adeus celulite: beleza nua método symulast livro-pdf por joey atlas

Lean Belly Breakthrough™ by Bruce Krahn

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Lean Belly Breakthrough™ by Bruce Krahn

Page 2: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

Table of Contents


Key 1- Must Eat Breakfast

Key 2 – Optimize Hydration Levels

Key 3: Proper Sleep And Recovery

Key 4 – High Intensity Cardio To Burn Fat Faster

Key 5 – Learn How To Read Food Labels

Key 6 – Tone Your Body With Resistance Training

Key 7 – Body Transformation Is A Lifestyle

Conclusion: Tips To Begin The Transformation Today


The 2-minute Ritual Proven To Eliminate 1 Pound Per Day Of Dangerous Belly Fat

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If certain experts are to be believed, we are currently facing a crisis

the likes of which we have never seen before; we are being faced

with a global obesity epidemic.

Since 1980, the number of people suffering from obesity has

literally more than doubled, with there being 1.4 billion overweight

adults, and 500 million who can be considered as obese.

As far as children go, the numbers just keep on climbing, with

certain countries seeing more than a quarter of their kids suffering

from obesity. Long story short, if things keep on going the way they

do, then in a few decades most of the world's population will be

obese, if of course we even manage to survive that long. In order

to fight this great plague it is important what it stems from… just

like with any huge problem, there are numerous causes in play


For starters, we are leading increasingly sedentary lifestyles. Long

gone are the days when we ploughed fields twelve hours a day or

dug up coal in mines… long gone are the days when most people

had to dedicate their working time to physical labor. These days,

most people work sitting, or perhaps standing still, and needless to

say, there isn't much effort involved in that, at least in a physical

sense. The problem however is that even though we reduced our


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level of activity we kept on increasing how much we ate. As a

result, our bodies simply aren't subjected to enough exercise to

burn all the excess calories we gain, which leads to a noticeable

weight gain. However, a lack of exercising coupled with overeating

is not the only source of this problem.

Another cause for what we are observing today can be traced to

economic fluctuations in regards to food prices. As it happens, in

most cases, the cheaper a food is, the more filling and unhealthy it

is. More specifically, the fast food industry is being referenced. Junk

food restaurants have established themselves in countless poorer

countries and economically-disadvantaged areas, providing people

with cheap and fattening alternatives that allow them to save

money. What's more, these alternatives are sometimes even tastier.

In the end, the point is that the cost of healthy foods exceeds that

of unhealthy ones.

Now with what we’ve just covered and as we begin this guide, it’s

important to realize that the world is in a bad state, health wise.

But you don’t have to accept what is happening in society. You are

about to learn the 7 keys to transform your body and quite literally

it will transform your life! So dive in, read, absorb and put into

practise exactly what you learn here and see the change happen.

You have the power in your hands to change your health and live

the life you want to, rest assured that in the end, your body will

thank you for it.


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Key 1- Must Eat Breakfast

When losing weight, most individuals would skip eating breakfast

thinking that it is an effective method of eliminating weight. Now,

what they do not realize is that this technique is not really effective

and could even cause negative effects on their bodies. When

dieting, one of the most important things to be aware of is the

importance of eating breakfast.

Breakfast is referred to "breakfast" simply because it breaks the

long fast. People are asleep during the night for many hours, so in

the morning, it is necessary to eat something in order to feel better

and have the energy to face the new day. More importantly, having

breakfast is vital to a fat burning diet. If you want to lose weight

fast, be mindful to eat breakfast every day.

Here are some of the reasons and importance of eating breakfast to

the body when dieting:

• Breakfast will allow you to control your hunger and avoid eating

snacks later on during the day. What would be the use of your diet

when you would eventually eat more because you are hungry, since

you skipped breakfast? If ever you skipped breakfast, just ensure

to have a healthy snack so that you can still lose weight effectively.

• A healthy breakfast will aid in increasing your body's metabolism-

Eating breakfast can actually boost one's metabolism. If you skip


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breakfast, you would tend to place your body into starvation mode

and try to conserve energy that it can. Now, when you eat

breakfast, you are also telling your body that you are awake and

you are not fasting anymore. This means that your body is ready to

burn fat and utilizes the energy during the day.

• A healthy breakfast would also help you consume enough

calories- Having enough calories is essential because this is

responsible in increasing your energy levels. When you regularly

skip breakfast, you are also not consuming calories that would end

up in dropping off of your energy levels. This would also slow down

your metabolism. Losing weight would be that effective.

• Eating breakfast is essential in losing weight, as it helps the body

attain its weight loss goal faster. According to research and studies,

those individuals who miss breakfast are the ones who were 4

times more likely to be overweight. If you do not want to risk of

gaining weight, ensure not to skip breakfast.

These are some of the importance of eating breakfast to the body

when dieting. Breakfast is the most essential meal of the day;

therefore, it is necessary not to skip it. Of course, when dieting,

just make sure that you follow a healthy breakfast so that you can

efficiently lose weight and achieve your weight loss goals.

Eating breakfast is good and healthy, so do not think that skipping

breakfast would help you lose weight. This will just make you feel


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weak and unhealthy, and this will not do good with your goal of

losing weight. Have a healthy breakfast every day and follow the

right diet. In no time, you would be surprised to see the positive

results with your health and body.


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Key 2 – Optimize Hydration Levels

Drinking water plays a key role in dieting. If you ever find yourself

stuck in a weight loss plateau despite following your diet program

strictly, then it could be that you are not drinking enough water.

Studies have shown that a lot people unsuspectingly suffer from

severe or mild dehydration and you could be affected as well.

Your body requires water for various biochemical processes. The

following are the benefits of drinking enough water to your body

when dieting:

Water assists the body in the conversion of fat reserves into energy.

When the body is dehydrated, the body's metabolism processes are

slowed down and this impedes the breakdown of fats in the body,

and in effect, your weight loss. If this happens, your weight loss

curve hits a plateau.

Water holds naturally holds back your appetite. The hypothalamus

region in your brain serves the role of controlling cravings and

appetites, with the control centers for thirst and hunger situated

next to one another. This means that drinking enough not only

quenches your thirst, but it takes away the feelings of hunger as

well. A study by Washington University found that drinking a glass

of water before going to bed reduces mid-night cravings.


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Water also helps in the prevention of sagging skin which is a

common side effect of weight loss. It gives the skin a healthier and

youthful look by helping in the reconstruction of destroyed skin


Water assists in the elimination of waste products from the body.

When dieting, the body loses weight and there are extra by

products to be removed. This means that the body requires

sufficient amounts of water into which the unwanted products will

be dissolved and excreted from the body.

Water is effective in dealing with constipation. If the body does not

get enough water, it is compelled to siphon it from its internal

reserves, normally the colon, resulting into constipation. Normal

bowel function will resume once the body receives adequate water.

In general, mild dehydration leads to a number of health

complications. Mild dehydration is characterized by the following

symptoms: fatigue, cravings, headaches and constipation. However,

as soon as you get the water in balance, you achieve what diet

experts refer to as a breakthrough point. At this point, as fluid

retention in the body eases, the liver and endocrine systems start

to operate more effectively, helping to reinstate your natural thirst,

while reducing your cravings significantly. This eventually results

into heightened metabolism rates which facilitate the breakdown

and loss of fat in the body.


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How Much Water Does the Body Need

In conclusion, the above benefits clearly show the importance of

drinking water, particularly if you are on a diet. Nonetheless,

everyone should make drinking water a habit. It should not only be

done when you are thirsty as thirst, in itself, is an indication of the

presence of dehydration. Hence, every adult ought to take at least

eight glasses of water every day during cold weather. Since there is

a lot of perspiration and loss of liquid during hot weather, additional

glasses of water must be taken. Lastly, if exercises are part of your

dieting plan, ensure that you drink 6-12 ounces of fluids after 15-

20 intervals. This way, you will maintain the most favorable fluid

balance during your exercises


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Key 3: Proper Sleep And Recovery

To consider sleep as an activity is difficult. One assumes sleep to be

a phase of inactivity or rest. But, the matter of fact is, that sleep is

that active phase in our entire day's routine, when numerous bodily

functions are expedited. The sales data of sleep inducing

tranquilizers and sleeping pills prove the rising cases of sleep

deficiency that owes a lot to the modern lifestyle. While profound

research is available on the importance of exercise for the body,

few embark on the desire to learn about rest and sleep...yet it is

one of the most important factors in overall health and well-being.

What Is Sleep?

Firstly, it's important to understand that while the body rests , the

mind and the brain go on a restorative hyper-drive. Bodily signals

are sent to the various organs of to begin its build up for the next

hour of optimum action. The more sleep deprived a person is, the

more the chances of deficient physical and mental activity, as

you've not allowed your body to recover from the previous bout or

prepare for the next. Sleep is a period of nerve and muscle

relaxation which begins a period of repair and rejuvenation of all

the tissues and organs , much needed after a day of hectic often

strenuous activity. Sleep is determined by a certain biological cycle

called as the 'circadian clock'. It depends on the intervals of certain

number of hours of being awake followed by sleep, and so on.

Other elements affecting it could be- the amount of light, stress


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levels, metabolism levels and even the medication we may be


The Power of Sleep

Sleep is a powerful energy booster owing to the fact that while we

sleep the process called 'anabolism' gets underway; understood

more simply as the recovery process for cells and tissues through

the production of enzymes and proteins. It in fact counteracts the

effect of 'catabolism' or the process that occurs as you exercise or

work- out during the day which produces an action wherein energy

is released from cells.This affects the molecular components of the

body. If your catabolism exceeds anabolism ,little growth will

happen . Thus those who strain themselves with a tougher workout

or play an extra hour, must give their body the extra rest to sustain

their growth of muscle mass, which is directly proportionate to


There is no contention to the fact that mental alertness,

concentration levels, communication, creativity, emotional balance

and the productivity levels of an individual is also affected by the

amount of sleep.


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The Recovery Process

Prolonged sleep deprivation has been linked to anxiety and

depression . Sleep induces the release of certain hormones that

affect the central nervous system of the body thus affecting mood

and emotional stability. Less sleep increases Cortisol which is a

catabolic hormone and it decreases testosterone levels that are

directly related to muscle mass gain. Less sleep also means a

higher insulin level that increases your body's resistance to

nutritional absorption.

While one can not contest the importance of fitness training

including weight training one must understand the mechanics of

what really happens to the body while this physical stress is being

faced. While we exercise or lift weights, the muscle contracts or

crunches thereby getting compressed or shortened.

This happens when the muscle microfibers compress. With every

stimulus you give to your body, the muscle is strained to respond.

What must however be realised is that between the phases of

stimulus, the muscle needs to recover from it by building new

bridges across the new muscle groups that are slowly forming. This

growth is only possible when the body rests.

Another disturbing consequence that comes with compromising on

the amount of sleep has is in the raised levels of cortisone which

has been directly linked to more abdominal fats .While there has


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been encyclopedic quantum of research on the benefits of fitness

programs, very little attention is paid to the importance of the body

and its sleep requirement.

Balancing heavy workouts with its milder versions and adequate

breaks from strenuous routines is not only the best antidote for

perfect health, it's the best way to gain optimal benefits from your

exercise routine


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Key 4 – High Intensity Cardio To Burn FatFaster

Using high intensity cardio to burn fat faster is an approach that

has been used by a number of people, it’s benefits are huge and

numerous, but it should always be done in a controlled environment

and via a well set out plan. There is no doubt that this particular

type of exercise does indeed burn fat a lot faster, but how does it

actually work?

The reason why it works is because your body is being asked to

produce a lot more energy than it has stored in order to deal with

the intensity of the workout and it does this by burning off those fat

reserves it has been keeping for a rainy day. Your body then has to

keep producing energy even after you stop as it needs that in order

to start repairing the muscles and settling your body after your

strenuous workout.

It is also important to point out that this particular type of workout

focuses on burning a different type of fat than what you would get

doing a cardio workout that has a lower intensity such as a brisk

walk. The problem with lower intensity cardio work is that it only

gets your heart working to around 60% of the maximum heart rate,

but this is not high enough for optimal fat burning in your body.

Instead, you will only burn off the easy stuff, but the harder fat will

still be there, so by increasing the intensity you burn off both types


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resulting in quicker weight loss.

There are other reasons why you should look at using this approach

and one major reason is that you will then be able to deal with

lactic acid a lot easier. It is this lactic acid build up that results in

muscles becoming tired and burning with you then stopping, so by

learning how to deal with this you can then workout for longer

periods of time resulting in more calories and fat being burnt off

and that weight disappearing.

This does take some time, but you at least know that whilst you are

building up this resistance, your body is currently burning off fat as

quickly as it needs to in order to give you energy to keep on


Finally, this approach results in improving the sensitivity of your

body to insulin and the outcome of this is that the muscles are

going to absorb the glucose, and use it to repair themselves and to

get energy, rather than it being turned into fat stores. This does

mean that when you burn off the fat, and then lose weight, it

should stay that way rather than things fluctuating depending on

how much exercise you have been doing during the week.

Using high intensity cardio to burn fat faster does indeed work, but

you must be prepared to put in a lot of work in order to achieve the

best possible end result. By using this approach, your body will

burn off fat as it needs that sudden surge of energy and you will


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also build lean muscle quicker so not only will you get fitter, but you

will also notice a difference when you step on those scaled and this,

after all, is the important part.


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Key 5 – Learn How To Read Food Labels

In order for you to effectively experiment in your day to day eating

and still choose nutritionally excellent foods, you must understand

nutrition labels on packaging. Quite often the companies that

manufacture different foods will claim on the packaging that they

are low fat or healthy, but the truth of the matter is that there are

hidden dangers in there for people that are on different diets. Being

able to read the labels can, therefore, make a huge difference in

the potential success of somebody that is trying to lose weight.

First, you must look at the serving size on the label because the

nutritional information that is listed on there will tend to talk about

a serving size that is smaller than the overall size of the item you

are looking at. This is important because a number of companies

will mention a portion of say 30g and list the nutritional information

for that amount, but they know most people will take double so, in

actual fact, it is then nowhere near as healthy as you think.

What you need to do is to look at the serving size and then, if you

eat double, you must double those figures to see how healthy it

actually is.

Another key area to look at is when they discuss the percentage of

the daily recommended amount that a portion covers as this can

tell you a lot about what is in the product and how it can affect your

diet plan.


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Yet again you need to look at the serving size along with this

because if the serving size is 30g and it gives you 25% of your daily

recommended allowance for salt and you take 60g, then you need

to double this 25% in order to get a true reflection. Do also look to

see if they mention how many calories per day this recommended

amount is based on as the majority will be for 2000 calories, but

you may be on less than that so you must calculate it accordingly.

Finally it is worth looking at how to read the individual ingredients

as they will tend to use terms such as Sodium instead of salt or

they will talk about carbohydrates instead of just listing how much

sugar is in it. The thinking here is that by using more professional

names, then it will sound healthier and it may be an idea to look at

the names on labels you have near you now and make a note of the

terms used so you know if unsaturated fats are good or bad, how

much vitamin B12 is good for you and that you understand what

type of sugar they have put into the food and what appears in it

naturally due to the ingredients.

So that is how to read nutrition labels to help lose weight and there

really is nothing complex about it as long as you just take your time

to read things properly. By law they must have this information

printed on there, so as long as you have an understanding of the

amounts of different things you should eat for your diet plan, then

you should find it that bit easier to go ahead and lose that weight.


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Key 6 – Tone Your Body With Resistance


Excess weight is one of the most common problems that affect very

many people from all across the globe. There is need to lose this

unwanted weight so as to avoid health complications such as heart

attack and other related diseases. In this chapter we will uncover

resistance training exercises that can help you lose the excess fat.

Examples of some of the common resistance training activities

include weight lifting, sporting activities such as Basketball and

Javelin, Isotonic resistance training which entails use of barbells

and dumbbells. Below is a detailed guide of the importance of

resistance training for losing weight.

Increase metabolic rate- The metabolic rate refers to the rate at

which the body converts fats into energy for various purposes.

Resistance training helps to increase the rate at which the fats are

metabolized and this in turn helps to significantly reduce body fat.

Improves Body Posture- Since virtually all the physical activities in

this category involves all the body muscles, they help to strengthen

and increase muscles. This in turn helps one to improve body


Increase Blood Circulation- For the body organs to operate

optimally, they have to have sufficient and uninterrupted supply of


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blood rich in various nutrients such as proteins and carbohydrates.

Resistance training helps to ensure that blood circulation in the

body is optimal. This in turn helps to ensure that all vital body

organs operate normally.

Decreases the Risk of Injuries- Losing weight involves a number of

physical activities which may lead to injuries especially during the

first stages. For example, new members might experience joint and

muscles pains but this problem fades away as the body becomes

acquainted to the activity. Resistance training will help decrease

your susceptibility to injuries since the body parts will be able to

withstand the pressure effectively.

Prevent cardiovascular diseases as well as Arthritis and diabetes-

Excess weight has being closely linked to a number of health

complications. Due to fact that these exercises will reduce and

prevent accumulation of fats in the body, your chances of suffering

from various cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and arthritis will be

reduced significantly.

Boost Self Esteem- In most cases, persons suffering from excess

weight problem are often stigmatized by the society. Fortunately,

resistance training will help reduce this stigmatization and boost

your self esteem.

Improves your Sleep Patterns- Excess weight can distort your

sleeping pattern especially if the issue is stressing you too much.


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Through these physical activities, you will be able to solve this

problem completely. This will in turn help you sleep much better at

night as well as boost your productivity at home or at your work


Increase Bone Density and Strength- As the name suggest, this

training will not only help you lose weight but also increase your

bone density and strength. Increased bone strength will help

reduce your susceptibility to injuries as well as enhance your

performance of various physical tasks.

Be sure to consult a professional medical practitioner before

enrolling in a particular program so as to avoid any health

complications. Last but not least, ensure that your follow the

instructions given by your trainer so as to achieve the full benefits

from this training.

Common Misconceptions Of Resistance Training

1. Women who do strength training will become bulky and muscular

This myth has been around for so many years and unfortunately a

lot of women believe it. Women do not have the ability to bulk up

when they do resistance training exercises to increase their

metabolism. Those who bulk up are the ones that take male

hormones and inject anabolic steroids into their body. These kinds

of women are mostly professional body builders. Therefore if you


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want to achieve that bulky look, it is very clear what you have to

do. However, if you just want to achieve a lean toned body,

resistance training exercises will give you just that; no bulky

shoulders or arms.

2. Weights and expensive gym equipment are necessary for

resistance training exercises

While free weights and other gym equipment are necessary to

speed up your progress, they are not necessarily the only things

that you can use to build muscles. There are a variety of ways that

you can build muscle and some of them include: resistance bands,

bar method, Pilate's, using your own body weight and isometric

training. There are many programs for resistance training that do

not use any equipment yet they help people to achieve excellent


3. When you grow old you cannot build muscle

This is not true because studies show that even people who are 70

years old can build muscle. In addition, people who are in their 50's

or even 40's can be able to build adequate muscle mass with just a

few training sessions per week.

4. Resistance training requires hours and hours of training per day

This takes the crown for being the biggest misconception about


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resistance training that can help boost your metabolism. Experts

believe that as long as you eat a healthy well balanced diet and you

do not have any diseases, you will only need about 20 minutes to

half an hour sessions per week for you to realize results.

It is not the hours that you spend at the gym training but it is how

often you do them and how hard you push your body. It has been

established that when you add even a pound of muscle, your

metabolism will increase and you can burn up to a maximum of 50

calories per day.

Imagine how many calories you can burn when you add 10 pounds

of muscle.

