aita - . ii...mcdonald, ana can ro-celvo a number ot hoarders and lodgers. first class hoard and...

, ( ftT : < , , p: ' ' ' ; ' ' ' ' ' . It\W \ . II'1J ' " ' 1jr / ; ' . , . ' . ' " ' . " . ' " . 'i l , : ; t . '! ; WPl :: ' : ! ) ' : IYjl : ,: ; ' : ; " ? t : . ' .. ' . . _ ' . \ _ . , : ' . . t : : : : , , . > : THE COLONIST . I . < ' : : . . , ' Has Double the Circulation of ! 3 : : ; ' : , , " . any other-Paper in the'Province , b t D1 aitA r I i . , . : tandis : ' , therefore , ' unexcelled as ) l i A ; ( ) \ ' ' ' , ; { oiJe1 i. : ' , , : : , > ' . , , ; ' " an advertising1 medium . . I IC COLONIST Office , GOVERNMENT Street I < : b : ; f ; : ' :' " , - . : = ; f jYo1ALYIX--NO ! i : ; ; _ ' 3 f . VICTORIA , BRITISH COLUMBIA FRIDAY , JANUARI i *o , l 188 . THIRTIETH YEAR t > ,. : " , _ _ _ 4k r ' : Hu son- s ' Bay Company . ,t. > ' A supplyof IndianapolisSaws : , Special Steel Diamond , Thin Back Silver Steel Occident , ; . = . ' - . Pit and Whip Saws . . Messrs . Atkins & Co , 'a Silver Stud isl'gnicnt grotlnel Crosscut SawlI arc unoquallcd for fast \ ( IIt I for ' holding '' a fliio culling ' otgu 1Iioy sI1I nt len pur cent inoru tlmuor with the Biiino 1 Ii \ ot ; luhur . than those ' of : any other ; brand . The Company have also on hand : Spear & Jackson's Saws and Files ; . . . Nails , Traps , Anvils , Pig Lead , , . Sheet Lead , Shot , Rope , &c . BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES . nul- lIBRITISH y . . . . COLUMBIA LAND ) ' INVESTMENT AGENCY , limited _ . THOMAS ALLSOP , } HENRY : : ; S _ MASON : > , Jl JlIHHWTOltS ct7-y-I HOLLAND , J HEAD OFFICE , 56 New Broad Street , LONDON , ENGLAND . I The business of ALLSOP & MASON has been merged in the above I Company and will be carried on by the Company from this date as a general Land Investment and Insurance Agency . MONEY TO LOAN on Mortgage at Low Rates . Town Lots and | Farming Lands for Sale on easy terms . . \'lctol'll11 . C . , JIuy IGth . ISS : ; . Je2l-tf - w . REMOVAL ! I- H 11 F 1 11EISTG1IAN & Co . , IILI 1.11111:1'111 : * . . Have removed their offices to BURNES ' BLOCK , HAHTION .SCJUAHI , Oi > p. NEW COURT HOUSK . ellis . for . llio Mutual Life of New . York . I'hcmiix: Fire of Brooklyn . " . " . Western Assurance Co . " Fireman's Fiiiul ! , ( Marine . Branch ) of S . F. SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS . nO\2\1) . iYivs . 'OllngJJ In H . C . tJI I u ) " 'TA'I'EUbltmtlon : \Vritcs an intelli gent hand and fully posted In Bookkeeping . Has travelled for a wholesale drypoods house for the lust Ih'e'I ( ) j airs . Can give the very best of references . Will accept ) not before 1st of March , . Not afraid of hard work and thorough ly understands , drygooda and costumes business . Address "Tli.i vuujiii , " M ark Street , Ottawa . janl3-dit-wlt : I and wife wish ! employment ; In Hotel , ASIAN I ' I . or private I family . Both good plain . cooks and domestic servants . Man would nsilst In house , attend garden , etc . V'o want a steady place and could ! coino at Once . being dis ¬ ! engaged Address "Uomcbtlc1 this Olllco . : ' " Jall-3t : _ _ furnIshed rooms to let. Pleasantly situ . TWO . Breakfast it required . Apply at this OlHcc . ' dnc28-'Jw \ nicely I furnished room , suitable 'fOr n single I gentleman I ::: . About ten minutes walk from the } 'oslolllcopply at this ntllco . janl Iro'TIcEL- Br : . Barque "Frederick . " GAIT . CLA1MCK , KHOM LONDON. EITII EU ' the ' CaptaIn nor the undersigned : I ;: N yIh1 bo responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of the above named Vessel . TURNER , BEETON & CO " I Victoria . Consignees . J Jan. 18 . 1833 . janlO I Board arid Lodging . , l . O'lJUIAN HAS RENTED ; ; AND HE- _MK9 I , tliu comfortable residence on Cormorant street , above Douglas , formerly occupied by Mrs . l K . McDonald , ana can ro- celvo a number ot hoarders and lodgers . first class hoard and comfortable rooms are pro vided at reasonable rates . Apply on the prom sea jn3 LEGISLATIVE . . To the Voters of ViroCity ; : GKNTI.KMEX , As an opposition candidate , I otter myself for Legislative honors , mid hereby ask for your votes and influence / , It .1 ' . WILLIAMS . ' Victoria . 13th January , 1SSS . Jan11 COAL : : COAL J . D . WARREN Has removed his Olllco to Government Street , next door to the C.l.K . Telegraph , Olllco and solicits n shore ot public patranagc . Tim BEST ' 'VELLINGTON \ COAL Always on Hand . j nS.lm ORGANS & PIANOS . ' \'lIIsool\ have a NEW LOT of the best make of American Organs from 875 upwards . Pianos from $250 upwards . GIVE & ME A OAI.U HI _ PETERS : , . .GOVERNMENT STREET. dcc8-tf $10.00 REWARD . , HETUHN OUINFOIljrATIONLKAI- l POllIJ to a lest Newfoundland pup , about six months old , answering to tho name of Noble . " ' :. Color black . with chest and fore legs mottled . , black and white and tip of tall white , a streak . of whtto almost around his neck . Positively . no larger reward oH'orod l . Apply nt residence l : : of John K. Gardner , Pandora : street , near Itoyal Hospital ! ! . JanlU-lw : MUNICIPAL . $ lQO.OO Reward ! _ . Will be paid for such information as will lead to the arrest and con viction of any person or persons . . guilty of incendiarism within the . limits of the City of Victoria . . . ; By order of the Mayor , t . JAMES D . ROBINSON , , >_ . C. M. C. '- I ' ; , " : . . ' 18th Jan " . , 18(18 ( . JnnlD . , ' . " : " ' . ' . . " YEARLY GEMS . lJJI : YEARLY GEM3 OK UIUT1SH co . " jlnrnhll are now ready at Airs . It . Maynard'i ' , fiLadies who liavo had their little ones ' Photo 1rapha : taken at . her , Studio during ' 117 , that : } have not already received i ono of the Going , can I 'eIo , so by calling nt the Photographic Studio , . ) ) OUlrlae Street . . ' ., ' janl-lm : , \ , t " ft ' . - , Uf . *> . ' . A > . ( : ' . -.- 1 . p 'l--- t ". , . ' . " ; , j'L : : ' " , : . " . . " " , I FIRE ! FIRE ! I- I Tim \ Western Assuiiice Company I IQ TORONTO . , , . , ., ')' INS ! I,71h.391.r ( : >0 , . II\\'ISO : t1'PoixTxi ) MESSRS ; . H . F. HKISTEUMAN & Co . . Agents for Vancouver Island , ARE PREPARED TO INSURE . AM KINDS OK Buildings , Merchandize , Ships in Harbor , &c . &c . , against Risks by Fire , at Current Rates . 1 ____ roil SALE OK TO I.KT . r FOR SALE . END FARM CONTAINING ONE LOCH n and Fifty Acres , more or lass , situated about 31 j miles from town . Apply to II . E. CROASUAILE ; , dell Land Agent , next door to Jlunk ; B.C. ' FOR SALE . rpUQ BOAT, 70 FEET LONG , COMPOUND J_ , Engines . For particulars I apply to janO-tf LOWEN13EUO , HARRIS & Co. LAND FOR SALE ! . CEDAR HILL ROAD . T N FIVK-ACHK LOTS . ONE MILE FROM JL Town . Apply to . JOHN J AUSTIN . Dilation Street . January 1st , 1838 . janl FOR ' SALE . HELL . ORGAN , IN GOOD CONDITION ) . it 15 stops , knees well I , vie . Drawing-room I : pattern . : PRICE : : 175 . Apply to P. O. Box 563 . . J-.nH J . P . Davies & Co AUCTIONEERS . Special Cigar Sale . Jan 25th 1888 Wednesday , , , , AT II O'CLOCK A . M . We will Sell at Salesroom , Wharf Street , ' 100000 ' , Cigars Imported and Domestic . ASSORTED BRANDS . tarPartlculars Tuesday , TERMS LIBERAL . JOSHUA DAVIES , janlS Auctioneers . VICTORIA BUSINESS l'OI.LiK : ; : trains Mon , Women and Children for Business Lifo . Graduates assisted to sit ations . Send for Circular . II . .1 . "'AN AMtKX : , 1'rlnclpul I . Victoria , B.C . JaniS-lm ANGELACOLLEGE _ . VICTOK1A ' BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL Young Ladies , will reopen after the FOR i \ vacation on THURSDAY , JAN. leo . MISS DUPONT I , jrm.Vlm Principal . ANNIE WRIGHT SEMINARY ' The } Edcr : Term Opens on Thursday , Jan . 26 , 1888 , lAddlllonalI rooms have been finished for Boarders and a beautiful Studio fitted up for UioArt Classes . With n most excellent corps of Teachers the school is having a very successful roar . For admittance . apply to the Prlnclpil , * SIKS , LKIUIIKL : II , WELLS : , JiinlS ' . Tacoma , ,Wash . Tor . ALDERWOOD . . WEL1i JEASONKD . ia.60 per cord delivered . . ; jaONZALKSFJlRRl , ' JmilMw ' , ' . "v p , 0. Box 2M . " 'I " . ' t\ \ . . 1 , ' ' . , . " , . ? ' ; : 1,- 1 ' ' .I " : " t " . , , : , . ; , ( NEW An\'I nT1SI : UI , STS . ' tovy 1; : : : i I\ \ twcan the hours of 2 and 6 o'clock , pm. laiuM-St , rpHE THISTLE RESTAURANT " removed AlscBuanllng ; JunLUlui MRS . J . FKNWICK . * : : PROVINCIAL SKCRETARY'rf OFFICE , Uth January . 1883 . HONOR I the Lieutenant-Governor I lit . , U1S ; ;'l boon pleased to make the following ap- I ointments : CIIAIU.KH : QAUDNKH JOIIXOON , Esquire , of Vaiicouror , to bo Collcator of Votes for the Uurnird Inlet Polling Division of the Electoral District of Now Wostmiiulpr . llth January . 1888 . CIIAUI.KS W.AKV ten , l < ! ( iuiro | & . of New Vest minster , to be Deputy District ltcllllltrnr of the Supreme Court , Westminster Judicial Di- trlct , " and Deputy Registrar of Iho County Court holden at Now Wcstmlnilui . janiSMin CARSLAKE'S GRAND) DERBY / SWBKP \ $ 25,00000Total . 1st hoe ( ii in duplicate ) 3OOO each iirlze, 8.tOot ( ) titi2os'itXn . . . . :: : ( ( :: : : ; ) 3rd 51(115$2,110) ( ) ) ( ) ( ) $2XoiIn , ' ' inI $1,000I ( , ' , ) I ) S.I.OOO ! 5.000 ) rickets at $5 each . Drawing ) May 28th . Race May ! : SOtli , 1S8S . Ten , per cot . deducted from all prizes . Address . OICOltOB CARSLAICK ; , Prop . Jan . ' ) I-II1-w.s - m Mansion ) House . Montreal . N'OTIOE : : _ In the I Estate and oflecLs of Patrick JllIrphy . I late of Uomollrilish Columbia , rlecolised . rpAlvK : : NOTICK , that all ! persons indebted I to J . this , estate ate hereby : required to pey the I ainotiiils duo forthwith , and all persons who limy have ' any claims UKiUimt Iho said ostalc are required to send the name on or before the 'JUlh day of February , A.I] ) . to the Very Rev . : J I . J . Jonckmi , the ; ut'o to II hU Agent ; , K .M. JOHNSON . Corner of Government and liaslion Streets . jaiilU-lm ! Victoria , DC . Public Meeting . SIMEON DUCK, The Government Candidate , HON . THEODORE DAVIE , and others , Will Address the Electors of Victoria , AT VICTORIA ! . THEATRE , ON Saturday, Jan . 21st , 1888 OHAIR WILL BE TAKEN AT 8 O'CLOCK , P. M. jimlOtd GERMAN and FRENCH _IleidelbergerI ' t; J : { , : Arts , Paris ; will have great pleasure In walling l on parents who.dcalrousofKivliiK tltoirchiidren the 1 very best 01 ! education may wish them I lo acquire a thorough knowktigo :\ of German : and French . Moderate terms for private tuition I . Address 1 Post Olllce , Victoria . janlo AUCTION SALE W . R CLARKE , Auctioneer . AM Trustees to sell by : ygllI I Public I second houno I on the right of View Street from the corner nIW of View I I , on Saturday ' ( next , the 21st lost . AT 1 II 1 A.M . Parlor , Dining-room , Bedroom " and Kitchen FURNITURE , WHICH CONSISTS OK FoILS ) Chairs , Lounges , Mirrors , Pictures , Omit me Ills , I Lace Curtains , Cornices , Brussels Cur pets , Table and lied Linen , HlankeU . 