agile software and systems engineering tutorial

Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial Systems and Software Technology Conference Salt Lake City, UT Dr Suzette S Johnson April 2010 John O Clark Dr . Suzette S. Johnson Agile Engineering Northrop Grumman Baltimore, MD Suzette Johnson@ngc com John O. Clark Chief Engineer Northrop Grumman Virginia Beach, VA Copyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation

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Page 1: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Systems and Software Technology ConferenceSalt Lake City, UT

Dr Suzette S Johnson

April 2010

John O Clark Dr. Suzette S. JohnsonAgile Engineering

Northrop GrummanBaltimore, MD

Suzette Johnson@ngc com

John O. ClarkChief EngineerNorthrop GrummanVirginia Beach, VA

Copyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation

[email protected]

Page 2: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial


• Defining an Agile Environment• Creating the Teamg• High-Level Agile Steps

– Capabilities Description and Release Planning– Iteration Planning– Iteration Execution– Iteration Demonstration and Retrospective– Iteration Demonstration and Retrospective– Delivery

• Some Final Notes• The Great Challenges• Agile Reading List

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation2

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Page 3: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Today’s Outcomes

• Develop an understanding of the major agile engineering practices

Pa ticipate in a planning and estimating scena io• Participate in a planning and estimating scenario

• Gain insight into agile testing practices from a couple practitioners

P ti i t i t t ti• Participate in a team retrospective

• Have fun working together!

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation3

Page 4: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial


• Defining an Agile Environment• Creating the Teamg• High-Level Agile Steps

– Capabilities Description and Release Planning– Iteration Planning– Iteration Execution– Iteration Demonstration and Retrospective– Iteration Demonstration and Retrospective– Delivery

• Some Final Notes• The Great Challenges• Agile Reading List

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation4

g g

Page 5: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

The Need for ChangeT diti l V Ad ti B i M d lTraditional Versus Adaptive Business Model

I d t i l AI d t i l A K l d AK l d AIndustrial Age Industrial Age Inspect and Adapt

Knowledge Age Knowledge Age Repeatable and Predictable

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation5

Page 6: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

The Knowledge Worker…

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation

Page 7: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Agile Engineering

What is Agile Engineering? Why Agile Practices?

• Includes the entire product life cycle

• Impacts the entire organization

• Quick reaction capabilities

• Adapt to change • Impacts the entire organization

• Inspects and adapts

• Focuses on the value stream

• Shortened product life cycle

• New technological advancementsFocuses on the value stream advancements

• Improved transparency of progress and end-to-end accountability and ownershipaccountability and ownership

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation7

Page 8: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Agile Methods

Agile is about how we believe people are best motivated to do work and about demonstrating high value on a regular basis particularly in

environments that face high requirement volatility and unpredictabilityenvironments that face high requirement volatility and unpredictability.

Agile Methods


Dynamic Systems D l t M th d

Adaptive Software Design

Extreme Programming

Development Methods

Crystal Methods Agile Unified


Feature Driven Development


Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation8

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What is your level of experience?

Scale of 1 to 5

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation9

Page 10: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Agile Principles

Early and Continuous Delivery of Value

A Working System is the Primary Measure

of Progress

Welcome Changing Requirementsg

Deliver a Working Business People and Motivated and Deliver a Working System Frequently

pDevelopers Must Work

Together DailyEmpowered Individuals

Face-to-face Conversation

Promote Sustainable Development

Continuous Attention to Technical Excellence


The Best Architectures,

Requirements and

Regular Team Reflection on How to

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Simplicity Requirements and Designs Emerge From Self-Organizing Teams

Become More Effective

Page 11: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Agile Manifesto

Is valued more thanIndividuals and interactions Processes and tools

A working systems Comprehensive documentationIs valued more than

Customer collaboration Controlled negotiationIs valued more than

l dResponding to change Following a planIs valued more than

That is, while there is value in the items on the right,

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation11

we value the items on the left more

Page 12: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Agile Misconceptions

• There is no discipline within an Agile Process– False. A true Agile Process requires more discipline.

• Agile is only for software development• Agile is only for software development– False. Implementing Agile practices require culture change at all levels. Adapt to

and embrace change vs. trying to anticipate the future.

• The solution to any problem is more processThe solution to any problem is more process– False. Too much process stifles innovation and results in endless workarounds.

• Agile is only for small sized software efforts– False. Agile practices have been growing to the enterprise level. Project sizes ofFalse. Agile practices have been growing to the enterprise level. Project sizes of

200 – 600 people are common.

• Agile is “turn-key”– False. The transition from traditional to Agile will take timeg– An Agile process is agile and will continually change over time– The greatest challenge is culture and fear of change.

