aerodrome flight information radar endorsement … · design of the aerodrome flight information...

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Aerodrome Flight Information Radar Endorsement


Module 11

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................................... 5

SUBJECT 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE........................................................................................... 7

SUBJECT 2: AVIATION LAW............................................................................................................................ 9

SUBJECT 3: AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................. 11

SUBJECT 4: METEOROLOGY ....................................................................................................................... 15

SUBJECT 5: NAVIGATION ............................................................................................................................. 17

SUBJECT 6: AIRCRAFT ................................................................................................................................. 19

SUBJECT 7: HUMAN FACTORS.................................................................................................................... 21

SUBJECT 8: EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS................................................................................................... 23

SUBJECT 9: PROFESSIONAL ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................................... 25

SUBJECT 10: UNUSUAL/EMERGENCY SITUATIONS................................................................................. 27

SUBJECT 11: DEGRADED SYSTEMS CAPABILITY..................................................................................... 29

SUBJECT 12: AERODROMES ....................................................................................................................... 31

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Phase II – Rating and endorsement specialised training Module 11 provides the Common CoreContent for Aerodrome Flight Information Radar Endorsement training.

The content of the rating training course is based on the assumption that the student hassuccessfully completed the Phase I – Basic ATS Training, Common Core Content Objectives as aprerequisite.It has been derived by building on the Phase I Basic ATS Training Common Core Content, and onPhase II – Rating and endorsement specialised training Module 10. A copy of this, together with alist of action verbs used, are contained the Danish CAA ATS Initial Training – BASIC ATSTRAINING.

Following the tabulated format of the Phase I Common Core Content, the AerodromeFlight Information Radar Endorsement training common core content has been subdivided intosubjects:

1. Introduction to the Course (INTR);2. Aviation Law (LAW);3. Air Traffic Management (ATM);4. Meteorology (MET);5. Navigation (NAV);6. Aircraft (ACFT);7. Human Factors (HUM);8. Equipment and Systems (EQPM);9. Professional Environment (PENV);10. Unusual/Emergency Situations (UNES);11. Degraded Systems Capability (DEGS);12. Aerodromes (AGA).

The order of the subjects and objectives is neither intended to convey a pedagogicalsequence nor to indicate a relative level of importance.

The training designer will need to know that the student has successfully completed thePhase I Course and the Phase II – Rating and endorsement specialised training Module 10. Thedesign of the Aerodrome Flight Information Radar Endorsement course can now be based onthe combination of:Phase I – Basic ATS training,Phase II – Rating and endorsement specialised training Module 10, andPhase II – Rating and endorsement specialised training Module 11.

Minimum time spendLecturing 20 hours *

Simulator training 15 hours per student *

* if converting/extending from ATC with Radar endorsement to FIS licence the requiredlecturing time may be halved and the required simulator time may be reduced subject to theCTI assessment but not less than 75%.

Examination/AssessmentSummative assessment in the simulator.Daily logs on debriefing.Assessment report for every 5 hours.

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Theoretical test:Time available 60 minsQuestions 40Pass mark 75%

Facilities English - Danish dictionary

Distribution of Questions:CQB Module 11 Amount of

questionsCQB Module 11 Amount of

questionsSubject 01 Subject 0411 01 01 01 Not applicable11 01 01 02 Total Subject 04 011 01 01 0311 01 02 01 Subject 0511 01 02 02 11 05 01 0111 01 02 03 Total Subject 05 1Total Subject 01 0

Subject 06Subject 02 11 06 01 0111 02 01 01 Total Subject 06 111 02 01 0211 02 01 03 Subject 0711 02 01 03 Not applicable11 02 02 01 Total Subject 07 0Total Subject 02 4

Subject 08Subject 03 11 08 01 0111 03 01 01 11 08 02 0111 03 01 02 11 08 02 0211 03 01 03 Total Subject 08 211 03 01 0411 03 02 01 Subject 0911 03 03 01 Not applicable11 03 03 02 Total Subject 09 011 03 04 0111 03 05 01 Subject 1011 03 06 01 11 10 01 0111 03 07 01 11 10 01 0211 03 07 02 11 10 01 0311 03 08 01 11 10 01 0411 03 08 02 Total Subject 10 411 03 08 0311 03 09 01 Subject 1111 03 09 02 11 11 01 0111 03 09 03 11 11 02 0111 03 09 04 Total Subejct 11 211 03 09 0511 03 09 06 Subject 12Total Subject 03 26 Not applicable

Total Subject 12 0

Total Module 11 40

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SUBJECT 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSEThe general objective is:Students shall know and understand the training programme that they will follow during theinstitutional rating training.