1'lIIows\ \ llodroom Sols , WcarliiK I Anparcl ' ' \ Cooking Stoves , Crockery : Glassware : , Cutlery ; , Clocks , Tables and Chairs . 'n ItMS CASH . Goods to bo taken away on day of Sale . W. R . OLARKE , janlO Auctioneer . t : 1'II1T\ : > } KYI'S : . Grand Ball . _ l; - _ I BKKNCOML Agricultural Hall , South Saanlch , on THURSDAY , the 26th inst . Refreshments will bo , nerved by the lAdies of the Committee ( mothers . TICKETS ( Lady and Gentlemen ) , $2.00 , Single Ladies ' Tickets 50c , Jimiz BURNS ' ANNIVERSARY , ST. ANDRKWS AND CALKDONIAN so- cmn"s ANN U A L- : : BALL Will ho held , in the Assembly Rooms , Fort Street . ottJ.AN WEDNESDAY : _ 25 _ lhofollowlnl : : Smith , John Grant . J , 0 , Oeddcs John Paler , ioit . It . Mitchell , Win . Scott , ItoltL Melntosh , , Polor .I rnlellon , , Alex . Murray , John . RoherUon , , 'l'hos.ltobb , David Boyd . Jall-W D. R. MUNHO .. 5ccrc tars . . "" " ' I O . { f2 } 0. ; F . Entertainment & Social On Friday Evening , 2oh ( , Inst . VERY UEST AJrATKUU-TALKNT THE, the has ontorLolnmont Dimeing . ( - Gentleman and two IAdlos ; to bo had 'of the ' , Committee \VAI/rEht I n . KINNAIIII .JalD td 1-I.e . Il font . , ." " ' . . t S ' . , . , : , : ." ' . . Ir. LATE ( CANADIAN NEWS . Crisp CullliiRS from our Eiistcm 1 KxrhaiiKPs- Notes from all the I'rovlncei-l'o- litlcal iiinl , Gcnernl . ONTARIO . John , Dowar , Crown attorney , of J liii- ton , , is dead . Uielmrd M. Con way , l ' . S . COI.Hulnt Port Hope , is cloud . OI . L . Dickinson tent Humiliated Con servative candidate for Cnrlotuii ,, . Ezekiel Mnrlatt , an old resident of Dcumsville , WHS found dead in bud , A ( Ornnd Trunk conductors van took lire and was consumed ; loss , $2,000 , An I Irish paper announces the death of Mr . Potts , fiuhoiof HeDr . Potts , of Toronto . Ottawa's customs revenue list year ! waa $80,000 , boiii- / $14,000mttoic than the preceding year . Matthew , YOUng } , aged C iu , n farmer < if Union , , fell from a load of hay and is in n critical condition . lames Stalker , a prominent farmer of Aldbimuigh , aged 70 , was thrown from his cutter uiiil killed . Aid . Rider , of I Hull I , is suing his op ¬ ponent for § 5,000 damages , for defama tion of character . Mrs . ( Ciuodmnn , u pensioners ' widow , wits killed on the Great Western track near the ( lumber , Chits . Palmer , pork merchant , Paris , vas killed while chopping a t'ec'hich fell upon Iiitn- ViIliant , \ , Muylo , I u farmer of ] Blenheim , iug.alit The Toronto Presbytery it itt ittated Rev . Principal Orunt , of Kingston , mod erator for the next general assembly . A Canada Southern bnikeman , Jolin , Down , of St . Thomas , was severely in- jured nt Rodney ) , and his recovery is doubtful . ' Sir , J.oim . A . Mucdonald . : " opened . the <_ oni\uMu luuongiiiiing snuu , uttawa : : , on Thursday night and took ' Imm ) ' sails down the chute , K. S . Cox , broker , Toronto , has been : ( rlJglll'llinghis , Central Bank . Harry Nolan , the popular manager of the Rnssin House , Toronto , was stricken with a violent attack of uriumia , and is not expected to live . The residence of David O'Neil , a far miter of London township , was burned with all the contents . The family barely escILpcdwith their lives . Central Bank : revelations show that Cashier Allan made mistakes which un- scruplous customers took advantage of to bleed the hu'kstill more . Two failures were reported at Toronto , being J . D. Lee & Co . , grocers , with , lia ¬ bilities of $5,000 , and A . Glenn , house furnishing , with l liabilities of $ : J,000 . Fire was discovetedii , the Methodist church , Kemptvillo , and before extin guished several thousand dollars of dam- age WAS done . The causa is unknown . It is considerably hinted that Mr . O . B . Pntteo , the Clmudicru lumber king , will bo the Liberal candidate for Carleton in the contest which opens on January 25th , . A movement , , is on foot , headed by Dr . Hodgins , to start a hospital : Sunday in Toronto , the same as is managed with , such success in London and other Emtg- lish cities . Mrs . Harriet Burns , picture frame and music dealer , has left London , letting her creditors in for A largo sum. She could not bo capiased ; , owing to her being a married woman . At ; u meeting of Anglican cherry and laity nt Kingston strong resolutions were passed in favor of funeral reform , partic ularly in the direction simplifying ami cheapening the ceremonial The annual meeting of the Liberal Con servative association of Lennox was the largest in the history of the country , and great cnthusiam in the good cause was manifested . Mrs . McLean , fancy goods dealer , Ham- ilton ¬ , has assigned , with liabilities of $20- 000 ; assets nominally the same . John principal ¬ \Vm . Scott , postmaster , at Dorchester Station , , has disappeared , leaving his fam ilyand numerous creditors behind . lIe is $ 200 behind with the post ollicc , but his securities will bo held for this . Louis Fearn , of the Canadian Granite works , some time ago sent designs ofa mosque to Persia , in answer to a call for drawings . His has been accepted above 200 other competitors . The prize was a gold medal . Newton P. It . Hatch was arrestedat 'l'oronto for bringing stolen money into Canada . He stole $5,000 from the Unit ed States Express company at N ev York . His wife and a friend were also arrested as accomplices . A young lady named Hillynrd , living with her parents n short distance from Alton , committed suicide by laudanum , . She was to have been , married to a young man , living in Mono , but the groom did not make his appearance . The llaldhnund election case was up in court , when the application of Dalton Mc Carthy to [ postpone the case to next term preparohis cd to take place on Saturday last . Nat Bell , Windsor , was found lying on the stI'eot with a bullet in his head a11l11a revolver at his side . Ho was taken to the police station hero hi ) reco'eredstl'ength to say that ho shot himself because ho was down-hoartud lIe is not expected to live . At a meeting of the creditors of J . No ¬ lan , stove and furnituIo dealers , Toronto , the books wore submitted . They showed liabilities estimated from 80000 to $100,000 , while assets in the form of bills payable and stock amount lo about $5,000 . Information has been received from Manitowoc , Wia . , strongly indicating that M . Mullarky , son of Owen Mullurky , of Murrilnu , was ono of the passengers on the illfated propeller Vernon , winch sank with allen board in October last on Lake Michigan . It is generally believed that the credi gotfoi.ty I double liability of the shareholders , has been realized . Much indignation is felt boing11l11d Three men wore observed by Detective Black in the act of breaking into the resi ¬ deuce of Rev . T. 0. Desbarrca , Toronto . lie immediately pouncedon them and succeeded , after n desperate struggle , in capturing one of them , after ho hurl at- tempted to , shoot the officer . In the Algonm Dominion , election case the Court of Appeal decided that tho time being hold to Iowa , expired i it was not a proper case in which to extend it- and they refused to fix A time for the , trial pl'oUlblytake , The department of justice . has received the ' report of Judge MucDougall , of To ¬ ronto , for the extradition case of G.F . Young , convicted , of forgery ' on the 5th instant . Ho . cannot , bo ; surrendered until the 20th instant . The offense ' comiuitrod by ' Young 'ia , a ' peculiar , one . It ! appoari - . . t , A' . . " , , ) ' . . ' . ; , . an express company delivered to him cum tificates of deposit fur the sum of S2,700 ) I in favor of 1V . Young , a namesake , I Of f this amount he drusi$1,500 , and as a blind , " left the balance ( SI,200)un ) de- posit - . I Ho I t t theni m.idu his wlYo'cr to Canada . Alth"ughnot as yet ollicmlly stated , it is uiulurntcK'il ' I tliat the I Imperial ( tVCtti- mCllt has aslceil , t the Dnmimon , authorities for full returns of llio niimbui-Hiiiiil equip | meiits , etc . , of I till militii in Canada , so that in the event ) I of Kngland'H : being dr.iwn into a Iiit ' ' ' 'at ) war , t troops from Canada cinilil , ho btiiiight into si'rviee . Thus . Bniitin ) I , of St . Riiiimald , and suv- ct'itltithe , ' , , all illtoxicated'isitc ; Mrs , Cynlo Laroiuu : '| at Mattawii and were < > ir- doted / to leave or lie , shot , They left , but ; ; sh1piculis : leaving t Ito It thOu t the woman allot him in jurylOtI'O i against t Mrs . : _ '. LirofjutgUKUKC : , Tilt Bust through ruin to Lake St . John carried over , me hundred ] ias engers . I Rumors are iiflnut regarding : ci titti.jtii- plated e.irly 1 ru-firgiini/.ation : ot 1 the ( 'Jueboc cabinet . ( . lleighiiian will likely be ajipoint- cd to succeed Chief of I'nlivu Paradis nf Montreal ( comge French , an old resliectedcitizen cf St . Johns , dic o lIIlllelll.r in bin olliec , of heart / disease , k RiMike _ , White & Co . , grocers , Mon ¬ heal . have : assigned Liabilities belwecn $10,000allel § 1 12,000 ) . : Fire partly gulled llie Toupin block , Me ( ! ill street , Montreal . The ilamage is cst i iII lILt 1,1lit : : OOUO , ) ) . ' The Chambly election trial is net . .1011I for tub 115th , Lit praimie for ' the I J8th , Laval for the 21st , and Verchores 2 ( > th , A driven II ) I Huehettt1 I , milkman , . t . : [ jl ' I IluchI : h ¬ Montreal : , aged jn ! ' , She was one of the oldest Bctthii's in the eastern : townships , j againslI I[ , Laprnirie election bribery case , leave been withdrawn , and that ho will ! continue in the cabinet . A nioieincnt is in progress to erect a monument ( o the mcmoiy of Papineau , the great l leader of the rebellion of IBoT , OH the silo of Point St . Johns suburb , Quebec . A deputation from Quebec asked the ( ( lovernmcnt to subsidize mail steamers capable of making twenty knots an hour , and urged the claims of Quebec as the western terminus . The cause celebre of Admiral ; : Boxer , of London , England , against F . Judah , , ad- vocate of Montreal , has been amicably settled , and Mrs . llnxcr enters into pos- session ¬ ofn handsome fortune . A 1ttttliiilisa ; been atloat that the Allan line lid Gnind Trunk , have ze'opemiedtie ¬ gotiations with'iclI ' of retaining Port land as the terminus . Both parties re - gcmteniliybelieved At n meeting of the directors of the Windsor hold , , Montreal , it wns resolved to hold an ice e.1l1ivalafter all . Lust years : programme , will bo repeated , except the ice palivje , which will not ho built , owing to l lack , of time , A tire at Bcnuport , in the outbuilding of Mr . Turgeon , cUscIla . loss of $1,000 , which is covered by insurance . The mother of Turgcnn , who is very aged , took fright at the lire, lost consciousness and expired shortly afterwards . Flora Samuels has been remanded to Utica , N. Y . , fun bringing stolen dia - mends into Cun'ida . She was elegantly attired at her trial in , the police court , Montreal She confessed she had received a number of diamonds \'alucdlll $10,000 Utica