from Ne.-V l'IKii ,5, V. fi. il-u.lt II s., ti t·.! «s. II A 1 Ali, -? ? 11 ,.?-.I u · liv. F.-b. 1. at 3 p. ni. S . V ·?? A ·?? 's A I.l'.s! IT, 1'· b. .1. ?! lip. m is«. Ili IU' HAVANNA ?. s.i t ii.lt ,\ .t dp. h. ·. ,··· Hi ; with '??????, Fioritali »«'-«teru iuilwty. foi ,i iota,,«. Fern in· nn ». I tc«· eivillo and all petal· la Florida. Luturpxs«ed «co,:iiiiilil,.ii( :.r,u .tu i.j.j u'liule. For freig'il ,,· iim;i n,i r M J. ?. HA-HA .. s. UF.sltV YOXOB, aauUriiAgani «. '. ? v. (.,-.. Agent Ocean Ba. tta, ili ,.? «ait ?>. a in r ,lj. N. It, PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'» 1 LIMtHKUlll t ? I I !.. .'. ? A. J ?? AN, Il l.N A. Ct.N I RAI. AS O SOI I II ??? I. ? i «.A AM) M ¡.XI' U I en ? aw· York, ?.«? ?·-·' ,-f »nais!., N.B. 1 ..? tao rial.. .-, ., ru .,.,- ? .? ?.?,. of G«?,.,ma. CITY «iF l'A sails Fue«,lar. It 1. uttoa. ?,?.G?? REDt'l I l"N IH HAI L.1 lu SAN Kl. VN, ?«· ·?. C(tJ n·, ».'" Moi.,·, : ·¦>. From Baa t rain ¦< ··. lai tu ?,, »noon sta, loi ? ......?, ti tu. CITY OF hill.Vi.l «..»Min :.,. 1 ¦¦ ·. 13, . p. IU. Farti ...,·¦ ...? ?,,?,?.1. :..·-.n..»:..tu apuli alaete· pan·, ...Lu u.i lite ?»··, .uoi ? aaai ,-, ?. It li J. bl LLAY. bui KI.D >1? ? LINE, l m. a.\ w IP A ? li PARIR, from N«B Volk and A !,(·»! 11 et t rv s.iturdar. -??.?-, . ? . ?,.Fssluroay. ? ?. ... ,?? ,·. a, ? · l'I« 1|.. , J. ? L 1. Fall and VA'ib lar Rale· Flitloable, ?·.! mi tlX «.ai ir . .ol,, til sil. »...,. -,.??,,? ,.II. ,-tj. l.tlUls.aU, *JX Me« Ig« ..! ,,»v si la,, «. I Ili.i. ..i., -..ii .. «i'N«. lica'l Affla, M Ilroadway. '???? U. S. ??|> I.I.AZIL MAIL >>. Cu A Aiai,'ai, paatteager ??ßß foi -? l'Imi ta. liai ?»·??», G .la. Mai «ma .?. .¦.titani ?- u.» ?, loi. ,?. «?...?...,.|, ?. ·.. ? \ tal ?. .: .... u ut m al Ma m Im st Ibttuiaa, liai silo«, Par* Mai..iiita..i. I .-i n ????.,?, ,,. ilila ami hki Ue Jaulero,.ueclin« for nauuïe Roulei ·· «lui »a» [·, s. ip risivi i.. Minili ebraerr ut -, yuan Newport .News, V's -...,., «, allei al p. in. ?? ? i.l II II a ..?· ? ". igei s. -, ,.?,..,.. ,1 .\ ? W lili I. STAK LINK. M l'OH Qt KKNKTOWN V N; H I.I V KRFOOl. IMI l.l «I A t.s MAH «? ?.??G.???. i:i PI BLU', ? apt Ivo ? ..n. ,,? Feu t. 1 ?. at 1.1 m t ? ?, ?,.?. ·? ·? ¦; ?. untar. IVb 12, Ma» et A HUI ATM'. ·»,.;. r ti .... .Tbiira-Ur. I n. 1 ni ;·. u. li ili ? A ? ? |? a;,!. IV11 ? I, in -'.?., 4 ?... it ? ?..in il,., Ubile Mar I'··· k, !·«·! ··( Wee! |l ·?. ????·;.« «al. «?:?. ???, «..'. .?? I rio ?. Ilei ,?? ? 11, licit > 1 G·rombi« lentia «¦¦·¦ un the old Country, fi) Intermediate Adriano aa«t l'alile miri.·*! etcurtton, WO loi ? ,;e. tioii ,'f ?,.???« or ··.·!,.·: uiror.nati,in appi/ al Ilio toi..|,a.i) » ulbeo. Ne ..'.:.·. ? ?.·.«. K. J. I ORTIS, AlCfllt. ßiciimiiouio imi Bailroubs. /? ? I K.M. RAILROAD OF NEW-JERSEY. inoliti Mil Kl Y -I III I. Nolll'll ItlVKH. G,,? PHILADELPHIA an,? ???????, " BOOOd Brooh It.," al l n '. ".; 18, '.' IM, 11 II.II I 80, ? O, i 30, ."· ili·, ItO p.m. SUNDAY" el 8.00.8:16.a. m. ; 6:30, 12.00 |?. III. tig II i m'. ? i.'·. 11:00, a. in 1 M>. i (??. ,". SO, ?'lai in liait· olile »111 ? I..' I.e.nliiiif, lisi I i-l.iilay. P..US »?.·., le. 1.00 a. Ul, t,u KasluO. I.ell.i. liein, A i.i...» n. Man, Ii lain.. RoaUlua, lia. I.-it.ills*, t W. I'll Snodata ...I 1-.ii. IMI .? ie t,,i Eaatoil, B< ll.l.-ie in. Alleotowo, Maw Ii« It.ink. \V il., »bai ··. an.I t>. ran...? ?.?,,.? m ?,? I .asli -n, Ii. Hilt In in. ??,???..»» n, Main h t'linrik, VV ill».-?,,.??. -, lauen, I.e.».'uie I... 11 Ibury, PultOVIIIe, G?.|US, -Ii.Hutu· ,11, -.iiiiliurv. 1.. Isl'iiiK, « iluaiusi in 1. » ., Mil litui 1:30 p. 01. tor Fasten, llttMilii in, Alientowii, liuuk, lixvliiiK. Harrlsl urg. ele, ., I |, III fol .1-1 .11. Ilei Mele III. ? I.. II t..»« II. M..11. Il 1 lililí li. W .Iktnli ai n M. laut.m, G??*?·|"?. -Ii.ilnekiii, Miiilniiy, Lew· Lit,ni u. \S lliiain.|,.,ll. .1. S ?. ami 4 ..() p. in I..I Essi. l'.itlilriieiii. Allcntnwii, iti·. 6:46 p.01. ("i ...t.ii. 11. Uli. lu ni. ? Ilei,t.,»t a, Slouch « titln k. ¡ike-tune, iieaniog, MarrUbarg, ota üanoodajra al ., .in μ m . .u,,I ; .'.() p. in. fur t'.uMoli. lit'tliielieiu, Alleniti»» n. elf i Ml. M 16, 11 DOS in 1 ut'. I mi, I 30, ß 15 m, m. SiiniUva 1 tin. ',? imi a rn lor ??.? liana, ,,?,s Uralici». OoCOO QroVS [elrrpl Hiiuitsy»), Polii! Pleasant i ah. 8:16 a. in., ?.?.·, i il e. in., im I ski-wool, lotus R-ver aliti liai li. cat. i .id .t. m ? ?.m., ft.r Allai.l,e City, Viiiclaml, anil 111 IMUelell. ? .m. . la. 11:46a. m. 1:00, 4 .tu, B :o p. m. lot tren hobt, 4:30, ?; imi, ? 16, Um», 114". sin., loo. 4 (?), 4 Ito, h80, ill.'· p. m. biii.ilays 1 un, '.tua a. in. 1er Let tu An.>¦ ..? (limi of trim.« to lo.il points m·.· Utile tattles si Ticket Ulti«. « ^¡K\V-IIAVKN. . 8teamors leave rock-slip I (l'i«r'.'S l·. It. te la. ni. .tu l 11 ... in. (tsuu.l.irsetoe.itai l) buaineis.tr rivo io limo (or S »rly ? imi ? « n il tu in l it» fJAPE CHARLES KULTE TO NORFOLK, RICHMOND. OLD POINT COMFORT ANO THE SOL IH. On ami sft» r Jaiittary 31st, 1HS7, Express train for Caps Itisi le« ulti l'oint Comfort ami Norfolkv via Ilio NKW-YUHK, PHILADELPHIA ANO MiHKul.lv RAILROAD, triti leali» Pennsylvania Railroatl Station. New.York, 7l30 a li, e.» :,» ?, .li S ..sii» all',»,!,S »'M l'olllt, 11.. 0 ti. ui., aii.l Si'O ». m, Noilolk Sii ."> li. in. 00 .,. in. steamer for l'.lel,m..11,1 will leave l'ape (liarles al s m. on Mou la» ·, Wtiliiesilaty» sutl En,lay-, arrivili*, (lisie st Ü p. m. Util· t.l P.»na lar lo L'a11e (.'l.ailuaou tlie IO» k.» pires, nel Hlnepina L'ars tliniinli to Oli! Point Oliatori ali·! Norfu.kou die ? igst bipisss. Tickets imi sleeping berths eau be »e- eiiretl s( auy llckel utile· of ili· P«uiis>lraiila Hallioatl ? oiupauy. 11. MY. DUNN, Hupt, ?, ?. COOKS, ? r. and ?. ?. BAY LINK ?? OLD POINT COMFORT. Norfolk. Va^ seat Soutti Ira»·· »la l'uni. 1». J'· * t- ?. >n. l'almi care to Ballunors il.mu«. Palace sl«»u.ti», atiiTins stolti l'oint al M16a, ut hoiioki lia. tu. li. V. lOslPAlNto. Oeii'l Pasa. Afeuk, olu Uruatiwax. N. y POPULAR BHORE LINE for Moeton. ProvT X ileuce. ? ewport ami eli New-Euslamt Pointa, All «ali Il oui >< ran.I Central Depot. ? ? μ?-es» train« ilaiiy |Huu.lars ekcepleill st S a. in., 'a1 p. m. tparlor r»i » atUtailis.1) ami 11 u. in. l»t nit pata« >' «isenins .<«???. rinn,la»- trains ID*, u, iwitUja. in· »? nn'' nt«·?. 11 p. in. (with palace »leepin« earsì. Eoi No» ion lake vaio p. hi. Boston Exyreee siti, parlor cars, tonntet» si Vt nktoril lor_N«·*» [on. suit ma at 7itai p. io REDUCTION OF EÂHES VU NORWICH 11 LINK 11k» Pnpulsr lust»!· Rotila. Ti» Hoston, SA U.a. «»tri IV Ml < oil» »? ?,ialina li tu« Ilo 1. lo all poluta, H ri. mei t llljr of \t iti f»t. r" sin! "t 11} Nrw-ìtirk" Ulive Pier 40 i«.l«l limi,I ci), Nortli River, I«ait of \AstU-st. Il ell ? ,?'?-alioVu 1 <t'»lll OSkt'S 1 rt I I liall) t'kl « pi hiiiitlay, »I 4.00 p. m. t.. 1.1.?1?, AkvuL _GUamboat» atto Viaihoaot. '··· PENNSYLVANIA KAILHOAD. "*** *¦*¦ On and arter JANUARY 81. «ß*·. ? RE AT UIC.? ? LINK AND UNITED STATI-8 MAIL ROUTE. Trains l-ave N'ew York, t?» nesbrotie· and Curilandt hijum Ferrie«. ·ß follows: ««???ß?*»*, Ilarntbura, Pittsburg und tlie West, with Pullman Ptlaaa Car« attached, ? a. p?.. 7 und » n. m. (Lilly. New-York ebb «are Limited of Parlor, Dining, isnioklag aad ??ßßß?ß· ( »r» ailla, ni. every tlaiy. ß Wililiinisport, Ia»ck Haven, 9.0(1·. m., 8j>. m.; Corrr»n«1 Urta .IH ? in., tonncrtlng at Curry (or Tltusrillc, PetrolauJ lenire, and the Oli Reirluns. For Le «no·,, mini li. 3:20 p. in., and 12:15nlabl li il!,more. Washington mil tie Sonili. " Limited WsshlnrVra Kxpr.-se" «if G?.luían Palace Car» tlailr, except Hnadar in a. m.: amre Washington 4.-00 p. in. and daily. .1:4(1 ? af! arrive Washington H:5f> p. m.¡ régulerai ß.ili». M (Ml and 8 ais a. m.. 1:00, 2:1(0, 4:30aiitt 9O0p.ni. «ud 12 lft ulalit. biuu day. (Lift a. Bt. 4 :tOand« p. re..tnd 13-13 night, For Atlantic City, except Sunday (ttirou>[li parlor earl. 1 p. m. * Fur (ape May, weekday«, 11:10«. m. On Saturier» onln 1 p. in. I.onr Uran· b. Ray Head Junction and liitermedlsf» na¬ tion«, via Itsliwur and Amboy, U .. p?., G_· noiii. Kin. «, a 3 On .«nil,lav. 4"i ·. in. aud 3 p. BE ido noi stop aiAsburr Park). For ubi Point and Norfolk, vis New. York, Ih idolnhla and Norfolk Kallrotvl, 7 20 a. m. «eck day·, »m! m n.m. «? it ?.· ? vin n.tlüuioi ·· siel H t y Lille. 4.1» p. m. week day« Beala of " Hnioklyii Anne» " connect wlih til through fràina .t Jersey City. aaSSStag a speedy and direct transfer for UriMtklyn navel. Traun arrtrt From Pitt·», ur»r. 7:10, 7.10. 1130 ». m.. 70? and '.»oft p. in. dally. From Wa»hlniz'o:i and Malt .ore. fc'JO, ß.')()·, in I.·-'!), :i:'.0. ¡do. 8 ¡in, 8:30.0:30 and 10 »l p. in. Bund··. H:2<>. IM a. in.. 20. ß :*.?. UiiO, and 10 .(A p. m. From Philadelphia, 8:90, ß 20, ß M», TM, 7 ,«) ¡fi OHO, 10 4'», 1 IHO. 11:60 a. m.. 1:20, 3-00. 3.30, 8:80, l,ML 8:80, TOO. 7:20, h.so, -0. 10 33. 11 ? ·> ?, »mi 13 30 night. Sunday, ¦».".o, «'.<», 0 6(i, 7.10, 7.30, 11:85.1130 A m., U 30, «30, 7:0O.i»:20. ?):?d. 103? p m. FOR PHILADELPHIA. Kxpress Train« leave New-York, via Dcsbrosse« aad Cor*, in·» «lie· is Ferri··, follow« 8 30. 720. H. 1> a.? Limite ami 10 VV «»I, iiKt.ni Lira. Ittitli, and 11 a at, 1, 2, 3.30, 4. 4¦»», », (¡. 7. » and ? p. nt. Slid 13 IS Illgbt. Ac.ouini.Hliitlf.il. H:H0.ind 11:10 a. ·., 4 «tj Î. ra. «untUy«. Kxpress. 0:1», ?!» Limited ?, and 111 ? m.. 4 30. d, 7. ? sud ?. p? , ini 13:15 niKbt. I Trum« leaving New-Vert daily, except «undiiv. at 7 20,8 and 1 in ». in., 1. 2. 4, ». 8 p. iu.. ml 10 a. in., and à p. iu. unlay«, connect al Trentun for ('aniden. ? Lette I'm,.e:e,lima, via t anulen, '.? (m a. ni. tlailr, except Hun- day. Ticket iifliee- 84t, 18»atol nu Breaewar, l Astor lions« and foot of Dcsbrosse· and < ortlan.lt »t». 4 Court at arni UriHikli ?? Annex »talion, foot of ? uliou «t, lirooklyn (sta¬ tion, I«r«»y CUV: I IlllUlUUt ll.kut tlltbe, No.,«; Ualterf place, aud caatle «Inrden. ibe Sew-Vert rraaaferComaaar tviu call for ani checg bsgea»··· 'mm hotels und sidentts. CIIAIiLI.«· K. PL'i.lI. I. R. «-non, Uenerjl M»:, ·.." r. donerai I'sss'r A,·· nf. 11 ? im ; r; m RIV KU HKAXt;íí~ J I BBW -YORK, .nf w H.VVKN .in,! RARTFOBD n.!\ Treln« leave Harlem Hiver stati, u. corner 133tf.»t, anit I-llifoln-ave. retri h:rd Avenue RritU'c iicros« llarb-m lliver (i.».lud ?. v teeeast Avenue end «tabaroaa Kiev» teil Rail road.») «tally «»erpf Sundsr« at ·:4?. 7:.'>(», 0:10. 10. Ititi a. in.. 2:10, 8iBt\ 4:40, 6:4'?. ß:4«? »4. lOrJO n m., for P.»rl Morii«, fateBOT· laic Po'iit). Hunt's Point. Wett Harms, Win Heat YVcHt CliesNtr. ????