al-qaida chief ayman al-zawahiri the coordinator 2015 part 19-129-caliphate

Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-129-Caliphate By Capt (Ret) C de Waart, feel free to share: in Confidence. The old guard will look and see it unfolding and act accordingly If you think all these mujahideen came from across the world to fight Assad, you’re mistaken,” “They are all here as promised by the prophet. This is the war he promised – it is the grand battle.”“You think the mullahs are weak? You think those bearded fanatics will give up? No, they are not weak, they will never give up.” "No Imam Abu Hanifa is Rising", Bigger powers which could change this reality, meanwhile, appear to be flailing in every direction. 15 March, In the interview broadcast on CBS News on Sunday, Kerry did not repeat the standard US line that Assad had lost all legitimacy and had to go. "We have to negotiate in the end," Kerry said. "We've always been willing to negotiate in the context of the Geneva I process," he added, referring to a 2012 conference which called for a negotiated transition to end the conflict. While the world's focus currently is on ISIS, it would be a grave folly to ignore the growing influence of HuT and its global agenda, the report warned The director of the central media office of HT in Lebanon, Osman Bakhach said: "Resurrecting the caliphate should not be accomplished through blood, charges of apostasy and explosions. Media spokesperson of HT in Jordan, Mamdooh Qatishaat, said: "It is nothing more than empty speech that does not add anything to the reality of ISIS. They were a militia before the announcement, and they are still a militia after the announcement. Hizb ut-Tahrir has been working for the re-establishment of the Khilafah in the Muslim world since 1953 In 1897, twenty-three-year-old Winston Churchill waged war against the Islamists of that day on the North-West Frontier of India 1 . Though some non-religious leaders were involved in the uprising, the tribesmen were largely inspired by Muslim holy men, one of whom Churchill called the "Mad Mullah.” Churchill described him as "[a] wild enthusiast, convinced alike of his Divine mission and miraculous powers [who] preached a crusade, or jihad, against the infidel.” The outbreak of war on the frontier, Churchill wrote, was due to the mullahs recognition that "[c]ontact with civilisation assails the superstition, and credulity, on which the wealth and influence of the Mullah depend.” The mullahs, wrote Churchill, sent messengers "to and fro among the tribes. Whispers of war, a holy war , were breathed to a race intensely passionate and fanatical.” "Vast and mysterious agencies,” he continued, "the force of which are incomprehensible to rational minds, were employed. The tribes were taught to expect prodigious events. A great day for their race and faith was at hand.” The infidel would be destroyed. Churchill noted that the mullahs and tribesmen were also affected by "a strange combination of circumstances,” including a Turkish victory over the Greeks, "the publication of the Amir’s book on Jihad; his assumption of the position of a Caliph of Islam, and much indiscreet writing in the Anglo-Indian press.” These circumstances, he wrote, "united to produce a ‘boom’ in Mohammedanism.” Churchill described fighting in which "no quarter is ever asked or given.” "The tribesmen,” he wrote, "torture the wounded & mutilate the dead.” 1

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Page 1: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-129-Caliphate

Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-129-Caliphate

By Capt (Ret) C de Waart, feel free to share: in Confidence.The old guard will look and see it unfolding and act accordingly

If you think all these mujahideen came from across the world to fight Assad, you’re mistaken,” “They are all here as promised by the prophet. This is the war he promised – it is the grand battle.”“You think the mullahs are weak? You think those bearded fanatics will

give up? No, they are not weak, they will never give up.”

"No Imam Abu Hanifa is Rising",

Bigger powers which could change this reality, meanwhile, appear to be flailing in every direction.15 March, In the interview broadcast on CBS News on Sunday, Kerry did not repeat the standard US line that Assad had lost all legitimacy and had to go. "We have to negotiate in the end," Kerry said. "We've always been willing to negotiate in the context of the Geneva I process," he added, referring to a 2012 conference which called for a negotiated transition to end the conflict.

• While the world's focus currently is on ISIS, it would be a grave folly to ignore the growing influence of HuT and its global agenda, the report warned

• The director of the central media office of HT in Lebanon, Osman Bakhach said: "Resurrecting the caliphate should not be accomplished through blood, charges of apostasy and explosions.

• Media spokesperson of HT in Jordan, Mamdooh Qatishaat, said: "It is nothing more than empty speech that does not add anything to the reality of ISIS. They were a militia before the announcement, and they are still a militia after the announcement.