5. You will need to constantly lift heavy weights in order to maintain

muscle mass

If you train every day you are likely to build more muscle and

speed up your metabolism, right? Wrong! It has been proven that

the people who achieve phenomenal results are the ones that take

breaks in between their work out days. Muscles are built when our

bodies are resting and not when they are active as most people

would like to believe. The body also needs to recover after an

intense work-out session.


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Key 7 – Body Transformation Is A Lifestyle

Whenever a special occasion or a holiday draws near, people often

scramble for quick weight loss products or programs. While looking

good in swimwear during summer is not a bad idea, looking for a

short cut to weight loss can backfire. Truth is, weight loss is a

lifestyle and not a fad. It is a result of a consistent effort that

involves exercise, proper food intake, and the right amount of rest.

This key will reveal how to achieve a healthy lifestyle that helps

shed pounds permanently.

First, you have to change your perception about weight loss. It's

not just a matter of watching your weight on the scale. Weight loss

should be about changing your body composition by having less

body fat and acquiring more muscles. For women, this means

losing side handles and toning your thighs. For men, it mainly

means decreasing your waist line. Lately, health experts are

associating heart disease risks with a large waistline. Hence, having

ripped abs is not just for aesthetic reasons but mainly for longevity.

Weight loss is a goal to achieve good health; looking good should

only be a consequence.

Second, you have to exercise on a daily basis if possible. Start with

brisk walking if you're overweight to prevent knee injuries. Perform

this activity consistently by spending at least twenty minutes a day.

Or, you can try a high intensity interval training (HIIT) to jumpstart


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your metabolism. Samples of which are burpees, bodysquats , push

ups, and mountain climbers. This is way shorter to perform but

requires cardiovascular health and lower body weight. It shocks the

body to drastically increase metabolism that results to weight loss.

However, this is not advisable for people who are just beginning to


Third, educate yourself on proper food intake. People who need to

lose weight should consume less than their total energy

expenditure. Plus, macronutrients like protein take centerstage

along with complex carbohydrates. Reducing consumption of sugary

food products does a lot of good to your body. Hyperlidimia, a

condition where the body has high levels of cholesterol, is often

triggered by obesity and diabetes.

Avoid eating fastfood. Prepare meals and bring them to work.

Choose lean ground meat and season them with spices. Then,

make sure you have a side dish of vegetables to add more fiber in

your diet.

Lastly, minimize stress in your life by managing them. Again, you

can resort to exercise to shake off stress from work. Listen to

relaxing music. Enjoy time with your family or pursue a hobby you

love. Stress produces hormones like cortisol that sabotage our

attempts at weight loss. Also, get enough sleep so your mind and

body can function optimally.


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As you can see, weight loss is a lifestyle and not a fad. It means

prioritizing exercise over a sedentary lifestyle. It means choosing

the right food to fuel your body. Most of all, it means a healthy

perspective of what life is all about - taking care of yourself for your

loved ones


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Conclusion: Tips To Begin The

Transformation Today

As we close out this guide, we will cover a few extra tips and tricks

that will help tremendously in transforming your body. Some tips

might require you to adjust your lifestyle entirely. However, they

are of great assistance in losing weight.


It's the surest and most natural way to lose weight. Exercising can

be done in so many ways to fit into your daily activities. For

instance, you can decide to cycle to and from your work place or

shopping center instead of taking a bus. On the other hand, you

can opt to use the stairs instead of the elevator. Other activities like

walking, jogging and running will also contribute to weight loss.

You can make exercising fun too, like playing basket ball with your

peers or kids, going on long walks with your loved ones and many

more fun activities that eventually will burn calories. On the other

hand, you can structure an exercising routine every day that will

involve at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercises.

Remember, exercises on top of burning up fat and calories also help

in building a lean muscles mass which is essential for the body's

metabolic rate.


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Consume the right drinks

If it's not possible to quit alcohol entirely, limit yourself to a

maximum of two on isolated cases when you have to take alcohol.

Alcohol has no nutritional value to the body and the body usually

uses it as its first energy source. Eventually, the food consumed

ends up being stored as fat in the body. Alcohol also influences you

to eat the wrong type of foods, preferably junk foods that are high

in calories. It's, therefore, essential to avoid alcohol consumption,

or to limit its consumption, as much as possible.

Similarly, avoid fruit drinks and soda. Instead opt for diet drinks

and plenty of water. Water suppresses the regular urges to eat and

consequently help you lose some weight. It also keeps the body

hydrated, which is ideal for nutrients' release to the body.

Green tea is also favorite beverage for people on a weight loss

program. Studies have demonstrated that consuming green tea

leads to more calories being burnt faster than those who do not

consume it.

Consume the right foods

Eat the right foods that will not contribute to weight gain but rather

to weight loss. Grape fruit has been found effective in helping

people lose weight. Consuming half a grape fruit three times a day

burns more calories by boosting the body's metabolism. On the


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other hand, avoid or minimize on the consumption of fats,

especially animal fats as they are high in cholesterol. Opt for skim

milk and low fat cheese. Similarly, consume lean meat, preferably

white meat. In addition, opt for unprocessed foods as their calories

and fat content is lower. On the other hand, if you have to consume

processed food, like bread, opt for the whole grain bread as its high

in dietary fiber content. Fiber assists in burning calories.

Also things to avoid are, refined sugar containing products and junk

food. Look for sugar substitutes to use in the place of sugar. Junk

food is low in nutritional value and high in calories content. Avoid it

as well. However, ensure you consume plenty of fruits and

vegetables and minimize on starch products for an almost ideal

body weight.


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METABOLIC BLAST Fat Burning Course

By Sean Nalewanyj

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- Important Notice - Before beginning any new exercise, nutrition or dietary supplement program you should consult a physician first. The information presented herein is not meant to treat or prevent any disease or to provide the reader with medical advice. If you are looking for specific medical advice then you should obtain this information from a licensed health-care practitioner. This publication is intended for informational use only. Sean Nalewanyj and will not assume any liability or be held responsible for any form of injury, personal loss or illness caused by the utilization of this information. The individual results obtained from the use of this program will vary from person to person and we make no guarantee as to the degree of results that you will personally achieve.

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Table of Contents

Introduction When To “Cut” The 2 Bottom-Line Fat Burning Goals Program Modifications For Fat Loss Modifying Your Weight Workouts

5 7 10 11 12

Proper Fat Burning Cardio Why Short & Intense Is Best Choosing Cardio Equipment Setting Up The Machine Establishing Baseline Understanding Cardio When To Perform Cardio Pre & Post Cardio Nutrition Frequency Wrapping It Up


18 19 20 20 23 23 24 25 25

Dietary Modifications For Fat Loss Caloric Intake Basic Multiplier Harris-Benedict Formula Katch-McArdle Formula Caloric Deficit Strategy Macronutrient Breakdown Macronutrient Food Sources Protein Carbohydrates Fats Nutrition Review 6 Quick Tips Developing 6-Pack Abs


28 29 30 33 35 36 37 38 41 48 49 51


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The majority of readers who purchased this package were mainly concerned with the goal of

building overall muscle mass and strength. They wanted to bulk up and add more size to

their frames and did so by training hard in the gym and following a higher calorie diet.

Many of you will have seen significant increases in overall bodyweight by now, and you may

also notice that you have put on a bit of extra body fat. Don’t worry, this is completely

natural and is an inevitable byproduct of the bulking process.

In order to make reasonable increases in muscle mass, you must consume more calories

than you burn throughout the day. This surplus of calories will allow you to facilitate muscle

growth, but will also lead to an increased storage of body fat.

As most of you probably know by now, building a significant amount of lean muscle mass

while simultaneously burning off a significant amount of body fat is next to impossible. The

opposing caloric demands of each goal simply will not allow this to happen.

A lot of marketers out there like to use this as a tactic to sell their “miracle programs” by

claiming that users can “build 20 pounds of muscle while dropping their body fat to 6%”, but

the truth is that this is just not possible. It’s nothing more than a marketing ploy designed to

arouse your interest and suck you into the hype.

Here’s the bottom line…

Building muscle requires a surplus of calories.

Burning fat requires a deficit of calories.

Obviously you cannot have both a caloric surplus and a caloric deficit going on at the same

time within your body, so you can see the conflict here.

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There are specific methods, such as “zig-zagging” your calories (periodically switching back

and forth between a caloric surplus and caloric deficit) in order to build muscle and lose fat

throughout the same period of time, but you simply will not move very far in either direction.

For this reason it’s best to train in “cycles”. This means that for a specific period of time, all

of your efforts should focus on building muscle and gaining overall size, and for another

specific period of time, all of your efforts should focus on burning fat while maintaining the

muscle size that you built.

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When To Implement a Cutting Phase

A lot of people ask, “how do I know when it’s time to implement a cutting phase?”

The truth is that there is no real answer.

It really all comes down to you and your personal goals. There isn’t such a thing as one

“ultimate, ideal physique". We all have our own unique muscle-building and fat loss goals,

and for this reason I couldn’t possibly tell you when you should stop bulking and start


It makes no sense to say, for example, that “every 3 months you should implement a cutting


Who am I to say what kind of physique you should be trying to build?

Some people out there are looking to attain a leaner, more athletic look, while others are

simply looking to build overall body mass. Those looking for the more defined, leaner look

will be spending longer, more frequent periods of time in “fat loss mode”, while those who

aren’t as concerned with excess fat gain will cut much less frequently.

The simple answer is that you should implement a cutting phase when it’s right for you.

This could mean every 3 months, every 6 months, once a year, or in some cases, never. It

really comes down to the type of look that you’re trying to achieve.

Tracking your body weight, measurements and body fat percentage is fine, and I do think

that you should be tracking these things, but when it all comes down to it, what does the

mirror say?

How do you feel about the appearance of your physique? After all, body weight,

measurements and body fat percentage are merely numbers. You ultimately train and eat

properly in order to look a certain way, and because of this the mirror is usually the best tool

to decide when it’s time to bulk and when it’s time to cut.

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If you’re looking in the mirror and are satisfied with the overall size that you’ve gained but

feel that the extra fat needs to go, then it’s time for you to cut.

If you’re looking in the mirror and are happy with the overall size that you’ve gained, and

would like to continue getting bigger, then you should continue bulking.

If you’re looking in the mirror and are happy with the definition you’ve achieved but would

like to be even more cut, then continue cutting.

It makes no sense for me to say, for example, that once you reach 16% body fat it’s time to

cut, or that once you’re down to 8% body fat you should bulk again. Only you know what

you want to look like, and therefore it’s completely up to you to decide.

Keeping in mind that you cannot build muscle AND lose fat at the same time, which goal is

more important to you? If you can only move in one direction at a time, which direction do

you want to move in?

I know many guys who are in the gym hoping to achieve an extremely lean, athletic look like

that of Bruce Lee, and I know many guys who are in the gym trying to achieve virtually the


All of that aside, the goal of this manual is to provide you with a basic step-by-step plan for

those times when you do feel that it’s right to drop off some excess body fat and leave your

muscles harder, more cut, and more defined.

I can’t tell you when to do it, I can only teach you how.

The goal of this manual is not to teach you everything there is to know about burning off

excess body fat, but only what you truly need to know. The fat loss industry is far bigger

and even more misleading than the bodybuilding industry, and this is one area where it can

be extremely difficult to find a reliable and effective source of information.

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Most marketers are out there trying to flog off their “breakthrough” supplements and

workout gismos and really aren’t concerned in the least with genuinely helping people. They

purposely overcomplicate things in order to make their approaches sound “unique” and

“revolutionary”, and to mislead you into thinking that their approach is the only way.

Let’s leave all of that nonsense behind, because in the end it’s ultimately a fairly simply

process, and really only requires a couple of modifications to your diet and training program.

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The 2 Main Goals Of Your Cutting Phase

When you do decide to implement a cutting phase, there are 2 major, bottom-line goals that

you should be concerned with. Those 2 goals are…

A) Maximizing your fat loss.

B) Minimizing your muscle loss.

As I said before, there is always a tradeoff between building muscle and losing fat. When you

“bulk” (add muscle size), you inevitably gain extra body fat, and when you “cut” (decrease

body fat), you inevitably lose some muscle mass. This is simply the reality of it all and nature

is not going to bend its laws for you. If you’re shifting into fat loss mode, you WILL lose a bit

of muscle.

Therefore, our goal when cutting is to lose as little muscle as possible while maximizing our

fat burning potential. This is one of the biggest problems that most trainees run into. They

work so hard in the gym, bulk up nicely and then decide to implement a cutting phase, but

because they don’t know how to structure a proper fat burning approach, they end up

wasting away huge amounts of muscle tissue in the process.

They end up performing the wrong types of cardio, improperly structuring their dietary

approach, and while they will lose some body fat, their muscle gains wither away faster than

they could imagine.

Always remember this when you’re in fat loss mode. Just think back to all of those hard,

intense sets of squats you grinded out, the stomach-turning discomfort of those deadlifts, the

chin-ups, presses, rows…

You work damn hard for every ounce of muscle tissue that you build, and you should always

put full focus on protecting that muscle at all times. Therefore, when you implement a

cutting phase, you must ALWAYS structure it in such a way that you minimize muscle loss.

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2 Main Fat Burning Modifications

In order to achieve fat loss, there are 2 main modifications you’ll need to make to your

current program…

A) Implementing cardiovascular exercise – This will stimulate your body to burn

more fat around the clock.

B) Modifying the structure of your diet – This will place your body into a slight

caloric deficit in order to gradually lose fat.

The good news is that since you’ve already added a considerable amount of lean muscle to

your frame, burning fat will be a much easier task for you in comparison to the Average Joe

who is just starting out.

This is because lean muscle mass speeds up your fat burning metabolism by forcing your

body to expend more calories around the clock. The muscles basically act like giant

“furnaces” where the fat burning process can take place, and therefore, the more muscle

that you have on your body, the more fat you’ll be burning both when you are active and at


I had said earlier that only you should decide when it’s time for you to implement a cutting

phase, but if you’re just starting out in the gym and are not holding onto a significant

amount of body fat from the get-go, it’s probably best for you to start with a bulking phase


Since lean muscle mass speeds up your fat burning metabolism, using the “bulk first” and

“cut second” approach is a more efficient route since you’ll be able to cut at a much faster

pace once you build up your lean mass.

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Modifying Your Weight Workouts

So, we’ve established that in order to burn fat, you must implement cardiovascular exercise

as well as modify your diet.

But what about your actual weight workouts? You’ve been implementing the training routines

outlined in the workout logbook, and surely those should be modified as well, right?


Before we go any further, let me make this very, very clear…

You should NOT alter your weight workouts in any way, shape or form in order to

burn more fat!

Let me say that again…

You should NOT alter your weight workouts in any way, shape or form in order to

burn more fat!

Let me give you an example of what a typical trainee does in the gym when they decide to

implement a cutting phase. We’ll call him “Paul”…

Paul has spent the last 5 months trying to add overall muscle size and strength and has

bulked up considerably. He now decides to implement a cutting phase by performing cardio,

altering his diet and changing up his weight workouts in the gym.

The “buff guy” at the gym tells Paul that in order to “define” his muscles, he should be using

light weights and high reps and should also implement more isolation exercises in order to

really carve, shape and sculpt his muscles.

Paul takes the advice from the buff guy and changes his workout accordingly. After all, if the

buff guy is huge and ripped, then he must know what he’s talking about, right?

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Paul begins by lightening up the weights on all of his exercises by performing 12-15 reps for

all of his sets. He also decreases the resting time in between sets in order to keep his heart

rate elevated so that he can burn even more fat.

To put the finishing touches on his “muscle sculpting” workout, Paul removes some of those

“mass building” exercises such as squats, deadlifts, benches and rows and replaces them

with “sculpting” exercises such as leg extensions, seated cable rows, machine flyes and

concentration curls.

Paul uses this routine for 10 weeks, and waits for the incredible “fat burning/muscle

sculpting” results to come. Instead, he finds that although he’s burned some fat through his

dietary changes and cardio approach, he’s also looking quite a bit smaller, depleted and less


How could this be?

It’s simple. Paul has fallen victim to one of the biggest, most harmful and most

counterproductive myths in the entire bodybuilding and fitness industry.

He has fallen victim to the myth of “Spot Reduction”, which states that one can target fat

loss from specific areas on the body by training those areas with weights.

This has always been a widely accepted method of “cutting down” and if you ask most

trainers in the gym they’ll tell you that “heavy weights bulk up the muscle and lighter weights

define the muscle”.

This is completely false, wrong and ridiculous.

It couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, there is no logical basis for this approach

whatsoever, and whoever dreamt up this way of thinking has caused the vast majority of

lifters to waste their time and impede their progress in the gym.

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Let me clear this up once and for all: you CANNOT spot reduce. In other words, it is

physically impossible to target fat loss from a specific area on your body.

Performing bench presses with light resistance and high repetitions will not magically burn

fat off of your chest or cause it to appear harder and more defined.

Performing light, high rep seated cable rows will not magically burn fat off of your back or

cause it to appear harder and more cut.

Performing light, high rep cable concentration curls will not magically “shape” and “sculpt”

your biceps.

It just doesn’t work that way!

Every single time you wrap your hands around a barbell, dumbbell or cable, your only goal is

to stimulate as much muscle growth as you possibly can.

There are no special, secret weightlifting exercises that will “define” your muscles or cause

them to become more “ripped”. The goal of training with weights is to maximize your muscle

growth, period. This can be accomplished by following the training guidelines laid out in the

main TTABM e-book and workout logbook…

Heavy weights, low reps, compound exercises, high intensity, consistent


This should be your workout philosophy year-round, whether your goal is to build overall

muscle size or to shed off excess body fat.

How exactly, then, do we “define” a muscle?

Well, flex your bicep and look down at it.

What exactly are you looking at?

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You’re looking at 2 main tissues: muscle and fat.

The bicep muscle is underneath, and laying on top of that muscle is a thin (or thick) layer of

body fat.

“Defining” your bicep is nothing more than a simple matter of removing that layer of body fat

lying on top in order to make the bicep muscle underneath appear more visible. That’s really

all there is to it.

Since spot reduction is impossible and since you cannot physically target fat loss from the

bicep area by training with weights, we can conclude that achieving a more “shaped” and

“defined” bicep (and entire physique for that matter) is simply matter of lowering your

OVERALL body fat levels through cardiovascular exercise and proper diet.

That’s it.

Once you place your body into a proper caloric deficit, it will pull fat from wherever it sees fit,

and as your total body fat levels drop, your muscles will appear harder and more cut.

So, as it pertains to your weight workouts…

Do not lighten up the weights.

Do not perform higher reps.

Do not begin implementing more isolation exercises.

Do not begin implementing more “shaping” exercises.

Do not begin decreasing your rest periods between sets.

Whether you’re in a bulking phase or a cutting phase, the work that you perform in the gym

should always follow the exact same principles.

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Leave your workouts exactly as they are outlined and continue performing them as you

would regularly. This will allow you to build the greatest amount of lean muscle mass that

you possibly can, thus maximizing your fat burning capacity.

I may be repeating myself here, but it’s extremely important that you let this sink deeply into

your brain so that you never forget it. There’s so much misleading information circling around

out there, and this is a prime example.

As I already mentioned, when most people implement a cutting phase, they go about it all

wrong and end up wasting away huge amounts of muscle tissue in the process. The “light

weight and high reps” myth is a huge contributor to this.

The combination of light weight, high reps, isolation exercises, machine exercises and

decreased rest between sets truly does nothing more than minimize your ability to build

muscle and in many cases leads to overtraining. It does not force your body to burn more

fat, and in reality it is nothing more than a “far less-effective” muscle-building workout.

So remember…

1) Lifting weights builds muscle.

2) Proper diet and cardio burns fat.

End of story!

The only changes that you need to make in order to burn more fat are increased

cardiovascular activity and dietary modifications.

