advanced solution methods for stochastic petri nets

ACPN2010, Rostock, September 22 nd 2010 1 Advanced solution methods for Stochastic Petri Nets Prof.ssa Susanna Donatelli Universita’ di Torino, Italy

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Advanced solution methods for Stochastic Petri Nets. Prof.ssa Susanna Donatelli Universita’ di Torino, Italy [email protected]. Context. (System, question on system) (Model, question on model) (Model, answer on model) (System, answer on system). abstraction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Advanced solution methods for Stochastic Petri Nets

ACPN2010, Rostock, September 22nd 2010


Advanced solution methods for Stochastic Petri Nets

Prof.ssa Susanna DonatelliUniversita’ di Torino, [email protected]

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(System, question on system)

(Model, question on model)

(Model, answer on model)

(System, answer on system)


model solution

backward interpretation

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System type: discrete event systems

Categories of questions: qualitative -- will system reach a deadlock? quantitative -- will system reach a deadlock before

time T? stochastic -- will system reach a deadlock before

time T with probability >0.9 ?

Corresponding classes of models: finite automata (but also Petri Nets, Process

Algebras, etc.) timed automata (continuous) time Markov chain ( SPN, GSPN, SWN,

Queueing networks, Stochastic Process algebras and stochastic processes in general)

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Typical questions/properties qualitative -- reachability, deadlock, liveness,

state/action condition, system evolution (path properties)

quantitative -- timed reachability, timed system evolution (timed path properties)

stochastic -- reachability in probability

We concentrate on stochastic properties for stochastic systems Revisit CSL for Petri Nets Go beyond CSL (not only for nets)

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Verifying quantitative behaviour: CSL for SPN and SWN definition and model checking

Verifying quantitative behaviour: CSL for GSPN

Beyond CSL

Solving large (G)SPN: symbolic representation and tensor-based techniques

Bibliographical references

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Verifying quantitative behaviour: CSL for SPN and SWN definition and model checking

Verifying quantitative behaviour: CSL for GSPN

Beyond CSL

Solving large (G)SPN: symbolic representation and tensor-based techniques

Bibliographical references

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Recall on SWN

Stochastic Well-formed Nets (SWN) are a colored extension of Stochastic Petri Nets

Color and arc function definition meant to favour a symmetric specification of the system

Symmetries are automatically exploited in state space generation

Underlying stochastic process is a CTMC

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Recall on SWN

neutral place


placecolor domain

D = {d1, d2, ..}

s_srv is enabled for x = color

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Recall on SWN

Equivalent GSPN when D = {d1, d2}

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Recall on SWN

GSPN state: M(wait_d1)=2 SWN colored state: M(wait) = 2·d1 SWN symbolic state:

M(wait)= 2·ZD1, with |ZD1|=1

M(wait)= 1·ZD1, M(srv) = 1·ZD2, |ZD1|=1, |ZD2|


equivalence class of all markings with 2 tokens of

the same color in place wait

two jobs waiting for the same device

one job waiting for a device while two jobs are

using the other two devices

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Recall on SWN

same cardinalityusually much smaller

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Recall on CSL Model Checking

CSL allows the definition of probabilistic verification statements

Probability of going from a safe to an unsafe state in less than T time units, while traversing only safe states, is <=

In equilibrium, system is in safe states with 0.99 probability

Satisfability of the formula on a CTMC requires the solution of a number of "modified" CTMCs

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CSL syntax

State formulae (atomic propositions and boolean expression) and path formulae (timed neXt and timed Until)

S<>() is true in state s if the sum of the steady state probabilities of the states, computed using s as initial state, is <> .

P<>() is true in s if the probability of the paths leaving s which satisfy is <>.

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Examples of CSL: P0.01(true U[10,20] a)

Satisfied in states from which the probability of reaching an a-labelled state after between 10 and 20 time units is no more than 0.01

S>0.9(a) Satisfied in states starting from which the probability of

being in an a-labelled state in the long-run is greater than 0.9

Nested formulae: e.g. P0.1(a U[10,20] S>0.9(bc))

CSL examples

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CSL Model Checking

Ingredients of any CSL model checker:

1. A CTMC or a net model?

2. A way to define atomic properties of states

3. Efficient CSL satisfiability algorithms

As produced from an SWN

defined at the net level: symbolic, colored, or ordinary?

reuse existing tools?

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CSL & SWN: why

Probabilistic verification of systems expressed as SWN validate system behaviour "in probability" natural way to express dependability properties

SWN model validation particular important since SWN models can be

non trivial to specify limited support is (was) available to validate

SWN models

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CSL & SWN: how

Exploit reuse: use existing CSL model checking tools

best of the available technology, constantly updated

but does not allow to exploit the peculiarities and properties of nets

Keep simple the definition of atomic propositions

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CSL & SWN: how – an example

CSL model checking facility for SWN models by linking GreatSPN to:

MRMC, the input model is a CTMC

PRISM, the input model is a set of interacting modules specified using a guarded command language from which a CTMC is generated

GSPN/SWN tool from the universities of Torino, Piemonte

Orientale, Paris-6, Reims

CSL tool from the universities of Twente,

Aachen, Munich

CSL/PCTL tool of the university of Birmingham

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CSL & SWN: how

Language for the definition of atomic properties For SWN this task is not always

straightforward, as we may want to refer to neutral, colored and symbolic properties