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation12

Page 13: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Agile Terminology

Term Definition

Iteration Fixed time-box in which development occurs

Product Backlog Requirements/User Stories to be completed

Product Burn Down Chart Progress for the release; Focuses on the remaining user storyProduct Burn Down Chart Progress for the release; Focuses on the remaining user story points

Product Owner Owns the product backlog, assigns priority to user stories

Release Usually a 2 – 6 month timeframe; formal committed delivery of product

Scrum Master Helps the agile team through the process and removes i diimpediments

The Team Cross functional team

User Story Similar to a requirement

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation13

User Story Similar to a requirement“As a user I want what so that purpose”


Page 14: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Introduction to Four Popular Agile Practices

• Agile Unified Process (AUP)– Scott Ambler, Craig Larman–

• Feature Driven Development (FDD)– Jeff De Luca, Jim Highsmith

• Extreme Programming (XP)– Kent Beck, Ward Cunningham, Ron Jeffries

• Scrum– Ken Schwaber, Jeff Sutherland––

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation14

ou ta goatso t a e co

Page 15: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

What is “Scrum”?

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Picture from

Page 16: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Scrum Core Practices

• 2 or 4 week Sprints (Iterations)• Self-directed and self-organizing

( / )

• Don’t add to iteration• Scrum master firewall

teams (7 +/- 2)• Cross functional teams • Daily Scrum meetings

• Time boxing• Impediments gone in one day• No specific engineering y g o spe e g ee g

practices defined• Product Backlog• Release and iteration planning• Release and iteration planning• Product Burndown• Demonstrations and


Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation16

Scrum Framework (Cohn, 2005)

Page 17: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Extreme Programming (XP) Core Practices

• Planning game• Small, frequent releases

• Pair programming• Team code ownership

• System metaphors• Simple design• Testing

• Continuous integration• Sustainable pace• Whole team together• Testing

• Frequent refactoring• Coding standards

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation17

XP Core Practices (Lindstrom & Jeffries, 2004, p. 46)

Page 18: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

What Methods Are Being Used?

Method PercentageScrum 49.1%Scrum/XP Hybrid 22.3%Extreme Programming 8.0%Custom/Hybrid 5.3%Don't Know 3.7%Agile Unified Process 2.2%Other 2.2%

Feature Driven Development (FDD) 2.1%Lean Development 1.9%Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) 1.4%OpenUP 0.6%Agile Modeling 0.6%Crystal 0.5%

Research Conducted by:VersionOne

Summer 2008

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation18

2,319 completed responses representing 80 countries

Page 19: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Agile System Development Lifecycle


Iteration review &

demonstration to

Release system(Sto es)

(Stories)stakeholders; Retrospectives


Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation19


Dr. Dobb’s Journal/Scott Ambler

Page 20: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Iteration 0: Project Start up

• Start building the team.– Begin with at least one or two senior developers, the Scrum Master and Product

Owner and one or more stakeholder representativesOwner and one or more stakeholder representatives.– Training

• Modeling an initial architecture for the system.– You need to have at least a general idea of how you're going to build the system.– Identify an architectural strategy. Work through the design details later during future

iterations in model sessions. – Every iteration must deliver at least some piece of business functionalityEvery iteration must deliver at least some piece of business functionality

• Setting up the environment.– You need workstations, development tools, and a work areas. Start with just enough

to get the team going and continue to build on this in future releasesto get the team going and continue to build on this in future releases.

• Determine first release date and iteration length

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation20

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• Defining an Agile Environment• Creating the Teamg• High-Level Agile Steps

– Capabilities Description and Release Planning– Iteration Planning– Iteration Execution– Iteration Demonstration and Retrospective– Iteration Demonstration and Retrospective– Delivery

• Some Final Notes• The Great Challenges• Agile Reading List

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation21

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Page 22: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

The Agile Team Based on Scrum

• Product Owner, ScrumMaster, Team

• Systems Engineers

• Hardware EngineersHardware Engineers

• Integration and Test Team

• Program Management

• Stakeholders including customers

Create a workplace where people want to be, where people are valued, and are full contributors to f i d ti th di ti f th

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation22

forming and supporting the direction of the company

Page 23: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Product Owner

• Defines the features of the product

• Manages project features and release to optimize• Manages project features and release to optimize return on investment (ROI)

• Prioritizes features according to market value Product Prioritizes features according to market value

• Inspects increment and makes adaptations to project

Communicates project progress and status


• Communicates project progress and status

• Accepts or rejects work results

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation23 Reference:

Page 24: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

The ScrumMaster

• Represents management

• Responsible for enacting Scrum values and practices• Responsible for enacting Scrum values and practices

• Removes impediments

• Ensures that the team is fully functional and productive

• E bl l ti ll l d• Enables close cooperation across all roles and functions

• Shields the team from external interferences• Shields the team from external interferences

• Ensures that the process is followed

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation24

• Teaches Product Owner and Team how to fulfill their roles


Page 25: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

The Team

• Typically 5-9 people• Cross-functional:

• P ifi i d i• Programmers, verifiers, user experience designers, etc.

