ag ships & systems_an introduction

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  • 8/2/2019 AG Ships & Systems_an Introduction


    An Introduction

    A visual guide to the ships and their systems in Ager Gensiustus.

    By D. M. Zwerg

  • 8/2/2019 AG Ships & Systems_an Introduction


    Table of Contents


    Propulsion Systems.........................3Gravity Drives.................................3

    Ship Foil...........................................4

    Gravity Plate.....................................4

    Actuare Gravitus (Gravomag)..........5

    Gravity Coil......................................5

    Gravitic Accelerator.........................7

    Comet Drive.....................................7

    Lightning Arc Drive.........................8

    Reaction Drives...............................9Creature: Aspidochelone..................9

    Sails..............................................10Aether Sail: Chute..........................11

    Weaponry.......................................12Hand Projectors..............................12

    Ship Weaponry..............................13Aeols and Bow Weapons................13

    Heavy Scorpion Ship Killer Aeol

    .......................................................13Double Tian Light Anti-personnel



    Gravitas Throwers..........................13

    Weapon Loads/Payloads................14Solid Shot.......................................14


    Alchemical Loads..........................14Ball of Fire.................................14

    Lightning Strike.........................14

    Sticky Packs...............................14

    Iotic Bombs....................................14

    Other Systems................................15Life Support...................................15

    Air Processing & Food...................15

    Algae Vats......................................15

    Air Candles.....................................15


    Shield Projectors............................15Phase Shields..................................16

    Gravitas Throwers..........................16

    Ablative Hull..................................16

    Transport.......................................17Lading Craft...................................17

    Landing Craft (Planetary)..............17

    Transportation Stones.....................17



    Teleprobes (sensors).......................17


    Lading Capable..............................18

    Docking Capable............................18

    Planetary (Landing/Launching)



    Ships..............................................18Ship Size.........................................18

    Ship Types......................................18

    Miscellaneous details.....................18

    D.M. Zwerg 2 May 4th, 2012

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    PrefaceThis document was created as a visual

    introduction to a concept I had of creating a

    space game where magic rather than

    futuristic technology is the ruling force. Icreated this as too many space fantasies

    involve magic without a basic in logic or

    alternate physics, something I tried to

    accomplish here. The basics involve the

    real world theory of Luminiferous Aether

    combined with the idea of five elements

    (Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Wood). I have

    dubbed this fantasy space RPG the Ager

    Gensiustus game and setting.

    What this document examines is the

    various ships, ship systems, propulsion

    systems, and so forth, including graphical

    representations. This document investigates

    the various propulsion systems available,

    including which element and schools of

    magic are tied to each type. From there it

    looks into weaponry and other ship systems

    used by the various races & cultures that

    make up the multiverse of Ager Gensiustus.

    D.M.Zwerg, May 4th, 2012

    This document are copyright May 2012 by

    D.M.Zwerg, all rights reserved.

    Propulsion SystemsList of propulsion systems and elemental


    Propulsion Element Magic

    Ship Foil (shape drive) (?) (?)Gravity Plate Earth Rune

    Gravomag Earth Rune

    Gravity Coil Air Rune/Alchemy

    Gravitic Accelerator Earth & Air Rune/Alchemy

    Comet Drive Fire Alchemy/Spell

    Lightning Arc Drive Air Rune/Spell

    Recoil Drive varies (?)

    Ice Ram Drive Water Rune/Spell

    Creature Wood (?)

    Aether Sail: Chute varies Alchemy

    Aether Sail: Wing varies AlchemyAir Sail Air Alchemy/Spell

    (?) - Indicates none as in can be accomplished

    without magic as well as an inability to define any

    particular set that primarily uses or makes this type,

    Gravity Drives

    Gravity drives manipulate the gravitic

    affects of Luminiferous Aether to create

    propulsion. This is generally done through

    the attraction, repulsion, or redirection and

    concentration of Gravitas particles. The

    following is a list of Gravity Drives:

    Ship Foil (shape drive)

    Gravity PlateGravomag

    Gravity Coil

    Gravitic Accelerator

    Comet Drive

    Lightning Arc Drive

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    Ship Foil

    A Ship Foil Drive uses an alterable foil (or

    wing, similar to sails in a radius around the

    ship) to allow travel along currents in the

    Aether. Note that unless two differentAether energies exist and are not moving in

    the same direction at the same pace and the

    ship itself and/or its foils are designed of

    materials that affect one but not the other

    the Foil Drive would be of limited use at it

    would only allow traffic along and with the

    current. A minimum of two Aether

    mediums (usually aligned to different

    elements) that affect different materials andnot moving in unison allow for differing

    frictions to exist and thus the ship may be

    able to maneuver and possibly even move

    upstream against one of the currents,

    much like a ship in water with the hull

    interacting with the water and the sails

    interacting with the air, thus allowing

    controlled movement.

