adria airways in-flight magazine february-march 2009

vaŠ BrezplaČni izvod - Your personal CopY Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine februar, marec - Februar, March 2009 1 ) Janja Frank Zürich • Zurich Cerkniško jezero • Lake Cerknica Zimske pripovedi • Winter Tales Drsanje • Skating Raziskovanje s kajakom • Exploring with kayak Tomaž Izidor Perko Za otroke v Ljubljani • Ljubljana for Kids Reševalni psi • Rescue Dogs Tango Karibi • The Caribbean Cerkniško jezero Lake Cerknica Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine februar, marec - Februar, March 2009 1 )

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Page 1: Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine February-March 2009

v a Š B r e z p l a Č n i i z v o d - Y o u r p e r s o n a l C o p Y

Adria Airways In-Flight Magazinefebruar, marec - Februar, March 2009 1 )

Janja FrankZürich • Zurich

Cerkniško jezero • Lake CerknicaZimske pripovedi • Winter TalesDrsanje • SkatingRaziskovanje s kajakom • Exploring with kayakTomaž Izidor Perko

Za otroke v Ljubljani • Ljubljana for KidsReševalni psi • Rescue DogsTangoKaribi • The Caribbean

Cerkniško jezeroLake Cerknica

Adria Airways In-Flight Magazinefebruar, marec - Februar, March 2009 1 )

Page 2: Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine February-March 2009

Adria Airways In-Flight MagazineRevija Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine

je namenjena potnikom na poletih z Adrio Airways.Adria In-flight Magazine is complimentary

on Adria Airways flights.

Izdajatelj / Published by: Adria Airways Slovenski letalski prevoznik, d.d.

Adria Airways The Airline of Sloveniatel.: 00386 1 3691 000

Uredništvo / Editorial: Področje trženje in prodaja / Sales and Marketing - Barbara Mihevc Bukovec

Urednica / Edited by: Meta KreseOblikovanje in AD / Design and AD: LUKS Studio

Prevod / Translated by: AmidasLektorja / Language editing: Vera Samohod,

Steve DiskinFotoliti / Lithography: Schwarz d.o.o.

Tisk / Printed by: Schwarz d.o.o.

Oglaševanje / Advertising: Alenka Dvoršak, Adria Airways, Kuzmičeva 7, Ljubljana,

E-mail: [email protected]

ISSN 1318-0789

Mnenja, izražena v tej publikaciji, so zgolj mnenja avtorjev ali intervjuvancev in ne odsevajo nujno stališč Adrie

Airways. Razmnoževanje brez pisnega dovoljenjaje prepovedano. Izdajatelj ne prevzema nikakršne

odgovornosti za nenaročeno gradivo.The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors or persons interviewed only and do not necessarily

reflect the views of Adria Airways. Reproduction without written permission is prohibited. The pub lish er accepts no

responsibility for unsolicit ed material.

Brezplačen izvod / Your personal copy

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Vsebina/ContentsAdrijina potnica / Adria PassengerJanja Frank, 100%TangoJanja Frank, 100%TangoGregor Bulc

ZÜrich / ZurichMerilo: kakovost življenjaThe Criterion: Quality of LifeZvone Petek

Cerkniško jezero / Lake Cerknica

Zimske pripovedi Cerkniškega jezeraWinter Tales of Lake CerknicaBranko Čeak

Drsanje na Cerkniškem jezeruSkating on Lake CerknicaBranko Čeak

Raziskovanje s potovalnim kajakomExploring with a Touring KayakRafael Marn

O slikarju Tomažu Izidorju PerkuThe Painter Tomaž Izidor PerkoJulija Pirc

Za otroke v Ljubljani / Ljubljana for kidsZabavno, domiselno in prav nič dolgočasnoFun, Original and Not in the Least BoringMarjan Žiberna

Psi / Dogs

Reševalni psiRescue DogsDavid Šalamun

Tačke pomagačke v službiHelping Paws at WorkDavid Šalamun

TangoMoji moškiMy MenBrina Svit

Karibi / The Caribbean»Iščem življenje«Searching for LifeKlavdij Sluban

Janez Pukšič

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Besedilo: Mario Mezek

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{ Adria Airways }

Potniki s posebnimi potrebami

Letalski prevozniki skupaj z upravljavci letališč potnikom z omejeno možnostjo gibanja (angl. Passenger with reduced mobility), za katere v letalskem svetu oz. letalski terminologiji uporabljamo kratico PRM, že od nekdaj posvečajo posebno

pozornost, da bi kljub omejitvam, ki jim jih povzroča potovanje brez spremljevalca, le- to potekalo čim bolj preprosto in brez težav. To so predvsem potniki, ki potrebujejo za samostojno gibanje invalidski vo-ziček, ter slepi in gluhi potniki, poškodovanci, nosečnice, lahko pa tudi starejše osebe, ki same težko hodijo oz. se težko vzpenjajo ali spuščajo po stopnicah.

Mednarodne organizacije, kot so ICAO, ECAC in IATA, so v obliki pri-poročil podale smernice, ki so jih prevozniki povzeli v svojih internih priročnikih, in služijo kot navodila zaposlenim pri obravnavi teh potni-kov. Osnova za to, da bo potnik dobil vso potrebno pomoč od odhoda pa vse do pristanka na končnem letališču, je ustrezna rezervacija z določeno kodo v skladu z dokumentom ECAC št. 30, ki označuje vrsto potnika s po-sebnimi zahtevami. Zgolj za ilustracijo: koda WCHS v rezervaciji označuje potnika, ki lahko samostojno hodi le po ravnem, ne po stopnicah, lahko se premika tudi v kabini; invalidski voziček potrebuje za premikanje med letalom in terminalom, v samem terminalu ter med točko prihoda in toč-ko odhoda na javnem delu potniškega terminala. Takšnemu potniku bo ob prijavi na let dodeljena oseba, ki mu bo pomagala pri prehodu skozi varnostno kontrolo, ob vkrcanju pa bo takšen potnik imel prednost.

