algemene inligting - noblesfontein projects

13 March 2020 RO COVI General advice How does it spread? You can pick up coronavir us from: Touching an infected surface or obj ect. The virus can enter your body when you touch your nose, mouth and eyes. Very cl ose contact (1-2 metres) with a sick patient. For more information: Western Cape Government H ea I t h What is COVID-19? A respiratory illness similar to flu (cough, fever, fatigue & aching body/muscles). More commonly than flu, it can become severe causing viral pneumonia (difficulty breathing). 4 out of 5 people will have a mild illness and recover without treatment. The elderly and those with underlying health conditions have increased risk of severe ill ness. Cases in children are rare.

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Page 1: Algemene Inligting - Noblesfontein Projects

13 March 2020

RO COVI General advice

How does it spread? You can pick up coronavir us from:

• Touching an infected

surface or obj ect. The

virus can enter your body

when you touch your

nose, mouth and eyes.

• Very cl ose contact

(1-2 metres) with a

sick patient.

For more information:

Western Cape Government

H ea I t h

What is COVID-19? A respiratory illness similar to flu (cough,

fever, fatigue & aching body/muscles). More

commonly than flu, it can become severe

causing viral pneumonia (difficulty breathing).

4 out of 5 people will have a mild illness

and recover without treatment. The elderly

and those with underlying health conditions

have increased risk of severe ill ness. Cases in

children are rare.

Page 2: Algemene Inligting - Noblesfontein Projects

13 March 2020

What if I develop symptoms?

When should I be concerned that I may have COVID-19? Only suspect COVID-19 if you have a fever with a cough or shortness of breath AND have in the last 14 days:

a) travelled internationally or to an area where COVID-19 is actively spreading from person-to- person in the community


b) had close contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19

For more information:

What should I do if I think I have COVID-19? • Do not panic.

• First, phone General Public Hel pline O8OO 029 999 and follow their advice.

• Stay home, except to get medical care as directed by the helpline. Do not go to work,

school, or public areas. Avoid using public transport or taxis.

• Rest, ensure you drink plenty of fluids and use medications (like paracetamol) as needed to

reduce fever and/or pain.

• Avoid close contact with those who are sick. When in contact with others, wear a mask if available.

• Avoid sha ring dishes, drin king glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels, or bedding — after using

these, wash them well.

• Use strict prevention measures listed on the other side of this leaflet.

• Only discontinue home isolation in consultation with helpline/healthcare provider (usually 14 days).

Western Cape Government


What are the symptoms of COVID-19? • The more common symptoms of

COVID-19 are the same as fl u and include: fever, cough, difficulty

breathing, fatigue, body/muscle


• Currently very few people have been confirmed with COVID-19 in South Africa.

If you are feeling short of breath or have difficulty breathing, seek health care urgently.

Call a head to your doctor or alert health facility as soon as you a rrive: tell them a bout your symptoms and any recent travel/contacts.

Expect to put on a mask before you enter the facility.

Page 3: Algemene Inligting - Noblesfontein Projects

13 Maart 2020

RO COVI Algemene Inligting

Hoe word dit versprei? Jy kan koronavirus kry deur:

• Aan iets te raa k wat

besmet is, soos n

oppervla k of n voo rwerp.

Die virus kan dan in jou

iggaam beland wanneer jy

aan jou neus, mond en oé raa k.

• As jy baie na by (1 tot 2 meter) n per soon is wat

siek is.

Vir meer inligting:

Western Cape Government


Wat is COVID-19? Dis n res piratoriese siekte wat amper soos griep is —

jy hoes, het koors, voel moeg en j ou lyf en spiere pyn.

Maa r COVID-19 kan baie ernstig raak en ernstige virale

I on go ntsteking veroors aa k (su kkel om asem te haaI)a

Vier uit vyf mense sal ’n ligte vorm van die siekte

kry en gesond raak so nder behandeling. Ouer mense

en mense wat ander siektes het, het egter n g roter

gevaar om ernstig siek te raak. Die siekte kom baie

min on der kinders voor.

Page 4: Algemene Inligting - Noblesfontein Projects

13 Maart 2020

RO COVI Wat as ek simptome kry?

Wanneer moet ek begin bekommerd raak dat ek dalk COVID-19 het? Jy moet net vermoed jy het COVID-19 as jy koors het en hoes of kortasem is EN in die afgelope 14 dae:

a) oorsee gereis het of na ’n gebied waar COVID-19 vinnig besig is om van persoon tot persoon te versprei in die gemeenskap


b) naby iemand was wat COVID-19 het of vermoedelik COVID-19 het

Vir meer inligting:

Wat moet ek doen as ek dink ek het COVID-19? • Moenie paniekerig raa k nie.

• Bel eers die openbare hulplyn by O8OO O29 999 en volg dan die raad wat jy kry.

• Bly by die huis, behal we as jy volgens die hulplyn mediese hulp moet kry. Moenie werk of skool toe gaan nie en bly weg van plekke waa r daa r ander mense is. Moet eerder nie op busse, taxi’s of treine klim nie.