OBJECTIVESStudents shall ....


1. COURSE MANAGEMENTStudents shall explain the aims and objectives of the course, the management structure andrecognise the materials to be used.1.1. CourseIntroduction

1.1.1. Explain the aims and mainobjectives of the course

2 Course objectives forthe specific rating/endorsement

1.2. CourseAdministration

1.2.1. Name the course leader andprincipal instructors


1.3. Study Materialand TrainingDocumentation

1.3.1. Choose appropriatedocumentation for course studies

1.3.2. Integrate appropriatedocumentation into the course



Library; CBT library

Library; CBT library

2. INTRODUCTION TO THE ATC TRAINING COURSEStudents shall state the methodology and describe the assessment procedures used in the course.2.1. CourseContent

2.1.1. State the different methodsof teaching the subjects

2.1.2. Describe, in general terms,the content of the subjects

2.1.3. Describe the organisation ofthe theoretical training

2.1.4. Describe the organisation ofthe simulation training





Theoretical training; Practicaltraining; Self-study; taxonomy;Action verbs

Structure of participation;Simulation exercises; Briefing;Debriefing

2.2. Training Ethos 2.2.1. Recognise the feedbackmechanisms available

2.2.2. Describe the positive effectin working together with fellowcourse participants



Instructor discussions; Trainingprogress; Assessment; Results;Briefing; Debriefing

How the influence ofinteractive studies canlead to success

2.3. TheAssessmentProcess

2.3.1. Describe the assessmentprocedure

2 The assessment process appliedduring the course and associatedre-sit procedures

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SUBJECT 2: AVIATION LAWThe general objective is:Students shall:i. appreciate the principles of Aviation Law;ii. know, understand and apply the Rules of the Air and the Regulations, appropriate toaerodrome flight information service with radar;iii. appreciate the authority vested in the operator and the means by which that authorityis exercised.


OBJECTIVESStudents shall ....


1. RULES AND REGULATIONSStudents shall explain and apply the Rules and Regulations which affect ATS operations.1.1. Airspace 1.1.1. Appreciate the structure of

airspace and its relevance to theaerodrome flight informationservice radar endorsement

1.1.2 Provide actions appropriateto aerodrome flight informationradar service



ICAO ANNEX 2; Nationalrequirements (AIP); InternationalRequirements; Civil requirements;Military requirements; Areasof responsibility; Sectorisation;Airspace structure

ICAO; National requirements;International requirements; Civilrequirements; Military require-ments; Areas of responsibility;Sectorisation; Airspace structure

1.2. Rules of theAir

1.2.1. Provide actions appropriateto the rules for minimum safeheight and terrain clearanceand unauthorised penetration ofairspace

4 Responsibility for terrain clearance;Terrain clearance dimensions;Minimum safe altitudes; Safesectors; Minimum flight levels

1.3. NationalLegislation andProcedures

1.3.1. Describe the methods bywhich national regulations areimplemented in the aerodromeflight information service radarendorsement

2 National Regulationsand Requirements

1.4. SpecialNationalLegislation andProcedures

1.4.1. Provide planning, co-ordination and actions inaccordance with special nationallegislation and procedures relatedto aerodrome flight informationradar service

4 e.g. Security; Environmental (noiseabatement, conservation areas,fuel jettisoning);Sensitive areas (hospitals, VIPresidences); Priority allocation;Special purpose codes

2. FIS LICENSINGStudents shall appreciate the legal aspects associated with the FIS Licence2.1. Privileges andConditions

2.1.1. Describe the conditionswhich must be met for the issueand maintenance of theaerodrome flight informationservice radar (AFI/RAD)endorsement

2.1.2. Describe the privilegesassociated with the aerodromeflight information service radar(AFI/RAD) endorsement



BL 6-71

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SUBJECT 3: AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENTThe general objective is:Students shall apply operational procedures to ensure a safe, orderly and expeditious service.


OBJECTIVESStudents shall ....


1. AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AND AIRSPACE MANAGEMENTStudents shall provide the appropriate aerodrome flight information radar service.1.1. Aerodromeflight informationRadar Service

1.1.1 Provide the appropriateaerodrome flight information radarservice

4 ICAO; National documentation;Local procedures

1.2. FlightInformation Service(FIS)

1.2.1. Use radar for the provisionof FIS

3 ICAO Doc 4444; Information toidentified aircraft concerning traffic,weather, navigation

1.3. AlertingService

1.3.1. Provide appropriate actionin abnormal situations usingradar derived information

4 Responses to distress and urgencymessages and signals

1.4. Air Traffic FlowManagement(ATFM)

1.4.1. Organise traffic flows andpatterns to take account ofairspace boundaries

1.4.2. Organise traffic flows andpatterns to take account of radarcoverage

1.4.3. Organise traffic flows andpatterns to take account of areasof responsibility

1.4.4. Inform supervisor ofsituation

1.4.5. Apply flow managementprocedures






Civil and Military; Controlled;Uncontrolled; Advisory; Restricted;Danger; Prohibited; Special rules;Sector boundaries; Nationalboundaries; FIR boundaries;Delegated airspace; Transfer ofcontrol; Transfer ofcommunications

National Procedures

National Procedures

e.g. Abnormal situations; Decreasein sector capacity; Limitations onsystems and equipment; Changesin workload/ capacity; Relevantinformation (e.g. reported ground-based Incidents, forest fire, smoke,oil pollution); Unusualmeteorological Conditions

Slot allocation Procedures

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OBJECTIVESStudents shall ....


2. COMMUNICATIONStudents shall appreciate the necessity for effective communication and shall use approvedphraseology.2.1. EffectiveCommunication

2.1.1. Use ICAO approved radarinformation phraseology

2.1.2. Analyse examples of pilotand controller communication foreffectiveness

2.1.3. Interpret the rules to providean effective service whereapproved phraseology is notavailable




ICAO Doc 4444 Part 10; ICAO Doc9432; ICAO ANNEX 10 Chapter 5

Receiver only; Transmitter only;Speechless aircraft; Incompletemessages

3. ATC CLEARANCES AND INSTRUCTIONSStudents shall issue appropriate clearances and instructions.3.1. ATCClearances

3.1.1. Relay appropriate ATCclearances

4 e.g. Climb; Joining;En-route

3.2. ATCInstructions

3.2.1. Relay appropriate ATCinstructions

4 e.g. SSR Code

4. ALTIMETRY AND LEVEL ALLOCATIONStudents shall ensure correct altimeter setting for aircraft.4.1. Mode C 4.1.1. Ensure correct mode C

response4 e.g. Radar vectoring area; Lowest

available flight level; Minimum safealtitude; Minimum Sector Altitude(MSA)

5. SEPARATION STANDARDSStudents shall select and inform aircraft about appropriate separation.5.1. WakeTurbulenceRadar Separation

5.1.1. Provide information relevantto wake turbulence radarseparation


6. DATA AND TRAFFICStudents shall analyse all displayed data, including traffic, in order to manage air traffic.6.1. DataManagement

6.1.1. Update the traffic display toaccurately reflect the situation

6.1.2. Analyse pertinent data ontraffic display

6.1.3. Organise pertinent data ontraffic display




Information displayed; Stripmarking procedures; Actions basedon traffic display information;Calculation of EETs

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OBJECTIVESStudents shall ....


7. OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTStudents shall recognise and maintain the integrity of the simulated operational environment.7.1. Integrity of theOperationalEnvironment

7.1.1. Obtain informationconcerning the operationalenvironment

7.1.2. Check and maintain theintegrity of the operationalenvironment

7.1.3. Inform the relievingcontroller of the operationalenvironment




e.g. Briefing; Takeover; Notices;Local orders; Verify information

e.g. Integrity of displays; Verify theinformation provided by displays;Controller working position (CWP)

e.g. Briefing; Handover; Notices;Local orders; Verify information

7.2. Verification ofthe Currency ofOperationalProcedures

7.2.1. Check all relevantdocumentation before managingtraffic

7.2.2. Apply the proceduralchanges while managing traffic



e.g. Briefing;NOTAM; AICs; LOAs

8. PROVISION OF AN AERODROME FLIGHT INFORMATION SERVICE - RADARStudents shall provide an appropriate flight information service, applicable to the aerodrome flightinformation service radar endorsement.8.1. General 8.1.1. Describe the division of

responsibility between ATS units

8.1.2. Describe the responsibilityin regard to military traffic



ICAO Doc 4444; Nationalrequirements

ICAO Doc 4444;National requirements

8.2. AerodromeRadar

8.2.1. Explain the responsibility forthe provision of an aerodromeflight information service usingradar derived information

