adaptive transformation: transitioning from resource to flow efficiency

Adaptive Transformation Transitioning from Resource to Flow Efficiency (and overcoming the fear of the unknown) Wayne Palmer InfoReady CIO Summit Gold Coast 28 th 29 th July 2014

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Adaptive Transformation: Transitioning from Resource to Flow Efficiency by Wayne Palmer, InfoReady at the Australian CIO Summit 2014


1. Adaptive Transformation Transitioning from Resource to Flow Efficiency (and overcoming the fear of the unknown) Wayne Palmer InfoReady CIO Summit Gold Coast 28th 29th July 2014 2. Resource Efficiency attaching work items to people 3. Boss Executive Manager Supervisor Supervisor Executive Manager Supervisor Supervisor OrderWire ReceiveWire StoreWire GetWire DrawWire Straighten Cut AddPoint GrindatTop 1.MakeHead 2.MakeHead 3.MakeHead JoinHead WhitenPin PrepareHolder PinsintoHolder PackHolders ShipPins 1 Craftsman 20 pins per day 10 Resources 48000 pins per day 4. The man whose whole life is spent in performing a few simple operationshas no occasion to exert his understanding or to exercise his invention he becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become the torpor of his mind renders him incapable of relishing or bearing a part in any rational conversation the uniformity of his life corrupts the courage of his mind, and makes him regard with abhorrence an irregular, uncertain, and adventurous life this is the state into which the labouring poor must necessarily fall, unless government takes some pains to prevent it. Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, 1776 5. Flow Efficiency attaching people to work items 6. process prss procedere LATIN LATIN OLD FRENCH ENGLISH processus proces proceed process 7. Customers at Every Point 8. Efficient Islands Perfect State Wasteland Efficient Ocean Resource Efficiency Flow Efficiency Vision The Efficiency Matrix 9. Shifting Strategies a mindset is a terrible thing to waste 10. Actual Rocket Science 11. Waterfall works. It just works. OK? Who has gone on agile training? You do know we are not going to implement purist agile round here? We have always been waterfall. and we will always be waterfall. Thats just the way it is. I think I'm just too lazy to learn anything new. We aren't going to stick anything on the walls here. Its a health and safety issue. Resistance is Futile? 12. How much contradictory evidence is being explained away? What comparable cases can we study? Who can come in with a fresh perspective? Can we manufacture a failure to help degrade the mental model? Can we use analogy and metaphor? Can we use a Crystal Ball? Can we encourage curiosity? Unlearning Techniques 13. Its not how fast you can do it Ignition Deep Practice Talent its how slow you can do it correctly. Master Coaching 14. skill challenge anxiety boredom Learning Thru Struggle 15. Kanban Method incremental, evolutionary change 16. 1. Visualise Workflow 17. 2. Limit WIP 18. 3. Manage Flow 19. we always leave project evaluation to the last minute as we are 100% committed to other projects we never want the numbers to make us appear too expensive no one likes doing project evaluation we include a huge number of caveats, risks and assumptions with each project evaluation to protect ourselves. No one ever reads them. when the caveats come true, we create a load of change requests which go through the system as another project 4. Make Process Policies Explicit 20. Toyota Kata achieve things you do not know how to achieve 21. Efficient Islands Perfect State Wasteland Efficient Ocean Resource Efficiency Flow Efficiency Vision The Efficiency Matrix 22. vision challenge target condition current condition obstacles P D S A P D S A The Improvement Kata4. Make Process Policies Explicit 23. go and see Plan Do Study Act The Coaching Kata 24. What is the target condition? What is the actual condition now? What obstacles are preventing you from reaching the target condition? Which one are you addressing now? What is your next step? What do you expect? When can we go and see what we have learned from that next step? 25. Thank you. Recipe for Success Methods that Help Improve Employee Satisfaction Deliver with High Quality Improve Lead Time Predictability Provide Slack to Enable Improvement Simplify Prioritisation Provide Transparency on System Design and Operation A Flow AND Resource Efficient Operating Strategy The Vanguard Method for Customer Alignment The Kanban Method for Evolutionary Improvement Toyota Continuous Improvement & Coaching Kata Wayne Palmer Principal Lean/Agile Consultant 21st Century Data & Analytics