• Hizb ut-Tahrir has been working for the re-establishment of the Khilafah in the Muslim world since 1953

In 1897, twenty-three-year-old Winston Churchill waged war against the Islamists of that day on the North-West Frontier of India 1. Though some non-religious leaders were involved in the uprising, the tribesmen were largely inspired by Muslim holy men, one of whom Churchill called the "Mad Mullah.” Churchill described him as "[a] wild enthusiast, convinced alike of his Divine mission and miraculous powers [who] preached a crusade, or jihad, against the infidel.” The outbreak of war on the frontier, Churchill wrote, was due to the mullahs recognition that "[c]ontact with civilisation assails the superstition, and credulity, on which the wealth and influence of the Mullah depend.” The mullahs, wrote Churchill, sent messengers "to and fro among the tribes. Whispers of war, a holy war, were breathed to a race intensely passionate and fanatical.” "Vast and mysterious agencies,” he continued, "the force of which are incomprehensible to rational minds, were employed. The tribes were taught to expect prodigious events. A great day for their race and faith was at hand.” The infidel would be destroyed. Churchill noted that the mullahs and tribesmen were also affected by "a strange combination of circumstances,” including a Turkish victory over the Greeks, "the publication of the Amir’s book on Jihad; his assumption of the position of a Caliph of Islam, and much indiscreet writing in the Anglo-Indian press.” These circumstances, he wrote, "united to produce a ‘boom’ in Mohammedanism.” Churchill described fighting in which "no quarter is ever asked or given.” "The tribesmen,” he wrote, "torture the wounded & mutilate the dead.”


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May 2006, Hizb ut-Tahrir 2 says that Muslims should abolish national boundaries within the Islamic world and return to a single Islamic state, known as "the Caliphate," that would stretch from Indonesia to Morocco and contain more than 1.5 billion people. "A few years ago people laughed at them," says Zeyno Baran, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and the leading expert on Hizb ut-Tahrir. "But now that [Osama] bin Laden, [Abu Musab al-] Zarqawi, and other Islamic groups are saying they want to recreate the Caliphate, people are taking them seriously." Hizb ut-Tahrir promises that a revived Caliphate will end corruption and bring prosperity - though the group doesn't say how. It will let Muslims challenge, and ultimately conquer, the West, its followers say.. , than in 2014; Caliph Ibrahim.

The fatwa, signed by several dozen imams from across Canada, explains that ISIS is actually a group of 'strangers' that was 'created by the funding of Western countries to overthrow the Syrian regime,' and that it was 'planted in Muslim countries to serve anti-Islam interests by deceiving Muslims in the name of Islam.'

TEHRAN (FNA March 20)- Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian underlined victory of the Syrian people over the terrorist groups, and underlined that President Bashar al-Assad has played an essential role in this regard. “President Assad plays an undeniable role in maintaining national solidarity and fighting against terrorism,” Amirabdollahian told the state-run news agency on Wednesday. Reiterating Tehran’s support for the “patience and understanding people” of Syria, the Iranian diplomat said, “Terrorism was defeated in Syria and is now approaching its imminent end." He stressed that Tehran was proud that it had been standing by the Syrian nation and “preventing Syria from becoming another Somalia or Libya”. In relevant remarks on Wednesday, Amir Abdollahian stressed that Syria was one of the most important battlefronts of war on terrorism and extremism, reiterating Tehran's full support for Damascus to root out insurgency from the Muslim country's soil. Amir Abdollahian told the state-run TV that Tehran would keep supporting the people of Syria, and noted that the security of the region was intertwined with the security of Syria whose security was of significant importance to Iran and all other countries of the region. Syrian has been engaged in foreign-backed insurgency since 2011 when militants from foreign countries flocked to Syria to topple legal government of President al-Assad. Based on recent statistics over 210,000 people have been killed during clashes between terrorists and Syrian troops and millions have been displaced inside and outside of Syria.


After September 11, 2001, he now thinks, he underestimated the power of the bad ''narrative’’ of Islamist extremists. That narrative – that ''The West oppresses Islam” – ''is still there. If anything, it has grown.’’ It seeks ''supremacy not coexistence’’. He fears that ''The West is asleep on this issue’’, and yet it is the biggest challenge. In Africa, all the good things he sees through his Africa Governance Initiative face ''this threat above all others’’. In ''Sudan, Mali, Nigeria, outbursts in Tanzania and Kenya’’, sectarian Islamist extremism is the great and growing problem. By implication, Mr Blair seems to doubt President Obama’s outreach to Islam, because it tends to deal with the wrong people. In the 21st, when globalisation has pushed people ever closer together, the disputed territory and, he warns, the “dominant security threat”, relate to religion and culture. --- Tony Blair: 'The West is asleep on the issue of Islamist extremism,' July 23, 2012 The Telegraph.