8.2.2. Explain the functions thatcan be performed with the use ofradar derived information in theprovision of an aerodrome flightinformation service



Functions listed in ICAO Doc 4444and/or Local Operationalprocedures

Holding; Approach procedures;Missed approach procedures;Sequencing; Arriving traffic;Departing traffic; Transit traffic,EATs

8.3 Radar serviceprovided

8.3.1. Appreciate action takenwhen identified IFR flights inuncontrolled airspace constitute acollision hazard to other aircraft

8.3.2. Apply collision hazardinformation to aircraft inuncontrolled airspace



ICAO doc 4444, chapter 8

ICAO doc 4444, chapter 8

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OBJECTIVESStudents shall ....


9. RADAR IDENTIFICATIONStudents shall:i. establish and maintain radar identification;ii. respond to a loss of radar identification.9.1. Establishmentof RadarIdentification

9.1.1. Apply the methods ofestablishing radar identificationusing primary radar

9.1.2. Appreciate the precautionswhen establishing radaridentification using primary radar

9.1.3. Apply methods ofestablishing radar identificationusing secondary radar

9.1.4. Appreciate the precautionswhen establishing radaridentification using secondaryradar

9.1.5. Apply procedures in thecase of misidentification






ICAO Doc 4444

ICAO Doc 4444

ICAO Doc 4444

ICAO Doc 4444

ICAO Doc 4444

9.2. Maintenanceof RadarIdentification

9.2.1. Appreciate the necessity tomaintain radar identification at alltimes


9.3. Loss of RadarIdentity

9.3.1. Recognise when an aircraftidentification is lost or in doubt

9.3.2. Apply methods tore-establish radar identification

9.3.3. Respond to loss/doubtconcerning radar identification




e.g. Out of radar coverage; Loss ofradar service; Weather clutter;Other clutter; Garbling


9.4. PositionInformation

9.4.1. Appreciate thecircumstances when radarposition information should bepassed to the aircraft

3 ICAO Doc 4444

9.5. Transfer ofIdentity

9.5.1. Apply the methods oftransfer of radar identification

9.5.2. Appreciate the precautionswhen transferring radaridentification



ICAO Doc 4444

9.6 Termination ofradar service

9.6.1. Appreciate the proceduresapplied when terminating radarservice

9.6.2. Apply the procedures fortermination of radar service



ICAO doc 4444 chapter 8

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SUBJECT 4: METEOROLOGYCovered in Phase II – Rating and endorsement specialised training Module 10

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SUBJECT 5: NAVIGATIONThe general objective is:Students shall analyse all local Navigational aspects in order to organise the aerodrome traffic.


OBJECTIVESStudents shall ....


1. NAVIGATIONAL ASSISTANCEStudents shall appreciate the information on maps and charts and integrate this into controldecisions.1.1. Maps andCharts

1.1.1. Decode symbols andinformation found on relevantaeronautical maps and charts

1.1.2. Use relevant maps andcharts

1.1.3. Assist aircraft observed tobe deviating from its knownintended route




Visual and instrument charts;Aerodrome charts; National mapsand charts; Military maps andcharts

Nearest most suitable aerodrome;Track, Heading; Distance;Aerodrome information; Any othernavigational Assistance relevantat the time

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SUBJECT 6: AIRCRAFTThe general objective is:Students shall assess Aircraft performance to integrate it into traffic organisation.


OBJECTIVESStudents shall ....


1. AIRCRAFT DATAStudents shall:i. use the standard average performance data for the provision of aerodrome flight informationradar service;ii. recognise potential or actual emergency situations;iii. apply standard solutions in the case of simple situations.1.1. PerformanceData

1.1.1. Integrate radar derivedobservation of aircraftperformance control into actiondecisions

4 e.g. Rate of climb/descent; Speed;Radius of turn

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SUBJECT 7: HUMAN FACTORSCovered in Phase II – Rating and endorsement specialised training Module 10

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SUBJECT 8: EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMSThe general objective is:Students shall:integrate knowledge and understanding of the working principles of Equipment and Systemsin the provision of an aerodrome flight information radar service.