Let’s start by talking about proper cardiovascular exercise…

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Proper Fat Burning Cardio

The most common and accepted way to shed excess body fat in the gym is by performing

cardiovascular activity.

I completely agree with this.

In order to make a noteworthy decrease in body fat levels, cardiovascular activity should

definitely be included in your program.

The main problem facing most trainees is in how they perform their cardio workouts. Most

people are approaching their cardio workouts from an ineffective and counterproductive


The most common method for fat loss is to perform cardio sessions lasting anywhere from

30-60 minutes, 3-5 times per week with a moderate level of intensity. A lot of people even

perform their cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, believing that this will

force their bodies to burn higher amounts of fat.

By the time you finish reading through this section you'll have a completely new outlook on

cardiovascular activity and will be able to see why this traditional method is not the most


I'm going to teach you the proper way to lose body fat through cardiovascular activity. This

method requires you to perform 15-minute sessions 3-5 times per week.

Sounds easy, doesn't it? Well, not so fast.

Although the sessions that you perform will be much shorter than what you may typically be

used to, the intensity of those sessions will be proportionately higher.

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This method of cardio will dramatically kick-start your fat burning metabolism, increase

nutrient uptake into your muscles cells and will minimize muscle loss in the process.

Let's get started.

Why do we perform short, intense cardio workouts rather than longer, more

moderate workouts?

This is a very important question and most people would benefit a great deal if they knew

the answer. Let's first take a look at conventional thinking in order to better understand this.

Conventional thinking says this…

The body uses carbohydrates and fats as its main source of fuel. The body will tap into its fat

stores for use as fuel when it is faced with moderate levels of intensity. This is because the

body will only oxidize fat when oxygen supply meets oxygen demand. Therefore, in order to

burn the greatest amount of fat during a cardio session, we must exercise at a moderate


It seems to make sense doesn't it? Sure, it makes sense, and this is why 95% of people out

there perform their cardio in this manner. So if this way of thinking seems to be the most

sensible and logical means of performing cardio, why am I suggesting that you do the exact


Here's why…

The fat burning benefit of cardio does not result from what you burn during the

session, but rather, it results from what you burn after the session.

Maximum fat loss is achieved by increasing your resting metabolism.

This is why short, more intense cardio sessions are more beneficial for fat loss.

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Although during the actual session your body will mainly use carbohydrates for fuel, you will

burn a higher amount of overall fat because of the effect it will have on your metabolism

after the workout. Your body's fat burning furnaces will remain stimulated for a much longer

period of time after the session ends, and this will lead to a greater overall net effect on fat


Not only that, but shorter, more intense sessions will minimize muscle loss to a greater

degree than longer sessions will. As you already know, there is always a trade-off between

losing fat and building muscle. Shorter, higher intensity sessions are less catabolic to your

muscle tissue, and this means that you can preserve as much of your lean gains as possible.

If you want to make significant decreases in body fat, you'll almost always have to sacrifice

some muscle tissue. You work extremely hard in the gym to pack on every ounce of muscle

tissue you have, and therefore it is very important that you do everything you can to

minimize muscle loss as you try to shed that excess body fat. This can be achieved by

performing shorter cardio sessions.

What Type Of Cardio Equipment Is Best?

Because of the intense nature of these cardio sessions, it’s important that you choose a piece

of equipment that will make the session as safe as possible. Your best bet is to choose one of

the following…

- Recumbent Bike

- Stairmaster

- Stairstepper

These pieces of equipment require the least amount of 'skill' to perform. You won't have to

worry about balancing yourself or performing any complicated type of movements. This will

allow you to put 100% of your focus on the task at hand without compromising your safety.

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Setting Up Your Cardio Equipment

Time setting: Set it for 15 minutes.

Program Setting: Choose the "Interval" setting. This setting will allow for progressively

increasing resistance levels followed by an equally long level of lower resistance.

The interval setting will allow you to generate the greatest overall energy expenditure and

intensity throughout the entire session. It is also mentally beneficial in that it allows for a

small rest in between each level of high resistance.

Resistance Setting: This setting increases or decreases the difficulty of the exercise. For

example, if you were using the recumbent bike, increasing the resistance would make it

harder to move the pedals. Choose a level to start that feels comfortable for you; one that is

not too difficult nor too easy to perform.

Getting Started

Your first cardio workout should simply be treated as a "testing" session. This is the workout

where you will establish your baseline distance. Simply perform your 15-minute session at an

intensity level that is slightly higher than what you would normally perform for your typical

30-60 minute cardio sessions.

When the workout is over, make sure to record the distance that you traveled, the resistance

of the machine and your body's caloric expenditure for the session.

Remember in the main e-book when I talked about the concepts of “intensity and

progression” as it relates to your weight workouts?

I want you apply that same way of thinking when it comes to your cardio workouts as well.

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The next time you perform a cardio workout you should aim to improve slightly upon that

first workout by either traveling a farther distance or by increasing the resistance on the

machine. Your goal is to always be getting “better” each time you perform a cardio session.

Just as progression in the gym leads to greater and greater muscle gains, progression in your

cardio workouts leads to greater and greater fat loss. In order to see consistent, ever-

improving results, you need to continually force your body to adapt to higher and higher

levels of stress.

As you continue to progress in distance and resistance, your resting metabolism will continue

to rise and this will literally force your body to burn greater and greater amounts of fat

around the clock.

Here’s an overview of why high intensity, short duration sessions are the most effective type

for maximizing fat loss…

1) Intensity can be maximized.

A 15-minute session is the perfect time frame to allow you to perform your cardio at a high

level of intensity without pacing yourself. You should never pace yourself when performing

this type of cardio! Your goal is to travel farther and farther from workout to workout (or

with more resistance from workout to workout), and in order to accomplish this you must be

willing to put forth maximal intensity. High intensity cardio is the absolute most effective way

to burn fat, and this means that your sessions must be proportionately shorter.

2) It is mentally beneficial.

It is much more motivating to know that your cardio session is only going to last 15 minutes

rather than 45. You'll know that you can simply set up your cardio equipment, give a short,

all-out burst of effort and then be done for the day.

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3) Muscle loss is minimized.

One of the biggest problems people face when performing traditional cardio is that they end

up catabolizing their hard-earned muscle tissue in the process. Shorter cardio sessions

minimize muscle breakdown and will keep your muscle tissue intact as your body burns fat.

4) Fat loss is maximized.

Short, intense cardio workouts have the greatest overall effect on your resting metabolism

and this will result in the greatest overall net loss in fat.

Start Off Small

Whenever people start something new and exciting their natural tendency is to dive in

headfirst without giving it much thought. This type of attitude will end up working against

you, not for you. Because of the high-intensity nature of this type of cardio, it is very

important that you start off slowly and gradually build up your intensity level.

Your first session should be performed at an intensity level that is only slightly higher than

what you’re used to doing. The next workout should be slightly more intense than the

previous one. You don't have to make giant leaps and bounds every time you perform a

cardio session. Your goal is simply to improve slightly.

Over time, the cumulative effect of those small improvements will add up as your body

continually adapts to the ever-increasing intensity levels. This increase in intensity can be

achieved by increasing the distance traveled or the resistance on the machine. You need to

be the judge and decide when to increase either of these variables.

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Understanding Cardio

The most important thing to remember when performing cardio is that the actual benefit

comes after the session, not during. When you perform these cardio sessions, your body will

mainly use glucose and glycogen for fuel.

Your body actually uses very small amounts of fat during these sessions, even if you haven't

eaten in a long time. Because of this, you really shouldn't worry about which type of fuel

your body is burning during the actual session. The entire goal is to increase your resting


Shorter, more intense cardio sessions have a much more dramatic impact on your resting

metabolic rate, and this will lead to a much higher level of fat loss than traditional cardio

could ever give you.

As you increase the intensity from workout to workout, your metabolism will continue to

speed up and your body will become more and more efficient at burning fat.

Another problem with longer cardio sessions is that they will end up depleting your glycogen

stores, and as a result your body will begin breaking down muscle tissue for use as energy.

When is the best time to perform your cardio?

You can perform these cardio sessions anytime you like as long as they are spaced at least 8

hours away from your weight training workouts. I wouldn’t recommend performing your

cardio sessions right before you train with weights in the gym, as this will compromise the

effectiveness of your workout. I also don’t recommend performing them directly following

your weight workouts, since your body will be in a highly catabolic state and any further

exercise will result in muscle wasting and compromised recovery time.

As long as your cardio is spaced at least 8 hours away from your workouts then you can

perform them at any time. Your off days from the gym are probably your best choice.

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What should you eat before and after performing these sessions?

This is a very important concept. You should never perform your cardio on an empty

stomach or without having a proper meal in you first. Many trainees follow the method of

“cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach” thinking that this will result in

greater fat loss.

Sure, you might burn more fat, but because of the highly catabolic state that you’ve decided

to train in, muscle loss will also be significant. The increase in muscle loss will also decrease

your resting metabolism, not to mention that your main goal was to build and maintain

muscle in the first place.

Don’t ever perform your cardio on an empty stomach! This method is nothing more than

pure muscle-building suicide.

Before your cardio sessions I’d recommend eating and supplementing similar to the way that

you would around a regular weight training workout. A serving of around 30-40 grams of

high quality protein alongside some low glycemic carbohydrates will do the trick.

This will provide your body with the raw materials needed to get through the workout

without sacrificing any muscle tissue in the process. Many people argue against this, saying

that if we eat before a cardio workout then our bodies won’t burn fat.

Once again, remember that it is NOT what you burn during the session, it is what you burn

AFTER the session due to an increase in your resting metabolism. The type of fuel used

during the session, whether it be carbohydrates or fat, is irrelevant.

Following your cardio workout I’d recommend another serving of high quality protein, ideally

coming from whey protein mixed in water. This will provide your body with a quick acting

source of protein to feed your muscles, prevent any further breakdown and to facilitate


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You can consume this protein alongside some simple, liquid carbohydrates, although I

wouldn’t recommend as large a serving as you normally consume after your weight

workouts. A simple shot of 30 grams or so is fine.

How often should these cardio sessions be implemented?

Overall, I’d recommend performing this type of cardio 3-5 times per week. Just as it is

important not to overtrain yourself in the gym, you also don’t want to perform too many

cardio sessions and burn yourself out. You can see how 5 high intensity cardio sessions and

3 high intensity weight workouts could become quite taxing after a while.

The main thing here is to listen to your body and only perform as much cardio as you’re

comfortable with. The number of sessions will vary slightly from person to person, so the

best you can do is experiment and see what delivers the best results for you.

If you start feeling tired, sluggish and unmotivated then you can cut back a bit and find the

frequency that works best for you.

In any case, 3-5 sessions per week is optimal.

Wrapping It All Up

So, here's a review of everything we’ve covered in terms of your cardio workouts…

1) Each cardio session will last for 15 minutes.

2) Your cardio workouts should be performed on a machine that requires very little skill to

perform. The equipment must allow you to put forth maximal levels of intensity without

compromising your safety. Some good choices include the recumbent bike, stairmaster or

stair stepper.

3) Each session should be performed using the "interval" setting.

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4) Each workout should be more intense than the previous one. You can increase the level of

intensity by either traveling a farther distance or by increasing the resistance on the machine.

5) Always perform your cardio at least 8 hours away from your weight workouts.

6) Make sure to consume a serving of high quality protein and low glycemic carbohydrates

prior to your cardio session and a serving of high quality protein and high glycemic

carbohydrates immediately following your cardio session.

7) Perform anywhere from 3-5 sessions per week and listen to your body to decide how

much you can safely handle.

Ready To Go

You're all set to go now. That really is all you need to know when it comes to performing

cardio in the gym. Nothing fancy, just basic, straightforward hard work a few times per

week. Simply follow the steps I've laid out and be ready for some dramatic results.

However, we’ve only covered the first half of the fat loss equation.

Let’s now take a look at the other side of the coin, and that is the dietary modifications

that you should make in order to maximize fat loss. Just as nutrition is absolutely vital when

it comes to building muscle, it is equally as vital when it comes to fat loss.

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Dietary Modifications For Burning Fat

Alright, so you've got your cardio program all set to go, your weight workouts are going

strong, but how should you modify your diet in order to achieve maximum fat loss?

Well, the truth is that you don't really have to change a lot. The actual structure of your

diet will not be undergoing any major changes, only the volume will.

As you already know, in order to build muscle you must consume more calories than you

burn. This will create an anabolic surplus of calories within the body and will lead to weight


When it comes to fat loss, you need to use the opposite approach.

In order to lose fat, you must create a caloric deficit.

In other words, in order to burn fat, you must burn more calories than you consume.

If you consume the same number of calories that you burn, or a greater number of calories

than you burn, you absolutely will not be able to lose body fat.

Caloric deficits can be achieved both through diet and through exercise. Since you’ll now be

implementing 3-5 high intensity cardio sessions per week, you’re already taking steps

towards creating that deficit. Because of this, you only need to lower your dietary calories

slightly throughout the day in order to burn fat while minimizing muscle loss.

This is very important, since an excessive drop in calories will lead to muscle loss and will not

contribute to additional fat loss. If you drop your caloric intake below a certain threshold,

you’ll only be doing yourself harm. The goal is to create a slight caloric deficit that

stimulates the fat burning process while sparing as much lean muscle tissue as possible.

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Calculating Caloric Intake

Calculating your fat burning calorie intake can be achieved in much the same way that you

calculated your caloric intake for building muscle. The basic process is simple…

1) Determine your caloric maintenance level, that is, how many calories you require daily

in order to simply maintain your weight.

2) Reduce your caloric maintenance level by 15-20%. This will create the necessary caloric

deficit within your body to facilitate fat loss.

Just as there were 3 different methods for calculating your caloric intake for building muscle,

you can also use these same 3 methods for calculating your caloric intake for fat loss. These

3 methods are…

1) The Basic Multiplier

2) The Harris-Benedict Formula

3) The Katch-McArdle Formula

I’m going to over each method individually here…

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1) The Basic Multiplier Although this is a very straightforward and basic method, in the majority of situations it will

work just fine for average trainees with average body types.

The Basic Multiplier is simply a matter of multiplying your current bodyweight by a set

number. In order to create a caloric deficit that supports fat loss, this usually means around


Your Bodyweight x 11-13

So if you weigh 150 pounds, it would look like this...

150 x 11 = 1650

150 x 13 = 1950

Daily caloric intake should be 1650-1950 calories.

It's really that simple. The drawback to this method is that it doesn't take into account

individual factors such as lean body mass, height, sex or activity level. For those who do not

have an "average" build (starting more on the overweight side or more muscular side) and

who do not have "average" activity levels, methods #2 and #3 will be more accurate.

For average trainees with average body weight and activity levels, this method will usually

work fine.

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2) The Harris-Benedict Formula This is the second most accurate method and is superior to the Basic Multiplier because it

takes height, sex, age and activity level into account on top of your basic bodyweight.

The first goal with this method is to determine your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Your

basal metabolic rate is the total number of calories that your body requires to perform all of

its natural daily functions. This does not include extra activities such as weight training or

playing sports; the BMR is for natural processes such as breathing, digesting food, regulating

body temperature etc.

Once you have figured out your BMR, you can then plug it into the Activity Multiplier (how

active you are on a daily basis) in order to determine your Caloric Maintenance Level.

You should then take your caloric maintenance level and reduce it by 15-20% in order to

create a caloric deficit that supports fat loss. So, once again...

1) Determine your basal metabolic rate.

2) Find your caloric maintenance level by multiplying basal metabolic rate by the activity


3) Reduce your caloric maintenance level by 15-20% to find your daily caloric intake.

Sounds complicated, right?

It really isn't, and I'm now going to outline step-by-step how to calculate all of this...

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Calculating The Harris-Benedict Formula Calculating Basal Metabolic Rate Men: 66 + (13.7 X bodyweight in kg) + (5 X height in cm) - (6.8 X age in years) Women: 655 + (9.6 X bodyweight in kg) + (1.8 X height in cm) - (4.7 X age in years) Take that number and multiply it by... Activity Multiplier Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little to no exercise) Lightly Active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise: 1-3 days a week) Moderately Active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise: 3-5 days a week) Very active = BMR X 1.725 (intense exercise: 6-7 days a week) Extremely Active = BMR X 1.9 (intense daily exercise and strenuous physical job) Take that number and reduce it by 15-20% to it in order to determine daily caloric intake. I’ve provided an example of this formula on the following page to make it even more clear…

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Example Of Harris-Benedict Formula In case you're a bit confused, here is an example of how to plug all of this information in.

We'll use Bob as our example. Bob weighs 68 kg, he is 177.8 cm tall, he's 25 years old

and is moderately active.

First we determine Bob's Basal Metabolic Rate...

BMR = 66 + 931.6 + 889 - 170 = 1717

Bob's basal metabolic rate is 1717 calories. This is the number of calories that he requires

daily in order for his normal bodily processes to be carried out. We'll now take his activity

level into account by multiplying his BMR by the appropriate activity multiplier.

1717 (BMR) x 1.55 (moderately active) = 2661

This means that Bob needs to consume 2661 calories daily in order to maintain his weight.

In order to create a caloric deficit that supports fat loss, he needs to reduce this by 15-20%.

2661 – (2661(0.15)) = 2262

2661 – (2661(0.20)) = 1809

Bob's daily intake should be 1809-2262 calories.

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3) The Katch-McArdle Formula This is the most accurate formula of all because it takes into account the specific individual

factor of lean body mass, and this will result in a more accurate Basal Metabolic Rate


The Harris-Benedict formula outlined on the previous pages is a great method and will be

accurate in almost all situations, but still has one drawback in that it doesn't take lean body

mass into account.

This is fine for most people, but for those who have a very high amount of body fat or a very

high amount of muscle it will not be as accurate.

If you've had your lean body mass tested (testing lean body mass is beyond the scope of this

book, and there are a ton of different methods used for this) then you can use the following

formula to get the most accurate reading of all.

BMR = 370 + (21.6 X lean mass in kg)

You can then multiply your BMR by the Activity Multiplier in order to figure out your caloric

maintenance level. (Refer back to the Harris-Benedict formula for the activity multiplier)

You should then reduce that number by 15-20% in order to figure out your daily caloric

intake for fat loss.

It's really as simple as that.

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Caloric Intake Overview

Hopefully you now have a solid grasp of how caloric intake works and how to calculate it in

order to reach your fat burning goals. Any of the 3 methods outlined in this section will

usually work fine, and you probably won't see a huge variance between them.

Here is a very quick overview...

1) You must consume fewer calories than you burn in order to support fat loss.

2) The most accurate method for determining caloric intake is to figure out how many

calories you require daily in order to maintain your current weight, and then reduce that

number by 15-20%. This caloric deficit will keep your body in a fat burning state.

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How To Achieve A Dietary Caloric Deficit

You know that you must reduce your daily caloric intake to a point where you are burning

more calories than you’re consuming, but just how should you go about achieving this


You can achieve this deficit in 2 major ways…

1) Eating slightly smaller portions at each meal.

This is pretty self-explanatory. By consuming slightly smaller portions at each meal your daily

caloric intake will drop down to the necessary levels. When your goal was to build overall

muscle mass you were eating as much as you reasonably could, but now that you need to

create a caloric deficit you should cut back slightly on the overall volume of food that you


2) Making “cleaner” food choices by reducing your intake of calorie-dense foods that contain

high amounts of simple sugars and saturated fats.

When your goal was to build muscle you didn't have to worry as much about consuming

these foods, but now that you have shifted into fat loss mode it becomes much more

important. Limiting your intake of high glycemic carbs and saturated fats should in itself bring

your daily caloric intake down significantly.

But this only tells us part of the story.