• Rus, sorg dat jy ba ie vloeistof drink en medikasie (soos pa rasetamol) gebruik vir jou koors en/of pyn.

• Bly eerder weg van mense wat siek is. Wan neer jy rondom ander mense is, dra n masker as jy een kan kry.

• Moet eerder nie borde, glase, koppies, messe, vurke, lepels, handdoeke of beddegoed saam met ander mense gebruik nie. Was dit ordentlik nadat jy dit gebruik het.

• Gebruik die streng voorkom ingsmaatreéls aan die ander kant van hierdie pamflet.

• Jy kan eers weer uit die huis gaan wanneer die hulplyn of gesond heidswerker gesé het jy kan (gewoon lik na 14 dae).

Western Cape Government


Wat is die simptome van COVID-19? • Die meer algemene simptome

van COVID-19 is dieselfde as griep en sluit in: koors,

hoes, sukkel om asem te haal, moegheid, lyf of spiere wat pyn.

• Op die oomblik is daar baie min mense in Suid-Afrika wat COVID-19 het.

As jy kortasem voel of sukkel om asem te haal, kry dadelik mediese hulp.

Bel jou dokter voor die tyd of la at weet die gesond heidsfasiliteit sodra jy daar aankom: sé vir hulle wat jou simptome is en of jy onlangs gereis het of kontak met iemand gehad het.

Maak jou reg om ’n masker op te sit voordat jy by die fasiliteit inkom.

Page 5: Algemene Inligting - Noblesfontein Projects

IC RONAVAYIRASI COVI •1 Ingcebiso gabalala

Ingaba inwenwa njani? Unga kusulela iCoronavayirasi xa:

• Ubarnbe kwindawo

okanye kwinto ethe

kanti inale vayirasi,

ize ke ng oko in gene

emzim beni wa kho

xa uthe wa bamba

im pum I o, um I omo namehI o.

• Xa us on deI elene kakh ulu nesigulane

(i im itha 1-2).

Ukufumana ezinye iinkcu kacha:

Western Cape Government

H ea I t h

Yintoni COVID-19? Sisigulo esihamba nokuphefum la esineempawu

ezibumkhuh lane (ukukhohIeIa, ifiva, ukudinwa kakhulu

nomzim ba/izihIunu ezibuhlung u). Lo umkhuhlane ungaphaya

komkhuhlane oqhelekileyo, uza ngamanad la ubangele

inyumoniya enevayirasi (ukufumana ubunzima ekuphefum leni).

Abantu a bane (4) kwaba hlanu (5) bangangag uli kakhulu

yaye ba khawuleze ukuphila ngaphand ie konyango. Abantu

abadala kunye na bo baneemeko zem pilo ezibuthatha ka, nga bo

abasesichengeni sokugula kakhulu. Zinqa bile iimeko zolu

suleleko ebantwaneni.

Page 6: Algemene Inligting - Noblesfontein Projects

13 EyoKwindla 2O2O

IC RONAVAYIRASI COVI •1 Kuya kwenzeka ntoni xa ndibona iimpawu?

Mandixhalabe nini xa ndicinga ukuba ndine-COVID-19? Only suspect COVID-19 if you have a fever with a cough or shortness of breath AND have in the last 14 days:

a) ubukhe watyelela phesheya okanye kwindawo apho inwenwa kakhulu khona iCOVID-19 ukusuka komnye umntu ukuya komnye ekuhlaleni


b) ukhe wasondelelana nomntu ekuqinisekiswe okanye okrokreleka ukuba usulelekile yiCOVID-19

Ukufumana ezinye iinkcukacha:

Mandenze ntoni xa ndicinga ukuba ndineCOVID-19? • Musa ukoyika.

• Okokuqala, tsalela umnxeba kwinom bolo yoNcedo ka Wonkewonke (helpline) O8OO 029 999 ulandele iingcebiso zabo.

• Hlala ekhaya, ngaphandIe kwaxa usiya kwagqirha ngokwendIeIa oya kube uchazelwe ngayo

kwihelpline. Ungayi emsebenzini, esikolweni okanye nakweyiphi na indawo esidlangalaleni/

indawo kawonkewonke. Ungasisebenzisi isithuthi sikawonkewonke okanye iteksi.

• Phum la, uhI ale ngokusela izinto ezingamanzi useie namayeza (njengeparacetamol) ngenxa yokuba kufuneka uhlise a mand la efiva kunye/okanye iingqaqam bo.

• Lumkela ukusondelelana nomntu ogulayo. Ukuba ukunye nabanye abantu, faka imaskhi xa ikhona.

• Kulumkele ukusebenzisa izitya ezisetyenziswa ngabanye abantu, iiglasi, iikomityi, amacephe, iitawuli okanye izinto zokulala — wa kuba uzisebenzisile zihlam bisise.

• Landela imigaqo yokhuseleko edweliswe kwelinye icala IeIi phepha.

• Ungayeka ukuzivalela wedwa kuphela xa uthe watsalela a bakwa-hel pline/a banyang i (emva kweentsuku ezidla ngokuba zibe li-14).

