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  • 8/8/2019 Adtv Project




    SCIENCE AND COMMERCE, have a great pleasure in presenting our efforts of

    developing a complete project in a very satisfactory and appreciable manner.

    Our effort has been a success due to the co-operation of the entire

    department without which the project of this magnitude given restrictions of

    time could not have been possible. We owe a depth of gratitude to our

    project guide Prof. DEEPA without her help, expert guidance and invaluableCo-operation. This project would not have been possible. We are greatly

    thankful to our honorable Principle Dr. MADHU NAIR SIR and the

    management for providing the facilities to complete the project.

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  • 8/8/2019 Adtv Project



    People generally know that cigarette smoking is injurious to health. Even those who

    smoke do know that. Before you get down to the fact of, why cigarette smoking is

    injurious to health, you must understand what a cigarette is. What are cigarettes

    made of? What are the harmful ingredients packed in a cigarette pipe? And finally,

    how do those harmful ingredients affect your health?

    A cigarette is primarily made of tobacco, a substance which may not be very harmful

    on its own. Dry tobacco is filled in the cigarette foil that contains a filter at the

    bottom. A second ingredient called nicotine is grinded with tobacco which along

    with tobacco becomes a deadly combination.

    Massive destruction of human life through the use of cigarettes had compelled the

    scientists to find the truth behind the killer smoke. A normal human body requires

    more than 50milligrams of vitamin C daily to remain healthy, now, when you smoke,

    each cigarette wipes out around 25 milligrams of vitamin C. In effect, two cigarettes

    a day wipe out the entire vitamin C from your body.

    How the loss of vitamin C does affect your body? Vitamin C is the most important

    ingredient in a human body. Vitamin C tears down poison, and any kinds of bacterial

    attack. Vitamin C is also instrumental in building bones, blood vessels and tissues in

    your body. Vitamin C helps you to resist fatigue, and probably that s the reason why

    smokers get tired easily, as the cigarettes reduces the vitamin C content which

    makes them tired.

    Still, the urge for a smoke is too strong for a smoker and he never bothers to find

    out why cigarette smoking is injurious to health. Excessive smoking also results in

    loss of good skin texture; the loss of vitamin C destroys the skin tissues. Effectively,

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    cigarette smoking makes you vulnerable against diseases, makes you weak and

    results in a loss of strength and fighting skills.

    Smoking cigarettes is very bad for your health. However, if you are unable to resist

    smoking, there s a remedy for you. Have a good intake of vitamin C in your body. For

    each cigarette you smoke, you should take 25 milligrams of vitamin C tablets from a

    pharmacy. You can choose to compensate your loss of vitamin C by eating natural

    food that contains vitamin C. Fruits and vegetables such as oranges, lemon; cabbage;

    grapes and strawberries have a good content of vitamin C.

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    A smoking addiction occurs when an individual becomes dependent on cigarettes and

    cannot cease using them without experiencing severe and unpleasant physical and

    emotional reactions. Such a condition is dangerous with many health risks associated

    with smoking (around a third of smokers die as a result of their smoking and on

    average smokers die around ten years earlier than non smokers), and is also antisocial

    and expensive. Before you can kick the habit however you need to understand it, and

    before you can understand a smoking addiction you need to realize that its a complex

    interplay of various factors - which is a large part of what makes the addiction so

    difficult to overcome with only 2.5% of smokers successfully quitting each year.

    One of the main reasons smoking is so addictive, and the one we shall examine

    here, is that it contains nicotine (which is also what makes it a physical addiction as

    well as a psychological one). Nicotine is a drug that is absorbed into the blood stream

    through the lungs when the smoke is inhaled (as well as slightly through the lining of

    the mouth or ducal mucosa and more so when tobacco is chewed and the nose). This

    then effects the electrical activity of the brain, aiding the transmissions across

    synapses of neurotransmitters which the brain responds to in the same way as thoughit was the original hormone (acetylcholine) which results in a calming effect as well

    as various other changes to the hormonal systems in the body Importantly however

    its the effects it has on the pleasure centers of the brain which can partially explain

    its addictive properties. This is then exacerbated as smokers develop a tolerance to

    nicotine which enables them to take higher and higher doses before noticing the

    effects to the same degree. This can then also cause withdrawal symptoms, caused

    partly by the fact that the brain stops producing as much acetylcholine naturally byway of compensation and has changed to the point where it actually requires more

    rather than less. The rapid effects of nicotine also mean that it usually doesnt take

    long before users develop a physical smoking addiction. For those who have an

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    addiction to nicotine, nicotine patches or nicotine gum can be useful to lessen

    dependence on cigarettes.

    While the inclusion of nicotine explains a large part of the physical, chemical

    smoking addiction, there are many other factors at play. Smoking for one is a social

    behavior, and it can. It can also become a habit that you reach for comfort much like

    nail biting or playing with your hair (which is why many people find it helpful to use

    a plastic cigarette); in these ways its possible to become psychologically addicted to

    too. A successful strategy to quit smoking will take all these factors into account.