jewellers to sell , . but had retained them and fled . Burglars entered the premises of the Canada . I Industrial ; company , Montreal , aiul ' t'itctlbuy thrco safes containing valuable papers and money . Besides this they took all the furniture , desks . chairs , couuteis and even , took ' up the floor and sawed out the beams . Three men have been al'l'c9tIJdon suspicion . Mrs . Eleanor Elizabeth Tudor , of Mon meal , " 'illapply to parliament next sea sion for n bill of divorce from her bus band , Frederick Leroy Hurt , of Montreal , on the ground of cruelty and adultery . The case , however , cannot coino up next session , ns six months ' notice is necessary , Burglars entered the millinery cstnb- lidhment of Mine . Drazcau : , on St . Law rence street , Montreal They went through the bedrooms , carrying ; oil ' every thing of value , and thou (hclibet'atelyset fire to the place . The firemen , however , were ( quickly { on the spot and extinguished the fire . TIme subscription list for the t 52,2000 bonds of the new Quebec p1'ovincill1iolln , which were oCl'erodlit par , opened on Tuusday morning in London and Paris ut the oflico of . the Credit Lyonnais . The issue was entirely cn'el'edlit noon by the London applications nlono , The bonds are now quoted r.t 11 premium . A great bond robbery is now occupying the attention of Montreal and New York ] July1st \ pillcedin . railway safe at Albany , N. YVlmemt the manager of the depal'tullmtVen to take out the package on the 2nd instant it was found to have been mytoriously abstract- ed ¬ . The mystery became greater when a few weeks ago a Now York broker put $ !) , ,000 worth of them on the market . It is said that the party placing them in , the brokers hands gave the best of references , through.a11ontronl gaolbefm'o , of the Court Qf Appeal ! His Honor in ¬ formed him that a motion for I a writ, of ! liabnax rorjHi in his behalf had been dis- missed , and that he would Lo compelled to remain ill prison pending the decision of the full bench in the matter , on the 10th inst . It is understood that if the lawyers fOI the defence are not successful before the full bench they will bring the case before the Supreme Court at Ottawa . Detective Fahoy was seen for a foil min utes and asked about the other charges made against him by WiUon and by the prosecution , generally , for instance the MuN.impo robbery . lIe replied that there was as little in these collatl'nllch rges as there was iu the main charge , that of the Bonaventuro do put . ' "I am not nfl'l1idof any charge in connection with the McNa- moo case . I am just as . innocent in that as in all the rest . It will soon become clear who IB at the bottom of thid whole affair , and my friends will be glad to have discreditedany aspersion of my charac , . ter . " NOVA tiCOTIA . A young man ' named John Mclnnos died from , injuries received by Calling into a 'pitIt ' thc.New.Glasgott ; ' steelworks . A very , sad case has comb to light at Halifax . Surah McCann | I It domosuu nor ,. _ . I'i i 1 ; ,; , . . : " ; ; ,1.1 'I ' . . ' , \ . ' . ir , ' t ', ' ' " . , . ' ant , who comic over uith Lord l ufl'erin from Ireland , ILIlllIH I\'e(1 liim and Lord Lornu at Ridenu I Hull 1 for many yours , after which she went I lo [ Halifax and wlrkcdwilh o'emlof the highest fam ilies , was found dead Afterwards her trunk was : searched , and in it was found a full grown corpse of u male infant , When and where the child was born and mur ¬ dered is wlint the authorities are trying to liml out . NE;W BRUNSWICK death is anuoL.ncedof E . It . Pilooi'c , I IThe c.turcr : , ono of the best known \ of St . John . company has been formed to publish II newspaper : at Cnmpbellton , named the ! I'iiiilifalin , ' , to bo devoted to railway news . At d'agetown , George F . Bairdlto\'orn- ( unit ) , and 0 , C . King , ( opposition ), wore nominated fur . the vacancy in Queens . Both candidates ' addressed large gather i ing , of electors from various sections of the : country . John i asmilhIInd Richard : \\ 'iIliamK- II L're driving over elm k's Cove bridge . a mile t and a i tiirtetfiunt Chatham , when the ' home became : unmanageable / and back ed against the mailii of the bridge , which broke . SaxHinitb and the horse fell over , a distance of : 'JO ; feet , and Iothwero in- j hyj 1'KIXCK KinVARI ) ISLAND . Donald C. Martin : i , M . P. I P . , of Belfast [ , is road , MANI'l'OHA . The 1 0 . P . R . and ( ! i iiiinil Trunk have withdrawn : all privileges to the Commer cial Travellers : ' Association . A settlement of the linancial troubles of 1 EmerHon , has been recommended on tIme basis i of : 'J2 i per cent , of the liabilities . The funel'lLlof exI uclge Ryan took place ut Winnipeg from the hospital to St . Boniface cathedral , where I'otluim | mass was celebrated . , Robert I liurkley I' , a fanner from near Treherne , met death by asphyxiation in 1 the ( Grand Union Hotel , Winnipeg , lie blew out the gas . NORTHWEST TKKRITORIES : . The Hungarian / who stabbed Nelson at Medicine Hat , got six months . John Longinore , half-breed , aged 18 years , oitimiiittedsuicide by shooting him- self - through the head with a revolver at I Battleford : . BAIRD ELECTED . Queens Co ., N. B ., Again Returns a Ministerialist . Cook , u Member of the "I'lilrty of I'urlty , " Unseated for Brlhl'r-A British Colum ¬ IJI.m's'Iew of the Crofter Immi ¬ gration Movement . - ( From our Own Correspondent , ) ) . publislics , ) PtomtlinemitBritish sparingly the projected Crofter immigra ( tom , . Ho says that if the British Colum bin , government sanction the scheme i it mil involve them in untold expenses , and advises them to let the Imperial government carry it out . Baird , government , has been elected for Queens , Now Brunswick , by 79 ma jority . Cook , reformer , has been unseated for bribery by agents . . A 'I'lLUGE CASE . A Prosecuting Chinaman Arrested and Charged With the Murder of Uns Gum- Ball Refused . The strange und sudden dt athof the Chinese woman , Ling Gum , who i it ill al ¬ lCltJlWll9 poisoned by two Chinamen who it is said wlJl'ellCr , owners , c1'cltcdnot a little excitement in Chinatown . Yester- day ¬ a stir was created when it was learn ed that : Wong Kong , the prosecuting wit ¬ ness , had been n1'restedand clllu'gcdwith the murder of the unfortunate woman . The police court was well filled yester day morning when Judge Harrison took his scat : on the bench and the greatest in- terest was manifested . The chArge is that Wong Fong wilfully murdered Ling Gum . Mr . Chas . Wilson appeared for the prosecution and Mr . l'ooloy Q. 0 . , for . the defense . The former asked for a remand until after the inquest , but Mr . 1'ooloyobject - ed on the ground that he could prove an alibi ; Mr . Wilson intimated that the charge was laid by the prisoner against two Chi naman in order that hu might shield himself . Mr . Pooley said if II 1.00IUlI1dwas grant ed he would ask that the prisoner bo lid mitted to bail : His Honor would not grant the request and prisoner was remanded back to rums tody until Saturday ' morning . < LOCAL BIIIEFS . The sudden citamigoimi the weather us- tonished "l1-fl'om spring to winter i it scorned . The Yosemite brought no through mail last night , tint train : being ola'edsix hours . The Yosemite , last night from Vancou vcr , brought down 20 !) helllof cattle for Greaves & Co . . CABLE NEWS . ' I'rnIIi ' , ,, . LONDON , Jan . 19 . --It is announced that Admiral Sir George ' Try-on ; chief of the naval intelligence department , has hoer appointed to succeed Lord Charles Bores ford as junior Lord of the Admiralty . Hunk Itlsrount . The Into of discount announced by the Bank of England today is 3 per cent . This is one-half per cent , decrease from last weeks rate . . i 11111I ' iI.iingu , . Foi * choice Crystallized Fruits , &c : . , so to Fell & Co . , Fort street , where will be found the most extensive stock in the city . I ________ 11919 . Scholarships in the Victoria ; Business ; Collfye ' will cost $60 *after Jan .' : IU , 1888 . Secure ! one tit once for { $ ? 3J . Favorable terms of'paymont / to resposisibioparties . * lm STOP I if . : ' you want value for your money in Ovorcoats'go to, Gilmoro's . * ('lIrhlllllll ( . l'rcuiis , . M . & H . A . Fox'havo ' now in stock n .f no lot of English cutlery , 'of all kinds , suitable ; for Xui'ua l1'esonts11so / plated ' ware ifthobii , quality anti fancy goods . * You cant ' | do better than . oxamlno'J . Sells ' stock forjnny thing ( you ' Require ' iii- tumoIiolsoful1hhsimuiigluuioorXimma8oodst : ! , ! , _ . . I' ' . . . , iiii , . , L . : ' : . : : " ' ." , : " .' .{" \ AMERICAN NEWS . The Inhabitants of a Town in Minne seta Have Not Seen a Railroad Train in Three Weeks . The People ) in Dire Distl'css---N Coal or Wood Shut Out from the Rest of the World % . A Young Man Shoots His Wife und Himself Fatalities Caused by the Cold and Accident . Jt'III.1 . hJ , II lreck , Fit ErmoluT :: , Ills . , Jan . 10 . The Illinois Central imssciiL'ov , " triin from the west was sc'oral110l1's late today in consequence ufII bud wreck yesterday afternoon near Apple River , Joduviss county . A steel rod under one of the coaches broke and the car went over II thirty foot embank nicnt . In it were eleven passengers , but no ono was killed : I Injured are Mr . Bir mingham , ialenu , hurt severely in the arms und buck ; Mrs . E.C. Bedfonl , severe injuries ) in the back and heud ; Robert McLcod , Grant county , Wisconsin , left side injured ; Miss Jennie Ilansomo , _ \ very , Ills . , bruisediibotit the head and Hhoulders ; Arthur Transom , Coutesvillo , lid . , fracture ofII rib ; A. C . Travers , Iowa Falls , Iowa , badly bruised ; Mail Agent Comstock , injured badly. , t lIulhl'r IIf I'aiiiIIies . YA.NKTON , Dak . , Jan . 1-Tho third victim of the blizzard in Yankton County , died this morning , mimed J . Millbyer , who was frozen at Lcitcrville . At Flan drun , Dakota , u Mr . and Mrs . Owens , were found , frozen near \Ventworth . The woman was dead , but the man' may re ¬ cover . The corpse ofa child , partly devoured by wolves , was also found . Harold Baker , who left Yankton on the dayof the blizzard to return to his ranch in Nebraska , has not been heard from . Two men are missing at Willow City , Dakota . Several lives were lost and there has been great damage to stock in the neighborhood . A Knee from Honolulu . . SAN FRANCISCO , Jan . 10 . Information was received here to-day that the barken- tine W . 11 . Dimond and brig Lurlino left Honolulu in company on January 6th , , and will race to this city. Both the racers tire expected any moment , and the result of the race is anxiously awaited . ' 'lanl , for Liverpool . The British ship Reliance / , 2,608 tons burden , cleared for Liverpool this after noon with n cargo valued at $ 15OOOO . Caused liy ( lie Strike . At a late hour this afternoon J . M . Pike , Market street restaurantcrfailed account of the strike . Liabilities , $0,000. Tse ore Itl'atltll . One death fl'onismallpox at the pest house today . Dr . Tyrell , physician for the Sutter Street Railroad Co. , became very ill from smallpox yesterday nnd died today . Matrimonial . HUcoulrnl . . BROOKLYN , Jan . 