Western Cape Government


Zeziphi iimpawu zeCOVID-19? • Iimpawu ezixhaphakileyo eziye

zibonakale zeCOVID-19 ziyafana nezomkhuh lane kuquka: ifiva, ukukhohIeIa, ukuphefumla nzima, ukudinwa kakhulu, umzimba /izihlunu ezibuh lungu.

• Bambalwa kakhulu abantu

a bafunyaniswe kwaq inisekiswa U i kU ba baneCOVl D-19 eMzantsi Afrika.

Ukuba uziva unephika okanye kunzima ukuphefumla, funa uncedo Iwezonyango ngokukhawuleza.

Qala ngokutsalela ugqirha wakho okanye wazise iziko lezempilo ngokukhawuleza wakuba ufikile: baxelele ngeempawu nangeehambo zakho zakutsha nje/neendawo obukhe wakuzo. Kulindeleke ukuba ufake imaskhi

ngaphambi kokuba ungene kwiziko-mpilo elo.

Page 7: Algemene Inligting - Noblesfontein Projects


Updated on 8 April 2020 for Western Cape, South Africa

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Practise safely

Keep yourself, your colleagues and your family safe from COVID-19 by practising safely using these steps:

1. Practise good hand hygiene Clean your hands frequently throughout the day. Also remember the 5 moments for hand hygiene:

Before touching a patient 2. After touching a patient 3. After touching patient surroundings 4. After exposure to body fluid

Use 70% alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water to clean hands. If hands visibly soiled, ensure you use soap and water.

Follow these steps to clean your hands:

If using hand rub, apply palmful to cupped hand. If using soap and water, roll up sleeves, rinse hands in clean water and apply soap to palm.

Clean your hands for at least 20 seconds using steps 1- 6 below.

If using soap and water, rinse your hands with clean water and dry on paper towel or allow to dry on their own.

palm. Swap hands. each other.

rub together.

Rub each thumb with

2. Practise good respiratory hygiene

Cover mouth and nose with

when coughing or


to your task.

fiddling with or touching outside

surface at all times. If touched,

with respiratory secretions.

Avoid touching your face,

unwashed hands.

Page 8: Algemene Inligting - Noblesfontein Projects

Updated on 8 April 2020 for Western Cape, South Africa

1Aerosol-generating procedures include: collecting respiratory specimens (naso- or oropharangeal swabs), chest physiotherapy, nebulisers, sputum induction, endotracheal intubation. Avoid nebulisers and

sputum induction if suspected/confirmed COVID-19.


3. Practise good environmental infection control

Clean and disinfect at least twice a day:

and medical


patients have

contact with.

and water then

wipe with hospital

disinfectant like

sodium hypochlorite (1000 ppm) or 70% alcohol.





open if


or use feet/

hips to open

of using door


dedicated equipment (like

cuffs, thermometers).

patients, clean and disinfect

between each use.

Avoid performing aerosol-

appropriate PPE is worn.

and medical waste are

managed according to safe

standard procedures.


and send

with respiratory symptoms.

a surgical

mask and


in well-


Manage patient flow within facility Limit patient

Limit people in contact with patient,

including health workers.

leaving, and wears surgical mask.

If single room not

in separate area allocated for

at least 1 metre between patients.


If possible,

perform tests

and procedures

Ensure patient

mask if needing

to move through


Page 9: Algemene Inligting - Noblesfontein Projects

Updated on 8 April 2020 for Western Cape, South Africa 5. Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

• Precautions are required by health workers to protect themselves and prevent transmission of COVID-19. This includes the appropriate use of PPE.

• Help ensure a safe supply of PPE by using it appropriately and only when indicated.

• Wear PPE according to your task:

When do I change my PPE? • Change gloves between each patient.

• Change apron/gown if wet/dirty/damaged or after performing aerosol-generating procedure1.

• If using surgical mask:

- May be used continuously for up to 8 hours because of current supply shortage.

- Discard after 8 hours of use, or sooner if removed, touched by unwashed hands or gets wet/dirty/damaged.

• If using N95 respirator:

- Ideally, respirator should be used once only and then discarded. However respirator may be reused for up to 1 week because of current supply shortage.

- Avoid touching outside surface of respirator at all times. If touched, wash/disinfect hands immediately and change gloves.

- If reusing respirator: • Between uses, store in a clearly labelled, clean paper bag. Avoid crushing, bending or trying to disinfect respirator. • When replacing, wear gloves and avoid touching inside of respirator. • Discard after 1 week of use, or sooner if it gets wet/dirty/damaged.

1Aerosol-generating procedures include: collecting respiratory specimens (naso- or oropharangeal swabs), chest physiotherapy, nebulisers, sputum induction, endotracheal intubation. Avoid nebulisers and

sputum induction if suspected/confirmed COVID-19.


