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════════════ ๑۩۩๑ ═════════════ Sekolah Menengah All Saints Kota Kinabalu Additional Mathematics Project 2015 TITLE: Water Usage Reduction

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════════════ ๑۩۩๑ ═════════════Sekolah Menengah All Saints Kota Kinabalu

Additional Mathematics

Project 2015

TITLE: Water Usage Reduction


IC NUMBER: 981118-03-5630

TEACHER IN CHARGE: Mr. Bala Chandran

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In our modern era, water is greatly taken advantage of. People waste a great amount of water daily and do not even realize it. Some of those who do, don’t even take action against it! However, there are many ways to save water. Of the many are rainwater collection and accumulation. Rainwater accumulation can help to save pipe water because the rain, too, is a source of water!

Part I

1. Total area of school garden: 690m2

2. a) Total volume of water used per day=1300students x 15litres + 690m2 x 2litres=20880litres=20.88m3

b) Water expenditure per month =20.88 x RM1.2 x 22+RM551.23

3. a) Students:a=1300 r=103/100 = 1.03

T11 = 1300 x 1.0310 = 1747.1 = 1747 Students (Rounded off to the nearest student)

Water Usage:a=15 r=1.05

T11 = 15 x 1.0510

= 24.43litres

Amount of water used in 2024 =1747 x 24.43litres = 42679.21litres

b) Number of students

Assume the number of students increases by 3% yearly.

Year 2014 2015 2016

2017 2018

2019 2020

2021 2022 2023 2024

Student number

1300 1339 1379

1421 1463

1507 1552

1599 1647 1696 1747

Students’ daily water usage

Assuming water usage increases by 5% yearly.

Year 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

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Water Usage (litres)

15 15.75 16.54 17.36 18.23 19.14 20.10 21.11 22.16 23.27 24.43

Students’ total daily water usage in the year 2024

= 1747 x 24.43 litres=42679.21 litres

Values obtained from the methods in 3.a) and 3.b).

c) I 24/14 = (Q2024/Q2014) x 100 = (42679.21 x 1900)/(19500 x 190) x 100 = 218.87

The amount of water used by the students in the year 2024 based on year 2014 has increased by 218.87%

Part II

1. a)

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b) Total Area of A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K= 5290.48 m2

Assuming all the roofs of the school buildings are attached with water tanks meaning to collect rainwater, Volume= 2.6 x 5290.48 =13755.25m3

13755.25m3 can be collected annually.

2. The volume of water used for 5 days is 20.88m3 x 5 = 104.4m3

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3. i) Differentiation 104.4= r2h h = 104.4/ r2

Area = 2 rh + 2 r2

= 2 r(104.4/ r2) + 2 r2

= 208.8 r–1 + 4 r

dA/dr= –208.8/r2 + 4 r

4 r3 = 208.8 r3 = 2.55

Area = 208.8/2.55 + 2 (2.55)2 = 122.74m2 Cost = 122.74 x 70 = RM 8591.80


r/m h/m Surface Area/m2

0.05 13292.62 4176.02

0.55 109.86 381.55

1.05 30.14 205.77

1.55 13.83 149.78

2.05 7.91 128.29

2.55 5.11 122.73

Minimal cost = 122.73 x 70 =RM8591.10Minimal cost is RM8591.10.

ii) Differentiation

104.4= l2h Area=2l2 + 4lh h = 104.4/l2 = 2l2 + 417.6l–1

dA/dl = 4l – 417.6/l2 4l = 417.6/l2 l3 = 104.4 l = 4.71 m

Area = 2(4.71)2 + 417.6/4.71 = 133.03 m2

Minimum cost= 133.03 x 7

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= RM 9312.10


l/cm h/m Surface Area/ m2

2.21 21.38 198.77

2.71 14.22 168.83

3.21 10.13 150.68

3.71 7.58 140.02

4.21 5.89 134.64

4.71 4.71 133.03

Minimal cost = 133.10 x 70 = RM 9317Therefore, minimal cost is RM9317.

iii) Substitution 104.4=l3 Area = 6l2

l = 4.71 m = 6(4.71)2

= 133.03 m2

Minimal cost = 133.03 x 70 = RM 9312.1


l/cm Surface Area/ m2

2.21 29.31

2.71 44.06

3.21 61.82

3.71 82.58

4.21 106.34

4.71 133.10

Minimal cost = 133.1 x 70

= RM 9317

Therefore the minimal cost is RM9317

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4. Overall, the most suitable water tank shape would be the cylindrical shape. As it goes, a cylinder has a larger volume and less surface area compared to the cuboid shape. Thus, material used to construct the tank would also be less, making the tank less costly. A water tank with the shape of a cylinder is also much more stable comparatively. This is because edges create stress points. So having a water tank without stress points would greatly improve stability. Besides, cylindrical shaped tanks are much easier to maintain cleanliness compared to a cuboid shape for the corners are hard to clean. In conclusion, the best possible shape to use for a water tank in my school would be the cylindrical shape.