ßßß'?, UnV « 'In »ter (l'albani Bar), Usrtow It»' Islsnd). I'elltao: Mnnorsitd ?, tv It,» I,ell«, connect in.: at New Rochelle with tr:nns tornii i«,intson ttii main line of tho New-York. New-Haven »ml Hartford knit. nati »Bise Line «n«l Air Line f»iii«l<>ns w-i-,,, tan. Mlddletown. N'ew-llrltain nnfl Sufflel.i uraliche.« tun Rontoa .ndall iicdnts !·'. i«f. Mldnteht train for New-ltochella and all .lite!mediate »tv tien« st 12:10 v m. dallr. except M«.ii.lavs. fsntubiv traiti« for New Ito« hello nn.l til intermediate »t*. tien« st t. m.. 12:01 and Ibi p. m. lb·· totter trato counectr neat N'ew· Rochelle with wty (ron tu ??????? OKIjAWARP«, UCKWVWVA er*! WEsf I UN RAILUOAf». SIIOIITK-T LINI" RKTVVFP.M RKW-VORK ???? BUFFALO. LIOHTNINO EX ? RIM TRAIN« NK ?)?;«·?. ALWAYS OX TfMI, PULLMAN ??« ? HAY ANIí-si. KI'lN'i OOAORaàa, j. ótala V.w Vork. f.M.tof Barc'sv and Ctìr'stntiher«!», »a. ni. iisiiy exeent Bandar«, Bnfflüeand Oeweae R*uraaa, fu !n> ?? ran·1!·, t,, Water ??»··. ß?ron lattare, «cran m, liüijf. ham roa. Rimira, Rath. UnfTtlo. rtv ·"«·>. oeaeas, «ireene. Otford. Nurw'e'i. l'tie.t ..cío, t . Berwifofl for Pltist.ii», Willkes'iarre, [»anvlll·« and Northumberland "l Owego for I Iti.» ? lud Interine Hat» «t if On«. la m. Rln'-'hinit.tri snd ??μ??p '"xpr,·»« PBlhSBB ßßßßßßß for H* iter Hin. S, r tnfnn. ??-itrh inton. f)tr.!/,i «ad Kluirt, Cfinneeisif «icrtnfnn for P tf«ton. Ktir/ston. w| ke«'i,rre. aS» t it m. Patir Battale Limited Einreaa Paltatsa «aaaaae for Krronds'eir·/. eeraefoa, Rlnrhaintea, 'iwe..-?, Kimlr», Cornine. Rath. Wsyland, Ruf alo. A«\, arrring in liuffalti 7:2"». rn. 8 n. m. Patir Pnnruo nrrt 0«weiro Kxpre»». Piiümaa eoeehet oi «not-idshnrt*, Beranton Rlnctiaaitea, cortl.md«. tarract«» n«»re.o. '!r»"n«. m'-.r!. Vorwies,, l'dca and ItiehMeii "-prinir». rennsvt at fhri-r fee litute· snd n(er« ? adiate «tnfion« ex. ent Katardara, Coiinofsat RuUalu witai trsln» torti; iio'nt« Wm% Tlckei« f.r sal,· un! tur·,'!?» che kc! it 2«5 UMadwayaal »t We«tcott Kxi s«tift!r»s in New-VOik am! Ilrooklytt \ F.W-YORK CENTRAL ANO IHMWOH a RIVRH »? !!?.!!???·?...?·.?·.?.,.·??,, m · rnihrvJ UST. tlT'.'H'h »ri··»« tr't· i.-iT- Oran ' '·· 'r I ··.· i«·, .,,. ?-,,,?,?,G,t ?·,,,.,,, r'-riM-'i irsortnc-ro»waescs.ee Allisnv. Troy ?? Uttsn», Riwiso's pt. and miaraas. ¦....?··. ·?. ·"!·...» r,' ¦·..».· ».·' .? ".'n ' «r.mn.n·» V* ''lift, svni-,1.», Itnrti,-«li>r Rii**S'a, Vii-irt Pal if, vf« <!¦ velan,! arel :'..',-',, ir-i'n' it C'ii..iiro !·:¦"»() ? to. e...» ," 10 m«, m, lit. uro Katrsaa stawhaaaaaaa rarsto'anao. .la'-ni -il Roehsetavf m t·· a. m.. tv-«...rn aTew.Torh sn< Wwihira Bsccasâi tt Ith !??»:? ·"viiirar«. lineai l'Mf tui 1 Utti'i Es .r-.i. atth Irawiu,»:. r-nvii .at. tofr.iv. .t ? in Ac mmn wtitlnatYi \l'nv.· in I Tr»v. ·.··, ,. fists >:·¦· I"-1 SS loi-1 t r* ·. »v't'i Stso-Sas |,1G1 for * · Calls, ···"·· ?.nil', ? ,·.·,, rvttatt, Cru· H| t ,·. « ti'nin · i'ir V >··.»¦ V ,rV to Vim»·. ·· ¦<·».. ··» '',,·G" iit'i..tiefi.',- ,,-,· sfstojfaatioati Lu·,. ·,. '··, s -r.eei ? . ·¦· ¦' .ii« p. ,. -...,·, ,? ii,.,'i»r irrite, ? ,. ?,,.«·..G 7 p) «. «?.. It.:".'.. ·? i.i .. ,·?. ml ? vve'jii IJ I'. ?. ni e.'ti'ir. ·, ·. I·,·-It.· Rt press, ·» " Or It",'h»s- rrr ? .t \ prsri f Ils '.·¦-..,,., ?. lot.'., fieief.ir ini ".'.-ir« ro HTa'er "Te rli (/·-·,. »?«·) In'inrn "enttvssn 1 ('su irvltl n lil'f »t«««b( «titorlst. 11 I*, m., N·-·',» Ktfi .«. ·«¦" r. »l'uiny r r."-tt w"ri il.rnint trains for testassi su fot loe Mort h «.v,·.>!.» s,»,,, ,v ·,·. ,., ·· >i »»',» vt .iri-il i·,·,te,· ·..·>.·. \.t. 7 n»tt»rj" m ".·,,'»»¦.- Bortoni ¦· -> I ·' it. ao-t Itti, irr.., ? ¦'·« i'..,r,.«, ..·,, near Bros ?. «-·»». 7ß8 .?'???,,?'-,·',··:¦· w.t ?·.·-.?· it. Hew. v,.rk :i:Ç;t W.«', ?-.»,,,,,.». 7·»? ? ?'·,·, -.«. Brooklyo. sos 71 ((Il »I.. M lili ».e-'elr.'. ? -'.' it' -.n« ? 'riri'i.'.riiii .it »'««»? ? r ir« ? ? nt of Ih« ·¦ k*l .·!¦·« ., V-vVi;» city, »al 188 «?? ilnetn·).·'.. Itrnnktvo. Il ··.'¦ il'·. fr ·. ·¦· ti "?·? t, ?»· v" nth - '.Hi ·' tSan Uy. »sin« »toi ,. |(,?G|, .. 1·.··.·' -t ni IHM ,1 j >l I'M. i ? I). II. KE.VORICK. .,·¦¦·· -? rruteotloot, líen» ral ? «s»-iuter A treni, U'1>T SUORE RAILROAD. ? V. c. ami II. Ii |: «·,.. |, . e ia,a- if.t»«,.' ? ¦! si. stai .m ss :... -, aad 15 inntitec ».arliei fr.mi foot of Jay-at.. North Ultori Leu,,:' loilChl. .no ¦·.'¦"¦'· a. in., ii ?·.'.,·-. 1.? p. in. Ml Li.QIS ? ? '. j.. tu. I III ,. »ta n-·. Burraio, It ti·-? r s,?« ,, ,,. ,,., uri,loe« ? ,? ?,?,«. .1 1*. -, ·,.· ? ?.. 8:0 .. ·- 19 ?. ?·?. ?. -ii. ??-'·. Sail it:·-., ..?... ,. Alboar. .III. ? 14, II v. '.I ::".«. in.. I 00, »lu,, s 1., p. m. Cranston's, Ve»t Potai, Cornwall Scattar*, ·.. 1.? '7 15, 0 Ift, 11 'i m.. Mu. ",.??, S..'.p.m.. ami ·· 01 p. ni. raosioii -, ( orawolt, Nos luir*. or Mo ,.,«..;,., i.. m. ILiinni-iti. L tiliti. '.)'G? u. m. ? OS, S 15 p. ni. Toronto. '.· ".'. a m ·'. '.·. tat B IJ il. ,·.- in: »Is ,,? ·..· ...?- ,? BllltslO. Niagara rails, Introït ( li.e.¡un an,t Si. lamia00 Oll through ti.»a... t. ?. ( Dailyosoeol ..·1»??·.?.»?- OUiol trains.!.«,;>· except Sun lay. I..1 lickela, Itti.?··tallies, patio: or Bleeping cat .'.·, orniu.Mia. lions or infonusiloo, apply ui ?.'.?., - Brooklyn.333 Wash- 7 ,. lu.:.ei-t. Inori Hi,. Iwt ,.? ???,??:, »L Sew-York t 103, ÎS.%, 042 ???··??·.?·. l.*»3«a Bowerr.aaa West HROfa sUtldttS, foot Ot Wosl 4.M »:.. foot ? ;,?» -t NIC 1U..M.I MO I'll. ,", .ti.i. tn.l:..ivt'. i.ei.i-tii. ?'a«* ,,.:.? A sofc I EIIIGH VALLEY RAILROAU taaBBOBB TRAINS leave foot ol ?tarShUTsfJ ar Do*. I,loas» » sl«. (,||;.IWS· 7*. m. im· Caloaaoqaa imi inter n-Mut.» Miata C a. m. lorOooeva, i.ron«. Elmira, Hoeoesier, BoSals ml IL·· M .. .,? principal .,.« al ¡«iiuU vieni at to tt ,»or lain·. In. in. for Tiinkli.tiiiinrk ¡in·! tafrnMsttato t."tit« ? '..iirose Iiiiikli.tiiuiK-k. Coiiiieition t.. It. l.tioe inni llaniabofa} f S Hi !'. ui. lor G-It-ton ,«u,l ? run if.»: an. s a,cl: .Is ooinla, l lia.r.ar to Plttstoq. 8:40?. m. for Copiar »? I utor ai·· li »··» ·, ?«. ttaacCCiaMl ti· II,· ?,?????; tul Harr «oír .'· rtitir ?.· r»»l»r. 7 p. in. for tlecsva, Lroa\ Klioirs, itoetM toc ·??»·? ut 111« »t ? lU l'i .1 .·· » I. »' > «. 78tld ni.'.ir t.i'irv« «n I 'it t n ·1· ?'·> »oit«, lr.tlii«i"iviiii{ it S », in.. ? ?., ill « ? ? ?. ?. liaOSSI »f ¦11 pointe IB M.iliiaov »al 'Ll'leti'i ''·' l.,'i»li, ' sl'VDW It UN'S. si. n. for Baoeh ciniiik. Haalotea eeJ .utonueansai lOliit«. 84ÜO, n. for f.mi \r tn l Hitónos tuto ittntl ","p n. Or lieu ··»·.». I.f 11«. i:i nirs. lli.viatur. iilUlj lit tl.tAv «·»·. l'a,lin m tlesaor (o Lyaii«. \l.l. lairs i»»lii«t(l..Muiiin^tou Lin»·. TÎie ?.,?,,?,?, tu-,:.· Beala toi hootsa, rtatsleaec au.1 all Ni wEuslJU't f ""'s t ull inaili'· ICBl ?) takln»; Isle trains (mm sir.n,s,,r. 1»»·» limili: cna.? par.?? .ais liolwccu ß?????? Ull hag SU»! Bootoa tt 11 Hut ? CUA ???. .¦sleaui.lt »» ill it'.i»t· pur w No. l'i, Noitli Hiver. ,.uo SBSSk uLo»e Vaniti al., all.JDp. m. aail; eBOaul soni.lays 1. tt. HiPILl·., Ce.G? . a-- un. ? A^t.. l>os ·,.·. i. ..e« ? ork. ???G????? RAILROAD OF ? KW JERSEY. as ? rams leavo tioiu L'SaaiSors it aiaiaot lai laaloaosÉ. ? iii.itiv, ? tastar, aserstaU aita ,?.*» ¦· ?a. ?,?. .- ¿a. \? uj Slut lían u. in., Illa, .>:-«>, 4.1K), liai·. .. «?. ,,? ?, O J ?, s.osjT u..m p. m., l-oo iiii.iu.aiit. .-sun.i»)·; lo. Dilua, m., ? od nul SUO p. Ul. Im Nali.tet, BOT il8 Va,lei, Violi-, y ami I'siiiUiUS^ i SU, 7..D, SiSV a. un, i.jn, «..OD p m. aim lay«, MO Si 6.D|> p. in. _^^^ 1???? IvAlLW AV. now known M tlio .\?\\'- \v»ltU. I.Aiil·. lililí·. A.Mi W/aaSTkOn ni lu, A D, ? inoliali ? ran.« teat ? -..a .-?. ,???,?? lnaiUwrs el» »Uitieii-.ii hi.,« BOOT, lo« «a ua.ns ,, e 844BS ????? ,.,?. u m.i.ai. s earlier 11.an iio- ? ..a...ii> »:. pa. iu. i.a.l) intf,ii n.iii.i.l)«. luy r.spies», liiutel llrsw. Uia-ruOOl v».atU»e lo ItiusUaiuUiU, Eiuiiro, Hoiiinilsvi.tS, Biiua.o ? ul.iiau .-·??, pilla ?»»..? .? Cnu --? 0 ? ni. -l'ailv to:l¿ Horn io l-^L) "V OMOfJO ami SI. l^uls Lini- llt«l," a scita Pulmini! Usui of l'a) ai.il huilul siovptuf loacli«·. lo »o*1*'"e. » ifte.auil, I lOOluBOU, ???? Siiti SI. Uiatl l'Uilinaü ölcvplu^ l oaclie» lo Hállalo, ? .asar· ?,?.?«. u.U..?.,.>?, «na l'oloul.i. No fidaonargoIM tasi Ulna, p m. ,'«?0· ? ,.e a-· l.v, ?,·-». PuliuisU luy sn S.iepiiili; UOOChSOta 1.?11??.·??.?.·??. El.,,li ?. Iiovlittalcl, Ilo,la,,., .N.S, «ala 1 ..·¦», ? .m .unan aun » a..a.,,. Rullivi tot»! ituil Pillile, 4.46, o Ao.7H\ 7:.iD, '.· .IH, li).'.'Da.rlL, 18 l.U neon. I A.'>. Jahl, A oD, t ili, ililO, a l'I, Silo, li ID, J0, 7 1... .' 4.1, n:.ID. .D én p. m., l'J.DD iiiiiliiiiilil. >iiu,l.it », iti. S JD, IH-DA. ut., i^ueon, 1 io, i lo. 0..1D, 7 li, o, IO Ali ? in., ?- I'»1 lUlilUUUl. ?. I...-U. t .,..»', -·'. ··¦",.' '»'. 1" -¦' a. in.. -'-tt.a, lai .Ulli, o.iD, i. ID, ODD, 5 ID, .»'., ..,.'». ?,?. o ..ti. 7 ll, 7 ii' ß ¡d' ß .ih, lo an p. m., iiW BUstalajnit ouutlay», d 14. h.JO, U)-o, iJi·»' a. m., l.li, *ii, un, ii, V.OO, ai JJ a».. l'iiOO nililaishS . -_ Ntjuai» ami Palei sou. Vis Newark, U5D. S.DO, b All, 10:00 Il .ID a. to., ¿??>. AiiO. A.iO. 4.*?, 4;iD, 8.aD, i¡.D, ü *0, 7.J»), H.DO, ,·'.·'» p. ai., »?.,? .'.'"D IlllitUUill ·1··1·> el'i'Pl >UU,la/ h III.ila» », O lu S- Ul . i.'iO, lililí, S.DD p, lu, Sutleiu i iö, û.l». 7 6D, UJD, I0.1"-»a. ni., 1 46, HilO. S:ML MB 6iiD Oli). 7.1?, «... s ,?,,. 10 .,U p. .... alel inl.lli «ni bumiat». 6t.,, » ¿D, lu -o a. ui.. lio, i.la, O.oO. HVO. 1080 U. m. ami li UD uiluuialiL Waiwick i la, ODD, lu '.'<> a. ni. 4:30 p. ui. buattaysA.48s. 10. feAïraataÏAn^ '"·· M* *¦*>¦ "<>** »»V.ii .e ni a??.?G? oíd e. ?. au.! ?:???. to. nouiamnery. Itomloul and IklusiloD. ODD a. 10., 8.30 p ta. «.Ϋuu?î Uuouiïr^O.OOs. m., aicept Sumlaya l!2Sm 4 lia **°, ? ?? ODO, IO.Mk m.,» Au, 8:80.4:30,8:00, h i" ¿ in «un.lsys. i.lt».S:3D. ID JOs. m.. 0:3D. S:00 p. Bt Midàlotowi». iiö, Olii Itoli. tJiOO, lDiaO a. lu., 380. «aJ, ???ß, ¿??« iodi» p. in. isunuays. fwift. S:dD, li>:iO a. ui. 0:30. SiOO. o' ni' 1 lie StOO a. ui. train »???. ai Malu-SL uiuy. Port Jervis 4:46, .?50. 0 DU, 10:80 a. m.. 3 30. 4 30 SOO. StOOL C.rtlp. »II. SUL<la>S,S:3D, lui*) A lu., 0:00, 8 80, StOO £ m\ TicsoU ur BSaaaaa *n«l aparuaeuu lo Ui.t»«iu8lvooiasu4 Mr. pius toadies eau otitaised, aott oi tiers tor Ute ofisek· ms ami transfer ol ImKjtsf ? siay be left sl the Cotuuauy < ita lieos Noe. 401, 711. 067 Brosaiway, ls7 ttoit-sL. N. Y., Boa. 831 ¡Milton si Hr.mkiyu. or sl llis Coiuuany'i ileooU. tiptoes tratos lasSBÌha tte.i srrive ut New kork al 7t 17, 7:47. 10.66 a. ni. sott IDiOO ?. ?. U 1'. l'Alila A. H, Usu'l Paae'r Ageat, New: York.