Triaging or

screening patients:

• Surgical mask

Managing a patient or

cleaning/disinfecting after

patient with suspected/

confirmed COVID-19:

• Surgical mask

• Goggles/visor

• Apron

• Non-sterile gloves

Performing aerosol-

generating procedure1

in patient with suspected/

confirmed COVID-19:

• N95 respirator

• Goggles/visor

• Apron/gown

• Non-sterile gloves

Page 10: Algemene Inligting - Noblesfontein Projects

Updated on 8 April 2020 for Western Cape, South Africa How do I put on PPE correctly?

• Ensure you always first put on PPE correctly, even before performing CPR or other emergency procedures.

Clean hands for at least 20 seconds • Disinfect hands using alcohol based hand rub, or thoroughly wash hands using soap and water.

2 Put on gown/apron • If gown, fully cover torso from neck to knees, arms to end of wrists, and

wrap around back. Fasten at back of neck and waist.

• If apron, place loop over head and fasten around waist.

• When fastening, use bow (not a knot) for easy release.

3 Put on mask/respirator • Secure ties or elastic bands at middle of head and neck.

• Mould flexible band to nose bridge (do not pinch).

• Ensure mask is pulled down under chin.

• If respirator, check good fit by breathing in and out: mask should move in and out with breath.

• If reusing N95 respirator, put on clean non-sterile gloves before replacing it. Once on face,

remove gloves, clean hands and continue to step 4.

4 Put on goggles/visor • Place over face and adjust to fit.

5 Put on non-sterile gloves • Extend gloves to cover wrists/end of gown.



See a video on how to

put on PPE correctly

here: www.medicine.


Page 11: Algemene Inligting - Noblesfontein Projects

Updated on 8 April 2020 for Western Cape, South Africa How do I remove PPE safely?

• Before leaving patient’s room, remove all PPE except mask/N95 respirator.

• After leaving patient’s room, close door and then remove mask/N95 respirator.

• When removing PPE, remember that outside of gloves, goggles/visor, gown/apron and mask/respirator is contaminated: if your hands

touch the outside of any of these items during removal, immediately clean hands before removing next item.

1 Remove gloves • Using a gloved hand, grasp the palm area of the other gloved hand and peel off first glove.

• Hold removed glove in gloved hand.

• Slide fingers of ungloved hand under remaining glove at wrist and peel off second glove over first glove.

• Discard in medical waste bin.

2 Clean hands for at least 20 seconds • Disinfect hands using alcohol based hand rub, or thoroughly wash hands using soap and water.

3 Remove gown/apron • If wearing a visor (not goggles), remove visor as below before removing gown/apron.

• Unfasten gown/apron ties. Ensure sleeves don’t touch body when doing this.

• If gown: pull gown away from neck and shoulders, touching only inside of gown. Turn gown inside out.

• If apron: pull over head and roll downwards, touching only onside of apron.

• Fold or roll in to bundle and discard in medical waste bin.

4 Remove goggles/visor • Remove goggles/visor from back by lifting head band or ear pieces.

• Discard in medical waste bin.

5 Remove mask/respirator • If mask, first untie/break bottom ties, then top ties and remove without touching front of mask.

• If respirator, first grab bottom elastic, then top elastic and remove without touching front of respirator.

• Discard in medical waste bin.

6 Clean hands for at least 20 seconds • Disinfect hands using alcohol based hand rub, or thoroughly wash hands using soap and water.


See a video on how to

Page 12: Algemene Inligting - Noblesfontein Projects

Updated on 8 April 2020 for Western Cape, South Africa 6. How to transition between home and work

• Follow these principles to protect yourself at work and to protect your family by not bringing COVID-19 home.

What must I do before leaving home and arriving at work?


• Wear dedicated simple clothing (like short-sleeved

t-shirt and pants) and cheap/old, dedicated work

shoes. If long sleeves, keep them rolled up.

• Hot wash and dry clothes daily (or alternate 2 sets

if unable to dry daily).

• Avoid wearing a belt,

jewellery and a lanyard.

• Avoid a cloth surgical

cap, use a disposable

cap instead.

Phone, wallet and keys

• Leave wallet at home – bring essentials (like access card, drivers

licence, bank card) in sealable plastic (Ziploc) bag.

• Remove protective case from phone. Consider

keeping phone in closed, sealable plastic (Ziploc)

bag and change this daily.

• Keep your phone in your pocket/bag, avoid

placing it on work surfaces. Leave it on loud volume.

• If able, wipe phone down between each patient.

• Keep your keys in your pocket/bag and do not remove until after you

have washed hands when leaving work.

Food and drink

• Bring lunch from

home in reusable

fabric shopping

bag, avoid bought

lunches from


• Use own water

bottle, avoid water coolers,

kitchens and bought drinks.

• Leave pen at work. Frequently coat

What can I do to protect my family when leaving work and arriving home?

When you arrive home:

it with alcohol hand rub throughout

the day.

When leaving work:

• Remove work

clothes and place

in plastic bag to

take home.

• Perform

thorough hand

and arm wash.

• Keep alcohol hand rub

in car/bag and use to clean hands.

• Remove








• If not already


remove work

clothes at front

door. Put these

(or clothes in

bag if changed

already) straight

into a hot wash, along with

reusable fabric shopping bag.