Zato je zelo pomembno, da tak potnik že ob rezervaciji to jasno pove letalskemu prevozniku ali prodajnemu agentu, ki v njegovem imenu rezervira letalsko vozovnico.

V želji, da bi naši potniki brezskrbno potovali in se na poti dobro počutili, že ob njihovi rezervaciji zbiramo potrebne informacije, na podlagi katerih določenim potnikom potrdimo rezervacijo s posebnim zahtevkom. Pri tem je potrebno tesno sodelovanje tako prodajnega agenta kot tudi potnika, saj pravočasna rezervacija in pridobitev vseh potrebnih informacij omogočata vsem vpletenim službam dovolj časa za ureditev vseh formalnosti. Za izpolnitev zahtevka za prevoz potnika z invalidskim vozičkom je za nemoten prevoz potrebno pripraviti poseben

prostor, to pomeni, da mora oseba, ki želi peljati s seboj lasten invalidski voziček, javiti tudi podatke o invalidskem vozičku. V skladu z IATA pra-vili v primeru prevoza potnika s posebnih zahtevkom zaprosimo potnika za določene informacije o njegovi invalidnosti oz. mobilnosti/imobilno-sti. Vedeti namreč moramo, ali lahko potnik sedi na običajnem sedežu v letalu, stopnjo invalidnosti (paraplegik, tetraplegik, ostale vrste omeji-tev), vrsto, velikost in težo invalidskega vozička (kar vpliva na ustrezno pripravo invalidskega vozička za transport oz. možnost sprejema glede na velikost letala). V določenih primerih je za nemoteno potovanje ta-kšnega potnika potreben celo spremljevalec, ki bo nudil pomoč potniku (npr.: na letališču, pri uporabi toaletnih prostorov, hranjenju ipd.).

Število potnikov z zmanjšano mobilnostjo na letalu je omejeno zaradi varnosti, saj posadka na krovu letala v primeru evakuacije oz. za izva-janje ostalih postopkov v izrednih situacijah ne more pomagati vsem takšnim potnikom: v teh primerih za to poskrbi spremljevalec takšnega potnika ob pomoči in navodilih posadke.

V Adrii Airways se zavedamo, da je prevoz potnikov s posebnimi potrebami še posebno občutljive narave, zato morajo biti vsi postopki usklajeni, potrebni podatki pa na voljo vsem službam prevoznika in leta-lišča, ki nudijo pomoč tem potnikov v posamezni fazi njihovega potova-nja. V okviru Evropske unije Uredba št. 1107/2006 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta o pravicah invalidnih oseb in oseb z omejeno mobilnostjo zave-zuje upravljavce letališč, da tem potnikom pri odhodu nudijo pomoč od točke prihoda na letališče do sedeža na letalu (prav tako pri pristanku ), prevoznike pa za pomoč med samim poletom.






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Text: Mario Mezek

Passengers with special needs

Airlines and airport operators have long dedicated special attention to passengers with reduced mobility, commonly abbreviated to PRM in aviation terminology, so that despite the limitations of travelling without an accom-

panying person, their journey can be as simple and free of difficulties as possible. PRMs include wheelchair passengers, visually and hearing impaired passengers, passengers with temporary mobility problems (e.g. an injury) and pregnant women. They may also include elderly passengers who have difficulty walking or who have difficulty going up and down stairs.

International organisations such as ICAO, ECAC and IATA have is-sued guidelines in the form of recommendations which airlines have incorporated into their own internal manuals and which serve as instructions for staff when dealing with these passengers. The basis upon which a passenger obtains all necessary assistance from depar-ture to arrival at the destination airport is an appropriate booking with a specific code in accordance with ECAC Document 30, designating the type of passenger with special needs. For example: the code WCHS in the booking indicates a passenger who cannot walk up or down stairs, but who can move about in an aircraft cabin and requires a wheelchair to move between the aircraft and the terminal, in the terminal itself and between arrival and departure points on the city side of the pas-senger terminal. On checking in, such passengers are assigned a mem-ber of staff who helps them through the security control point. Such passengers also enjoy priority boarding.

It is therefore extremely important for PRMs to indicate this clearly at the booking stage to the airline or the sales agent who is booking the flight on their behalf.

Adria Airways devotes considerable attention to the transport of passengers with special needs. In order to ensure that travelling with us is an anxiety-free experience and that our passengers are happy dur-ing their journey, we collect the necessary information at the booking stage and on this basis confirm a booking with special requirements for specific categories of passengers. The cooperation of both the sales agent and the passenger is essential here, since if the booking is made in good time and all the necessary information is provided, this gives the various services involved sufficient time to sort out all the formali-ties. To meet requirements for transporting a passenger in a wheel-chair, a special place needs to be prepared. This means that a person wishing to bring his own wheelchair must also provide information about the wheelchair. In accordance with IATA rules, in the case of a passenger with special needs we ask the passenger for specific informa-tion about his disability or mobility/immobility. This is because we need to know whether the passenger can sit in a normal seat on the air-craft, the level of disability (paraplegic, tetraplegic, other types of im-pairment), the type, size and weight of the wheelchair (this affects the suitable preparation of the wheelchair for transport or the possibility of accepting it, depending on the size of aircraft). In some cases PRMs even need an accompanying person to offer assistance (e.g. aboard the aircraft, using the toilet facilities, eating, etc.).