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Page 1: ?AD W ?C OPYING B00 - Library of Congress...nraa a wonderfully seU>nolsed little girl, whs coodacted berceli s ? ably among the Aiabs as to wm iheir admirniion. The vuiig Beotehsnan


his. s uciland Horuun. Ç. Byleuio, pp. 16H. Hai pei A. Brothers.

THAT OTHER PERSON. By Mrs. Aurntn ??·??.lCnio, pp. 313. Philadelphia J. B. Uppbicott Co.

IN THE WltONi» PARADISE, and Othor Stories. ByAM.RKW Lam», ltliuo. pp. 2SÒ. Uurper i Brothers.

A MODERN TEI.EMACHI'S. By CHsHLOTTtt M.Yo.NiiK. lOuio, pp. '¿IS. Harper i Brotbere.

"Britta" Is a tale of the Shetland crofters. Ithas tbe drawback of being put in the' formof a narrative by a third person, who «Supposed to

be tho minister of one of the islands. There ie not

much plot. A tyrannical factor or merchant com¬

mits suicide under cirenmstancee which suggestmurder, ani} a crofter who had qunrrclled with him

ie tried for tiA crime, and has a narrow escape of thekind which does not otten happen in actual life.

bouie incidental light is thrown on the way of lifo

Of tho IH-asaiits iu the Shet bind isles, but no serious

etudy has boon made of their condition* Alto¬

gether the story, though not without interest, is

ratherthm, and thore is not much art m its present¬

ment, much of the character drawing being crude.

Tbe tendency to introduco the "seamy side" of

society into English novels appears to he growingrather alariinnelv. Imprinter ladies of fashion jogelbows with disreputable men of the world. The

ekeleton in the èssati which used to be kept underlock and key discreetly is aawadajl paraded, afterthe ancient Egyptian custom, at the feast, andeven the present writer seems to think it necessaryto take a leaf from the notebook of the late GeorgeReynolds. The lady who wrote "Tint Other Per¬son" is apparently as harmless as a dive, thoughnot perhaps as What lanssgaatlt, f.ir she cannot tell? commonplace lovo story without gratuitouslydragging in a ttacioej altogether discreditable to

the hero, a'id as unnecessary to tho developmentof the plot. This hero is meant for an

estimable young man, but he u represented as

possessing about as much mural sense as Zola'sClaude Lautier, aud the her.iine, though sheknows of his loose conduct, and has reason toSuspect that at the vere time he wits malting hot

loyo to tier he was in afl-'ctinnate correspondenceWith his mistres«, consents |0 he his wife. Why utter

marriago she should develop an almost insane

jealousy; why, having condoned so much, sheShould suddenly refuse to condone anything, is oneof those mysteries winch authors do'uot seem ableMenata to clear np. But it is brought out that tinsill-rrgiilnteil young woman really did not lovelimi when she married him. ami while this factdoes not clash with the conception of 1?·t darttablefrom her antecedents, it is unite »nit of accord withtlio position which aha takes eub.>eiiueiitiy. Thereis a preat deal of surplusage in the story, whichcould have been better told in half ? lie spare, midoven then the qties ion would have arisen whetherit was worth telling at all.

Mr. Andrew Lang has so accustomed ns to brill-iaut writing that the general tlulness «if his new

stories ie surprising and perplexing. That they are

dull, however, must, we fear, be admitted by nearlyall (at least on this side of the Atlantici who readthem. The first tale, " The End of I'lin-acui " isbetter conceived than executed. A modern mis¬sionary, rather of tlie Piotfcor lltiggins Tsikitjr. is

wrecked on an island inhalii.e.1 by a remnant ofthe ancient (¡reeks, who maintain the old civili¬sation and cults. He tries to convert them audthey prepare to sacrifice him. There is sense humorm the story, and »vident option unity for muchmere, but somehow Mr. Laut;'* hand is beaty andbis gambols clumpy. " In the Wrong Paradise "


more deftlt wrnten, but after all ininpatativelylittle has been got out of theiniti »1 Us· Whleh should have beenfull of sngJOSTlen "A (heap Nigger 'has littlemerit, being in fact mere mention alisto. Mr.Lang's natural vein gmnagn only ? such état sa

«s "in Castle Perlions,' *'? DaenesVa Beeret" and" ihe Oraal Gladstone Myth." All these talcs harea.i'eu.lynppoared m the nwsgasl me and they are a >t

of a citara».· ter lo addiiiuch to the ani hors reputai ion.

"? Modern ?» leinaehns" is not a panieiilurlyhappy tit'e. Tlesloiy told by Miss Togata is aa

iute:·, sting and for the nio-t part an hiatnr·ici. one. It is of the adventures of thci iltir-n of the Comte «lo Boarhe, nn

Irish Jacobite, natumüz d in Trance, who m 1710.aa sent ne aesarat amhaeeaslnr ta Bwcden· Hiswife-c out ta J du htm but was ctp'nrel by an

Aig. r,a:i pirate, ihe prisa was cast away beforereaching Algiers on a c east inhabited by wildArabs. The wife and mother was drowned, ami tbeChildren wer·· saved and tak-ti prmonetl by theravages, tn.'etlicr witii a rnang Bnotehmnn, whowas aceoaaaaayinf the party as seaietarjrte tbeacsbnoendnt,and sameeertaata. The eldest childnraa a wonderfully seU>nolsed little girl,whs coodacted berceli s ? ably among theAiabs as to wm iheir admirniion. The vuiig

Beotehsnan with the yaangr t Bonrke boy managceto g*'l ashore ori a moo heepitablc part oí thefoist aad forthwith staehineseli to ? r sjnre the da»Jiveranc·· of his late c unp in.iris. I In- ¡t ! ? en tun·.«

af all ara dnaenbad nitfa much, vivacity and hi a

highly inteicstiiig manner« 8 ana dation Is werteninto t'io bar· fa ts ol th grigio u n ¡rrativ ·, butIho principal points nie historien!« and a enrioncami Sitatigli, illustrativi' bit of history the storyContali ut··.«.



Tin: sTuBY of jaM OLD woman am» ihi: iua.vS ? ?.

troii Ihr ? " ' " U m.On the 28de< out.?,.?, ì-.i;!. Thackeny was in Paris

s,..:., aiut atale .?-:,·.;,·.· - :

1 iitludrc .loiir indignation alani! the old w.,rriali andcha cock af beans. It is translate«! Irem a very »leverI rein-h story, which la written in a seri of pattai, 1 s,tj»-iKise ? nave not Imitated it well, lur ? seni awaj tbe per-mtmnnee the day it Mas written, end one »has am knowfeedItem bad then. I have arni ntabtag else, exeept ccheek, bol the paper is very mpbUy Improving, und milIm",n. 1 have BO tit.al.I, a property. In »vid. ti case It would!.. pleaaaal a« au occupation aud an locóme.This letter p fits tu an aititi»; which appeared in the

nnsBbor tor the ISth of uctoOer, 1033, nadertae title »it

"Ortgtuol i'.ip. rs : a Tata of Wonder," and hi worthy ofBteccrvatlaa aa a good ipertoien ?? Thackeroy*a cattyloose style. \\ e therefore gl\ c it below :

OKKilXAl. PAPMBM.A lute of Wemtmor.

Once ii ?> m a time there was an ohi woman who lived ina tillage not far oaT, aad whe veal to market to bay a

Back m besan Now she had to walk i.ack ten mile· overa dreary common; a Imi« step at mont Unies, Inn a tel¬ili.le pall w hen one has a suck ol beaaa on one's hac!<. ItWas Begat tit-lore she tot half wag, and ihe moon waa hid,and the hii.iw was falling, anil the old woman whs teit.lvto drop; she wu.·, tirad and hangrj so ihe »»a« righi gladWhen sac came lo a homo, which, though an Ugly hsikingatara at the best, she thoagnt gaita good enough for hertt> rest In.Mie took out a poiiTiy and asked fm a In.I, ami the wom¬

en et the htm«, tat her go luto a lofi, where she slept onh. ? sack si bassa.Now !,.»¦ ht.i-e bemagad to thieves; and this was

One of their wives woo let lu the ivumuu with thoBack.Hut, though the ohi woman was so tired, she esali not

.torn« tail lay taaalen about ea lux etra*· quite oaeaeyi|tresi-iitlv sh»· «aw ¡i light In the nsnu lielow ami two laie'u,Ouch will» a knlr»· mii-i i: laut. p?.And she i»-it desponiteli Mghteaed, as you aaay faarT.

for she thought they might want to murder her, cod thene.ii her, which wasofteadaae in tho«.) days» whaa them».¦p· a steal amay ogrei audgioata.Weil, the two meo Alili the knives Went on till they

esiite to a bad » lui«· a gentteaum was ?-?<·«-?»??»?, who badb( en overtaken like ihe old woman and who hail trot with

tuo a barga pectmaaieaa there h<- hu as »ouud a· aseet-.·-, .?,?.? .nt uway iu a mauin-i «lull«, pasasaat lo hear. As

BssMiea tea tworesrueccan bow faat aataep he was,tbeUggait took bota of bis lests, aud the Unie mm took ontbis State and cut Ilio g.Milltinun'» throat, slick 1 ut oneaiu-.h :

A« soon as they had stuck him they left him then·, allbloody, t»«'k Ih. portmanteau U1.i wellt aWl,.. UKU1I1 ,i.w.Stab»; iu« ..id woman with urn eastabacarne miabtrOii«a.y,thiukiin/ii was tolmh.-r turn ??«.·«.?, und that It»*.»? all over with liei for Battala ; whereas h.uven hadtata lui thcrvon ptirj«»»« U» dtt.it anil punish thesealtked men. As soon ut they got dewastatm tu», woowamasi Intve (old til-in ol tini i>oo¡-old creature In the lollf».i prceeatly up they came again, knives aud laateraaami all.The p«Mir old t'ody w as terribly frightened, w voti may

think, »¦ ?·· la.li anca the Idg Uiau took hold of* her it .«tos he i-uil done bctaw stairs), and the little m.e eumo uplu tier lieutl with hi« lantern and his l"iig knits.However she did not movo a muscle, only sue snored to

mako believe she was asleep."L»:t's leave her," says the big man ; "she's asleep ami

eon It'll no lab ·."..1*1'* kill her," says tbe little one ; " »he'll do to feed

the piss I "All this while the old woman lay as still as a «tone;


J, at last, us they did not susoeetthat sho was awake,«y let her off, uu»! went down stalls, bo the seasjwm

Stame, graiitlng and suuflhu« rouud Uistrungn, whleh wasihe otanu that liieae wieked molisteis gave the poor untr¬eated' gentleman.feu may suppose that she did not sleep much that

taSta^utueaexiiK'rulijgessoon as it wss light she¡hooked Ihe woman of the house, took up her sack andlet seT same as ttumgh uotaiug had luiapeaed, tiñidgiug


orer ta·common ai feet m her peor leg« would earry ber,though that waa not rerr feet, «ho trembled «6. Now thefittleman (he that bad «tack the gentleman) «uspeotertthut all wa« not right, and be followed her, and came npwith her before the had get a mile on the road ? at soon

aa ihe «aw Min coralna. the bold old lady puta down bersuck aud ilta waltlug for blin on a itone." What*« the matter. Mliaee IM »art be "J» BY,Jmy

«ack U beavy and my old toga la rather sea»; l wi«n

.ome honest mnu would giro me en arm and belp me on

my road a bit," . .. _ .. ._

»<· tbe little fellow gare her hi« arm and there theywent aeroHs tbe common. Ulklng «bout beans, ana we

weather and what not, ae If tbey had been two antcei« ?

he. saw her alinoit home end you may he sure tnat win ?

«begot there she fell down on her knee« and sa U nor

yravere; ae well »lie might, after getting off so WBU._While she was In the udldle of her prtyert ta eeSMe

her husband, ami ¡t,» soon ne she'd iltme he askod lierjawa bit of bacon aud «orne of tbe beant ; so she.cut » UHBS

ptoea anil plenty of bean«. While it wa« boiling «lie MMher husband of all she had «een the "toht berore. »

mutt «joto the Justice." »ays »he, "und tell D lui ¡?·

winde story." " OS to tho Justice: no to the «lev I. '»)i

he ? " a« f..r the gentleman. It Is all ov er with h lui aew,and some of these rogues' comia.li·· will lull ue ¦ we

Wrtb that he stuck his fork Into the sane«pan to cntchhold of a bit of the b«««B. Well, as sure aa I in sittinghere. Instead of puHItnc nut aldi M l»irk. what docs be

Uud at the end of hia fork but a man's head!" It's the n-eiitleiiiun's bend." said the wile. " But what

can we tin I " »ay« her bualiaud, who wits, ruther llusN-reil." You can revente me t" s.iys the head. " Lust nU'iil I

was wickedly mindere 1, and eaten by nigs, as your wileciti BWsartol I «h,ill have no rest until 1 see those robber«.t the gallows; and what'» more, G11 never leave rea tilltuenbotile farmer fold the Justice, and the thieves were

haased) unit all the pig» drowned «ho had euttu theifciitleiiiaii's Iiody.