19. Frank Faulkner , aged 21 years , shot his wife Addio , aged 20 years , Wednesday afternoon , inflicting thee wounds in the head which will doubtless cause her death . Ho then shot ' himself in the head and died instantly . The wounded woman was taken to a hos pital The shooting occurred at the resi- dence of Mrs . Faulkner's mother , where Mrs . Faulkner had been living for some- time , having left her husband on account , i it is said , of his ill-treatment , caused by his extreme jealousy . The couple had been married but a short time when they separated . Faulkner called at the house in the afternoon und an angry interview occurred , the exact nature of which is not known . The tragedy described was then enacted . Shut * Out From Ilic World . BROWNS VALLEY , Minn . , Jan . 19- I The people of this vllleyare in dire dis tress . They have had no communication with the rest of the world for over three weeks . The last train to arrive hero came in on December 2Gth . Thorn is not a lump of coal or stick of firewood in the market . The people mayo confiscated all the fuel of the Manitoba company and torn down and burned their railroad buildings . Men have been carrying coal in sacks across the country eight miles from Beurdsley . Great indignation is shown toward railroad officials for not try ing to open the road from Morris , forty miles northeast of hero . r.xiH-rliiiciital : . Farm. WASHINGTON , Jan . 19-ln the house of representatives a resolution was adopted calling on the secretary of the in- teriorfor information as to what ] legisla tion is necessary to protect forest lands ut the headwaters of navigable : rivers , and top put within reach of settlers a legal method of providing themselves with , timber . The house also pllssoda bill appropriating $585,000 to establish agricultural experi- mental ¬ stations in connection with the collages already i in l operation . . , . "lInce In VTngen . PITTSDURO , Jan . 19. There will boa general . advance in wages on the Pennsyl vania Company's lines west of this city . This much has been determined , hence there will be no strike , No official notice of the advance 1ms been given out , but the committee representing the employees mare been given to understand by General Manager Baldwin that all of the conces sions asked will bo granted , even on the leased lines , Weaver* ' Strike . PJIlLADELl'lIl\Pn . , Jan . 19-0ne hun drod Murkland and Compton loom carpet weavers hive struck in the bins Doitz Magus mills for the restoration of wages und attempts will bo made to induce the weavers in other mills to quit work for the same CI USOu'huoncr , Wrtvkeil . . ( iLoucESTER , Mass . , Jan19 . The schooner Sylvester , engaged in the mack- erel lishorwj , while trying to make the Capo in n thick snowstorm last evening , struck u sunken ledge about half n mile outside Thatcher's Island . The crow of fifteen men landed safely , but the schoon er , will bo a total lots . Decline In Price . JOHNSTOWN , , P. , Jan . l-Tho Cam bria Iron Co . has posted the following notice : "To enable the company, to meet a grout decline in the Boiling prices of ' its product , it is " forced to nmko a general fo- duction of about 10 per cent , in wages to take effect February lit . ". , This , order ' affect 11,000 employees ) of ' whom ' 7500 are at Johnstown . . ' * . . A FINE , assortment of f / Tabled Cutlery Carvers , Plated Warp , fete . ., " at : < , Tohn _ . Woi1 r'II . , Fort : .l.troJ , I , \ Mt : : ' , ' , ; ' \ , 1.I , . , : : . , , , ' .. ,; . . ' " .I . . , (:, \ , . ; . , .Ji ; / , ! . : : , ; TUB WESTMINSTER ELECTION . Justice HcCrelght Declares the Election In St . _ Andrews Ward Null and \'olll-I'ellrsoll Counted Out Further Enquiry to he Made . ( Sp'Jclallo TUB COLONIST . ) NEW WEST.MIX.YTKK , Jan . 1.1-l\Ir . Jus- tice ¬ McCroight today declared the muni cipal election for St . Andrews wnl'dnull and 'oidOil account of irregularities on the tUl'tof the deputy rotul'llingollicol , In St . Georges ward Elliott obtained a majority of two emi a recount , three of Pearson's and ono of Elliott's votes itits- ing been thrown out , not having the ini ¬ tials of the Ieturiiimtgotlicer on the back . ; ' The seat will ho further contested and an . enquiry held to-morrow into the qualiti- cations ; - " .' of several persons who voted in , the election , ' , . ; . . ' ' ' ; ' REV . P . McF [ . McLEOD . , : J . . ; Ills Address to the Preubyterof Toronto In llrcnrd to the Cull Jo'rolll'lItol'll1 . , : The following ;the reply of Hop . . Mel . McLeod nt the meeting of the To ¬ : ( , ronto Presbytery , which decided by ft sole : viAndrew's , , . , tained : ' Ho said that if evct there was a case its : : his ministry in which hu felt ho would . prefer to lease the whole, mutter / in the . : hands of his brethren ,i it . n as that case . ' , : While he always prized tIne vighf of pri - ,: rate judgment with regard to all matters , ho had felt more porploxelll\ud distressed during these last few weeks than ho had over been in his life before . All that had , been said respecting the Central church " , and the affections of the people ' towards i him ho believed to bo true , and his feel ings towards them wero fully as aU'ection- ate , if not more so than those manifested towards him . No man could work ' . ' ' amongst such a people as gathered round him without forming a very high estimate " . ; of them . It required some courage to take up the ministry ill the Central church . ' _ . ! at the time he did . Some of the mem- ; : bois of that church felt thajt in cail- ; : ' ing him they were incurring , . - too rcla responsibility . They asked where the salary was to cOllie from , that others had undertaken to raise . A . little baud of 120 members undertook the . responsibility . lIe could not but form a , : , high estimate of the men and women who ' : ' were ready to shoulder the burden , liar . : : ing very little personal acquaintance with . , . _ him and not knowing what might be the : result ' of his ministry . The past seven . years had been very happy aid fruitful J years to him . [ Ho did not estimate the . ' _ gainin , . , though they were necessary elements , but . by the spiritual results . Ho iwas . J ; bound to a large number of the members " ef that congregation by a tie which c uldIik . , :; privilege : : , chul'cha large number who are now its : strength and mainstay , and who will bor r- ' :" the strength ! and support of it in years to , . .t , . conic . It was that fact which rendered . " , , the very thought of breaking ' the tie . . : ' .i almost unbearlblclnd if the call , ; " 1' had come to him from n congl'cgl1t ; tion equally stronger of equal jim . ' . . : portance in any other city , Jt would not : ' : ; ave been ' considered By'liiiiTaFall . One " * . . " ' 1 f.f thing which had made it impossible for , _ . : " \ , him to ignore the call ivas the \ cry cir - , ' : - , cumstances which had been referred to as . " - / 1'Vhen i l , , church the friends in Stratford thought ho . : . : : ' thummgVlncn . : , "i ' ' , : ' . . " . - \ pleto surprise , and it was an appeal which : ' . : lie did not see that as a servant of Christ ' " ho could reject without full consideration . ' He had considered it on his knees mid considered it night and day . Even as lie . . : ' . .) stood there ho felt how solemn was the t . ' task laid upon him of deciding the matter . ' : Victoria might never bo tim place some , persons expected it would become . Ho . . , ;, would lose a great many advantages by ' . : : ' accepting the call . St . Andrews church , , , : had been Buffering for many years , and ' . : i little was known of its possibilities . The ' : call was only signed by fifty-eight mcmI bore and ninety-one adherents . As far as ' his work was concerned in Toronto , ho could . sec that under lads blessing it would : go on and prosper , for it was a simpler matter for a congregation to increase : ' when it is already strong than to increase from a small beginning . Therefore , if ho . looked at the relative value of the posi tions , it would seem that his present . charge was tine more desirable one . The . question was , where was ho wanted , most and whore could he spend the life God had given him in the best way for His cause ? He was thankful there was no ' . selfish advantage to bo derived from ac- cepting time call . Ho had no sympathy . , with those who found fault with ministers . for accepting calls which open up easier circumstances to them and relieve them , of some of the cares of life . In tho'prcs- cut case ho had simply to consider whether the loss time Central Church % 'tt1Itiststaimi would be counterbalanced by the gain to St . Andrews Church , , Victoria . Ho be ¬ lieved the Central Church contained largo number of loyal nnd devoted mom bom . , Under a now pastor there might bo a ' large increase which would moro than , . . . compensate for the slight falling oft Ho could neb tell but that God had some ser ¬ vant who would do a fur mightier wok . . u in that church . If it might not bo cotimm sidered cowardly he would like to sit down and leave tine Presbytery to s- ay what ho ought to do . He could say that , as far as lie saw his way nt that moment , ) lie be ¬ lieved it to bo hia duty to make the ' sacri flee and to go as the minister to St . An- , . drew's church . That was what his duty seemed to bo , but ho was a loyal servant . of the church , and wanted to do what was right . With that expression of Iiis mind ho would leave himself iu the hands of his . brethren One of time saddest things in connection with tim matter would be the severance of the bonds of fellowship which united him to his brethren in this city . HE WAS ON HIS WAY TO CANADA . . . , DENvER , Jau . 17 . Oliver Gratton was arl'oetedat the Union depot this evening . as ho stepped off tine train from Brockin-- ' ridge , Colorado , on n warrant charging . . . . him with stealing in the neighborhood of $30,000 in gold nuggets from the Victoria . , placer mine meat Brockcnridgo . The mine belongs to Col . Ward and William Hud ¬ son , who had employed Gratton to work ( the property for,; . them. The prisoners , ' trunks wore searched and nuggets and ' mint certificates amounting to $18,000 ' . ' : and 920,000 wore found , besides .deeds of several farms in Canada . Griittpn ._ deniea : his guilt . Ho hays ho is persecuted by , Ware , & \ Hudson with whom he had , trouble before ho left ' the mine : Tie de ¬ ' clares ' ho was on " , his way to Canada , / ' 'td " spend the winter arid intended tb ; return in'the'ip'rlngi ' , , , , . llitylendpricos'iittSelzL'd . . i :. . . . . . . i ' . 0 . '. ' . ' . . ' . , ' . . ' B . ' , ' 'u