Further Exploration

1. The cost of the cylinder is the cheapest at RM 8591. By comparing the cost of construction and expenditure that can be reduced from this rainwater harvesting, the project if practical. It will supply for the school’s water demand and will aid in reducing the school’s expenditure for water as well as contribute to water saving.

2. The harvesting of rainwater is the accumulation of rainwater so it can by used on site rather than letting it go to waste. This rainwater is used to water the plants in the school garden. It can also be used as washroom water supply. However, there are many problems that come with this as well. One of the greatest problem faced is the cleanliness of the water accumulated. Since we are living in hot country, mosquitoes and insects tend to breed everywhere. Accumulating this rainwater may become a breeding place for mosquitoes. Apart from that, water accumulated in such big tanks can be easily dirtied through the growth of moss or algae. Besides, the cost for the tanks used to accumulate the water also uses quite an amount of money. Since these tanks have to be of a good quality to withstand the heat from the sun, it is not cheap. Moreover, the rainwater collected is very dependent on rainfall. If the season were to be a dry season, water collection will be minimal! Therefore, although collecting rainwater has its perks, it also has its cons.

3. As it is, it is totally convenient for government buildings to make use of rainwater. Although at the start, the tanks are costly, in the long run, it can save a huge amount of water. This will reduce water cost and contribute to the environment simultaneously.


The collection of rainwater can greatly contribute to mankind. As it is, people have been simply using water and thoughtlessly wasting it. Clean water will soon become a rarity should no action be taken upon it. Therefore, saving water is a necessity. The accumulation of rainwater can help to save water. Instead of using

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fresh clean water to wash your car or water the flowers, rainwater is a better alternative. To saving water for the future generation, is to start saving now.

Please re read entire plots page before editing this. TQ.

Chapter 1

“Maia!” the ginger haired girl shouted. “I best go home and prepare for the festival tomorrow or momma will have my head!” Mona, my servant, shouted.

“Alright then, you go first. I have to collect some more herbs,” I shouted back while searching for the rest of the herbs I needed to find.

“Are you sure princess?”


“The king will have my head if he discovered about this, let alone leave you by yourself on a night like this,” she shook her head like a disapproving mother. Although the same age as me, Mona tended to have a more motherly side.

“Don’t worry about me Mona, you go home and don’t let your momma find out. I won’t be long now.”

“Don’t take too long then princess, its dangerous at night and even more so tonight.” She gave me a dubious look so I smiled at her reassuringly and she turned around and was on her heels back to the village square. I could sense the doubt in her entire being but she probably really needed to go home.

I watched her as she left the field, her curvy silhouette soon disappearing from my view, leaving me by myself in the lone herb plantation. It was almost dusk but I still had a herb I needed to find. I had been searching since morning but none had been seen whatsoever.

I knew it was quite dangerous tonight, but I wasn’t exactly given a choice. I had to formulate a cure to make momma well, I was the only hope of saving her. Ever since I was ten, momma had been sick. I was told that the doctors couldn’t heal her so I studied medicine so I could invent the medicine to cure her disease. The herb I needed, was a single leaf produced by the most poisonous flower in the kingdom, yet it was so rare, it was rumored to be a mere myth. But I denied myself to believe such a thing. I decided to have hope instead, for momma.

Father, the King, had said that it was hopeless to try. He often ridiculed me for my headstrong belief that I could cure mother. So when I studied and finally discovered the missing piece, he banned me from entering any herb plantation within the kingdom, claiming he had to put a stop to my obsession, but I knew behind that scary façade was a scared man. A man scared to have lost hope yet another time. A man frightened for the fact that his heart might be torn due to false hope once again.

So it led to this: stealing. Since the next day was an important celebration, everyone was too busy with their preparations to bother taking care of the fields.

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I took this chance, of absent farmers, to steal what little herbs I needed for formulate the perfect cure. The only problem was, I didn’t know where the herbs were located.

I was sure that this time, the formula would be the one I had sought for. I could feel it deep within my bones and through my heart that it would be the one.

Soon, the sky was painted red and yellow. The setting ball of fire that was once high in the sky was now disappearing slowly. It was then something caught my eye.

Atop a huge rock, was a single flower growing. Its bruised blue colored tendrils wrapped around the rock, supporting itself upright. As the former glory of dusk dissipated and was taken over by the glimmering moonlight, the flower bloomed. Its white petals were whiter than that of purest snow and its leaves, bluer that that of the deepest oceans.

I gingerly took a step forward, I gasped unbelievingly at my fate of having finally found the flower rendered a myth. As I outstretched my arm to pluck its little blue leaf, I was abruptly thrown back.

A loud deafening howl then reverberated throughout the night of the forest. As I dug my elbows into the soil and pushed myself upright, a low growl tingled my eardrums. I glanced over my shoulders and met with a large black mass of fur with pointed eyes sharper than that of a sword’s.