" And the lieadl".???, It WM buried In the field where the farmer sowed

the beiiiis, and there »?ß never such crop« known as came

from Ihat flcid.·' And f he brave ol·! woman t "

Why, though »lie waa seventy yearn old, sho had a son,and lived happy ever after.



THE STAUS.By Prof. 8. D. LAN'iJLEY. An lnt"r»st!n«T chapter of the

Sew Asironomy, with «loll« ate illustrations of ttar »I'ectranuil astronomical ????ß?????ß.

???G OP AN' OLD ST«>RY.The hitherto BBasstteBeB eiBilsatss le as aM lsaaaaeeef

Ia.veaiiil Alchemy. BvJ.VMES LANK AI.LKN, with a full-

pas;« Illustration by Hliiui.ABRAHAM LINCOLN] ? ??1???,

G?.? JlllIN a M« «iI.AY ¡in,!« ol. JOHN HAY.The llliiMt ration»« tin» inoiitb inclini·· BU llalli "f four Presi¬

dents, of Ihivlil Darta llobei t «'. ??ß????ß,fBBbBS It. flBMlBBSaud of iho llev. l'eter l'artvirialit, the BHBIBB Mel'iotllstpreacher who ran ugaln«t Lincoln ?» ??> ? III·· latter w.ts tic· teltu Contre»«. The araeeal lattala··! Mietei ti

LINCOLN IN CONGRESS AND IV LAW.And while reviewing the. Interest ng hist ir.v of the M »Irin

WaiHiitl theailnilulslr.itioiit of I'olk Bad Taylor, it follow«I.incolti through hi» growing ?ßß? «Intani·· with public neu

am! events, describing, with many anecióte», bis (im ? re»

sioiial career, und revé ilin< lus cluM ter.«Ho method« antlprinciples as a Uwver.

A MDDWINTEB RESORT]??ß??? In the Bahamas, by WM. C.CU CUCII, with lüuetra-


NESS ol'NATION'S.The sccunil of KIiWAItP ATK I.NsuVS valiiablo ami sltr-

nllieant jnpers, discussing the leal BBSSttal of ?,allouaiariiiauK nie and ts»t ·.

tTPHIET ANN.An Illustrated story or the moonshiners. By MAT. C'KIM.

EDWARD IU )MI'«ON rAYLOS,rty Bee, c. A. dahi'ol. An interesting liberai t«rli«ll«a

of lioKtnn's |Owci/ul am! eri ???.?? «ailoi ¡,readier, lobi wl!h»net ilutes, alni *vecO!iip»nl"il by » full I»ai(· iMirlr.dt, Asi,

FATHER rAYLOH AND OKATORT,lly WALT WHITMAN, abo in u «tr.king piper ranks the

areaetaf as "the o.io eaeeaUaUr porti i enter" he lia»Inali!.

FRANK ??. (????????*! NOVI L...Tilt: inNnniHTii man." weeattasaa. " it ataatara

lin ?ßßßß? littiary skill." '( Ir sten G???,?.RBCEN1 ART lilHCOVERIBfl IN ROME,

An Illustrated ar, BBWeagMal |··?· t by the,lire« tor ot the newMum o Ir bant,.

IHK BAILING OP JEFFERS »? DATI«,Wien íiccuae«! of compi iti lu II,en»«., «I· «tloti o' PreBtSSul

Mattia, a «iie¡ii« r of " nasse h.»tory ·· earsfaltr eaBjIleiipiji LOU· E l'AllsoNSI.AlHKuP. iniroim 'n · !',· n.ieesof

..a·!,-,,!,, x:,a île is atarea«, Charte« 0*tSaer, Jo',n a? n lu vt, ai,<l otle ?», ai,il glrtBg a f. e statile«rf lb· BBWSI ot

Bllttriiey tuM l>y ? I .1-1 .1 u-iI··«· w l.ea from tbe hOBrtBBUlB.( oiuiiio.ioi·· Vaaiii'iiilH. Henri fTrrilrr. aad flarrltt Beaith

LEE'S INVASION OF MARYLAND,Ry ? ? ? K II vi, bONOM BKI r. Wltfe ill asa ai loa«. In, la I-

In µ a portrait of ti.ß ? «,:.!«¦.·. rat- ? .?.

JAMES M. os 11.Th.- Pr »aient of ?? .nu Ion (?! ?·· e. wlt'i «attirali

QEOBOE rV. CABLE'S NOVELETTEIif-'ARACIAN LIFE IN I. if I« IA ? A, a »tory of lore »leiwar. Illustrated br Keiuiile. fait Two I «MMIHM «ß ?.


B| BarlBelaiaw tk« ritaat By JIORMAJf µ ? ·???\ «.?,

BStrteea escleral ·,( ?« au.., al un blu* tur·· ?>·, ?·, i.u, ILPOEMS

G.? BDXCÜDC.8TEIIXAX, ??????? BVHX8 ????.«·??,JOAQ1 in MILLER, aa attv ra

DEPARTM MS.?...,,.·.! tbe Tin,·· Opea Letter«! BrK sBrae,

?? in-, .!.', cent«. *1?,·??· ,r «,,: . ?, :v» !? r«\

New sni.stui" r» who Bestia with th· laaeery Bomber ? ia

here Ifer. aad Dee. Batallara free, if elenae«! waea taa «aa.

siiij.i.t.n a» entered) aa«t Uhu beata ta LI« »a Ufe aad alaei», r.«.«.


FOB n:ii*.r vitv.l'ulti, al Ketnioiiiv In Ain. il, a Pi I RICHARD T. Kl.Y.(mi Km« In In. s« ost Mi Ni UE l». t'ONWAV.Knter.· Probation . HAIL HAMILTON.?;,,» I.Is in .Mein r..· ?? ill lu - II. llh.MlV M II.\ IllçHlltV Ot I l'A." The New houlh I .nan, i.ill} Iterlewed

MAIMÓN I VKRDFKV.TheContlltlonoftlie Anicnrau MUft ji i.i.tN m.iumIt. niitplratles of Ibe ?« Ilion LEONARD BWK.nLit-A.ui: lb.· us ?,.· AllKIANA ? HIIIN'i Kl.i:.Literary Birkblllna (IKOKUI PAllfsONB I.ATUKnl'.Aasuniittlonam! Pretension (lEOItnE »A.NHBcleutlUc ?.??.1. iJvt.Vlil' (iiil.lcN ( ?.??1?Bhoubl Women be Hanne.il HI.LI.? MAR WlLKH.Current An>ertcan Literatur'. 1. vi, l.llin'i own Blery II11,-ioivif ibe .«.¦«.on.? Ann* rerne, ¡? Praneti A. Walln-i:i. Persia nutlie Persi at, by ?. ··. w, Uenjamta. i. TbeMaklngetNe« ????·:.??, bj «. * Unke

lo! -ile lb.« ?,·..in :i.· ,?? lit«._QTJT IO-DAY.

G????G??'.? M Mlll.i:,

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3.? CENT«; BI A VEA I!.




ciiklshm.. ? in: MODEL·OltKAT 8CC< KSH HI· IT. TIIIltD KDI'I lOX REAIiVTill« DAY. EV'lllYlKMiV llr.AIH NO AND RF.< OM-¦BafOIaTU it.

l'.i|.· r um r, 75 mit», or fine etlitiun, * 2H.IT" For tale, by the Publl»a««ia. and by the AMKttlCAN

BBSra «OMI'ANY.aiilbyall other Hooks, llsrs und at allueassUnUs In Nca-Vork and every whei e else. <o,.la««,i,ieoitpaid to any lilac«, on reiulitinx prico to ihe ?????????T. H. »W¡gglBSOTt_A IlKiri'IlhliH, l'biladelphiaA DVERTI«s?VIEa J S F0ÏÏ~tÎ7r ne\s7J\ YORK TRIKCNK WILL m·; HKCKIVBri »t W,G PTOVAN (»FH('EAti,'o. \m* iVulíw.V ^«rr^-ffi

??? theatre.IllusUalcil Weekly M teso ne for th» tuaaue.gotr.fer taie tvwywhwe

A «la

Ken» ßablirtitionsCCRIBNER'Ö MAGAZINE

FOE FKHKUARY.Vol. 1. No. 2.



ple«e, i'rotn th« htul In the Museo Clilraninnll, in BBS Vati¬

can. Knicrared by W. H. QSSSSS after s photograph from the


('. Hopes. With Illustrations frinii Ihe author-» collection.TIIK BBMDCABY LBOATBC or. tie- Pusluiiuious Jest

of the latte Johu Austin. Part lirit-Tho SVI1L By "J. 8. of

Dal»·."HALF A DUMB. (A storv.) fly oetsveJTh.tner.1VOKY AJtOOOl !>· Hy Charles Henry Linier*.REMINISCES'» ES OF TIIK MBOfl ??? (???G??

OF PA Ills. He. nn.1 Paper. I'h" *1·'1<? By K. 11. Weshlmrnr,

K-atanaata m Pssnse» with tttaacrattsai Ikeai portrait« aaddiHUtnents In Mi. Ws»hbiirne's possession, ami frutti tlrawin»;*hy Howard Pyle, T. do TliiiMtriip. J. Me afta Dette and K. J.Meeker.sEI'H's BBOTHJUTS WIFE Chapters VI IX. By Harold

Frisierte.IHK !.A*T rVBBOW. By "hsrles Elwln Mar'tlism.OUMrStJ AT Tin·: DIABIBS of OOCVBBMBUI

Multiti ? ? ,??,?? ?.If»· an I Clurarter in th« Pans..I ttu« Revo¬

lution.So· «nut (( on. lu.Hu*·, l'Sper. B» Anni«. · ary Mattia??? STOBT of A Now rotti Boons, It ii, i!. ('¦

Bnsner. lBaetr»nna '»y a. ß. G? it. f, Beefttesea smith sudo. W. Ktlwari's.Of It NAVAI, I'i iI.H'V. A IsMSSa from IML Hy James

Hus«ell S,,ley. ?. S. Xavy.THF. DUCBABMBfl of nil, BAgBATOWOB. (A gtaty.l

Hy Priman Csmi.lw.ll Minti.

AFTF.it ???????. By lealtànsmHltit MeaBen.M. COQt'F.I.IN". Hy HramtiT Matthew«.

BOnaiAB NoVF.I.s. Hy liions» Bsrfoaal Perry.

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B073 ani Youri? Moi Cit«\'G????'???,COLLEGIATE school. eSEasi1 ?'.???«! itaera nnosnta advaatagae tar caretta tadlvld-

usi instruct:.>ti ni ilei eipertsneod teacher· ealr. sintisI st·

i.iiti,.ii la fundamental English, ifeUogt sisgstatary stsanen

towtagaaata^work.^ y ?|??, ,,,s M A ,.,....,

UNIVERSITY. GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 1,473lir'wny, iusr 4'Jil-st.. 1Mb vear. Pniiary. »oiiitiierrlal

llii!cla»tsi»sit!eii.irtliieiit» ilMtTUCtlon timi«.utili. U, U. liolt-11 Y. SV. 1.AIK1.V G? III. N. I Ill SlU'.ll'KMi.N. AOMaUBM.

WOODBPIDGE SCHOOL, H2 Enel 4ötb-st*T Hprinit linn. F.lriiarr 1. ? hisilcal, Si-lcullllu. Lat¬

tei pr«psi»i. a y tu Si htsiì el Unie».

For Yours Ladies.City.

MISSF.S LEEDS' English and French Board·ins an,? Daj sel.? for toaos Ladlseaod Cklldraa, it

Bast l'.Oth st. Ssi'OBd Itslf tssgtoa get 1

AIISS ELIZABETH I.. ROUES' School furi'l Volili« laitlie» nuil CBtUreO, IS Käst Olli ·.!, .Sew


For Both Sexes..City.

? BUSINESS EDUCATION, Bookkeeping,M Util |t. Alitili.,r:i, ( .,»reaponrteyiee, SpelIlBC I'h' BOB

rsi.hv. '1)1·* rl n.sr- is.:·» brpartaisnl iy son evening1 AlNI 'S III slM.-s ?,?.? 1 8« UvWaTtl I BtOWB, lotWest Ssth-st,_? .CIRCULARS OF SCfFlOI/*, wim re-

. its! I«· tritoni istloo, tree» Billlet! for postage.!.. I.. AVl.liV. Alii'n Si ool Hurra'i. ? \t » «I 111 t..s».. ?C. V.

/ MvW.MKKCY PAKE SCHOOL AM) fOOL\ I in.i-i »-inntion.

In i,i|~,t,.tr<1.The Sit,.let Term bacías tebroari 1 A|,plli\»t|nn· fora.!

mission» t.. n.· I'.oi ·' si in.·,? ami ? ool II«ma« ?« ?.·· mads ai Insprincipal offlee, UM l ni tinti «t.K IMO.i'.t.AHl K.N ..li.? ?. 11.?. ? G ?'? III Ml NT, i. Basi

2i»l st,maniai i rai ? in·; DRPABI men ranea io visitor·

every ? Imitasi altri ··, ,·. k ? ¡a.SJKl.r'cT µ IK»'»!, ANI) RINDERGARTENO 118 Wsverli fiaos. Bosh aad uuuniagaa

Mils. M a I \ Il Kl ?!. 1 r .iielnal.

rpífÉ BERLITZ BCHOOL OF LANOUAliES.A ·1? Wr»l Ud «'. Sll'l

·. m -, » .t :,..tti'St..kl·., Brooklj ti end .ali··! riti.·»,? ,?,situ« tu,?.. I le pei ni ..?.

MueiCAl Instruction.áOUlTAR. VIOLIN. UANDOLIN, IMAM».vi BIMOI N'i. ..,·.·. ? ? I ill. Pritaie I-ns only?.· is ?..e Tm» hers \? ? -·. \ -.:.', M»l 11 :.

/ iRANO CONSERVA G??? < »1·' ilCSlC.U 11 ? ? -I i II» ti'. -II

1 Se btodlac sehe ? at Musi«, »s In ills Ar»,¦· soacoa, »rae lai Ps .· l'i

?.,?.·? Ivfii ii'Mui.1. ?«.! »fsli. lorpertk-tilarsatl r.-·1 1 r.l.i.iiAi.l·. 1

Art Schools Cit/.

MHS. LOUISA ?. ? J.\T.It«ili »...ni»«, as· ?»««·» trota Morsa»bor i, in

til»» III»·, ,,Il »rei ?.tu ..,,? (, .1.1.?.?»III! life. Il,,a. ?» let laie?-, ai.

M l tilo NiHt t· rem ·

Mr. ?·??.,·' ,t ,a, \,.. ? '

Ml William Hart, ? \ Mr. James M Hait, ? ?., ??.I'St Hl Jet. ...?,, . ?.


? roo '.cl y :i.."????. ('ICH I ENDEN "

1 1 IHM » ?'? Ht llool ?' ?? I '. Dl IKIAKTI '.?.u ? » -

»' 87 links-··.. <»·? in« ?·,·.·· »t.Urne 11. W. Vt IIl.KI.AU, 11??

Les lirón m ? .n .·, t ?,· ol UliI ,?· k.l ?,, ,, .... II.- lint» I. », »

For llovs nnd Youti ; Mi -Country.A.CIRCULARH ol schools, both

. in«1 ?.,??? ·'» ·.