The number of PRMs permitted on a flight is limited for safety rea-sons, since in the case of an evacuation or other emergency procedure, the flight attendants are unable to offer assistance to all such passen-gers: in these cases the accompanying passenger assists the PRM with the help and instructions of the crew.

At Adria Airways we are aware that the transport of passengers with special needs is a particularly sensitive area. For this reason all proce-dures need to be coordinated and the necessary data must be available to all the various services of the airline and the airport that offer as-sistance to PRMs at different phases of their journey. EU Regulation No 1107/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the rights of disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility obliges airport operators to offer assistance to such passengers from the arrival point at the airport to their seat on the aircraft (the same applies in reverse on landing) and obliges carriers to provide assistance during the flight itself.

Our wish is that travelling with us should be a pleasant experience for all of our passengers; you too can help us by providing the neces-sary information, and we therefore invite you to visit and consult the Passenger Guide, specifically the chapter Passengers with Special Needs. We will make every effort to ensure that we meet your expectations.

Želimo si, da bi bilo potovanje z nami prijetno za vse vas, dragi potni-ki; s potrebnimi informacijami nam lahko pomagate tudi vi sami, zato vas vabimo, da na naši spletni strani podrobno preberete rubiko »Vodič za potnike«, in sicer poglavje »Potniki s posebnimi potre-bami«. Potrudili se bomo, da bomo izpolnili vaša pričakovanja.

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Fotografija: Branko Čeak

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{ Cerkniško jezero }

Cerkniško jezero drsi. Poleti presiha, po-

zimi drsi. Ne vedno. Najprej mora biti

voda, priti mora mraz. Potem zamrzne

– včasih tako hitro, kot

da so zmrznili valovi.

Zdi se, da je ledena

sapa v hipu zamrznila

vse, kar je živega pod

stekleno gladino in nad

njo. Le stalen piš vetra

in sem ter tja ječanje

pojoče žage, svatovski

klic sinjega kita in pok, kot bi se utrgala napeta žica

– le ti neujemljivi zvoki vračajo prizor iz brezčasja

v sedanjost. Jezero samo, pravzaprav njegov ledeni

oklep, poje kot pojoča žaga, kot sinji kit, svojemu

spreminjaju daje ritem s trganjem jeklene žice. Kot

nobeno drugo jezero pod ledeno skorjo živi svoje

neprilagojeno življenje.

Iz polja v jezero, iz je-

zera v polje. Pod ledom

jezero odteka v pod-

zemlje. Na svoji poti v

temo pogleduje ščuka

skozi velikansko ledeno

okno v nebo. Počasna

in zamaknjena v mo-

drino nad seboj se vsa črna spušča v temo podze-

mlja, kot se vanjo spuščajo jezerske


Zimske pripovedi Cerkniškega jezeraIz polja v jezero, iz jezera v polje

Besedilo in fotografije: Branko Čeak

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{ Cerkniško jezero }

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{ Cerkniško jezero }

Površina ledenega okna lebdi med vodo in nebom. Nestanovitne vode Cerkniškega jezera odrekajo stalnost če-murkoli, tudi nečimrnemu temnemu zrcalu, ki naenkrat lebdi brez opore. Vpeta v preširok okvir se v hrupnih detonacijah

razbija steklovina v plošče, ki drsijo ena čez drugo in polegajo po razgi-banem jezerskem dnu.

Jezero drsi na vse strani. V čisto novi podobi ugleda naslednje jutro. Prej temno zrcalo je sedaj poleglo kot ribje luske po udrtinah jezerskega dna.

In potem pridejo možje s sekirami in vedri. Povabijo me na prav po-seben ribolov. Sinoči je presahnil požiralnik Vodonos in v akciji ribiške družine so rešili čez sto velikih ščuk in brez števila krapov, šlajnov ter manjših ščuk. Danes gredo pretaknit nekaj manjših požiralnikov in pokukat pod ledeno skorjo za ribami, ki so morebiti ostale na suhem. Jezersko dno je kot sito, prek katerega se ve-nomer preceja jezero. Na situ vedno ostane množica rib, ki jim ni bilo dano do pomla-dnih deževij potuhniti se v podzemno skrivnost. Možje razbijajo led in iz blatne le-denice pobirajo nasedle ribe. Pred nami so hodili že drugi – ob požiralnikih najbližje vasi opazujemo velike klade ledu, izsekane iz poleglih ledenih lusk. Delo je nevarno, saj lede-ne ploskve kaj lahko zdrsnejo ali se prelomijo in ukleščijo neprevidnega.

V daljavi vidim moža, ki vle-četa sani, naložene z velikimi vrečami. »Lej jih, kako letijo s polnimi vrečami!« se v njiho-vo smer priduša v živo izročilo bivanja na jezeru Jože Gornik, moj stalni vodnik. Vsi malce jezno prhamo v smer očitno težko otovorjenih izginjajočih sani. Odhajajoča moža skoraj-da obtožimo krivolova, četudi jima zamerimo edinole to, da sta bila tu pred nami. Po ribiškem zakonu smo krivolovci tako ali tako vsi, ki brez ribiške dovolilnice in v nasprotju s predpisanimi tehnikami in pravili iz jezera, četudi z njegovega suhega dna, odtujujemo ribe.

