adjectives for describing land

14. abundant more than enough 1. barren unable to produce plants or fruit 26. blazing burning brightly and strongly 4. breathtaking extremely exciting, beautiful or surprising 23. bustling full of busy activity 16. cobbled made of rounded stones used on the surface of an old-fashioned road 18. crumbling old and falling into small pieces 13. dense thick; close together; difficult to go or see through 20. derelict abandonded, no longer in use 25. desolate describes a place that is unattractive and empty, with no people or nothing pleasant in it 24. dreary boring and making you feel unhappy 6. dusky dark in colour 12. farflung very distant, remote 5. jagged rough and uneven, with sharp points 7. lush covered with healthy green plants or grass 3. meandering of a river or road, following a route which is not straight or direct 8. parched dried out because of too much heat and not enough rain 15. picturesque attractive in appearance, especially in an old-fashioned way 11. plunging extremely steep 10. rugged uneven and wild; not easy to travel over 9. snowcapped to describe mountains or hills with snow on them 2. sun- drenched to describe a place that receives a lot of sun 19. towering very tall and impressive 17. undulating describing or having small hills and slopes that look like waves 22. wind-swept open to and not protected from strong winds, or (of people) having hair that is untidy because it has been blown in different directions by the wind 21. wooded covered with trees Adjectives for describing landscapes Study online at

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Page 1: Adjectives for Describing Land

14. abundant more than enough

1. barren unable to produce plants or fruit

26. blazing burning brightly and strongly

4. breathtaking extremely exciting, beautiful or surprising

23. bustling full of busy activity

16. cobbled made of rounded stones used on the surface of an old-fashioned road

18. crumbling old and falling into small pieces

13. dense thick; close together; difficult to go or see through

20. derelict abandonded, no longer in use

25. desolate describes a place that is unattractive and empty, with no people or nothing pleasant in it

24. dreary boring and making you feel unhappy

6. dusky dark in colour

12. farflung very distant, remote

5. jagged rough and uneven, with sharp points

7. lush covered with healthy green plants or grass

3. meandering of a river or road, following a route which is not straight or direct

8. parched dried out because of too much heat and not enough rain

15. picturesque attractive in appearance, especially in an old-fashioned way

11. plunging extremely steep

10. rugged uneven and wild; not easy to travel over

9. snowcapped to describe mountains or hills with snow on them

2. sun-drenched

to describe a place that receives a lot of sun

19. towering very tall and impressive

17. undulating describing or having small hills and slopes that look like waves

22. wind-swept open to and not protected from strong winds, or (of people) having hair that is untidy because it has been blown indifferent directions by the wind

21. wooded covered with trees

Adjectives for describing landscapesStudy online at