• Members should be full-time• T lf i i• Teams are self-organizing

• Ideally, no titles (but rarely a possibility)• Should change only between iterations

S l t th it ti l d ifi k lt• Selects the iteration goal and specifies work results• Commits to what it feels it can accomplish• Has authority to do everything within existing standards

d id li t h th it ti land guidelines to reach the iteration goal• Manages itself and its work• Collaborates with Product Owner to optimize value

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation25

• Demonstrates work results to the Product Owner


Page 26: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Self-organizing, Self-managing Teams

• Team organizes around the work that needs to be done.

M t id th l ti f b h i th t• Management guides the evolution of behaviors that emerge from the interactions.

• Self organization does not mean people get to do whatever• Self-organization does not mean people get to do whatever they want.

• The team works to solve their own problems Management• The team works to solve their own problems. Management does not solve problems for the teams.

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Page 27: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Expectations of Managers

• Focuses on resolving organizational problems and larger program issues

• Establishes check points

• Manages uncertainty via iterative development

• Manages complexity via empowered teams

• Creates and communicates visionCreates and communicates vision

• Enables communication

• Promotes constant improvement

• Establishes governance teams

• Participates in agile “ceremonies”– Team planning sessions, Demonstrations, Retrospectives

• Builds trust

• Motivates and encourages

S th l d i di t

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation27

• Serves the people and removes impediments

• Manages contractual details

Page 28: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Expectations of the Customer

• Identifies needs/capabilities

Pa ticipates in setting p io ities• Participates in setting priorities– We ask “Is what we are doing useful to you in meeting your


• Participates in demonstrations of functionality

• Provides feedback and engages in dialogue about requirements and t tiexpectations

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation28

Page 29: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Project Team Structure

Transition from functional grouping to cross functional teams

PM and Technical Lead

Chief EngineerChief Architect


Infrastructure T

Hardware T

Software T

Systems E i

Integration d T t

Configuration M t


Team Team Team Engineers and Test Management

Lead TM


Lead TM


Lead TM


Lead TM


Lead TM


Lead TM


Isolated progress with too many hand-offs and barriers

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation29

Isolated progress with too many hand offs and barriers

Page 30: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Project Team Structure

Chief EngineerChief ArchitectQuality

Progress against d t d

PM and Technical Lead

end-to-end capabilitiesCapabilities or


Cross Functional Team 1

Cross Functional Team 2

Cross Functional Team 3

Cross Functional Team n


Network/ Systems Administration

Supports Cross Functional Teams

• Push accountability and ownership to the team

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation30

Configuration Mgt.An Example


• Everyone trained

Page 31: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Project Team Structure

Chief EngineerChief ArchitectQuality

Progress against d t d

PM and Technical Lead

end-to-end capabilitiesCapabilities or


Cross Functional Team 1


Scrum Master Developer

Cross Functional Team 2

Cross Functional

Developer Integrator Configuration Management

Team 3

Cross Functional Team n

Tester Systems Engineer



Network/ Systems Administration

Supports Cross Functional Teams

• Push accountability and ownership to the team

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation31

Configuration Mgt.An Example


• Everyone trained

Page 32: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Today’s Scenario: RestEZ

Online hotel reservation system for RestEZBased on customer needs your team has defined a logicalBased on customer needs, your team has defined a logical architecture for the online hotel reservation system. The system is a traditional 3 tier architecture:

a database layer (to persist reservations),

a business logic layer (to manage reservations),a business logic layer (to manage reservations),

and a browser-based user interface (to receive customer


Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation32

Page 33: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

TekTalk: Roles and Responsibilities

• Reflecting on the section Creating the Team and the given scenario address the following:– With your team, identify the team members and roles. You will need a y , y

product owner, scrum master, and team members. Keep in mind the need for cross-functional teams

– Identify your responsibilities

• Team discussion: Whose responsibility?– The Product Owner is micromanaging the team making self-managing

impossible.The team is struggling to understand the priorities of the work– The team is struggling to understand the priorities of the work.

– A team member is constantly late for the daily standup.– The team is not able to deliver on their commitments.

• Create a team name

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation33

Time: 15 minutes

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CheckPointCheckPoint• What we’ve covered so far

• Questions

H d i ?• How are we doing?