V Jezerskem hramu se zvečer obnovi stoletja stara debata o ribolov-nih pravicah in lastništvu zemlje, ki deli ljudi na ribiče in kmete. Če se vas imenuje Dolenje jezero, je take razprtije kajpak pričakovati. Ribič bi vodo, kmet suho polje. Prvi za ribolov zahteva in prodaja dovolilnico, drugi je lastnik zemlje − na njej je zdaj polje, zdaj voda − in prvemu

žuga, da s svoje zemlje lahko pobira, kar hoče. Pa ne gre več tako zares, kot je šlo včasih. Ob naporih, ki jih ti ljudje vlagajo v organizirane reše-valne akcije nekajkrat na leto, ko ob presuševanju jezera v res težavnih okoliščinah požrtvovalno rešujejo ribji živelj v stalno zajezitev jezera pri požiralniku Rešeto, je obsojati može za pobiranje rib povsem nesmi-selno. Tako je jezerski človek stoletja bogatil svoj borni jedilnik in stvar žive tradicije je, da nekateri to počno še danes. Ribe, in na tistih saneh jih je bilo onega večera 200 kg, danes hranijo v zmrzovalnikih, včasih pa so jih pokadili nad ognjiščem in posušili. V zimskem času so jih pre-grevali na šporgetu, jih lupili in z njih smukali tanko meso.

»Ko ribji pršut je bila suha riba v prazničnem času,« povzema pripo-vedi starih ljudi Ljoba Jenče, pevka ljudskih balad in dolgoletna zbira-

teljica ljudskega izročila. K njej v Dolenjo vas se zatekata odmev stoletij in stara pamet človeka, ki je z jezerom preži-vel stoletja. Svoja iskanja tra-dicije med domačini je Ljoba začela pozimi na večer Svetih treh kraljev v Dolenjem jezeru leta 1992. »Čeprav samo čez polje in snežne zamete, je bila pot od Dolenje vasi do Jezer-cev daljša od števila korakov, ki loči obe vasi,« se spominja. Notranjec je kar prava beseda za človeka, ki je zaprt vase, in Jezerci so lahko iskreno ne-prijazni. »Kaj b'rada?« je bilo njihovo prvo vprašanje. Ko pa gre za bistvena vprašanja, so odprli vse kašče duše. Dali so vedenja o jezeru, vrednote – kako se prav dela z gozdom, kako z vodo, z otroki, z živa-ljo.

Zima pomeni za ljudi na jezeru temen čas, ko je dan kratek; nekdaj je bil to čas za pletenje košar iz vrbovega šibja, ribiških mrež, mame so štrikale nogavice ali puloverje za zimo … Ko je toplota ognji-

šča povezovala ljudi, so si pravili vestorije. »Od straha smo bili čisto trdi, ko smo poslušali,« se Lovkov Tone, po domače Vardjan, spominja zim-skih pripovedi nekega ata.

Jezero drsi na vse strani.V čisto novi podobi ugleda

naslednje jutro.

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{ Cerkniško jezero }

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{ Lake Cerknica }

WinterTalesof Lake CerknicaFrom field to lake and from lake to fieldText and photography: Branko Čeak

Lake Cerknica is slippery. In the summer it dries up; in the winter it turns slippery. But not always. First there has to be water, and then it has to get cold. And then it freezes – sometimes so fast that the surface seems to consist of frozen

waves. It seems that the icy wind instantly freezes every living thing beneath and above the glassy surface. Only the constant gusts, the to and fro whining of a singing saw, the mating call of a blue whale and the crack of snapping wires – only these evanescent sounds bring the timeless scene back to the present. The lake itself, or rather its icy shell, sings like the saw, like the whale; its changing state seems in rhythm with the snapping of the steel wire. Like no other lake, Cerknica lives its disordered life under the icy crust, from field to lake and from lake to field. Beneath the ice, it disappears into the underground. On their way into the dark, the pike glance up into the sky through a gigantic icy window. Slow and lost in the blue above, the blackened fish sink into the darkness of the underground just like the waters of the lake.

The surface of the icy window floats between water and sky. The unsteady waters of Lake Cerknica deprive everything of stability, even the vain dark mirror that suddenly floats without support. Stretched across the oversized frame, in a series of noisy detonations the glass shatters into slabs, which slide over each other and come to rest on the dramatic topography of the lake bed. The lake slips to every side. By the following morning its appearance will have changed completely. The formerly dark mirror will have spread across the indentations at the bottom of the lake like fish scales.

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{ Lake Cerknica }

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{ Lake Cerknica }

And then men with axes and buckets arrive. They invite me to a spe-cial kind of fishing. Last night the Vodonos sinkhole ran dry, and the members of the fishing association gathered to save more than a hun-dred large pike and countless carp, tench and smaller pike. Today they are going to check a few smaller sinkholes and peep under the icy crust for fish that might have got stuck in the dried-out mud. The bottom of the lake is like a sieve, through which the lake continually filters. This sieve always keeps back a great number of fish, preventing them from finding shelter in the underground mystery world until the spring rains. The men smash the ice and gather stranded fish from the muddy ice pit. Others have been here before us – by the sinkholes of the near-est village we see big slabs of ice, cut out of the fallen scales. The work is dangerous, as the slabs can slip or break and trap the incautious.