Then thoroughly wash hands.

• Immediately have

hot shower/


• Avoid hugs,

kisses and



with family

members until after


Disclaimer: The content of this document has been developed specifically for health care professionals practising in the Western Cape, South Africa, and which content, at the date of first publication, is reasonably believed to represent

best practice in the relevant fields of healthcare. This information is provided on an "as is" basis without any warranties regarding accuracy, relevance, usefulness or fitness for purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, University of Cape

Town Lung Institute Proprietary Limited and all its affiliates (including The Lung Institute Trust) and the Western Cape Department of Health cannot be held liable or responsible for any aspect of healthcare administered with the aid of this

information or any other use of this information, including any use which is not in accordance with any guidelines or (mis-)use outside the Western Cape, South Africa. Health Care Professionals are strongly advised to consult a variety of

sources and use their own professional judgment when treating patients using this information. It is the responsibility of users to ensure that the information contained in this document is appropriate to the care required for each of their

Page 13: Algemene Inligting - Noblesfontein Projects

patients within their respective geographical regions. The information contained in this document should not be considered a substitute for such professional judgment.


Page 14: Algemene Inligting - Noblesfontein Projects

Social Relief of Distress Grant Coronavirus COVID-19 lockdown: Applications for the R350 SASSA Social relief of

distress grants are now open.

Applicants must be:

• Above the age of 18;

• Unemployed;

• Not receiving any income;

• Not receiving any social grant;

• Not receiving any unemployment insurance benefit and does not qualify to

receive unemployment insurance benefits;

• Not receiving a stipend from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme; and

• Not resident in a government funded or subsidised institution.

Prospective Applicants will need to provide the following compulsory information for

processing of their applications:

• Identity Number;

• Name and Surname as captured in the ID (and initials);

• Gender and Disability;

• Banking details: Bank Name and Account Number;

• Contact details – Cell phone number;

• Proof of Residential Address;

In terms of the Application process, an application for social relief of distress or a social

grant may be lodged electronically over and above any other available means of

lodging such applications. The measures applicable include sending a WhatsApp

message to 0600 123 456 and selecting ‘SASSA’ or an E-mail to [email protected].

Additional access channels and including SMS, self-help desks and online application

process are still being finalized.

About applying for social relief of distress

Social relief of distress is temporary provision of assistance intended for persons in such

a dire material need that they are unable to meet their families’ most basic needs.

Page 15: Algemene Inligting - Noblesfontein Projects

This could be due to any of the following factors:

• You need help while you wait for your children’s grants to be processed

• A crisis or disaster has occurred (e.g. your house has burnt down)

• You do not qualify for a grant, and you are in a desperate situation

• You are unable to work for a period of less than six month because you are

medically unfit

• You are unable to get maintenance from the other parent of your child or


• The breadwinner in the family has died

• The breadwinner has been sent to prison for a short time (less than six months)

• You have been affected by a disaster, but the area or community in which you

live has not been declared a disaster area.

What do you get?

The Social Relief of Distress may be in the form of a food parcel or a voucher to buy

food. Some provinces give this assistance in the form of cash. Social Relief of Distress

is given for a short time only – usually for up to three months, which may be extended

for another three months.

What you should do:

Apply for social relief of distress at your nearest South African Social Security Agency

(SASSA) office.

Submit your application with the following documents:

• Your 13-digit bar-coded identity document and your children’s birth


If your identity document and/or a birth certificate are not available:

• An affidavit commissioned by a Justice of the Peace. The affidavit must contain

a clause which indicates that provision of incorrect or inaccurate information

will result in prosecution in terms of Section 21 of the Social Assistance Act, 2004.

• A sworn statement by a reputable person who knows the applicant and the

child. This may be from a councillor, traditional leader, social worker or minister

of religion.

Page 16: Algemene Inligting - Noblesfontein Projects

• Proof that an application for a birth certificate or identity document has been

lodged with the Department of Home Affairs.

• Where applicable, a temporary identity document issued by the Department

of Home Affairs.

• A baptismal certificate.

• A road to health clinic card.

• A school report.

Please note: No application can be processed without the sworn statement/affidavit.

If you do not have an identity document and birth certificates, an affidavit from your

local police station, chief, councillor or religious leader may be enough proof.

Show proof that you:

• Have applied for a grant

• Have had an emergency (e.g. provide a police report that your house burnt


• Have tried to get maintenance

• Have no other support

• Are married, divorced, or single

• Have no income

• Have a short-term medical disability.

How long does it take?

Your application will be processed immediately.

Once your application is submitted, it will be assessed for credibility and your genuine

need for the service.

Even if you do not have all the documents, you will get your first month’s food parcel,

voucher or cash.

Remember to take all the documents to the officer before the second month’s

payment is due. If you do not, you may not get your second and third month’s food

parcel, voucher or cash.

If there is no change in your circumstances after you have received the grant for three

months, you may apply to have the grant extended for another three months.

Page 17: Algemene Inligting - Noblesfontein Projects

How much does it cost?

The service is free.

