alar presentation ceo

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  • 7/31/2019 Alar Presentation Ceo


    Executive BriefingExecutive Briefing

    This briefing is designed as a stand alone briefingfor Airline Senior Executives / CEOs.

    Minor text amendments following review at Cario CAAG meeting.

    DJG 30 Mar 2002

  • 7/31/2019 Alar Presentation Ceo


    The Balance of RiskThe Balance of RiskBusiness depends on the balance of risks, often

    accomplished by the fine judgement of financialstrategy.

    But have you considered the financial consequences frompoorly judged flight safety strategy ?

    Could your operation survive an Approach and LandingAccident; would it change the financial balance ?

    Could it happen to you ?

    Page Down or ENTER to continuePage Down or ENTER to continue

  • 7/31/2019 Alar Presentation Ceo


    This briefing examines the need for management attention

    to the flight safety aspects of approach and landingaccidents (ALA).

    Controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) together with ALAaccount for the highest number of fatalities and aircraft

    hull losses respectively.

    The Flight Safety Foundation has produced a training aid the Approach and Landing Accident Reduction Tool Kit.Approach and Landing Accident Reduction Tool Kit.All pilots should be aware of the contents of this safetyaid.

    Awareness of the risks and provision of training to combatthe threat are the primary management tools in risk



  • 7/31/2019 Alar Presentation Ceo


    What can you do ?What can you do ?

    Fit a Terrain Awareness System (TAWS) to all aircraft.> TAWS will be the mandatory fit for all aircraft in 2005.

    However there will be at least 5 approach accidents or CFITin each year before then. Fitting TAWS immediately will giveinsurance against an Approach and Landing Accident.

    Adopt the advice and procedures from the ALAR Tool Kitas your company policy.

    > Adherence to procedures is another safety tool; but first

    you need to publish procedures.

    Ensure that CFIT and ALAR training is available andgiven.

    > An audit checks that procedures are in place; an inspectionensures that procedures are being followed.

  • 7/31/2019 Alar Presentation Ceo


    Fit TAWSFit TAWS

    TAWS is the latest generation of safety awarenessavionics. Most systems use an extensive terraindatabase against which the aircraft position and altitudeis compared. If an aircraft exceeds predetermined limitsthe crew are given both audio and visual warnings.

    Fitting TAWS to all ofyour aircraft may

    appear to be expensive.

    How much will anaccident cost?

  • 7/31/2019 Alar Presentation Ceo


    Advice and ProceduresAdvice and Procedures

    Simple rules and procedures can give protection againstaccidents.

    Require that all approaches use precision or precision likeapproach aids. Fly the final approach with a stabilised

    flight path.

    If the approach to land is not going as anticipated thenrequire the crew to go around. It is better financialjudgement to have a safe arrival before an on time


    Promote the safety concept that it is OK to go around.

  • 7/31/2019 Alar Presentation Ceo


    Standard Operating ProceduresStandard Operating Procedures

    Where a task is conducted safely write it down forothers to follow; this is the basis of producing StandardOperating Procedures - SOPs.

    SOPs can reduce risks during flight operations.

    They must be the basis oftraining and checking. Theyenhance crew co-ordination andcommunication.

    Where both pilots are aware of

    the company limits, themonitoring pilot knows when andhow to alert the operating pilot,this enables optimum cockpitresource management.

  • 7/31/2019 Alar Presentation Ceo


    Give an Approach BriefingGive an Approach Briefing

    The crew are expected to brief the passengers beforearrival; ensure that the crew brief themselves about theexpected approach, the airfield, the weather or terrainhazards.

    An approach briefing gives thecrew a common understanding ofhow the approach and landing isexpected to progress

  • 7/31/2019 Alar Presentation Ceo


    Use the Radio AltimeterUse the Radio Altimeter

    Radio Altimeters are valuable awareness tools.

    Approach procedures are constructed such thatadequate terrain clearance is provided during theapproach and landing.

    Ensure that the crew call when the instrument firstindicates. Always call 1000ft and 500ft above terrain;if these calls come at an unexpected time the crewshould be aware of an error.

    It could be someoneelses error

  • 7/31/2019 Alar Presentation Ceo



    85% of aircraft accidents are due to human error, buthuman error is manageable. Multiple crew members areemployed to give redundancy and cross check eachother; ensure that they are trained for their tasks.

    Poor judgement or lack of decision making are oftencircumstantial causes of accidents. These mentalattributes such as thinking are skills thus can be taughtand improved by practice.

    All skills can be trained andAll skills can be trained andimproved.improved.

    When TAWS or GPWS givesWhen TAWS or GPWS gives

    the alert Pull Up then Pullthe alert Pull Up then Pull


  • 7/31/2019 Alar Presentation Ceo


  • 7/31/2019 Alar Presentation Ceo


    The Cost of an Accident ?The Cost of an Accident ?





    11 Killed11 Killed11 Killed11 Killed

    Aircraft writtenAircraft writtenoffoffAircraft writtenAircraft writtenoffoff

    Airline ceasedAirline ceased


    Airline ceasedAirline ceased


  • 7/31/2019 Alar Presentation Ceo


    Use the FSF ALAR Tool KitUse the FSF ALAR Tool Kit

    Use the ALAR Tool Kit toUse the ALAR Tool Kit tobalance the risks;balance the risks;

    ensure that an approachensure that an approach

    and landing accident doesand landing accident does

    not happen to you.not happen to you.

    Use the ALAR Tool Kit toUse the ALAR Tool Kit tobalance the risks;balance the risks;

    ensure that an approachensure that an approach

    and landing accident doesand landing accident does

    not happen to you.not happen to you.

    The ALAR Tool Kit is available on CD-ROM from the

    Flight Safety FoundationSuite 300, 601 Madison Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-1756 U.S.Telephone: +1 (703) 739-6700 Fax: +1 (703) 739-6708