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March 12, 2015 Special Dispatch No.5994 3

Canadian Imams In Anti-ISIS Fatwa: ISIS Was Created By Western Interests To Remove Syrian Government; Joining It Is A Mortal Sin

On March 11, 2015, the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada, a Calgary-based body headed by Imam Syed Soharwardy, issued a 'historic fatwa' against joining the Islamic State (ISIS). The fatwa states that ISIS is a 'khawarij' group,[1] and that whoever joins it or encourages others to do so in any way is committing a grave sin that excludes him from the fold of Islam. The fatwa, signed by several dozen imams from across Canada, explains that ISIS is actually a group of 'strangers' that was 'created by the funding of Western countries to overthrow the Syrian regime,' and that it was 'planted in Muslim countries to serve anti-Islam interests by deceiving Muslims in the name of Islam.' It adds that 'ISIS and other terrorists are using the policies of the United States and other Western countries in the Middle East as an excuse to control Muslim sentiments and then use them for their own political and personal gain.' The authors of the fatwa clarify that they strongly condemn those policies of the Western countries, including Canada itself, which are 'completely unjust, based upon Islamophobia, bias and intolerance towards Muslims.' They also 'condemn the highly destructive and hateful role of the media in intentionally promoting intolerance towards Islam and Muslims.' However, they say, Muslims cannot counter anti-Islamic efforts by choosing the path of ISIS, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Boko Haram, and other organizations of their ilk. This is because, even while countering anti-Islamic aggression, Muslims are utterly forbidden to commit many of the deeds that ISIS has committed, such as beheading enemies, Muslim or non-Muslim, or driving them from their homes; murdering Muslims, including religious scholars, who disagree with them; and destroying mosques and tombs. The fatwa also stresses that only governments are authorized to declare a war, and that the Islamic State does not have the status of an actual state or government.Turning to the issue of Canada's security, the authors emphasize that Canadian Muslims have a religious duty to protect this country against anyone who wishes to harm it. They note that Canada is home to over one million Muslims who enjoy complete freedom of worship, with over 1,000 mosques and over 700 Islamic schools across the country. Hence, any attack on Canada is an attack on the freedom of Canadian Muslims. The fatwa therefore states that 'any person who inspires people to cause harm to Canada and Canadians must immediately be reported to the Police.' The following are excerpts from the fatwa:[2]"A Few Years Ago, ISIS/ISIL Was Created By The Funding Of Western Countries To Overthrow The Syrian Regime""[The] overwhelming majority of worldwide Islamic scholars have already individually declared ISIS/ISIL un-Islamic 'outsiders' (KHAWARIJ) group. The attached Islamic edict (Fatwa) by the Canadian Muslim Imams and scholars is the first formal Fatwa in the world regarding ISIS/ISIL and its recruitment activities... This Fatwa has been issued in order to help Muslims especially youth to understand what Islamic laws and ethics stand for and how ISIS/ISIL is violating those laws and ethics. The consistent and constant misinterpretation and misuse of the verses of the Holy Qur’an and Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by the ISIS/ISIL to control Muslim lands and people should be exposed and condemned.


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"We hope this Fatwa will help Muslims and non-Muslims to understand what Islam requires from its followers. We also hope this Fatwa will help the Canadian government, Ministers and the Media not to link Islam, Muslims and Islamic terminologies e.g. Jihad with the violence and extremism caused by terrorists organizations like ISIS/ISIL.We encourage other Muslim Imams and scholars to endorse this Fatwa OR issue their own fatwa in order to help Muslims not to be misguided by ISIS/ISIL..."O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done. (49:6) When the Hypocrites come to thee, they say, 'We bear witness that thou art indeed the Messenger of Allah.' Yea, Allah knoweth that thou art indeed His Messenger, and Allah beareth witness that the Hypocrites are indeed liars. (63:1). There are several other verses in the holy Qur’an and there are several Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) clearly warning Muslims that there are and will be people apparently claiming to be Muslims but who, in fact, will be imposters who deceive Muslims in order to destroy them. Muslims must not trust such individuals or groups..."No Muslim ever heard the name of 'Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)' OR 'Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL)' OR 'Da’esh' (داعش) OR the names of its leaders until few years ago. The sudden appearance of hitherto completely unknown persons, trying to take over the Muslim lands and the leadership of the Muslims in the Middle East, is very doubtful and suspicious. A few years ago, ISIS/ISIL was created by the funding of Western countries to overthrow the Syrian regime. These strangers cannot be trusted. Their claim to establish a 'Caliphate' (Khilafah Al-Islamiyah) is very suspicious, and cannot be trusted. The reasons are discussed later in this Fatwa..."Like The Khawarij, ISIS Is Destroying The Muslim Ummah; It Was "Planted In Muslim Countries To Serve Anti-Islam Interests" "During the first century of Islam a similar group emerged in Syria and Iraq. They were extremely violent people who murdered many members of the family and the companions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The SAHABAH and AHLUL BAIT (the Companions and the Family of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) identified and isolated that group and called them 'the outsiders' (KHAWARIJ). They did not accept them as a part of the Muslim community."The strategy that the Khawarij used to destroy the Ummah is precisely the same as that being used by the ISIS/ISIL and other terrorist organizations in current times. The Khawarij wanted to establish a 'Caliphate' (Khilafah) based upon their own political agenda. Today, ISIS/ISIL is using the same word, 'Caliphate (Khilafah)', to misguide and manipulate Muslims. ISIS and other terrorists are using the policies of the United States and other Western countries in the Middle East as an excuse to control Muslim sentiments and then use them for their own political and personal gain. In our opinion, these aforementioned terrorist organizations are planted in Muslim countries to serve anti-Islam interests by deceiving Muslims in the name of Islam. "We, the undersigned Imams, strongly disagree and condemn those policies of the United States, Canada and other Western countries in the Middle East which are completely unjust, based upon Islamophobia, bias and intolerance towards Muslims. We also understand and condemn the highly destructive and hateful role of the media in intentionally promoting intolerance towards Islam and Muslims. However, in order to counter the anti-Islam and anti-Muslim efforts, a Muslim cannot choose the path of ISIS or other terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram, Al-Shabab, Al-Nusrah, Lashkar Taiba, Lashkar Jhangwi, etc."ISIS's Actions Are Absolutely Forbidden In Islam And Cannot Be Justified Under Any Circumstances