Forms to complete:

The application form is not available online, but you can get it at your nearest SASSA


Who to contact?

South African Social Security Agency (SASSA)


Page 18: Algemene Inligting - Noblesfontein Projects

Aansoek om maatskaplike


Meer oor maatskaplike hulpverlening

Maatskaplike hulpverlening is tydelike hulp aan mense wat weens ernstige materiële

gebrek nie in hul gesin se mees basiese behoeftes kan voorsien nie.

Wie kan maatskaplike hulpverlening kry?

Jy kan maatskaplike hulpverlening van die staat kry as jy in ’n krisissituasie verkeer,

byvoorbeeld omdat:

• Jy vir die staat wag om jou kinders se toelaes te verwerk

• ’n Krisis of ramp plaasgevind het, soos dat jou huis afgebrand het

• Jy nie vir ’n toelae kwalifiseer nie en jou omstandighede haglik is

• Jy nie kan werk nie omdat jy tydelik medies ongeskik is – dit beteken jy is vir

minder as ses maande lank siek

• Die kind of kinders se ander ouer nie onderhoud aan jou betaal nie

• Die gesin se broodwinner gesterf het

• Die broodwinner vir ’n kort rukkie (minder as ses maande lank) tronk toe gestuur

is of

• Jy deur ’n ramp getref is, maar die gebied of gemeenskap waar jy bly nie tot

’n rampgebied verklaar is nie.

Wat kry jy?

Maatskaplike hulpverlening kan in die vorm van ’n kospakkie wees, of ’n koopbewys

om kos mee te koop. Sommige provinsies se hulp is in die vorm van kontant.

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Hulpverlening word net vir ’n kort tydjie gegee – gewoonlik vir hoogstens drie maande,

en soms vir ses maande lank.

Wat om te doen

1. Doen by jou naaste kantoor vir maatskaplike ontwikkeling aansoek om


2. Gee die ingevulde aansoekvorm saam met die volgende dokumente in:

• Jou identiteitsdokument, wat ’n 13-syfer-staafkode bevat, en jou kinders

se geboortesertifikate.

• As jy nie ’n identiteitsdokument en geboortesertifikate het nie, kan jy ’n

beëdigde verklaring deur jou plaaslike polisiekantoor, hoofman, raadslid

of geestelike leier ingee.

3. Jy moet ook bewys dat:

• Jy vir ’n toelae aansoek gedoen het

• Jy ’n noodsituasie beleef (gee bv. ’n polisieverslag in wat bevestig dat

jou huis afgebrand het)

• Jy probeer het om onderhoud te kry

• Jy geen ander hulp kry nie

• Jy getroud, geskei of enkellopend is

• Jy geen inkomste het nie of

• Jy ’n korttermyn mediese ongeskiktheid het.


• Jou aansoek sal dadelik verwerk word.

• Sodra jou aansoek ingedien is, sal daar gekyk word of die aansoek

geloofwaardig is en of jy hierdie diens regtig nodig het.

• Jy sal jou kospakkie, koopbewys of kontant vir die eerste maand kry, selfs al het

jy nie al die dokumente wat gevra word nie.

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• Onthou egter om al die dokumente vir die beampte te vat voordat dit tyd is

om die tweede maand se kos of betaling te kry. As jy dit nie doen nie, kan jy

nie die tweede en derde maande se voedselpakkie, koopbewys of kontant kry


• As jy drie maande lank ’n toelae gekry het en jou omstandighede nog nie

verbeter het nie, kan jy aansoek doen om die toelae met nog drie maande te


Hoeveel kos dit

Hierdie diens is gratis.

Vorms om in te vul

Tree asseblief met jou naaste SASSA-kantoor in verbinding.

Wie om te kontak

Suid Afrikaanse Agentskap vir Maatskaplike Sekerheid (SASSA)


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The Minister of Employment and Labour has announced measures that the Department will

put in place as required under the current special circumstance relating to the Corona virus

(COVID-19) and its impact on UIF contributors.

The Unemployment Insurance Fund will compensate affected workers through a new

“National Disaster Benefit” and its existing the Illness, Reduced Work Time and Unemployment


This new “National Disaster Benefit” and any other normal UIF benefit is only

applicable to employers who are registered with UIF and make monthly

contributions as required by the Contributions Act of 2002.


• The employer may decide, as a direct result from the current Corona virus

(COVID-19) pandemic to close their business for a period and send employees

home. This constitutes a temporary lay-off. If the employer cannot pay his

employees for this period, the employer can apply for the “National Disaster

Benefit” from the UIF.

• This benefit will be de-linked from the UIF’s normal benefit structure and

therefore the normal rule that for every 4 days worked the employee

accumulated 1 credit day and maximum credit days payable is 365 for every 4

completed years will not apply.

• This benefit will be at a flat rate equal to the minimum wage (R3 500) per

employee for the duration of the shutdown or a maximum period of three

months, whichever period is the shortest.

• If an employee is ill, temporary lay-off or unemployed for longer than three

months, the normal UIF benefits as explained below will apply.