1 NI u» ? ... 1 SI 1711 '.· rplirr'l

*\ LE X A N DEH IN ? 11 IK. Mifi nJ\ Beai .· IS.N.V. l'r.o. I

|»<ii;|M.NK»\VN N.J.1>Mll.l Ai: ? ?\· 1 ? IIK,

? ierre» ?? » 1 11. ?.?????. A M

I.'I.MUColi KCHOUL FOH IlOYtS.- M \|ji-1 ? lord, ..im. r iront· »h-. irò a

i. ni »f Un ir ..?.- ··. rulli ?.y t·,«?,?· brtliteerl.·. siMrres, l r. \ s ,. \| ¡,,,m ¦¦

I I IttllLANU Mll.l AKY Al M »KM Y,II M ,,?,. »?. ?, Maas, ait( Il M l.l· ??.?, .1. \, huprili

\iwroN s. j. i.nstiîi ?i'..-i'..:iiii.f.ii;il homollkO.!i<ullliV.ll ;? G.? .· S.e ?,,,, .....

rlaltT | ili, siv. ? ?.;·?,, .·?. p -?- il, unii, ,, loro pro

tarii..rv. molle, «rr ñrmnaslum, l'hysitai ilrvrlopnioi.lsth-rooms, 111 sin] .... »t ??«? ·. .·? ·, t riiliu ·

?.· ? Mi mi ut, «a te, poi - al.'l |·. "leu.J »\ ll.>t,N. A. M.. ITU,,

PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMì1? hi. ??:,. »»..,»· tifili », ir.a mu 11 ai:, «.li lai. . .,.. fbomlstrr

-. bugiteli. ti«, ni ii. in »? ?· ,-?

|>?? ??.AM» f'OLIsEOE.N'Y ?'?-??-? mJ» m iKso.N. Prriiaraiory »ivi l.iisineoi loi rsntlsmentrsduilliii.srfor ? Ilo ? twelve tsacber«. I nier at au·Unni. Ormi lui ...1..,.: lie.

Y\. »i. l'A S INI It. ?. M 1·, ,, ,,,,

CIIOKTLIDOK'H Motila Acndeniy. *l"%I' ii.url.ilr f..r i.vt »tu ln,t « , |,. p., | , , | ,'ljN |,,,~,,mi» ti..,,·. Brsl IH M .¦·.,. Is .· ,r.·, ,.·,.,.. r .,;,'. ,'.. luiii.ii reu ?.» ?,.·.??? y -?.·.·?? NOS Culli rSpBTsturilisi», telline,. all'I ?, ..· ne. ? tu .?-.». SWIIHIXllUlulili ll.lil A. I.. .'. A .M.ll. 1 » .· LI M. .I,a. ? , ?,?,

VunReuh on the Hudson.- a ram iîI sesami for <loslrai>le bovi little Sor« an.l tboar,.-f,,,,,I.,,.,,.· tor tbs Srsl linio rspoelslly ».,? ,·??.·.| mrtciieac bui?.hihihi· and lliomiign hs« koanl buysan<1 .,?,,?,?.,,,,,,{ »¡,,til lillltii· alni II 0? 11 "? ··, 'r. ,- 1111 I ,,r. ,,,, | ronitll.,1 .Inili ?,?» nal Imi «un,mi rami »t ??,Irr. llilii |· LAIOlITC'ìl

For Yotin» La lies.OOdBtTf|».\t»l El INS'I II III. ??]; \OU.\0 I \-I> HU.-. ?,.,??,? II..II.» ? -,,,... ;,,,. ,;,,.|1?? ' *

iiiay'J Miss Hai'.iui.i hTUAKT lltuii.r. fítmUOARDINO KCIiOOL Kin: (.1 i:i.s, r,.t.n.It .i, H ,.«,.,, w, »?, luster fa- »ew Vurt. I'r.n, ?,,;.M - ~ I' l.AN ? -

v ' ' II Mi .It'll 11.1.

/¿OLDEN HU.I, SEMINARY\ * I oil lui M, ?. ? |?| e. Hill IMI I Po UT COWAddtasa ..ii«- KBtu NI ?.-, .? ?·,?,. ,'?.?

I IOME ANI) DAY SCHOOL FOB ?.??? s-I I I·,,ma.V ini.,.,,?.,,......,., ..,,. \U" \?\,?isti,,,, fot \ sessi uIIors a .,,.. .li- ?'.?.,,?« J,,n " ;,, ,,',":«,||,l.t»t·· ttllli..ut tisii.li.il ..n. i Ht Fi \m''L.V.. ,, .

M..·,-.. Mi·».·, l't.l.l ? ? U^U'SlV^;'^'':"-orni term Iii-kIii« 1.1.i.L.ry 11. ls«7. ' * ,,c

rpßlNlTY ?1??.?..* BBTBBLT, Nrw Jemr.

I MAIlI.IKHK.li Ig 1 ,,;.A thoronrli Home ?, ??.??? fur riiun«: s I n« Vsrlr.l a,h ,n

hsgec of Ota htanaat saaan suiiu cattate hi Baaash Boato.ansail«asgaagsi isnr.t. ·ßta? ssgtaa fssaaanr L lorriiiular sildrcu lha pnnrii.sl,

Mlh« I.A. 111 (¡llllloNH HUNT

Miscellaneous.A LADY of largo odiicntional rxncricnrowl»he»l<.lrn..of »n «.,».tiin»c for » vo.n, tÏÏ«' .aery, Brota i...«.iu... in acuuol from whichto"prtai?BsíTrÍSaosetaieSBa, Aütir^··»» anelai ??>

tlsv. U. W. ?,?.????, Uran. Iirnis. \. j.

Ctarljcrg.A -BEST TEACHERS. Tutors and Govi-rn-J\, es»«« loptllta with..m eharga ? ka» h?. ?». î«i, ,

free. Many taconciaa lora, ¡ta ¿ui.,j, \¿'¿ ul\ÎT% ·.«*'*»?,,,.?.,,?» e.i,uu, liiii.mi. /Va« G???,.?G N V

FRERICAN AND lOlih 1UN ??????G?^il ????G? lappile« Piofesanr», Twr,.,r¿ íut" ,iuT

^'·?·sfîis^rïTii^rr p?,«?;.3£A YALE QRADUATK trfsbeg iirivato DoniliBSSfenSttaB fur o.» les-n s si..»««lalir ?,?,?,,,? ,,.,V, ,,1! ,.?.a..l.l\y loforoo»... AdAraM Y ALK. Li ?\' ??,,". tmuSlWOMAN'S EXCHANGE IF.AC1IE1W mi-nKAU (f«.r Ixitli Bnssl -up. Um rrntsssiir. ?..?! .r.«lüvsrnrssrs. Vtislrlsns, H.u»· k.ei.n«. ( ,,,,.** f'l J·"1,e"·»«.ilries, schools sritl liimlllr· sl«.. llut.kk¿üM. i'u?.. ?^phrrl Sli.1 Cui.ylsU to I» usiuvaa II 1.m. w·"·*"·'·. "touogra-

Mlttt. A. It. ( t I Afe, ll...'«8 6th eve., New.Y.,k City

??????? SHETLAND SEALSKIN Bmniifo» Bajaca Bog Otter aaa,a^ i. », sVus»'Mf^*???^?« l bllAN N^· «ÄfctaaÄt. ?.,?-?,,?. .Lmarksoar hruadnajr

Qtoctiott Sake.PETER C. KELLOGiJ & CO.'S NEXT




TnCUPDAY. February ?. 18H7. »t 10 o'clock, »Ithe An.ericen Horse I·'«. hence (Limited),

lllomiwiiv sud5"t!i «t, New-York.Ofllce. 107 .'.'hu st.


Br order of the Executor« of the retaje nf the ltte ITetident' L'HBHTER A. AUTHUH.Th-csrrlB'-e« (liy rirewster ? Co.:. tlie harne»» (by VVood

(llbse-m. robe«, livery suits ami general stable effects of the1 it-u.vii.r. Including a Ismlau with pole crsbs end whiffle,tri-s for fuiir-lii band. Itmuitlivii (pete BBS shaft·). Victoriaon 0 tprings four in-haud harnee«, «Se.

BEVERAÍ. COHBiniVMBNTI from gentlemen'· statile«,Includine ¡? paient bleckt well broken to faii-lcm ln.rn· s«, .·«

comi,In"! ssddle and carnage mar·· an 1 a number of roadster«and laiuily burst a _·Pioptrtyof Mr. Jtmes Cantili, New-York. Agent for Con-

·1»|??·?«.TWO f Vfll.it \DS superior Western neraea, Jn«f arrived

from Illinois and lotta. ? bev iiicln.le ?·t? lieavy, h, ai randii.ed.iliii tlraughl hor«··», eartfage hor.es and piiir», high BtBfptr«, roadsters, taattfieeasl bsateeea hanee


.nt« 11 go at «netten theeinuie (baa «?·' In ad.

The entire shipment» 11 go at anelimi IheSgb they bring noIlia

Tb's,· h ,r>e« »re etpre-sly consigned le snpplemeiit mirfoiuei .Unit« toeetabfiahaprnetameinarkei here brlaatetl:.it·· au' lion exclnslvelv. in order that the ion»ig!ior« mayabandon the slower privat.· sal·· method, which I« so e»pen«lve.« |o in essll.it.· blgh prb e«. All who bav·· attended l'levlous«alt s km.w lhai the horse« »r·· superior. It Is hoped Unit byt»iitiui|e.l effort tbe pulillo will tluillv Beatala then» «ties at

p.i in« piuts and te enable flu· consignor« 11 make them reg¬ularly aaeh weck.


ter other propertv see e.·« tallirne.All the pro|,eity may now l,tiBBCB Bl pine·· ti «ale sud liorscs

tri··,! in liarue»».Eiitrle« for sb«o!iite sal« oily 'nil other» respectfully ile.

t bun!) sboiild b·· luade Immediately. A hires»I'KT, R «. KKLLuiti. á «' ... Aartioaeere,107Jeb« st, New-Yerk.

Propooa o.

As! ?'?'' ? ' ?? ti ISSI "ir He" ???????. )Rutili 209, Mitt «HI IH IIJUSII, "¿ho HBOAIIWAT, /


pins or PROPOSALS fol lìointxthe work and1> fuiiisiiiiig tbe materiali called fer ia the arerored rormnf lontrsct now on PI- in Ibe ollb I of tbe Aqaedut t G?????,? «

«lanera for Ibe ronatrnt tlon of r, :« shan No, 13 A, «United nn Htwilon 7 of the New Cretofl tqnednri Btabnni Bla-Ilo.? lISlOO, Will be re. tiv. ·I at Ibi« oflb ·· mil,I the lm'i dayel febi ii.iiy. 18*47. «? 3 o'clock D, rn «' « lu. b plat e »?.? hourib'-v will be publicly o ened in the Aqaednct commlsalonera,me! the award of the MBlraet for dnlBB said work and furnish-IB« «aid nuilerlsls will he inaile by tald ? oiniiiUeioiier« as »nonthereafter n« pis« I!· able.

lank f.,1 ins of BBllt unproved, oiitr-iit ind the «peciflcatlon«tl.er, of. »nd the bid« ,,i proposals, aad proper envelop«« for,i in osuie, and feraM of bond«, and also the piaaa 1er «aid

win., oml »II other liiforuiitoh ?,·,pin.,? eaa ?.nu.i.ed nllue a'.ove oiib e or die Aqueduct Commissioner· ou itpuilia-tion to tie· Met retarr.

liy oíd r of Ibe Aun du. Coin in ¡««loners.JiiIIN C. MilMIAN. JA.MI.M ? '. BPENORR,

f-··· letut. ito«iessaAvi «iti etiti!««!.,µ ,,«· orni ?. G"~

Room Vi·*.', si. wart lliiibliiig. No V«il BlWldwar,)NBW.TOBS.4aB. 2'.. 1«17. S

rpo CONTRACTORS..Bide «·? propoaala for1 aetag the warb BBdfarelahlaa the atatertali called for

In Iba «piioved i.m ol eoi !?«. bo« ?a fi ·¦ io the olii,·· ,,f theA ,,¦!· ·'.!¦ t l'oillll |.F.KJIi.-r<· fol (lie .? « r 11. 'funi ol ««-etl.,11 1,1of the Nrvt « rotoli \ .|in din t. Lenin ih·. .New liete Hun»«· atl.t.'.fi. -il in t ?- 11 ? al V ew·York, will b·· tei>iv«si ai tinsOtBr« un ?? ? 11! av. 1 te· 11 lb.lt ? ol ? .?.? ,.tiv. IHX7, at 3o'< loakp. in si »v b,. b pi o e au,? ?,,,,?? lie-y ?» ?! be pubíi, lv openolby tie ?,lile,Ilici ?',.?????? «,. ,||.-| s. und the »ward of III.?littet for iio.ug «iid work Bed farniablag said metértela wiU·, I, by ».let I eii,iui»»io,?, ?« «« loon II,· leaftcr s« pr »·

!!l»tik form« of «aid approved contrai ? and the sp. otritatlonsG.,??,,? and bM« oi propoaala and propel « im l· pea b.r in.-.r?,, oanrr, aad fot u ol b.l«; and si«,, in,, i..«n« fm «ail

work, aad all ol ,i informatloa r«quire.i, eaa I«· eataleelal'.f Ibe Ai'iix.u· I ( oii.uii·«! nur» on applica

? on tolti,· tei retarrUr ordei ,,t lb· Aqnedu · ' ommli«ion« r«.

JAMl.- «1·1..?'?:?'., Pre».dent.JiiIIN G II KUAN, .-.,,?p.,?G.

Caeinceo Cljuacee.

M OSTHLY ?? G, A ZI?E FOR S.U.K.-? hopflbllsher ef one of I eldesl moBlblf iiMgirlti· » In

ti.u.n» fiaría·· other Interests win tell i,1,,· w ,,?,· ora' lo a parir a ',o is enmelen! to tak« entire

,·,« ··¦ None other wanted al my pr.· ¦·. It .!,,··« ?.?? owe«i,e .',. ,r «ud ?. · p.- »ineee. A yoon« man withs··«»' rutiiB. «< ?·· ratti sii aran a ?, tv ,|.».?«·1.

I IMI Ilo» 1.1*77, .\. ?» , oik lo-l


? A D W ?C?· V N |-n ?·? V'

OPYING B00?? «I«.. Nr« ? m U.

Ctiiiraiona.? ni: M.\t ini:

II« (tt < eu NIW .\ m: It. |·| (II. MM |m | ,

m,.I Vlllíllll.K,


«IV II· ·? ?« -?! ut p: ? riHV AWV OTIIKR ???? ?. «?· r ". ? ? ?. 1--·' ,.· ..'.,... . >, ,r'. « m |

? »Ini (?? ?? -? Norfolk, 11·» tit« Mew.York. ????ß?!. ?, Solitili I IImsmL ,.-,s Im,., tanll «nn ».'-lalloii,·., . Vor«, it e t> a ?. ?? ina «t «? · u». ·?, dally. Obi l'oint ? nn.forl h:4.1 ., ··¦ Nor ·¦ « ?·

r llioiii'h flou, S eW.York tt- ? tp. ( I, pries.... I, «n - - ruled al lha I ., soi

lifl ,· ni Hie i.«t :·..:. Ri In a·: miipai-y.II VV II N .*. 1 . Í!. 11. I OOKB,

Mi|« ?.? I« lidi lit. !.. n'; li.- | \ ,,!.

S1'?? t IAL w in ? ¡i: l'Mi:«.

fa \ » vv·. ¦· .' » Wi·!'. 'r r i-

¦sanas G?. .«?··-«« ,,? loiigei «.,·,ni,.· irrang»L ,.-i nitun« i»

|| ,.: ,'|,) if t ,...-· · Il« » ?.' t |i,, Passen Ite ? t« ? G?. t« LI ? H

r for lentia», Il »rtl, t Urti »ran«, riarantlla,.sl.l« G? ·,' I. -V..··! l-IHt,' ÜlllUii.l lil'll.ll .'<1 " ? ?.?-tI i.a.l(tuli First i.l'i ?" r« trri > I.| ? Bfui il ion ? ? let ...·..·· it ? iY. ·' ? Iran

rivi. Ir .?? .'.-'·· »I» S It «t»l ¦· ? ? V ire.