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"There is very clear guidance in the holy Qur’an and in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) clearly guiding Muslims on how to handle anti-Islam and anti-Muslim aggression on the part of groups and governments. Under no circumstances Islam allows the following. The following actions are un-Islamic and completely forbidden.1. Capturing opponents; Muslim OR non-Muslim civilians and beheading them.2. Killing Muslims who disagree with beliefs and actions of ISIS/ISIL.3. Destroying mosques.4. Demolishing the graves of Prophets (peace upon them), Aulia Allah (Saints) and ordinary people.5. Forcing out Muslims OR non-Muslims from their houses and making them refugees. There are now more than eight million refugees because of the atrocities of ISIS/ISIL.6. Murdering Islamic scholars who oppose ISIS/ISIL.7. Encouraging Muslim girls and facilitating their travel secretly to Syria and Iraq to fight for an organization like ISIS/ISIL.8. Burning enemy soldiers alive.9. Mutilating a human body alive or dead.10. Throwing enemy combatants or civilians from a height to kill them."ISIS/ISIL have committed all of the above violations in the most horrific and inhumane way. These actions are not allowed under any circumstances in Islam. Such actions are absolutely HARAAM (forbidden and major sin) in Islam and cannot be justified under any circumstances.ISIS's Struggle Cannot Be Considered Jihad"Nor can the struggle of ISIS/ISIL be considered 'JIHAD'. The clear guidance of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) regarding armed struggle (war) is as follows. During a war (Jihad), a Muslim army cannot do the following. These are the Jihad ethics of Islam that no one has the authority to change. These are also the Sharia laws about Jihad that no one can change.1. Do not kill children, even if they belong to the enemy.2. Do not kill noncombatant men or women, even if they are from the ranks of the enemy.3. Do not kill elderly, sick or weak people, even if they are from the ranks of the enemy.4. Do not cut trees.5. Do not contaminate water.6. Do not destroy the places of worship of any religion.7. Do not force people against their will to convert to Islam. "War (Jihad) cannot be declared by individuals or groups of people. Only an Islamic government with its authority on a state can declare war (Jihad) if the state is being attacked. (Note: ISIS/ISIL was not a government of any state. They were created by western interests in the region to benefit western interests by removing the Syrian government.). "ISIS/ISIL has violated all of the above prohibitions of Islam. They have disobeyed the Qur’an and the guidance of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) therefore, their struggle cannot be an Islamic struggle and their war cannot be called 'Jihad'. Rather, it is pure terrorism and HARAAM. The behavior and the actions of ISIS/ISIL has consistently proven that they are NOT Muslims and they cannot be trusted by the Muslims..."We, the undersigned Imams inform all Muslim youth, girls, boys and general public that:§ Joining ISIS/ISIL and groups like ISIS/ISIL is HARAAM (forbidden) in Islam.§ Any Muslim who joins these KHAWARIJ (ISIS/ISIL) groups actually disconnects and disassociates himself/herself from the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).§ Any Muslim who joins ISIS/ISIL OR similar groups disobeys Allah and His Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