    According to US researchers, secondhand smoke induces inflammation

    in lungs, which, in turn, could lead to heart disease, diabetes and other

    smoke-associated diseases.

    The study, which has been released at the American Physiological

    Society conference, proves that two months of exposure to secondhand

    smoke already changes the lung tissue of rats notably. This process is

    called inflammation.

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    y Every year hundreds of thousands of people around the world die from

    diseases caused by smoking cigarettes - Smoking KILLS .

    y One in two lifetime smokers will die from their habit. Half of these deaths

    will occur in middle age .

    y Tobacco smoke also contributes to a number of c an c ers .

    y The mixture of nicotine and carbon monoxide in each cigarette you smoke

    temporarily increases your heart rate and blood pressure, straining your

    heart and blood vessels.

    y This can cause heart atta c ks and stroke . It slows your blood flow, cutting off

    oxygen to your feet and hands. Some smokers end up having their limbs

    amputated .

    y Tar coats your lungs like soot in a chimney and causes c an c er . A 20-a-day

    smoker breathes in up to a full cup (210 g) of tar in a year.

    y Changing to low-tar cigarettes does not help because smokers usually take

    deeper puffs and hold the smoke in for longer, dragging the tar deeper into

    their lungs.

    y Carbon monoxide robs your muscles, brain and body tissue of oxygen, making

    your whole body and especially your heart work harder. Over time, your

    airways swell up and let less air into your lungs.

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    y Smoking causes disease and is a slow way to die. The strain of smoking effects

    on the body often causes years of suffering. Emphysema is an illness that

    slowly rots your lungs. People with emphysema often get bron c hitis again

    and again, and suffer lung and heart failure.

    y Lung cancer from smoking is caused by the tar in tobacco smoke. Men who

    smoke are ten times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smokers.

    y Heart disease and strokes are also more common among smokers than non-


    y Smoking causes fat deposits to narrow and blo c k a blood vessel whi c h leads

    to heart attack.

    y Smoking causes around one in five deaths from heart disease.

    y In younger people, three out of four deaths from heart disease are due to


    y Cigarette smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of low birth weight,

    prematurity, spontaneous abortion, and prenatal mortality in humans, which

    has been referred to as the fetal tobacco syndrome.

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    y Admitting mistakes can be difficult, correcting them even harder. Labeling

    cigarette packets with tar yields (plus nicotine and carbon monoxide) was,

    and is, a mistake. The mistake was not in the conception of the low tar

    program, or even in conducting it as a huge experiment with public health.

    The error was allowing the tobacco industry to control it.

    y The tar delivery of cigarettes is routinely measured with a machine and, with

    the exception of the United States, stated on the packet as a legal

    requirement in almost every country in the world. It is accompanied by

    measurement of nicotine and often carbon monoxide.

    y These measurements are now recognized to be misleading for two reasons,

    as is the simplistic concept of tar as a substance. Firstly, human smoking

    patterns vary greatly and are not mimicked by the machine. Secondly,

    modern cigarette design facilitates compensatory smoking (over-inhalation),

    which may lead to the smoker taking in much greater amounts of tar and

    nicotine than are measured by the machine.y This practice has a long history and was originally legitimized by the US

    Federal Trade Commission, in an attempt to stop a tar race that had broken

    out between manufacturers. It was further supported by the public health

    establishment, which was swayed by evidence that cigarettes and lung cancer

    and implied that the lower the tar and nicotine content of cigarette smoke;

    the less harmful would be the effect.

    y One did not expect that the tobacco industry would be devious or foolish

    enough to modify cigarette design in ways that made the modern cigarette at

    least as dangerous as its predecessor, despite a dramatic lowering of tar

    delivery. However, this was indeed what happened, and we now find the

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    standard measurement allows the industry to fool both the system and the


    y Other qualitative design changes led to increases in carcinogens, specifically

    nitrosamines, which are plausibly involved in the well documented swingfrom squamous carcinoma to adenocarcinoma of the lung. This swing can

    only be attributed to changes in the composition of cigarettes. The

    concentrations of nitrosamines produced by cigarettes vary greatly both

    within and between brands and are controlled by manufacturers.

    y Tar measurement and labeling has served the tobacco industry well. It has

    supported claims that cigarettes were light or ultra light and has seemingly,

    and falsely, reassured many smokers who might otherwise have quit the


    y If the measurements on the packet are misleading, is any measurement

    needed at all? Well, yes. Regulated upper limits need to be set for smoke

    carcinogens and toxins as they are for car exhausts. 1Some form of

    measurement is therefore needed for regulatory purposes, although not for

    labeling of packets, as no machine can mimic the variable habits of individual


    y The machine measured figures for tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide should

    be removed from the packet, and a realistic measure must be established for

    regulatory purposes (as Canada has done). The current health warnings deal

    qualitatively with the risks of smoking very well, and misleading figures on the

    packet can only do harm.

    y There are certain NGO s (NON GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS) who helppeople to quit smoking for ever.