    Gravity Plate

    This drive uses a temporary or

    permanent Gravity Plate to create a plane

    of gravity in the ship. By putting the

    Gravity Plate at the front of the ship moremass is pushing against one side of the plate

    than the other and thus forward motion is

    created. By using internal mass (often two

    rollers perpendicular to each other) the

    resultant mass offset allows for

    maneuverability. It tends to be a slow and

    somewhat clumsy design, but is something

    that can be jury-rigged and is cheaper than

    many other propulsion systems.

    D.M. Zwerg 4 May 4th, 2012

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    Actuare Gravitus (Gravomag)

    A Gravomag is a focused gravity engine

    that is typically designed within a three axis

    pivot. As they need to pivot on command

    they are automata with some rudimentaryintelligence. Being Earth aspected they

    typically prefer Dvergar handlers.

    Gravity Coil

    An older, more primitive system than a

    Gravomag, Gravity Coils are the most

    common drive for older Empire war ships as

    well as most war ships used by the former

    colonies, , and a number of other races &

    cultures. Due to the gravitic diffraction (see

    image) they are significantly less efficient

    than Gravomags and tend to yield larger,

    less maneuverable ships.

    The gravity coils themselves are an

    amalgam of two substances to cause the

    movement of gravitic energy towards then

    away from the coil, channeling it throughthe coil.

    Advantage: Amount of power can be


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    Disadvantages: Slower and less efficient.

    D.M. Zwerg 6 May 4th, 2012

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    Gravitic Accelerator

    Comet Drive

    Utilized the principal that fire turns Aether

    and thus heat rises to create a gravitic

    imbalance to the flaming front and sides of a

    typically spheroid ship or semi-cylindrical

    ship. By altering the density of the flames

    to the sides allows for turning.

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    Lightning Arc Drive

    Like a comet ship but using lighting to heat

    and repel Aether. Unlike the comet s ships

    with a Lightning Arc Drive tend to be more

    disk shaped and typically vary some of thefrontal lightning arcs to slow and turn the


    D.M. Zwerg 8 May 4th, 2012

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    Reaction Drives

    Recoil Drive (particle projection)

    Ice Ram Drive (particle projection)

    Creature (swimming or rowing)

    Creature: Aspidochelone

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    Sail ships are generally Air Aspected (as

    they catch wind) and generally involve the

    use of Wind Bags or Fans to provide the

    motive wind force, including those thattravel in space (either "leaking" wind via the

    bag or "perpetual motion" with the fan or

    Wind sword directing the winds, generally

    on a turnable boom off the back). Wind

    magics can get one into space and possibly

    beyond but can greatly anger the captured

    wind if it is taken from a planet without

    permission and thus tend to be fairly slow as

    only minor winds and breezes are wont totravel far from home and their base of

    power. Portals to the Floating Island World

    is also Air aspected but tends to lead to

    slower, more danger-wrought travel than

    traditional portals (see below).

    A variant is the Fire aspected sails that

    catch light and heat radiated from the sun orallow travel along a ley line (including earth

    & wood variants). The disadvantages are

    needing to carry multiple aspected sails and

    multiple aspected mages to activate each

    type as well as needing to stay rigidly to ley

    lines and Aetheric Steering Ores needed to


    Water ships do not typically leave thesurface of the water let alone the planet but

    at Aubrey knots or very deep trenches there

    tend to be portals to the Water World. Also,

    Aetheric Corridors [may typically be water

    aspected] and require use of Water Sails or

    Aetheric sails to cross [depending on

    direction of travel???].