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"And whosoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him), and transgresses His limits, He will cast him into the Fire, to abide therein; and he shall have a disgraceful torment. (4:14)§ Any Muslim who helps, facilitates travel, provides funds or encourages a Muslim to join ISIS/ISIL and groups like ISIS/ISIL commits HARAAM. Such a person will not only be punished by Allah for misguiding Muslims but will also be responsible for the crimes committed by the people he/she has motivated.§ Any Muslim who helps, directly or indirectly, any organization, agency, group, individual or government which supports facilitates or motivates Muslim girls or boys to travel secretly OR without the consent of parents to join ISIS/ISIL or any other terrorist organization commits Haraam and will face the wrath of Allah in this world and in the next world. (No Muslim parents will ever give consent to join ISIS/ISIL knowing the un-Islamic nature of ISIS)"Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. (3:110)"Any Person Who Inspires People To Cause Harm To Canada And Canadians Must Immediately Be Reported To The Police""We strongly urge every Muslim, especially the youth, not to be influenced by the speeches, songs and the literature available on the Internet or on social media produced by the imposters pretending to be Muslims. This is a trap for young Muslims. They must visit their local mosques and discuss any questions or points of confusion with the Imam publicly. Any person who inspires people to cause harm to Canada and Canadians must immediately be reported to the Police. This is our Islamic duty, as Canada is a country where more than 1.1 million Muslims live, more than 1000 mosques have been built in every part of the country, more than 700 Islamic schools (madrasah) are educating Muslim children and adults, where large gatherings on Islam, Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are freely and publicly held, and where every day several non-Muslim ‘Canadians embrace Islam. Muslims have complete freedom to practice Islam in Canada.Therefore, any attack on Canada will be an attack on the freedom of Canadian Muslims. It is the duty of every Canadian Muslim to safeguard Canada. May Allah save Canada and the entire world from the evil ISIS/ISIL and other of wrong doers..." Endnotes: [1] The Khawarij were an infamous early Muslim school that rebelled against the central authority and was quick to declare other Muslims apostates.[2], March 11, 2015.

The Saudis and Egyptians Get It on Islamic Extremism: Why Doesn’t Obama? “Countering Violent Extremism” Events in February, half a world apart, should give the staunchest “Team Obama” supporters pause to question this Administration’s mental health in understanding the evil plaguing the Middle East, primarily, and the West secondarily. Obama’s February 18th “Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE) summit discussed possible causes for such behavior, avoiding all links to Islam. So nebulously written were U.S. Department of State CVE promotional materials that Voice of America reported the week prior the summit’s focus would be on “American Extremism.” A visitor to Planet Earth attending the CVE would have fared no better in understanding the raison d’etre for such extremism, while recognizing that social grievances, like poverty, were being held accountable. Of course, as an intelligent life form, an extraterrestrial would have departed the summit wondering why so many other poverty-stricken regions fail to generate the same violent extremism historically dominant in the Middle East. The summit achieved little. This

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is unsurprising as many of those attending represented Muslim Brotherhood interests that are being furthered by the same violent extremism Team Obama refuses to call by name.

Meanwhile, also in February, an entirely different CVE approach was taken by one known as Islam’s “Protector of the Two Holy Cities”: Saudi Arabia’s new king, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. The Saudi CVE conference took place in one of the protected cities, Mecca, where King Salman, unlike Obama, took a surgical approach to identify violent extremism’s root cause. King Salman identified the cause of the most prevalent form of violent extremism threatening the world today as “Islamized terrorism.” He suggested the evil advanced by those acting under a tortured version of Islam endangers both Muslims and non-Muslims alike, declaring it is time for “scholars, preachers and people of conscience to warn people against this scourge, and disavow it.” While such a position by the Saudi King is encouraging, it is interesting to note the conference was hosted by the Muslim World League—a long-time promoter of the Wahhabi fundamentalist mentality which the King was criticizing. Worth notice too was, less than two weeks later, the King was presenting a literary award to Zakih Naik who, as a staunch Indian Wabbihist, claims 9/11 was an “inside job.”

But, the Saudi King did feel sufficiently concerned about Islamized terrorism to call the evil out by name. If only Team Obama were willing to warn us with a similar clarion call. Participating in the Mecca conference was Sheikh Dr. Ahmed al-Tayyeb, the Grand Imam of Cairo’s center of Sunni Islamic studies at Al-Azhar University. Following up on Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s courageous address earlier at the university calling for Islam’s reform, Tayyeb urged the same. Additionally, recognizing many Egyptian mosques are dens of inequity spewing forth Islamic extremism, Sisi shut down thousands of them. Clerics must now obtain a license before opening a mosque and also sign a pledge not to preach violent Islamist doctrine. Concerns Islam runs amok—voiced by leaders of two such prominent Arab Muslim states—demand a response from Team Obama as to why it continues to refuse to acknowledge Islam’s link to global terrorism.We can remember as children playing a game using a pencil to connect numerous dots on paper. An image, initially indiscernible, eventually began to reveal itself. It took some of us longer than others to recognize the image hidden therein. Successfully attacking a problem first requires understanding its root cause. The Saudi and Egyptian governments have connected all the dots for Team Obama, revealing the image of the face of evil. This image ties global terrorism and Islamism together. Yet Team Obama still doesn’t get it.