My hair raised on ends as I realized it was a wolf. Immediately, I thought of Mona and how she warned me of tonight. I knew it was risky, I knew it life threatening to come out here in the open at night without bodyguards.

Despite that, I felt no ounce of fear as I stood my ground and stared at the big black wolf right in front of my eyes. It snapped at me as it as snarled and barred its canines. In a swift movement, it jumped forward and pounced atop me as I reached out to grab a fallen tree branch.

I stuffed the stick into its mouth, preventing it from taking a bite of my flesh. Then I pushed forward and kicked its stomach, rendering it whimpering on the ground. I got up and snatched another tree branch, preparing for the wolf to strike again.

At that spur of the moment, I was extremely grateful for the training I had endured. Ever since I was a little girl, I was forced to train hard everyday. The drill was study, sleep, eat, and train. I had initially hated it but now, I understood why I had undergone such harshness.

I stared at the lifeless body on the floor. I refused to believe that simple kick such as that could have killed a wolf. I was proved right as it got up and stared at me. I braced myself for an attack, but what it did instead, confused my greatly.

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It cocked its head in a way that made my cringe as it stood on two legs. A loud snapping sound then followed as it howled. I dropped the branch and pressed my hands to my ears to dampen the sickening sound. The wolf’s body then continued to bend in ways I never imagined possible.

However, when I blinked and the wolf was no longer present, realization dawned upon me. A man with the same blue eyes as the wolf stood in front of me. Naked. His black hair was filled with dirt and leaves as he stretched.

I wasn’t surprised all that much of his changing. It was what I was prepared for. He was the kingdom’s worst fear. He was everyone’s fear, but not mine. I was destined to slay these beasts they call, werewolves.

It growled.

“Come now little girl, lets have some fun shall we?”

Regaining my spirit, I picked up the branch and swung it at the man. As soon as it came in contact with his chest, it snapped, leaving him with so much as a scratch. He roared hysterically.

“Now, now, we both know that any attempts to kill me would be useless. I am a wolf and you’re a human little girly. You’re weak, I’m strong and I can break that pretty little neck of yours if you do not oblige me.”

“Save it for the others you petty wolf. I do not plan to waste my time talking to low life such as yourself,” I replied.

He growled angrily and he balled his fists. I expected him to punch me, but instead, he laughed it off. “Silly girl.”

As he charged forward recklessly, I managed to grab my pocketknife in my boot and I stabbed him squarely in the chest in time. He immediately shook and fell to the ground. “Its silver petty wolf!” I spat.

I kneeled down and redrew the knife, stabbing him over and over on his chest until his body was flooded in a pool of blood. He whimpered as he whispered a silent prayer to the moon goddess before he withered away.

Without wasting time, I carefully plucked a few petals of the flower and was on my way.

As I awoke the next morning, I rushed out of bed and put on some clothes. Carefully, I took the flower petals collected from yesterday and headed to the lab, finally fresh and ready to create the perfect antidote. It was going to work, I could feel it deep in my bones. Mother could finally be free of her sickness!

Walking to the lab, oddly, there were no servants. Knowing my father the king, he could never go a day without servants and was always around bossing everyone. Once I turned to corner to the lab, I dropped the petals in my hand.

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The lab was no longer a lab. It was torn to shreds, with only concrete ruins ands scattered instruments. The crystal of my heart shattered into a million pieces as I stared at the hopelessness in utter defeat.

Tears swelled up in my eyes as I bent down and picked up an incision knife, now bent, no longer able to serve its prior purpose. It was hopeless now. There was no silver lining to see. Even if I could redo the whole process, it would take at least weeks. Mother didn’t have that much time!

I ran to mother, in her chambers on her king sized bed with nurses circling her. They said she probably had about a week or two if lucky. I ordered everyone out of the room as I kneeled down by mother’s bedside and held her hand.

“Maia…” her cracked voice came.

“Hush, rest well mama, I will heal you. I wear upon my life,” I muttered as I kissed the knuckled of her frail hand gently.

I looked at mother, whose once luxurious long blonde curls were now shorn short. Her once red beautiful lips now thinned and pale. Her sickness had taken a toll on her physically and mentally. I always remembered mother as a headstrong optimist. Now she was only sure that all that awaited her was death. I missed the old her, strong, cunning and a woman of valiance.

I slept by mother’s bedside, at least, for a few hours before I was chased out by the nurses, claiming they needed to tend for her needs or one week would be shortened to one day.

I couldn’t sleep that night. Restless as I was, I was gravelly disturbed by the scene at the lab. The king had definitely done this. He was so stupidly determined to stop me, even going to the extent of trashing a lab.


When I roused from my slumber the next dawn, I was greeted by the threatening glares of t he castle guards. As I attempted to get up, the guard standing right next to my bed extended his armed hand. I looked up at him and dared him to fight.

There were only two guards in the room and I could take them on. I was a good soldier, even though female. They knew that and I knew that. Father the kind trained me since I was barely walking. How could I not be the very best?

