advent 2016

ADVENT The Advent is not only the beginning of the Liturgical year, “IT IS A TIME OF HOPE” The Advent are the previous four Sundays to Jesus Birth. This 2016, they are from November 27 th to December 18 th . The mass readings on those Sundays invite us to live with Hope, the coming of our Lord, his coming at the end of the times, his coming now, every day and two thousand years ago.

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Page 1: Advent 2016


The Advent is not only the beginning of the Liturgical year,


The Advent are the previous four Sundays to Jesus Birth. This 2016, they are from November 27th to December 18th. The mass readings on those Sundays invite us to live with Hope, the coming of our Lord, his coming at the end of the times, his coming now, every day and two thousand years ago.

Page 2: Advent 2016

1st Sunday of advent

“'Be on your guard, stay awake, because YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN THE TIME WILL COME” Mk

13, 33

This is the Sunday of “VIGILANCE” . It is important, that we do a purpose as a family that will lead us the path to Christmas; what do you think, if we try to review our family relationships?. As a result we have to look for the forgiveness of the ones we have offended and give it to the ones that have offended us in order to start Advent under a harmony and family love environment.

Page 3: Advent 2016


“Prepare a way for the Lord, make his paths straight” Lk. 3, 4

This is the Sunday of “CONVERSION”, important quote from the preaching of John the Baptist. During this second week the liturgy invite us, to reflect with the exhortation of the Prophet John the Baptist: “Prepare a way for the Lord, make his paths straight” and what better way to prepare it, than seeking reconciliation with God?. In the previous week we reconcile our selves with the people that surround us; as a next step the Church invite us to reconcile our selves (Confession) that returns our friendship with God that we had lost due to sin.

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“WHY SHOULD I be honoured with a visit from the mother of my Lord?” Lk. 1, 43

This is the Sunday of the “TESTIMONY” that Mary, the mother of God, lives serving and helping the others. This Sunday coincides with the Virgen of Guadalupe celebration, and precisely the Advent liturgy invite us to remember the image of Mary that prepare her self to be the mother of Jesus, who is willing to help and serve the ones in need. We know that Mary is always accompanying her children in the Church. This third week we meditate about Virgin Mary’s role. We suggest that you promote Mary’s devotion by praying the Rosary in family.

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“Learn from Mary and ACEPT CHRIST who is the light of the world”

This is the Sunday of the “ANNOUNCEMENT” of the birth of Jesus that was made to Joseph and Mary. The biblical readings and the preaching are focus on the willingness of the Virgin Mary to announcement of the birth of his son Jesus, and invite us to “Learn from Mary and accept that Christ is the light of the world”. As Christmas is close we have reconciled with God and with our Brothers and Sisters; Now we only have to wait the big celebration. Like a family we have to like in harmony, the brotherhood and joy that this coming celebration represents. All the preparations the celebration should be lived in this atmosphere, with the firm intention of accepting Jesus in the hearts, families and communities.

Page 6: Advent 2016

We announce with you great Joy: In Bethlehem humble town

of Israel, in a manger, from Mary and under the care of Saint Joseph, Jesus was born the Savior that people were waiting for. And today he is

also born for us. Let us rejoice with the good news:

“It is Christmas and Hope is born for
