advanced assessment cardiovascular system

OBHG Education Subcommittee ONTARIO BASE HOSPITAL GROUP ADVANCED ASSESSMENT Cardiovascular System 2007 Ontario Base Hospital Group QUIT

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ONTARIO. QUIT. BASE HOSPITAL GROUP. ADVANCED ASSESSMENT Cardiovascular System. 2007 Ontario Base Hospital Group. ADVANCED ASSESSMENT Cardiovascular System. AUTHORS Mike Muir AEMCA, ACP, BHSc Paramedic Program Manager Grey-Bruce-Huron Paramedic Base Hospital - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: ADVANCED ASSESSMENT  Cardiovascular System

OBHG Education Subcommittee


ADVANCED ASSESSMENT Cardiovascular System

2007 Ontario Base Hospital Group


Page 2: ADVANCED ASSESSMENT  Cardiovascular System

OBHG Education Subcommittee

ADVANCED ASSESSMENT Cardiovascular System


Mike Muir AEMCA, ACP, BHScParamedic Program ManagerGrey-Bruce-Huron Paramedic Base HospitalGrey Bruce Health Services, Owen Sound

Kevin McNab AEMCA, ACPQuality Assurance Manager

Huron County EMS

References – Emergency Medicine

REVIEWERS/CONTRIBUTORSRob Theriault EMCA, RCT(Adv.), CCP(F)Peel Region Base Hospital

Donna L. Smith AEMCA, ACPHamilton Base Hospital

Tim Dodd, AEMCA, ACPHamilton Base Hospital

2007 Ontario Base Hospital Group

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OBHG Education Subcommittee

CONSISTS OF: Heart (pump) Arteries and veins (container) Capillaries (site nutrient, gas exchange)

Cardiovascular System

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OBHG Education Subcommittee

Transportation of oxygen and other nutrients to the cells

Removal of carbon dioxide and wastes Distributes hormones Control heat transfer


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OBHG Education Subcommittee

Heart Anatomy

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Left Ventricle High Pressure More Muscle Systemic

Right Ventricle Low Pressure Less Muscle Pulmonary

Heart Anatomy

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Three Layers

Endocardium Myocardium Epicardium

Heart Anatomy

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OBHG Education Subcommittee

Automaticity All myocardial cells can generate an

electrical impulse

Conductivity Intercalated discs

Contractility Functional syncitium

Heart Physiology

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1. Right atria via vena cava

2. Tricuspid valve into right ventricle

3. a) Pulmonic valve to pulmonary artery

4. b) Right and left pulmonary arteries

Blood Flow

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OBHG Education Subcommittee

4. Pulmonary arterioles to capillaries = gas exchange

Blood Flow

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4. Left atrium via pulmonary veins

5. Mitral valve to left ventricle

6. Aortic valve to aorta

Blood Flow

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OBHG Education Subcommittee

Arteries Arterioles Capillaries Venules Veins

Arteries & Veins

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Three Layers Intima Media Adventitia

Arteries & Veins

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Left Main Left Anterior

descending Circumflex

Right RCA Marginal Posterior


Coronary Arteries

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Limb Leads Chest Leads

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


Lead Groups

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Contractility Conductivity Automaticity

Neuromuscular Electrophysiology

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Contractility Similar to skeletal muscle Interwoven muscle fibers


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Muscle Fiber


Thin Filament Actin Molecule

Troponin Tropomyacin

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Muscle Contraction

Ca2+ = Troponin =

Tropomyocin =


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OBHG Education Subcommittee

Cardiac versus Muscular


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Specialized tissues conduct electrical impulses SA Node Intra-atrial pathways AV Node Bundle of His Lt and Rt Bundle Branches Purkinge Fibers


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Conduction System

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Cardiac Conduction

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OBHG Education Subcommittee

Phase 0: Rapid Depolarization Phase 3: Relative Refractory Period

Phase 1: Early Repolarization Phase 4: Resting Membrane Potential

Phase 2: Plateau ( Absolute Refractory Period)

+ 20

- 100






K Na Cl Ca K K K K+ + ++ + + ++-

4 4

0 1 2






Action Potential

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OBHG Education Subcommittee

Inherent ability of all myocardial cells to spontaneously depolarize

Primary Pacemaker - SA Node Secondary – AV Node, Bundle of His, Bundle

Branches, Purkinge Fibers Under stress all other cells can generate an



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OBHG Education Subcommittee

Pacemaker Sites

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OBHG Education Subcommittee

Phase 0: Depolarization Phase 3: Relative Refractory Period

Phase 1: Does not Apply Phase 4: Spontaneous Phase 4 Rise

Phase 2: Plateau ( Absolute Refractory Period)