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    Smoking is today known to be the biggest cause of both preventable and premature

    death not only in the US, but worldwide. Smoking- related diseases are a cause of

    over 440,000 deaths in the US annually. In the UK this figure stands at over 105,000

    annually. The life expectancy of the smoker is cut short by 10- 12 years and more

    than half of all smokers die from smoking-related diseases. The younger the onset of

    smoking the longer one will most likely smoke and younger one is more likely to die.

    Smoking is a slow killer, not just to the smoker but to those also around him as they

    are affected by second- hand smoke.

    Comparative smoking facts show that the risk of heart attack is 70% higher among

    smokers than among non-smokers. The incidence of lung cancer is 10 times greater

    in smokers than non-smokers and one out of ten of people that smoke will die from

    this disease. Some 80% of smokers will at one time be diagnosed with heart disease,

    emphysema or chronic bronchitis. Of the diseases attributable to the tobacco habit,

    29% are from lung cancer and 24% are caused by heart disease. Over and above

    that, other cancers have also been linked to smoking, including cancer of the throat,mouth, stomach, cervix, breast and pancreas. All this is small wonder as cigarette

    smoke has been found to contain over 4,000 chemical compounds and toxins, all

    with very harmful to human health.

    For anyone who smokes, is planning to stop smoking or even just for general

    information, it is useful to know the essential smoking facts as obviously the

    cigarette habit has affected everyone at one time or other, directly or indirectly. The

    good news is you can make a big difference to your health and these smoking facts

    can be turned around. It is never too late to stop smoking and greatly benefit your

    health. And today is a good day to stop.

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    Qu it Cigarettes

    If you are still puffing, for your own health, now is probably a good time to quit

    cigarettes. You most probably have thought that way yourself and have wondered

    how to go about it, or you just keep postponing the decision for one reason or another.

    Take heart, many have successfully kicked the habit and are living tobacco- free lives.

    You can too.

    There are many of the actors who had also quit smoking because of its adverse effects

    on their health and for their loved ones for the sake of their happiness.

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    We have chosen this as our Banner which is made of a Skeleton which implies

    a human head who smokes; there are two strokes which imply NO

    SMOKING; in which one stroke is of a fired matchstick and other stroke is of

    lighted CIGR A TTEE. When these both make a cross with the Skeleton head it

    implies NO SMOKING to every humans of both Smokers and non-smokers.

    There is a colored back ground with combinations of two colors that are Black

    and Red which implies dangerous to human health of Smoking . The banner isvery much effective to all who smokes as well as who does not smoke.


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    Hello! Good morning to Miss. Deepa and all the groups present here. I am

    Sonu Pandey as the presenter and narrator. We as the members of group

    No. 13 are going to present you the social advertising campaign on NO


    The Roles played by other members are:-

    Faiz Inamdar as _________________________

    Hemal Rathod as _________________________

    Kamal Jain as _________________________

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    Narrator: - Faiz is going out to visit his Friends Hemal s home. In his way he

    smokes a CIGARATTE.

    Hemal: - Hi!

    Faiz: - Hello!

    Hemal: - Come in yaar.

    (Hemal sees that faiz is smoking)

    Faiz: - Dekh Kya raha hai, le tu bhi ek baar phi ke dekh.

    Hemal: - Nahi yaar, pagal hai kya?

    Faiz: - Aarey Maza ayega!

    Hemal: - Achha! De

    (After Some Days Hemal also starts Smoking. They both smoke

    around for days and days)

    (One Day Faiz starts Coughing and suddenly blood comes out

    of his mouth)

    (Then He was taken to hospital by Hemal)

    Doctor: - Mujhe lagta hai ke isko, Cancer hone ki shanka hai (hemal get

    stunned for a while)

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    It has been said that the life we are living goes according to our activities. If we live

    without valuing it, it will give us many problems which we would unable to carry. A s

    we all know that the cigarettes which are very hazardous to our health, then also many

    people are very much addicted towards it. The people who are smoking are aware of

    its effects but because of the addiction of it many people cant able to control them

    self from smoking. For them, it is very pleasurable to smoke, they feel very much

    satisfaction. Some people say that they cant able to sleep or their head pains or thetension level increases if they dont smoke. It has been observed that todays youth

    are much more attracted towards smoking by seeing their elders.

    Those people who are attracted dont understand that the young youth who are the

    future of our country are also involved in it. A s they will consume today they will

    attract diseases tomorrow which will take out their lives from their body. The diseases

    which are there, is cancer and infections would come to our throats. So the people

    who are consuming will have to suffer tomorrow. There is a need to control this if we

    have to develop our country. A s the population of our country is much more and out

    of this if a small number of the population are addicted towards cigarette it will affect

    in developing our country very much.




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    We are going to publicize this A dvertisement on almost all channels as it is a

    public awareness it is going to be displayed in all leading channels. Such as

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