adama starfire reiki

Adama StarFire Reiki™ Founder: Mariah Prosper

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Adama StarFire Reiki


Adama StarFire Reiki

Adama StarFire ReikiFounder: Mariah Prosper

1. What is Adama StarFire Reiki(?

ADVANCE \d4It is a newly channeled Reiki energy that re-establishes the Genetic Codes of the original Adamic Man--before the fall from God. The ray of the Adama StarFire is actually ultra-violet--hence the energys birthing name of Purple Star Reiki(. The energy ray works in the higher light spectrums of violet (purple) and indigo (which buffers the ultra-violet fire) and burns off lifetimes of karmic programs and family genetics. This process heals and clears the soul of its karmic genetic patterns. It lifts one up to higher vibrations, destroying lower vibrational energy and thought patterns. It opens and clears the chakras, stimulates the kundalini to rise, and allows one to feel the Holy Spirit within. Those who become attuned to this energy, eventually hear, smell, speak, and think from the realm of Holy Spirit.

ADVANCE \d4Our DNA (genetic) code is beginning to re-establish its original design, preparing us for the Ascension process. Adama StarFire Reiki( changes our genetics back into the more pure form of the Adamic God form that we were in the beginning of our process of evolution--before the fall. If we were created in the image of our creator, then we have all the potential to become like the Creator. Capable of manipulating universal law and understanding the true workings of that creative energy which creates in perfect harmony with the laws of the Universe. In the beginning, which I believe is still happening, we were a carbon copy of the Universe infused into this human body that limits our potential to be spiritually whole.

ADVANCE \d4The Universal creative energy is numbers, science, religion, thought, spirit...our human consciousness is soul....our body is our limitation of what we can and cannot do. Society has programmed us into believing we cannot do those things that God can, but we can. In our genetic make up, there are strands (codons) that are not active. Once these extra codons are activated, we begin to remember what we perceive to be the past. It is possible to remember all of the past--even what God remembers. The creation of the universe, the many consciousnesses that exists, the realities that have been lived, the vast amount of data that has been created from the beginning to what we perceive to be the present and into the future. In our reality, we have access to a mental plane, that is, all the thoughts and mental chatter that ever was, is, and ever will be.

ADVANCE \d4Many people now, are able to access this mental plane by choice or accident, and can hear all that goes on in all planes of dimensions. Many cannot bear the noise, or understand the voices, but these are only the thoughts that have been captured in the mental plane of all sentient beings and we all have access to this. These mental beings have become alive with our thoughts. That which we have created since we have had awareness of be-ing---- Since God has been awakened into be-ing. All this is encoded into our genetic structure, in our DNA.

ADVANCE \d4The pituitary gland in our brain is the key to all of this awareness. When a kundalini experience happens, if it is kept active, connects our lower self with our higher self and we experience self-realization--what the Masters of Yoga work years or lifetimes to achieve. Through the use of the StarFire energy, this can be achieved, by reactivating the portions of our brain that we do not use anymore. Timothy Leary accomplished this activation through experiments with drugs. He did extensive research pertaining to spiritual experiences, the psychology of the mind and brain, why we are the way we are and where we are going, Unfortunately, because his use of drugs to achieve this knowledge did not follow the laws of society, his work was not taken seriously by those who controlled the authority of what was accepted as valid or not. His work was very scientific and spiritual as he mapped the brain into 8 parts. His work and studies on the complexities of the mind unfolded the knowledge and understanding of why we can perceive angels, aliens, the voices, and God.