• UI19 and UI2.7 (completed by Employer)

• UI 2.1 (application form)

• UI 2.8 (bank form completed by the bank)

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• A letter from the Employer confirming company shutdown or employee’s

“temporary lay-off” is due to the Corona Virus

• Copy of employee’s ID document


• This benefit will be at a flat rate equal to the minimum wage (R3 500) per

whichever period is the shortest.

• An employer or employee cannot apply for the “National Disaster Benefit” and

any other UIF benefit simultaneously.


• Where a Company shuts down for a certain period or implements Reduced or

Short Time.

• Benefits payable is the difference between what employer pays and normal

UIF benefits payable should an employee lose employment.


• UI19 and UI2.7 (completed by Employer)

• UI 2.1 ( application)

• UI 2.8 (bank form completed by the bank)

• A letter from the Employer confirming Reduced Work Time is due to the

Corona Virus

• Copy of ID document.

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• For every 4 days worked the employee accumulates 1 credit day, and

maximum credits days payable is 365 for every four completed years.

• Benefits are paid as per prescribed benefits structure from 239 to 365 days.


• Where an employee has been quarantined for 14 days, Illness Benefit process

will apply.

• A Confirmation Letter from both the employer and employee must be submitted

together with the application as proof that both the employer and employee

have agree to the 14 days ‘special leave’.

• In this instance the letters will stand in place of the medical certificate as the

beneficiary would have self – quarantined without prior consultation with a

medical practitioner. Benefits will be paid based on these letters.

• Should an employee be quarantined for more than 14 days, a medical

certificate from a medical practitioner must be submitted together with the

Continuation Form UI3.


• UI19 and UI2.7 (completed by Employer)

• UI2.2 (a portion of which is completed by the Doctor)

• UI 2.8 (bank form completed by the bank)

• Copy of ID document.


• For every 4 days worked the employee accumulates 1 credit day, and

maximum credits days payable is 365 for every four completed years.

• Benefits are paid as per prescribed benefits structure from 239 to 365 days.

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In the undesirable event where a contributor passes on, the following will apply:

• Benefits are paid to the beneficiaries of the deceased. People eligible to apply

are a Spouse, Life Partner, Children and nominated persons, in that order.


• UI19 and UI 53 (completed by the Employer)

• UI 2.5 or UI2.6 ( deceased application)

• Death Certificate

• ID of deceased and applicant

• UI 2.8 (bank form completed by the bank)

• Copy of ID document.


• For every 4 days worked you accumulate 1 credit day and maximum credits

days payable is 365 for every four completed years.

• Benefits are paid as per prescribed benefits structure from 239 to 365 days.


14.1 Employers must complete the UI 19 Form stating the last date of termination and the

reason thereof.

14.2 The forms can be submitted through the following methods:

• Online at: (Illness benefits)

• Email the application to the nearest UIF processing Centre. (Illness/ Reduced

Work Time/Death benefits)

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14.4 Application forms can be downloaded from the Department of Employment

and Labour website:


The Rapid Response Teams have been established to assist companies with processing of

claims in cases where they have retrenchments of more than 50 employees. The teams will

be deployed to employer premises in each province.

Below is a list of officials to be contacted to make arrangements




Eastern Cape Philiswa Madikazi 043 701 3342

Free State Morgan Ramatsetse 051 505 6362/6200

Gauteng Dingaan Basimane 011 853 0303

KwaZulu-Natal Gugu Khomo 031 366 2012

Limpopo Ronet Landman 015 290 1703

Mpumalanga Evelyn Mokoena 013 655 8742

Northern Cape Adv Bulelani Gwabeni 053 838 1554

North West Selete Qhamakhoane 018 387 8178

Western Cape Tony Lamati 021 441 8054

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Employers Declaration of Employees for the month of

Information to be supplied in terms of Section 56(1&3) read with Regulation 13(1&2) An employer must by the seventh day of each month inform the Commissioner of any changes arising during the previous month regarding the employer's contact details or employees remuneration details

including new appointments and termination of service. The employer must forward this form to the Unemployment Insurance Fund at (012) 337-1943/44 or 337-1580/81/82 or submit same at any branch

of the UIF which is closest to the employer. The completed form can also be faxed to any of the following numbers: Pta (012) 309 5142/5286; Jhb (011) 497 3293; Dbn (031) 366 2156; Polokwane

(015) 290 1670; Mmabatho (018) 384 2658; East Ldn (043) 701 3263; Blftn (051) 447 9353; CT (021) 441 8024;Wtb (013) 656 0233;PE (041) 586 1541;Gmn (011) 873 2219;George (044) 873 2568;

Pmb (033) 394 5069; Kimberley (053) 832 7218.