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation34

Time: 5 minutes

Page 35: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial


• Defining an Agile Environment• Creating the Teamg• High-Level Agile Steps

– Capabilities Description and Release Planning– Iteration Planning– Iteration Execution– Iteration Demonstration and Retrospective– Iteration Demonstration and Retrospective– Delivery

• Some Final Notes• The Great Challenges• Agile Reading List

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation35

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Page 36: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Levels of Planning

Vision, Product Roadmap, Release, Iteration, DailyVision, Product Roadmap, Release, Iteration, Daily

Iteration 1

Product Backlog(prioritized

requirements by

~2 - 6 months

~2 – 4 weeks fixed


requirements by business value) Release 1 Story




TaskTaskTaskGoals &User Stories

Daily Stand




Iteration n

Iteration 3

Iteration 2

Customer NeedsIteration n…

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation36

Page 37: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

High Level Agile Stages

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Execution



Release Planning

Iteration Demo and


Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation37

Page 38: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Product Roadmap

Release 1Room reservations

and paymentUser profiles for

future visitsRelease 2Conference

offeringsOnline chat

supportRelease 3Release 3

Special discountsLocal information

Release 4Google maps

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation


Page 39: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

High Level Agile Stages

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Execution



Release Planning

Iteration Demo and


Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation39

Page 40: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Agile Keywords & Phrases

- An Agile Program can consist of multiple, semi-independent Projects- Each Project consists of one or more Releases- Each Delivery (Release) consists of one or more Iterations

Each Iteration consists of one or more Stories

Iteration 11 … n

- Each Iteration consists of one or more Stories- Each Story consists of Tasks


Release 1

Release 2

Iteration 2Iteration n

1 … nStory 1Story 2Story n

1 … n

Task 1

Task 2T k 3

1 … n

Release n-2-9 months-Cost AccountingHere

-2 or 4weeks- Fixed time-Could be

e.g., a Web service-Customer Capability-Measures work size

Task 3

-Technical reviews, implement-

-2 weeks for projects in O&M

delivered-Checkpoint with Customer

work size (points), risk-Progress = points / day = velocity

implementation, verification, document-ation, etc.

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation40

Deliver working functionality every iterationOriginal creator: David Mooney, NGIS

Page 41: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Define the Release and Iteration CycleProduct

RoadmapIteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

3 Month Release Cycle3 Month Release Cycle

1/04/10 3/31/10Planning started in Dec.

Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration

in Dec.

1 2 3 4 5 6Formal


Day 1Day 1A.M. = Release Planning MtgP.M. = Iteration1 Planning Mtg

End of Each End of Each IterationIteration

RetrospectiveDemonstration and

ReviewPotentially releasable

Day 1 of Each Day 1 of Each IterationIteration

Iteration Planning Meeting

2-4 hours

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation41

Potentially releasable

Page 42: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Create the Product Backlog

• A list of all desired work on the project

• Ideally expressed such that each item has value to the users or customers of

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

has value to the users or customers of the product

• Prioritized by the product owner

80 A ti I t t h

Business value

Product VisionProduct VisionCustomer Customer NeedsNeeds 80 As a vacationer, I want to search room


70 As a vacationer, I want to change my reservation



60 As a vacationer, I want to cancel my reservation…

50 A i I i h di

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation42

50 As a vacationer, I want to pay with a credit card…

Page 43: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Release Planning

Planning for the ReleaseRelease Planning

High-Level Requirements

High Level Design, Use CasesD fi d d bili

Begin prior to the start of the release

Systems architecture

VisionProduct Roadmap

Mission Needs(Government)

Identify Capabilities from the Product Backlog

GovernmentGovernment Systems EngineersSystems Engineers

Define end-to-end capability tests Systems engineering

High level requirements mapped to end-to-end

capabilities and stories.


User StoriesWritten at a level that the team can

complete in one iterationOwned by the Product OwnerProduct Owner

Release Planning Meeting

Six two-week iterations

Owned by the Product OwnerProduct OwnerUser Story updatesAcceptance Criteria


The Release PlanWhole TeamWhole Team

Select stories for the iteration

The Team defines the tasks for each story and the estimated hours for completion based upon a

definition of done

Supported by the Scrum Master

Six two-week iterations

Formal System of Systems definition of done

Design – Code/Build – Unit Verification –Integration and Component Verification


and Verification at

the end of each iteration

SE tasks are included as a task in a given story Not a


Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation43

Iteration Demonstration and Retrospective (e.g., DT&E)


Page 44: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Planning the Release

Product: Hotel Website for RestEZ

Use Case Flow: Make Room Reservations

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

Story Points

Business Value

User Stories

80 As a vacationer, I want to search room availability…




70 As a vacationer, I Test 8The Release PlanWh t i l it ?want to save my

request… Objective

60 As a vacationer, I want to pay with a credit card…

• Test with Visa

• Test with AmEx


What is our velocity?How many story points can we commit to?

credit card…

• Test 3…..