“Let me out,” I stated simply, my head held high as I sat on the bed and stared at the guards.

“The king said–“

“Would you rather I dislocate your neck knight?”

He stuttered. “ Not very much, no princess.”

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I got up from the bed and walked to the door with an air of invincibility cloaking me. Perhaps I was too harsh on the guard, but that was the only thing that seemed to make any soul listen to me. Brute force.

That was the method my father deigned to own my complete obedience He never really showed me anything but. And that is the only method that will ever work. Kindred words softened the soul, but didn’t harden the bones.

However, I wasn’t done with the knights yet. I turned around to meet the one by the door eye to eye. He was easily taller than me by two inches, but height was never the matter and we both obviously came to an understanding on that.

“Why has my father posted you here to watch me while I slept?”

When no answer came, I yelled. “Answer me knight!”

“H-he is in some sort of meeting with a werewolf,” his voice stuttered. A werewolf? But why? They were our sworn enemies, we murder them. So why talk to them?


“I-I do not know that your highness.”

I believed him, not because of his bow at the waist, but because I knew how secretive my father was. I rushed to my dressing room as I slipped into a screaming red dress. Underneath my dress, I wore a bulletproof suit as I slipped a small gun loaded with five bullets and a knife into the strap attached to my thigh. Werewolves brought no good. They were beasts not to be played with. Why would my father, the one who seeded into my head since the very first inkling of my birth that werewolves were bad tidings, even want to talk to them?

I sighed at the birthing of a headache as I grabbed a few bullets and stuffed them into my heeled shoes.

I walked to White Chandelier, the name of the grand ballroom where my father held almost everything from rituals to trials and agreements to, well, balls.

The next day, some werewolves approach her father the king and demanded for a male knight in return using the eye for an eye saying.

The king refuses the offer, which causes the princess to be kidnapped.

Chapter 2

Maia is kept in the dungeon for three days until her father the king finally comes to save her.

The king and the alpha hound have a meeting. (she starts to be mesmerized by him here)

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Alpha comes out and breaks new to her that she will no longer be returning to her home. If she did, it’d be burn to the ground.

She demands to see the king, which she gets. He tells her that he was not really her father, that her father was his dead brother and that he wanted his son to take the throne, not her. He also tipped her that he poisoned him. She glimpses the death of a woman. (actually the mother but she doesn’t know that. It was the goddess for her plans)

The alpha takes her out of the dungeon to a proper room that was beautiful. She is told to bathe, go for dinner then sleep. She eats dinner with the lowest, getting smirks and glares.

Chapter 3

The alpha calls her to his office. He states the rules and that she will be tested and if she is deemed useful, she will be changed into a werewolf and serve the community, if not, she is cursed to die.

She feels a strange pull towards him.

She stares at him and she is dismissed.

Various murmurs probably of jealousy outside.

She is greeted by her guide, Titania

Chapter 4

She begins training. Titania tips her that her training will last for thirteen days an on the fourteenth day, she will be tested.

She tests her stamina, strength, skills, mindset and reflex. (She agrees to do this with an ulterior motive to destroy her uncle)

Titania guides a group of werewolves and they look down on Maia. They laugh at her and smirk.

When she trains, she is faster than most, which is surprising.

The females pick a fight with her and she fights back.

Chapter 5

Alpha summons her again. He is angry for her misconduct and disrespect.

She answers back and he is pissed. (she is still ogling him, she rebukes herself.)

She is commanded to restrain from misconduct of she will be hung.

She is pissed, but when she returns to the office, she sees the female walking in seductively.

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Maia observes the weird behaviors of the werewolves during dinner. She meets Stella, and average werewolf curious about humans.

Maia opens up to her a little and became close friends.

Chapter 6

Maia trains again the next day, she is determined to become the ultimate killing machine. She gets up early and forces herself to run a (how many kilometer?) run to build a higher stamina. She fights to the point she is bloody on her lips and she is knocked out when Sinclair reaches.

She wakes up in a room to voices. They are talking about her status. (where she is from, how she grew up)

Doctor enters and Sinclair barges in when he finds she is awake. He lectures her for being reckless and she gets pissed so she shouts and he commands her. (stating the fact that he is an alpha)

When he exits she tries to go out and escape. (knocks down doctor, wears clothes and actually almost gets out of hospital when Sinclair snarls and throws her to the floor. He almost hits her but he refrains and commands her to return to her room and rest, the matter resolved later. She is given a day to rest.

Chapter 7

She is summoned to the alpha’s room. He lectures her on her extreme behavioral problems. She ticks but doesn’t say anything. She is then dismissed and a different woman walks into his office. She is disgusted and wonders why she was so stupid as to get attracted to him.

Titania lectures her too and then she begins a little lighter training with some other females as well. The alpha comes to watch her and she becomes flustered.

Stella then comes and tells her to not even think about it. She said that he swore never to fall on love after his mate died and then quickly shut up.