1.1 UIF Employer Reference No / Branch No 1.2 PAYE Reference No (If registered with SARS)

1.3 Trading name of business 1.4 Physical Address

1.5 Address where employees listed in Item 2 work (if different to the address in 1.4) 1.6 Postal address

1.7 Co. Reg.No (CIPRO No)

1.8 E-mail address 1.9 Fax No 1.10 Phone No 1.11Authorised person**







ID Number

(13 Digit bar-coded RSA ID No)


Total (Gross)

Remuneration paid

to Employee Per









Commencement date of



Termination Date


Reason for

Termination (Use


Codes as

supplied at the

bottom of the page)





or non-




J ***

If non-


state reason (Use codes at

bottom of


R c D D M M Y Y D D M M Y Y

I, (Name of Employer), ID No , declare that the above information is true and correct. I

understand that it is an offence to make a false statement.


DESCRIPTIONS Code (J) Reason for Non-Contribution ***

** If the employer is not resident in the RSA, or is a body corporate not registered in the RSA, an authorised person must carry 1 Temporary employees (less that 24 hours per month) out the duties of the employer in terms of this Act. 2 Learners in terms of the Skills Development Act

D* Remuneration means actual basic salary plus payment in kind (Declare actual gross salary) 3 Employees in the National and Provincial spheres of Government If paid Weekly, convert wages to monthly salary (weekly wages X 52/12) 4 Employees who are repatriated at the end of their contract of service

E* Total Hours Worked ie. Actual hours worked during the month (only applicable for employees that are paid per hour) 5 Employees who earn commission only Employers may also submit these details electronically from payrolls or on the UIF’s website at 6 No income paid for the payroll period Tel. no (012) 337 1680/1700 7 Employees in receipt of an Old Age Pension from the State.

Only Applicable for Commercial Employers 8 Employees who receive a pension payment from Employer

9 Above the ceiling (Old Act)


2 Deceased 6 Resigned 10 Illness /Medically boarded 14 Business Closed

3 Retired 7 Constructive Dismissal 11 Retrenched/Staff Reduction 15 Death of Domestic Employer

4 Dismissed 8 Insolvency/Liquidation 12 Transfer to another Branch 16 Voluntary Severance Package

5 Contract Expired 9 Maternity/Adoption 13 Absconded

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To: The Claims Officer

Statement in respect of payment made to the undermentioned Contributor who is still in my

employment but is unable to work due to Illness, Maternity leave or the Adoption of a child.

Full names of contributor:

Employers UIF Reference No. /

ID No of contributor

(A) In terms of section 19(1), 24(2) and 27(3) of the abovementioned Act,

I hereby certify that since (full date) / / , the contributor is on

Sick leave Maternity leave Leave due to the adoption of a child and

has will receive(d) the following remuneration

Gross remuneration

(prior to confinement) Per Month / Per Week

Periods during which different rates of

remuneration were received

Gross remuneration

received whilst on leave














(B) The contributor is expected to return to work on _ / / .

(C) The contributor returned to work on / / .




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13 Digit Bar-Coded Identity Document/Passport Number Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) Gender

First Names: Surname:

Postal address: Code: Code /Telephone No: Residential address: Code: Code /Telephone No:

Occupation: E-mail: Fax:


Use the UI-2.8 form for Banking Details Details of previous application

a) Name and ID / Passport No under which you applied:



1. Are you registered as a work seeker with a Labour Centre established by the DOL

Yes No 1. Are you currently employed Yes No I declare that I am/ was unemployed/ I’m working reduced hours. In the event of my application being successful, the Claims Officer will authorise the payment of benefits. I also undertake to inform the Claims Officer as soon as I am re- employed or receiving “full/normal pay” and understand that failure to do so will constitute fraud. In the event of an overpayment occurring as a result of this application, I undertake that I will refund the full amount to the Fund.

I declare that the above information is true and correct.


2. Are you capable and available for work? Yes No 2. Are / Were you on Reduced Work Time: Yes No

3. If you are not capable of and available for work, please explain:

Signature of applicant:

3. Has your employer completed a UI-2.7? Yes No


Date / /

SIGNATURE OF OFFICIAL Claim approved from:

Application refused in terms of

Claims officer (Please Print):

Signature: Date:

Office Stamp







GRADE 10 - 11




Male Female

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labour Department: Labour REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA




To be completed by the Financial Institution (Bank/Post Office)

Name of account holder ,

(Full name and surname in block letters) Identity number

Name of Financial Institution

Branch code

Indicate with an “X”

Account number

I declare that the abovementioned information is current and complete in every aspect and that the

Unemployment Insurance Commissioner will not be held liable for any incorrect payment which might

arise due to incorrect/incomplete information supplied by me.

NB: Please note that no corrections on this form would be accepted



To be completed by the Applicant

The Unemployment Insurance Commissioner/Claims Officer

I, ,

(Full name and surname in block letters) Identity number

hereby request/instruct/authorise you to pay my benefits, if approved, into the abovementioned account

held at the Financial Institution (Bank/Post Office), unless otherwise instructed in writing.

I declare that the information as furnished by the abovementioned Financial Institution is to my

knowledge accurate and complete. I indemnify the UIC of any liability in the event of payment being

made into the provided banking account should this account be incorrect or incomplete.

Signature of applicant Date

Savings account Current account Transmission account

Dormant: Active

Information supplied by: (Name of Bank/Post Office Official)

Signature of Bank Official Bank Official Stamp