Owned by the Project Manager with the


Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation44

opportunity to reprioritize each


Page 45: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Velocity (Based on history)

• Velocity is the amount of work a development team completes in an iteration (story points completed)

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning


• Velocity is a range; Look for the high, the low, and the mean.

Velocity for Team A Project Velocity






Velocity for Team A






S P i

Project Velocity






1 2 3 4 5 6 7






80Story Points

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Project Velocity per Iteration

Team A Velocity

High: 45 story points

Low: 30 story points

Project Velocity per Iteration

High: 155 story points

Low: 120 story points

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation45

Mean: 37 story points Mean: 137 story points

Page 46: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Release Planning Meeting

• Meeting is time-boxed

• Usually 1 day depending on length of the release

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

of the release

• Occurs with the entire project team

INPUTStories with




Product Backlog

Business Value


Stories with Relative Effort

Stories with Acceptance g

MeetingCurrent Product



Stories Accepted for the Release

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation46

Page 47: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Commit to the Release Plan

• Capabilities/Goals identified

• High level requirements and initial user stories d

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning


• User stories (functional and non-functional requirements)

Ex : Project Teams average about 137 user 35



Velocity for Team A

– Ex.: Project Teams average about 137 user story points per iteration; for a release with 6 iterations this is about 900 story points. The scope is 720-930 user story points of work.









– Total number of user stories planned (125)

• Dependencies identified

• Known or assumed velocity by development team

01 2 3 4 5 6 7


Project Velocity y y pand project team

• Total number of user stories planned

• Planned hours (WBS element)60






Story Points

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation47

• Planned hours (WBS element)0



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Project Velocity per Iteration

Page 48: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

User Stories

What is a User Story?

• Functional stories

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

u c o a s o es– often based off a scenario of a

use case– On large projects a user can be

another system

Estimation (2 options)

• Story Pointsanother system

• Non-functional stories

• Definition of Done

– Bigness of the task– Considers: complexity, uncertainty,

effortDefinition of Done– Design, Write tests, code, unit

tests, documentation, etc.

• No credit for partial work –

– Estimated by the team– Relative values

No credit for partial work either done or not done

As vacationer, I want to search for available

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation48


Page 49: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

User Stories to Convey Meaning

• Requirements might sayThe product shall have a gas engine

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

– The product shall have a gas engine– The product shall have four wheels

• The product shall have a rubber tire mounted toThe product shall have a rubber tire mounted to each wheel

– The product shall have a steering wheel– The product shall have a steel body

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation49

Source Mike Cohn:

Page 50: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

User Stories to Convey MeaningProduct

RoadmapIteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

As a <lawn service provider> I want to mow lawns quickly and easily.

As a <lawn service provider> I want to sit p

comfortably while mowing lawns.

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation50 Reference: Mike Cohn,

Page 51: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Requirements to User Stories

The system shall provide the capability for ki h t l ti

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

making hotel reservations.

As a premiere member, I want to search for available discounted rooms

As vacationer, I want to search for available

discounted rooms. rooms.

As vacationer, I want to save my selections.

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation51

a y o

Page 52: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Non-Functional Requirements?Product

RoadmapIteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

As a vacationer and user of the hotel website, I want the system to be available

As vacationer, I want web pages to download the system to be available

99.99% of the time… in <4 seconds…

As the hotel website owner, I want 10,000 concurrent users to be Stories forStories for DescribesDescribesable to access the site at the same time with no impact to performance…

Stories for Stories for nonnon--functional functional requirementsrequirements

Describes Describes system system

behavior or behavior or h t i tih t i ti

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation52


Reference: Mike Cohn,

Page 53: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

A User Story is Comprised of…Product

RoadmapIteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

• A written description of the story, used for planning and as a reminder

• Conversations about the story that serve to flesh out the details of the story

• Tests that convey and document details that can be used to determine when a story is complete

h // f / l /–

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation53

Page 54: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Writing User Stories

• Often written by the Product Owner or as a team

B i t t t id

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

• Brainstorm to generate ideas

• Some stories start out as epic stories; break them downdo

• Stories should be drafted and estimated prior to the release planning meeting






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Page 55: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Estimating Technique: Planning Poker

• Estimating the user stories for a release. A release is one or more iterations.

• Going into the estimation phase, stories for the release

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

Going into the estimation phase, stories for the release have been identified and each has verification objectives; Stories have been discussed with the team.

• StepsE h ti t i i d k f d h d h lid b h (1– Each estimator is given a deck of cards, each card has a valid number such as (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ?)

– The teams read the stories– An “average” story is selectedg y– The story is read to the team and discussed briefly– Each estimator selects a card to reveal his estimate – Cards are turned over so everyone can see them

1 2 3 5 8 13 21 ?