While “calories in versus calories out” is the ultimate bottom line, it’s not the only thing to

pay attention to. In order to lose body fat you’ll need to burn more calories than you

consume, but there are a few more things that you need to pay attention to.

You see, the raw number of calories that you consume each day only dictates whether you

will gain weight or lose weight, but it does not necessarily dictate the type of weight that

you will gain or lose.

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Your goal is to maximize your fat loss and minimize your muscle loss, and because of this,

you still need to pay attention to the specific amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats that

you consume each day in order to make sure that you’re losing the right kind of weight, that

is, body fat.

When most trainees implement a cutting phase they end up starving themselves by

consuming significantly less protein and calories, and as a result they waste away massive

amounts of lean muscle tissue in the process.

Don’t make this mistake!

In order to effectively lose body fat while maintaining the majority of your muscle gains, you

still need to pay attention to the rough macronutrient ratios that you consume your foods in.

In general, you can stick to the regular breakdown that you used when you were trying to

build mass, with a slight decrease in dietary fats.

40% Protein

40% Carbohydrates

20% Fat

By maintaining this rough macronutrient breakdown, you’ll be able to maximize your ability to

burn fat while holding onto a good portion of your muscle gains.

You’ll be able to create a slight calorie deficit within your body without placing your muscles

into a highly catabolic environment.

Remember, your body doesn’t WANT excess muscle tissue. If you give your body any reason

at all to catabolize that tissue, it will. Your goal is simply to create a slight caloric deficit in

order for gradual fat loss to occur. There is a huge difference between losing fat and merely

losing weight.

I’m now going to talk briefly about the major macronutrients, and some good sources of

each to include in your diet.

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Macronutrient Food Sources

As you already know, there are 3 major macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates and fats. No

matter what foods you look at, they can all be ultimately broken down into one of these 3


We already talked in detail about each macronutrient in the main e-book where I outlined

what the function of each nutrient was, some high quality sources of each as well as how to

properly calculate your daily recommend intake of each.

For this reason I’m not going to go too indepth about those nutrients in this e-book. I’m

simply going to give a brief overview of each nutrient as it pertains to fat loss, and outline

some effective food choices to include in your fat loss diet.

We’ll start with the most important nutrient of all, protein.

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As you already know, protein is the most important nutrient involved in the muscle-building

process and is mainly responsible for the growth and repair of body tissues. Proteins are

made up of smaller individual building blocks called amino acids. There are about 20 amino

acids in total, 8 of which are considered “essential”, meaning that the body cannot produce

them on its own and therefore they must be consumed through the diet.

When you shift into fat loss mode, it’s very important that you continue to keep your protein

intake high. Like I said before, the raw number of calories that you consume daily will

determine whether you gain weight or lose weight, but the macronutrient ratios that you

consume will determine what type of weight is gained or lost. If you create a caloric deficit

within your body and also drop your protein intake significantly, you’ll lose weight, but a lot

of that will be in the form of lean muscle tissue. Not a good thing!

Remember, your body needs protein both for muscle growth and repair and for its own

natural daily processes. If you drop your protein intake below a certain level, your body will

begin tapping into your muscles in order to obtain the protein that it requires for everyday


For this reason, you should continue to consume protein at a level of roughly 40% of your

total daily caloric intake. This will provide your body with the raw materials needed to

maintain the majority of your muscle gains while tapping into its fat stores to correct the

caloric deficit.

Whether your goal is to build muscle or to lose fat, the best sources of protein basically

remain the same. The only difference when it comes to fat loss is that you should stick only

to lean, low-fat sources of those specific foods.

For example, when you were trying to add overall muscle size, you may have been drinking

whole milk since you weren’t concerned with excess fat gain.

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Now that you’re in “fat loss mode”, you should switch to skim milk.

Another example might be that in your bulking phase you didn’t pay very close attention to

the cuts of meat that you purchased and may have been consuming meats that were higher

in fat. Now that you’re trying to lose body fat, all of the animal meats that you consume

should be lean, low fat cuts.

Here are the best specific sources of protein to include in your fat loss diet…

- Extra lean red meat

- Skinless poultry

- All types of fish

- Skim milk

- Egg whites

- Whey protein

You should avoid fatty, lower quality proteins such as ham, cheese, bacon, sausage, pork,

whole milk and sandwich meats. When your goal was to bulk up and add overall muscle size

you didn’t need to pay quite as much attention to this. Now that you’ve shifted into fat loss

mode it’s very important that you focus on consuming lean sources of protein that won’t lead

to excess fat gain.

Although protein is the most important nutrient when it comes to building overall muscle

size, interestingly enough it’s also extremely important when it comes to fat loss. This is

because protein requires a large amount of energy to be broken down, digested and stored

within the body. It’s estimated that around 15-20% of the calories that you consume from

protein are actually lost as heat energy after you consume them. This is why protein is often

considered to be a “thermogenic” nutrient (the process of fat or calorie burning caused by

increasing heat output).

Not only is protein critical when it comes to building muscle, but it also plays a direct role in

burning calories as well.

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That’s really all you need to know when it comes to protein. While your overall calories from

protein will drop, you still need to maintain a caloric intake of roughly 40% in order to

maintain your muscle mass and stimulate the fat burning process. Every meal that you

consume should contain some high quality protein, as this will keep your body out of

catabolism and in a fat burning state.

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When it all comes down to it, carbohydrates are sugar.

They play the overall role of providing the muscles and brain with energy. They can be

arranged in different chains and arrangements in order to make them either “simple” or


For many years this was considered the most important factor in terms of carbohydrate

intake. Everyone was told that they should stick to complex carbohydrates and avoid simple


We now know that this simply isn’t the case, since the overall factor that determines the fat-

storing properties of a carbohydrate is NOT the complexity of its chain, but rather how fast

that chain is broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream.

Whenever you consume a carbohydrate, it will ultimately be broken down into its simplest

form: glucose. If you consume carbohydrates that are broken down and released very quickly

into the bloodstream, the body won’t be able to effectively deal with all of that glucose at


So what happens?

Insulin levels rise and the excess sugars are stored as body fat. As a person trying to burn fat

rather than store it, this quite clearly is not a good thing.

On the other hand, if you consume carbohydrates that are broken down and released

gradually into the bloodstream, your body will be able to deal with all of that glucose more

efficiently. As a result, your insulin levels will remain stable and you will not store excess

body fat.

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The interesting thing is that there are many “complex” carbohydrates that are broken down

and released quickly into the bloodstream, and there are many “simple” carbohydrates that

are broken down and released gradually into the bloodstream.

For this reason, you should not focus on whether a carbohydrate is simple or complex, but

rather, you should focus on its glycemic properties. We do this by looking at what is called

the “glycemic index”, which categorizes carbohydrates based on how quickly they are broken

down in the bloodstream by assigning them a ranking of 0-100.

All of the carbohydrates on the glycemic index are ranked by their absorption in comparison

to pure glucose, which has a ranking of 100. For example, the glycemic ranking of a carrot is

39. This means that over a 2-hour period, a carrot will raise blood glucose levels only 39% as

high as pure glucose will.

In general, you should be sticking to carbohydrate sources that are on the medium to lower

end of the Glycemic Index, and lower is usually better. A carbohydrate is generally

considered to be “low” on the index if it has a ranking of 55 or less. “Medium” glycemic

sources are those that fall in the range of 56 to 59, and a ranking of 70 or more is

considered high.

By sticking to sources that are broken down and absorbed gradually into the bloodstream,

you’ll provide your body with a steady stream of sugars throughout the day and will prevent

excess fat from being stored.

While it is true that the glycemic index is not the absolute bottom line when it comes to

carbohydrate consumption, it’s still a very solid guideline to follow. These carbohydrates are

ranked based on their blood-raising effects when consumed alone, but when consumed

alongside other foods the glycemic ranking can change.

For example, white bread has a high GI ranking of about 71, but if you were to consume that

bread with some natural peanut butter and a glass of skim milk, the GI ranking for the entire

meal would end up lower.

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While this may be true, when structuring an effective fat loss (or muscle-building) diet, the

goal is to make things simpler for you, not more complex. Since there is no concrete proof

as to what food combinations will result in which glycemic rankings, it would be extremely

complicated to come up with a set of rules that said, for example, “you can consume this

carbohydrate with that carbohydrate…and you can consume this carbohydrate with that fat

source… but you can’t consume this carbohydrate with that protein source… or this

carbohydrate, protein source and fat source together, etc. etc.”

With the endless food choices and possible combinations it would be a huge headache to try

and figure all of this out. If you want to remove the guesswork and keep things as painless

and straightforward as possible, the glycemic index is a solid guideline to abide by.

Here are some high quality carbohydrate sources that can be effectively included into your

fat loss diet…

- Whole grains

- Yams

- Sweet potatoes

- Barley

- Rye

- Brown rice

- Oatmeal

- Lentils

- All types of vegetables

- Cherries

- Grapefruit

- Dried Apricots

- Apples

- Pears

- Plums

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This is just a partial list. To find a complete list, simply check out the glycemic index chart


The Glycemic Index

Foods Rating Glycemic Number Bakery Products

Pound cake Low 54 Danish pastry Medium 59 Muffin (unsweetened) Medium 62 Cake, tart Medium 65 Cake, angel Medium 67 Croissant Medium 67 Waffles High 76

Beverages Soya milk Low 30 Apple juice Low 41 Carrot juice Low 45 Pineapple juice Low 46 Grapefruit juice Low 48 Orange juice Low 52

Biscuits Digestives Medium 58 Shortbread Medium 64 Water biscuits Medium 65 Ryvita Medium 67 Wafer biscuits High 77 Rice cakes High 77

Breads Multi grain bread Low 48 Whole grain Low 50 Pita bread, white Medium 57 Pizza, cheese Medium 60 Hamburger bun Medium 61 Rye-flour bread Medium 64 Whole meal bread Medium 69 White bread High 71 White rolls High 73 Baguette High 95

Breakfast Cereals All-Bran Low 42 Porridge, non instant Low 49 Oat bran Medium 55 Muesli Medium 56 Mini Wheats (wholemeal) Medium 57 Shredded Wheat Medium 69 Golden Grahams High 71 Puffed wheat High 74

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Weetabix High 77 Rice Krispies High 82 Cornflakes High 83

Cereal Grains Pearl barley Low 25 Rye Low 34 Wheat kernels Low 41 Rice, instant Low 46 Rice, parboiled Low 48 Barley, cracked Low 50 Rice, brown Medium 55 Rice, wild Medium 57 Rice, white Medium 58 Barley, flakes Medium 66 Taco Shell Medium 68 Millet High 71

Dairy Foods Yogurt low- fat (sweetened) Low 14 Milk, chocolate Low 24 Milk, whole Low 27 Milk, Fat-free Low 32 Milk ,skimmed Low 32 Milk, semi-skimmed Low 34 Ice-cream (low- fat) Low 50 Ice-cream Medium 61

Fruits Cherries Low 22 Grapefruit Low 25 Apricots (dried) Low 31 Apples Low 38 Pears Low 38 Plums Low 39 Peaches Low 42 Oranges Low 44 Grapes Low 46 Kiwi fruit Low 53 Bananas Low 54 Fruit cocktail Medium 55 Mangoes Medium 56 Apricots Medium 57 Apricots (tinned in syrup) Medium 64 Raisins Medium 64 Pineapple Medium 66 Watermelon High 72

Pasta Spaghetti, protein enriched Low 27 Fettuccine Low 32 Vermicelli Low 35 Spaghetti, whole wheat Low 37 Ravioli, meat filled Low 39 Spaghetti, white Low 41 Macaroni Low 45 Spaghetti, durum wheat Medium 55

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Macaroni cheese Medium 64 Rice pasta, brown High 92

Root Crop Carrots, cooked Low 39 Yam Low 51 Sweet potato Low 54 Potato, boiled Medium 56 Potato, new Medium 57 Potato, tinned Medium 61 Beetroot Medium 64 Potato, steamed Medium 65 Potato, mashed Medium 70 Chips High 75 Potato, micro waved High 82 Potato, instant High 83 Potato, baked High 85 Parsnips High 97

Snack Food and Sweets Peanuts Low 15 M&Ms (peanut) Low 32 Snickers bar Low 40 Chocolate bar; 30g Low 49 Jams and marmalades Low 49 Crisps Low 54 Popcorn Medium 55 Mars bar Medium 64 Table sugar (sucrose) Medium 65 Corn chips High 74 Jelly beans High 80 Pretzels High 81 Dates High 103

Soups Tomato soup, tinned Low 38 Lentil soup, tinned Low 44 Black bean soup, tinned Medium 64 Green pea soup, tinned Medium 66

Vegetable and Beans Artichoke Low 15 Asparagus Low 15 Broccoli Low 15 Cauliflower Low 15 Celery Low 15 Cucumber Low 15 Eggplant Low 15 Green beans Low 15 Lettuce, all varieties Low 15 Low-fat yogurt, artificially sweetened Low 15 Peppers, all varieties Low 15 Snow peas Low 15 Spinach Low 15 Young summer squash Low 15 Tomatoes Low 15

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Zucchini Low 15 Soya beans, boiled Low 16 Peas, dried Low 22 Kidney beans, boiled Low 29 Lentils green, boiled Low 29 Chickpeas Low 33 Haricot beans, boiled Low 38 Black-eyed beans Low 41 Chickpeas, tinned Low 42 Baked beans, tinned Low 48 Kidney beans, tinned Low 52 Lentils green, tinned Low 52 Broad beans High 79

Carbohydrates are such a complicated and misunderstood nutrient that it can be very tough

to know which guidelines to follow sometimes.

Your main goal when it comes to burning fat is to stick to unprocessed, slow-absorbing

sources. Keeping your fiber intake high is very important as well, since fiber “gels” in the

stomach and is broken down very gradually.

When your goal was to build maximum muscle mass, you didn’t need to pay quite as much

attention to your carbohydrate sources since excess fat gain was not as high of a concern.

Now that you’ve switched into fat loss mode it becomes much more important.

While the glycemic index does not tell the entire story when it comes to carbohydrate

absorption, for those looking to burn off as much body fat as possible while keeping things

simple and straightforward, it’s definitely the most powerful tool you have.

Carbohydrates should make up roughly 40% of your total caloric intake for fat loss.

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As you already know, not all fats are created equally, and not all fats will make you fat.

When you switch into fat loss mode, this same way of thinking must apply. You can’t fall into

the trap of believing that all fats are evil and should be eliminated from your diet.

The only real change that needs to be made to your diet in terms of fat intake is to focus on

limiting your intake of saturated fats. When you were trying to build overall muscle size and

strength you probably weren’t quite as strict with this, but now that fat loss is your main goal

it becomes much more important.

Fats should sit at around 20% of your total daily caloric intake, but the vast majority of those

calories should be coming from healthy, unsaturated sources.

Here are some high quality sources of fat to include in your diet:

- olive oil

- flax seed oil

- salmon and other fatty fish

- avocado

- almonds

- natural peanut butter

You need to limit your intake of saturated fats, and this can be accomplished by simply

eliminating (or highly limiting) your intake of foods high in this nutrient. Stick to lean sources

of animal meat and avoid foods like butter, cheese, mayonnaise and fried foods.

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Quick Review

In terms of structuring your diet for maximum fat loss and muscle maintenance, we’ve

established that…

1) You need to lower your overall caloric intake so that you are burning more calories than

you consume. This means that you should reduce your daily caloric maintenance level by

15-20% using either the Basic Multiplier, the Harris-Benedict formula or the Katch-McArdle


2) Protein intake must remain elevated in order to minimize muscle breakdown as you lose

body fat, and because protein is a “thermogenic” nutrient that directly burns calories. The

same recommended protein sources still apply, but you need to focus on consuming low-fat,

lean sources. Protein should be consumed at every meal and should follow a rough

breakdown of 40% of your total daily calories.

3) Carbohydrates should also be consumed at roughly 40% of your total daily caloric intake.

Instead of thinking in terms of “simple” and “complex” you should instead pay attention to

where they place on the glycemic index and how fast the sugars are absorbed in the

bloodstream. For maximum fat loss to occur, slow-absorbing, low glycemic, high fiber choices

are the best in order to keep blood sugar and insulin levels stable throughout the day.

4) Saturated fat intake should be very limited, and unsaturated fats should form the bulk of

your fat intake. You should consume fats at a breakdown of roughly 20% of your total daily

caloric intake with the vast majority of those calories coming from quality, unsaturated

sources such as fatty fish, flax seed oil, olive oil, avacados etc.

By following these dietary guidelines, what we’ve accomplished is this…

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1) We have created a slight caloric deficit within the body. Calories burned exceeds calories

consumed, and this will allow us to lose weight.

2) We have provided our body with the optimal macronutrient breakdown and food sources

so that we lose the right type of weight. Following these guidelines will allow us to maintain

as much of our lean muscle gains as possible while placing the majority of the focus on

losing body fat.

To close this section out, I’m going to outline 6 more quick tips to get the maximum fat

burning effect from your diet…

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6 Other Dietary Habits for Maximum Fat Loss

1) Increase your water intake

You already know just how critical water intake is for muscle growth, but it is equally

important for fat loss. If muscle cells become dehydrated they enter a catabolic state where

muscle growth is slowed down or stopped altogether. By increasing cellular fluid levels, the

muscles can remain in an anabolic state where growth and recovery can take place at all

times. An increase in muscle mass has a direct effect on your metabolism and on the rate

that your body burns fat for fuel. Always make sure you are getting at least the

recommended 0.6 ounces of water per pound of bodyweight. When fat loss is your main goal

you can shoot that number even higher.

2) Always eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up.

The worst decision you could possibly make would be to avoid breakfast and exercise on an

empty stomach. A lot of people do this with the misguided belief that they will be "forcing"

their bodies to burn more fat for fuel. Do not fall into this trap!

Our bodies are much, much too complicated for us to be able to dictate what type of fuel

they use as we exercise. After having slept for 7-8 hours, our bodies are in a deep catabolic

state where our metabolism has slowed and muscle breakdown is occurring. If we choose to

exercise intensely while our bodies are in this state, not only will we experience a large

amount of muscle breakdown, but we'll actually end up "teaching" our bodies to store more

fat rather than burn it.

You should always eat as soon as you can after waking up, and always eat before performing

cardio as well.

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3) Increase your vegetable intake.

If you want to know the secret to a highly effective fat loss diet, vegetables are it! The

reason for this is that vegetables are low in calories yet are high in fiber and "bulk".

Vegetables are very nutrient dense and will actually "trick" your body into keeping your

metabolism raised because of the amount of food it is forced to process. Since you must

slightly decrease your caloric intake in order to lose fat, vegetables will keep you full without

exceeding those limits.

4) Increase your consumption of low-fat dairy foods.

Recent studies have shown that calcium plays a very important role in metabolizing fats,

particularly dairy calcium. A diet rich in calcium will prevent your body from storing high

amounts of fat and will also accelerate the rate at which fat is burned.

5) Consume a large portion of your daily calories immediately following your

muscle-building workouts.

The post-workout period is a critical time for muscular repair and nutrient absorption. After

an intense workout, our bodies are left in a catabolic state and muscle tissue is rapidly being

broken down due to the high stress level following a workout.

You absolutely must take advantage of this time period by providing your body with the

necessary building blocks to accelerate recovery and repair those damaged muscles (post

workout nutrition is covered in detail in the main e-book). By taking advantage of this time

period you will greatly enhance your muscle gains, and as a result your metabolism will

increase. In the 3 hours following your workout you should aim to consume about 25-30% of

your total daily calories.

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6) Increase your meal frequency

Increasing the number of times you eat per day will keep your metabolism raised to its fullest

and will maximize the amount of fat you can burn. The key thing to remember here is that

you are simply increasing the frequency at which you eat, not the amount.