In the distance I see two men pulling sledges loaded with big bags: “Look at them taking off with their loaded bags!” swears Jože Gornik, my ever-present guide to the living tradition of life on the lake. We all snort a little angrily in the direction of the evidently heavily loaded dis-appearing sledges. We almost go so far as to accuse the men who are leaving of poaching, though of course what’s really bothered us is their getting there before us. According to fishing law, we all are poach-ers for removing fish from the lake, albeit from its dried-up bed, without a fishing permit and in a manner contrary to prescribed fishing methods and rules.

In the evening at Jezerski Hram, the century-old debate about fishing rights and land ownership that divides peo-ple into fishermen and farm-ers resumes. When a village is called Dolenje Jezero, land and lake com-bining in the name, of course such discord is to be expected. The fisher-man wants the water; the farmer wants the dry field. The former claims the right to sell fishing permits; the latter owns the land, which is now field, now water, and aggressively informs the former that he can take whatever he wants from his own land. But the issue is not quite as fraught as it used to be. Given the effort they put into organised rescue operations a few times a year, when the lake dries out, where in truly

difficult circumstances they unselfishly save the fish by taking them to the permanent dam by the Rešeto sinkhole, condemning these men for collecting fish would be quite absurd. This is how the lake people have been enriching their meagre diet for centuries, and it is a matter of liv-ing tradition that some of them are doing that to this day. Today the fish – and on the sledges that evening there were some 200 kilograms of them – are kept in freezers, while in the past people used to smoke them above the fireplace and dry them. In winter time they warmed them through on the šporget, the traditional farmhouse stove, skinned them and stripped thin slices of meat from them.

“During the festive season, the dry fish were used as a kind of fish prosciutto,” summarises Ljoba Jenče, singer of folk ballads and collec-

tor of local tradition. At her home in Dolenja Vas, the echo of centuries past and the wis-dom of the people who have lived with the lake gather in conversation. Ljoba started her ethnographic research among the local people on Twelfth Night in the winter of 1992 in Dolenje Jezero. Al-though only a field and a few snowdrifts lie between Do-lenja Vas and Dolenje Jezero, the walk was longer than the number of paces that separate the two villages, she remem-bers. Notranjec, a native of the Notranjska (“Interior”) region of Slovenia, is the perfect name for a person who is as introverted as the Jezerci, the inhabitants of Dolenje Jezero, who can be rather unfriend-ly: “What do you want?” was their first demand. But Ljoba’s pertinent questions soon encouraged them to reveal all. They shared their knowledge about the lake and disclosed their values – how one is supposed to treat

the forest, the water, children and animals.For the people of the lake, winter is a dark time, a time of days too

short. This was a time for wickerwork, for knitting fishing nets, a time for the womenfolk to knit socks or jumpers. When the warmth from the hearth brought people together, they used to tell each other vestorije: “They used to scare us stiff,” recalls Tone Lovko, known locally as “Vardjan”, his mind drifting back to the winter tales of one of the vil-lage elders of his youth. A

The lake slips to every side. By the following morning its appearance

will have changed completely.

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{ Cerkniško jezero }

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{ Cerkniško jezero }

Pred začetkom gradnje nasipa od Dolenjega

jezera do Goričice so se kresala mnenja o

potrebi po nasipu. »Kaj bomo gradili, saj

ga bo gruden (december) položil!« je protestiral

nasprotnik gradnje. Včasih je v decembru jezero

redno zamrzovalo. Voli, ki so pozimi čez ledeno

ploskev vlačili hlode, so bili podkovani s podkvami

s špicami, da jim ni drselo. Kmetje so v ta namen

uporabljali dereze. Nekateri so, nasprotno, naredili

vse, da jim je čim bolj drselo.



na Cerk





Besedilo in fotografije: Branko Čeak

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{ Cerkniško jezero }

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{ Cerkniško jezero }

V Jezerskem hramu v Dolenjem jezeru visi na steni fotografija Hokejskega kluba Cerknica. Vekoslav Kebe kaže na fanta v prvi vrsti: »Legenda mi pravijo še danes.« Nad hramom je muzej, v katerem Vekoslav predstavi tudi začet-

ke drsanja na jezeru. Začelo se je z lesenimi plohki, tem so na spodnjo stran pritrdili žico iz ostankov bodeče žice rapalske meje z Italijo, spre-daj in zadaj špice za odrivanje in zaviranje, jermene za zavezati čevlje so ukradli vaškim furmanom s konjskih vpreg. In je šlo, dokler niso mestni fantje pridrsali s pravimi drsalkami, s takimi, da se je dalo tudi zavijati. Plohki so šli samo naravnost. Na televiziji so videli hokej in začelo se je. »In smo šli v Ljubljano po drsalke. Blažič iz vasi je bil vratar in si je ščitnike naredil iz modroca. Ostali smo imeli vse bulaste noge. Bilo je nekje okrog leta 1966.« Največ so se merili z ekipo iz Dolenje vasi. In bili boljši.

Več kot hokejistov je bilo na jezerskem ledu le še drsalcev. Pozimi 1972, ko Blejsko jezero ni zamrznilo, Cerkniško pa je, jih je bilo na jezeru naenkrat stotine.