– Differences in estimates are discussed; especially outliers– Re-estimate until estimates converge

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation55

1 2 3 5 8 13 21 ?Reference:

Page 56: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

TekTalk: Estimate This!

Backlog Item RelativeEstimate

Create a 50 slide presentation on agile practicesCreate a 50 slide presentation on agile practices

Read a James Patterson novel (500 pages)

Read a bedtime story to a child

l l fWrite a 6-8 page article on your latest software project and lessons learned

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation56

Time: 10 minutes

Page 57: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

High Level Agile Stages

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Execution



Release Planning

Iteration Demo and


Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation57

Page 58: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Release Planning

Iteration Detailed PlanningProduct

RoadmapIteration Planning

Iteration Execution



Release Planning

Identify capabilities and high-level requirements(Capabilities Description Document)

Hi h L l d i U C d U St i

Begin prior to the start of the release

Initiate ProjectProduct Roadmap

Iteration Demo and


High Level design, Use Cases, and User StoriesDefine end-to-end capability tests

Create the Product Backlog

Systems architecture

Systems engineering

High level requirements mapped to end-to-end

Six two-week iterations

ppcapabilities and stories.

Release Planning Meeting Detailed Planning

Select User Stories for the Iteration

The Team defines the tasks for each story and the estimated hours based upon a definition of doneSupported by the

Scrum Master

Six two-week iterations

Formal System of Systems

Design –Build – Unit Verification – Integration and Component Verification

Scrum Master yIntegration

and Verification at

the end of each iteration

SE tasks are included as a task in a given story Not a


Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation58

Iteration Demonstration and Retrospective

Page 59: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Example of “Done”

• Designed

• Design Review

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

Design Review

• Refactored

• Coded

• Code Review

• Unit Tested

• Functional Tested

• Integration Tested

• Regression Tested

• Security Tested

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation

• User/Stakeholder Tested

• Documented

Page 60: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Release Plan to Iteration PlanE ample Hotel WebsiteExample: Hotel Website

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

Release Plan Iteration Plan (Stories with Tasks)

Story Points Hours

Business Value

80 As a vacationer, I want to search room availability…


70 As a vacationer I want to 8

Design Review 4

Write Tests 8

Code 2470 As a vacationer, I want to change my reservation…


60 As a vacationer, I want to cancel my reservation


Code 24

Automate Test 8

cancel my reservation…

50 As a vacationer, I want to pay with a credit card…


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Page 61: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Iteration Planning Meeting

Meeting is time-boxed

Usually ½ day depending on length of

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

the iteration

U t i ith




User stories with business value

User stories with estimates

Iteration Goals

Stories for the iterationg



Team capacity

Team velocity

Tasks with hours for each user


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Page 62: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Team Capacity

• Capacity is the team members’ available hours to work in an iteration

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning


• Revisited each iteration

• Compare planned task hours to Example for a two-week iterationCompare planned task hours to capacity hours

Example for a two week iteration

Team Member

Hours per day

Total hours in the iteration

Bill 5 50Bill 5 50

Scott 5 50

Chris 8 80

Andy 7 70

Cindy 7 70

Mike 8 80

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation62

8 80


Page 63: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

TekTalk: Planning and Estimation

• Scenario: Based on customer needs, your team has defined a logical architecture for an online hotel reservation system. The system is a traditional 3 tier architecture:The system is a traditional 3 tier architecture:

a database layer (to persist reservations), a business logic layer (to manage reservations), and a browser-based user interface (to receive customer input). ( p )

Your product owner started to create the product backlog and has provided 2 Epic stories for the first release.

• With your team complete the following:• With your team complete the following:Read through the stories. Write 2-3 additional stories for each epic story.Include acceptance (testing) criteriaInclude acceptance (testing) criteria.Using Planning Poker identify story points for each story (not epics).Question: How will the team decide how many stories it should assign to an iteration? How do you know which stories to select?

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation63

yTime: 30 minutes

Page 64: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

CheckPointCheckPoint• What we’ve covered so far

• Questions

H d i ?• How are we doing?

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation64

Time: 5 minutes

Page 65: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

High Level Agile Stages

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Execution



Release Planning

Iteration Demo and


Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation65

Page 66: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Iteration Execution: Design, Build, TestProduct

RoadmapIteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

Release Plan

St A



Story A




Story D





emand Re

Story AStory BStory CStory n

ation Plan

tion Design

Story C




eration onstrationetrospectiv

Fixed time frame

•• Unit Testing/Component TestingUnit Testing/Component Testing

n n ve

Unit Testing/Component Testing Unit Testing/Component Testing •• Continuous IntegrationContinuous Integration•• Test AutomationTest Automation•• Peer/Code ReviewsPeer/Code Reviews

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation66

Reference: Hallett, D. (2006). An introduction to agile and iterative project management.