'G" .'LEA.SUi.TRAVrXLElW.1 ? be «. »ml Iti ./il Mall BK Co « .«:, an era," A Ulani.»."» ,i ui, .·, and to vanee." tall inonllily for Ilio da Janeiro,

?., ß·.·. Uarbadoa l'aia, Marinham, I'rruauilui.,..let 11..|e I'· All,«io a rollllUUlBg ?ß Mnlnv

I, s s.tlllOl V e» a. ?- II! ,.,M ». II.? III. bill·

.tops, ??,,?· tre i" tale! ..? u--?. ,, ,u, flirtato ·· tteauieriiioii. li ?«»« iv s,. eon, ina! Ihej meet bb« rou«b «realliei

1 A I. 1. IIKHII vili, ? ?.tu. iils. .«« llioa.l al.

A PLEASANT NIATi.ll TBIfrm: .«n.wi-iiii's ni' nu. ici·:.» ?» ?.in,:.

« ,.| n - , ? IT« Or Ven ? \ ? 11 t ? >

... ?. W, ?., a-foi m ana-i ? tiled ¦· ?,· irti my . ?

U.«uhm· ?·· .?.?»·· labori «.,« royan.' w Ueioio*? , . .ins. «|iei lallv ou.il or tfe·· tr» I ,. ir · irv

?? iv in··,!.'! u n.pli ???· f.. I'm. if ·: .· nirenlnnosfori of e is,,.,.-, ?«. ?·, riunii irl'i I« in t.lo in fa ir

«,,.«. i'.ts-«,:.-, till- r'orjmiilcolars apply toLUI I KIN. Ill.lt' ? I'M II TT,

i., i,, ral Miniai..r«. 71 V« ail.r.

tüiiilci Ucearía.

WIND80R HOTEL,.1 Ai K>iiN VILI !.. I.A.

ti need I·'·' «ea.¦ Ac. ornai., Iliaci. 100. Hie of IhnM,,.! «tin follai·;·· .»I'd llOOiellk· holeis m II,, lilted L,!,,,.Us |,. al.oll ·' IHK ' ·"·' "" Le ? H) I«·«, so ill, ,,,, ?,,??,,?. .|.,,,.,,,. ?, ?, ,,,? ????.?, »I. Is II,e line.I ill .1.,, k sou Ville. li,s,m«Milli halb, parlol »Ullaa, li valor, «lemii li, ,,?, µ.,», al«. Musi,-.·:, ,,.u ulel Vi ?,,??,? o^s llol l..k, II.

r.n. ORVia.Bl'alMKR RKBORT,

l.ql l.Nn\ 1I"L«I. Man, lii-sl.-r. Vt

HliiHUMiPARK HOTEL, AIKKN, & Gliydiaiiiic Baaarsaei Bhrealer. New ??ßß?ß?ßß, Atas

luitly l'nftil BetatSry Arr.iiii-iiieii!«. UaBBIBl VV. H.

II../« ??. elei --iKiial '».'" '? I .* *.. »»y» of Alken: "Asaw ut. ? Ktiib in e «oiisidt r lt. m palai of lem|H-«rstiiro sud

,. ,.aie, tbe mull <??|???|· ol iiny pi." ·' in il" IfetoUtBIetee"M nil lot i"·« paiuphb '. 1! P.I H AÍHKI.H, I'ruprletor.

Tilt: ran hoods hotel,I MUM AfsVll.LK, HA..

MiVVAUli ?. 'ill. ?, I·. G, Manager.BUWy (??.?-.

TUL PARAD1BK ui' vv i.m Kit ??ß????,bend ??! <|<·ß? ?????? clicular.

m. a. iiowr-R.

TLANTH· IIOI SK,OCBAR «tin vi·:. N. J.

LslablUbeil l«7il.rira»»nt, «atei ? Inter ?,,,??«, Tburoiialilr heated by steam.CllAlll.l.si J. lít ? r.

fVUE PI G??? HOUBfS.1 pala ? ? a. rLORIDA,

?,?'??? 11 K.C. ?? ? hi» larse. uew liiitel. bullion (ha »Itet,f tl,e old G??(??»??? House, luta bt-en lsa«r«l for a terni of years|,t (i-si AK ?«· UAUU'I.N el ib» U lili» Mountain buléis [lie··'( raefopl." "l'aeree," "Twin klonnUilu,-' "niiiumlt," tail..Ml. I'li-asanl " hou»es it !,»» set ,m.?,p,,??? lui ntrliiiu«Ired irnes!«. rontaln» nil modern Impiorsment· elevator,electric liebt» «nd isiirstdttt in aren reaaeei Tourist,tini lut »ibis «ill find no more dellabtlii! ?.-??.p In the Bettththan lalstk« and violnlly. 1'altUs I» the slaitlug point lur«11 i.l»· et "I luleiest In Florida. A.¡tin·««,'"v out *hu BARRO». FALa-TKA. fLOmlOA.rpili; KAU.NUK, coutil (eroluia Avenu«, Imi-1 low l'a« m··, u· ir the oratili, Allanllc (Ky, ? J

_A. J. liARNAI.L. V. I). Mo» l.OiTJ.

fftÌB iDutilfò


WAN TED, ? wet ?????µ? wit li u Imliv not <>v«»r¦?«·· iiionihs old. Cali tv «nini «lay inoiiilua at 11

u'clix'k 1. Sfai lWili-st.

i AS 1 Kl»..ftuIcanuMi to aelt our auree,vaniti, etcì unni Bar· oipirlnnc« In 111« butines«

lioiiu other uertt apply rr|. inn ·¦ ic.'iiiie.l. Additai?? Kl.I lt. II.U1MAN.V A CO.,

Cui· limali.

WANTBD..A wotnuii uh µ???? cook tti.ttl»unilrc«s ? n fsiiilly of 4| wages, fl8, refcreutr,

luuat be «t cu. Cull ., Went 7,1·I st.

Dancing ftcaònmt«.BOSS..""""".".'¦».,·¦¦¦,».¦

A LLEN DODWORTH. No. 681 Fifth-nve,Class «? rrlvste Irrrore. Ferii stsmp for firmier.

???' WORK, imtsius mttioctlon tm all asnees su«l 280Saures lor ilio lotUliou. 1??«, il tu. itanipi or postalcassa"Ä LEXANDER MACGHEOOBM,Jt\ WM Msillsonsve. Private lessons any hour «lllly; clsssesevery ilay new ? Issses now forming._KEILLY'S SCHOOL FOR DANCING. 578

Ciliare., Is reoiieued lor tbe leuiou. bend postage forcircular.

C©centi Sicumere·


(North AaasrtsBa BtaaaavllaasananatesCthlecBObacaj' aiB Bats Bcv-Ynrh itr p»

TsnA'tiret-ton the Itti. 1 Uh so 1 'Jlfi of every montti.

The first rl.»»« ste insiliti ?ABAKA. CAUtalii Alratin».will sail on til" Iti bI l'a irmi ? ir ll.iv.tnt, .» .ina tin,· torl'roicruso. Vera OtOB, Coi una au I Siiiiamior.

FlRSl't'LWs iAHLE. WI I'll WIN!·.For Batata» passai;* »nil titilar Information, apply tí

MUÑOZ* ESPIUELI.A,(.onerai Aírente,

ru .imi m Liborty.it», baasawas»

POM PÄONIE GENE R ?11? ? RA N8ATLAN-V> TIQUE. UlKNI II LINE TO IIAVIiK.ConipaiiV'* I'ier timwl No. ? NortU River, foot ot Mort')n.«t.LA lilii l'A·. · .I- loaste.m . Mit., F»'·. ,ï, 'J p. mLA NORM WIM E.,1·. ,v «.hi a . SU. Feh, Ig la mLA HAMi'AíiNi·.. Tiaih .fsatardar, Foi·. ! ?,'.· ·. m.

LOUIS G>1£ HKBIAN Aireiit. .Vf», i liowlllls; (JrtKjo.RKANi'M OFFICE. 1,1 HI BROADWAY.


¦ poasBOS» oov, !"", »n,i»|iiti nu riii"iim«% t?,·.SB«» ttrliets M atei from ill part« of Europe st very lo»l'i riitlil unti l'i -«..ir·· olili·... No. 4 IlowIllifC UreeS.

VEilNoN 11. UROWN A CO., Aguate.

uiom new-york to liverpool vi* queens-Town,

EAST IXl'Illhh MAIL SF.RVICK.AURABIA.Satiirtsr. Kl». V J:S) p. m.

si'YTIUA.isatuMav. Fu. 18. ¡SSO), m.ETIll KIA.-atenía.·,lei. il·;.7 a. in.

CAIMA.Ha ni ?!av. Mar. .1. lp.ru.( shin [lassar«, SSO, *>", an,t SlUU, 'iiti-rnimliatA, Wft.?? ersce tu·

Tate«._H, BROWN A CO- Agent»


Kilt C.UKES8T0WN AND LIVERPOOLLCCTC Pier n«. B. iC. foot ot KiUft-st.

WYOMiNi».». needsv. ree».a, io*, re.A i:i/ona.Tues.iay. geb. s, * a,m.

NEVADA. TOOSdat. I'.'l'. 16. 11 a m·WISCONSIN .Tiicsilar. Poh, Ti. I t). in.

Ai.asKA.Itaoodar, Baro* ?. ?a m.Cabla intuí" SSO »ni »i»»r ir·!, BOSOriUaa lo location. In

iernie<li.ite ni'finl·· la»« .#.!·). st.-or»/.»Sin.A. H. IN IH·. ? IH LI. ? ( ?... '.iti l'.roailway, ?. Y.

Ilambare·American 88. Line tor Hamburg.I Monna. Keli 8. 1 n tu. U',,: »?·?... Feti. l()7a. in.

First e,itmi, ¦f.",ii, fin alni |7j. biea-rai?« »t in ? ratea Semi¡ir" rintristì la/,att-l.KLNlIAKbl'in IO., C. 11, RICHARD A CO.,

?ß??. AKt«..iil Hi.1.1.1 st., ?. ?. (ten. Pas. ?? Is.. 01 U'wsyV.Y.I N.MAN LINK. U.8.and Royal Mail BteamersI roil (-il! ENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOLCITY OF I'llK'AU'i.llnir».iay. Feb. 8, 1 p. m.VA VCOUVER.? ?.· 'a». Feb. d.i p. III.(I I V OF CIIK-'I BH.Tii««.lay, t\u. 15. lt.SOa. ?.CITY OF BERLIN.Toacdat, Feb. ML 4 p. m.

Emm Iiiiiihii I'ler. foot of (IraatLst. .l.r«ey City.CABIN PAHMAOl *.',·) suit upward. INTEIlM EDIA?/?.*?a O'lEERAliE. *18.

II.Il.lt WRIUIir A SONS, Oencral A»its,No. 1 Uinatlwsy, N. V.

??G??-CfIINA.OCCIDENTAL AND OKIENTAL.«teuuier» leave sin I ran, i.tcu t« lolla»·«

OCHA ?'IC.Thursday. Feh. 1*.(??G?,? . ._.liinsUv. MtrohlS.

Il h Li. IC.ruiuray, April «t,04 LAM. i.Ai.i.i, BELUia

fcuptlblv A¡e·.,un.; 1 .«uycrwr A c un ni 1 «tl lavHAN l'A ill/! -? cm cipa;.!,/ liiiutu L

Res.crrs.tlnu« «?? '"> ?? l'i "·' lattei ir tel ·,'G\·»'·. ????cabin plant »cea «t, -·>·' lir.j ti.t*»y, -Nvsr Vunt. -r ilooa» .'«,Hillnrl . u.uinu. BSb 1taasta o.

1 J.. AM' STANFORD, l'rctldCUkT. ir. tJOODXAN. i.eiorai ?ß???µ» àgeatVuiaiDEUlSCIlEU LLOYD sa. CO.

Lì ..' RI H il H. ." I..'.-...?.?.KKW.YORK, m,l G???????.? A.M. itili M LN*.

I.V. G l.M'Ui..««, hlK.lMl.llN«· A.VI L.VV.d, eu J, 11 .i',*..,,. IH.1M, vte.L, Fe 1.3,1. 6 (L m..»i.l.l.i.. .V .,!., l'Bb. :'. "a. ni. i- ?.? A, r.«I.. G el. ML 7 a.m.I s. a,.,1.. G, ,,. lo, Vi ..up in .-»A A LI ,VV.·.' Maicli ¡t*lOa.lit?.. u ? .bui, ?7.? t·, |lOu, accortiti·· io um attua, .«««.ouil cauiu,

BM, Me, lag« «? ..,.». »l lalu».iiKi.i.i, il«, .t. u .. Nu, u BowHeg Oreen.


FLÒRIDA VIA SAVANNAH.1 in-weekly Ila· from Ne.-V l'IKii ,5, V. fi.

il-u.lt II s., ti t·.!«s. II A 1 Ali, -? ? 11 ,.?-.I u · liv. F.-b. 1. at 3 p. ni.S . V ·?? A ·?? 's A I.l'.s! IT, 1'· b. .1. ?! lip. mis«. Ili IU' HAVANNA ?. s.i t ii.lt F« ,\ .t dp. h.

·. ,···Hi ; with '??????, Fioritali »«'-«teru iuilwty.foi ,i iota,,«. Fern in· nn ». I tc«· eivillo and all petal· laFlorida. Luturpxs«ed «co,:iiiiilil,.ii( :.r,u .tu i.j.ju'liule.

For freig'il ,,· iim;i n,i r MJ. ?. HA-HA .. s. UF.sltV YOXOB,

aauUriiAgani «. '. ? v. (.,-.. Agent Ocean Ba. tta,ili ,.? «ait ?>. ?· a in r ,lj. N. It,

PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'»1 LIMtHKUlll t ? I I !.. .'. ? A. J ?? AN, Il l.N A. Ct.NI RAI. AS O SOI I II ??? I. ? i «.A AM) M ¡.XI' U

I en ?aw· York, ?.«? ?·-·' ,-f »nais!., N.B.1 ..? tao rial.. .-, ., ru .,.,- ? .? ?.?,. ?· of G«?,.,ma.CITY «iF l'A UÀ sails Fue«,lar. It 1. uttoa.

?,?.G?? REDt'l I l"N IH HAI L.1lu

SAN Kl. VN, ?«· ·?.C(tJ n·, ».'" Moi.,·, : ·¦>.

From Baa t rain ¦< ··. lai tu ?,, »noon sta,loi ? ....,« ..?, ti tu.

CITY OF hill.Vi.l «..»Min :.,. 1 ¦¦ ·. 13, . p. IU.Farti ...,·¦ ...? ?,,?,?.1. :..·-.n..»:..tu apuli alaete·

pan·, ...Lu u.i lite ?»··, .uoi ? aaai ,-, ?. Itli J. bl LLAY. bui

KI.D >1? ? LINE,l m. a.\ w IP A ? li PARIR,

from N«B Volk and A !,(·»! 11 et t rv s.iturdar.-??.?-, . ? . ?,.Fssluroay. ? ?. ... ,?? ,·. a,

? · l'I« 1|.. , J. ? L 1.

Fall and VA'ib lar Rale· Flitloable, ?·.! mi tlX «.ai ir. .ol,, til sil. »...,. -,.??,,? ,.II. ,-tj. l.tlUls.aU, *JXMe« Ig« ..! ,,»v si la,, «.

I Ili.i. ..i., -..ii .. «i'N«. lica'l Affla, M Ilroadway.

'???? U. S. ??|> I.I.AZIL MAIL >>. CuA Aiai,'ai, paatteager ??ßß foi -? l'Imi ta. liai ?»·??»,G .la. Mai «ma .?. .¦.titani ?- u.» ?, loi. ,?.