Maia says she doesn’t care but inside she felt a twist.

Chapter 8

Maia convinces herself that she doesn’t love him. She begins to at least act normal until she overhears his conversation with his Beta, talking about a formidable war.

He catches her eavesdropping and brings her to his office. He gets really close to her and starts whispering threats. That she was a mere human, she better be careful. She gets heated.

He laughs at her and tells her to leave.

Outside the same bitch is smirking. She slaps her and the alpha becomes pissed, shoving her to the floor. She runs. They laugh.

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Chapter 9

Maia finds Stella to ask about Sinclair. She is reluctant but tells eventually. (He knew her when they were thirteen. She was of another pack they met at the ball. She was tough and everything. He didn’t believe in finding his mate, he believed it was her. To him she was perfect. Then two years later she and his father were murdered.)

Maia tells her to keep it a secret.

She then tries to sleep but dreams of Sinclair and his mate.

She gets up and goes down to the kitchen for a drink. She sees Sinclair in the hall watching her.

He growls and prances upon her. She gets heated and when he smells it, he is disgusted and walks away.

She returns to room and cries about how everything sucked.

Chapter 10

It was the fourteenth night tomorrow. She had to prepare or death do her part.

She trained vigorously. Even when Sinclair watched her and the females, she left it alone and continued. She skipped out on lunch and almost did so for dinner until Sinclair brought her food.

Eat. He demanded and so she did. He sat with her.

They sit in silence then she speaks. She asks him whether he hates her.

He flinches then resigns to a no. She asks why he is so mean to her and he says that she killed his kin. She tried to defend herself and in the end he got pissed. He walked away with his hot abs.

She finishes eating and goes to bed early.

Chapter 11

She dreams of a beautiful woman. She is telling her that she has an important task to do. When Maia asks, she says that is for her to find out. She also says that Maia’s decisions will have a consequence.

She wakes early and is sweaty. She glimpses a black wolf at her window watching her with red eyes. She approaches and it runs away.

She checks time and goes back to sleep.

Titania wakes her, she is late.

She is brought high up onto the mountain and she is explained the rules (Sinclair is there) She is tested her strength by the Beta. She is tested skill and tactics by the Legend.

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Chapter 12

(Dusk) Sinclair approaches her and she flinches, thoughts invading her mind. She closes her eyes and she hears his voice in her head. She is asked to picture her father. (Pictures her father sitting on the throne and uncles feeds him poison. He is continuing to eat and she is unable to do anything but stand and stare. She watches as her father slowly dies, she becomes angry, filled with hatred that when Sinclair let go, she attacked him. She was angry that he got to toy with her emotions. She was angry for everything. Then as she almost stabbed him, she dropped the knife and started sobbing quietly, leaving the three men speechless for her actions.) *She passes the test, disqualifying the last test as it was irrelevant. He was supposed to picture a battle situation, not a personal scene.

She is poker-faced at passing.

They soon tell her the next part, her changing into a werewolf. (She was to clean up herself and wear a white gown.)

The changing. She is positioned in the center of the tip of the mountain and it was full moon. Sinclair bit her neck and drew out blood as he slashed his wrist with a knife (Special) and made her drink it. His wound healed. He left her there alone. She was crying in terror pain. Faint.

Chapter 13 [Don’t forget to add her wolf’s voice] [Don’t forget mind link]

Maia woke up in a room. (It wasn’t her old one but it was bigger and better.)

She went to the kitchen for water. (People stared at her. She was still in the white gown and bloody. She just takes water. Still stares.)

Someone tells her. She says she knows.

Sinclair walks in and crunches his nose, saying it stunk and she looked dirty. She ignored him until he grabbed her arm and forced her to listen.

A bitch then looks at her and scrunches up her nose. She then wrapped her arms around Sinclair from behind. He removed her arms and she almost choked.

Pouty lips pouts all the way to her room and Maia goes back to her room to clean up. Suddenly, a voice fills her head. ‘Urgh, I really can’t stand that bitch.’ She knew straight away that it was her inner being, her wolf. ‘Um, me too.” I thought or said? It felt natural, like it was always there.

She bathes and then Stella comes in.

Asks her how she is and all. Stella says that it must’ve been excruciating. Maia was shocked because she felt nothing but she just smiled at Stella as she explained how new wolves first changing is the most painful, especially if they weren’t born one.

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Chapter 14 [Don’t forget to add her wolf’s voice] [Don’t forget mind link]

She starts shifting training. (They say that she will be needing to train because it is hard for beginners to control their wolves.)

She can run faster, stronger, better hearing ability and she had a wolf.

She runs and looks at some wolves training with the alpha. They shift and follow his command, but he doesn’t shift. That was when she noticed she’d never seen him shift. She stares at him and then he catches her.

She continues training with the newbie werewolves. Titania teaches one by one how to shift, making Maia watch attentively. Luca (emo like) says that he doesn’t need the training and that they should place him straight instead of wasting time here.