Does Team Obama collectively lack the mental ability to do so, proving its inherent inability to safeguard us? An affirmative response directs us to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution. A President’s removal from office is authorized for “high Crimes and Misdemeanors”—a term of art today’s scholars suggest includes serious dereliction of duty. Of such dereliction, Team Obama is most definitely guilty. Lt. Colonel James G. Zumwalt, USMC (Ret.),

March 8, 2015 Special Dispatch No.5987 Pakistani Cleric Laments That No Scholar Of Islam Is Rising To Confront ISIS: 'The Tradition Of Declaring Each Other Apostates And, Based On It, Killing And Fighting Is Not New'

A screenshot of the article in Roznama IslamIn a recent article, Pakistani Islamic scholar Maulana Zahidur Rashidi lamented that the Islamic world has failed to respond to the rise of jihadist groups such as the Islamic State

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(ISIS). Without naming ISIS, Rashidi argued that ISIS-like Kharijites rose during the times of Ali ibn Abi Talib, the fourth caliph of Islam, whose caliphate was challenged by rivals, and used the theological principle of apostasy to declare Muslims infidels and kill them.In the article titled "No Imam Abu Hanifa is Rising", Maulana Rashidi argued that, much like ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, Kharijite commander Zahhak had called for the killing of all Muslims who had in his opinion become apostates (i.e. left Islam). Rashidi says that the Islamic jurist of the time, Imam Abu Hanifa, rose to the occasion and successfully challenged Zahhak on the definition of apostasy in Islam, and as a result, Zahhak and his comrades stopped the bloodshed of Muslims in the Iraqi city of Kufa.As per Rashidi's article, Imam Abu Hanifa told Zahhak that apostates were those who had left their religion and adopted another religion, an argument the Kharijite leader accepted. However, Rashidi's article is silent on whether a Muslim leaving Islam will or will not be considered an apostate if he/she does not adopt another religion. Rashidi's article was published by Roznama Islam, an Urdu-language daily.Following are excerpts from the article:

"The Widespread Bazaar Of Apostasy And Killings That The Kharijites Created... Is An Unhappy Part Of Our Past In The Form Of Several Bitter Chapters Of History""In the Islamic world, the tradition of declaring each other apostates and, based on it, killing and fighting is not new; rather it has been continuing since the early era [of Islam]. The Kharijites, who began sedition against the Emir-ul-Momineen [and fourth Islamic caliph] Hazrat Ali, had made [the principle of] apostasy their identity and distinction, and in the blink of an eye had enacted the bazaar of killing and fighting. The Kharijites used to not only consider the order for compromise between Ali and Muawiya [the governor who refused to accept Ali as caliph] and the appointment of an intermediary as kufr [unbelief], but also considered it necessary to kill Muslims guilty of 'major sin' by declaring them apostates."Their argument... was derived from the superficial understanding of certain Koranic verses and their act of rhythmic Koran recitation was so famous that they began to be described as the groups of Qaris [those who recite the Koran] – so much so that when they occupied Basra [in Iraq] and killed nearly 6,000 people, it was called the Occupation of Basra by the Qaris. At one stage, Zahhak, a leading commander of the Kharijites, launched a military invasion of Kufa [now in Iraq] and occupied it; and displaying his sword in the Big Mosque of Kufa, standing along with thousands of his comrades, ordered that the people of Kufa come before him one by one and renounce kufr, otherwise he would kill the people there, as he did in Basra."It was the courage, strategy and foresight of Imam Abu Hanifa [the founder of the Hanafi school of Islam, one of the four schools of Islamic jurisprudence] that became an obstacle in the path of the abhorrent intention of Commander Zahhak; otherwise, the history of Basra was to be repeated at his hands in Kufa... The details about this incident are discussed by Maulana Manaazir Ahsan Geelani in 'Imam Abu Hanifa Ki Siyasi Zindagi [The Political Life of Imam Abu Hanifa].' Its summary is that Imam Abu Hanifa faced the Kharijite Zahhak and asked him why he had ordered the massacre of the public of Kufa? He answered that the people had become apostates and the punishment for apostates is killing, and therefore if these people do not renounce [their apostasy], he would have all of them killed. "The Imam [Abu Hanifa] responded that an apostate is one who leaves his religion and adopts another religion, whereas the people of Kufa are following the faith and belief on which they were born, and they have not affected any change in their faith and belief; therefore there is no justification to declare them apostates. Zahhak understood this point and he lowered his sword, saying... 'I made a mistake,' and ordered his comrades to lower their swords... The widespread bazaar of apostasy and killings that the Kharijites created in that era is an unhappy