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Page 1: aitA - . Ii...McDonald, ana can ro-celvo a number ot hoarders and lodgers. first class hoard and comfortable rooms are pro vided at reasonable rates. Apply on the prom sea jn3 LEGISLATIVE

, ( ftT :<, ,p: '' ' ; '' ''' .It\W\. II'1J ' " ' 1jr/ ; ' . ,. ' . ' " ' . " .' " .

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: : :

, , . > : THE COLONIST .I

.< ' : : . . , ' Has Double the Circulation of

!3 ::;

': ,

, "

. any other-Paper in the'Province , bt D1aitAr Ii.,


' , therefore , ' unexcelled as ) l iA

;( ) \ ' ' '


i. : '

,,::,>' .





" an advertising1 medium .



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:' :' " , - .:= ;

fjYo1ALYIX--NO!i : ; ;





Hu son-

s'Bay Company


,t. > 'A supplyof IndianapolisSaws: ,

Special Steel Diamond , Thin Back Silver Steel Occident ,;.= . ' - .

Pit and Whip Saws .

. Messrs . Atkins & Co ,'a Silver Stud isl'gnicnt grotlnel Crosscut SawlI arc unoquallcd for fast \

( IIt I for 'holding' ' a fliio culling' otgu 1Iioy sI1I nt len pur cent inoru tlmuor with theBiiino1 Ii\ ot ;luhur. than those' of :any other; brand .

The Company have also on hand :

Spear & Jackson's Saws and Files ;


.. Nails , Traps , Anvils , Pig Lead , ,

.Sheet Lead , Shot , Rope , &c .





. . .





HENRY: : ; S_ MASON: >,


HEAD OFFICE , 56 New Broad Street , LONDON , ENGLAND .


The business of ALLSOP & MASON has been merged in the above I

Company and will be carried on by the Company from this date as ageneral Land Investment and Insurance Agency .

MONEY TO LOAN on Mortgage at Low Rates . Town Lots and |

Farming Lands for Sale on easy terms . .

\'lctol'll11 . C . , JIuy IGth . ISS :; . Je2l-tf - w



HH11 F1 11EISTG1IAN & Co. ,

IILI 1.11111:1'111: * . .

Have removed their offices toBURNES ' BLOCK ,


ellis. for.llio Mutual Life of New. York .I'hcmiix: Fire of Brooklyn .

" .". Western Assurance Co .

" Fireman's Fiiiul! , ( Marine. Branch ) of S . F .



. iYivs .


In H . C . tJIIu )"'TA'I'EUbltmtlon: \Vritcs an intelligent hand and fully posted In Bookkeeping .

Has travelled for a wholesale drypoods housefor the lust Ih'e'I( ) j airs . Can give the very bestof references . Will accept) not before 1st ofMarch, . Not afraid of hard work and thoroughly understands, drygooda and costumes business .

Address "Tli.i vuujiii , " M ark Street , Ottawa .janl3-dit-wlt: I

and wife wish! employment; In Hotel ,ASIANI ' I . or privateI family . Both goodplain. cooks and domestic servants . Man wouldnsilst In house , attend garden , etc . V'o want asteady place and could! coino at Once . being dis ¬

!engaged Address "Uomcbtlc1 this Olllco .:' " Jall-3t:


furnIshed rooms to let. Pleasantly situ .TWO . Breakfast it required . Apply at thisOlHcc .

' dnc28-'Jw

\ nicelyII furnished room , suitable'fOrn singleII gentlemanI:: :

. About ten minuteswalk from the } 'oslolllcopply at this ntllco .




. Barque "Frederick . "


EITII EU' the' CaptaIn nor the undersigned: I;:N yIh1 bo responsible for any debts contractedby the crew of the above named Vessel .


Victoria . Consignees . JJ

Jan . 18 . 1833 . janlO I

Board arid Lodging .

, l . O'lJUIAN HAS RENTED; ; AND HE-_MK9 I , tliu comfortable residence onCormorant street , above Douglas , formerlyoccupied by Mrs . lK . McDonald , ana can ro-celvo a number ot hoarders and lodgers . firstclass hoard and comfortable rooms are provided at reasonable rates . Apply on the promsea jn3


To the Voters of ViroCity; :

GKNTI.KMEX , As an opposition candidate , Iotter myself for Legislative honors , mid herebyask for your votes and influence/ ,

It . 1' . WILLIAMS .' Victoria . 13th January , 1SSS . Jan11


J . D . WARRENHas removed his Olllco to Government Street ,

next door to the C.l.K . Telegraph, Olllco andsolicits n shore ot public patranagc . Tim


Always on Hand . j nS.lm


'\'lIIsool\ have a NEW LOT of the best makeof American Organs from 875 upwards . Pianosfrom $250 upwards . GIVE& ME A OAI.U



$10.00 REWARD .,

HETUHN OUINFOIljrATIONLKAI-lPOllIJ to a lest Newfoundland pup , about sixmonths old , answering to tho name of Noble . "

':. Color black . with chest and fore legs mottled .

, black and white and tip of tall white , a streak. of whtto almost around his neck . Positively

. no larger reward oH'orodl . Apply nt residencel: : of John K . Gardner , Pandora: street , near ItoyalHospital! ! . JanlU-lw


$ lQO.OO Reward !_

. Will be paid for such informationas will lead to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons

. . guilty of incendiarism within the. limits of the City of Victoria . .

.; By order of the Mayor ,t


. C . M . C.'-

I '; , " :. .' 18th Jan" . , 18(18( . JnnlD

. , ' . "


"' . '



" jlnrnhll are now ready at Airs . It . Maynard'i' ,

fiLadies who liavo had their little ones' Photo1rapha: taken at . her , Studio during ' 117 , that: } have not already receivedi ono of the Going , can

I 'eIo,

so by calling nt the Photographic Studio ,. )) OUlrlae Street. . ' ., ' janl-lm

:, \ , t " ft '. - ,Uf

. *>. '

. A >.

( :'



. p 'l---

t" . ,


. ";,j'L:: ' "

,: . " . . "



II Tim \Western Assuiiice Company


, , . , . ,')' INS ! I,71h.391.r( : >0,

.II\\'ISO: t1'PoixTxi )MESSRS; . H . F . HKISTEUMAN & Co . .

Agents for Vancouver Island ,


Buildings , Merchandize , Ships inHarbor , &c . &c . , against Risks

by Fire , at Current Rates .

1____ roil SALE OK TO I.KT .



END FARM CONTAINING ONELOCH n and Fifty Acres , more or lass ,situated about 31j miles from town .

Apply toII . E . CROASUAILE ; ,

dell Land Agent , next door to Jlunk; B.C .


rpUQ BOAT , 70 FEET LONG , COMPOUNDJ_ , Engines . For particularsI apply to

janO-tf LOWEN13EUO , HARRIS & Co .





Dilation Street .January 1st , 1838 . janl


HELL . ORGAN , IN GOOD CONDITION) .it 15 stops , knees wellI , vie . Drawing-roomI :

pattern .

:PRICE: : 175 .Apply to P . O. Box 563 . . J-.nH

J . P . Davies & CoAUCTIONEERS .

Special Cigar Sale .

Jan 25th 1888Wednesday , , , ,


We will Sell at Salesroom , WharfStreet ,



Imported and Domestic .


tarPartlculars Tuesday ,


JOSHUA DAVIES ,janlS Auctioneers .


BUSINESSl'OI.LiK: ; : trains Mon , Women and Childrenfor Business Lifo . Graduates assisted to sitations . Send for Circular . II . .1 . "'AN AMtKX: ,1'rlnclpulI . Victoria , B.C . JaniS-lm


BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOLYoung Ladies , will reopen after the

! FORi \ vacation on THURSDAY , JAN .leo . MISS DUPONTI ,

jjrm.Vlm Principal .


The }Edcr: Term Opens on Thursday , Jan . 26, 1888

,lAddlllonalI rooms have been finished forBoarders and a beautiful Studio fitted up forUioArt Classes .

With n most excellent corps of Teachers theschool is having a very successful roar .

For admittance.

apply to the Prlnclpil ,* SIKS , LKIUIIKL: II , WELLS: ,

JiinlS' . Tacoma , ,Wash . Tor .


WEL1i JEASONKD . ia.60 per cord delivered. .;jaONZALKSFJlRRl , '

JmilMw ' ,

' . "v p , 0 . Box 2M ."'I" . ' t\\.

.1 , ' '. ,. " , . ? ' ; : 1,- 1'' .I " : "t " . , ,: ,"



( NEW An\'I nT1SI :UI, STS .

'tovy1; : ::i I\\twcan the hours of 2 and 6 o'clock , pm .

laiuM-St ,

rpHE THISTLE RESTAURANT " removedAlscBuanllng;

JunLUlui MRS . J . FKNWICK .*: :


Uth January . 1883 .

HONOR Ithe Lieutenant-Governor Ilit .,U1S ; ; 'lboon pleased to make the following ap-

Iointments :

CIIAIU.KH: QAUDNKH JOIIXOON , Esquire , ofVaiicouror , to bo Collcator of Votes for theUurnird Inlet Polling Division of the ElectoralDistrict of Now Wostmiiulpr .

llth January . 1888 .

CIIAUI.KS W.AKV ten , l <! (iuiro| & . of New Vestminster , to be Deputy District ltcllllltrnr of theSupreme Court , Westminster Judicial Di-trlct , " and Deputy Registrar of Iho CountyCourt holden at Now Wcstmlnilui .



$ 25,00000Total .1st hoe (iiin duplicate) 3OOO each iirlze , 8.tOot( )titi2os'itXn. . . . ::

:( ( : : : :


3rd 51(115$2,110)( ) )

( ) ( )$2XoiIn, ' 'inI$1,000I( , ' , ) I )


5.000) rickets at $5 each .

Drawing) May 28th . Race May! :SOtli , 1S8S .

Ten, per cot . deducted from all prizes .

Address . OICOltOB CARSLAICK; , Prop .Jan .' )I-II1-w.s - m Mansion) House . Montreal .

N'OTIOE: : _

In the IEstate and oflecLs of Patrick JllIrphy .Ilate of Uomollrilish Columbia , rlecolised .

rpAlvK: : NOTICK , that all! persons indebtedI toJ . this, estate ate hereby: required to pey theI

ainotiiils duo forthwith , and all persons wholimy have' any claims UKiUimt Iho said ostalc arerequired to send the name on or before the 'JUlhday of February , A.I] ) . to the Very Rev .:JI . J . Jonckmi , the; ut'o to


hU Agent;,

K . M . JOHNSON .Corner of Government and liaslion Streets . ,

jaiilU-lm! Victoria , DC .