A female wolf goes up to the alpha and shifts. She is naked in the forest and that almost made Maia puke. (Note: she was pissed alright)

Maia goes running with the wolves. They separate, suddenly, she changes. (It was not pain) She but when she changed back, she was naked and didn’t want anyone to see her so she dunk into a lake and was found by Titania. (Excuse: she took a dip into lake and then her clothes were gone)

She goes back to mansion for dinner at the alpha’s table to discuss her wellbeing.

Chapter 15 [filler] [Don’t forget to add her wolf’s voice] [Don’t forget mind link]

They explain her being. (Everyone says she is doing well and they are happy with her except the alpha, he is pissed at her presence but doesn’t say it. He shows it by pointing irrelevant comments) [60% of chapter]

Maia gets up from table to go to room. (Alpha gets mad and shouts at her to sit down. Tears threatened and she went to her room crying.)

Lucia enters and tries to soften her. (Alpha’s a male whore and that he’d sleep with any bitch. Reassuring bitch talks.)

Maia is determined to make him pay with proving him wrong and performing outstandingly. (Lucia’s idea)

Chapter 16 [Don’t forget to add her wolf’s voice] [Don’t forget mind link]

Almost a month had passed since she started training. The next day would be the full moon. She’d changed a good number of times but somehow they didn’t realize and she didn’t tell.

She went out for a very early morning run. She is caught by black wolf. She mind links her to shift but she doesn’t, afraid of who it was. She attacks the wolf quickly and makes escape to room.

She sleeps till morn.

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At morn Titania comes barging in with Stella saying that it was a free day off. They start talking about the how that night it was party night. Full moon meant power.

Maia took it as her cue to escape the pack to kill her father. Then she’d die peacefully. She packs and prepares.

When night fell, she went to check up to make sure everything was in place. No party popper, no Stella, Titania and Luca.

She sneaks to alpha’s room to see what he was doing. The door was ajar.

He was whimpering. Maia got curious and watched. First she saw tattoos, then the brandisher. She watched as it was pressed to his back. His back arched and he whimpered but didn’t swat it away. The brandisher was held by her, that bitch, with a smirk on her face. She noticed his back was filled with tattoos and runes. (Explain the tattoos and runes and its alluringness)

She was confused and angry. So when she turned and ran towards the door, the beta was watching her. He chased her.

Chapter 17 [Don’t forget to add her wolf’s voice] [Don’t forget mind link]

Maia didn’t back down. It was now or never. He followed her until the kingdom then he retreated.

Maia changed to human and went snuck into the castle through garden to get her dress and go to ball.

In ball, she meets Sinclair, his beta and Legend.

They made her faint.

Chapter 18 [Don’t forget to add her wolf’s voice] [Don’t forget mind link]

She wakes up in her room.

Sinclair is sitting on the chair, fallen asleep. She goes to him and examines him. (She really likes him)

He wakes and scolds her for her jeopardizing his plan.

He says that she will get her revenge as will everyone else. Everyone wanted revenge. Then she cried. He kissed her. Odd.

He went out and away and she sat there wondering before deciding to go for a run.

She goes out of room and sees beta whispering to alpha about her wolf.

The beta approached her and asked her how she managed to control her wolf as she was a newbie. Her asks her if she had changed before. She tells them her first time was a few days after the ceremony.

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They act rash and bring her to Legend. He explains that it is impossible. It had to be at least one moon cycle. Either that or she was already a werewolf to begin with.

They ask about whether she might be related. She says no. Her father was kind and her mother…she paused and said that she never really knew her except that she was from a far off kingdom. They asked how she looked like but she said she hadn’t even seen a picture of her before she died.

They think its weird and that there might be a chance her mother was a werewolf.

Chapter 19 [Don’t forget to add her wolf’s voice] [Don’t forget mind link]

Maia is in her room thinking about her mother. She then realizes that she had always been stronger than most.

She can’t wait/sleep so she goes to Sinclair’s room to find him not inside it.

She entered and saw a shiny thing out of under his pillow. She took it out and say a photo of Sinclair and she herself. Except she didn’t remember him and that she was much younger. She looked arrogant and they stood with a n aura of superiority.

His voice suddenly booms and he’s angry at why she was in his room looking at his belongings. (Well duh who isn’t??) She asks why she is in the photo. He tells her not to be ridiculous. Comparing them, he said she was nothing. He came very close and that was a mistake because she was deeply attracted to him, an attraction she couldn’t understand why was so strong. It almost killed her.

A bitch enters the scene and holds Sinclair. He shrugs her off, gives her a warning and she pouts.

Maia tried to soothe him but he stops her in her thread.

He warns her that he could never give her what she wanted. That if what she sought from him was more than what he gave away, she deeply mistaken. She nods her heart but is breaking inside.

She runs to room and bitch was watching her.

Chapter 20 [Don’t forget to add her wolf’s voice] [Don’t forget mind link]

She dreamed of her and Sinclair sharing a kiss. She is happy and contented and he calls her his Luna, his everything.