OBJECTIVESStudents shall ....


1. GENERAL1.1. ATCEquipment

1.1.1. Maintain the technicalintegrity of the operational position

1.1.2. Operate the various items ofequipment in the simulator

1.1.3. Operate all availableequipment in abnormal situations




Notification procedures;Responsibilities

e.g. Electronic information displays;Radar display; Flight progressboard (strip display); Meaning ofcolours

2. RADARStudents shall use the radar equipment.2.1. Use of Radar 2.1.1. Operate radar equipment

2.1.2. Operate appropriateanticlutter devices

2.1.3. Analyse the informationprovided by the radar equipment

2.1.4. Take account of thelimitations of systems andequipment





Switch on and adjust settings inaccordance with local instructions

In accordance with Localinstructions: Weather clutter;Permanent echoes; Unwantedtargets

Including: use, advantages,limitations

2.2. SecondaryRadar

2.2.1. Explain code management

2.2.2. Allocate codes



Normal codes; Special codes;International; National; Local

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SUBJECT 9: PROFESSIONAL ENVIRONMENTCovered in Phase II – Rating and endorsement specialised training Module 10

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SUBJECT 10: UNUSUAL/EMERGENCY SITUATIONSThe general objective is:Students shall manage air traffic in Unusual/Emergency situations.


OBJECTIVESStudents shall ....


1. GENERAL1.1. UnknownTraffic

1.1.1. Apply the procedures in thecase of unknown traffic

3 Inside controlled airspace; Outsidecontrolled airspace; IFR Vs VFR

1.2. RadarGuidance OutsideControlledAirspace

1.2.1. Explain the circumstanceswhich may require aircraft to beguided outside controlled airspace

1.2.2. Apply procedures regardingguidance outside controlledairspace



e.g. Weather avoidance;Emergency; Traffic Avoidance

e.g. Co-ordination;Information to aircraft

1.3. TransponderFailure

1.3.1. Apply procedures in theevent of a SSR transponderfailure

3 e.g. Total; Partial; Nationalregulations; ICAO Doc 4444;ICAO Doc 7030

1.4. Radio Failure 1.4.1. Apply procedures when aradar controller experiencescomplete or partial failure ofground radio communicationequipment

1.4.2. Explain the proceduresfollowed by a pilot when heexperiences complete or partialradio failure

1.4.3. Apply ATS proceduresassociated with a pilotexperiencing complete or partialradio failure




ICAO Doc 4444;ICAO Doc 7030

e.g. Civil; Military;Special Nationalprocedures

e.g. Civil; Military;Special Nationalprocedures

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SUBJECT 11: DEGRADED SYSTEMS CAPABILITYThe general objective is:Students shall integrate System Degradation procedures in the management of air traffic.


OBJECTIVESStudents shall ....


1. SURVEILLANCE EQUIPMENTStudents shall respond to degradation of surveillance equipment.1.1. Partial or TotalDegradation

1.1.1. Recognise that surveillanceequipment has degraded

1.1.2. Integrate remedialprocedures and/or techniques



Partial power failure; Loss ofcertain facilities; Total failure

e.g. Inform adjacent sectors; Informaircraft; Reduce the number ofaircraft entering area ofresponsibility; Transfer aircraft toanother unit

2. RADAR PROCESSING SYSTEMSStudents shall respond to degradation in the processing systems associated with the surveillanceequipment.2.1. ATCProcessing SystemDegradation

2.1.1. Recognise a systemdegradation

2.1.2. Integrate appropriateprocedure following a processingsystem degradation



e.g. FPS; RDPS; Softwareprocessing of surveillance display

e.g. National procedures; Local unitprocedures

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Released issue Version 1.0 May 2004 Page 30 of 31


Page 31: Aerodrome Flight Information Radar Endorsement … · design of the Aerodrome Flight Information Radar Endorsement ... Phase II – Rating and endorsement specialised training Module

Danish CAA ATS CCC Initial Training Aerodrome Flight Information Radar EndorsementPhase II – Rating and endorsement specialised training Module 11

Released issue Version 1.0 May 2004 Page 31 of 31

SUBJECT 12: AERODROMESCovered in Phase II – Rating and endorsement specialised training Module 10