Public Meeting .


The Government Candidate ,


and others ,

Will Address the Electors ofVictoria ,




Saturday, Jan . 21st, 1888




_IleidelbergerI' t;J : { , :

Arts , Paris ; will have great pleasure In wallinglon parents who.dcalrousofKivliiK tltoirchiidrenthe1 very best 01 ! education may wish themII loacquire a thorough knowktigo:\ of German


French . Moderate terms for private tuitionI .Address1 Post Olllce , Victoria . janlo



Auctioneer .

AM Trustees to sell by: ygllII Public I second hounoI on theright of View Street from the cornernIWof View I I , on

Saturday'( next,the 21st lost.

AT 1II1 A.M .

Parlor , Dining-room , Bedroom" and Kitchen


FoILS ) Chairs , Lounges , Mirrors , Pictures , Omitme Ills , ILace Curtains , Cornices , Brussels Curpets , Table and lied Linen , HlankeU . 1'lIIows\\llodroom Sols , WcarliiKI Anparcl '' \Cooking Stoves , Crockery : Glassware:

, Cutlery; ,Clocks , Tables and Chairs .

'n ItMS CASH .

Goods to bo taken away on day of Sale .

W . R . OLARKE ,janlO Auctioneer .

t: 1'II1T\: > }KYI'S: .

Grand Ball ._l ; -

_IBKKNCOMLAgricultural Hall , South Saanlch , on

THURSDAY , the 26th inst .

Refreshments will bo ,nerved by the lAdies ofthe Committee (mothers .

TICKETS ( Lady and Gentlemen ) , $2.00 ,

Single Ladies ' Tickets 50c , Jimiz






ANN U A L-: : BALLWill ho held, in the Assembly Rooms ,

Fort Street .

ottJ.ANWEDNESDAY : _ 25 _


Smith , John Grant . J , 0 , Oeddcs John PalerI

,ioit . It . Mitchell , Win . Scott , ItoltL Melntosh , , ;Polor .I rnlellon, , Alex . Murray , John

.RoherUon, ,'l'hos.ltobb , David Boyd .

Jall-W D . R . MUNHO . .5ccrc tars .

. " " "

'I O . {f2} 0 . ;

F .

Entertainment & SocialOn Friday Evening , 2oh( , Inst .

VERY UEST AJrATKUU-TALKNTTHE, the hasontorLolnmontDimeing. (-

Gentleman and two IAdlos ; to bo had 'of the' ,Committee\VAI/rEht In . KINNAIIII

.JalD td 1-I.e . Ilfont . ,

. "

" '. .

t S '. , . , : , : . " '. . Ir.


Crisp CullliiRS from our Eiistcm 1KxrhaiiKPs-Notes from all the I'rovlncei-l'o-

litlcal iiinl, Gcnernl .


John, Dowar , Crown attorney , of J liii-ton, , is dead .

Uielmrd M . Con way , l ' . S . COI.HulntPort Hope , is cloud .

OI . L . Dickinson tent Humiliated Conservative candidate for Cnrlotuii, , .

Ezekiel Mnrlatt , an old resident ofDcumsville , WHS found dead in bud ,

A (Ornnd Trunk conductors van tooklire and was consumed ; loss , $2,000 ,

An IIrish paper announces the death ofMr . Potts , fiuhoiof HeDr . Potts , ofToronto .

Ottawa's customs revenue list year! waa$80,000 , boiii-/ $14,000mttoic than thepreceding year .

Matthew, YOUng } , aged Ciu , n farmer < ifUnion, , fell from a load of hay and is in ncritical condition .

lames Stalker , a prominent farmer ofAldbimuigh , aged 70 , was thrown fromhis cutter uiiil killed .

Aid . Rider , of IHullI , is suing his op ¬

ponent for § 5,000 damages , for defamation of character .

Mrs . (Ciuodmnn , u pensioners' widow ,

wits killed on the Great Western tracknear the (lumber ,

Chits . Palmer , pork merchant , Paris ,vas killed while chopping a t'ec'hichfell upon Iiitn-


\ , Muylo , Iu farmer of ]Blenheim ,iug.alitThe Toronto Presbytery it itt ittatedRev . Principal Orunt , of Kingston , moderator for the next general assembly .

A Canada Southern bnikeman , Jolin,

Down , of St . Thomas , was severely in-jjured nt Rodney) , and his recovery isdoubtful.



.A . Mucdonald



opened. the< _oni\uMu luuongiiiiing snuu , uttawa: : , onThursday night and took' Imm )' sails downthe chute ,

K . S . Cox , broker , Toronto , has been: (rlJglll'llinghis,

Central Bank .Harry Nolan , the popular manager of

the Rnssin House , Toronto , was strickenwith a violent attack of uriumia , and isnot expected to live .

The residence of David O'Neil , a farmiter of London township , was burnedwith all the contents . The family barelyescILpcdwith their lives .

Central Bank: revelations show thatCashier Allan made mistakes which un-scruplous customers took advantage of tobleed the hu'kstill more .

Two failures were reported at Toronto ,being J . D . Lee & Co . , grocers , with, lia ¬

bilities of $5,000 , and A . Glenn , housefurnishing , with lliabilities of $ :J,000 .

Fire was discovetedii , the Methodistchurch , Kemptvillo , and before extinguished several thousand dollars of dam-age WAS done . The causa is unknown .

It is considerably hinted that Mr . O . B .

Pntteo , the Clmudicru lumber king , willbo the Liberal candidate for Carleton inthe contest which opens on January 25th, .

A movement, , is on foot , headed by Dr .

Hodgins , to start a hospital: Sunday inToronto , the same as is managed with ,

such success in London and other Emtg-lish cities .

Mrs . Harriet Burns , picture frame andmusic dealer , has left London , letting hercreditors in for A largo sum . She couldnot bo capiased; , owing to her being amarried woman .

At; u meeting of Anglican cherry andlaity nt Kingston strong resolutions werepassed in favor of funeral reform , particularly in the direction simplifying amicheapening the ceremonial

The annual meeting of the Liberal Conservative association of Lennox was thelargest in the history of the country , andgreat cnthusiam in the good cause wasmanifested .

Mrs . McLean , fancy goods dealer , Ham-ilton


, has assigned , with liabilities of $20-000 ; assets nominally the same . Johnprincipal ¬

\Vm . Scott , postmaster, at DorchesterStation, , has disappeared , leaving his familyand numerous creditors behind . lIe is$200 behind with the post ollicc , but hissecurities will bo held for this .

Louis Fearn , of the Canadian Graniteworks , some time ago sent designs ofamosque to Persia , in answer to a call fordrawings . His has been accepted above200 other competitors . The prize was agold medal.

Newton P. It . Hatch was arrestedat'l'oronto for bringing stolen money intoCanada . He stole $5,000 from the United States Express company at N ev York .

His wife and a friend were also arrestedas accomplices . !

A young lady named Hillynrd , livingwith her parents n short distance from


Alton , committed suicide by laudanum, .II

She was to have been ,married to a youngman, living in Mono , but the groom didnot make his appearance .

The llaldhnund election case was up incourt , when the application of Dalton McCarthy to [postpone the case to next termpreparohiscd to take place on Saturday last .

Nat Bell , Windsor , was found lying onthe stI'eot with a bullet in his head a11l11arevolver at his side . Ho was taken to thepolice station hero hi) reco'eredstl'engthto say that ho shot himself because ho wasdown-hoartud lIe is not expected tolive .

At a meeting of the creditors of J . No ¬

lan , stove and furnituIo dealers , Toronto ,the books wore submitted . They showedliabilities estimated from 80000 to$100,000 , while assets in the form ofbills payable and stock amount lo about$5,000 .

Information has been received fromManitowoc , Wia . , strongly indicating thatM . Mullarky , son of Owen Mullurky , ofMurrilnu , was ono of the passengers onthe illfated propeller Vernon , winch sankwith allen board in October last on LakeMichigan .

It is generally believed that the credigotfoi.tyI

double liability of the shareholders, hasbeen realized . Much indignation is feltboing11l11d

Three men wore observed by DetectiveBlack in the act of breaking into the resi ¬

deuce of Rev . T . 0 . Desbarrca , Toronto .

lie immediately pouncedon them andsucceeded , after n desperate struggle , incapturing one of them , after ho hurl at-tempted to ,shoot the officer .

In the Algonm Dominion, election casethe Court of Appeal decided that tho timebeing hold to Iowa, expired iit was not aproper case in which to extend it- andthey refused to fix A time for the , trialpl'oUlblytake,

The department of jjustice . has receivedthe ' report of Judge MucDougall , of To ¬

ronto , for the extradition case of G.F .

Young , convicted ,of forgery ' on the 5thinstant . Ho . cannot , bo ; surrendered untilthe 20th instant . The offense ' comiuitrodby' Young 'ia

, a ' peculiar , one . It ! appoari- ..

tt, A '

. . ", , ) ' .

. ' .

;, .

an express company delivered to him cumtificates of deposit fur the sum of S2,700 )

Iin favor of 1V . Young , a namesake , IOffthis amount he drusi$1,500 , and as ablind , " left the balance (SI,200)un) de-


. IHoI t ttheni m.idu his wlYo'cr toCanada .

Alth"ughnot as yet ollicmlly stated , itis uiulurntcK'il' I tliat the IImperial ( tVCtti-mCllt has aslceil, tthe Dnmimon, authoritiesfor full returns of llio niimbui-Hiiiiil equip|

meiits , etc . , ofI till militii in Canada , sothat in the event) Iof Kngland'H: being dr.iwninto a Iiit ''' 'at ) war , ttroops from Canadacinilil, ho btiiiight into si'rviee .

Thus . Bniitin) I , of St . Riiiimald , and suv-ct'itltithe ,', , all illtoxicated'isitc; Mrs ,

Cynlo Laroiuu: ' | at Mattawii and were < >ir-doted/ to leave or lie, shot , They left , but

; ;sh1piculis:

leaving t Ito It thOu tthe woman allot him injurylOtI'Oi

againstt Mrs . : _ '.LirofjutgUKUKC

: ,

Tilt Bust through ruin to Lake St. Johncarried over , me hundred ] ias engers .

IRumors are iiflnut regarding: ci titti.jtii-

plated e.irly 1ru-firgiini/.ation: ot1 the ('Jueboccabinet .

( . lleighiiian will likely be ajipoint-cd to succeed Chief of I'nlivu Paradis nfMontreal( comge French , an old resliectedcitizen

cf St . Johns , dico lIIlllelll.r in bin olliec,of heart/ disease , k

RiMike_ , White & Co . , grocers , Mon ¬

heal. have: assigned Liabilities belwecnI

$10,000allel § 112,000) .

:Fire partly gulled llie Toupin block , !

Me( ! ill street , Montreal. The ilamage iscst iiII lILt 1,1lit : : OOUO, ) ) .


The Chambly election trial is net . .1011I I

for tub 115th , Lit praimie for' the IJ8th , Lavalfor the 21st , and Verchores 2 ( > th ,

A driven II ) IHuehettt1I , milkman ,.

t .

: [ jl'




Montreal: , aged jn! ' , She was one of theoldest Bctthii's in the eastern: townships , jagainslII [ ,

Laprnirie election bribery case , leave beenwithdrawn , and that ho will! continue inthe cabinet .