Page 67: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Managing the Iteration Backlog

• Any team member can add, delete or change the iteration backlog

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

• Individuals sign up for work of their own choosing− Work is never assigned

• Estimated work remaining is updated dailyEstimated work remaining is updated daily

• Work for the iteration emerges

• If work is unclear, define a iteration backlog item , gwith a larger amount of time and break it down later

• Update work remaining as more becomes known

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation67

Page 68: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

A Team’s Iteration Burndown

Week1Iteration 0 Tasks Owner Status Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Mon Tues Wed Thur

User Story: As a vacationer, I want to search room availability…Product

RoadmapIteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

Design Review Scott Completed 4 4 4 3 2 0 0 0 0Install baseline Bill Completed 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0ICD updates Scott Completed 8 8 6 3 3 2 0 0 0Acquire test data Bill Completed 8 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Code Scott Completed 24 20 16 14 10 10 3 0 0Develop tests Scott Completed 8 8 8 6 4 4 4 3 0Run Tests Scott Completed 8 8 8 8 5 3 4 2 0



The TeamThe Team

Manages its work and Manages its work and progressprogressprogressprogress

Meets daily to discuss Meets daily to discuss progress and commit to progress and commit to


Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation68

Managed by the Teamplanplan

Page 69: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

The Daily Standup

SCRUM Daily Standup

1 What did you do since the last stand up?

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

1. What did you do since the last stand up?

2. What will you do today? (Commitment)

3. Is anything in your way? Parameters

SCRUM of SCRUMS – Standup (usually two or three times per week)

– Daily– Attendance required and

critical– 15-minutes( y p )

1. What has your team done since we last met?

2. What will your team do before we meet

– Stand-up– Not for problem solving


3. What’s in your team’s way?

4. What are you about to put in another

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation

y pteam’s way?

Page 70: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Scaling Scrum Recommendations

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation70

Page 71: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Iteration Execution: Design, Build, TestProduct

RoadmapIteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

Developer’s Environment Test and Release SoS EnvironmentQA

Field System


Unit/Component Testing

Data Feed Testing

Integration Testing

End-to-End Product Testing

QIntegration Tests

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation71

Page 72: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Agile TestingProduct

RoadmapIteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

Test Early Test Often AutomateTest Early Test Often Automate

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Page 73: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Theory and Practice

• Agile testing is about people and communication

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

– Test documents are often incomplete, out-of-date, ambiguous

– Test results should be big, public, easy-to-read chartscharts

• Testers are embedded with coders– The reasons? Speed, accountability,

t t f f k l dtransparency, transfer of knowledge

• Automated testing is a must

E l Oft A t tE l Oft A t t

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation73

Early, Often, AutomateEarly, Often, Automate

Page 74: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Agile Story/Test High-Level FlowRequirementsRequirements


Develop Use Cases

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

Write user stories

Write test

Typically during release planning

te testobjectives/cases

Team develops

Individual user story tests verified



Test Case Testing Regression Testing Performance Testing

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation74

Test Pass?Enter defect report N Verified and ValidatedY

Page 75: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Check It Out!

• Agile Testing: Unit, Acceptance, and Regression Testing

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

g g , p , g g(#3)– 8 minutes

• http://www agilejournal com/media-center/educational-videos/1188-• center/educational videos/1188borland-part1

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation75

Time: 10 minutes

Page 76: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

High Level Agile Stages

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Execution



Release Planning

Iteration Demo and


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Page 77: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

The Iteration Review

• Demonstrates new functionality• Transparency and information sharing• Informal

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

• Informal• Time-boxed• Everyone invited• What has been tested and what stories are accepted• What has been tested and what stories are accepted• Revisit the backlog

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Iteration Retrospective

• Take a look at what is and is not working well

• Time-boxed

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

Time boxed

• Done after every iteration

• Facilitated by the Scrum Master

Worked well

Could be improved

Actions and Priorities


• Focus is on process improvement

• Whole team participates• ScrumMaster



• Product owner

• Team

• Consider customers and others

Ways to focus the discussion

G l t t Consider customers and others Goal we want to accomplish

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Page 79: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Monitoring Progress Focuses on the Points (Work)

Product Burndown for the Release



Points (Work) Remaining

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Execution



Release Planning





ry P




Iteration Demo and






Product Burndown


Product Burndown


Iteration1 Iteration2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 Iteration 5 Iteration 6 Iteration 7




ry P


sStory points baseline

Burndown (PtsRemain)10






ry P


sStory points baseline

Burndown (PtsRemain)10



A project team’s burndown

• Based on story points planned

• Updated and reviewed each iteration

• As stories are accepted and tests passed,




ion 0


ion 1


ion 2


ion 3


ion 4


ion 5

S )5




ion 0


ion 1


ion 2


ion 3


ion 4


ion 5

S )5(team of teams)