    The following is a list of different sail


    Aether Sail (chute)

    Aether Sail (wing)

    Air Sail (chute)

    D.M. Zwerg 10 May 4th, 2012

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    Aether Sail: Chute

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    WeaponryList of propulsion systems and elemental


    Weapon Element Magic

    Hand Projectors Rune/AlchemyIonizer Air Rune/Alchemy

    Heater Fire Rune/Alchemy

    Thumper Water Rune/Alchemy

    Slug Thrower Earth Rune/Alchemy

    Aeols & Projectiles

    n/a none

    Heavy Scorpion Ship Killer Aeol Rune

    Double Tian Light Anti-personnel Aeol Rune

    Other Ship Weapons

    Pressure Gun Air Rune

    Serpentine Fire? Rune/AlchemyGravitas Thrower Earth Rune


    Solid Shot n/a (?)

    Bolts n/a (?)

    Alchemical Loads

    Ball of Fire Fire Alchemy

    Lightning Strike Air Alchemy

    Sticky Packs Wood Alchemy

    Iotic Bombs

    Air Air Rune

    Earth Earth Rune

    Fire Fire Rune

    Water Water Rune

    Wood Wood Rune

    (?) - Indicates none as in can be accomplished

    without magic as well as an inability to define any

    particular set that primarily uses or makes this type,

    Hand Projectors

    Ager Gensiustus has a number of Hand

    Projectors. They use sympathetic magic to

    amplify forces, but are typically limited in

    power both due to size/space limitations (on

    their "recharge caps" and so as not to

    destroy the ships one tends to travel on:

    Ionizers (Air aspect) - shoot out streams of

    electricity/lightning for a limited range.

    Heaters (Fire Aspect) - shoot out bursts of

    heat (not quite flame, but scalding hot).

    Thumper (Water Aspected) - a ball of water

    shoots forth and tends to stun or known

    down opponents.

    Slug Throwers (Earth Aspected) - shoot out

    balls of earth or metal like higher velocity

    sling bullets.

    Recharge caps are based on size & type of

    Hand Projector.

    Hand projectors tend to be fairly small to

    minimize their weight (they involve a

    decent amount of plummet in their

    construction to minimize bleed). Extra caps

    are carried in specially designed plummet

    cases to minimize energy bleed evenbetween caps, thus most people carry few if

    any spares.

    D.M. Zwerg 12 May 4th, 2012

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    Ship Weaponry

    Every ships weapon has a crew to operate

    it. Part of the need for a specific crew is

    training and knowledge of the weapon and

    position in the ship, the other is that, in thecase of Aeols, the weapon may not be

    willing to work for anyone they are not

    comfortable with.

    Aeols and Bow Weapons

    (Wood Aspected or Mechanical)

    Self-firing mechanicals are called Aeols,short for Aeolagostotrop. Aeols often

    have the fastest reload rates, but that tends

    to be inversely proportional to the mass of

    the loads and the speeds to target and

    depend on the gearing of the specific

    Aeolagostotrop. On the other hand Aeols

    are almost always turreted and thus can

    adapt to different angles and circumstances

    faster than any other type of weapon.

    Manually firing bow weapons also exist,

    but tend to be much slower firing and less

    often turreted as the operators need to

    manually crank them back and load them.

    It is not uncommon for either weapon to

    fire through one-way phase shields to allow

    the weapon to operate under relative safety(and atmosphere) yet still fire projectiles at

    specific direct-line targets.

    One advantage of Aeols & bow weapons is

    that once activated they often do not require

    a Magistar to use them.

    Heavy Scorpion Ship Killer AeolHeavy weapon generally mounted such

    that it is at least partially open to the Aether

    as it tend to fire Iotic Bombs and other large

    payloads that could potentially overwhelm a

    Phase Shield

    Double Tian Light Anti-personnel Aeol

    Typically installed under a one-way Phase-

    Shield turret exterior to the ship these

    weapons spew forth a preponderant weight

    of fire from the four linked Aeols

    crossbows. They generally have a 2-man

    crew consisting of a gunner (who aims and

    gives commands using foot pedals for

    up/down left/right) and a bard/musician bin

    reloader that sings to the Aeols.

    Serpentine(Fire Aspect) shoots out a payload, but

    requires component loads to fire (which

    have to be loaded each time). Payloads tend

    to have much greater initial velocities and

    thus lower times to target than Gravitas

    Throwers, but they usually suffer from

    lower reload rates.

    Some serpentines are designed to respondto commands and thus not require a

    Magistar to operate them, although most

    require one for initial activation and some

    require a fire cantrap to activate each firing

    (for security reasons).