A nioieincnt is in progress to erect amonument ( o the mcmoiy of Papineau ,

the great lleader of the rebellion of IBoT ,OH the silo of Point St . Johns suburb ,

Quebec .

A deputation from Quebec asked the((lovernmcnt to subsidize mail steamerscapable of making twenty knots an hour ,and urged the claims of Quebec as thewestern terminus .

The cause celebre of Admiral; : Boxer , ofLondon , England , against F . Judah , , ad-

vocate of Montreal , has been amicablysettled , and Mrs . llnxcr enters into pos-session


ofn handsome fortune .

A 1ttttliiilisa; been atloat that the Allanline lid Gnind Trunk, have ze'opemiedtie ¬

gotiations with'iclI ' of retaining Portland as the terminus . Both parties re -

gcmteniliybelievedAt n meeting of the directors of the

Windsor hold , ,Montreal , it wns resolvedto hold an ice e.1l1ivalafter all . Lustyears: programme , will bo repeated , exceptthe ice palivje , which will not ho built ,owing to llack, of time ,

A tire at Bcnuport , in the outbuildingof Mr . Turgeon , cUscIla. loss of $1,000 ,which is covered by insurance . Themother of Turgcnn , who is very aged ,took fright at the lire , lost consciousnessand expired shortly afterwards .

Flora Samuels has been remanded toUtica , N . Y . , fun bringing stolen dia -

mends into Cun'ida . She was elegantlyattired at her trial in, the police court ,

Montreal She confessed she had receiveda number of diamonds \'alucdlll $10,000Utica jewellers to sell ,

.but had retained

them and fled .

Burglars entered the premises of theCanada. IIndustrial; company , Montreal ,aiul 't'itctlbuy thrco safes containingvaluable papers and money . Besides thisthey took all the furniture , desks . chairs ,

couuteis and even, took ' up the floor andsawed out the beams . Three men havebeen al'l'c9tIJdon suspicion .

Mrs . Eleanor Elizabeth Tudor , of Monmeal , " 'illapply to parliament next seasion for n bill of divorce from her busband , Frederick Leroy Hurt , of Montreal ,

on the ground of cruelty and adultery .

The case , however , cannot coino up nextsession , ns six months ' notice is necessary ,

Burglars entered the millinery cstnb-lidhment of Mine . Drazcau: , on St . Lawrence street , Montreal They wentthrough the bedrooms , carrying; oil ' everything of value , and thou (hclibet'atelysetfire to the place . The firemen , however ,

were (quickly{ on the spot and extinguishedthe fire .

TIme subscription list for the t52,2000bonds of the new Quebec p1'ovincill1iolln ,

which were oCl'erodlit par , opened onTuusday morning in London and Paris utthe oflico of . the Credit Lyonnais . Theissue was entirely cn'el'edlit noon by theLondon applications nlono , The bondsare now quoted r.t 11 premium .

A great bond robbery is now occupyingthe attention of Montreal and New York]July1st\pillcedin.

railway safe at Albany , N . YVlmemt themanager of the depal'tullmtVen to takeout the package on the 2nd instant it wasfound to have been mytoriously abstract-ed

¬. The mystery became greater when afew weeks ago a Now York broker put$ !) ,,000 worth of them on the market . Itis said that the party placing them in, thebrokers hands gave the best of references ,


of the Court Qf Appeal! His Honor in ¬

formed him that a motion for Ia writ, of!liabnax rorjHi in his behalf had been dis-missed , and that he would Lo compelledto remain ill prison pending the decisionof the full bench in the matter , on the10th inst . It is understood that if thelawyers fOI the defence are not successfulbefore the full bench they will bring thecase before the Supreme Court at Ottawa .

Detective Fahoy was seen for a foil minutes and asked about the other chargesmade against him by WiUon and by theprosecution, generally , for instance theMuN.impo robbery . lIe replied that therewas as little in these collatl'nllch rges asthere was iu the main charge , that of theBonaventuro do put . '"I am not nfl'l1idofany charge in connection with the McNa-moo case . I am just as

.innocent in that

as in all the rest . It will soon becomeclear who IB at the bottom of thid wholeaffair , and my friends will be glad to havediscreditedany aspersion of my charac, .

ter . "


A young man 'named John Mclnnosdied from , injuries received by Calling intoa 'pitIt ' thc.New.Glasgott; ' steelworks .

A very , sad case has comb to light atHalifax . Surah McCann | IIt domosuu nor

, . _ .I'i i1 ;,;

,. .

: ";;

,1.1 'I '. . ', \ .


. ir ,' t ' , ' ' " . , .


ant , who comic over uith Lord lufl'erinfrom Ireland , ILIlllIH I\'e(1 liim and LordLornu at Ridenu IHull 1for many yours ,

after which she went Ilo [Halifax andwlrkcdwilh o'emlof the highest families , was found dead Afterwards hertrunk was: searched , and in it was found afull grown corpse of u male infant , Whenand where the child was born and mur ¬

dered is wlint the authorities are trying toliml out.


death is anuoL.ncedof E . It . Pilooi'c ,

IIThe c.turcr: , ono of the best known \

of St . John .

company has been formed to publishII newspaper: at Cnmpbellton , named the!I'iiiilifalin, ' , to bo devoted to railway news .

At d'agetown , George F . Bairdlto\'orn-(

unit ) , and 0 , C . King, (opposition ) , worenominated fur . the vacancy in Queens .

Both candidates' addressed large gatheriing ,of electors from various sections of the

: country .

Johni asmilhIInd Richard: \\ 'iIliamK-II L're driving over elm k's Cove bridge . amilet and a i tiirtetfiunt Chatham , whenthe 'home became: unmanageable/ and backed against the mailiiof the bridge , whichbroke . SaxHinitb and the horse fell over ,a distance of :'JO; feet , and Iothwero in-


Donald C . Martin: i , M . P . IP . , of Belfast[ ,

is road ,


The 10 . P . R . and (!iiiiinil Trunk havewithdrawn: all privileges to the Commercial Travellers: ' Association .

A settlement of the linancial troubles of1EmerHon , has been recommended on tIme

basis iof :'J2 iper cent , of the liabilities .

The funel'lLlof exI uclge Ryan tookplace ut Winnipeg from the hospital to St .

Boniface cathedral , where I'otluim| masswas celebrated .

, Robert IliurkleyI ' , a fanner from nearTreherne , met death by asphyxiation in1the (Grand Union Hotel , Winnipeg , lieblew out the gas .


The Hungarian/ who stabbed Nelson atMedicine Hat , got six months .

John Longinore , half-breed , aged 18years , oitimiiittedsuicide by shooting him-self


through the head with a revolver atIIBattleford:


Queens Co . , N . B . , Again Returns aMinisterialist .

Cook , u Member of the "I'lilrty of I'urlty , "Unseated for Brlhl'r-A British Colum ¬

IJI.m's'Iew of the Crofter Immi ¬

gration Movement .-( From our Own Correspondent, )

) .publislics, )PtomtlinemitBritishsparingly the projected Crofter immigra( tom , . Ho says that if the British Columbin, government sanction the scheme iitmil involve them in untold expenses ,and advises them to let the Imperialgovernment carry it out .

Baird , government , has been electedfor Queens , Now Brunswick , by 79 majority .

Cook , reformer , has been unseated forbribery by agents .


A Prosecuting Chinaman Arrested and ChargedWith the Murder of Uns Gum-

Ball Refused .

The strange und sudden dtathof theChinese woman , Ling Gum , who iit ill al ¬

lCltJlWll9 poisoned by two Chinamen whoit is said wlJl'ellCr, owners , c1'cltcdnot alittle excitement in Chinatown . Yester-day


a stir was created when it was learned that: Wong Kong , the prosecuting wit ¬

ness , had been n1'restedand clllu'gcdwiththe murder of the unfortunate woman .

The police court was well filled yesterday morning when Judge Harrison tookhis scat: on the bench and the greatest in-terest was manifested . The chArge isthat Wong Fong wilfully murdered LingGum . Mr . Chas . Wilson appeared forthe prosecution and Mr . l'ooloy Q . 0 . ,for. the defense .

The former asked for a remand untilafter the inquest , but Mr . 1'ooloyobject -

ed on the ground that he could prove analibi;

Mr . Wilson intimated that the chargewas laid by the prisoner against two Chinaman in order that hu might shieldhimself .

Mr . Pooley said if II 1.00IUlI1dwas granted he would ask that the prisoner bo lidmitted to bail:

His Honor would not grant the requestand prisoner was remanded back to rums

tody until Saturday' morning .


The sudden citamigoimi the weather us-tonished "l1-fl'om spring to winter iitscorned .

The Yosemite brought no through maillast night , tint train: being ola'edsixhours .

The Yosemite , last night from Vancouvcr , brought down 20!) helllof cattle forGreaves & Co .

.CABLE NEWS .' I'rnIIi' , , , .

LONDON , Jan . 19 . --It is announced thatAdmiral Sir George 'Try-on ; chief of thenaval intelligence department , has hoerappointed to succeed Lord Charles Boresford as junior Lord of the Admiralty .

Hunk Itlsrount .

The Into of discount announced by theBank of England today is 3 per cent .

This is one-half per cent , decrease fromlast weeks rate . .

i 11111I ' iI.iingu, .

Foi * choice Crystallized Fruits , &c: . , soto Fell & Co . , Fort street , where will befound the most extensive stock in thecity . I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

11919 .

Scholarships in the Victoria; Business;


will cost $60 *after Jan .' :IU , 1888 .I

; Secure! one tit once for {$?3J . Favorableterms of'paymont/ to resposisibioparties .

*lmSTOP I if.:'

you want value for yourmoney in Ovorcoats'go to, Gilmoro's . *

('lIrhlllllll( . l'rcuiis, .

M . & H . A . Fox'havo' now in stock n.f no lot of English cutlery , 'of all kinds ,suitable; for Xui'ua l1'esonts11so/ plated 'ware ifthobii, quality anti fancy goods . *

You cant'| do better than . oxamlno'J .

Sells' stock forjnny thing (you'

Require ' iii-

tumoIiolsoful1hhsimuiigluuioorXimma8oodst: ! , ! , _

. . I' ' ..., iiii , .

, L . :' : . :

: " ' . " , : " .' . {"\


The Inhabitants of a Town in Minneseta Have Not Seen a Railroad

Train in Three Weeks .

The People) in Dire Distl'css---N Coalor Wood Shut Out from the Rest

of the World% .

A Young Man Shoots His Wife undHimself Fatalities Caused by the

Cold and Accident .

Jt'III.1. hJ ,II lreck ,

Fit ErmoluT: : , Ills . , Jan . 10 . The IllinoisCentral imssciiL'ov, " triin from the west wassc'oral110l1's late today in consequenceufII bud wreck yesterday afternoon nearApple River , Joduviss county . A steelrod under one of the coaches broke andthe car went over II thirty foot embanknicnt . In it were eleven passengers , butno ono was killed : IInjured are Mr . Birmingham , ialenu , hurt severely in thearms und buck ; Mrs . E.C . Bedfonl , severeinjuries) in the back and heud ; RobertMcLcod , Grant county , Wisconsin , leftside injured ; Miss Jennie Ilansomo ,

_\very , Ills . , bruisediibotit the head andHhoulders ; Arthur Transom , Coutesvillo ,

lid . , fracture ofII rib ; A . C . Travers ,Iowa Falls , Iowa , badly bruised ; MailAgent Comstock , injured badly .

,t lIulhl'r IIf I'aiiiIIies .