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation79

requirement progress is updatedA team’s product burndown

Page 80: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

End of the Release

• Similar to end of iteration – every iteration is potentially releasable

Product Roadmap

Iteration Planning

Iteration Demo and


Iteration Execution




Release Planning

• Hardening iteration

• Stories demonstrated and accepted

• Version description document updated

• Many disciplined agile teams have a parallel ff dtesting effort during construction iterations

where defects are found and feed back into the process. In addition, the working software becomes a working “system”becomes a working “system”

• QA testing or DT&E II

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation80

Page 81: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial


• Defining an Agile Environment• Creating the Teamg• High-Level Agile Steps

– Capabilities Description and Release Planning– Iteration Planning– Iteration Execution– Iteration Demonstration and Retrospective– Iteration Demonstration and Retrospective– Delivery

• Some Final Notes• The Great Challenges• Agile Reading List

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation81

g g

Page 82: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Starting the Transition

• Communicate the need

• Communicate how agile practices will affect the enterprise and the people

• Create an agile leadership team with a transition backlog

• Provide training

• Provide a way for people to ask questions and resolve issues

• Get input

• Identify the Product Owner, ScrumMaster, and team members

• Define agile related metrics and mechanisms for gathering and managing with themg g g g g

• Begin creating the Product Backlog

• Assess compensation policies to encourage teamwork

• Start working through Transition Product Backlog• Start working through Transition Product Backlog

• Set up brown bag sessions

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation82

Reference: Ken Schwaber, www.controlchaos.comCheck out: Fearless Change by Manns and Rising

Page 83: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Thoughts about tools

• Agile PM/Story Management– Excel spreadsheets– Wiki

• Continuous Integration Tools– Hudson– CruiseControlWiki

– Jira/Greenhopper plug-in– Rally or VersionOne– Mingle


• Testing– JUnit for Javag

– Others….

• Configuration Management and Build

– NUnit for C#• Both are very popular

and widely used frameworks for writingBuild

– Subversion, IBM ClearCase

• Design and Modeling

frameworks for writing and running tests (both unit and integration)

– Cobertura provides JUnit test t i

g g– Rhaposdy– Rational Systems Modeler

• Systems Engineering

coverage metrics– HP Quality Center– Rational Quality Center

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation83

• Systems Engineering– Requirements Database: ReqPro

Page 84: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Your Greatest Challenges

• Transitioning leadership and management roles (the paradigm shift from command and control to empowered teams)

• Culture change

• Distributed teams

• Scaling• Scaling

• Systems-of-systems level

• Earned value• Earned value

• Estimation

• Contracts

• Customer learning and frequent customer engagement

• CMMI/ISO 9000

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation84

• Buy-in from stakeholders

Page 85: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

TekTalk: Retrospective

• Reflect on today’s session.– What worked well– Suggestions for improvement

• What do you think are the greatest challenges when transitioning to Agile practices?g g p

• What are three important take-aways from today?

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation85

Time: 15 minutes

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Page 87: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Outcome Reflection

• Develop an understanding of the major agile engineering practices

Pa ticipate in a planning and estimating scena io• Participate in a planning and estimating scenario

• Gain insight into agile testing practices from a couple practitioners

P ti i t i t t ti• Participate in a team retrospective

• Have fun working together!

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation87

Page 88: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Final CheckPoint

• Agile is about creating an adaptive organization that is able to respond to the changing needs of customers and industries

• Agile is not just about software development

• Agile practices affect the entire organization

• There are several Agile methods under the umbrella of “Agile Practices”

• Agile development emphasizes the need for ongoing iterative development with completed, demonstrable functionality at the end of every iteration

• Agile methods emphasize the need for team and customer collaboration

Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation88

Page 89: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

Special Acknowledgments

• Many of the ideas in this presentation originated from:– My initial training by Ken Schwaber and Mike Cohn– The Agile Journal– Other contributions/research are noted throughout the presentation– My experiences with nearly 10 programs and projects across Northrop


Copyright 2009 Northrop Grumman CorporationCopyright 2010 Northrop Grumman Corporation89

Page 90: Agile Software and Systems Engineering Tutorial

An Agile Reading List

• Adaptive Enterprise – by Steven Haeckel

• Agile and Iterative Development: A Manager’s Guide by Craig Larman

• Agile Estimating and Planning by Mike Cohn

• Succeeding with Agile by Mike Cohn• Succeeding with Agile by Mike Cohn

• Agile Project Management with Scrum by Ken Schwaber

• Agile Testing by Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregoryg g y p g y

• Scrum and The Enterprise by Ken Schwaber

• Weekly articles at

• by Mike Cohn

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