If you're currently eating 5 meals per day, increase that to 7 or 8 by simply making each

meal smaller and dividing them evenly throughout the day. This method of "grazing" will

keep your body in a constantly fed state and your metabolism will remain peaked at all times.

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Developing 6-Pack Abs

Having a flat, defined, washboard stomach is a huge concern for most trainees and is one of

the main reasons that they decide to shift into fat loss mode in the first place. Looking down

to see that excess fat hanging from your stomach can become quite an annoyance, and it

usually leads the trainee to place a huge amount of focus on abdominal exercises in the

hopes of flattening our their stomach and melting off that extra flab.

They start performing endless sets of situps, crunches and leg raises to “burn the fat off of

their stomach” and achieve a set of well-defined abs.

Companies fully recognize just how badly most people want a set of 6-pack abs, and have

capitalized on this with all kinds of products that promise ripped, washboard abs in minimal

time. From special “ab-toning” workout gismos to thermogenic fat loss pills to “miracle

weight loss programs”, the fat burning, ab-toning industry is a never-ending sea of products

all claiming that they hold the “never-before-seen-secret” to a tight, flat midsection. In fact,

207 million dollars is spent every year by consumers on infomercial abdominal equipment


Do you want to know the real “secret” to attaining a carved out, in-shape abdomen?

The real secret is that there is no secret!

You’ve already learned how.

That’s correct, everything you’ve read up to this point has taught you exactly what you need

to know in order to develop the washboard abs that you’re looking for.

You might be wondering what the heck I’m talking about. I mean, I didn’t outline any ab

exercises or special tricks specific to ab training. I didn’t even MENTION the word “abs” until

now, so how could you have already learned everything you need to know?

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Developing 6-pack abs has almost nothing to do with the ab exercises that you perform in

the gym. As I explained at the very beginning of this course, spot reduction is impossible.

You physically cannot target fat loss from a specific area on the body and this applies to the

abdominals in exactly the same way.

Performing 200 crunches each night will not burn fat off of your stomach.

Performing weighted leg raises will not burn fat off of your stomach.

Performing weighed situps will not burn fat off of your stomach.

Your abs are a muscle just like any other, and as we’ve already established, the only way to

“define” that muscle is by lowering your overall body fat levels.

You see, EVERYONE already has a 6-pack, but it’s simply hidden under a layer of fat. The

only way to reveal that 6-pack is to burn off the fat laying on top of the ab muscles, and this

is accomplished through proper cardio and a proper diet.

You could never train your abs a day in your life, and as long as your body fat was low

enough you’d still have a visible 6-pack. In general, you’ll need to have a body fat

percentage of at least 8-10% if you want to have your abs clearly visible.

Now, this doesn’t mean that I’m recommending you don’t train your abs at all, as ab training

is still an important part of a complete weight training program. I’m simply informing you

that flattening out your stomach has almost nothing to do with ab training.

This is such an incredibly huge myth in the fitness industry, and is a myth that pulls in

millions, probably even billions of dollars every single year. Just think about all of those crazy

“ab toners” that you see on the infomercials, or the special workout programs that are

designed specifically for the abs. There are even entire books written on the subject.

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Why do these companies mislead the public like this?

It’s simple… it’s because they know just how badly everyone wants a 6-pack, and they know

that they can make a killing from it.

Well, now you know. You’ve heard it here once and for all.

I recommend that you continue following the weight workouts as they are outlined, and this

includes ab training once per week using a couple of basic exercises performed at a high

level of intensity. Abs are just like any other muscle and should be treated as such.

Sorry to disappoint you, but there are no “secrets” to developing flat, defined abs. It

essentially all comes down to your overall body fat levels. As long as you focus on burning fat

from your entire body through proper cardio and diet, your abs will slowly start to reveal


That’s all there is to it.

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I hope you've enjoyed this fat loss course and have learned some valuable

information on how to implement a proper cutting phase into your program. This

course is a simple, straightforward method for losing excess body fat while

maintaining muscle mass.

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LobsterMahi MahiMusselsPorkRed SnapperScallopsShrimpSwordfishTurkeyTuna / Ahi tunaVeal

iLettuceMushroomsOnionsParsnipsPeppersRadicchioRadishesRutabagaSalad greensSnow/Snap PeasSpinachSummer SquashTomatoZucchiniKale

Hemp seedsPecansSesame seedsWalnuts

Flax oilGheeOlive oil Sesame oil

Cottage cheeseYogurt/Kefir: plain

CroissantsCupcakesMuffinsOats/OatmealPastaPastriesPitaPizzaPopcornRollsTortillas / Tortilla chips

Pinto beans*Quinoa*Red beans*Rice (brown, wild, white, etc.)Spelt*

VEGETABLESBeets FRUITGreen apples*Bananas* (green tipped/ not quite ripe) LemonLime

GRAINS/LEGUMES (BEANS)**BarleyBlack beans*Buckwheat*Garbanzo beans (Chickpeas)*Kamut*Lentils*

BEVERAGESCoconut juice/waterKombucha (fermented drinks, check sugar content on label- must be under 4g per serving)

VEGETABLESButternut squash CornSweet potatoesWhite potatoesWinter squash Yams

FRUIT OF ALL KINDS*(see sometimes list!)

NUTS/NUT BUTTERSPeanutCashew GRAINS/REFINED CARBOHYDRATES**BreadBagelsBreadsticksBrowniesCakeCandyCereal/GranolaChips (potato, corn, etc.)CookiesCouscousCrackers

DIET/SUGAR-FREE or artificially sweetenedfood or beverage items of any kind.

BEVERAGES Coffee “drinks” or shakes that are pre-sweetenedJuiceMilk: skim & 1%Soda of any kindSweet-tasting drinks (besides herbal teas)

ALCOHOLAll alcohol is a “no” – it’s just 3 weeks!

the YES/NO foods listwhile completing The 21-Day Sugar Detox, follow these lists for what’sin and what’s out!

YES FOODS: eat these foodsliberally

do not eat these foodsfor 21 days

see NOTES belowfor detailsNO FOODS: LIMIT FOODS:

ALL MEAT & FISH(including but not limited to)BeefBuffaloChickenClamsDuckEggsGame meats SalmonGoatHalibutLamb

VEGETABLES(including but not limited to)ArtichokesAsparagusBroccoliBrussels sproutsCabbageCarrotsCauliflowerCeleryCollard GreensCucumberEggplantGarlicGingerGreen beansLeeks

NUTS/SEEDS & BUTTERS AlmondsChia seedsCoconutFlax seeds

FATS & OILS (see guide)Animal FatsAvocadoButterCoconut oil

DAIRY***Milk (whole- raw if possible)Cheese

BEVERAGESCoffee, espresso drinks (no sweetener)Herbal TeaNut Milks: Coconut, Almond- unsweetenedWater, mineral water, seltzer

NOTES:* These items MAY be used as one 1/2 cup serving or 1 piece per day.** For a more ADVANCED sugar detox, eliminate ALL GRAINS & LEGUMES*** For an ADVANCED+ detox, eliminate ALL GRAINS, LEGUMES & DAIRY.


21-Day Sugar Detox Diet™ PDF, eBook by Diane Sanfilippo

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Brown sugarCane juiceCane juice crystals

Cane sugarCoconut nectarCoconut sugar/crystals

Date sugarDate syrupDatesFruit juiceFruit juice concentrate

HoneyMaple syrup

MolassesPalm sugarRaw sugarStevia (green leaf or extract)

Turbinado sugar

AgaveAgave nectarBarley maltBeet sugarBrown rice syrupButtered syrupCaramelCarob syrupCorn syrupCorn syrup solids

Demerara sugarDextranDextroseDiastatic maltDiastaseEthyl maltol

FructoseGlucose/ glucose solids

Golden sugarGolden syrupGrape sugarHigh-fructose corn syrup

Invert sugarLactoseLevuloseLight brown sugar

MaltitolMalt syrupMaltodextrinMaltose

MannitolMuscovadoRefiner’s syrupSorbitolSorghum syrupSucroseTagatose (Tagatesse, Nutrilatose)

TreacleYellow sugarXylitol (or other sugar alcohols; typically they end in “-ose”)

Acesulfame K/Acesulfame Potassium (Sweet One, Sunett)

Aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet)Saccharine (Sweet’N Low)Stevia, white/bleached (Truvia, Sun Crystals)Sucralose (Splenda)

sneaky sugar synonymsall sugar and sweeteners listed here are out

for The 21-Day Sugar Detox

additional considerations for sweetener choices after The 21-Day Sugar Detox

HOW IT’S MADEThe more highly refined a sweeten-er is, the worse it is for your body. For example, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and artificial sweet-eners are all very modern, factory made products. Honey, maple syr-up, green leaf stevia (dried leaves made into powder), and molasses are all much less processed and have been made for hundreds of years. In the case of honey, almost no processing is necessary. As a result, I vote for raw, organic, local honey as the ideal natural sweet-ener after your 21DSD.

WHERE IT’S USEDThis is a reality check. When you read the ingredients in packaged, processed foods, it becomes obvi-ous that most of them use highly

Food manufacturers even hide sugar in foods that you didn’t think were sweet! Many foods that have been made low-fat or non-fat have added sweeteners or artificial sweeteners—avoid these products!

HOW YOUR BODY PROCESSES IT Here’s where the high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) commercials really get things wrong: Your body actu-ally does not metabolize all sugar the same way. Interestingly enough, sweeteners like HFCS and agave nec-tar were viewed as better options for diabetics for quite some time because the high fructose content of both requires processing by the liver be-fore the sugar hits your bloodstream. This yielded a seemingly favorable result on blood sugar levels. However, it’s now understood that isolated fructose metabolism is a complicated issue and that taxing the liver exces-sively with such sweeteners can be quite harmful to your health. Fructose is the primary sugar in all fruit. When eating whole fruit, the micronutrients and fiber content of the fruit actu-ally support proper metabolism and assimilation of the fruit sugar. Whole foods for the win! •

*Natural sweeteners are the options I recommend using in very limited quantities after your 21DSD.






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fats & oilscleaning up your diet by using the right fats & oils is essential to improving your health

WHICH TO EAT SATURATED IDEAL FOR HOT USES PLANT SOURCES organic, unrefined forms are idealcoconut oilpalm oil from sustainable sources

ANIMAL SOURCES pasture-raised/grass-fed & organic sources are ideal

duck fatlamb fatlard

schmaltz (chicken fat)tallow

WHICH TO DITCH SATURATEDMan-made fats are never healthy. Trans fats are particularly harmful.“Buttery spreads,” including oil blends like Earth Balance, Benecol, and I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butterhydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oilsmargarine

UNSATURATEDThese oils are highly processed and oxidize easily via one or more of the following: light, air, or heat. Consuming oxidized oils is never healthy.canola oil (rapeseed oil)corn oilgrapeseed oilrice bran oil

soybean oilsunflower oilvegetable oil

UNSATURATED IDEAL FOR COLD USES organic, extra-virgin, & cold-pressed forms are idealavocado oilnut oils (walnut, pecan,

macadamia)olive oilsesame oil

nuts & seeds (including nut & seed butters)

flaxseed oil (higher in polyunsatu-rated fatty acids, so consume in extremely limited amounts)

Note: Unsaturated fats—often called oils as listed above—are typically liquid at room temperature and are easily damaged (oxidized) when heat is applied to them. You do not want to consume damaged fats; therefore, cooking in these fats is not recommended.


listed in order of most stable to least stable for cooking

The fats and oils are ranked below based on the following criteria: 1. how they’re made—choose naturally occurring, minimally processed options first; 2. their fatty acid composition—the more saturated they are, the more stable and less likely to be damaged or oxidized they are; 3. smoke point—this tells you how hot is too hot before you will damage the fats, though it should be considered a secondary factor to fatty acid profile.


coconut oil butter/ghee cocoa butter tallow/suet (beef fat)palm oil from sustainable sources lard/bacon fat (pork fat)duck fat


avocado oil*macadamia nut oil*olive oil*rice bran oil*


sesame seed oil**canola oil**sunflower oil**vegetable shortening**corn oil**soybean oil**walnut oil*grapeseed oil** *While not recommended for cooking, cold-pressed nut and seed oils that are stored in the refrigerator may be used to finish recipes or after cooking is completed, for flavor.

**These oils are not recommended for consumption, whether hot or cold, but are listed here for your reference, as they are commonly used.

For more detailed information on the fatty acid profiles of fats & oils, check out my book Practical Paleo.






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replacing foodsthink ahead to what you will eat in place of some of your favorite fallbacks while on The 21-Day Sugar Detox

soy sauce, wheat-free tamari

cow, goat, or sheep milk (for Level 3)

hot or cold breakfast cereal/oats

grain-based/pre-made granola

breakfast/granola bars

protein/snack bars

pancakes made from grain flour

sweetened smoothies

pasta made from grain flour

crackers made from grain flour

cookies or donuts made from grain flour & sweetened


coconut aminos

coconut milk, almond milk (page 213)

assorted chopped nuts, coconut, and 21DSD fruit with coconut milk

grain-free banola (page 200)

hard-boiled eggs or quiche to-go (page 104)

jerky (page 184) and a handful of nuts or single-serving nut butter packets

pumpkin pancakes (page 98), almond flour pancakes

21DSD smoothies (page 92)

spaghetti squash (page 122), zucchini noodles (pages 148, 176) or cucumber noodles (page 170)

savory herb drop biscuits (page 188)

herb crackers (page 183) or fresh veggies cut into thin discs

not-sweet cinnamon cookies (page 195), apple cinnamon donuts (page 199)

basic cilantro cauli-rice (page 172)






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dining outtips and tricks for navigating

menus and making healthy choices

MORE TIPS & TRICKSsmart dining on The 21DSD

Think ahead and don’t arrive starving. Eat a small snack of some nuts or nut butter, or even a few bites of avocado or leftover meat before you head out the door.

Preview the restaurant’s menu online before you go.

Check out reviews from other diners on a site like or (especially when traveling).

Pass on the bread basket—it’ll keep temptation away! Ask for sliced veggies or olives instead.

Either skip the appetizers or opt for a salad starter.

Entrées are easy. While finger food is often breaded, fried, or otherwise carb-loaded, entrées that are made of simpler ingredients can be easy to find.

Look for grilled, broiled, or baked options. These typically aren’t breaded, so they’ll be safer bets for your detox. But ask the server for details on how things are prepared; they’re used to questions! Be polite, but get the answers you need.

Make substitutions. If a meal comes with French fries, bread, or pasta, simply ask that the kitchen either

some vegetables instead.


Ask the host what they plan on serving so you know what to expect.Bring a dish or two that you know you can enjoy and that will satisfy your hunger. The host will be happy to have the contribution, and you’ll be glad to know that you won’t be hungry all night if they’re serving only foods that you aren’t currently eating.•

AMERICAN FOOD AVOID: Fried foods, anything bread-ed, sandwiches, wraps, and pre-mixed dressings.

ENJOY: Bunless or lettuce-wrapped burgers and salads with lemon or vinegar and olive oil.

CHINESE FOOD AVOID: Unless you know the restaurant well enough to make special requests for no MSG and only sauces without sugar, it’s best to avoid Chinese food. Many of the sauces contain hidden sweeteners.

INDIAN FOOD AVOID: Skip the naan and rice. Ask

spice rubs.

ENJOY: Meats and veggies that are grilled or roasted and not drowning in sauces. Tandoori meats are often marinated in yogurt, so they’re okay on Levels 1 and 2, but not on Level 3.

ITALIAN FOOD & PIZZA AVOID: Bread, pasta, and breaded meats. Ask about sauces and prepara-tion of items (meatballs often contain breadcrumbs). There is simply no great way to enjoy a healthy version of pizza while dining out.

ENJOY: Broiled chicken, fish, shrimp, or other protein with red sauce and veggies or salad on the side. If you’re craving pizza, make “meatza” at home (recipe on page 126), or make pizza with a cauliflower crust if you are on Level 1 or 2 (which typically include cheese) or an almond meal crust for any level.

JAPANESE FOOD AVOID: Rice (white and brown) is typically flavored with vinegar, which is okay, but also sugar, which is not. Also avoid anything fried or tempura battered, imitation crab, and most sauces.

ENJOY: Sashimi or broiled fish; just be sure to ask about sauces used and avoid soy sauce.

MEXICAN FOOD AVOID: Tortilla shells and chips (both corn and flour), beans, and rice (or eat limited portions per Level 1 & 2 guidelines). Vegetarians: Have some beans but go lightly on the rice.

ENJOY: Meat, salsa, and guaca-mole—often you can ask for these ingredients to be placed over a salad or with vegetables. Ask for raw celery or carrots to dip into guacamole. Ask for a side of vegetables to add to your entrée.

THAI FOOD AVOID: Sauces that contain peanuts. Also avoid noodles and desserts.

ENJOY: A curry dish or other coconut milk–based dish without rice.