- 100

- 85

- 65


+ 20




30 00

2 2 2

SA Node

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OBHG Education Subcommittee

Cardiac Output


Heart Rate x Stroke Volume

Cardiac Output

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OBHG Education Subcommittee

Intrinsic Preload

Extrinsic ANS Electrolytes Temperature Humoral/Chemical

Cardiac Function Control

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Preload Venous return to Heart 70 % blood volume Low Pressure


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Autonomic Nervous System

Extrinsic influences on CO

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OBHG Education Subcommittee

Electrolytes K+ - Increase will decrease rate and force Na+ - Increase will decrease force Ca++ - Increase will increase force

Temperature Low - Decreased rate Hi - Increased rate,Increased force

Humoral/Chemical Catecholamines – increase rate and force ADH – increased secretion increases preload Acids – increases in acids decreases function

Extrinsic influences on CO

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OBHG Education Subcommittee

Rapid ANS

Baroreceptors Chemoreceptors

Blood Pressure Control

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Intermediate Renin/Angiotensin ADH

Slow Kidneys

Blood Pressure Control

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Lub closing of A-V valves S1

Dub Closing of aortic and Pulmonic valves S2

Heart Sounds “lub dub”

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OBHG Education Subcommittee

When the heart is unable to pump the volume it receives it is said to be in failure

Right Sided Left Sided

Heart Failure

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Causes Pump Failure

Heart Failure

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Causes Cardiac ischemia Hypertensive event Rate related

Tachycardia Bradycardia

Valvular disease Prolapse Rupture

Heart Failure

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OBHG Education Subcommittee

Acute Right Sided Failure associated with acute inferior wall MI hypotension normal to slow heart rate JVD chest clear

Treatment: fluid resuscitation

Heart Failure

Note: NTG contraindicated for HR < 60 and/or hypotensionNote: NTG contraindicated for HR < 60 and/or hypotension

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OBHG Education Subcommittee

Volume overload inappropriate fluid resuscitation diligent monitoring of respiratory status required

when administering IV fluids

Heart Failure

Note: Auscultate chest q 250 cc in adults - q 100 cc in PaedsNote: Auscultate chest q 250 cc in adults - q 100 cc in Paeds

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OBHG Education Subcommittee


• Left or Right sided heart failure

• Forward or Backward ventricular failure– Backward failure is secondary to elevated

systemic venous pressures.– Forward ventricular failure is secondary to

left ventricle failure and reduced flow into the aorta and systemic circulation

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OBHG Education Subcommittee

LV BACKWARD EFFECTSDecreased emptying of the left ventricle

Increased volume and end-diastolic

pressure in the left ventricle

Increased volume (pressure) in the left atrium

Increased volume in pulmonary veins

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Increased volume in pulmonary capillary bed = increased hydrostatic pressure

Transudation of fluid from capillaries to alveoli

Rapid filling of alveolar spaces

Pulmonary edema


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Decreased cardiac output

Decreased perfusion of tissues of body

Decreased blood flow to kidneys and glands

Increased reabsorption of sodium and water and


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Increased secretion of sodium and water-retaining hormones

Increased extracellular fluid volume

Increased total blood volume and increased systemic blood pressure


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Decreased emptying of the right ventricle

Increased volume and end-diastolic pressure in

the right ventricle

Increased volume (pressure) in right atrium

Increased volume and pressure in the great veins

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Increased volume in the systemic venous Increased volume in the systemic venous circulationcirculation

Increased volume in distensible organs Increased volume in distensible organs (hepatomegaly, splenomegaly)(hepatomegaly, splenomegaly)

Increased pressures at capillary lineIncreased pressures at capillary line

Peripheral, dependant edema and serous Peripheral, dependant edema and serous infusioninfusion


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OBHG Education Subcommittee


Decreased volume from the RV to the lungs

Decreased return to the left atrium and

subsequent decreased cardiac output

All the forward effects of left heart failure

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OBHG Education Subcommittee


Ontario Base Hospital Group

Self-directed Education Program

Well Done!Well Done!