    Gravitas Throwers

    (Earth Aspected) use gravity to propel a

    mass at a target (any type of payload). As

    the speed it limited by the gravitic constant

    of the weapon (which is often a factor of

    size and drain) as well as the distance the

    gravity is projected through mileage will

    vary and the load speed could be as little as

    16ft/sec to ??? but the other ship often hastime to react. Gravitas Throwers can also be

    used to deflect incoming payloads or

    redirect payloads fired from other projectors

    and thus have multiple uses. Fire rates are

    based on however fast payloads are set into

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    the projection field and released.

    Gravitas Throwers generally require a

    Magistar to activate and direct the device,

    especially if in an Actuare Turret Mount

    (which is directed by will rather than

    command or pedals).

    Weapon Loads/Payloads

    Solid Shot

    Stones or ceramic loads


    Alchemical Loads

    Ball of Fire

    Lightning Strike

    Sticky Packsgenerally in a hollow ceramic load

    Iotic Bombs

    Iotic Bombs are basically very large

    "amulets", "wands" or "enchanted gems"

    programmed for a destructive use over a

    large area. Once activated they, as thelargest such object in the area, draw all the

    magical energy in an area and focus it into

    creating an elemental effect in a "localized"

    area. A Iotic Fire Bomb would create a

    continuous ball of fire; Water, a large sphere

    of water; Earth, a sphere of earth; Air, gale

    force cyclonic winds in the area; Wood,

    greatly increased plant growth.

    D.M. Zwerg 14 May 4th, 2012

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    Other SystemsOther systems covers a wide variety of

    things including Life Support, Defenses,

    Lading Craft, Landing Capabilities, Launch

    Capabilities, Libraries, Labs, Teleprobes(sensors), Communications, and so forth.

    List of propulsion systems and elemental


    Propulsion Element MagicLife Support

    Algae Vats Wood Alchemy

    Air Candles Air/Fire Alchemy

    DefensesShield Projectors Rune/P&C

    Phase Shields Rune/P&C

    Gravitas Throwers Earth Rune/Spell

    Ablative Hull varies (?)


    Lading Craft varies (?)

    Landing Craft varies (?)

    Transport Stones Earth Rune

    Doors to Somewhere Wood Rune

    Gateways varies Rune

    CommunicationsInternal Air (?)

    External Air varies


    Libraries any varies / none

    Labs any varies

    Teleprobes varies varies

    Lading Capable Air varies

    Docking Capable Air (?)

    Planetary varies varies

    Stealth Air varies

    (?) - Indicates none as in can be accomplished

    without magic as well as an inability to define any

    particular set that primarily uses or makes this type,

    Life Support

    Air Processing & Food

    Air requires 6 liters of algae-water / person

    Chlorea less efficient @ 86sf surface water /


    Rocketpunk estimates 0.75ton/person for

    plants, etc (hydroponics for food)

    Therefore 145-150 day break even between

    food supply & hydroponic ecosystem.

    Man consumes (per day)

    0.84kg Oxygen

    0.62kg food

    3.52kg water

    plus more water for hygiene)

    and Yields (per day)

    0.11kg solid waste

    3.87kg liquid waste

    1.00kg carbon dioxide

    Algae Vats

    Minimum 6 liters of algae-water perperson to replenish air; more if need to feed

    fish (fish/shrimp/crab 10:1 ratio applies);

    additional area for farming/food supply as

    well as safer waste processing (swamp


    Air CandlesAir Candles alchemical (fire/air

    aspected) candles that produce oxygen as

    they burn. Roughly 16 man-hours of good

    air (oxygen) per candle.


    Shield Projectors

    Like all other magical items used only in

    times of active combat shield projectors are

    kept in sealed plummet chests only to be

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    opened during the conflict, then stowed

    away once the ship is safe to conserve their

    energies until such time as they can be

    safely recharged. One projector is needed

    for each shield and it consumes energy

    when in use (see amulets) draining

    unshielded weaker items in its area andgetting drained by more powerful items,

    such as the Gravomag if it is in range, or

    any active unshielded Iotic Bomb. Even a

    relatively small ship will tend to have

    dozens of hopefully fully charged shield

    projectors on board at any given time.