Ljoba Jenče povezuje zimske spomine otroštva s prizorom kolesarje-nja iz Cerknice na jezero z drsalkami čez ramo: »Če je bil led prosojen, kakršnega si lahko samo želiš, si pod drsalkami srečal ščuko, ki se je obrnila na hrbet in ti pokazala svoje belo spodnje lice. Če si bil na jeze-ru zgodaj, je bila ledena površina še cela. Če ti je pod nogami led počil, je šel zvok med tvojimi nogami naravnost v sredino Javornika. Zvok, kot bi zažvižgala žaga. V bistvu je privilegij, da lahko hodiš po vodi, dosežeš tiste dele jezera, ki jih s čolnom ne moreš. Oddrsaš čisto nad jame. Vidiš, kako temne so ribe pozimi, ko je mraz in tema pod ledom. Čez leto imajo barvo, pozimi so črne ko v luknji.

Pri tastarih sem zvedela, da je treba pazit, ker ima jezero vse polno izvirkov, izvirov toplejše sveže vode, ki od spodaj topijo ledeno skorjo. Tako se lahko udreš kljub pol metra debeli ledeni skorji drugod po jezeru. Šla sem do Otoka in hotela vprašat, kje so tam izvirki. Ko sem dokončala vprašanje, sem se udrla.«

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{ Lake Cerknica }

Skating on Lake CerknicaText and photography: Branko Čeak

Before the embankment running from the village of Dolenje Jezero to the foot of Goričica was built, opinions on its necessity clashed: “Why bother, when December will build its own embankment anyway,” one of those opposed

to the construction protested. In December the lake always used to freeze. The oxen pulling logs across the ice in winter were furnished with spiked ox-shoes that kept them from slipping, while the farmers used to wear crampons for the same purpose. Others, though, would do whatever they could to achieve the exact opposite.

At Jezerski Hram, in the village of Dolenje Jezero, there is a photo-graph of the Cerknica ice hockey club on the wall. Vekoslav Kebe points to a boy in the front row: “They still call me a legend today.” Above the inn there is a museum, where Vekoslav presents the origins of skating on the lake. It began with wooden plohki, with blades improvised from barbed wire from the “Rapallo border” with Italy and spikes at the front and back for pushing off and braking. The straps they used to fasten the shoes were stolen from the harnesses of the village carters, the furmani. The plohki were fine until the town boys came with proper skates. With

these, unlike with the plohki, it was also possible to turn! Then they saw hockey on television and that’s when it all started: “We went to Ljublja-na to get skates. Blažič from the village was goaltender and fashioned his protective clothing from an old mattress. The rest of us all had our legs covered in bruises. That was around 1966.” Most of the time they would compete with the team from Dolenja Vas. And beat them.

And there were more skaters than hockey players on the frozen lake. In the winter of 1972, when Lake Bled didn’t freeze and Lake Cerknica did, all of a sudden there were hundreds of them.

Ljoba Jenče links her childhood winter memories with cycling from

the village of Cerknica to the lake, skates slung over her shoulder: “When the ice was transparent, which we always hoped it would be, you would often see pike under the surface, turning over on their backs, showing you their white undersides. If you came early to the lake, the ice was still whole. If the ice cracked under you, it would make a sound that travelled from your feet directly into the heart of Mount Javornik. A sound like the whistling of a saw. It is a privilege, really, to be able to walk on water, to be able to get to those parts of the lake that you could not reach by boat. You can skate right above the caves. You see how dark the fish appear in winter when it is cold and dark under the ice. All through the rest of the year they are coloured, but in the winter they are black as night.

“The village elders taught me that you had to watch out for the so-called izvirki, springs of warmer fresh water, which melt the ice crust from below. You can fall through the ice even if other parts of the lake have a crust half a meter thick. Once I went to the hamlet of Otok to ask about the springs there. The question was barely out of my mouth be-fore I fell through the ice!” A

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{ Lake Cerknica }

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{ Cerkniško jezero }

Ko je Cerkniško jezero poplavljeno, predstavlja tudi izkušenemu in zahtevnemu veslaču dovolj

zanimiv izziv. Da ga razišče, potrebuje kar nekaj dni vnetega veslanja. Potovalni kajakaši se na

Cerkniškem jezeru pripravljajo za daljša popotovanja v poletni sezoni. Jezera ne gre prav nič pod-

cenjevati. Otovorjeni s šotorom, kuhinjo in hrano za dan ali dva, smo postavljeni pred povsem dostojno in

čisto nič dolgočasno avanturo.

Raziskovanjes potovalnim kajakom

Besedilo in fotografije: Rafael Marn

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{ Cerkniško jezero }

Tudi za manj vešče veslače, ki se na Jezero podamo, ko je vreme že toplejše, je pravi balzam za dušo veslanje po toku Stržena. Spomladi tvori jezersko oziroma močvirsko rastje prave koridorje plovnih poti. Veslanje v labirintu prehodov je

ne samo športno rekreativno, ampak tudi pravo orientacijsko doživetje.Cerkniško jezero je poleg vsega tudi hvaležen poligon za prve zave-

sljaje na poti od začetništva proti mojstrstvu potovalnega kajakaštva. Razmeroma plitva in dokaj topla voda je blagohotna in odpuščajoča do veslačevih napak: »kopanje« ne predstavlja tako velike zoprnije kot na kaki hitro tekoči in mrzli rečni lepotici.

Ko je vodostaj pravšnji, se nam pokažejo povsem nove razsežnosti Cerkniškega jezera. Prav zanimivo je raziskovanje jam na javorniški strani jezera.

Seveda za uživanje na jezeru ni neobhoden dragocen potovalni kajak, prav spodobno se lahko imamo tudi na kakem preprostejšem in cenej-šem plovilu, le preveslane razdalje so pač nekoliko krajše.