ADVANCE \d4Throughout my 20+ years of searching for the Truth of the Universe, I have mastered many healing techniques, including 5 traditions of Reiki, taught many classes, studied many theologies of religion, including many occult systems, and a whole lot of other stuff including owning an herb shop and manufacturing occult supplies. I guess you could say Im a jack of many trades when it comes to alternative healing. This has been my lifelong path to help others heal mind, body, spirit, and soul. I had come to what appeared to be the most I could be. But people began to need a higher healing, one that would bring them closer to their God. The people I worked with most in counseling sessions were disillusioned with their spiritual path, or the dogmas that we have been taught. It affected their lives mentally, physically, emotionally, and most of all, spiritually. Many of these people were tired of the problems in their life and I could only help them to a certain level and then my hands were tied. I believe in faith and a higher power, and could not accept that we were here to develop only to a certain level of life in this reality. We are all a part of the Creator, we were created in the image of that Creator, but why couldnt we create perfection and be whole like it was meant to be?

ADVANCE \d4I study and practice the Eastern philosophies and Kabbalah, but that wasnt enough to help raise people up and beyond their earthly troubles. I mastered many Reiki techniques, but found they only healed one so far. People have a way of calling their troubles and ailments back to them over and over. Im sure many healers experience what I am describing. We can only heal to the level of our own accomplishments, when we apply our lives to that which we practice or teach. I wanted to move beyond the level of Spirit that I had obtained, so I prayed for a higher level of Spiritual and soul growth for myself and the souls of those around me.

ADVANCE \d4In Fall of 97, I stayed in Kansas with a very good friend; teaching Reiki and doing tarot readings at her shop. I was diligent in my Kabbalistic studies, doing meditations with the flame letters (language of God), reading every book I could get my hands on, etc. On the third or fourth night of my stay, we had come home late and I retired to the basement where I was sleeping while there. The energy of that underground basement was so wonderful that I had stayed up late each evening, reading and meditating until the early hours of the morning. This particular evening, I turned out the lights and meditated with prayer in the dark. I was tired, so I kept my eyes open while doing this so I wouldnt fall asleep before I was finished. A small light appeared in the far corner of the room. The room was in total darkness and all I could see was this light. It slowly grew in size to what appeared to me to be about 7 or 8 inches in size . Then I could see that it was spinning very fast, emitting lights of every color imaginable. As I stared at it to understand what it was, I could clearly see that it was a spinning three- dimensional Merkaba or Star of David, turning fast like a gyroscope. It was very beautiful and I thanked Spirit for the wonderful light show. I closed my eyes and immediately fell asleep.

ADVANCE \d4That morning, as I was undressing to take a shower, I noticed a crusty bloody scar on my right breast close to my sternum. I called my friend, Linn, to take a look at it. Linn is a respiratory therapist, so I thought perhaps she would know how it got there. After looking at it , she commented that it looked like a fresh wound, made with something sharp like a scaple. She was puzzled that it had already closed up and there was dry blood and also, blood that appeared to be fresh. I had fake fingernails, so there was no way I could have scratched myself. Also, when I woke up that morning, I had spots on the inside of my eyelids . Even at that time, I could still see a pattern when I blinked my eyes. It occurred to me that perhaps I was abducted and I still had the pattern of bright lights. We thought it might be the constellation of some stars that maybe I saw during the flight. So I sketched them out, but as soon as I began to draw, they began to fade quickly. We pulled out a star map and what I put on paper looked like either Orion or Pleiades. (My Kriya Yoga Master later confirmed that it was Orion and actually comes from beyond the belt). WE laughed about it--who knew what it was? I had experienced this sort of strangeness before and knew that I probably was abducted , and really, it was no big deal. The scar was fading by the time I left Kansas and returned back home. It was still there, but very light. It healed in less than a week. Soon, it was forgotten.

ADVANCE \d4About February of the following year, a client/friend of mine showed me a healing technique he learned at a seminar that previous weekend. He called it Soul Response Therapy which is a soul re-creation technique where one can actually work with their higher self to eliminate soul programs that cause one to fall and repeat lifetimes falling from heaven into hell (the reincarnation cycle). This course is taught by Robert Detzler who developed this technique through years of research and practice. I understood this technique immediately and began applying it that day.