She is happy until she was shook awake by Titania. Breaking news that now she was to train for war. They were going to destroy the humans. She tried to convince the members that there were many innocent people involved and that all they needed to do was to burn the leaders but they refused, saying that if they eradicated their current leader, his successor would be more powerful.

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She trains while thinking of Sinclair and the photo. She keeps trying to understand who was in the photo. She asks Titania but her lips are zipped closed. She then asks Luca. He replies that he wasn’t supposed to tell. Luca confesses to her and says that even though he hadn’t found his mate, he’d fallen in love with her. He said nobody knew how she looked because she was always in wolf form. She said that she was beautiful as a wolf but her human self was a disgrace. But all he knew was that her fur was white as snow and her eyes red as blood.

She walked aimlessly and found herself in front of Sinclair’s room. She peeps in and he is sniffing a bloody dress before punching the wall. Maia goes in and tries to soothe him. He gets and angry and she gets mad, telling him he needed to let go.

He said that he’d never give her what she wanted.

Chapter 21

Weeks had passed without Sinclair giving her so much as a glance.

Suddenly a meeting was held to determine the plan for attack, they were finally ready for war. In two days they would attack, it was the night of the full moon.

Maia is being allowed in the meeting because they planned to use her knowledge of the castle.

She mentions at the meeting that attacking the women, children and soldiers was innocent bloodshed. She mentioned that only the king and his generals need be slaughtered. Sinclair is pissed with her and they go on as planned.

Plan: Maia, Sinclair, Legend, and two other best men will enter first. They will slaughter the king and his men first before shifting to the soldiers and civilians.

She trains.

Chapter 22

The night had come. They were made up and they got into a carriage.

When they entered, they acted natural, searching for the absent king and absent generals.

When they find the king, Maia sees Sinclair walking over to him, knife in hand, burning with rage. She pulls him into a corridor and says she is careless. He says that she was the one careless, that they needed to kill him before he managed to get away. He says that he killed his love and that he should pay. Tears threatened and she kissed him, said how could he not see that he needed to let her go. She asks him how he could not see how much she loved him.

He looks at her eye and denies her. She says that he doesn’t need to acknowledge but she wanted him to let go.

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They then advance at the king, that’s when she saw he was no longer there, but pointing a gun at Sinclair’s head. “I knew you’d all come soon. It was only a matter of time. Carried a silver gun around at all times.” He says. Maia tells him that he could shoot her. Alpha disagrees. Maia tells him that shooting her would be the better choice (think of a reason). She mind links Sinclair, telling him that he was too important, unlike her. King resolves to shoot both people. He shot Maia in her abdomen and aimed at Sinclair’s head. Looked at him calculatingly. As the shot fired, she jumped in and felt the bullet hit her on her chest.

Chapter 23

She dreams: The same beautiful woman approaches her again. She tells Maia that she’s done a good job. Maia asks her who she is. She replied saying she was the moon goddess. Maia asks what did she mean she did a great job, she says about saving Sinclair. She asks about Sinclair’s mate. All the goddess said was time will tell.

She then heard people talking very loudly. She cringes and covered her ears and tell them to hush it down a bit. Sinclair bursts in through the door and he shouts. They try to detain him. He goes to her shouting but when he set eyes on her, he stopped. Everyone went out of the room. He asked if she was okay. They have a decent conversation and he warns her about risking her life, that if she did it again, he’d kill her himself. (King was not killed yet. He managed to escape the Legend and him because he run while Sinclair was trying to compress her wounds.) He kissed her on her forehead (odd) then went out. He then confesses to her the story of Emily, his love. He says that he first met her in a ball. (with googgly eyes that made her feel jealous and sad.) A ball the kingdom had. It was to find out more about the enemy and they were both in training. She was the alpha’s daughter. And he instantly fell in love with her. He never found his mate, and that he didn’t believe in it but he fell in love with her so badly that he only wished she was his mate. She was cruel, stunning and didn’t give him so much as a glance. (he chuckles) She only did so when their parents introduced them to each other. (when she heard he was alpha’s son) They started to see each other everyday until one day she didn’t come and wolves came bloody to them. An entire pack was wiped form existence and it happened his father was there to meet up with other pack members.

She cries and he embraces her.

Chapter 24

The next day, she sat by the counter of kitchen (day off) and lost in thought. (goddess words & Sinclair.)

Sinclair comes up, asking her what was on her mind. She shakes her head but he demands through mind link. She admitted she was thinking of him. He frowns but doesn’t say anything. He then kisses her gently. He pulls back enraged, accusing her of bewitching him just because his mate was gone. He storms out.

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She sighs and flicks the TV in her room. Sinclair comes in and apologizes. She nods. (scene??)

Just at that time, gun shots were heard. They head out and she saw an army. Sinclair prepares for battle. And epic battle.