Pomembno je, da jezeru priznamo, kar mu gre, in da se do življa, ki prebiva v njem in ob njem, spoštljivo obnašamo. Le tako bodo tudi prihodnje generacije veslačev lahko užile jezero v vsem bogastvu, ki ga nudi.

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Exploring with a Touring KayakText and photography: Rafael Marn

When Lake Cerknica is flooded it represents an interesting challenge even for the experienced and demanding canoeist. It takes several days of keen paddling to explore all of it. Kayak tourers use Lake

Cerknica to prepare for longer tours in the summer season. The lake should not be underestimated. Loaded with a tent, cooking equipment and food for a day or two, you are ready for a proper adventure that is anything but boring.

Even for the less skilled canoeists who set out on the lake when the weather is warmer, paddling down the Stržen stream is a real balm for the soul. In spring, the lake (or marsh) vegetation creates corridors of navigable routes. Paddling in this labyrinth of passages is not just a recreational sport, it is also a real orienteering adventure.

Lake Cerknica is also a good place to take your first paddle strokes on the journey from beginners’ canoeing to a mastery of kayak touring. The relatively shallow and fairly warm water is benevolent and forgiv-ing of errors: a “dip” is not as unpleasant as it would be in some fast-flowing, ice-cold river.

When the water level is suitable, new dimensions of Lake Cerknica reveal themselves. Exploring the caves on the Javorniki side of the lake is very interesting.

An expensive touring kayak is not indispensable for enjoying the lake. You can have a perfectly good time with a simpler and cheaper craft, although the distances covered will be slightly smaller.

The important thing is to treat the lake and the creatures that live in and around it with the respect they deserve. Only in this way will future generations of canoeists be able to experience all the riches that the lake can offer. A

{ Cerkniško jezero }

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{ Cerkniško jezero }

Kiteboarding ni samo vodni šport, šport poletja in morja. Ključni

element tega športa je veter in veter piha tudi pozimi. Ste že

pomislili, da bi se na smučkah ali deski namesto z žičnico vlekli

s padalom in mimogrede skočili nekaj metrov v zrak brez skakalnice?

Tisti, ki si upajo še več, pa si nataknejo tudi drsalke in s padalom drsijo

po zaledenelem jezeru.

Druženje je vedno bilo in bo ostalo del vsakega športa, tudi kite-

boardinga. Ta šport zahteva potrpljenje in predvsem spoštovanje

narave. Potrpežljivo čakanje na veter, vestna priprava in vzdrževanje

opreme, upoštevanje lastnih zmogljivosti glede na smer in moč vetra je

njegov pomembni del.

Kiteboarding is not only a water sport, a sport for the summer

and the sea. The key element of this sport is the wind, and the

wind also blows in winter. Have you ever wondered what it might

be like to be pulled along on skis or a snowboard by a kite rather than

by a drag lift – not to mention jumping several metres into the air with-

out a ski jump? Some daring souls even put on skates and use a kite to

power themselves across the surface of a frozen lake.

The social element has always been and will continue to be part of

every sport, including kiteboarding. This sport requires patience and,

above all, respect for nature. Waiting patiently for the wind, conscien-

tious preparation and maintenance of equipment, and taking into ac-

count one’s own abilities with regard to the direction and strength of

the wind are all important elements of this sport.


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{ Zgodbe z jezera }

Slikar Tomaž Izidor Perko je bil sicer rojen v Kamniku, a že od leta 1981 domuje v Cerknici v hiši

svojega pokojnega očeta, tudi priljubljenega in cenjenega slikarja Lojzeta Perka.

Poznavalci likovne umetnosti pravijo, da bi dela Tomaža Perka težko uvrstili v določeno sodobno

likovno smer, saj je njegov slog njemu lasten in zato njegovim ljubiteljem prepoznaven. Odlikujejo ga

perfekcionizem, doslednost in natančnosti pri beleženju motiva, hkrati pa na prefinjen način pusti na

vsakem izdelku pečat duhovne globine in (pogosto hudomušne) človečnosti.

O slikarjuTomažu Izidorju Perku

Besedilo: Julija Pirc Fotografije: Brane Štefančič

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{ Stories from the lake }

Kako bi nekdo, ki še nikoli ni videl Perkovih slik, le-te prepoznal? Če bi zagledal sliko natisnjeno v publikaciji, bi lahko pomi-slil, da zre v fotografijo. Perko je svoj talent, ki ga je s študi-

jem in delom izpilil v spretnost upodabljanja v dobesedno fotografsko realistični maniri, zadržal in nadgrajeval; slikarski umetnosti pa s tem izraža spoštovanje, ki ji v tradicionalno zgodovinskem gledanju in kon-tekstu gre.

V njegovih delih je očitno, da jemlje umetnost ustvarjanja likovnih podob izjemno resno, saj so brezhibna v tehnično-obrtnem smislu stvaritve. Hkrati pa je iz pogosto (samo)ironičnih motivov razvidno, da samega sebe ne dviguje nad stvaritev samo.

Perkove krajine v nevsiljivih barvah gledalcu (do)puščajo možnost, da se potopi v prostor, v katerega je umeščen glavni motiv. Ta je v svoji neminljivosti pozicioniran nekje globoko v ozadju. V ospredje, očitno in pogosto porogljivo, pa v prvi plan kadrira predmete, ki gledalca, romantično začaranega z večno lepoto glavnega motiva − narave, pote-gnejo nazaj v današnjost. To so artefakti civilizacije, kot npr. v plastiko zavite bale sena, plastične vrečke ali protihrupne ograje, pa tudi, kadar je slikar prizanesljiv, le sledi letala na nebu.

