advanced skills for professionals (administrative)

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Page 2: Advanced Skills for Professionals (Administrative)

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Advanced Skills for Professionals (Administrative)

KeyPoints to develop in your own time!

Introductory concepts in Office Skills @ OxfordCambridge.Org all for free and free for all..The information gathered here are under KeyPoints format and may be use:- Either to give the reader an overview before deciding for a full scale study of the subject.- Or to guide readers in expanding their knowledge on the given topic. Some recommendations, perhaps:

- Identify all the KeyPoints on which you feel a need to expand your knowledge.

- Choose a good book or two and/or info from Internet.

- And then work towards gaining that knowledge.

Please enjoy!

Page 3: Advanced Skills for Professionals (Administrative)

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Aim of publicationTo introduce the reader or the learner on how to better equip oneself as an Administrative Professional.

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After going through the KeyPoints outlined in this publication, the reader should be able:☺Putting A Best Foot Forward☺Managing himself/herself and Those Around him/her☺Partnering with A Manager☺Communicating with Power and Confidence

Learning Objectives

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Advanced Skills for Administrative Professionals – Summary☺ What are your thoughts on conflict in

the workplace? Do you dread it? Quietly try to avoid it? Or do you rush ahead to meet it with enthusiasm; certain that it will bring renewed vigour and badly-needed change to your organization?

☺ No matter your answer, the KeyPoints will provide you with the opportunity to skill up for coping with conflict and putting it to work for good, preferably.

☺ Conflict is inevitable in the workplace. Everybody has their own ideas about how things should run.

☺ Eventually, these ideas will collide. When they do, you better be prepared.

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Advanced Skills for Administrative Professionals – Summary☺ Above and beyond all the skills you can

possibly learn for coping with conflict, effective communication skills will prove to be the most beneficial.

☺ Without open lines of honest communication in the workplace, unspoken and harboured conflicts will boil and fester until productivity grinds to a halt.

☺ Knowing how and when to address issues of conflict will help you to cut away destructive behaviours, encourage healthy arguments, and create an environment full of vigour and embracing of change.

☺ Expanding the KeyPoints lined up here will help you to learn all this and more.

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☺ (Section 1) Putting Your Best Foot Forward☺ (Section 2) Managing Yourself and Those

Around You☺ (Section 3) Partnering with Your Manager☺ (Section 4) Communicating with Power and


Advanced Skills for Administrative Professionals - Sections list

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(Section 1) Putting Your Best Foot Forward – Summary☺ Are you interested in taking charge of

your career? Would you like your job to be more interesting, to offer you more challenges?

☺ Today's workplace offers more opportunities than ever for administrative support professionals to assume more responsibility and be more active in office decision-making.

☺ To develop these points is to show yourself some ways to assess yourself to ensure you're ready to work towards a new role. It will also show you some techniques for interacting with co-workers, subordinates, and superiors.

☺ In addition, projecting self-confidence helps to become the kind of person to whom people give their loyalty and trust.

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(Section 1) Putting Your Best Foot Forward – HighPoints☺ Gauging Your Personality and

Behaviour☺ Interacting with Others☺ Maintaining a Professional Image

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(Section 1) – HighPoints - Gauging Your Personality and Behaviour☺ recognize the value of gauging your

personality and behaviour. ☺ match personality types with their

appropriate character descriptions.☺ apply techniques for maintaining a

positive attitude, in a given scenario.☺ also, apply a course of action in a

given scenario to change an undesired behaviour.

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(Section 1) HighPoints - Interacting with Others☺ recognize the value of using the

techniques for interaction with others.☺ apply skills for dealing with criticism,

in any given scenario.☺ use techniques for being a more

supportive team member.☺ apply the steps for asking for help.☺ identify strategies to increase personal


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(Section 1) HighPoints - Maintaining a Professional Image☺ recognize the benefits of maintaining a

professional image. ☺ apply the guidelines for increasing

self-esteem. ☺ judge whether the guidelines for

maintaining confidentiality have been followed effectively.

☺ apply methods for keeping promises. ☺ employ guidelines for accepting


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(Section 2) Managing Yourself and Those Around You - Summary☺ Successful administrative support

professionals must be good managers and vice versa.

☺ This means managing time and energies, as well as cooperatively working with bosses and co-workers.

☺ This KeyPoints point out successful strategies for dealing with the myriad demands on the time, resources, communication skills, and organizational powers of administrative assistants.

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(Section 2) Managing Yourself and Those Around You – HighPoints☺ Time and Stress Management☺ Partnerships and Information

Networks☺ Creative Problem Solving☺ Managing Conflict

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(Section 2) HighPoints - Time and Stress Management☺ recognize the benefits of successful

time and stress management. ☺ match stress reducing organizational

strategies to given examples. ☺ draw the strategy that will help

organize an administrative team. ☺ apply effective time management

strategies when coping with specified time management problems.

☺ choose the appropriate action to deal with calls and visitors.

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(Section 2) HighPoints - Partnerships and Information Networks☺ recognize the benefits of effective

partnerships and information networks.