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part of our past in the form of several bitter chapters of history. The fresh wave of this psychology and trait of apostasy and killings has taken many sensitive regions of the Islamic world in its flame and the forces of the enemies of Islam have developed such an organized plan to benefit from it that the collective wisdom of the Islamic nation is left wounded..."

"Today's Tragedy Is That The Fitna [Mischief] Of Apostasy And Killings Is Taking The Islamic World In Its Flames But There Is No Imam Abu Hanifa To Make The Zahhaks Of The Time Understand It...""A quarter of a century ago, the Islamic organizations of Algeria had established a united front called the 'Islamic Salvation Front' and had acquired decisive power in the national politics, and by getting 80% of the vote in the first phase of the general elections, they shocked the international secular forces. But to stop it, elections were rejected; the army took over and in order to weaken the Islamic forces, all possible tactics of oppression and deceit were used. One of these tactics was that walls of civil war and [declarations of] apostasy by Islamic organizations [against each other] were erected; and the precious lives of one hundred thousand civilians of Algeria were sacrificed to it over the course of a decade."I have on numerous occasions requested institutions and individuals engage in research and studies to prepare an authentic and comprehensive report on the bloody civil war in Algeria based on apostasy over the past fifteen years and bring it before the nation [of Islam], which would open the eyes of many circles [of people]. But unfortunately, an interest no long exists among us about research, studies, authentic reporting and learning about real objective situations, whose terrible consequences are being faced by the entire Ummah...""After Algeria, the same experiment [of using apostasy to divide Muslims] is being attempted to be revived in Egypt, Syria, Iraq and other countries. Ostensibly, it appears that the hordes [of jihadis like the Islamic State] rising in response to the continuing oppression and violence of the rulers in Syria and Iraq have been made to walk on the path of [the politics of] apostasy and killings, which is being irrigated by the deep technique of the Kharijites' peculiar psychology. "The thinker of Islam Maulana Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi, worried about the new generation [of Muslim youths] gone intellectually astray under the influence of the Western philosophical and cultural invasion, had written... that apostasy is spreading everywhere but there is presently no Abu Bakr [the first caliph of Islam who enforced the shari'a] to stop it. Today's tragedy is that the fitna [mischief] of apostasy and killings is taking the Islamic world in its flames but there is no Imam Abu Hanifa to make the Zahhaks of the time understand it..." Source: Roznama Islam (Pakistan), February 17, 2015.

Regards Cees: Hizb-ut-Tahrir may become dangerous than ISIS: Report

While the world's focus currently is on ISIS, it would be a grave folly to ignore the growing influence of HuT and its global agenda, the report warned.

C: Hizb-ut Tahrir and al-Qaeda espouse the same brand of Islam, Prominent figures of Islamic political party, Hizb ut-Tahrir have rejected the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham's (ISIS) declaration of the Khilafah. Qatishaat concluded by saying: "The re-establishment of the Khilafah is a fard on all Muslims. It is not a fard on Hizb ut-Tahrir alone. Whoever establishes it truthfully, they are to be followed (regardless of their group affiliation). The situation here is not so; they do not have the resources or requirements of a State, or real authority on the earth, or safety, or security. This announcement of ISIS is of no value or effect, and the Muslims are still responsible for continuing to work to re-establish the Khilafah until it is done."

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PTI Feb 15, 2015 WASHINGTON: Radical Islamist group Hizb-ut- Tahrir which cleverly avoided global scrutiny while spreading its ideology may become a more dangerous terrorist group than the ISIS and it's presence in South Asia should be a cause for concern for India, according to a report. "While ISIS runs amok in Syria and Iraq, demanding media attention through acts of barbarous cruelty, HuT (Hizb-ut- Tahrir or the Party of Liberation) is quietly building a global infrastructure of radicalised youth and deep-pocketed Arab support in preparation for the global Khilafat," said the report published in the latest edition of CTX Journal. The group has cleverly avoided any intense global scrutiny while spreading its ideology and support base in nearly 50 countries, said the report. The group commands a base of over one million members worldwide. This is far higher than what ISIS claims to have. Citing reports, the journal said HuT has an armed wing called Harakat ul-Muhojirinfi Britaniya that is training its cadres in chemical, bacteriological, and biological warfare. "HuT, therefore, has the potential to become an even more dangerous terrorist group than ISIS," said the journal from US-based Global Education Community Collaboration Online.