Nasprotno so njegovi ljudje vedno umeščeni v ospredje. Skrivnost njegovih slik je v tem, da slikar zastavlja gledalcu uganko, ki jo mora rešiti sam. Ali prepoznamo, kaj nam osebnost s platna razodeva? Ra-zumemo njegove skrite misli, občutke, izkustva? Ali je moč izraznosti tolikšna, da se nas dotakne? Začutimo večnost in všečnost portetiran-ca? Kot pomoč pri ugankarskih tegobah, pa tudi kot zvijačo za otežitev naloge, avtor portretom na slikah dodaja simbole, ki postavljajo osebe v okvir trenutka njihovega bivanja. V določenem trenutku ustvarjanja Perko začuti potrebo, da preveri in zabeleži svojo prisotnost, in takrat se v obliki avtoportreta zazre v lastno podobo slikarja z vertikalne per-spektive in z očmi Gledalca, ki je nad vsem. Samega sebe daje slikar na voljo v simbolnem smislu čopiča v rokah Umetnika Življenja.

Če boste po zapisanem odslej lažje prepoznavali Perkova dela, vam damo še nekaj namigov o tem, kako prepoznati Tomaža, če se vam, reci-mo, zgodi, da v letalu sede zraven vas.

Na prvi pogled resen gospod, ki bo resnost čimprej odgnal s kakšnim hudomušno izzivalnim dejanjem, je temperamenten in duhovit so-govornik; s svojim šarmom vas bo nemudoma zvabil bližje k sebi, da se boste nehote razkrili ter se prepustili njegovi neposrednosti. Kot magnet vas bo potegnil v globine svoje duhovne in bivalne neobreme-njenosti in svobode, hkrati pa se boste počutili varne v prisrčni domač-nosti in pristnosti njegove preprostosti. Želeli se boste nalesti njegove sproščenosti in norčavosti in se odpreti spontanosti. Če vas bo povabil na izlet s kolesom ob reki Kwai, bodite previdni, saj misli resno. Njego-va potovanja so posebna doživetja.

The Painter Tomaž Izidor PerkoText: Julija Pirc Photography: Brane Štefančič

Kamnik-born painter Tomaž Izidor Perko has lived in Cerknica since 1981, in the house of his late father, the popular and respected painter Lojze Perko.

Connoisseurs of art say that it would be difficult to place Tomaž Perko’s works in a specific genre of contemporary art, since his style is his own and is therefore recognisable to his admirers. His qualities are perfectionism, consistency and precision in capturing his subject, while at the same time each of his works bears a refined stamp of spiritual depth and (frequently whimsical) humanity.

How could someone who has never seen a Perko painting recognise one?

If you were to see one printed in a publication, you might think you were looking at a photograph. Perko has held onto and developed his

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talent, which he has refined through study and hard work, into a skill at depicting his subjects in a literally photographically realistic man-ner; in this way he expresses for the art of painting the respect that it deserves in the traditionally historical view and context.

It is evident from his works that he takes the art of creating images extremely seriously. His paintings are flawless in terms of technique and craftsmanship. At the same time it is clear from his frequently ironic subject matter that he does not elevate himself above the crea-tion itself.

Perko’s landscapes, in their unobtrusive colours, allow the viewer to sink into the space in which the main subject is placed. This, in its immortality, is positioned somewhere deep in the background. In the foreground, obviously and frequently with ironic intent, he places items which drag the viewer – romantically enchanted by the eternal beauty of nature, the main subject – back to the present day. These are products of modern civilisation such as bales of hay wrapped in plastic, carrier bags, motorway noise barriers or, when the artist is feeling in-dulgent, merely the vapour trail of an aeroplane in the sky.

By contrast, the people in his paintings are always placed in the fore-ground. The mystery of his paintings lies in the fact that the artist sets a puzzle to which the viewer must find the answer. Do we recognise what the figure is revealing to us from the canvas? Do we understand his hidden thoughts, feelings, experiences? Is the power of expression great enough to touch us? Do we sense the eternity and pleasure of the subject of the portrait? To help us with these riddles, and also as a ruse to make the task more difficult, the artist adds symbols to the portraits which place the subjects within the framework of a moment of their

existence. At certain moments of the creative process Perko feels the need to verify and record his own presence. It is then that he looks at his own image in the form of a self-portrait from a vertical perspective and with the eyes of the Viewer who is above everything. The artist makes himself available in the symbolic sense of a brush in the hands of the Artist of Life.

If after reading the above you now find it easier to recognise Perko’s works, let us give you a few more hints on how to recognise Tomaž if, for example, he should happen to be sitting in the seat next to you on the aircraft.

At first glance a serious gentleman, who at the first opportunity will banish seriousness with some whimsically provocative act, he is a spir-ited and witty conversationalist whose charm will immediately draw you closer to him, with the result that you cannot help opening up to him and succumbing to his directness. Like a magnet, he will draw you into the depths of his spiritual and existential lightness and freedom, while at the same time you will feel safe in the cordial homeliness and genuineness of his simplicity. You will want to be infected by his easy manner and his clownishness, and to open yourself up to his sponta-neity. If he invites you on a cycling trip along the river Kwai, be careful: he means it. His journeys are truly special experiences. A

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