ADVANCE \d4A day or so later, another dear friend relayed to me a dream that she had, concerning me. In her dream, she was told that I was to give her Purple Star Reiki, then was given a super charged purple drink. I was currently in the process of completing a Dream Therapy course, and the symbolism in her dream gave me a key to that which I had prayed for. The man in her dream who she said has known me since the beginning of time represented to me the Creator that has been since the beginning of time. Through my previous studies, and working with the SRT process, I knew that my friends dream came from a source; beyond the Elohim of Genesis. By the way, for those of you who never contemplated the meaning of Elohim, it is feminine plural for Gods. (reference the original Hebrew text). I have always referenced that creative force as They and I shall continue to do so within these pages.

ADVANCE \d4I went home that evening and in meditation I asked Spirit about my friends dream and the drink. I work with Kundalini energies in my yoga studies, but never had I ever been burnt on the inside by any energy that channeled through me. This energy rushed immediately into me and burnt like fire throughout my body. It felt like my blood was boiling, and the energy flowed like liquid fire throughout my body for many months to follow. I read every book on kundalini experiences that I could find and all referenced that the energy shut down after a short time. At times, in the middle of the night, the energy wakes me up, burning some part of my body. These pages were written because I couldnt sleep for my spine, hands and feet were on fire and awakened me. So why not work on this Manuel?

ADVANCE \d4By opening up to this energy while clearing myself and others with the SRT process, I have been able to channel the cosmic symbols that bring in the same as processes of Mr. Detzlers Soul Re-Creation (SRT). I thank him greatly for writing the books that instruct his teachings. More or less, the information in his books, in addition to the occult studies I have done throughout the years has helped me to understand and bring in the Adama StarFire Reiki( energy. Higher Be-ings and the Creative Principle assist me in charging specific elements with the StarFire energies. Things are happening quickly, and I must admit I am blown away and overwhelmed with all that I and others have gone through, from the experience of this energy. My life is truly blessed.

ADVANCE \d4When I first began to channel the StarFire energy; I didnt exactly know what to do with it, nor did I understand the whole concept of its power. The techniques developed through teachings of Higher Beings has moved beyond Mr. Detzlers SRT. My Guides helped me to develop a complete product line for consumers use. Not everyone would want to channel the energy, but might want to improve their life and Spiritual growth. When anyone uses the products, their life is lifted up to a higher level. A genetic rearrangement takes place on some level and the soul is relieved of particular karmic debts. A definite soul healing and clearing occurs without special exercises, yoga, meditation, magic, or other disciplines that take years to apply. The products are for all walks of life no matter your spiritual beliefs or discipline. The Initiation into this tremendous healing energy is for Masters of Healing to help others climb up their Jacobs ladder of life.

ADVANCE \d4Initiation and healing symbols were revealed to me, to share when people are ready to accept the responsibility of the StarFire energy. At first, I thought this energy was only for Reiki Masters to channel. But, I have initiated people that were Healing Masters in their own right that have accepted and channel this energy quite well. The Earth has shifted to a level of vibration to allow this energy to be channeled. The SRT process of Mr. Detzlers opened that door of higher level of consciousness for me to channel this powerful energy. Now, I believe, we will begin to receive more advanced levels of Reiki and other healing modalities. For those who do not know what Reiki is, it is simply the channeling of the Christ/Buddha consciousness energy for healing purposes. The man Jesus said, These things I do, you can do also, and better, are words that echoed in my mind all my life---I believe them. Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Mohammed, and other prophets before and after them did wondrous healing for the Spirit of Man---Now, it is time to do wondrous healing for the Souls of Mankind.

ADVANCE \d4I am truly thankful to all the Higher Be-ings that assist us in our growth back up the Tree of Life. The Hebrew people kept such good records in their sacred texts, it is a shame it was forbidden and became mostly forgotten. The Egyptians, and the Sumerians before them had the keys to the gates of Heaven, but they were destroyed by Holy Wars. Perhaps it is time for us to go back to the future, and allow the spirit and soul of mankind to get onto the pathway home. I am thankful that I can share a part of it with you.