Founded in Jerusalem in 1952 and headquartered in London, the group has branches in Central Asia, Europe, South Asia, and Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia, where it has managed to garner great influence. In South Asia, HuT has a significant presence in Pakistan and Bangladesh. "Although HuT has reportedly found a foothold in India, its presence and influence have not made any significant impact," said the multimedia journal on strategic and security affairs. "HuT's growing presence in neighbouring Bangladesh and Pakistan should be a cause of concern for India and the larger global community," it said. On its website, HuT claimed that it had organised a demonstration in 2010 at Batla House in Delhi in protest against Israel's alleged atrocities. The demonstration, which was attended by about 1,000 people, was HuT's last reported activity in India, said the report prepared by Surinder Kumar Sharma, who is associated with Delhi-based Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses.

Noting that at the ideological level there is much in common between HuT and ISIS, the journal said "the majority of individuals and entities who support ISIS also support HuT." It said HuT's strategy is different from ISIS and the group is slowly increasing its social capital by keeping away from overt acts of terrorism while luring the educated youths. ISIS is an al-Qaeda splinter group and it has seized hundreds of square miles in Iraq and Syria. Al-Qaeda has distanced itself from the group, chiding it for its lack of teamwork in its aggressive, brutal expansion. In Bangladesh, HuT has managed to gather the support of many intellectuals, including doctors, lawyers, and professors. The group was officially banned in Bangladesh in 2009 for anti-state activities. Compared to Bangladesh, HuT has a longer history in Pakistan, where it established its base in 1990. The group remained underground until 2000. Pakistan banned HuT in 2003 after it was linked with several terror plots, including a plot to kill former President Pervez Musharraf. Despite the ban, HuT is reportedly deepening its support among the intelligentsia and military circles, it said. HuT's global ambition and activities are bankrolled through private donations from local entrepreneurs to Islamic charity organisations, the report said. Wealthy sheikhs from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf nations, who embrace the pan-Islamic agenda, also fund the outfit. This financial support is one of the reasons that HuT believes it will be able to establish the Caliphate4, it said. Given the fact that HuT already has a wide reach and is successfully inducting and radicalising educated youth, the outfit has the potential to stage coups and uprisings against governments and regimes that it considers un-Islamic or aligned with anti-Muslim powers, the report said. HuT may well prove dangerous because it has immense influence on people, especially in the way that it 4 2 Jul 2014 - Prominent figures of Islamic political party, Hizb ut-Tahrir have rejected the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham's (ISIS) declaration of the Khilafah

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legitimises the cause to establish a Caliphate, it said. While the world's focus currently is on ISIS, it would be a grave folly to ignore the growing influence of HuT and its global agenda, the report warned.

Dr Reza Pankhurst who spent four years in Egyptian prison under Hosni Mubarak for his affiliation with HT wrote on his Facebook: "Back in 2006, a group declared an Islamic state in Iraq with an anonymous Abu Umar al-Baghdadi as its Amir. It was widely dismissed by others who claimed that the "state" had no real estate other than a few internet addresses. Yesterday, the proclaimed successor to Abu Umar – one Abu Bakr – was anointed as a "caliph" by the same group. "Just like in 2006, these announcements appear to have little relationship to ground realities, and are more to do with internal politics and competition between various militant factions. People should treat the topic seriously, and not in mockery. These are political issues of great concern to many, and deserve to be dealt with properly. Not as propaganda pieces between competing factions, as appears the case from the statement released." The university lecturer and author of the book "The Inevitable Caliphate" added: "Two conditions appear to be missing from this declaration – the first being an actual self sufficient state that is capable of defending itself. Any analysis of what they currently hold will come to the conclusion that any concerted effort will remove them from the map very quickly. The fact that the US/ UK are holding back from even air strikes is another issue which requires its own political analysis separate from this. "Secondly, they would have to take bay'a from the people of influence – as it is, they have gathered their own group members and taken bay'a. Yet ISIS is just one element of the forces in Iraq/ Syria – and by no means so dominant as to claim their opinion is all that counts. Where is the bay'a of the tribal leaders, and other influential people? The idea that ISIS shura council comprises the Ahl hal wal aqd is something else that doesn't tally with reality at all. But this second condition is irrelevant when the first has not been met. Even their statement admits their "state" may be erased shortly." Hizb ut-Tahrir has been working for the re-establishment of the Khilafah in the Muslim world since 1953

Regards Cees