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HERBS & SPICESAncho Chili PowderBasil (fresh)Black PepperBrewer’s YeastCayenneChili Powder Chipotle PowderChives (fresh)

Cilantro (fresh but best to keep on hand weekly)

CinnamonCorianderCuminFennel Seeds (ground)Garlic (fresh)

Ginger (fresh)Granulated Garlic NutmegOnion PowderOreganoPaprikaPumpkin Pie SpicePure Vanilla ExtractRed Chili FlakesRosemary SaffronSage (ground)

Sage leaves (fresh)Sea SaltSmoked PaprikaTurmericUnsweetened Cocoa Powder

FATS & OILSBacon FatCoconut OilDuck FatMacadamia Nut OilOlive OilUnsalted Butter

CANNED & JARREDCapers Coconut MilkDijon Mustard (gluten-free)Kalamata OlivesPumpkinTomato PasteTomatoes (diced)

NUTS & SEEDSAlmond Butter (no sugar added)Almond Meal/FlourAlmonds (whole)Almonds (slivered/sliced)Coconut FlourMacadamia NutsPepitas (Pumpkin Seeds)Sesame SeedsWalnuts

SAUCES & OTHER...Apple Cider VinegarBaking SodaBalsamic VinegarCoconut AminosFish SauceHot SauceRaw Tahini (ground sesame paste)Rice Wine VinegarTessamae’s Wing sauce

SHOPPING LISTstocking pantry


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sea salt black pepper dried rosemary dried thyme dried dill dried parsley dried oregano granulated garlic ground cumin Chinese five spice powder ancho chili powder cayenne pepper allspice fennel seeds mustard powder ground sage onion powder chipotle powder smoked paprika ground cinnamon ground ginger ground cloves ground coriander turmeric unsweetened cocoa powder nutmeg yellow curry powder vanilla extract bay leaves pumpkin pie spice (optional) red pepper flakes (optional) white pepper (optional) 1 vanilla bean pod 2 tbsp finely ground coffee beans 1 cardamom pod cinnamon sticks celery salt

FATS & OILS bacon Fat coconut Oil ghee cold pressed sesame oil macadamia nut Oil olive oil unsalted butter

CANNED & JARRED coconut milk canned pumpkin capers tomato paste tomato sauce black olives diced green chiles baking soda gelatin 1 can no-salt added diced tomatoes

NUTS & SEEDS pecans walnuts almonds pistachios chia seeds sunflower seeds sesame seeds almond butter almond flour almond milk arrowroot flour coconut flour unsweetened coconut flakes

SAUCES & OTHER... fish sauce hot sauce coconut aminos sesame tahini gluten free dijon mustard organic rice vinegar nutritional yeast apple cider vinegar gluten free brown mustard

SHOPPING LISTstocking pantry


Page 95: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

VEGETABLES5 avocadosSpinach3 bunches green onions1 yellow onion2 red onions1 tomato2 bunch leafy greens 4 heads of cauliflower 2 yellow bell peppers3 red bell peppers1 orange bell pepper2 bunches of carrots½ c. cherry tomatoes3 shallots3-4 golden beets1 large bunch curly kale1 head red cabbage3 bulbs bok choy8 medium parsnips1 cup peas1 cup snow peas4 large zucchini or yellow squash2 cucumbers1 large head broccoli

FRUITS8 lemons4 limes1 green apple2 green tipped bananasFor Snacks: Green Tipped Bananas, Green/Granny Smith Apples, and/or Grapefruit

MEAT & SEAFOOD2 lb. bacon2 ½ lb. boneless skinless chicken breast 2 dozen eggs2 lb. ground beef2 lb. ground lamb 2 lb. lean beef (such as London broil) or chicken or turkey4 (4-6 oz.) wild salmon fillets1 lb. ground beef, chicken, pork, or turkey2 lb. ground pork or turkey1 ½ - 2 lb. bones12 bone-in, skin on, chicken thighs5 dozen extra-large shrimp12 clams2 mussels4 (6-ounce) cans Salmon

OPTIONALRiceBlack BeansFull Fat YogurtCoconut MilkQuinoaFull Fat Milk

These lists reflect complete meal-planning for two people based on following the plan as created in the books. Feel free to modify it to your needs


WEEK 1 meal plan ingredients




Page 96: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

VEGETABLESSpinach4 large zucchini or yellow squash12 cherry tomatoes1 shallot1 large head broccoli2 red cabbages2 bunch green onions2 heads cauliflower 1-2 bulbs fennelSalad greens or baby spinach2 bunches carrots2 avocados4 cucumbers3 yellow onion1 bunch celery1 package kelp flakes or nori1 head romaine lettuce1 cup frozen or canned artichoke hearts3 large tomatoes 1 spaghetti squash2 dozen brussel sprouts

FRUITS7 lemons2 limes4 green apple2 green tipped bananasFor Snacks: Green Tipped Bananas, Green/Granny Smith Apples, and/or Grapefruit

MEAT & SEAFOOD2 lb. bacon2 dozen eggs1 lb. skirt steak1 ½ lb. pork tenderloin (approx. 2 tenderloins)1 whole 4-6 lb. chicken2 lb. lemon sole (or other delicate white fish)1 ½ - 2 lb. bones4 (6 oz. cans tuna)1 lb. ground lamb, beef, or turkey1 lb. ground beef, chicken, pork, or turkey8 bone -in, skin-on chicken thighs½ lb. ground veal or beef½ lb. ground pork1 lb. lean beef (such as London broil)2 lb. bone-in pork chop

OPTIONALRiceBlack BeansFull Fat YogurtCoconut MilkQuinoa

These lists reflect complete meal-planning for two people based on following the plan as created in the books. Feel free to modify it to your needs


WEEK 2 meal plan ingredients




Page 97: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

VEGETABLES1 bunch carrots1-2 heads lettuce6 avocados2 jalapeno pepper1 jicama bulb2 yellow onions2 red bell peppers2 poblano peppers6 bell peppers1 bunch celery10 large zucchini2 medium heads of cauliflower1 head green cabbage4 1/2 cups canned or frozen artichoke hearts1 large tomato1 small eggplant1 spaghetti squash1 banana pepper1 bunch spinach12 cherry tomatoes

FRUITS5 lemons2 limes4 green tipped bananasFor Snacks: Green Tipped Bananas, Green/Granny Smith Apples, and/or Grapefruit

MEAT & SEAFOOD4 dozen eggs4 doz. medium shrimp1 ½ -2 lb. bones1 lb. ground pork or turkey1 lb. ground lamb1 lb. wild salmon fillets8 bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs1 lb. ground beef, chicken, bison, or turkey2 lb. ground beef1 lb. ground pork4 chicken leg quarters1 lb. lean beef (such as London broil)2 lb. bacon1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breast

OPTIONALRiceBlack BeansFull Fat YogurtCoconut MilkQuinoaGarbanzo Beans Full Fat Cheese

These lists reflect complete meal-planning for two people based on following the plan as created in the books. Feel free to modify it to your needs


WEEK 3 meal plan ingredients




Page 98: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

VEGETABLES 12 small to medium onions (yellow or red) 2 jalapeño peppers 5 celery stalks 5 avocados 4 cucumbers 1 medium beet 12 carrots 1 tomato 1 head of lettuce 1 medium butternut squash (2 ½ pounds) 1 cup diced green beans 1 bunch kale 2 cups fresh basil 2 cups spinach 1 red bell pepper 1/2 cup sliced green onions 2 shallots 2 cups frozen or canned artichoke hearts 4 cups cauliflower florets 6+ sundried tomatoes 1 medium head cabbage 1-2 jalapeño peppers, optional garlic (several heads) fresh ginger fresh basil fresh dill fresh parsley fresh cilantro extra salad/leafy greens to go with meals (approx. 8 meals) raw veggies for snacks steamed green veggies of choice to go with meals (approx. 5 meals)

FRUITS 12 lemons 4 limes 11 green apples for snacks: green tipped bananas, green/granny smith apples, and/or grapefruit

MEAT & SEAFOOD 3 Eggs dozen 20 slices bacon (approx. 2 lbs) 3 (6 oz) cans wild albacore tuna 1 ½ pounds ground lamb 1 ½ - 2 pounds bones for broth 2 pounds boneless skinless turkey breast 4 (4-6 oz) wild caught salmon fillets 1 pound ground chicken, turkey or pork 2 pounds ground beef or bison 3 pounds boneless skinless chicken thighs 1-1 ½ fresh wild caught sushi grade ahi tuna (or wild caught salmon) 2 racks St Louis style pork ribs (about 5-6 lbs total) additional “protein of choice” for occasional breakfasts (approx. 2 meals)

OPTIONAL full fat cheese quinoa rice beans full fat milk ¼ sliced nori (optional for ahi tuna poke bowl) grass-fed whey protein powder !

* Please look at the at smoothie recipes on p49-51 to determine which you would like to

make and add to ingredients to you list accordingly.

These lists reflect complete meal-planning for two people based on following the plan as created in the books. Feel free to modify it to your needs.

WEEK 1 meal plan ingredients




Page 99: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

VEGETABLES 1 head of green cabbage 2 dozen Brussels sprouts 15 small yellow onions 1 med. red onion garlic (several heads) 10 large parsnips 8 scallions (green onions) 1 bell pepper 5 mushrooms 1 large head cauliflower 1 dozen cremini or shiitake mushrooms 1 stalk lemongrass 3 shallots fresh ginger 1 head broccoli 1 head napa cabbage 1 bunch celery 1 yellow bell pepper 1 red bell pepper 1 jalapeño pepper, optional 12 carrots 1 fennel bulb 3 large cucumbers 1 avocado 2 large butternut squash 1 ½- 2 lbs green beans 2 cups of spinach leaves 2 cups basil 1 large bunch of kale fresh dill fresh cilantro fresh basil fresh thyme sage leaves extra salad/leafy greens to go with meals (approx. 3 meals) raw veggies for snacks

FRUITS 24 green apples 3 Limes 4 lemons for snacks: green tipped bananas, green/granny Smith apples, and/or grapefruit

MEAT & SEAFOOD 3 dozen eggs ½ - 2 lbs of bones for broth 8 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 1.5 lb ground pork 1 ½ lbs flank steak 8 oz shrimp 4 (6 to 8 oz each) bone-in pork chops 1 (3 lb) pork roast 4 (6-8 oz) wild-caught Salmon fillets 3 lbs bone-in chicken thighs 1 lb ground beef, bison, or turkey 4 bone-in, skin-on chicken leg quarters 4 slices of bacon (approx ½ lb) additional “protein of choice” for occasional breakfast (1 meal)

OPTIONAL full fat cheese quinoa rice beans full fat milk !

* Please look at the at smoothie recipes on p 49-51 to determine which you would like to make and add to ingredients to you list accordingly. !

These lists reflect complete meal-planning for two people based on following the plan as created in the books. Feel free to modify it to your needs.


WEEK 2 meal plan ingredients




Page 100: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

VEGETABLES 3 large red onions 5 large bell peppers 1 dozen small mushrooms 2 medium zucchini 3 large head cauliflower 17 green onions (scallions) 4 medium yellow onions 9 large parsnips 1 lb kale 1 butternut squash (optional) 8 cremini mushrooms 1 head bok choy (or 8 baby bok choy) 1 fennel bulb 2 shallots 2 Thai red chili peppers (or other spicy red chili peppers) 1 head butter lettuce 2 medium carrots 1 cup green beans 6+ sun-dried tomatoes 1 bunch celery 6 cremini mushrooms 10 oz hot chili peppers avocado, optional fresh garlic (several heads) fresh ginger fresh cilantro fresh mint fresh lemongrass 1 stalk extra salad/leafy greens to go with meals (approx. 3 meals) steamed green veggies of choice to go with meals (approx. 2 meals) raw veggies for snacks

FRUITS 8 green apples 6 limes 2 lemon for snacks: green tipped bananas, green/granny smith apples, and/or grapefruit

MEAT & SEAFOOD 3 dozen eggs 2 dozen jumbo shrimp 2 lbs ground pork 1 ½- 2 lbs beef bones for broth 3 lbs ground beef or bison 2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken thighs 1 lb ground pork 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 2 pounds boneless skinless turkey breast 3 cups cooked shredded chicken 4 slices bacon (approx. ½ lb) additional “protein of choice” for occasional breakfasts (3 meals)

OPTIONAL full fat cheese rice beans full fat milk !

* Please look at the at smoothie recipes on p 49-51 to determine which you would like to make and add to ingredients to you list accordingly. !!!

These lists reflect complete meal-planning for two people based on following the plan as created in the books. Feel free to modify it to your needs.


WEEK 3 meal plan ingredients




Page 101: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

VEGETABLES5 avocadosSpinach3 bunches green onions1 yellow onion2 red onions1 tomato2 bunch leafy greens 4 heads of cauliflower 2 yellow bell peppers3 red bell peppers1 orange bell pepper2 bunches of carrots½ c. cherry tomatoes3 shallots3-4 golden beets1 large bunch curly kale1 head red cabbage3 bulbs bok choy8 medium parsnips1 cup peas1 cup snow peas4 large zucchini or yellow squash2 cucumbers1 large head broccoli

FRUITS8 lemons4 limes1 green apple2 green tipped bananasFor Snacks: green tipped bananas, green/granny smith apples, and/or grapefruit

MEAT & SEAFOOD2 lb. bacon2 ½ lb. boneless skinless chicken breast 2 dozen eggs2 lb. ground beef2 lb. ground lamb 2 lb. lean beef (such as london broil) or chicken or turkey4 (4-6 oz.) wild salmon fillets1 lb. ground beef, chicken, pork, or turkey2 lb. ground pork or turkey1 ½ - 2 lb. bones12 bone-in, skin on, chicken thighs5 dozen extra-large shrimp12 clams2 mussels4 -6-ounce cans salmon

OPTIONALfull fat yogurtcoconut milkfull fat milk

These lists reflect complete meal-planning for two people based on following the plan as created in the books. Feel free to modify it to your needs


WEEK 1 meal plan ingredients




Page 102: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

VEGETABLESSpinach4 large zucchini or yellow squash12 cherry tomatoes1 shallot1 large head broccoli2 red cabbages2 bunch green onions2 head cauliflower 1-2 bulbs fennelSalad greens or baby spinach2 bunches carrots2 avocados4 cucumbers3 yellow onion1 bunch celery1 package kelp flakes or nori1 head romaine lettuce1 cup frozen or canned artichoke hearts3 large tomatoes 1 spaghetti squash2 dozen brussel sprouts

FRUITS7 lemons2 limes4 green apple2 green tipped bananasFor Snacks: Green Tipped Bananas, Green/Granny Smith Apples, and/or Grapefruit

MEAT & SEAFOOD2 lb. bacon2 dozen eggs1 lb. skirt steak1 ½ lb. pork tenderloin (approx. 2 tenderloins)1 whole 4-6 lb. chicken2 lb. lemon sole (or other delicate white fish)1 ½ - 2 lb. bones4 (6 oz. cans tuna)1 lb. ground lamb, beef, or turkey1 lb. ground beef, chicken, pork, or turkey8 bone -in, skin-on chicken thighs½ lb. ground veal or beef½ lb. ground pork1 lb. lean beef (such as London broil)2 lb. bone-in pork chop

OPTIONALfull fat yogurtcoconut milkfull fat milk

These lists reflect complete meal-planning for two people based on following the plan as created in the books. Feel free to modify it to your needs


WEEK 2 meal plan ingredients




Page 103: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

VEGETABLES1 bunch carrots1-2 heads lettuce6 avocados2 jalapeño peppers1 jicama bulb2 yellow onions2 red bell peppers1 bunch celery2 poblano peppers6 bell peppers10 large zucchini2 medium heads of cauliflower1 head green cabbage4 1/2 cups canned or frozen artichoke hearts1 large tomato1 small eggplant1 spaghetti squash1 banana pepper1 bunch spinach12 cherry tomatoes

FRUITS4 lemons5 limes2 green tipped bananasFor Snacks: green tipped Bananas, green/granny Smith apples, and/or grapefruit

MEAT & SEAFOOD4 dozen eggs4 doz. medium shrimp1 ½ -2 lb. bones1 lb. ground pork or turkey1 lb. ground lamb1 lb. wild salmon fillets8 bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs1 lb. ground beef, chicken, bison, or turkey2 lb. ground beef1 lb. ground pork4 chicken leg quarters1 lb. lean beef (such as london broil)

2 lb. bacon1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breast

OPTIONALfull fat yogurtcoconut milkfull fat milk

These lists reflect complete meal-planning for two people based on following the plan as created in the books. Feel free to modify it to your needs


WEEK 3 meal plan ingredients




Page 104: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

VEGETABLES 12 small to medium onions (yellow or red) 2 jalapeño peppers 5 celery stalks 5 avocados 4 cucumbers 1 medium beet 12 carrots 1 tomato 1 head of lettuce 1 medium butternut squash (2 ½ pounds) 1 cup diced green beans 1 bunch kale 2 cups fresh basil 2 cups spinach 1 red bell pepper 1/2 cup sliced green onions 2 shallots 2 cups frozen or canned artichoke hearts 4 cups cauliflower florets 6+ sundried tomatoes 1 medium head cabbage 1-2 jalapeño peppers, optional garlic (several heads) fresh ginger fresh basil fresh dill fresh parsley fresh cilantro extra salad/leafy greens to go with meals (approx. 8 meals) raw veggies for snacks steamed green veggies of choice to go with meals (approx. 5 meals)

FRUITS 12 lemons 4 limes 11 green apples for snacks: green tipped bananas, green/granny smith apples, and/or grapefruit

MEAT & SEAFOOD 3 Eggs dozen 20 slices bacon (approx. 2 lbs) 3 (6 oz) cans wild albacore tuna 1 ½ pounds ground lamb 1 ½ - 2 pounds bones for broth 2 pounds boneless skinless turkey breast 4 (4-6 oz) wild caught salmon fillets 1 pound ground chicken, turkey or pork 2 pounds ground beef or bison 3 pounds boneless skinless chicken thighs 1-1 ½ fresh wild caught sushi grade ahi tuna (or wild caught salmon) 2 racks St Louis style pork ribs (about 5-6 lbs total) additional “protein of choice” for occasional breakfasts (approx. 2 meals)

OPTIONAL full fat cheese full fat milk ¼ sliced nori (optional for ahi tuna poke bowl) grass-fed whey protein powder !

* Please look at the at smoothie recipes on p 49-51 to determine which you would like to make and add to ingredients to you list accordingly.

These lists reflect complete meal-planning for two people based on following the plan as created in the books. Feel free to modify it to your needs


WEEK 1 meal plan ingredients




Page 105: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

VEGETABLES 1 head of green cabbage 2 dozen Brussels sprouts 15 small yellow onions 1 med. red onion garlic (several heads) 10 large parsnips 8 scallions (green onions) 1 bell pepper 5 mushrooms 1 large head cauliflower 1 dozen cremini or shiitake mushrooms 1 stalk lemongrass 3 shallots fresh ginger 1 head broccoli 1 head napa cabbage 1 bunch celery 1 yellow bell pepper 1 red bell pepper 1 jalapeño pepper, optional 12 carrots 1 fennel bulb 3 large cucumbers 1 avocado 2 large butternut squash 1 ½- 2 lbs green beans 2 cups of spinach leaves 2 cups basil 1 large bunch of kale fresh dill fresh cilantro fresh basil fresh thyme sage leaves extra salad/leafy greens to go with meals (approx. 3 meals) raw veggies for snacks !!

FRUITS 24 green apples 3 limes 4 lemons for snacks: green tipped bananas, green/granny smith apples, and/or grapefruit

MEAT & SEAFOOD 3 dozen eggs ½ - 2 lbs of bones for broth 8 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 1.5 lb ground pork 1 ½ lbs flank steak 8 oz shrimp 4 (6 to 8 oz each) bone-in pork chops 1 (3 lb) pork roast 4 (6-8 oz) wild-caught Salmon fillets 3 lbs bone-in chicken thighs 1 lb ground beef, bison, or turkey 4 bone-in, skin-on chicken leg quarters 4 slices of bacon (approx ½ lb) additional “protein of choice” for occasional breakfast (1 meal)

OPTIONAL full fat cheese full fat milk !

* Please look at the at smoothie recipes on p 49-51 to determine which you would like to make and add to ingredients to you list accordingly. !!

These lists reflect complete meal-planning for two people based on following the plan as created in the books. Feel free to modify it to your needs


WEEK 2 meal plan ingredients




Page 106: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

VEGETABLES 3 large red onions 5 large bell peppers 1 dozen small mushrooms 2 medium zucchini 3 large head cauliflower 17 green onions (scallions) 4 medium yellow onions 9 large parsnips 1 lb kale 1 butternut squash (optional) 8 cremini mushrooms 1 head bok choy (or 8 baby bok choy) 1 fennel bulb 2 shallots 2 Thai red chili peppers (or other spicy red chili peppers) 1 head butter lettuce 2 medium carrots 1 cup green beans 6+ sun-dried tomatoes 1 bunch celery 6 cremini mushrooms 10 oz hot chili peppers avocado, optional fresh garlic (several heads) fresh ginger fresh cilantro fresh mint fresh lemongrass 1 stalk extra salad/leafy greens to go with meals (approx. 3 meals) steamed green veggies of choice to go with meals (approx. 2 meals) raw veggies for snacks

FRUITS 8 green apples 6 limes 2 lemon for snacks: green tipped bananas, green/granny smith apples, and/or grapefruit

MEAT & SEAFOOD 3 dozen eggs 2 dozen jumbo shrimp 2 lbs ground pork 1 ½- 2 lbs beef bones for broth 3 lbs ground beef or bison 2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken thighs 1 lb ground pork 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 2 pounds boneless skinless turkey breast 3 cups cooked shredded chicken 4 slices bacon (approx. ½ lb) additional “protein of choice” for occasional breakfasts (3 meals)

OPTIONAL full fat cheese full fat milk !

* Please look at the at smoothie recipes on p 49-51 to determine which you would like to make and add to ingredients to you list accordingly. !!