«?...?...,.|, ?. ·.. ? \ tal ?. .: .... u ut m al Ma mIm st Ibttuiaa, liai silo«, Par* Mai..iiita..i. I .-i n ????.,?, ,,.

ilila ami hki Ue Jaulero,.ueclin« for nauuïe Roulei ··

«lui »a» [·, s.

ip risivi i.. Minili ebraerr ut -,

yuan Newport .News, V's -...,., «, allei al p. in.

?? ? i.l II II a ..?· ? ". igei s. -, ,.?,..,.. ,1 .\ ?


IMI l.l «I A t.s MAH «? ?.??G.???.i:i PI BLU', ? apt Ivo ? ..n. ,,? Feu t. 1 ?. at1.1 m t ? ?, ?,.?. ·? ·? ¦; ?. untar. IVb 12, Ma» etA HUI ATM'. ·»,.;. r ti .... .Tbiira-Ur. I n. 1 ni ;·. u.

li ili ? A ? ? |? a;,!. IV11 ? I, in -'.?., 4 ?... it? ?..in il,., Ubile Mar I'··· k, !·«·! ··( Wee! |l ·?.

????·;.« «al. «?:?. ???, «..'. r« .?? I rio ?. Ilei ,?? ? 11, licit > 1

G·rombi« lentia «¦¦·¦ un the old Country, fi)Intermediate Adriano aa«t l'alile miri.·*! etcurtton, WOloi ? ,;e. tioii ,'f ?,.???« or ··.·!,.·: uiror.nati,in appi/ al Ilio

toi..|,a.i) » ulbeo. Ne ..'.:.·. '¦ ? ?.·.«.

K. J. I ORTIS, AlCfllt.

ßiciimiiouio imi Bailroubs./? ? I K.M. RAILROAD OF NEW-JERSEY.

inoliti Mil Kl Y -I III I. Nolll'll ItlVKH.G,,? PHILADELPHIA an,? ???????, " BOOOd Brooh

It.," al l n '. ".; 18, '.' IM, 11 II.II I 80, ? O, i 30, ."· ili·,ItO p.m. SUNDAY" el 8.00.8:16.a. m. ; 6:30, 12.00

|?. III.tig II i m'. ? i.'·. 11:00, a. in 1 M>. i (??. ,". SO,

?'lai in liait· olile »111 ? I..' I.e.nliiiif, lisi I i-l.iilay. P..US»?.·., le. 1.00 a. Ul, t,u KasluO. I.ell.i. liein, A .· i.i...» n.Man, Ii lain.. RoaUlua, lia. I.-it.ills*, t W. I'll Snodata ...I1-.ii.

IMI .? ie t,,i Eaatoil, B< ll.l.-ie in. Alleotowo, Maw Ii« It.ink.\V il., »bai ··. an.I t>. ran...?

?.?,,.? m ?,? I .asli -n, Ii. Hilt In in. ??,???..»» n, Main h t'linrik,VV ill».-?,,.??. -, lauen, I.e.».'uie I... 11 Ibury, PultOVIIIe,G?.|US, -Ii.Hutu· ,11, -.iiiiliurv. 1.. \» Isl'iiiK, « iluaiusi in 1.» .,

Mil litui 1:30 p. 01. tor Fasten, llttMilii in, Alientowii,liuuk, lixvliiiK. Harrlsl urg. ele,

., I |, III fol .1-1 .11. Ilei Mele III. ? I.. II t..»« II. M..11. Il 1 lililí li.W .Iktnli ai n M. laut.m, G??*?·|"?. -Ii.ilnekiii, Miiilniiy, Lew·Lit,ni u. \S lliiain.|,.,ll. .1.

S ?. ami 4 ..() p. in I..I Essi. l'.itlilriieiii. Allcntnwii, iti·.6:46 p.01. ("i ...t.ii. 11. Uli. lu ni. ? Ilei,t.,»t a, Slouch

« titln k. ?» ¡ike-tune, iieaniog, MarrUbarg, ota üanoodajraal ., .in µ m

. .u,,I ; .'.() p. in. fur t'.uMoli. lit'tliielieiu, Alleniti»» n.elfi Ml. M 16, 11 DOS in 1 ut'. I mi, I 30, ß 15 m, m. SiiniUva

1 tin. ',? imi a rn lor ??.? liana, ,,?,s Uralici». OoCOO QroVS[elrrpl Hiiuitsy»), Polii! Pleasanti ah. 8:16 a. in., ?.?.·, i il e. in., im I ski-wool, lotus R-ver

aliti liai li. cat.i .id .t. m ? ?ß ?.m., ft.r Allai.l,e City, Viiiclaml, anil

111 IMUelell.? .m. . la. 11:46a. m. 1:00, 4 .tu, B :o p. m. lot tren

hobt,4:30, ?; imi, ? 16, Um», 114". sin., loo. 4 (?), 4 Ito,

h80, ill.'· p. m. biii.ilays 1 un, '.tua a. in. 1er Let tuAn.>¦

..? (limi of trim.« to lo.il points m·.· Utile tattles si TicketUlti«. «

^¡K\V-IIAVKN. . 8teamors leave rock-slipI (l'i«r'.'S l·. It. te la. ni. .tu l 11 ... in. (tsuu.l.irsetoe.itai l)buaineis.tr rivo io limo (or S »rly ? imi ? « n il tu in l it»



On ami sft» r Jaiittary 31st, 1HS7, Express train for CapsItisi le« ulti l'oint Comfort ami Norfolkv via Ilio


RAILROAD,triti leali» Pennsylvania Railroatl Station. New.York, 7l30a li, e.» :,» ?, .li S ..sii» all',»,!,S »'M l'olllt, 11.. 0ti. ui., aii.l Si'O ». m, Noilolk Sii ."> li. in. .· 00 .,. in. steamerfor l'.lel,m..11,1 will leave l'ape (liarles al s m. on Mou la» ·,Wtiliiesilaty» sutl En,lay-, arrivili*, (lisie st Ü p. m. Util·t.l P.»na lar lo L'a 11e (.'l.ailuaou tlie IO» k.» pires, nelHlnepina L'ars tliniinli to Oli! Point Oliatori ali·! Norfu.koudie ? igst bipisss. Tickets imi sleeping berths eau be »e-eiiretl s( auy llckel utile· of ili· P«uiis>lraiila Hallioatl? oiupauy.

11. MY. DUNN, Hupt, ?, ?. COOKS, ? r. and ?. ?.

BAY LINK?? OLD POINT COMFORT. Norfolk. Va^ seat Soutti

Ira»·· »la l'uni. 1». J'· * t- ?. >n. l'almi care to Ballunorsil.mu«. Palace sl«»u.ti», atiiTins stolti l'oint al M16a, uthoiioki lia. tu. li. V. lOslPAlNto. Oeii'l Pasa. Afeuk,olu Uruatiwax. N. y

POPULAR BHORE LINE for Moeton. ProvTX ileuce. ? ewport ami eli New-Euslamt Pointa, All «aliIl oui >< ran.I Central Depot. ? ? µ?-es» train« ilaiiy |Huu.larsekcepleill st S a. in., 'a1 p. m. tparlor r»i » atUtailis.1) ami 11 u. in.l»t nit pata« >' «isenins .<«???. rinn,la»- trains ID*, u, iwitUja.in· »? nn'' nt«·?. 11 p. in. (with palace »leepin« earsì.Eoi No» ion lake vaio p. hi. Boston Exyreee siti, parlor

cars, tonntet» si Vt nktoril lor_N«·*» [on. suit ma at 7itai p. io

REDUCTION OF EÂHES VU NORWICH11 LINK 11k» Pnpulsr lust»!· Rotila. Ti» Hoston, SAU.a. «»tri IV Ml < oil» »? ?,ialina li tu« Ilo 1. lo all poluta,H ri. mei t llljr of \t iti f»t. r" sin! "t 11} oí Nrw-ìtirk"Ulive Pier 40 i«.l«l limi,I ci), Nortli River, I«ait of \AstU-st.Il ell ? ,?'?-alioVu 1 <t'»lll OSkt'S 1 rt I I liall) t'kl « pi hiiiitlay, »I

4.00 p. m. t.. \» 1.1.?1?, AkvuL

_GUamboat» atto Viaihoaot. '···PENNSYLVANIA KAILHOAD. "****¦*¦ On and arter JANUARY 81. «ß*·.


Trains l-ave N'ew York, t?» nesbrotie· and Curilandt hijumFerrie«. ·ß follows: ««???ß?*»*,

Ilarntbura, Pittsburg und tlie West, with Pullman PtlaaaCar« attached, ? a. p?.. 7 und » n. m. (Lilly. New-York míebb«are Limited of Parlor, Dining, isnioklag aad ??ßßß?ß·( »r» ailla, ni. every tlaiy. ß

Wililiinisport, Ia»ck Haven, 9.0(1·. m., 8j>. m.; Corrr»n«1 Urta.IH ? in., tonncrtlng at Curry (or Tltusrillc, PetrolauJlenire, and the Oli Reirluns.

For Le «no·,, mini li. 3:20 p. in., and 12:15nlablli il!,more. Washington mil tie Sonili. " Limited WsshlnrVraKxpr.-se" «if G?.luían Palace Car» tlailr, except Hnadarin a. m.: amre Washington 4.-00 p. in. and daily. .1:4(1 ? af!arrive Washington H:5f> p. m.¡ régulerai ß.ili». M (Ml and 8 aisa. m.. 1:00, 2:1(0, 4:30aiitt 9O0p.ni. «ud 12 lft ulalit. biuuday. (Lift a. Bt. 4 :tOand« p. re..tnd 13-13 night,

For Atlantic City, except Sunday (ttirou>[li parlor earl.1 p. m. *

Fur (ape May, weekday«, 11:10«. m. On Saturier» onln1 p. in. /·

I.onr Uran· b. Ray Head Junction and liitermedlsf» na¬tion«, via Itsliwur and Amboy, U .. p?., G_· noiii. Kin. «, a 3On .«nil,lav. :· 4"i ·. in. aud 3 p. BE ido noi stop aiAsburrPark).

For ubi Point and Norfolk, vis New. York, Ih idolnhlaand Norfolk Kallrotvl, 7 20 a. m. «eck day·, »m! m n.m. «? it?.· ? vin n.tlüuioi ·· siel H t y Lille. 4.1» p. m. week day«Beala of " Hnioklyii Anne» " connect wlih til through fràina.t Jersey City. aaSSStag a speedy and direct transfer forUriMtklyn navel.

Traun arrtrt From Pitt·», ur»r. 7:10, 7.10. 1130 ». m.. 70?and '.»oft p. in. dally. From Wa»hlniz'o:i and Malt .ore.fc'JO, ß.')()·, in I.·-'!), :i:'.0. ¡do. 8 ¡in, 8:30.0:30 and 10 »lp. in. Bund··. H:2<>. IM a. in.. .« 20. ß :*.?. UiiO, and 10 .(Ap. m. From Philadelphia, 8:90, ß 20, ß M», TM, 7 ,«) l» ¡fiOHO, 10 4'», 1 IHO. 11:60 a. m.. 1:20, 3-00. 3.30, 8:80, l,ML8:80, TOO. 7:20, h.so, I» -0. 10 33. 11 ? ·> ?, »mi 13 30night. Sunday, ¦».".o, «'.<», 0 6(i, 7.10, 7.30, 11:85.1130A m., U 30, «30, 7:0O.i»:20. ?):?d. 103? p m.

FOR PHILADELPHIA.Kxpress Train« leave New-York, via Dcsbrosse« aad Cor*,

in·» «lie· is Ferri··, a· follow«8 30. 720. H. 1> ?» m· a.? Limite ami 10 VV «»I, iiKt.ni Lira.Ittitli, and 11 a at, 1, 2, 3.30, 4. 4¦»», », (¡. 7. » and ? p. nt.Slid 13IS Illgbt. Ac.ouini.Hliitlf.il. H:H0.ind 11:10 a. ·., 4 «tjÎ. ra. «untUy«. Kxpress. 0:1», !» ?!» Limited ?, and 111 ? m..

4 30. d, 7. ? sud !» ?. p? , ini 13:15 niKbt. ITrum« leaving New-Vert daily, except «undiiv. at 7 20,8and 1 in ». in., 1. 2. 4, ». 8 p. iu.. ml 10 a. in., and à p. iu.

unlay«, connect al Trentun for ('aniden.

?Lette I'm,.e:e,lima, via t anulen, '.? (m a. ni. tlailr, except Hun-day.Ticket iifliee- 84t, 18»atol nu Breaewar, l Astor lions«and foot of Dcsbrosse· and < ortlan.lt »t». 4 Court at arni

UriHikli ?? Annex »talion, foot of ? uliou «t, lirooklyn (sta¬tion, I«r«»y CUV: I IlllUlUUt ll.kut tlltbe, No.,«; Ualterfplace, aud caatle «Inrden.

ibe Sew-Vert rraaaferComaaar tviu call for ani checgbsgea»··· 'mm hotels und r· sidentts.CIIAIiLI.«· K. PL'i.lI. I. R. «-non,Uenerjl M»:, ·.." r. donerai I'sss'r A,·· nf.

11 ? im ; r; m RIVKU HKAXt;íí~"¦J I BBW-YORK, .nf w H.VVKN .in,! RARTFOBD n.!\Treln« leave Harlem Hiver stati, u. corner 133tf.»t, anit

I-llifoln-ave. retri h:rd Avenue RritU'c iicros« llarb-m lliver(i.».lud ?. v teeeast Avenue end «tabaroaa Kiev» teil Railroad.») «tally «»erpf Sundsr« at ·:4?. 7:.'>(», 0:10. 10. Ititia. in.. 2:10, 8iBt\ 4:40, 6:4'?. ß:4«? »4. lOrJO n m., for P.»rlMorii«, fateBOT· ,« laic Po'iit). Hunt's Point. Wett Harms,Win Heat YVcHt CliesNtr. ????ßßß'?, UnV « 'In »ter (l'albaniBar), Usrtow (« It»' Islsnd). I'elltao: Mnnorsitd ?, tv It,» I,ell«,connect in.: at New Rochelle with tr:nns tornii i«,intson ttiimain line of tho New-York. New-Haven »ml Hartford knit.nati »Bise Line «n«l Air Line f»iii«l<>ns N· w-i-,,, tan.Mlddletown. N'ew-llrltain nnfl Sufflel.i uraliche.« tun Rontoa.ndall iicdnts !·'. i«f.Mldnteht train for New-ltochella and all .lite!mediate »tv

tien« st 12:10 v m. dallr. except M«.ii.lavs.fsntubiv traiti« for New Ito« hello nn.l til intermediate »t*.

tien« st !» t. m.. 12:01 and !» Ibi p. m. lb·· totter trato counectrneat N'ew· Rochelle with wty (ron tu ???????



j. ótala V.w Vork. f.M.tof Barc'sv and Ctìr'stntiher«!»,»a. ni. iisiiy exeent Bandar«, Bnfflüeand Oeweae R*uraaa,

fu !n> ?? ran·1!·, t,, Water ??»··. ß?ron lattare, «cran t« m, liüijf.hamroa. Rimira, Rath. UnfTtlo. s· rtv ·"«·>. oeaeas, «ireene.Otford. Nurw'e'i. l'tie.t ..cío, t . Berwifofl for Pltist.ii»,Willkes'iarre, [»anvlll·« and Northumberland "l Owego forI Iti.» ? lud Interine Hat» «t if On«.la m. Rln'-'hinit.tri snd ??µ??p '"xpr,·»« PBlhSBB ßßßßßßß

for H* iter Hin. S, r tnfnn. ??-itrh inton. f)tr.!/,i «ad Kluirt,Cfinneeisif «icrtnfnn for P tf«ton. Ktir/ston. w| ke«'i,rre. aS»

t it m. Patir Battale Limited Einreaa Paltatsa «aaaaaefor Krronds'eir·/. eeraefoa, Rlnrhaintea, 'iwe..-?, Kimlr»,Cornine. Rath. Wsyland, Ruf alo. A«\, arrring in liuffalti7:2"». rn.8 n. m. Patir Pnnruo nrrt 0«weiro Kxpre»». Piiümaa

eoeehet oi «not-idshnrt*, Beranton Rlnctiaaitea, cortl.md«.tarract«» n«»re.o. '!r»"n«. m'-.r!. Vorwies,, l'dca andItiehMeii "-prinir». rennsvt at fhri-r fee litute· snd n(er«? adiate «tnfion« ex. ent Katardara, Coiinofsat RuUalu witaitrsln» torti; iio'nt« Wm%Tlckei« f.r sal,· un! tur·,'!?» che kc! it 2«5 UMadwayaal