Chapter 25 [elaboration of the epic battle. Make a mini plot]

Sinclair fights with king. Sinclair is weakened by silver bullet so she intervened and fights king together with his champion even though she was wounded with bullet. They shoot her again but she managed to kill the king before it reached her heart. Sinclair shouts and comes over to her, he said that she couldn’t die. That she needed to be there to remind him to forget and move on blah.

Chapter 26 [Lengthen the dream with mother daughter reunion]

Dreams: Goddess approaches her. She says that she has completed her work well. Killing the king to save the werewolves. (He was influencing everyone to kill. She asks Maia is she’d like to go now. Maia nods but suddenly says no. She said that she still needed to change one thing. Sinclair. Goddess says very well. Maia then asks if every wolf can see her like this She says no, that she is special because she is her daughter and that she inherited her spirit to save the werewolves, she is her legacy. She told Maia to keep it a secret and she does. Moon goddess had possessed her mother and yeap.

Chapter 27

When she wakes, Sinclair grabbed her and kissed he ferociously, whispering threats for making such a decision.

A lot of people then visit her (from other packs) they were here to support the pack after an attack. A guy then comes into her room. He is a medical wolf and just when he looks at her, he stops his work.

The pull everyone talked about was here: his mate.

Maia felt it too.

She gasped at her entire being shivering from his presence. “Mate.” He whelped but she didn’t do anything but stare.

Sinclair enters just then and kisses her in front of him. (he doesn’t know yet.) He says that he was still mad at her for being so stupid. Saying that she was important. He stuttered, “to the pack, not me, the pack.”

The doctor pulls him away and shoves him to the floor, punching his face.

Chapter 28

The fight. Maia tries to stop them. Then when they finally stop. (Legend) Doctor tells Legend that Sinclair kissed her mate. Sinclair frowns and asks Maia if this is true (mate) Maia nods.

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He pulls away looking hurt. (???) Then he goes off somewhere.

Maia chases after him (despite people trying to make her stay and rest)

When they meet, he spits at her to go with the Doctor. (Not spit, spit but in speech so) They kiss and he says that she is doing wrong.

Chapter 29

Maia spends time with the doctor as Sinclair is out for a day to go meet with another pack. His name is Lysander.

He led a normal lifestyle. He had an average income and his family was above average. He was a fighter before and now he took up medicine because he realized that there were many sick people. Maia realized that he was a lot like her and was quite easy to talk to. “Look,” he says, “its alright if you don’t feel the way I do about you, but at least give me a chance?” Maia agrees.

Lysander then brings up Sinclair, asking her how she knew about him. She hated that he asked that because she was trying not to think about him now. She doesn’t reply him so he just continues talking. Saying that he had heard rumors of the man whose heart was impenetrable as silver.

He said that he had heard someone was changing his heart and that he presumed it was her.

He watched her sadly.

Chapter 30

Sinclair gets back.

She rushes to him and says that she only wants him. He shrugs her off so she kissed him. He sighs and asks what he was to do with her.

Maia stands on her tippy toes, touches his nose with hers and says its okay, we’ll get through this together.

Just then, some guard comes with a warning. “Alpha, you have to see this.”

They follow the crowd until and they see two women. One of them was herself, or otherwise the girl in the picture and another was the goddess. “Mom?” she whispered. Elaborate that the mother looked exactly like the goddess. The girl smiled wickedly. “Hello my dearest little sister.”

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The goddess has no form. She chose that form because it was that of her birth mother.

Her pull towards him will be named the alpha attraction. Where a female and male with alpha blood is attracted. If a female and male alpha blood mate, their offspring will be very powerful

Only an alpha can change a human. He must perform the ceremony at full moon midnight and he will bite the human and cut the palm of his hand and drip blood on the wound. His blood will act as a poison and invade the human’s blood viciously. The human can only turn after the next full moon. ‘

Alpha’s back is filled with tattoos, brandings and scarifications. Every full moon since she died, he’d have either a scarification or branding each full moon. Grief, melancholy, anger, regret, revenge, love, hate

Sinclair must be 23 and Maia 18

Main problems:

1. her sister2.

Side problems:

1. a bitch who likes him2. a bitch who tries to get her murdered3. a bitch who ruins her plan??

The alpha didn’t want to let his future be dependent on his mate. He wanted to choose. He chose her but then she died.

Maia is a girl who the moon goddess bestowed upon her power so she could once and for all stop the killing of the wolves.

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The training grounds is deep on the forest behind the mountains. The king doesn’t know their location. There is also a large mansion there where they live.

Maia is half-breed without a wolf until when she is “turned” the moon goddess herself gave a piece of her spirit to her and became her wolf. She was greatly attracted to Sinclair then. She later finds out her mother had been possessed by the moon goddess when she had her. She hadn’t actually died but she disappeared. (Mother doesn’t actually know her father.)

Sinclair and so called mate had matching tattoos on their fingers (like wedding rings)

The Gabriel is the Alpha of that pack, the legendary alpha. The Gabriel is above all other alphas