These lists reflect complete meal-planning for two people based on following the plan as created in the books. Feel free to modify it to your needs


WEEK 3 meal plan ingredients




Page 107: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

VEGETABLES 12 small to medium onions (yellow or red) 2 jalapeno peppers 5 celery stalks 5 avocados 4 cucumbers 1 medium beet 12 carrots 1 tomato 1 head of lettuce 1 medium butternut squash (2 ½ pounds) 1 cup diced green beans 1 bunch kale 2 cups fresh basil 2 cups spinach 1 red bell pepper 1/2 cup sliced green onions 2 shallots 2 cups frozen or canned artichoke hearts 4 cups cauliflower florets 6+ sundried tomatoes 1 medium head cabbage 1-2 jalapeno peppers, optional garlic (several heads) fresh ginger fresh basil fresh dill, fresh parsley fresh cilantro extra salad/leafy greens to go with meals (approx 8 meals) steamed green veggies of choice to go with meals (approx 5 meals) raw veggies for snacks

FRUITS 12 lemons 4 limes 11 green apples for snacks: green tipped bananas, green/granny smith apples, and/or grapefruit

MEAT & SEAFOOD 3 Eggs dozen 20 slices bacon (approx. 2 lbs) 3 (6 oz) cans wild albacore tuna 1 ½ pounds ground lamb 1 ½ - 2 pounds bones for broth 2 pounds boneless skinless turkey breast 4 (4-6 oz) wild caught salmon fillets 1 pound ground chicken, turkey or pork 2 pounds ground beef or bison 3 pounds boneless skinless chicken thighs 1-1 ½ fresh wild caught sushi grade ahi tuna (or wild caught salmon) 2 racks St Louis style pork ribs (about 5-6 lbs total) additional “protein of choice” for occasional breakfasts (approx. 2 meals)

OPTIONAL ¼ sliced nori (optional for ahi tuna poke bowl) !

* Please look at the at smoothie recipes on p 49-51 to determine which you would like to make and add to ingredients to you list accordingly.

These lists reflect complete meal-planning for two people based on following the plan as created in the books. Feel free to modify it to your needs.


WEEK 1 meal plan ingredients




Page 108: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

VEGETABLES 1 head of green cabbage 2 dozen Brussels sprouts 15 small yellow onions 1 med. red onion garlic (several heads) 10 large parsnips 8 scallions (green onions) 1 bell pepper 5 mushrooms 1 large head cauliflower 1 dozen cremini or shiitake mushrooms 1 stalk lemongrass 3 shallots fresh ginger 1 head broccoli 1 head napa cabbage 1 bunch celery 1 yellow bell pepper 1 red bell pepper 1 jalapeño pepper, optional 12 carrots 1 fennel bulb 3 large cucumbers 1 avocado 2 large butternut squash 1 ½- 2 lbs green beans 2 cups of spinach leaves 2 cups basil 1 large bunch of kale fresh dill fresh cilantro fresh basil fresh thyme sage leaves extra salad/leafy greens to go with meals (approx. 3 meals) raw veggies for snacks !!

FRUITS 24 green apples 3 limes 4 lemons for snacks: green tipped bananas, green/granny smith apples, and/or grapefruit

MEAT & SEAFOOD 3 dozen eggs ½ - 2 lbs of bones for broth 8 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 1.5 lb ground pork 1 ½ lbs flank steak 8 oz shrimp 4 (6 to 8 oz each) bone-in pork chops 1 (3 lb) pork roast 4 (6-8 oz) wild-caught Salmon fillets 3 lbs bone-in chicken thighs 1 lb ground beef, bison, or turkey 4 bone-in, skin-on chicken leg quarters 4 slices of bacon (approx ½ lb) additional “protein of choice” for occasional breakfast (1 meal) !

* Please look at the at smoothie recipes on p 49-51 to determine which you would like to make and add to ingredients to you list accordingly. !!!

These lists reflect complete meal-planning for two people based on following the plan as created in the books. Feel free to modify it to your needs


WEEK 2 meal plan ingredients




Page 109: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

VEGETABLES 3 large red onions 5 large bell peppers 1 dozen small mushrooms 2 medium zucchini 3 large head cauliflower 17 green onions (scallions) 4 medium yellow onions 9 large parsnips 1 lb kale 1 butternut squash (optional) 8 cremini mushrooms 1 head bok choy (or 8 baby bok choy) 1 fennel bulb 2 shallots 2 Thai red chili peppers (or other spicy red chili peppers) 1 head butter lettuce 2 medium carrots 1 cup green beans 6+ sun-dried tomatoes 1 bunch celery 6 cremini mushrooms 10 oz hot chili peppers avocado, optional fresh garlic (several heads) fresh ginger fresh cilantro fresh mint fresh lemongrass 1 stalk extra salad/leafy greens to go with meals (approx. 3 meals) steamed green veggies of choice to go with meals (approx. 2 meals) raw veggies for snacks !

FRUITS 8 green apples 6 limes 2 lemon for snacks: green tipped bananas, green/granny smith apples, and/or grapefruit

MEAT & SEAFOOD 3 dozen eggs 2 dozen jumbo shrimp 2 lbs ground pork 1 ½- 2 lbs beef bones for broth 3 lbs ground beef or bison 2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken thighs 1 lb ground pork 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 2 pounds boneless skinless turkey breast 3 cups cooked shredded chicken 4 slices bacon (approx. ½ lb) additional “protein of choice” for occasional breakfasts (3 meals) !

* Please look at the at smoothie recipes on p 49-51 to determine which you would like to make and add to ingredients to you list accordingly. !!!

These lists reflect complete meal-planning for two people based on following the plan as created in the books. Feel free to modify it to your needs


WEEK 3 meal plan ingredients




Page 110: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

VEGETABLES5 avocadosSpinach3 bunches green onions1 tomato2 bunch leafy greens 4 heads of cauliflower 2 red onions2 yellow bell peppers3 red bell peppers1 orange bell pepper1 yellow onion2 bunches of carrots½ c. cherry tomatoes3 shallots3-4 golden beets1 large bunch curly kale1 head red cabbage3 bulbs bok choy8 medium parsnips1 cup peas4 large zucchini or yellow squash1 cup snow peas2 cucumbers1 large head broccoli

FRUITS8 lemons4 limes1 green apple2 green tipped bananasFor Snacks: green tipped bananas, green/granny smith apples, and/or grapefruit

MEAT & SEAFOOD2 lb. bacon2 ½ lb. boneless Skinless Chicken Breast 2 dozen eggs2 lb. ground beef2 lb. ground lamb 2 lb. lean beef (such as london broil) or chicken or turkey4 - 4-6 oz. wild salmon fillets1 lb. ground beef, chicken, pork, or turkey2 lb. ground pork or turkey1 ½ - 2 lb. bones12 bone in, skin on, chicken thighs5 dozen extra-large shrimp12 clams2 mussels4 - 6 oz. cans salmon


WEEK 1 meal plan ingredients



These lists reflect complete meal-planning for two people based on following the plan as created in the books. Feel free to modify it to your needs


Page 111: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

VEGETABLESSpinach4 large zucchini or yellow squash12 cherry tomatoes1 shallot1 large head broccoli2 red cabbages2 bunch green onions2 head cauliflower 1-2 bulbs fennelSalad greens or baby spinach2 bunches carrots2 avocados4 cucumbers3 yellow onion1 bunch celery1 package kelp flakes or nori1 head romaine lettuce1 cup frozen or canned artichoke hearts3 large tomatoes 1 spaghetti squash2 dozen brussel sprouts

FRUITS7 lemons2 limes4 green apple2 green tipped bananasFor Snacks: green tipped bananas, green/granny smith apples, and/or grapefruit

MEAT & SEAFOOD2 lb. bacon2 dozen eggs1 lb. skirt steak1 ½ lb. pork tenderloin (approx. 2 tenderloins)1 whole 4-6 lb. chicken2 lb. lemon sole (or other delicate white fish)1 ½ - 2 lb. bones4 - 6 oz. cans tuna1 lb. ground lamb, beef, or turkey1 lb. ground beef, chicken, pork, or turkey8 bone -in, skin-on chicken thighs½ lb. ground veal or beef½ lb. ground pork1 lb. lean beef (such as london broil)2 lb. bone-in pork chop


WEEK 2 meal plan ingredients



These lists reflect complete meal-planning for two people based on following the plan as created in the books. Feel free to modify it to your needs


Page 112: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

VEGETABLES1 bunch carrots1-2 heads lettuce6 avocados2 jalapeno peppers1 jicama bulb2 yellow onions2 red bell peppers1 bunch celery2 poblano peppers6 bell peppers10 large zucchini2 medium heads of cauliflower1 head green cabbage4 1/2 cups canned or frozen artichoke hearts1 large tomato1 small eggplant1 spaghetti squash1 banana pepper1 bunch spinach12 cherry tomatoes

FRUITS5 lemons2 limes4 green tipped bananasFor Snacks: green tipped bananas, green/granny smith apples, and/or grapefruit

MEAT & SEAFOOD4 dozen eggs4 doz. medium shrimp1 ½ -2 lb. bones1 lb. ground pork or turkey1 lb. ground lamb1 lb. wild salmon fillets8 bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs1 lb. ground beef, chicken, bison, or turkey2 lb. ground beef1 lb. ground pork4 chicken leg quarters1 lb. lean beef (such as london broil)

2 lb. bacon1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breast


WEEK 3 meal plan ingredients



These lists reflect complete meal-planning for two people based on following the plan as created in the books. Feel free to modify it to your needs


Page 113: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















Snack (optional)



SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















Snack (optional)



SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















Snack (optional)









daily success log







Page 114: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas


SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















Snack (optional)



SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















Snack (optional)



SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















Snack (optional)



SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















Snack (optional)












Page 115: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas


SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















Snack (optional)



SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















Snack (optional)



SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















Snack (optional)



SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















Snack (optional)












Page 116: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas


SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















Snack (optional)



SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















Snack (optional)



SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















Snack (optional)



SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















Snack (optional)












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SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















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SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















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SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















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SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















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SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















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SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















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SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today















Snack (optional)



SLEEP TIME & QUALITYto bed last night

woke up today






















Page 119: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

After the detox

transitioning from the 21-day sugar detox to everyday life

by dIaNe saNFILIPPo

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The information in this guide is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice and treatment from your personal physician. Readers are advised to consult their own doctors or other qualified health professionals regarding the treatment of medical condi-tions. The author shall not be held liable or responsible for any misunderstanding or misuse of the information contained in this program manual or for any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by any treatment, action, or application of any food or food source discussed in this program manual. The statements in this program manual have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. • dIANe SANFILIPPo 2


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transitioning from the 21-day sugar detox to everyday life

Often the last week of the 21DSD leaves you wondering how you’ll ease back into your “normal” life, or what foods you want to splurge on now that the program is over.

Before jumping off the deep-end and burying yourself in a pile of grain-free baked goods or a bottle of wine, consider the following:

+ How do you feel now that you’ve changed your food?

+ How do you think you’ll feel if you eat something you estimate is less-than-healthy for you?

+ If you think you’ll feel less-than-optimal, how long will that feeling last?

+ Will the ill-health effects of the foods you want to eat again last more than a couple of hours? More than a day? More than a week?

+ What will you be disrupting with the foods: blood sugar or digestive function?

+ Has the time and energy commitment that’s gone into avoiding the food(s) added more stress to your life than it alleviated signs and symptoms of ill health?

here’s my take on how to re-introduce foods after your detox has come to an end.

Ultimately it’s up to you to choose what and how often you’ll add certain foods back into your regularly scheduled food programming, but considering the above questions is a good idea. You’ll become a lot more MINDFUL of your choices, rather than allowing them to become defaults simply because they are habits or they represent the easy way out.

To safely and slowly add some naturally occurring sugars (like fruit) and starches back into your diet, take care to consider the portions and timing of these foods. Fruits should not be eaten alone if you have had problems with blood sugar regulation and cravings. Eat small portions of berries or half a piece of fruit if you’re not a very active person, or larger portions if you are more active. Starchy foods are best consumed on days when you are more active, and specifically in the meal following your activity. Otherwise, keep portions of starchy foods to a minimum, and don’t allow them to mo-nopolize your plate if weight maintenance is your goal. If you simply want to avoid cravings and you feel okay when you resume eating some starchy foods, then you can enjoy root vegetables, tubers like sweet potatoes, and squash more frequently.

Continue to avoid refined foods such as bread, pasta, cereal, and other products made from flour and purchased in packages—these are never healthy options. • dIANe SANFILIPPo 3


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post-detox Food re-INtroductIoN

1. Print out the Post-Detox Food Re-Introduction Log and begin tracking any new symptoms as you reintroduce new foods. Print one log for each food you reintroduce. On day three of every introduction, make an assessment on how that food may or may not fit into your everyday eating plan.

2. Select one food to reintroduce at a time, then chart for that day and the following two days - a total of 3 days / 72 hours.

3. Using the chart, detail foods you ate each day and note any changes in the following for three days:

• Mood• Energy• Appetite• Digestive function like bloating, gas, loose stool or diarrhea• Headaches• Inflammation• Brain fog or mental clarity.

4. Assess your reactions. Your notes will be some of the best guides you have as to whether or not you are sensitive to the food you just re-introduced. Food sensitivity reactions can happen immediate-ly or can have delayed-onset for up to around 72hrs (3 days!).

Once the first food has been tested, select the next food to try and continue this way, one at a time, for three days at a time, before introducing the next new food.

NOTE: I don’t actually recommend EVER re-introducing gluten containing grains like wheat, barley, rye and oats into your diet, nor do I recommend making pasteurized dairy or unfermented soy prod-ucts any regular part of your life. These foods are shown to contribute to a myriad of health problems and, typically, tend to crowd-out much more health promoting options like vegetables, well-raised meat & eggs and healthy, naturally occurring fats in the diet. • dIANe SANFILIPPo 4


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bed time wake time

day post-detox




eNergy durINg exercIse




mood & eNergy









°well rested °not rested

food reintroduced: the 21-day sugar detoxfood reintroduction logGrassfed Dairy

some foods to first consider reintroducing:

+ Fruit: Whole, fresh fruit can certainly have a regularly appearing role in your diet, but finding a balance and not overdoing it is important.

+ grass-fed dairy (if you were on Level 3 of the detox): Missing your yogurt? Try adding it back in and see how you do. I recommend only buying grass-fed forms of dairy to consume in your home, but you may find you can later enjoy goat cheese in an omelet while dining out from time to time with no ill effects. Or not. See how it goes for you.

+ dark chocolate: I’m talking 80-85% or higher – it’s low in sugar and a good source of antioxidants. Most folks don’t tend to overindulge in too much of it when it’s super dark. Look for an organic chocolate, preferably soy-free.

+ gluten-free grains or legumes (if you were on Level 2 or 3 of the detox): if you want to test white rice, quinoa, or maybe some black beans, they’re a good choice to add in and track.

+ A glass of wine: Now, I’m not one to vote for you to drink daily after your detox, but finding out how you feel after consuming wine again if you previously drank often is a good idea. Perhaps you don’t find it triggers cravings for you, or you don’t have any hangover effects. If that’s the case, including a glass once or twice a week again may work well for you.

post-detox Food re-INtroductIoN Log

11:30 pm

Grassfed Yogurt Blueberries, Almonds

Sauteéd green apple with butter and walnuts

Spinach salad with goatcheese, beets, salmon, avodaco, balsamic vinegar and olive oil

Caprese salad with mozarella, tomato and basil, balsamic marinated chicken breast

7:40 am

New breakout on my chin (2 pimples), skin feels itchy

Example • dIANe SANFILIPPo 5


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food reintroduced:

bed time wake time

day post-detox




eNergy durINg exercIse




mood & eNergy









°well rested °not rested

bed time wake time

day post-detox




eNergy durINg exercIse




mood & eNergy









°well rested °not rested

bed time wake time

day post-detox




eNergy durINg exercIse




mood & eNergy









°well rested °not rested

the 21-day sugar detoxfood reintroduction log

Remember: Select one food to reintroduce at a time, then chart for that day and the following two days.

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guide to: paleo foodsEat whole foods. Avoid foods that are modern, processed, and refined. Eat as close to nature as possible, and avoid foods that cause stress for the body (blood sugar, digestion, etc.). Eat nutrient-dense foods to maintain energy levels. Enjoy your food, and hold positive thoughts while you consume it.

meat, seafood & eggs vegetables

nuts & seeds

fats & oils


· Beef · Bison · Boar · Buffalo · Chicken · Duck · Eggs · Game meats

· Goat · Goose

· Lamb · Mutton · Ostrich · Pork · Quail · Rabbit · Squab · Turkey · Veal · Venison · Catfish

· Carp · Clams · Grouper · Halibut · Herring · Lobster · Mackerel · Mahi mahi · Mussels · Oysters · Salmon

· Sardines · Scallops · Shrimp · Prawns · Snails · Snapper · Sword-fish

· Trout · Tuna

· Artichokes* · Asparagus* · Arugula · Bamboo shoots

· Beets* · Bok choy · Broccoli* · Brussels sprouts*

· Cabbage* · Carrots · Cassava · Cauliflower* · Celery^ · Chard

· Collard greens^

· Cucumbers · Daikon · Dandelion greens*

· Eggplant* · Endive · Fennel* · Garlic* · Green beans · Green onions* · Jicama* · Kale^ · Kohlrabi · Leeks*

· Lettuce^ · Lotus roots · Mushrooms* · Mustard greens*

· Okra* · Onions* · Parsley · Parsnips · Peppers*^ · Purslane · Radicchio · Radishes · Rapini · Rutabagas · Seaweed

· Shallots* · Snap peas · Spinach^ · Squash · Sugar snaps · Sunchokes* · Sweet potatoes

· Taro · Tomatillos · Tomatoes · Turnip greens · Turnips · Watercress · Yams · Yuccas




· Apples*^ · Apricots* · Avocados* · Bananas · Blackberries* · Blueberries^ · Cherries* · Cranberries · Figs*

· Grapefruit · Grapes^ · Guavas · Kiwis · Lemons · Limes · Lychees* · Mangoes* · Melons

· Nectarines*^ · Oranges · Papayas · Passionfruit · Peaches*^ · Pears* · Persimmons* · Pineapples · Plantains

· Plums* · Pome-granates

· Raspberries · Rhubarb · Star fruit · Strawberries^ · Tangerines · Watermelon*

· Anise · Annatto · Basil · Bay leaf · Caraway · Cardamom · Carob · Cayenne pepper · Celery seed · Chervil · Chicory* · Chili pepper · Chipotle powder · Chives · Cilantro · Cinnamon · Clove · Coriander

· Cumin · Curry · Dill · Fennel* · Fenugreek · Galangal · Garlic · Ginger · Horseradish* · Juniper berry · Kaffir lime leaves · Lavender · Lemongrass · Lemon verbena · Licorice · Mace · Marjoram · Mint

· Mustard · Oregano · Paprika · Parsley · Pepper, black · Peppermint · Rosemary · Saffron · Spearmint · Star anise · Tarragon · Thyme · Turmeric · Vanilla · Wasabi* · Za’atar

· Almonds · Brazil nuts · Chestnuts · Hazelnuts

· Macadamia · Pecans · Pine nuts · Pistachios*

· Pumpkin seeds · Sesame seeds · Sunflower seeds · Walnuts

· Avocado oil · Bacon fat/lard · Butter · Coconut milk · Coconut oil

· Duck fat · Ghee · Macadamia oil · Olive oil: CP · Palm oil

· Schmaltz · Sesame oil: CP · Suet · Tallow · Walnut oil

· Almond Milk, fresh · Coconut Milk · Coconut water

· Herbal tea · Mineral water · Water

GRASS-FED DAIRY: · butter, ghee,

ORGAN MEATS: · Liver, kidneys, heart, etc.