☺ apply strategies that establish partnerships within an organization.

☺ select approaches for establishing an information network.

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(Section 2) HighPoints - Creative Problem Solving☺ recognize the benefits of creative

problem solving. ☺ identify appropriate questions to ask,

in order to clarify the problems involved in a difficult situation.

☺ use clarifying techniques to analyse a specified problem.

☺ apply techniques of goal-oriented problem solving.

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(Section 2) HighPoints - Managing Conflict☺ identify the benefits of being able to

manage conflict in the workplace. ☺ apply strategies for dealing with a

difficult person. ☺ manage conflict between two people,

in a given scenario. ☺ promote a healthy environment after a


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(Section 3) Partnering with Your Manager – Summary☺ You may have noticed that the

traditional secretary has gone the way of the dinosaur.

☺ However, your manager may not yet have entered this new age in which administrative support professionals are working as partners with their managers and supervisors.

☺ These KeyPoints will point out the way to make the transition from working as a subordinate following orders, to partnering with a boss as an empowered and valued member of the management team.

☺ For administrative support professionals to try to identify those strategies that will make them more effective in this role.

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(Section 3) Partnering with Your Manager – HighPoints☺ Establishing a Business Partnership

with Your Manager☺ Managing Relational Challenges☺ Being Your Manager's Right Arm

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(Section 3) HighPoints - Establishing a Business Partnership with Your Manager

☺ recognize the benefits of establishing a business partnership with a boss.

☺ identify the essential elements to include in a partnership proposal.

☺ apply techniques to propose a partnership idea to a boss, given a scenario.

☺ identify the priorities of implementing a partnership plan.

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(Section 3) HighPoints - Managing Relational Challenges☺ recognize the importance of handling

relational challenges with the manager.

☺ identify ways to deal with different types of bosses.

☺ choose the proper approach to use with a line-manager in a given scenario.

☺ use principles for maintaining a professional relationship with a boss in a given scenario.

☺ identify the considerations that must be made when deciding whether to confront a boss.

☺ use the appropriate skills to handle confrontation with your manager.

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(Section 3) HighPoints - Being Your Manager's Right Arm☺ recognize the benefits in being

essential to your manager. ☺ identify three strategies that allow an

administrative assistant to anticipate a boss's needs.

☺ identify examples of the principles for making a boss look good.

☺ identify the principles for communicating information to a boss.

☺ identify the strategies for maximizing your effectiveness within your organization.

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(Section 4) Communicating with Power and Confidence – Summary☺ Do you want to be an effective and

powerful communicator? Do you want to take charge, welcome responsibility and view challenge as an opportunity?

☺ Nowadays, when administrative support professionals talk, supervisors listen.

☺ They have been empowered and given many managerial responsibilities. They can now work alongside rather than as subordinates to managers.

☺ They no longer only proofread, make coffee, or take notes.

☺ Today they run team meetings, benchmark, make presentations to senior management, pass out their own business cards, and earn degrees.

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(Section 4) Communicating with Power and Confidence – Summary☺ Administrative support professionals

who can communicate, teach, guide, mentor, and make important decisions have a greater chance of achieving upward mobility in their workplace.

☺ Administrative assistants can be better paid as a result of taking on these responsibilities.

☺ The KeyPoints will show you how to communicate with power and confidence, a skill that will possibly enable you to advance your career.

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(Section 4) Communicating with Power and Confidence – HighPoints

☺ Communicating to Get the Results You Want

☺ Listening and Responding to Others ☺ Representing Your Manager

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(Section 4) HighPoints - Communicating to Get the Results You Want

☺ recognize the benefits of communicating effectively in the workplace.

☺ use techniques to influence and persuade, in any given scenario.

☺ sequence the steps for selling ideas to co-workers.

☺ effectively use the steps to sell ideas. ☺ use appropriate actions to say "No"

with confidence, in a given scenario.

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(Section 4) HighPoints - Listening and Responding to Others ☺ recognize the benefits of effectively

listening and responding to people in the workplace.

☺ be able to identify examples of good listening skills.

☺ identify examples of effective nonverbal communication skills.

☺ identify examples of how to effectively train employees.

☺ effectively use the correct steps for handling a specified crisis situation.

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(Section 4) HighPoints - Representing Your Manager☺ identify the benefits of being able to

confidently represent your manager. ☺ identify examples of the strategies for

confident and authoritative representation of your boss.

☺ recognize the steps in communicating decisions for your manager.

☺ use the steps to communicate a decision for your boss, in a given scenario.

☺ identify examples of strategies for developing your delegating skills.

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Advanced Skills for Administrative Professionals - Conclusion☺ Upon developing the KeyPoints here you

should be able to be familiar with the following:

• maintaining a positive attitude. • increasing your self-esteem. • listening effectively. • pitching a partnership proposal to

your manager. • implementing a partnership plan. • dealing with calls and visitors. • coping with difficult people and

mediating conflict. • saying "no" with confidence. • handling crisis situations. • representing your manager with

authority and confidence. • dealing with criticism professionally.

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