YA.NKTON , Dak . , Jan . 1-Tho thirdvictim of the blizzard in Yankton County ,died this morning , mimed J . Millbyer ,

who was frozen at Lcitcrville . At Flandrun , Dakota , u Mr . and Mrs . Owens,

were found, frozen near \Ventworth . Thewoman was dead , but the man' may re ¬

cover . The corpse ofa child , partlydevoured by wolves , was also found .

Harold Baker , who left Yankton on thedayof the blizzard to return to his ranchin Nebraska , has not been heard from .

Two men are missing at Willow City ,

Dakota . Several lives were lost and therehas been great damage to stock in theneighborhood .

A Knee from Honolulu . .

SAN FRANCISCO , Jan . 10 . Informationwas received here to-day that the barken-tine W . 11 . Dimond and brig Lurlino leftHonolulu in company on January 6th, ,

and will race to this city . Both the racerstire expected any moment , and the resultof the race is anxiously awaited . '

'lanl, for Liverpool .

The British ship Reliance/ , 2,608 tonsburden , cleared for Liverpool this afternoon with n cargo valued at $ 15OOOO .

Caused liy ( lie Strike .

At a late hour this afternoon J . M .

Pike , Market street restaurantcrfailedaccount of the strike . Liabilities , $0,000 .

Tse ore Itl'atltll .

One death fl'onismallpox at the pesthouse today . Dr . Tyrell , physician forthe Sutter Street Railroad Co . , becamevery ill from smallpox yesterday nnd diedtoday .

Matrimonial. HUcoulrnl . .

BROOKLYN , Jan . 19 . Frank Faulkner ,

aged 21 years , shot his wife Addio , aged20 years , Wednesday afternoon , inflictingthee wounds in the head which willdoubtless cause her death . Ho then shot '

himself in the head and died instantly .The wounded woman was taken to a hospital The shooting occurred at the resi-dence of Mrs . Faulkner's mother , whereMrs . Faulkner had been living for some-time , having left her husband on account ,

iit is said , of his ill-treatment , caused byhis extreme jealousy . The couple hadbeen married but a short time when theyseparated . Faulkner called at the housein the afternoon und an angry interviewoccurred , the exact nature of which is notknown . The tragedy described was thenenacted .

Shut* Out From Ilic World .

BROWNS VALLEY , Minn . , Jan . 19- I

The people of this vllleyare in dire distress . They have had no communicationwith the rest of the world for over threeweeks . The last train to arrive hero camein on December 2Gth . Thorn is not alump of coal or stick of firewood in themarket . The people mayo confiscatedall the fuel of the Manitoba company andtorn down and burned their railroadbuildings . Men have been carrying coalin sacks across the country eight milesfrom Beurdsley . Great indignation isshown toward railroad officials for not trying to open the road from Morris , fortymiles northeast of hero .

r.xiH-rliiiciital: .Farm .

WASHINGTON , Jan . 19-ln the houseof representatives a resolution wasadopted calling on the secretary of the in-teriorfor information as to what ] legislation is necessary to protect forest lands utthe headwaters of navigable: rivers , and top

put within reach of settlers a legal methodof providing themselves with , timber . Thehouse also pllssoda bill appropriating$585,000 to establish agricultural experi-mental


stations in connection with thecollages already iinl operation .

., ."lInce In VTngen .

PITTSDURO , Jan . 19 . There will boageneral . advance in wages on the Pennsylvania Company's lines west of this city .

This much has been determined , hencethere will be no strike , No official noticeof the advance 1ms been given out , but thecommittee representing the employeesmare been given to understand by GeneralManager Baldwin that all of the concessions asked will bo granted , even on theleased lines ,

Weaver* ' Strike .

PJIlLADELl'lIl\Pn . , Jan . 19-0ne hundrod Murkland and Compton loom carpetweavers hive struck in the bins Doitz ,Magus mills for the restoration of wagesund attempts will bo made to induce theweavers in other mills to quit work forthe same CI

USOu'huoncr, Wrtvkeil. .

(iLoucESTER , Mass . , Jan19 . Theschooner Sylvester , engaged in the mack-erel lishorwj , while trying to make theCapo in n thick snowstorm last evening ,

struck u sunken ledge about half n mileoutside Thatcher's Island. The crow offifteen men landed safely , but the schooner ,will bo a total lots .

Decline In Price .

JOHNSTOWN , , P. , Jan . l-Tho Cambria Iron Co . has posted the followingnotice : "To enable the company, to meeta grout decline in the Boiling prices of ' itsproduct , it is

" forced to nmko a general fo-duction of about 10 per cent , in wages totake effect February lit . " .

,This , order '

affect 11,000 employees ) of ' whom ' 7500are at Johnstown .

. '* .


assortment off /Tabled CutleryCarvers , Plated Warp , fete. . ,

"at :< , Tohn

_ .Woi1 r'II., Fort: .l.troJ, I

, \ Mt ::'





\ ,1.I, .,


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.I. . , (: ,

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: :,



Justice HcCrelght Declares the Election In St . _Andrews Ward Null and \'olll-I'ellrsoll

Counted Out Further Enquiryto he Made .

( Sp'Jclallo TUB COLONIST . )

NEW WEST.MIX.YTKK , Jan . 1.1-l\Ir . Jus-tice


McCroight today declared the municipal election for St . Andrews wnl'dnulland 'oidOil account of irregularities onthe tUl'tof the deputy rotul'llingollicol ,

In St . Georges ward Elliott obtained amajority of two emi a recount , three ofPearson's and ono of Elliott's votes itits-ing been thrown out , not having the ini ¬

tials of the Ieturiiimtgotlicer on the back . ; '

The seat will ho further contested and an .enquiry held to-morrow into the qualiti-cations

; -"


of several persons who voted in ,

the election ,'


.. '

'' ;'REV . P . McF[ . McLEOD .

, :J.

.;Ills Address to the Preubyterof Toronto In

llrcnrd to the Cull Jo'rolll'lItol'll1 . , :

The following ;the reply of Hop ..

Mel . McLeod nt the meeting of the To ¬ : (,

ronto Presbytery , which decided by ft sole :viAndrew's, , .,tained :


Ho said that if evct there was a case its : :

his ministry in which hu felt ho would .

prefer to lease the whole , mutter/ in the .:

hands of his brethren , iit . n as that case .', :

While he always prized tIne vighf of pri - , :

rate judgment with regard to all matters ,ho had felt more porploxelll\ud distressedduring these last few weeks than ho hadover been in his life before . All that had ,been said respecting the Central church



and the affections of the people'

towards ii

him ho believed to bo true , and his feelings towards them wero fully as aU'ection-ate , if not more so than those manifestedtowards him . No man could work ' . '

'amongst such a people as gathered roundhim without forming a very high estimate ".


of them . It required some courage totake up the ministry ill the Central church . ' _ .


at the time he did . Some of the mem- ;:

bois of that church felt thajt in cail- ; : '

ing him they were incurring , .-

too rcla responsibility . Theyasked where the salary was to cOllie from

,that others had undertaken to raise . A.

little baud of 120 members undertook the .

responsibility . lIe could not but form a , :,

high estimate of the men and women who ' :': were ready to shoulder the burden , liar .

: :; ing very little personal acquaintance with

., .


him and not knowing what might be the :

result ' of his ministry . The past seven .years had been very happy aid fruitful Jyears to him . [Ho did not estimate the .

'_gainin ,

. ,

though they were necessary elements , but .by the spiritual results . Ho iwas

. J ;

bound to a large number of the members "

ef that congregation by a tie which c uldIik. ,

: ;privilege : :,

chul'cha large number who are now its :strength and mainstay , and who will borr-' :"

the strength! and support of it in years to , ..t ,.conic . It was that fact which rendered .

" ,,

the very thought of breaking 'the tie.

.: '.ialmost unbearlblclnd if the call ,

;" 1 '

had come to him from n congl'cgl1t;tion equally stronger of equal jim

.' . . :

portance in any other city , Jt would not :' :;

ave been 'considered By'liiiiTaFall . One" *

. .

" '1 f.fthing which had made it impossible for , _ .

:"\ ,

him to ignore the call ivas the \ cry cir - , ' : -,

cumstances which had been referred to as ."

- /I1'Vheni

l, ,church the friends in Stratford thought ho . : .

: :''

thummgVlncn .:

,"i: ' ' , : ' .


" . - \pleto surprise , and it was an appeal which : '. :

lie did not see that as a servant of Christ ' "; ho could reject without full consideration . 'He had considered it on his knees mid

i considered it night and day . Even as lie. .

:' . .)

stood there ho felt how solemn was the t.'



task laid upon him of deciding the matter . ' :

Victoria might never bo tim place some ,

persons expected it would become . Ho . .,;,

would lose a great many advantages by '. : :'accepting the call . St . Andrews church ,

, ,:

had been Buffering for many years , and '

.: i


little was known of its possibilities . The ' :

! call was only signed by fifty-eight mcmI,

bore and ninety-one adherents . As far as '; his work was concerned in Toronto , ho could .sec that under lads blessing it would :

go on and prosper , for it was a simplermatter for a congregation to increase : 'when it is already strong than to increasefrom a small beginning . Therefore , if ho .

looked at the relative value of the positions , it would seem that his present .

charge was tine more desirable one . The .

question was , where was ho wanted, mostand whore could he spend the life Godhad given him in the best way for Hiscause ? He was thankful there was no ' .

selfish advantage to bo derived from ac-cepting time call . Ho had no sympathy . ,

with those who found fault with ministers .

for accepting calls which open up easiercircumstances to them and relieve them,

of some of the cares of life . In tho'prcs-cut case ho had simply to consider whetherthe loss time Central Church % 'tt1Itiststaimiwould be counterbalanced by the gain toSt . Andrews Church, , Victoria . Ho be ¬

lieved the Central Church contained largonumber of loyal nnd devoted mom bom .


Under a now pastor there might bo a '

large increase which would moro than ,. .


compensate for the slight falling oft Hocould neb tell but that God had some ser ¬

vant who would do a fur mightier wok . .uu

in that church . If it might not bo cotimmsidered cowardly he would like to sit downand leave tine Presbytery to

s-ay what ho

ought to do . He could say that , as faras lie saw his way nt that moment , )lie be ¬

lieved it to bo hia duty to make the ' sacriflee and to go as the minister to St . An- , .

drew's church . That was what his dutyseemed to bo , but ho was a loyal servant .

of the church , and wanted to do what wasright . With that expression of Iiis mindho would leave himself iu the hands of his .

brethren One of time saddest things inconnection with tim matter would be theseverance of the bonds of fellowshipwhich united him to his brethren in thiscity .



DENvER , Jau . 17 . Oliver Gratton wasarl'oetedat the Union depot this evening .

as ho stepped off tine train from Brockin--'

ridge , Colorado , on n warrant charging . . . .

him with stealing in the neighborhood of$30,000 in gold nuggets from the Victoria .


placer mine meat Brockcnridgo . The minebelongs to Col . Ward and William Hud ¬

son , who had employed Gratton to work(

the property for,;. them . The prisoners



trunks wore searched and nuggets and '

mint certificates amounting to $18,000 ' . ' :

and 920,000 wore found , besides .deeds ofseveral farms in Canada . Griittpn ._ deniea :

his guilt . Ho hays ho is persecuted by,

Ware , & \ Hudson with whom he had ,

trouble before ho left' the mine : Tie de ¬ '

clares ' ho was on ", his way to Canada ,/''td "

spend the winter arid intended tb ; returnin'the'ip'rlngi'


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