SEA VEGETABLES: · Dulse, kelp, seaweed · Herbs & spices

BONE BROTH: · Homemade, not canned or boxed

FERMENTED FOODS: · Sauerkraut, carrots, beets, high-quality yogurt, kefir, kombucha



NOTESCP = cold-pressedBold = nightshadesItalics = goitrogenic

* = FODMAPs (p. 115)^ = buy organic

herbs & spices

PRACTICAL PALEOfrom the book


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guide to: food qualitySeek out as much real, whole food as possible. This includes foods without health claims on the packages or, better yet, not in packages at all. Think produce and butcher counter meats and seafood. After you’ve mastered making proper food choices, it’s important to begin looking at the quality of the items. While buying the best quality is ideal in a perfect world, don’t let those “best” labels keep you from doing the best you can within your means.



fats & oils

nuts & seeds

Best! wild fishBetter: wild-caughtGood: humanely harvested, non-grain-fedBaseline: farm-raised—not recommended

WILD FISH/ WILD-CAUGHT FISH“Wild fish” indicates that the fish was spawned, lived in, and was caught in the wild. “Wild-caught fish” may have been spawned or lived some part of their lives in a fish farm before being returned to the wild and eventually caught. The Monterey Bay Aquarium maintains a free list of the most sustainable seafood choices on their website.

Best! local, organic, and seasonalBetter: local and organicGood: organic or localBaseline: conventional

WHEN TO BUY ORGANIC:Buy organic as often as possible, prioritize buying the Environmental Working Group’s “The Dirty Dozen” as organic versus “The Clean Thirteen” -visit: for details

PRODUCE SKUs:Starts with 9 = organic - idealStarts with 3 or 4 = conventionally grownStarts with 8 = genetically modified (GMO) or irradiated - avoid

SEE THE FATS & OILS GUIDE FOR DETAILS. Best! organic, cold-pressed, and from well-raised animal sourcesBetter: organic, cold-pressedGood: organic or conventional

KEEP NUTS & SEEDS COLD FOR FRESHNESS Best! local, organic, kept coldBetter: local, organicGood: organicBaseline: conventional

pasture-raised Animals can roam freely in their natural environment where they are able to eat nutritious grasses and other plants or bugs/grubs that are part of their natural diet. There is no specific pasture-raised certification, though certified organic meat must come from animals that have continuous access to pasture regardless of use.

cage-free“Cage-Free” means uncaged inside barns or warehouses, but they generally do not have access to the outdoors. Beak cutting is permitted. There is no third party auditing.

organicAnimals may not receive hormones/antibiotics unless in the case of illness. They consume organic feed and have outdoor access but may not use it. Animals are not necessarily grass-fed. Certification is costly and some reputable farms are forced to forego it. Compliance is verified through third party auditing.

natural“Natural” means “minimally processed,” and companies use this word deceivingly. All cuts are, by definition, minimally processed and free of flavorings and chemicals.

free-range/roamingPoultry must have access to the outdoors at least 51% of the time, and ruminants may not be in feedlots. There are no restrictions regarding what the birds can be fed. Beak cutting and forced molting through starvation are permitted. There is no third party auditing.

naturally raised“Naturally Raised,” is a USDA verified term. It generally means raised without growth-promoters or unnecessary antibiotics. It does not indicate welfare or diet.

no added hormonesIt is illegal to use hormones in raising poultry or pork; therefore, the use of this phrase on poultry or pork is a marketing ploy.

vegetarian-fed“Vegetarian Fed” implies that the animal feed is free of animal by-products but isn’t federally inspected. Chickens are not vegetarians, so this label on chicken or eggs only serves to indicate that the chickens were not eating their natural diet.

meat, eggs & dairy


beef & lambBest! 100% grass-fed and finished, pasture-raised, localBetter: grass-fed, pasture-raisedGood: organicBaseline: commercial (hormone/antibiotic-free)

porkBest! pasture-raised, localBetter: free-range, organicGood: organicBaseline: commercial

eggs & poultryBest! pasture-raised, localBetter: free range, organicGood: cage-free, organicBaseline: commercial

dairyALWAYS BUY FULL-FATBest! grass-fed, raw/unpasteurizedBetter: raw/unpasteurizedGood: grass-fedBaseline: commercial or organic —not recommended


PRACTICAL PALEOfrom the book


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guide to: dense sources of paleo carbsRemoving grains, legumes, and refined foods from your diet doesn’t mean that carbohydrates need to all disappear! Check out this list of dense sources of carbohydrates while eating a Paleo diet. While fruits and nuts are all fairly high in carbohydrates, this list is a guide to starchy vegetables to eat. Remember, these are some of your "good carbs!"

there are carbs beyond bread EAT UP







Cassava (raw) 38g 2g 78g Vit C, Thiamin, Folate, Potassium, Manganese

Taro root 35g 5g 46g, sliced B6, Vitamin E, Potassium, Manganese

Plantain 31g 2g 62g, mashedVitamin A (beta carotene), Vitamin C, B6,

Magnesium, Potassium

Yam 27g 4g 37g, cubed Vit C, Vitamin B6, Manganese, Potassium

White potato 22g 1g 27g, peeled Trace Vitamin C

Sweet potato 21g 3g 58g, mashedVit A (beta carotene), Vit C, B6, Potassium,

Manganese, Magnesium, Iron, Vitamin E

Parsnips 17g 4g 27g, sliced Vitamin C, Manganese

Lotus root 16g 3g 19g, slicedVitamin C, B6, Potassium, Copper,


Winter squash 15g 4g 30g, cubed Vitamin C, Thiamin, B6

Onion 10g 1g 21g, chopped Vitamin C, Potassium

Beets 10g 2g 17g, sliced Folate, Manganese

Carrots 10g 3g 13g, chopped Vitamin A (beta carotene), Vitamin K1

Butternut squash 10g - 22g Vitamin A (beta carotene), Vitamin C

Rutabaga 9g 2g 21g, mashed Vitamin C, Potassium, Manganese,

Jicama (raw) 9g 5g 12g, sliced Vitamin C

Kohlrabi 7g 1g 11g, sliced Vit C, B6, Potassium, Copper, Manganese

Spaghetti squash 6g 1g 9g Trace

Turnips 5g 2g 12g, mashedVitamin C, Potassium, Calcium, B6, Folate,


Pumpkin 5g 1g 12g, mashed Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Potassium

PRACTICAL PALEOfrom the book


Page 128: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

guide to: fats & oilsCleaning up your diet by using the right fats and oils is essential to improving your health from the inside out. Changing the fats and oils you use at home is the first step toward creating dishes from nutrient-dense, whole foods based on what you have on hand. Avoid overly processed and refined forms of fats and oils. Opt for organic whenever possible. Refer to the “Guide to Cooking Fats” for more details.


Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, as well as manmade trans-fats or “buttery spreads” like Earth Balance, Benecol, and I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter are not healthy. These oils are highly processed and oxidize easily via one or more of the following: light, air, or heat.

· Margarine/buttery spreads · Canola oil (also known as rapeseed oil) · Corn oil · Vegetable oil · Soybean oil · Grapeseed oil · Sunflower oil · Safflower oil · Rice bran oil · Shortening made from one or more of the above-listed “ditch” oils

saturated: FOR HOT USES


· Coconut oil · Palm oil


· Butter · Ghee, clarified butter · Lard, bacon grease (pork fat) · Tallow (beef fat) · Duck fat · Schmaltz (chicken fat) · Lamb fat · Full-fat dairy · Eggs, meat, and seafood


· Olive oil · Sesame oil · Macadamia nut oil · Walnut oil · Avocado oil · Nuts & seeds (including nut & seed butters) · Flaxseed oil**

NOTE: Unsaturated fats (typically liquid at 68 degrees room temperature) are easily damaged/oxidized when heat is applied to them. Do not consume damaged fats.

**Cold-pressed flaxseed oil is okay for occasional use but supplementing with it or doses of 1-2 tablespoons per day is not recommended as overall PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acid) intake should remain minimal.

unsaturated: FOR COLD USES


PRACTICAL PALEOfrom the book


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guide to: cooking fatsChoose fats and oils based on: 1. How they’re made—choose naturally occurring, minimally processed options first; 2. Their fatty acid composition—the more saturated they are, the more stable/less likely to be damaged or oxidized; 3. Smoke point—this tells you how hot is too hot before you will damage the fats, though it should be considered a secondary factor to fatty acid profile.

culinary whizzes, listen up: COOK WITH GOOD FATS!

* While not recommended for cooking, cold-pressed nut and seed oils that are stored in the refrigerator may be used to finish recipes or after cooking is completed—for flavor purposes.

** While the fatty acid profile of these oils may seem appropriate at first glance, the processing method by which they are made negates their healthfulness—they are not recommended for consumption, neither hot nor cold.

SFA - saturated fatty acid MUFA - monounsaturated fatty acid PUFA - polyunsaturated fatty acid



Coconut oil 86 6 2 350/450

Butter/ghee 63 26 .03 300/480

Cocoa butter 60 35 5 370

Tallow/suet (beef fat) 55 34 .03 400

Palm oil 54 42 .10 455

Lard/bacon fat (pork fat) 39 45 11 375

Duck fat 37 50 13 375

Avocado oil* 20 70 10 520

Macadamia nut oil* 16 80 4 410

Olive oil* 14 73 11 375

Peanut oil** 17 46 32 320/450

Rice Bran Oil** 25 38 37 415

Safflower oil** 8 76 13 225/510

Sesame seed oil* 14 40 46 450

Canola oil** 8 64 28 400

Sunflower oil** 10 45 40 225/440

Vegetable shortening** 34 11 52 330

Corn oil 15 30 55 445

Soybean oil 16 23 58 495

Walnut oil* 14 19 67 400

Grapeseed oil 12 17 71 420

best bets - recommended for high-heat cooking THE MOST STABLE FATS

not recommended for cooking VERY UNSTABLE FATS

okay - for very low-heat cooking MODERATELY STABLE FATS

PRACTICAL PALEOfrom the book


Page 130: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

guide to: sweetenersHow many of these sweeteners do you use or find in your favorite packaged foods? Perhaps it’s time for a change! Artificial sweeteners are never recommended, while the limited use of selected, more naturally derived options can be okay for treats and special occasions. Sweeteners should not be considered “food” or nourishment.




· Brown sugar · Dates (whole) · Date sugar · Date syrup · Cane sugar · Raw sugar · Turbinado

· Cane juice · Cane juice crystals · Coconut nectar · Coconut sugar/crystals · Fruit juice (real, fresh) · Fruit juice concentrate · Honey (raw)

· Maple syrup (grade b) · Molasses · Palm sugar · Stevia (green leaf or extract)

· Agave · Agave nectar · Barley malt · Beet sugar · Brown rice syrup · Buttered syrup · Caramel · Carob syrup · Corn syrup · Corn syrup solids · Demerara sugar · Dextran · Dextrose · Diastatic malt

· Diastase · Ethyl maltol · Fructose · Glucose / glucose solids · Golden sugar · Golden syrup · Grape sugar · High fructose corn syrup · Invert sugar · Lactose · Levulose · Light brown sugar · Maltitol · Malt syrup

· Maltodextrin · Maltose · Mannitol · Muscovado · Refiner's syrup · Sorbitol · Sorghum syrup · Sucrose · Treacle · Yellow sugar · Xylitol (or other sugar alcohols, typically they end in “-ose”)

· Acesulfame K (Sweet One)

· Aspartame (Equal, Nutra-Sweet)

· Saccharin (Sweet’N Low) · Stevia: white/bleached (Truvia, Sun Crystals)

· Sucralose (Splenda) · Tagatose

sugar is sugar BUT NOT REALLY


HOW IT’S MADEThe more highly refined a sweetener is, the worse it is for your body. For example, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and artificial sweeteners are all very modern, factory-made products. Honey, maple syrup, green leaf stevia (dried leaves made into powder), and molasses are all much less processed and have been made for hundreds of years. In the case of honey, almost no processing is necessary. As a result, I vote for raw, organic, local honey as the ideal natural sweetener.

WHERE IT’S USEDThis is a reality check. When you read the ingredients in packaged, processed foods, it becomes obvious how most of them use highly-refined, low-quality sweeteners. Food manufacturers often even hide sugar in foods that you didn’t think were sweets! Many foods that have been made low or non-fat have added sweeteners or artificial sweeteners—avoid these products!

HOW YOUR BODY PROCESSES ITHere’s where the HFCS commercials really get things wrong: your body actually does not metabolize all sugar the same way.

Interestingly enough, sweeteners like HFCS and agave nectar were viewed as better options for diabetics for quite some time since the high fructose content of both requires processing by the liver before the sugar hits your blood stream. This yielded a seemingly favorable result on blood sugar levels after consuming said sweeteners. However, it’s now understood that isolated fructose metabolism is a complicated issue and that taxing the liver excessively with such sweeteners can be quite harmful to our health.

Fructose is the primary sugar in all fruit. When eating whole fruit, the micronutrients and fiber content of the fruit actually support proper metabolism and assimilation of the fruit sugar. Whole foods for the win!

PRACTICAL PALEOfrom the book


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^ Cut me out and take me with you“**According to, all distilled alcohols are gluten-free but for someone with overt Celiac Disease, avoiding alcohols made from wheat, barley, and rye is still recommended.

guide to: gluten

· Abdominal bloating · Fatigue · Skin problems or rashes · Diarrhea or constipation · Irritable, moody · Change in energy levels · Unexpected weight loss, mouth ulcers, depression, and even Crohn’s disease are all more severe gluten allergy symptoms that you may experience.

· Consult with your nutritionist or physician if you experience symptoms of a gluten exposure that result in prolonged discomfort.

signs of gluten exposure

· Ales · Barley · Barley malt/extract

· Beer & lagers · Bran · Breading · Broth · Brown rice syrup · Bulgur · Candy coating

· Communion “wafers”

· Couscous · Croutons · Durum · Einkorn · Emmer · Farina · Farro · Gloss & balms · Graham flour

· Herbal blends · Imitation · Imitation seafood · Kamut · Lipstick · Luncheon meats · Malt · Makeup · Marinades · Matzo flour/meal · Meat/sausages

· Medications · Orzo · Panko · Pasta · Play dough · Roux · Rye · Sauces · Seitan · Self-basting poultry

· Semolina · Soup base · Soy sauce · Spelt · Spice blends · Stuffing · Supplements · Thickeners · Triticale · Udon · Vinegar (malt only)

· Vital wheat gluten

· Vitamins · Wafers · Wheat · Wheat bran · Wheat germ · Wheat starch

· Amaranth · Arrowroot · Buckwheat · Corn · Flax

· Millet · Montina™ · Nut flour · Bean flour · Potato flour

· Potato starch · Quinoa · Rice · Rice bran · Sago

· Seed flour · Sorghum · Soy (soya) · Tapioca · Teff

sources of gluten or items that may contain hidden gluten

What is it? Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye oats, and barley. Gluten is the composite of a prolamin and a glutelin, which exist, conjoined with starch, in the endosperm of various grass-related grains. Gliadin, a water-soluble, and glutenin, a water-insoluble, (the prolamin and glutelin from wheat) compose about 80% of the protein contained in wheat seed. Being insoluble in water, they can be purified by washing away the associated starch. Worldwide, gluten is a source of protein, both in foods prepared directly from sources containing it, and as an additive to foods otherwise low in protein.

*Nearly all processed foods and grains carry some risk of cross-contamination. For the safest approach to a gluten-free diet, eat only whole, unprocessed foods.

I have a severe allergy and have to follow a STRICT gluten-free diet.

I may become very ill if I eat food containing flours or grains of wheat, rye, barley, or oats.

Does this food contain flour or grains of wheat, barley rye, or oats? If you or the chef/kitchen staff are uncertain about what the food contains, please tell me.

I CAN eat food containing rice, maize, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, eggs, cheese, milk, meat, and fish as long as they are NOT cooked with wheat flour, batter, breadcrumbs, or sauce containing any of those ingredients.

Thank you for your help!

For more gluten-guides, visit:

most common sources of hidden gluten

Alcohol: Beer, malt beverages, grain alcohols

Cosmetics: Check ingredients on makeup, shampoo, and other personal care items

Dressings: Thickened with flour or other additives

Fried foods: Cross contamination with breaded items in fryers

Vinegar: Malt varieties

Medications, vitamins, and supplements: ask the pharmacist and read the labels closely

Processed / packaged foods: Additives often contain gluten

Sauces, soups, and stews: Thickened with flour

Soy, Teriyaki, and Hoisin sauces: Fermented with wheat

for more information on gluten

· · ·

· · ·

· · ·

These sites are not necessarily "Paleo" but will give ample information for those who need to be 100% strictly gluten-free

i am allergic to gluten

· Brandy · Bourbon · Cognac · Gin · Grappa · Rum · Sake · Scotch · Sherry · Tequila

· Vermouth · Vodka · Whiskey · Wine · Champagne · Mead · Hard cider · Gluten-free beers

gluten-free booze**

gluten-free* (but still not recommended)

PRACTICAL PALEOfrom the book


Page 132: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas

guide to: stocking a paleo pantryFresh is best. Shopping the perimeter of the grocery store is ideal for the bulk of your foods, but you will want to add spices and some pantry items to your arsenal to cook up some tasty dishes and have some stand-by foods on-hand. Some of these foods are sold in cold sections of the store and need to be kept cold despite being packaged items.

herbs & spices

nuts, seeds & dried fruit

add your own!






· Anise · Annatto · Basil · Bay leaf · Caraway · Cardamom · Cayenne · Celery seed · Chervil · Chicory* · Chili powder · Chipotle · Chives · Cilantro · Cinnamon

· Clove · Coriander · Cumin · Curry · Dill · Fennel · Fenugreek · Galangal · Garlic · Ginger · Horseradish · Juniper berry · Kaffir lime leaves · Lavender · Lemongrass

· Lemon verbena · Licorice · Mace · Marjoram · Mint · Mustard · Nutmeg · Onion powder* · Oregano · Paprika · Parsley · Pepper, black · Peppercorns, whole black

· Peppermint

· Pumpkin pie spice · Rosemary · Saffron · Sage · Sea salt · Spearmint · Star anise · Tarragon · Thyme · Turmeric · Vanilla · Wasabi · Za’atar

· Almonds · Almond butter · Almond flour · Banana chips (check ingredients)

· Brazil nuts · Chestnuts · Coconut butter*

· Coconut*: shredded, flakes

· Dates · Dried apples* · Dried apricots* · Dried blueberries

· Dried cranberries

· Dried currants · Dried figs* · Dried mango* · Dried pineapple · Dried raspberries

· Hazelnuts · Macadamia nuts · Pecans

· Pine nuts · Pistachios* · Pumpkin seeds · Sesame seeds · Sunflower seeds · Walnuts

· Anchovy paste · Applesauce* · Capers · Coconut milk* · Coconut water/Juice*

· Fish roe · Herring - wild · Olives · Oysters · Pickles · Pumpkin

· Salmon - wild · Sardines - wild · Sun-dried tomatoes

· Sweet potato · Tahini

· Tomato paste · Tomato sauce · Tuna - wild

· Green tea · Herbal tea · Mineral water · White tea · Organic coffee

· Avocado oil: CP · Bacon fat · Ghee · Coconut oil · Macadamia oil: CP · Extra-virgin olive oil · Palm oil · Palm shortening · Sesame oil: CP · Walnut oil: CP

· Carob powder · Cocoa powder · Honey · Maple syrup · Molasses · Dark chocolate

canned & jarred



fats & oils

treats & sweets

NOTES CP = cold-pressedbold = nightshadesitalics = goitrogenic* = FODMAPs (p.115)

Buy as many of your pantry items as possible in organic form.

· Coconut aminos* (soy-replacement)

· Fish sauce (Red Boat brand)

· Hot sauce (gluten-free) · Mustard (gluten-free) · Vinegars: apple cider*, red wine, distilled, rice and balsamic (avoid malt vinegar)

PRACTICAL PALEOfrom the book


Page 133: Adeus Celulite: Beleza Nua Método SYMULAST Livro-PDF por Joey Atlas