Discuss the issues of the link from GreatSPN SWN solver to to MRMC and PRISM (which solution for which type of property)

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CSL & SWN: how

Marking properties (Type M): pP wp · M(p) ≤ K

e.g: M(loc)>1 e.g.: M(loc) + M(wait) < 2

(Type Mcol): p P, c CD(p) wp,c · M(p)[c] ≤ K e.g: M(wait)[d1] >= 2 e.g.: M(wait)[d1] + M(srv)[d2] = 2

(Type Msymb): Two tokens of the same color in place p and p’? --- not so obvious

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CSL & SWN: how

Transition enabling properties (Type T): transition t is enabled

e.g.: s_srv is enabled, s_srv_d1 is enabled

(Type Tcol): transition t is enabled for a given assignment to the variables of t. e.g.: s_srv is enabled for x=d1

(Type Tsymb): transition t is enabled for x=y

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Linking GreatSPN to MRMC

MRMC works with two input files:

the CTMC rate matrix CTMC generated using GreatSPN from the


the list of the atomic propositions valid in each state

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Atomic properties

Labelling states with atomic properties

M M(loc)>1

McolM(srv)[d1] >=1

MsymbSame color in wait and un_av

Ts_srv is enabled

Tcols_srv is ena-bled for x=d1

Tsymbt is ena-bled for x=y

RG simple ---- ---- simple ---- ----

CRG sum over colored tokens

simple OR of many terms (one per color instance

simple simple simple

SRG sum over |ZDi|

equivalence may be too coarse

Check on ZDisimple equivalence

may be too coarse

Check on ZDi

if x=y is not in the guard of t

in symbolic marking M(wait)= 1·ZD1, M(srv) = 1·ZD2, |ZD1|=1, |

ZD2|=2 (one job waiting for a device while

two jobs are using the other two devices)

the property is true for only 2 of the 3 states in the equivalence class

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Atomic properties

Solving the red problem: observation transitions

M M(loc)>1

McolM(srv)[d1] >=1

MsymbToken of same color in srv and un_av

Ts_srv is enabled

Tcols_srv is ena-bled for x=d1

Tcolt is ena-bled for x=y


sum over |ZDi|

equivalence may be too coarse


on ZDi

simple equivalence may be too coarse

Check on ZDi if

x=y is not in the guard of t

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Atomic properties

M M(loc)>1

McolM(srv)[d1] >=1

Ts_srv is enabled

Tcols_srv is ena-bled for x=d1

SRG sum over |ZDi|

equivalence may be too coarse

simple equivalence may be too coarse


<x>a token of color d1 in place wait x = d1


<x> <x>s_srv enabled for x=d1

x = d1



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Atomic properties



two tokens of the same color in place wait

Observation transitions can be used to define also symbolic (symmetric)


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Linking GreatSPN to MRMC




STATES 352TRANSITIONS 12061 2 1.0000001 3 1.0000002 4 10.000000…

1 av(1<d2>1<d1>) loc(8) tloc2 av(1<d2>1<d1>)loc(7)wait(1<d1>) s_srv_d1 ...


.apwait>=4 wait_d1>=4wait_d2>=4


APGenerator .lab

#DECLARATIONt_HS#END...25 wait>=4 wait_d1>=4...34 wait>=4 wait_d2>=4...


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Linking GreatSPN to PRISM

The PRISM input language is a state-based language

State = valuation of a number of bounded variables

A set of guarded commands describes the dynamics of the system: from them PRISM derives the CTMC

Atomic propositions are implicitly defined, as a CSL formula can include any logical condition on the variables' values

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Linking GreatSPN to PRISM

Two possible ways to connect to PRISM: produce a Prism module directly from the SWN, such

that the same CTMC (up to state numbering) is produced;

produce a Prism module directly from the CTMC of the SRG/RG definition of atomic propositions?

unfolding the SWN into an SPN, followed by the translation of the SPN into a PRISM module using the already-existing translation for SPN.

Current solution does the unfolding, since it is easier and there is already a GSPN->Prism translator.

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Linking GreatSPN to PRISM

For GSPN place names are mapped one-to-one to variable names

no particular support is needed to translate M and Mcol atomic propositions

T and Tcol propositions have to be restated in terms of markings (variable values).

The unfolding algorithm names unfolded places using color names (e.g.: srv_d1)

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Linking GreatSPN to PRISM





const int N = 4;module M…wait_d2 : [0..4];av_d2 : [0..1] init 1;….

[tloc_0] (loc_ > 0) & (wait_d1 < N)-> 1.000000 : (wait_d1’ = wait_d1 +1) & (loc_’ = loc_ -1);…..[back_1] (un_av_d2 > 0) & (av_d2 < 1)-> 10.000000 : (av_d2’ = av_d2 +1) & (un_av_d2’ = un_av_d2 -1);

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Model checking example

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model checking example

(1) : S>0.7(hot spot) the system has a probability > 0.7 of being in an hot-

spot state

(2) : S≤0.2(P≥0.9(F[0,5]hot spot)) probability of being, in equilibrium, in “dangerous”

states is at most 0.2.

(3) : P≥0.9(F[0,5](hot spot & P≥0.7(F[0,3] ¬ hot spot))

dangerous states

good hot spot states