»t We«tcott Kxi r· s«tift!r»s in New-VOik am! Ilrooklytt

\ F.W-YORK CENTRAL ANO IHMWOHa RIVRH »? !!?.!!???·?...?·.?·.?.,.·??,, m · rnihrvJ UST.

tlT'.'H'h »ri··»« tr't· i.-iT- Oran ' '·· 'r I '» ··.·i«·, .,,. ?-,,,?,?,G,t ?·,,,.,,, r'-riM-'i irsortnc-ro»waescs.ee

Allisnv. Troy ?? Uttsn», Riwiso's pt. and miaraas.¦....?··. ·?. ·"!·...» r,' ¦·..».· ».·' .? ".'n ' <· r· «r.mn.n·» V*

''lift, svni-,1.», Itnrti,-«li>r Rii**S'a, Vii-irt Pal if,vf« <!¦ velan,! arel :'..',-',, ir-i'n' it C'ii..iiro !·:¦"»() ? to.e...» ,"

10 m«, m, lit. uro Katrsaa stawhaaaaaaa rarsto'anao..la'-ni -il Roehsetavfm t·· a. m.. tv-«...rn aTew.Torh sn< Wwihira Bsccasâi

tt Ith !??»:? ·"viiirar«.lineai l'Mf tui 1 Utti'i Es .r-.i. atth Irawiu,»:.

r-nvii .at. tofr.iv..t ? in Ac mmn wtitlnatYi \l'nv.· in I Tr»v.·.··, ,. fists >:·¦· I"-1 SS loi-1 t r* ·. »v't'i Stso-Sas |,1G1

for * · Calls, ···"·· ?.nil', ? ,·.·,, rvttatt, Cru·H| t ,·. « ti'nin · i'ir V >··.»¦ V ,rV to Vim»·.

·· ¦<·».. ··» '',,·G" iit'i..tiefi.',- ,,-,· sfstojfaatioatiLu·,. ·,. '··, s -r.eei ? . ?» ·¦· ¦' .ii«

p. ,. -...,·, ,? ii,.,'i»r irrite, ? ,. ?,,.«·..G 7 p) «. «?..It.:".'.. ·? i.i .. ,·?. ml ? vve'jii IJ I'. ?. ni e.'ti'ir.

·, ·. I·,·-It.· Rtpress, ·»" r« Or It",'h»s-

rrr ? .t \ prsri f Ils '.·¦-..,,., ?. lot.'., fieief.ir ini".'.-ir« ro HTa'er "Te rli (/·-·,. »?«·) t«

In'inrn "enttvssn 1 ('su irvltl n lil'f »t«««b( «titorlst.11 I*, m., N·-·',» Ktfi .«. ·«¦" r. »l'uiny

r r."-tt w"ri il.rnint trains for testassisu fot loe Morth «.v,·.>!.» s,»,,, ,v ·,·. ,.,

·· >i »»',» vt .iri-il i·,·,te,· ·..·>.·. \.t. 7 n»tt»rj"m ".·,,'»»¦.- Bortoni '· ¦· -> I ·' it. ao-t Itti, irr..,? ¦'·« i'..,r,.«, ..·,, near Bros ?.

«-·»». 7ß8 .?'???,,?'-,·',··:¦· w.t ?·.·-.?· it. Hew.v,.rk :i:Ç;t W.«', ?-.»,,,,,.». 7·»? ? ?'·,·, -.«. Brooklyo. sos 71((Il »I.. M lili ».e-'elr.'.

? -'.' it' -.n« ? 'riri'i.'.riiii .it »'««»? ? r ir« ? ? ?»nt of Ih« ·¦ k*l .·!¦·« ., V-vVi;» city, »al

188 «?? ilnetn·).·'.. Itrnnktvo.Il ··.'¦ il'·. fr .¦ n· ·.

·¦· ti ,« "?·? t, ?»· v" nth - '.Hi ·' tSan Uy.»sin« »toi ,. |(,?G|, .. 1·.··.·' -t ni IHM ,1

j >l I'M. i ? I). II. KE.VORICK..,·¦¦·· -? rruteotloot, líen» ral ? «s»-iuter A treni,

U'1>T SUORE RAILROAD.? V. c. ami II. Ii |: «·,.. |, . e

ia,a- if.t»«,.' ? ¦! si. stai .m ss :... -, aad 15 inntitec».arliei fr.mi foot of Jay-at.. North Ultori

Leu,,:' loilChl. .no ¦·.'¦"¦'· a. in., ii ?·.'.,·-. 1.? p. in.Ml Li.QIS ? ? '. j.. tu.I III ,. »ta n-·. Burraio, It ti·-? r s,?« ,, ,,. ,,., uri,loe«

? ,? ?,?,«. .1 1*. -, ·,.· ? ?.. 8:0 .. ·- 19 ?. ?·?.?. -ii. ??-'·. Sail it:·-., ..?... ,. Alboar. .III.

? 14, II v. '.I ::".«. in.. I 00, »lu,, s 1., p. m.Cranston's, Ve»t Potai, Cornwall Scattar*, ·.. 1.? '7 15,

0 Ift, 11 'i m.. Mu. ",.??, S..'.p.m.. ami ·· 01p. ni. raosioii -, ( orawolt, Nos luir*.

or Mo ,.,«..;,., i.. m.ILiinni-iti. L tiliti. '.)'G? u. m. ? OS, S 15 p. ni. Toronto.

'.· ".'. a m ·'. '.·. tat B IJ il.,·.- in: »Is ,,? ·..· ...?- ,? BllltslO. Niagara rails, Introït

( li.e.¡un an,t Si. lamia00 Oll through ti.»a...?· t. ?. ( Dailyosoeol ..·1»??·.?.»?- OUiol trains.!.«,;>· except

Sun lay.I..1 lickela, Itti.?··tallies, patio: or Bleeping cat .'.·, orniu.Mia.

lions or infonusiloo, apply ui ?.'.?., - Brooklyn.333 Wash-7 ,. lu.:.ei-t. Inori Hi,. Iwt ,.? ???,??:, »L

Sew-York t 103, ÎS.%, 042 ???··??·.?·. l.*»3«a Bowerr.aaaWest HROfa sUtldttS, foot Ot Wosl 4.M »:.. foot ? ;,?» -t NIC

1U..M.I MO I'll.,", .ti.i. tn.l:..ivt'. i.ei.i-tii. ?'a«* ,,.:.? A sofc


I,loas» » sl«. ?« (,||;.IWS·7*. m. im· Caloaaoqaa imi inter n-Mut.» MiataC a. m. lorOooeva, i.ron«. Elmira, Hoeoesier, BoSals ml

IL·· M .. .,? principal .,.« al ¡«iiuU vieni at to tt ,»orlain·.

In. in. for Tiinkli.tiiiinrk ¡in·! tafrnMsttato t."tit« ? '..iirosel» Iiiiikli.tiiuiK-k. Coiiiieition t.. It. l.tioe inni llaniabofa} fS Hi !'. ui. lor G-It-ton ,«u,l ? run if.»: an. s a,cl: .Is ooinla,

l lia.r.ar to Plttstoq.8:40?. m. for Copiar »? I utor ai·· li »··» ·, ?«. ttaacCCiaMl

ti· II,· ?,?????; tul Harr «oír .'· rtitir ?.· '» r»»l»r.7 p. in. for tlecsva, Lroa\ Klioirs, itoetM toc ·??»·? ut

111« W« »t ? lU ?» l'i .1 .· .·· » I. »' > «.

78tld ni.'.ir t.i'irv« «n I 'it t n ·1· ?'·> »oit«,lr.tlii«i"iviiii{ it S », in.. ? ?., ill « ? ? ?. ?. liaOSSI »f

¦11 pointe IB M.iliiaov »al 'Ll'leti'i ''·' l.,'i»li,'sl'VDW It UN'S.si. n. for Baoeh ciniiik. Haalotea eeJ .utonueansai

lOliit«.84ÜO, n. for f.mi \r tn l Hitónos tuto ittntl","p n. Or lieu ··»·.». I.f 11«. i:i nirs. lli.viatur. iilUlj lit

tl.tAv «·»·. l'a,lin m tlesaor (o Lyaii«.

\l.l. lairs i»»lii«t(l..Muiiin^tou Lin»·. TÎie?.,?,,?,?, tu-,:.· Beala toi hootsa, rtatsleaec au.1 all

Ni wEuslJU't f ""'st ull inaili'· ICBl ?) takln»; Isle trains (mm sir.n,s,,r.

1»»·» limili: cna.? par.?? .ais liolwccu ß?????? Ull hag SU»!Bootoa tt 11 Hut ? CUA???..¦sleaui.lt »» ill it'.i»t· pur U· w No. l'i, Noitli Hiver. ,.uo SBSSk

uLo»e Vaniti al., all.JDp. m. aail; eBOaul soni.lays1. tt. HiPILl·., Ce.G? . a-- un. ? A^t..

l>os ·,.·. i. ..e« ? ork.

???G????? RAILROADOF ? KW JERSEY.as ? rams leavo tioiu L'SaaiSors it aiaiaot lai laaloaosÉ.? iii.itiv, ? tastar, aserstaU aita ,?.*» ¦· ?a. ?,?. .- ¿a. \? ujSlut lían u. in., Illa, .>:-«>, 4.1K), liai·. .. «?. ,,? ?, O J ?, s.osjTu..m p. m., l-oo iiii.iu.aiit. .-sun.i»)·; lo. Dilua, m., ? od nulSUO p. Ul. Im Nali.tet, BOT il8 Va,lei, Violi-, y ami I'siiiUiUS^i SU, 7..D, SiSV a. un, i.jn, «..OD p m. aim lay«, MO Si M«6.D|> p. in.


1???? IvAlLW AV. now known M tlio .\?\\'-là \v»ltU. I.Aiil·. lililí·. A.Mi W/aaSTkOn ni lu, A D,

? inoliali ? ran.« teat ? -..a .-?. ,???,?? lnaiUwrs el» »Uitieii-.ii hi.,«

BOOT, lo« «a ua.ns ,, a» e 844BS ????? ,.,?. u m.i.ai. s earlier11.an iio- ? ..a...ii> »:.

pa. iu. i.a.l) intf,ii n.iii.i.l)«. luy r.spies», liiutel llrsw.Uia-ruOOl v».atU»e lo ItiusUaiuUiU, Eiuiiro, Hoiiinilsvi.tS,Biiua.o ? ul.iiau .-·??, pilla ?»»..? .? Cnu --?

0 ? ni. -l'ailv to:l¿ Horn io l-^L) "V OMOfJO ami SI. l^uls Lini-llt«l," a scita Pulmini! Usui of l'a) ai.il huilul siovptufloacli«·. lo »o*1*'"e. » ifte.auil, I lOOluBOU, ???? SiitiSI. Uiatl l'Uilinaü ölcvplu^ l oaclie» lo Hállalo, ? .asar·?,?.?«. u.U..?.,.>?, «na l'oloul.i. No fidaonargoIM tasi Ulna,

t· p m. ,'«?0· ? ,.e a-· l.v, ?,·-». PuliuisU luy sn S.iepiiili;UOOChSOta 1.?11??.·??.?.·??. El.,,li ?. Iiovlittalcl, Ilo,la,,., .N.S,«ala 1 ..·¦», ? .m .unan aun » a..a.,,.

Rullivi tot»! ituil Pillile, 4.46, o Ao.7H\ 7:.iD, '.· .IH, li).'.'Da.rlL,18 l.U neon. I A.'>. Jahl, A oD, t ili, ililO, a l'I, Silo, li ID, I» J0,7 1... .' 4.1, n:.ID. .D én p. m., l'J.DD iiiiiliiiiilil. >iiu,l.it », iti.S JD, IH-DA. ut., i^ueon, 1 io, i lo. 0..1D, 7 li, ;· o, IO Ali? in., ?- I'»1 lUlilUUUl.

!¦ ?. I...-U. t .,..»', -·'. ··¦",.' '»'. 1" -¦' a. in.. -'-tt.a,lai .Ulli, o.iD, i. ID, ODD, 5 ID, .· .»'., ..,.'». ?,?. o ..ti. 7 ll,7 ii' ß ¡d' ß .ih, lo an p. m., iiW BUstalajnit ouutlay», d 14.h.JO, U)-o, iJi·»' a. m., l.li, *ii, un, ii, V.OO, ai JJB» a».. l'iiOO nililaishS. -_

Ntjuai» ami Palei sou. Vis Newark, U5D. S.DO, b All, 10:00Il .ID a. to., ¿??>. AiiO. A.iO. 4.*?, 4;iD, 8.aD, i¡.D, ü *0, 7.J»),H.DO, ,·'.·'» p. ai., »?.,? .'.'"D IlllitUUill ·1··1·> el'i'Pl >UU,la/h III.ila» », O lu S- Ul . i.'iO, lililí, S.DD p, lu,

Sutleiu i iö, û.l». 7 6D, UJD, I0.1"-»a. ni., 1 46, HilO. S:MLMB6iiD Oli). 7.1?, «... s ,?,,. 10 .,U p. .... alel IÀ inl.lli «nibumiat». 6t.,, » ¿D, lu -o a. ui.. lio, i.la, O.oO. HVO. 1080U. m. ami li UD uiluuialiL

Waiwick i la, ODD, lu '.'<> a. ni. 4:30 p. ui. buattaysA.48s. 10.

feAïraataÏAn^ '"·· M* *¦*>¦ "<>**»»V.ii .e ni a??.?G? oíd e. ?. au.! ?:???. to.

nouiamnery. Itomloul and IklusiloD. ODD a. 10., 8.30 p ta.

«.Ϋuu?î Uuouiïr^O.OOs. m., aicept Sumlayal!2Sm 4 lia **°, ??? ODO, IO.Mk m.,» Au, 8:80.4:30,8:00,h i" ¿ in «un.lsys. i.lt».S:3D. ID JOs. m.. 0:3D. S:00 p. Bt

Midàlotowi». iiö, Olii Itoli. tJiOO, lDiaO a. lu., 380. «aJ, ???ß,¿??« iodi» p. in. isunuays. fwift. S:dD, li>:iO a. ui. 0:30. SiOO.o' ni' 1 lie StOO a. ui. train »???. ai Malu-SL uiuy.

Port Jervis 4:46, .?50. 0 DU, 10:80 a. m.. 3 30. 4 30 SOO. StOOLC.rtlp. »II. SUL<la>S,S:3D, lui*) A lu., 0:00, 8 80, StOO £ m\TicsoU ur BSaaaaa *n«l aparuaeuu lo Ui.t»«iu8lvooiasu4

Mr. pius toadies eau b« otitaised, aott oi tiers tor Ute ofisek·ms ami transfer ol ImKjtsf? siay be left sl the Cotuuauy < italieos Noe. 401, 711. 067 Brosaiway, ls7 ttoit-sL. N. Y., Boa.831 ¡Milton si Hr.mkiyu. or sl llis Coiuuany'i ileooU.tiptoes tratos lasSBÌha tte.i srrive ut New kork al 7t 17,

7:47. 10.66 a. ni. sott IDiOO ?. ?.U 1'. l'Alila A. H, Usu'l Paae'r Ageat, New: York.