ADVANCE \d4The many lifetimes of the soul; its division with each lifetime, is overwhelming to try to comprehend. It is comparable to the life of a single cell that matures into a human being, composed of billions of cells. One cell becomes...How many cells? Clearing the soul programs is like peeling the layers of an onion, one by one. Without this new channeled energy, and other be-ings of light to help us, it could be many more lifetimes before we could even fathom an ascension of any kind.

ADVANCE \d4I wish to thank all who have helped me to understand this energy and learn to work with it. Thank You, and Blessed Be the Creator within you!

ADVANCE \d4Mariah Prosper*

ADVANCE \d4Initiation into the Adama StarFire Reiki( Healing Ray

3. Originally, there seemed to be three levels of initiation. As I explored this energy with my private students, the energy kept increasing with each initiation. There have evolved a total of 13 levels of attunements, making a total of nine initiatory levels. The first level consists of 4 attunements that correspond to the elemental levels of our being.

ADVANCE \d4The first level I call the Adama level and begins the recoding of ones Soul genetics, our DNA. This begins a total clearing and healing on the soul of the individual. It also helps one to align their first four Light Bodies that correspond to the lower four chakras. For some this may be a smooth transition, for others it may be semi-traumatic---depending on what level ones soul has already obtained. Because of the genetic programs we have accepted from lifetime to lifetime, the healing process of this level of attunements will set forth a continual clearing that will affect your day to day life on some level of the souls awareness.

ADVANCE \d4The second level initiation consists of learning symbols to empower the initiate with the ability to raise their Reiki traditional technique from the Christ\Buddha consciousness level to the Godhead soul level consciousness. The fifth light body is aligned with ones energy and may take some time to process. Every healing the initiate participates in will raise the soul consciousness of the person being worked on. As with all Reiki techniques, as you channel this energy to another, you also receive a higher awareness and clearing of soul genetic programs. Also, practice helps the light bodies to come into alignment with more ease and less time.

ADVANCE \d4The third level initiation empowers one with the abilities to perceive other realities, experience Gods consciousness, and attunes the sixth light body. Many symbols are learned and utilized to help with this process of clearing. First level initiation and symbols are taught. This level I call Master level.

ADVANCE \d4All levels have been channeled, but I am only initiating to the third level at this time due to the processing that occurs with individuals. This is a very powerful energy and must be respected.

ADVANCE \d4My training in Religious philosophies, Spiritual matters, and Occult secrets has been of great use in understanding the energies and symbols I have been channeling down from Source. The purpose of this manual is to help anyone understand the immensity of our soul, the journey through its realities, and its connection to the One, the Creator of all.

ADVANCE \d4Those who have studied Occult matters will understand this form of Reiki easily. Many who have shied away from the occult will come to understand that occult means secret and is a part of the creative language of God that moves energy to make change happen--what is referred to as magic.

ADVANCE \d4Those who believe that because the term occult and magic are used please bear with me, and open your mind to this revelation. If you believe this is from the Devil, please take a look around you. Do you see God in everything and everyone? If not, your vision is clouded by your devil and perhaps you are not ready to see the truths of everyones God. Go back and read your Holy Scriptures for what they mean--not for what you were told they mean. I am not talking about the God of the Judaic bibles, but the God that is neither male nor female, yet both. The God I speak of is the creative force of all that is, the primordial waters of all life that the ancients taught about.All religions have one goal--that is to return to the Creator--to be connected--to be prosperous--to be all that is--to find At-One-Ment. God has many names, but for simplistic sake, I will use the term God to represent the ultimate Creator of all. This Manual will relate to whatever your beliefs. Do not get caught up in the dogmas of your upbringing.

ADVANCE \d4Adama StarFire Reiki( represents a truth and a way to become that ultimate truth. Technically--there are no words to describe that truth--words are limiting and create something different for each individual. We are created in the image of the Creator, and our Creator doesnt have a human form. Please dont let your illusions deprive you of your Cosmic Inheritance.