    Shields are of the power scale where they

    resist full dice of damage rather than pointsof damage. >>

    Phase Shields

    Potential for blow to one come out of

    another if they are close enough together

    (within 50'); glow with blue light when

    brought together, usually strong enough to

    read by; 5 is alway safe; by 10 in same area

    the blue light is blinding and there is a

    chance for a rift (5% per above 5); when

    critical mass is reached (random chance but

    100% chance at 25) a rift is ripped in reality

    and all matter within a 50' radius is blasted

    out of phase into another plane/dimension,random location and height (potentially

    underground, random chance)

    Gravitas Throwers


    Ablative Hull

    D.M. Zwerg 16 May 4th, 2012

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    Lading Craft

    Lading craft are any and all craft used tomove goods between one ship and another

    or a ship and an orbital station. Typical

    Lading Craft include Launches, Skiffs,

    Small Foats, and sometimes even Ketches

    and Cutters depending on the size of ship

    and need for speed in lading. Small Foats

    such as Grave Plate Foats are particularly

    common at large Empire Resupply Depots

    due to their speed and efficiency in movingheavy masses but Skiff, Launches and

    Cutters are more common at Rotational

    Stations due to their relative ease in

    matching spin for docking. See individual

    craft for details.

    Landing Craft (Planetary)>

    Transportation Stones

    Small stone pads located in key areas of the

    ship (usually in a Support Tube for security)

    allow for individual transport. Larger cargo

    pads (in Lading Tubes) are used for mass

    transit of supplies; in either case attunedstones are carried to allow for remote

    activation of Transport Pads.

    Alternate are 1-way doors, shops of

    somewhere else, or gateway portals.

    Pads & Gateway Portals are often

    deactivated when the ship is en route but

    Doors generally don't have such precise

    activation and thus are typically locked to

    prevent unauthorized use.



    Space is boring and traveling in space is

    faster and ultimately safer the morecompetent and efficient the crew is. This

    goes for both more mundane skills as well

    as for the magical abilities the typical

    Magistar needs activate the devices. To this

    end most races & cultures that use

    Magistars in the military provide some

    means for said to continue and refine their

    training while traveling, because ultimately

    the more powerful and highly skilled their

    military Magistars the more powerful of

    devices they can make when they retire to

    civilian life. The means to this are

    libraries in which to do research and labs in

    which to experiment & practice. For this

    reason most Line ships have large libraries

    fully-stocked with all the latest treatises and

    journals as well as both the newest andstandard texts for most (if not all) schools of

    magic and often covering multiple

    elemental aspects.


    Teleprobes (sensors)

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    Lading Capable

    This indicates the ship is capable of

    landing on/in a shipboard or station bay. It

    generally indicates the ship has skids on atleast 1 side

    Docking Capable

    Planetary (Landing/Launching)Capable

    This indicates the ship is capable of either

    landing on a planet, launching from a

    planet, or both. For example: most Skiffs

    are Landing Capable, using the Sail as an

    emergency chute in a gravity well, but

    generally lack the ability to take off again

    under its own power; most GraviticVehicles have limited if any landing

    capabilities and only very few can take off

    again once landed (requires >1G for many

    planets limiting it to Couriers and actually

    including Gravity Plate Foats (albeit landing

    and reorientation is tricky at beast in



    Stealth indicates any of a variety of

    methods used to make a ship less noticeable

    in space. The most common is to pain the

    ship black and have no exposed light or

    active gravitics if possible, or if possessing

    gravitics at least remaining motionless.

    Other methods include actual active

    invisibility and so forth.


    Ship Size

    Need 10m^3 per person to 20m^3 includingwork space (galley, etc)

    plus air & food processing areas, etc

    Roughly 1-2 tones per person

    + 1-2 tons fittings & equipment

    thus each person = 3-5 tons

    20m^3 ~ 100sf w. 7' ceiling

    therefore 10m^3 ~ 50sf w. 7' ceiling

    Ship Types

    Ice Ship Water

    Stone Ship Earth

    Metal Ship usually Fire (or Earth)Crystal Ship usually Earth

    Ceramic Ship usually Fire

    Coral or Shell/Bone Ship Wood or Water

    (as some can be alchemically grown via

    Wood magic)

    Plant Ship Wood

    Creature Chariot usually Wood

    Creature Symbiosis usually Wood

    Miscellaneous details

    Sealed Hulls - Although pressure from

    luminiferous aether tends to maintain an

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    air bubble around any object of significant

    mass due to gravity due to shielding this

    does not happen to the same degree when

    under way and gravitic engines would push

    all atmosphere away thus hulls tend to be

    sealed. In gravitic ships sealing prevents air

    loss & creates good air/water flow; alsodefense, hide (by preventing light

    pollution), and even physical loss of cargo,

    people, etc.